The Howie Carr Radio Network

SCOTUS Decision Sends Keith Olbermann into Tailspin | 3.4.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace gets fresh commentary from the mainstream media after the unanimous Supreme Court decision that puts Trump back on the primary ballot in Colorado, Maine, and any other state that wants him off.

Broadcast on:
04 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's Picks for the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. Vote Tuesday March 5th to keep the mass GOP alive. To see Howie's Picks go to and click on the banner. Live from the Ibiba Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you for starting your week off with us. This is a big week. We've got Super Tuesday tomorrow. We got Trump about to speak at Mar-a-Lago. We've got to save the union this week. We can talk about what we are going to expect from that later on today. But obviously the biggest story today, the headline, has to do with the Supreme Court decision which reversed the Colorado Supreme Court's decision. Thank you, Jared. A little bit of Grace's news on the Grace Curly Show. It reversed the Colorado Supreme Court decision to remove Trump from the presidential ballot. And the worst part for Dems, which in turn is the best part for Republicans, is that it wasn't even close. It was a unanimous decision. It was 9-0. And yeah, that's right. I said that. 9-0. Take that to the bank. Even the more liberal justices, the non-Maga members, who are now considered by the way of Maga members, because Democrats are not happy with this decision. So, Katanji Brown, Jackson, get out your red hat. You are part of the Maga cult. It is official. But even the more liberal justices knew this judgment could not stand from the Colorado Supreme Court. Maga, Maga. Which is all really weird and confusing for me because I read and not read by David French in the New York Times just a few weeks ago that told me that the case for disqualifying Trump from the ballot was strong. And so, I don't know if I'm going to have to start going outside of David French's, "That is false." New York Times op-eds for my political news, but I, my world is just shattering all around me. On WGAN this morning, I was, I go on every Monday with Mack and Jan. And he always asked me for a prediction about something. So, whatever's going on that week. And he said, "What's your prediction on the breakdown of the Supreme Court decision that we're expecting today?" And I should preface this by saying I'm usually wrong on my predictions. I usually get things wrong. But I got this one right. And I think that's worth mentioning. I said 9-0, mostly because I always guess what I want to happen. So, that was my wish. So, I guess that. And, but also because you didn't have to really, if you were following this and you were following the day that we got worried about these oral arguments and some sound from them and how it was going, this was back in February. It looked like even the liberal justices were skeptical of the lawyer who is representing the Colorado voters who wanted to kick Trump off the ballot. His argument, they were poking a lot of holes in it wasn't the, he didn't have a strong case. He didn't do a really good job of verbalizing that case to the justices and he was just getting picked apart. And I have to give you credit for that one. That day, I was very skeptical that Jackson would depart from the party. But you were firm in your belief that there would be a unanimous decision. Jared, you're giving me flowers today. I am. And you never do that. Katanji Brown Jackson would have to say, yeah, based on what she was listening to. Yeah, now that's not going to fly. So, yeah, a lot of people are saying today, oh, this is a big win for Trump, what they don't realize is this is a big win for Grace. Like, this is my day. This is all about me today. We're kidding, of course. But prior to those arguments, and I wish I remember who the guest was who I had on the show. I might have been David Marcus, but I could be wrong on that. I was airing my concerns about the political parties weaponizing the law and how dangerous it was. And this guest who, yeah, I'll just say it was David Marcus because he's always pretty wise about these things. He told me, he said, you know, there are legal scholars and judges and justices who are still able to separate their politics or their prejudices from their duty to uphold the Constitution. And he had to kind of remind me of that because it's very easy to convince yourself that that doesn't exist anymore, that that kind of unbiased approach to law into the Constitution doesn't exist. And if you're in this political bubble, it's easy to assume that everything is broken because that's how we talk all the time. And that's that's how we frame things. And I have to say that I've seen that impartiality on display quite a bit lately. And it's proven to be true a few times. You know, I was just, I was just reading about Judge Norika today in a back and forth she had with Hunter Biden. That was another case where I looked at a judge and I said, hey, there are still judges out there who haven't lost their minds. And that doesn't mean I know everybody's politics either. But in California, this this whole ballot ban idea, it was it was totally it was totally laughed out of court. So you can't just assume that everything's pointless and everything stacked against us because that's not always true. And you know, the late Supreme Court Justice and in Scalia, he had a really good quote. He said, if you're going to be a good and faithful judge, you have to resign yourself to the fact that you're not always going to like the conclusions you reach. If you like them all the time, you're probably doing something wrong. And a lot of unhappy people today who hate Trump think that this decision proves that Sotomayor and Catanji Brown Jackson and Kagan, that they're all bad at their jobs. And I would actually argue that the reverse is true that this is in fact proof that they're very good at their jobs. Even if I don't like all the decisions they reach, they're able to reach a decision knowing that it's not going to make their supporters feel good and they're able to do it anyway. And I think that the 9/0, as much as the talking heads like Mika Brzezinski and Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Scarborough and Mike Barnacle, they're going to decry this decision. They're going to tell you the court should be abolished and dissolve these all different words were abolished, dissolved, packed. Sometimes they want to add more that they're always kind of on the fence about what's going to work more. Should we add more people or should we just get rid of the whole thing? I'm just waiting for the the glorious takes from your Keith Oberman types. Oh, I have it. Decrying the DEI makeup of the court now with the Tangea Brown Jackson I actually am. Kagan and Sotomayor is a problem. It's so weird you say Keith Oberman because I didn't have. They also all these. Oh, you act. Oh, okay. Awesome. All these hot takes here. They started coming out like 10 minutes ago. You know, I love some Oberman and I haven't seen this yet. And I always find with the internet that whoever puts the their take out the fastest is if your if your take is out there the fastest, you're probably the most knowledgeable in the situation. Like you're probably the person we should be listening to the most if you get on that keyboard at a warp speed and the foam is still like dripping from your mouth as you type it. Allah Keith Oberman, I am going to give you a lot of credit and I'm going to really take into account what you're saying. So yeah, I do have Keith Oberman, but as much as all these people like whoopi Goldberg, Micah Brzezinski, they're all going to tell us Donnie Deutsch, I'm hoping to hear from Donnie Deutsch, another beacon of just really good judgment and wisdom. Al Sharpton, I'd love to see him pounding the table today about this. We're going to hear how unfair this decision is, but I think that deep, deep, deep down, I'm talking deep down. I'm not talking like, oh, they lay their heads on their pillow at night and they think about this and they can admit to themselves that this is better for the country. No, no, no, I'm talking like, you gotta go way deep down. It's not in their conscious like right now, it's somewhere if they really have to unpack it. But I bet they know this is better for the country that people can vote for who they want to and that it's not a decision that's made by the Supreme Court, who people are going to be allowed to vote for, even Joe Scarborough, I think knows that. So let's get to Keith Oberman here, okay? Keith Oberman tweets out March 4th, 2024, 10, 20 a.m. So he gave this all of what like five minutes to think about. He said the Supreme Court has betrayed democracy, democracy, and I just want to say that democracy, what a wild ride it has been for democracy these last couple of weeks. First year democracy and you realize that your survival is hinging not just on Hunter Biden's sobriety, but also what was the other thing, Jerry, that we were told is either going to save democracy or it's going to kill democracy. Trump has to be kicked off the ballot to save democracy. Hunter Biden has to say sober to save democracy. The Washington Post has to keep operating, stay in business somehow, or else it's going to die in darkness. I mean, democracy doesn't know whether to bleep or wind its watch at this point. It's so stressful being democracy. Someone gave democracy the day off. Give it a 24 hour day to just chill out. So Keith Oberman says the Supreme Court has betrayed democracy. Its members, including Jackson, Kagan, and Sotomayor, have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension and collectively the court, and he puts court in quotes because he's cute like that. And collectively, the court has shown itself to be corrupt and illegitimate, but of course it must be dissolved. So Keith Oberman, Keith Oberman is demanding. This is what I've found people love to do now. Everyone just loves to demand things. And you know what, if Keith Oberman puts it on Twitter, then so it must be. Like he wrote it must be dissolved. So get to it, everybody. Keith Oberman is demanding from his Twitter account that the Supreme Court of the United States has to be abolished. What are we waiting for? How much time do we have, Keith? Do you need this by dinner time? I'm sorry. Who did he say doesn't know how to read? Jackson, Kagan, and Sotomayor. Racism, racism, not just racism, Jared. I'll throw another one at you. Sexism, sexism. This feels like an attack on women. It's a very nice bravado there. Thank you. Hey, yeah, I try. You're being very nice to me today. Something, something afoot. What are you buttering me up for? I'm scared. Yeah, but this is a 100% attack on women. I feel attacked. Is he going to start questioning my reading comprehension? Because you know what? I did not test well on a lot of things, but I was pretty decent at reading comprehension. I was average at reading comprehension. Yeah, so Keith Oberman thinks that Jackson, Kagan, and Sotomayor are inept. They can't read. They can't read well, at least. They can't read good, according to Keith Oberman. And this is just the hilarious thing about any decision the Supreme Court makes, because it's like, okay, so when Oberman likes a decision, it settles. It proves that he's been right this whole time. And you know what the liberals, and I don't want to say the liberals because I'm falling into it again, but I guess you could even say both sides do this, but it definitely does tend to happen more with Democrats. If there's a decision that they agree with, they kind of do this thing where they go, mmm, see, okay, highest court in the land, need I say more, it's established now, it's settled law, you know, I wipe my hands of this, it's wrapped up, put a bow on it, put a fork in it, it's done. Now, if it's a decision they don't like all hell breaks loose, abolish the court, pack the court, and it kind of reminds me of Biden with these executive actions. When he can't do something, or he doesn't want to do something, he's like, I can't, the Supreme Court said I can't do it. They ruled against me. But if he wants to do something and the Supreme Court says you can't do that, like canceling, transferring student loan debt, he'll just do it anyway. And it's, but deep, deep down as I was saying, maybe people will disagree with me. I think the left must know that any decision that wasn't unanimous in this case, like a six, three or five, four, it would have been, I won't say ruinous because I don't want to be dramatic. I don't want to be hyperbolic here and exaggerate, but it certainly would have been damaging for the country. It certainly would have been just another reason for division, which we, we don't really need any more of right now. 844 542. So we're going to talk about this, we're bringing on Mark Salinas to talk about this later. And Edward Tommack from the main wire, he posted this screenshot. This case raises the question whether the states, in addition to Congress, may also enforce section three, we conclude that states may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office, but states have no power under the Constitution to enforce section three with respect to federal offices, especially the presidency. And Edward wrote SCOTUS rules that states have no power under the Constitution to enforce the 14th Amendment's insurrection clause to disqualify federal candidates, especially the presidency. So that kind of sums it up. And that was a huge part of this was the, the phrasing of it and whether or not it was supposed to apply to the commander in chief. And Supreme Court says no dice. When we come back, we will take your calls on this. If Trump goes live while we're here, I think we should take it. He's been pretty much on fire lately. And by the way, how we show he's starting off with a, with an interview from the president, which I was able to hear earlier. So you guys definitely have that to look forward to. Jared, the Nazi Peach in is the perfect place to go. I wish I was heading down there right after work today, because this is just great weather. It's, you know, no traffic. You're a little bit on the off season, but everything's still open. Everything's still fun. You can't beat it. Yeah, and it's so relaxing and so tranquil to be there. People on Twitter today, they could use some time relaxing down at the naucet beach in because you get a piece of mind down there that comes from being a peaceful down there. You get the beach to yourself this time of year, which is great. And your steps from the beach in your room. I mean, it's not like you have to go drive anywhere. You walk out of your room, you are literally steps from the beach. So you can enjoy the waves. You can enjoy the sound of the ocean. You enjoy the sand. If you have a pet, you can bring your dog. They're pet friendly. You can walk along the beach. But Jared, if you want to fire off some tweets by the ocean, there's no better place. Absolutely. That's a ball. It's the Supreme Court. And then you can just look out at the waves, you know? I vote 9-0 that the naucet beach in is one of the best places I've ever been. It's settled law. It is settled law that the naucet beach in is tranquil and fantastic. You're going to love the fire pits. You're going to love inside the room at the fireplace in the picture windows. You get to be nice and cozy. Everything about the naucet beach in is great. You really do have to try it for yourself. And right now, you can stay there for under $200 this winter. So there's no better time to visit the naucet beach in. To book your room, go to That's We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Trump is going to be speaking live from Magalago today about the Supreme Court decision. His victory 9-0. It was unanimous decision by the Supreme Court, which has a lot of liberals melting down, which is when I think Trump is really at his happiest. So we will definitely be taking that live if it times out with the show and our breaks. And I wanted to do the poll question here before we talk about Nikki Haley's huge victory in DC. I saw that Reuters described it as a small but symbolic victory. And I don't even, I don't know if it's symbolic. Some, actually, you know what? Maybe it is symbolic. It's symbolic of, you know, Trump called her queen of the swamp. I thought that was a pretty good description. And I don't hate Nikki Haley, by the way. I know some people do. I understand that she's annoying people more now because she's still in the race. But I don't have that. There's certain politicians that I get that feeling about where I'm like, oh, I can't stand the sound of your voice. I don't have that for Nikki Haley. And I won't pretend to. But I do think queen of the swamp is pretty fitting in this case. If everybody in DC is rooting for you, that's not a good sign. You know how many times since it was created to get three more electoral votes in the 70s that Washington DC has voted for a Republican in the general election? How, uh, I'm gonna say zero zero. So there you go. My guessing game is on fire. You should get a bowl of jelly beans and do one of those contests because I am onto something here. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who's been the biggest anti-Trump flop? Michael Avenatti, Jenna Bellos, Liz Cheney, Stormy Daniels, Jenna Griswold, or Fanny Willis? I want to say Fanny Willis because she is the most recent one. It's the one most fresh in my mind. I've been reading a lot about this case out of Fulton County. And I read a story today about how not only should she be disbarred, not only should she be thrown off this case, but she should be facing criminal charges for her behavior, sleeping with the person she appointed special prosecutor. And what I think is even more egregious than that is paying him so much more than the other two people who are actually qualified to be overseeing this. That to me is the greatest sin here. It's like not only are you hiring your lover, but you're giving him more money and then you're lying and saying, Oh, no, I'm paying every the same thing. No, you're not. No, you're not. But out of all of them, I got to say that Michael Avenatti still has my heart. I mean, that guy, I still say Avenatti 2024. Maybe Avenatti Fanny Willis 2024. But no, I think he was the biggest star that like collapsed in on itself. Fanny Willis is in the lead right now at 47%, 21% for Michael Avenatti, 33% for Liz Cheney, all others less than 2%. Yeah, I want people to remember what a phenomenon Michael Avenatti was. Like there was a time where he was on the cover of magazines like he almost was Fauci asked for a minute there. I think you guys are just voting Fanny because she's the most recent. But don't let that affect your voting decisions here. When we come back, we'll take Trump live and we'll talk about Nikki Haley. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. That's Jim Acosta telling somebody else they live in a bubble. You don't say Jim. That's the man who asked Barack Obama. What do you say about what some people are calling your best week ever? Those are the kind of hard hitting questions. Journalist Jim Acosta asked the former president. And now he's on TV saying that the Supreme Court justices, they just live in a bubble. And you know what I was just thinking of, Derek, because I have this poll out. It's when the New York Times home to David French who tells us, hey, you know, they actually have a pretty good case for disqualifying Trump from the ballot. But they also have a poll out there and it shows that Trump beats Biden if the election were held today. And I was looking at this. I was looking at the numbers. This is when the Post Millennial says a new poll shows that in a head-to-head matchup former between the two presidents seeking a second term, President Donald Trump would beat President Joe Biden by five points if the 2024 presidential election were held today. And I don't follow these polls too closely, but I will say this. Anytime I'm asked to do a hit somewhere, a lot of times that they'll send me the polls as a story we're going to talk about. So I end up reading them. And I always think to myself, like, what is my feeling on this poll? What do I think about this poll? And I feel about polls, how people feel about Supreme Court decisions. Like, when I like it, I go, this poll's on the money, baby. This poll has got its finger on the polls. And when I don't like it, I think we have to abolish the polls. We have to either pack the polls or abolish the polls because this is not on the level. This is ludicrous. Who listens to this stuff? The polls are in a bubble. That's what I think. And by the way, speaking of tears, Keith Oberman, we'll have sound cuts of everybody reacting to this Supreme Court victory. I don't think everyone's going to feel like it was a victory. Some people, some people feel like it's the final straw. Some people who are constantly telling us that democracy is hanging on by a thread. They feel as though this decision is the final thread, being just chopped to pieces. And so Keith Oberman, obviously, is one of those people, and he says the Supreme Court has betrayed democracy. It's members. He thinks that the females on the Supreme Court or the liberal females on the Supreme Court are inept and they're inept at reading comprehension. That would have actually been a good poll question. Is Keith Oberman's tweet racist or sexist? And I know what you're thinking you could say bold, but I guess I'm saying, is it more racist or more sexist? If you had to pick one word to describe it, which one would you choose? Because I would pick sexist. Katanja Brown Jackson is a black woman, but all three are women. And I know we can't define what a woman is. I'm not a biologist or a neurologist or any of those things or a lawyer or whatever you have to be now to tell people what a woman is. But it seems like Keith Oberman is attacking the women on the court. Well, the good news is we can keep that poll as evergreen because Keith will tweet again sometime. At some point, was he telling us he was going to leave Twitter? Kind of like Cher told us he was going to leave the country, Chelsea Handler. I feel like Keith Oberman is going to anti-elon mosque. He was going to leave. He bought it or got it or something. Yeah. But he's still there. He's still there. And by the way, one of the responses to Keith Oberman's meltdown was from a good friend of the show, Bonchi. He's from Red State and he wrote back, "Have you tried crying more?" It's a good suggestion. Who knows? And you know what, Keith, it could work. Lisa, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Lisa. Hi, Grace. I was going to talk about something else, but I can't help but comment on this. Keith Keith Oberman or Oberman, whatever is famous, he is so disgusting. It's not just because of his politics, but his personality is so gross. And he is not good to look at physically. So I hate to say that about people, but he is so gross all the way around. And Jim Acosta, do you remember when Trump would do those press conferences and tell Jim Acosta he was a horrible person? You're a horrible person. Yeah. And he would always say, "Jim Acosta would always ask questions that were framed like this. What do you say to people who think that you're responsible for the deaths of?" And then insert whatever tragedy or calamity has happened. He would ask Trump to respond to it because it was somehow, everything was Trump's fault. We know that. But that was always the way Jim Acosta would phrase questions. I'm not going to comment on Keith Oberman's physical appearance because it's not in my business and I really don't care. But I will say this, Keith Oberman, sometimes people will complain about things I do on the show and they always complain. But one thing they'll complain about is you're not angry enough. And when I see Keith Oberman on Twitter, I'm like, "He's angry enough. That's why I don't try to be too hot on the radio." Let's go to Donald Trump. He's reacting to the Supreme Court decision. The country needs. And they work long. They worked hard. And frankly, they worked very quickly on something that will be spoken about 100 years from now and 200 years from now. Extremely important. Essentially, you cannot take somebody out of a race because an opponent would like to have it that way. And it has nothing to do with the fact that it's the leading candidate, whether it was the leading candidate or a candidate that was well down on the totem pole, you cannot take somebody out of a race. The voters can take the person out of the race very quickly. But a court shouldn't be doing that and the Supreme Court saw that very well. And I really do believe that will be a unifying factor because while most states were thrilled to have me, there were some that didn't. And they didn't want that for political reasons. They didn't want that because of poll numbers because the poll numbers are very good. We're beating President Biden in almost every poll. New York Times came out yesterday with a very big poll for us. So they didn't like that. And you can't do that. You can't do what they tried to do. And hopefully Colorado, as an example, will unify. I know there's tremendous support. They've brought our support up very strong in Colorado because people thought people in Colorado thought that was a terrible thing that they did. And while we're on the subject, and another thing that we'll be coming up very soon will be immunity for a president, and not immunity for me, but for any president. If a president doesn't have full immunity, you really don't have a president because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to make, in many cases, what would be the right decision? Or it could be the wrong decision. It could be, in some cases, the wrong decision. But they have to make decisions, and they have to make them free of all terror that can be reigned upon them when they leave office, or even before they leave office. And some decisions are very tough. I can tell you that as a president that some decisions to make are very tough. I took out ISIS, and I took out some very big people from the standpoint of a different part of the world. Two of the leading terrorists, probably the two leading terrorists ever that we've ever seen in this world. And those are big decisions. I don't want to be prosecuted for it. I know the president wouldn't want to be prosecuted for it. It had a tremendously positive impact. It stopped everything cold. And sometimes you have to make it with tough decisions. Sometimes you have to make decisions like that. When you make a decision, you don't want to have your opposing party or opponent or even somebody that just thinks you're wrong. Bring a criminal suit against you or any kind of a suit. When you leave office, I have that right now at a level that nobody's ever seen before. I have rogue prosecutors, and I have rogue judges. I have judges that are out of control. And it's a very unfair thing for me, but serving perhaps as a sample to others of what should not be happening when you make good decisions. And in my case, the economy was great. We didn't go into any wars. We totally defeated ISIS. We provided the largest tax cuts in history. We provided the largest regulation cuts in history. But think of it, no wars. We beat ISIS 100% of the caliphate. Then there were no wars. We did a job that was great, but maybe I wouldn't have done that. The caliphate defeating them was very powerful. It was going to take four years. It took me four months, but it was a very strong dictum that I gave. I said, get them, defeat them, end it. We were fighting for 20 years against ISIS, and we did it very quickly. I don't want to be prosecuted. In that case, it worked out very well. There will be some things that perhaps don't work out so well, but I don't want to be prosecuted because I decided to do something that is very much for the good of the country, and actually for the good of the world. The president shouldn't have that on his mind, and he has to have a free and clear mind when he makes very big decisions. Or it's going to be nothing more than a ceremonial post. You'll be president. It'll be a wonderful thing, and you won't do anything because you don't want to be hit by your opponent or hit by somebody else, because who wants to leave office and go through what I've gone through? I'm being prosecuted by Biden, my opponent, because every one of these things, whether it's Fannie Willis or Brad, these are local and state, but they're in total coordination with the White House. You can't do that. It shouldn't be done. I mean, a thing like that, in the case of the DA's office, they put one of the top people, maybe the second person in the Manhattan DA's office to get Trump. They had a Hillary Clinton lawyer leave the law firm, very prestigious big law firm, leave the law firm to go into the DA's office to get Trump. Pomerance. It's the Pomerance. So he goes in to become a prosecutor, worked for the Democrat Party in Hillary Clinton, goes into prosecute Donald Trump at a local level, in total coordination with the Department of Justice, meaning Biden. And then you have the Fannie Willis, and she would say Fannie, Fannie, F.A. and I, but Fannie. And she hired somebody new the person long before this horrible prosecution took place. And she went out and she paid him an unbelievable amount of money, more money than he ever had dreamt possible, much more money than other people that are, that do that for a living. He never did it at all, had no experience in it. He's hitting a lot of the same things we hit. And they had obviously a conflict. We don't have to go into that, but they were able to get a lot of money because it was a high profile person, me. I'm a very high profile person. So they were able to pay him close to a million dollars when he was not equipped to do the job. And she's not equipped to do the job. And that case should end immediately. That case is so conflicted. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. And then you have deranged Jack Smith, who's a Trump painter, and represents all the Trump haters. And he's going wild. He's just a wild man. He's been overturned unanimously by the Supreme Court, Jared, one after other people over the years, he's a great failure. But let's bring him down here. We'll pause it. We'll come back to it on the other side. Can we pause it on the on the computer and come back to it? His comments about immunity are really interesting. And I was on with Sean Spicer recently and Steve Cortez, who's very smart. And he's able to kind of break down all of these rather complex topics. He talked about this and he said, you know, if kind of along the same lines as what Trump was saying, but he was bringing it back to like HW and all these other presidents and saying, if that is going to be the way going forward, then that's going to be a problem for all of the living presidents right now, all the living former presidents, because if they, if you start to have this precedent where you leave, and then you get sued for things, whether it be war crimes or however people want to, however people want to frame it, then Trump's right, you're going to end up with people who are too afraid to make a decision. And it doesn't mean all these decisions are always right, but you can't have somebody in there who's so terrified that if they make the wrong decision, they're going to spend the rest of their life fighting legal battles. Otherwise, you'll just get someone who's in there as an empty suit, who's in there to nod their heads and kind of like do what Joe Biden's doing right now. Just go in there and do kind of the ceremonies, the Easter egg roll and nothing else. And so I'm glad he brought up the immunity case and you can tell he's already looking forward to the other cases. He doesn't take a long time, I don't think, to to celebrate any of these victories, because he knows that that more attacks are around the corner. I always do find it interesting, the other things he decides not to go into. Like sometimes he'll go into the most minute detail of something. When he gets into the minutiae, he's, he's really focused on it. And then you get to the Fanny Willis and he says, Fanny, not Fanny, Fanny, not Fanny, whatever. But then he doesn't want to talk about how she's sleeping with Nathan Wade. He says, we won't get into that. Like it's just funny to me. So occasionally he has these moments where he's like, we don't need to, you know, get into the dirty details. I just always think it's noteworthy which things he skips over. So I guess he's not going to give them the Peter Struck Lisa page, lovebirds treatment. But he's clearly happy with this decision. Like I said, looking forward, trying to figure out what's going to happen with the next one. I think all eyes now are on Fanny Willis and what's going to happen with that. We will be back. We'll play more of the sound for you. It is a busy news day. If you're just tuning in, you missed it. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 in Trump's favor. He cannot be booted off the ballot in Colorado. We're going to talk to Mark Salinas about what this means for the other cases. As you guys know, it's also happened in Illinois. It's happened in Maine. So Colorado is not the only one, even though that's what the Supreme Court was focused on. So we'll talk to Mark Salinas about all of these things in the one o'clock hour. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. When it comes to dentistry, he's the best at what he does. He fixes your teeth and your smile. But what he really does is he builds the self-confidence of his patients. When you have a smile that you're proud of, it builds confidence in your professional life and in your personal life. The better you look, the better you feel that helps every aspect of your life, every interaction you have is going to get better on the daily. You feel better about your smile. You feel a little bit happier. You have a little bit more confidence when you're interacting with people at work or in your personal life, and it's just going to make you feel good. And the great thing about Perfect Smiles is they have so much experience with this, and they know how to make it personal. They know how to take it at your own pace to figure out what you want, what's going to take your smile to the next level, and they always deliver. So take care of yourself because you deserve it. Call Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. They're conveniently located off Route 3. They've got plenty of parking, and you can reach them at That's Change your smile. Change your life. Jared, do you think he's going to mention Nikki Haley today in this? Oh, I'm going to say no. I don't beat these. I don't think you will either. I would guess no. It's hard for him, but I'm going to guess there's no mention of Nikki. We'll tell you more when we come back. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. We are going to jump a little bit ahead here because Trump is taking questions from reporters at Mar-a-Lago and Palm Beach. Let's take it, Jared. And again, this is a unifying factor. Everybody now is together, and they can go after me as a politician. They can go after me with votes, but they're not going to go after me with that kind of lawsuit that takes somebody out of a race who's leading in this case, but even if the person wasn't leading. And I want to thank you all for being here. Do we have any questions? Yes, Mr. President, the poll numbers were massive for you going on the Super Tuesday. We found a lot of people that were agnostic to politics in general see these legal cases against you. They see how life was back under a Trump administration. Do you think that's the key to pull some of these independent voters into this next election, seeing that these new cases are unfair, they have no merit, and also the poll numbers in their life before Trump? It's such an interesting question because historically, a thing like what I've been going through would have hurt a political party or a political candidate terrifically. You wouldn't even run. You wouldn't be able to run. You'd get out. This has happened over many years, many times. In this case, the polls show that I'm much more popular than I was before weaponization. It's been weaponized like it's never been. This is for third-world countries. This isn't for us. Biden ought to drop all of these things. And frankly, he may do better if he does, because people would say, "Wow, that was very reasonable." Look, they're all the state, the city, and the federal. They're all coordinated. Fannie Willis' lover spent hours and hours at the White House, I guess with White House Counselor with DOJ plotting out this plan. Nobody talks about that. They're all coordinated with the White House. It's weaponization never been done in this country. It's been done in third-world countries. Banana Republic's never in this country. We talk about it. I just wanted to put that out there, Jared. We talk about Fannie Willis and her lover and how much time they spent together. The pings at the house and the late nights and the cruising and the vacations and believes in the tattoo parlors. I just want to put that on the record that here at The Grace Curly Show, we do talk about it. You know what I appreciate? I appreciate that he must have reporters in there at this point who like him. Maybe people from the Daily Caller or the Post Millennial or Red State or places like that. He should do that because Biden comes out with a cue card and calls on all these pre-selected, vetted reporters with their choreographed questions. He's been doing that for four years. Why shouldn't Trump do that, at least in the campaign season, and say, "Oh, okay. So-and-so from Newsmax. What's your question?" We'll be right back. We get a lot more to talk about. Mark Salinas from Silva and Salinas is going to break down this 9-0 Supreme Court decision and talk more about these cases when we come back.