Johnny's House

FULL EPISODE: Catch Up With Johnny's House

Don't miss out on catching up with Johnny's House. Tune in and listen to some of the best highlights Johnny Magic, Brian, Rae and Nurys talk about!

1h 30m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Around here, summertime brings a lot of this and sometimes a little bit of this. If your nose is running while you're running to the pool, stop that summer cold cold at AdventHealth-Centricare. We're here for all those summer symptoms, like sprains and strains, sore throats, sunburn and swimmer's ear. AdventHealth-Centricare's got you covered. When you need urgent care, we're open late seven days a week. Walk in or make an online reservation at AdventHealth-Centricare. We're better at all better. W-X-X-L-H-D-1 to very Zorlando. What's up? It's Doja Cat. Hey, it's Taylor Swift. Johnny's house, mornings. Orlando's number one hit music station all day. ♪ It's Howl ♪ ♪ And Zorlando ♪ ♪ And Zorlando ♪ ♪ And Zorlando ♪ ♪ And Zorlando ♪ This is Johnny's house. X-L-1067. Direct from Hollywood with the Ryan C. Crest. Doja Cat is pretty open about how much of an isolator she can be at times, being more than just comfortable with spending time alone. She actually thrives in it, but she also cherishes her friendships and just revealed how one of her closest relationships came from a fairly unlikely source. A co-worker's assistant. She tells the therapy Gecko podcast. My creative director is one of my closest friends and his assistant was the funniest, coolest girl, but she was just his assistant. She wasn't being creative along with me, but she has great style, so I started asking her stuff about fashion and we just became best friends. She's the funniest thing. I even started making music with her. She's not musical at all, but she has a really good scream. A beautiful gut-wrenching, blood-curdling scream, so I had her do that on a song. Doja Cat there who adds that song isn't out yet, but should be soon. Gore Hills is out now. That's direct from Hollywood. At University of Maryland Global Campus, we give our students credit. Credit for deciding what's stuck in traffic to get a Vasters degree. Credit for managing three kids, two dogs, and a full-time job to pursue an MBA. Students at UMGC can use prior learning a relevant experience to earn up to 90 credits toward a bachelors, and graduate students can transfer up to 12 credits toward their masters. Apply now and save with no application fee. Flexible online and hybrid classes start August 14th. Learn more at, certified to operate in Virginia by chef. Johnny's House is having a listener appreciation party. It is happening at Island H2O Water Park Saturday, August 10th from 7 to 7. Johnny's House on Orlando is number one hit music station. What are those things where you say you like to do, or people like to do? Is there a list of something that people consider boring, but they like to do? Yeah, so there's like a poll that they did, and they were talking about like some things that Americans like to do, like as a grownup that are boring, but you actually enjoy them. So like for me, I enjoy doing the dishes. Like I don't know why it's like soothing to me, like the warm water and like cleaning up. You know, I don't mind doing dishes, I'm like putting them away. I'm putting them in them away. Yeah, so like I don't mind doing the dishes. Really? But another thing is, is that like paying my bills, like I think it feels, I think it feels good to pay my bills. It's depressing. I like paying my bills. I pay my bills and I just watch my account go, oop, can't stand it. I mean, I don't like looking at my account, but like I feel like when I hit like process and I pay them online, it just like it feels good to pay my bills. It feels good to be able to pay my bills. Yeah, and that's probably what it is. Because it's like, I don't have to ask anybody for money. I don't have to, you know. Because I mean, I don't know, I don't know a lot about your history and the reason. But there's time where you send it going. Well, this one ain't going to get in the money this week. Yeah, exactly. They only have to pay there, but I get it. Yeah. Was that right? Like I'm going to have to pay a late fee on this next one because I can't pay it right now. I definitely know my, like my, how long I have my grace period. Yes. On everything. Yes. Oh, I'm way back in the day when you had to mail your bills in. Yeah, my parents like, look, put the water bill and electric bill. And when they get it, it looks like it's a mistake. We get another week. Oh, nice. We used to have to go drop bars off at the power company in downtown Sanford. And we would put the wrong stuff in there and drop it off. Yeah. We used to do that same building. Yeah. Really? Oh, my goodness. But like on the list was shopping for groceries. Like people really enjoy doing that. I don't think, what is something I enjoy? I don't even like driving. What about like, do you like pressure washing or like? You know what? I'm just going to show you something on my leg. I was last time I was pressure washing. You know, when you pressure wash your legs, you just get dirty. Yes. And I was pressure washing my shoes and I got close to my leg and I have it in line. Oh, my scar. Yes. And I'm looking at my leg. I'm like, is that the white meat? Oh, no. You could pressure wash a whole yourself. Yeah. I did. I had my toes before. So I enjoyed that until that happened, but no, I can't think of anything that. What about cooking for your family or cooking for yourself? Okay. Okay. When I'm upset about something, I bake and I do enjoy baking when I'm upset. When I'm not upset, I don't enjoy baking. One weekend, I made a cheesecake, rice, crispy treats and homemade ice cream. Dang. Wow. I was mad that we eat. Did you eat all of them? No, I usually don't eat it. I don't eat it. No, it's like in the freezer stuff and then it gets old and I'll throw it out. Bring it in. No. I didn't do that. Brad, you got any of those things? I actually like to vacuum. I can see that. I do because I like getting it all the lines perfect and making sure everything's like where it's supposed to be. Really? Yeah. I actually enjoy. I do have the little rumble one that I sometimes turn loose and let it go, but even that I just sit there and watch it. Yeah. Make sure it's doing the lines like I like it. So yeah, I don't mind doing that. I like cleaning my bedroom. Okay. I like doing that. Pulling the sheet halfway back so when I get in, I can just jump in. Yes. I do enjoy doing that. I don't mind doing it. But there are days I won't. There's a guy there? Yeah. Editing videos. Yeah. Yeah. So like it's fun creating the videos with you guys. You know, when we're like recording and whatever, but when it comes to sitting down and editing, I know a lot of my friends, they find that so dreadful. I find joy in it. Really? It is a little tedious, but when I take a step back and I look at it, the final product, I'm like. So you're happy about the final product that comes from that? Yeah. It feels good. You enjoy doing them. Let us hear about. This is Orlando's most listened to morning show more Johnny's house coming up next. This is Johnny's house. Hey, it's Johnny's house on Orlando's number one hit music station. It's Excel one or six seven things that other people find boring. You enjoy doing them. Harlan is all the way from Utah. Tessa. Tessa did morning. Hey. Good morning. Tessa. You know what everybody wants to know right now. Are you ha? You're going to hear your call right now. All right. What do you like to do that other people don't? It's two things. One, I like to clean out my snakes cage. That's weird. I like to clean out my snakes cage. Wow. Okay. What's the other one? I like to take my dog out. People find that boring because they go either go to the same part every day or I take my dog to throw the ball that he's attaining the ass with the ball and you have to chase them for it each time. Yeah. My was it was the times I enjoyed it, but most of them really didn't. You know, by you hold up. Well, yeah, you can't win. You come from Utah from Orlando. Ellen. Ellen. Good morning. Hi. Good morning. What is something everybody else finds boring, but you seem to enjoy doing it. Okay. So this, my husband finds really boring, boring. I just turned 30, so he doesn't get it, but I love making TikToks of like making basically edits of movies and then like songs with it. So like I just made like a Michael Scott, the office with like Olivia Rodrigo song in the background. And I just find those two things like I don't get it like this is like we did it for like 10 or like 12. I'm like, I just find it those two things like having to get all the videos. Like from YouTube and then like putting it into the app and then like downloading the song. It's just like it's in front of me. Listen to you describe that does not sound funny. There's a lot of steps involved. Yeah. Yeah. But she enjoyed you enjoyed doing that. All right. You hold on a second here for Orlando George. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. How are you guys? Good. What is something that you enjoy, but other people might say boring. I absolutely enjoy laundry. No drying, folding stuff away. Oh, my goodness. I tried because our wet clothes are like our hanger space is limited. Uh huh. So like, you know, if I alternate maybe one day towels the next day. Oh my goodness. And it's a lot of fun, you know, I do it by myself when I'm like, what I'm doing once a week. How often do you do the laundry about three times a week? And you like putting them away and stuff? That's the worst part. I know. I sure do. Okay. Music on or how many people are in your household three and you do laundry every other day. Oh, just about, whether it's out or a bed sheet. Yeah. Wow. That sounds about right. Three people. I got stuff in the dryer right now. Yeah. Because I ain't going to put it away. Look, I have it. I have a laundry being that I just stuff down today. That stuff right now. Absolutely. Wow. You hold on a second. And Kendra from Winter Haven. Good morning. Hey. Good morning. Uh, something other people find boring, but you enjoy doing it. So I love taking a nap. I realize I have time to take a nap before doing anything. I'm going to take a nap. Absolutely. One thing about me. My friends know if you leave me on a couch or at a bed for a minute, I'm out. I'm going to take a nap. I love taking a nap. But what I don't like is having to wake up from that now because it doesn't run as course. Yeah. I think if that gets too long, they throw your whole day off. Yeah. It's an hour power nap. Oh my God. It'll refresh your whole life. Man, every day I take a nap and got to get to the car line. I'm having conversations with myself. That's why I like weekend naps. Yes. They end when whenever you want. Yeah. That's nice. And then you wake up and you go, okay, we'll go ahead and get up right what to say. As somebody said, I do thoroughly enjoy the laundry. Uh, and I agree with this one. Mowing the lawn. Oh, I hated that. Oh, I hated that. I was forced to do it as a kid as an adult. I hate it. I'm going to pass and beat. Uh, XOMO will power by turning Dan Newland in a wreck knee to check call Dan Newland. Someone says they like cleaning their car. Really? They enjoy doing that. Someone said when they lived up north, they loved raking leaves and shoveling snow. No. And then someone said they love riding their schedule out in their planner in different color pens. How's on a landos? Number one hit music station. All right. Listen, I mentioned this yesterday. I've never ever changed the diaper before. And I just realized that we were talking about something else today. And I'm like, I've never ever a couple of weeks or a month or so before she changed her baby's diaper. Some like 10 months or something. Yeah. She never changed. And I'm like, well, that's pretty cool. If you got some rich people that, you know, you're rich enough that you can hire a nanny when the baby style having, uh, you know, the smelly butt. Yeah. And you say, Hey, hey, handle this and her sister went to like go and like be like, Oh, the baby needs a diaper change in her. Paris Hilton was like, I've never changed it. And so her sister Nikki had to show her how to change it. And I'm thinking to myself, Wait a minute, no, I've never changed one. My son had just turned three when I met him, but makes sense. Around here, summertime brings a lot of this and sometimes a little bit of this. If your nose is running while you're running to the pool, stop that summer cold cold at AdventHealth centricare. We're here for all those summer symptoms, like sprains and strains, sore throats, sunburn and swimmers here, AdventHealth centricares got you covered. When you need urgent care, we're open late seven days a week, walk in or make an online reservation at AdventHealth centricare. We're better at all better. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit You don't have to. Yeah, I don't have any meals. I mean, Monday is midnight. But you live there. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Hey, whenever I was playing with my nieces and my nephew, when every kid, they're like, "Uh-oh." And you know how you put your hands under your arms and you just hand them off. Yeah. But I've never sat down and actually changed. I wouldn't. I mean, I know the basics. You know, it's pretty simple, you know, clean it up, put the diaper on, throw it away. Did I miss a step? No, I think you got the instructions, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, but you got away. There it is. I just get a... I just get a... I just get a... I just get a big, warm rag. It's raw. All of it. I don't know. You know how you like mess... You get a big mess on the floor. Yeah. Give it a big towel and just go through it. You just... You probably shouldn't change that. Get all done. Ah! And there you go. Put that away. You may end up going your entire life without having to do it, actually. That's crazy. Is there anything you've never done? I mean, it's just an average person, it's just something I've never... And I thought about it. I was like, "No, I wouldn't..." The only thing I knew was when it was time, or the child was crying. They said, "They need a diaper change," and at that point, I just leave the room. Because I think it would be creepy if I'm sitting there and I don't have a child. Just sit there and watch. Yeah. Anything we can talk about, we can pick it up in about three to five minutes, whatever you've done with that task. Yeah. I don't think there's anything like that that I can think of that I've not done. Right. Look at you guys. Well, yesterday when we were talking about it, I was like, "Huh." It's pretty fascinating. Because I changed a diaper in high school when my brother had a kid... When I was still a senior in high school. And so, my nephew, I changed his diaper when I was in high school. So, I knocked out way early. Well, see, he was here. You were here. I was visiting in Pensacola. So, I was staying at their house. Oh, no, no. I mean, I've never, like, changed the attire. What? I did that for the first time ever last year. First time in my life. Yeah. I've never had a flat tire before. Yeah. So, that was the first one. That was my first time. So, you've never done it. Never changed the tire. What did you do? You called me. Knock on wood. I've never really had a flat tire. Right. Same. I've never had one before. Yeah. So, I just never had to do it. Yeah. I've done it. It's a lot of work. It's horrible. It's like you'd rather call AAA. Yeah. I thought it was simple. And it's so easy with my truck. It has a little thing that pops out the back. You put it in. You just crank, crank, crank. Put it up. Take it off. Done. It took me literally once I decided to have to do it. It took me 20 minutes. Oh. Wow. Is there anything you've never done? Yeah. I've been in a serious relationship, I guess, at this point. No. I was going to say. No. Listen, if we open up the lines right now and ask, hey, call us if you've never been in a serious relationship, the lines will ring off the hook. Probably. So, I thought you were, you're being serious. Like a little bit of the yes and a little bit of no, because obviously I want to take every relationship serious, but like it always gets to the point where I'm like, I've never been married or proposed to. I have, but I ain't never going. Oh, nothing special. I'm not missing it. It is very special. Oh, okay. Marriage is a beautiful thing. It really is. It just doesn't always work. I want to find out from you something as simple as changing a tire or changing a diaper, something that everybody's done, but you've never done before in your life. Call us right now because we want to hear from you on Johnny's house. From Mount Dora to the Magic Kingdom, you're waking up with Johnny's house on Excel 1067. More next Excel live from our Farah and Ferris studios. If you've been injured, make it a fair fight. This is an iHeart Radio station, the exclusive audio home of NBC's coverage of the 2024 Ferris Olympics. Excel 1067, Orlando's number one hit music station. How do you like such a play? Excel 1067 on iHeart Radio. Take us wherever you go. Excel 1067, Orlando's number one hit music station. Johnny's house in the morning, Excel 1067, mentioned I've never changed a diaper. I might go my whole life without changing a diaper and I hope I ain't jinx myself. Whew, that would be bad. Oh my God. Whew, whew. We're going to find out some things that you've never done before from Orlando, Katie. Katie, good morning. Good morning. What is something you've never done before? I've never eaten sushi or really any seafood. Oh, you are missing. Really? Where were you born? It just freaked me out and it's been in the ocean and I just don't think I would like the taste of it. So have you ever had it or just had it by accident? No, I've had tuna and salmon. I've tried those. I didn't like them so I kind of just wrote everything else off. Wow. So you shrimp? Lobster? No, crab legs. What? Crab legs? No. So you just tested it. Like they still have their entire body intact so I just don't like the idea of that. No, I break your legs and snatch the meat right out. Lute, there's a restaurant in China. They get the fish. It's fresh. And they put them in a deep fire up to his head. Oh, no, thank you. I'm not so mad. Then they put on your plate and the head is they're going. Oh, no. That's a breathing. I can't stand up for it. Look at that. No, no. You never said that's where I draw the line. You want to have fresh in it? Look at it. All right, hold on a second. She's written off seafood at all. From Altima, Annette, good morning. Hi, good morning. Annette, what is something you've never done? A lot of people have you never done it. I've never changed the oil in my car. I've never done that. I've never done that. I've never done that. I've never done that. And I've never been on the radio. Oh, there you go. Nice. Okay. Okay. Changing oil. I understand that. Air in the tires? Never? I'm a downy girl. Oh, snap. And how old are you? So I need six. You're doing it. I mean. Are you married? Nope. Boyfriend? Yeah. I'm married. I'm married. I'm married. Yeah. Oh, she's like, I'm like disappointed. Yeah. Dang. She doesn't really like him, but he puts air in the tires. Wow. And hey, now you've been on the radio, so take that one off your list. Okay. Okay. All right. Wow. Is it possible not to put air in the tire? Yeah. Yeah, because when you change, if you take your oil to get it changed, a lot of times they check your air and take care of it for you. Yeah. But what do you do with that little light come on and drive until you change the oil? So from Orlando. Allie. Good morning. Good morning. Allie. What is something you've never done before? A lot of people have, but you haven't. I have never been skinny dipping. All right. Let me take a poll around the room. Ray. Yes. In Brian's. Ray did it in my pool. I wasn't there. I was out of town. There was chlorine in it. So I figured it was safe. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Of course. Yeah. The beach. Yeah. I've done it too. Wow. I feel like there's just never been a good opportunity. Yeah. But it just hasn't come around for me. It's very free. Yeah. I was going to say that. Do you have a poll or a friend has a pool? I have a friend that has a pool, but I feel like it has to be like a group decision. I don't know. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I was with someone, but asked the house sit for him and he'd do it at night. I mean, my honeymoon's coming up. So maybe that's. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Yes. Now you might have to. Where are you guys going for your honeymoon? You know, yeah. Yeah. We're going to Europe. Okay. I was going to say if you're going to somewhere, I don't know. Yeah. I'm not sure how they do pools in Europe. I feel like it. I feel like anything goes in most places in Europe. Yeah. I feel like I maybe won't be the only one. You might be able to find a nude beach in Europe where you can do it. Yeah. Be careful, though, because another couple just roll up with y'all. So hey, you might get locked up abroad, though. I'm not sure. Local with laws first. That's why not. It is very free. And I'm not one of those that like, you know, there's some people that are excited about the possibility get caught. That ain't me. Yeah. You know, when I did it, it was, it was on the long end of the beach and there was nobody there and there was no hotels or anything. Well, mine's always been in my own pool. So I can't get caught. I don't think I've done it in my pool. It's like an Austin thing. Every Tuesday, I take a little bit. No, not every Tuesday, but you know, I don't know how it is for women, but for men, it's very freeing. Brian, you know what I'm talking about. Yes. Yeah. You know, I'm not going to express for ladies, but for God's, it's just like, do they sink or what? I didn't say that right. We'll be it's up to you. If you sink or float, exactly. Goodness. Right? Hey. From Davenport. So. Good morning, Donnie's house. Good morning. What's up? What's up? What you got? What's up? What's up? What's up? I'm about to turn 21 again. Yeah. And born in '73. So I'll be 21 again. Do you know what the topic is? Never. Okay. Yeah. And I say, I've never changed a tire. Okay. Okay. I'm going to be 21 again. I got you. All right. Right. Right. What is saying over there? Somebody said that I've never seen snow. I've never lived in my own and went from my parents house to a dorm to an apartment with friends and then I got married. Living in Long's overrated. I've never driven a stick shift. I've never done that either. You never done that. Easy. Never done that. That's fun, man. I loved it. I mean, certain cars, you don't want it, but some cars are like necessities. Every time you do it, you burn out the clutch. Yeah. Of course. Somebody's 47. They've never learned how to ride a bike. Yeah. A lot of people. Yeah. I've heard that one. Somebody's 50 and they've never burnt a CD. Well, that's, you know, that's a skill that's gone. Yeah. That's over. That's, I mean, it was great. Hey, right? Hey, will you burn me a carpet? Yeah, I got you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Music industry. No, we got to put a hole on that one, man. Uh, be what they're saying. Uh, XL mobile power by attorney Dan Newen in a wreck need a check called Dan Newen. Whoever cut the grass overrated, never motor, I love it. I love it. Yeah. Overrated. Overrated. Someone said they're 35. They've never been drunk or drank alcohol. Good for you. Good for you. Overrated. Overrated. I know. I think it's very underrated, actually. Someone said they've never seen the live concert before. Oh, wow. Uh, and then a multiple people said they've never ridden in a taxi or a ride share. So I've never had any sort of public transportation of any issues or sure. Not even a bus? No. It must be great to already always have a ride, no bus, no train, no Uber, no lift. Nothing. And the reason the last thing is what they're talking about a little bit. Yeah. Someone says I've never been arrested, skydiving or gotten a tattoo. I've never gotten a tattoo. I don't have a tattoo. You have a tattoo? No, I don't. Oh, I'm saying. Yeah. I'll have to get one. I ain't scared. I've been two of the three of those, right? You've done all three of those. Or no, you've never been skydiving. No. I've never been arrested either. I saw it. You tried to do there. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. I've never been in the next section. 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We've never been in the next section. We've never been in the next section. We've never been in the next section. We've never been in the next section. We've never been in the next section. We've never been in the next section. Around here, summertime brings a lot of this. And sometimes a little bit of this. If your nose is running while you're running to the pool, stop that summer cold cold at Advent Health Centricare. We're here for all those summer symptoms, like sprains and strains, sore throats, sunburn and swimmers here. Advent Health Centricare's got you covered. When you need urgent care, we're open late seven days a week. Walk in or make an online reservation at Advent Health Centricare. We're better at all better. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit In Florida, then in-state college tuition. Yeah. New numbers from shows that parents spend 24% of their household income on child support. I mean, on child care. Half a parent, parent surveyed said it's been $18,000 in 2023. And they have a story of a teacher who's has three kids, and she says 20% for monthly incomes. 300, about 300 bucks a child. She says she pays $800 a month. That's kind of cheap. That's actually very cheap. Yeah. A new report from says the average parent is paying $321 weekly for child care. And some things that parents are having to do to make the sacrifice for child care. He is working multiple jobs, 28%, reducing hours at work so you can go pick up the kids. 27%, moving closer to family, 25%, going into debt. 19% and actually leaving the workforce. Because a lot of parents have to leave the workforce because what they were working for was to pay for child care. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, I'm working just to pay for child care. So Ray, how do you do it? You don't get a discount because you have to win. They give us like a... A little child care? Yeah. A little discount for the second child. Yeah. So, but before they were in VPK, they were in daycare all day long. Yeah. You know, so right now they're in VPK. So a portion of it is free because it is Florida. Yeah. The state of Florida gives you free VPK. But that's only until like, I think, 12ish or 1ish or something like that. That's what it used to be. So, but nobody gets off work. Yeah. Around that time, unless you work our schedule, which is nice. So last year, we spent $22,000 on two kids in child care. Good. And that is more than tuition because that has paid my first round of tuition for my son. And so for his first semester, it was only going to be like $1,200. Yeah. And that's for the whole semester. So if I did that for two semester, we're talking what? $2,400. Yeah. Yeah. I have child care. And it's to get someone to get up at three in the morning to get to my house. So I can come to work. Yeah. And take the kid to school and make the kid breakfast. Yeah. Yeah. But it hasn't been done. Right. It's not something you can think about. I mean, what do you do? I got to quit. I had to bootleg neighborhood Manny for my son. And she was great. She was awesome. And she's still like a second grandmother to him. So like, they still tell you. Yeah. And she was very reasonable. Oh gosh. I mean, she was next to nothing because she just loved it. I told you me growing up, it was a lady named Miss Clareman. Yeah. She had stayed there. It was about eight of us up in there. And all you had to do was take a nap when the stories came on. One o'clock. They're coming to soap operas. All right. Y'all know it's time. One o'clock nap time so she can watch the, you know, she made sure we ain't go out. Yeah. Her job was to make sure that we were safe. Yes. Maybe had a snack. Yeah. Oh yeah. I learned a damn thing. Oh, my son did though. I was just great. Yeah. You wouldn't feed him no food that wasn't like straight up fresh. She'd make it fresh and mash it up herself. He started eating rice and beans at a really early age. He learned a little Spanish. He would come home, clean, smelling like baby cologne. I'm like, man, this is like, when he went to regular school, I'm like, oh, this is a racket. This is, I didn't even go back to Iris. It's so true. We had a nanny like the first year for the twins. Yeah. And it was our friend Gabby. So we looked out on that. Yeah. It's like the younger they are, the more expensive they are too. Yeah. So like once they hit one or something, we put them in daycare. And I was like, oh, I don't have kids. Obviously not yet. But like, I definitely don't take it for granted that I don't have to spend a dime on anyone else other than myself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the thing, you know, babies and children are beautiful things. Of course. Expensive. Yeah. I see the struggle with my friends and my, my family. What happened a couple of years ago, childcare just went through the roof, but somebody, someone, someone broken down and said, listen, it's a matter of what's the key. It's necessary. Yeah. And if you want the good ones, you're going to have to pay, you know, I wonder if they still have like those neighborhood, because I think they shut down on that a couple of years ago. If you're watching more than certain number of kids, you can be reported as a, well, yeah, you got to keep it quiet because it's under the table, which means you're, they're not reporting it. Yeah. So you also don't get tax credit for it. That's one thing that everyone's like, oh, you get a huge write off because you have a kid. I'm like, no, I don't because I pay under the table childcare. I don't get to write off anything. Cause if I do, it's going to get shut down. So they always say, man, you get great taxes on me. I get, I get nothing for taxes. Yeah. Taxes is not a reason to have kids. Yeah. It ain't what you think it is. I want to find out what do you do and how much do you spend on childcare? And do you have a family member or, or someone like my, my, my sister, my, um, she watches my nieces, uh, kids, she's like, she's retired and they bring her over there and she watched she loves it. She's a blah, blah, blah. She don't even take pay. She's like, that's fine. I watch you. Yep. And my nieces are like, yes. That's nice. Yes. Every day. I was talking to my mom yesterday. Yeah, I'm watching so-and-so. He's here. He says she needs a break. So I'm watching it. I'm like, okay, everybody's happy. It's free. No money change. My mom was a pre-K teacher. So when my, when she retired, she was built in childcare for my son cause she, she would call me and be like, can you guys make some plans? So I can take Jaden for three or four days. Yeah. We absolutely can. It's great. Cuz that's your momma. Hey, right? She loves it. He loves it. She's actually certified as a teacher. This is beautiful. This all works out. They said childcare in the United States calls more than Florida in state college tuition. So I'm trying to find out how much, how do you do with, what do you do with childcare and how much are you? Johnny's house is having a listener appreciation party. It is Johnny's house on Orlando's number one hit music station. It's Excel 10067. They say it is cheaper to send your kid to college than it is for childcare. So we're just kind of nosy. I don't know. What do you do about childcare and how much are you spending a month? Tiffany, good morning. Good morning. Tiffany. How many kids you got? Four. And what are the ages? Uh, seven, five, three and three. And what do you do for childcare? Uh, so I, I don't have a choice. My kids are in nature. Um, I'm a teacher. So I got one, and my son doesn't go to my, my, my son knew doesn't go to my school. So he has the four and after care, which is like 60 to a week. So, and then my three kids are in daycare. Um, and I did the math. I'm sorry princess. I get, um, sorry. That's okay. We got you. Um, so I did the math. I get four C for my little one. So I pay altogether $300 for childcare. If I did not have four C, I would pay $700. And that's 300 a week or 300 a month? 700 a week. Yeah. You would have to pay $700 a week? A week. I will pay 700 a week. If I did not have four C, they pay most of it because I got lots of two because I got a lot of kids. And somehow we got come to your house and watch your feet. Yeah. I'll quit this. When I was, when I had my, when I was pregnant with my twins, I, uh, couldn't work because I couldn't. Yes. Take care. Yes. I didn't afford data for my two kids. And so, yeah, it's in the daycare rates just keep going up in my daycare rates. It's rate three times this year, but this year, I had a choice. Yeah. Like this, like, I know what you're doing in a year. It's very interesting. Wow. Okay. You don't have an option. You know, you just hope that they get, they get aged like you can send them to school. Yeah. Yeah. They're eventually going to come to my school with me because then I won't have to. There you go. I'm a kid sitting in the classroom. The kid looks kind of young. He's a student. Leave him alone. Get in there every day. My son's in D.P.K. and so the, the daycare rate drop down. There you go. There you go. All right. Hang in there, Tiffany. Thank you. All right. Bye bye. Man. My goodness. Keanu from St. Cloud. Good morning. Hi. Good morning guys. How much you spend on child care? So I spent 640 a week. Oh, Lauren. How many kids you got? That's for two of them in daycare. I've got a one year old and a three year old. And since 20 a week, yes, and I don't qualify for four feet. This is 20 a week. That is so wild. That's a car. You know what? That's more than that. That's a mortgage. Yeah. That's like a Ferrari payment. Oh, no. There was another daycare that we were going to put them in. And it was brand new. It had swim lessons included. I was like, how much for both of them? They wanted like 700 and change for the both of them. I'm like, this is just crazy. Man. Whoa. Six, 20 a week. And the thing is, and I learned this from from from rate is that if your kid is sick and they can't get there, you still got to pay to hold a spot. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. You can't let your kid. No, they'll give it to someone else. Now my when I. Can you take a. Bye. No, back when I was paying for daycare for my son, his older now, but you, if you weren't going to be there for a while, you would get a little bit of a discounted rate for X amount of days. If he wasn't going to be there. Yeah. But you got to give him notice. Oh, my good. Yes, it's true. And then, you know, Christmas break, the school phones down for a few days that asked them. Are we still going to get charged? They're like, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's great. They said it like this. Oh, silly lady. Of course, we need our six, 20 a week every week here or not vacation or not. We need at six, 20. Wow. All right. Well, you too, Kiana. You hang in there, girl. Thank you for sharing that. Good. Allow it. Whoo. Let's see. St. Cloud jazz. Good morning. Hi. Good morning. Happy Monday. Happy Monday to you. Now, how many kids do you have? I have three as well. And what's the ages? Seven, five and three. Ooh, you right up in there. Yeah. Thank God for the birthdays because you're right. You're right up there. The younger they are, the more expensive, I currently pay five, six, zero, 160 a week. A week. A week. It's my mortgage. Yeah. That's more than your house. Oh, my goodness. More than my house. And that counts the registration. And even though my kids attend for a couple of years, there's an annual registration. And then there's also an annual supply fee. And then there's a number of people who are going to be in the house. 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Sometimes, like sprains and strains, sore throats, sunburn and swimmers here. AdventHealth Central Care's got you covered. When you need urgent care, we're open late seven days a week. Walk in or make an online reservation at AdventHealth Central Care. We're better at all better.