Jesse Kelly Show

Michael Brown in for Jesse: Illegal aliens and crime

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31 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. - Laundry, ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. (upbeat music) That's right, has over a hundred casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. (upbeat music) - Nobody's necessary. We're going to leave it by law. (upbeat music) - This is a podcast from WOR. - Welcome to Jesse Kelly Show again, but ha ha, guess what? It's not Jesse Kelly again. Yeah, sucks to be you, but you know what? You'll figure it out. You'll live with it. Hey, it's Michael Brown filling in again for Jesse Kelly. Thanks for tuning in. So if you were listening yesterday, you know that I've got certain rules of engagement because, well, you know, being a retired lawyer, I gotta have rules and you guys need to follow the rules. And one of those rules is that if you want to send me a message, it's real easy. You just send me a text message. The number on your text message app, whatever you happen to use, is 33103. Just type in the number 33103. And then you start your message with, whatever you want to tell me or ask me, start the message with either the word Michael or Michael, either one, doesn't have to be both of them, just one or the other. Some of you guys drive me nuts. Michael or Michael? No, either one, Mike. And or Michael. Yeah, I shouldn't say and or 'cause now you'll do both. Let's see. The other thing you ought to know, if you want to figure out who I am, I told you yesterday I'm the former Undersecretary of Homeland Security. I host a morning drive program in Denver Monday through Friday from 6 to 10 on 630KHLW. If you want to kind of plug that into your iHeart app or wherever you listen to your radio. And then I host on the weekend, a nationally syndicated program called the weekend with Michael Brown on 300 plus stations around the country, which you can also find by going to a website called If you go to that website,, you'll find my bio so you can read all about me. You can find the interactive map where the weekend program is aired. You can find the social media icons if you're on Twitter X. Give me a follow on Twitter X. It's @MichaelBrownUSA. So those are enough of the rules right now. We got other rules, we'll get to those later. So one of the things that drives me truly baddie about illegal immigration is now look, it's not that I am okay when an American citizen commits a crime and murders or rapes or sexually abuses a child or whatever it might be. I'm pretty pissed off about that too. But when an illegal alien does it, someone who is not supposed to be in this country, that is a crime that would not have occurred but for the open border policies of the Democrats and some Republicans that allows people to just cross all of our borders. We tend to focus on the Southern border, which is where most people do cross illegally, but they also come, they come ashore in California on high-speed boats. They come across the Canadian border. They come into New York Harbor. They come in from everywhere. Hell's bells, our own government flies some of them in from craphole countries like Venezuela. So when those people are here illegally and then they drive drunk and they kill somebody driving drunk, that's a crime that would not have occurred but for them being here illegally. Well, it's not just in this country. So just before I came on air, knowing that I wanted to talk about this particular topic, I was doing a little last minute show prep and it appears that if we go over to the United Kingdom, a little town called Southport, there are and have been going on all day long. It's obviously now evening in the UK. Riding and attacks on cops have started in that little town. A day after three children were fatally stabbed by a man from an illegal alien background while they were attending a Taylor Swift themed dance class. And what the hell is that? I mean, not the Taylor Swift dance class. I mean, I kind of get what that's about and I, well frankly, don't care about that but why are these illegal aliens concerned or showing up at a Taylor Swift themed dance class and then stabbing? Why is this guy stabbing them? Footage of the violence targeting police was published on Twitter, X, by a UK political pundit by the name of Darren Grimes. You can go find Darren's account if you want to. Claiming that the rioters had set a police van on fire after attacking the vehicle. I don't necessarily condone people getting so frustrated that they start attacking the cops. But I also understand, as I described on my local program, it was one day last week we were talking about, you know, we have like many big cities, although I don't consider Denver to necessarily be that big of a city, that we have, you know, public transit. And the public transit in Colorado sucks. I mean, it just totally sucks. It's worthless, it's incompetent. They can't do anything right, it never works. And people are getting frustrated. And people are starting to attack the train operators. Well, I don't condone that. Because I tried to explain to my audience, I understand it. If public transit, and if you go to the Department of Transportation website and you dig far enough, you'll find all sorts of information about public transit. And one of the things that you'll find out throughout all this stuff that DOT spread, the propaganda they spread, is that public transit is designed to accomplish a couple of things. Obviously, they want to get us out of our cars. Two, they want to, you know, they want to, you know, meet net zero goals, which I think is absolutely absurd. And in Colorado, they have this insane objective of reaching zero traffic deaths. Well, that's not going to occur unless you eliminate traffic. As long as there are cars, and as long as human beings are driving cars, even if they're driving autonomous driven cars, they're going to be automobile accidents, and people are going to die in it. So you set an unattainable goal, and then you start doing checkpoints for DUIs, and you start doing all of these things that I think are way over the top, because they want to force you into public transportation. And one of the things on that public transportation is to get people from their homes to their as close as you can, they never can get you the last mile, because every train doesn't go to where you work. So then you have to hop a bus, or you got to take an Uber, you got to walk, you have to do something. But the idea is to get you out of your car, and to use public transportation, and that it's supposed to be reliable and, you know, and everything else. Long story short, I understand people's frustrations, that if you're a single mom, single father, or maybe you're not, but you're working a job, and the best job that you can find that helps you pay the bills is so far away that it's not really economical for you to commute. And so you use public transportation, and if it doesn't get you there on time, because it's never working, where it's out of service, or you think it's on time, and so you show up and you board the train, and it's scheduled departure time, and then halfway there it slows down to a crawl, because of maintenance or something else, then it's unreliable. And if that continues to occur over and over and over and over, yes, you finally get frustrated where I don't condone it, but I understand it, that you might spit on the train operator, you might slapping, you might punch him in the, you know, in the chest or in the arm as you get off the train. I mean, I get that stuff. Again, I don't condone it, I get it. Or you might say in Texas, I get it. But regardless, that's what's going on in the UK. And at some point that's gonna come to this country too. When you have illegal aliens, and they're committing crimes, and it's, you know, it's the rape and murder of, you know, Lake and Riley, or it's the murder of this 12, I think she was 12 or 14 years old down in Harris County, Texas in Houston. I mean, you can, every single day, you can find an example somewhere in the country where an illegal alien has committed some crime of some sort. Well, in Southport, in the United Kingdom, three kids were fatally stabbed. Let me interpret that for you. They were killed. They were killed by an illegal alien. And so now these folks have, they've had enough because the United Kingdom's not doing anything, Parliament's not doing anything, the local cops aren't doing anything, and people have just had enough. And again, I don't condone it, but I understand it. And I would ask this question, who can blame them? Who can blame them? Because this is something that's completely avoidable. Now, I recognize too, if I'm gonna make fun of a Colorado objective of having zero traffic deaths, then I have to be reasonable and say, you're never gonna reach that goal. And we're never gonna reach a goal of having a completely secure border that doesn't allow any illegal aliens to come through. But you can certainly get it down to a couple hundred, maybe even a thousand, you know, on a bad day. But we're not even trying to do that. Now let me add some context to what's going on in the UK. The violence comes just after, just a day after, those three young girls aged six, seven, and nine. We're brutally stabbed to death while attending this dance class. There were nine others wounded. The killer, the dirtbag, it's a 17-year-old male. The son of two illegal aliens, now they call him migrants in Europe, but I just refuse to do that. A 17-year-old male, the son of two illegal aliens from Rwanda, born in, he was born in Cardiff, was later arrested by the cops and he's in custody today. Officials, you know, people are always looking for a motive. I always find it fascinating, people are always looking for a motive. I kind of get to more big curiosity, like, why did you do it? But do you ever consider the fact that they do it because they're background crazy? I mean, that ought to be enough right there. And of course, they have to make sure that you know that, oh, this is not related to terrorism. Well, it was certainly terrorism for those families. Now, anger, just to again give you some perspective, anger can already be seen on the streets of Southport prior to the riots that occurred on, I know today is our Tuesday, but they're Tuesday. As the new British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starner, was heckled by the locals, as he tried to lay flowers at the side of the killings. One local shouting, how many more children Prime Minister? Now, remember he was just sworn in, he just took off us what, maybe 10 days or so ago, with one bystander even calling him a scumbag. You gotta be careful about doing that in the United Kingdom because they don't have a First Amendment quite like ours. You know, I can call, I can call anybody a scumbag and you know, sucks to be you if I call you a scumbag. But in the United Kingdom, you gotta be careful about it. So now these riots come just over a week after similar violence broke out near an area of leads after the local police there took several children away from a Roma gyps of family. Really? It's coming here, gang. At some point, Americans are gonna get fed up with it too. Mark my words, it'll be sooner than later. It's the Jesse Kelly Show, Michael Brown filling in, text the word Mike or Michael, this number 33103. Hang tight, I'll be right back. Hey, welcome back to the Jesse Kelly Show, Michael Brown filling in for Jesse Kelly. Now I wanna say, I want to address a text message that I got. Some of you may be new to me and some of you are not. I pride myself, I shouldn't say I pride myself, but I recognize that I'm a smart ass. I'm a complete and total smart ass. And I've had enough ups and downs in my life that I've really learned not to really give much of a rat's ass about what people think about me. Life's too short. I care about what one of my dogs think about me, what my grandchildren and my children and my spouse think about me and beyond that, it's kind of much, okay, case or ulcera or case erasera. But I have an ongoing joke with either people that fill in for me when I'm gone or that I do when I'm filling in for someone else. Because an audience naturally wonders, for example, where's Jesse, and who's this dirtbag filling in? Because I tuned in to listen to Jesse Kelly and this guy named Michael Brown's filling in and my day is completely ruined. Well, maybe not, maybe not. But I understand what the role of a guest host is. You know, one thing I don't do is I don't listen to other talk show hosts. And the reason I don't do that is because I don't want to be swayed or influenced in any way or pick up any mannerisms or anything else that anybody else might do. So, and besides, I've got enough of my hands doing 23 hours of radio a week. I mean, I do four hours every morning, Monday through Friday and then three hours on the weekend. So I've got enough on my plate without really sitting down and taking the time to listen to other talk show hosts. But I do love listener interactions and that's why I love text messages. But this one struck me and I want to share it with you. And then I want to address what it says. This, well, in on my programs, I refer to my listeners as Goobers. Now, you may find that offensive, but my audiences have come to learn that that is a term of endearment and it's something that we all laugh about because we're all a bunch of Goobers. And you know that if you're really honest with yourself, we're all Goobers. We all do silly, stupid things. And if we can laugh at ourselves and make fun of ourselves and recognize that we have all of these frailties and we have these talents and we have some skills. And then I'm really good at some things and I totally and completely suck at other things. So I love it when people interact with me on, and we assign Goobers numbers, which are the last four digits of your phone number. So for example, I have a message here which I want to address this one too, but it comes from Goober number 1443. He probably, or he, he, she, whoever it is, probably didn't even know when they were a Goober or two that they had a Goober number. Well, you do and you're, it's 1443, which are the last four digits of your phone number. Well, this person wrote me and says, Michael Brown, I must say I was delighted to hear your voice on the Jesse Kelly show yesterday. I've always liked listening to you until then. My husband and I are hardcore AM radio listeners. Jesse is my all time favorite radio talk show host, followed by Buck Sexton and Rush Limbaugh. Well, I wonder what Clay thinks about that. He left Clay out of that one out of Buck Sexton, but you get my point. And by the way, I was, I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh. The very first day he went on air in August of 1988. I was driving along Interstate 40 in Western Oklahoma when I was trying to find something listened to and I ran across this guy named Rush Limbaugh and I was hooked and I listened to him, I listened to him all through, you know, until, until actually I was walking my dogs the morning that Catherine came on the air and announced that Rush had passed away. The text message continues, you, meaning me, Michael Brown, you're up there too. As long as you lay off Jesse, what? What have I said about Jesse? Well, she'll tell me, she'll tell you too. There are many people who think Jesse Kelly is the greatest radio talk show host of all time because he's got that natural, super funny attitude, funny, frequent laugh and is a Republican Frank. To hear you on several occasions say Jesse's gone for three days because he's in a straight jacket simply makes me very angry. Really? Let's talk about that anger coming up next. It's the Jesse Kelly show, but I'm sorry, it's Michael Brown filling in. Jesse Kelly show being filled in filled by Michael Brown. That's what you're listening to today. I want to go because there's a serious point I want to make to this text message that I got because I have jokingly said that Jesse'll be back on Thursday and for the time being, he's in a straight jacket. Now, I have a fill in host that is a friend of mine and I joke all the time about, well, he jokes about me that when I take days off that I'm in rehab and people all laugh about it. I'm not in rehab and I call him a drunk and I'm like, when I come back, I'm like, hey, did John wake up in time to go on air at 6 a.m. or was he still drunk and passed out? So this text message says that, you know, Jesse's my all time favorite radio talk show host, which is fantastic. Followed by Buck Sexton and Rush Limbaugh and again, I point out what about poor old Clay, but then she writes, and I know it's a woman because she signed her name. You meaning me, Michael Brown, you're up there too, as long as you lay off Jesse. There are many people who think Jesse Kelly is the greatest radio talk show host of all time because he's got that natural, super funny attitude, funny, frequent laugh and is a Republican Frank. To hear you on several occasions say Jesse is gone for three days because he's in a straight jacket, simply makes me very angry. Don't be rude. I speak for thousands of listeners. Oh, really? That's pretty arrogant to think that you speak for thousands of listeners, but let's go on. Please don't put hot coals on Jesse's head. He's one of a kind radio talk show host and your bosses and you know it. Well, actually again, being quite honest, somebody asked me yesterday if I was going to do, apparently Jesse does something called Medal of Honor Mondays and they asked me if I was going to do that and I responded to the text message and said no, I don't know what that is. It sounds like it's a nice segment, but no, I'm filling in and so when I fill in, look, I'm not trying to be Jesse Kelly. I'm not trying to be Rush Limbaugh or Buck Sexton or whoever your favorite radio talk show host is. You have to learn in life to be yourself. You can't be somebody else. And particularly if you're in radio or you're in any sort of public facing industry, you have to be yourself. But it continues, please don't put hot coals on Jesse's head. He's one of a kind radio talk show host and you and your bosses know it. Thanks for the continued political education that you always give, voting for Trump, sign blah, blah, blah. Relax, chill out. If you're so serious about everything in life that you can't laugh about somebody who's filling in and making a joke that Jesse's not, you know what honest to God truth, where Jesse is, I have no freaking idea, none whatsoever. When my bosses, who are also Jesse's bosses, call and ask me to fill in for Jesse, I almost always 99% of the time say yes. The only times that I don't do it is like I was asked to fill in last Friday and I had a prior commitment. I couldn't get out of that commitment. Otherwise you would have heard me on Friday too. So our bosses are the same people and our bosses know exactly what kind of radio I do and they know what kind of radio that Jesse does. And I think that the lesson to be learned here for all of us is, you know, there's too much crap going on in the world as it is. And the way I try to present the topics that I talk about, I know the first topic we did about the illegal immigration and the stabbing of those children in the United Kingdom was a very solemn topic. But if you listen to me for any length of time on my other programs or on the weekends and nationally syndicated program, you know that I'm kind of a smart ass and I'm pretty snarky and I make fun of a lot of things because sometimes the very smartest thing that we can do, particularly to our political opponents, is to mock them, is to make fun of them, is to make light of them and is to laugh at them. You don't think they're not laughing at us? Of course they are. But when we become so serious that we only see the world through a serious lens, you're not living your life. And I'm not trying to get theological here but maybe I am. God wants us to enjoy life. God wants us to smile and be happy and he wants us to live. You know, I'm one of these people that believe that this country was divinely inspired. And by that I mean that God had a hand in the creation of this republic. And it is because he wanted the world to see after the dark ages, after everything that human history has been through, that we actually can self-govern and that that's why one of the things that the founders put in the Declaration of Independence was the right to pursue happiness. God wants us to be happy. God wants us to be joyful. He wants us to see the beauty in life even though I know that sometimes the world that we're living in, it's pretty dark and it's pretty ugly. And our politics, and I know that I'm part of the politics because this is what I discuss 23 hours a week on air and I take it very seriously. But at the same time I try to joke about it. And the point about Jesse being a straight jacket is meant to be a joke like, as I actually think I used the phrase yesterday, this is a coup d'etat. We joke about the coup that got rid of Joe Biden. Well, I'm jokingly saying that this is the coup for me to get rid of Jesse Kelly. Oh my God, did I say that out loud? It's a joke for Pete's sake. Maybe I'm being too serious about it. But I often worry about people that don't laugh or they're so wound up that they don't see the joke. Now, this person says that she's listened to me for years and I don't know, maybe she'll never listen to me again after what I'm trying to point out here about everybody just lightened up a little bit because life's too short. And while we have a lot of really serious things to talk about, there's nothing that prevents us from talking about these things in a humorous manner. There's nothing that keeps us from laughing about some of the stupid things that go on in the world. There's nothing that should keep us from enjoying each other and recognizing that, you know what? You may not agree with everything I say. In fact, I often get a kick out of text messages that I get that say, you know, I almost always agree with you, but as I've always told my audience, the most important words come after the word, but. You know, I always listen to you and I really enjoy you, but well, everything gets taken away the minute you say the word, but because now you're gonna tell me you really enjoy listening to me, but and now you're gonna tell me why you don't. And so that's what I pay attention to. I don't pay attention to the fact that you really enjoy listening to me, but you see, the point being, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. So for Google number 2531, if you're still listening to me, I don't know where Jesse is. And it's not that I don't care where Jesse is. It's just that I got a call from the same boss that Jesse has that says, hey, he's gonna be gone. Can you fill in? And I gladly agreed to do so. One, because I got a lot of respect for our mutual boss. And if he asked me to go jump over the moon, I'd probably go jump over the moon 'cause I respect him just that much. By the way, Aaron, you can take that out and copy that tape and you can give it to Bill so he can hear it. I bet how much I was kissing his ass on the radio today. Then I wanna get to another text message. See, this is what I love about text messages. And then I'm gonna get some other topics I had planned. Goober number 1443. By the way, are you offended by the term Goober, huh? Well, if you are a calls might care. Why did they change civil defense to Homeland Security? Homeland Security sounds dystopian. That is a great question. So in after the attacks of 9/11, Congress decided, oh, we gotta be seeing doing something. You know, we gotta rearrange the chairs or the deck chairs on the Titanic. No, you don't. Congress, you really don't need to be doing anything. 9/11 was not a failure of anything that would cause, let's say, for example, taking the Secret Service out of the Treasury Department and putting them into a department called the Department of Homeland Security. I hated that moniker. I truly despised it. It sounded like something out of Nazi Germany, Homeland Security. We gotta guard the homeland. Really? We can't come with something better than that, but that's what Congress wanted. That's what Congress put in the legislation. And that's what we ended up having to deal with. So you, you know, as the stones would tell you, you don't always get what you want. And neither the president at the time, George W. Bush, my old boss, nor I, and many of the other people that run the transition team that had to implement this new department, we didn't like that moniker either. We didn't like that name either. But that's what Congress wanted and Congress passed the law. And so that's what we got stuck with. The other thing you might wanna be somewhat curious about is when Congress passed that legislation back in 2001, it really didn't take effect until March 3rd of 2003, was they took 22 separate departments and agencies, 22, and then Congress mandated that the creation of this new behemoth. Now, I remember telling the White House staff at the time that they want this to be budget neutral, but it's never gonna be budget neutral. And while on the day that it first stood up, there might be 160,000 employees, but over time, it'll grow to 300,000 employees. And while the budget may have been 30 billion at the time, the budget's gonna grow into $100 billion over time. It will never be budget neutral. And so we should not kid ourselves about that. And we should try to build in as many efficiencies as possible. So we did that. So there was Clay Johnson, who was the deputy director of OMB, was tasked by Bush to head up a transition team. And Clay Johnson and the president picked four of us to join that team. And so the five of us together put together what now is known as the Department of Homeland Security. And man did I, I was always the kid raising my hand. Like, why are we doing it this way? Why are we doing that? And everything that I predicted bad about it has come true. Including that TSA. Oh my God, did I hate doing TSA? It's the Jesse Kelly Show, Michael Brown filling in. Hang tight. I'll be right back. And welcome back to the Jesse Kelly Show, Michael Brown filling in. I'm just giving you a warning. This is a, this is like a parental warning here. I tend, there's a term that I use a lot on air. To describe what I think is some of the stupidity that goes on in the world. And that word is, are you ready? Drum roll, dumbassery. Now if you're, if you're offended by that term, well, sorry, but it's one of my favorite terms. Well, there's a lot of dumbassery going on in the world. And the latest election in socialist, if not just outright communist Venezuela, was such a sham that even the New York Times, and even that stupid secretary of state that we have Anthony Blinken were appalled. In one story that I read, the story says this, Anthony Blinken was very clear in diplomatic speak at least, that the results in Venezuela were cooked. Almost everybody around the world agrees. Exit polls show that the opposition would score a massive victory. There are videos of thugs assaulting voters and stealing ballot boxes and early returns were showing a massive loss for Nicholas Maduro. He's the current dictator down there. Then the government declared that Maduro won, but that's obviously not true. And then as a way those are now expressing their unhappiness and their displeasure in the only way that they have possible. And that is they're tearing down Maduro posters and billboards and they're beginning to fill the streets. And now you can find, you can find it on the interwebs. You can find video of Maduro's armed guards literally shooting at protestors in Caracas. I saw one horrific video today of a mother and child and one of Maduro's thugs pointing a pistol at him and as far as I know probably executing them. For what? Tearing down a poster. So once again, Venezuela reminds us that you can vote your way into socialism, which you might have to shoot your way out of it. And everybody in the world knows that the election in Venezuela was cooked. That is everybody except one person, Kamala Harris, who tweeted out this. The United States stands with the people of Venezuela who expressed their voice in today's historic presidential election. The will of the Venezuelan people must be respected. Despite the many challenges we will continue to work toward a more democratic, prosperous and secure future for the people of Venezuela. Really sweetheart, by doing what? What are you doing? Do you know that prior to Maduro's predecessor, Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was one of the wealthiest countries in Latin America. And since then, millions of people, including a friend of mine, have escaped what has been reduced to a just a utter Marxist hill hole. It's a crap hole country. The extreme poverty that they have in Venezuela is government inflicted. Socialism never works. We don't have to look across the Atlantic. We can just look to the south and see that. Because Venezuela right now is floating on an ocean of black gold. But because they nationalize the oil industry and then kicked out all the engineers, they'd have no way of exploiting that natural resource. Kamala Harris truly represents the left wing of the left wing of the Marxist wing of the Democrat party. The goal of which, in my opinion, is quite honestly to do to the United States what like my socialist have done to Venezuela. And this true debts that we have that's now running for president, the current vice president, that never got one single delegate when she ran for president back in 2019. Dropped out even before we got to the 2020 election. Not one single delegate. And here she is praising the people of Venezuela, really by doing what? Why don't you, oh, we're buying Venezuelan oil. Think about that. We're buying oil from Venezuela. So are the profits that Maduro makes from the United States tax dollars, buying oil from Venezuela? Do you think that's reaching the hands of people in Venezuela? Of course not. It's going into the pockets of Nicholas Maduro and his thugs that our current vice president and the presumptive nominee to be the Democrat nominee in this election cycle is completely oblivious to what's going on in Venezuela. I would say it's sad, but actually it's kind of frightening when you think about it. This has been a podcast from WOR. How to have fun, anytime, anywhere. Step one, go to, got it. Step two, collect your welcome bonus. Come to Papa welcome bonus. Step three, play hundreds of casino style games for free. That's a lot of games, all for free. Step four, unleash your excitement. Whoo-hoo-hoo! Chumbacassino has been delivering thrills for over a decade, so claim your free welcome bonus now and live the Chumbalife. Visit Hw group, no purchases are recorded by law. See terms and conditions, 18 plus.