Jesse Kelly Show

Michael Brown in for Jesse: Kamala Harris trying to distance herself from her support of liberal policies

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31 Jul 2024
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It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin, so go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. This is a podcast from WOR. Hey, welcome to Jesse Kelly Show. No, I'm not Jesse Kelly. I'm Michael Brown, filling in for Jesse. Who, by the way, just remind everybody's in a straight jacket until Thursday, until Thursday afternoon. Ha ha ha. Now I'm not going to stop. I'm just passing the aggressive enough that if you think that, if you find a defensive that I joke about Jesse being in a straight jacket, well, then hang on to your britches, because he's going to be in a straight jacket until he gets back. I have a few rules of engagement that you need to follow. Even if it's Jesse's program, I still got my rules, so you still need to follow my rules too. I'd appreciate it if you would follow me on social media platforms. For example, why don't you follow me on Twitter slash X or whatever the hell they call it now? It's @MichaelBrownUSA. So if you have a Twitter account or an X account, go over there and search for @MichaelBrownUSA. Yeah, that'll be me. That's my ugly mug shot there and give me a follow. You can also, if you would like to, if you like what you hear on Jesse's show, well, I do a four hour program Monday through Friday in Denver, Colorado, where I'm sitting right now. And then I do a nationally syndicated weekend program, which you can hear from noon to three on on the weekends on Saturday. It's free broadcast, different times on Saturday and on Sunday. If you would like to get that podcast on your podcast app, search for this title. The situation with Michael Brown, the situation with Michael Brown, when you find that, hit subscribe. And then you get all four hours of the five days a week program plus you get the weekend program. So you get all the Michael brand you want, and then you can accuse me of being a straight jacket. So there we go. So the vice president, Kamala Harris, she's actually starting to try to distance herself from all of her far left positions that she previously endorsed. Remember yesterday we had a lesson about gaslighting? Well, this is Kamala Harris gaslighting us. Her earlier campaign efforts center and really catered heavily to the liberal, what I call the Marxist wing of the Democrat party because they truly are Marxist. She was once rated the most liberal senator in the entire United States Senate in an analysis piece done by, I think you go that the corporate media that the cabal has now tried to a memory hole. Memory holes just to phrase the kids used to mean they disappeared it. You know how communist China will disappear individuals they don't like? Well, the tech giants and the dominant media in the ruling elite, that's the cabal. Well, they will memory holes something. They will try to completely eviscerate things that reside on the internet. And that's pretty damn hard to do because there's an there's an outfit called internet archives that goes in and archives every page that ever existed on the on the internet. For example, you can go to you can see all of my stuff from my homeland security days because all of the White House stuff is archive. Well, everything that Kamala Harris did in terms of her voting record as a senator that earned her the title of the most liberal. And that's even against someone like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. She was to the left of Bernie Sanders, a self avowed socialist. Well, when that story broke, the cabal tried to bury it. No, no, no, we don't anybody think that she was the most liberal senator ever. That's just simply not true. So they tried to memory hole it except it lives forever on the archives. In December of 2019, the then Senator ended, I mean, she just ended her initial run to the Democrat nomination because she had a horrible disastrous primary performance. The then she remained in the line line by aligning with progressive Marxist ideology during the protests that followed the death of George Floyd. Now, recently resurfaced videos now being aired in ads by Republican Senate candidate David McCormick in Pennsylvania show that Kamala Harris opposes fracking. Oh, did I say that word? Is that is that in violation of the FCC rules to use the word fracking on air? Fracking has been around for a hundred years. Fracking is has has made the American industrial revolution possible. Fracking has made the discovery and the use of natural gas, one of the cleanest fossil fuels you can possibly find and use so much more available. I had, I had a person that's a, a oil and gas expert on my program, oh, probably a year or two ago who talked about the provable reserves of both oil and natural gas that we now have available in this country, either in Alaska or in the lower 48. That would enable us even at current growth rates to have enough oil and gas to serve us for the next, what do you think the number is next number of years? What do you, what do you think that number is you got a number in your, in your head? Those of you who listen to me in Denver know 600 years, but yet somehow we got to get rid of it. We got to stop it right now. Well, fracking is what has made that possible. She also suggested that the, the abolition of US and immigration and customs enforcement ice, she criticized police funding. They're hiring practices. In other words, she was in favor of defunding the police. And she even considered granting felons the right to vote. I don't think felons who have committed in particular crimes of violence, like rape or murder, I think they lose their right to vote and I don't think they should be given the right to vote. If they, if they serve their time, they, they successfully go through their parole and they are moved back into society, then I might be open to the idea of them re earning a right to vote. But once you commit rape or crime or child sex abuse or anything like that, I say, no, you know what, you've lost your right to vote. Well these videos show her supporting a mandatory gun buyback program. What do you mean a mandatory gun buyback program? Yeah, I need to break the news to you, Madam Vice President. But guess what, sweetheart? My guns aren't for sale. Boy, I don't own a gun. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Did I admit I want some guns? No, Mike, mine are not for sale. She even was in favor of the elimination of private health insurance. I mean, those are pretty radical positions. Don't believe me? We're immigrant status, whatever it is, does not in our minds, I designate you as a criminal. I support our sanctuary law, abolish ICE, and we need to probably think of us starting from scratch. It is wrong to deport ICE, 11 million people. Deal with the problem. We have 11 million people here who need a pathway to citizenship. Finally, fixing our system so that we can give people a half of this business. I am not for a law. A law should not be confused with the border security. To suggest that we have to fill the wall because there are terrorists who are trying to invade the country. It couldn't be farther from the truth. Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to foster border. It is the situation to any degree a result of signaling from the Biden administration. No, the answer is no, Kamala Harris is inspiring. I am radical. I do believe that we need to get radical. She's prepared right now to do this job. She's prepared to be commander and chief. I am radical. We need to get radical. I had to get a little bit of a cackle in there. Now with Pennsylvania being a critical battleground state because of its economic dependence on fracking, the Harris campaign claimed this past Friday that she would not seek to ban fracking if she got elected despite all the recordings we have of her saying that there is no question she would abolish it. Was she lying then or she lying now? Was she telling the truth in or she telling the truth now? Remember when Joe Biden leaned over to that little girl and sniffed her hair and then said, I promise you I will end fossil fuels? She owns that Kamala Harris owns that. She's part of that administration has been trying to do that. You know, Harris has also endorsed President Biden's ill-fated debt on arrival, Supreme Court reform proposal that we talked about yesterday, which even the cabal has denounced as an attempt by this president to politicize the Supreme Court and a naked assault on the separation of powers. Now when you have the corporate media denouncing that, you know it must be bad. But indeed that's exactly what they did. Wall Street Journal reports Biden's political assault on the Supreme Court, his destructive plan would make the justices servants of the politics of the day. President Biden on Monday announced his plan to reform the Supreme Court and it's important to understand just how radical this political moment is. The president is putting the full way of the Democratic Party behind an assault on judicial independence and the constitutional order you might call an attack on democracy. That's precisely what it is. But again it's another example of the gaslighting that this campaign and the Kamala Harris and the Biden administration going to continue to do. You know, she can't divorce herself from the past three and a half years. She can't remake herself from everything she's been from the very first time that Willie Brown, former mayor of San Francisco, the political operative of California appointed her to two paid boards or commissions that launched her campaign to become the DA of San Francisco, that then launched her campaign to become the Attorney General of California and then launched her campaign to become a United States Senator and then she gets plucked out after calling Biden everything but in fact actually did call him a racist. Well Biden played identity politics and he picked the woman who couldn't even make it into 2020 who dropped out in 2019. So all of Kamala Harris's recent campaign adjustments underscore a true strategic shift as the quote original Marxist district attorney as she referred to herself seeks broader appeal ahead of the November election. When you get when we get back just a quick 30 seconds because you think I'm joking about the original Marxist district attorney, you know, once you call yourself a Marxist always in Marxist, it's the Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in text the word Michael Michael this number 33103 I read all of your texts, come on coming up next, come back to the Jesse Kelly show. Yeah, it's not Jesse Kelly, it's Michael Brown, I know, I know it sucks, but you know what, you'll make it through it. I promise you, you'll make it through it. We have rules of engagement on this program when I'm filling in if you want to find, for example, you want to find me on social media on Twitter, it's our I'm sorry, X, it's at Michael Brown, USA, don't give me a follow on X right now at Michael Brown, USA. If you if you think I'm snarky about joking about Jesse being in a straight jacket, then you ought to go read some of my tweets. Yeah, careful, you might be offended when I don't want to offend anybody. I never said that you can find everything you need to know about me or anything else about my program in Denver or the weekend nationally syndicated program at a website that is Michael says, go Michael says, go So let's go back to Kamala for a minute. There are a few people I want you to hear from first, let's hear from Kamala herself, I am committed to passing a green new deal, creating clean jobs and finally putting it into fracking once and for all. There's no question. We're banning fracking and starting with what we can do on day one around public lands, right? And then there has to be legislation. But yes, and this is something I've taken on in California, I have a history of working on this issue. Kamala Harris is inspiring and very capable. She's prepared to be commander and she's that's Bob Casey. So she's made it abundantly clear that she opposes fracking. She's also made abundantly clear that she is for defunding the cops. She is soft on crime and she even opposed the death penalty for a cop killer. So let's go back in the time machine. Remember Diane Feinstein? The Senator from California, no, not, not Barbara Boxer, not the one that told the general to please call me Senator and quit calling me man because I worked hard for that title. No, Diane Feinstein, poor old Diane Feinstein that was so sick that she refused to give up her seat that she was literally in a committee meeting and she had to be told when and how to vote. Yeah, that Diane Feinstein, well, let's go back in time. I think this district attorney, this is April of 2004, I think this district attorney made a very big mistake. So matter of fact, if I had known she had said that in her campaign, I never would have supported her. So Diane Feinstein, the liberal icon of California says that had she realized that this district attorney had said that in fact, she was not going to support the death penalty for a cop killer, I never would have supported her. That's not me, Diane Feinstein. That's how radical she is. But if you listen to the corporate media, if you listen to the cabal, why she's not doing any of those things really, how about this? This is from today when I was attorney general, I learned that the California Department of Corrections, which was a client of mine, I didn't get to choose my clients. Right. A client of the attorney general. A client of the attorney general of the office of attorney general that they were standing in the way of surgery for prisoners. And there was a specific case. And when I learned about the case, I worked behind the stance to not only make sure that that transgender woman got the services she was deserving. So it wasn't only about that case, I made sure that they changed the policy in the state of California so that every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and need. And I believe it was not only, I know it was historic and California. I have to pause it for just a moment. Listen to her words carefully, because I think this is important. They have access to the medical care that they desired and need that they desired the medical care they desired. So the California taxpayers, which are already in the hole, she wanted to make sure that, oh, if an inmate wanted to transgender, well, I made sure that the taxpayers of California paid for it. And you want to tell me this woman is not radical, seriously? She's as radical as they come. It's why she didn't get any votes in 2019, that's why she didn't get any delegates. But now she's been anointed. But the games begin. It's a Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in, hang tight, be right back to the Jesse Kelly show. Glad to have you with me. Michael Brown filling in to Jesse Kelly. Jesse's in a straight jacket somewhere. Yeah. You know, I had to, I just had to get this time slot for a few days. So I thought I'd just put Jesse in a, in a straight jacket. So Houdini himself will, will squeeze out of it and he'll be back on Thursday. So take a deep breath. It'll be okay. If you want to learn more about me, go to the website, Michael says, go That will show you everything you need to know about following me on social media, subscribing to my podcast, which by the way, on your podcast app, simply search for this, the situation with Michael Brown, the situation with Michael Brown. If you find that podcast, hit subscribe and then you'll have all five days of the weekday program and then you'll have them actually syndicated weekend program also. So you'll have all of me, you'll, you'll, you'll, you will have found a new podcast that I promise you, you'll enjoy. So commonly Harris's presidential bid has hit what I think is a sugar high. Now she announced that she had raised $200 million in the first week in existence. Now we haven't seen the federal election commission report yet. And I find that $200 million hard to believe primarily because it seems to almost correlate to an approximate, I'll say 90 to $100 million that the Biden donors had frozen both actual donations and commitments to donations because if you recall, once George Clooney wrote that editorial and editorial in New York times, the long knives came out and the next thing you know, the coup occurs and Biden withdraws from the race. He announced that on a tweet on a, on a Sunday and then on a Wednesday, he went to the Oval Office and gave a very stilted speech. Like a guy who had suffered a mini stroke, at least according to a couple of internal medicine friends of mine that he looked and quite frankly, his mouth kind of drooped like that. If you go back and watch it again, there's something clearly medically wrong with him. But nonetheless, it was a coup and the donors, the big, all the big donors, the unions, the, the mega donors in Silicon Valley and other places that I had all said, we're done. We're not putting any more money in and the public reports were that that was somewhere between 90 and a hundred million dollars. Well, it then makes sense that once Biden withdrew from the race and the present, and he, and he announced his endorsement of Kamala Harris, that that money would free up. So she might have raised a hundred million dollars, which is still nothing to sneeze at, but I don't think the two hundred million dollars is a real number. I think half of that is money that had been frozen, but the donors finally said, we dodged the bull of them Biden. And now we got Kamala. So yeah, we're all in with that because she can't be any worse than him, which remains to be seen now, regardless of whether it's a hundred million or 200 million dollars. That really is an amazing sum of money given that the Biden campaign and the DNC, the Democrat National Committee combined raised $264 million between April and June of this year, a sign of grassroots engagement that influx of donations aligns with some polling by the Wall Street Journal, which shows a surge in enthusiasm among Democratic voters. Now that Joe Biden stepped aside, but you know how you get really enthusiastic about something that's new and shiny, and then suddenly it's like the next day you have buyer's remorse. It may take more than a day. Maybe it takes a week, but you buy something new. Oh, you just got to have it. I got to have it. And then you think, gee, I wish I had that money back, or gee, I kind of wish this thing really isn't as great as everybody was telling me it was, you get buyer's remorse. And all the enthusiasm, for example, let me tell you right now. It is it's it's 739 as I'm talking right now, 739 eastern time. So somewhere in Atlanta, I forget what the venue is. The Kamala Harris is holding a a, well, she calls her the campaign rally, but it's actually a concert and there's a rapper by the name of Aaron help me. Do you know this rapper's name, Megan, something. Megan, the stat Megan, the stallion, is that it? So so it's Megan, the stallion who is apparently getting a car, a free concert. Now, Trump doesn't offer free concerts that I know of. I mean, I know Lee Greenwood shows up, but Lee Greenwood's been around for 1000 years, but so Megan, the stallion is showing up and giving a free concert. So they've been able to fill this, this venue, because I think the majority of people are there not to see Kamala Harris, but for a free rap concert. But be that as a may, that shows that there is this enthusiasm factor, either for either for Megan, the well, Megan, the stallion is that right? Am I getting that right? Okay. Sorry, but I just that's not part of my genre that I followed. So I would say no pun intended curve curve, your enthusiasm a little bit here. I think the enthusiasm factor is because it's a brand new shiny object and considering that the old object, Joe Biden, was well, he really was old and there was well, the only shine was on his forehead and there was just wasn't much to get excited about. He was old. He was decrepit. He slurred his speech. He couldn't read from the teleprompter, the teleprompter beat him up every single time. And then he got the COVID or supposedly got the COVID, whatever was really going on. And so when somebody new comes in, everybody gets all excited. Now, Harris's cash infusion didn't fall out of a coconut tree if you get that reference, but like other parts of the Democrat establishment, all these elite donors had a marriage of convenience with Joe Biden. When they thought that he was the most viable general election candidate against Donald Trump back in 2020, they all consolidated behind Joe Biden, but those very same elites successfully discouraged any serious primary challenges to Biden in this year's election cycle and then just absolutely dumped him after that June debate debacle with Donald Trump. But now this elite donor class is rallying around Harris and it could push her campaign being objective here in a direction that risks alienating the working class voters. These donors might, for instance, urge Kamala Harris to return to the boardroom liberalism of the Obama era by backing away from populist economics. You know, somebody on Twitter or somebody was trolling me somewhere the other day about how wages are up, their 401(k) is up because the stock market is up, that, you know, housing prices are up, why the economy is booming, and I thought, man, do you live in a bubble? Those working class Americans are paying an outrageous amount for gas compared to what it was back in 2020. They may have a lot of equity in their home, but they can't sell their home because they can't afford the higher interest rates because they currently have a two or three percent mortgage. And if they sell, now they're going to be stuck to the seven percent mortgage. And so they're stuck. And if you're a single mom and you're going to the grocery store and you're trying to feed a couple of rugrats, and you realize that rotisserie chicken that you used to buy, you know, at the safe way or the Costco or whatever that was, you know, used to be $4 of us now $8 or whatever the price is, I haven't bought a rotisserie chicken in ages, although it sounds pretty good right now, they're actually struggling. So Wall Street's highs are a sugar high because of all the money the Federal Reserve and tax dollars that are flowing everywhere. There's a lot of funny money going on in Wall Street. And yeah, I can look at my brokerage account. I can look at my retirement account and I'm doing, wow, that's like pretty good. But I also realize that at any moment the bottom can fall out of it and wages are not right. But when you raise that, wages are rising, but they're not rising to keep up with inflation. So while now individually, have you gotten a raise lately? Let me look on my shoulder. I haven't gotten a raise lately either. But while wages may be going up, prices are going up even more, but Michael, they tell us that inflation is coming down. Yeah, the rate of inflation is coming down so that what was 19% inflation, say a year or two ago and Biden, or three and a half years ago, when Biden came into office is still high. It's still running between two, three and four percent. And like here in Colorado, we still have the highest inflation rate in the country. So people in Colorado, their wages may have gone up by, you know, a couple of pennies an hour or maybe 50 cents an hour, but their cost of living has more than doubled that. So they're not keeping up. So this whole idea about boardroom liberalism, the Obama era, yeah, that's just not going to work. There's a progressive economic analyst by the name of Matt Stoller has raised precisely this worry in a piece today in a, in a website called compact, noting that major donors are pressing Harris to eliminate tariffs on goods from China, as well as reverse the Biden administration's aggressive approach to antitrust policy, a return to neoliberalism, Stoller worm warns, could fracture the democratic coalition. Blue color workers, they're not going to feel it. And I'll explain why next. It's the Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in. If you want to send me a text message, the numbers three, three, one zero three, just start your message, your question with the word Mike or Michael, I'll be right back. It's the Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in Jesse's in a straight jacket somewhere and apparently that pisses some of you off. So the more I know that it pisses you off, the more I'm going to keep repeating it. And then somebody wanted to know that they apparently, they remember something called Jesse's gang. So there, there you go. See, we aim to please not very often, but occasionally we do. So let's go back to these, this whole thing about the donors, because I really do believe that this, this sugar high that the Harris campaign is on right now is short lived. You know what it's like, you get a craving. I'm horrible about this, because I really do try to watch my sugar intake, not for any reasons, other just health reasons, but every once in a while, I get because I have a horrible sweet tooth. I get a craving for, oh, I don't know, a crumble cookie or a Lamar donut, you know, or something and I'll, and I'll just like, okay, nobody's looking around and get one. And then the minute I do it, I regret it. And I think that's what's going to happen with a comma, there's going to be this immediate regret when, when Trump finally starts to engage, because remember, it's, it's early for him to engage right now, let, let her have her moment in the sun. You don't always just, you know, jump out and attack immediately. That's what JD Vance is for. So these elite donors could also raise really, I think, significant risk, political risks for Kamala Harris, when it comes to cultural politics. When you think about it, essential for Biden's victory back in 2020 was his ability to seem that he wasn't really, but he seemed at a distance or divorced from the kind of the vanguard of left wing identity politics. Even though I think in his, I mean, this is horrible to say, I feel I actually, and I'm not really, I was going to say, I kind of feel sorry for Biden, but I don't. I know that's mean to say, but, you know, everybody gets old. We all die eventually, and something gets to us. But I do believe because I used to have to deal with Joe Biden. Joe Biden was a US Senator when I was the Under Secretary of Homeland Security. And I remember one time, just a really, really quick story. Every after 9/11, myself, the Attorney General, George Tenet, the CIA Director, and I thought there was one, there was a fourth person. But anyway, it was, it was me, the AG, and the CIA Director. And we were, we were going to brief the Senate Intel Committee on what we knew. This is probably four or five days after 9/11. So this is probably that Friday. And of course, the Senate was, you know, everybody was still staying in session and everybody was still working because, you know, we'd just been attacked. So we moved the meeting from a SCIF, which is a secure compartmentalized information facility where you can have top secret conversations. There's one in the basement of the US Capitol. And we moved it because we, well, first we were just going to have the Senate Intel Committee, which is basically at the time, I don't know, maybe, maybe 12 members, six Republicans, six Democrats, maybe 10, maybe 20 people most. But the room kept getting crowded because suddenly all of the senators wanted to get the same briefing. So we moved it upstairs above the House of Representatives where there is a secure briefing facility that could hold all 100 senators. And so they all came pouring in. And it was a very somber day, very serious day. I mean, you don't, it's not often that you get the Attorney General and the CIA director and then stupid little old me, all briefing the entire United States Senate. But there we were. And they were kind of, you know, straggling in slowly but surely, and then walks in Joe Biden. And everybody who was there for a very serious briefing, he comes in as if he were on a campaign stop, shaking everybody's hands, laughing and guff falling, slapping people on the back and just, I mean, actually making a fool of himself. And I remember I was sitting over to the side and I was watching him and I dealt with him before, but I'd never seen him in this kind of mood. He was wholly inappropriate for the circumstances. And everybody seemed to be like, well, here goes Joe Biden again. And so yeah, hi, good to see you, you know, and nobody was, you know, having somebody walks up to you and they're like, really glad to see you and you smile and you smile back. Like, it's great to see you too. No, there wasn't, there was none of that. It was like, it's almost perfunctory, just like I got to do this. And that was kind of my moment that I realized, yeah, what people tell me about him really is true. Let me get back. I want to go back to that 2020 Democrat primary because there's something we need to remember about it. And I'll tell you about that coming up next. This has been a podcast from WOR. It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. Also, go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get Lucky today at