Jesse Kelly Show

Michael Brown in for Jesse: Identity politics as it relates to Kamala Harris and the Democrats

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31 Jul 2024
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With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved, we're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting Lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Land Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you Lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand No purchase necessary. BGWH prohibited by law, 18-class terms and conditions apply. This is a podcast from WOR. Welcome to this show. I know. I'm not Jesse Kelly. That's to be you, but hang in there. It's Michael Brown filling in for Jesse. Jesse, if you weren't tuned in earlier today or for that matter yesterday, as I told you Jesse's in a straight jacket hidden somewhere, and rumor has it that his captors will release him sometime on late Wednesday night, sometime Thursday, so he'll perhaps be back on Thursday evening. Don't you hope so? So you can get rid of me, finally. Yeah, come on. Admit it. I know. So in the last hour we were talking about, my timing wasn't very good on this topic. I hate it when I carry topics across the top of the hour break. But nonetheless, hey, it's just the way things are, so just deal with it. Let me get to some rules of engagement. If you'd like to learn more about me who I am, I'm the former Under Secretary of Homeland Security for President Bush, I've been on radio and Denver for 18 plus years. I have a local program that I do five days a week here in Denver. I have a nationally syndicated program that I do on the weekend, blah, blah, blah, blah. You can find all of that at a website called Michael says go If you like what you've heard so far this evening of the last couple of nights, go subscribe to my podcast. All right. Come on. Why not? It doesn't cost you anything. No, as we like to say, it's free, right? Because free, we all have free stuff. You know you do. Anyway, search for this podcast. It's called the situation with Michael Brown, the situation with Michael Brown. When you find that, you hit the subscribe button. It's right up there says it says subscribe on your podcast app. You touch that button and then you've got all five days of the weekday program and you've got the Saturday nationally syndicated program. So you got, hey, you got six days of me and that fantastic. Yeah. So go do that right now and then follow me on Twitter. Yeah. If you want snark, follow me on Twitter, baby. Follow me on Twitter at Michael Brown, USA. So in the last hour, we were talking about this sugar high that is the enthusiasm factor that Kamala Harris is, is enjoying right now. And I don't think it's going to last because I think it truly is like a sugar high and she's at some point going to crash and burn. Now she's always going to maintain a certain level of enthusiasm because somehow we've been convinced that if you are, if you fit one of the verticals that Democrats like to put people in, you know, isn't it funny? If you're old enough, you may remember he was the secretary of agriculture under Reagan. His name was Earl Butch or something. I can't remember. I'm not quite sure of his name, but he made a joke that at the time he ended up resigning as the secretary of agriculture. And I don't remember what the joke is. I mean, I could look it up, but it doesn't make any difference. But his joke was he was making fun of or referring to somebody in their different what today Democrats do with every single individual. He was referring to maybe something like, you know, a, and I, of course, I got to be politically correct here. He was referring to something like, you know, a, a black handicapped, something Jewish, you know, just filling the blanks of whatever. Well, he got in trouble for that now fast forward to 2024. That's how Democrats operate. No one is identified as, Oh, you're Michael Brown or Oh, you're Aaron or Oh, you're Billy Bob or Oh, you're Melissa. No, you are Oh, you you are that Asian guy and you have to be Asian and you have to be gay. Oh, you're the crazy gay Asian guy or you're, you're the, you're the black heterosexual guy that is only only six foot two or you're the, you're the, you're the, you're the, you're the, you're the, you're the lard ass white guy that is only five four. I mean, Democrats put everybody into these identity politics verticals and I just find it disgusting. And so I think part of the enthusiasm factor is that many, I think useful idiots have been convinced that, Oh my gosh, Kamala Harris, we should vote for her because of her genitalia. Really? Why don't we vote on somebody? Why don't we vote for somebody based on their policies? Why don't we vote for somebody based on what we think they will do that's good for the country? But no, we have to look at her genitalia or we have to consider her race, which I find kind of fascinating because if you understand Kamala Harris's political history, when she first started making her waves out in California as the San Francisco D.A. and then as the attorney general, she really tried to tap the fact that now remember her, I forget which switch, but one of her parents was South Asian and one was Jamaican. And so when she when she first entered politics, she really liked to emphasize that she was South Asian. And then suddenly she liked to emphasize that she was Jamaican and today she likes to emphasize that she's black. Wow. Um, really? That's like calling Barack Obama a the first black president when he's actually had a white mother and a black father. So why do we pick the black side versus the white side? Why don't we just look at Barack Obama as Barack Obama? Why don't we just look at Kamala Harris as Kamala Harris and why don't we look beyond whatever identity politics that Democrats think we ought to focus on and instead focus on one of their policies? What do they stand for? What do they believe in? What are they going to do? What are their leadership qualities? Do you even have any leadership qualities, you see, I think that's one thing that scares me the most about Kamala Harris is I don't think she has any leadership qualities. I think she's malleable to whatever, whatever the most current issue of the day is. She's like Hillary Clinton. When Hillary Clinton would go down to a southern state and talk in a draw like, I can't believe I'm down here now. I mean, you see, it was, it was, it was despicable. So I think that at some point, this sugar high, there's all excitement because she's Jamaican, South Asian, black, whatever it is. And she happens to have a vagina that suddenly, oh my gosh, this is who we have to vote for because of all of those reasons. Really? Why don't we set all of that aside and instead focus on what does this woman believe in? What does she stand for? What's she going to do as president? What are her, what's her agenda? What are her policies? What, what, what are her strategies? What does she want to accomplish? Or what does she really want to accomplish? That really ought to scare you, I think. So let's go back to these donors because the elite donors, yes, grassroots donations are important, but a bundler, say a Silicon Valley tech giant or a Wall Street banker, or just some, you know, giant billionaire business person. But only do they themselves have the ability to contribute a lot of money to a super pack, but they also have the ability to be a bundler. In other words, they can go, they can go to all the rich friends and they can say, I'm raising money for Kamala Harris. So would you chip in a hundred thousand dollars? And so they go to a hundred of their, you know, best buddies and ask them each to give to a hundred grand and now they've got a bazillion dollars that they can go give to the campaign and say, look what I did for you. How about you make me the ambassador to, to, I don't know, Zimbabwe or something? Those elite donors raise, I think, significant political risks for Harris when it comes to the culture. You go back to Biden's victory in 2020 before I told you the story about Biden and that briefing in the, in the Senate, after 9/11, Biden seemed to be able to distance himself from all those identity politics that I just described. That was in 2020. Now granted since then, he made it clear just how much he Biden adheres to identity politics. When it came to appointing an associate justice of the US Supreme Court, what were his qualifications? What were the qualifications that Biden was looking for to be an associate justice of the US Supreme Court? He wanted a black female. Really? How racist can you get? You don't want the most qualified individual. You're just looking for a black female. How degrading to, I'm not sure she's honored to be an associate justice of the US Supreme Court, but how, how absolutely demeaning to justice, Catanji Brown Jackson for being picked because she was a black woman. Hey, hey, Mr. President, have you looked at my qualifications? Have you looked at my, my opinions? Have you looked at what I've done in the past, or did you just pick me because I'm a black woman? You see, I think he avoided that in 2020 and then once he became president, he just fully embraced the identity politics. In November of 2020, Kamala Harris released a video that actually dismissed equality and praising this concept of equity. That prompted Trump critic Andrew Sullivan. Now, Andrew Sullivan is a, just to give you a full description of him, Andrew Sullivan, I think used to work for the New York Times, and I'd be wrong about Sullivan, but anyway, he is a very hard left progressive, he's a gay man, and he's a strident Trump critic. Well, this video dismissing equality and praising equity caused Andrew Sullivan to wonder whether she was endorsing full-on Marxism. Yeah, when a progressive is beginning to wonder whether you're actually pushing Marxism? Well, theoretically, she could try to reset her image on cultural issues for this election, but some major pro-Harris fundraising efforts have now tried to place her campaign firmly in the constellation of that starry wokeness. I'll give you examples coming up next. It's a Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in, if you want to send me a text message the numbers 33103, just use the word "Michael Michael", I read every single one of them. Wokeness and Kamala Harris next. Well, I just like to say, by the way, welcome back to the Jesse Kelly show, no, I'm not Jesse Kelly. Jesse's off somewhere on a straight jacket, and if you don't get that joke, well, you're not going to get that joke, but you'd have to listen to the entire podcast. I was just reading through some of the text messages. You guys are pretty good. You're not nearly as a dumb of an audience as what Jesse told me you were. How about that one? Let's get back to Kamala. I got, because I really do want to finish this story, because I think it's important for you to think about this whole thing about wokeness, and this whole thing about identity politics. Will I think kind of start coming, kind of taking the glimmer off the shiny object that right now is Kamala Harris. She had something called a white women answer the call. It was a gigantic zoom event for Kamala Harris. Now, the events organizers say they raise millions of dollars for a campaign, and they claim that they engage thousands of volunteers, but if you watch and only watch excerpts of it, I couldn't stand to watch the whole thing, but it was what I saw was just saturated with these invocations of privilege, the patriarchy, doing the work. It's almost like the event itself was some sort of reeducation seminar from the summer of violence in 2020, from all the George Floyd riots. Remember where she actually raised money to bail those, all of those rioters who were destroying black businesses, the auto shop, I just remember these visuals in my mind. And then here is Kamala Harris out there raising money for this Minnesota something fund to raise money to bail these Yahoo's out of jail. By the way, speaking, Yahoo's getting out of jail. If I get time, I'll tell you about what happened to the rioters after the Netanyahu speech in a minute. Well, when you when you do all of these things about privilege and the patriarchy and doing the work, it really did seem like a kind of reeducation seminar. Now, that kind of campaign, let's be honest, that kind of campaign might appeal to an average, say, NPR listener that has, you know, a gender studies degree or a cultural degree of some sort. But if you're trying to convince a factory worker in Grand Rapids, Michigan, or an oil field worker in Pennsylvania, or an auto worker somewhere in Michigan, it's going to seem pretty obscure, maybe even in their words, weird, that's the word of the day, right weird. Working class voters have been shifting away from the Democrat party for over 30 years, slowly but surely in 1992, Democrat congressional candidates, handily won voters that did not graduate from college. By 2022, they lost that group, non-college educated voters, by more than 10 points. So as the Democrat party has increasingly become the kind of the congregation of the educated elite, it's losing ground with blue collar voters who used to form the very core of the party. Now, if the Kamala Harris campaign allows talking points about privilege and the patriarchy to supplant concrete proposals that would improve the lives of working families, then she's going to push those voters even further away. Because the number one issue is either, depending on the poll, depending on the day, is either immigration or the economy. And I actually think both of those issues are tied together. If you live in a border state, which is any state south of Canada, and any state north of Mexico, you live in a border state. And if you live in a border state like Colorado and you live, or I don't live, but I work in Denver, if you work in a border city like I do in Denver, you see the police force being cut, you see public safety being cut, you see roads and highways being cut. Why? Because that money's going to house illegal aliens. And people who are struggling economically see that, and they see that illegal immigration is costing them at the kitchen table. So, Jesse Kelly showed Michael Brown filling in. When we get back, we've got a few just pulpery stories I'm going to try to get through for this evening. Hang tight. I'll be right back. Oh, let's go. You're listening to Jesse Kelly show, I'm not Jesse Kelly. You know what, I'm glad because Jesse Kelly's somewhere in a straight jacket. So over on Twitter, I asked him of you to follow me on Twitter. And Jennifer did. And Jennifer says, hey, at Michael Brown, USA, which by the way is where you need to follow me. I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend that Jesse Kelly DC almost busted out of the straight jacket, but his height hindered him from being nimble and quick enough before he got caught again. Yeah. Well, see, you never know tomorrow might be my last day and then Jesse's back, or he may still be in the straight jacket, who knows, okay, let's go, there's, there's a whole bunch of just kind of short stories I want to get to. And I think I can get them all done in, in the next couple of segments. But there's a lot of just, I would say wicked crazy stuff going on right now. They talked a little bit about Venezuela's elections, but I want to move on to, I mentioned casually about the rioters after the Benjamin Netanyahu speech. And I remember tweeting out, I have to go back, I have to go back and look at my timeline. Remember, sat Michael Brown, USA, go follow me right now. I remember mentioning something about how many of the some 43 people I think, I forget the number, but whatever the number was, I think it was 43, maybe it was 24. I don't know. Maybe dyslexic when it comes to that that were arrested that were protesting. And I use that word loosely outside Union Station, Washington, DC, Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel was speaking to a joint session to Congress. And all of these free Palestine useful idiots are out protesting. They're not marching. They're not carrying what they may be carrying signs, but they weren't like, you know, it wasn't like a picket line or anything. What were they doing? Well, they were vandalizing cop cars. They were now, now, let me explain Union Station. Every station is public property and outside Union Station is kind of a circle drive where, you know, cab cabbies pull up and people drop passenger off to get on to the trains. And it's, there's a, there's a big kind of circle drive and in the middle of the circle drive is a statue, I forget what the statue is, it's immaterial. And next to the statue is a flagpole and on top of the flagpole is a US flag. And I think maybe the flag of the District of Columbia may be flying there too, but I'm not. It doesn't mean the difference that a US flag is there. That is public property, which doesn't mean that it's okay for you to go tear it down. But that's what they did. Now when you, I believe, and in fact, the Supreme Court agrees with me too, that while I despise burning of the American flag, I agree, I agree that burning the American flag is protected speech. I don't like it, but you know what, there's a lot of speech that I don't like, but I'm, I'm pretty much of an absolutist when it comes to free speech. And if you're a way of expressing yourself as a burn American flag, well, you know what, go to Walmart, buy all the American flags you want, gauss them with lighter fluid and burn them till your hearts content. You just proved me what an idiot you are and you don't understand how great this country is. But you've got the right to do that. Here's what you don't have the right to do. You don't have the right to go on public property and tear down someone else's flag that belongs to the, the, the, the longest union station to tear that flag down. First of all, that's vandalism and then to burn that flag, you're burning public property. That too is vandalism. And then they, of course, have to get out their spray paint and now they're vandalizing the statue and then they're vandalizing cop cars. And then a cop tries to arrest someone. So then they start attacking the cops. Now do cops, our cops always write no, but are all cops bad? No. But when you start grabbing cops and dragging them across the street, across this drive the other cops have to come to that cop's rescue and you start fighting that cop who's trying to rescue his fellow officer from the dirt bag protesters. You've crossed the line will never let it be said that the Democrats support the cops. Indeed, although they sanctimoniously decried and vindictively prosecuted some 1200 people those January six so-called rioters, most of whom were just factors. They turn a blind eye toward violence meted out by all of the Jew-hating leftist rabble rousing last week during Benjamin Netanyahu's visit. Charges have already been dropped against at least four individuals who were arrested for physically attacking Capitol police officers during those protests turned riots last Wednesday. Their pro-Palestine aggressors gathered to throw a fit, literally just throw a fit over Netanyahu's visit to Congress. I always find it fascinating that liberals, in this case, these Palestinian protesters, these progressives, these Marxists, of course, they're Marxists. So they don't really believe in free speech. The Democrats used to be the party of free speech, of true liberalism, and I don't mean liberalism in the modern sense. I mean the liberalism of days of your that where you believed in individual rights and individual liberty, you believed in the Bill of Rights and that people had a right to free speech and that you had to have actual a sworn warrant before you could go search somebody's home. Liberals have just abandoned all of that. And so the very people who claim to believe in free speech, instead of just, you know, protesting as they have a right to do a speech by Benjamin Netanyahu, you said they tried to shut it down. And instead they tried to disrupt everybody else's as people are trying to catch trains, as people are going because there's also a subway stop at Union Station. So many people commute into D.C. and they go to office buildings that are either on Capitol Hill or around that area. There's a lot of businesses in that area and people are just trying to go to work and they can't do it because of these pro Palestinian, useful idea protesters. And I remember thinking, Oh yeah, they're going to, they're going to arrest them. But there's a difference between arresting and prosecuting a lot of people get arrested. And then that's for show. The cops want to show, Hey, look, you know, yeah, we're going to enforce law. We're going to arrest these people and the cops might even go so far as to actually write up a police report and say, look, these, these 23 Yahoo's, whatever the number was, get XYZ. They violated this criminal code and that criminal code and they did this and that. And then they turn that over to the district attorney in the, in the district of Columbia. And then, and only then is a decision made whether not to prosecute them so you can get arrested and never be prosecuted. And that's what happened here. But these thugs didn't just rough up the cops. They sprayed the graffiti on the monuments, they vandalized public property. The Oh, yes, the Christopher Columbus statue that statue of Christopher Columbus. Oh, I forgot that evil Christopher Columbus. Oh, no wonder they vandalized him messages scrawled across the walls, included the phrase Hamas is coming. So Hamas, which is a recognized by the State Department as a terrorist organization. They claim that Hamas is coming. Well, I would argue Hamas is already here, along with ISIS and al Qaeda and the Chinese Communist Party and a whole bunch of other terrorist organizations from around the world. But think about this, the lesson rioting is okay, as long as it comes from the left. And you're not going to get prosecuted, you will, you'll get arrested so that television cameras can in the newspapers and the radio stations can all report, Oh, so many people were arrested. Well, the lesson for you to remember is getting arrested doesn't mean prosecuted. And in this case, they've already, well, they didn't even charge them with anything. They just arrested them, filed a police report. And then the DA came down and said, let them go, I'm not going to prosecute them. So yeah, rioting is fine, as long as it comes from the left. I'm sure you've heard about the sacrilegious Paris Olympics opening ceremonies and the drag queen parody of Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper. Well, I've got again, kind of mixed emotions about it. You can also interpret that, that depiction as something other than The Last Supper, although I think that's what their intent intent was, and I'll tell you why in just a second. You could have also been a Greek depiction. I forget what it's called, but there's, there's like a Greek feast. It could have been that also, but I think that the sacrilegious aspect of it is true. Why? Because suddenly the International Olympic Committee and the Paris organizers come out and decide that, oh yeah, we didn't mean to offend anybody. We're so sorry about this. Well, wait a minute, if it was something other than The Last Supper, and it was other than sacrilegious, and it was say a Greek feast or some sort, then why did you apologize? You see, sometimes the best thing to do is to, if you really believe that what you were putting on was not The Last Supper, and it was something else, then stand up and say that, don't apologize. When you start apologizing, you've admitted that the allegations are true. Yeah. Oh, speaking of the Olympics, wait to hear about what's going on in the Olympic village. It's sad, but hilarious. It's the Jesse Kelly Show, Michael Brown, filling in. Text the word, "Michael Michael" to this number 33103. Hang tight. I'll be right back. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly Show. This is Michael Brown, filling in for you. Yeah, Jesse's in a straight jacket. I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry to tell you that, but, you know, it sucks to be Jesse tonight, but as some of you who sit on the text line, maybe he'll break free. Maybe not. Who knows? I do want to say thanks to those of you who have sent me text messages and who have engaged with the program tonight on Twitter and on the text line. I really do appreciate it, because I know that, you know, people tune in to hear their host, and then there's some other Yahoo filling in and, you know, you know, you know, you do. You'll get over it. Trust me. You'll survive. So let's go back to the Olympics for a moment. I kind of found this hard to believe when I first read it, but the more I dug into it, the more I found out, well, it's true. Perhaps for the organizers of the Paris Olympic Games, maybe there's a bright spot to the bad press they've gotten because of that display that we were talking about earlier about the last supper, a newspaper in the United Kingdom called the Metro reports this. The cardboard beds in the Olympic village, cardboard beds, I saw a video of this. It's freaking hilarious. It's like, you know, no offense to Ikea. Well, frankly, I don't care, but no offense to Ikea, which, you know, is really just Swedish for, you know, cheap ass furniture. If you think Ikea furniture is bad, you see, see the cardboard beds that they have in the Olympic village. Now, they seem sturdy. I saw one, one Olympian actually jumping up and down on his mattress on the cardboard bed. But nonetheless, it's made out of cardboard. Now, I know you can make cardboard structurally sound, but really cardboard makes idea look like, you know, some fancy schmanzy furniture store. The athletes are, however, complaining that they're really uncomfortable. But here's why they should just shut up. The cardboard. It's recycled. Yes. Isn't that fantastic? It's recycled. And well, the food apparently is unpopular too. Australian former Olympic swimmer James Magnuson has spoken out about the problems and feels that athletes are going to be badly hampered by these conditions. No air conditioning is going to play a bigger factor as the week goes on. It was 68 degrees in reigning yesterday. It's going to be in the 90s and the coming days. And there they are. And those accommodations with cardboard beds and really lousy food and the athletes are going to be less likely focused on athletic excellence than they are on their living conditions. Oh, unless we forget the saying a poopy river runs through Olympic Village to a Polish journalist at the Olympics, a Polish journalist at the Olympics was suspended for saying that John Lennon's song Imagine is a vision of communism. Well, everybody knows that, but you get suspended for pointing out the obvious. Facebook, they're in the news yesterday, a spokesperson from Facebook's parent company Mehta admitted that its social media platform really did censor the now iconic picture Donald Trump, I mean, he gets fished in the air and yelling fight with the bloodstream he down his face following that assassination attempt. Now, if you remember yesterday, I talked about how Google was trying to deep six, the search term, attempted assassination Donald Trump. Well, as of this morning, when I walked into my studio, it was true. But then later in the day, it finally begins, it started to pop up and you could tap, you could type in attempted assassination of and Donald Trump would pop up in the top three suggested search terms. But you know how I say that when you start apologizing, that you're admitting that you really did something wrong to begin with, well, Dan, Danny lever, who is the spokesperson for Mehta said that, quote, yes, this was an error. This fact check was initially applied to a doctored photo showing the Secret Service agent smiling. In some cases, our systems incorrectly applied that fact check to a real photo. Now, this has been thick, she says, and we apologize for the mistake. Well, apparently that explanation didn't sit very well with a number of Trump supporters. One of whom posted on Twitter, funny that the errors only go in one direction. I guess that's just coincidence, isn't it? Wow. Um, tomorrow, maybe we'll cover the Secret Service was got grilled again today. Maybe we'll cover some of that tomorrow. Anyway, thanks for tuning in to the Jesse Kelly show. Michael Brown here. Go follow me on Twitter right now at Michael Brown, USA. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Take care. Coming up next, John Bachelorette on 710 WOR. For anyone living with everyday aches and pains, there's a lot of things you can try. You know, tough it out, bite the bullet, grin and bear it, or you can try something that has helped so many other people. Relief Factor. Relief Factor is a hundred percent drug-free daily supplement that helps your body fight pain naturally. Developed by doctors, Relief Factor uses a unique formula of natural ingredients that address the inflammation where pain starts. And Relief Factor doesn't just mask pain for a short time. 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