Billy & Lisa in the Morning

We Hate When Winnie Is Right

We're halfway through the show now! Justin is worried that his scamming was due to karma. Weird stories covered a turkey scratching a car, a commentator bring fired and Billy and Justin’s new favorite person! We hate to prove Winnie right on this show, but it did happen when we covered the list of worst singers! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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(bell ringing) - Hello, it's me, your oil change light. That last mechanic took three hours. Would you trust him again? (bell ringing) - Silence, your oil changed. I had yet valvelline instant oil change, where we changed your oil in about 15 minutes. - From the Planet Fitness Kiss 108 studios. - We're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. - On Kiss 108. - Hey guys, and welcome back. Kind of a crazy, crazy Tuesday morning. Earlier this morning, we're talking about Justin getting scammed last night. They basically wiped him out and it's been a hot topic all morning. And we'll probably talk more about it, but we didn't have a winner at 710 on the Tate McCrae ticket tag, which means now we announce a new name. - There's another opportunity for someone else. - This is an amazing thing. One in four chance of winning the grand prize, but you'll definitely get, if you get back to us in 15 minutes, you'll definitely get the Tate McCrae ticket. So, @RyanLavi or Lavi, @RyanLavi, you need, you've got 15 minutes to get back to us. And hopefully you do. And if you do, you'll get the Tate McCrae tickets and you'll qualify for the grand prize on Friday, which is what again, Lisa? - Okay, you get to see Tate McCrae in Boston, and then you get to go to New York City, and you get to stay in a hotel, we're gonna get you there, and then you get to see her in New York City as well. - New York City, home of the brave. Whoa, Justin, let's get some talkbacks while we pray that we get somebody in here. - Hmm, yeah, I have to say thank you to our audience, to all of our amazing listeners. So many people have reached out on the talkback, Mike in support of what happened last night to me. Basically, Scammers got me, wiped me out. All my credit cards, my savings, my checking, they left me with a dollar. I have a dollar left in my savings account. It's pretty crazy, so just wanna give a quick shout out to all of them. - My message is to Justin, I was just listening to you about your being scammed from your money, and I feel for you brother, man. Just wanted to say God bless, and I hope everything works out for you. I love you, Justin, man, I love listening to you, man. Thank you, you're a great dude, man. Keep up the good work, man. God's gonna take care of you. - There we go, yep. - God's got you. - Yep. - You'll get out of it, it's just gonna take some time. - Here's the thing, as I'm saying. - I'm taking the opportunity of setting up a GoFundMe for you. - No, I'm kidding, I don't need all that. Well, actually, I probably shouldn't. - It may get to that. - No, so I think to myself, is this karma for me? - I thought that the minute you told me this story. - Listen, I've been clean for 16 years, and I like to think that I've done a lot of good, repaying society, my debt to society in that 16 years, but then something like this happens, and is it karma? I don't know. I have faith it'll work out, though. - Yeah, I think it'll be fine. I'm gonna leave the show, and I'm gonna come in. - I think it's more common. I mean, we've heard from so many people. So, and that works in your favor. - How many talkbacks? I mean, hundreds, literally hundreds. - That's what I'm so sorry that happened to you. The same thing happened to me. It was actually Memorial Day weekend. And I got everything back and whatnot. So, good luck. And yeah, go to Santander, and figure it all out. - Yep. Go right after the show. - Yeah, if it doesn't work out that don't give me the money, then I'll go to Billy's house and try to break into his safe that he has a closet. - Okay, that's a joke. I don't have one. - Gonna get cards over there. - No, we're all out of gift cards. Those days are over, but no. Listen, I'm 100% confident the credit cards are gonna be taken care of, okay? - Yes. - And I'm pretty sure Santander is gonna stand behind, because up to a certain amount of money in your account, most banks ensure. - Right. - So, I think you're fine, but it's kind of a stressful situation because you don't know, A, and B, you're going on vacation this Saturday. - Yeah, it's a 10 year anniversary. We're going to Aruba. This has been planned for a year. So, you know, it's very stressful. But I have a loving wife. She texted me first thing when I woke up, told me she loved me and it'll be okay. - It's a good thing you guys have separate accounts. - Oh. - Yeah, good point. We've always had separate accounts. - Safe? - Wow. - Sugar mama's gonna be taken care of you. - Not about that. - Talk about a vacation on the bay, vacation. - Boy, if Christmas is in his wife. - Evidence that you should have separate accounts. - Yeah, we've always had separate accounts. The other problem is that, you know, leading up to this, I've been, you know, saying to her, I'm gonna take care of everything. - Oh, yeah. - It's our anniversary. - Oh, no. - You know, I literally verbatim. - Yeah. - You know, this is gonna be my gift to you. - Oh. - Great gift, right? - We're gonna do everything. - Oh my God, this is so crazy. - Jack, bring your credit card, Jack. - Yeah, me. Here's your gift, congratulations on our anniversary. You'll be picking up all the chabs across Aruba. - Oh my God. All right, which story's coming up next. Might have to rename the segment, the animals rising up segment. And this time, it's happening right here in Boston. Which story's up next? Kiss 108. - Billy and Lisa, every morning. - Kiss 108. - Well, it appears we may have a Tate McCray to tag winner. Ryan, are you there? - I'm here. - Oh, it is. I said, "God, Ryan could be a woman's name." And in fact, in this case, you are a woman, right? - Yes, I'm very excited for Tate. (laughs) - @RyanLavi, and I said, "Lavi, is it Lavi or Lavi?" It's actually, my full last name is "Lavory." So it's like late, late, if I guess. - Okay, you know what? It really doesn't matter. All that matters, is you get yourself a pair of tickets to see Tate McCray here in Boston, but, but, but, you're gonna qualify for the grand prize, which we will announce Friday morning. So you've got a one in four chance of winning a, well, you've already got the Tate McCray tickets in Boston, but the grand prize means you're going to New York City to see Tate McCray as well. Fabulous, that was amazing. - All right, well, you made it within the 15 minute timeline, so hold on, producer Riley, we'll get your information. Congratulations on Tate McCray, and now it's time for Weird Stories. - Kiss 108. - Seems a little weird to me. - Oh my God. - It's time for weird stories. - I'm pretty creepy. - With Billy and Lisa in the morning. - Okay, so this weird story comes right out of Boston. We've talked about wild turkeys attacking over the years. - Oh, yeah, crazy. - Well, it actually happened. A wild turkey attacked someone's car in Boston for 15 minutes and scratched up the entire car, and their experts are saying that they think it's because the turkey could see its reflection in the car door. - No, it's because they're rising up. - All sides of my car were messed up, like completely scratched. You're already a little out of it. Saw the note was like, oh gosh, someone hit my car. It says, I just watched and recorded a massive turkey attack your car for over 15 minutes. Sorry, you were the target of this turkey bridge. - Yeah, this was in Brighton and I don't get it. The turkeys are so much more aggressive in Massachusetts. They're in New Hampshire and Salem in my neighborhood every day I see them, they never bother anybody. - These are city turkeys? - They're city turkeys. - So we're a little rough and tough down here? - Yep. - Yeah, well. - But the bottom line is it's all part of the-- - They're rising up. - Rising up. - They're rising up. (laughing) - Yeah, creatures of all shapes and sizes. This next thing actually in some ways happened to me, but it's not my story to tell. I'm gonna tell this one. There's an Oklahoma couple that survived being stranded in the ocean. Big waves for nearly 40 hours. They were on one of those charter trips where you go scuba diving on a charter and well, the dive trip left without them and they were floating around in the open ocean for close to 40 hours. - Being submerged that long, you get really cold in your shivering. So we started swimming sprints to try to use large muscles to warm us up. - This massive storm came through, I think Coast Guard said it was 50 mile per hour winds. - They used a small flotation device as they struggled to tread water. Finally, they spotted a Coast Guard plane. That's when Kim started shining a flashlight. - We always dive with dive lights. I tried to shine it as best I could. - Yeah, they made a movie about this, right? - Open water. - Open water. They never found that couple. - No, they do. - They're very lucky. - Yeah, open water. By the way, great suggestion. - That's such a good movie. - This is getting intense. - Totally. - Imagine that feeling of coming up to the water and the boat is gone. - No. - It must be similar to the feeling of losing all your money. - Yes. - Yeah. - That sinking. - That sinking feeling. - Just imagine you can't even see land. And it was a very choppy ocean. Oh, God. Anyway, Winnie, what have you got? - This is actually insane. A Chipotle employee says his boss chased him down and held him at gunpoint because he didn't take the trash out. - He's right a person up there. Forget to do that. Face him down and pull the gun. That's the other world. - They might have to give me some medicine to help me sleep because every time I close my eyes, I'm in that moment while I'm staring at death. - That was wrong with people. - That's insane. - He wouldn't take out the trash. - He forgot. What? What? - Yeah. Regardless of what he did, it's not worth having a gunpointed at you. - Not at all. We love Chipotle. - We do. - Oh, my God. Love it. - Shout out to my home store and Tuscan Village and San Luis. - Well, I don't want that manager. I don't know where that Georgia was that I think I saw. - Yeah, Georgia. - Georgia. - At least it really needs a calm down. Oh, my God. United Airlines flight, again, to Boston. - And to land in DC on Sunday, due to some sort of biohazard, it sounds like someone on board got very, very sick and it was really gross. - I talked to the crew and it sounds like it's quite bad back there. It's still really bad. The crew is vomiting and passengers all around are asking for a bath. - It sounds like, I think, you know, 20 minutes like Cleveland is probably the better option instead of going an hour and 40 straight ahead to Boston, especially if it's going to be in a biohazard, I think we need to probably get this plane on the ground ASAP. - What? Everybody was puking? - Yeah. - I guess so. - Oh, hi. - It was like a mass puke. - Ew. - Ew. - And you're in an enclosed tube. - It was like everyone got the neurovirus at the same time. - Oh, wow. That's got a stink. - Got got Ls. - It actually made me feel better, though, if I wasn't the only one. - True. - Because how bad is it if you're D1 that makes them land? - It's like back in the day when you get, you know, you used to get drunk with your friends and you both get sick. - Oh, yeah. - And you both puke in the same toilet together. - Imagine if you're the only one and you're asking everybody else for their puke bags. - Yeah. - You know, one's not enough. Okay, everybody's tuned in to the Olympic Games as are we. Well, there's an announcer, a Euro sport commentator. His name is Bob Ballard. And he's been calling some of the games, but apparently now Bob has been fired for making inappropriate comments about women. And I think we have the clip, Justin. - Oh, women, just finishing off. You know what women are like. You get around. You're not doing the makeup. - Oh, me? Just Bob. I spent the man doing that as well. - We're doing amazing. - Yeah. - Yeah, the reaction was swift. - What do you say? - He said, you know, they're just like putting on makeup like they like doing. - Yeah, you know what women are like. You know, it's a sexist comment. - Very sexist. - Okay, this day on social media, you say something and it goes viral right away. - Yeah. And now Bob's calling the local cornhole tournament in the backyard. Winnie, what have you got? - Okay, so Buffalo Bill's wide receiver, Mack Holland, is going viral for not using utensils. Thinking that small cat steals your soul, he hasn't eaten a vegetable in three years, does not cut his hair and doesn't wear shoes. - This guy is, no Billy, he's our new favorite person. I want to introduce the world to this guy, if you don't know. Like Winnie said, all those things are true and he legit does not wear shoes. He wears cleats, but otherwise in the field, bare feet. - Mack's a little different. - Like every team I've been on, they're going to be like, who's the weirdest guy I think I'll say, Mack? - I say interesting. - Yeah, yeah. It's not like a bad word. - Yeah, he's crazy. He's Tarzan. Tarzan, Mack doesn't wear shoes. - I think shoes are a tool. - Okay. - And people have made them a part of their body. Like, I wouldn't walk around with a hammer just because I might need a hammer sometimes. Now, he does wear cleats because he has to, but he calls them foot prisons. - Look at that little tiny toe box. How you going to fit your toes in there? - He always get the long hair. - I'm looking at him right now. - He's beautiful hair, like, like, at least, look at it. - Oh, he is really handsome. - Yeah, look at that. Right in his body, obviously. - Yeah, yeah. - I mean, he's-- - He doesn't use utensils, so he's basically caveman. He eats one hand. - Look at that. There's a picture of him walking into the stadium. Literally, no shoes. - No shoes. Wow. - Yeah. - He got his Instagram @MacHollins, and you'll see this. - Well, he's saving money. Let me. - Little bit. That's true. Little bit. - That's true. - We're coming up on Entertainment. Obviously, we're talking a lot about the Olympic Games, but the big story coming from the games in Paris, France, is the junk in the trunks, and we're going to explain that. That's the next sandbox. - Boston, what up? - I stole your cat. - Everybody, get up. - And we're back with a Philly and Lisa in the morning. - Yeah. - I'm kiss 108. - Yeah, we're going to take you to Paris, France, but first, Justin, let's squeeze in a couple of the talkbacks. - Yeah, we have to check in with the mafia. They've been leaving messages all morning, not just about me being scammed, but just about the show in general, so shout out to all of them. Being the loyal concerned leader that I am, Captain Mike would like to send out a well-being check for a member of his militia. The mayor of the South Bend hasn't been seen since Bear Week ended in P-Town. I hope you're okay, Mr. Mayor. - A turn shot. - That's right. Bear Week was a couple of weeks ago down there. - Yeah, we haven't heard from the mayor today, but good news. He just checked in. - Good morning. It's the mayor of the South Bend. I had a strange dream last night. I was on Billy's boat. It was myself, Billy, and for some reason, Herb Chambers, and we were all having cosmos, and Billy was talking incessantly about throat pillows, then it suddenly became my dream. Then this hunky shirtless guy came out, and he started serving a shrimp. What does that mean? Have a great day, everyone. - Well, you know, Billy and Herb, good friends. - Herb is pleased that Billy played fair. And do you know what Herb decides? He's going to let Billy play with it. - Now, the entertainment update with the Billy call stuff. You've never heard that one? - I don't know, wait a second. - I know that. - Oh my god. That's... - Yeah. - Hey, Herb. I ain't no one there, buddy. - He's doing great, apparently. - Yeah. - I forgot to. - Okay, Olympic Games, the men's gymnastics team grabbing the bronze medal last night to with the guys on the team are from Massachusetts, including Steve Netarasek from Worcester, Mass. He pretty much secured the bronze on the pummel horse. - Going up to pummel horse, last guy up in the whole competition, I had a good feeling that our team was in a great spot. I just knew I had to go up there and do my job. Team USA gets a medal. I think you could see it right away when I land. - Oh, dude. Goosebumps right now, man. That's the best moment of my life. - Yeah, people are loving him. He's been 16 years since they won a medal. - Yeah. - I mean, there's a lot of gymnastics that's hard, but the pummel horse, I mean, watching him move and keep your body weight and move your hands. - They're so strong. - Yeah. - Oh, the gymnastics freaks me out. What do they call the rings, Justin? - Oh, yeah. - They call them the rings. - The rings. - The rings. - Oh, my God. When they can literally flip up and do a handstand on the rings, maintaining their... - It's almost like a muscle. - It's almost like a muscle. - Yeah, it takes so much strength to be able to do that. It's crazy. - Oh, man. Anyway, Simone Biles and the women's gymnastics team are going to be back at it today. The women's basketball team beat Japan. They're going to play Belgium on Thursday. By the way, I was just saying off the air that the women's basketball coach is now second guessing herself and saying, "You know what? If the decision were today, she would have had Caitlin Clark on the Olympic team." And she should have had Caitlin Clark on the Olympic team. Anyway, they'll play Belgium on Thursday. The men's basketball team will play South Sudan tomorrow. And they say, "Yeah." Well, the coach says, "Yeah, Jason Tatum will be on the court." - Jason's going to play. Every game's going to be different based on match-ups. He's a total pro. He's first team all NBA three years in a row. - A lot of crazy sports guys watching the table tennis for a little bit yesterday. That's insane. Have you ever watched Olympic level? - Oh, yeah. The weekend. - Do they serve it? - Yeah. - And they put it all the way up, like, for what? - Yeah. And the beach volleyball is insane, too. Anyway, Snoop Dogg was doing the play-by-play at the badminton games yesterday. - Oh, I love this badminton, right? This is a great rally right here between China and the U.S. right here. As you see it, don't stop to the cast to drop. They rock it and roll it back and forth. Give me that. No, I need that. No, over here. No, over there. What about over there? No, what about there? No, give me that. Get out. Get out. Wait a minute. Way up in the sky. Now down. Back up. Over there. Now over here. Get out of the way. Move. I told you we need that. - His play-by-play makes me want to watch that sport. - Yeah, I got to tell you, it's not backyard badminton. - No. - That's another insane sport at Olympic level. And the swimmers are getting a lot of attention. Well, the guy swimmers because of the swimsuits and the bulging. A key angle of boy from the side gives fans an up close and personal view of his junk in the trunk, which certainly thrilled international audiences. - Doesn't it seem that this year more than any other the Olympic games are coming out with a lot of weird stories? - Yeah. Yeah. Maybe we're just focusing on- - I mean, the opening ceremonies had a couple of weird elements to them, and I don't know, it's just- - Well, I think when you're going to wear a tiny little bathing suit like that, I mean, you're kind of open for this sort of thing, right? - It was such a stat. They're also, you know, studying the tattoos of the athletes. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know what? - Some of it I think is social media. - It is. It's all social media. - They send so many Tik Tokers over there to cover it. - Yeah. - Right. - I mean, the people that you do, like it's to say- - Oh, I'm going to Olympic for three weeks. - But I have to say this French diver that they're talking about jewels, you should check it out. - He looks like he's got a small car and is a swimsuit. - Oh, you know what he has, junk into trunk. - Oh, isn't the junk, isn't that usually in the back? - I thought- - Right. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Well, no. - No, it's right. - Not his butt that everybody's looking at. - Yeah. - Small car in the front. (laughter) - Yeah. It really is. - Justin Timberlake's lawyer is going to be back in court this coming Friday. They're arguing he was not drunk and the night he got arrested in the Hampton. He was not intoxicated. I'll say it again. Justin Timberlake was not intoxicated and we're very confident that that charge, that criminal charge will be dismissed. - Yeah. They keep saying there's some new paperwork that has come forward and- - Well, this is why you hire a very expensive defense attorney for it. - Of course. I mean, at the most, you'll probably get like reckless driving, which is, you know- - Yeah. - With a mess. Do you know? - I lost $35,000 last night, but you know what? - He was not intoxicated. - I was sober. - Exactly. - He was actually half asleep. - I know it's so funny and I don't mean to be rude, Justin, but back in your old life, I think you would have been more like with it and would have been like, "This is a scam." - Yeah. I've been out of the game so long. - Yeah. - You're getting soft. - Yeah. I gave it all up. - You would be like, "What do you think you're doing?" - Yeah. Well, you know, the other thing is they don't know who they're messing with, you know? But yeah. In case you missed it. - The best one was who? Mr. Here's my Social Security number. - Okay. - Okay. - You've never shown us, she never has sympathy for anybody. - I've had it for like three hours. - Meanwhile, if it was her that it happened to, all of a sudden- - Oh, I wouldn't come to work. I mean, not myself. - In case you missed it earlier this morning, we talked about it's a hot topic, Justin was completely scammed last night, wiped out of everything, and I'm sure everything's going to be straightened out today. - Thank you. - Justin Bachelorette will start September 18th on ABC. Yesterday, they dropped the first teaser of Joan, the new Bachelorette. - Mom, how do you feel about kissing another guy on TV? - Oh, geez. - I'm going to have to get used to that because you don't want to be because somebody thought you don't like to kiss. So you have to like try it out. - I'm going to call the kiss. A pair of many guys on camera. I'm sorry, guys. - A fair amount? - Yeah, we were expecting. We were not expecting that answer. - So is Ryan Riley Donovan ready to go? - I was talking to him about it yesterday, and he would love to come back and talk about the Golden Bachelorette. - Okay, if you're new to the Billy and Lisa Morning Show, Riley is at least a Donovan son who was all of what, 13 years old? - Yeah, he's 13. - Yeah, and is our exclusive correspondent covering the Bachelorette franchise? Sounds odd, I know, but it seems to work for this show. - He's a very wise young man. - He's very good at it. - Oh, yeah. And he's dedicated. - We'll see him then. - He's in. Bye-bye. (laughter) - There's a release date now for the new Katy Perry song, "The Lifetime." It comes out August 9th, and we have a clip. ♪ I love you, but I love you for life ♪ ♪ Life dies ♪ ♪ I know you feel it ♪ ♪ Can you believe it ♪ ♪ I'm gonna love it so little ♪ - It's a jam. It's a jam. - Very dancy. - Is she gonna be launching a tour? - I would assume I feel like that's the next step, but I don't know how well this practice is doing. - "Rolling Stone" made the mistake of comparing the Hock Tour girl to Dolly Parton. - Okay, what is that about? - No. - Okay, I don't dislike this girl, but she is riding this way too hard. Like she's out with security at NYC, and she's acting like, "I'm afraid I'm gonna get robbed or kidnapped." I'm like, "Girl, you had a two second video, you got two. We could all do that." - Did you see what she got to do this past weekend, Winnie? - She got to FaceTime with her idol, who was comedian Matt Reif. - Oh, he's so really? - Who was one of her favorite comedian? - Well, PDM's is my favorite comedian. Matt Reif is very hard, though. - Well, look. - I think her ride is pretty much over, though. - Yeah, but if somebody said they would pay you 20 grand to show up at things, you would absolutely ride that. - I'd be talked to him my whole way through the country. - Absolutely. - But it's just like a little, like, dude. - Well, she came out at an event this past weekend and nobody changed. - Right, I saw that. - Yeah, I think it's gonna start to end. - Nobody cares. - She kind of doesn't really have that type of like aura about her, that it's like she wasn't prepared for this. - Well, we'll see you. - See you then, bye-bye. - So Travis Kelsey just renovated his private suite at Arrowhead Stadium, and did now includes a framed poster from Taylor's Erestore. So I think Justin and I are gonna lose the bet with Lisa that he will, in fact, propose by the end of September. - Yeah, this thing's official. - He's making his suite their suite. - Yeah, this is official. This is like, this is the future. - His ex-girlfriend, I don't think she had her picture. - No, she didn't. - Nope. - I don't even think she got a limited pass to get into the game, so I just said. - No, they went together for a long time and she's super pretty, but I just feel like he didn't really move the way he's moving to Taylor. - No, this is secure. This is it. - Taylor's the one. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - We're brought to you by Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club experience, the quintessential Cape Cod summer at Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club, named Best Hotel, Cape Cod by Boston Magazine. Check out the village. You can go online, you know. Check out the villas, the hotel rooms, they've got a private beach. All kinds of swimming pools, award-winning golf and pickleball, four restaurants, live music all the time, spa days, and an unbelievable beach bar. Check it out, go to Ocean and there you go. - I'll say it again, Justin was not intoxicated. - We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's Energy in Progress. Visit - From the Planet Fitness Kiss 108 Studios, we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. - So I think it was last week we did this whole thing about the best female voices ever, and now this morning, Justin, you came up with a list of the worst male voices? - No, no, no. So this isn't me. This is - Okay. - The same website that did the best female singers. - Yeah. - So they reached it up and they started polling people on who the worst musicians are as singers. - Yeah. - So these are musicians, massive artists, who are really bad singers. And I hate to say this, because I hate to give her credit. - I know. - As much as I love her. - What's that? - But number one on the list is, any guesses? - JLo. - Yep. - Jennifer Lopez. ♪ The same way you look, way you look ♪ - In case you missed it, Winnie, for the last year or two years, she's been saying that JLo was really not a good singer. - Well, that's actually a shanty singing right there. That song. - So she wrote the song and sang the demo from her. - Yeah, don't get her started. - What they do is that they take the demo, which she's had done by a shanty, Christina Million, all these other amazing, wonderful singers, and they just blend it with her vocal. And essentially, it's really not her singing. - Okay, what about this one? ♪ Hey, what am I said I have ♪ ♪ I'm still, I'm still journey from the back ♪ - Big hit. - I don't know the girl's name. There's also the ghost singer-writer she uses. I don't know her name. That is, I think, the Jenny in the block girl. I'm telling this. She uses background singers to mask how bad she is sounds. - How is it possible that you don't have a reality show? - Because people don't, this is an odd talent no one cares about. - Okay. - Yeah, she has two weird talents. She knows weird, useless information like that. And also what to order at every fast food restaurant. - Oh yeah. I never call for either of those things and give me a lot. - Not really. - As long as it makes you happy. - Yeah. - I'm driving, I'm fine. Exactly. - So moving on this list, you know, there's a bunch of rockers on here, Neil Young is number two. Tom. - As the worst? - Yes. - There's a lot of good singer. - Who's Neil Young? - Great musician. He's an old time rocker. - Yeah. - Yeah, legendary rocker. - You know his name. I mean, know his sound. - Oh, yeah. Yeah, you definitely know some of the songs. - Okay. - Yeah. - Tom Whites. - Yeah, I know Tom Waits. - Tom Waits number three. - Lisa. - Yeah. - Paula Abdul. - Really? - As a terrible singer. - I can see that. - Okay. She was more of a dancer. - Yeah. - So is J-Lo. - Right. - Yeah. - Yeah, you can see that. - I mean, she was a Laker girl. - Yeah. - Like, you know, it's cool. - Oh, don't figure. So J-Lo was a fly girl. - A fly girl. - A fly girl. - And Paula Abdul was a Laker girl, and both are on the worst voiceless. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Moving down the list, Bob Dylan is on the list. - Oh, yeah. His voice is so close through you like a chopped nail. - It's a unique sound. - It's unique. - Ah. - There's a biopic being filmed right now with Timothée Chalamet. - Yes, who looks amazing. - And this is going to kill me, too. Coming at number 14 on the list of the top 20 worst singers. Taylor Swift. - Oh. Is she maybe just like a poet with a guitar who learned how to sing? - Well, I did talk to producer Riley before the show who is a big Swiftie, and she did say that yes. - Oh. - That's Taylor. - That's Taylor. - I've never claimed to be a great singer. - Right. - She's more of a poet. - Yup. - I love this song, though. - I love this song, though. ♪ Can I go ♪ ♪ Where you go ♪ - I mean, that's pretty good voice, Lisa. - I wish I could sing as well as Taylor Swift. - Right. - I'll give it to her. She probably took voice lessons and learned how to get by, but she's not some powerhouse that came out of her mother's womb, singing like an angel. - But she does play the guitar very well. She's a musician that gets high points. - Yes, and she produces good music for people. - Whatever she isn't, she does better than anyone else on the planet. - I'm not knocking her hustle. I think she's a great business woman and a talent, but not necessarily an A plus singer. - Yeah. - That doesn't have to be it. - Coming in at number 20 here is our friend Winnie. - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God. - I hate that. - I hate that. - I just have to say the biggest takeaway for me is that J.Lo is number one on that one. - Number one. - You can never say anything to me, but it again. - Never again. - I know. I saw this list and I was like, "Oh, my God." - J.Lo is just getting crushed to this summer. - Yeah, it's not her best year. - It's not her best year. - It's not her best year. - 2024, who is not kind to her. - Yeah, I'm finishing out the list. - I was born at number six. - Well, he's not a singer, okay? - He's a screamer. - I wouldn't call Aussie a crooner. - He's got a, you know, he's got a unique voice, but I guess I could see that. - Yeah. - Number 18, the legend Mick Jagger. - Oh. - Oh, yeah. - Not a good singer? - Do you have all the rolling sounds in there? - I do. ♪ I see a line of cars ♪ ♪ They're all making people laugh ♪ - Yeah, he kind of talks when he sings. - Well, you think about it. - He was, what, in the '70s? That's when he was big. Wasn't everyone high? - They arrived in the US in 1962. - Wasn't everyone just high? - Yes, very much so. - Have you loved me? - He's got a hot girlfriend. I'll tell you that. - I wish I could've said a lot of them. - 16 years younger than him? - Yeah. - So, yeah, give me a list of the musicians who are not good singers. - Oh, I love this list. - Very good. Right win? - We'll wrap up the show next. I guess I'm going to win. - Kids 108. It's the morning wrap-up on Billy and Lisa in the morning. - Yeah, last night was the worst night of my life. That's me, Justin. We'll get to that story in a couple of minutes. But first, some good news. Congratulations to listener Ryan. She won the Tate McCrae ticket tag this morning. She called back within 15 minutes when we called her name at 810. - Yes, I'm very excited for Tate. - You've got a one in four chance of winning A. Well, you've already got the Tate McCrae tickets in Boston, but the grand prize means you're going to New York City to see Tate McCrae as well. - Fabulous. That was amazing. - So how this works is on the Kiss Instagram. You can go there right now. The pin post has all the details. You basically tag somebody you want to go see Tate McCrae with, and then you listen for your name at 710, and then you have 15 minutes to call back. If you do, you win tickets to see Tate in Boston at MGM Music Hall, and you qualify for that grand prize to see her here and in New York City. - That's such a cool prize. - And a little PSA here at 710. The person did not call back. - Yeah. - We moved on at 810 to a different name. So make sure you go enter and make sure you're listening at 710. We also started the show with Winnie's stain on her sweatshirt. - Oh boy. - She posted a video from yesterday's show, a little behind the scenes, which people love. They love the behind the scenes, but she had a giant stain on her shirt that she did not address. - I think that stain on Winnie's shirt came from her drooling over Billy's beard and how distinguished it is. - Nope. - Nope. - Nope, that was not actually at all. - The beard does look good on you, Bill. - Yeah, but we're not drooling in here. - No, we're not. - Actually, try. Very try in here. [laughter] - Yeah. But it's okay. The post is on Winnie's Instagram, and it's blowing up with people commenting on it, including my wife. - In Winnie's shirt. Oh yeah, I saw that, by the way, Jennifer. In Winnie's Road, if you want to see it yourself, I don't think it's that bad. It's again, it's a tie to go stain, because I had cleaned up the actual stain. - No, it's humiliating. - The story is not that, the stain itself. The story is that you posted the video with a voiceover and did not address the giant stain. - I forgot about it. I wasn't paying attention, so I forgot to mention it. - Anyway, let's get to my story from last night. If you want the full story, you can go listen to it. The full story, you can go listen to the Billy and Lisa podcast, but essentially, I felt victim to scammers late at night. They called my phone, they mashed their number to make it seem like it was my bank. It was not, and they drained my entire savings account, checking account. All my credit cards to the tune of close to $35,000. As I opened my bank information this morning, after all my credit cards are now closed, I am worth $1.82. - Wow. - Thank you. - But a big shout out to all of our listeners. I think we've got the most talkbacks of all time. I know we always say that, but producer Riley can back me up on that. So many people reached out. - Justin, that sucks. I'm sorry. I work for a credit union. You'll get your money back. I know it's petrifying, but there's fraud departments for that and insurance and et cetera. Don't give out your information. Careful. - Yeah, and normally I wouldn't, but they were so convincing. I mean, they had text messages to confirm things. They were patching in other credit card companies. I mean, this thing was elaborate. - Crazy. - It does beg the question. What can you get for $1.82? - That's a great question. I think I can get an Arizona iced tea. They haven't raised their prices. They're still 99 cents. - You know what? Knock yourself out. Get yourself an Arizona iced tea. - Justin, I'm so sorry this happened to you. There's actually nothing funny about it. I feel sick for you. But listen. My sister told me this a long time ago when I went through a horrible divorce and I had two cents left to my name. It's just money, Justin. You can always make more of the people that you love. If they're happy and healthy, you've got it all. - That's very true. - That's very true. - Yeah. - You know what? This wasn't the worst day of your life, right? I mean, when you-- - No, no, wasn't the worst. - No. - You've had some bad ones. - Well, when you're sleeping on a bench on the Boston comment in winter-- - Yeah, that's bad. - That's a bad one. - Can I just remind you, we get paid tomorrow? So maybe don't close out your account because you won't get paid. - I know. That's a rule for this weekend. - Oh, we know. The Aruba trip. - That's crazy as well. So anyway, I'm going to go to the bank today. I'll give an update tomorrow. - And I got to get this in because Lisa made a good point today. You have separate bank accounts. They could have gotten all your money. - Right. - Ken has your own accounts. - Yes. We always keep it separate. So that's good news. You know what? It's positive. - Ken wouldn't let this happen, though. - Okay. - I'm not the one commenting on your post, man. - You gave them everything. - Anyway, go at Lisa in the morning on the iHeart app to get the full podcast and the entire scam story. We'll come right back in the morning. - What's up, Boston? It's Sabrina Carpenter. And you're waking up with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. - Hey, guys. Welcome back to Billy and Lisa Morning Show. It's been a crazy morning. Well, it kind of started very early this morning. A lot of people have been calling, sending talkbacks. Justin, I feel so bad for you. You got scammed last night. You basically wiped out, right? - Yeah, go listen to the podcast and get the full story. It's kind of lengthy, but basically they got all of my savings, my checking account, all my credit cards. And they left me with, ready for this, $1.82 this morning. - Yeah. Okay. Well, you're bragging. Hey, you know what? It's more than I once had in my life. - Yeah. - So you're basically a vagrant. - Pretty much. - Yeah. - Yeah, pretty much. - You don't hear that word, Marcia. - You really do. - Do you? - Vagrant. - Yeah, but you know what? There's a lot of people worse off than me. - Yeah, you're going to be fine. - And this is an important PSA out there, right? - That's right. That's right. We got so many calls, so many talkbacks. So go check out the podcast for that. In the meantime, you guys know Ellen DeGeneres was in town last night? - Yes. - Yeah, she was at the Boston. - Good morning. Last night, I went to see Ellen DeGeneres at the box center. And it was so good. I didn't bring her phones in because she's filming an Netflix special that's coming out later this year. But she did say that this was her last tour before she retired. So it was really cool to say that we saw her last show in Boston. Anyway, have a great day. - The Ellen story is amazing. Do you remember how big she was when she was big? - Yes. Her show was so well produced. It was the sweetheart of television. - Yes. The pandemic. - It took her. - It did. - It really did. It took her and people started talking and saying that it wasn't a good work environment. And then she was out in her house doing it from her house during the whole thing. - It threw her off. - It threw her whole thing off and then she couldn't recover. - Well, it kind of reminded me if you remember Rosie O'Donnell and her daytime talk show. And at the time, she was the sweetheart of America. And then stories started coming out that she's not a really nice person in real life behind the scenes. - I think Rosie would actually be really cool to hang out with. - Yeah, but she's a little edgy. I interviewed her once out at Mohegan Sun. - Was she not nice? - And by the way, I think that was the beginning of it for her. She kind of snapped on stage and started yelling at the owners of Mohegan Sun and trashing them on stage and everything. But the Ellen thing was very similar to the Rosie thing because they were both thought of as the sweethearts of television and then stories started coming out. They're really not nice people, but Ellen was so good. - That was a great show. - Yeah. - The Dancing? - Yeah. - The DJ. I loved everything. - Yeah, R.I.P. R.I.P. he passed away. - Yeah, I had Twitch. - But I always said it was one of the most, the best produced shows on TV. - Yeah. Yep. - I am not capable of coming out and pretending to be funny and on when things are going so terribly good, I know. - Yeah. - That was when somebody's dog. - Yeah, it was a little dog. - The dog. - She loved animals. - I know. - Ellen was great. And I think it's sad. It's great that she's coming out with a Netflix special though. - It is. - In for, she actually retired. - And I guess people loved the show last night. - Yeah. - They loved the show, so. - She's from where Rihanna went from the Deebros and she was crying. - Yeah. - Really? - Oh, God. - Well, just remember everybody. - The goal is to be yourself. The goal is to be exactly who you are. - Hey, this is table crate. - Hey, this is table crate and we're back with Villy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. - Hey, guys. Welcome back. Before we go, before we say goodbye, we need to readdress the ticket tag for Tate McCrae Justin because this morning at 710, we called a name. They weren't listening. They weren't paying attention, so we had to go to 810 and that's when we got our winner for Tate McCrae. - Yeah. So if you enter on the Kiss Instagram, the pin post there right at the top, if you tag somebody you want to go see Tate with, you have to be listening at 710 for your name. You only have 15 minutes. - Yeah. And Lisa and I were listening earlier this morning to a lot of Tate's music. You get reminded. She's had some good songs, some big songs. - She has so many hits and she's just a great dancer too, so it's going to be an awesome show. - Isn't that how she started? - She did. She started as a dancer in Canada. - And did it on TikTok right during the pandemic. She did. Yeah. YouTube when she was a little kid, a little girl. - And then we met her during the pandemic. She came to Boston and did a show for a bunch of winners. - So it's 710 tomorrow morning, I'm going to call a name. You've got to be listening or someone you know has to be listening and then you get back to us within 15 minutes. You win the Tate McCrae tickets, you qualify for the grand prize that we announce Friday morning. - Yes, sir. - So it's a one in four shot. - Yeah. - Odds are in your favor basically. - You will never get odds like this. One in four? - 25%. - Yeah. Come on. - And then you get to see Tate and Boston and you get a trip to New York City to see Tate McCrae there. - Mmm. - It only happens here on The Billie and Lisa Morning Show, okay? We can't stress that enough. All we do is give away stuff. - Right. - Justin has nothing left to give. - I know. - Yeah. - He's getting it all away. - That is not correct. I have one dollar and 82 cents Lisa. - I love it. - In case you missed it, Justin was completely scammed last night. - He was wiped out. - Oh my God. - He actually helped the scammers take the money out. Look out. He kept him on the phone for 10 more seconds. He would have given away the house. You know, him and Jen would be sitting in a beach chair right now in New Hampshire. - It's so true. It's so true. Anyway, we got to get out of here. We have to make way. McCabe is on vacation. - Yeah. He's back. - Oh, McCabe is back? - Yeah. - You know, wouldn't kill him to come in and say hello once in a while. Now, Mike and McCabe, next, we'll see you tomorrow, guys.