
Politicians' Historic Embrace of God Stuns Lawmaker: 'Holy Spirit Is Moving'

A Tennessee politician is on a passionate mission to urge fellow citizens to turn back to the Lord. State Rep. Monty Fritts (R) took the historic step of spearheading a resolution calling Tennesseans to coalesce for 30 days of prayer, fasting, and seeking God on behalf of the state. Fritts told CBN News it's a near-miracle that legislators in both the Tennessee House and Senate approved House Joint Resolution 803 (HJR 803) and that the governor then signed it — a difficult feat, particularly in an era when people routinely battle about views on the separation of church and state.   HJR 803 calls for "prayer and fasting in Tennessee" to unfold from July 1-July 31, citing everything from human trafficking to violence and drug abuse — evils plaguing the state, nation, and world. "We recognize that God, as Creator and King of all Glory, has both the authority to judge and to bless nations or states," the resolution reads, in part. "Be it further resolved that we, as public servants in the Tennessee General Assembly, seek God's Mercy upon our land and beseech Him to not withdraw His Hand of blessing from us."   The lawmaker was motivated by frustration with the state of affairs in Tennessee and in America more broadly, citing the "vitriol and the division in the nation." "I think God just opened my eyes," Fritts said, noting he fears "God may be removing his hand of blessing from Tennessee and maybe even applying his hand of judgment." Far from a mere proclamation, the effort, titled, "A Resolution to Seek God's Hand of Mercy Healing on Tennessee," sparked associated events and gatherings all over Tennessee. Already, Fritts and others have been to 60 counties where prayer and worship events have unfolded. He said they plan to go to all 95 counties before the month is over.   As for anyone who tries to challenge Fritts over the separation of church and state, he said he believes many simply misunderstand the issue and have been "taught...a lie" about the role of faith in society. "I think it's a lie from hell," he said. "The America we see today, the Tennessee we see today [is] a result of the church recoiling from her position to be a light into the world." The elected official said people started separating decades ago from this concept and that we have seen, as a result, "brokenness in our homes" and other issues, including the Fentanyl crisis, border chaos, and more. "I think when you reflect back on God's nature, Hebrews 13 says, 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore,'" he said. "I think that's true." Rather than allowing Tennessee to be further denigrated, he hopes to inspire revival in the hearts and minds of residents, reminding them to turn back to the Lord. Already, he's seeing transformed lives.

Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
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A Tennessee politician is on a passionate mission to urge fellow citizens to turn back to the Lord. State Rep. Monty Fritts (R) took the historic step of spearheading a resolution calling Tennesseans to coalesce for 30 days of prayer, fasting, and seeking God on behalf of the state. Fritts told CBN News it's a near-miracle that legislators in both the Tennessee House and Senate approved House Joint Resolution 803 (HJR 803) and that the governor then signed it — a difficult feat, particularly in an era when people routinely battle about views on the separation of church and state.


HJR 803 calls for "prayer and fasting in Tennessee" to unfold from July 1-July 31, citing everything from human trafficking to violence and drug abuse — evils plaguing the state, nation, and world. "We recognize that God, as Creator and King of all Glory, has both the authority to judge and to bless nations or states," the resolution reads, in part. "Be it further resolved that we, as public servants in the Tennessee General Assembly, seek God's Mercy upon our land and beseech Him to not withdraw His Hand of blessing from us."


The lawmaker was motivated by frustration with the state of affairs in Tennessee and in America more broadly, citing the "vitriol and the division in the nation." "I think God just opened my eyes," Fritts said, noting he fears "God may be removing his hand of blessing from Tennessee and maybe even applying his hand of judgment." Far from a mere proclamation, the effort, titled, "A Resolution to Seek God's Hand of Mercy Healing on Tennessee," sparked associated events and gatherings all over Tennessee. Already, Fritts and others have been to 60 counties where prayer and worship events have unfolded. He said they plan to go to all 95 counties before the month is over.


As for anyone who tries to challenge Fritts over the separation of church and state, he said he believes many simply misunderstand the issue and have been "taught...a lie" about the role of faith in society. "I think it's a lie from hell," he said. "The America we see today, the Tennessee we see today [is] a result of the church recoiling from her position to be a light into the world." The elected official said people started separating decades ago from this concept and that we have seen, as a result, "brokenness in our homes" and other issues, including the Fentanyl crisis, border chaos, and more. "I think when you reflect back on God's nature, Hebrews 13 says, 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore,'" he said. "I think that's true." Rather than allowing Tennessee to be further denigrated, he hopes to inspire revival in the hearts and minds of residents, reminding them to turn back to the Lord. Already, he's seeing transformed lives.

To the newsmakers podcast, I'm Billie Hollowell, and this is a show where we go behind the headlines every day to bring you an interview with a pastor, entertainer, politician, or other notable news figure. And this is a show, again, it's daily, but it's based on our weekly TV show, which is also called Newsmakers. You can watch it on the CBN News channel and also on our YouTube page. And on this show, every day, we dive deep. It's a little more longer form with one of the people who you will often see on our Newsmakers show or across the CBN News platforms. On today's newsmaker, a Tennessee politician is on a passionate quest to bring citizens closer to the Lord. State Representative Monty Fritz joins us today to talk about an incredible effort that he is spearheading there in Tennessee, and it's an effort he hopes will transform culture. With no further ado here is Monty Fritz. Well, I want to thank you for joining me. You have undertaken something incredibly fascinating in Tennessee, something historic, calling upon the people of Tennessee to really turn to God in these unprecedented times. What was it that motivated this effort? Thank you for having me, first of all, probably a little bit of frustration, to be honest. We started working on this, I started working on this about a year ago, pulled in some pasture friends to kind of read over it and helped me refine it to what I think what we have now, along with some really good work by my staff person in Nashville and Nicole. But we had started in the state moving down the path of infringing upon individual rights of people because we had crime or sin or something in some section and that's not American and it's not righteous to do that. So started with that sense of frustration, it developed as you just see the vitriol and the division in the nation. I think God just opened my eyes to those whereas statements that I use as being perhaps leading indicators that God may be removing His hand of blessing from Tennessee, it may be even applying the saying of junk. You know, it's interesting looking at this because very rarely have we seen, I mean back many, many years ago, you would see this sort of action where the government would recognize the importance of turning to God, our founders, right, relying many of them on God and on His provision and yet you have people today who will look at H.J.R. 803, you know, which is the official name of this bill and they will say, oh, there's a separation of church and state. You can't do this. How do you respond to those who, and just so people understand to clarify here, you know, July 2024, this is a month of Tennesseans being called to pray fast repent, but how do you respond to those critics who are going to say, oh, you know, separation of church and state says the government shouldn't be encouraging people to do these sorts of things. Well, I would, as you could tell from the way I used the language in the resolution, I'm pretty straightforward. So I would offer that those people are unread, first of all, and that the separation of church and state as it has been taught is a lie. I think it's a lie from hell. The America we see today, the Tennessee we see today is a result of the church recalling from our position to be a lot into the world. And our Tennessee Constitution, twice mentions God Almighty, capital G, capital A, our founders and framers of this state and our nation fully expected the man in public service to sit under the man of God being taught and instructed the word of, and, you know, we've got away from that. We started that demise decades ago and really I think it's culminating today with just what we see in our society, the brokenness in our homes, children without homes, the federal crisis, an open southern border, and northern border, I'm sure as well. I've been to the southern border and seen that. I think when you reflect back on God's nature, Hebrews 13 says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever boy. I think that's true. And I think that same will work when he looked on his people in the 700 BC time, he allowed the Assyrians to judge them for their sin. I think he did the same thing with Nebuchadnezzar in 605 with Judah and Jerusalem. And I'm afraid of that. I don't want God to judge my state. And so we're hitting a 95 county tour, if you will, gatherings we've met. We've had 60 gatherings so far. And we've seen God's people on their hands and knees crying out on the steps of their courthouses for God that forgive the sins of our land and individuals. We've seen politicians, county executives, other state reps, myself, confess before the people. I hate my sins enough to bring God's judgment, forgive me or put your hand of blessing back on us. He was broken like. Well, and let's let's dig into that a little bit more because I wanted to talk about the practical pieces of how this is unfolding and then some of the implications. You know, it's one thing to call people to pray fast and repent. It's another thing to put a resolution to action. And you just mentioned 60 different locations. Talk about what you are physically doing. And you just mentioned it a little bit, but going to a little more detail, you know, July, this entire month, this call to prayer and fast and repent. What does that look like physically, practically in terms of events and happenings? Yes, sir. So first, Senator Potey, who carried this, this resolution with me on the Senate side, he had the really good idea, he and I talked after we get it passed, which to be honest, there was a little bit of a surprise in the language that we used that God is the king of all the more. That's as politically incorrect as one can make a statement to the politician anyway. But he said, hey, we really need to not let this just be a piece of paper. So we started developing a 95 county. We have 95 counties in the state of Texas schedule so that folks in Rome County, where I live, if they wanted to worship through repentance with folks in Rutherford County in middle Tennessee, they could do so. And so I just felt that God, Colin, I retired, all I do, I'm a state rep and I do whatever my life tells me to do, but the, I just really felt the Lord, Colin, go pray over these core houses. So we take the resolution. We have had folks raise their hands all across the state and say, how coordinated. And so we've seen a distinct personality and all the 60 counties we've visited so far. We've arrived and had some really structured services where there's an order of service and people are assigned to read portions of the resolution and then pastors are praying over the people. We've had much less structured events where we show the county executive welcomes folks to the county mayor and the citizens read the resolution or I've read the resolution. We talk a little bit about the history behind how we develop this and why we pull it together. And we spend a significant time in prayer on our hands in these, in front of these core houses. Many stand them with their hands raised, not everybody's on their hands. It's been such a beautiful thing, brother. I wish your eyes could see what I've seen in these 60 counties. I'm certain the Holy Spirit is moving across the state of Tennessee. And as far as I understand, this is historic and that the resolution went through both houses, governor signs it has this as far as you know, has anything like this happened in Tennessee before? Not that I'm aware, but it wouldn't surprise me if even if it was less formal, you know, a hundred years ago or even 75, 80 years ago. But I am told that, you know, we often have governors or executive branch people declare a day of this or a day of that. Those are significant. But to have the legislator, we had 82 votes in the House, both parties. This is a baccora symphony. It's also a multi-denominational thing because the pastors that helped me refine it were of different denominations so that the documents intended really for all Christians and to get to 82 votes in the House and 27 in the Senate. I would offer this in no disrespect to anyone but politicians don't vote for those words on that resolution, especially the second pipe. And I think God moved that evening. I'm certain of it. And I think that the Lord is giving us an opportunity to, as Zechariah once has turned to him so he can turn to that. So I want to ask this as we sort of round out to a close because I find this absolutely incredible, especially the fact that you put action to this. Because like you said, from the president down the line, people will always say, here's a day of prayer, a day of this, a day of that, but to actually do something around it and to hit all the counties in your state, the way that you guys are is incredible. What are you seeing as the impact already of doing this? I mean, you talked about people on their knees praying, standing up praying, pastors praying over people. What has the impact already been in your view in and throughout Tennessee? So Denise, my wife and I, who's traveling with me to most of these gatherings. And I were talking about this yesterday at almost every gathering and there's nothing in the resolution that mentions unity, really. There's nothing in what I say that calls for church unity or have said, but the pastors of the assemblies, the Church of God, the Pentecostals, the Southern Baptist, such as myself, that they had a bit of evidence, the Methodists, the Church of Christ, there is a message that's coming from those people, men and women, we need unity within the body of Christ. And not a unity with perversion and sin that some people seem to seek today, but things I've heard like, we all understand that Jesus is key and we all understand that we need Him, let's unify around that. And I didn't expect that. That's just been a beautiful thing. I think the other thing that I've seen that has so taken me is just the brokenness of people who will public in front of the traffic as it passes by, fall on their faces in some cases and just cry out to God. It's been, I don't think I was prepared for that. I don't know that this is going to change any of the other seven million Tennesseans, but Brother, I can assure you, miss a few meals and focusing on my need to repent four or five times a day, which is, we're meeting in four or five counties a day, is changing me. God has revealed the mission, things I need to work on and so I'm fighting for. Well, let's hope this starts a chain reaction in other states of people doing the same thing, turning to God, encouraging people to pray to fast and to repent. I imagine you're going to continue going through the rest of those counties as the final part of this month unfolds, correct? Yes, sir. Today is my off day to mow grass and get caught up with some of the things that let go gear. So we will go back to work Saturday. We've got three counties Saturday. We've got Knox County, Blunt County and Union County. And if I make it to the end of the month, it doesn't fall out from exhaustion because it is a tiresome thing. We will get to all 95 counties and then some of the counties have adjusted to schedule some, which is great because I think that ownership, that local ownership is tremendously important. So there were a few counties that that I haven't been able to gather with all of the people who gather, but we have still went to those counties, gone to those counties and prayed. And we have seen crowns of, you know, in a couple of places, just a couple of places, painful people. And it's my failure in communicating well, I see. But we've had dozens and dozens of people and we've had hundreds of hundreds of people. It was a, it was a dear lady up in Putnam County, took ownership of this thing and pulled it together and they put out street signs and yard signs and all kinds of stuff. There were hundreds of people in Putnam County and dozens of people bowing on the sticks. I've seen that in Lake County, in O'Brien County and in Sullivan and Washington County. It's been a beautiful, beautiful thing to see. We got to Clayberg County, Tennessee and I come around the corner with the street blocked off and everything to the books that we'll gather and they've made t-shirts. Pray for Tennessee. One last book thing I know you're, but this is so important. You put a website at Pray, the number four, t-n-dot-u-s, Pray for t-n-dot-s. And we have had people from all over the world right in on the blog site saying we're praying for you, Tennessee, South Korea. We're praying for you, Tennessee. I got a message from a Christopher in Uganda and he wrote this message. He said, I write you from the pur, Uganda, the pearl of Africa. He loves his country. He's proud of it. From our orphanage. And so we have a pastor that's leading an orphanage in Uganda that's praying for my state. That breaks my mouth. We have a lady in Australia right in and say these words. She said, if the barely flickering flame goes out in America, the whole world will be in darkness. She said, I'm praying with you for me and my family survival. I think that perspective, that international perspective we've gained through this website has helped me realize the urgency of the moment. So I'm energized. I'm old, but I'm energized to finish these 95 counties. I think God's going to give us that victory in them. I'm excited about the counties tomorrow. You know, I would love to close this out if you wouldn't mind. Would you pray for your state, for our country and where we are as we just close out this conversation today? Yes, sir. Be honored to. Dear Heavenly Father, we bow here God asking for your mercy. We -- justice would be hard on me. Justice would be hard on my state and our land. So God, we pray for mercy. And I repent, God, as I have in many places, for my civil loan is enough to bring your judgment. I'm so sorry for that. So I pray, God, that you would use your scripture as a lot to inspect us and your spirit, your Holy Spirit, speak to us, God, as we can turn to you because we know that you want to turn to us. And, God, we ask you to heal the brokenness in our families. We ask you, God, to bring life. I speak Jesus over those families where the children have been taken away because of drugs or something along those lines. God, I pray for those families that have lost their friends, their neighbors, due to this fitful crisis. And, God, this crazy open border, God forgive us and heal this land. I pray, God, that you would speak to the hearts of our leaders of both parties, God. And I pray that you will show them the same mercy that you've shown me and I pray, God, that you would bring those that are lost to salvation. I pray, God, that you would bring those like me that are saved and our Luke warm God to make us on fire for you. Bring a spirit of repentance in Tennessee. Start a fire here so that revival will kindle and that the name of Jesus will be lifted up in God that when other states and other countries looking into my Tennessee, that they say Jesus is Lord in that state. That is my prayer before you this day, God. And I thank you in the in the moddinging, Jesus. Amen. Amen. Amen. I so appreciate you joining us, taking us through this incredible effort and praying for your state and this country. Thank you for your time today. Thank you, brother. I appreciate your time. That's all for today's Newsmakers podcast. Be sure to tune in for the next episode of the show and also head over to the CBN News YouTube channel and the CBN News channel to watch Newsmakers every week. We'll see you soon. [Music] [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]