Big Daily Blend

Joey Stuckey - Celebrating Musical Families

Joey Stuckey, acclaimed musician, singer, composer, and producer, discusses various musical families of all genres.

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28 Jul 2024
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From Willie Nelson and Rosanne Cash, to Edgar and Johnny Winter, Wilson Phillips, Larkin Poe, the Allman Brothers, Jackson 5, and more, this episode of Big Blend Radio's BIG DAILY BLEND with co-host Joey Stuckey, celebrates musical families! 

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Co-host of Big Blend Radio's BIG DAILY BLEND Show every 4th Sunday, Joey Stuckey is known as the Music Ambassador of Macon, Georgia "The Southern Rock Capital of the World." He's an award-winning blind guitarist, songwriter, singer, composer, producer, and sound engineer. More: 

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Welcome to Big Blend radio where we celebrate variety and how it adds spice to quality of life So it's the fourth Sunday in July and that means Joey Stuckey is back here on Big Blend radio's big daily blend show say that ten times Joey Stuckey as you know is an amazing musician a songwriter composer recording artist he is the music ambassador for Macon, Georgia the capital of southern rock and He rocks and today we're gonna be talking about musical families. Oh So everyone go to joey Stuckey calm of course We have we're gonna create a music playlist together and he's got some great songs And I've got some things to add to the pot and those all those links everything we talk about that has any kind of link We'll be in the episode notes for you to enjoy. So welcome back Joey. How are you? Well, my friends always good talk to you and I'm so excited about this topic because of musical families I think that's such a fascinating idea to think about all these people who who have you know Multiple people in their family that do the same thing. You don't see that very often Well, you know what? It's true and like I'm gonna say Nancy and I weren't a band together Yeah, she was a keyboardist and I was a singer and then we had a bunch of other people Which is pretty incredible. Do you have any family that plays music too? Yes, so as a child. I mean, you know, I had a brain tumor as a child and so That's the reason I'm blind and I was really really sick as a child So most of my childhood was spent focused on survival and just getting to the school and all this kind of stuff with all the health issues I have but my dad and his twin brother Had a country band from when they were teenagers all the way through young adults and they continued to even though they stopped doing it It was more of a hobby than a perfect. It was a well one session. It was a hobby But they they played you know, and whenever they got together they play they play the same ten songs over and over again But they were really they were actually very talented and both of them are hearing impaired trust on fascinating. I mean practically deaf And wore hearing aids. So neither one of them were good singers But they they were actually pretty good guitar players And then my mom used to sing, you know, in church and stuff like that again, not professionally But but you know did her father My grandfather was a Baptist minister and so my mom was always singing in church stuff like that so my family was always surrounded by and you know, I Was raised in a family that valued music and and you know and played it. Am I ants? Emi he just passed away actually a couple weeks ago 97 she She tinkered with the piano. She didn't didn't play it seriously, but she had a piano and and you know kind of tinker with so You know and my uncle her her husband Although he played you know again. He tinkered with the guitar, but was an avid music collector and had you know thousands records and and tapes and real to realize that you got to have people like that in your life who you know, it's I have to say it's not a blood relative, but he's like family. My best friend's dad in South Africa when I was in high school he um, he you know, he watched over Nancy and I all the time, you know, and I go over I did and because I was I last couple years of high school were Yep, anyway Yeah, so Melissa and I well we were you know anyway when I got to finally see her after 30 years a couple years ago And her daughter was here in this country and they were here and she looks at me And she says don't you dare tell anything you need to show Agree cuz you know the daughters at that age, but then she her daughter just turned 18 And it was not anything like what our 18-year-old parties were but anyway Melissa and I you know her dad had the album collection like you couldn't believe and Yeah, like, you know, we would set and Led Zeppelin and you know all of it And he was like come on come over and he'd give me a rum and coke, you know, I know that's a no no no, right? But this is South Africa, you know, and I was He already knew we were doing it anyway, and so did Nancy and yeah, everybody knew right You can get away with anything even though we kept trying we always good But he would he would sit and the music thing, you know, and then we had friends Little good friends and parent. It will sadly Paul died him and his wife or incredible musicians. He sang Like I think I may have contacted you about him years ago. He Saying why he sounded just like cat Stevens and then his son got into it and his mom was, you know a singer They had a band called ESP at one point in South Africa They got me into music there's these people in life whether They're performers or the collectors that just love music that Anybody who collects music becomes immediate friends, you know, and I find like when you travel You find you seek out the music people and you have instant family no matter where you are if you're moving somewhere Find the musicians find the music lovers. You will have instant family So I know this is going beyond the blood part of this, but I really believe that Yeah families more than families more than blooded you as you absolutely say and and you know, it's it's When when I was a kid, you know up until Oh gosh, I guess maybe 18 20 years old I mean we used to have listening parties where we just like all bring over the the newest album We thought and we'd all just sit down and listen to it for hours And just hang out and talk and listen to music and that was a lot of fun And you know, you don't see that as much as you used to in fact today I have a very messy dresser in my bedroom full of CDs Because there are some albums that you need to own more than a digital copy and there are some albums that I Want to sit down and I'm not gonna play them until I sit down and Listen to them without doing anything else. I don't want to have it as background music as I'm riding along in a car Or I don't want it long while I'm taking a bath or whatever. There's there's albums that you need to hear so Billy Idol this year Remastered his rebel yell album and I bought it But I haven't had a chance to listen to it because I haven't had a chance to sit down in front of my serious speakers I just dig the whole album like we used to so anyway, they'll I'm still still trying to claim to my youth See, but that's it. That's it. You know, it's like yeah, and kid you we were talking about this the other day With our friends over in Asheville at the line on the roads bed and breakfast They're huge hardcore music music lovers, right and musicians are both they both played It's really cool because you show up at their bed and breakfast and they're covered in tattoos and she used to sing in a heavy metal band Think in a bed and breath, but they have a lot of bands actually stay at the end I really just had Torah Torah there and yeah, I mean they That's really cool. Asheville is a music hub. Oh, you know, it's got over 300 like festivals I believe every year. Oh my gosh. We're gonna have to do a music across America show. That's in the okay That's all other show. You know, I know I know I know I've talked about that for years So we need to just do it next a lap and okay, it's done You know, it is it is but we were just talking about how people there are a few people in the world Who don't like animals, so we don't understand we don't we just And once in a blue man, and I know one person in my entire life Who doesn't like music and or doesn't just doesn't care like yeah, I don't I Have a very like why like how could you it's it's it's like as important as water and air to me Music is everything in the arts right a book all of it, but music is part of nature, you know Have you ever met anyone who doesn't care about music? I? Trying to think back. I'm sure that I have but I can't think about it I don't I can't remember anything off the top of my head and I mean, you know, I Don't have anyone that's close to me that that doesn't like music and whether that's you know I don't know. I don't know the reason but but I mean, I can't I'm sure I must have met some people I've met a few people didn't like my music I'll never forget my first serious girlfriend her friend came up to be and said I don't like your record I'm like, okay, so you don't you don't care like no Some people will like it some people won't that's just how it is. I'm not trying to brush you You know, but why do you have to say anything, you know, people can be real, you know, sometimes they need to bother me I thought it was funny. I laughs Well, that's but yeah, if someone doesn't yeah, I get it, but I don't know like yeah people like When we seek back I know really when we think back on, you know, families that us were Bringing us back. Yes. Yeah, no problem families that have dominated music. I mean really The first family I was ever aware of well, I guess I should say there's two families I was aware of what I first really music became, you know, so important to me and One of them was Van Halen Because their brothers, you know, that's right and so and so that was one of my earliest, you know While these guys are great and you find out, you know, it's a family affair and then later and later on any Van Halen son Wolfie joined the band so you had two brothers and You know the son and Eddie and so it was a real family oriented business Which I think is a lot of fun and they even started letting Wolfie kind of like, you know Be the musical director to start tickets of the songs that are gonna play and and I have to you have to imagine that that was a Pretty amazing experience to make music together as a family But the other family I think of immediately is Jackson 5 and of course Michael Jackson and you know Janet Jackson are the two sort of that were You know solo successes The other guys were good. Okay, you know, they were all right But you know the superstars of that family was was of course Janet Jackson wasn't in Jackson 5 But just the musicality of that family and They were super talented. I mean they they were really really talented and Why they start when I first started listening to Michael Jackson my mom I listened to Michael Jack. I mean the first I knew of Michael Jackson was the thriller album and I Didn't know at that time that he had a family that was in music with Jackson 5 I kind of went backwards and discovered the Jackson 5 after the thriller album, but I noticed that you know, Michael Jackson did all a lot of his backing vocals. He also hired people to be backing vocals but he did a lot of his own and I was not didn't know anything about recording and I heard in the background Him singing these background vocal parts and I thought well that sounds just like the same guy that thing in the lead how was that possible and So I just I made the assumption that he had brothers and they were singing with him because I sounded all like which wasn't the case But kind of interesting when you think about you know as a kid, you know, you think I mean I didn't realize there was you know multi-tracking and overdubbing and all this stuff But but I sort of intuitive. Well, he must have brothers because they all All sounded like when they're singing together Which which they really when you come to find out they actually don't sound anything like Michael sounds very different and The rest of his siblings, you know except for Janet But anyway, yeah, that was those are my two earliest sort of you know family memories of like families in the music business That really moved me in her found way Because both those records were pretty amazing 1984 of in Vayne Halen and the thriller record for Michael Jackson were the you know, those were powerful records Yeah, I've definitely um with you being you know in in Georgia. We got to mention the almond brothers Blues on there, I mean How the almond brothers, I mean then you got to think about dickie bets and you got to think about that, you know So I think it's the kids, right? We've got an almond and a bets that have a band together now and That's pretty amazing That's not me not to give it. Oh, man. The sons or something. I can't Yeah, the thing about the almond brothers, you know I didn't move to make it till I was 15 and I've never heard the almond brothers before but I was listening to you know The Beatles and the almond that's banned the almond. Oh, that's okay. That's easy. Yeah. Yeah, that's very easy But you know, yeah, it's amazing that that's that that's still being carried on by their family and and and and it's you know the almond the first iteration of the almond brothers was called the almond joy Band and that's that where they had some they had some I think I guess it was plural almond joys I can't remember seeing you or plural, but I remember, you know, they cut some records of muscle shoals Where where they would vote? Well, I know I know Dwayne was a session player of muscle shoals And and did a lot of stuff. I don't remember if Greg was or not and then they they came to making and spent About a decade here. They're not from here, but they lived here a long long time and and and really made making their home and And they they are a big part of the DNA of music from this so the middle Georgia area And and and it's it's incredible the impact they had the be of these brothers Yeah, the and then you look at, you know, Derek trucks going off with Susan. I mean, I mean, I mean all of that is going Now that they're an amazing band. I mean, they're one of those. That's like a huge family band and they call it like the family band basically it is, you know, okay, so I just did an interview with Carmine a piece and the drummer and Him and his brother used to play drums together like two drums going off. He was Tom nice. I mean, that's pretty crazy and and everyone that's that's a Carmine is crazy, man He's like, you know, he did all he wrote songs and toured with what Stuart for a number of years played with Jeff Beck He's was in the he's a founding member of vanilla fudge Their latest album. Well, cactus cactus the latest album. I'm serious This is and it's I think that it's gonna get a Grammy nomination under blues. It's called temple of blues It's got Joe Bonamasa opens it up. He's got Warren Haynes. I he's got De Snider's in it from Twisted Sister. He's got I mean everybody is in this on this Album and they're playing old cactus songs that were blues and you know, it's just it is it's got a little bit of everything in it It is I think one of the best albums full albums that I've heard all year. I won't have to check that out It is I mean, it's pristine. It's got No, well, they on and off they broke off for a while and then it was like Then clear patch of records who they work with it was like, hey, you've got all this old music sitting out there You've got new people that don't know, you know, and so they did it as blues and they've got Ted Nugent on there Open for Ted Nugent. Have you see I know he's really good But he kills animals, so it's hard for me like I have a hard time with that. I Can't blame I can't claim to know him well but when we open for him it was a weird backstage as all I'll say and The singers of the Ted Nugent Derek St. Holmes became a dear friend of mine and and who's you know an incredible vocalist and and That was that was really profound and his wife Rhonda was was a really a fan of my singing Which was exciting to think the wife of one of the great singers of our time Had enough bandwidth to like what I was doing Yeah, I'm not knocking him. I'm just saying, you know When you walk around with a bow and arrow and Yeah, there's just certain things I do want to get okay. What about AC DC? Yeah, absolutely absolutely brother's a guitar there. Oh, man. That's just nothing like them now. What is it? What is your favorite AC DC song? Oh my god I have I have two I Really like it back to black. Yeah. Yeah, there's highway to hell. I mean, it's just yeah Well, I would oh my god Yeah, I love I love I have a fondness for I don't I forget if I forget the name of this I'm gonna get the name of the song wrong probably But I see their backseat rhythm of the girls got rhythm I forget what the name of it is but that's the hook and the reason I'm a fan of that song partly I have a naughty sense of humor and you know date the girl with backseat rhythm is not a bad thing but the reason that I is dear to my heart is Because I was producing a mix mix tape if you will or that's not really the right word a montage is what I want to say for a high school drill team and They you know do all those twirls and and cheer you know cheer. It's like a cross between life Gymnastics and cheerleading and and baton twirling and they did all the stuffs and they had this before it was very easy to do this This is the early 2000s. They had me editing together all these different songs that they wanted to incorporate their routine as a montage And you have 30 seconds of this and five seconds of that You know all the all these different songs and they all have to be the same beats for manager or BPM Some people say tempo whatever and you have to edit them together very carefully So it's seamless from one to the next and I was doing this for them and and I thought Have you thought about what these lyrics were saying High school girls. Yeah, and so I just always remember to get into getting a kick out of That's like she's like oh god. I didn't thought about that. I was like, yeah Well speaking speaking of lyrics, but it is actually one of my favorites is given the dog a bone Yeah, CDC and Well The lyrics. Yeah, I didn't write the lyrics. I'm just saying I didn't write them. I The only bones I've ever had I'll just tell you were Nella wafers in dogs dog treat shapes as a novelty gift And they were quite delicious. Yeah, they were they were looked like dog bones, but they were Nella lasers, so they were good Hey, I've eaten dog kibble Just as I mean being stupid come on. Didn't we all do stuff like that as kids? I know I didn't do that As a child I had enough problems with eating dog food. Yeah, I did that we ate flying ants, you know all kinds of stuff, you know Well, they're full approaching. Yeah. Yeah, no cuz whenever it rained like we had a monsoon storm yesterday was to get to Tucson and Kaboom right lightning. We saw a double rainbow. It was amazing, but when it happened like that Yes, I did okay. I sure did Perfectly arched too. It was like wow When in Africa when you get those monsoon storms to the term might start to fly around and we call them flying ants And so as kids you run out and you get them throw them in a frying pan and they taste like peanut butter So anyway, yeah, and it's dare, you know, you dare each other as kids I have wanted something new today term like peanut butter. They do not chicken peanut butter But I tried to educate myself every day. So now that's my facts of the day. I could be down the rest of the day now Well now that we mentioned peanut butter I don't know why I'm segue to them, but I always felt like whenever I heard this name I think of Nancy's always talking about them the smothers brothers Do you think of that being smother peanut butter jelly? I understand yeah That makes a weird kind of sense. I am a big fan they're hilarious and I I was thinking the other day when we were talking I was like I need to come up with some you need to make sure you add Something of theirs on the playlist. I'll get Nancy to add it cuz she'll go she'll just spend the day watching And their comedians and musicians They got kicked off TV. I know that they were thought to be subversive Oh, all right, so are we just having a naughty show here? I don't know I mean you bring you bring that out of me Okay, so now what about Whitney Houston? Because yeah Yeah, you're right. You're right. She comes from a background of church singers and Wasn't she related? I say wasn't because she's passed but also to Aretha Franklin in some way or my About I know I thought she was related to the wind it's yeah, she was that I Don't know if she was I don't know maybe I don't I've never heard that but that is me. It's not true. Oh You know what it is Whitney's mom sissy Houston saying as a backing vocalist for Aretha Okay, you had some connection. Hey, yeah, there's a connection. Hey, but I'm gonna see for that Yeah, I got it. I got it. I got it. All right now you put on your list Everly Brothers, you know our band almost opened for the Everly Brothers and then when the top Management turned on and heard our band which was heavy rock and blues Heavy blues and rock I should say more like that way. They're like you can't have a seven to nine piece band open for the And here they come out and sing dream Yeah, and that's actually a song I chose the playlist although they have they have a bunch of great songs Kathy's clown They have a ton of great songs You know another another band that had brothers was Credence I'm just thinking them. That's right and that it goes so well No, and now there's cautionary cautionary tale there Yeah, well still we got a credence listen when you're on the road There is something and I think the big Lebowski this was the same kind of thing and it's true He was always like you've got to put credence on for a road trip, right? I know last time we talked about road trips and in your latest album - But there's something about putting credence on when you're driving somewhere and you just need it's so many great songs I mean Fogarty is great and and I will say Credence CCR is a good band. They were all talented, but I Can tell you as someone who produces records for a living Without Fogarty they wouldn't have been do you think? I mean, they were again, you know, he would he was the thing that made them So great not that they weren't talented, but they were just another, you know Decent band and so you know he he was his voice and All that stuff just you know really is what set them apart. So, you know, it's he deserves the accolades and And you know, he's he's been in the court for me. He was probably I always joke We talked about him sometimes in case studies when I'm talking about students about music business I've taught at a bunch of universities and stuff like that. So You know, I always joke and say he's most litigious men in music, but the but the fact that I mean, you know he he he he did not Conventional wisdom might have been hey, you know what let it go Let it go move on with your career But he didn't do that and it took him What years like 30 or 40 years and then he finally like won his case and you know all this stuff So but it took him forever and I'm sure it all those bankrupting them because it had to I mean it just it's principal and sometimes you really need to do it out of principle and I just watched him on Bill Maher has And don't get all crazy with me people about Bill Maher cuz I like that he goes on both sides of the coin He has a great podcast club random where it says they're happy hour and You know and I and he says he doesn't drink until you watch this then you'll see he smokes and drinks a whole bunch But he has amazing musician musical guests and when the musicians come on They are so astute and they know like like comedians and musicians to me are the best because and writers Right, but because they're they're always studying something. They've they're always looking at something in the world And I'd like to get back. Yeah, and John Fogarty was on there and they got Yeah, that got a little tense same as a melon camp John John Melon camp and him had a little Yeah, yeah, it was it was no it's like a Good debate. It was like a little verbal sparring match and it wasn't it was nobody was good. And then he had what's his name? Chris Robinson on that was cool Chris Robinson on there, but anyway Yes, welcome to big blend radio where we promote everybody else's podcast. It's cool though You know who's got a good musical podcast is Nora Jones when she goes and jams with people It's really cool. She yeah, it's a very cool music podcast But yeah, but anyway John Fogarty was really fascinating and he also had Sean Lennon on and you've got to think about the Lennon kids. They both play music, you know And speaking of like that kind of fame Dave Gilmour's daughter is playing with him now Have you seen her? Like he's playing and she sings and they both they this is cool stuff man Dave Gilmour I think he's again one of the top guitarists right in the world And so that's yeah, no no, it's true. And so that's exciting to see as a new thing That's I'm sure you saw the press release Is some point this year? But linen and McCartney are writing songs together again and they're with their children James James McCartney, and I think it's Sean Lennon. I'm pretty sure So they're they're writing songs again. I have to say to you and I say it with love But I wasn't very impressed with their offering But you know, it's hard to be It's not fair But you're gonna be compared to your father You're gonna be compared to John Lennon. You're gonna be compared to Paul McCartney because Bob Dylan, look at that. Yeah, Dylan is his own thing man. Oh, man. He is his own thing. He could actually he could actually sing He's good. Yeah, I don't I'm not like the other ones not as huge Bob I mean to think about Bob Dylan. I mean Bob Dylan is a genius author. He's a great writer You know, but he's he's not a musician to me. He's he's a he's a poet that uses the vehicle of music you know, but he's he's I Wonder I Feel like if he hadn't been born at the time he was born. I wonder if he would have ever been a big deal because Nowadays if you've been born contemporary to today and let's say the odds You know nowadays, there's so much artificial manipulation of music to make it perfectly in time and perfectly impeached all this kind of stuff I just wonder if he would have been able to compete You know, maybe he would have been added out to that for those people that are tired of the perfection But it's you know, he's he's not he's not a great singer Amazing songwriter and the thing is I enjoy Bob Dylan for what it is not what it isn't I don't you know, I'm not trying to make him. I mean, you know, Leonard Cohen's not a good singer I mean, he just you know, but his songs are amazing. But anyway, yeah, but yeah You know, yeah, well, well, he's nasley. Oh, yeah But what I was gonna say we were talking about families like the lieutenant McCartney writing new songs together with the kids writing songs together Which is great and and and it's unfair to compare them to their fathers. It really is But but it's done and that's why I thought about this earlier and I didn't put this on the playlist, but You know Lisa Marie Presley Yeah, that's right Trying to do music. I could her dad is one of the biggest musicians ever ever. I mean people on Mars know Okay, okay, but no, I'm gonna get a song that because she didn't she wasn't bad either and I'm talking about Michael Jackson's daughter can play man She's cool. Oh, no, she's good. She's a girl. She's got some things out. She's a good musician and But yeah, when you're talking about people in the singing part of it So Neil Young, you know to me is one of those epic writers as well. Oh, yeah, especially with crazy horse but so he toured with Lucas Nelson, which is Willie Nelson's son and so Lucas and Micah Micah's Lucas's brother Micah's the particle kid is a crazy brilliant Human being in every I mean he just he's not he's one of those who whatever he is like a renaissance person like whatever he does He'll go he'll paint. He does it like creativity. He's like this walking Human creative zone Creative zone. No, he's really cool one of my faith. He wrote one of my favorite songs Everything is BS was that is not you know anyway? It's just fun But if you watch the videos cool, he does a lot of video stuff But Micah's really good, but Lucas Nelson and the promise of the real of their band I love them because they take country and rock and a little reggae kind of vibe in there And they're kind of this just like his dad Willie Nelson and they play together They perform together all the time and let's bring Lucas Nelson the promise of the real are taking a hiatus after this summer Because he's doing a lot of Nashville like he helped with that The writing of shallow the song shallow and was a totally for that He's any you know, it's part of the Grammy's for that he got that and He does so much for so many other musicians and writes for them and and does a ton and anyway, he What he does with his dad and he he does sound like his dad vocally But his guitar playing and Willie Nelson Don't underrate his guitar playing that guy Yeah, and and Lucas got into music This is dad's birthday or something when he was a little kid and he said what do you want for your birthday? I mean because literally those people can have whatever they want right sure and he's like you I want you to learn how to play this guitar and then he just nailed it we interviewed Lucas a few years back and He was on a bus with shooter Jennings and they were touring together at the same time You know, they were doing it like a double bill. So it's kind of I don't know. It's it's really cool to see these kids like Do it, but like Lucas Nelson is his own deal, but he has that songwriting gift that his dad has well He knows is amazing is He's he's he's one of the greats and you know, it's a lot of those early Patsy Klein songs. He wrote crazy You know, he like a little that Speaking of Nelson's I actually included a different Nelson Ricky Nelson in my book because I actually Aussie and and and the whole family Were musical and played music and then Ricky Nelson went out of a career and then his twin boys Went on to have a music career as a band and the band Nelson So there's there's another Nelson the family talking about there and there's Bobby Nelson Yeah, who's the aunt of Lucas? Oh, oh gosh, we can't leave Larkin and Poe hell no, we cannot leave them off the list the sisters and they started as a band They are incredible. Um, they just released a new song a day or two ago Luforia Luforia and they recorded it at Jack White's place third men record And um, but I love their music. We got to see them in greenly colorado a couple years back Few years back right before the pandemic and they are I mean, I just love to see women out there With instruments and hauling and being able to still vocally do it and they had a family band and then Was really these two sisters that stuck to it and went for it and um just and their descendants of at grail and Poe Really? That's a great, man father. Yeah, and then we did a family history show about a mother's two ago And one of the guests on our show elaine a powers who's a mystery writer and a scientist and biologist and writes about, you know writes children's books about Lizards and iguanas and all kinds of stuff and sometimes she comes on the show with an iguana. It's pretty cool um She Turns out she was I was like, so why are you on the family history show and I should have remembered Because we talked about this over a halloween show. She's like, I want to know more about, you know, my relative, which is edgar allen poe interesting Isn't that crazy like that? Yeah That's some cool uh, family history and music and writing and poetry because I think poetry and music that that's kind of a hand-in-hand thing But I agree. We can't forget the juds Absolutely The whole family is an entertainment this this yeah, they are um Yeah, the juds and and they just were in my head. Um, wilson's heart yeah, yeah and and Nancy now, what do you what do you think about nancy wilson's playing? There's a car isn't it? I mean that was an epic period and they spun it out, you know Coming out and and then the 80s all of a sudden they had I don't think they enjoyed the 80s as much I think they're record companies came in and made them have these poofy hairdos and And it was like when aqua net was like the biggest thing, right? Yeah, I I obviously as a blind person never Cotton on to when people's you know style changes visually, but Certainly the music was was a little a little more power balloting in the 80s, but still still very good Mm-hmm. Now you put the beach boys on there. I did Yeah, none of that's that's a real deal though. Yeah, I mean that's I mean very lots of family relations in that thing Like Yeah, I mean just just just the incredible Uh, and you know that band has I mean even gosh Brian wilson's daughter carnie wilson She knows stuff. Yeah. Oh cool. I didn't know that I'll have to check that out because I mean the beach boys had arguably You know The Beatles and the Beach Boys had some of the most profound impacts on the music business Um in just the way they recorded their albums for technical perspective And brian wilson was a real genius when it came to arrangements and You know some of the things they did for recording standpoint the the Beatles and the beach boys really did a lot of magical records Um and and just really I mean had had very distinctive amazing sounds So, yeah, but they're definitely on the on the family list and they they I don't know if it's because I don't know if it's because they're related or what but they're harm these blends so well together Oh my gosh, which is blends so well together Uh, I don't know and it could be just a fluke But You brought up the beachies too. I mean you didn't talk about harmony. Holy cow. Oh man. Those guys fantastic It's how do they do that? I don't know I know they wear tight pants, but I'm just saying Oh, yeah. Yeah, well, you know very very was the one that had the the screaming falsetto. I think but um But they had their harmonies were fantastic. Their music was fantastic. Their writing was fantastic. I mean Talk about a thing and you know they all really They they all really Short each other up and and they all had different strengths and you could see that and how they worked again. It was pretty amazing You know, um, I want to bring up a musician that we interviewed recently um Then that is michael. I'm gonna get it. I got it malcom. Excuse me. Not michael malcom bruce Which is he's the son of jack bruce Really? How cool? Yeah, he was on the show Jack this is one of my favorite. He's a great bass player, but he's a great focus Yeah, and his son is playing bass guitar plays. Oops Okay, so um malcom bruce, you know, he came on the show because he had recorded the album heavenly cream Which is an acoustic tribute to cream and you know, so he talked about his dad and ginger baker was part of this too um, he talked about crazy um and so this album is It's beautiful. It's fantastic and so I got to give him a shout out because He was really cool. But actually you know what we talked about mostly on the show was meditation Because i don't know we had this whole conversation about You know, you've got to think like david lynch and everything what he does with him and um transcendental meditation and what it does for creativity and we've done numerous interviews on it like with norm uh norm rosenthal who is a uh doctor. He's the one who Um discovered that there is seasonal effect disorder and he's been on our show on that but he's come on he's written books about uh transcendental meditation because over the years they've been able to really scientifically study it and the effect of it and he talks about and So now there is actual proof and evidence that you're actually exercising your brain and your brain itself your cranium gets thicker It's like you are exercising this organ and you become smarter It's like a powerhouse up there if you're doing this meditation and the effect of it is like for those who are creative um The balancing of emotions and the balancing of your chemicals in your body. I mean all of this stuff is Absolutely. I don't we've done so many interviews Untranscendental meditation over the years, but when you hear musicians and creative people they they swear by it You know, i don't know a joke does it lucas nelson does it that i mean their interviews end up just talking about meditation And it's in the beach boys were into it, but they also got they handled some weird little dabblings with Scientology too So that's all i had a show coming up soon. Yeah Yeah, it's interesting. We do have lots of scientific proofs that playing music actually increases uh brain mass as well And um and and that it actually increases You know, uh neural connectors and stuff like that too. So there's a lot there's a lot to that Well, and that's the thing. I wonder about these families, right So they they share blood and dna and all of that And you can have somebody super prolific and music and be like one of the best and then nobody in the family does anything, right? Oh, yeah, absolutely I think it's a question in my mind. It's a question of uh people being around it So if the family is musically inclined and or even if just one member of the family being fine and they're around it A lot and it becomes part of their normal existence You know, so it's that whole question of like, you know, it's that nurture idea um, that that makes a lot of sense to me um, and uh, and it's it's uh It's it's amazing all these very cool musical families. We've talked about a bunch of them today I mean, we've covered a lot of musical families. It's going to be a big music list. Yeah, huge list huge playlist Yeah, I'm going to have to definitely put um I'm going to put some mike and nelson on there, but maybe not the song I want to put on because then people yell at me for Interesting language. I didn't write it. You don't care. Do you know what actually? No. No, we don't care No, you can't you can't please everyone. You can't please everybody you shouldn't try No, it's a losing proposition No, no, don't and then when someone says they don't care about your album you laugh it off like you said, right? Okay, yes, I like your last album. I like it Well, it's of course this was back in the 90s when I was a kid, but when the girl said that but Um, yeah, the new album has been doing well and I appreciate that and uh, um, people are people really enjoying it and it's it's weird because Uh, you know, it wasn't even intended to be an athlete. Just sort of turned into one And so it's funny how that came out. Yeah, absolutely Are you working on um your live day coming up in september? It's not that far because i've been You working on calendars and it's like oh september's just two days ago Yes, it's the road, you know, really it's it's you know, it's funny because um, I am working on it But I haven't decided Exactly what i'm gonna do. I'm not doing the same Huge thing I did the last year Um, I'm trying something a little new we're trying some pop-up concerts And uh, we're gonna try and do several events at different locations around town Uh, throughout the day instead of one big event at one location And I just think that's a little bit better way to get the community involved. Um, and it's less expensive So that's Putting put in this festival on usually cost about $10,000 Um, and I usually raise about 60 And sponsors and then I have to bankroll the rest and you know, it's a free concert. We don't make any money And uh, we're doing it just to promote Wellness, you know and joy in our communities long reason we do it. So it's it's uh something that We're doing and I still don't have everything 100 percent sorted out But it's we're getting there because that's it's around the corner So everyone keep up with and if you see stuck he's on the road As you're traveling this summer pull over and get some good Stucky fudge and Yeah, get your pecan There's a huge debate about whether it's pecan or pecan Yeah, I always say pecan Yeah in texas. I was at a we were at a bed and breakfast and I said pecan And she looked at me says it is pecan Honey if you say pecan, that means you're gonna pee in the can and us Southern ladies do not talk like that. I Was called a pecan and there's no no reason At all for that. That's just how I've always done it. My dad says pecan So well there is everyone you want to pee in a can you can Absolutely as long as you're good where I have to listen to it. No, it could be a nice trickle-down effect. No, no All right, anyway, everyone yeah, you know anyway everyone have a wonderful rest of your day Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Joey. We'll be talking with you soon. Absolutely Thank you for listening to big blend radio keep up with our shows at big blend [MUSIC PLAYING]