Big Daily Blend

Pascale Naussens: Pure & Simple - A Natural Food Way Of Life

Pascale Naessens discusses her first U.S. book, ‘Pure & Simple: A Natural Food Way Of Life’ (2017) and shares how to make her Fluffy Blueberry Cake recipe.

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22 Jul 2024
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With it being National Blueberry Month, we decided to revisit our Big Blend Radio chat with renowned Belgian bestselling culinary author, former international model, and accomplished ceramic artist Pascale Naessens.  She brings her passion for health and cooking with romantic flair to her first U.S. book, ‘Pure & Simple: A Natural Food Way Of Life’ (2017). 

Hear her talk about her book, and how creating conscious eating habits can provide freedom from carbohydrate addiction, and boost happiness. She also shares how to make her healthy and delicious Fluffy Blueberry Cake!

Learn more about her book "Pure & Simple" here:

Check out her Fluffy Blueberry Cake recipe here: 

(upbeat music) We're renowned Belgian bestselling culinary author, former international model, and accomplished ceramic artist Pascale Nossons is bringing her passion for health and cooking with romantic flair to her first U.S. book. It's called Pure and Simple, A Natural Food Way of Life, and she is known for having taught her nation to eat healthily, and I think this is something we really need in America. We need Pascale here, and her book is beautiful. It really makes you realize that we do have beautiful ingredients that we can cook with, and prepare, and have fun with, and entertain with, and just enjoy really good food that's healthy for us. And we're very excited to have Pascale join us on Big Blend Radio today to talk about her book. It really focuses on creating conscious eating habits that provide freedom from carbohydrate addiction, and I know a lot of us, we reach for that bag of chips, that soda, and wonder why we're not feeling too good. So, I'm very excited about her book. Again, Pure and Simple, it's available on, and you can go to her website,, and that's P-A-S-C-A-L-E, and the spelling of her last name, just 'cause I always like to prove I can spell. N-A-E-S-S-E-N-S. Pascale, welcome to Big Blend Radio, how are you? Hello, fine, fine, thank you. Hello, hi Lisa and Nancy. I'm so happy you made me so happy the way you introduced my book. It's so nice to hear, thank you very much. - It's such a beautiful book, and it makes us feel very creative, and it makes me wanna start cooking, I wanna grow herbs, you know, I wanna grow things, you know, for some it does this color and vibrancy to it, and I think that, you know, we kind of get nervous about vegetables, we think, you know, it's gonna be, you know, these boils, lifeless things that we're supposed to shove down our throats, but the way it's presented in your book, it makes us feel like, wow, we're eating art, and we're creating it too, so it gives us this creative outlet. - That's good if you notice that, and a lot of people who start with my book, they say afterwards, and it's much easier to cook than the normal usual food that we cook, because I use less pants and pops, it's another way of cooking, and it is less work, and we all think it's the opposite, we all think that eating healthy is more work, and is boring, but it's the opposite. I think you can eat a lot, and I even eat a lot of fat, and that's the most surprising thing for a lot of people. If they see in my books, oh, she uses really a lot of fat, and I think fat is not, it's not only healthy for your body, but it also brings in flavor, which is very important, but the fast carbohydrates, I do reduce them, and I use a lot of vegetables, so you have a lot of variety in my books, and it's really easy. If you start cooking with my books, it's really easy, that's one of the things I hear the most, that it's really easy cooking, and I think we are all busy, so that's very important as well. - I agree with that, and you were talking about the fats, and one thing, Nancy, you mentioned about the butter, then you went through a book. - I'm like, oh, you're using real butter? - Yeah, a lot of us are scared to use butter, and we get these margarines that say, oh, there's no trans fat, and then it gets confusing, and you tend to me, now that's a processed food item now, so then you're cooking with something processed, right? - Yes, well, I think if you want to ask me, the most easy way to eat healthy is just eat natural foods, only natural foods, and that means butter is a natural food, margarines is not a natural food, it's processed foods, and if you go into the foods more if you go to in detail, then olive oil is a very good oil to have in the kitchen, but also butter, and also the variety of fats are very good, and I think the most important, the wrong thing that we have done in the past is they scared people, they said you can't have any fats, because it's not healthy for you, but in the other way, people have to eat something, and they started to eat a lot more carbohydrates, but the carbohydrates, especially the carbohydrates we eat today, of bread, of potatoes, of brownies, of whatever, of French fries, they are very fast carbohydrates, and a lot of people can't handle that, and that was my problem as well, I couldn't handle that, some of us can handle a lot of fast carbohydrates, but most of us, and especially women, can't handle that, and if you reduce them and you bring in more vegetables and you bring in more fats, then you will see that you're more satisfied, and that's, I think, the most important thing, if you want to slim down or you want to eat healthy, you have to eat more quality, and the most important thing is that you never go away from the table when you're still hungry, you have to eat until you're satisfied, but you have to eat the right things, that means natural things, like fish, meat, vegetables, avocados, olive oil, butter, all natural things, nuts are very good, they also told us, yeah, you can't eat so much nuts because they contain a lot of calories and a lot of fat, but it's not true, Harvard did a big investigation, and it's a scientific investigation, and they saw that if people eat a lot of nuts, they are more satisfied, and they will not eat other candies or something like that, so they are more satisfied, and that's very important, and that's why fat is very important. It's so strange the day that I started to eat fat, I started to feel satisfied, and I started to slim down, but you can't really have it all in life, so you can't have and the fat and the soft carbohydrates, but I can tell you once you quit with the soft carbohydrates, it feels like a relief, if you start after three days, one week, you don't have any gravings anymore, so that's very important, but sometimes people first have to do it until they believe it, and that's very, that's a pity, because when you are standing before it and you think, oh, I'm gonna eat healthier, you only think about, oh, I can't have that, and I'm gonna miss that, and I have to work on my willpower, I have to use my willpower, but it's not all of that, you just have to change from one day until another, just throw into my books, prepare the meals that you love, that you think you'll be fine with them, that you want to prepare, and just eat and enjoy that kind of meals, and then the people after one week, they say, wow, it's so strange, I've eaten a lot, I've really eaten very, very delicious, I've eaten a variety of foods, I've never had the idea of being on a diet, and I've slimmed down by the end of the week, so for them it was really a surprise, and they didn't miss, maybe in the beginning, you miss what you usually eat, the bread, but after a while, no. - Well, I think what's beautiful about your book is that it is beautiful, and it's consciousness, there's this level of detail and attention to it, so it's bringing us back to not just shoving something in our face, which we do, as we're going to another meeting, we'll go through a fast food thing, and here, garble this down, you don't even taste your food after a while, and it's just quickly stuffing in there and go, but when you look at this, it's kind of bringing us back into enjoying the food, realizing where does it come from, I mean, going to a farmer's market, getting the best vegetables you can, 'cause that's the thing, you don't want something that's old and been pest-decided and everything, and I think with your book it looks, you're always eating outside with your friends and family, and you're like, oh, I wanna do that, that's where Nancy and I, we go outdoors all the time, and we have champagne picnics all the time, and because it's this thing about sitting, we did this yesterday with some friends, we all sat outside and watching the birds having champagne, having food, some of it was sandwiches, so that was naughty, but we did have fruit, but that's good. I think that's true. - I think that's a statement to it. The sandwich is a problem, the sandwich is kind of a problem in that it's quick and easy to make and then you can take it somewhere, and so now you're eating all the spread. Now, I'm trying to think, what would we have had yesterday that could have been easily packed up and taken without the bread, you know? - Well, that's not a big deal. I think once we used to cook in a different way, that's not really a big deal, but you have to change. For me, it's another way of, my books are really talking about a way of living, it's true, it's not only the cooking. For me, cooking is about connecting to yourself, it's about respect for yourself and respect for nature, connecting to nature as well. For me, cooking is as well, you always cook for somebody, not if you are alone home, so you're not gonna cook very, you're not gonna spend a big deal to that, but you cook always for somebody, so it's bringing people together, and in my books, that's really important, and you can have really easy meals, and yeah, in some of my meals have only three ingredients, and it takes 10 minutes to cook them, so it's another way of living, and I liked it the way you announced it, it brings people more to themselves, I've just now finished another book in Belgium, and I interviewed some people who changed their lives because they changed their foods, and which is really strange and very exciting, and it made me really happy, they changed their food first, and then they start to be more conscious, and it's like they are more in themselves, and they start to be more creative, they start to feel more happier, and it's very strange when I asked them, do you miss something, and they say, not at all, in the contrary, I have really, I received a lot, changing my food was the key to a happy life, was the key to a creative life, as well, people nowadays, they are happy to spend time in the kitchen, before they always say they are, I don't have any time, or I'm scared to cook because I cook the wrong things, and then I become addictive, and I become fat, but now they love to stand in the kitchen, because they know I can prepare that, and they know I can enjoy it and eat it without, gain some weight, or I can enjoy it with friends, and I can enjoy food, and that's really strange, I think we forgot it, but natural food, people are made, we are made to eat food, to enjoy food, but we are not made to go on a diet for a whole life, and we are not made to gain weight each year after another, so that's not natural, natural food, that's natural for us, and natural food, that's what is making us happy. - I like that because when everybody's so busy, we forget why we're even alive, that's good, when food is one of those things that we have to have to be alive, and so when we start to take it for granted almost, and I almost feel like that is what has happened, we've taken food for granted, unless you are on the side of life where it is very hard to get a meal financially, and the reality is we have become this society that is so fast, everything is thrown away, if it's not perfect, we've kind of lost sight, and I think when you do make these changes in your lifestyle, you become more aware of everything else, and I think that's, I love the kitchen part of it, people think they're not creative, and it's one of those places, it's like people singing karaoke, it allows people to have this creative side of them, and if we don't use the creative talents we're all born with, then we're not really thriving, because creativity allows us to use both sides of our brain, and getting in the kitchen, and cooking, and gardening, and growing your own thing, that is, now you're using that creative side, and I love your ceramics, and now I'm like, okay, that's it, this is the route we're changing, we want ceramics, you know, but that's something that, again, it's how you plate things, it's very simple how you plate things, but it's very beautiful, and it makes you want to eat them, so when you were talking about it, it's hard for people to make those first steps, I think it is about how the presentation is, and how you make it special by not using paper plates, we're using real dishes that have been made from you, you know, so I think that's another level of getting people to take that step. - That's true, we are all so busy with everything, and what it makes us unhappy, and we are disconnected, and we are wondering what are we here for in that world, what are we doing actually here, and we are disconnected from ourselves, and once you start with the food, the food is like a key to enter to yourself, you can start with food, be more conscious, have more respect for the food, and as you said, go into that kitchen, and you can be really creative, and which is very nice is being creative, for me it's also a key to happiness, and it doesn't have to mean being creative that you have to create big things, no, just a nice meal for your partner, for your family, and you don't have to spend hours in the kitchen to do that, and a nice presentation, and when you come out of the kitchen, everybody is happy, they can enjoy it, everybody is feeling fine afterwards, you have more energy, so it's like everything is connected, and it's true for me, the two important things for me, on my food, and my ceramics, and I can feel myself so happy when I made a plate, and then I prepared the fruits on the plate, and I prepared for my husband, that's for me, and that's for me the most important things in life, just being creative, nourishing myself on a healthy way, that makes me happy, and I don't have to look for the big changes in life, I think we forgot about the little things that are important, and I think we look too far as well, I use just simple ingredients, and I make special plates with it, and before it was when I started my cookbooks, I thought there were cookbooks everywhere, and when I started, it was for me very difficult to find the first publisher, it was really funny, they said, "Oh, we have enough cookbooks," and I said, "But I want to do it in a different way," and then they give me a chance, and now my books are the best-selling books for five, six years in Belgium, and it's because I thought people don't look too far away, just look what you have beneath, we have really a lot, and just use normal ingredients, and you can be creative, and you can make very nice things with them, and enjoy them, and yeah, it's those little keys that make you happy. - Let's talk about some of the recipes in here, because I mean, it's accessible, we can do this, and there's things in here, I'm like, you know, I burn things, so this is dangerous, but I can do some of these, you know, I'm like, I can do this, some of them, I know you eat a lot of fish, so tell us about some of your favorite fish dishes in the book that you like to prepare. - Well, I do love sashimi, that's no work, but I do love, yeah, I eat a lot of fish, and because it's also healthy, and I love the flavor of fish, but I do also eat meat, it's not about a vegetarian book, it's not, I even eat desserts, I just balance, I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, fish, and once in a while I eat desserts, but I don't exclude anything, I eat almost everything, which I love is like the wonderful shrimp fritters, and it's really easy to make, you have the shrimps, and you cut them in the food processor, and you add some fresh herbs, and I also add some green or red curry, which brings in a lot of flavor, and I just push them together, like little balls, and you fry them, or you bake them in the pan, and it's really very nice, very simple to make, and very delicious, yeah, cocos, I eat a lot as well, I'm looking here, fish. - I was gonna ask about when you go in and choose your ingredients, like looking for fish, and Nancy and I can't talk much about fish, 'cause we're both allergic to seafood, and so we don't eat it, you know, but if there's any-- - Yes, again on the stem. - But when you go, 'cause I think now we're looking at the quality of the ingredients now in our country, fish, when you look at salmon, is it wild, is it farm done, there's that side of fish, what's healthy, what's not, because of what's going on in the ocean, how do you look for the best quality fish, you go to an actual fishmonger, or are you getting in the grocery store, what's the best way that you recommend? - Yes, well, I think if you start into healthy foods, you have to eat, first of all, real foods. And then you can ask yourself, okay, now I'm already eating real foods, how can I go deeper in it, deeper in healthy food, then you can ask yourself, okay, what's wrong with the fish, where can I find the right fish? - It's true, the fish in the sea is contaminated with a lot of dirty things, and I think the farmed organic fish is less powerful, like the salmon has less omega-3 fats than the not farmed than the wild fish, but it's still a very good healthy ingredient. So it's true that there is a problem with the fish, but it's not because of the fish, it's because of men who are who is polluting the sea. So that's a kind of different, yeah, the problem is different. It's still a natural food and normally it's supposed to be very healthy fish, and always it's in the seafood, it's always very healthy. If it's not healthy, it's because of men, what we did, we polluated the sea, that's a big deal, but I think if you buy, I buy, and as well, I buy my meat organic, as well as the fish, I buy it organic, and that's a label I think we can trust, and they did some scientific investigations, and they still say the organic labeled fish is still a very healthy product. So I think it's a reliable label. - It's interesting too, going into the food side with this, when you become more conscious of what you're eating, then you're gonna be more conscious of what we're doing to the environment. I know Nancy, that's something we've collected on here. - I think too, there's so many people that we know that when they were younger, ourselves included, when I was younger I had no problem eating fish. I did have, always have a problem with shellfish, but not fish, and as I got older now, all of a sudden I'm allergic to both, and I don't know if it's really the fish, or the toxic chemicals that are now in the fish, but then you get scared to try, you know? I mean, eating organic, I would be, because we get, so we can't breathe, and so I'm not willing to take the chance to find out if I found wrong or right about that, you know? And I wouldn't encourage anybody else, unless you're gonna sit in the hospital and test it to try, but you know, I do know a number of people that have allergies when they get older that they didn't have, when they were younger, and my personal belief is, it's most likely connected to toxins in our waterways. - Yes, I also think there is more, it's true that people can be allergic, and it's true that they can develop it when they are older, that can be natural, but you see a lot of people are allergic to a lot of things, and that's changing, that was not before like that. So you see when things are changing, and a lot of scientific people also, as themselves, what's happening? It's because the polluation in the air, in the sea, because of the things we add to our foods, foods are contaminated with other things, the GMOs, they don't know really the long, what it's doing to people in long-term, and it's true autoimmune diseases, they are emerging, and they don't have really an explanation for that. And I think, for me, if you are sick, something like that, you can't say it's because of that, it's not only because of one single thing, right? I think a lot of things are connected to each other. So it's because of nature, it's because maybe you have already a little, you are already a little bit allergic to it, but together with what's in the air, what's in the sea, contaminations, whatever, everything together, I think it's too much. And I think we have a big problem, because we are not respecting the nature, but if you think about that, we are even not respecting the nature in ourselves. A lot of people just, they just put everything in their mouth, and it's in their own body, the nature in their own body. How can you then respect nature outside yourself? And that's, for me, when you start with food, it can be an open eye opener, and it can be the key to a more conscious life, because you feel the difference. First of all, you feel it, you see it, and then you start to go wider. Then a lot of people, then they are more creative, they start to do yoga, they start to do more exercising. So it starts with a little thing, and it's because everything is connected to each other, and then it starts to get bigger, and that's very nice to see. And I'm very happy with, I think, people are changing, and the changing is coming from beneath. A lot of young people here in Belgium, I suppose also in America, are changing. They are very into healthy foods, and they are very conscious. And it's very nice to see, and I think we should encourage that. That's very, absolutely. And we need that. - I agree, and I think your book is one of those. I can't wait that everyone here needs to, you've got to be a bestseller here in America, because we need your book, and I think the younger generation, some people say, the millennials, this, and whatever, but the reality is they know, they look at what's happening with the environment, and so they have this side of understanding that we need to have good food to be healthy for ourselves, we need to protect the environment. So it doesn't get political with climate change and things, but at the end of the day, if we want to breathe free, we want to have clean air, and when you look at what you want to eat, the best, you want to enjoy your food, and it's true, once you start changing your lifestyle, you become happy. And I think at the end of the day, when we're here on Earth to enjoy life and be happy, we're supposed to be happy. So in food, in that gateway, it's the good gateway drug, it's a good food, it's a good thing to make to happiness. I want to go back to some of the recipes in here, because I know that the main rule, yes, natural foods, unprocessed foods, but you talk about not mixing complex carbohydrates with complex proteins, and it's going through not actually complex. I mean concentrated carbohydrates. Concentrated carbohydrates, yes. And concentrated proteins, and concentrated carbohydrates, which I mean bread, pasta, rice. They have a lot of carbohydrates. When you eat them and you digest them, they are very quick into your bloodstream, and the sugar is very fast-released. And that's kind of a problem. And when I do have like a method, because a lot of people know how to eat. They know that they have to eat more natural. A lot of people know that. But the most important question is, how do you do that in life? How do you eat natural food each day? And therefore, I have a method, and therefore, I say don't mix up the fast, or the concentrated carbohydrates with the concentrated proteins. If you don't do that, you will make healthier choices. If you do that in practice, that means that you are changing and exchanging your bread and your potatoes with a lot of vegetables and also a lot of fat. If you look at our plates now, the usual plates, what you see there, you see a lot of meat most of the time. You see a lot of fries, potatoes and French fries most of the time. And if we are lucky, yeah, you see a little bit of vegetables. That's the same as well in Belgium. But now I say, okay, you can't have them all three on the same plate. You have to choose. So in practice, you will go for fish together with vegetables, meat together with vegetables. And you can add a lot of fat, that's no problem. So instead of eating bread and potatoes, I just don't aim the potatoes, just omit them and bring in a lot of vegetables, and also the fat. A lot of people, when they look into my books, I can imagine when I explain it like that, they are like, whoa, that's a strange method, that's a strange rule. But if you look to the pictures, you see just normal recipes. Nobody's thinking, oh, they are looking strange. They are just normal recipes, and which is easy, that's only in that one rule, it's making you, you're gonna take better choices, you're gonna eat more vegetables, less carbohydrates. And I think it's very important as well, because we are living in a world of abundance. And our body is very, we are, it's for our body and our mind as well, it's more complicated to live in a world of abundance than to live in a world like when we had a war, people most of the time were healthier, because when food was scarce, then people were more healthier, and it's more difficult to live in a world of abundance. And with that only rule, that one rule, you have to make choices, and it brings peace in your head as well, because if you enter the supermarket, now you can say, okay, I'm gonna buy that and that, and everything is possible, you can mix up everything with everything, but if you have that one rule, then you can say, okay, no, that's I'm gonna eat in the next meal, or that I'm gonna eat tomorrow. And it brings you rest in your head. So it's, that one rule is really like, a lot of people here in Belgium are saying, that's my golden rule. - Yeah. - 'Cause it's very easy to make it, to turn it into practice, and what is very nice as well, that one rule is living down as well. People who are overweight, it will lose weight, because they eat less carbohydrates, and also because of the, I make good combinations, easy and simple combinations, and those combinations have a slimming effect as well. And you only have to do it for one week, and you will see that it works. And it's very, for a lot of people. - No, it's okay, it's very easy. It's easier for your digestive system, isn't it? Because your body knows what it's digesting, instead of two different proteins, like my body is not good at that. It'll, it'll, it'll look pregnant. (laughing) It won't do that, you know? - Absolutely. I think we should, we should listen more to our body, and that's also a problem that we don't do. We just eat everything, mix up everything with each other, and afterwards, some of us are saying, oh, I have to lose my belt, because my stomach is aching, and I have problems with my intestines. But then at that moment, I think your intestines, and your stomach that is acting very natural, it's your mind, you just put in everything, and that's not a natural behavior. It's a natural behavior, too, that's not natural food. If you eat natural food, then you will not have such a behavior. When I had, I had once myself a problem, an eating behavior problem, and when you overeat, you never overeat in natural food, you never overeat in fruits, or in nuts, natural nuts, or in meat, or in fish, but you do overeat in French fries, in breads, in coopies, in pastries. They are all processed foods. So we should, if you eat natural food, then your body will behave natural, and your body will say, I have enough, I'm satisfied. I don't need that pastry, I don't need that kind of bread, but you have to start to eat natural foods. And that one room is really making it a lot easier for you, and as you say, a lot of people can't handle all of that mixing up together, different kind of proteins, different kind of, especially the fast-acting carbohydrates, together with meat and fish. I have the same problems. When I mix them up, my body can't digest that. I feel bloated, I feel no. So when I eat, and I eat quite a lot, but when I make simple combinations, I can have a lot of food, I enjoy my food without having afterwards a very tiring feeling as well, afterwards you have the feeling that you want to go to sleep. And I don't have that anymore. After a meal, I'm satisfied, but I can go to work, and I have a lot of energy. I think that's the most important thing as well, that people are reporting. After three days, I already feel different. I have a lot more energy, and that's why they continue then. They start with little things, and then they feel better, and they continue. And that's nice to see. - I think our bodies are like a filing system. So here comes the food, and there's something in there that goes, okay, what are we gonna do with this? Okay, we can use this one for energy, and then something else comes, and it doesn't know what it is, and it's like, I don't know what to do with this, and then it goes to somebody else, and your body goes, what should we do with this? And that part goes, I don't know what to do with this, and the other part goes, I don't know what to do with it, so they store it. They file it away, and it lands on your hip. (laughs) - Well, I think you quite write Professor David Ludwig, who wrote a quote from my book. I interviewed him, he's a professor from Harvard. He's explaining that, but in real scientific words, and that's exactly what he says. He says our hormones are not responding well, and they don't know what to do with that kind of food. And if you eat the wrong foods and wrong combinations, they just convert it easier into fats. - So that's true, absolutely. - And I'm excited because you have goat cheese in your book. I love goat cheese, and everybody knows me knows, I love goat cheese, and you do these goat cheese bites with marinated sesame seeds, 'cause now I know you're into marinating and fermenting food, I know you're into that too. - But yeah, yeah. - These goat cheese bites, I want to make these, because yummy, I want to make the artichokes. - Yes, the artichokes and the zucchini noodles, and the eggplant. - I want to do the zucchini noodles too, 'cause I want to make my own noodles. - And very easy to make, you should make them. They're so easy, and they have so much flavor. It's really food that makes you happy, because of the colors, the flavor, you can enjoy them, you can eat them, you can even have a lot of them. The more you eat them, the better. So it's totally a different way to food, a relationship to food than we used to have. So I think I'd also like to call my book, Food That Makes You Happy. - Yeah, that's cool. - I love that. And that's what I was kidding around saying earlier, that you get to play with your food, because I mean, who doesn't want to make your own noodles on zucinis and do that kind of fun stuff? It's fun. - Well that's what cooking and baking and stuff is so much fun, being in the kitchen is fun. - Yeah, especially if you have the mess for somebody else, the queen. (laughing) - Well, I do want to ask you, what is food to sell? I see that as an ingredient in your-- - I have food to sell. Yeah, that's salt, but it's very natural salt, like very little salt flakes. And they are on the top of the sea, and they pour in water, and then they let it dry, and what's resting, the rest is kind of very small salt flakes, and they just cut them. And it's very soft, they still contain minerals, so it's a very soft, nice, cracky salt, very nice. It's a, and flour the cell, it's a French name, and it means flour of salt, which is a very beautiful name. And I just love it, because yeah, it's really so nice, it's more softer than the salt we use to have in the kitchen, which is as well processed salt. And this is just a natural salt, and it's always with natural foods, that's the advantage, it is more expensive, that's really strange, it's so strange that processed foods, which took more time to make it, and more people to make it. It can be so silly, yeah, very cheap, it can be so, yeah, and that's really strange. And natural food, like salt flakes, they are more expensive than the processed salt, but it's really worth it to try, because it's very, yeah, it's nice, it has a nice, soft flavor, it's not so salty than the salt we use to use. - Oh, nice, I'm gonna try that, yeah. Before you go, Pascal, the one thing I want people to know is that I know you love fruit, and that's what you have for breakfast, so I wanna start going more that route, and trying fruit instead of toast, and just taking that change over. But I want people to know that there's dessert involved, so there's a whole world of sweetness that's out there, and we're gonna be featuring your fluffy blueberry cake recipe, which I wanna make, and it's really interesting. Yeah, to me, I'm going blueberries, I'm in, and everyone please, especially in this country, go for organic blueberries, because most of our berries in this country, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, are at the top of the list of being sprayed with pesticides, so either grow them yourself, go to your local farmer, or go get them organic, because strawberries, especially are the worst, they're really bad here. I don't know, in Belgium it's the same thing, but this is the same thing, unfortunately, so sad. But this cake, you're using almond flour, and you think you're gonna have to go buy some fancy thing, but you can make it yourself, like you make your own flour. Yes, absolutely, just take the almonds, natural almonds, and you just grind them, grind them, you say, yeah? In a blender, you process them in a blender, until they are like coarse flour. And that's it, so it's still a natural ingredient, it's not processed ingredient, and it's really nice, the flavor of the almonds, they add more flavor to the cake, and it's a fluffy cake, which I like, it's not a dry one, and the blueberries are very nice when they melt it away in the oven, and it's just one of my favorites, and in Belgium they love to make them, some people even make them now with apples, with other fruits, but which is very important, is that you use, I add some yogurt or coconut milk, but that you use whole yogurt, because a lot of people, they always use whole fat. A lot of people are used to use skimmed milk or skimmed yogurt, but it won't work with that, and that's nice to see how they process the yogurt, they put in other ingredients, because if you take out the fat of the yogurt, then the yogurt, it's like milk, the consistent is like milk, so they have to add other products, and they have to add as well sugar, because to thicken it, that it looks like yogurt, but if you use that yogurt for cooking, your cake will not make it, because it reacts in a different way, and then a lot of people tell me, "Yeah, but my cake is too fluffy, it's not really, "I can't cut it in pieces," but that's because they don't use the whole fat yogurt, and it's very important to use that, and it's very important to use that as well, for the flavor, and it's more healthier to use natural yogurt, whole fat yogurt, than processed yogurt, if you think about that, it's really strange, they say it's more healthy, but they took out the fat, and they put in some sugar and other additives to thicken the yogurt, so it has nothing to do with natural yogurt, but they still sell it as a healthy yogurt, so it's really strange how we handle our food, so we have to rethink the food, and rethink, we didn't invent something, we just have to have more respect for nature, it's all there, and we just have to take it. - I love that, and Pascale, you're coming to America, right? I hear that you're gonna be coming out this month, April? - Yes, by the end of April, I'm coming to New York to promote my book, and I'll be there from, I think, the 20th, until I think 6th of May, even, and I will have some lectures there about healthy foods, and I do some promoting for my book, and I'm really looking forward to it, going to New York, I'm kind of a little bit proud to have my book out in New York, so it's very exciting for me, I'm really looking forward to it. - Well, we hope we welcome you here, and we hope you have a wonderful time, while you're here, and we're very excited that not only your book is out here, but that you're gonna be here, and again, like I was saying, Nancy and I are both saying, "We need you in America, so thank you for thinking of us." (laughs) We really do, but everyone, again, the book is by Pascale Nossons, and it's pure and simple, a natural food way of life, and you can go to Pascale's website, it's, and that's P-A-S-C-A-L-E. Thank you so much for joining us on the show today, we're ready to go play in the kitchen now. - Yeah, for sure. - Thank you very much, it was really a nice talk to you, and have a nice show, Lisa and Nancy. Thank you very much. - Thank you, thank you. - Take care, bye bye. - Good luck, bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (soft music) [MUSIC PLAYING]