Kap & J. Hood

7/24 9 AM: Albert Breer

Hour 3: USC Head Football Coach Lincoln Riley shares his thoughts on Caleb Williams. The front offices of Chicago Sports need to do better when building teams. Are the Bears ready to be contenders? NFL Insider for Albert Breer joined Kap & J. Hood with updates on the Bears and the latest NFL storylines. Plus, the Kap & J. Hood Cut of the Day.

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Good morning Chicago, and welcome in to the Cap and J Good Morning show. On ESPN 1000, and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. With David Kaplan, Jonathan Hood with you, we've got Shay, we've got Jay Moore, and we have you on this Waddle Wednesday still to come Albert Breer. Now at 935, a special time, 935 for Albert Breer. We'll get his thoughts about the story lines around the NFL, and your phone calls as well, 3-1-2-3-2-E-S-P-N-3-3-2-3-7-7-6 is our phone number. Make sure that you watch us on YouTube,, look for the ESPN and Chicago channel. Also on twitch, Chicago. We've been talking about the Bears cap, and just the feeling, not just in Chicago, but also nationally about what the Bears could be. Every time we look over our shoulders almost once an hour, they get ups and the first takes in them TV shows that talk sports. Are talking about the Chicago Bears. They are on hard knocks. They've got Caleb Williams, the number one pick. People believe this is gonna be a resurgent team here. Three wins and seven wins to a playoff team. People are excited. That is the new flavor in the NFL. The Chicago Bears and exactly who they're going to be, what they could be. It's gone from Super Bowl to not so sure. What do we just see from Tim Hasselbeck about 10 minutes ago? There's a question about Caleb Williams, right? - Yeah, can you take the Bears to the playoffs in his first year and he said no. - Okay. - Okay. - Tim. (laughing) - You upset with Tim now? You wanna have Tim on and tell him that he's wrong? - Yeah. - Tim Hasselbeck? - Okay. - Look, has he been at training camp? Does he know what the vibes like? Does he? - No. - Looking at it? - No, he's not. - It's ready, shoot, aim. No. Take it from someone who's measured before they say things. You gotta take it off. Take it all the evidence and then weigh it and think about it and then take 24 hours and think again before you make a proclamation. Who are you talking to? - You. - That's a lie. - I'm probably pretty much ready aim, ready to aim. (laughing) - So Lincoln Riley, as we well know, the much maligned Lincoln Riley, by the way, you know vacation, Paul Finebaum was on there but this is during SEC media days. - Oh, when he went at it with Lane Kiffin? That was amazing. - Lane Kiffin, yes. But also made the proclamation that Lincoln Riley did the worst coaching job in college football last year. This would Caleb on it. Pretty strong. Like almost, if he doesn't turn around, he could be fired at the end of the season. - Wow. - So Caleb Williams dealing with a team that was doing well early, not so good at the end, but the point is those that the guy to me is the best quarterback in the draft and he will be moving forward. But Lincoln Riley, though, gave his thoughts about Caleb Williams on his sportsman like, with Evan Cohen, Michelle Smallman and Chris Canty. - So I do think that the bearers, or at least from my vantage point, have built up, you know, some exciting talent, really I'm both sides of the ball. To put around Caleb, which is certainly, you know, a big part of it. I mean, we've seen, you know, high profile rookie quarterbacks going to the NFL, you know, for many years and a lot of them, you know, tend to struggle or maybe not, you know, maybe not perform at an optimum level early on. And some of that's the league's new and it's new offense and there's gonna be a lot of boot for Caleb, but some of that too is also, you know, you're supporting cast. And so, yeah, I know he's excited about it. I know he's feeling more confident each day with the installs and, you know, getting around his teammates and then really acclimating to the NFL. I'm sure there's gonna be some ups and downs. That's just part of that league. But listen, the guys are gonna make some great plays. I think he's gonna get better fast and it'll be a fun rock watch. You know, he really grew a lot as a leader, you know, in the years that we had him. You know, Kevin is a freshman play for us in the back half of his career. You know, he really, I think, had to flip that switch more when he came to USC, you know, where we were, you know, restarting basically in every sense of the word. And the thing that the guy does really well is he really relates well, you know, to everybody in the locker room, the teammates, the coaches, the other staff members. He's one of those guys that's kind of a, can honestly be kind of a chameleon. He's, you know, can kind of be in any crowd around any type of people and, you know, can be personable, you know, kind of inviting. And I think we'll create a good team atmosphere in that locker room. - You know, when we talked to Tommy in our last half bar, we talked about how the computer could be dangerous, how the internet could be dangerous, right? It's so dangerous that we had that narrative hanging out there before the draft about the bear should be worry of Caleb Williams because this guy, bad locker room guy, bad person, diva, soft, all these things, right? You're putting labels and stamping labels on a kid before he's even drafted. Here's his head coach. He's got, I mean, he doesn't play, he doesn't coach for him anymore, saying those things about Caleb Williams, how he's a chameleon could be in any crowd, meaning that he is a good teammate. That matters, Cap. That matters. - It does matter. And Demarcus Walker the other day talked extensively about how ridiculous he thought it was, how the LA and national media spun this Caleb's a diva and Caleb's this. And he goes, just sit down in the cafeteria and get to know the guy. - Talk to him. He's really good, loves him as a teammate and obviously he's a hell of a football player. - Jay Moore may ask a question about your son playing at Wyoming. I'm sure without saying on the air, there might have been some teammates that he may not have liked or maybe sketchy, but as long as that teammate was getting it done and working in a team environment, I think that's not a bad thing. What I'm saying is that if Caleb Williams, even if he was a diva, if as far as him being about Caleb Williams, Inc. as much as Chicago Bears, it does matter that he has a good makeup. But even if he was, as long as you are getting the job done and you're working within the team atmosphere, I got no problem with it. How many wide receivers have we seen Terrell Owens comes to mind? And when it was all about TO? - Yeah, as long as you're taking care what you need to take care of and there's a respect factor, as long as you're not disrespecting your teammates and whatever you're doing outside of that, as long as it doesn't affect what's going on inside the school and things of that nature, I think it's fine. - I mean, my school, you can't get guys out of the car cap. They're always speeding 120 miles an hour. Every other week we're seeing a story about Georgia players. Okay, so I guess that's part of the makeup. Are you a good teammate? Are you a good person? All those things matter 'cause you don't want to have issues off the field. And the hope is that for Caleb Williams, Roman Dunes, any other rookie on this team, that's about football, period. - Look, this, everything's different here. From the GM and the head coach and the quarterback and the talent level they've upgraded, everything is different. They're on hard knocks for a reason because they want the rest of the football world to know, hey man, blanks different in Chicago. Oh, I didn't have no idea. You'll see the facilities and you'll see the vibe and it's a cool place to want to play. - I'm just excited about the future of Chicago sports because currently it's bad across the board. But there is sunshine on the horizon cap with Connor Badard and Angel Reese and Cardoso with the sky. Caleb Williams, Roman Dunes, the hope is that it turns here because of the young talent. And because it turns, the hope is is that we start seeing more championship or championship level play in our city. - Yeah, unfortunately the bulls are going in the wrong direction it looks like. The Cubs are stagnant and the White Sox are gonna set a record for most losses potentially. Not good on some levels, but you are exactly correct. Football is, that's what we hold our, that's our number one property. - Jay Moore. - And my only thing is the front offices, they gotta take care of business. In order to see these teams grow, they gotta do what they have to do. And as of late, it's been sketchy. - Yeah, well, here's, someone has to lead, right? Someone has to lead in the city and the Chicago Bears is a team that galvanizes the city. This is where Cubs fans and Sox fans can get along. This is Bulls fans and Blackhawks fans. They all come together for one common goal and that's to blue and orange for the Chicago Bears to win. And the hope is is that Ryan Polls cap can be the start of this, right? I don't think it's David sitting in the Hawks. They're still, I mean, they're trying. It's a retool, it's a rebuild, but Ryan Polls, he could be the beginning of this, even where Jet and Carter are like, well, what's going on over there, right? The Sox are at the bottom. They're not even close, but for the sky and for the other teams this town, they say, look how they built that thing. Everyone wants to be with the Chicago Bears. Everyone wants to be a soldier field. It's the hot property, it's the hot team. That's how you, that's what you wanna be. You wanna be the best in the city. - Yeah, it goes bears and everybody else. - Cubs? - The Cubs, they're just not good enough yet. They got a good farm system. Those are guys have never done it. - Yeah. - So we'll see. - It's just about, you know, Chase, it's just about how it's run, right? - Exactly. Well, it's like, I've been here since 2020, right? Like I've lived in Chicago for four years, going on five years. And this is the most excited that I've been up out a local team since I've been here, because the front office feels legitimate. It feels like the decision-making process is legitimate. The way they're going about building the football team, I have some gripes about what they've done on the defensive line, but other than that, they're going about building a modern football team and getting rid of the, we're married to play in defense and running the ball. No, we're gonna go get a star quarterback and pair them with three star receivers. We're gonna play football in 2024. We're gonna build this thing the way the league has adopted the sport. And that's exciting, because you have a front office management that's coming out and showing you. They're not just saying things, they're taking action and doing something that feels real and legitimate. And like you think about, when I got here, the White Sox, it felt like they were building this long-term contender. Whatever you thought about Tony LaRou, so whether it was the right or wrong decision, it was a meddlesome decision. It felt like, cart in front of the horse, we've accomplished everything. Now let's do the apology to Tony. - That's correct. - For the way we kicked them out. It turned out you hadn't accomplished anything and you weren't going to with that core of players. The Cubs, I don't believe they've spent enough money at any point. They haven't been in the tax in years. This was a year where they could have gone into it and it would have made sense for me. They didn't, the Bulls, it's a joke. And the Blackhawks I actually have hoped for. It feels like they're starting down the path of legitimacy again. But right now the Bears, what they're doing is serious. They're doing big boy sports. - Yeah, it's not hyperbole on the part of Cap and I. We can dabble in that every now and then. We could joke around, but we're serious about the Bears because even for our younger listeners and viewers, we haven't seen an off season like this. We could tell you the stories of just one draft pick here, one ancillary choice in free agency. All right, go ahead guys, to a six win team, five win team. We've never seen anything like this. The sweeping changes have been made over the last three years. It's completely a different sea change than we've seen in the past with the Bears. - I told you back last fall, people don't wanna hear it. Even people that I'm friendly with. - What are you talking about chasing greatness? - They're chasing greatness at Hallis Hall. They did that getting Caleb. And I kept saying, do you see that light down in that tunnel? That's the Bears, they're coming and people don't wanna believe it. I still have friends going, I don't know, another new quarterback, I don't know, are you any good? You just wait. The light is coming quick and that is an oncoming train with a big blue and orange logo on it of a bear head. This thing is going to be unlike anything we've seen in 40 years. - Are the Bears ready to be contenders? You hear us having a conversation for those of you that supported the previous regime with Justin Fields. Hey, it's a new day for the Chicago Bears. They're going with youth, with Caleb Williams of the quarterback, Roma Dunezay, Amagajay, and so many others as on this team mixed with the veteran. So are the Bears in your mind ready to be contenders? This kind of stems from the piece from Courtney Croner from saying you went from tanking to where you are right now as contenders. How do you feel? 1-2-3-3-2 ESPN is our telephone number. Captain J. Hood, we're on weekday mornings, seven to 10. (upbeat music) - You're listening to Captain J. Hood. Follow the show on Instagram @thecatman and @igjhood. This is ESPN Chicago. Chicago's home for sports. (dramatic music) Football. (sighs) Football. (upbeat music) Are the Bears ready to be contenders? 3-1-2-3-3-2-3-7-7-6 is our phone number. Albert Breyer from, a Monday morning quarterback will be with us at 935. Are you almost done with your column? - I'm not ready to call it. - Head down in the computer type in. - I just send it in, you know. - I want to see the old cap columns. Those are good, man. When you, first of all, my partner is a very talented writer because he doesn't do it much anymore because he's about this spoken word. But back in the day, though, restaurant quality writing as well. - I enjoyed it. I wrote a column for the Tribune. That was more of a notes column I do with the great Fred Mitchell. And then I would write for NBC Sports Chicago's website. - I recall. - And I remember getting calls from different executives. - I can't believe you wrote that. Did I lie? - What's funny is, is that you'd say it. Didn't hear that, but when it's in the written word in a column, that's been made in a minute. - How could you write that? - I said that on the ear like 50 times. - Well, I didn't hear that. - People like the written word also, Cap. That's still a thing in 2024. - Crazy. - 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 7, 7, 6 are a full number. Eddie from the North Side on, Cap and Jay Hood. - Hey, Eddie! - Good morning, Cap, your speech. I heard it two or three years ago about the Chicago White Sox and you were completely wrong. And you're going to be wrong about the Bears. I believe Caleb Williams is undersized. He's going to be running around like Justin Fields. And many experts have said in the next five years of teams that will be in contention to win a Super Bowl, that Bears are nowhere near there. Two of the receivers will probably be gone. And Caleb Williams might even take off too, and maybe go to Washington or California. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - It's a mistake. - How is Caleb Williams leaving? They have him for the next five years. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? No, he signs a four-year rookie deal with a fifth-year Bears option. - Oh, so he has no power to leave. - And then they can tag him up to three times. He could be here the next eight years. Come on, man, do a little homework. Put the truck in part and do a little homework. - He's on their side, and he's going to be running around. - He's not on their side, really? Was Drew Brees on their side? No. - He's almost one of the shortest quarterbacks in the draft. - He's almost six to you, goof. - You know what Eddie, I think it's very clear, and I've sniffed this out. You're not even a Chicago sports fan. You're just not. You haven't called in on any of the shows with anything, not even a little, but not even a modicum of optimism. Not any of it. - So, let me just finish. You do not like Chicago sports, and that's fine. You have every right. I'm just saying that I've sniffed you out for a while. You don't like Chicago sports. You never say anything. Positive about Chicago sports, and if you just come out and just say who you are a fan of, I can respect it more. But you just won't do it because it's not just disagreeing. You're just hating on purpose, just to be interesting. That's what you're doing. I'm a frustrated Chicago fan, and my love is for the Chicago Bulls of all time in the Chicago White Sox. - That's a lie. - The Bears did not win a Super Bowl since 1985, and I've heard up and down from all these experts. This is the year this is gonna happen. This is gonna happen, and I'm getting older, man. I wanna see something happen, but I don't see it. - Okay, well, I think you wake up every day and go, "Let me think how negative I can be." Because that's all you do. All you do is be negative. - You know what it's gotten me to is sports betting to, 'cause I look at it as betting smart and not with my heart. Because every time I bet with my heart, I always lose it to Chicago Bears. - What heart? - See ya, Eddie. - 3-1-2-3-2-3-7-7-6-4. I can understand, Cap, it's like, I like this about the Chicago Bears, but I don't like that. Or I'm not sure about this part of the Chicago Bears, but it's all hate. - Yeah, he's got, he'll be gone in three years. - No, he won't. - They'll lose two of the receivers. - No, they won't. - They didn't draft Doug Flutey. - Correct. - It didn't. It wasn't Bambi out there, that's Caleb Williams. - Correct. - I mean, but here's the thing. You can go with the trend also, Cap, as a sports fan, and say, well, the Bears don't usually get it right. - You have a right to feel that way as well. But the idea that none of it's any good, none of it? - It's, that's nice. - None of it? No. - Fish static. - He was telling me on the phone that his reasoning for thinking Caleb will make his way out of here is because, wait for it, DeShawn Watson forced his way out of Houston. Oh, is that how that went down? - Really? - Is that how that went down? - Yeah, or maybe 'cause he was doing things that they had to get him out of there. - That's right. That's one Google search. But Chicago sports is the drizzling, you know what? - Yeah. - Let's stay on the North side. Carlos is on ESPN 1000. Loose, good morning. - Hey, what's going on, Cap, it's Carlos, low boots. - Hey, my guy, Carlos. - Carlos got a big, low boots and a low boots, he runs the whole butcher department hoodie. I gotta bring you some meat from there, man. The best. - Hey, brother, so check it out. Right now, I'm on the expressway heading to Atlanta to get my daughter. She got stranded in Atlanta, so I'm on the expressway in Kentucky somewhere. Right? - They held Delta thing, right? What, the outage? - Yeah, Delta, all the outage. I'm on my way to go pick her up. So she got stuck out there. So I'm on the road. But listening to you guys on the way here, I do think that they have a good chance of winning the North. I think they're a sleeper to win the NFC. And I think they don't have any chance of winning the Super Bowl this year. But I believe we're catching great things happening five years, eight, five to eight years for sure. I think it's gonna be a big change in all the fairs. You know what I mean? I have a witness, Super Bowl, because I was only two years old when they wanted 85. But I definitely need to see one. So you're gonna let you guys do what you guys doing. - You're gonna get one. - Right here, you guys. - Okay, drive safe, man. You're the best. I appreciate you. - My father, you guys, you guys take an easy and I'm looking listening. - You guys, thank you very much. - She's the best. - We were just talking about this off the air yesterday that those people sleeping in the Atlanta airport. - It's crazy. - It's crazy. Horrible. No hotels available. - And you know what I went through when I was trying to get back to Toronto and I thought that was a big deal. No luggage for a week. - I mean, there are people sleeping in the hotel, sleeping at the airport rather. It's a mess there. - Mess. - And he's got a drive to get his daughter out of there. - In Atlanta. - That's bad. Driving from Chicago. - That's tough. - Tough stuff. - God bless you, man. Brooklyn, New York, listening on the SP in Chicago appears Derek on Cap and J. Hood. Derek, good morning. - Yo, good morning, fellas. Cap, what's up, brother? - Our guy, how are you? - I was good a few minutes ago 'til I heard this Jackaloo Eddie call with his not listen, man. Eddie, I'm gonna say this to you. This is directed to you strictly, man. Stop calling ESPN 1000, which a nonsense takes about the bears, man. Like Cap said, do your homework. How are you gonna say something about the man is undersized? I didn't know a six-one quarterback is considered undersized. You know what I mean? The man has to prove himself first. He has to prove himself to be a bad quarterback first. He hasn't proven anything yet, so you gotta give him the benefit of the doubt. And when you call up here talking all this nonsense about he's gonna be gone in three years and the receivers, this and that. Listen, man, shut up and go sit your ass down, man. All right? - We love you, Derek. - Let's go, brother. He said, I'm out. - He said. - I love that. (laughing) - How 'bout that, Eddie? - Can't say they were gonna win Super Bowls. - They will win the Super Bowl with Caleb at quarterback. They will. And when I'm right, Eddie? Oh, man, I'm just gonna haunt you. - How 'bout that, Eddie? - Yeah, I love it. Kevin on 55 is with us on Cap and J. Kevin, good morning. - Good morning, fellas. Love to show. - Appreciate you. - I'm really trying to temper my expectations 'cause I've been let down before, but I'm telling you guys, it's given me the last time two young players came into an organization and changed. It was Kane and Taves, and I'm really getting that vibe from Williams and O'Dunze, so I'm tilting towards that good things are gonna happen. - I hope to God, you're right, I believe it. Everything I hear, hoodie hears it. The vibe is just different, man. - Kevin, I mean, you've been a Bears fan. I've been watching the Bears for a long time. Don't you feel like it's different this year? I mean, look, we've all been there before, but I go back to just all the changes that the Bears have made. It's not just a one-off, just one draft pick or just a couple of free agents. Look at everything that they've done. Got an extra tight end. You got a new running back. You've got two tight ends, a new running back, offensive lineman, new wide receivers. You got some help in the secondary with Bayard. I mean, it's different, Kevin, to me. - Yeah, there hasn't been a time in my life. I'm 42 years old where the Bears have brought in a quarterback and wisely built around him. It was always, we're gonna bring this person in and they're gonna make everybody better. They're doing it the right way where, "Hey, we're gonna help support Caleb when he's young. He'll eventually get to the point where he'll make people better, but let's help him get there." - You're exactly right, like when they went and got Jay. Much as I was not a Jay fan, I didn't like to trade the day they made it, but did they upgrade the offensive line? - No, no. - Who was his number one receiver? Devin Hester and Johnny Knox. I mean, he had 18 different offensive coordinators and then we wonder why it didn't work. Mitch Trabisky, maybe he wasn't the good enough player. Did they surround him with a ton of talent? - They did not. - They did not, Justin Fields. They threw him in there into a bad situation, change coaches, bad situation. This is the first time they've done it the right way. - And you know what boys? The biggest thing too about Ryan Paul said I love? Unlike Ryan Pace, she's not giving up draft picks to draft up for people he thinks are gonna be good. He's really building through the draft and he's collecting draft picks and yeah, I think he's putting a phenomenal job to build for a long-term success. - Completely agree. - Yeah, we're gonna steal that Kane and Taves take that you have there. You say that the Bears are giving the vibe of the Hawks and what they gave Kane and Taves. I like that. That's a good comp. - Hey, you said it's all yours fellas. Have a good morning. - Have a great day, man. - All right, we appreciate your telephone call. Albert Breer with the latest on the Bears and the NFL. That's coming up next on the Captain Jay Hood Morning Show. Here's to Dave's headline, headline with Captain Jay Hood. - Tough night in Chicago baseball. White Sox fall to the Rangers. They'll play again tonight down in Texas while the Cubs fall one-nothing. - Shut out yet again. - Second time since the all-star break. It was one zip. James Sotomayor was magnificent but the offense. Blue two bases loaded opportunities had men on in the ninth, could not notch the tying run. They'll play an afternoon game weather permitting at Wrigley today to close out the shares with the Brewers before a day off tomorrow. The Olympic festivities get rolling tomorrow but games are already underway and the Bears get their first day off during training camp. J-board. - Oh, I'm sweating. Captain Jay Hood unbek. - We are back, baby. We are back. We are back. - On Chicago's home for sports, ESPN Chicago. - Captain Jay Hood on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN at Chicago and we're talking about the Chicago Bears. 3-1-2-3-3-2-3-7-7-6. With you until 10 o'clock, then Mike Greenberg comes in at 10, Carmen Iyorco at 12. What will until the 2-30 to 6-30 into White Sox baseballs and take on the Rangers. It's a 6-30 pregame right here. On the home of the White Sox, ESPN 1000, Bleck and Abdullah, they will be on YouTube., look for Bleck and Abdullah on YouTube or the ESPN Chicago app, just click Bleck and Abdullah. Yeah, we play Lincoln Riley, the coach for Caleb Williams when Caleb was in college. You know, he's pretty optimistic about Caleb Williams and when he brought to the table in college and how it could transfer over to the pros. - Yeah, he really grew a lot as a leader, you know, in the years that we had him. You know, Kevin is a freshman, played for us in the back half of his career. You know, he really, I think, had to flip that switch more when he came to USC, you know, where we were, you know, restarting basically in every sense of the word. And the thing that God does really well, is he really relates well, you know, to everybody in the locker room, the teammates, the coaches, the other staff members. He's one of those guys that's kind of a, can honestly be kind of a chameleon. He's, you know, can kind of be in any crowd around any type of people and, you know, can be personable, you know, kind of inviting. And I think we'll create a good team atmosphere in that locker room. - That's a positive thing to say for the college coach for Caleb Williams to say that, Lincoln Riley. - It absolutely is to hear that, you know, before the draft, well, he's gonna hype his own guy up. But once he's out of there and he's now here in Chicago and locked in as the starting quarterback to hear some of the things I've heard Lincoln say in different settings, super cool, super cool. - Some thoughts on baseball with the Cubs and Sox momentarily, but first, we'll just go into the phone lines and talk to you. We say hello to John in St. Charles on ESPN 1000, hi John. - Hello, long time with it. I'll try to keep this quick. Hey, that guy Eddie, we don't need you. We don't want you. You're not a real flippin' fan. You're full of hate every time I hear you. So I just wanna say that guy real quick. My dad died right after the charter game and you get real, you know, despondent. Now who cares what they do now? Well, you know what Eddie, thank you. Your hate, your own best take for this great team that's built it all the right way, thank you. You know, I'm gonna bring the earn out this week to watch that Hall of Fame game and they're gonna win. And I'm gonna bring it out for the preseason games and Caleb's gonna look awesome. It's gonna come out for the games during the season and they're gonna win. They're gonna go all the way, maybe now this year. And Cat, every time you talk about that train coming down the track, it makes me cry 'cause it's coming, it's got two stops. A Super Bowl at Arlington Heights, that's all I got. You're the man, thanks, John. Strong. As we go to the hotline. The hotline is the car that's tired. ♪ Rattle, rattle, thunder, batter, boom, boom, boom ♪ ♪ Don't worry, call the car that's late ♪ Albert Brea is with us here from in Monday morning quarterback. Good morning Albert, how are you? Hey guys, what's up? Everything is good, man. They get their first day off at training camp 'cause the Bears started early because they have the Hall of Fame game a week from tomorrow. But we're hearing great reports on Caleb Williams. He hasn't been perfect. They've had a couple of opportunities with that really good defense. But boy, to hear his teammates talk about how different the vibe is there. Are you hearing the same thing? Yeah, and you know, I think that this is part of the whole plan where they named the SARS so quickly. You know, is that you wanted to kind of send that message to the team like that. This is the way we view this guy and, you know, it's time to start building, you know? And we're not gonna, and I'm not saying it's wrong to have a competition obviously. There's a lot of questions to doing it that way. But, you know, like I know the Bears really wanted to do their best to put him in a position to succeed as a rookie. And, you know, I think creatively what they were able to do and installing with him before they even drafted him and getting him ready to play and getting him with his teammates that night on Lake Forest before the draft. And putting him in a position where, when he stepped in the huddle in May, it wasn't like who is this kid for a lot of those guys. Like they knew what the score was already. I think you probably see the dividends of that now where these guys are able to hit the ground running and there's at least, I'd say, a sense of normalcy and the idea that he's gonna be a starting quarterback. What's the latest on Jordan Love and how much do you think he could make, Albert? - I mean, I get the feeling that this is gonna be one of those study where it comes back at like 56, you know what I mean? Like it's a kick over what, what Baro got, whichever Lawrence got. And I think, you know, a big part of this, you know, and look like the way I see it, you know, these things are a lot deeper than just the run number. But when Jared Goff got 53, when Trevor Lawrence got 55, the idea that you could say, well, you know, Joe Burrow is in a different category than all these other guys, that's out the window now. 'Cause other guys are getting paid like that too. And so it's not just Burrow and the Holmes at the very top. It's, you know, these other guys who you could say are peers of Jordan Love, they're also. I think what's gonna be more interesting is gonna be how the contract is structured. How quick is he getting his money and how far out did the guarantees go? And, you know, I think with the guy that played great at the end of last year, but doesn't have a long track record, I think maybe the most interesting part of the contract is gonna be how the team protects itself. If you look at the difference between the Joe Burrow and the Trevor Lawrence deals, the raw numbers are same. But, you know, the pace at which Joe Burrow gets his money is completely different. Burrow gets more money faster, more money guaranteed. If you look at like the numbers every year, one year, two year, three, they're not even close. And so those are the details. I think we're gonna have to look at it with love, but I'd assume that this gets done in the next week or so. - So Brandon Iyuk is gonna be at camp, but he is not gonna practice. CD Lambos, I didn't even gonna show up. Do either of these guys truly get moved? - I would say no on CD. I think I'd say no on both. I guess you leave open the possibility if somebody comes in with something crazy and the Niners have to consider it just because they've got this bottleneck of contracts, right? The all these big contracts they have and they're gonna have to pay brought party next year. And so like could this get ugly to the point where the Niners consider, you know, door number two versus door number one, then maybe that's possible. With CD I think, you know, given the circumstance with Dak Prescott in the contract year and with Mike McCarthy in the contract year and you know with the fact that like they aren't in the same spot as the Niners are, I just have a harder time seeing where the cowboys have moved on from them. So yeah, ultimately I think both those guys are what the teams they're playing for now in 2024. If you ask me like, is there a 1% chance more, a 1% higher chance that one gets moved in the other? I'd say maybe a little bit of a higher chance I just moved in the way. - What do you think of the Bill Belichick story? Kyle Shanahan says Belichick declined an offer to join the 49ers, that beneath Bill to be a DC after all that time as a head coach? - No, I mean, I'm not surprised. I think it's, you know, I think it's much of anything else. So this is a, this is a, this is a result of a longstanding relationship between Belichick and the standing ends and the mutual respect between those families. And, you know, look, I, I'm gonna say this carefully without trying to make them sound like Eagle Maniacs. I think those guys think there's a very small group of coaches who are, who are their peers. And I think they view each other as peers. And so, you know, the minute that Bill Belichick became available, you know, I think the wheels are turning and Kyle Shanahan's head because the idea that you could bring in that sort of institutional knowledge and that sort of brain power into your building. Of course, it was enticing to him. So, you know, I don't think it was specifically with a DC job in mind. I think it was more like, hey, if there's any way that you can come in and help us, whether it's calling the defense, helping us manage games, quality control, being consult, and whatever it is, we'd love to have you. As that does not surprise me at all. In fact, like, if you had asked me whether or not I would have thought that it happened, I didn't know about to be clear. But if you asked me whether I thought that it happened, I would have said, yes, just based on what I know about the people. - If you had a new relationship, we'll put it, and she's 24 and you're 72 and you've got $250 million in the bank, why would you want to go do that? - So, that's an interesting question, Kat, because I think, you know, I thought a lot about, like, what is gonna happen with him in September in October and November, and I don't know. And I don't know that he knows either. This has been his life since 1974, you know what I mean? That's half a century ago, was his first summer coaching in the NFL, and it's been continuous since then. So, he has not, like, had a fall like this, like where he's not involved in the NFL and not involved in coaching, just before most of us were born. And so, like, I think, I think there's a lot of unknown. There's a lot of known unknown on whether or not, like, he's gonna be comfortable with it, whether or not. He's going to still have that fire to coach again. I think he still has it. Like, and I think he's still plans on it, he still wants to coach, and I don't think that's changed since the end of the year. But I also am cognizant of what's happened with some other guys, you know, like Bill Cowar, like John Gruden, who didn't go back for nine years, where, you know, I think, you know, with some of the guys, you know, they get out of that life, and they get out of, they climb out of that hole that they've been in. And, you know, after getting a look on the other side for a year or two years, whatever it is, it becomes increasingly more difficult to jump back into that hole, where you're working 100 hours a week or whatever it is, and just grinding continuously. So, I think how the fall plays out will really dictate what those final answers gonna be on that. But I know, I know, as far as word, it stands right now, I got a pretty strong feeling, and nothing's changed in that he still wants to coach, just as he did when he pursued the Falcons' job back in January. - We'll have to get the analysis from Brere on the comily girlfriend of Bella Checka another time. - Yes, how was the concert for you? - It was awesome, thanks for all your help, Cap. Was, I mean, Chicago never disappoint, and Chicago Cut was A plus. - I told you, it's the best, man. - It is, man. - Yeah, absolutely. - Albert, thanks so much for joining us. - Awesome, thanks guys. - Thank you. - He was at the Chris Stapleton show. ♪ Rattle, rattle, thunder, batter, boom, boom, boom ♪ ♪ Don't worry, call the correct say ♪ - I was talking to them all weekend, he flew in with a bunch of friends, they went to the concert, they went to cut. Yeah, he said it was awesome, so good to hear. - All right, then, Cap and J-hood cut of the day is right around the corner, on Chicago's Home for Sports. - Okay, it's about that time. You're tuned in to the Cap and J-hood show. - Everything ain't hardcore, you know, you know. - On Chicago's Home for Sports, ESPN, Chicago. - Now time for the Cap and J-hood Cut of the Day. - Wrought to you by the aforementioned Chicago Cut Steakhouse on the south north side of the Chicago River, it's simply awesome. - Hey, yo. - Yes, it's boring, but it's a sport. - Oh! - Whatever. - It's not boring. - Okay, then you're bored. - All right, cut! - You know, haven't seen the Giants, heard a lot of great stuff. Meller's been watching it, but I've seen some of the clips. I can't believe that some of the things that they are saying and doing is being broadcast. - That should have been edited. It's an expose of the organization, yeah. - I mean, and if I'm, if you're Ryan Poles, you don't, you know, like you know, that the coaches in front office, people in the NFL, they protect their secrets, like it's national security, you know? Like they do go overboard a little bit, but you don't want anyone else knowing your business. That's like, you know, that's confidential between you and the Giants, but you find out that the Bears had a deal, potentially, in the works for the sixth pick of the draft, if in fact certain things happen, like, I don't, I can't imagine the Bears front office was happy to see that broadcast. - I just think that when it comes to the Bears and hard knocks, there has to be multiple people in the theater room, saying, "Nope, no, nope, nope." Well, we don't have, well, I don't care if it's 10 minutes. We're not putting all that out there. Nope, nope. - Episode one is seven minutes and 24 minutes. (all laughing) I mean, I mean, seriously. - And that's all, folks. - The cap and J-hood cut of the day. - Brought to you by Chicago Cut Steakhouse. Sit out on that patio while the summer's still here. - Thank me later, it's amazing. - Shay, we have a very special birthday today. - Yeah, Danny Glover. - And 70, did you say 71? - He said his 70s. I gotta check the actual age. But he was in his 30s when he said, "I'm too old for this belief." - Yes, he's exactly right. And his 30s, he said that. And he seemed old then, by the way. In his 70s, still getting it done. - 78 years old today. - 78, geez. - Whoa. I believe he's that old. - One of our great actors of all time. - Yeah. - News and nuggets now on cap and J-hood. There's a new general manager for the Edmonton Oilers. - Yes, Dan Bowman, back in the game. After a two and a half year exile from the Kyle Beach case, I fully expected Coach Q would be the first one back in. - You talk about failing up. Really? This guy's back in hockey? - It gets a team that just went to the Stanley Cup final game seven. - And he's gonna build around? - Connor McDavid. Wow. - That's what I mean about failing up. - That title? - That's some BS. Really? - That's unbelievable. - It's okay to do what you do behind the scenes hockey. And then you get the job with the Edmonton Oilers, really? - How 'bout that? - Not AHL, NHL, and Top Shelf. - He got cleared by commissioner Gary Bettman. - Yeah. - I don't know, two, three, four weeks ago. - Yeah. - And now he's back. - Yeah. - Yes. - Paris Martin, the Phillips High School coach gets fired. - He has won the state title. They never paid the man. He keeps filling out the paperwork and they go, "Oh, wait, you gotta fill it out again." - He sued him, finally. And they fired him. That's just awful. - Kinda-- - He the guy is money. - The volunteer coach with Phillips, the first time in 49 years, they win the championship, state championship. - Yeah. - Never got paid for it. - Never got his money. They're supposed to get $7,500 a year for the stipend for being the head coach. They owe him a bunch. - He sued him for a million. - Shame on you, principal Rashad Talley. Shame on you. We thank you for listening and calling anything across the Pro grand bureau at Cap and J-hood. Thank you, Shane. Thank you, Jay Moore. How 'bout a deal breakers Thursday? - I think that's a great plan. Hopefully, Shay will bring his A-game for a change. - Saw on everybody. - Aw, take that. - Hello, Dean. - Bye. - You'll make time for me. - Yeah, there's a reason. - Saw on everybody.