Kap & J. Hood

7/18 Kap & J. Hood Shorts

The Kap & J. Hood Morning Show weekdays 7a-10a (CT) on ESPN Chicago listen live on the ESPN Chicago app.

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18 Jul 2024
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(crunching) - Chicago. - This is your morning routine. - Listen to respect my name. - Cap and G hood. - That's right, that's right, we're bad, huh? - Watch the show on Twitch. Follow ESPN 1000 Chicago. - Stream the show on the ESPN Chicago app. And on NBA 100.3 HD2 and on ESPN 1000 Chicago. Now, no, no, no. - David Kaplan and Jonathan Hood. - Good morning, everyone. - Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. (upbeat music) ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ - Oh, God, welcome into the Cap and G hood morning show on ESPN 1000. And we're streaming on the ESPN Chicago app with Dion Miller. Gated with you? Dion is in for a cap. We've got Shay, we've got J-Moor, we've got you for a three hour ride on this deal breakers Thursday. We've opened full lines for you. 3-1-2-3-2-3-7-7-6 is our telephone number. Dion, thanks so much for being with us. How are you? - Thank you for saying my name correctly. And also, are already pointing out that it's deal breakers Thursday, which I knew as soon as I committed to this particular day of filling in, I was like, crap, it's deal breakers. (laughing) - I mean, so it's a rib on you because you said, oh, work with J-Hut, okay, that's great. - Yes. - But then you lost. - And I was like, oh my God. - But it's on a Thursday. - I made that decision on my own. - That's exactly right. - So choices were made and here we are. - You know why? You made that choice? - Tell me. - You're a mess. - I'm a hot mess. - You're a hot mess. - You're a hot mess. (laughing) - Here I am. The fact that I know it's Thursday is also kind of a miracle, but that's okay. Here we are. - That's fine. I mean, because I know if it was your choice, if you would have given a little bit more, you're like, now I'll do Friday 'cause I know deal breakers is if you don't have candles lit before this and some prayer, deal breakers not gonna go well for you 'cause I know you need those candles lit, but now you have no candles lit and now you gotta go right into deal breakers at 835. - I'm gonna have to have a little time with Jesus on here at home. It's okay. It's all right. (laughing) - It's just great. - But good morning, I am excited to be here. It's been a minute. - It is. - So it's nice to see you. - I'd like to ask you about this name of yours, this first name of yours. - Ollie, yes. - Well, I'd like to talk about this because I've heard this through the grapevine that we have been mispronouncing your name for a long time. - Yeah. It's okay. - But so. - Okay, I'm not like mad. I don't even notice. - Well, it's fine, but I mean, we should be able to call it. I mean, when did you go from Leroy Butler to Leroy Butler? Because that's exactly what this sounds like to me with this Deon Miller. - It's always been Deon. It's always been Deon. - But I just put people say Deon. Probably 'cause it's easier. - Yes. - All right, whatever. I mean, that's fine. Or just shorten it to D. I get a lot of D. - Yes. - Which is also fine. (laughing) Oh, that was terrible. (laughing) - That'll be on the board for a very long time. - It's 703. - That one's gonna be a mainstay. (laughing) - Well, I mean, I mean, really. - Can I go home? Can we start again? Can we retract it? Can we, I mean, what is happening? - I mean, listen. - Oh my gosh. - I mean, it's you. - I mean, listen, Deon, these are things that you say. (laughing) - It's my fault. It's all, I think it's the morning. - I know I did. - And? - And I didn't hear it until I heard Jaymore laughing in the background. - Yes. - And then I was like, oh, gosh. - And my other statement to that is, wow, Braggart. (laughing) - Hold them. - Save some for the rest of us. (laughing) - Oh my gosh, you guys, I can't. Oh, I'm sweating. - Already? - Yes. - Three minutes in. You're already sweating. - My own fault. - Yes. - All right. Let's start again. - Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. - Can we run the open again? Can we try again? - Jaymore, let's have the open again, please. Let's have that ready. - Chicago. - This is your morning routine. Listen to respect to my mean cap and G hood. - That's right. That's right. We're bad. (laughing) - Oh my gosh. I mean it's huge. (laughing) - Glad my kids aren't up yet. - Yeah, exactly right. I wanna talk to you about a beat that you know very well to Chicago Bears. - Yeah. - Right here on the home of the Bears, the ESPN 1000 because as I was telling Black yesterday, we could stop with the hue and cry and the sky is falling and the chicken little stuff about Caleb Williams and Roma Dunesay. The on, they are signed. And it's exactly what I thought was gonna happen that they were going to sign. Was it the 11th hour? Yes. But as I've been saying the last couple of weeks, I really believe that this is, I mean it's business but also performative in that I'm sure that the hard knocks cameras, they're already filming. - That was in person. - Are going to be able to film these two being able to be officially signed by the Chicago Bears. So yes, it was at the 11th hour, but I'm sure that that will be one of the first episodes of hard knocks to see these two put pen the paper. - Yes, it will. And part of me wants to say shame on me on Tuesday that I didn't like see the Bears actually send out the release. They only sent out the release about a Dunesay. So clearly it wasn't totally official, but at the same time I was never concerned about this. I don't think there was any, since some of that narrative around Caleb before he got here was he doesn't really want to play for the Bears. And remember there was a whole conversation, right? And I don't think having spoken with him in minimal moments that we did, there was no indication that he wasn't happy being with the Bears or that he wasn't into it. For crying out loud, he created it and he didn't create. But he's the claw and the whole go Bears every time. I think he's embracing it. And when he says I'm letting my lawyers handle it and all that stuff, I don't know that he's necessarily in the room for all of these things and saying, "No, I want this or I want that." But I'm not mad at him for asking for everything. I'm not mad at him for that. - No. - Are you? - No, I'm not and here's why. And this comes from Mike Florio from He says that the process we're told includes some creativity by Williams Camp regarding tax issues. For example, multiple sources told pro football talk that there was an attempt to get Williams paid as an LLC. The collective bargaining agreement doesn't seem on the surface to foreclose that approach. However, the league decided that it does. The Bears were told by the NFL that the player's money can't go to a business entity other than the player. Of course. Now, it's an outside the box idea, but it wasn't going to be a deal breaker in which, well, if I don't get the kind of money structured that I want, then I'm not coming to camp. - Right. - So that was never gonna be the case. - And we knew, I mean, the numbers are the numbers, that's fixed, like there was no negotiating going on there. So we knew it was nuanced in language and what he wanted it to say. None of that is a surprise to me. He does want to, I think, recreate some things surrounding being the number one pick and being a quarterback in the NFL and I think he wants to put his own stamp on that stuff. This is just trying to do that. All right, well, swing and miss on the first one. I think in five years or whatever, he's renegotiating his next deal. Maybe he'll ask for something else, right? Like he's learning too and not having a traditional agent makes me nervous for him. - Yeah, I mean, listen, this is his first go around with an NFL contract and who knows what the second deal or the third deal for him looks like and what the representation looks like. Here's me as a fan and call me a simpleton, that's fine. My concern about Caleb Williams or Roma Dunes, they are any rookie that's on his football team is, can they perform and can they help the Bears win? - Yes. - That's what it comes down to. Like, there's so much of this Midwestern feel of whether or not I like Caleb Williams and whether or not I think he's a diva or whether or not he should paint his nails or whether or not he should be emotional, should he or should he not be emotional on the football field? All that stuff doesn't matter to me. You fan how you want a fan. I'm just saying that for me, Dion, the whole issue is how quickly can he get it as a rookie? - Yeah. - How quickly can he help the Bears win? The ebbs and flows of a rookie and whether or not he's gonna be good, some of the drawing pains, how fast can the Bears be able to win? - That's all, I mean, he has a team that is as well equipped as any in the NFL to be able to help him win. Now it's about results. All I care about is the results. - Yes, same. When, please get to a second deal. Let us get to, we haven't had that for a rookie quarterback in a very long time. Get to that point where they want to pay you, you're earning the money because you're the reason that they're winning. How, what he does on that other stuff, that's fine with me, be yourself. The one thing that impresses me, well, not the one thing, but several things impress me about Kayla Williams, but something that has blown me away is just how young he is and how self-aware he is. And just like, okay, that's fine. You don't like what I'm doing? All right, I'm not gonna change it, this is who I am. I love that about him. There aren't a lot of young men and women who are that self-confident in themselves, like that aware of who they are and owning it. I think that's, we're gonna see results of that because he's gonna push through those growing pains and not let it impact how he performs on the field. - Yeah, and if he was from small town, football, you, that would be one thing 'cause he could be overwhelmed by all of it, right? - Yes. - But because he was at USC, USC is close to a pro football team as anything in Los Angeles. That's no shot at the Rams and the Chargers, but USC is the football team in Orange County in Los Angeles. And because of the media scrutiny and the spotlight and the way it's covered in LA, Caleb Williams had to deal with all the slings and arrows from the media and all the conjecture on sports radio out there because USC means a lot. It's the Lakers, it's the Dodgers, but USC is number one when it comes to football. And so he's not overwhelmed, I don't think by any of this because he's used to that big spotlight and because of the program you played for. - But he was already a celebrity, a multi-millionaire celebrity. This is not new, none of this is new. I think he's just adjusting to what he can ask for, what he can get and learning the league, learning the professional side of the league. But he was already, he was already a celebrity, already in the spotlight. None of that is, makes him nervous, which is why I think he handles himself so well. I don't always wanna think he's afraid of being questioned. I don't think that it will bother him if we, when we ask him, did you want this? Or what was the whole, like I don't think he's afraid of being asked those questions. - Also in pro football talk, another approach emerged from the concept of a forgivable loan, which would have resulted in Williams getting the money tax-free until the loan was forgiven, as many as 10 years into the future. There bears through the NFL, also next to that possibility. The outside of the box ideas aren't crazy. Caleb's father has worked in commercial real estate for years. The ideas that he brought to the table were potentially revolutionary, unfortunately never got off the ground. And here's the thing, it's okay to be able to ask for more, or to be able to do something different. Of course, the NFL is what the NFL is, and so it's gonna be hard to be able to have a complete sea change on what you wanna do financially because the contract is what it is. He wasn't gonna make a dime more, the rookie contract is what it is. - Is what it is. And you can also hear the counter-argument of like, okay, well, let's see what he can do first before you start asking for the moon here. - Sure. - And that's the automatic response. And that's what we, okay, then show it. He's shown nothing at this point that makes me worry that he's not gonna be able to handle all of this on the field. So, but I wanna see it, I wanna see the winds, I wanna see the bears feeling like we can't move forward without him as our quarterback. Then start asking for things like this. - I will relate what Caleb Williams is going through to all of us in that, in the job that you're in right now, of course, you feel like you should make more because there is unlimited, right? - That's not a person. - That's no question. I mean, so, there's no one that's listing it right now that says, you know what, when I'm making it right now, it's just fine, if it's capped, if that's all I'm ever gonna make in my life, that's fine. Well, ultimately, you work because you want to be able to make more. - Yes. - You wanna retire early. - Yes. - You wanna be able to have money in the bank for the future. The same thing with an athlete. The athlete is gonna ask for the moon and the stars. Absolutely, even though the NFL will have a cap on, it's like, nope, you're rookie, this is what it is. But it's okay to ask. - Of course. - It's okay to ask. - I'm not offended by him asking. I don't think the bears are offended by him asking, but they're also gonna say no, which is what they did. - As long as that does not interfere for what he does on the field or if it was a sit-in or him sitting out, I'm glad that's not happening. - I'm glad that's not happening too. I think there was some drama to it because of the timing and hard knocks, but also they've got plenty of time. Like I was thinking about it today, we're almost like two months until the regular season began. Like I have plenty of time, it's fine. - No, no question about it. - It's fine, we knew it was gonna get done. It's done now and we'll all see how that happened in episode one. - Coming up next, our friend here, Shane Norling, was unfairly attacked by one of our teammates here at ESPN Chicago. Unfairly attacked, he's back after a couple of days off and rightfully so. He had time, poor guy, looked at his ADP, he was like, "Oh, I got this much time. "I better take it before they take it away from me." So, we're gonna talk about Shane Norling, being unfairly attacked, that is coming up next, right here on "Cap and J-Hoot." - "Cap and J-Hoot are back." - I appreciate your show. I'm an Uber driver and from 7 to 10 every day, I've got you locked in. - Chicago's home for sports, ESPN Chicago. - With Dion Miller, Jonathan Hood with you here on the "Cap and J-Hoot" Morning Show, on the ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app, still to come, we have five burning questions for Dion Miller, five burning questions because the gates are opening and like fours. Ah, it's starting, it's starting. - It's starting. - Here we go. - It's starting. - But it's fun, it's different. - It's fun, it is different. I'm really looking forward to it because I know that the NFL knows no off season but it feels like we've had these conversations that have been just filler. I'm ready to talk about something real. I'm ready to see it on the field, I'm ready to see them actually tangibly putting things together, put Caleb Williams in full uniform. Let me see what this looks like. - When you have two bad baseball teams it becomes a longer summer. - Oh. - That's what it is. - I know, I know, I know. I can't believe that the comes of the exact same record as they did a year ago. I feel so differently about how they got to this point than a year ago. (laughing) - Says a lot, doesn't it? - It does. - Says a lot. - It does. - When you don't have, when you don't do a lot of movement, you get what you deserve. - I know. - Your bullpen is the same and you're still holding out hope that Bellinger can carry you. This is the same thing last year. - I'm still waiting for the Craig Council effect to kick in. - Oh, it's there. - Is it? - Yeah, it's trip to fan. - Is that, I know, I know. It's just sleepy. - Great sound bites you. By the way, I would say for your cast, stop putting council on there. - He's, he. - You're trying to keep listening, keep viewers, aren't you? - I feel like he's aging like a president. Like, he's really aging really fast. - How did you tell him that suspiciously dark here? Are you just-- - I just feel like he looks older and tired and we're only, well, I guess we're 100 years, whatever. - I'm just, I'm just saying, Dion, you're trying to keep viewers. Stop, stop putting council up there. - Oh, with my enthusiasm filling in. (laughing) - Just kidding. - Shit, Shane Orling was treated unfairly. We're going to get to that in just a moment. But we've been talking about the bears. And again, this comes from Mike Florio from Pro Football Talk saying that, you know, that Caleb Williams pursued some creative tax strategies but to no avail. Point is those that he signed. And there was some out there with the rumor and innuendo and the conjecture and thinking that, oh, well, Caleb Williams is not going to sign. He's going to try to buck the system and all that. Caleb Williams's a sign. Roma Dune's a sign. And that's all I care about. Now what I care about is what's the next step? What does he look like? How are these rookies and these veterans? How do they work together? - I want to see that what they challenged him to do when he left from OTAs is that he did those things, right? Like that he put in that work and he seems to understand nuances of the playbook or cadences or those things improving. That would be really encouraging to see right out of the gate because it felt like when he was here for OTAs that he really wanted to learn that stuff. You hear him reaching out to coaches late at night asking questions and they were like, dude, it's May, like calm down, but I like that. I like that he had that eagerness to get it right. And so I want to see that that's happening right away. - Brooklyn, New York, listening on the ESPN, Chicago app is Derek on. Captain J. Hood as we talk bears. Come on in Derek. - Good morning. Good morning. How y'all doing? - We're great. Two thoughts. First thought is as a bad fan, I don't feel it's my place to worry about the little intricacies of the contract. My thing is get on the practice field, learn the playbook, get on the field, execute, all that other stuff. That's upper management. That's what his lawyers as a fan is just, yeah, you can have your opinion, but it's not my place to worry about that stuff. My thing is play well. Second thought is I'm thinking as far as Taylor Williams has added to him, he made a comment that he wants to be greater than Tom Brady, right? Correct. So he wants to have that TB12 effect meaning he wants to be the trend setter, but you can be a trend setter as a quarterback coming in when you haven't done anything. So all these things about what you want in the contract or whether you actually wanted to get a percentage of ownership, you're not Tom Brady yet. Win a couple of Super Bowls, then maybe you can go that route and action for that type of stuff. That's basically all I want to say. Love the bears, go bears, love you guys. Take it easy. Let's go bear down. - All right, Dean, we appreciate your telephone call. So the last couple of days, Shay has been off the show. Hey man, it's all star week. And any time that Shay wants to take off, I got no problem with it. Same thing with Jay Moore because, hey, we gotta get our time in. I mean, we got a vacation time, we gotta take it. - And also, home of the bears. Like, once it starts, it doesn't stop you. So we get it. - That's correct. - Once the bears start, there's no taking time off. - There's no taking time off. - I totally understand that. But I think that as a show, we were excited that College Football 25 is here. And because it's been a while, was it chasing of last, we've been without it for 11 years. - Yeah, 2013 was the last time one of these released. - So, I mean, so it was this week. And as a College Football fan, I was excited but I have not played it yet, I'll play it this weekend. But I'm excited about it because it's so much fun, right? It's a video game. So, but it's not just a video game, it's College Football. And I remember playing it when it was out, you know, 12, 13 years ago, and now it's back. And so, there is Peggy Kuzinski in for Sylvie on the Waddland and Sylvie show. And Peggy thought that Shay was a massive loser for taking time off to play a video game. - Peggy, yes, go ahead. He's ranked on College Football. - I'm not going to rant about it 'cause it's just so incredibly stupid that you are actually scheduling things around a video game that you can quite literally play anytime during the day. - Day off, but it doesn't drop for another 10 years. - Well, what time does Shay get off work? - He left today, I'm assuming around 10, 30, probably, 11 o'clock, Peggy wants to be in charge of Shay's calendar. - Why in the world would he need to take a day off of work? - Well, he has to play all the rest of the day today and all day long. - You've got to be kidding me, that is just for the record. - That's got massive loser written on those ricks. (laughing) - You'd like to present your, further present your take to our good friend Shay Miller? - Hi, Shay. (laughing) - Hi, Peggy, Peggy, I'm gonna throw you for a loop. Ready? I'm gonna really break the old brain on this one. Ready? - Yeah. - Ready? - Yeah. - I'm taking a mental health day. What do you want to say now? (laughing) - Well played. - Go ahead, go off. - Well played. - Go ahead, nap on me. - Well played. - Go ahead. - I'm not snapping on you, but we all know that that's not true, we know. - No, no, Mr. Buddy, we know all the reasons to take a day off, maybe by kick gets sick. I don't have a kid, maybe my old pair doesn't show up. I don't need an old pair, I don't have a kid. Oh, maybe my car breaks down. Ah, I live in the city, I don't drive to work. Think I'm good, I'm kind of just taking time. I don't have to enjoy something I have been able to enjoy for a whole lot than I've been years. And I don't understand why that makes me a quote unquote, massive loser. (laughing) What are we talking about? - For what? - Peggy had full mom voice when she was like, oh my, that was full mom voice. - Yeah, I didn't hear full mom voice at the end of that though. - No, not at the end. She crumbled real quick. - Yeah, she, yeah. - You really put her in her place. Matter of fact, Dionne, I have to tell you, I'm disappointed in your radio partner. - Okay, that she crumbled so quick? - Yeah, I wish she would have dug her heels and then fought with me a little bit, but she moved off of her ground very quickly. I got her to apologize to me by the end of that phone call. - Pretty spectacular, well done. - Is it well done? I'm disappointed. I wish Peggy dug in her heels. And she thought I was a massive loser, but I brought up her son, was tweeting at her actual son, was tweeting about playing the game and putting his username out so people could join up with him and play against him if they wanted to. - Damn. - She never allowed to say that. She's gonna have mom voice for her actual son. - That I think that she probably did. She was like, wait, you're what? You're taking a day off of work to play a video game. I would say that to my child, who loves video games? Loves it, he would do what you did, Che. - However, however, it wasn't just for the video game. Like, would you take the time off, Che? Do you take it a few days ago? - No. I mean, you had this schedule, correct? - Well, strategically. I had it scheduled when I saw the release date of the game. - Okay, yeah. - But yeah, it's been in there for probably a month. - Okay. But you have the right to take that time off and actually-- - A thousand days. - It's your days, yes. - What do you wanna do on your day? - Yes, agreed. - And so that's why I just thought that that whole conversation was weird because my thought was, while it's his day off, what would you like for him to do instead? - All right, thank you. - You spend your day off, however you wanna spend your day off. - The whole question for me is, is there anything that is actually unacceptable for a use of your time off? - Jaymore? You got some thoughts from Peggy? - Hang on, I'm getting cooked. (laughing) - Oh my gosh, that was awesome. - But she's talking about using personal time 'cause your kid gets sick and I'm like, that's not personal time. That's a sick day. - It is. - If something happens, if my car breaks down I have no other way to come to work. I'm not using a vacation day. That's sick time. I got a sick day. That's a different deal. I'm not saving vacation days for an emergency. What planet is she on? - I'm just saying, from my standpoint, you are not a massive loser. To A, take time off and B, do what you wanna do with your time off. - Right. - That doesn't make someone a massive loser. - It doesn't. - Especially. - There's a stigma around video games that people think, oh, what a waste of time. - I don't agree. I don't agree. But it took me a long time to get there. - Well, be honest. - It's entertainment, it's play. It's fun. - Especially if you can make money from it because we've seen that now. - Yes. - And esports thing is pretty hot. - If my child gets a scholarship to play esports in college, guess who's excited? Me. I'm excited. Then all this Fortnite will pay off and Chell and all the things he plays. I can't follow along. Makes me nauseous. He's moving so quickly. - Yeah. But you know, again, the young mind, no, they're in their own adventure. - They are. - Let them be in their own adventure. - It's entertainment. - Yeah. Now again, work on that scholarship though. - So yes, immediately work on that scholarship. - Have you seen coverage of this on ESPN and other places where they're selling out basketball stadiums? - To watch them play video games. - We're talking about 12 to 18,000 people will watch to see them play video games, which is amazing. - It's an actual thing. (laughing) - There's basketball teams in the league that came themselves going around. - Can't sell out that much. Right. Exactly right. - Can you imagine? - No. No, I can't. But if it's there for the taking, like why not take advantage of it? - Imagine your child in front of 18,000 people wowing people, winning a championship. - Oh, he'd be so excited. (laughing) I mean, I hated how much he was playing Fortnite. And then that guy that won the Fortnite tournament won like three, four million dollars. He's like, "Mom, look, look what I could win." - Wow. Well, not quite there, my son, but that's okay. - Yeah, but you can't, it would be great, but you can't win it. - I know, it's, can't? - I'm no dream killer. Wow, the Fortnite Champion Series awarded over 7.6 million dollars across the events in 2024. But it's the same thing. Like, oh, I could be an NFL quarterback. Yeah, anything could happen, but you're not gonna be an NFL quarterback. - Here's your determination, Shay. - You gotta keep the realities in check. - Oh, wow. - Look, if you wanna work for it and try for it, great. But the odds are stacked against you. - Look, if you wanna take, you wanna take it off and play video games, do it. If you wanna take a day off and work to try to be a quarterback in the NFL, also do that. - Yeah, no, of course. If you're a competitor, you just keep trying. No matter where. - You just keep trying. - You keep pushing until you can get there. - Yes. - I'm no dream killer. You just keep going. You can't stop yourself, but you know it could stop you? Taxes, that could stop you. Is this thing being played in California? It'd be very difficult. - Can I read you something I got from a listener who may be crossed the line in the acceptability of taking time to play a video game? - Okay. - This guy listens to our show and wrote me saying, am I a bleephole for thinking that the universe is sending me good karma in a situation. He did something for his wife during Super Bowl weekend to placate her, and he's saying that she has to travel to Florida last minute this week to deal with some unpleasant family business. It left him to leverage his unlimited PTO policy with childcare support this week so his parents are coming in to look after the kids, and he's taking time off to play college football 25. - His wife is out of town dealing with unpleasant family business. - Sure. - He's shoveling the kids off on his parents, and he's gonna spend a couple days playing college football 25. Is that acceptable? - That is a deal breaker. - I was just gonna say, is this deal breakers? Have we gotten there already? - Because there's a difference between taking time off to play video games and shuffling your kids to some place so you can have time to play college football. - But I will say, at least-- - That is a BS. - You have family taking care of them. They're not in the other room solo while you're absorbed into your video game. That's far different. - This really is a deal breaker. If you're the grandparents and your kid is like, hey, wife's out of town, this video game drops this week. Can you take the kids for a couple of days? - No. - Shove it, dude. - No. - Figure out the way to take care of your kids and play the game. - See, there's levels to this, Dion. There's levels to that. That's a level that's too far. - Yes. - Take care of your kids. - A thousand percent, take care of your kids. - Yes. - Yes. - Or if they're sleeping or if they're doing something else, you could play incrementally. Was he trying to play 24 hours a day? All the way through? - I don't know. - No, that's not now there. That's when the Lions crossed right there. We've got, I've got five burning questions for you. - I'm ready to be on the hot seat. - Doesn't sound like it. But we're gonna get you there. Coming up next with Dion Miller and for Cap, I'm Jay Hood on The Cap and Jay Hood Morning Show. - Checkmate 16, landing suppression on target. - That's why I see him in my shot. - Shot. - Or no shot with Cap and Jay Hood on ESPN 1000 and ESPN Chicago app. - That's why I see him in my shot. - Good morning and welcome in to The Cap and Jay Hood Morning Show on ESPN 1000. And we're streaming on the ESPN Chicago app with Dion Miller and for Cap, I'm Jay Hood. Now time for a shot or no shot. - And it's brought to you by. - That would be ESPN Bet. Now live in Illinois, sign up today. New users get $100 in bonus bets with any sports book bet. - We say good morning to Shay W. Norley. - Bet. - Good morning, hoodie and Dion. Happy to see you both on a deal breakers Thursday. How are we feeling? - Bet. - Well, here we are. We're feeling great. - Well, that's disingenuous. - But that's okay though. I'm having a good time. - I'm freezing. It's freezing in the studio today. - Well then, okay. Aren't you the super? Why aren't you? - No, I'm not the super. - Why aren't you in charge of nothing? I'll just, I'll adjust it in a minute. We've got a shot or no shot. Let's go. - Well, I was trying to get there, but you're complaining about the temperature in the room. Remember that you could, you could play about the room. - Okay. - And it's actually a nice temperature here. I'm actually comfortable. - Yeah, well, I'm freezing, whatever. - It's 71 degrees in here. - Get up. Hey, listen. I'm cold. - Now you're in a jean jacket. - I am. - I mean, there's just no weird reason to be freezing. - I could use like a big sweatshirt or something. (laughing) Move on. Go, go, go. Go, go, go. Deon, stop talking. (laughing) - She's our all producer. (laughing) We're not saying, hey, we're just listening to you complain about the weather in this ball-made studio that we're in. - Oh my gosh. Okay. - Okay. - Try it. Try to get there. Go out, Deon. - We could have gotten started. - Yeah, go ahead, Deon. - We're on the air. Deon? - Che. - All right, let's get started. Shutter no shot. - Yeah, good job, Deon. - Great toss. - Great toss. - Three minutes in, but great toss. - Well, listen, that might be a record time. - Oh my gosh. - I can't see you. - I can't see you. - The Bears posted a fiery eber flu speech on their YouTube page. In 1920 football drive, he addressed his players during voluntary practices. Take a listen. - Hey, I appreciate you being here. You know, I know you guys don't have to be this, it's voluntary, and I understand that, and everybody here appreciates you doing this, okay? 'Cause this is a big time for us. As you guys can see, made some big moves, right? This team is a different football team, and the time is now for us. At the end of this guy's in February, there's gonna be one of 32 teams. One, they had a winning season, just one. And we have everything in this room, everything I'm telling you right now, to get that done. But it comes down to what? Preparation. - Right? - There you have it from eber flu's with a lovely hip hop bed, saying that the Bears have everything they need up at Halisall to win the Super Bowl and be the one team left standing in February. Shot or no shot, he's right. - Ah, that's a no shot. - That's a no shot. - I didn't even find that very fiery. I mean, for eber flu's it was fiery. - That's not bad for July. - No, no, that's true, that's true. - I'm sure that's true. - Oh, I guess that was May, right? - Or May. - Or June, whenever they did voluntary work? - That's not bad for a summer speech. - No, it's not. You think it'll be more emboldened when they all get there for this? - That's turned up next month. - Do you think? - Oh yeah, it's turned up in camp, but I think it's even turned up a lot. - Yeah, I think so. - Okay. - Any more? - The humidity starts Saturday. - Yeah. - You're hot. - Yeah, no, that gets turned up. I mean, that's a nice little in-room speech, but when you get to camp, you sweat in your ass off, and there's guys making mistakes, that gets, I think that moves up a little bit more. Let's not dick Geron out there. - No. - That is May, Eber flu's. So that's a no shot, Che. And the reason why is because some of the things we've talked about the last few weeks, I still think you had to solidify your defensive line by having another pass rusher. Again, it's about seasoning for Caleb Williams. I would like for the Bears to be able to have something similar to what CJ Sprout and the Houston Texans brought to the table where it's like, wow, he got it. The offense gets it. I like to see that, but I still think there are a few pieces away from that in a very tough NFC North. - He agreed on all fronts. I mean, they're not a complete team yet. There are still some questions. There's a lot that we have to see, but it's a good speech. It's motivating. - Yeah, plant that seed though. - For real, and he's not wrong in the fact that this is a very different roster. And there is a lot more talent there than there was last year, the year before, all of that. There's a lot more to work with. - And Rapole says it's going to be very difficult to make this roster. - Yeah. - I thought that was very telling. - Yeah, I did too. I like that. - Che. - All right, we have another update in the Bears Stadium saga yesterday. Kevin Warren and the Governor JV Pritzker had a breakfast meeting. They were set to get to know each other, discuss the lakefront plans, the $3.2 billion stadium plan with a $2.3 billion public funding price tag. The Governor's position per his office after the meeting remains unchanged. They previously said the deal as they saw it as a non-starter. This is expected to be the last update that we get on a lakefront stadium until state lawmakers reconvene and wait for it November. My question, shot or no shot. The only update you want to hear is that construction has started somewhere, anywhere. - Shot for me. - Well, that's the next step. - It has to be the next step, yeah. It's a lot of talk right now. I just wanted some action, like, yeah. I'm ready to hear that they're moving forward in this direction that they've committed to what they're going to do. - Well, you know, for me, I'm patient enough to be able to see the back and forth of this because when you've lived here all your life, you can live anywhere. There's always politics. But in this city in particular, it's always strong. It's always a power play. It's always the backroom dealings. I've read about this and heard about this in my entire life here. So this is also part of the politics. JB Priscuit, the governor of Illinois, does not want to have a stadium on the lakefront in which the taxpayers are paying through the nose for it. - Right. - Like, because that's exactly what it is. This pine of sky sketch that we saw, that whole presentation told me when I saw it, I'm like, they're going to always in heights. - Really? - It's just, oh, absolutely. - Yeah, it's just too much. - I understand what Mayor Johnson, while he wants a win, he's looking for a win there by saying, "Hey, I want to keep them in Chicago." They're gone. They're gone. The barriers are going to be in lines and heights. And listen, here's the thing. I'm not pushing them out of the city. Politics pushing them out of the city. Period. That's it. - Yeah. - It's been a better opportunity. - It is a better opportunity. I don't even think the McCaskys know what it would be like to own everything, to not have to ask people questions to do, just to change the grass and do all the things that they want to do. I don't even think they would know what that feels like. - And I had to worry about moving this pillar or being able-- - Oh, my word. - If I could pick this up, it's almost-- - Making it the way they want to be. - It's like you're using New York, Shay. Like, you can't pick up a chair without the union saying, "Oh, I got it." I'm a union guy. You don't move this light. You don't move that chair. You're the union, right? Same thing with the friends of the park. - It's the same thing at the ABC7 studio. - Yeah, you don't have to tell me this curtain. I'm probably going to drop in the next half hour here. - If you're working, it's going to drop. And Shay can't touch it. Because the union guys here is like, "Nope, I'll take care of it." I think it's on purpose. It's there to anger Shay. I think they know it angers her. - If I'm too happy on any given day, they just drop the curtain. There it goes. - There it goes. - There to the regularly scheduled programming. - Look at Shay. He's got a hop in his step. He's smiling. He's laughing. He's having a good show. And all of a sudden, "Hello, darkness, my old friend." - Put that light out as fast as we can. - They think it's funny to one of these windows breaks. And it won't be so funny, none. - Yeah. - Here's Shay Norley. - The MLB All-Star break. It's a break in the action, but kind of an uptick in the rumor mill. A lot of rumors swirling around some of the best players on bad teams. Sayoung favorite Terrik Scuba, a lot of trade rumors around him. Also rumors locally, Garrett Crochet continues to pop up in trade discussions or rumors with teams like the Baltimore Orioles. I saw a hypothetical offer from the Orioles that I think fits the kind of Godfather billing that I would need to move off of Crochet. A lot of people on this station have been resistant to the idea of trading him. I would do it if an offer strong enough came in. The offer I read, the White Sox would receive from Baltimore, the top catching prospect in all of baseball and Samuel Basallo. He's got an 866 career OPS in the minors. You'd get the number two third base prospect in baseball, the Orioles top third base prospect in Kobe Mayo. He's got a 1030 OPS this season in minor league baseball and you would get the Orioles top pitching prospect and Chase McDermott. You'd probably also get filler stuff in addition to those three players. For those who worry that this team trading Crochet sets them back even further in a rebuild, I would offer all three of those guys are expected to reach the majors, if not this year on the opening day roster next year. - Shot or no shot, the White Sox would have to make a trade like this. - I think that's a shot. I don't expect Crochet to be here by the time I get to the deadline. I don't. Because, it's very simple for me as a White Sox fan. You have to pick a lane, very much the Bulls. You have to pick a lane. You just can't say, well, we got some talent and we've got young talent. Because when you don't have the right mixture, you're not going anywhere. Same way in the White Sox. The White Sox are so far behind. This is the worst White Sox team of my lifetime. When you've lost 71 games at the all-star break. - Several lifetimes. - You're probably going to be in excess of 110, 115 losses this season. And so, I understand, I've heard this in the streets too from Sox fans saying, boy, you got to start someplace. How come Crochet can't be the centerpiece? Well, he can be, but he'll do a lot of losing. One, but two, by the time his contracts up, you know the Sox are not going to pay him through the nose like Atlanta, like Philly, like Los Angeles, like the Padres, or some other team. Because Jerry Reistroff doesn't have the stomach to be able to spend that kind of money. When Ben and Tendi is the highest-paid Sox of all time, and he's a negative player on the team, it tells you all you need to know. - It's true. - We're in Chicago, but we feel more like Rockford. - Yeah. - With the White Sox. - It's a shot because I agree. I don't think Eric Crochet stays. I think they have to make a trade like that. They have to do something that gives them hope of competing sooner rather than later. I still think it's going to be a long time. I don't think keeping Gary Crochet and trying to build around him makes them a contender in a year. I think it's going to take even longer than that. They will move him. I believe that will happen by the deadline. - Shay, I know you heard me say this a lot on the show, but I think that the rebuild is longer than what many think because it's more than just the players. It's who's managing what's your system, what's your philosophy. Like, I like these guys to be on the White Sox to be able to be even if two of those guys are good. That'd be great. It's a great starting place. But again, it doesn't mean that you're winning because you have to have some kind of commitment to winning. That's not just from ownership. That's just from the manager and the way you play baseball and your philosophy, your mission statement. Sox have none of that. - None of that. - You can't just roll out players and go, we're going to start winning now because, Shay, even with young players, right? You get to a certain level, but you know you have to spend some money to be able to solidify that team, add more, pay for free agents, and then go for it. Sox won't do that. - They won't do that. - And you won't win with exclusively young players. You just won't. - Yeah, the whole thing about keeping crochet has kind of been baffling to me this entire season. I think that the White Sox finding immense value in this guy is incredibly fortunate and they should take advantage by trading him. Like the idea that you can keep this guy around and look at your minor league system that has no bats, but you have guys like Drew Thorpe, you have Noah Schultz, they're coming up in the system. You've proven through Dell and Cease and through Garak Roshay that as an organization you have the ability to develop pitchers. You have pitchers on the way. I would be happy to move off of crochet to get some bats because there are none to speak of outside of Colson Montgomery that I care about anywhere in this system. If you can supplement it by stealing from the Orioles who've developed young players probably better than anybody over the last five seasons, yeah, I'm doing it. - Yeah. - Because the guy starts someplace. - But like you said, you have to pick a direction and you have to really go for it in that direction. And I mean, like the Bulls, you don't know exactly what's happening. You feel like maybe the Bulls are figuring something out. Maybe they're finding their way, their path a little bit, but the White Sox have so far to go. - Well, it's no doubt. - And it is a culture thing. - Yeah. - They've done so much losing already. - You just have to clearly define for me as a Sox fan who you are. - Yes. - I'm not pushing crochet out the door, but I understand where the organization is. Same thing with Robert. - Yeah. - Same thing with Luis Robert. And Aloy and anyone else that's on this ride. I said this last year though. I said, some of these popular guys that's been around need to leave the ball club. And what happened to Aloy hurt again? We have Mumakata hurt again. Those guys shouldn't have been on the ball club. You weren't going anywhere. - Right. - Andrew Vaughn's a bus now. He just is. And so that's why when Shea brings us up, I'm fine with young players. I'm totally fine with that. But at the same time, cultivate your culture. - Yes. - 'Cause I don't know who it is. - Dad, they don't either. - Like you gotta fire the manager at some point. You gotta figure out who that is. - Hold to bait your culture. That is a great way to put it. - So you just gotta, but you gotta figure that out though. Otherwise, you're just a lame-ass team in the last place, you know, in which Sox fans just being pissed off. - Yeah. - Like me. - And with a right to be. - But Cinzel's up though. Got that, Shea. Cinzel. - Yeah. Brought it back up. - I sent down Linine Soso at OPS North on 900 in June. Get your ass back to the minors. By the way, Martine Maldonado, when he was batting O70, the leadership was good enough in the clubhouse. But now that he's batting 333, DFA, get out. - Excuse me? - Doesn't make any sense. - White Sox fan favorite, Martine Maldonado. - Maldonado finally shows a pulse, and they're like, "Get out." The whole season, he's been dead. Oh, it's okay, he's good in the clubhouse. Finally has a pulse. Get out. Huh? - We at Sox fans really pushed for him to get to the All-Star game. - Yeah. - There was a movement. - Really? - Yeah, absolutely. Just an embarrassment. - Yeah. - We were just trying to push him in the All-Star game. He got a fair share of votes. But Sky Point to Maldonado, he was so awful. - Oh my god. - And now he's DFA. Now you do it. - Now. - Three home runs in seven games. GTFO pal. - That's just so strange. - Yes, it's all strange. - All right, coming up, we get around the NFL. And don't forget, we got deal breakers, 'cause it's a deal breakers Thursday with Dion Miller in for Cap. I'm Jay Hood on the Cap and Jay Hood Morning Show. - Welcome back to Cap and Jay Hood. You're officially locked in. ♪ We're in the wind of the sky ♪ - On Chicago's home for sports. ESPN, Chicago. - Nick both sucks. He sucks. I'm just a fan. I'm not a football about here. I love the Green Bay Packers. - The guy is front, but there he goes. This is not Detroit, man. This is the Super Bowl. - I love winners. He starts to comment anymore. - This is a really thickly built guy. - I mean, what's the answer? You're looking for all of these things here. - Huh? - Whoa! - It's now time to go around the NFL right here on ESPN 1,000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. With you till 10 o'clock, then Mike Greenberg comes in at 10 followed by Cameron Yurko at 12. Wildland Silvie, 2.30 is 6.30 and to Bears Weekly with Jeff and Tom, Black and Abdullah back together at 7.30. Around the NFL, here's Shayne Orlin, Shay. - Just selfishly before I get into the CBS Sports Quarterback Tears list. - What? - The SEC has done something beautiful, hoodie. Do you know what it is? - I'm playing beautiful football every single year. I'm playing the best football every single year 'cause my beloved Georgia Bulldogs plays in the beautiful SEC. 'Cause the football just means more. What? - That's not quite it. - They have announced that Horns Down will no longer be a penalty. - Yeah. - Thank you. - Oh my gosh. - Thank you. Sincerely, every college football fan. Thank you. - Almost gotten the fight with the Texas fan for doing that in a Cincinnati bar. - Wow. - Yep. - That's no, okay. - It was not, it was not good. You do that in front of a Texas fan and it's fight. It's an instant fight, Shay. Just like you do the upside down U to a Miami fan, it's an absolute fight. - Yes. - And by the way, Shay, that's okay. If you score touchdown against Texas and it's gonna be a lot of those, you could do Horns Down. - Yeah. - That's fine. Now if the Longhorn player wants to do something about it, score, do something, make some plays. - Yes. - How about that? Legislative now. This is not a penalty. - Thank you. - Thank God. - How about the U? - Good Lord. - What about the upside down U? - It's up to the ACC. - That's all the adults now. Let's let them do whatever they want. Matter of fact, give rid of taunting penalties in total. Joe Burrow wants to give rid of them. No more taunting. - I know. - It's part of the game. All right, I love that as a, and by the way, SEC media day, aren't you covering it? Why aren't you down there covering it? - Big Ten. - That's all we care about. - Here's Shay North. (laughing) - Big Ten. - Northwestern gonna be busy at media day. All right, the quarterback tears from CVS Sports Will Brinson put out tier one, the big three. The big three in tier one. - You know this makes me happy, right? - Oh my god. - You know it makes me happy. - This is your bread and buck. - Let me get the yellow pad. All right, here we go. Patrick Mahomes, Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen make up the big three. Any, any omissions there? What about Lamar Jackson? Show me, all right? Toutan MVP, show me. Are you upper echelon this year or not? I like to know, like Mahomes, yes. Lamar Jackson? Show me. Is there a championship for Lamar Jackson the next three years with the Ravens? - I don't think so. - Okay, and I know Jay Moore agrees with the Josh Allen being that top tier. - Do you Jay Moore? Here's my problem. Neither of these guys should be in a conversation with Patrick Mahomes. - I agree with that. - One should be one dude. - This is why I question Lamar Jackson. Again, it doesn't mean that he sucks. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying is, is that what's the next step for Lamar Jackson? - When? - At least Lamar can make a conference championship game. Josh Allen hasn't even done that. - That's right. - Since the, what, 2020? He's awake. - He's up now. - He's listening now. - When you say so much about Josh Allen, he's about to fight you. - 2020 conference title game, they get bombed by the Chiefs. Everybody's still fantasizing about that Bill's Chiefs divisional round game. But Josh Allen hasn't been back to a conference title. At least Lamar made it there. These two guys have no business being anywhere near Patrick Mahomes. - Okay, so then who? - Nobody tier one should be Mahomes and that's it. - Any tier Mahomes is in, he should be in a loan. - Wouldn't you say, Jay Moore, that Mahomes is one of one? - Yeah, I would say that, but if you base, if you base the rankings off of performance and stats versus championships, then you got to put other people in that tier. - Like, Josh Allen? - Yeah, Josh Allen. I mean, he's a great quarterback. That's okay. - He is a great quarterback, but Mahomes is the greatest. - He is the greatest. - I'd push back on great too. I'd push back on great with Josh Allen. I think there's potential there. It is, to me, Mahomes is one of one. That's what everyone's chasing. But he's out of the league now. Everyone's chasing Mahomes. So he's in a glass case of emotion by himself, Shay. And then we get to two, and that should be Jackson Allen and that, Joe Baro. And that kind of story, but that's just me. - So, tier two, that could join them next year, tier. Joe Baro, C.J. Stroud, and Jordan Love. - C.J. Stroud, one season. Show me again, before we get all enamored with that. - I'm in. He would have to be one of the biggest mirages in NFL history, probably the single biggest mirage in NFL history if he's not a bonafide superstar. - You know, when basketball guys don't want to have the conversation about Kobe versus, Kobe versus LeBron. - Yeah. - They don't want to have that conversation. They'd rather do the low hanging fruit of MJ and LeBron. They don't want to have that conversation. The same conversation I'll have with you with C.J. Stroud and Jordan Love. Who's gonna have the better career? Who has the better situation? It's a tough one. - It is. - Like, I love what C.J. Stroud in Houston. Houston was on the mat, on the doormat. - Yes. - And they were able to get to the playoffs. We're hoping that the Bears can have that kind of sonic season that it could be like that. Jordan Love, though. Jordan Love, we were not sure about. All of a sudden, look at what he was able to do. It's almost a seamless transition at this point from Favre to Rodgers to Love. But that's a good, that's a good battle, I think, Shay. Stroud and Love, and let's watch how they're going able to develop. - I think it's crazy because what happened to hurts? - Hurts went further than, uh, uh, uh, uh. - Stroud? - No. Love. He would, he went further than he was, the moment in it. And nobody talks about him in a higher tier. - You think he should be in the number two tier with, uh, with Stroud and Love and, I think so. - I think the problem for hurts, though, is that both Stroud and Love showed incredible skill as a passer with less around them, and it hurts. He's got the one year where he was, they, we had questions about whether or not they could pay him. And then he had the year with Steichen, they go to the Super Bowl, but the year when Steichen left, last year was kind of ugly at times. - What's the next tier? - Next tier is the high level starters tier where you will find Matthew Stafford, Jared Goff, Brock Purdy, Justin Herbert, Dak Prescott, and Jalen Hurts. - Jalen Hurts. - I would think Jalen could push into that second tier. - Stafford Goff, Purdy, Herbert, Hurts. That's the next tier, that's what you said, right? - I think that that's-- - As well as Dak. - And Dak. - Oh, for heaven's sakes. - I don't know. - Dak, the numbers are what they are, though. Deanna, you know, Dak's numbers and the regalacies are pretty solid. - They are, no they are. Three or four or four hundred yards last year. - Che, I was gonna ask you about this, since we brought up Justin Herbert in his career. When he first got into the league, he had 4,700, he started in 2022, right? This is gonna be his third year. Justin Herbert? - No, this'll be his fourth year. - Fourth year. What about that first year for Justin Herbert? I'm asking for a reason because every time it comes up-- - This'll be his fifth year, actually. - Okay. - Yeah, the first season, 43 hundred yards, 31 and 10, one rookie of the year. That was the year they tried to kill Tyrod Taylor. - Yes. - And had to put Justin Herbert in. - The reason why I bring it up is because we're telling the other day about rookie quarterbacks in the year that they have, the numbers that they put up in their rookie year. All we always related to, what we saw from CJ Sprout and then Andrew Luck when he first started off with Indianapolis. Can we not put Justin Herbert in that conversation as well, based on the skins on the wall in that first year? - Yeah, absolutely. - I think we should start putting that in the conversation of someone who threw for over 4,000 yards. And how many touchdowns say 30? - 31. - 31 10 interceptions. - Pretty good. - That's the thing, too, is like people look at CJ Sprout and go what he did was not, you can't replicate it. It's never going to happen again. And the thing is, it has happened. Like Justin Herbert, you could argue in a better rookie season than CJ Sprout did. They just didn't have the team success that the Texans had. That's a different conversation to me. But that's when we start talking about Caleb Williams, who was in tier seven in these rankings, along with all the other rookies, because nobody ever knows where to place them. But people are like, well, you can't expect the CJ Sprout thing. And like, no, it maybe is unfair to expect it, but he is the favorite to win Rookie of the Year. He's more insulated than either Herbert or Sprout were when it comes to the talent around him. Starting with an offensive line that on paper is as good or better, starting with a wide receiver chord that on paper is as good or better. In the case of Herbert, he's got one of Herbert's receivers from that season in Kate and Allen. - Yes. - For me, it's like, why can't we expect him to have a CJ Sprout Justin Herbert-esque rookie year? It seems more than fair. - Usually you don't even get a good wide receiver in that spot. - Right. He's set up to have that. Bears have just never seen that. - Right. - That's the, and there's the Shane Waldron going to be able to pull that off. - Hey, he turned water into wine with Gino Smith. - That's true. - He did that. He was, his career was dead. - He was. - Well, then let it flow and how is Hall? - Thank you very much. Sister Deon. All right, can you give us that fourth tier, Shay? I know we got get to deal with like Rakers, but four is what? - Tier four is going to be the intrigue tier. This is where you'll find Trevor Lawrence Scott-Paid, Aaron Rogers, who kind of needs this year, or now we're never for him. To a tag of Ayloa, who apparently is not going to get paid. Anthony Richardson, Will Levis, and Kyla Murray. - What a mishmosh that is. - Hey, it's all over the place. - Okay, almighty. How the mighty have fallen Aaron Rogers being grouped with those bums? - Oh. - Have we given up on Trevor Lawrence? Have we given up on Trevor Lawrence? Is this the best that we've seen? Is this it? - Four? - Damn. - Doesn't have a lot around him, I don't think it's a give up on any of these guys, 'cause like Anthony Richardson, nobody's given up on. Will Levis probably stinks, but we'll see. I think it's just like these guys could win MVP, they could just as easily be horrible. - I think Will Levis is too high on that list. That's a lot more to prove. - I do too. - That's a lot more to prove. I'm not a Collar Murray fan, so my opinion is going to be biased. I don't think, I guess on some list, Shay, he'd be fourth, I just stop, that dog don't hunt for me, it just doesn't. - So tier six is backs against the wall, it's Bryce Young, Deshawn Watson, Russell Wilson, Daniel Jones, it's all the guys that are like, "Let's do it," or, "You're done." That's where I'd have Will Levis. I think the leash is very short on his career. - Can I switch Watson and put him in four, in that mishmash of four? - Yeah, I think he's more the intrigue with question marks. - I think I can do that. - I think he's higher up here. - Yeah, it may feel in one of those tiers, right? - Oh yeah. The builds in the tier five can win with them. Baker, Gino Smith, Cousins, Derek Carr, Gardner Mintchu. - Oh, please. - Carter Mintchu. - Baker Mayfield's never going to get the respect that he deserves, it's just never going to happen for him. It is what it is, I love the guy, I will give him his flowers, many people won't, it is what it is. - It's just an unfair bias piece, based on all the hype first on the front end, Shay. It was the front end hype, it's the progressive commercials and everything else. People thought that he should be Joe Burrell today, and now he's getting it late in his career. It was Rocky with Cleveland, moved around a little bit, got to the playoffs last year and like, oh, that's the Baker we've been looking for, 'cause he's healthy and they had some players to work with at Tampa. Let's see if he could do it again. We will see. - We'll see. - You know what's next? - I do. - You okay? - Headlines, I've got 'em right here. - No, we're not throwing headlines. No, no, we'll wait, because we gotta get to deal breakers. - I know we do. - Yeah, you ready for it? - Sure. - Bring it. - All right, that's coming up next on The Captain J Good Morning Show.