Kap & J. Hood

7/16 Kap & J. Hood Shorts

The Kap & J. Hood Morning Show weekdays 7a-10a (CT) on ESPN Chicago listen live on the ESPN Chicago app.

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16 Jul 2024
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Chicago. This is your morning routine. Listen to respect my name. Cap and G hood. That's right, that's right. We're bad. Watch the show on Twitch. Follow ESPN 1000 Chicago. Swing the show on the ESPN Chicago app. And on in there. 100.3 HD2. And on ESPN 1000 Chicago. Now, no, no, no. David Kaplan and Jonathan Hood. Good morning, everyone. Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. Woo! Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. Woo! Woo! Oh! Welcome in to the Cap and G hood morning show on ESPN 1000. And we are streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. With Chris Black in for Cap, I am Jay Hood. Thanks so much for being with us here on this Tuesday morning with open phone lines for you. 3-1-2, 3-3-2-E-S-P-N, 3-3-2-3-7-7-6 is our telephone number. So much to get to before we're done here at 10 o'clock. We hand it over to Mike Greenberg. Chris, it's good that you able to make it in and safe after all the storms and all of that craziness had happened last night. We've made it in. Yeah, I mean what a night. Obviously storms across the entire Chicago land area, but also we've made it to this point of the summer Jonathan. Today is the day that rookies report to training camp for the Chicago Bears. Come on back. Here we go. Today's the day. But yeah, a lot of trees down in the area. A lot of people dealing with power outages this morning. A lot of stuff going on in the city. It is, I just want to point out that the Super Bowl happened last night. It wasn't a Super Bowl for you and I. It was a Super Bowl for meteorologists and weather people across the city. You're watching television and all of a sudden you hear this noise coming out of your phone. Like, what the hell is that? You never get used to it, by the way. You never get used to that phone. You get used to tweets or messages, whatever, emails and those little dings that happen on your phone. However, Chris, you never get used to that screeching sound of, oh my God, there is weather in the area. Find a space. Hit your phone like you hear everyone else's, I'm sure. Yeah, it absolutely did. It startled everything. I know that they were watching the different news channels and the coverage that there were tornadoes within the city, which is not something we're used to. I know in the suburbs, people like Joliet area, they were hammered last night. So hopefully everyone is safe and you'll get your power back soon and everything's okay. But a lot of trees down in the city, yeah. It was a rough night, back-to-back nights of this. You get a-- I think we're good for a while. Let's take it easy. Well, let's ask Tracy. We've got to find out if we are going to be safe. I just like the idea that programming is interrupted and it's not your little two or three minute weather cast that you get on your news. No, it's full Super Bowl coverage. When they're on, we use weather people are on for hours and hours and hours bent over a computer terminal to be able to express what's going on, the ongoing map where the tornadoes are, where the rain is. I'm fascinated by it because there's no commercials. There's no net, Jaymore. You have to be able to just keep going and just inform people, which is a great service. Yeah, they were running three screens yesterday on ABC 7. Everybody had their little screen and they was just like going at it like, oh, it's this, it's that, it's this. It's crazy, man. I'm pretty sure they had two double boxes wrong. Yeah, didn't they have two individuals on the screen? There's three. And then there were the little boxes as well. I mean, you know what it was? It's weather red zone. It really is weather red zone, it is. That's what the coverage is. No commercial breaks, just going from one storefront to the next to here's a pressure situation. Oh, we can maybe see that there's tornadic activity in the area. Yeah, I mean, it's crazy. Hopefully everyone's safe this morning. No Octobox, but you did get three or four. I mean, that's pretty crazy. I mean, you didn't usually get like the, you know, the eight games going in at one time, there's Hall of Touchbacks at the new kicks. No, in this situation, I'm talking about here at ABC 7 and a little Brent Miller on channel five and Ivory on channel nine, I'm going back and forth. Just looking for the best coverage possible. Just when you can be able to just see in real time, hey, there's a storm coming. You better get to a basement. I mean, or get to a closet or someplace. I mean, people need to do that. You just can't just, it's that business as usual when you have weather like that. You know how it goes though? They say tornado warning, tornado watch. And you say, oh, where, right? And then they show usually a specific area. There were multiple times last night where they said, the entire Chicagoland area, you're under a tornado watch. It's different, isn't it? That's a different, we don't see that often here. At least that I can remember that from the northern suburbs all the way down to the southern suburbs throughout the city, north, northwest Indiana, everywhere, everyone in the area essentially was under a watch last night. So I mean, you know, there's a lot of sports to go on and the home run derby was entertaining to watch until I had to go seek shelter. So I mean, it was, you know, it was a good evening of television watching and hopefully everyone's safe. - Jay Moore, it's nothing like being a kid and you get those, that tornado activity and they say go to a basement and your parents take you downstairs and a radio's on. Just a, no TV, just a radio on. And they say, shh, let the Lord work. (laughing) Let him do his work. - He's bowling upstairs. - You ever get that one that they're bowling? - Yes, yeah, let the Lord work. - We'll be upstairs soon, but just let him do it. Like, oh, now you're really scared of me. Now you're just like, when is, are we gonna be safe here? As a kid, you don't know what that is. You just know it's loud. - You know, you also add in, there's the thought that a tornado cannot touch down in the city. You ever hear that? - I've heard that and I don't think that's true. - I don't think it's true either. But in the last two nights, whether people on TV have made people aware that if you're in a high rise, if you're in the downtown area, like, seek shelter, like it could absolutely happen in the city as well, which it was a rough two nights. - It was. And when I think about that, I think about taking a pause, thinking about this country and thinking about seeing the national anthem. ♪ And the rockets' red glare ♪ ♪ The bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ Gave proof through the night ♪ ♪ That our flag was still there ♪ - Damn! Let me tell you something. Ingrid Andress, who? Ingrid Andress, if that's really her name. Sang the national anthem before the Major League Baseball home run derby. We turn now to musical expert, Jay Moore now. Jay Moore, usually in this scenario, especially when you don't have an organ or a music accompaniment. You like to have a harmonica in your back pocket. Don't you have a little something to just keep you on key? - Bye! - And then you just go with that. Don't you have a little something, right? A little harmonica, a little something. - I was hoping to keep you in tune. - Yes. - Could you explain to me what that was yesterday? - Go right ahead. - Here's Jay Moore's hot garbage. It was straight up. I mean, I never heard of the girl. And she was definitely flat. Could've been nervous. Her nerves got to her, but yeah, that was terrible. Yeah, very. - I don't know who that is. I, it took a while last night. - What do you mean she's Ingrid Andress? I just told you. - You know, and I saw the name trending on social media and I tried to look her up and it took a while. It was a deep Google to find who this was. - Are you in expression? - She's a country artist I've never heard of. I listened to country music from time to time. No idea who this is. I then said, okay, this game is taking place in Texas. Maybe she's a local. I don't believe she's from Texas. I don't think she's local. I don't understand the, I don't know. I don't have any idea who this is. That was terrible. That was one of the worst we've ever heard in sports. Right? ♪ Can't spread the word ♪ ♪ Ooh, damn, ooh ♪ - I mean, what's happening there? - It makes Carl Lewis sound like Jim Cornelison. ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh, say can you see ♪ ♪ And the rock is that bad ♪ - Damn. (laughing) ♪ I'll make up for it now ♪ ♪ For the land of the free ♪ (laughing) - You know it's bad when people are laughing. - Ooh. - That was not the sound effect. That's actual people laughing on the stands. - I mean, but Carl was better. - Yeah, I'd say Carl, like, he knew he was bombing. So he made the comment, right? Like, well, it'll get better. Here we go. - I'm gonna reassure everybody that I'm not a song, yeah. - I know this is bad, but let's go. - J more. - He was smooth in the flats. - Yes, yes, yes, he was. - Very flats, yeah. I mean, listen, when you hear this. ♪ And the rock gets red glare ♪ - That sounds probably the only dog that should be able to hear that. Unfortunately, we all heard it. I kind of think though, Chris, that Fergie. ♪ And I start to strangle ♪ ♪ And I'm very gentle ♪ ♪ I'm very gentle ♪ ♪ I'm very gentle ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ I'm very gentle ♪ ♪ I'm very gentle ♪ ♪ I'm very gentle ♪ ♪ I'm very gentle ♪ ♪ All this things are basketball ♪ ♪ And the rock gets red glare ♪ ♪ The bombs bursting in air ♪ - You know, here's the thing. The other two, we knew who they were. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪ And the rock gets red glare ♪ ♪ The bombs bursting in air ♪ - You know, here's the thing. Two, we knew who they were. So you almost get a pass for being that bad. Like it was funny bad for Carl Lewis and Fergie. No, who knows who this girl is. - We'll just know that someone's saying the National Anthem poorly at the Home Run Derby, but she's so anonymous. - She'll be known for this. - Yes. - Like this is what she's going to be known for. Boy, I mean, so the only thing I could come up with is she was cheaper than an actual star. I think that's how you look right there. - It's cheaper. Did Major League Baseball spend all of their budget on Michael Buffer? - I don't know. - That's a true question that I had last night. - I think that might be the case. - Like, he like, before the final round, that was pretty cool. Bring both players out, give the announcement. Let's get ready to rumble like the whole thing. Boom, that was awesome. - That would cost a pretty buddy. - I think it was the new word that's going around, the nepotism. - Oh, is she, who is she? - She's somebody's daughter. - Manford? - Manford? - Somebody. - Is it Manford's daughter? - Is it? - That's not starting a vicious rumor now. - I'm asking a question. Is it Manford? - It's the love child. - Hello. - You throw the fans. - Look, I know that could have been better to you, but how about the national anthem? - I mean, seriously. - Boy. - But again, Chris, it's just anonymous. Like, I don't know who this is. And then to be able to be that bad, and then some of the players standing there laughing, boom, from the Phillies, laughing, just trying to suppress the laughter about how bad this is. - How can you not? 'Cause like, when Fergie performed, do you remember the NBA players? Wasn't Ramon caught on camera laughing? - Yes. - That's how bad it was. - Steph Curry, too. - Yeah, Steph, I mean, it's incredible. - I mean, so could you, 'cause Jaymore, you can explain this better than the rest of us here, within Kevin and Chris. - I just wanna know, like, when you go into the practices, I mean, in the practice, did this sound like that? Did she have music? Did she go and say, "No, I'm good." I'll just do this acapella. - Usually when you have your practices, your sound checks, it's no one there, but the, you know, people getting the venue together, or whatever, in your team. So I'm sure she did an extensive amount of rehearsing. And sometimes when you get to that point where it's live, and, you know, sometimes the moment gets too big, and you get nervous. - She's not. - She's just all over the place. - She's not a PTP, a primetime player. - So, clearly, the person that's producing this is a Chris Black-like figure, because there is black right there, in the sound check, with the headset on, listening to it, and he's thinking to himself, "Oh, this is gonna be good." But you don't tell anybody. This is what you do, you don't tell anybody. She's terrible, but you won't tell anybody until you see it live. - So I'm sabotaging her? - No questions. There's no question that you would be like, no one that she's terrible. You're just me to yourself giggling the way you do to yourself saying, "This is gonna be great." Meaning this is gonna be terrible. - Are you saying as a radio producer, I've been in that spot where I've seen something that's going off the rails, but I don't really do anything to put a stop to it because it is comical? Is that what you're saying? You're saying that I would be as a producer to witness a program that could be funny to some and I just let it happen? - How long have we worked together? - Quite a long time. - Exactly. And I'm still here. We're probably thinking of the same thing. (laughing) - 3-1-2-3-3-2-E-S-P-N-3-3-2-3-7-7-6-Zart telephone number. Ah, our country. ♪ And the rocket's red glare ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ It's time ♪ ♪ To stay in the way ♪ ♪ And I'm moving ♪ ♪ I'm moving ♪ ♪ I'm moving ♪ ♪ Oh, oh ♪ ♪ I'm moving ♪ ♪ I'm trying to believe it's all ♪ ♪ I'm moving ♪ ♪ Oh, let's play the basketball ♪ ♪ I'm moving ♪ (laughing) - So there you have it. That's brutal. Well, if you missed that, that's why we bring it to you. Was that here? I think that was on ESPN 1002, right? Was we ran the home run derby, I'm sure that that whole anthem was on the, on the, on the year. - The user would carry that stuff. (laughing) 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, ESPN as our telephone number. You heard that. Her name is Ingrid Andress. And she was the national anthem singer before the home run derby. And that's what it sounded like, folks. What do you think? Still to come, we have five big questions regarding the bears because as Chris told us, the rookies are here. Well, most of them, as far as we know, will be in camp today as the gates swing open for the rookies for the Chicago Bears. Here we go. All part of the mix. If you're gonna hold you, we'll be on the air on the cap and Jhood Morning Show. ♪ Welcome back ♪ ♪ Welcome ♪ ♪ Welcome back to cap and Jhood ♪ ♪ On Chicago's on for sports, ESPN Chicago ♪ - Cap and Jhood, weekday morning seven to 10 here on ESPN 1000. And we are streaming on the ESPN Chicago at Chris Black is in for cap, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, ESPN, 3, 3, 2, 3, 7, 7, 6 is our phone number. Still to come, we'll hear from Connor McKnight with the latest on the second half of the Major League Baseball season. We'll hear from Connor, part of the ESPN 1000. Hard Rock, Casino, White Sox Network. And don't forget, Sean and No Shock, come your way to eight o'clock right here on a cap and Jhood. So people also watch this, the All-Star festivities, the whole run derby. And what about this anthem singer? You're just joining us, this was Ingrid Andress. ♪ And the rocket's red glare ♪ ♪ The bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ Gave proof through the night ♪ - Good. ♪ That our flag was still there ♪ - Damn. - That hurts. - Is that the reaction from the crowd as well? - Not great? - No. I actually have heard of her now. I've found one of her songs that I'm aware of. Wishful drinking with Sam Hunt. Apparently that's a pop hit. - Careful. - I know, I know. He's a big-time artist. - But the moment. - Yeah. Kevin Zpac, is that okay? - I'm not familiar with him, what's his name? - Sam Hunt. - Okay. - Yeah. - He's the country version of Drake. - Oh wow. That bad, huh? - No, he's good. - I mean, I'm just saying. - Drake's not bad. - I mean, no, Drake's fine. I mean, he's down on his luck lately. I mean, on or off the field. - He's good. Sam Hunt's really good. - Yeah, I mean. - But yes, that was terrible though. - Yeah, it was. - That was terrible. I mean, Kevin and Oakbrook are- - Boy. - ESPN 1000, Kevin, good morning. - Hey, morning guys. Love to show you're a great pairing. - Thank you, man. - Yeah, I was gonna say, I've never heard of her either. I listened to country music, but I think Black, you nailed it earlier. She's gonna be absolutely famous for this. She's gonna be like the polar opposite of the Hawk Toowgirl. Everyone loves that girl, but this one's gonna be bad, bad, bad, bad. And honey, what are you talking about practice for? - Are we just talking about practice, Kevin? We're just talking about practice. - Is the Hawk Toowgirl, is it the 15 minutes? Are we done with that as a society? Are we- - No, is that- - Are we still wrong on that? - She's getting a reality show. - Yeah. - Is she really? - Gotta get through that, yes. She's on a minute 11. - Yeah. - That's not bad. - Can I actually tip of the cap to Hawk Toowgirl? - I think we all can. - Well, have you seen her latest or in the last week, she had a video that was posted about being aware that she had 15 minutes of fame. Then she went to like a dog shelter and brought a bunch of like supply. - Yeah, she made like big donations to a shelter trying to get these animals adopted. - She's using her powers for good. - In the video, she's like, I'm not gonna be famous for long. So let's do something good. Like, oh, okay, all right, all right, that's all right. Hawk Toowgirl. - This is a cap. - So because of that, slower on the clock. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Almost a timeout on the clock. - Yeah, two helmet stickers, you know, and a good job. - Timeouts? Hawk Toowgirl. - That's our first timeout. - Yeah. - She'll get, yeah. She can get a little run. - I think that's okay, but you gotta get through the reality TV show or reality series. And then afterwards, that'll be it. I mean, someone's gotta fill the bill on VH1. - One more thing. - All the three runs. - One more thing, right? - There used to be a hot channel once upon a time. All those reruns on there now. I was watching some reality show from, I don't know, Women in Miami. I looked at the description 2011. - Yeah. - Holy smokes, what happened to that channel? - Yeah, I know. - How about something new? - I don't think they, I have no idea. I don't even think I've. - Just went through it just like. - Stumbled across VH1 in the last 15 years. - I just looked at, I was like, Oh, I remember that show from 2011. - Do they still have pop-up video? - I don't know. - Wasn't that a show on VH1? - It was. - That was awesome. - Yes, you were child at that time. - So small boy. - A child now. Nate in Naperville on Cap and Jhood. Nate, good morning. - Hey guys, good morning, love your show. - Thank you. - I think that Ingrid, with a little nervous, nerves get to her and she put down a few glasses of some sort of cocktail because when the ESPN guys came back, they sort of alluded to, I think they said something to the point of, now it's time for the festivities and apparently it looks like someone's already, you know, been doing the festivities. So, if you got that out. - Did they really, I don't think so. Did they really say that? - A little 50 dot from Carl Ravitch. - I think there's 10 seconds of dead air which felt like an eternity while we were watching and they made that comment. So, if you have that audio, let's run that back and see what they said. - All right, let's see if we can find that. The Pithy comments from Carl Ravitch of all people. - Do you think Jesse knows what happened? Jesse's there. He covered the event. I know that Jesse was tasked for the other shows to get players. Are you aware of this? He was tasked to get Aaron Judge for Carmen and Yurco? - Oh, they did. - Old school. - They put together a list. It was like Aaron Judge, Bryce Harper and Crochet. - Yeah. - And I think he went 0 for three yesterday. I don't think he was, Kevin, you produce Carmen and Yurco. Did Jesse get any of the all-stars on the show? - No, we had Shay though to talk about the college football game. - So, yeah. So, Jesse went 0 for three on the Carmen and Yurco request. - Good job. - So, maybe Jesse could get something out of this story. Maybe he could break some news with this story. She was boozin' before the National Anthem. Maybe that's what he could write for - Legally, that could have happened. Again, maybe he could find Ingrid. Maybe she's still in town. - Yeah, I mean, he's super booker. He could do that. I think that's outstanding, actually. And so, the person that watched the most of this coverage is one Kevin Zpac. And because he's a kid when it comes to these things, he loves a home run derby, loves the all-star game. One thing I will say, Kevin, is like, I just kind of similar to the slam dunk competition, I think that this competition yesterday was bereft of top flight quality home run hitters. Meaning stars. I mean, like, Tasco Hernandez was the winner of this, correct? And the Dodgers? - Correct, yeah, I beat Bobby Witt in the LS round there. - I can give you four or five Dodgers that I would like more than the Oscar Hernandez. - I mean, five, and I watched enough of Dodgers baseball to know, I know he's on the team, but even in the all-star game, I believe he's hitting eighth. But he won the home run derby. - He's not really who you think of when you think of your prototypical, you know, slugger. - That's correct. - He's a great player, but he's not Shohei, you know, he's not even Freddy Freeman. - I think that that's what was missing in the home run derby yesterday. Like, I love that you have youth like Gunnar Henderson from Baltimore, 'cause that's the next generation. I think that you were missing that. Also, I'll point out that I don't think the ball carried very well in that ballpark at Globe Life for whatever reason. That's not retractable, is it? That's just a dome if I'm not mistaken? - Yeah, I believe it's just a dome. - I don't think it traveled very well, Kevin. I think that that was the reason why we didn't get like the Maguire Sosa, you know, home run power. - It is a retractable roof, by the way, yes. - Really? - Yeah. - Oh, I don't think I've ever watched a game where they've had the roof open. I, you know, I lived in Houston, which is also retractable, was never open once, because it gets quite humid down there, Chris. - No, I know that. I thought that we've moved past the idea of having retractable roofs. I thought that this stadium was new enough where they're like, we're in Texas. There's no reason in building a retractable roof. - No, it gets too hot. You want to have some control. - Right, exactly, so you'd never open it. Wasn't that the entire point to the Rangers building a new stadium? Was that they were sick of playing out in the sun during the summers? - So they built the new stadium? - The Texas Rangers, for many, many years, outdoors playing. And on Sunday night baseball, they would have their Sunday night baseball game, but also the Rangers would play their home game also at seven o'clock, 'cause it was cooler. - Yeah. - 'Cause it was a nice 105 by the time you get to seven o'clock. But the reason why the Rangers had won a championship is because they played in 115 degree weather every home game. - Wow, it is retractable, look at the pictures. Why would you build a retractable roof in Texas? - Just build a roof. - That's gonna be sometimes where you can open it up, maybe for concerts or other events. - Well, I would say, as I was watching it last night, I thought to myself, home run derbies are more fun when there's no roof. So your idea of maybe the ball didn't travel as much because of that leads to that. Like, I don't, like, go back in my head, I can't think of a great home run derby that took place inside. Can you guys? - No, I can picture outdoor venues. - That's the top of my head, no. No. So what would you think, Kevin, because I thought, okay, it's always good, 'cause here's the thing that I really like, is that the players are having fun. I like that. They're actually rooting for one another. It's not like America League versus National League. These guys are having fun. And so would you think of it overall? Because I thought the ball didn't travel as well as I thought it would in this contest. - No, listen, if you're a big baseball dork like me, you're going to take things in like the home run derby, you're gonna enjoy it for what it is. But I think for a more casual baseball fan or somebody that just wants to see big names and high accumulation of numbers, you definitely didn't get that. The pace of it, I don't think was great. I think it just kind of slogged a little bit. So, you know, they tinker every year. I'm sure it'll be a little bit different. It's outdoors next year, by the way, Chris is gonna be in Georgia, truest park. - Oh, I like the county Braves, yes. - All right. - So you're going to get maybe a little bit more of that oomph next season. - That'll be good, I like that. Nothing wrong with that. - 'Cause he trails off, folks. He trails off. Nothing wrong with that. - The excitement is palpable. - I watched last night. - Yeah. - You gonna watch tonight? - Yeah, it's the only thing on tonight. Until nine o'clock when the sky play. - Yep, I agree. - And the bowl's in Summer League early. - So, yeah, so Summer League, Hulu, and then the sky. - It's the only thing on TV tonight, Kevin, come on. Tonight is baseball night in America. - I thought you might be watching Bravo, like. - You do. - It's the mid-summer classic. - Don't do that. - What is wrong with you? - Chris, don't do that. - Don't do that. - Come on. - Don't do that. - It's a mid-summer classic. - Okay, don't do that. - Is it not? - No, we speak truth here on the show. - No, I know. - Okay, we don't do that. - It's baseball. - Yeah, okay. - Okay, I could fill a thimble of how much baseball you talk on black and a dollar. So, don't do that. - Well, I could fill a thimble. I've gotta move on now because we've got five big questions about the Chicago Bears as the rookies are ready to go. We think all of them. We'll talk about it coming up next with Chris Blackin for "Cap" on "Jhood" on the "Cap and Jhood" morning show. - Checkmate, one, six linear suppression on target. - That's why I see him in my shot. - Shot or no shot with "Cap and Jhood" on ESPN 1000 and ESPN "Chicago App." - That's why I see him in my shot. - Good morning and welcome in to the "Cap and Jhood" morning show on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN "Chicago App." With Chris Blackin for "Cap" I am "Jhood." Thanks so much for being with us on this Tuesday morning. Now time for a shot or no shot. Brought to you by... - That would be ESPN Bet. - Sign up today and new users get $100 in bonus bets with any sports book bet. - We turned over to Kevin Two Sweet Z-Pac. - Kevin? - Good morning, gentlemen. How are we today? - Two Sweet, two Sweet, two Sweet. I'm doing great. - Kevin Three. - Kevin Six-Pac. - Kevin Six-Pac, yes. That is my new nickname. - You're going the other day. I think "Forgot" would-- - Kevin's name was-- - I'm almost certain he forgot my first name. - So he called him-- - He called him Two Sweet. - Kenny Six-Pac is the other name. - How about that? - Two Sweet and Kenny Six-Pac. There you go. - Listen-- - We're great. What's up? - What a nickname you guys want to dole out. I can take it, all right? I'll wear that. - Is Caleb Williams signed yet? - No, and I'm glad you asked because that's where we're going to start today, Chris. It is a rookie day up at Hallis Hall as the Bears draft picks will be headed up. Their veterans report on Friday, but of course the big story is the contract status of Caleb Williams. And also, Rome Adunze, of course, Caleb is the one getting most of the attention, but Adunze not signed either. So the question is shot or no shot. If Caleb Williams remains unsigned at the end of today, it is--is it now officially a distraction? - That is a no shot. Not for me. It is not a distraction for me. And the reason why is because I know that this is going to get done. That's him and Adunze, as a matter of fact. It will get done. The last thing you want right now, all of those great things that people are saying about the Chicago Bears, all the positive storylines. Even the stadium is a positive storyline because it's going in a certain direction, probably the right direction going to all of the nights. What I'm saying is, Chris, is that I think it's going to be fine. It is not a distraction for me as a fan. That's a no shot. - Will it be fine? I agree with you on that front. I think it could be a distraction if it doesn't happen in the next couple of days. You know, the first practice is Saturday. - You know, we're here. Trania Camp is here. - Yeah. - Rookies are reporting today. You will hear Matt Iberfluice and Ryan Paul speak to the media on Friday. The first practice is on Saturday. He's got to be in uniform for Saturday. It will be a distraction. If he's not there on Saturday for the first practice, this will be a distraction. Both he and Roman Dunes, absolutely. - Caleb Williams has said that he is not handling this contract that the Bears are negotiating with his people. That's a screeching headline right now for Mike Florio. - Yeah, but he's also in a situation, and I heard Courtney Cronin earlier this morning hosting during unsportsmanlike explain the situation that he doesn't have an agent. So he has people who are not certified to actually negotiate with teams looking over things. They're lawyers. They're people that work for him, but the person that has to communicate with the Bears, it's Caleb's one of the people that has to negotiate because he doesn't have an actual agent who's certified by the NFLPA. So that's what Courtney was saying this morning here on ESPN 1000. So, yeah, the headline can say I'm not involved in it, but as she explained, he's involved in it because he doesn't have an agent. It'll be, it's a shot, to me it's a shot. If he's not there for the first practice, this will be a distraction. - I'm as cool as a cucumber when it comes to this. - It's totally just fine. It'll be fine. Chris, don't worry about it. - Let's get it done. - Let's get it done today. - I do find it interesting though, because, I mean, he's already made NIL money, so it's not like he needs any tag days. It's not like, there are some athletes that are such myzers that they're like, no, I'm holding on to my money, right? Like, I don't need an agent. I'll just hold on. I don't have to give my agent 10%, 8%, whatever. In this situation, he actually needs someone because if he's the one that's got going on the table, that's always problematic. Like for me, in my career, I've never gone to the table. I've never gone to the table. I always have someone speaking on my behalf. - Yeah. - Could you imagine me in there, knowing how hard that we work, or how many hours we put in, and someone's got a low ball? I couldn't do that. I'll send someone else to talk to Danny, not me. (laughing) - I like talking to Danny. - No, I'm talking about when it comes to negotiations. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't know, I talked to Danny. - Yeah, and then, yeah, how's it going? - I've got a nice show at night. - Yeah. - 638, when the White Sox don't play. Hmm, or if there's bears weekly. - Hmm. It's a great spot. - Going that well, huh? - I'm filling in here. Last two days, it's great. - You're welcome. - This is a fun week. - You're welcome. - I'll start breakers. - Yeah, of course. Going that well, huh? Here's Kevin. - What's that look for, Kevin? - What look? I didn't give a look. - I'm enjoying my time here today. - Oh, look, I know you're enjoying it. We're glad to have you, although generally, and Abdullah did this when he was filling in last week, generally when there's a fill-in, they bring donuts. - Oh, I can get you food if you want food. - Yeah? - Is that a promise? - Sure. - Okay, we'll talk during the break. - Okay. - All right, you guys talked about these. - Anytime you wanted to keep the show moving. - I mean, my God, as long as Kenny Sixpack is fed. - You guys were talking about the strength of the NFC North a little bit earlier during the five burning questions concerning the bears going into this season. Chris, I think you mentioned that all the teams are kind of projected in that eight or nine win range. Shot or no shot, the NFC North will have four teams over 500. - That is a no shot. I say the two best divisions in football is the AFC and NFC North, both of them. - Yeah, I could see that. - They're gonna be fantastic, I think. - I think it's a no shot because I don't see both Minnesota and Chicago winning nine games 'cause that's what it has to be, to be over 500. You can't, the eight is no longer 500, so you'd have to get to nine. - Can we just grade on a curve and just say eight, nine is 500? - No, but it's not. - I know it's not 500 though. - I know it's not, I know it's not. - So I'm gonna say no shot because I don't think, I don't think they'll be that good. I think it's, I think if you have a chance to have your bottom feeder of the division and be at eight wins, that's a really good division. - Bear schedule's over your shoulder, by the way. - Yeah, I know, listen, we're talking about it. - HEMBO, Nuno, Graziano, who else is on set there on Get Up, they're all into it. I love it, bears content, it's great. - Everyone's talking bears. - Everyone's interested in seeing how this is all going to, what's the ceiling for the bears in 2024? - Or Lofsky, there you go. - So they're all talking about it. So I think it's a no shot, Kevin, and this is why I talked, you know, not extensively, but we did like an extra segment on the Minnesota Vikings because if you think that the Minnesota Vikings are gonna be last in the AFC North, I think it's gonna be very difficult for them to get there. Let's say they have a litany of injuries, I think that the Vikings are gonna have some fight in them. And so this is when it comes to the bears. When you look at the bears in their depth chart and you look at the difference makers, they have on defense, I think that they will be better than they were last year, but what's it say that the bears aren't the last team in the AFC North? I'm not predicting that, I'm just saying that the Vikings will have something to say about it. And definitely Detroit, they might take a little bit of a step back, but I still see them in first place. Like they could be 11 win ball club and be in first place. I think that when these teams battle each other in the AFC North, this is gonna be a dog fight. It's gonna be a struggle. And they think that the Vikings, because they could be in last place, are gonna be pushovers, they won't be. They have more positives than actually negatives, I think on that roster. But again, everything comes back to quarterback play, isn't it? - Oh yeah, offense. - And that's where the hope lies, right? Like if Caleb Williams actually turns out to be something, then the bears have a chance in this division because I think Jordan Love's gonna be here for a long time. And Jared Goff is a very accomplished and successful quarterback, but I think we all look at it and we remember back to when he was here with the Rams and it was a cold December game and he couldn't do anything, right? So like there's a perception that he's not a good quarterback even though the stats and the longevity have backed up that he actually is a really good quarterback. There's a chance if Caleb works out, then we're gonna be set. - Kevin, do you think, I'm not holding you to, I'm not gonna hold you to it now because it's July, but do you have this sinking feeling that the bears might be that team? That it will be underwater? - No, I don't think so, actually. And it's not just because of Caleb and all the expectations and hype around him. I think it's what was already there foundationally with the defense playing so well last season. I think that's going to keep them at a certain level from anything going two sideways. And I think all of the additions on the offense, of course, the wide receivers and then the new center, you've got DeAndre Swift back there. I think Paul's has done a fantastic job to keep the floor very high for this team. - It's gonna be compelling, that is for sure. I just think that the way the schedule lines up as we just talked about Chris, this whole thing of you're not taking on an NFC North opponent until week 11, that first 10 will tell the story of Caleb Williams and this team. Not just Caleb Williams with the team being acclimated and getting used to one another and the rhythm and everything else. - Yeah. - That, I mean, all the games are important. But you get into the North and you want to be a playoff team, you got to knock off these teams. - Yeah. - Detroit is tough. Green Bay, what Jordan loved. People don't want to believe it, but we saw it in real time. That guy is a difference maker. In the next year, this year, he could be even better than he was last year at the quarterback position. He wasn't even the finished product, but he showed some signs, didn't he? - Oh yeah, absolutely. You go on the road and win a playoff game. I mean, that's good stuff. I would also say, you know, leading into those games late in the season, in the division, week four is, that's gonna, week four against the Rams at home. If you're expecting the Bears to try and make the wild card this season, that game's gonna go a long way to making the wild card 'cause the Rams are gonna be right there in that situation. The Rams are not expected to win their division. They will be a playoff competing team. They have the 49ers in their division. They're expected to be a Super Bowl contender. So it'll be that week, week four, you're gonna have a test right there. And I'm not overlooking Houston on the road in week two, but like you've got some tough games and you gotta get off to a hot start to kind of allow yourself to get to that back end of the schedule against the division to then have a chance, have a fighting chance in this. - Yeah, as we continue to work together this week, Chris, we're gonna talk about pressure and how this pressure is different than the CJ Stroud pressure from last year. It's different. There was very little expectation in Houston with CJ Stroud and all of a sudden, it was one of the big surprises in the league, right? Everything worked together. Everything worked cohesively to the point where Houston got to the playoffs. That was a dumpster fire of an organization. From top to bottom and then they got to the playoffs. - Yeah. - Pressure's different here. - Oh, for sure. - Pressure's different. - You gotta be the savior. This team played well at the end of last year, so they're expected to take another step forward. They won seven games last year. That's not your typical team that drafts number one overall, right? Like this isn't you or the worst team in football. So I mean, you're right. There's gonna be a lot of pressure and with that pressure means you can't go one in three in the first month. - Has a number one overall pick, the quarterback ever walked into a better situation? - Yeah, we have to look at that. We have to look at Andrew Luck. Yeah, look at some of these other quarterbacks in the past and see how ready made those teams were. - Luck might be the only one. - Yeah, it might be a deeper dive than that, but that's just the first name that came to mind. - Yeah, outside of that, not really. I mean, in recent memory, I mean, think about how it works. The first pick goes to the worst team in the league. - Cult meant 11 and five with Luck as a rookie. - What did they do the year before though? 'Cause paid Manning was hurt, right? Wasn't that, did they go right from Manning to Luck? - Two and 14 the year before they drafted him. - And was Manning on that team? - Yeah, he was hurt all year and that's in the name and make the decision. - And they knew they're gonna move on from Manning and then that's how you, and I mean, like, yeah. - A lot of Curtis Painter that year. - Yeah, that's bad. That's how you get the first pick. - Manning couldn't throw from me to you. That arm, that neck, that just, it wasn't. - He was done. - He was done. - Until he wasn't with the Broncos. - That's true. He makes comeback all of a sudden. Can you sneak in one more before around the NFL? - Yeah, absolutely. At this time last year, the Cubs were 43 and 49, went on to make a big run in July and August. Currently, the Cubs 47 and 51, very similar spot, but playing a lot better going to the break here with the sweep of Baltimore split in St. Louis. Shot or no shot, the Cubs have another summer run in them. - That is a no shot as far as a summer run. Now here, I'm the guy that said in March that thought this was gonna be a playoff team. I did not know that the Cubs would struggle like they have offensively. It's a strange team, Kevin, because the starting pitching, despite the injuries, have been good enough to keep them in ball games. The starting pitching has been very good enough through six innings to be able to sustain itself, but the offense has just been lousy. I'm not sure if they can turn this around. I think that the all-star break comes at a really bad time for the Cubs because they were just turning things around. They split with the St. Louis Cardinals and played much better baseball. Why? Because they're offensively speaking, they're able to get into a rhythm, into a groove. - So I'm not sure that summer turnaround is gonna be there. Did you say three and a half games out of the wildcard? - Correct. - Yeah, three and a half games out of the wildcard. Yeah, I mean, it's a lot of teams to climb. I'm just gonna say at this point in time, no shot. - I'm gonna say shot only because of the three and a half games that they're back of the Mets right now in the wildcard. I don't expect it to happen, but it's still a shot. And what you pointed to, Jonathan is in the last week or so going six and two in the last couple of series. Like they're playing better baseball. The back end, the bullpen's gonna have to hold it together. Seems like they're starting to get a little bit more pop with the bats. There's a shot. I'm not expecting it. But when you're only three and a half back in the wildcard, there's still a chance. Now I know there's a lot of teams in between there, so someone could also get hot like the Cubs had played in the last week, but you got the Reds, Giants, Pirates, Padres, Diamondbacks, all in between before you get to the Mets in that last spot. - Are any of those team world beaters though? - No, are they those teams significantly better than the Cubs? - They're not. And that's why it's still a shot. You know, like they're hanging around. - But I would say that some of those teams, Kevin, have better back of the bullpen, the 7th and 8th and 9th. That's the problem with this team. Their relief pitching has not been consistent enough and the offense went away for a while here in the first half. You get the offense back now, that could be the elixir to be able to mask some of the issues that you have when you're bullpen. 'Cause if you're out slugging teams, no matter who you put out there, you can get the outs that you need. But all that has to come together for the Cubs to be able to make a serious run. And don't forget in the second half, is it Diamondbacks, but also they take on the Brewers again. The Brewers in a series could bury the Cubs again. You can do it, right? - Yeah, for sure. - But hats off to the Cubs for them sweeping one of the best teams in baseball in Baltimore and splitting with St. Louis. So they're hanging in there, but they just see, it seems, let me see, it's eight and a half games back in last place in the central, but it has seemed so far away, based on how they play at times. All right, coming up, we give you around the NFL, Albert Breor from, and Monday morning quarterback will join us at A35. Well, Chris Black, Jonathan Hood with you, Captain Jay Hood on ESPN 1000, and also on our YouTube channel. - Welcome back to Captain Jay Hood. You're officially locked in. ♪ I know it's a good sky ♪ Chicago's home for sports, ESPN Chicago sucks. He sucks, I'm just a fan. I'm not a football developer. I love the Green Bay Packers. - The guy is front, but there he goes. This is not Detroit, man, this is the Super Bowl. - I love winter, he starts to come at any moment. - This is a really thickly built guy. - I mean, what's the answer you're looking for on these things here, huh? - Whoa, buddy! - It's time to go around the NFL right here on Captain Jay Hood on ESPN 1000, and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app will have Albert Breor, who is at 835, around the NFL. Here's Kevin Zepack. - All right, fellas, let's start with another Bears note here, I read on the athletic, an NFL contract to watch for all 32 teams. And the Chicago Bears, their entry is DJ Moore. His contract goes through 2025, but he's currently 17th among receivers in terms of average salary coming off a massive year. You would expect him to do the same, if not better this season. What is the level of urgency to get DJ Moore locked into a new deal? - Well, I'd like that. The reason why Roma Dunes was drafted is because you know the Keenan Allen won't be here long-term. I'm not pushing him out the door when I say that, by the way, I hope Keenan Allen has the best health he's ever had his career. And he plays 18 games, plus playoffs, whatever, right? I just know that as of late, you know he's in the autumn of his career, for sure. But DJ Moore is a guy that is, should be a constant for this team, moving forward. There should be an urgency to get him done and make sure that he's part of this team as well, for the foreseeable future with a young quarterback and Caleb Williams, because that veteran is good for a young quarterback. - Now, I know this piece was written and posted with the concept of rookies are going to sign their contracts, right? - I don't know what you're doing there. - Well, no, I'm just saying, like the most important at this moment is getting a new contract signed. - Perhaps there was an implication. - Yeah, right, yeah. So, let me say this. Here's how my mind worked with this. - Okay. - For the Bears, yeah. Get DJ Moore signed now. For DJ Moore, wait, sure. Right, because like if DJ Moore has a great season with a quarterback who's competent, who's able to find him down the field consistently and allow him to thrive, he's going to be able to demand more money if he has a great season this year. And then on the flip side, the Bears, it would probably be smart to lock him in now because we're expecting him to have that quarterback to be able to allow him to have a great year so you could lock him in at a price now before he has a great, great season this year. - That's just a good business on DJ Moore's part to just wait, yeah. - Like I'm looking at this the right way, right? Like DJ Moore should wait, but Bears should try and go to the table in this training camp and get something done long-term, right? - So the Bears can have their price, right, DJ Moore's price. - Because we expect him to have a great season. He has that great season. Yeah, we've seen all the contracts I've resigned this off season for wide receivers in the NFL. - Crazy money, crazy money. - And if you're having Cohen, you pay through the nose for a cold comment instead. - For a tight end. (laughing) - I was listening to that last week and I was like, what are we doing here? You're clearly a Patriots fan. (laughing) - Clearly a Patriots fan. - I exposed it, didn't I? - Yeah, you did. - No one wanted to say it and I said it, the reason why that you think that tight ends are more valuable than wide receivers because you saw it in New England. - Yeah. - You just put just any, any hobo on a wide receiver and put him out there for a time ready to throw to. Meanwhile, Gronk was the guy. But that doesn't work that way for every NFL team. Every NFL team's not blessed to have like a, you know, a Hall of Fame tight end. And just know anybody out there, wide receiver. - I also saw the Christian McCaffrey on the list. What are we doing? - Horrible. - Come on, Evan. - He did say pass catchers, but again McCaffrey also would not be in my top five for that either. - Yeah, there's good wide receivers. - There's great wide receivers that should be on the list. - So if Evan was here, he'd say, don't sign DJ Moore, give more money to Cole Comette. Here's Kevin Zepach, Kevin. - Cole Comette is no Robert Gronkowski. Luke Gethse was maligned last season, of course. It wasn't all his fault. The personnel probably wasn't there at certain positions, but he was replaced, of course, with his Shane Waldron. First year for a new coordinator, there's gonna be some hiccups, some growing pains, of course, along the way. But what signs do you guys think you would see to show you that Waldron is a better play caller than Luke Gethse was last season? What do you need to see to become more and more convinced? - Okay, so at times last year, it felt as if Gethse had plays that were not connected. You'd have a big pass play, and then something that wasn't quick ready to go right off of that big pass play to keep the defense on their heels. Or plays that set up something else within the four downs, so you can make sure you get to the first down. It felt very disjointed, some of the play calling that Gethse had, and then also being able to protect the quarterback in a situation where we know the quarterback is struggling and/or down in offense of starter linemen, something like that. There were times where there were plays that were called when you knew the offense of line was maybe at a disadvantage because a starter left the lineup, and then he would still call the same play that he would call. It's like, why don't you shade an extra tight end on that side, help some protect, and then keep it with the quarterback on a play action fake or something like that. Like, make it easier for the quarterback. I think if we see that stuff, then I think we'll notice a difference, and that's where yesterday I was asking you, Jonathan, like, what type of changes do we expect to see from Shane Waldron going from Seattle to Chicago? - Well, I mean, I'm gonna say the obvious, but it's something that has to be brought out. It's to timing when it comes to Caleb Williams, right? All these things can work when it comes to the offensive line, and you were wowed by the weapons that he has at his disposal, but if he doesn't get a ball out, and if the clock doesn't go off in his head, that's gonna be a sack, that's gonna be a turnover. That's gonna happen anyway, that happens at any quarterback, but for Caleb Williams, for Shane Waldron, it's just about timing. Get the ball out. The hope is, is that in year one for Caleb Williams, is that the struggle it was for Justin Fields, Kevin. Meaning that, and then you gotta get the ball out. No, I'm at like enough to be able to hold on to the ball, and be able to run around and then try to find a ghost receiver that's not there. Makes sense, Chris, like you saw this a lot, right? No, you know what, I know it's supposed to get the ball out, but you know what, if I had to extend the play, I know I can get the ball down the field, but to whom? To double coverage, to a tight end that's covered, to a receiver that's, to a running back that's helping you block, helping the offensive line block or chip. And come on, man, so that's what I wanted to see from Caleb Williams, the understanding of, amen, you gotta get the ball out quickly and take care of the football. Gage did that in college, but the pros, it's a different story. I'm just telling you, Chris, I'm comparing you now, that there's gonna be some of those growing pains early. Hopefully there's not so many that is detriment to the bears, that's all I'm saying. Totally agree. He's squeezing one more 'cause we got Albert Breyer coming up. Yeah, here's a quick one. NFL executives, coaches, and scouts have ranked the top 10 quarterbacks in the league. This was on the yesterday. I assume no qualms with the top three, Patrick Mahomes, Joe Burrow, Josh Allen. - Okay. - You guys okay with that? - Yeah. - All right. What I thought was notable on this list, Aaron Rodgers, still the eighth ranked quarterback in league. And Brock Purdy was not on this list. - Thoughts? I'm fine with that. That's fine, that's fine. And you know who else is fine with it, Brock Purdy? He's fine with it. He likes to be under the, I think he's a guy that is part of this system, that is under the radar, and he's not dynamic, no, but he gets the job done. - He does. Listen, I don't wanna call him a system quarterback and do that whole thing today. - That's all right, but it's better than a system quarterback, but we give a lot of credit to the system and the head coach and the weapons around Brock Purdy than necessarily the quarterback himself. - They all are system quarterbacks. - Yeah. - It's all a system. - Yeah, yeah, of course. Of course. - Well, I think-- - They're all system quarterbacks. - A phone exercise is like if you swap Brock Purdy out with name on an average quarterback in the league. - A no-Connell? - No, no, he's bad. - Okay, that's bad. But like-- - You have to charge us quarterback. - Oh yeah, with Justin Herbert, that's a Super Bowl winning team. You know, like that-- - Yes. - That's where he accomplished a lot last season, had a great year, absolutely. But I'm not going to call Brock Purdy a top 10 quarterback. No matter how many times you quote me, his yardage or his touchdown thrown last season, I'm just not going to do it. - Oh, you want to play this game by San Francisco? - Sure. - Deshawn Watson. - Super Bowl or not? - Yeah, I think it was San Francisco. - I think so. - Although he was bad last year. - So Deshawn Watson with the 49ers Super Bowl. - Well, okay, here he is asking. - Daniel Jones. - No. - He can't do what Brock Purdy did? - No. - Okay. - All right, then Brock Purdy's great. - No, no, that's too far. - So he took it too far? - You're right in the middle. - Yeah, yeah. - So you're right in the middle? - Yeah, yeah, sorry, but you took it too far. - Who's the perfect middle quarterback? - Derek Carr. He's turning toward bad now. - What about Baker? - Baker's good. - Trending up. - I think Baker's good. - I think the 49ers with Baker Mayfield, that team could get to the Super Bowl. - Absolutely. - And he got a stew going. - Yeah, I mean. I think Baker's good. - You know, I can't find a lot of middle quarterbacks there. - It's tough, right? - Uh-oh, time to go. - Oh, okay. - All right. - All right. Lights went on. Jay Moore turned the lights on. - All right. - Everyone go home, it's time to go. - Can't stay here. - He was again, it's time to go. He's, Jay Moore is putting his records away. He's got the, he's got the crates. Ready to go. Well, I mean, it's hard. - Okay. - Lights on. - All right, time to go. - Can you look at who you're dancing with? - Yeah. - Oh, God. All right, come on. I know there's, there's gotta be a restaurant someplace-- - Late Night Food? - Yeah. - Go on. - Golden Nugget, all right, let's go. - Here we go. - All right, we will hear from Albert Breyer. He's scheduled to be with us next on the Captain Jay Hood Morning Show.