Kap & J. Hood

7/9 8 AM: Albert Breer

Kap & J Hood played a round of Shot or No Shot, went Around the NFL, and talked football with Albert Breer.

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09 Jul 2024
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live from state street in the heart of Chicago you are listening to the new home of the Chicago Bears and this is capping J. R. W. M. P. W. T. B. C. H. D2 Chicago a good karma brands radio station and checkmate one six million suppression on target that's why I see a man shot shot or no shot with cap and J. Good morning and welcome into the cap and J. Good morning show on ESPN 1000 and we are streaming on the ESPN Chicago app with David Kaplan Jonathan hood with you now time for shot and oh shot brought to you by that would be ESPN bat live in Illinois download the great ESPN bat app at some fun each night watching baseball or golf on the weekends or Wimbledon tennis that's going on right now you get a hundred dollars free bets with any sports book bet when you open your account we say good morning to Jack he's not a car dealer McGrath. That is right I'm not a car dealer. I'm a radio producer. Yes. Yes. Good morning. Jack. How are you? Good morning. I'm fantastic. How are you guys? Smells very flowery and nice over here in the producers booth still from cash flowers. It means you guys are eating well. Apparently that was good. That's good to know. Yes. Thank you, Jack. Thank you for noticing. Kevin put on the channel four old five fours please. There's no way cap and I can continue on with the program with Wimbledon on. Yeah. I just I don't get it. I don't like tennis. Just the stars the stars. I don't mind it but just the star. Just just ordinary tennis guys. No. Yeah. You told me like joke of itches up there. All right. Medvedev. Okay. I'll watch Venus or Serena. Yeah. I'll watch. Yeah. You want me to watch this? Low seats. Yes. I've never heard of against another guy never. I'm just not a tennis guy. Venus is 44. How long has she been retired? I don't watch tennis. I'm not a tennis guy. Sorry. I don't mind the stars. Especially if I find out that there's like difference makers up there. Okay. Because it's sports. I like competition. I have no problem with it. But see, that's a difference Jack in say the NCAA tournament. Right. Where you don't care if it's at the 64th seed again. So you don't care because it's tournament. Right. Yeah. But for tennis. No shot. Absolutely not. Give me the stars. Yeah. I mean, I mean, God bless ESPN. But it's on ESPN ESPN to it's in the fillings of your teeth. That's enough. Give me a haven Cohen. That's fine. I'll take him. Michelle Smallman and Chris Canty. I know they've been been sent to ESPNU got you know, rest in peace ESPNU. That used to be a thing. Yeah. Jack, you're too young to remember ESPNU. No, I had ESPNU. It was it was vital. It was actually good. And one point. I'm gonna I'm gonna go hard pass on the 10. My neighbor yesterday Rodney came out. Hey, Kathy. How are you? Yeah. What do you think of when first thing? What do you think of Wimbledon? I said, what about it? He goes, well, there's been some great matches. And I said, you enjoy. Yeah. Is it you don't watch it? No, it's just too much. And I'm and of course, once again, Jack, we took we said, so I coined the phrase in this program. It is about sports bandwidth. I know it's July. Okay. And words grasping, just trying to wait for the gates open in Lake Forest. But the point is though, I'm not gonna fill it with that. Absolutely not. Just give me an Evan Cohen. That's fine. A little on sportsman like fair enough. Well, let's talk about the gates opening and then Lake Forest. It happens in a week rookies report in a week. Go ahead. Didn't like the transition? No, no, no, it's not you. It's not you. We saw someone out here that was showing us his religion. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And it was in his religious was from deepest, darkest Africa. Yeah. Well, moving on from that. You want to see it? No, I'm okay. Okay, because Cap and I got a glimpse. There's this big there's this big pole in front of us. So we can't see anything over there. We saw a big pole in front of us. That's what stopped us in our tracks. Excuse me while I whip this out. Here's Jack McGrath. All right. Well, bears rookies report to training camp in a week and Caleb Williams and Roma Dunes. It's still been reported that they haven't signed their rookie contracts yet. They can't participate in training camp until they sign their rookie contracts shot or no shot. We should be concerned right now that Caleb and Rome haven't signed their contracts yet. Here's Adam Schefter with more from ESPN Milwaukee. They have made it such that these rookie deals are formalities, but Caleb Williams really wants to kind of do his own thing, break the system, try to do things that are atypical. And so that wouldn't surprise me, you know, if his situation lingered a little bit longer than most of these rookie situations, that should be in this day and age, just formalities. Roma Dunes, a, you know, that that'll get done. And used to, it used to be, well, the bears did change their front office quite a bit. But the bears are not their topics on the week after the draft. And now these guys are unsigned, but it won't be long. I would imagine before they have their deals done. So what does that mean? As Jack asked that question, what does that mean that Caleb wants to do his own thing? What's that mean? You heard what he said there? I did. And I don't know if that means he wants certain clauses. Oh boy. You all right? I'm hoping. See, again, the reason why your mics is broken is because you hold it like a rock star. That's not what the mic is for. I'm not touching it. You just did. I mean, if it's not this, if it's not that, if it's not that. And God bless you. If you wear headphones, listen to our show. Good God almighty. I'm just trying to get my steps in this guy's pounding his fist because he's mad at the Cubs. Or if it's this moving the mic around like your Elvis, you can't be doing that. I didn't touch it. That's why it was about to fall because it just, this is on you. You get a very, you're very handsy with the mic. No, hands. I don't touch it. I set it up in the morning before seven and I'm good. Okay. What was the question you asked me now? He's completely distracted me. Jack, what did he ask, Jack, what's next? Oh, Caleb Williams. Yeah, shoot. Well, him wanting to do something different. Remember when Roklan signed and everything was already slotted that he held out because he wanted certain clauses in his contract, certain types of injury protections that I would think would be something that Caleb wants. But Ryan Paul's is on vacation right now. I don't, if he was that worried, I don't think he'd be on vacation. I think I think this gets worked out. And that was the end of what Schefter said. So the ultimate question is what, Jack? Should we be concerned? That's a no shot. I don't think that this will linger into camp. I don't either. I don't think the bears can let it linger into camp. Because it'll be on hard knocks. It'll be on hard knocks. You can't have your rookie quarterback not there for the first day of training camp. That's a terrible look. They get the deal done. Don't get it done. I agree. Da da da da. The bears have not signed their prize quarterback. Da da da da. What are the bears going to do? Maybe they're just holding off until the cameras get there so they can get a shot of them signing the dotted line for HBO. That is good TV. You are right about that. Cap, we got to get our lines right. And so that way HBO can hear it in so that you put it on the show. Yes. We've got to be able to have a section card dot in the show. Passion about the bears. So that way it's the first thing on the show. You know, it's like the dial the sound of the radio dot 1000. Correct. I can't believe this bears team. This is the greatest. I want that to be on the show. I don't have to be my voice is going to be on it. But yours has to be yelling about the bears on HBO hard knocks. Let's go. It's legendary. Let's go. Here's Jeff. Do you want the White Sox question that will make you happier? The White Sox question that may make you sad. Yes. Because it's one of the same. If you're a Sox fan, you know what I mean. We'll go with the one that will make it happy. Garrett crochet. There's been a lot of talks about him starting the all-star game for the American League. I think he's a great pitcher. I don't think he goes deep enough into games for me to say, Oh, I want him starting the all-star game for the American League, but shot or no shot. He should be the American League starter. I would like that. That's a shot. I would like for that to happen. But I'm not crying if it doesn't. And when does he start again? Let's take a look. Because Imanaga is going to be in line to have a shot at starting the game. Chris Sale would have started, but he's going to pitch twice tonight and I think Sunday. So that'll knock him out of starting. So crochet will pitch Friday against Pittsburgh. Okay. So Saturday, Sunday, Monday, he will be he will not start the all-star game then. I wouldn't think on three days rest. No chance. Yeah. Even if you pitch is an inning, and actually, you know what, Jack, it's okay if he doesn't. I just, it's great that the Sox have someone that they could have as a representative. As a white Sox fan, would you rather he not pitch in this game? No, I don't mind. Okay. I don't mind. He won't be here long anyway. He'll be going. That'll be someone else's problem. And it's going to be an inning. It's fine. It's going to be the third two-thirds inning and inning. That's fine. But he's back and will say that this is out of a really dower, sad season. This has been such a bright spot to see crochet out of nowhere, being able to start for the white Sox. It's almost can't miss television because, you know, the offense more than likely won't come through, but a crochet is throwing bullets and I love that. That guy's a stud. Yeah. Get him signed. So that's a, I mean, it's a shot. I'd like to see it happen. But if it doesn't, it's okay. He's in the all-star game, which is cool. All right. What's the one that makes me sad? The one that makes you sad? Well, the athletic listed players that could be in the Hall of Fame or on track to be in the Hall of Fame, they had different categories like over the 50 yard line, a lock for the Hall of Fame. In the category, still alive somehow is Chris Sale as a Hall of Famer. They're saying potentially he could be a Hall of Fame pitcher with his resurgence this year. Shot or no shot, Chris Sale winds up in the Hall of Fame. Oh, no, all the fame. He's never want to sigh young. No shot. He did pitch out of this year. No shot, a Hall of Fame. No shot. Did you have the cap? You know, when it comes to the Hall of Fame, you know how this works, right? You know how the game works. Kevin knows how the game works. The game is, if I say a name and you are not sure, then it's no. It's a two second answer. Chris Sale Hall of Fame. No. At this point in time. Fair? Yeah, he's not. And he's not. He did an interview in January on the fall territory podcast and was asked the question, are you a Hall of Famer? He said I am absolutely not a Hall of Famer. No, that was his answer. No. What would he said Hall of Fame critics are very, very tough. And this is a weird thing for me to even talk about to be completely honest. He told A.J. Przinski, I just think I would have to pitch like I pitched in my prime for five more years and mixing a couple more either team trophies or personal trophies. And I don't think I have five years left in me. I'd like to play three maybe four years, something like that. I am absolutely not a Hall of Famer. I disagree with that. He said, put it this way. Mark Burley is in a Hall of Famer. I'm not a Hall of Famer. He's ahead of me on that list by far. I don't think he is not even close. I don't think he has to pitch his prime for five more years. I think he can do it for two more years and potentially be a Hall of Famer. This is not the basketball Hall of Fame. He's a three point zero eight career area. He is seven all star appearances. If he wins a sigh on this year and then pitches maybe two more years at this level. No, he's not a Hall of Famer. Come on now. That's the Hall of Good. Hall of Fame is the great like hood. He has it right. When you say a name you go, okay, that got Manny Ramirez, one of the great right hand hitters of all time. Frank Thomas, one of the best hitters in the history of the. That's Hall of Fame. Chris Sale. Oh my God. He's not a Hall of Famer. And here's the thing. I understand Jack that they have low at the standards. There's no more three hundred game winners. He used to be the standard 290, 280, 270. We would argue on the air about Jack Morris, whether or not he's a Hall of Famer or not. You recall this, right, Cap? Yes. Jack Morris, guys like that, right? But just so you know that at this point, Chris Sale's numbers equate to the following. You know these guys? I'm on the same page. Go ahead. Corey Kluber. Yeah, not a Hall of Famer. John Tudor, the old car. Right? John Tudor, right? Johan Santana, Satchel Page Hall of Famer. Okay. Negro Leagues, right? Yep. Okay. So Gary Nolan. No. Garrett Cole. No. Jose Rio. No. A. You call this, right? Correct. Stephen Strasburg. Preacher Row. Bob Ville. Lance Lin. Adam Wainwright. Yeah. No. You crazy? No. Hall of Fame. Just not. Sid Fernandez. What is this? A public toilet? Jeez. No, not. Here's the thing. He says another five years, Jack. He's a lefty. You keep going. You need more to five years. But the thing is, is that I know that the standard is not what it used to be, but not that low. If that's the case, there's a lot more that pitched to his numbers, that also should be in the Hall of Fame. That means they got a lot more to get to, Cap. If you're going to open it up for the Hall of Very Good, there's a lot more that's going to get in. Exactly. So Johan Santana, come on in. The old twin in Met. Let's go. Yeah, why don't we just absolutely expand the Hall of Fame and take over all of Northern New York. Now we can have room for all of them. No, it's trying to slide in the Hall of Very Good, but not yet. Not for sale. No, no shot. He's 35. He's there's no chance he's getting in. I don't think so. All right, we got around the NFL next on Cap and Jay Hood. I'm back. We are back, baby. We are back. We are back on Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. Mick Bull sucks. He sucks. I'm just a fan. I'm not a football evaluator. I love the Green Bay Packers. The guy is front, but there he goes. This is not Detroit, man. This is the Super Bowl. I will win him. He starts the comedy. This is a really thickly built guy. I mean, what's that? So you're looking for all these things here. And now it's time to go around the NFL right here on Cap and Jay Hood reminding you we'll hear from Albert Breer with the latest on the NFL at 835 around the NFL. Here's Jack McGrath. All right. So Joe Burrell yesterday on part of my take proposed an 18 game schedule with two by weeks, one of them being in week 13 for every single team with the Pro Bowl taking place in week 13. Do you guys like the idea? I'm going to hype up the Pro Bowl for you. It was in week 13 rather than before the Super Bowl. Nothing will hype up the Pro Bowl and you're going to have guys not want to get hurt on playoff teams, especially. So it's I guess you could do some kind of a skills competition or whatever. Two by weeks is fair. So their bodies have a little more chance to relax and heal up. 18 game schedule. Okay, that's probably coming anyway. So if you're going to do that, you got to give them two by weeks. But the whole Pro Bowl thing, Pro Bowl is awful. Yes, it is awful. The holidays in February, what's that is a Washington's birthday in February? Yes. Okay. That's when the Super Bowl will take place. President's Day. That's that will be when the Super Bowl takes place. They want to stretch this thing out as much as possible. It's amazing. Yeah. This NFL man. And I know this is just a proposal. But at the NFL can get away with it, they would try to play as late as late February past Valentine's Day. Yes. Easy. Holy cow, man. The amount of money that's coming in, the TV deals with streaming deals and everything else. And there's no real care for the athlete. As long as the money's coming in, just keep playing, man. Cap and I grew up in the era, Jack, where there was, I mean, if you were in second place, there was no wild card. Sorry. Just for first place teams. Pre what before the wild card? Now we get a wild card. I got a second and third opportunity to get this done to get to the playoffs. They want to extend this as long as possible. You thought maybe getting a few or preseason games was one thing. Oh, no, no. There's still more NFL on the backside. This will be a 20 week season. One day. Oh, wow. They don't care. They don't. As far as the money's rolling in because all we want is football. Number one. How about this, Jack? How about growing up in the era in which baseball was was king? Number one. Yeah. How would you like that? That wasn't even close. Baseball dominated. Jack, I would like to grow up in which everything 12 months out of the year, not just the season. The off season. Baseball. 20 NFL is now different. I think Kevin, I think that you would adjust to that very well. Going back to the days of baseball and boxing. One, two. I would be totally here for that. I'm old school. You guys know that. Yes. The old soul Z back would have been great with just having a dark suit and a skinny black tie and a hat cigar. They're just watching baseball and boxing. That's how we grew up, man. Football's in the back burner. Yeah. It's. Look, 18 games is common sooner rather than later. Oh, man. Put the two bi weeks in just to leave his pro ball. Thoughts to the side. Fair. Fair. Yeah. So the athletic is taking responses right now on a survey for each team. Basically, it's the fan survey grading each team. Let's answer some of these questions together. I would think Maddy Brouflous currently the favorite to be coach of the year in the NFL. The question is, how confident are you and Matt Ebert Flus as a head coach? It's a scale of one to five, but for our purposes, we'll do scale of one to 10. How confident are you and Maddy Brouflous as a head coach? That's a four. Four. Only four. What's wrong with that? It's a number. You asked me one. No, I think that's fair. And where we were last year, that would 100% be fair. But the narrative seems to have shifted on Ebert Flus. He's the coach of the year favorite in the NFL. That seems to be for me. A lot of people are a lot more confident that he's going to get it done with this roster this year. Yeah, my level of confidence that he can get it done hoodies out of four. I'm probably at a six. That's fair. It's more where I expect it. Well, it's it's a four because he still has something to prove, Jack. I'm not swayed by the public. I'm swayed by my HD TV. That's what I'm swayed by. By a guy that had a hard time understanding the timeout situation, just little things. Look, the hope is that with the some of the new bears on this roster, that they could overcome any questions they have about Ebert Flus, where the actions so hot, the offense is working, the defense again, after the quarterback, the secondary is working where it's like, Hey, this thing is humming. And you don't have to think about Ebert Flus and the questionable coaching because last time we saw our heroes, we saw a coach struggling at little things as a head coach. We did. So it's a for now. Of course, there's a sliding scale of the team wins. I'm just talking about the last time I saw him, where we would come in here on Mondays and talk about the issues that he would have with timeout situations, little things like that. That matter. He I think he knows this year that the time us don't carry over like a cell phone minutes. They don't carry over from one after the other. Remember that? Yeah, he's to have a self. Oh, he carried over the minutes. Yeah. They don't do that. So it's a for now, Jack, but I think that's fair based on what we saw last year. I would agree with you. All right. What's next? What's your biggest gripe from the off season? Not enough was done to help the pass rush. More help is needed on the O line or polls should have traded the number one pick. Oh, stop. It's on the survey. I'm just asking the question and got ways going to get signed. I would hope right. We tweeted yesterday saying he's back is what he said. What are you hearing? They're talking to them. They're just not going to go to a level financially that I think he's looking for. So is that any team going to go to that level? That's the question. I want to see them. The bears are the betting favorite to land David Bach tiari. Now he's played 13 games in three seasons. He said this is the healthiest he's been in years. They usually say that when they want to gig. Oh, it's the best I felt. Connor Williams. That's another name. The bears are being connected to the former Dolphin Center. But he tore his ACL in December. He says he'll be ready to go opening day. Could be. Maybe that's awfully quick. He rose to two years to come back. He's talking nine months ready to play on the old line. That's quick. Yeah, but Derek had business meetings. You want to make sure he's healthy for those? He did. It's pretty sad. He did. He was quoting his kid. The graduation. Make sure he was, you know, helping for those things in the basketball. Correct. So yeah, I. I'd like to see them add another piece on the old line. I would for more depth. And defensive line. And if they can get in got quick, bring it on. Jack. All right. Moving on ESPN released an article of the top teams with their under 25 talent. Where do you think the bears ranked in all the NFL? Fifth. All right. You saw the article. I did not. Oh, really? Well, that's correct. You got it. This came out last week. It kind of got lost in the 4th of July shuffle bears are fifth, but they are second in the NFC North. The lions are second in all the NFL and the Packers are 11th or excuse me, the Packers are ninth Vikings all the way down in the 20s. But three of the top 10 teams with under 25 talent are in the NFC North. The only reason the Packers aren't higher is because Jordan Love just turned 26. So they would probably be if Jordan Love was in there, they'd probably also be top five. I'll say 10th, Jack. No, they were they were fifth. You got it right. If he gets it right, he gets you lose your guess. Well, you didn't ask me. I asked both of you. You said it first. It's like a trivia game, you know, I'll say 10th. What do you think, Kevin? I'm going to go with fifth, fourth. Here's Jack McGrath. Yeah. So that's where they rank. Where was that? Where did they rank? They rank fit. Okay. Why are you yelling? It's a microphone. Are you able to hear you? Sorry, Sean. No, but they rank fit. How confident are you that they could pass the lines eventually? Is this the lion's division for the next five years? Or could the bears pass them? What do you first take Jack now? Lions for the next five years, 125. That's a good number. Go day to day, man. Well, Jack, if you want an answer, he didn't ask me, but I'll just I'll just add this Jack. I believe that what the lions are doing is sustainable. I think that not just the coaching staff, but the commitment to winning that they've had roster wise tells me that they're going to be heard from. They're not taking the step backwards. Agreed. So I believe that the bears will catch up with the lions. They are the favorite right now in the NFC North. And I believe that it's them and the bears eventually. So I would say, yeah, the lions will definitely have that. I think they had that sustainability. Lions are good. They're the best team in the division, right? No question. No question about how about that, Jack? You like that answer? No, it's a good answer. See? Give you what you want it. I was generally my inner she just yelling. All right. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? One one is planning. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Anything else, Jack? Yeah. CBS Sports ranked their top 20 linebackers heading into the 2024 season. The bears had some good numbers here. Tremaine Edmonds at 14 and then TJ Edwards at 11. The article says the bears could have a top 10 defense and it's going to be led by that dynamic core of Edwards and Edmonds. I'm confident in the line backing core. As long as you guys said, they can shore up that pass rush. This is a top 10, maybe even the top five defense. No mention of Sandborg in that piece. No mention of Sandborn. It was the top 20. So you did not crack the top 20 as a backup linebacker. You think he'll be a middle linebacker one day, Sandborn? Was he just better as a salmon or Mike? Wow. What do you think? Well, they're going to have to be able to pay TJ Edwards if he has another good year because he only has this year and one more left on his deal. Sandborn's going to get paid at some point. Salmon will. That's what I meant. Not middle. Sam linebacker or will linebacker? Correct. Not Mike. If they can keep these three dudes together for a handful of years, that'd be amazing. Jack Sandborn's only 23 years old. I didn't realize that. It feels like he's been around forever. Yeah. You know why? Because he's the guy that we're going to see on billboards pretty soon. Not for Hair Restore, but just being the man. Jack Sandborn. Hey, 7th floor. We want the Jack Sandborn show. We want to take Cap and I want to take it around the city for people to be able to reach out and touch a Jack Sandborn. Correct. The prime joy of Lake Zurich. We're alive! Yeah, the Jack Sandborn show. Live from past to pasta. With the gills to treat him. We're live in the L Street Inn. The meat falls off the bone. It's your Jack Sandborn show. Yay! All this is the place up in Lake Zurich. Luigi's of Hong Kong. Yes. Luigi's of Hong Kong. You know what I mean? And I went there and you walked in and one side of the menu was all Italian dishes. Yes. The other was all Chinese food. It was unbelievable. And a great spot for a radio show. It was. For just no reason. Right there. Shopping mall. Great shot next to a jewel. Oh man. So Jack Sandborn is going to be the guy. I'll tell you that McGrath. We feel like he's young, but he can be like the centerpiece with a defense at some point. Yes. That's what we're rooting for. Albert Breyer with the latest on the NFL that's coming up next. Captain Jhood on ESPN 1000 also on our YouTube channel. Hello. Football on ESPN 1000. Hello, Bert. Albert Breyer. Hey, Bert, senior NFL writer for joins Captain Jhood. Bert's it? What? You're it, Bert. On ESPN 1000. What do you mean I'm it? We see that's the game. I just tag you and you're it until you tag somebody else. Albert Breyer. No, no, I'm not playing a game. I'm reading and I'm not it. Okay. On Chicago's home for sports. What bird is it? Albert Breyer from and Monday morning quarterback joins us every Tuesday and he's on the hotline. Car X. Tired on a hotline hoodie. Rattle, rattle, thunder, clatter, boom, boom, boom. Don't worry. Call the car X. Good morning. How are you? Good morning, guys. How you doing? We're doing awesome. So there's a little bit of trepidation, I think would be the word Albert in this town because we have not been given a press release that says Caleb Williams and Roman Dune say have signed their rookie tenders. Can you tell us what the deal is? Why would some guys not be signed yet when everything's slotted? Because I mean, you give agents and teams anything to fight over and they'll fight over it. You know, so I mean, like really, like since 2011, there hasn't been a lot to fight over. But, you know, for teams, usually it's a matter of precedent and not so much precedent with rookie contracts, but the stuff they put in rookie contracts and how that can affect veteran contracts. And then, you know, for agents, it's recruiting. And so like, can the agent find something that is going to be sellable to the next year's rookie class, right? Like, can the agent find something that he can negotiate away from the team that he can present to a kid who's in college right now over the summer and say, look, I got this for this player that'll help him recruit. And then, again, on the other side of it, like what the team is teams are concerned with is setting precedent that's going to affect them not only with their rookie contracts, but with their veteran contracts going forward. So it's all like little minutia. But, you know, again, you give these guys an inch and they'll take a mile. The good news is like these are almost never like they used to be where you see, you know, contract disputes last into the middle of August. I'd be surprised if and look, like you never know, like it does happen. You know, it happened with Joey Posa years ago. So it does happen. But I'd be surprised if we didn't have some sort of agreement right before training camp starts. And I mean, just to tell you guys from our perspective, like from somebody like my perspective, like getting like rookie contract news used to be a big deal. Like I barely even pay attention to it anymore. You know, I couldn't tell you who signed it, who was back until you read that sports update. I didn't know the count had to sign. You figure these things are just going to get done. And you don't really, I mean, until they start training camp, it's really not an issue. Well, I mean, they're waiting till hard knocks, right? So you could have pin on paper in front of the cameras, correct? Yeah, yeah. Maybe that's where it is. That's maybe that's where it is. And I had the bears ought to be careful based on what's happened with the Giants last week, right? So yeah, but but but but if they can build some drama there, maybe that's the plot. I was telling hoodie that there was a video of Malik neighbors. Did you see it? Yep. Yeah, made it rain. Made it rain at the strip club. I mean, that had to be 10 inches of money that he had stacked up there. And he's making it rain. I do think guys, that guy's like, I like, I did study that a little bit. I think that those were ones, but I'm not totally studied. I did the same thing. I thought someone tweeted that he was throwing away thousands of dollars. And I wanted to take close to what the people that was really true. I think those were all one. So I screen grabbed it, Albert, I like took a screenshot, and then I blew it up. At least on the top, that was a single dollar bill. So right, you know, it could have been $500 for all. I doubt if you're that guy, like, if there's a one on the top, they're all ones, right? Like if you're trying to make yourself look like a ball, or you put a hundred on the top. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't stack the middle one. There's no way that for show you're putting on one on the top. That was my cousin Vinny. Remember when he did that? Yes. But you got to love Eagle Eye Breer, though, on looking in, zooming in to make sure those are ones. That's it. So I was interested just because like, I mean, you guys know all the misinformation that's out there with all the Twitter accounts and everything else. Like so, I want to see if there's accuracy to it. And as is often the case, there wasn't a whole lot of accuracy to it. Okay. So Mike, they were throwing away thousands anyway. Correct. My question is, so there he is having a good time. He's, you know, going to make a lot of money, not that I would want to have my son or me or hoodie squandering our money throwing it in the air, making it rain, but do the Giants talk to him? Or do they not pay attention? Yeah. I mean, I, this will make people in Chicago feel a little bit more comfortable. You know, like, that was sort of the question with with Malik neighbors. There were some maturity questions, you know, and some things about having to grow up to the point where I really thought, honestly, that, you know, would the Giants get a little gunshot? I bought from a gun today to them because I thought they could get a little gunshot given their previous experience with LSU receivers, you know, in New York. So Malik neighbors is wildly, wildly talented, you know, to the point where, you know, I had people comparing him to Jalen Wattle. And I mean, it's just, you know, he's a really, really good player. But there was that question where, whereas with a done day, you know, he's clean as a whistle. You know what I mean? So this is something I think the Giants knew these sorts of things could be a possibility. And I'm not saying specifically like what the cameras caught him doing, but like, you know, could there be some, some young guy issues? Like, I think that the Giants had an idea that those could come up. Jack, could you give us the story about Joe Burrow from around the NFL? You mentioned earlier? Yeah. So he suggested that the NFL go to an 18 game schedule with a pro bowl by week in week 13, where every single team has a by week in week 13, and they play the pro bowl then said it could bring some extra attention to the pro bowl. And also adds in the 18 games with the two buys. I, so this would solve one problem, but not another. Like, I think like the idea of like having an all star break, I guess, which is sort of the idea, right? Um, the idea of having an all star break would work for the networks, right? Like the reason why they're, and like, I tried to tell people some blue in the face in this, but like the reason why they don't go to two by weeks to accommodate Thursday night football, to accommodate the, the, the, the expanded schedule is because the networks don't want that because what it would do was it would dilute the Sunday afternoon product. So for CBS and Fox who are already being robbed six ways from Sunday, um, you know, with all of the different games going to these different places, Christmas, you know, Thursday night football, all of these different things, the Saturday games. Um, you know, it would really hurt like, you know, what they're able to kind of put together as far as a Sunday afternoon lineup, which is the bread butter of the NFL. If you did go to the all star break, that model, then that would basically make that irrelevant because everybody be off in that one week and then you'd have like the normal setup otherwise. Um, what it wouldn't solve, I have seen some people suggest that would make it more likely that players apply. Do you guys really think teams are going to let their guys go out there and play in the middle of season. Some all star game. They would not know if it's about ratings and revenue, Albert, if it's about ratings and revenue, you're not getting either one of those things. What, what they probably no one's watching anymore. I mean, I mean, I am so like, I am so nervous about my team sending my guy off to like, you know, an all star weekend type thing. You know what I mean? Like there's, there's a reason why the NFL had their Pro Bowl at the end of the season in the first place because nobody would put nobody would take the injury risk to send their kid their guy out there in mid season, you know, the way that they do in the NBA or in baseball or hockey. So, um, so yeah, man, like I, I, I, the idea of it, I think makes sense in some ways. Um, I just, I, like, I, I don't know. I don't know that it would really, I don't know the benefit would be there for everybody the same way. And I just think that the, the networks are so powerful with these things with what they pay for everything. Um, you know, my, my guests would be, if they do go to AT games, it'd probably be in a 19 week format with, um, with the, the, the championship game with the, the Super Bowl being our president's day weekend, which I think will probably come in the next five years or so. Hey, Albert, before we let you go, so the Cubs are the betting favorite on draft Kings, not the Cubs, the Bears to get, uh, David Bakhtiari. There are three guys out there that we hear they have interested in. Bakhtiari, Kevin Connor Williams, and Yannick Ingaquay. Do you think any of those three end up in Chicago from what you're hearing? Um, I think Yannick has a chance, you know, I, I, I would say, you know, offensive line depth is important to the Bears. And both those guys would help. I mean, I, and I think we went over Bakhtiari last week, right? Like Bakhtiari, when he did his best as a great, great player, it's sad what's happened to him. And, um, you know, I, I just, I think if you're going to sign David Bakhtiari, you know, you got to do it as like anything we get out of him with the bonus. Yep. Um, just, I, he just hasn't been able to stay healthy. And that's not in the front to him personally, or it's just the facts. You know what I mean? Like he just, as crazy as when he's healthy, it's just, it, I think it's a fool there and to be expecting all of a sudden for him to be healthy for 17. That's right. Connor Williams is interesting to me. Once he gets healthy, he's going to give you depth in a, in a bunch of different spots when we've talked about him. Um, I would just say Yannick might be the most, most, um, the most likely one, because he's got the background with the team, with the system. And, um, because the Bears have been actively looking for someone to play opposite, um, to play opposite, uh, you know, Montez, what, and like, it did, it's something they didn't really address in the draft as much. So, um, so I say, Yannick or the three guys you gave me will be the most likely to have a great day. And we'll see you next week when you get to town. And thanks guys. Appreciate it. Appreciate you. There he is. The great Albert Breyer on the car X hire. And I don't know. Is he no motorhome? No, he has taken his son to camp today. Sounds like it. It's like dad's day at camp. Uh, I was texting with him because he's coming in next week for the Chris Stapleton concert at Soldier Field. Uh huh. And he said, I'll be with you guys, but I'm taking my son to camp. So he's got a young son and he knows he's eventually like in the next couple weeks after he has his little break here at the concert. Then he goes on his tour of all 32 training camps. Like he's gone a month, man. So that's the life, man. Appreciate you. Squeeze innocent. No question. Uh, how come people don't ring the bell anymore next on cap and J-hood? Cap and J-hood. I'm back. Appreciate you guys. I listened to you streaming on the ESPN 1000 app. Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. This city has so many different fans in it. I don't know if people really realize how many different type of fandoms are here. Yes, it's Chicago sports fans, but this, I'm wearing this, uh, like Ohio State jersey because there's the only thing that was clean from the, uh, holiday. I just drew it on. Eddie George. Eddie George, right? Number 27. There's a lady that walked by that said, go bucks to me. She had like a, uh, Ohio State tumbler. She raised her tumbler in my honor. Go bucks. Not Ohio State fan. But I did, I did respect Eddie George when he played though, of course. And of course, you know why I'm wearing it. It was clean and free. Um, wow. As you well know, Bulls fans stand by. Uh, Cap and I will talk about the Bulls coming up at nine o'clock. I am just peeled up from my back issues. I had over the last couple of days. So if it doesn't sound good, sorry, that's just the medicine talking. Crackles whack. Yeah. So maybe that would help. Maybe that would help. You have some Z-pack you walk, you, uh, you're in those waters. I am not in those waters. I wonder what are these implications flying around here? Applications. This fact, I know that you know where to find some. If that would help me, that's fine. Um, Captain, when you get out of your Z-pack, just take on your call might be able to help you. Yeah. Cap, when you got your second bag from your Toronto trip, the bag was sitting on your porch, right? Yes. Did anyone ring the bell? Not that I know. Were you home or was Mindy home? I was not. I don't know if she was. Here's the problem. Here's the problem. I don't know if it's commonplace in your neighborhood, but certainly in mind. The idea that when you get a package, no one rings the bell anymore. I know I lives in South Shore and they think it's an old home. It says no way the bell works. No, it works. It still works. I don't know if you get in that that often, but in my neighborhood is, you know, Michelle's got like, you know, 80 packages a week as you well know. I'm tripping over the boxes like Big Van Dyke tripping over the auto man. Yeah. Back in the day, right? Amazon. Yeah. All the time, right? Then once in a blue moon, I'll say one out of every 20 deliveries, one out of 15. Yeah. They'll ring the bell, leave the package and leave. They don't wait for you. And that's fine. That's fine. But most of the time, no, but I have the Amazon Alexa. Yeah. With the ring doorbell, that's fine. There's motion at the front door. Oh, now we have that. But the point is, though, is that if you're delivering a package, just let us know. You wonder why there's so much crime when people take these packages, these package robbers, take them off the porch. If you just ring the bell, I'll come get it. I drive for door dash every once in a while, and I do not ring the bell unless it specifically says it in the instructions because the people get a little notification on their phone that says your food is here. Yeah. So because of that, I won't ring the bell. Like, what if they have dogs or a baby or something, especially if it's late at night? I don't want to wake anybody up if they have young kids or something to look at it. How kind of you're not doing your full job? It gets a notification. They can put notes in. If it says, please ring the bell, I'll ring the bell. But if they don't, just I'll just hit the button. Has your question till you drive for door dash. Have you ever sampled any of the food? I am not. You've never taken a fry out of a crime cap. I do not question still stands. I still think that you should as a courtesy ring the bell or knock in the door. I agree. And I think as a courtesy, you should sample the I'm not saying take a bite out of their sandwich. A fry here that is not going to hurt you. Should that person sample the Gucci purse that's in the box to from Amazon? Should they try that? See how it tastes? Because that's what we're talking about here. I think that just like a male carrier today, they ring the bell. But if it's like Peacock shops at some expensive places for her bags, she likes nice purses. That they're going to make you have a signature for some like my bag from Air Canada, that took forever to get. They had I had to sign for the bag unless I was willing to sign a release like on the email I could like doc you sign that I don't want them to require a signature. And I did that while I didn't want to lose the bag. I didn't want to find out that oh we were there and you weren't there. And then two weeks later, they'll make another try. Yeah. No, I want my bag. So they left it at the front door. I think as a courtesy, you should at least knock on or ring the bell. Just so you know, everyone's not equipped with an app. I know it's 2024, but everyone doesn't have like the motion for the security camera, whatever. I still believe in the old fashion. That'll be all that. They have no doorbell. You can still not use the knuckles. Right. A little knocker. That's all. Yeah. The idea is like, yeah, here's your package F off next. Fred. No care there. Where's the care? And now have you noticed Amazon's vans? Yeah. Electric. I've seen that. About that. Or some just not marked. It's not sure. You're gonna go just saying windowless. They're very interesting. Hmm. Something driverless. I've seen that too, man. All right, three one two three three two ESPN three three two three seven seven six our phone number. I'm just saying if I was a driver, Jack, and again, we're all different. Everyone does is not equipped with the with the old, uh, you know, detector on the phone. All right. It's a little knocker. A little knocker. A little doorbell. Oh, looks like there's a package. Little knock, Jack. Yeah. And then maybe a wave afterwards like, hey, thanks, pal.