Kap & J. Hood

7/8 7 AM: After MJ, Who Are the Greatest Chicago Athletes Ever?

Kap & Adam Abdalla discussed the sorry state of Chicago sports, and debated the top athletes in Chicago history (after Michael)

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08 Jul 2024
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This is your morning routine. Listen to respect for me. Cap and G hood. That's right. That's right. We're bad. Uh-uh. Watch the show on Twitch. Follow ESPN 1000 Chicago. Swing the show on the ESPN Chicago app. And on in there. 100.3 HD2. And on ESPN 1000 Chicago. No. No. No. No. David Kaplan in Jonathan Hood. Good morning, everyone. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Bring 'em out. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Good morning, welcome there. We're in Cap and Gino John. ESPN 1000. We've got Charlie sitting in the EP chair. We have got... Kevin Zebak in for Jay Moore. Jay is off. And Hoodie's off. And guess who's in the studio with me? My friend, Adam Abdala. Good morning, Adam. What's up? You good? I'm great. How was your holiday weekend? It was nice. It was nice. I was up in Wisconsin and had all of our kids up there. Three of the four, I should say. A lot of fun. Just to hang out and relax. It was great. Yeah, it was awesome. It was awesome. It was good. It was great. Another, I went to Indy, see the in-laws and hang out so I could have some free childcare for the weekend. Nice. It's always good when you go and you just go here, take this for a little bit. You guys have fun. I'm going to go get some beers. It was a great thing about being a grandfather. Yeah. Or a grandmother, my wife and I. We watch our grandkids. You get to give them back. You want some extra candy? There you go. See you later. Yeah. Listen. Nothing. There's no rules at the grandparent's house, right? None. And then yesterday, I mean, it was nicer in the day. And then it kind of rained and put a damper on the NASCAR race once again. It was in our fine city. Oh, was that here? Yeah. It was great. I don't know. You're tired. I know you didn't watch. During the meeting, I was yelled at for watching this race. It's awesome. It's literally watching a car crash. It's been a disaster every year. I hope it rains again next year because it's so fun to watch. One of my really, really close friends is involved in the race. Not as a driver. He works in the background. Yeah. And he's like, yeah, it's a lot of fun. It's a really cool thing. It's not my jam. That's fine. It's just not my jam. It's cool to see them coming down Michigan Avenue. When I drove to Indy, they hadn't shut down Lake Shore Drive yet. So I was on the track. I was rubbing with people, not like that. Rubbing and racing. You heard me, Kevin. And like it was cool to see them coming around the corners and all that kind of stuff. And then not being able to turn because there was two inches of water on the ground. So it was fun. All right. Good. We covered the race. So I'm watching the game last week between the Cubs and the Phillies. And they put on, you can find it. It's all for social. They put on the state of Chicago sports. And it had bulls and they're obviously tearing it down. They're going to be one of the worst teams in the NBA. The Blackhawks are one of the worst teams right now currently in the NHL. The Bears finished in last place. Although we're all predicting that they're going to have a resurgence this season. The Cubs are in the last place in their division. Let me grab the latest standing. They have the records entirely accurate. The Chicago Cubs sit at 42 and 49, 11 back, and a half game behind Cincinnati. They climb out of the cellar. Well, the White Sox sit at 26 and 66, 40 under 32 games out of 32 games out of first. And they're talking about trading like half a dozen guys. Who knows where this thing could finish? They have more losses now than they had in the entire 2005 World Series Championship season. Boy, yeah. I mean, that was a historic season. They're not going to win. They're not winning the World Series this year, Cap. But here we are on July the 8th. And they already have more losses. Yeah. Yeah. They're not good. You've got two and a half, almost three months of baseball to go. They're not good. White Sox and Twins tonight, 6.30 on your home of the White Sox ESPN 1000. That's correct, Conor McKnight with the pregame show. So yesterday I watched both the Cubs game and the White Sox game. The White Sox game amused me because Rick Khan never wanted to trade Jake Burger. Yeah. And from what I was told, they were sitting in a room and Kenny is on the phone with the Marlins. Okay, let me work on medicals and Rick's on the phone with another team and goes, hang on a second. What? What are you doing? I'm trading for the rookie pitcher that they got. Yeah, I think it's Eater who's in their minors. And he's supposed to be a good prospect. What are we giving up? Jake Burger. Absolutely not. First of all, he's the one legitimate stay healthy now that he got past the Achilles. Stay healthy, good dude, power guy. A lawyer is never on the field. Robert is a power bat too. So you have those two guys. Has health issues. Correct. And our fan base loves him. Yeah. And his teammates love him. The organ is safe. Absolutely not. Okay. And Rick goes back to whatever call he's on. And then here's Kenny say, all right, we have a deal. And he hangs up and he's like, you didn't just do that. I did. And Kenny was higher on the food chain at that. That's how way it was set up organizationally. He makes the trade. And Rick is not a happy man. And it all ends. They get rid of both guys. And Jake Burger comes to the plate yesterday. Jake Burger, first of all, the White Sox had been winning all day long. Now it's a four, three game. Josh Bell doubles to tie it. There's two men on. Kevin has it. I want you to hear the Marlins call. This is Jake Burger at the plate against his old club. Winning run at third. And Burger drives in deep to left center. Give me that burger to go. It's a walk off win. How sweet for the former White Sox. Against the guys who were teammates at his last year. The first half of the year. Yeah, do these guys have fight? You bet. Another walk off win for the Marlins and down to their final strike today trailing by a run. Give me that burger to go. I mean, look, it's poetic, obviously, for Jake Burger to do this. But it's not like you're not lamenting Jake Burger the way. Like this isn't Kyle Schwabber we're talking about. You know, this isn't, you didn't let go of some great player. He's batting 216. He's got a 256 on base percentage. He's slugging 356. Like he's fine. Like he's not great. He thinks actually. Yeah, he's not good. Like this other than the Marlins announcer saying thanks White Sox. Like this is a team. The Marlins like 26 games out themselves. Correct. I think it says more your story about the dysfunction within the team. Correct. And what led to those guys being out of jobs now and leaving the team. And now Chris gets being in charge that they were never on the same page. One of them always wanted to be in charge, but not say that the other one was also like helping or assisting. You know, like Kenny always said it was his team. And Han always said it was his team. And now like you are, yeah, you're in a worse place and you're probably going to be in an even worse place after the trade deadline. Because you're all star. You're one all star. I told you. It's going to be trade. I don't know if you've ever heard this story, but I'm going to tell it. It's a great one. Great story. So I am still on TV at this point over at NBC. And I bring on my friend Ryan McGuffie who hosts with Chuck Garfai in the White Sox. And he comes on the TV show and we talk White Sox and Guff is the most honest guy in the world. But he's also a diehard fan. So if he said something, it's coming from a place of love for the organization. But he's mad because the team's bad. Yeah. And he's critical of the Sox. And he says something about, you know, Rick Khan being in charge. He loves Rick and you got to let Rick do his job. Blah, blah, blah. I get to the park like a day later to do the show live from the stadium. I walk in and there's Kenny staying in there in his workout gear holding court with three or four guys. He goes, Hey, come here. Excuse me. Get over here. What? Who's Ryan McGladry? And I go, who? Ryan McGladry, that little dude that was on your show. Ryan McGuffie is his name. Whatever. Who is he? I said he hosts the podcast. He works there. He's been there for 20 years. He's interviewed you many times. Yeah. Well, you let him know Kenny F and Williams is still in charge. See, that's the problem. And I said, OK, and just then my phone rings. It's golf because he's producing my show that day. Hey, guff. Hold on a second. I hand the phone to Kenny and he airs him out. Well, I mean, see, that's a problem with this team is there's no direction. There's no direction now. I mean, there is a direction. It's straight down. But are you going to trade Robert? Are you going to trade crochet? You're definitely trading crochet. Robert, I don't know if they're going to get what they want for him. Then you hang on. Yeah, you have to. But then at that point, why don't you just hang on to crochet too? Well, apparently they tried to sign him and the discussions went nowhere. Because they probably didn't offer him a fair deal. Probably right. Because they tried to lowball. Because they won't pay anybody. And this goes into, you know, this is the same. You know, you can talk about the Cubs and the White Sox the same way you can talk about the Bulls over the weekend. Obviously, they trade to Mar de Rosen. They get Chris Duarte some cash and two second round picks. And now you've got another team that's basically going into a rebuild. So you've got the White Sox going into a rebuild. The Bulls going into another rebuild now with the same guys in charge. I don't know what your team is going to do at the deadline. They might be sellers at the deadline. But who do they really have to sell? But anyway, that was the story just to put a ball on it. Yeah. And somebody from the organization reached out to Ryan to apologize for Kenny. Well, that was nice of Rick. Yeah. Good call. I mean, you trade Bellinger. Does anybody want Bellinger? According to Jesse, and we'll ask him. He joins us at 835. The Yankees have been tracking Bellinger because Rizzo's out. They are struggling. They need a bat and they feel like left handed, short ports left field. A right field that it can be a good fit. Yeah. If they want them, done. Yeah. Take the money. Let's go. Yeah. Because this season, it's not a complete wash just yet. You're only what? Six and a half out of the wild card? Seven and a half out of the wild card, something like that. So I would say that there's still a small chance to get there, but it looks. You're five and a half out of the wild card right now on the last spot of the wild card. So it's not over. I mean, this team did rally last year in July before the end of the trade deadline. But it's getting late. It's July 8th. Like if you're going to show some spark, maybe winning the series against the angels is the spark. I saw the headlines after the winning the last game against the Phillies. Is this the spark that ignites the Cubs? And then they take two out of three from the angels. Okay, fine. The angels are a bad team. The angels are a really bad team. So I don't know what it means. Ultimately, I think you know looking at the team and watching the team every day that this ain't it. And you're not, there's not enough moves to make them a contender this year. No, I agree. So you might as well get something for the guys that you have that are expendable. We are not trading shoulder or anything crazy like that. I've pulled out all the stops. My wife bought me a plastic owl. Okay. The owl. Why? Well, the owl was meant to sit on the pier up in Wisconsin. Oh, to yeah, scare away the ducks or whatever. I thought you just wanted a plastic owl or something. No, and I decided to take the owl and I had a conversation with said owl. Wait, what? Hold on. Why did you wait until we're right about to break for this? You had a, you had a sit down with the owl? Yes. Okay. And I named the owl. What's the owl's name? Otis. Okay. Mama's boy. Not Mama's boy. But it's named after the clubhouse man, Tom Hellman, who they called Otis who died last year. Okay. He's a buddy of mine. I loved Otis. And so I, my wife actually said you should name the owl if you're going to have a relationship with the owl. You should name the owl Otis. Okay. So I named the owl Otis. Otis is now three and one since he's been in my... So you have a lucky owl? Yes. Okay. So you remember the rally monkey for the angels? Yeah. You're probably too young. I remember the rally monkey. Okay. Who's got the rally beef this year? There's a rally salami this year. Oh, really? There's a lucky salami this year. I mean, there's the twins. The twins have a lucky salami. Okay. So the cubs now have, through me, the rally owl, so to speak. Otis the owl is three and one. Okay. They won Thursday over the Phillies. They won Friday over the angels. They lost Saturday. They won again yesterday. Three and one. Okay. Did you bring the owl home with you? Yes. Okay. Perfect. Yes. It's going to be in the background or is the owl featured prominently? I'll show you. The owl sits right over my shoulder. Okay. You don't acknowledge the owl. I do. Absolutely. All right. The twins have a lucky sausage and they take it with them. Yeah. So the wise owl has told me. Yeah. That when you have a bad bullpen, you have no chance. Yes. I'm hoping that the idiotic actions of Colton Brewer punching a wall breaking his handings out for the year. That's great poetic justice too because you've been calling for weeks to show a little fire. To show a little, to show some balls. To show something. Right? Some passion. Some testicular fortitude. And they finally do and the dude breaks his hand. He breaks his hand after he threw a ball in the center field on a sure double play. Then he punched the wall. But Hunter Biggie just came up. Like Biggie Bagel? Similar. B-I-G-G-E. All right. He came up where he had a .79 ERA and AAA. I think he's a graduate of Harvard. Ooh. Fancy pants. He's going to get a shot here. So maybe just maybe the wise owl telling me that we've got to get some bullpen help here. And the wise owl going to three and one, maybe we can shepherd the cubs back into the wild card race. Does the, does the, does the all have any picks for tonight? Does the all have any gambling tips for us? No gambling tips. Oh, come on. The all doesn't gamble. Oh, that's not fair. I do. But the all does not. So things are in a bad way for Chicago sports. All of them. Except maybe the bears finally have figured it out. Caleb Williams is on the horizon to turn that around. Can he be my question over the weekend? Can he be the greatest Chicago athlete when his career is over other than MJ? MJ will never be touched. He's number one. Who is number two right now? And can Caleb get there? We'll discuss that. Next. I appreciate you guys. I listened to you streaming on ESPN 1000 app, Chicago's home for sports, ESPN Chicago. All right, I just called my wife at the break. I made a date for the night. Where are you guys going? We're going to be at home. Oh, okay. I'm cooking dinner tonight. Smash burger tacos, smash burger tacos, give me a burger to go. Yeah, they're tremendous. Okay. Yeah. I have a press. Yeah. And low carb wraps, lettuce, guac, little spicy sauce like an aioli. It's awesome. All right. And we're watching on your recommendation. I just called my wife. She's leaving for work and I said, hey, hon, you want a date tonight? Sure. What are we doing? We're watching the new Beverly Hills cop movie, Abdullah told me to do it. It was awesome. I watched it on the night he came out on July 3rd. I loved it. I also love the first two movies. The third one was fine, which is the one with Virginia sin. Bridget Neilson. The second one. Yeah, that was great. The second one. The third one is when they're at the amusement park at the end. Yeah. It's not very good. Uncle Dave. Yeah. It's not very good. It was all right. They like they kind of make fun of that in the movie a little. I'm not going to give anything away, but it's like it's a sequel. It pulls very hard at nostalgia. Like the soundtrack is great that the original songs are there throughout the movie. They don't really like you know how every new every sequel that has to come out has to like revamp the music for the younger generation and like, you know, youngify it. I guess Gen Zify it. I guess they don't really do that. They do it once or twice in the movie with the song, but it's not overt and it's not crazy. It's good. They say after how bad coming to America to was I never saw that I saw America coming to America. One. It's a classic movie. One of my favorite movies of all time, horrible sequel. This one is great. Eddie Murphy still got it. If they would have let Eddie Murphy be, I feel like they tried to family up coming to America to and make it less not necessarily controversial, but there's not as much swearing. There's not you know, like the jokes aren't the same, all that kind of stuff. With this one, it's all Beverly Hills cop. There's it's there's swearing. There's good joke. Alright, hold this. Everyone's in it. Everyone is in it. Joe's Reinhold is in it. The his partner. I can't remember any their actual names. The guy the guy who plays Baukey Bartokomos for perfect strangers who who plays Sam Bronson Pinochet. Russian Pinochet. Yes. He's in it. Everyone is in it. Everyone's in it. Everyone's in it. And it's awesome. I loved it. I thought it was great. It's on Netflix. They didn't put it in the theater. I don't know why they didn't put this in the theater. Like I know you got to deal with Netflix and that's fine, but there's nothing out right now. There's nothing big out right now like the despicable me for one. The box office this weekend. Like a kid's like the fourth sequel to a kids movie won this weekend with like $75 million. This would have easily made more than $75 million. It's only inspector Todd's in it. Inspector. I got to look up inspector Todd. I don't see. I don't remember any from the Detroit police department. Is that? No, he's not in it. I think he's probably dead. But Paul Reiser's in it. Like Paul Reiser is and I think he's Inspector Jeffrey. He's what he call it. He's the one that wrecked the car and the first one. He's like the he's like the police chief now for in Detroit. So he must have Inspector Todd's job. Yeah. We're in promotions now. Wow. Yeah. Like it's not. It's not giving anything away. Ashton was. Taggart. Taggart is the police chief in in Beverly Hills now. Like that's yeah. So it's good. It's very good. I highly recommend it. The jokes are great. My wife and I are going to watch it tonight. Like he does all the like you know how he does all the voices and everything where like he's pretending to be someone else like they do all that. There's a good story with his daughter. Joseph Gordon Levits in it. He's very good in it. No Bridget Nielsen. No Bridget Nielsen. All right. So I asked this question over the weekend back to sports. Can Caleb Williams be when he's done the second greatest Chicago athlete other than Michael Jordan and it's not people who grew up here. So don't call me with Eddie Johnson ever Eddie Johnson the great shooter. Yeah. Yeah. He sent me a message yesterday. It's Isaiah Thomas. No. He didn't play in Chicago. No. He's from here. It's you had to have played professionally here. Michael's number one and it's not close. Yes. Who is number two first of all right now? Well I think it's a it's a difficult conversation to land on a number two because I think you in order for this to work you have to combine both popularity and athletic achievement right. Like to me. Well if you're that good to be considered in the top five all time here you're going to be popular. Well listen Derek Rose didn't win anything here right but he's a one of the most popular athletes in the cities ever seen right but there is no scenario where he's in the top five all-time Chicago athletes oh stop don't do this well if you're if you're combining both popularity and athletic achievement I mean he did win an MVP yeah he did go to the Eastern Conference Finals please I'm just saying pretty popular shoe deal yeah he's got a pretty big shoe deal with Adidas shoe deal that's all part of popularity. I would put obviously Jordan's number one Walter Payton's number two hold on a second now Patrick Kane would like a word Patrick it's recently cups that's an MVP a rookie of the year a scoring championship does he have national media deals is he in commercials across the country did he have his own shoe with ruse did he is he synonymous with a single team that's known around the world where they did SNL sketches Walter Walter shoe deal with ruse was saying a big deal they did they did add campaigns around the country with Walter Payton they did it there was an entire SNL sketch built around being a Chicago Bears fan because of that team like Walter Payton's number two in Sharpie that you're writing on your newspaper right now coming up with a list Kane is in the conversation but he is not number two it's still the NHL I'm not saying I'm voting for Kane I'm simply asking the question did Patrick Kane host SNL didn't Walter host SNL I don't remember that he was on it wasn't he not that I remember I thought he was on it I feel like I've seen Jared text me I feel like I've seen Jared post pictures of him on SNL it says he co-hosted with Joe Montana okay so he was on SNL Patrick Kane was never on SNL Walter Payton was an international star Patrick Kane won three I bet you have to combine both popularity and athletic achievement Walter Payton was the leading rusher for for years until it was broken he won a Super Bowl it's not like he didn't win anything he won here he was the best running back in the NFL he was one of the best players in the NFL all time I think you're besmirching the good name of Walter Payton in this fine city how did in front of the Chicago theater how dare you I said to you I'm simply driving the conversation asking the question Patrick Kane's career numbers pretty freakin amazing put it number and he's gonna go down as the all time best American hockey player ever but how dare you I mean listen how first of all how dare you besmirch the good name of Walter Payton second of all putting Kane three isn't bad he's still on the Russian and I'm not saying he should be too I'm simply asking the question no he shouldn't be to he should not be to it's Jordan it's Payton I'd put Kane maybe three maybe okay who else goes on that list I mean woof I'm pippin has got to be on the list Bobby Hall Dick Bocchus you and the hockey guys man Bocchus is probably up there I think you could put anybody that played for the Bears are different like the Bears are in a complete Jordan's in his own stratosphere a lot of the Bears guys are like inner woven in NFL history yeah like Bocchus is a very well Ernie Banks Ernie Banks is a good one see if you're going popularity I put Sosa up there I know they didn't win anything oh stop but so dude Sosa was on the battle between Sosa and Maguire was national must see TV it's a baseball one of the greatest players it's safe baseball Kevin's right it's a baseball it does not matter he's not one of the three or four greatest Chicago athletes ever you have to combine about shoe deals you have to combine players but you also okay so that's a different conversation then you when you put this out on Twitter yesterday you didn't put parameters on it you just said Kenny Jordan's one can Caleb Williams be number two I set up the greatest Chicago athlete I didn't say who sells the most shoes but that's not but it's it Caleb Williams is already famous he's go if he's good here he's going to be a national superstar he's going to be in commercials the way Justin Fields is he or was I don't know if he's still him he's going to be someone what national commercials the Justin Field he was in an Adidas commercial he was in a Dunkin Donuts commercial Dunkin Donuts was local that was national that was local America runs on Duncan there was a bunch of people in that that was low I'm pretty sure it was all over the place the Adidas deal was everywhere he got an Adidas deal already and they extended it like not extended it but like they people are doubting him now he's in an Adidas commercial haven't seen it well watch TV caps getting a lot of run I'm sure sorry they don't put it on marquee I watch NBC Sports Chicago to watch the white Sox I watch the Bulls the black Hawks the bit it's any of this stuff I will I must watch more TV than you do because I've seen it and so I'm not putting Frank Thomas one of the greatest right hand and hitter of all time Frank Thomas might be up there by the Marshall's still Caleb Williams kit yeah new Gen X man that's a national deal that is gotta get gotta get right with Frank Thomas that's it um I think Caleb Williams can get there to be number two and I don't think it takes much I think if he would win at least two Super Bowls I think if he wins one this is the Bears this is a this is a series one Super Bowl he does not go unless the records he has to set every record like secretariat at the Belmont if he only wins two ones he's really sorry fields is Reebok people are correcting me fields is Reebok Adidas Reebok what's not Nike Reebok still in business yeah dude Reebok's come coming back wow so much so that I forgot the fields was in there commercial I think I think Caleb can I think Caleb can be there I don't think it's going to take much I think that this city is thirsty for some bears success and they tasted it a little bit with that historic defense and when Trubisky was here and they got to the playoffs and everybody thought they were gonna be great and then obviously they crap down their leg and the double don't get everything we all remember that but I think that this city the hype that's going into this just because everything that surrounded Caleb Williams coming in cap he won a Heisman Trophy he's been talked about as being the number one prospect for years coming into this draft he's going to a major city where everyone knows the brand of the Chicago Bears they won three games and they had how many nationally televised games after winning three games people want to see the bears it doesn't matter they were on Monday night football Saturday night football Thursday night everybody they were after a three win season they still had a full compliment of of prime time games when they shouldn't have I'm looking at one of the list it has Sammy Sosa at 11 okay Bobby Hall at 12 Ryan Sandberg Brian Erlacher Duncan Keith at 15 Fergie Jenkins at 16 and Devin Hester at 17 number one Michael number two Walter Pate see number two Danny Zennemann director of content has chimed in and asked you how dare you forget Walter Payton we didn't forget him we mentioned him easily number two only a QB could pass Payton and I feel like Caleb Williams could do that he could yeah doesn't he have a a smaller bar to clear probably then say like a basketball player just because of the fact that if you if you are the guy who comes in and breaks this quarterback drought it's a little bit like how all those Cubs players will be remembered from 2016 just because they're the ones who broke it if Caleb's the one who ends up breaking this curse or whatever we want to call it yeah that will by itself I think is a huge point to this greatness scale that were determined he's got a win you have to win and you have to win because of him right he can't just be the passenger that the defense carries to a Super Bowl and they win in spite of him right he has to be the guy he has to throw for 4,000 yards he has to be in the rookie he has to win rookie of the year he's got to be in the MVP conversation after this year like that's how he does it he has to do not necessarily become Patrick Mahomes but be on that trajectory and I think he can pass Walter Payton and become number two my brother said Frank Thomas Red Grange Red Grange doesn't make the top 15 Red Grange she was a great player but that's way too far back was he get where he's games in color Bronco Nagersky were his games in color no your games have to be a broadcasting color yeah I can I can't cosign that one Bronco Nagersky no he's one of the greatest multi sport athletes of all time Bronco Nagersky act Bronco Nagersky yeah no absolutely not look him up you don't even know who he is I do know Bronco Nagersky is unique games broadcasting color all right 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 7 7 6 can Caleb when he's done 20 years from now be the greatest Chicago athlete other than MJ who's number two lot of love for Patrick Kate on social I got to go Walter Payton at number 2 but what do you say 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 7 7 6 bear back watch out fellas on Chicago's home for sports ESPN Chicago rolling on Kappa Jay hood hoodies off today back tomorrow Shay is off Jay Moore's off Adam A of Dalla is in the chair here in the morning welcome to the mornings it's the greatest shift in radio it's I yeah I mean it's nice to be off the rest of the day yeah my favorite when I when I didn't have a kid my favorite was the water on Sylvie shift because you could sleep in the morning I'm not a sleeping guy never was done you're done by 6 30 now like that to me was the best shift because I didn't I had no there's no responsibilities like I could I could still go out at night I could sleep in I could you know do whatever I wanted to in the morning go to the gym run whatever it was great this is good because you're off the rest of the day yeah like they're all good shifts I mean think about it like Carmen and Yurko are here noon to three they're done by three Yurko is on the golf course at four o'clock and if he wants to play around in the morning get up early he could play around in the morning get up early he could be here by 11 30 if he could if he could go if he plays fast enough you know absolutely could yeah I love I'm a morning guy like I was I was off Thursday Friday I still got up at six that's crazy well I mean I got up at seven two but that's because I have a baby and I didn't even set the alarm yeah I just your body's used to it yeah it's hard to break the routine it is so we asked this question Michael's number one best Chicago elite not most popular not most commercial best athlete to play for a Chicago pro team Michael's clearly number one it's not close who's number two we think it's Walter Payton well I said it was Walter Payton you started to say it was Patrick Kane I did not you did two guys come on let's get a ruling here Charlie Bevins Kevin Z pack producing the show tonight did not start to say it was Kane it was making the case for Kane I don't know if he started to say it but it was definitely like hey let's talk I think it was more than just oh I'm mentioning Kane yeah there's a little more the streets are talking more in the middle the streets are talking they want to know why you hate Walter Payton I love Walter Payton the street I'm just letting you know I got my ear to the ground the streets are talking to me and the streets are saying why do you hate Walter Payton I love Walter Payton I simply asked the question Patrick Kane there's a lot of love for him on socials a lot of people and believe Patrick Kane should be number two I would put Walter to Peyton three should be Peyton two I was like I was thinking about that for a second Kane three Peyton two Kane three okay someone on on Twitch has a good a good one where do we put DITCA I know I mean he did play here he was in the hall of fame he's in the hall of fame he won with that team he was the personality he's not in the top 10 I'm not saying he's in the top 10 but I still think Derek we were we were going through lists online uh in the break I still think that Derek Rose should be in the top 10 I'm not saying I think he should be in the top 10 absolutely not he won an MVP here it doesn't he's your coffee finals great hall of famers have been in this town that are ahead of him okay and how many of them played when we're broadcasting and not just on the radio after little orphan Annie does it really Dan Hampton Dan Hampton's mind not on the 85 Bears okay Jonathan Taves is ahead of him okay my god he won three stay like I said top 10 it's not even close he's not in the top 10 he's the best bull post Jordan era that's not the question the question is one of the most popular brands in the world I'm not saying that they're not he's not in the top 10 there is no chance he's in the top 10 all right three one two three three two three seven seven six uh let's go to Ken out no roar hey Ken what's up man not much cap why do you hate Walter Payton so much you're unbelievable I love it understand Ken's an avid black and a dollar listener I love Ken you are ridiculous okay thank you um first of all how can you put not how can not put pippin number two and I'm just asking because he did win six titles he should have won an MVP the the the year Jordan wasn't there and the dunk he put on uh patch queuing but my guy is the guy that they just put a statue up in Wrigley Field you guys didn't mention Ryan Sandberg twitch hat to and I agree Ryan Sandberg I mean he was he words can't describe the love I have for Ryan Sandberg and I mean he's right he's right up there as well he didn't win a championship but that team was more fun around him for what 15 years yeah but he's not he's not the top five you don't think you don't you don't know I think he's in the top five or six he never won I'll give you like top 15 Ken for Ryan Sandberg that's fair top 15 oh and by and by the way their their rating just came out you guys are still in number one in Aurora Colorado thank you thank you thank you I appreciate you this is uh this is we're doing over nice in Aurora Colorado there you go appreciate you uh three one two three three two three seven seven ticks it's amazing to me how people don't listen my friend Jim out there Caleb Williams has a 50/50 chance of being a Boston now before he's taken one snap is in the discussion of being the number two goat in Chicago history no the question was could he if he does what we all have hoped he will do in 20 years be there not being in the discussion now yes it wacks out of your ears oh man this isn't drafting Mitch Trubisky again or drafting Justin Fields you know you got the generation of what everybody's predicting is yeah this is a guy that people have been talking about for the last five years as the next guy and won a Heisman and carried his team at USC that is fine I know it is I didn't I figured I would just keep going and not hit the button um rather than have the uh the dead air uh and I think that he's it's not that we're saying he's going to be that it's just the trajectory that he could be on like if he becomes the next guy to win multiple Super Bowls like why can't he be that guy he's project he was he's been hyped to be that guy so I don't think it's wrong to say that he because if he does do that if he does win multiple Super Bowls he's absolutely number two absolutely yes that's true just based on popularity yeah multiple Super Bowls would do it for sure no question uh 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 7 7 6 we get to more of your calls and if you ever broke in a golf club I did it in anger somebody else did it with idiocy we'll get to that as well next all right full lines are hopping on this question Michael's the greatest Chicago athlete of all time who's number two um doll and I have Walter Payton I don't know why up dolla so down i'm Payton but whoa uh Walter's two is Patrick Kane in the discussion and a lot of love for him on social Frank Thomas Scotty Pippin dick butt kiss Bobby Hall Ernie Banks I mean there's a whole bunch of earlacker where does Rose fit 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 7 7 6 hey Charlie yes sir how did you break your golf club so yesterday I was golfing out in Byron uh like two hours west to here and that's out near Rockford yes yeah and uh little shot went about three four feet from a tree take out the eight iron I'm feeling feeling all right on the follow through the club wraps around the tree and snaps in half and then roughly like two holes later I had a shot hit the fairway and I'm looking at it I'm like man 140 yards out eight iron would be really nice right now so okay did you not take a practice swing no I did okay and you didn't you weren't concerned about the tree in the practice swing I thought I I thought I was clearing it I really thought I was clearing it I think I just wrapped around myself too much and the it just completely went in at an angle because you're not right in half you're not playing in a tournament or anything you can move the ball like you can no one's gonna besmirch you you're the good name of Charlie Bevins is a golfer it genuinely didn't occur to me that I could do that because like for me I always think that oh I'll move the ball like when I when I feel inclined to move the ball it's when it's like four inches away it was about three or four feet I thought I had room and I think it was more where I was lined up like I was the way I was like basically a parallel with the tree and then yeah again just on my follow through it snapped in half and I look at it and I'm like wow and it's not a like a cool reason either if you snap a golf club out of anger that's pretty at the very least that's impressive but as cap said this was out of ADSC and cap you did it out of anger right I was on the golf course with my buddy Dave Abrams and I visualize it to this moment I was married my first wife at the time so this is a long this is 30 years ago and I was I had a five-wood that I loved loved that club hit a really good drive but it was just off the fairway and there was a tree not that far away from me but I had a good look from I'm gonna say like 210 mm-hmm to the green as I'm getting ready I'm lining up the shop we're playing for money I don't play golf for fun I play golf and we have to get we gamble doesn't have to be a lot but we gotta have something on it and the phone rings and I look at it's my ex-mother-in-law rest in peace and she she and I had our issues and she asked me this ridiculous question I hang up and I take the five-wood I take my shot spray it way right because I'm furious I'm squeezing the club so hard take the club and wrap it around a tree and it snaps into see an anger can't do that that combination of things is tough one bad thing causing a then bad golf shot yeah it is truly like a rage that can't be described man I was so mad clubs are expensive man you can't be doing that you got to take your anger out it was my eight iron two I use it all the time yeah so I don't know what I'm gonna do yeah that's uh that's a tough one that's a distance on the pitching wedge I I will throw a club now I'm not that way I'm much more I've never thrown like I've never broken it I will throw my golf I'll be like nope this one's done like if I have a bad hole like a really bad one and I'm just pit I'll just throw the golf ball like into the water just like nope this one's this is a bad ball it's balls falling on my side yeah it happens all right we've got to get back to this topic because it's such a good one but we've got shot or no shot so hang in there if you're on hold you will be on the air we will get to you uh we the question we asked is Michael's number one who's the number two all-time Chicago greatest athlete where's Patrick Kane factory and is it Walter Payton where's the rose factory and then some guy just tweeted at me what about Chris Bryant no no not his shot oh we're not in the top one out of here sorry sorry that did not end well uh three one two three three two three seven seven six we'll be right back