Kap & J. Hood

7/2 9 AM: MLB Trade Deadline

Hour 3: MLB Trade deadline is approaching; will the Cubs and White Sox make any moves? Sun Times reports DeMar DeRozan does not want to return to the Bulls, will the Bulls ever win another playoff series? Plus, the Kap & J. Hood Cut of the Day.

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02 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Good morning, Chicago, and welcome in to the Captain Jay Good morning show on ESPN 1000, and we are streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. With David Kaplan, Jonathan Hood with you, we've got Jack. We've got Jay Moore. We have you here on this Tuesday morning. Thanks so much for being with us. Don't forget to watch us on YouTube. All the shows on YouTube, Look for ESPN Chicago. As well as on Cap, no baseball yesterday. That means, that means it was a good night. We didn't have any angst yesterday, you and I. - We did, both teams were off. I did do a little research and just read about the trade deadline and some of the issues that the Cubs have. The White Sox knew coming in, they weren't gonna be good. So that was not where the Cubs were. The Cubs are at, as we keep saying, a significant amount of payroll by a mile the most in their division. And yet, they have the third worst record in the National League. Third worst record, dead last by half a game in their division, and it's the second of July. It's disgusting, is what it is. But if you look back at the flawed plan when you broke camp, I'm not talking about the everyday lineup, I'll leave that to the side. 'Cause I thought they would be better than they are, and they got off to a good start. Eight games over 500, right there battling when we took the group of listeners up to Milwaukee, and then dropped, I think it was three of four. The night we were there, J-Moor, Shay, we were there, and they won. You were out of town, hoodie, but we went and they won. So I think J-Moor, the Cubs should hire us to go to Milwaukee with them every time they play. I think we'd have a better record. - Yes. - No question about it. - A better record against the Brewers. What about everyone else? - They ought to just fly us around. - Oh sure, I'm sure that's the difference, yes. - Just take us on the plane, and J-Moor, me, Shay, we'll try the 999 challenge again with Shay, and we'll bring victories to them. But my whole point is their bullpen was a flawed plan from day one, because they didn't have a closer. Entering a season that they thought they could win the division was a flawed plan because Alsala is not a closer. He doesn't have the make-up to be a closer. Can he be a seventh eighth inning guy? Yeah, I think he could develop into that, but it's different. Getting the last three outs is a different beast. You have to be able to give up a game-winning home run on Monday and go Tuesday nights a new day, here we go, and get the freakin' job done. That's what big-time closers do. And the Cubs don't have one, didn't have one, flawed plan, and guess what? Just changing managers isn't enough, and they've blown 17 saves. That's why they sit at 39 and 46, dead last. - By the way, we should explain that 999 challenge. They have it in Amfam Field. What is that now, nine years? - Yeah, so it's not just there. It's at a major league baseball game. You try to have, not me, Shea did this. You try to have nine hot dogs and nine beers in nine innings. Shea made it, Jaymore, what, through five? - Yeah, he was done, by the way, by the five. - We were headed to the six. - We were headed to the fifth, he was done. - And here came the hot dog vendor again, and there was a beer vendor right behind him, and I looked at Shea, and I said, "That'll be all." And I looked at him, he was green. I'm looking at Jaymore, sitting to my left. And I'm like, he's done, absolutely done. Just didn't need him vomiting in the stands. - He had his strength to the bathroom. - He had right to the bathroom. He was done, five beers, five hot dogs. - Oh my God, I almost died. (laughing) - Oh my God, there's a lot of flatulence. - It was brutal. - Absolutely brutal. - I could have done it, but cap was messing with me. - I was on my seven hot dog. Yeah, he wouldn't have been happy with that. - It was not a pretty sight. - You know what cap, even me, I wouldn't do that. Even me, absolutely not. - No. - It's not about, 'cause I'm an older gentleman now, it's not that, that just wouldn't do it. Oh wait, nine beers and nine innings, no shot. - And nine hot dogs, ugh. - No. - Not good. - By the way, just 'cause did he have it, like the whole hot dog, or was it just the dog? Do you have it with the bread? - With the bun. - Oh bro, I don't know, no shot. - No, no, he's gonna try and do the, Joey Chestnut, what's the other dude's name that I had on TV? The skinny guy, Kobayashi. - Yes. - Yeah, and I don't know if I've ever told this story, so Kobayashi, they reach out to us at TV, and they call the great Danny Wysocky. She was our booking producer. Would you like to if Kobayashi do an eating contest on cap show? - Absolutely, bring him in. Chris Campka, who now works for Marquis, who's the best stat guy going. Campka, he's a large man, it's over three bills. Campka says, I'll take him on. I said, okay. - Condescending. - Mitt, no, he said, that Condesc, he's just a big guy, and he said he could take on Kobayashi, who weighed 138 pounds. - What, 38? - Yeah. - And had a six-pack stomach. I mean, it was unbelievable. He's in the green room, and he's doing his stretching, and he kind of wriggles his body. And I'm like, what does he do? 'Cause he doesn't speak English. What is he doing? He stretches different parts of his stomach, and then you'll see as he eats, he wriggles, and it shifts the food so he has more room to get more in. Okay. Call my wife, Mindy. I need, send six large deep dish cheese pizzas. He doesn't want any ingredients on him. Okay. You can find it on YouTube. I'm trying to remember if it was three minutes and 30 seconds. Like he ate an entire deep dish malnauties pizza. It was unbelievable. Takes the first pizza, shoves it in his mouth, kind of wriggles, and then he has three cups of water. Hot, warm, and icy cold. And he takes a little of each, swirls it in his mouth. Now he takes two pieces and slams them together, and gets it in his mouth, and Campka was like through one piece and was about to puke. He was done. Yes. It's not about the size of the guy, it's a talent. They get done, he goes back in the green room to the makeup room and he cleans up a little bit, gets the tomato sauce off of him, comes out, and his handler says he would like to go get good dinner. Where do you recommend? Excuse me. He just ate an entire deep dish pizza. Well, that was his for competition. Now he'd like to go to dinner. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Well, guys like that have different compartments, Camp. They're just built differently. Oh my God. And by the way, like a Kobayashi and those guys that do those eating content, they will last forever. Forever. They're just freaks, man. You're a big guy. You're a big guy, that's just accumulation. That's all that is. That isn't because you win contests. That's just an accumulation, and being able to enjoy and rest and just wallow in the food. And then we had another guy come in and he ate, I want to say it was like four pounds of poutine. It was disgusting to watch. Poutine is like gravy and french fries and there's some chopped meat in it. Oh my God. Jay Moore, how many pounds of poutine have you eaten over the years? Come on, man. I know what you go with. I'll just ask you the question. It's just not there, no problem. Okay. I would say I've had my share, that's for sure. And I've enjoyed it very much. Thank you very much for asking. I'm going to try poutine. I disagree. 3-1-2-3-2-3-2-E-S-P-N, 3-3-2-3-7-7-6 in our poll number. All right, you know the cap and J-hood boarding show? I've had my share cap. It's delicious. Where? Do they have it around here? College, you know, years ago, senior year. See you, senior year at school. May hood cook poutine? Your mom? Well, no, I would not know, Cap, probably not. So I'm glad you mentioned that 'cause I didn't know what that challenge was. Now I know what the challenge is. The 999 challenge and shape fell woefully short. I'd like to be able to go back into your encyclopedic memory of covering the cubs. Yes. I want to talk to you about the cubs a different way than we have in the past. Bring it on. Okay, so I want to talk to you about it from this standpoint. We know, obviously, that the cubs are struggling at 39 and 46. And we're not getting any sound bites out of that locker room where I say that the cubs are very beige, similar to that manager. When you're losing, there's always someone that will pull you to the side and say, "Hey man, here's the problem with our ball club." Or, "Hey, I know you're not in there every day, Cap." But can you go back to the times? And you got, I'm sure you have plenty of examples. Say before the championship run. Say during the Quatte era, Swam era, Don Baylor. There had to be a situation where the cubs, 67 win ball club, 79 win ball club. You know they weren't gonna be able to compete, but there was always someone that could tell you, "Hey, here's the reason. "Who was that for you?" You can actually tell the story now. There had to be some guy that, "Hey, Cap, "let's talk about this." Because I don't know who that would be on this ball club. - And would pull the curtain back while the team was struggling? - Yeah. - I mean, I had a number of guys tell me different things. Like, I remember Brian McCray. Remember Brian, Hal's kid? - Yes, Brian McCray, yes. - So, before the season started, I went to dinner with B-Mac. Great dude, great dude. B-Mac, and I go to dinner, and I said, "What do you think about the ball?" It was in Arizona. "What do you think about the ball club?" He said, "We got no chance." Excuse me? "What? What do you mean we have no chance?" Season hadn't started yet. He said, "I want you to look at 29 other teams "and tell me when they play the majority of their games." At night, he said, "Okay, now look at us." Now, this has changed since, but that was, what, 20 years ago when he was here? - Yes. - 24 years ago, 24 years ago. - In the '90s. - '98, '99, right in there. - The Riggleman Cubs. - Yes. - Okay. - He said, "We play Friday at 305." Remember that you said 305? - He's a special 305. - Friday at 305, we play Saturday at 12.05, Sunday at 1.20, Monday and Tuesday at 7.05, get away day on Wednesday, back to 1.20, get on a plane fly somewhere. Now we're playing night games. He said, "You go to your job "at the same exact time every day. "You get up, you take a shower, you get your coffee, "you go to work, you're in a routine. "Your body's in that routine." He said, "So I can tell you right now, "we have an okay team. "You add in the way that we do our schedule, "we're done, no chance." And of course, he was right, and he calls me, "Pregame show ends." He's in the lineup. My cell phone's ringing. - Yellow. - Yellow. - Cap. - Hey, come to Murphy's. - Come to Murphy's, the game's starting. - I just got traded. (laughing) - He got traded to the Mets. - Yeah. - So I leave the park, I walk over there, he's sitting at the bar, the game's on. We have a lineup change, Brian McCray has been traded. - Yeah, remember? - Yeah. - Out, see you later. Think he went to the Mets like in a Mark Clark deal. Lance Johnson, yeah. Yeah. And so he was the first one to tell me about how the way they did their schedule back then. Now that all changes, but I've had other guys go, "Dude, I heard you last night. "You're picking us to win the division." This isn't this year, this is several years ago. Are you nuts? We got no chance. - Wow. - Yes. - So I wonder, the reason why I wanted to pull those stories out of you is because I'm just wondering what this ball club thinks of their team. Like there's got to be someone in that locker room that looks around and say, "Man, "we can't get more than four or five runs a night. "Our bullpen is this bad." I mean, again, everyone's underachieving for the Cubs. There's a few guys that I like on the team that gives you a spark every now and then. But I'm wondering, like, if you're in that locker room every day, I'm sure someone would tell you something similar of like, "God almighty, "this has fallen off the track's quick since April 30th. "We got no shot." I wonder, do they know that internally? - Oh, these guys aren't stupid. Now, if I was in there like I used to be every day, you develop relationships. Like I used to be super tight with ever Kevin Tappany. - Yes, Kevin Tappany. - Like that was my guy, Nicki Moore and Dean. Those were my guys, Grace. Like, guys, you could have a heart-to-heart off the record of, remember, Grace saying to me, "Dude, we have the worst manager in baseball." - I'm not gonna say which one it was. - Wait a minute. - And go, I'm like, "We do?" Dude, nobody in here respects him. - Wow. - Wow. Like, you would get these nuggets, you file 'em away, you don't ever out the player for what he said, and I still won't years later. He said it, but he was here a long time. There were a lot of managers while he was here. So good luck figuring it out. But if you look at this team, and I agree, the offense has been blow power, but everybody starts to press when you keep blowing saves. All right, four to two on the ninth, close this down. Let's get, oh, we just gave it up. All right, five to two, oh, we just gave it up. Six to four, oh, we gave it up. 17 blown saves, hoodie. That's unconscionable. - Yeah. - I don't know why Grace said that about trouble horn. That was unfair. 3-1-2-3-3-2. - Trouble horn. (laughing) - It's only a few choices. - I mean, we're not where we were back then with-- - Trouble horn. - I remember covering Tom Trouble Horn having a chat outside the firehouse in left field. - Literally, I had to go out, stand at the firehouse, he's meeting with fans, half of whom were drunk. - Hey, Trouble Horn, where are we gonna win a game? - Tomorrow, now, go have another beer, don't bother me. - He stood out there at the firehouse in left field. I'm like, what is going on here? Like, it's totally changed now. The infrastructure, everything is so much different. It used to be the line that was given to me, it's not my line. I think it might have been Crane who said it to me, was back in the day, the Cubs were a corporate-owned team run like a mom and pop business. Now, they're a mom and pop, you know, family-owned business, run like a corporation the way every other major league professional team is. So, it's just sad that they're having this type of season. - So, Jack, who do you think on this Cubs team is the most shocked at this start? I mean, because I'm thinking like, it starts with counsel, but then after that, I'm thinking, - Jed? - Jed, for sure. Well, I mean, it's his own doing in a lot of ways because this is his roster. - But the way hoodie, he believes that this team was gonna tank like this. No way. - Or be injured like this, 'cause they hit the aisle a ton on this team. - They have, but they are reasonably healthy. And my, if he was sitting with us and we have a great relationship with Jed at the station, he's armed with us, he's armed with waddle and silk. Like, Jed's a really, really good dude. - He is. - Yeah. - But I would say to him, Jed, you're telling me you could not get a closer in the off season. Nobody. Bringing Al-Zalayan as the closer was an ill-fated plan from day one. From day one. Now, when he gets hurt or starts to struggle, he obviously was having injury issues when he blew, I don't know, you can look it up, five saves, and then he's out. There was no move to be made whatsoever. Nothing. They picked up Tyson Miller, he's been fine, from Seattle on a DFA trade. - Yeah. - They gave up a AAA utility man. So, you're telling me there's no other move that could be made. And I would tell you that if the Yankees, I said this to you the other day. Yankees, Dodgers, Phillies, Mets, Red Sox. You pick the big market, the Rangers, the teams that spend Houston. They would not sit here for eight, nine, 10 weeks and go, oh well, nobody's making any trades. They would make a deal. They might overpay, but they're not gonna watch their season short circuit because of their lousy bullpen. - Who do you think is most surprised from the players, Jack, about this time? - I would say Justin Steele. This was supposed to be-- - I don't know. - For him, he, this was supposed to be his year. He's been here what? 21, 22, 23, all not winning gears. And then he finally has a chance to have a winning season and be the ace of the team. And nobody else is really performing except for a couple other pitchers. - Yeah, here's Steele. - I mean, I love every single person in that locker room. I know how good we can be. I know, you know, what it takes and stuff. And yeah, it definitely comes from a good place. It comes from a place of love and passion. Want to, you know, I want to win baseball games. And that's what I show up every day to do. - That's right. - It's Steele's passion, you know, like council. - I mean, he was as good as we've seen him the first three innings, for sure. - All right, so there you have it. Big difference there, Cap, between those two. - Yeah, you got Justin coming in the top of the dugout, wake the F up, wake the F up. I loved it, and I think the fan base did. Anybody listening right now that's a Cubs fan would call in and say, loved somebody saying it. And I'm not asking Craig to change who he is, but there are moments. We gave Tommy was the first one to say, waddle. When Patrick wisdom after they've blown a save comes to bat to lead off the bottom of the night, then now you're a run down to the Giants, ball one, ball two. The third pitch is literally 12 to 18 inches outside and the umpire calls it a strike. He obviously missed it. Not a word. Not a word. Does it come out of the dugout? Nothing. That's when you come out and you bark in his face. Maybe you get ejected, but maybe, maybe it wakes up your dead ass team. - All right, get to your phone calls coming up. We're asking you, should the Cubs sell at the deadline? Should the Sox trade Garrett Groschade as part of it as well? Also, the Sun Times is reporting that Demar de Rosen does not want to return to the Bulls. What's next for that team? Next on Cap and J-hood. - Yeah, Cap and J-hood, earn back. - Appreciate you guys. I listened to you streaming on the ESPN 1,000 apps. - Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. - It's a Cap and J-hood morning show on the ESPN 1,000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. But with you still 10 o'clock, then my green bird comes in at 10, followed by Carmen and Yurco, 12 to three, Waddle and Sylvie, from 230 to five into White Sox baseball as they take on the Guardians. I'd say five o'clock pre-game, 540 first pitch right here on the ESPN 1,000, black and dollar on YouTube,, slash black and a dollar. So yeah, I don't know if I'm sure you saw the Sun Times from Joe Cowley, what he wrote about the Chicago Bulls, as of late, about Demar de Rosen. According to a source close to Joe Cowley, that Demar de Rosen said, after the Alex Caruso deal, that was the final straw. He's gonna exercise free agency and go elsewhere. - Yeah, because he sees where it's headed. I think he would have come back and signed a deal if they had kept Caruso and then tried to add on a little bit around the edges. They don't have a max slot to be able to go to get. Whoever that might be. But once he saw, okay, they're going backwards, I'm done, I'm moving on. And I understand it. So do assign a trade if that is at all possible, get some type of assets. You're gonna have to probably attach assets to get Zach out of here. I know you played the audio from Bobby Marks that there is zero appetite for Zach Levine in a deal. They tried to get either Andrew Wiggins or Chris Paul, and they said no Golden State and they just released Chris Paul. We'll eat the money gone. See you later. Okay, I get all of that. But now that they're taking a step back, now you gotta take the step all the way back. You can't halfway this thing. - Here's Bobby Marks. - Literally, there is no market for Zach Levine. They are trying to give him away and attach a first round pick. I've been told that by multiple, multiple people. And that is not happening. So if there's no unloading of the Levine contract, then the Rosen is just basically hanging in the wind. - It's about the contract and the basketball because you have to figure out, all right, if we're gonna take on Zach Levine, think about how much of the salary we're gonna take one, but two, what does he fit? He cannot be a number one. And again, even if the Bulls built around Zach Levine and say we're gonna get superstars around Zach Levine, he still can't be the centerpiece of it. He's not built for that cap. I think he's a very good player and would be an option on a really good team, but not the option. - Do they have anybody like if you were a championship contender, and I'm gonna talk about the Celtics, they want it. If you were Milwaukee, Oklahoma City, Dallas, like pick Philly, pick those team in Indiana that feel like Miami, they could take the next step, Orlando, if you were one of those teams, who would you take off the Bulls? I'm not giving you Kobe White. I'm not giving you Giddy. I'm not giving you our number one pick of the veteran guys, Levine D'Rosen Vuchovic. Who would you add? - I would add D'Rosen for the veteran presence. I don't need his threes. I just need his steadiness. When he has the basketball, he makes the right play. And he's a great teammate. One thing we probably should pull the curtain back a little bit cap for those that don't know D'Rosen, he loved the city and the city embraced him. We were there calling high school basketball. Remember at the Wind Trust Arena, he had the front rear. - He was there, yeah. - Yeah, and we've told this story, but there had to be 50 people lined up. We signed my jersey, can I take a picture? He never said no, to the point where at a time out, I got up and told security. You guys got D'Rosen down there and nobody's protecting this dude and you've got like a line all the way down to the baseline and around. And then they brought security over and they found it. That's it. And he was as nice and as giving of his time, even though he was there to try to watch Bronnie James play. - Yeah, I think that that would be the key. Like, could imagine like D'Rosen on the heat? Oh my God, he'd be a perfect spolstrah player. You know, on Dallas, just being able to steady the waters. This is no shot of Bucevic by the way, because, you know, for those that don't think that he was a positive player, all I know is that he walked in the gym with a double double. That's what he did. Almost every night. Yeah, there was some times he didn't shoot the ball well from the perimeter. But the point is, though, is that I didn't think that he was such a negative on the team. I liked Bucevic. I think he got better with the Bulls in spots. - Yeah, when he was younger, obviously, in Orlando, Buce was a really, really good player. Really good player. But was he ever a all NBA level player? And he answers no, and you paid a price like he was, and it just never fit. He's a guy who needs the ball in his hands and run the off-edge through him. DeRozan's a guy who needs the ball in his hands where he facilitates passes, scores. And Zack is a guy who needs the ball in his hands when he really should be a guy on a championship level team who comes off the bench and scores for you in bunches in shorter minutes. - You know what, Cap? - We're going to look at a Bulls team, possibly at the end of this. - Mm-hmm. - Bosellis, Giddy, Dayland Terry, Patrick Williams, who just signed five years, 90 million. Kobe White, Iodosumu, Jalen Smith. That might be your core when I just read there. But here's the rub, and all Bulls fans need to know this. You could say blow it up. Cool, blow it up. But do you trust this organization so we will add on the pieces to be a championship team? The thing that still hovers off this organization, whether it's fair or not, is that you can build with youth and say, "Hey, we got a nice young core here." But when the rubber meets the road, when you need that key star, 'cause that's how this league's built, you can have stars on it. When you need that key star, who's coming to Chicago? It's almost like a flyover city, a flyover state for some of these free agents. I like Minnesota, I like Indiana. Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Chicago, no shot. But when our tourist first got here, now maybe he didn't get the best player, but he got good players. He was able to go attract Durozen and Caruso, and they already had Zach Levine here. Then he went and acquired Vouch, who has stayed here and has had opportunity to leave. I'm not saying it was a well-constructed roster. My point is, there were guys that said, "I like playing here." The organization's first class, they like playing for Billy. I just think we have an incompetent front office. Don't know how to put a roster together. Incompetent. - This thing could go all the way to the bottom. It's already close to the bottom cap. This could be worse than the Pistons were Washington at this point. I mean, it could be-- - Oh, they're gonna be horrible, next year. - Yeah. - Horrible. - It's gonna be a lot of young development, but again, Billy didn't come here for that. Now, he's comfortable with getting that check. I'm sure he likes the NBA lifestyle. He's not going back to college, but Billy, the reason why he took the job originally is because the Bulls look like that they had a commitment to winning, to have veterans and say, "Okay, I got with Zach. Oh, Durozen, sure, okay, we're building with veterans." Billy did not come here to teach. He did not. - Came here to win. - Well, I mean, he's had turned that money down, as far as we know. No, he's not gonna walk away from the six or seven million a year he makes. - You know? - I get that, but he has no chance next year to win. None. - Unless there's a better NBA job coming where he can win, that's not what he's here for. I'm sure Billy, quietly, in a quiet space, is like, "What the hell is this?" Really? I got a 19-year-old in Bozzellos. I got a 20-year-old in Julian Phillips. I got two 21-year-olds in Gideon Terry. I got Patrick Williams, still a raw talent, 22. - Against men. - Oh, God. - That's nice. - Bozzellos, you've got Paul George. - Oh, God. - Patrick, we're gonna have Hugh Gardev bead. Yeah, Kobe, you've got Tyrese Maxie. Oh, my God. - The only attraction at the United Center with those kids is just red panda at halftime. - Yeah. - The lady with the bowls and the unicycle. Who's the lady spinning plates? I mean, that's, hey, Jessie White Tumblers on Wednesday. - Ladies and gentlemen, Jessie White Tumbler. Hello. Seriously. - It's bad. It is really pathetic. - Jessie, tell us about the back of the license. - That'll be the intro. - Are you an organ donor? (laughing) - I mean, it really is pathetic to think, you're gonna let these two guys effortlessly and our tourists tear it down and rebuild it. They've already proven it in four years. They can't. That they don't know what they're doing. - Jack, what's that shot or no shot question? Do you still have it on the computer? What was that question you asked about the bowls and the-- - Will they be contending by 2030? Will they win a playoff series by 2030? By the end of Jason Tatum's contract is what we see. So you just signed it for five years. - Wow. - Oh man. - 29, 20, 29. - 20, 29. Sneaking in in the eighth slot. - And winning a playoff series. - Yes. - Oh man, that's so bad. - That is terrible. - Can the bowls return to contention? We just laid out for you, again, from Joe Cowley, who's plugged in as anybody in Chicago. The plug when it comes to Chicago bowls. - We need to get Joe on one day. - Yeah, I'd love that. Because you put it out there, Cap. The Rosen says, oh, this is where you're going? We're not doing this. And we see, we have some bowls calls on the line. We'll get to your phone calls coming up next. Captain Jay Hood on Chicago's home for sports. (beep) - Here is today's headline. - Headline with Captain Jay Hood. - Well, we had a good day in Chicago baseball yesterday because neither the Cubs or White Sox lost. They both had the day off both back to work. Today, we got the Cubs posting the Philadelphia Phillies. It'll be Hayden Wisneski on the bump and no Bryce Harper, no Kyle Swarber, both are on the injured list for Philadelphia. First pitch scheduled for 705 from the Count Pines. White Sox in Cleveland tonight. We'll have our coverage starting with Connor McKnight at five o'clock after waddle. And so we first pitch 540. It's Chris Flexin for Chicago. Carlos Carrasco for Cleveland. Skye in Atlanta tonight, taking you on the dream tip off at 6 p.m. And a bunch of moves in NBA free agency. First of all, Donovan Mitchell stays in Cleveland three-year extension for 150 million. Clay Thompson to Dallas, Paul George to Philadelphia. And Jay sat down and gets the biggest deal five years, 314 million richest in NBA history to stay in Boston. Jay Moore. - Truth of the matter is, you're listening to Captain Jay Hood on ESPN 1000. Weekdays, 7 to 10 a.m. But it'll last a lifetime. It may only be three hours a day, but it'll last you a lifetime. (upbeat music) - It's a Captain Jay Hood morning show on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. Captain MLB Futures Game taking place. And Jack has told us that the Sox will have Noah Schultz and Colson Montgomery playing. But then you have Owen Casey, Matt Shaw and Sevi's kid. Sevi by Asteros' kid Moises will be out there. - That would not be Sevi's kid. Sevi was from Spain, I believe Moises is from Venezuela. Different families. - Huh? Different families, no relation. - Yeah, I don't think that's true. But nonetheless, he's an actor for the game. And so the futures games out there, the futures bright, especially if you're the white Sox, see you in 2030. So long, everybody. - At his bio, it says Moises by Asteros., he wears number 13. He is five foot seven. He's 195 pounds. He is a catcher first baseman. He is 20 years of age. In his first 239 at bats this season in the minors, he's hitting 3-14. He has an OPS of 8-86. He has 10 home runs, 46 RBIs. The big man also has stolen a base. He's got 75 hits. Yeah, he's a really, really accomplished prospect. It says he's from Los Ticos, Venezuela. And there's a little bullet point. It says, "Memo to Jonathan Hood of ESPN 1000s, Kappa J, or Joe. No relation to Sebi by Asteros." - Nice AI right up right there, not true. 3-1-2, and he also has a great golf swing. 3-1-2, 3-3, 2-3, 7-7, 6-hour phone numbers. Go to the phone lines. Cap, five guys walked past the window here at State and Lake, past our studios, all wearing Philly's hats. But I tell you what, this world-class city's amazing, right? They fly in. Like, hey, we're gonna go to Wrigley Field, we're gonna hang out. There's Philly's fans already here. It happens, it happens every series. It's just not by happenstance, like when the Braves were just here for a day against the White Sox. Hey, there's a gaggle of Braves fans walking by with the A on their hat. Like, wait a minute, you flew in for the one game? Take that, how about that? - It's incredible, everybody loves to come to Chicago in the summer, everybody. The Philly's fans, yeah, let's get out of Philly for a little bit, and just spend time in Chicago and watch the Phillies. That's something, meds. It happens all the time. We see it downtown. - And they don't have two of their best players, no Harper, no Shwarver. Can the Cubs beat them? We'll find out. - Bridgeport here is Connor on Cap and Jhood. Connor, good morning. - Hey, how you guys doing? - Good, thanks for checking in. - Yeah, so, I mean, basically, what do we think, I mean, I just keep going back and forth. Are we looking at the beginning of like, we're the new Detroit Pistons? I mean, like, they, in the last three years, I think it won, I mean, it won 50 games. I think they're the worst record. So are the Bulls on the brink of basically just becoming the next, I mean, we're already a joke, but we're mid. So are we just gonna be the next joke in the next five years? 'Cause I don't see a way that you build with this team, nor do I see a way that I can trust management, obviously. - Yeah, you're right on it. I mean, yeah, you see what's happening. Like if they can find a suitor for Zach Levine, that could be a draft pick, that could be a veteran. And in the Rose and All Ray says, all right, well, you know, now that you've traded for Josh Giddy, that means that you're trying to rebuild. I can't be part of this. And then Boost of it will be expendable as well. He'll be gone. Then where are your cornerstones? You don't have any. And so this is what a rebuild looks like. - So do you even try to do anything with Bob Ball? Or do you just let him just hang out for one more year? - Well, I mean, what are you gonna do with him unless you move his money in a deal? What do you do at Lonzo Ball? - You're open to sell more seats, Jerry at the least. - Well, Lonzo Ball doesn't sell one seat. Nobody buys a ticket. - He sells one seat, his own at this point. - It's right. - It sells one seat. - He's free. - Yes. He has one seat, yes. - Yeah. - And don't even show up for that one, by the way. - Like, I can't believe that they're gonna try and bring him back and see if they can get anything out of him, for what's the point? You're not trying to win now. - The Lonzo Ball seat belongs to Josh Giddy. That's why he's here. - Right. - A long athletic ball handler. He's got to get better from three, but is a terrific passer. - Yeah, I'm gonna try and book Joe Colli and see if we can get him on tomorrow. And what is their plan with the Lonzo Ball contract? Can you attach it in a D'Rosen deal to make a bigger deal? I don't trust our tourists and Evers Lee to be that creative. I don't. - No, absolutely not. - Yeah, I'll be proven wrong. - Oh, cap your right on it. You know, all this happens while there are teams that are really trying to contend making major moves. Just, you know, outside of the Jordan area, I just can't remember the time where the Bulls just made these big sweeping changes and said, okay, we're building on something. It's always, here's what our team is. We're not gonna make any big splashes. Chicago's never in that conversation. Here's Clay Thompson. Clay Thompson, multi-time NBA champion with Golden State. Feels like he got the short shrift from Golden State from a money standpoint and from a status standpoint. You know that man came off the bench at some point this year for Potomensky? - Yeah. - Clay Thompson, he's one of the splash brothers, but he struggles so badly after the injury that Kurt, Steve Kurt said, okay, we're gonna have you come off the bench kind of as a microwave. And he felt disrespected there. And so now here's Dallas right back in the mix, right back in the mix, with having Clay Thompson there on their team. That's a big splash. - That is a big splash. I think they lost Derek Jones Jr. I think he opted for free agency. I don't know if they're gonna give something done with him. But Brandon Clay Thompson, as a shooter, that's a move that a team trying to win does. The Bulls, they had any shooting? Absolutely not. - They do not. All these things that you talked about in the headlines, all these big moves being made, even Domin Mitchell having a three year contract now, staying with the Cavs. Where's the Bulls in that? No conversation about it, Jack. - No, don't jump in here to the Clippers by the way. So he will not be back with the Mavericks next year as well. - DJJ went to the clip. - That's cracked three-year deal. There you go. So he got paid, good for him, good guy, was always easy to deal with here. And then went to Dallas, bet on himself. They go to the championship and boom, now he gets a three-year deal, good for him. - We're against the break, but I do have to get this in, the Cavs. So we come to find out that the Celtics ownership group are selling the Celtics. Now that Brown and Tatum are paid, they got a championship, they had the parade. And the girl spec says, okay, we're gonna sell. If you want a championship cap, you and your brother, Dr. Bruce Kaplan, you guys own a team, you win the championship. Do you go back again for another one? Or do you try to get the highest amount of money possible for a sale after a championship run? - No, we would keep the team, because if we had that kind of money, that was always a dream of ours, obviously we're never gonna get there. But if we had that kind of money to be able to buy a team, I would be the dude in Golden State. I can promise you. If somebody called today and said, hey dude, I've got the money, I bought a team, I want you to be like the team president, I want you to be the face of this thing. I would absolutely step up there and say, we don't care what it costs. Our job is to win championships, period, that's it. We're gonna run it as a business, but guess what? I don't care what the rules are. We have the audio, we've played it, where he says, I don't care what the rules are. Our job is to win, period, that's it. - So you'd have another taste at the Apple after, another bite after winning the championship and you could sell to the highest bidder and cash out, but you'd keep going. - I would keep going, 100%, unless we had financial, whoa. - No, if we could afford to do it, taking that thing with me to the day I, cash him in, that's it. - All right, the cap and jhood cut of the day is right around the corner. - Our job is to win championships, period. And I'm gonna expect that, we're gonna expect that, this year, next year, three years from now, five years from now. That's just, you know, there's no point in doing this if you're not trying to win the championship. We're gonna win no matter what. I don't care what the rules are. We are gonna figure out a way to do it. That's what good organizations do. They figure out a way to win the game. And our game is to win games and to win championships, be more. (upbeat music) - The cap and jhood are back. - Oh, cap, they're all big fan, man. (upbeat music) - Bop, bop, bop, bop. What's up, fellas? - All Chicago's home for sports. - ESPN Chicago. - In pursuit of his fourth win, here comes the two, two. (crowd cheering) In the air, they should do it. (crowd cheering) - Jason Hiller makes a catch, it's a no header. Jake Marietta has done it again. (crowd cheering) Bad for fun. (crowd cheering) The second no header. (crowd cheering) It is last 11 regular season starts. - Cap and jhood on the ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. Cap, there you have it. And anniversary today for Ariata. - 11 years ago today, the Cubs acquired Jake Ariata and a throw in reliever who was struggling named Pedro Strope for Scott Feldman and Steve Clevenger. Maybe the greatest heist in Cubs history. - Yeah, time for the cap and jhood cut of the day. - Brought to you by Chicago Cut. Steakhouse, David Farman, Matt Moore's dining creation. On the sound, north side of the Chicago River. - Chamber. - Yes, it's boring, but it's a sport. - Oh! - Whatever. - It's not boring. - Okay, then you're boring. - All right. - Jack in the Box is announced this morning, the company telling the Chicago Tribune. It's been 40 to 50 years since our last time in Chicago. We are coming back. We will open eight company owned stores, mostly in the suburbs, one near Midway Airport, and we will have franchise owned stores as well. - How about that? - Well, congratulations, McGrath. We just happen to have a Jack in the Box right now. (laughing) Congratulations on your new world restaurant. - Thank you, thank you very much, McGrath. - So very good. - And that's all, folks. - The cap and jhood cut of the day. - They brought to you by Chicago Cut Steakhouse. On the sound, north side of the Chicago River. Hoodie, we played that. Jack in the Box coming back to Chicago is massive. Like that is a huge part of mine, Dr. Bruce, my brother's childhood. You've had it out west, but we would patronize. There was one, I think it's a Popeye's chicken now. It was on the corner of Waukegan and Gulf Road, and we would drive over from Skokie to Morton Grove, I think that's Morton Grove, and get like 30 tacos and see if we could eat it. - Yeah, their tacos are awesome. - Yeah. - The bonus Jack, they got really good stuff. - Yeah, really good. - Welcome back. - Yeah, for lunch and for dinner, especially after a night out, I don't mind sitting in line, waiting for the Jack in the Box because it goes down smooth. You've been out for a while. Like, look what we have for late night snack. Okay, let's go to Jack in the Box. Done that in Vegas, did that out west, and so I'm excited. I don't have to go out west anymore to get a Jack in the Box, that's gonna be awesome. - Yeah, there'll be a bunch over the next couple years coming back, so it's been between 40 and 50 years since they had a location in the Chicago area, so it takes me all the way back to my youth, and to have them back here, welcome home, Jack in the Box, don't ever leave us. - Jack in the Box, that's pretty awesome. All right, well, tomorrow, hopefully we get a chance to talk, I'd like to talk to Joe Cowley about this whole situation. - Yeah, I'm gonna text you as soon as we get off the air here. - Yeah, be good to talk to him, and of course, good luck, Cap. Easy series against the Phillies, easy series. - You gotta bet the Cubs. - Come win the night. - Cubs win the night. - Okay. - We take them down. - Was Nesky on the mound? - Maybe not. (laughing) - That's all good long man for ya, Cap, long man. - Right. - Just keep it in the ballpark, otherwise you'd be fine. - No Harper, no Shwarver, we got a chance. - Yes, and so it's interesting, as the Cubs went through their series against the Brewers, another small market team, Guardians, finding a way, finding a way, they'll take on the White Sox tonight. I'll be locked in just like you will, my friend, 'cause baseball's back. - Baseball is back. I'll be watching both ball games tonight. - We thank you for listening and calling in and being part of the program here on Cap and Jay Hood. Thanks to Jack McGrath, as well as Jay Moore on the other side of the glass. How about tomorrow and Waddle Wednesday? - Let's do it. Tommy's back from his very lengthy vacation, looking forward to talking to him. - We'll talk to you tomorrow at seven. So long, everybody. Take that from Chicago.