Kap & J. Hood

6/27 9 AM: Kap's missing suitcase

In the third hour of Kap and J-Hood, the guys reflect on the updated news revolving around Kap's missing suitcase after his Air Canada experience. Later, the guys break down yet another Cubs loss and discuss Craig Counsell.

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27 Jun 2024
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[MUSIC] Good morning, Chicago, and welcome into the cap and Jhood Morning Show on ESPN 1000. And we're streaming on the ESPN Chicago app with David Kaplan, Jonathan Hood with you. We've got Shay, we've got Justin, we've got you here on this three hour ride on this deal breakers Thursday. Reminding you have White Sox baseball this afternoon, 230 pregame with the socks and the Braves right here on the home of the White Sox, ESPN 1000. Watch our show on YouTube as well, Look for ESPN Chicago on YouTube and on Twitch, and what that in Chicago, hit the subscribe button for both their way. You miss nothing from ESPN Chicago. So one of the threads of the show this week has been my partner, David Kaplan spending time in Toronto, great golf tournament, seeing some great athletes from years past. And it's a great golf tournament. He had a couple of bags and he just wants to come home. You finally come to Chicago and he just wants to have both of his bags, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. And previously on cap and Jhood. We talked about where your second bag is. Golf clubs are there, but what about your second bag? It's 901 Central Time here on a Thursday. You went over the weekend to Toronto. So where is your bag, cap? I am going on to find my iPhone app right now and see if we get an update. All right. And the update says, it's 513 miles away. It's in Terminal 1 in Ontario, Canada. They claim, and I've got a DM here this morning from Air Canada. It will arrive at O'Hare at 10 AM. Well, that's it's on the concord. It's not getting here. It's 902 now. Correct, just honest, just lie, lie after lie after lie after lie. It's Thursday. It's your anniversary to the lovely Mindy. Yes, good night, Mindy. Good night, Mindy. Cap, you have a present in that, in that luggage. Yeah, one of her gifts is a, she's not listening. She's in a meeting all morning at work. Yes, she's working, yeah. It's a cool, like, like a golf outer jacket. So when we go to, like after dinner, we're sitting outside on the patio. She gets cold on the sun, so this would keep her warm. And it's her style. I saw it at the golf course in the pro shop. I said, I want to buy that. And I did. I folded it up nice to the bag. It's in my bag. I wanted her to be able to take it tonight to the concert. Yeah. And no bag. No bag. Yeah. So you're leaving around two to 30. Will the bag be on your porch, ready to go? No shot. Air Canada said it will arrive at 10 a.m. local time Edo here on AC 503. Unless they took the air tag out of my bag and threw it on the ground, there's no shot. It's going to be there at 10 a.m. No shot. That's so bad. And here's the thing. We've been seeing your bag at the Timmy Hortons for days. For days. That Timmy Hortons, just like outside of it, like there's wherever they store their luggage is right next to the Timmy Hortons because that's the, that's the thing you could see on your phone. Now it's trying different coffee because it's at the Starbucks. Oh, let's move. Let's move it around to the Starbucks now. Hey, Jimmy, did you get that bag to Chicago? Yeah. Sorry. Stop and get a latte first. Hang on. I'm going to give me a double smoked bacon and cheddar, eh? With Canadian bacon. And that's what happened, cap. He stopped at the Starbucks thing, which is the bathroom. Now it's just sitting there. So guess who just, okay, while we're having this conversation, Edzo, happy anniversary. I am going to Toronto today on business. I'll pick your bag up. I'm sure he would. Yeah. I'm sure. Thank you. That's all right. Thank you. Don't do many favors, Edzo. Because it's on the way. Wow. Air Canada. I will ask you, aren't there other direct flights, Chicago to Toronto with other airlines? Like you, you'll do United next time, right? I came home on the United, but what about under on the on the flip? You could have taken a United or something else, right? Or is it just Air Canada? I took United going on the flip. You could take a United coming back, right? Right. I could have, but I wasn't going to make that flight. So I took the Air Canada because it was later. And of course it got canceled. So I spent another night and then had to fly United back on Sunday. By the way, I didn't ask you about this, this part of it. The reason why that you could not fly home on time is a inclement weather or just mechanical issues with the plane. So I have all the messages saved. Yeah. And mechanical, but the weather here was horrible on Saturday night, horrible. Was it? I don't remember. And it turned out that the United flight that I wanted to take, it also didn't go. Okay. So yeah, so then I took United the next day. Yes. Yes. Do I need to do anything with my back? No, they'll be there when you land. Of course, here we are five days later. So that's the latest, it's supposed to be here at 10. And the air tech says it's sitting, having a cup of coffee, it's Starbucks in the airport in Toronto. Just bad service, man, all the way around. It makes no sense. It takes all this time. It's not that far. No, it's not the end of the word. It's not like you're getting it from Africa. It's crazy. I could literally get in my car, grab my passport, drive to Toronto, eight hour drive, get the bag, drive and be back in time for tomorrow. Yes. Yeah, it's not going to, but well, as I told you, but if I had a jet stream, we'd already been there and back. I just wait on the plane. Go ahead, Cap. Get it. I'll be waiting for you. Go ahead. Give them what for that. Just be sitting there waiting on the, on the runway on your Gulf stream. Yeah. Absolutely amazing. I would love to do that. Cause you would have got your bag. You would have got your bag. We would have flown back in time to see the cub. Where's G four? Is that, uh, that'd be Jonathan Hood. Yes. Wow. I got my bad kid from the Timmy hose. That's it. And I brought this some coffee. That's so bad. That's just so bad. And yes, are we running them down? Yes. But at least we have some people on the case. Now here's the thing. They can only do so much. I know you're grateful for the help of people around us trying to get this bag back. Oh yeah. But ultimately it's still on them. Yeah. I think it's very, very pavic and he's getting downgraded to good because he claimed the bag would be here at 10. Sorry, Tony. My friend, Eric, the golf pro, he said, yeah, it's, it'll be there 10 o'clock. And then I got the DM from air Canada. No luck. Shane, have you ever had your bags lost? Have you ever had your bags misplaced? Uh, I think by like user error, like my fault. I left him on a train in Germany, got off the train and then realized I didn't have them and the train was departing the station. Uh, but other than that, no, I don't think I've ever had them lost by an airline. Me either. I've flown for a long time. Never had that happen to me before. That's crazy. Now I've missed flights, the Alaska flight, I've known, you know, I've told you about that. I was trying to get from Anchorage to Fairbanks and Mr. Flight had to sleep in the airport for eight hours. Oh, I told you about that, but I mean, but I still had my luck. My luggage still intact. Thank goodness. Yeah. Yeah. From Anchorage to Fairbanks. By the time I get to Fairbanks, it's a six a.m. flight to get there at eight, eight thirty pitch dark. I have to have gone. I think lifetime United, I'm three hundred thousand. I've got it easily have gone over a million miles in the air. So gold. My career. So over, over gold, right? Yeah. Yeah. But. That's, that's. This is the most ridiculous I've ever seen Tampa, Florida, listening on the SP in Chicago app. Here's Bob on cap and J hood. Bob. Good morning. Good morning, guys. I hope you're doing well. So, cap, I got some good news for you. I checked Air Canada flight five, oh three, and that plane is in flight right now, expected the land at nine forty seven a.m. It's a time and then you can stop overreacted to this whole thing, which is just been. Well, all right. Well, wait a hold on a second. So why is that good news for me? Because you're going to get your bag today. Did you not hear what I just said? I don't. Well, maybe I didn't. What did you just say? I have an air. I have an air tag in the bag. It's still in Canada. It's not on the plane. No. Okay. Well, that changes things, doesn't it? I guess I'm not overreacting. It does. Well, you are overreacting. Hold on a second hold on a second. I'm overreacting when I don't have my luggage since Saturday and I have my anniversary, my 20 year anniversary, my wife today and her gift is in the bag and I'm overreacting. I believe you are overreacting. Yes. I mean, I think you, you are a fortunate man. You've lived, you're living a great life. Never said that. I haven't. I've never said that. I just don't think that this is worth yelling about. Okay. Suit yourself, Bob. Okay. Happy Anniversary. Thanks, Bob. Bye. Wow. It's not happening to him. So you're overreacting. Correct. Okay. And I don't think I'm overreacting. I'm actually chuckling about it. It's bordering on comical. Well, now, but, but Monday and Tuesday, not so funny. I was privy to the conversation. Yeah. I can't get any answers. None. Yeah. And this squeaky wheel finally got some grease when that man yesterday, JP, John Paul, called from Montreal. We're so sorry that it would happen to your bag. Yeah. Get the pink Panther theme. I need to inspect your clue so on the case. I understand. So no, it's comical now, but Monday, Tuesday, it's not funny now. You're just suppressing it because it was so weird. And again, so unfortunate about this is today's the anniversary. Right. Today's the anniversary. If you had said to me Saturday that super cool jacket you bought your wife, there is no way you're going to be able to give it to her on your anniversary. Why? Because you're not going to have your luggage. I never would have believed it. Joe and Hammond, Indiana on Captain J. Hood. Hey, Joe. What's going on? How y'all doing? What's up, sparkles? Can you relate to this, Joe, at all? Hello. Joe, can you relate to this at all? Yeah, I just recently, for my 25th birthday, I went to Costa Rica, right? So we had a layover from Chicago and Houston. And then so we got on the flight from Houston to Costa Rica. We got there. I'm looking for my bags and everything. And then come to find out they sent it from Houston to Dallas instead of sending it with me to Costa Rica. Oh, man. So you were without clothes. I didn't have anything for like two, three days before they finally got my bag there. Man. That was, shout out South West, that was South West. Oh, my airline. Yeah. I thought he was a big Southwest guy. I'm a gold member of Southwest. So there you go. You know what happens with this, Justin, is that sometimes when you fly frequently, like I do when I travel or go to travel for work, something just becomes your airline. Like, and you say it's your airline because there's never been any mistakes. I love Southwest. Yeah. I always fly. But that's the thing. Like if you have a good run with the airline, that's my airline. That's a, you know, outside of a few mechanical errors with the plane, as long as I'm not losing stuff for their route to me, that's your airline. So clearly, Air Canada, not the airline, but David Kaplan. The worst that you've ever dealt with, you say? Yeah. Spirit and Air Canada, neck and neck and the stretch of the worst. Catch the spirit of spirit airlines. Excuse me. That seat is $400 cheaper than any of the airline. Why? Because you're not allowed to put your feet on the ground. You want to put your feet in front of your seat? That's another 80. Oh, you want to use the overhead compartment? That's another 100. Yeah. It's true. It's, that's how they, it's their scam. They're horrible. Just one time with them to Myrtle Beach. That's where I went. Myrtle Beach. The worst. But never again. Never. Ever again. I fly United or American. Those are the two. Old Cub sponsor, Spirit Airlines. They were. Catch the spirit of Spirit Airlines. Wow. I think that was just for a season and that was all. So St. Charles Anthony on Captain Jay Hood, Anthony just dropped off the line as I was going to him. As I said, we go to, is it Tredis on the northwest side on ESPN 1000 Tredis? Yes. Hey. What's up, man? No much. Hey, Cap. How you doing, man? I'm good. I'm good having a little issue with my bag, but I'm other than that as my friend from Tampa said, very blessed. Oh, that's good. Hey, I don't know what that guy was talking about, man. I think that you're underreacting because it would have been me 20 anniversary. You'd have got off. I still be going off. You probably be here by me on the news said and I'm going to call and say, congratulations. You're not overreacting and also you picked up a good day to get married today is my birthday also. Oh, happy birthday. Try this. Nice. Yep. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate you. You guys are great. Have a good day. Captain. Enjoy your anniversary. You too, man. Enjoy your birthday. Eat something you want. Enjoy it. It's kept overacting to losing his bag. I don't think so. I think I think it's it's fair for him to complain about this or wonder where his bag is because this has been going on since the weekend. The anniversary is today. The gifts in there, but yet Air Canada says that the bag is on its way. It's 915. It's supposed to be their attend at O'Hare or Orlando, as the lady told you. Yeah. Remember the lady called here where it breaks. She's like, yes, your bag's headed to Orlando. I'm like, what? See, just you were here. She read the screen. It says ORD. She thought that meant Orlando. Yeah. She works for the airline. She works for the airline. Thank God. She's got an air traffic controller and people like what's the dude's name from Tampa said I'm over there. Bob from Tampa. It doesn't seem to understand. I sat in the airport for six hours Saturday night. There were two lovely people I chatted up in wheelchairs. They were sitting right there next to me because I there was one seat that did not have a handicap sign on it. And then like three handicapped seats where there were three handicapped people and two others in a wheelchair that I was talking to where it gate 82 in the Toronto Lester B. Pearson Airport. We're sitting there for three hours and then they said, we are sorry to have to do this. But we are changing gates for flight Air Canada 511 to Chicago that is delayed. We are moving you to gate 55, 5, 5, which is not in the same concourse area. You go down to the main area, turn left and go all the way down to gate 55. They got people, you know, people in the airline pushed them all the way down there. Yeah. When I start watching Top Gun Maverick on my phone, and we're there a little over an hour. Very sorry to announce we are moving you back to gate 82. What? Yeah. All the way back to gate 82. I got Lana. Yeah. Can I get a cup of coffee? No. The shops have already closed for the evening sat there till 11 and then your flights cancel. Take that Bob. There's some people that want to give you comments in hindsight and also want to tell you how air tags work still to come. Some thoughts also about the Cubs in their game against San Francisco, all part of the Captain Jay Hood morning show. Captain Jay Hood on a ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. Glad to have you in with us here on this deal breakers Thursday. Poor cap cap is celebrating his 20th wedding anniversary with Good night, Mindy. Take that. That's it. And so cat has had two bags going to the Gulf tournament in Toronto. He just wants both his bags. He's still waiting for his second bag. This has been going on since Saturday. Correct. And you're updating people about where the the bag is. It's still in Ontario, right? Well, I just you did a refresh. Okay, so I'm going to do one right now and it says that my bag as a four minutes ago, four minutes now is a terminal one, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. So that firmly dispels the people saying it doesn't communicate when it's on the plane because it is still communicating and it's and it's moved. I showed you that it was by the Tim Hortons for the like four days. Yes. And I showed you today and I know I went and showed Shay. It was at the Starbucks. That's correct. Now it is at the edge of the terminal like with this big secure baggage area, right there. Now it's moved. I wish that we were on channel seven. So Tracy could put this on the big screen so people could see like the weather map. Yes. Where your where your bag is gone, St. Petersburg, Florida, listening on the ESPN Chicago app. Here's Rick on Captain J. Hood. Hey, Rick. Good morning. Hoodie, thank you for your service every morning. Yes, sir. So yeah, basically if you guys have seen it move in the last, you know, hour or so, then it probably is still there. But if it stayed in that same spot, you know, it's got to communicate with other phones. It doesn't have its own system. So it's got to have an iPhone within the area to tell it that it's still there. Well, well, well, what do you mean an iPhone? My phone's not there. What about just on the Wi-Fi system? No, it has to have another iPhone within. I don't know the radius, but it's got to be close enough to communicate with it. Any iPhone like your iPhone, if you happen to be in the area, could transmit my air tag? Any iPhone. Wow, never knew that. Yeah, this says on Google, it's got to be with any Bluetooth device that can connect to it and it bounces a signal that then gets sent to iCloud. And that's how it tells you where it is. That's it. Okay. Rick, do you think his bag is still in Ontario? If you've seen it move in the last hour, then yeah, it's still in Ontario. But a little bit of hope, it might be on the plane and just not communicating. All right, I hope you're right, man. That would be awesome. I sent them a DM and I said, can you confirm if my bag is on that flight? No response. How about that, Joey G? Your bag will be here today. I want to talk about the Cubs. What? I don't, I don't believe. Thanks for the empathy. One empathy. Yeah. Exactly. Campus, you know, I love you. It's an unfortunate thing. It's going to be here today. You know, that's all I could say on the air. Joey's a connected man. Going to. Thanks, Cap. Um, showing me the, um, the manager of the Cubs, I don't think they're buying into his game plan. Quick answer. What's wrong behind the scenes? They just keep losing and they hit a car last week, I listened to that said, once the Cubs are about two runs, it's like they give up and it's like that. I see it. They give up. Well, no, we're down again. Somebody, somebody's got to hit the hammer like you said, Cap. Yeah, they look, I'm very disappointed, obviously in Jeddon Carter's performance, super disappointed in the performance of players like Dan's B Swanson. No question about it. The bullpen, but I'm also disappointed that the celebrity manager who got $40 million looks comatose. I never heard any outrage, none. I heard the Texas Rangers manager, who's a Hall of Famer, Bruce Boce. I hear their GM, Chris Young, not acceptable. We're making changes. We're looking for a spark. Do we do that? In Texas Rangers, they're the defending world champs. Yes. Do we do that? No. So anyway, Paisan, thanks for looking into the bag situation. Joey. Elgin. Here's Anthony on Captain J. Hood. Anthony. Good morning. Hey, good morning, you guys. So anyways, this has happened to me twice. The first time I was going to Vegas and it was actually night of the airline, and I'll cap like United. Anyways, so I bought all brand new stuff, right, tagged on it, going to Vegas with my friends on the way wore the stuff maybe once, some of them I didn't wear on the way back. They couldn't find it for weeks. They ended up sending me a letter saying fill out everything in the bag will reimburse you. And I remember telling my father about it, and he's like, you ain't going to get half the money that that was in that bag, you know, so I list everything down. They gave me everything down to the penny, which I was shocked at. And then the second time it happened was I was going to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. And that was on the way there. So I was without my stuff for a week, but I ended up getting my bag back. And I believe that was United too. So don't feel so bad. I know I know it's your wife's anniversary. I hope it works out all right for you. All right. And yeah, my family's got to tell you right by the airport, you need someone to pick it up for you. I'll bring it to you, Cap. You're the man. I appreciate you, Anthony. Appreciate you. Sidebar me our approach. Yeah. I brought you a bank in law three one, two, six billion for the great Howard Anken side my ball. Jay Moore is waiting and it says breaking news air Canada's air Canada says that caps bag needs a passport. It will be detained. Wow. That's the problem. See, has it cleared custom? It has not. You find it interesting, Cap, when it comes to bags and the old bag carousel, how that has not been updated either. It's the same as it has been for years and years and years where, you know, the flight happens. Your bag is on the little, on the little runway and the carousel and just goes round and round. There's no real security for that. Anyone could just any jackaloon could just park go through the double doors. Oh, there's a bag and just take it. Yeah, as long as you haven't come from the flight yet, I mean, you know, if you came down and you're waiting for your bag, oh, there's my bag, I got my bag. Yes, I mean, sometimes you'll get there before you can get down to the baggage, depending on the airport. But what you could do, not advocating for this, of course, hey, hun, pull over, I'll be right out and you go in and there's like all the bags that have been there for like an hour and no one's got claimed them. Yeah. There's no security, but you know what? The other thing is that's the most insane thing at all here and you're going to hear one day that there's been, God forbid, a tragic accident. You're coming down to 94. You exit to go to the airport. There's a cell phone lot where you can pull in and then when your friend or your wife or your husband, okay, we landed. We're at baggage. We got our bags. Boom. You go right there and you get them. There's 40, 50 cars every day on the shoulder, all the time, pulled over and it says no stopping, standing or parking. Do you see one police officer go up and go, this is a safety hazard. You're going to pull out and kill somebody. Nope. Happens all the time. Idiotic. Yup. Get them off the shoulder. Yeah. Stupid. Also, sometimes it's confusing for me for arrivals and departures. Well, it's easier to pick up it or write a departure sometimes because arrivals is a train wreck. Sometimes I get confused at the two. Which ones? Oh, over here. So. Well, again, we're keeping everyone abreast of when this bag will get here and the air tag to me still sound. I don't think cap like the air tag says Canada and all of a sudden it just shows up in Chicago at 10 o'clock. I don't believe that. I don't believe that's going to happen for you. I don't either. Yeah. I don't either. Go ahead. The hip king just said, just imagine you get the bag back, you open it up and your wife's gift is missing. I wouldn't even want to be in the room with you that had no seriously, seriously, it's a sweet jacket. It could happen. Yeah. It's cool. A lot could happen. He was very mean to the customer service people the other day. He was. Might be, um, could be putting anthrax in that bag. Might be threatening. It could be scary. It's being moved around the airport. They're all messed up. Oh, God. Not too. Cap shows up. Cap shows up to pick up the bag. There's bricks of cocaine in it and the police are there to detain him. It's not my cocaine. We'll call it again. Oh, God, Howard. If I see like eight attack dogs coming at my bag, turn around and walk out of the airport. That your bag, sir? Nope. Captain, something weird. Your dogs are coming after it now. They like it too. It's it. It's not mine. It's daily, Sparky. Don't. Hurry. Hurry. Call. Mindy. Call Howard. What a week. Cubs play in a lost bag. Yeah, but the bag's not here. It's not. That's the problem. But Bob may seem like well, Cap, you're well to do. It's not the point. It's not the I know what he was going with this. He's a Hall of Famer. He's well to do. Everything's fine. No, it's the it's the principal of the thing. Yeah. It's the principal of the thing. It's a Bob's bag. Right. It's your bag. That's minor surgery till it happens to you. No minor surgery unless it's on someone else. Some thoughts from Craig Council. We're going to try to see if we can hold the audience this time. Yeah, make sure you people put toothpicks in your eyes because you'll fall asleep. That's he has for us some Craig Council Sal, we must hear back to Milwaukee on the Captain Jhood morning show. Captain Jhood on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. The Cubs lose again last night cap. San Francisco defeating the Cubs by score four to three. I'll tell you this on the outside looking in of this whole thing with the Cubs and I'm with you because I'm your friend. I don't laugh at the failure like you laugh at my failure with the White Sox. Um, well, it's just the way it is, just a fact. I'm just being honest kid. Um, I'm just telling you that I'm not laughing at the Cubs. I am disappointed because I put my neck out there if you were listening and March about this Cubs team. They're their playoff team just based on how the, the roster construction. I didn't know the bullpen would be so bad and also did not believe that the Cubs would give up on each other. That's when it's bad cap when you give up on each other. There's individual played appearances I'm seeing in this losing streak. And what I mean by that is, is that with a runner in scoring position, a runner at first base, when you want to do your own thing, want to steal your own base, you know, do what Morrell did way off of first base gets picked off bad on the base pass, not fundamentally sound. That means you're not, you're giving up on your team. You're giving up on each other. Everyone. Yeah, you go out there losing streak, but you still have to do your job and individually a lot of these Cubs aren't doing their job. It's one thing to have a bad bullpen, but the strength of the team is supposed to be the offense and actually it's the starting pitching. And I just think that that's the thing that's this point the most. You got nine hits yesterday. Everyone had a hit on the lineup. Yeah, everyone had a hit on the lineup, but you couldn't scratch more than three runs across the board. You gave up. I'm not saying that this is where it's going to be for the rest of the season, but they are giving up on each other when you play this way. They get no big hits in big spots. Yeah. They're great with two outs to get a double in the corner. But did they come up with a double in the corner with the bases loaded? No. The other day with the bases loaded with nobody out twice and didn't score. That's correct. Got one run. It's embarrassing how bad this team is. But what's more embarrassing is that there is no sense of urgency, none. They lose today and is Milwaukee off today? I think they are. I think they'll fall to 11 back and then they go to Milwaukee for three. You get your ass pounded in Milwaukee and guess what? You can be 13, 14 games out. Just despite the struggles for the Cubs, I'm surprised that there are three games down against San Francisco. I thought they could win through the three game. They're not good at all. No. Again, what hurts and also the things and nostrils is you got two bullpen days from the giants in the first couple of games in the series bullpen days and the Cubs can't do anything about it. Nothing. Today's Imanaga that stops it right there. I would hope his last start. He gave up 11 runs. Well, remember I asked Jesse, was it Jesse? I think it's just like why why did Imanaga wear it? It's your best picture and you can't you protect them a little bit and Jesse pretty much said, well, the bullpen is what it is. You're not going to keep rolling them out there. Someone had to wear it. That was against the Mets on Friday, I think, if I'm not mistaken. That was the Mets. The 11 to 1 gets pounded. Yeah. Against Quintana. So I think the bleeding stops today, but then that Milwaukee series, holy smokes, you know, it's going to be Cub fans that's going to be up there at Amfam Field that's going to support the team. But what are the Cubs going to do about it? Yeah. The light of the Cubs season up in Milwaukee so far has been Shea falling woefully short on the 9/9 challenge. Here's Craig Council after the game. I mean, they've pissed a young player to 90, but he's good arm for sure. Um, you know, in the end, it's three runs and that's that's probably not going to win you a lot of games. Um, and so, yeah, three runs, one run last night. That's like I said, that's not going to win you a lot of games. It was just a pitch to come forward or really that hurt them and that was a mistake. The pitch that they are headed out was a pretty good pitch, I thought. So that, you know, the two run home are hurt them. Other than that, it was a good outing. It's a risk and yeah, we're trying to get two guys in scoring position and, um, it just didn't work. But base dealing is risk. We took a risk. It didn't work. It's just a baseball play and tried to, you know, he's probably, he's probably, he's probably safe to start and then just the nature of the slide got him off the base. I mean, that's, that's the way the game works. You're going to have a result and you're going to have a game the next day. Um, and you can't let the result for the night before affect the result, you know, the play the next day. And that's what we got to keep doing and, um, I think we've done a good job of that, but obviously we're not getting the results we want. I mean, I know that's not his personality to come in and flip over the food table and meathead me would everyone goes, oh, what does that really accomplish? Guys are hungry. They want to eat. They're trying hard. I get it. I'd like to hear somebody in whether it's management, the manager, somebody, somebody, a team leader. Okay. This is unacceptable. I'm sick and tired of this. This is a good baseball team and we are not showing it. Is anyone said that? Nope. No, buddy. We hear dance be Swanson. It's June. Yeah. Yeah. It is. It's the 27th now and you're 11 games out of first and your team looks awful and you're hitting like two 18. Come on, what are we doing here? Games that you're supposed to win or series are supposed to win. You're not winning. Now here comes Milwaukee, first place Milwaukee and then after that Philadelphia. Oh, God. Where's that at? It's Wrigley for in a three game series, lightens up a little bit with the Angels, Ron Walsh and the Angels. Premier League softball players salivating the hit about 19 of them on Sheffield, Hendrix and Menaga tie on in that series against Philadelphia, not trying to not trying to skip. I'm just saying this is the rotation. It's in front of me. Hendrix on that first day on a hot day on Tuesday, July, July 2nd, we think that's going to be magnificent tonight, I understand, I understand, but holy smokes. Philadelphia is special. Okay. Wow. I'm I'm pretty so they go on to Milwaukee tomorrow for three and then we're Philadelphia at home for three and then Ron Walsh and the Angels for three here and and then after that star on Tuesday, July 9th, a three game series against Baltimore. So long everybody there. Yeah. Good night. Good night, Mindy. Yeah. Have a good one. You better turn in the morning, like I made the Angels are a soft touch, but then you got after Baltimore at St. Louis, God, yeah, got to listen to hot hot hot St. Louis, you turn their season around the Cubs. Yeah. Okay. That's just I'm just stunned. I'm just very is it's unbelievable that this ball club, the way it's presently constructed is 37 and 44, but then we look at that bullpen. What did we talk to jet about an opening day? Said we weren't ready to win, but we feel like we have a good shot at this year. Okay. So what are you going to do? That's the thing. When you're 37 and 44, we talk, we say this all the time cap, you know, it sucks in sports, in the middle, you can't be, you could be the worst, at least you know the arrows pointing up when you're at the bottom, you be at the top and be a World Series champion like the Rangers, but when you're in the middle is only, you don't know which way you're going up or down. You want some good news? Yeah. I was reading my friend Michael Surami from Bleacher Nation. He said because of like the White Sox, you're going to have the worst record baseball, but they can't pick any higher in 10th next year. There's a couple of other teams in that mix because they're big market teams. Yes. Right now, the Cubs would pick fifth. Okay. So I guess I'll see them on the marketing network playing for Myrtle Beach or Myrtle Beach. South Bend? South Bend. Okay. Yeah. All right. Great. Scott and Buffalo Grove on a ESPN 1000. Hey Scott. Gentlemen. Good morning. Three of an old adage where I lived in South Carolina when there's a body of water, assume there's an alligator in there. And after flying over a million miles with United, you've got to assume they're going to lose your bag. Never, ever, ever at all chances. Check a bag. They're just idiots. I've lost rangefinders, I've got lost golf balls, I've lost clothing, never trust them. I appreciate the advice. I wish I would have bumped into you last Thursday. Shay, you ever flown with, you know, like a full array of golf equipment? Can you, can they stick in the overhead? Does that fit? I don't think it does. No, no, it does not. Okay. You can't do it. I do try to fly without checking a bag as often as possible. I don't have a luxury. Yeah. My clubs aren't, as you said, fitting in the overhead compartment. Yes. I could have taken the Louis bag, but I'm like, well, I'm checking what, and I get free check bags. Yes. I'll just check the other. I don't have to drag it around the airport. That's the thing though, Shay. For me, I like to be free-wheeling right through the airport. I don't want anything on me. Right. So heavy. The bags. This is my little, like, a little purse bag. Yes. Your purse bag. It's the only thing I had. And my phone. That's it. It was so freeing. You're a young man, you don't mind, like, you always have a backpack on because you always have stuff in there. But for me, I like to just be able to be free. I already have enough weight on me going through the airport. I'd like to just be free. That's another ridiculous thing. Norling does. Huh? What do you mean? Why do you take a backpack to work? You have a computer that you work on. What do you need a backpack? But what is in there that you have to have? I bet 98% of the time people, just like you, they carry these huge bags around. They set it down, barely open it, get home and set it back down on a floor again. Why does it bother you? I got my, I got stuff in there for work. I got my coffee. I got my water bottle. I got my headphones. I got my mic condom. I keep all my stuff in there because I'm sure not going to get on the bus in the morning at 4 a.m. with an arm full of stuff I got to rest with on my lap. No shot. And rolling papers. Yeah, of course. Shay, carry your cup of coffee with you in your hand. Put your phone in your pocket. It's all you need. Should I not carry my bag? Then I don't have my headphones or my mic condom or my water bottle. He's on public transportation. Who cares? What's the issue? Dumb. I'll leave my bag at home tomorrow. You don't see me carrying a bag? No. I got stuff here. I have a yellow pad. Got to carry it. Jackaloo's walking around. I'm no. If I had a car I wouldn't have a bag because I could leave stuff in the car that I don't need but I don't have a car so I got to bring everything with me and I'm not going to sit on the bus or the train with all my crap sitting in my lap. Coffee and a phone. That's all you need. Water bottle, headphones, mic condom, other stuff that I use, my no pad and all these things. Put the mic condom right here. Find a little nook. Keep it right there in the studio. I'm not like you. I'm responsible for my belongings. I keep my condom in the wallet. We will have the... You don't do it. Listen, PSA. Don't do that. They break. PSA. I just want to make sure... That kid looks like... Wait. I just want to make sure any impressionable young ones out there aren't doing that. Correct. Well, the ones that they're the biggest condoms, they never break. The cap and jhood cut of the day is right around the corner. Excuse me while I whip this out on Chicago's Home for Sports. Now time for the cap and jhood cut of the day. Brought to you by the awesome Chicago Cut Steakhouse David Flom, Matt Moore. You want to have an amazing meal like on a day like today sit on their patio? Nothing better in town. Smokey. Yo. Yes, it's boring, but it's a sport. Oh! Whatever. It's not boring. Okay, then you're boring. All right. Pat! Would you like to give a final score? Is that irrelevant right now? That's irrelevant. That much, huh? Wow. So let me put it this way. You won't give me the score. If I took the over, would I be a winner? What was the total? Well, are you going to leave the line? What? It's 10 year old. So I expected it to be in the, you know, 40s. So the overall total in the game was 40? Yeah. The overhead. [laughter] If I said it at 45, would you say the overhead? Just. Uh-huh. I see. Okay. So going in, you're a minus four, just so you know. We covered. Okay. [laughter] With no problem, right? Yeah. Okay, just checking. And that's all, folks. Gee, Captain J. Hood, kind of the day. Brought to you by Chicago, cut, steakhouse, gorgeous day, amazing patio, incredible food, service off the charts. Go in there, say, "Yeah, I need to see David Flom, Matt Moore, just want to tell him how great their restaurant is." Sound the sound on the north side of the Chicago River. Today is National Handshake Day. National Handshake Day. Who had the most firm handshake in your career? Ooh, wow. That's a good... Michael Jordan had an incredible... He did. He would... His hands are so big, they would engulf your, like, half your wrist, like, up to four. I mean, like, whoa! Olin' crutes. Olin' crutes. You feel like your fingers are going to break. One grip, one of them, Ric Flair. I never got to meet the... Ric Flair. A nature boy. I've interviewed him, but it was online. Yes. Like, on a talk back. A nature boy Ric Flair has got big hands, but athletes, too. So yeah. Yeah. Who's in the studio? Ric Flair. Ric Flair. The worst is to go out and shake hands with somebody, especially a gentleman. Like, if it's a very dainty woman, and she just kind of gives you her hair, okay, whatever. But, like, a guy, hey, nice to meet you, and they give you the, like, it's clammy, and it's like a wet fish. Oh. Like a worst. Like a wet cloth, a wet rag. Horrible. The business deal is... They're a loser. Well, the business deal is done. If you get that kind of handshake, the business deal is done. Don't... I'm out. You're out. Also, National Onion Day. Who has the... Who... It's, uh... What is best on the onion for you? Well, the blooming onion from Outback Steakhouse... Yes. Was always good. Mm-hmm. I like onions. I do. I like to grill them a little bit, like, in tin foil with some olive oil, salt and pepper. Yes. Throw it on the grill, wrapped up in the tin foil. It's really good. My favorite onion, Megan the Stallion. Downtown Dean is on Kappa Jhood. All right, Dean. You know, that last caller is wrong, guys. You need to check a bag. What are you gonna do? Bring one pair of shoes with you. And also, I'm amazed to this day I was telling Shay that people don't realize you gotta pack a bag. You can bring whatever you want in your check luggage. In New York, my buddy's wife asked me why I didn't stop at the dispensary. I told her the same reason I'm not going to the Dwayne Reed for deodorant. I can just bring my own in the check luggage. That's a good point. It's a good point. It passes right. You bring the enormous suitcase. I barely use anything in it. It's just a decoy to trick the TSA. That's it. Hey, happy anniversary, Cap. Hey, happy anniversary, Cap. Take that. Fantastic. Fantastic. He's the best. Hey, I took my wife out to Gina, North George Jetties, and there was a guy singing on the outside. He was Downtown Dean. Downtown Dean is the best. He texted me yesterday. Hey, are you around? No, I'm not there. Come to the restaurant, Ben Brost's mom was in there. Oh, God. How about that? We thank you for listening and calling in and being from the program. We'll talk to you tomorrow at seven. So long, everybody. And he's a fake pack. From Chicago. Take that. [MUSIC PLAYING]