Kap & J. Hood

6/21 Kap & J. Hood Shorts

The Kap & J. Hood Morning Show weekdays 7a-10a (CT) on ESPN Chicago listen live on the ESPN Chicago app.

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21 Jun 2024
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(crunching) - Chicago. - This is your morning routine. - Listen to this- - I mean- - Cap and G hood. - That's right, that's right, we bad. - Watch the show on Twitch. Follow ESPN 1000 Chicago. - Stream the show on the ESPN Chicago app. - And on in there. - 100.3 HD2 and on ESPN 1000 Chicago. Now, no, no, no. David Kaplan and Jonathan Hood. - Good morning, everyone. - Bring 'em out, bring 'em out. - Whoo! ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ ♪ Bring 'em out, bring 'em out ♪ - Thank God it's Friday. Whoo! (whistle blows) - Oh, God. Welcome into the Cap and G hood morning show. On ESPN 1000 and we're streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. With Jesse Rogers in for Cap. I'm Jay Wood, we've got the fastest man in Northbrook. Put up in full lines for you, 3-1-2, 3-3-2 ESPN. 3-3-2-3-7-7-6, our full number we've got. Charlie, we got Jay Moore. We got you on this fabulous Friday. Jesse's good to see you, my friend. - Might be the fastest guy in Northbrook. Not exactly the smartest guy. 'Cause as I'm driving down for the 7 a.m. shift with you, so happy to be with you on the day after the Bulls break up 13. I got off the highway and started driving to Wrigley Field. - That either means I've been in the same job too long or my brain is starting to malfunction. I started driving to Wrigley Field at 6.10 a.m. Quickly did a U-turn, texted you, and luckily the traffic wasn't so bad I got here on time. - Of course, that song you just heard, that was in Jesse's car. That's all you was thinking about. You think about the Oregon and Wrigley Field. - The Cup and the Met this weekend. - That's what he was thinking about. - Two juggernauts. - Actually, I was thinking about the Bulls in this big trade. It's a big trade because it's the only trade. Like, you know, they haven't done a lot lately. So for them to do something like this, it's big news. - It's natural though, Jesse, for you to think about this big Bulls trade and drive to Wrigley Field. Of course, that's where you'd report it for ABC7, of course. - Exactly. - In front of Wrigley talking about the Bulls. - I am wearing my ABC7 shirt for those of you watching on Twitch and YouTube, hello, good morning. A little Dion Jesse Rogers show over there today later. - That's fantastic. - That'll be on overtime on ABC Online. - Okay, you done with your plugs now? - I know, I have a few more, but I'll just save them. - Yes, of course. You have, of course, there's always plug, I mean. - I got two books and a Sunday night baseball thing to plug. - Yes, of course. So have plug will travel. - And Steinoffels. - Okay, now again, not even three minutes in. Not even three minutes in. Can't even get to the top. - I gotta talk about me. Know what I mean? Move the hands around, it's Jesse Rogers. That's why he's the fastest man from Northbrook. - Enough about me. Let's talk about one Josh Giddy. - Or you, not enough about him. Let's talk about more of Jesse. - Yeah, exactly. - The Bulls are trading two time all defensive team guard Alex Caruso to Oklahoma City for guard Josh Giddy. This came from Adrian Wojnarowski. Yesterday, it just dropped in our laps yesterday afternoon, Jesse, and so when I saw the deal, my thought was, well, there are several reasons why this is happening. Number one, the Bulls are not gonna pay Alex Caruso a four-year $80 million deal 'cause that's what's on the line. That's how much, and there's no way for someone who's 30, they're gonna pay him that. You would think that if you were ready to win, that he would be a nice piece for you, but they traded Josh Giddy. My initial thoughts with this is, okay, I've seen Josh Giddy play with Oklahoma City. He's a guy, he's 21 years of age, and I think he could get better with Donovan as his head coach, but he's not gonna be this immediate difference maker. I wanna make sure Bulls fans know that here's a talent that's very raw and very green. He can pass the ball well, but doesn't shoot well. You know in the NBA, as you well know, Jesse, if you cannot shoot especially from distance, then you're limited as a ball player, and even though for a big guy, he can pass the ball, this is not one of those moves. He's like, oh my God, it's a seismic change for the Bulls 'cause that's not the case. - Yeah, so here are my initial thoughts. First of all, I would ignore the end of his season, where he faded, he is 21, that'll be long forgotten if he improves here in Chicago, and remember, plenty of time to improve at just 21. I know he'll be a restricted free agent, but my initial thought also was, okay, they got nine years younger, that's good. They got nine years younger, that's good. You have to give up something to get something. So my next thought also in the positive way was, okay, Caruso's good, but he does have a ceiling as a player at 30 years old. Josh Giddy ceiling should be a lot higher. His skillset says that, and his age certainly says that. I'm gonna keep harping on the idea that he's 21. Think about it, he could play three more years and start entering the peak of his career if the Bulls handle 'em right and keep 'em on the roster. So those were all the good things. I think the negative things, I align myself with Mike Wilbond's take yesterday on Waddle and Sylvie, and that was simply that they traded 'em at the wrong time, Caruso. They didn't get as much for 'em. They probably could've gotten draft pick compensation plus a player like Giddy if they had done it at the deadline. And let me five minutes in, make a baseball analogy, and I think it's a good one. I talk a lot about closers. Closers are much more valuable at the trade deadline than they are in January. Libertores would never have been traded for a Raldis Chapman in January 2016. That only happens when your team has World Series aspirations and you need to overpay a little bit and that's what the Yankees did. Or, I'm sorry, that's what the Cubs did. In trading for Chapman for two months, Cliber's still starting for the Yankees. Same thing here, Caruso was so valuable at the deadline, especially for a team like Oklahoma City, that Bulls could've gotten more, but they didn't, now you go in off-season trade and that's why it's more of a one for one. - Now, the question is whether or not the story is true from CHGO. On whether or not the Bulls said, we're not gonna trade out Caruso because we're trying to make a playoff push. So, if that's the case, then that says a lot about the Bulls. If that story is true, then the Bulls said, "No, we're gonna keep our core intact. "We're not gonna make any wholesale changes," because if we take some players off the roster, then that will decrease our chance again in the playoffs. The point is, though, Jesse, is that you know that you're not one of the top eight teams at that time, at the deadline, you end up not being one of the top eight teams or nine teams in the NBA. As a matter of fact, you had to be in the play-in just to be able to get involved in some kind of post-season. The object should not just be, let's turn the lights on for one night at the United Center and then just say, "Well, that's all she wrote." You can't do that, Jesse, like you either have to be all in or all out. - Yeah, it's very Jerry Rhines-Dorf like to turn it on for one night. - How would you think, I already must be true, because why else wasn't he traded? And then you trade him three months later? - It doesn't make sense, right? - Unless they think they were blown away getting Giddy at his lowest. You know, maybe Oklahoma City doesn't trade Giddy if he has a great playoff, but he didn't. So, I don't know. I think, of course, they wanted to go for it because that's been their mindset the last few years. Let's just get in, let's just get in. - That doesn't mean anything to the Bulls, man. Like, I believe that there's value of Giddy the playoffs, but it's the play in. There's a difference in that. Like, the Bulls didn't have enough to be able to get themselves into the playoffs and do some damage. Not at that position, right? And so, my overall point, though, when it comes to Josh Giddy, this is the first actual trade by the Bulls since August of 2021. I want you to think about this. Think about the sport that you work in, in baseball. And our front office stood pat and said, "No, we like our core." Think about a GM not making a deal since August of 2021. That GM would be fired. - And that's why it's big news. It's big news here because they finally did something, and that's why I'm actually okay with it. Just on that basis, the definition of doing the same thing over and over and getting a bad result is insanity, right? The definition of insanity, I should say, is doing something over and over and over getting in the same bad result. So at least they've tried to break up the pattern here and they did get nine years younger. - Caruso's more of a final piece for a championship contender than any lead dog. Maybe Giddy can be a lead dog. It's a risk versus reward thing, and I think the risk was certainly worth it. But I agree with Wilbonne, it could've came with more if it happened at the deadline. - The reason why that Wilbonne and all of us that watch the NBA say that is because Oklahoma City's that can relate at like 7,000 picks. I want you to just do, just one Google search, Jesse, of how many picks Oklahoma City had. You would be stunned of how much capital they have for the future. That's why if you-- - While having a good current team. - Yes, I mean, which is hard to do by the way, but this is smart on the part of Presti to be able to build as much, as many draft picks as they have. And for the Bulls not to get at least one of them, I just don't understand that. I just don't get that. I also would say this. It makes me wonder about Lanzo Ball's future because I could see a back court of Giddy and Kobe White on this team. What does that mean? I just feel like it's just a lateral move, Jesse. I don't believe that this move is something that you say what, now the Bulls have improved 'cause they have not. It makes me wonder about the future of Lanzo Ball one. But another thing that it makes me wonder about is what's next. Are you retooling or are you rebuilding if you're the Bulls? That's the big question on the table. - I think we get asked a lot of different questions. I'd like people just to rate the trade one to 10, you know? One to 10, 10 being, 10 being, you know, Baseball analogy, Jake Arietta come to town and one is what's one of your bad white sock straights. Pick a, what's a one? - Well, just choose one. - Yeah. - That's not what you mean, but it's what you mean. Just choose one. - Choose any written on Kenny Williams project for sure. So I'm with you, like, and it is an initial step back because Caruso is proven player, defensive player, but sometimes you take one step back to take two or three, four forward of Giddy, could Giddy turn into a star star? - You will not, but go ahead. - Could he? - You will not. - Okay. - Well, maybe you're putting his ceiling a little bit lower than I am just because based on age and what he can do, he's a great passer. You're a great passer. If that's all you're known for, by the way, and it's nice, okay, but you better get something else to your NBA game. - Yeah. - I don't know. I feel like the ceiling is certainly higher with Giddy than Caruso. I think we could admit that. - I think that is fair, based on the age as you just mentioned. And as I said at the Open, I believe that Donovan can make him a better player. I just think there was so many talented players at Oklahoma City that Giddy became expendable. That's why he's a bull right now. Oklahoma City is one of those young, hot teams in the West that will be heard from. They are the rocking your shoe right now. And I think that they're building towards something. That's for sure. - I mean, he's not the Paul DeYounger of the Bulls now. I can't start anywhere else, but he'll start with the White Sox. - Let me ask you a question. - He's not that. - Let me ask you a question. Do you want me to throw you out before the first segment? I'd be glad to throw you out. I could do this myself. If you want me to throw you out, I could do that right now. - I mean, how many times does that thought going through your head sitting next to Cap? I mean, come on, a lot, a lot. - Ah, come on now. I mean, every segment. (laughing) Maybe every other segment. - Every time I come on with you guys. - Every other segment, he wants to throw you out. - I like what you say to me. I'm asking Jesse, Cap. I'm asking Jesse. - Boy, I guess a direct question to you. And he steps in there. If I ask him a question, I ask him a question. I'm asking you. - Jesse, you're right, he's the expert. As the assay expert. Caruso, by the way, also shot 40% from three. So yes, he's a great defensive player. And again, you know what he is? He's a Swiss Army knife. - And he got better offense. - He's a Swiss Army knife. - Yeah, he does. - Like every little thing that you need done, Caruso, if healthy, can get that done for you. So now he's not with the team. Now here's the thing. Now, both fans, you fan how you want a fan, but from my standpoint, as a Bulls fan, I will tell you that now, I respect the Caruso. Many teams want a Caruso because of the little things he does, you know, but the point is those that Caruso on this team is kind of useless. - Yeah, and Waddle said that as the trade went down, like much more valuable to Oklahoma City than to the Bulls. And for the Bulls to recognize that is good. And if, I don't know, 21, he's been in the league a few years, he's got some game. If he turns into something special, it'll be a great trade. And in the moment, it's not as good. And a lot of people panned it that are more, that have more expertise about this than me. - Our tourist, Carus Showvis was asked earlier this year about exactly what he's selling to Bulls fans. - I'm selling competitive group that is competing right now for playoffs. And that's just evidence and, you know, you bring it up the standings. I mean, we're all bunched up in that area in the middle. So that's, you know, that's what I see with this team at this point. Any adjustments will be made in the future, but, you know, this group is really good. - Yeah, at the time, at the deadline, he said this group's very good. And then, of course, he goes on to say after the season was over that he that was not enamored with the group and is gonna be able to make some changes. I mean, what took you so long? August of 2021, finally, you get a deal made. - And there's such a difference, again, the sport that I cover, man, sneaking in, you can win a World Series sneaking in. In the NBA, yeah, once in a blue moon and eight beats a one and wins the championship. But really, come on, sneaking in in the east, yeah, it meant it would be nothing. Yes, it means turning the lights on for Jerry Ryan's door for a couple more nights. But like, your goals should be championship three stars to bring you a champion. Like, that's really what you have to shoot for. We're in a sport like baseball. You can kind of shoot to sneak in, like the Diamondbacks did last year. So I don't even like a competitive group that's trying to get to the play in or whatever he said. - Josh getting just for people tuning in. He's a guy here now, the part of the Chicago Bulls. Not a very good outside shooter. Solid playmaker, though. He's got soft hands. And again, for him to distribute the basketball, that's great, but to whom? Is Zach Levine gonna be on this team? Is Demar DeRozan gonna be on this team for the future? If our, kind of show this, if Art Carney is gonna be there and say, "Oh, we're gonna make some changes." Okay, make your changes. But again, it just shows you that you don't have, don't understand the art of the deal because you have a lot of draft picks that you could have chosen with Oklahoma City and you didn't do that yesterday. And then before that, of course, you could have traded Axkarusso by the time you got to the deadline and had the same result at the end of the season. You could actually win into the play in game loss and would have been the same result with or without Karusso. - And let me give a caveat to what I just said, because a year ago, Miami did go to the finals after winning the play in, right? But, and they beat the Bulls. There is no way you can convince me in any scenario if the Bulls had beaten the Heat, they would have gone to the finals. No chance. - No Miami either. I mean, there is something shown into the fabric of the Heat that allows me to do stuff like that. - Absolutely, no way. So, but my point is it does happen once in a blue moon, but you really need to build championship rosters heading into the playoffs, not sneak in and be out and around with no chance. - So, Charlie, let's open the phone lines this morning. 3-1-2-3-3-2-E-S-P-N, 3-3-2-3-7-7-6 is our phone number. Jesse and I want to find out from you, Bulls fans, hey, grade the trade. Alex Caruso is gone. He's gone to Oklahoma City, and Josh Giddy is now with this team. We laid out for you. - Charlie, it's Giddy for Giddy. - Okay, that's awful. But we're talking to you about Josh Giddy, now being part of this Bulls team, how does it make you feel? And again, do you, I think the other question is, Jesse is like, not only grade the trade, but also what is next for the Bulls? 'Cause to me, that's course going to be breaking up, broken up, and that could be a retool or a rebuild for the Chicago Bulls. We're talking to you about it on the cap and J-hood Morning Show. (upbeat music) - This is cap and J-hood. They beat in the traffic commute, so you don't have to. (upbeat music) (screaming) (screaming) - On ESPN Chicago. - It's a cap and J-hood Morning Show on ESPN 1000, and we are streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. Also, you can watch the show live on YouTube,, look for ESPN Chicago, hit that subscribe button, the same thing is, Twitch, Here's hoping that you're going to have a great Friday and a great weekend here on ESPN 1000. We have Shout-or-No-Shot coming away at eight o'clock. We've been talking to you about Josh Giddy from the Oklahoma City Thunder. Now a Chicago Bull, Alex Caruso is gone. Caruso, the heart and soul of this Bulls team, is now a Oklahoma City Thunder, and we're just getting your reaction to exactly what's next for the Bulls. It's one move, the first move, the first actual trade with bodies since August of 2021. And so, what does this mean for the future for this Bulls team? 'Cause to me, I think the next step is Zach Levine, and we'll talk about it. 3-1-2-3-3-2 ESPN is our phone number. We're also giving away all the wrestling tickets they're going to be at the Wind Trust Arena on Wednesday, July 3rd. And when you hear this song. (upbeat music) It's the AEW Champion Swarf Strickland. This is his theme. (upbeat music) And so when you hear this, make sure that you're the 10th caller at 3-1-2-3-3-2-3-7-7-6 to be able to win tickets for you or for someone. AEW coming to town, Wind Trust Arena on July 3rd. So, Jesse, here we are, man. Josh Giddy now part of this team. And to me, I mean, that's just a stool on the Titanic. That is a Chicago Bulls right now. You remove the stool, all right. And so now what? You still got the moving chairs. - What's next? What's next? Is it a bigger sign of a retool rebuild? What is it exactly? I mean, what are the chances of Levine and Damara both gone before training camp? - That's a good question. - Pretty good. - Yeah. - Pretty good. But not 100% with this team. Who know? You know what I mean? Like they may say, "Oh, we made a change. We're bringing everyone else back, but we made a change. We have Giddy." But boy, this team defensively right now. - Whoo. - It's gonna be a lot of 131, 20 scores. - Yeah, it is. It is. And as I mentioned before, I think that Giddy can improve under Donovan, but again, it's just one move. At 21, he has to be able, he's a really poor outside shooter. He's gotta get in better with that. And I know that there wasn't a lot of shots from also Oklahoma City because if you watch that team, that team has gotten so much better over the last 12 months. And so I would just say that Zach Levine, and I told Cap this, I've done shows with Reggie Theus on SiriusXM on the NBA radio channel. And I asked him, I said, "Reggie, what's it like to be the best player on a bad team?" - It's a great question. - You remember you and I grew up watching, before Michael, it was Reggie Theus. - Yeah. - Oh yeah. - And so all the pop at Circumstance, Rush Street, Reggie's got a blonde on one arm, he's got a brunette on the other, and everybody wants to be him. He's got a mint coat in the summer, and he's walking around. He was the guy, man. Him, Walter, all these guys. But I asked him, and he talked about how difficult it is because all the pressure's on you. No matter how good you are individually, it's about team. And there was never a team built around Reggie to be able to win a championship. He says, "I feel for Zach Levine." 'Cause I've been there. - I mean, you need to be old enough to remember the old Chicago Stadium, where there was nobody in the stands watching Reggie Theus and those Bulls teams. It was empty for a long time, which is inconceivable for anyone that's grown up since, basically, since the Jordan years. I mean, it was empty back in the day. When Jerry Sloan was the coach, I was friendly with Jerry Sloan's daughter, I went to school with her, and they would get me tickets all the time, you know? And it would be empty there, and Theus was the attraction. It's great, but that's a great question. What's it like being the best player in a bad team? - All eyes on you 24/7, and you need to perform every night. - And you get the blame, you get all the blame. - Right. - And so this is what's going on with Zach. Now, Zach can score the ball. We know of a great score that he is, but again, what is the matter being on this Bulls team? The other story is, Jesse, that we talked about earlier is, is that if the story from CHEO is correct, that the Bulls stood in the way of a deal at the deadline, then what is the worth of AK and Eversley? - Yeah. - If you have ownership stepping in saying, no, we need to keep the lights on at the United Center. Wilbond basically said the same thing on why don't Sylvia yesterday that, and that was what was most upsetting to him about this deal, that it could have been a better deal at the deadline, and for some reason they didn't pull one off. - Let's go to the phone lines and talk to you. 312-332-ESP has our phone number, Jonathan and Jesse here on The Captain Jhood Morning Show. Albany Park, here's Seth on Captain Jhood. Seth, good morning. - Good morning, guys. Thanks for taking my call. - Yes, sir. - So I think this is a middling trade at best. It doesn't move the needle at all. And most of all, I'm kind of upset about that the bulls would make a trade for a guy who has character flaws and character issues. Those allegations against Josh Giddy, I know we were panning Mike Clevenger and the White Sox, but he was traded or picked up. And I just think that this is a poor move by the bull to trade a high character guy, high motivation guy like Caruso, the heart and soul of the team, for a guy like Josh Giddy, who doesn't even move the needle in terms of basketball? I'll hang up and listen to you guys in this box. - Well, two thoughts. I mean, I understand what you're saying. Giddy had a moment there of controversy was cleared, right? From what I understand, it was all clear whether you want to buy that or not. The difference is also Clevenger was the middle of an investigation when they signed him. Here, the investigation is in the past. Now, if you still want to say that investigation gives you red flags, you have every right to say that. So I get the negative part. I would say maybe it doesn't move the needle completely, but he's 21. He's 21. It could move the needle in the coming years. Give a guy a chance to grow into his own. It's actually better to get him on his second stop after a few years in the league. You know, a little less expectations with the draft status when you move on to your second place. You have a few years under your belt. You have a new scenario, new coach. It could, he could blossom into the player. Everybody wants him to be. - The NBA had an exhaustive investigation on Josh Giddy. This goes close to the Newport Beach, California Police Department said that there was unable to cooperate any criminal activity in an investigation that Giddy had in a proper relationship with an underage girl. - Yeah, I think the family didn't cooperate or something, I don't know, but at least legally and through the NBA, it's behind him. I just hope that's the only thing that ever pops up. - 3-1-2-3-3-2-3-7-7, 6-0-5-0. We're asking you to grade the trade. Ask Caruso's gone, and Josh Giddy's here. We go to Denver, Colorado, listening on the ESPN Chicago App. Here's Isaac on Cap and Jay Hood. Isaac, good morning. - Hey, good morning, Hoodie. Good morning, Jesse. Love this show and love hearing you guys. - Thank you. - Hey, one special crest, Jay Hood. If, you know, if Jerry Ryan's door decides to make an appearance today, AKA Hoodie's amazing impression, that would be awesome. - Yeah, I shouldn't even laugh if this hurts from him. Since Jerry, that lives over at guaranteed rate, won't do an interview with me. Maybe I can interview the Jerry's sitting next to me. We'll talk about that. - I'll be glad to know. - So, yeah, what I basically feel is just math, and all I've heard a lot of people say, that go the same sentiment, just, I mean, okay, great, they did something finally, but why did they take so long? And like, what is this actually accomplishing? And I know, Jesse, you just kind of brought up, you were talking about the heat of last year, where they snuck in, and then they made that run, and how the bulls wouldn't do that. And that kind of made me think about how people talk about how, oh, if only the cubs, not to talk about the cubs on the home of the white socks, he has been one thousand bucks. How if the cubs have made the post-season last year, like the Diamondbacks, and then no, maybe they could have made it wrong. It's like, why are Chicago, Chicago, the second or third biggest market, sports market, in the US, why are they striving to be like that, when they should strive to be more like the Celtics, or strive to be like the Phillies, like the teams that are consistently in it, and yeah, maybe they don't win every year, but they're making a deep run at least. And why can't the bulls front office or ownership just come out? I mean, clearly the fans are gonna come watch and go to games. So it's not an issue with fan participation, but why can't they just come out and say, hey, we're gonna have some struggling years, we're gonna build this thing right, we're not gonna pay for expensive contracts like Butch, or DeRozin, or the Bean, we're gonna build to the draft, and then when we realize that we're ready to win, we're gonna spend money, like some work, we're not gonna spend money, but we're gonna do it the right way. - Well, I'll tell you why. - And this feels like they're just doing the wrong way. - Well, here's the reason why Isaac is because the ownership across the board in this town takes advantage of our loyalty as fans. The bulls are number one on that list, because they were number one in the tenant to begin this past season, Jesse. Number one in the tenants, the bulls. How could that be? Is Jordan walking through the door, Pippin' walking through the door? How could that be? - So they wouldn't even walk through the door when they did the thing for, what was that? - Just the ring of honor. - Yeah, the ring of honor. They wouldn't even walk through the door. - No, so that's the whole point. You're there for red panda and the bull in the popcorn trick. That's why you go to the games, because it's not about the basketball, because the basketball is substandard. Here's the reason why, Isaac, that a city like Boston is able to flourish. They had their parade today, the Celtics. You know why? Because of patience. That's why, because of patience. The Bruins, the Red Sox, those teams, they find a way to get themselves around the mix or in the mix for the championship. And here in Chicago, we got two damn near last place teams in baseball. We are rebuilding Sky Team, rebuilding Hawks Team. And that's the problem around here, is that they take advantage of our loyalty. It's like, oh, it's Chicago, they'll come. And that's not right. - There's a lot of truth to that. We don't have any sort of modern day aggressive owner that we're seeing these billionaires that have come up, the younger billionaire that has come around and bought teams. We don't have that in Chicago. It's kind of an older billionaire class, I guess. Certainly when it comes to the Bulls, and actually Jerry Reinstorf's two teams, he has taken advantage of it. And the answer to your question about rebuild, well, because the fans will stop coming. Not all of them. Some people like to get in on the ground floor and watch, but some will stop coming if it's just some young team that's gonna lose 60 games. And he doesn't wanna see that. So a little hope keeps the fans interested, but it's really taking advantage of the fans, 'cause it's just a little hope. So that's why it's happening with the Bulls, but he's right about the Cubs and White Sox too. Why aren't they building 100 win teams? Not, let's sneak into playoff kind of teams. The White Sox weren't building towards 100, even in 21-22. They were building towards 90-ish, 95-ish. Now, the Cubs are similar, right now building to the late 80s. No, we're close to upper 90s. So he's right, he is right, and you are right about taking advantage. - AEW tickets, we're gonna give those away this hour. So if you're gonna go to all elite wrestling at the Wind Trust Arena, we get your hookup between 9-8 o'clock. Listen closely, when you hear Swerve Strickland's theme, you are locked in and be caller 10 on the regular line. 3-1-2-3-3-2-3-7-7-6. Both fans, great to trade. Alex Caruso's gone, and Josh Giddy's part of the Chicago Bulls. Also still to come, some powerful words from Reggie Jackson last night in Birmingham, Alabama. We'll get into that and more. Along with Jesse Rogers, J-hood with you, Captain J-hood, weekday morning 7 to 10. - They're sick mate, 1-6 land here, suppression on target. - That's why I see him in my shot. - Shot. - Or no shot with Captain J-hood on ESPN 1000 and ESPN Chicago app. - That's why I see him in my shot. - Good morning and welcome in to the Captain J-hood Morning Show on ESPN 1000. And streaming on the ESPN Chicago app, with Jesse Rogers in for cap on J-hood, now time for Shot on No Shot, is brought to you by ESPN Bet. With more... - Here's Charlie Bevins. - I thought it was Shay. - Here's Charlie Bevins. - What's up Charlie? - Indeed it is, good morning boys. Sign up now with ESPN Bette New Year's just get $100 in bonus bets with any sports book bet. Good morning gentlemen, how are we today? - Good, we're Shay at the Celtics Parade or something. - We'll get to Shay, I have a shot or no shot about him, but that's... - I just have, I have like a issue with people that are fans of, I like the Celtics, I like the Lions, I like the Chargers, I mean, you know what? - You know me, I rant about soccer teams in Europe. - I'm Chicago all the way. You live in Chicago, you be a fan here. - Okay. - Okay. - I wanna hear about the Celtics one more day on this show. - Okay, well he's not, but he's not from here though. - Whatever, he lives here now, this is his home. - Okay, so you gotta just, you roof off your new team. - He's roof for where you live. - Okay, you're not allowed to, here's my rules, you're definitely not, fine, you can roof for where you grew up. You can't root for the Celtics and the Lions, you're not allowed to do that. - Okay, well what about... - He's a Patriots fan. - Yes. - Even better, he's also a Lions fan, isn't he? - No, well, we're tight, there's a, I don't... - Depends, that's a fine. - Is it really Tigers? - Okay, it's a water chest. - Is it really Tigers Celtics, is that what it is? - Yes, yes, are you okay? - That's even worse. - I'm not sure you thought about getting on the bandwagon of the Lions, but what did you do? - But why would you pick the Tigers? That to me is how I know that it's maybe not necessarily just picking and choosing. - Sorry, I interrupted the segment and just, I don't like that. - I understand that, do you have any cash today? - Yeah, I do. - Bring cash, okay. - I do. - That'll be a dollar to Bernie's book, bank that. - For what, offing? - Yeah, Bernie's book, - Got rules around here, man. - They're right in that cup right there, there you go. Thank you very much. Industry professional, Jesse Rogers, just coffee it to the mic. - Really? - I'm like, I'm like, ah, buddy. - He can't do that. All right, don't worry, the cup will still be ready. I'm sure there'll be more fines for you later on to go. - Oh, they're definitely. - So, and by the way, what about Charlie? Charlie's from Oregon. Is it okay for him to root for? - I guess. - Okay, we're all about Scoot Henderson back here. - See? - It's not great. - But Jesse doesn't like that. - I have rules of fandom, I've seen rules. - I understand. - I'm still being Catholic, you do you? - No, you get what I tell you. - Okay. - Jesse's like, you fan how I want you to fan. - That's right. - I have rules. - Here's Charlie Bevins, Charlie. - All right boys, we've been talking about it all morning, but the Bulls made their first big move of the off season. Alice Crusoe for Josh Giddy. It's an obvious step back, and it seems like this was not the most ideal offer that's been out there, but maybe possibly there's some glimmer of a silver lining. Shot or no shot, this at least means the Bulls are starting a rebuild. But that's a shot, at least I would think so. You're not, you're just not gonna stand still and just say, well this is the curse removed that we're gonna make. We're gonna trade the heart soul of the team, Alice Crusoe for Josh Giddy. You gotta be more than that because Carter Shovis said at the end of the season that he was not happy with the roster and that changes would be made. Well, I would think so since you've been in the job, you haven't made an actual move since August of 2021. Of course, there should be a deal that should be made. You're the general manager for God's sakes. You're just sitting there like the Maytag repairman, not doing anything, cobwebs on your ass, not doing anything? - Yeah, I'll play devil's advocate and say no shot. I need to see more before I believe it's a rebuild because of what we've talked about. If you start down that rebuild road, you're not gonna sell off that United Center and I'll believe it when I see it, that Jerry is willing, or Michael is willing to accept a bunch of young players that can't win, don't have a shot at the play in. I need to see at least one more move where he goes young. So I'm gonna say no shot. - The most exciting part of basketball is either the playoffs or the off season and then the regular season is the third. - Yeah, that's a good point. - It's true. - That is actually a great point. - The drama that happens in the off season. This is just, this is a nice little cursory move. - I mean, a podcaster just took over the Lakers head coaching job. - That's exactly what just happened. - I mean, he's really the assisting head coach, but good luck to JJ, right? - It's gonna be interesting. It's just one move and it's a surprise people because people didn't think the Bulls would make a move in NBA circles, but it's happened. All right, Charlie. - All right, let's go actually based off what Jesse just said, we will get a little deeper into JJ Eretik a little bit later, but I am curious, shot or no shot. The Lakers right now are a bigger debacle than the Bulls. - Bigger debacle, no shot, not bigger, but as big. Here's one thing about the Lakers, you gotta know, Jesse. All that glitters is not gold. - Right. - It's a brand name and they're like the Cowboys, the Lakers, they're like a brand name. We think Lakers, what do you think? But you get all the stars in the front row and all the championships, the Magic Johnson, the Showtime Lakers, all that, but they are not run well. They are not run well. And this is a shot at Jeannie Bus, this is a shot at Rob Palenka because you're letting a 40 year old control your whole operation. I mean, that's what's happening here. And that 40 year old is gonna be gone here in two years or less. - So then what are the Lakers without LeBron? - Wait 'til they draft Bronnie. - What are the Lakers with Bronnie? Not much. - Yeah, I was gonna say shot is, I was gonna say no shot, they're not as big a debacle, but the fall will be huge. When it happens, when they're on the other side of LeBron and Anthony Davis, that fall's gonna be huge, but they're not as big a debacle as the Bulls. Nobody is. - I understand our brothers over at ESPN Los Angeles, our brothers and sisters in the ESPN LA, that the Lakers are the number one topic and they were all over it yesterday talking about it. But here's the thing. They're always excited about the Lakers. The next head coach, that's the greatest thing. The next acquisition's the greatest thing. It's not. JJ Redick will be back doing TV in two years or less. - He will. - Yeah, what they finished in the West, what seed were they? Six, seven, right, something like that? - Yeah, I believe they missed the playoffs. - I could be wrong about that. - No, they made the, didn't they get knocked in the first round? - Lakers were seventh. - Yeah, seventh, yeah. Come on. - Well, either way, I mean, they signed JJ to a four-year deal. LeBron's not gonna be there in four years. So, you basically signed him to, there's no way LeBron didn't have that. - Well, that's why I had a lot of the experts in the last 24 hours have been saying, this isn't about JJ Redick, this is about Polinka and the roster. They're not gonna be better than seventh unless he does something to that roster. So, we'll see. But they're not as big a debacle as the Bulls. - I know it was a blink of an eye, Charlie, but they lost four out of five to the Nuggets. - Yeah. - Yeah, tell them what the Lakers. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, that AD yokeage thing usually goes in yokeage's favor, it seems. - Yeah. - All right, boys. Casey Johnson had a very Newsy column yesterday in NBC Sports Chicago. This is even before the giddy trade book broke and probably the biggest nugget there was the revelation that Zach Levine has been floated in 15 different trade scenarios. Shot or no shot, Zach Levine is as good as gone. Shot, shot, yeah. I mean, it's amazing. I know it's been at least a year, but like the moment they signed him, I feel like they've been trying to trade him. Since the moment they signed him, they realized this is not working. So, yes, shot that he's as good as gone. If someone will take him, I mean, you gotta get something for him, but it's mostly a salary dump shot. - That is a shot, Charlie. And the reason why it's a shot is because, look, nobody told the Bulls that you had to lock in Zach Levine unless it was Bulls management. Because if you didn't sign Zach Levine, they're even closer to a rebuild, right? And that's so, they didn't want to do it at the time. They wanted to go with the core of DeRozan and Levine and Vousavitch, and then see what happens. And again, Jesse, it's very obvious. And this is a difference between your sport and the NBA. The NBA, you have to have some kind of core where you have to say, these three guys are gonna be the difference maker up to me for me to get to the championship. And baseball, we saw from the Arizona Diamondbacks, it wasn't random, but it was, here's our plan. We're gonna have a good enough pitching to get there and just have enough hitting and be able to get it done. We're not gonna have fireworks in the sky and have a trillion dollar payroll to get there. The Diamondbacks were able to do it just with the stars that they had. In the NBA, it is about star power. That question. - Absolutely, 100%. The last four bottom seeds of the National League have made the World Series. The last four full years. You can't get that in the NBA. You know, once in a while, you get it. But not, not, not often enough. And certainly won't be the Bulls. - Charlie Bevin. - All right, obviously I'm here for Shay Norling, but the reason Shay is off today, Jesse, you were curious about this. It was so he could play the Elden Ring DLC all night. Elden Ring is, it's a video game, basically. Shot or no shot. Shay is too old to be taking off work for a video game. If you are working at all, you're too old. Shot. I mean, that's the easiest shot of all. Wait a minute, let's put, I gotta take my first time out of the half. What is he doing? - He wanted to play Elden Ring all night. - What is Elden Ring? Sounds like Lord of the Rings or something. - It's, yeah, it's a PC game. - And he used a vacation day to do that? - You got him, you use him, right? - Jay Hood, what am I gonna do? - I mean, is that the sign that you and I need to move on to the farm or something? - There's two Americas. - Oh my God. - I mean, it's just like, I don't remember. You and I never took a day off back in our day to play Pac-Man at the arcade. Did we? - No. - Did we do that? - You know how you should take a day off with Jud Serrat once a year? We take our bicycles, we'd ride along the lake and we'd jump in and have a day of it. - Yes. - 'Cause we couldn't find dates, but at least we did something. We weren't inside with the little video games. - Come on. - At least you jumped into something. - Yes. - At that time, yes, yes. - We did that once a year. We would ride the lake and jump into it. - Elden Ring is a little bit easier to get lost and then Pac-Man for eight hours of a day. - My point is, is that if that's the reason why he's all, I mean, God bless him, it's fine. He's off then, I'm off today. But the point is like for a video game, I don't know, Jay Moore, were you aware of this until now? I did not know this. - No. - Holy smokes. - Actually Charlie told me earlier and I was like, hmm, okay. I mean, you know, it's days, you do what you want. - I know, but it's like all night into the day with this. - When's the last time you played Pac-Man? - Oh God. - You know what, the holiday party. Did you remember that? - Couple years ago. - Couple years ago, the holiday party across from Riggly? - You wanna know the last time I played? 18 hours ago. So we moved recently, listen to this. We moved recently, no internet, no TV. You wanna test your marriage? Go a week without the internet and without TV, which is what, we've had troubles getting in our new place. So for a week, we have not had internet TV, but what we do have is an old school game console that has 60 games in it. Galaga and all the old school games. - Galaga. - Yes. - Is it not Galaga? - Galaga. - Galaga. - It's Galaga. - Galaga. (laughing) - What? Now we've had this for years and the kids have played it, but yesterday, 'cause we were so bored at home, no TV, no internet. My wife and I turned it on and we played Pac-Man. We played Pac-Man yesterday at home. - That's crazy. - But I didn't miss work the next day for it. (laughing) I did not know that that was the reason. - We started at five in the afternoon. We ended at 5.15. We didn't play all night missed work. (gasping) - What's your favorite 80s video game? Light 'em up. - Galaga. - 3-1-2, 3-2-3-7-7-6. Were you a Pac-Man person? - Asteroid. - Were you a Donkey Kong? (laughing) - Tetris. - Were you a Frogger? - So this video game council has 60 old, every game you just mentioned, it has it. It has it. - Were you a pitfall person? A dragon quest, if you will? - Oh, what's your one. - The big thing right now are arcade bars. - Yes. - Those are fun. - Classic. - Get lost in a game of Frogger at those. - Yeah, I have that. We have Frogger. - Frogger, yeah. - We have Asteroids, Tetris, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 2, Miss Pac-Man, Pac-Man units, all at 60 games in this one council. - Dig Dug. - Dig Dug is on. - Love Dig Dug. - Yes. - You name it, it's on there. - I remember. - Those are Burger Time. - Remember Burger Time? - Yes. - Have that as well. - ESPN 1000, hi. (laughing) - Hello. - Galaga. - Galaga. - I called Galaga. - Are you kidding me? - What's your name? - Whoever in their mark. - Hey, Mark. (laughing) - I just called them to push your balls a little bit. Galaga. - Galaga, Jesse. - Who in their right mind has ever called that game Galaga? - I always do get lit up on Twitch, Jesse. - I'm just kidding around. - It's Galaga. No, I mean, he's squeezing one more, Charlie. - Yeah, let's do one more. In previewing the MLB trade deadline, the athletic wrote that Luis Robert comes with concerns for other MLB teams. I'm not sure if you've heard something similar, Jesse, but some of those concerns are his availability and he just really hasn't gotten back to that 2020 form quite yet. - They also, duh. - They also wrote that Chris Getz is likely to overvalue Robert since he is the White Sox best player. Shot or no shot. Reality does not match perception within the White Sox organization about Luis Robert. - No, I mean, no shot, no shot. He's just setting them bar as if he's healthy and talented and looking at the big picture for teams. You have them for more than half a season. No, Chris Getz knows what he's selling, but other teams are gonna look at the availability factor. That's gonna be the disconnect. We can't give you full value for him because he gets injured. So we're gonna give you 75 cents on the dollar to give us a little protection if he gets hurt. But Getz understands that. - You expect him to be gone by the deadline, right? - This is such a difficult call because of what I'm saying here. That there is going to be a disconnect in terms of the trade value. I don't know. - I really don't know on it. - I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say it's less than, I'm gonna say, no, yeah, less than 60. Less than 60. I'm gonna say it's just under 50%. - The fly ball with him just dropping it yesterday, just checked out. Come on, brother, you're better than that. - He's just checked out. - I'm gonna say less than 50%. - What does the scout say? That was in the scout seats yesterday watching that fly ball. What is it? They're gonna run down. - Yeah. - She looks checked out on this team. - Yeah, I guess. I mean, it's fluke-ish, not like it happens often to him. Suzuki's dropped a few of those. - Yes. - Availability is the tough part of this trade value release, Robert. And many times you're testing the waters now for an off-season trade, just like they did with Dylan Sees. They tested the waters a year ago and then made the deal. I don't think he's gonna trade him in July, but I could be wrong. - Yeah, I mean, socks still need just a few more pieces and they'll be right there in the mix 'cause the starting rotations intact. We're ready to go. All those kids, they had out there and out those quality starts. - Jonathan Cannon, man. - Yeah. - Jonathan Cannon. - That's a guy, it's a dude. - True Thorpe, Jonathan Cannon, Garrett Crochet. - That betty. - Betty? - Pet so many in October next year. - That's not too bad. - They go from Detroit in the wild card round. Could we trade Fettie and then sign him back in the off-season? - Fettie, I like the whole trade and then sign him back. People love that. - Oh, and especially when you're grasping at straws and don't know who you're starting. You know, you're number one guy is. - The Yankees did it once and now everybody thinks it's gonna happen all the time. - That's the worst. - That Cubs did it with Jason Hamill. - They did do it with Jason Hamill. - You're right about that. We go around the NFL. We'll hear from Darnell Mayberry, by the way, from the athletic and get his thoughts about the Bulls making this deal in which Josh Giddy comes to the Bulls and acts crucial to Oklahoma City. We'll talk to Darnell coming up at 835. But around the NFL's next, Jonathan Jesse on Captain J. Hood. - Welcome back to Captain J. Hood. You're officially locked in. ♪ I know it's up in the sky ♪ - And Chicago's home for sports. ESPN, Chicago. - Michael sucks. He sucks. I'm just a fan and I'm not a football evaluator. I love the Green Bay Packers. The guy is front, but there we go. - This is not Detroit, man. This is the Super Bowl. - I will win it. He starts to come and he'll win. - This is a really thickly built guy. - I mean, what's the answer? You're looking for all these things here. - It's time to go around the NFL, right here on Captain J. Hood. Jesse's in for cap. Here on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. I'd remind you we will have the Friday folder coming away at 935. Stuff we couldn't get to. - And definitely the Wheel of Topics. We have Lenny for Jesse. Jesse would usually be on at 830, but as a guest, but since he's co-hosting, we still have baseball stuff for him. It's coming up at 918. - Looking forward to it. - Around the NFL, here's Charlie Bevins. - All right, let's start with one quick news item. Patriots extend running back. Ramon Jere, Stevenson. The only reason I think that's significant is, I think we're past the days of very dramatic running back holdouts. Remember like the Levion Bell won. I remember the Jonathan Taylor won. These guys, they're maybe not getting paid, paid the way, at least percentage of the cap or the way they used to, but the running back market has sort of seemed to settle in its own place and now these guys are at least getting to second contract without having to go to free agency. - So you think about the running back position, Charlie. Four years, 36 million. I think that that is a 17 million guaranteed. That's the key number is 17 million guaranteed. This is where we are with the running back situation. Jesse, where you used to pay through the nose for him. Football was about running the football and defense and having a quarterback that's good enough to be able to get the ball to the running back. And now the running back is almost not expendable, but it's one that you don't pay a lot for anymore. And that's a good number for Stevenson. - So here's a really naive question. 'Cause I haven't followed this storyline as much. I know that the running back position kind of bottomed out in terms of what you're talking about, Charlie, in J-hood, the salaries. - Yeah, but running backs and the union, I think made a stink about this, right? I mean, guys held out, whatever. So it has, have they benefited from it, Charlie? Is this a, is this deal the result of all the... - Yeah, so like Nick Chubb got his deal. Jonathan Taylor got his deal. Like, again, these guys are getting paid. It's just not what it was 15 years ago. - But at least they're getting second contracts. - Yeah, they're entering. They're entering, how about this? They're entering the last year of their contracts with much more security because they know they have that second deal coming. Instead of, all right, now we gotta play the franchise tag game, now we gotta hold out, now we gotta do this and that. - Okay, kind of shout out to the Patriots because as they try to rebuild this thing, Post Belichick, they're re-signing their own guys. They got their tight end Henry, they got born the wide receiver. Again, these are decent deals for them. So they're re-signing and retaining their own talent this offseason. Kind of, not a re-tooling, not a rebuild, but kind of a re-tool, would you say? Charlie, that's where they're going with the Patriots. - Yeah, well, the rebuild probably started, probably last year really, 'cause you think of all the guys on offense that they just didn't have. I mean, they've never had, that's the thing. They never had top tier skill players. That was just, you have Tom Brady, you can make your way without it. But, you know, the cupboard is bare. That's why I was always a little worried about Drake May, but like, yeah, I think this is definitely, this is gonna be a multi-year project for that. - All right, what else do we have? - Sports Illustrated listed 10 potential first time pro bowlers heading into this season. Not on this list was a single bear, including DJ Moore, who actually has not made a pro bowl. I would think he'd be near the top of the list of guys who could make a first time pro bowl. - Okay, when we take a look at this bear's roster, okay, the ones that can make the pro bowl this year, how many on the defensive side of the football? First. - I think Sweat made it last year. - That's one, anybody for the secondary, because that's the strength of the team. - What we're talking about first time, is that the list? - We're just doing first time pro bowl. - Stevenson? - Could Stevenson be in the pro bowl? - I think Stevenson's an interesting one. I think Tyler Gordon would be an interesting one. I mean, the only thing with DJ Moore might be the whole, they all split the, you know, numbers. You know what I mean? - Offensively, yeah. - The wide receivers all, you know, our 800 yard guys or something like that. - Do you have the short list of those that-- - And what about Caleb? No chance? - What about him? - No chance at the pro bowl? - I think. But they had to be extra special for that to happen. - How many record quarterbacks make it? - Not many. - I don't know, Carm. - Well, I mean, it's so weird, because so many of these guys end up sitting out. And so, I mean, like, Trubisky made one in 2018 when he was not even the third best quarterback in his division. - Right. That's a little different. Like, chosen though, not selected fifth, because four guys sat out. You know what I mean? - But yeah, like Montes what was there? Jalen Johnson was there. So they have guys who have made it, but like, I think you could put Jaquan Brisker. Like, they have a lot of guys in that secondary who, if they have said it this year, and, you know, it's very likely the Bears are the story of this season. And that could be for defense. It could be for, hopefully it's for offense, but you would think that if they're that kind of force, as far as the NFL conversation goes, with all those eyeballs and because it is fan voting, so much of it is fan voting, they'll have more guys getting there. And like, Keenan Allen's made a Pro Bowl before, he's the type of guy to me who would not want to go, 'cause he's just been there before, he's been around for so long. DJ Morf, it's his first time, he's probably going. I would say that, again, who knows, with Caleb Williams, because there's so much talent on the surface, on the offensive side, because you still gotta give Roma Dunes a his, and you gotta get Keenan Allen his, and you gotta get DeAndre Swift his right in the football. - Is it impossible for one of the offensive linemen? - It could be, but hopefully that's Kevin Jenkins, to help you, Kevin Jenkins. You know, don't forget the tight ends and cold command. - The guy in the right, what about the right tech? - Darnell, right. - Yeah, Darnell, right. We will see. - If someone's gonna make the Pro Bowl for the first time. - Yes. - Or this bear seems not gonna be as good as we thought. - There are several choices, but I think that might be heavy on the defensive side of the football. - Maybe. - So we'll see. Charlie? - All right, Kelly Stafford, the wife of Matthew Stafford, was on a podcast, and she made a very interesting revelation about her time at Georgia. - Wait, so was he trying to casually date, and you were all in? - Oh yeah, girl! Anyways, long story short, wasn't that cute of a relationship at first, I hated him, I loved him, I dated the backup to piss him off. - Oh, yes. - He was like, that'll do it. - He was the bad boy too, like Matthew is so sweet and Southern gentleman and also, and the backup was the complete opposite. - Yeah, yep. - Ooh, and it upset him. So they lived in the same dorm, 'cause athletes lived in the same dorm, and he would see my car there. And so at one point, he waited and followed me out and got in my car, and wouldn't get out. - No. - And he was like-- - You're like, this is so hot. I'm like, this is amazing working. - Yeah, I always get out of my car and he was like, I don't, he's not right for you. And I was like, who do you want? You can't tell me that. - From the Off the Vine podcast. - I almost want to put this in like deal breakers or something. This is like, this is such a bizarre story, and this is not the first time like, Matthew Stafford's personal life has ended up in the crosshairs of social media discourse. - It's not that big of a deal, Charlie. I mean, it's just college. It's just a big deal, big deal. She's just telling a funny stupid story. What ends, all ends, you know, it ended well. - I just wouldn't want my laundry airing out like that. - I mean, it's the beginning of the relationship 10 years ago or whatever it is. I think it's nothing, it's a nothing burger. - It's a nothing burger to you, but what if it happens to one, Jesse Rogers? - Jesse believes in love. - It's the retelling of the beginning of their relationship. If the relationship ended poorly, that would not be as acute a story. - I don't know, it's not that big of a deal. - They did the backup just to make Matthew Stafford jealous. - Like she's the first person to do that? Man or woman, to make the other person jealous? - You would like to think that the woman that you're gonna be with the rest of your life is a little pure. You would hope you wouldn't have this if I never did that. - Yes, you wanna think that even though it ain't true. - How you know, did you ask yours or mine? - You would do it, I hope he's not asking yours. - I think it's a cute story to be honest, nothing more than that. - Just interesting, but from Charlie's standpoint, those things have to be kept in house. He doesn't want his dirty laundry out there because now, people are chanting that your wife is, you know. - Exactly, like think about when the Rams play, I don't know, like Green Bay or New England or something. They're gonna find out this backup quarterback's name. They're gonna be chanting that backup quarterback's name. And if they don't, it's a missed opportunity by that fan base. - And if I'm Matthew Stafford, I applaud it. I mean, this is not life and death, folks. I applaud, that would be a creative chant. - Uh-huh. - Tyson, Beijing, oh my God. - Did we figure out who it is yet? - No. He's the backup. Tyson, Beijing. - And I'd be like, "Tyson, thank you." She's my wife now and we've got millions. - Yeah, but Tyson had her foes. - You don't want Tyson. - Whatever. - Hit it first. - Oh my God. (laughing) - I'm guessing Matthew doesn't care. - Oh, that's good stuff. - And if he would, if he really cared, she wouldn't have said it. - The backup quarterback. All right, that is-- - It's a classic move. They get the backup to get the starter jealous. - Sure. And as I look around the NFL right here on the cap and Jhood coming up, more into the story of Alex Caruso, no longer part of the Chicago Bulls. Caruso goes to the Thunder and the Bulls are getting out, getting Josh Giddy. So what are the Bulls getting in Giddy? Find out next on cap and Jhood. [BLANK_AUDIO]