The Duran Podcast

Media hype around Kamala. Media memory hole Trump bullet

Media hype around Kamala. Media memory hole Trump bullet

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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All right, Alexander, let's talk about what is going on in the US and in the US elections. It is Trump facing off against Kamala Harris, and JD Vance is being attacked. The media is going very hard after JD Vance. Kamala Harris, the media is really building her up, so they're going after Vance. They're really building up Kamala Harris. Trump and the assassination, what assassination attempt, that's been forgotten, and every time people talk about the assassination attempt, or at least the collective West media decides to bring up the assassination attempt, it's in reference to the FBI's, Christopher Ray, Christopher Ray's assessment of the FBI who says, "Well, bullet, yes, but maybe not a bullet, maybe metal fragments," even though the FBI put out a statement and they said it was definitely a bullet, but maybe not a whole bullet, maybe it was bullet fragments anyway. They're trying to really downplay the great, the assassination attempt. Trump is going to go back to Butler, which is a smart move, go back to Butler and give a speech and try to get a focus back on the fact that they tried to take him out. That's what's going on in the US. Once again, it looks like the media, the big media outlets, the big social media companies, the FBI. It looks like they are rallying around Kamala Harris, a person that, to be fair and honest, no one really wanted, to be honest about it, no one really wanted her in any type of running for the president, but here we are. Democracy's on the ballot is what they tell us. Of course, interesting. Creative events. I think it's summed up the situation very well. Let's just, first of all, talk about the assassination attempt. As you correctly say, it's been memory hold. What the assassination attempt, in any other election cycle would be the dominant story, not just the assassination attempt, but Trump's response to it. That would be the thing that even today, even after all these events, Biden standing down, Kamala going up, would still be the dominant story. That picture of him standing up and saying fight and all that, with the flag flying in the background. Of course, there's been completely memory hold. We don't want to talk about it. We have this absolute complete red herring of a story that's been circulated, but none other than Christopher Ray himself. We don't know. There was a bullet. It minded me. Shrapnel. Can I say, first of all, it was a bullet. The FBI says it was a bullet. The FBI not have gone against their own director and have said it was a bullet. The medical people say it was a bullet. There's no doubt that it was a bullet. This is a total red herring because even if it was shrapnel, what difference does it make? The fact was he was shot at and he was wounded and he did act with incredible courage in the face of all of that. That's the big story of this, but anyway, try and create, dance, make it seem in some ways that there isn't something quite real about it. That's the operation that's actually going on, even though, as I said, this is a red herring and it is completely relevant and, anyway, the point is we don't want to talk about that. Now, a few things to say. Firstly, the media, the Democratic Party, all of them are uniting behind Kamala Harris. They're also publishing opinion polls, which shows a certain bump upwards in her support and they're going off to JD fans. Now, there's a number of points I want to make. Firstly, what would expect that in a situation like this, there would be a bump upwards in the announcement of a new candidate. The nearly always is. There's always a period of time when people look at a new candidate, they're prepared. He gives the doubt. They think about her. Usually, these things are very transitory. They don't last very long. But what makes this whole situation so extraordinary is that ultimately, it is so artificial and so carefully sort of operated. Firstly, the attacks on vans, they're not about things he said recently, they're not about the major issues that you would assume most Americans are really interested in. Not about foreign policy or economic policy or about all of the things that he was talking about. They're basically breaking up old things that he said from some years back and it's increasingly clear to me that the major talking point of the Democrats going forward in the election is not going to be economics, it's not going to be foreign policy, it's not going to be security issue. It's that recent decision, the Supreme Court to end Roe and Wade, it's going to be an attempt to consolidate the support of women behind Kamala Harris around that particular issue. It's going to be the other various social issues that we know about. This is a purer version of that issue as an election issue than we've ever seen before because it doesn't seem to me as if the Democrats are planning really to campaign on anything else. Secondly, there's a huge amount of not just memory holding the assassination attempt. Memory holding the whole issue of the border attempts to deny that Kamala Harris ever had responsibility for it even though we all remember it, all that three plus years of her being the person in charge of the border were told that never happened basically and again there's an attempt to avoid talking about that. Then lastly, and I think one of the most interesting things is there's been this article by Seymour Hirsch again but he's not actually telling us something that we hadn't heard from others because Seymour Hirsch and other people are saying that basically Biden was forced to stand down because Barack Obama told him that Kamala Harris had fixed things up so that if he didn't stand down as a candidate, they would move forward to remove him under the 25th Amendment. Now, that tells me a number of things. Firstly that Biden's position had become extremely weak because the idea of the Democrats removing their own president using the 25th Amendment in any election year ought to have been an absurd one and if Biden had been in a strong position, if Obama had come along to him and told him something like that, he just told him to get lost. Maybe not as young as I was but you can't talk to me like that. I'm the president, if you want to try the 25th Amendment, just you dare and I will fight you every inch of the way and that should have been the end of the plot. If Biden wasn't able to do that, that just shows how collapsed the situation within the administration actually was but that's a historic point. More importantly, it shows that Obama and Harris were working together, hand in glove so that this narrative that we've heard over the last couple of days arising from the fact that Obama delayed endorsing him, that looks to me now, confected, it seems to me much more likely that our original supposition that Kamala Obama's candidate was right all along and in fact all that we're seeing is Obama again acting in his usual way, covering his tracks, he arranges the deposition of Biden, he works closely with Kamala Harris who is obviously his political ally to do it. The moment it's done though, he distanced himself from Kamala Harris, so he goes backwards, he sort of takes a big step back, so if Kamala Harris fails in the election, well Obama, it's not Obama's fault, he wasn't backing on her in the first place and at the same time in the meantime, the impression is created that in fact Kamala Harris isn't really Obama's tool, she's really an independent, dynamic, interesting, fascinating figure in her own gown, who makes her own decisions and that she's in no sense being run by Obama himself. It's classic Obama, it is exactly the way he likes to work and the fact that that is so, again, shows again how artificial this award is, the memory holding of the assassination attempts of Kamala's background as the person responsible for the border, the emphasis, the narrow emphasis on the social issues, we have to be careful what we say and on the Supreme Court, notice that they're talking now a lot about reforming the Supreme Court, which is a bellwistle signal, it's all about one case and the memory holding of the assassination attempt on Trump, the attempt to try to pretend that there wasn't something quite real about that, even though, as I said, we saw it all ourselves and lastly, the attacks on JD Vance, which bring up events through his past but which he then again play into the one issue that the Democrats look like they really want to run the election on. So there it is, now the problem with very artificial and very controlled campaigns of the kind that we're just seeing is that they can completely fall apart when they collide with real life and given the kinds of background that Kamala has, I would have thought that is a distinct possibility and it is entirely plausible that at some point over the next few weeks, we'll see the Kamala bubble burst. Well, they're hoping that they can make it for three months, four months, that's what they're betting on, that reality is not going to strike until November, December, let it happen in December, in January, let us just get Kamala passed to the November 20, 24, a mark and they're going to do everything they can to get her past that storyline and they're pouring a lot of money into the campaign, 170,000 volunteers, 200 million raised in one week, they're investing everything they've got into building up this narrative of Kamala Harris was the president. We always wanted actually, that was the person we wanted to go with from the very beginning. That's the person that should be president, forget Joe Biden, they're actually memory holding Joe Biden, it's not only a Trump assassination attempt that they're memory holding, but they're distancing Kamala Harris from Joe Biden, their memory holding Joe Biden. A couple of weeks ago, he was doing an interview every day. Now he's effectively disappeared and many people are even questioning his, his height too, which is interesting, that's a whole other conspiracy, very rabbit hole that we probably shouldn't get into, but that's the plan. Run on identity politics, memory hold Biden, distance yourself from the Biden presidency and from the debacle that we saw play out over the past month and present this shiny, brand new Kamala Harris that you may have not known it, American voter, but this is the person that you've always wanted to become president. You may have not realized it, but we're telling you she's the one. And what does Trump need to do? My thought is that Trump needs to make sure that Kamala and Biden are not separated. They're not distanced. He needs to make sure his campaign needs to make sure that, that they are connected. Yes. That they are stuck together. That's what they need to do and, and that, and they should run on policy. They should not get sucked into identity politics debate because they will lose that. Absolutely. I agree. I completely agree. They mustn't, under any circumstances, get drawn into that. They must focus on, you know, the real bread and butter issues that concern Americans, the state of the economy, the inflation situation, the prices, the fact that the cost of living has gone up under the Democrats and pointing out that Kamala is, of course, a member, still a member of the Biden administration, which he is, by the way, and keep focused, laser focused on that and go on and focus on their own prospects, their own future for American. And, of course, if Kamala wants to bring up things that, J.D. Vance was saying, you know, three years ago, well, there's plenty of things you can find that you can bring up about what, you know, things that Kamala said. You want to play that game too. They can do that to some extent or so. Not that I like that kind of politics, but sometimes, you know, that's, that's the nature of politics and it's increasingly the nature of politics in America. The greatest problem that Trump and Vance are going to have is not in their message, it's in getting it across. The medium, the media is so hostile to them, it's so keen to sort of block them out to the extent that it can do. I was, you know, the social media continues to be so problematic that this is why, you know, they need to continue to campaign in the way that they have done and in the way that Trump has historically done, going from place to place, running the campaign in this very personal way that they've done up to now because they can't run the campaign in the way that election campaigns have been run in America for some years up to 20, up to, you know, the way in which Trump started to do it in 2015, 2016. That's why, you know, going back to places like Bartolo, continuing this process of going into, you know, for outdoor rallies, that seems to me, that seems to me essential. I mean, if they continue to do that, they continue to build up support or just work towards doing that. If on the contrary, they try to run an old-fashioned style election campaign, then, I mean, there will be a massive disadvantage, not because their views may not be attractive to many people, but because they simply won't get through. Yeah, they're going up against the media, big tech, but this is something they went up against in 2020, and they went up against it in 2016. So you had two different results, 2016 and 2020, but, you know, we go back to Trump's first term in office where he just didn't handle the media, big tech problem. No. He refused to handle it, and it continues to haunt him, to do it every day. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Any final thoughts, yeah? Yeah. I mean, the other thing is I wouldn't take the opinion polls too seriously. I mean, both in 2016 and in 2020, the opinion polls showed Trump losing by huge majorities. I remember in 2020, we were talking about an opinion poll that was published roughly at this time in the election cycle, which put Biden 20% ahead. I mean, one shouldn't be too worried about that. I don't think these opinion polls bear much relationship to the realities of movements in the United States amongst, you know, how people think and feel and may indeed vote. But they've got to keep about going because we talked about the media seeking to memory hold the assassination attempt, memory hold by himself. Memory holders are the borders are exactly the border issues. The borders are all of that. I mean, the danger, the big danger Trump and Vance have is that the media will memory hold them. You know, that Trump and Vance will be reduced to sort of cartoon figures based on, you know, sort of claims that the media is making about them and that the actual Trump and Vance campaign, the real campaign will simply disappear because it won't be covered. So they've got to continue as we just discussed campaigning in a way that really goes beyond traditional media and social media and things of that kind. So that that's that that is that challenge now is going to be very exhausting and very tough. But that's what they've got to do. All right, we will end the video there. The Duran dot We are on Rumble Odyssey, Bitchewed Telegram, RockFit, and Twitter X and go to the Duran shop. Pick up some limited edition merch. The link is in the description box down below. Take care. (upbeat music)