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TLE 181 - The Attempt

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17 Jul 2024
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On this episode, we discuss failed attempts and the mainstreaming of MAGA. Get ready for gay.

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Recorded LIVE every Wednesday! (7/17/2024)

Featuring, the "The Golden Throat", Car Campit:

And the "Number One PTO User of the Year", Aaron:

And as always, the wise and Dionysian Birdarchist:

And of course, the team's erudite investigator Paz:

Follow the show on Twitter:

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[music] Sometimes you might feel trapped between the right hand and the left. That's correct, you are. Because you're living a lie. [music] [music] [music] They're very vocal about wanting to die. That's why I'm on my headset. I think cats can handle that kind of stuff, man. Yeah, maybe. They like it. They don't even sweat. They're strange creatures. The younger cat, he'll die. He'll run immediately into the street and just lay down in traffic. Are you that awful to live with Aaron? [laughter] He's just like me. Yeah. It doesn't seem weather related either. No, no. 100% intelligence related. [laughter] So this has been a boring week, right? It's pretty boring. It's pretty awful, man. Nothing. Nothing ever happens. Nothing has happened. Yeah. It's crazy. We should end it there, dude. We should end it. Okay. You already did that bit once. I know. If you want to hear what actually happened, join us on Limp. [laughter] Yeah, right. No, I think that would be illegal for us to say. Special premium episode. Double extra premium. Eight dollars and forty cents. I'm looking at a lot of stuff in front of me and, um, like, what do you want? I mean, what do you want to go through? Do there's a chronology? We can go by chronology. What happened first? Are you talking about my incident with an extension ladder? Yes, we are. Yep. Did that happen before the, the UN summit? The day before, yeah. Okay. Let's hear what happened with you. Yeah. Is this news? Do I have to hit the button? No. No. This is news. Okay. Um. Is this a silver lining? It's, you know what? It might be a silver lining. I am just starting to replenish my comm reserve. [laughter] What? It's a key to life, man. You just have to be less incompetent than your neighbor. You can light a little fire, but you can't light the biggest fire. The biggest fire. [applause] I'm so, I'm sorry I kept getting arrested, but I've never hit that bumper before. Holy shit. What to beat, man, to go back and hear that bumper for the first time. I just have a life changing experience. I'm glad I could impart some wisdom. It's both damn tired. Yeah, it's true. That microphone's holy shit. [laughter] Yeah. That's, it's a deep reach back. Aaron, tell us about your troubles putting an extension ladder up on top of a glass research facility in Pennsylvania. So, most people have stories about them falling off an extension ladder. Would you agree with that? Yeah, I would say so. They're usually pretty, they usually get pretty myself. Including myself. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody's done it. I've fallen off ladders a couple of times. I've fallen down ladders on the ship. Yeah, it's, it's not a good experience, but have you ever fallen onto a ladder? I can't say I have. So essentially I, I bought a, I bought a ladder from Home Depot, a 36 foot extension ladder, fiberglass. It weighs nothing, but when you have a completely torn labrum it weighs something. So I'm carrying this along the backside of a very long building. I end up rolling my ankle and falling onto the ladder and getting a pretty good scrape of pretty good brews on my knee. Nice. And that's, oh, this is like really, your, your Jobian quest has begun, huh? Yeah. So like I'm yelling and screaming and cursing. There's nobody around, thankfully. And then I have to negotiate this. Oh, did I tell you that this ladder is fully extended? It is stuck in the fully extended position. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. It is staying hard. I gave that ladder some blue chew and it did not stop. Actually it just got dumped by the wind. Thankfully, I wasn't on top of the roof at the time because that would have made an even better story. It might not have even made it onto the show. Yeah. I might, I'd very well be like fried up on the roof. Yeah. But I set the ladder up and then went to go do something and came back and the ladder was dumped and stuck in the up position. And then. So what does it actually look like to have fallen on a ladder? You cut, did you catch one of the rungs? Like what do you mean? Like I was carrying it in the long position halfway, like I grabbed it with one arm halfway in the long, in the, in the, uh, what do you call it, the vertical position? The vertical position. With my hand. Okay. And I'm walking along a pathway of a building that unfortunately I maintain, but I don't, I haven't been very diligent in maintaining that pathway. So there's some divots, there's some potholes, there's some, uh, oh, okay, and, and my incompetence got me. I, I contributed to the competency crisis. Crisis. Yep. Wow. My ankle fell onto the ladder. And then on top of that, after I was done, I got up, brushed myself off, said that's going to be a pretty good bruise. I had to negotiate around the corner of this building and around the corner of this building is a hill that goes right up to the foundation with trees and brush and all kinds of shit. So imagine a 35 foot high ladder trying to get that upright and then negotiating around tree branches, right, to make that corner. Right. Well, at least you didn't fall around the corner where the rape clown lives. No, no, that's the other building. Yeah. He's on the payroll. It can always be worse. Yeah. He needs a performer's purview because we haven't tracked shit. That's true. Yeah. You know, they weren't giving us grief about that pause. What's your ladder disaster story? Well, I was going to talk about the time that I did that and fell onto a ladder, but, uh, I decided I needed to go one further. So I've talked about before how I have a little bit of a background in concrete work. It's the trade of my old man and my youngest brother and I do that during the summers in high school. And I must have been 17 because it was right before the start of my senior year. And when I say wall forms, do you guys know what a wall form is? Yeah. When you're framing out a wall with the, uh, yeah. So it's this, uh, it's this nine foot tall, um, I'm going to call it a board, but they're basically sheets of layered wood with metal bands across them. Uh, the nine foot tall ones weigh somewhere, anywhere between like 80 and 110 pounds, though it varies depending on just how tall they are, you know, how much mass they have. And they come in these steel racks tend to a side, sometimes more depending on the size of them. And I had an entire stack fall out of a rack on me. Nice. And, uh, so I was still in foot, still in football at the time. I was at my peak physical fitness. I squatted down, I threw my hands up and I must have caught the first four or five in an overhead press position before the rest of them came down and just fucking flatten me. Uh, this episode could have one host. That's true. The good news is I refuse to die. That's fair. That's going to be useful when they start targeting you. When they start gang stalking you, if they haven't, it just, it just goes to show the strength of a Norwegian skull. Yeah. That's true. Concrete. Yeah. I have that, that Girthy Scandinavian bone mass only in my head as well. The math ridge protected me as they collapsed on the back of my head that, that exact 90 degree angle. Yep. I have a thin layer of olive oil that cushions any fall. You still have the baby soft spot. I've chosen not to get rid of it. The baby soft spot that you're not allowed to touch. Yeah. Are you? Despite how much you might want to pour babies with their dented heads. All right, let's do some news. Oh, yeah. Fight, fight, fight. Let's hear it. We're alive. We're back. A lot of content delivered, a lot of content to deliver. Thank you for joining me on TLE Nation, Aaron Paz, my two beloved co-hosts listeners. We've got a lot of news to go through here. A lot of things happen this week. And you know, we were talking in the chat that we weren't going to cover the attempt. We're going to call it the attempt. The failure, we should call it because everybody's covering it. The almost happening and we could we can cover that if you guys would like, but there are other things to cover first. And I didn't want to bore everybody and take up everybody's time talking about various New York Post stories about how different Hicks and black women from different places did dangerous things and gas stations and on trains, we'll cover that at a different time and instead we will talk about both the president and the next president. We'll start off with Biden first. I just need to run through a number of clips. There was a Michigan event and a UN, it was a NATO summit. That's right. And in both events, our current president, oh, we got to get a coin flip in. We got to get a coin flip in. Yeah, I need to know how I'm approaching this. Okay. Well, should I pull a coin then or does one of you have one? I have no coins. I have the coin that I used last time. I have one in my hand right now as I am always prepared and have piles of loose change on my desk. You know what? I'll go get a coin. At least there's a third. Pause you. Flip once. Okay. And then Aaron, you'll flip next. Tails. Tails. Oh, no need for the coin. We are. We're riding today. That's crazy. There's a certain level where we cannot shit on Donald Trump. Oh, no. Yeah. Without being investigated. We should have fixed that. Hold on. Can we just do that again? Some of you will say heads. Oh, I use the real coin. Okay. Let's go. It's weighted. I'll edit this out. Pause. Flip that coin. No matter what it says. Say heads and Aaron do the same thing. Let's roll it back. Heads. Heads. Nice. Actually, my coin rolled away to somewhere I can't see, but it's heads. Good. Great. I'm not chasing it because you know why? Because I'm not going to go to shows and people. I know why. I got it. That's good. Is that another footnote I need to make before five minutes of the episode has started? Yep. Okay. So here's an interesting thing, a piece of news. This is not going to translate very well to an audio only medium. So you'll have to just trust me. What I am the expert on this field, fellas, baby head Joe is alive. Yes. Whoa. I've seen him. We thought baby head Joe died in that recent incident where whatever his name is. What is this guy's name? Joe Biden. I'm almost done with him. Tripped down the plane or whatever. Joe Biden got into a medical incident last week and we covered it and he was taken to Camp David or something like that and he was treated for something that wasn't a problem. They said it wasn't an issue. He's totally fine. Actually, I believe they said that the reports were wrong that he wasn't brought to Camp David in the first place and that that was a misreporting. We took that. I took that as a clear sign that something went wrong with baby head because we had established on the episode on the patreon of into the cave where me and Haas went through the theory we established that the different teams that manage different Joe's don't know about one another. They all think that they are the only group managing the only Joe and there's like one liaison who coordinates between them. It's called compartmentalization. Okay. Thank you. I didn't even know what the term was. They are compartmentalized and don't know about one another and we thought that one report about him going to Camp David while another area was disavowing that these reports were true. You know, it becomes very clear that the different teams don't know about one another and that that was evident in that. So I said, who could it possibly have been? Which Joe could it possibly have been who had a major medical incident and had to go to Camp David? Obviously, baby head. I assumed baby head died because days before they put him into the debate and we were perplexed as to why they did that he looked like he was dying and I thought that baby head had died. But it turns out that baby head is alive and he was at the NATO summit and it was weird because both Chinese Joe and baby head and I had this confirmed through Haas were at the NATO summit and made speeches. They are getting bold fellas. They are having the same guy. Two guys run the same event. It's bold. So this doesn't translate to a medium, but I decided I would collect the gaffes of the week for Joe as we collect the final gaffes here. And this was, again, doesn't go to South Korea, we're going to get to Chippupa. What are you doing? I'm going to get Japan and Korea going to go to. So apparently he saw a ghost. I don't know if you can hear it, but there's a clear moment where he loses consciousness for a second. I'm going to go to South Korea. We're going to get to Chippupa. What are you doing? I'm going to get Japan and Korea. What is going on there? What are you doing? He says, doesn't look like he's reading from a teleprompter. It looks like he saw an ultra-derestral entity in the near distance. That was the first gaff. Yeah, baby head is alive and he's hallucinating. I like it. And it checks out. What do we even do with this? We just keep, you just take notes. Pause. Honestly, you just take notes. Good grief. Yeah, there were some other climate summits. I don't know if you guys heard this. We were going to get to. Not that. We just did that. I don't know if you guys heard this one. Hi. I'm asking every American to recommit, to make America so make America what do you think about it? Almost. Almost. Almost. Yeah. Almost. This was the day after the attempt happened, just one day after the attempt. There was also a couple of other amazing things that happened. Guys, by the way, this was one week ago. I don't know if you remember this. This was one week ago. That's how fast the timeline is moving now. Ladies and gentlemen, and now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. President Putin. President Putin. That was so good. That was so good. If I may get unhinged for a moment, I think the thing that didn't happen and we won't talk about didn't happen and we won't talk about it because that happened. Where's way as we can talk about it? Here's the other thing that happened. I don't even know where this happened. He did a lot of events this week, or they did a lot of events this week, I should say. Like you had just mentioned there and this happened. I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President, but I think she's not qualified to be president. That's an all-time word, dude. That guy is melting, dude. What if he's melted? Yeah, what if he's not going through the stages of dementia and what if he's just hammered all the time? Yeah, well, good point, dude. The drunk Joe theory. Yeah. Yeah. What if he's just hitting the sauce? The luscious, the luscious that ever wined. Yeah. Do you think he has a flask? I think it sure actually could be, actually. I mean, everybody has grandparents that are like, you wonder if they're like just drunk or if they're like entering Alzheimer's? So I'm inclined to entertain the theory, but don't you think they just have them hopped up on all kinds of shit, on all kinds of drugs? Yeah, but like you could drink a vodka Red Bull and have a good amount of pep in your step and still not be able to complete a sentence. I love the idea that they are medicating this guy with vodka Red Bull's. Just 12 a day, just pounding through them. You know, there's something to that. Would it be in a better place if he was doing Vegas bombs instead where it's crown royal and monster? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm thinking crown royal monster would put us on top. Yeah. I don't want those on my 21st and I was fine until three bars late. Later. It sneaks up on you, dude. And honestly, it does seem like that theory makes sense because as the NATO summit carried through the day, he got worse. Yeah. Like he was feeling the effects of getting drunker and the caffeine crash. Some people might say that that sundowning. It's clear that he is inebriated. Yeah. I mean, the debate, the debate was clear that he was inebriated because he would be asleep at that hour. So he had to be on something. I think this was, let me see the timestamp. This was at 10.53 p.m. Eastern time, where Biden is possibly most accustomed. Let's see what happened. Secretary, you've guided this alliance to be one of the most consequential periods in its history. I realize I was talking to your wife, I personally ask you to extend your service. Come on. See, I don't see how you can hate them. You can't. No, you can't. Look, I got to hear it one more time. Secretary, you've guided this alliance to be one of the most consequential periods in its history. I realize I was talking to your wife, I personally ask you to extend. Hey. Dude, that's so legendary. See, why didn't you bring that out during the debate? I was fucking here, well, I did. You can't hate him. Well, I don't think that was the word he used there, was it? Oh, wow. Ah. Pause. There's a cave cave to maintain. Oh, I'm sorry, did I just step all over? My bad. Pause. We don't tell the truth. That part. Pause. Pause. We flipped heads. Pause. Pause. We don't tell the truth. We told the news. Oh, here's the last bit. This is not going to look good on our CCP contract. No. Here's the last bit. Biden, Biden, I'm just as bad as he is, Biden attended a Michigan event where his brain completely malfunctioned. I got your back as well. Members of Congress, Debbie Haley and she got me, by the way, I want you to know. That I've spent a lot of time with Debbie, she's helped me like a lot. You can't hate him. Dude. Hold on. I'm sorry, I have to hear that one one more time so I can do a calculation in my head. Let's listen again. I got your back as well. Members of Congress, Debbie Haley and she got me, by the way, I want you to know that I've spent a lot of time with Debbie. She's helped me like a lot. Dude, we don't really see the. We don't really see. We literally can't even talk, can he? We don't see the end of that clip, but that was a minimum of an 11 second mental recovery minimum. You know, like, maybe you have a one second, sometimes a two second mental recovery as you get older. Yeah. He focused right back up when he started talking about that pussy. She's helped me like a lot. What does he mean? She's helped me like a lot. Yeah. That's how the guy talks about his side piece. She's like a lot. He like he focused right back up. That was like instant clarity. So much clarity, dude. All right. Let's talk about the main events, the marquee topic, possibly. We'll talk around it, maybe Donald Trump tweeted on November 27th, 2012. When you're hot, the lowlifes really shoot at you. And they try hitting you from every angle. Never let the bastards get you down. I wish I, you know what? In the background right now, I'm playing applause, the sound of applause. He's alive. He's the preserver. He's the man in time. Donald Trump, it almost seems ordained at this point that it should happen by the powers that be the regime candidate Donald Trump is going to make America great again. And all you haters, you have less than six months. You know, on that note, actually, people were talking about, I'm going to be a little meta here, I'm not committing any of these theories I'm about to espouse. But I would just like to point out that that night, there was some discussion about how would they do this? Why would they do this? The who benefits came up, I would just like to point out that if the left knows they got shooters that can't shoot, but they don't actually want Joe to win. Why wouldn't you intentionally do a bodge job to shore up the legitimacy of your opponent to ensure you have the ability to regroup for 28? Well, they have no choice but to regroup for 28 at this stage. And it's only going to get worse. So what I'm saying is if the young wing who controls the activist class, who is willing to do hooligan shit, but are not actually effective operators, want to usurp the old guard, which is to say Biden, who is still hanging on, why wouldn't you set up a bodge job on purpose in order to frame that old guard and ensure your ascendancy while you are in the outparty and can focus on your own house cleaning? Are you saying the shooter is what the who's the old guard that old left the literally the geriatric left who the young activist class are now old enough and in power enough to replace but don't have the institutional capacity yet within the party unless they ensure that Biden loses so badly that there's no other option but to turn to them. The accelerationists option if you're a leftist, yeah. That's right. Yeah. I think that this functions excellently for them to regroup. They needed to regroup. They were going to lose anyway. Now they don't even have to run anybody. No. And the old left. So here's where I diverge and I guess we're speculating now but I have I have said for a couple of weeks now that that it seems as though MAGA has achieved the historical prominence that is necessary in order for us to get to whatever the next cultural phase is and the left has dominated culture for so long I don't blame people for not even wanting to speculate on the matter but but as I see it, MAGA is becoming mainstream and this was an event that seems to have provoked that further. Now in order for MAGA to become mainstream, it has to take its antithesis and they either have to be destroyed, relegated to irrelevance or incorporated. So I've been saying for a while that the move has been that MAGA in its attempt to achieve cultural prominence is going to need to, number one, get gayer. That's been happening since like 2016. Started immediately. Very quickly. Number two, it's going to have to give up on pro life. Up is already soft on pro life stuff. Not just that but advanced cocked on the pill by the way. And the final thing that MAGA has to do and this is this is the real. This is how you make culture mainstream. You give up all of your original principles, anti immigration. It's going to soften its stance in 2016. It was hard line build the wall was hard line. You didn't get any of it done, 2020 went by Biden made it way worse. Now the final thing and Vance confirms this is that in order for MAGA to become mainstream, it's got to give up on immigration. Why do I say that? I've never heard Vance say anything about nationwide mandated e-verify. I've only ever heard him say it in the context of infiltration in the university settings from illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, the president just said he would stamp green cards to people's diplomas. So this is not an anti immigration platform in the illegal immigration sense. And then I've never heard anything said about legal immigration, any legal, any stamping down on legal immigration. So MAGA is going to have to give up on this. Now we're definitely going to see less illegal immigration than we were under Biden. But this is not the close the borders, build the wall, make America great again that was promised at all. There's not any promise that Americans are going to get of an emphasis on native culture. It's only going to continue getting more and more international waters because Trump is the man in time. And then called him this years ago. The real swami Steve Bannon called this years ago. He is the man in time. He is the man meant to preside over the decline. And that is what's going to happen. We're waiting for Barron to be the man against time to bring creative structure destruction back. But until then, Trump mainstreaming. And this was a great help in that. Now I don't think that there was a conspiracy in the attempt. I think a bullet really went across his head and it really was meant to go through his head. That's what I mean specifically. Well, the lefties are not saying that. Oh man, the blue and non-content has been just delicious. Right. Right. So that is key. I just want to be very clear, the Vance Pick confirms the mainstreaming of MAGA is in the works. Leftists are on the way out. These Prague Antifa types, these bio-Leninists, we're starting to see the effect of bio-Leninism, which is that slowly you end up killing yourself. Culturally, they are degrading. They are ugly. They don't get anything done. The elites are moving towards MAGA. They're willing to accept some false populist elements of MAGA in order to maintain the current power. They're all in. And Vance demonstrates an integration of the teal network into that elite framework. If he wasn't there already, to me, this just confirms the teal musk. These guys' frameworks, they are becoming the mainstream. And that is good and bad. I mean, it's good and bad. It's better than this perpetually stuck in the 90s, should I say, perpetually stuck in the 40s liberal regime that we've had since 1960. You're right in that it is a generational change, but it's not nearly its final form. It's a transient kind of stop gap between right now and what's coming. MAGA is. MAGA is, yes. Okay. Okay. I think after Trump, well, first of all, let me start off with this. It's still election season. There's still plenty of rallies. And I'll make a prediction right now, and I hope we don't get investigated for it, but there's still time, if you know what I mean. So there's that. And then as far as the perpetrator, I don't think he was anything other than some kid who got bullied in high school. I listened to an interview with somebody who claimed that they went to high school with him, and that he was a weirdo. He got bullied. He showed up to school in fake military clothes and was just introvert. Just a weird kid that we all know one, that everybody swore was going to shoot up the school. So I'm highly made it to graduation, and this is him kind of fulfilling that destiny. Yeah. We got to look into the CIA is responsible for it because this is classic CIA stuff. I was just about to say we absolutely should not accept that framework. I'm not convinced the guy they're naming is even the one. Roger Stone was saying that night that he had sources saying it was an antifa hitter. That just happens to look like the kid they're blaming. And I would be totally prepared to believe that. What is that guy's name? Oh, something. Eric. Yeah. You're a good man. So you know that stone was right because when you punch his name in to Google, top six results are already fact checks. Yeah. Sure. It's worth considering. I'll put that a link in that in the description. If you want to share a link to any such article you find just so people can get the name, even a fact check article. I don't care. I was just about to say I'll give you the Reuters debunk to your point that is becoming the mainstream and will become the moderate position and will be kind of subsumed into whatever the elites needed to be. I think that's going to be a four-year process. And then 2028, you're going to see a completely broken left liberal coalition. Yeah. Yeah. Now Trump isn't around to unite them, like officially not around. Maga will still be, but Maga will be palatable to your old lib. And you have all of these zoomers coming of age entering their 30s really, like late 20s, early 30s. Yeah. By the end of Trump. Yeah. Yeah. And they are not centrist in any way, shape, or form. No, they're not. They're very radical and like the wind could blow either way, I think, with them. Poor Gen X. Yeah. Poor Gen X dude. Yeah. They've forgotten Jen crazy deserved it. Well, maybe they tell more to make something of themselves. Yeah. Yeah. There. Pause. What do you think about the mainstreaming of Maga? Are we there? Is it happening? Yeah. I think it is inevitable. I'm surprised. You know, honestly, I thought this was going out on a limb. No, there's not actually a valid counter narrative. The left is over. At least the left we know. Well, let's not, let's not piss on their grave yet. They still have every single HR department in every single Fortune 500 company. So there's not. Well, yeah. But the wheel is turned. But yeah. To Bird's point though, the culture is now Maga. And those are nothing more than, you know, outposts. All of a sudden, those are isolated frontier forts in a hostile world and so well and good to do security duty in the middle of the heartland. But as soon as the savage mobs are actually all around you and feeling emboldened, it's a whole other deal. When I say Maga is mainstreaming and I say in order to do that, Maga has to get gayer. You know, an essential part of the late stage form of that having to happen is the integration of things like the HR department and the consequences of what that means. You're not going to get these highly independent big money making women who control that industry to change very many of their views. No. You can have them change a few. Now, in Maga integrates, the HR ladies will still be in control at the executive management level. I still. No, I think they'll be still adversarial because they are a product of 100% ideology. Well, it depends if it's Zoomer women or not. Yeah, I mean, millennials have it pretty locked down. Yeah, they do. I mean, and things can change. And that really, I think that really will be, I think you're really right, Aaron. You're hitting on something that's really right is the last bastions of the old left will be millennial women in those kinds of, I want to say high power, low influence. Yeah. So to your point, the whole deal is in this analogy, they're the freaking holdouts in the island bunkers, right? Yes. Yes. Because that is the true believer class that benefited from being in that dominant overculture. They never realized how brittle that position was. They're dominant because millennials are a gigantic generation compared to Zoomers and Gen Xers. Like they dwarf them. Well, they've also just been around longer. Yeah. But by consequence of that, have more wealth. Yeah. Yep. And there's kind of the last generation that's going to experience having wealth. Yeah. And they are, you know, those reports from all that time ago is Gen Z, more right wing. I guess they were kind of true in a very tentative sense. It's just the definition of right wing has centralized since then. And to what? To what end? Like what? Yeah. Listen, things can get better. Things can, I allow for this. Things can get better. And I think on a very, in a very small way, things are getting better by what is happening. If Donald Trump mainstream's manga, there are wins in that. There are definitely wins in that. So one that comes to mind the most is that coastal millennials will just check out of politics. Yeah. That is true, dude. I didn't think of that. Yes. The implications. I think there's something really big to that. I think that's a great point because all those people have ever done is go with the flow anyways. Yeah. Pretty much. Like millennials have never actually had distinct politics of their own. No. They're only all. I'm saying this, I'm a millennial, they are, they're only all cringe communists like they are. Yeah. We can only parasitize what boomers have given us. Yeah. Two decades. Yes. Yes. Exactly. We can. We can never innovate. We can only parasitize what boomers have given us. Yeah. I think that's the truth. That's not the case for Gen Z. Everybody was saying, I'm not saying, you know why I'm saying everybody in order to make it seem like my case is stronger. I've moved slightly away from this case, but I did write this down. A lot of people are saying that something finally happened. In my opinion, nothing, first of all, nothing ever happens. Yes. And second of all, nothing has happened right now. Is this the great debate? I don't even think there's a debate because I think I've moved away from the nothing ever happens. Let's be clear. A synthesis has to be reached as a matter of historical fact. So it's not, nothing ever happens is like a poetic lamentation. The truth is nothing has happened yet. Something must happen eventually. No man knows the hour. No. And I will say this, if anything has happened. So we cover news just to be clear here, Tilly covers news. News occurs, but not all news is something happening. But if something did happen, this attempt signifies the end of loser mode. Donald Trump is now in winner mode and he will remain that way for as long as he desires to. From this value, prior to the incident, Trump's campaign strategy was to sit still be silent and just let Joe talk and this incident, he spun into gold and now he can do that exact same thing and still be, still get a hero's welcome everywhere he goes. So I respect that. I was talking to a friend of mine who had a similar point. And the first thing that I thought of was Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump could have won that election by letting Hillary Clinton talk. But he doesn't have the capacity for very long. He didn't let her talk. He said he was going to throw her in jail and he called Rosie O'Donnell an ugly fat bitch and that was winner mode. That was winner mode was cutting the tongues out of your enemies. And that was really great. And then this loser mode thing happened and it had been happening since when he was running against Joe in 2020, there just wasn't the same level of fight and they really kneecapped him. I mean, that was the coup de gras of the liberal regime was the January 6th hoax, which we have now seen has been totally overturned legally, entirely overturned. That's over. All of the corruption scandals, we just got another one the other day judge can and dismissed the Trump's document case. If you recall that, that's over. Another hoax ruined by time. It's over sort of, you know, so I want to see winner mode for real here. The one last thing Trump needs is not just for all that crap to have gone away. But now for the public to acknowledge that it's gone away, he's got he's got his chosen one energy right now. But what he really needs to put the final nail in the figurative, you know what I'm not going to finish the analogy due to the sensitive media climate right now. But what he really needs is now for someone to say loud enough that the room can hear it that the corruption charges were all bullshit. That is the one last thing. I suggest one other thing, which is why it was perplexing. He'd kind of declined the project 2025 stuff. He's got to take the spoils every single spoil he possibly can. I mean, Jacksonian levels of cleaning house. And he has to arrest everybody, everybody that he possibly can. He will not say that during this campaign season. No, I know. I know. You want to know why? Yeah. Because it's the teal network. Yeah. The teal networks approach is we don't want to rile up the libs. We don't want to get them to the polls and I personally despise that because that that is why, Bird, that that's probably what got got you thinking about his stance on abortion, his stance on immigration, his stance on whatever, because the teal network doesn't want to rile up the libs. So what we can hope for is that this is 40 chess and he's going to get in there and he's going to be a bull in a china shop. Like he always promised to be and he's going to be the old Trump that we know and love. We have to hope that. I don't know. I don't know what the teal networks and game is except, you know, enslaving the goal is in. Yeah. Well, back. Well, they're only there is just their own ideological capture of the feds. They don't give two rat shits about us. Right. And one of the things you mentioned there and so true, dude, I can't the gang is almost back together. By the way, on that, it's great to see the Trump Powell game is almost back. We can really almost destroy all of Europe. It's going to be a beautiful thing. No, I just to clarify one thing, the teal network does not want to rile up the libs. You're absolutely right. I mean, you're even made that pretty clear when he said, why don't you just pay them all off? They are willing to go that far. They are they are willing to go that far. The problem. One thing you said, Aaron, that I do have an issue with is they out they are not pro life. No. I mean, the number of other issues, which is part of the MAGA has to get gay or is Peter Teal. Yeah. Peter Teals kind of gets. It's almost sacramental, isn't it? It he's been cooking lately, by the way, the name that can't be mentioned has really been cooking, by the way. Oh, my God. I love it. Um, yeah, the so all in all, there is clear agreement on this podcast that MAGA is made streaming, the observation will then have to be what will have to be given up in order to make that possible. What do the three give ups that I mentioned mean? I could be wrong too. It could be more things fewer, but they have they in order to synthesize, you have to give things up. That is just how it works. So it was a wonder what the things will be. Yep. And now this is the part where I get to be the bad guy and purity spiral and say, well, look, if it's not our principles anymore, why the fuck do we care? Ah, but this is where you may need to take a longer view and to swallow some things that you may not want to swallow because within the right wing, the antithesis of the field network is another group that you probably don't want. And I understand where you're coming from Aaron, but I would just point out that you rather die specifically as one individual, you know, this might apply to the audience, but it doesn't apply to me because I could not give a fuck to like any of that. Yeah. They are all my enemies. You're going to be the only one with punch left. I will punch right and I will punch myself in the face. Oh, well, so and the answer to you, I pause the answer to you that I could give, although I think I am more sympathetic to these groups than you are. But I think the advice still works. At the same time that what is happening is happening. If it's happening at all, you have the option to divest to alternative and parallel platforms and markets. Yes. There is some shit coming that we really won't like then you will have been vindicated. And you'll be a checked out millennial and you can be a Menshevik in space, which you're going to have to be. You're going to have forward because it's going to be real bad, but I'm still with Aaron. Actually, Aaron, I guess we're together on this, but you didn't exactly explicate this part. First of all, it's great for the show that Donald Trump comes in and wreaks havoc on the liberal establishment that we hate so much. That's great. That's going to be awesome. It'll be good for the show. It'll be, hopefully, T.L.E. will take off in this next presidency. When Trump came in first, we started the podcast, it's gone really well. Hopefully this Trump gives us the bump, Trump bump, as as MAGA starts to be normalized and guys like us start to get more mainstream. More people want to hear a show like this. It can be very good in the short term, but the long, long view may be very bad. Still, though, I'm with Aaron, this opens up the opportunity for further radicalization, further acceleration. If the Overton window really has shifted to the right, that means it can shift right further. It absolutely does. They've been planning to be in power for a decade, over a decade. They've been planning this. You know what? The one nice thing I will say about that little click of freaks is that they did this the right way. They did. You want to talk about actual real conspiracies? Look at the way they built their power and then applied it. Volunteer, baby. Dude, I need to get that volunteer medal. My views on the T.L.E. Network are not that I hate them. First of all, I respect them like that, like I am impressed by the level of effort. I really am. I just know one day Christ is going to come up, right? I mean, one day, the thing that is truly antithetical to the T.L.E. network will become the issue at hand. We know what side we're on and they know what side they're on. When that day comes, when all of our enemies have been slain and their skulls have been bleached by the sun and crushed beneath our foot, then we can fight, but we really got to wrap up the liberal regime. It has to end. For the sake of history, pause, it has to end. The perpetual never again, sensibilities of Gen X through millennial, baby boomers through millennial. Really. It's just got to end one fight at a time. I get it. You know, maybe they'll kill us before we get to the fight. We need to fight. This just goes back to what I was saying at Aaron saying to Aaron, I understand what you guys are saying. And I was just saying that I'm the freak who wants to punch in every direction at once because I can't allow myself to be happy. I know. It's just that easy. By that time, pause, you'll have a wife, a couple kids, a house, a two-car garage, and you'll be shut off. And a looming standoff with the state authorities. I was going to say, maybe one day, pause, you'll raise one of your kids to shoot a presidential candidate. All right, there's so much more that could be said, but we've reached our hour and beyond that. Well, I have one last question. Sure. Can I just quickly nominate Donald Trump for King of the Week? Yes. Yes. By acclimation. Yep. Yes. And to that point, we have four delegates that we have yet to pledge in the RNC. Are we pledging all four to Donald J. Trump? We are. All right. We are. The timeline Earth podcast pledges all four delegates to President Donald J. Trump. Should I put that on a sign and drive over there later this week? I tried really fast. Well, it's only like, what, three hours away, and it's not until what, Thursday? Not today. Day one. I thought that was just the vice president. The vice president horseshit today. We pledge. Well, and you're talking about the elf as far as the fourth delia goes, because I don't think that a separate sovereign entity can be a delegate in the Republican party. Well, they come before the case, definitely not a territory. The Carcadia problem. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Three to four, Puerto Rico and Carcadia, they both need statehood. Yeah. That should be. I'm surprised that wasn't included on the RNC platform. The integration. Statehood now. Yeah. Very true. Personal union, personal union, upon Baron Trump's succession. So Donald Trump, King of the week, yeah, but yeah, that's all the news we have. We'll try to get a bonus episode with Mr. Car Campit and go to the Patreon. Check out all the great stuff we put up there, multiple Joe's theory went up, finally the episode with Haas. We went over that. Check it out. Pay us money. Go to the store. Join the book club. Pause. Tell them about the book club. How's things going with the book club? Very good discussion happening on the Scarlet Thread Society book club Patreon page. Join up. I offer it extremely cheap because while I like money, I am more interested in giving you the listeners my brain worms. So come read a book with me every. Nice. I like money more. Come read a book with me every month and have your mind warped and demented like mine. Hell yeah. It's good stuff. Look in here. We'll try to get Car Camping on for an extra. Aaron, would you like to take us out? Yeah. Why don't you keep two hands on the wheel? I'll see you next time.