Timeline Earth

TLE 178 - Wormin' Out

Join The Scarlet Thread Book Club patreon and get ready for July's book! Become a valued and cherished Board Member today:… Check out LineMart, our Official TLE Merchandise store: — — — On this episode, we discuss the final death of Bitcoin, the domestication of ravens and lady-bugs, and the pure power of male friendship.   Check out the Inner City Press X page! — — — Recorded LIVE every Wednesday! (2/7/2024) Featuring, the "The Golden Throat", Car Campit: And the "Number One PTO User of the Year", Aaron: And as always, the wise and Dionysian Birdarchist: And of course, the team's erudite investigator Paz: Follow the show on Twitter: — — — THE EARTH IS A LINE!

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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On this episode, we discuss the final death of Bitcoin, the domestication of ravens and lady-bugs, and the pure power of male friendship.


Check out the Inner City Press X page!

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Recorded LIVE every Wednesday! (2/7/2024)

Featuring, the "The Golden Throat", Car Campit:

And the "Number One PTO User of the Year", Aaron:

And as always, the wise and Dionysian Birdarchist:

And of course, the team's erudite investigator Paz:

Follow the show on Twitter:

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[music] Sometimes you might feel trapped between the right hand and the left. That's correct, you are. Because you're living a lie. [music] [music] Yeah, do you have a driving playlist? I have that new car of yours, dude. Does it have Bluetooth? Oh yeah, it's got Bluetooth, man. It's changed the game. Car got a new car? I did. Yeah, it is, and it's nice. All right, let's see. Have you camped in it yet? Yeah, that's Oldberg. I watched him do it. Dude, the way he, I have not, you know, I've seen car maybe four or five times in life, but I've gotten to experience some of his best, you know, some of his most joyous moments. I think I've seen great joy on his face, but I have never seen as much joy in car's face as I saw when he, when he goes, "Hey, bird, check it out." And we go over and he pops the trunk of it open and the mattress is laid back there, and he dives into it. Yeah. He dives into the car, his little legs are crossed, and he flips back at me and he goes, "Isn't this great?" So that's very good. That happened. I have my version of El Paso on my playlist. I'm not claiming this is the best. This is just a good one that I found when I was assembling this playlist is from Red Rocks. The Red Rocks one, yeah. 78, yeah. 78. I think that's the most popular Red Rocks one. I don't think I know that song at all, to be honest. Do you know the Marty Robbins version? I might. I'm in the West Texas town of El Paso. I fell in love with a Mexican girl. It was big and fallout is what brought it back was New Vegas. It was like one of the radio songs on there. That's not my show. That was my share of that. No, no. That's how my generation figured it out. The trick is that I don't play any video games with the sound on. Oh, wow. Wow, and Fallout is one where they specifically spend a lot of time picking songs and music. And I have sometimes, like with the Fallout games specifically, looked up the soundtrack and listened to it later, but I do not play it with the sound on. Me too. I'm going for that pure immersion. That's the same thing. I'm going to be hacking off goblin heads. I don't want to hear a soundtrack in the background. I want to hear my own soundtrack. Yeah. Hacking off goblin heads in utter silence listening only to their screams. Oh, fellas. We're here to do the news midday. Very close to the actual recording time in a way. Quite close. Very close to the actual recording time. How are you feeling? Can I get a general pulse check on the room in terms of the news this week? I thought there was a lot of really weird and interesting stuff. I sent a lot of different links throughout the week to the newsroom, as it were. I don't hardly remember what literally any of them are, but I remember sending a volume, so there must have been stuff happening. Momentary happenings. Yeah. A lot of things were like, whoa, this now? That now? Okay. Stacking up. Carr, what about you? Have you been scoping the news situation? So I confess I've been rather unplugged. I've shared with you a couple of things that I've been doing. West Texas. Yeah. Which takes you away from the news. I was going all weekend and I've been in a whirlwind since last Wednesday or Thursday. So I have very, very little. I've interfaced with the news a very small way for the last five days. So I'm here to offer quips and support here and there. I'm not going to be driving the show with regards to content. I can tell you that. You just want to hear today, you're going to listen. I'm going to sit here and white ass down and you're going to listen. I'm just going to shut my mouth and listen. It's time for me to listen. Well, I'm going to need your takes on some things. There's a couple of things we're going to need your takes on. Okay. But good. All right. I'll hit the, let's just go. Let's do it. Oh my God. Look at the size of that crowd. Wow. Real heartwarming. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us today on Timeline Earth. T.L.E. Nation, your news station all across the nation. We're here to talk about the death of Bitcoin. We're going to talk about the death of Bitcoin today. Because I was promised a verbal argument about this. Which may lead us into another series. Yeah, a new concept that we're going to be floating around. Yeah, sorry. And the concept we're going to be floating around. The death of Bitcoin. So, Paz, would you like to reference the questionable tweet, the tweet in question? Yeah, Mr. Gates, who I can't remember if we like or dislike on this podcast. But we know of him. He is floating a bill to make income taxes payable in Bitcoin. OK, so I see we're waiting for me to go on with my argument. I will go ahead and make the argument before we respond to the news portion itself. I thought we were going to talk about the news item. That's my mistake. So, I think this is a very, very, very bad thing. Because obviously, while it's good for adoption and integration. The fact that this explicitly ties Bitcoin in even hypothetically to the American monetary system is a bad thing. Because, well, OK, you can't go into someone's wallet and just take their shit. By tying it to the financial system, it creates even tighter controls over the on and off ramps. And the thing that Bitcoin has struggled with is getting true peer-to-peer adoption to take off. And so, by choking it, by surrounding it with all this garbage money nonsense, there's stuffing it in a burlap sack made of useless dollar bills. You've basically got it boxed in. And I think that's bad for it. The value, I think, will increase based on this news. But what is its actual value if you can't use it as intended? You know, the metric of Bitcoin's success is not a price increase. That's a shitcoin or mindset. If it is about financial freedom, then we want it as far from the USD as possible. And that is my argument. Yeah, OK, so let me, I guess, approach this a couple different ways. The first of which is that just because they say they'll take Bitcoin for tax payments does not mean that they're going to get much Bitcoin for tax payments. I think that the bulk of coins are held by people who have no intention of giving the government any coins. Now, Wilson, sure, yeah, absolutely. You know, I don't really, I certainly don't see that as much of a threat. I don't think it even really ties it to the current financial system in any way, shape, or form, any more so than it already is. And it does not inhibit it in any way of using it in a peer-to-peer way. You know, this is external to the network. And if you want to be an idiot and give the government your bitcoins, you know, have at it, but I'm not. So here is my counter to your counter. It's not about whether they will at all or not. It is about manufacturing the legitimacy for the US government to interact with the crypto space in this way. So, yeah, I see your point. I think that this is, I guess this is my pitch is a Bitcoin. I mean, I don't really use the term, but a Bitcoin maxi. I think we got to recognize our time and space here. They're trapped in here with us. This is going to, this is a virus. And going from A to B, A being a Bitcoin white paper written in 2008 to be coming global money, which I think is its ultimate destination. This is what it looks like. But it is not the government coming into control Bitcoin. It is Bitcoin coming in to basically destroy a lot of these institutions. Now, that may take the weird forms in the early days or in the mid days, but that's what this looks like. We actually want Bitcoin to infiltrate all of these systems because it basically runs an end around. Now, the taxation, obviously, against taxation, just in general. Really? Yeah, right. I think what's interesting here is, what does it tell you? They want Bitcoin. Now, I've always speculated that. I've always just, that's not. Well, the rap parts are given. Yeah, that's not it. Please, Mr. Saylor. Something coin, please. Yeah, so, you know, and I suspect that they will try to accumulate Bitcoin in any way they can. Now, they used to just steal it basically. Compostate it for people like Ross. The new seizures and what not? Yeah, seizures. And I think this is the next stage. And, you know, people were talking about this back in 14, 15, 16 during Gox Rosselberg's trial and things like that. It was like, yeah, they're seizing it now, but ultimately they're just going to try and tax it. So, you know, we've always known this coming. I don't think this is any, I don't even, I don't think it's going to be particularly newsworthy down the line. But this was, I think this was always coming. You know, I won't dispute that point because that's not even the thrust of what I'm getting at either. Like, I'm ready to concede that because we agree on that. Yeah, but it's, it's all about, like I said, the building up of the legitimacy to do those things. And then what form those will take when they actually do it? Because my point was the control of the on-ramps and the off-ramps to Fiat. Because that's still just how people are using it. And I know, I know, we're early yet. It's only been 15 years or whatever. Let me offer a counterpoint to that. Please. So, let's say they will take Bitcoin as payment for income tax. And let's say that your local, you know, taxing entities will as well. And let's say your power company will as well. And then let's say your grosser will as well. Well, then why are you getting, what's the, why are you needing off-ramps? Like the, do you see, like this is kind of the process by which we eliminate the need for on-ramps and off-ramps altogether. I do understand your counterpoint here, but I'm thinking in terms of, you know, the hypothetical normie who still is not even using Bitcoin at all. But might have some on say a fold card or on a bit refill card or X, Y, and Z thing. And I think this creates greater constraints on them because they're going to get sucked into this USG system of control before they'll learn how to use it periodically. And that's my concern. That's why I'm so hooked up about this. Yeah, yeah, no, no. I mean, yeah, if you, if you don't convert over to Bitcoin standard, if you dilly-dally in, if you fuck around, like, yeah, you're going to get fucked. I mean, that's, you know, that, but that's always been the case. It doesn't really matter if they start, you know, the income tax doesn't have as much to do with that. That's just people. Well, no, and that's why I'm saying the income tax is all about building the legitimacy to do these other things. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I can't, you know, that's why I think, you know, there's a massive move, you know, if you listen to people like me or Rollo, like saying, like, it's, it's probably a good idea to start getting over to a Bitcoin standard learning how to use these things. Because, yeah, that everybody, it's you, verse seven, seven billion people, no matter if it's government, no matter if it's another person or a company, everybody wants it will want your Bitcoin. So you, you better understand this thing and you better learn how to use it. Because a lot of people are going to get fucked along the way and a lot of people are going to get fucked. I would, I would argue a lot of people are going to period, you know, you can't save everyone and I do know that too. Yeah. Yeah, so, you know, all the more reason I'd say to just go ahead and pull the band aid off and I mean, you know, once you're over to a Bitcoin standard, it's just like life's just like a lot easier. There's no, it's, it just becomes a lot easier. There's really no reason in my mind why you wouldn't do it. And then in that scenario, if they, if all, if all you're holding is Bitcoin and they want to, but the last thing you need dollars for is to pay your income tax. Well, that's further incentive to just go all the way over. If they're, if they're willing to take Bitcoin, I would say, I would argue you should just take out a loan to pay your income tax and dollars and then just pay off the loan over the course of the year. But, you know, whatever strategy you want to take to, to, to approach it. But yeah, like that's, again, going from A to B is going to be messy. And that, and my point, you know, and Roland, I've done a number of episodes on this over the course of the last five years is that it's going to be weird. Because we basically have two competing economic systems, one of which is growing and one of which is arguably shrinking, at least in global power. And so, you know, one's going up and one's going down and they occupy the same space. It's, it's just going to be a really weird time. And I do think that a lot of these bigger institutions are looking at a more hybrid model of being able to work in both and certainly at least start to accumulate more money. But that's going to lead to greedy hands and a lot more theft of this thing that does actually matter. Well, it's attempted theft. Yeah, for sure. Which on net will lead to more theft. But, you know, again along the way, they're going to, this will increase the value of Bitcoin. And, you know, while I understand your, your concern with like caring about price is kind of a shit coin or mindset. Well, that's true, but given that there are three variables in an economic model, supply, price and demand, supply is capped, price then just becomes directly correlated to demand. And we demand needs to be through the roof, right? Like that's how we understand the growth of the network. Price has to go up. I mean, that it's not that you should care about price on a day-to-day basis and that's the only reason you're in. Although it's frankly. No, and that's the entire reason I made that comment about price because there's so many people who do. Like you and I both understand the economic model here. I'm talking about the people who are speculating on it, creaming themselves over $300 price increases every day. Yeah, and you should, you should not be care about $300 price increases when you should be looking more at like $3 million price increases. That's what you're here for. I mean, that's- You think it's going to come to that? I mean, I know that's a whole 'nother sidebar. It'll go to infinity, right? I mean, we understand that the USD can't continue. I mean, it can go for a while, but it's a fundamentally unsound system, right? So whether it takes 500 years, 1,000 years or 5, your USD will be worth toilet paper just like every other fiat before it, right? Yes, no question. Okay, so then if you take the view that Bitcoin is this resilient global money, it will admittedly take time to get there. But if you believe that it can technologically become global money, so what's anything divided by zero? Well, so if I can keep going back to my entire thing with Bitcoin, it has been for years now. And the thing that's still never clicked for me, and you and I have already had this discussion a million times, is as nice and sound and perfect as Bitcoin is, it always does come back down to the user. And I am concerned about this thing we're discussing right now, and I'm concerned about other things because of what it means for normy adaptation. And as we just discussed, you can't save everyone, but we should be trying to save the people we can't. Yeah, and again, we're building the airplane as we're flying it, so you can't solve everything at once. But if you look at the progress, let's say the last big scary thing was the scaling wars back in 2017 and leading up to it, and still after it. You know, the lightning network hadn't even been built yet. And so, you know, it was pretty easy to scaremonger about the scaling and like, oh, well, we want people to be able to use it. Well, now we can. I mean, we built that out. So some of it is like, it's a work in progress, but I think the roadmap is pretty bright. You know, I'm not so every passing day, there is an additional normy on the network and, you know, and multiples of them, I'm sure. This thing is just going to become more and more usable and more and more robust and more and more versatile with every passing day. That is the real, you know, that's the real kicker here is that every day it becomes easier to get Bitcoin and use it. And I don't see that trend stop every single day. I'm sorry. I mean, does it get easier every single day? I think so, yeah. I mean, I'm thinking about, again, the people, real user adoption, is it actually still steadily increasing? Yes, it seems to me that it's coming in waves, not actually. I mean, with some reasonable smoothing, you know, moving average. Fair enough. Yeah, I was, you know, did January was January 12th of 2015 more or less users than January 11th, you know, I don't know, but over with some reasonable mathematical smoothing. Yes, you know, the answer is yes. And that's all I care about, you know, because I'm in it for the long run. I don't, you know, whether it takes a step back to take five steps forward is inconsequential. And then that further, you know, because as more users come on, the value goes up, right? Then more users come on because they're interested in the greater value, but also the people that have been holding it before who are also contributing to the network in various ways are more capitalized. They're more able to contribute even more to the network. All right. Well, bird, I tried to have an argument, but I think we're just fundamentally both too reasonable to sustain an actual debate show argument. I'm sorry. You can turn this into first take. I didn't hear even hear one insult that whole time. I was just one one. I don't like your hat or something. Nice. No, I mean, I think I skipped Bayless game. I think I think pauses instincts are correct because anytime, like, obviously most of the I would still pause. Pause has never been wrong. Let's come. I know that's true. That's true. That's the fourth principle actually. I don't think that there will be, I don't think that this will be completely inconsequential. So, like, I mean, I think that there are, hey, keep your eyes up. Keep your, keep, be ready to read hazards because they're like, they're, this is going to be a bumpy road and it always has been. All I'm saying is this is not an existential threat. In any way, shape or form, as far as I can tell. Not at all. I mean, I wouldn't go so far as to say that either. I said Bitcoin is dead in the group chat to be provocative. Not that I'm not dead. Yeah. They're, they're the Bitcoin mentality of the, whatever the opposite of no child left behind is. All children must be left behind immediately. Yeah, I think is something that is ordinary people are going to be a peeved about when they figure out that they, they missed the boat on something. Yeah. All right. Look, I got my Wilder West there. We'll call it a milder West. We'll call it a milder West. That's what I was just about to say. Maybe even a. Hold on. My fiddle. Hold on. I'll stop playing my fiddle. Smile. Der West. A smile. Very sweet car. That's very sweet. All right. Adios. Gaylords. Okay. I forget about that. Paz, we need a coin. I have one. It's time. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to decide if we are pro Trump or pro Biden today. I'm excited for this one because I've got a piece of news for either of them. So we'll cover it as we do before we toss the coin. We are about two days away, I think. From a, from a major debate that will be taking place, a debate that is surely going to. Not live up to expectations. I'm calling it right now. Not going to live up to expectations. Don't forget the motto. Nothing happens anymore. Nothing happens anymore. Don't forget it. That's the age we're in. So we're going to see what happens on that day, which will be nothing. I don't know if you guys saw the news. Trump is dying for a drug test to be done dying. He wants the drug test so bad so that he can prove what everybody already knows, which is that Biden is being heavily medicated. But it just came across my timeline that Biden's doctor said he's spending time at Camp David right now because we're giving him a cocktail of drugs that will make him very alert during the debate. That's like he said that the guy said that's what the guy literally said. Oh my God. How can you come out and admit that? That is insane. They don't, this, that doesn't mean anything. Yeah, I guess that's true. I mean, we know it doesn't but seriously. It means nothing. Seriously. Dude, it would be ableist for them to think that he wouldn't be able to do it otherwise. They can't be ableist. So they drug him up and that is, he's normal now. He's fine now as long as he can be drug. Yeah. So if we'd always had this mindset, we would have gotten Nixon in 60 when we deserved him and we wouldn't be dealing with any of this today. Yeah. There would have been a nuclear war. Well, yeah, but you know, that's hurt, right? Yeah. In a way, in a way, that would have been great for Bitcoin adoption, honestly. And in the 60s, there was a light nuclear war. That would have been great for Bitcoin adoption. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. We'll flip the coin as we've established heads as Trump. Tails is Biden, best of three. Flip one, tails. Okay. Right. Flip two, tails. Nice. All right. A definitive Biden day today. No, it's a definitive Biden day. Yeah. Regular old Biden day. All right. We'll cover this first. I don't even see the thing is the assumption car. The assumption is that because we're on team Biden today, we have to cover Trump negatively. Is that the idea? Is that the game? Yeah. Yes. Or at least we have to cover Biden more positively than we do Trump. Well, okay. Either way is going to be very hard, but I do prefer we do the latter because it's going to be it's difficult for me to be upset at Donald Trump for what I'm about to share with the two of you. He suggested this the other day in a conversation with Dana White. Dana White. Did anyone ever hear of Dana White? He's a legend. Right? UFC ultimate fighter, ultimate fighting. And he has, he's a fantastic man. I said, Dana, I have an idea, why don't you set up a migrant league, eat the fighters and have your regular league of fighters. And then you have the champion of your league. These are the greatest fighters in the world. Fight the champion of the migrants. I think the migrant guy might win. That's how tough they are. He didn't like that idea too much, but actually, not the worst idea I've ever had. Where do you really have this? Really upset with the coin toss at this point. That's insane. That's one of the best things he's ever said, right? I mean, like, yes, that's really difficult to to rag on the guy. That's amazing. I mean, yeah, that is amazing. He missed the opportunity to say, and that guy should win a citizenship. And then we would be like way in ancient Rome. Yeah. Dude. That is I can definitely get down for that. Come on. I mean, like, what do we do? My pockets are empty here. I can't stand against. You see a great idea. You know it's a great idea. We can give them that one. That's, yeah. We'll give them that one. That's our grudging like. Do you see why I thought it was going to be difficult? You're not going to shit on him. And then how do we cover Biden more positively for this clip that I now have to share with you for our president, Joe. All matters of Congress and Homeland Security, second day, dude, dude, the video on that clip is insane. He just like, he just shorts out. Dude, the other day. I was I was I was listening to the Cumberland blues and and I coughed myself almost into passing out and there was a there was a like, you know, you're you're just staring straight forward. You're like, Oh, I'm about to go. That is Biden's look by the end of the clip where he's going home. Yes, this part, dude, it's right on the verge of passing out, dude, it's it's tough man. It is tough. There are some of these clips. Man, this has been a theme though. It's like some of these clips, some of them are funny, like when he fell off that bike and then snipped a kid, that was hilarious. And then some of them are like, dude, what are we doing? I forgot. I forgot that immediately after he falls off the bike, he goes towards the kid. Like the kid has fun. Yeah. Like the kid is smelling salts on him. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And he knows he needs them. Yeah, to get back on the bike. Dude, but then there's like some of these that that that you watch and you're like, man, this really is like as funny as all this is, I know I've got a show. I know this is good for the show. I know the incentives are all fucked up here, but watching that clip, you're like, this is shot. This is a elder abuse. Like this is really bad. I was a congressman, Homeland Security secretary. The slight up shift in tone in the middle, like where it looks like he might be able to get out of it. But then he just gets like, he's four wheeling and he looks like he's going to get out of the mud and then just gets sucked back in that, you know, I saved. I saw the clip on the timeline like two days ago. I didn't even watch it. I was like, I already know this is this is enough. This is going to be fine. This is sad. This is sad, dude. You're right. We're going to the video and it's fucked. I got here. I got here. One more. I got here. One more. I got here. One more. Listen before you play. Okay. Go ahead. There's one portion where the tone shifts up and you just there's a glimmer of hope he's going to get out of it, but then he doesn't. All right. You got to point it out one and a half. There's a congressman, homeless security secretary, right there. She's so gnarly. Oh, wow. He's like King Duncan from Magna. It's just like ambling around here. Everything is so great. And everyone's like, so when's this fucking guy going to just die? This is sick. Wow. Kamala Harris is in the bedroom putting a worm in his ear. Do you think she wants to be president? No, no, I think she's just I think she's as gone as he is, but she's got to be terrified. No, she's. Yeah. No, she's totally drugged up. She has no idea where she is. Like I'm serious. I think that. Seriously, let me see if I can hold on. What is her name? What's the vice president? Sam, Kamala Harris Harris, let me see if I can we got any recent clips of Kamala Harris doing anything funny because she is shoe. She's bad. I don't even know if that OK, this is from March 24th today today is today. And yesterday was today yesterday. God bless. Oh, you know what it reminds me of it reminds me of yeah, so I used to working in a kit well, I cooked for a long time. And you know, as we're closing up, we're working on the, the, you know, dinner shift. And you look around and you're like, all right, nobody else is coming in tonight. It's an hour. It's an hour before closed. But nobody else is coming in. Let's start drinking the cooking wine as we clean. And then you start getting kind of drunk with all your coworkers in the back. And then that ticket machine starts going. And you look at it and you're like, oh, fuck, like I got to make something. And you're already hammered. This is what it reminds, Kamala reminds me of every time it looks like she's just been in the back drinking. And somebody's like, all right, Kamala come up and say a few words and she's like, oh, no again. She like, she's actually thinking she's still not used to it. No, she's like perpetually thinking that appointment is tomorrow because tomorrow is today and yesterday and, you know, tomorrow is just all fucked up. Yeah. I mean, that's cool. That's yeah. It's, it's crazy, dude. It's just insane. Other Biden news, I got something really interesting cooking fellas. I just want to plug this now between us. I got a listener who is doing some deep research into the multiple Biden's theory. We're going to have a real doctrine cooked up for us very soon. It's going to be very interesting. We discovered really something spectacular. Are you and I, we've tracked the different Biden's for years. Yeah. And I think our crack listener, I mean that in multiple ways, has discovered a hidden Biden, a hidden Biden, I can't get into it, but there's another Biden who was between two previous Bidens that we just missed, and he's got multiple images of multiple speeches to back up the difference between them. He's gone deep. This listener, he's gone really deep. This listener is not me, by the way, I'm not saying this to make it seem like I'm not like I'm doing this. He's, we're going to have some really interesting stuff coming out soon on the Biden theory, which I think will be great. I'm really hyped. You know, I really would like Joe Biden to be the president. Oh, yeah, that's on theme. I really would like him to be the president to see how many we can get to how long this will go for, because if they're willing to go, yeah, we'll just have him ride the four years out. Dude, we could get the dozen Bidens a dozen. And if they have to act that fucked up and that I'm gonna jump around and run, can you imagine what they have him doing in four years, screaming, they bring him in on his Chinese chairs and he'll be screaming Chinese chairs. You know, those chairs, you think about those, like a Chinese emperor being carried around by four people in a chair and a paddling. Yeah, exactly, and he's just screaming. He's gotten necrosis over half of his body and he's screaming and his eyes are glowing green. That'd be awesome, man. That would be so cool. Yeah, dude. Screamy Joe. Screamy Joe. Wow. Look at Screamy Joe. It would be kind of funny as things start to get more crazy. They do start to get looser on the Bidens. So they have like a Biden who's starting to be very clear. It's not. And by Biden, 20 people have just given up on the illusion that it actually is the same Biden. Yeah. Actually, they have to do a black guy for the equity brigade. Yes. It becomes so commonly known that it's multiple Bidens that people are upset that they haven't been represented yet. But yeah, somebody calls it racist that they keep hiring a white guy to do the Biden. It could get there. It could get to that point. It's not getting to be like, but the source material says Biden's white, why can't we have anything? Why can't we have a black side here? The source material, dude. It's insane. Anyway, that's that's our presidential news. We have some other forms of news also, some other interesting things. Let's get over to tracking another candidate for president. That would be RFK who has had some absolutely puzzling clips recently. Let's hear what the brainworm of Flexid RFK has been doing. Hey, everybody, these are my two ravens, they're not actually mine. They are just I'm just taming them, but they live in a palm tree, they have roost in a palm tree about a hundred feet from my house and I've I've gotten them by feeding them every day. They come in and join me for meditations every morning on my balcony. They have two babies with a feed and the babies don't come in, but they come very close. Anyway, that's the male in the back and the female in the front and actually the male is there. I'm working, I'm getting up to you out of my hand. Is that AI? No, that was really a clip. That's a that is a real clip. Oh, yeah. I'll send it to you already in the chat. Yeah. What? That is a real clip as you could ever ask you again. Who is he talking to? What is he talking about? What is he talking about? He's doing a selfie video explaining about his taming of crows. Oh my God. That is our president. Yeah. Golly. Yeah. This guy was robbed. Absolutely was robbed. We won't see him at the debate. Can you imagine? Wow. He's my just my two Ravens he that's getting good. It's getting good. Yeah. That's really good. I'm not going to try it anymore. I'm not going to jinx it. Yeah. It's it's it's come on. So now out of the three clips that I shared, which one of them is the best. You can define that however you need to. That's impossible. I know. I could play them all again if you need to really hear them again, but it's like it's like asking me if a Honda Civic Toyota four runner or like a semi are the best like they're all for different things. Which one which one makes you the most bullish of a future thing and just on life bullish on life. Golly. I got to go with the Ravens I think speaks up on you, right? It does. It's up on humanity to it. It's like you almost can't tell if he's serious or knows it's funny or yes. Yes. Yeah. And I mean, just Taman crows is like in the in the backdrop of all of this. We just watched Trump with that clip and Biden with that clip. These are supposedly the leaders of the free world and our case is out there. Taman crows, man. Just got one of them almost eaten out of his hand. That's good news. They're working on eating out of my hand. Go near my ear. Don't stick that big in my ear. There's an I don't know if they had you see the ladybug clip also. No, no, he's working on training them to eat out of his hand because they're only trying to eat out of his ear. They smell it in there. Yeah. It's stinky old brainworm. This guy is such a friend of humanity and the creatures. Listen, there's another one ladybug clip. Hey, everybody, this is Kathy Johnson from the Kellogg family. But now she runs a company called organic control organic control and I'm covered with ladybug ladybug, they're going to eat all the aphids in my garden and you can use these instead of pesticides, they're a lot more effective. You see, here's my eaters and there's a little damage from the aphids and the leaf. She also has beneficial nematodes, which restores your soil and this is what we all should be doing. Instead of pesticides, add life. Always add life to your soil, to your soil above the soil, below the soil. If you like, don't consistently kill things. God bless you, have a great day. God bless. So, here we go. And that's also real. And don't kill things. Yes, especially worms. They're going to eat all the brains, I mean, never kill any worms. Dude, they are all completely, so everyone we have talked about is completely spaced out. It's crazy. Worms are very good for presidential candidate. I mean, the soil, add life to your mirror, add life to your brain, that's the clip right there. He wants you to add life to your brain, to your brain, and he does like an alpha brain crossover commercial for Infowar, alpha worm, I'm selling alpha worm, always add life. This worm is covered in colloidal silver. Put it in your ear, it will absorb into your brain, and you'll be able to think as strong as I can. No, Raven will be on D-bubble. We really got to save our own asses. We really got to make friends with RFK so that you can start this mass brain-wearing implantation program, so that every time one of our listeners goes up to a Walmart, the brain goes, no, don't go that way, go somewhere else. The brain worm is what talks like that, not him. They all sound like this. Fuck dude. All right. That's what we have, and I think it's actually a really good, not just good for the show, but the feel, I feel that the field is weirdening in these weeks. It sure is. There's a huge curve. The field is weirdening. There's a huge curve. And whoa, just blowing through. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely, guys, and it's really good. Only other major piece of news that I have, oh, I guess we have a few more things, but did you guys see President Putin and Kim Jong Un, they met last week? Did you guys see any videos from this? No videos. I saw some real heavy bromance still fun. Dude. Dude. They're like best buds. Yeah, like waving out the plane window to each other. Dude. I mean, for minutes. So I guess they're best bros. They were driving around in a car together. There was video with it. I saw that picture. Dude. Just blowing out really having a great time. Just one of them speak the other's language, or do they have to sit there with an interpreter? No, but that's the beautiful thing about it is I don't think they either want to speak to the other one's language. Yes. It's all body language. Yeah, dude. You have this like little midget Russian guy and this tremendous Asian guy. And they they just kind of vibe with one another I think is the whole thing. It's like that's cool. It's like a Conan the barbarian stuff kind of story. They just become heroes together. I don't know. It's really great. It's really great to see. You really want to have man. This is the thing. You really want to have male friends in your life who you who you view like a giant Chinese guy, dictator. You really want. Yeah. And that can and that you cannot communicate with that you that yes. The fewer words that you can share with your closest male friends, but the more smiles, the better really the better currency. I could not agree more. It's like that Owen Cyclops comic, right? Where they've been best friends for 10 years and don't know what the other one does. Right. Right. Yes. Yes. These two can't even communicate with one another and yet look at the genuineness of the smiles. Beautiful. Yeah. As I tweeted, male friendship is pure power. That's pure power right there and I know I think there's even a g-man quote along those same lines. Isn't there? There's no force on earth could easily be one of the axioms of the show is that if anyone who has said something, g-man has already said that could easily be one of the axioms of the show. It's right. It's like a Simpsons did it. Just dig into the g-man archives. Yeah. That's it. That's all I really got. We got some other things like Julian Assange. I guess he reached a plea deal. Yeah. That was surprising. No jail time. Menendez and Mossad, man. Oh, yeah. Break that one down for me. That was a long convo. What's going on there? So, we know Senator Bob Menendez got in a whole bunch of trouble for gold smuggling, illegal gold buying, taking bribes and gold bars like an OG, Frank. Yeah. Was it what country was he working with? Egypt, right. Egypt, right. Yeah. One of those Middle Eastern places. Yeah. A lot of gold. That trial is ongoing. And I follow someone who does independent court reporting there in New York, inner city press. I believe it's what they go by. I'll send this after the episode. If you could include a link to this guy's Twitter profile, give him some free promotion. He doesn't-- Sure. --doable work. I'm trying to note that. But the whole thing was one of Menendez's assistants is on the stand. And now, just today, before we got on, they're spilling the beans about how Mossad was somehow involved in this whole scheme. And-- Oh, and the gold stealing scheme. Hmm. And the testimony got hammered down and shut down as soon as the cross-examining attorney tried to clarify, OK, what's Mossad? Oh, boy. Oh, man. [LAUGHS] [LAUGHS] What does that even imply? Like, what does that-- is he-- is he saying he doesn't know what that organization is? Well, I think the implication there is they're trying to make the person say what Mossad is for the corner. OK. Yeah. Yeah. That's hilarious. What do you think they're doing with all that gold? Swimmin' in it. Scrooge McDuckin'. Shit. Yeah, that's what I would do if I had Egyptian amounts of gold. You got to think they have a lot of-- you've got to think. They have a lot of gold, right? It's an ancient place. Yeah. They've been collecting gold for at least 6,000 years. 12? 12? Yeah. Since Atlantisville. So true, cars. Right there in the middle of the ocean there. And then the people split in two directions, and one of them was Mexicans, and one of them was Chinese. Yeah. [LAUGHS] Yeah. You got it. I just-- I really want to get that one out there. You know, before we wrap, I think we're headed that way, can I do just one quick scroll and see if any of the other stuff I post in one section? Yes, I think you ought to plug the book club as well. Yes, I will do that just as soon as-- like I said, I want to do one scroll through the newsroom, and see if any of it actually did. Oh, the-- can I do one while you're looking? I want to do one more. Yeah. OK. I have said this-- listen, I am a fat guy. OK, I'm very fat. I'm very ugly. All right? I get it. That's not true. I get it. [LAUGHS] Listen, I'm being-- this is humility. I'm a fat guy. I wouldn't look any better. But we have been so fucking vindicated about the pictures of Kosten Alomariu found in Brazil or wherever those are. The Bronze Age pervert is a beer-bellied Jewish expat. You're done. Wow. It's over. It's over. Cooked and then-- It's true. And then I've hated the guy for years. I've hated the guy for years. Baby gravy, 69, or whatever the guy's name is, the Raw Egg Nationalist. Listeners? No. Listeners? No. Never been a fan of his real energy. Normal-looking guy. [LAUGHS] Honestly, a normal, pretty normal-looking guy, definitely not an A10arian. I didn't think he ever said that he was. Some people are saying that. But what I think is funny about this one is that all of the groippers basically discovered these two images. The back one is excellent. It's exactly what he deserves to look like as an aged lesbian. The Raw Egg Nationalist one, I think, is funny because the groippers are shitting all over the guy because he looks like that. He looks-- except for being a little bit more Semitican features or Portuguese, maybe one or the other. He looks exactly like Nick Fuentes. So I don't really-- That's amazing. I really wasn't connecting why that one was a problem. But, yeah, so that was the latest discoveries. It seems like a lot of these guys are being exposed as of late. And I just think it's really good. The Bronze Age pervert cope, I mean, that is the purest cleanest-- It's not as delicious. Yeah. The cleanest, huffable form of copium that I've ever experienced in my life is the Bronze Age blank fan account that simply cannot process that their leader is basically a chubby yental. Oh, it's great. I've got the stuff I was looking for if I may be permitted a literal life-- Of course. Of course. First headlines-- Genovese, mobster, Tony Cakes, ID, as elderly pedestrian, decapitated by Department of Transport Truck. I just-- Do you think we could get Biden to read a sentence like that out loud? That would just be all I would really need for the show. U.S. Justice Department considering a deal with Boeing to avoid criminal prosecution if they accept federal supervisors. Yes, sir. Going all the way back to 2016, you guys remember Mick Muffin and his independent run? Oh, man. Yeah. The CIA. Yeah. Mick Muffin. Yeah. The guy who was leading his campaign has been arrested for soliciting teenage boys for sex. Ah, yes. I saw that as well. Is that the-- yes, I know who you're talking about, because there's a couple of stories like that. Yeah. Oh, then it's not the same guy. Yeah, like three or four different Democrat petos just got busted for different things. Like this one-- I don't know what the org is, but on Twitter, he's like a pedophile hunter this guy. And he busted like three of these guys. So that's happening. We've also got the House of Reps has a vocal minority that wants to hold Merrick Garland in inherent contempt. You guys remember the never Trump blue resistance bullshit and wanting the House sergeant to arrest Trump? Yeah. We're doing that to the Attorney General now. Yeah, yeah. Well, it's great because either they have to do it or they won't. And either way, it just demonstrates that what they did to Steve Bannon was yet another political martyrdom in the long list. And eventually, that list has to add up to action at some point, right? Right, I say? To a silent. Yeah. To the crickets only. To a silent room. Yeah. Last bit of lightning round here, lock bit, the ransomware collective claims they've got the fed by the balls. Oh, yeah. Actually, their sauce, if it exists, is due at end of business today. Yesterday. Yesterday. And the business yesterday. This is live at noon on Wednesday and no results. We don't have the results personally yet, but they'll maybe be out today, figure that out. I haven't logged into the internet yet today. No, no. They are alive. They went live yesterday and I just haven't seen them yet. So that was the lightning round. Thank you for letting me sprint through. You're welcome. You should adopt that into a segment. That was fun. That was good. Bosses lightning round. Yeah. Pauses lightning rounds. Yeah. That was good. Yeah. A lot of weird stuff going on in this world of ours, gentlemen, a lot of ravens, ravens to tame. A lot of rit, as they say. Can I? Good job. I'm going to put a call out, put a call out to the listeners here. Just like, I don't know how you could best do this, but hold on, I'm going to do y'all a thing because I need this. I just tweeted and I will pin it, post funny RFK clips. It's my pin tweet. Just if you find one throughout the week, just send it over to post in there because I need more of it, right? The world is dark, okay? The world is very dark and I need more clips of RFK. You know, I don't know. Mingling with birds. Thanks for the retweet. Mingling with birds and gardening, yeah, gardening and warming out. Just warming out. Warming out. Any more videos of people warming out? You saw the Justin Timberlake video of him warming out the other day. Holy moly. They arrested that guy, I guess, on a DUI charge in a place where I thought it was legal to drive drunk because everyone is rich, but I guess I was wrong. Anyway. See, the whole thing about that was that cop, that particular cop is a rookie and a Sumer who hasn't, yeah, he hasn't heard of any of these people, so they are just standing. That's right. He actually, you aren't supposed to arrest these people as that guy's fault. That's right. Hmm. Yeah, he was warm. Has made the discourse around that hilarious by the way. Yeah. Literally. It's a better place to sink into the ocean than Martha's Vineyard with every celebrity on it. All right, that's our news, fellas, let's go to the outro. New Mexico. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe that maybe that's a one that I can't sing. I'm tone daffolips. Heartaches by the number. All right. A one tooth. Big iron. Big iron? Yeah. There you go. Great ones. Yeah. What if we just did two more hours, two more hours, vaguely muttering to one another? Western songs. You know what? I'd be able to figure out some Johnny Cash because he couldn't really sing either anyway. Yes. Dog on lonesome. We can do that one together. We could do a cut cover. The listeners would love a Christmas album, I think. Oh, they would eat that up. They would. You threatened to do one once, didn't we? We did. When we were doing the brand shift. We did. I love to sing. I'm a huge singer. Hell yeah. Hard. Yeah. Yeah. Good, good, good. Hey, one last thing, subscribe to the SDS Book Club. I want to be a neat two, please. Yes. Doin' stuff. There are posts up already. Yes. Including a clip I posted Tuesday morning for people behind the paywall on. There you go. So go over there. Check the description of this episode to find it. It's on Patreon, the SDS Book Club. Good stuff. Alright, yeah. Well, until next week, two hands on the wheel. [Music]