Harvest Detroit West

Treasures in the Field - Psalm 46

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17 Jul 2024
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In this week’s podcast Elder Randy Hall talks about the wisdom of knowing God and allowing that knowledge to comfort you in times of overwehlming trials.

(upbeat music) - Hi, welcome to Church in the Field, the mid-week review of our past Sunday service. I'm here with Randy, we were honored that Randy gave us the sermon this past Sunday. And so, what do you think about this past Sunday, how did it go? - Well, that was gracious, that was gracious. I got a chance to speak about the wisdom of knowing God, 'cause you know, in this wisdom series, and like I was teasing, I think I teased more in second service than I did in the first service, so it was the first service that you missed this one. But I was teasing that. - You're loosened up a little bit on this one. - Yeah, all right. - That I really did, I like proverbs, I love proverbs. I'd be nailed with my C20's, I'd be like, "Hey, you only need to get into proverbs." There's a lot of wisdom there. - Yes. - You know, the more I live, the more I realize, man, I need some proverbs in my life. And I love the wisdom literature, and I teased how, well, Reagan took the good ones. (laughs) - Yeah. - One and two, and I do love proverbs, and then I was thinking about it, it was like, okay, Reagan did like three Sundays of proverbs. - Yeah. - And he could try to, you know. - Nailed it. - I could try to, my flex on proverbs too, but that'd be edifying for the people. And, you know, God really just moved on me with just Psalms 46. - Okay. - I've always loved the song that inspired it, which is a mighty fortress. And so, I looked at Psalms 46, and so really dive in there. And when I've seen the three stanzas, kind of comes in three stanzas, it struck me that it talks about God as our sanctuary. I talked about God as our sustainer, and God is our salvation. And really just focusing in on the fact that God provides for us. He's that living water that we need as a sustainer. And he's the one who says, be still and know that I'm God, and he's gonna bring us home into salvation. - Yeah. All right, let's get into this. So, what ultimately, I mean, I know like you said, we're doing wisdom and stuff like that. So what ultimately brought you to like verse 46? Like, did you have, like in the past, did you like, was this like a go-to verse, or was it like, you know what I mean? Does that make sense? - Yeah, yeah. Now, interestingly, it's not that I haven't read it, but it wasn't like a go-to verse. - Okay. - If you grew up in church, like me long enough, I've heard that God is my refuge. - Yes. - You know what I'm saying? - And I'm probably gonna told you like three weeks ago, exactly, it was, if you ask me where it's found, I'd be like, it's in the Bible. (laughing) So, I can tell you what just a verse. And like I said, it was really, really, interestingly was the song of Mighty Fortress. I really do love that song. I love the imagery, I love the power of the song, Mighty Fortress, and I was familiar with the story of how Luther came to pin that song. It's really with the play going on, and him being Romanian in Wittenberg to take care of people who are suffering with the plagues, and just a toll that takes on you. - And so that's when that song was formed? - Yeah. - Okay? - Yeah. - So that's a dark time to-- - Yeah, that's a dark time, and the beautiful thing is that God, Word speaks to us even in our dark time, and it encourages us. And so, thinking about that story, I also thought about being on our prayer list at church, so I get our prayer list and part of the prayer team, I get the prayer list, and there is a lot of hurt going on even within our church. There are a lot of people who are suffering, and it's not like, you know, I haven't had a job in two months, I don't know how I'm gonna feed my family, it's like sickness, - Yeah. - Wayne, - Yeah. - heavy. - Yeah. - And this has been going on for a year, you know, 18 months, and it's like, serious, heavy sickness, and it's life. And as a, this is a biblical counselor, I'm always concerned with the heart of the people. - Yeah. - Yeah, I can, yes. - I'm always concerned with the heart of the people, and so, just God just put His on my heart to be able to give them somewhat a taste of what it would be like in a biblical counseling session, of just knowing that you're hurting and hearing that you're hurting and saying, "Okay, God speaks to this." And that's what led me to 46, 'cause I see it just speaks to those who are hurting. - Yeah, I like that. Yeah, 'cause so, 'cause like you well know, Tiffy and I kind of had our little mishap with our brain aneurysm, and it's like, we just kept going to the Word, and it's crazy, the comfort that you wouldn't think that you would experience, right? 'Cause you're like, you know, you're going through doctor's appointments and stuff like that, and you're seeing all these things, and you're like, "Okay, well, how can I get comfort from this?" And then you just keep praying, and it's like you just get this like, like this relaxation over you, and you're like, "Oh, that doesn't even make sense." But then you read it, it's like, "Wow." - Yeah. - Wow, okay, you know what I mean? Like right here, I like, verse one and two just kicks it off, it's like, "God is our refuge and strength, "a very present help and trouble." He's right there, every time. - Yeah. - And then, yeah. - First one and two are major. - Yeah. - Okay, like, is, is, what makes it more powerful is, maybe as a young Christian, I'd be like, "Okay, that sounds pretty good concept," but as a, as you get seasoned, as you begin to read your Bible and to study and have the whole kind of scripture in mind when you're reading that, it's like I was talking about, the Jews had a track record of God just being there, every time. - Yeah. - And then, they cried out. - Yep. - Like, that's all judges is about, is the Jews, forget who Christ is, forget who God is, fall into sinfulness. They're captive and they're oppressed, and then they cry out to God, and he raises up a judge and he rescues them. And this happens over and over again and just, not even to mention, it happens big time in Egypt when they were suffering on a pharaoh and God cries out and he does this miraculous thing. And I think that's something that we, as Christians, if we look back on our lives, we have the same testimonies. If you've been saved long enough, you can look back and see how God has kept you, how God has changed things in your life. Even if you've only been saved for a year, you can have a testimony of realizing that, "Hey, I go through the rolodex quite often." And I'm like, "Okay, I see you." Now that you're out of it, you look back and you're like, "Wow, okay, you know what I mean?" - And see, that's the wisdom of knowing God, is before I knew God and I didn't know him, I had things, what I would call wrong view of things. So I would look at stuff a certain way, and probably the problem was, I was agreeing with the world, I was running with the world. So I have this view of stuff. But now that I see God, now that I know God, now that I know what it means to live righteously before him, when I look back at stuff, I see, "Oh wow, I thank God." And he didn't give me what I deserved right then and there. 'Cause that was horrible, that was unrighteous, and God would have been just to deal with me in a very hard way. - So that's one of my questions, like, so verse four, like what is it that, like as a Christian, what is it that makes us like, instead of clinging to God and going to him for a refuge, we kind of tend to go our way of like, for our own comfort, does that make sense? - Yeah. - You know what I mean? - Yeah, I think one of the major things that happens is, it's like Paul says that even when I would do good, evil is always present. And was mentioned earlier in our series, and it's just this temptation, and this temptation of the flesh, and the condition of the fall, is that over and over, and we even see it in the Jews, and over and over, God does great and wonderful things, and sometimes we become to expect that that is what God does. - Yeah. - And we don't realize how great and marvelous and wonderful it is. We just expect, you know, that's what it means to live, that God does this, and God does that. And as Christians, we're not immune from taking God's grace for granted. That's why these sermons are necessary, is that we can be living our lives, and we can love God, genuinely, with our heart. But the problem is, do I tailor my will after God's will? Do I recognize unrighteous affections that try to creep into my life? 'Cause that's how Satan works. He may not come with the obvious things, but he comes with the little things. And so, this is what happens as a Christian, and so when life hits you hard, this is one of the most damaging things I think that happens as a Christian, and it happens even as a person on the outside looking in. So, I have a friend dear to me who's suffering. And they've been suffering for a very long time. Very long time, and it's like, they seem to be, well, not they seem to be, they are very God-centered people that are living their lives in a very God-honoring way. Servant God, and even from the outside looking in, I'm just praying God, please do something. Please, on the outside looking in. And I have to go back and pray. - 'Cause you're getting weary for them, almost in a sense, right? - Yeah. - And I'm on the outside looking in. So imagine living through that. And I just think the Holy Spirit is capable of drawing them. And the thing about it is, they're just truthfully so amazing. 'Cause I see the minister, and I see the heart for God, and to hear the ministering in the midst of all that is going on in their life. And it's like, there's this unwavering dedication and love for God that's like, kind of puts me to shame. (laughing) Personally, 'cause I'm like, I'm worried that, you know, this is gonna shake their faith. I hope they hold fast and oh God, please do something. And the Holy Spirit is just doing a work that, I don't even begin to contemplate. But I think it's part of the way God is wider as his Christian. So when he says, "Week with those who weep," and laugh with those who laugh, when we see our Christian brothers and sisters hurting, we're hurting. - Yeah. - And we're hurting. And just like they need descriptors, we need descriptors. And so I think that's the thing that we wanna do is we wanna make sure that when life gets hard, that we press in, so what does the scripture say? - Yes. - One of the stories that I ended with was about a guy named Horatio Spafford. And Horatio Spafford was living during the 1800s. So right around, I think 1871 was the great Chicago fire, 1873, he had lost his all four of his girls and drowned what he was going across the sea. - Yes. - And actually 1870, right before the Chicago fire, where he lost a lot of his property and money, he had already lost his son, and that's tragic. And that seems like, oh man, poor Horatio. - That was his wife and his girls before him overseas, right? And then he was like following like a week after. - Yeah, well, we plan to follow out there. - Yep. - Yep. - And so-- - And just well with my soul. - Yeah. - Right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - What do you wrote? - Yeah. - Dude, that's crazy. - That's crazy. - And what's crazy though is that if we were to study early church history, even if we weren't studying church history, if we were studying history in the 1800s, infant mortality was exactly like that. There would be faithful families who had, who birthed 11 children and seven of them lived. And that was the largest. - That's crazy. So it was more normal just for your kids really not to see seven years old or whatever, right? - Yeah. - 'Cause even her ratio had a son after that day was born, I think in '78, and he died. - Yes. - And so. - Actually did a Bible study on that. - Yeah. - On that, like, 'cause I was fascinated by that song and that back story. - Yeah, it's a powerful story. - Yes. - That's a powerful story. - The Captain, sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. Captain actually stopped, like, on the way, and he said this is where, like, it all happened. This boat went down, like, this is where your family was lost and stuff like that. - Yeah. And so you got this powerful story and the reaction is like, and I do, I think, I was like, God, I hope I have enough faith. I hope I have enough strength of character to have that same reaction that, you know, it's well with myself. - Yeah. - It's well with myself. And I find that in those, in the 1800s and the 1700s, when there was high infant mortality, that there was, there wasn't, like, a lack of Christianity. It wasn't, like, a big, you know, fallen off of Christianity because of death. As a matter of fact, there was a lot of, especially amongst the poor, a lot of people who were driven to Christianity. So the question becomes, what did they know that sometimes I think we forget? And I think it's biblical understanding, just a high biblical IQ of God's word, of just intently, because, truthfully, if I have to live with the reality that my, you know, my children might not make it to 10 years old, and that's just the reality of what it is, I need God. - Yeah. - I need God, you know what I'm saying? And I think we're blessed in a time where, if a child dies before 10, you think it's a tragedy. And I'm not saying it's not a tragedy. - No, no, yeah. - It's a rarity, we don't expect that. - But what's crazy is you see it in the wild, right? Like kids are getting picked off left and right, 'cause of the weaker vessel, right? You get, we got babied with today's like, miracles of like medicine and stuff like that, and that's why I feel like we don't see it as much. Like back then, you got a little child that's sick, like they're not like us. They don't have the strength, you know what I mean? So it just took them out. - Yeah, well, yeah. I mean, our medical technology has gone better. If anybody's into all that statistics stuff, they'll realize that life expectancy has grown. - Yeah. - Tremendous. - The pictures and videos we saw of like when they did Tiffany's brain and stuff like that, watching the blood flow, like literally all the vessels, everything through her brain, I was like, that's wild. - Yeah. - That they can take a camera and they can literally just see inside your brain and like pick that stuff out. - Yeah. - So yeah, that stuff is just, it's crazy. It's crazy to see and stuff like that. - Yeah. And the danger sometimes is, 'cause I thank God for the advantage in medicine. Thank God now that we don't have to bury a bunch of kids. Because now we know better. Now we know about germs. That was one of the big innovations of really understanding what germs were. And so now we don't have to do bloodletting, like they used to back in the day. So we understand these things a little better, but the problem sometimes is when we do understand things a little better, is we think, okay, now, I don't need to rely on God. - Yeah. - And it's like-- - Kind of got back a little bit. - Yeah, God is our sustainer. - Yeah. - And I think it happens a lot of times when we go to the doctor and we like, they need to figure this out. And we think it's on them. - Yeah. - And I tell people all the time, the doctors are practicing medicine. There's only one who has put us together. There's one who knows us inside and out better than we know ourselves. And that's our creator. - So yeah, I'm not trying to get sideways on that, but then also they're told what to say sometimes too is like, here, this is what it is. And they like to push medicine and stuff like that. That's told a different podcast, sorry. - Oh yeah. That's a podcast. - That's told a different podcast. - That's a podcast we could talk about, really. But that is, that's what we could talk about. But my hope was that really just really from this that people would see the descriptors are sufficient. - Yeah. - And I know a lot of times when we're in the midst of it, when we're going through, it seems overwhelming. And the temptation is to draw back. And that was even one of my points of what we should do and take away from this as we know God. - Yeah. - So one of the big practices really in our counseling session is trying to help people to, it's really to be wise. So that's why I call it the wisdom of knowing God is that sometimes there's like three areas of what the Bible call our hearts. So it can talk about our heart about what we know, our heart about affections and our heart about our will. And so these three dynamics make up our heart. And so what usually happens is that they're not all lined up with God's, what God says. So I might not know everything. And so my affections are off. - Yeah. - What I'm supposed to do or sometimes I know something but my affections are not right. And therefore I don't do what I'm supposed to do. Kind of like when Paul says, even when I would do right evil is always present. And I don't do the things I do want to do. And I do do the things I don't want to do. And so that's what I have to get my will under subjection. I tell my young people all the time that as I was studying, we come to the scriptures with preconceived notions and ideas that we have. And you'll read something that totally contradicts or what I felt. Not what I thought, but what I felt like God should be like. And I had to realize that I had to-- - That's dangerous. - Throw my feelings aside. - Yeah. - I can't say this, don't. 'Cause this is the problem that we have with the world is they're like, no, God is love. And we just feel it. And that means nothing. - Yeah. - I mean, that's any anything in ill-informed and emotion and ill-informed emotion will lead you down so many wrong paths. And so to be completely whole as Christians, God wants us to love them with all our minds, our hearts, and our soul, every aspect of us, with our will, with our emotions, and with our minds. Our minds are not to be left out. And so sometimes we need to increase our knowledge or be reminded of something. And then we need to be reminded of something so that it may aid in our affections, aid in me saying, okay, you know what? I don't desire this anymore because I know this is offensive to my God. It's kind of like, as you learned your wife, there was certain things that you didn't do 'cause you know, okay, this doesn't please her. And I don't, my desire is to please my wife. So I'm not gonna do this anymore. And now I don't even wanna do it anymore because it just trouble. - Yeah, it's not worth it during the day. - Exactly. - And so that's how our whole life should be of just as our knowledge increasing. We bring our affections into some section of the knowledge, and we line up our wheels and our actions to show that. And usually what happens a lot of times, especially when we need counseling is dead. One of those are off. One or more of those are off. Sometimes we just don't know enough to act wise. Sometimes we just don't realize how our affections are affecting us. And so this is why I love this verse because it starts off with, like you read in verse one about God, a present helping time and need. He's our security. And then he says it right there in verse three, therefore we will not fear. And we think of fear as an emotion. And you think, how can I control my emotions? Well, if I know God is my refuge, if I know God is for me, if I know that God is working all things out for my good, and I know what that means, then it does alleviate fear. - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? That doesn't mean that, you know. And when I say alleviate fear, I mean controlling fear. You know, if I'm in a situation that somebody's shooting, yeah, natural is wise. - Yes, yeah. - It would be to be fearful. - Yeah. - 'Cause that's gonna make me make wise decisions. And I'm not gonna walk around like, "Can't nobody shoot me God?" (laughing) Get through to the head. But no, but if shooting, I'm naturally gonna, you know, be careful and know, you know, I need this cruelest prayer, God, you know. Keep watch over me, and I'm done. Whereas if I don't know God, if I don't know him as protection, that fear can become gripping. - Yeah. - It can paralyze me, and it can also lead to trauma. So afterwards, I'm just fearful. - Yeah, 'cause you can't hold on to that. - Yeah. - You can't let it go, yeah. - So I wanna have a good knowledge of God. That's why I say it's wise to be knowledgeable who about God is, because it actually, this is why Christ says, "Whom the sun sets free, it's free indeed." - Yeah, 'cause that stuff's no longer yours. - Satan can't bind me with my shortcomings and my shortfalls, because God's conforming me more and more to the image of Christ. - I'm very good at just, it's done. Like once it's over, it's over. Like just unload the wagon, you know what I mean? It's over, it is what it is. Like it's gone, let's, you know what I mean? But no, yeah, you're right. I mean, it's not mine, it's not mine to hold. Like you said, he tells us time and time again, give it to me, lay it at the cross, leave it, it's gone. - Yeah. - It's not mine. - And so there's so much freedom in that. And there's so much, I think there's so much freedom in continuing to have a clear picture of who God is. And how we can know that he's our refuge. We can run to him. So when life gets heavy, when it seems like we're under attack, we don't have to say, oh my God, what am I gonna do? God has already taken, he's foreseen this. - Yeah. - Like I said, I can't unpack all of what it means to know God, but this is one thing I wanted to focus in on us, just him is our refuge, him is our present help, always there, sustaining us. It is by, it's the living water of God that this strengthens us. And hopefully, you guys have experienced that as you go through and just dive it into the scriptures. And finding peace that surpasses understanding. - Yeah. So as of late, how I've been reading my Bible now, as again, as we speak about wisdom and stuff like that, I try to take every book or whoever's telling the story to like, well, that's my brother telling me, this is the mistakes or whatever he made in life. This is how God corrected me. And to like, use that, you know what I mean? To like, try to utilize that in the way in my life. Does that make sense? - Yeah. - You know what I mean? So that's how I've been trying to read as of late through the Bible, right? - Yeah. - So. - That's awesome. As a matter of fact, shout out to my C-20s. We are going through our own class, where we get a chance to break down and read the Bible. And one of the major factors, which is usually my approach anytime I get up to preach, is I give you the story, what it says, and what the author was trying to convey. I try to make sure that we understand the author, understand it from the audience standpoint as they listen to it. - Yeah. - But also, there's principles in there that we can recognize and we can go along with it. And so exactly how I try to do this one is that, what it says, and this is definitely them speaking to a Jewish audience. So there's a lot of things that, you know, you have to go back and give breakdown. Like, what does it mean? - Yeah. - A strong tower is what is another way of translating refuge, strong tower. What does it mean to God, strong tower? That's what we talked about, you know, Jerusalem being a ward off city and people on the outside. So this is what other people understood when they ran into that ward off city. It was a stronghold. This is a place of protection. And that was just what it meant and plain. And so now we have to realize, okay, now, how does that, what truth is being relayed there? And the truth is being relayed there. It's just like they had a physical place of protection that was so special because not only because of its structure, but because who resided there? Because we know in those times God had his temple in Jerusalem where his presence was supposed to be. That was the ark of the covenant. So he resided in that as far as their understanding was. And so the beautiful thing is now in looking back and our second covenant, we realized that now the Holy Spirit resides within each one of us. - Which is wild to think about. - Which is awesome. And so it's like so we got that same refuge. And it's almost a temple level when we come together as a body. - Yes. - And so that's an important thing that I don't want, that's an important fact that I hope people understood is that when we look at that, you see, we and he's our refuge. And it's very much talking about them as a people, as a collection. And not saying that God does something for the collective that he doesn't do for the individual. But I think we just take it for granted. Like I can just pull out this collective and just apply it to me individually. When I think a lot of it is also meant to be applied collectively. So when I'm going through, God does this for us and we. Well then I'm probably to be a part of the us and we because one of God's means of grace to us is the church. One of his main means of grace. One of the main means of me being corrected in my, in my learning of the Bible. If I'm reading something off, if I'm not understanding, one of the means of grace that God's given me is a pastor that I can go a hacks and concerned with me or a small group leader. As somebody who studied up a older brother in the faith. There's continuous scriptures about us together. - Yeah. - One another. - Next, don't just mention that this morning, how about unity and there needs to be more unity within the body? - Yeah. - 'Cause we all want to just kind of go our separate way and especially men were stubborn and I don't want to share my feelings with you and it's like, no, it's not how God made us at all. - See, now you're trying to go up into another whole podcast. - Yeah, I mean, but it's like you said though, refuge, right? I mean, there's one guy here, there's five guys here. What's stronger, you know what I mean? If we're in with each other, that's, you know what I mean? Like you said, it's a refuge, like we're together now. You know what I mean? It's, yeah. - So yeah, I'm just, I'm just thankful. I'm praying that it was a edifying message. - Yes. - I pray that it would encourage a lot of our people who are just having real life situations, man. I mean, real harsh life situations where. - Yes, you're not alone. - Where it can test, it can, this is where they have Satan likes to come in and I hope that they just have that resolve and the resolve comes in just knowing God. - Yep. - The more they know about God and the more, the Holy Spirit is empowered to bring all these things to their remembrance and they can have that bold, what I call like Matthew four moment where Jesus is being tested into wilderness and Satan couldn't shake him because he knew God and he knew God's word and hopefully we can be the same. - But that goes to us though as well as Christians, we need to be in the Word and know our Bible. Can't just rely like on our pastor on a Sunday just to feed us and then do the week gone, you know what I mean? Like that's not how it works, you know what I mean? - Here's the good thing. I think a lot of our viewers are people who are trying to get deeper into the Word. - Oh, I agree, I agree. I was just throwing that out there. - Yeah, we got to throw that out. We got to make sure it's there. - Make sure everyone stays in the Word, you know what I mean? - Let's start these up. - And that's always my encouragement is to be people of the book. - Yeah. - We need to be people of the book. And it's crazy, and I don't want to go too long, but I do want to mention this 'cause it was fun to get. - Oh, good bro, I'm enjoying it. - Yeah, it was funny as I was wrapping up and trying to like organize my thoughts on what I was going to preach. So Saturday I was like in gross, like okay, let's not go this well 'cause there was a rabbit trail. 'Cause I don't think I want to go there. And it happens all the time 'cause it was good. And so as I'm doing that, I'm focusing in on the Word and I get here Sunday and somebody tells me it's a good word 'cause you know, it was crazy Saturday. I'm like Saturday, something happens Saturday. Like, I totally missed crazy stuff going on in this world. - Oh yeah. - And the thing is that there's nothing new under the sun, seems crazy to us, but God's Word speaks to every possible scenario. - Yeah. - Like, it's sufficient. It's like, we got God's Word. He's not ignorant of what we're going through. He's not ignorant of things that can come up. There's no new technology. There's no new development that is so new that the Bible doesn't speak to it. - Yeah. - Like it speaks 'cause the Bible is about the principles and it's about us and our thinking and our behavior. - Yes. - And that dictates everything. And so, yeah, it was just eye-opening. To see that God's Word is available for God's people. And he has, he orchestrates it to where whatever goes down, that his Word is a good Word that will speak to that situation so you don't have to wear it. You don't have to fear. You can recognize that no matter if half the U.S. government is assassinated, God is still in control. He's still our refuge. If they put it, eat it out today, that any Christians that's going to be thrown in jail, God is still our refuge. - Yeah. - He's still our peace. - Yeah. - All right, brother, I enjoyed this. - Oh, yeah. It has been great talking with you, brother. Say, you were worried, man. - I was very worried. This is probably one of our longer podcasts. They go, we'll go like, don't die whenever you don't. - Hey, we just got into it. I started, yeah. Started flowing. I enjoyed it. - Yeah, it was a good time. So, I'm really looking forward to this week. - So we got Brett this week, yeah? - We got Brett this week. - Let's go. - So, it's gonna be our first time here. - What's he doing? - I did kill this as well. - He's doing Psalms 19, which is a good one. Which is a good one because that's another one where I could be a little jealous 'cause I do like that one. 'Cause once again, I'm thinking, I wanna speak on what Brett's gonna do 'cause I don't know, but I do love the fact that it also points about God being knowable. Now, Psalm 19 is one of the, this talks about how creation points to the fact that there's a God. - Yeah. - And so I'm pretty sure he's gonna bring that out and it's just gonna be awesome. I like Psalm 19. - Yeah, I'm excited. - Yeah, I'm excited. - I like his energy. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - He's a young guy. - Oh, 100%. - All that energy, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, and you muscle guys like to do all that, you know? Stuff, you know, what was y'all doing this Saturday? (laughing) - Spark Run. Spark Run. Oh yeah. - All right, cool. - The story of Exodus came into my brain while when I was walking through, like there was a sandy part, dude. And I was like exhausted. And I was just looking up. I was like, I can see why the Jews were mad. So mad at Moses, like, dude, get us here, man. - Yeah. - So it was intense, dude. It was intense. - Yeah, that's for sure. - That's what's up. - Yeah. - So yeah, I'm looking forward to him and energy he's gonna bring. And I appreciate you for filling in. - Yeah, thanks for having me. I enjoyed being here for me sitting here just talking to myself. So I appreciate you. - I was super nervous before this. I'll tell you that right now. (laughing) - So cool. So I'll pray as I help you. And we'll be done. - Yeah, yeah. - Dear most gracious and Heavenly Father, we are just so grateful, Lord God, for your goodness and your kindness and your love towards us. Lord, we are so grateful that in our times of hurt, in our times of pain, when life throws us a curve ball and we think we're going in one direction and it's flipped up on us, that we can look to your word and your word will give us comfort and assure us that you are not caught off by surprise, that you are sovereign God who knows the beginning from the end, that you are working all things out for our good and for your glory. And Lord God, we pray that any of our fellow brothers and sisters who are going through trials and tribulations that they will continue to rest in that, that the Holy Spirit would bring this to their remembrance over and over again, that you're a good God and that your word has answers and that you're able to bring peace in the middle of the storm. Pray all these things in Darla's son, Jesus name. Amen. - Amen. All right, thank you guys for tuning in, you guys have a great rest of your day. - Yes. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)