Harvest Detroit West

Treasures in the Field - DGRS- Samuel Sey

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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We talk with Samuel Say, author of Slow to Write, concerning his topic at the Did God Really Say Conference.

(upbeat music) - And welcome to Treasures in the Field. This is our did God really say conference edition. And right now we're blessed with another one of the great speakers that was there. The infamous, you know, Samuel said. (laughing) - Infamous, not famous. - Yeah, no, I love it. - I just love on social media, I see you and you engage with the heart truth. So there's a lot of people that come out and just say crazy stuff and you like to set them straight. I just love it. (laughing) - You love it, they don't love it so much. They don't love it. - So yeah, we're just great. So for the, but a few people who don't know you, maybe you just give me a quick introduction and just talk about your topic that you had a chance to speak on today. - Oh yeah, yeah. So yeah, Samuel say, I'm a writer. I'm the writer and founder of where I write about basically world view issues from a biblical perspective, mostly on race and the issue of life, particularly pro-life, the usual abortion. I was born in Ghana, I was raised there until I was 10, then I 10 years old, I moved to Canada and I spent most of my life in the Toronto area until a couple of years ago. I married my amazing wife and we now live in Ohio. So you're in Michigan, you're right, you're here. So don't hold it against me. - Yeah, we're not gonna hold it against you. (laughing) - But yeah, and then my talk today was, the title was pro-life apologetics for the church and the culture. Basically, it's me educating the crowd on how to change people's minds on abortion, how to turn them from being pro-abortion to being pro-life. So I gave what I hope is good theological and practical advice and steps to change people's minds in abortion. - Yeah, so you were telling us the interesting story. So basically what was it, the incident that happened with a friend of yours, girlfriend, that really sparked your interest into this fight against abortion? - Yeah, so when I was 18, I had a phone call that changed my life in many ways. It was from a friend of mine. She was the girlfriend of one of my very good friends and she asked me a very simple question that has become a very important question to me now which is what would I say to a girl considering an abortion? And I had no idea that she was asking that question for herself because my friend was pressuring her into getting an abortion. I had no idea. And at the time I wasn't a believer, I didn't know anything about the abortion issue. So I said, I don't know. And a few days later, I learned that after I said, I don't know, she went to an abortion clinic and had her baby killed. So as you can imagine, I had a big impact on me for a long time until I finally had an opportunity to join the pro-life movement and to finally now give real good answers to that very question of what would I say to a girl considering an abortion? - Yeah, I think you gave us just some real great ones to think about. I love, 'cause I think the few times I've engaged with genuine conversations about this with people. And a lot of people seem to think it's political. And I'm saying, and as others, it's not a political issue. It's a moral issue. It's a God issue. - Amen. - Amen. - And so, I have engaged with someone and I'm trying to explain to them just what a heinous abortion is and they're giving me political talking points. And I was like, but I don't know what you're responding to 'cause that's not what I say it. But I do find that I think one of the ones you probably were hesitant to show us with the picture. - Yeah. - It just really unpacks the fact that abortion as a word, as a theory, is removed from the actuality of the heinousness of it. - Yes, yes. - The heinous of it. Now, has that been your experience that when you actually explain the heinousness of it or are you demonstrated? - You can describe abortion as much as you want. And it's good to describe it. It's very important to explain what it is. But what you're referring to is yes, I shared the picture of what we call the abortion victim photography. We show the victims of abortion. We show what happens to a child, to a human being when they get aborted. And it's a horrific picture. I don't like showing it, but I know it's important that I show it because then you know it's not politics. Then you know it's not some theories, not just not some cultural debate. It is lives at stake. It is babies being murdered brutally. And yeah, as I mentioned, there are many people who just, but just by seeing those photos, they become horrified and they say, oh my goodness, I am pro-abortion, but not anymore. Because, you know, seeing is believing, right? - Yeah. - And before that I showed the picture of Emmett Till, which is a difficult picture too. But it's to make the point that the reason why we all know Emmett Till is because of that picture. Otherwise, it would just be some nameless person who was lynched. Like I mentioned, those three boys that were on his age, that were lynched, nobody knew who they were. So these images are difficult, but they do show the horrific grotesque nature of abortion. I have a newborn son and I don't wanna imagine that, but that baby I showed was just a younger version of my newborn son. And I know people are still talking about it. They come up to me saying, man, that picture. It's almost like they didn't hear anything. As I said, all they saw or heard was that photo. And that's good because they remember it now. And hopefully they can repeat that with people they might encounter who might be pro-abortion. - Yeah, that accident has a very powerful photo. When you guys see the sermon there's a flash to the photo, so you're not gonna miss out, but it is a very powerful photo, but I think it's necessary when having a conversation with people to understand what the conversation is. - Yes, yes. - It's sad when people wanna argue certain things, and it's like you're not arguing what the truth is. Kind of like when you engage with people and they're trying to still talk about the morality of it. They wanna talk about the politics. - Yes, yes. - That's not even where I'm coming from. I'm saying this is a sin against God. And that's what I'm trying to focus on. That picture is like, this is what abortion is. So that whole, it's a clump of cells act like it's like getting the tooth distracted. It's not the same thing. - Yeah, it's not the same. - I have never had it. If you showed me a picture of a, I don't care if there's these kind of blood on it, the tooth on it. I mean, it grows, you're not gonna trick my, you're gonna do too much with it. - Yeah, yeah. So yeah, so I really did appreciate you and appreciate your speak and continually speaking about the heinousness of abortion. And I love the fact that you don't shy away from the hard parts, even when we used to, we're talking about rape and incest, which is a lot of people use. And that's just a good place probably to wrap up just to give you an expound a lived on that. And maybe you can just give us a little bit inside of the reason of why the rape part is not a good excuse for abortion. - Yeah, yeah. One of the things I said is that, you know, rape is a, you know, of course, a version of a sexual assault and it's horrific. But the reality is when someone is raped, the abortion will not unwrap them. The abortion does not change the fact that they were raped. That all it does is it creates a second assault. So it creates a second trauma, except this assault is deadly. It's even worse than rape. It's this innocent, vulnerable child that gets murdered because of his father's sins, his father's horrific sin. So it's horrible, you know, what women need when they've been assaulted is support from their loved ones. They need help, they need counseling. They need love, not an abortion. And one of the things that I shared as well is, you know, one of the best things that we do in the pro-life movement to change minds and abortion, we use something called common ground analogy question. So when someone says that, yeah, they believe in abortion in the case of rape, then we will always an example like, okay, all right, well, I'm glad you hate rape. I'm glad that you know it's terrible. But let's think through what you're really saying here. Since pre-born babies as a fact, as a scientific fact, are human beings, no one can truly deny that. If fetus just means baby, that's all it means. If fetus is a Latin word for baby or unborn or pre-born baby. So since these are human babies, pre-born babies, what years I ask them, what would you do if you were in someone's home? And this woman was a victim of rape. And she had a baby, the baby is now two years old. It's called trotting out the toddler. This is the example, it's called trotting out the toddler. And then in my example, I'm saying, okay, so in this scenario, again, this mom of a two-year-old, you're at her house, she grabs a knife and she says she wants to stab this baby to death. And you say, what are you doing? What's going on? I've lost your mind. She says, hey, I was assaulted, I was raped, I got pregnant, and this two-year-old baby, this two-year-old child is now looking like the rapist. I can't stand to see this baby anymore. Would you, the question is, would you be okay with it? I would say, of course not, that's wrong. You can't murder this two-year-old because of what the father did. And then the question is, what is the difference between this two-year-old child and a pre-born baby? There's no difference, right? So rape is horrific, it's awful, but it's never a justification for an abortion. Yeah, it was powerful, powerful. I think that's another great illustration of how we show the whole and the argument of not really thinking out that this is murder. Yes, and that's usually a term I use to like to lose instead of abortion. When they say abortion, I say, you mean murder in a unborn child? Yes, yes. Because I think that helps people, they don't like that. They don't, they like that sterilized word abortion. Yes, sounds like you mean murder? Yeah, 'cause that's exactly what it is. Yes, yes. And they have to realize that, you know, they recognize murder as well, and now I'm just showing you that, you know, both with the picture and with the analogy you said, that, you know, you're still talking about murder, you're just trying to cover it up because the baby's unseen. Yes, yes. That makes it okay. Yes, yes. So yeah, so man, I appreciate your heart. Thank you. I appreciate your boldness. Thank you. And I appreciate you for coming out here and just really sharing that with us and keeping that in front of us. 'Cause I believe this is one of those issues that sometimes a lot of church folks, and I don't mean this to be disparaging, but just the truth. A lot of church folks just miss it. Yes, they don't realize the effect. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And so I pray that just like, they recognize slavery as an evil thing and need to be done away with, that they were recognized that abortion is murder. Yep, yep. And we need that protection for the unborn as well as for the born. Amen, and you know, there was a time when abolishing slavery seemed impossible because it is, in some ways, it's one of the oldest institutions in history, right? Slavery has been around for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. And yet, it's been abolished. It's still happening, but it's happening illegally, right? But yet, it has rescued so many, obviously we know this, how just the good has come out of banning slavery, even though it seemed so impossible. And in the same way, we trust that one day, future generations will be talking about how abortion has been abolished as well as a thing of the past. And I hope and wait for that day, because it would be great. So for me, it's an honor that I can come educate, sorry, educate Christians on this issue because we know it's wrong, but it's one thing to know what's wrong, it's another thing to know how do we get the world to agree with us that it's wrong as well. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, thank you so much for the hard work, brother, keep up it, you know what I'm saying. Enjoy the few times that you post come across my timeline, I already always know it's going to be something good, it's going to be from a very good biblical perspective. Like, okay, I'm good. Yeah, you're going to get hate for this one. But I got you, I got you, go. I appreciate you, man, I appreciate you. So thank you for coming out. Thank you guys for tuning in, and we pray that you guys had a great experience viewing our podcast, we're glad that you tuned in and pray that you have a great rest of your day. (upbeat music) (audience applauding) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)