The Cārvāka Podcast

Immigration Crisis In Canada

In this podcast, Kushal speaks with Wyatt Claypool about the immigration crisis in Canada. Wyatt is a senior correspondent for The National Telegraph. This podcast talks about how the policies of the current Trudeau government have created a crisis in Canada, and the backlash towards it has reached unprecedented levels that have never been witnessed in this country.

Follow Wyatt: Twitter: @wyatt_claypool Twitter: @NatTelegraph

#Immigration #AsylumSeekers #canadavisa

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1h 4m
Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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All right, immigration is a hot topic in Canada right now and everybody seems to be discussing it at least on social media. I don't know if it's the top five polling issue. I was looking at some polls. It was still not in the top five as far as polling is concerned. I'll share that poll too for those who are interested. But the subjects that are actually in the top five are kind of interconnected to immigration in one way or the other. Wyatt has been someone who's been talking about this for a while. For those who don't know, Wyatt is a senior correspondent with the National Telegraph. He was also one of the good conservatives that was, and these are my words, not Wyatt, who was, I think, robbed by the Conservative Party. These are my words, not Wyatt. And Wyatt did not tell me to say this. I'm saying this on the record because I want to say this on the record. I have known Wyatt for a while. He's a good human being and I reached out to him and I told him Wyatt, let's have an honest conversation about immigration in Canada. So Wyatt, welcome. Yeah, thanks for having me on. A lot of this actually does tie into me running in that federal nomination that I was kicked out of. Since that was at least the area where I've gotten a lot of experience of how the average person talks about the issue of immigration. I assume the polling you're going to have on different issues from Nanos. But even some of those, I find it's not quite accurate to what people really think. People like to pretend to be more high-minded in the polling. Well, you know, an environment always comes in at 10%. Nobody's picking environment. Like, no, no one actually cares about the climate or the environment when their when affordability is just absolutely through the floor in Canada. People care about affordability, housing, immigration, and the things immigration is tied to so many of these issues whenever I as a candidate previously in Calgary Signal Hill would go around talking about the fact that I wanted to reduce immigration rates by two thirds. You'd even have very like nervous center left type people go like, you know, it is way too high. Yeah, it is. So let's first define where the problematic aspects of immigration are like when I was looking up the numbers as I was researching this, I was just looking at the numbers of the population growth in Canada last year. And to my utter horror, 97% of it was through immigration. That's not a sustainable way of doing anything. Right. If 97% of your population increased just last year, I'm not giving you a longitudinal data. So before somebody says, oh, you're cherry picking. I'm not. I'm literally stating it is last year. But if last year, 97% of your population increases because of immigration. And that obviously includes temporary immigrants. It includes student visas. It includes a lot of those things. And the problem is the temporary's are not that temporary anymore that you could just kind of hang out in Canada for a couple of years on temporary work visa and then eventually just become a citizen. And then I think there is as many as at the smallest 50,000 up to potentially 500,000 people who have had actually had temporary work at visas expire or student visas expire and just haven't left and the government doesn't care. So then we have a bunch of people who are not supposed to be here but are just still sticking around anyways because the government doesn't care to do anything about it. So what I want to talk about here is that how does one actually have an honest conversation about it, right? So I'll share my story. I came to York University in 2001. I studied in York University in 2001, 2002. I came back to India. I was living in India all these years until a personal family issue made me come back to Canada. And I stay, I mean, it's a well-known fact. I stay here half the time. I stay in India half the time. I still am kind of in between both worlds. I'm not really in Canada and I'm not really in India. I'm in both parts of the world. And that's just my life and that's something I've chosen to be associated with. But as I was digging up on this issue, I was looking at and the word that I think somebody in one of the CBC interviews of all the places which was very interesting, they use and that kind of stuck with me was the word use was immigration factories. And I actually agree with this that and people like me have actually been talking about this for a while now. I've been telling people that listen, there is this system of immigration that's actually been scammed by people, not just in India. Canadians living in Canada and it's been scammed by every single person who wants to scam the system as much as they can. So what happens is there is some immigration business over here that is certified by some random college in Canada. Then you look up the college, you don't even know what that college is. Like I went to a proper university, I went to York University, which is a very renowned university in Canada. You go to Canada, you know people who know York University. But then you hear these colleges like alpha. What the hell is alpha college? And it was in the news last year where all the students were protesting outside or whatever that alpha college was. And there are many of these universities. So from what, and correct me if I'm wrong, from what I have understood is there are these agencies over here that are recruiting these students to come over here. There are dishonest players for example in India who are not representing the true picture to innocent Indians who are actually selling their land, their house, taking money on mortgage. And they've been sold this, I don't know, cockamini dream that they're going to have a bed of roses over here. Those students come here. And all of this entire scam actually has been hyper accentuated, especially during COVID. Or am I getting this wrong? It's actually more nefarious than just a couple of bad actors working together. Oftentimes, it's the immigration lawyer and service in Canada literally is the ones who own the fake colleges that are supposed to teach you hospitality or business skills or whatever. It's literally just the same guy running both businesses. You show up, it's pretty much some of the students who come over know that it's a fake college and it's basically just an excuse to get into hand up. But there are also a lot of people who obviously wouldn't have paid money just to get into the country when it's basically all being burned up because nobody's ever going to care about the fake degree that you're getting from this borderline fake college. They're like technically certified, but a certification doesn't mean anything. It's just, you know, it's why nobody would care if you went to, you know, Harvard and got a gender studies degree. It's worthless. And that's kind of what these are for business type degrees. You know, you go to Alpha College and effectively just turns into a way of you getting jobs in Canada. And the government in Canada just doesn't seem to actually care because I think the goal of the Canadian government or actually they are caring now. Mark Miller, our immigration minister is actually telling people to go home. Like it's actually kind of crazy how the Liberals have gone from, you can't talk about it, to please get out in just five seconds flat. But the Liberals like it because it, in my opinion, is just giving them cheap labor in order to pump up the GDP. So in Canada for about five, six years, our GDP per capita has actually been falling. So we're not becoming more productive as a country on the individual level. But we can increase the GDP by simply importing people. Because even if you had basically nothing on you and you weren't even going to work, if I get you to immigrate here on false pretenses and I, you know, I grab you up by your legs and I shake out all the money from your pockets, technically we've increased the GDP. And that is the Liberals base, their goal is just to bring people into the country who they're not only going to be able to find part-time jobs or they drive for Uber Eats or whatever, but at least they add some amount of money to the economy. Not enough that it creates per capita wealth, but the Liberals get to pull out the chart showing the GDP is going up even though it's completely fictitious. Yeah, I want you to react to this small clipping of your favourite Minister Freeland. I want you to react to this. This is magical stuff, why it? What is she doing here? Like, you know, she, listen, I'm a very well-known person when it comes to I'm not a fan of Justin Trudeau. Like I even have a bumper sticker ashamed of Trudeau on my car in Canada. But having said that, this one, this minister is really shady. Like, shady is the word for her. So I want to play this clip for people. I think the impression show your government was warned that housing construction had not kept up with population growth largely because of Canada's immigration targets. Why did your government not heed that warning in lower immigration levels? Thank you for the question, Simon. And let me say this. As a country, Canada is probably the country in the world, which is the most welcoming of new Canadians, which is the most welcoming of immigrants. And as finance minister, I have to say, that is a huge economic strength. It is a real driver of our country's economic growth. And at a time when all of the industrialized countries in the world are facing huge demographic challenges, we are extremely fortunate as a country that we have the social capacity to welcome immigrants. You are quite right that if we want to be a country that welcomes new Canadians, and I strongly believe that's the right thing for all of us, we have to build more homes faster. And that's one of the reasons I'm here. Our government is totally committed to getting more homes built for Canadians. You have seen that unrelenting focus for weeks and weeks and weeks for months and months and months. My fireroll can, you know, can give a better answer than this. We need to come up with a game called, was it Kamala Harris or was it Christian Freeland? And you have to guess which one made the statement because they both love word salad. They are serving up massive portions of word salad where they just kind of go on about nothing. Like imagine, like, we have the social capacity to let in new people. Like, we just asked you about people not being able to afford homes. And you're like, I think we have the social capacity to be poor, and then just deal with it. Like, she's basically mocking Canadians that like you, you're basically, you can pour hot soup down your pants and you'll apologize to us. So we're just going to keep doing what we're doing because you're polite. You know what the best part is? We're totally committed. That's just got to me. I'm so totally committed. This is the Minister of Canada. This is the second most powerful person in Canada after the Prime Minister. Literally, I'm not even making this up. She is literally second in line. Yeah. Well, you know, and she's second in line in two different ways. Not only she's the Deputy Prime Minister, but she's also the Finance Minister, which is the Minister with that touches on the most files. Although Trudeau is trying to knife her in the back now and try and toss her out of the cabinet in some way or just demote her from finance to something else because he wants to bring in Mark Carney. It has nothing to do with Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris. Oh, I mean, Christian Freeland, but I can't tell the difference between them sometimes. But like, it has nothing to do with Christian Freeland being incompetent. It's just that Trudeau's plans are terrible. Freeland fully carries out everything that Trudeau wants to do. If a minister does something, it's not because it's just the way that they do it. In Trudeau's liberal cabinet, you either do what Trudeau wants or you get kicked out. That's actually why it's interesting that now the Liberals are going back on immigration. That's probably Trudeau after two years finally looking at the polls and finally hearing what some normal people have to say about issues like immigration and realizing, "Oh, we actually need to light..." If we want to try and save ourselves for 2025, I really don't think they can at this point. But if we even want to make a good showing, we got to restrict immigration. So Mark Miller, the immigration minister, just came out and he's the guy previously who had implied you might be xenophobic if you're not in favor of like three million people under in country here. And then now he's the one saying that just go home to students who say like foreign students who are trying to look for jobs or temporary foreign workers who are like protesting saying they can't find jobs and blah blah blah. Mark Miller just like just go home then. And he's like, "Wow, I can't believe a liberal said this. They'd probably, they'd accuse you of being far right if you're a conservative and you suggested that if people can't find jobs, maybe they should just leave and instead of asking the government to go find them one." And again, it's not even, it's not the immigrants fault that they can't find jobs. They were basically tricked into coming to a country where there's no jobs, there's no housing and the ministers are idiots. Yeah. And just to back up what you're saying, I'm going to show a few screenshots that I took purposely from CBC because I don't want anybody to accuse me of relying on far right sources. I'm going with the government data. This is like as government-ish as it gets in Canada, CBC literally 68% or 60% of CBC is government subsidized. It's actually 100% funded by the government. It generates some amount of ad revenue that it includes in its budget. But the whole thing would collapse if it wasn't getting the $1.4 billion a year from the government. Yeah. So I just wanted to show a few screenshots so that we can actually, I took them for the benefit of everyone. So this is alpha college. Look at the jump of applications from fall 2021 to winter 2022 to spring 2022. Guess how many can they hold actively at any given point of time, just 400 or 700 of as per this very documentary. And look how many students they're taking. So they could manage, let's say, till the number was like 2000, 2500-ish. But then the greed, the greed kicks in and they take 4400. And then you remember last year what had happened, right? When somebody had reported that there are a lot of students who are outside this alpha college, they are protesting because all of those students, they have paid their fees. These students are not wrong. I'm actually very sympathetic to those students. They paid their fees. They did the right thing. They followed the process that was told to them by agents inside Canada and in India. They paid their fees and the average fee of an international student is almost four to six times that of a local Canadian. And all these students come in and then one fine day they get an email, oh, we can't hold your classes. And this is that alpha college that was sending them an email. Now those students protested and I think they eventually got their way. But the point is this is scary stuff that I mean, I'm listening to all these, I'm listening all the time about this and whether it was here, there was another screen shot where there is no quality audit of all these public private career college partnerships. Again, this is the CVC documentary. There is no audit done. It's basically the wild west. Everybody does what they want to do. And let's not pretend too that the government doesn't know that they're letting this slip by. They're probably doing intentionally because they want the extra, you know, they effectively want the extra warm bodies in Canada to try and help both the GEP, Christian Freeland, even in that clip we just played, even said, oh, it's been a big driver of our economic growth. And it's like, that doesn't matter if people's quality of life is going down. Like, what's the quality of life? If you're an immigrant and I would talk about this all the time when I was campaigning to people, it's the most abused person this entire process is the immigrant who shows up can't find a good job. You're basically, you're driving for like Uber Eats for barely any money and you're having to share half a basement suite apartment with like four other guys. That's not worth coming from India for, you know, yeah, like, yes, technically on the upper ends, the quality of life in Canada is better, but not when you're broke. You know, you should have just stayed because that you'd have gotten better like and the problem too is Canada's very high trust society. So a lot of people aren't expecting this sort of scam to be running in Canada. And you know, a few years ago, 10 years ago, you'd have read and probably write that something this shady wouldn't be going on in Canada. But you know, as the liberal government gets more desperate, they're willing to turn a blind eye to scam your and scam your immigration tactics. Yeah, talking about scammy immigration tactics again, between 2012 and 13 and 2021 public colleges experience the 15% decline in domestic student enrollments, but a 342% growth in international student enrollments with 62% of international students coming from India. 62%. This is something I will blame on universities in Canada as well. Not the scam ones, the real ones is that we always we cap and this is a government problem and a university problem and a student union problem is that they have actually frozen Canadian tuition costs in Canada at like a very low rate. You can go through like a year of call like a semester for like $2,800, $3,200. I forget what I was paying, but it was never that much. Like I took a master's degree and that one took a cost and more, but like 75% or 70% of like tuition costs in Canada are basically paid by the government or taxpayers. And so the thing but you're capped so low on what you can charge a domestic student that I think it actually has been given a perverse incentive to the universities to want more student visas given out to students from abroad because they can charge them like 60% more, 80% more for the same degrees. And so yeah, you would have you would have experienced that where I think like a semester where I'm paying 3,200, they'd be paying 6,400 maybe or even 8,000 plus they're going to have to stay in a dorm plus they're going to have to do a bunch of other stuff that gets the university money. So the universities and I used to be on the general faculty council Mount Royal University in Calgary and they would have a lot of they would have complaints from students all the time. Students who really didn't know any better saying that oh the university is bringing in way too many international students and it's trying to gamify bringing in as many international students as possible. But in our meetings they would basically say like guys but if we need to do this or we have to raise your tuition which is it's kind of a vicious cycle which means that they're actually preventing domestic students from getting into the universities because they need a certain portion of the seats going to international students so that they can pay for the domestic students because the domestic students don't pay that much. Yeah and and talking about this again a screenshot that I want to share from that very documentary. This documentary was a gold mine for me. I did not have to do anything. Look at the number of international students just in 2122 this is London Ontario. How can a city like London Ontario for those who don't know what is the population of London Ontario? It's barely anything. Why are there so many international students and why is Western and Fanshawe having the same number? Like this is not sustainable. This is just impossible to sustain and the victims in this entire process are actually the international students. They're the victims of this process. Yeah yeah it's bad for everybody it's just that the worst results are for them themselves because they're getting basically nothing out of this entire experience but and the thing is that it's always just been it's not and people this is why it was so absurd for the longest time when somebody would be called far right or something for having an issue with mass immigration. It's like guys nobody's saying that immigrants can't come to Canada. It's math saying immigrants can't come to Canada because there's another aspect to this that's been utterly incompetent for the liberals. It turns out whenever the government gets involved in something and makes it worse. So our housing our new housing starts have been going down year after year. I think three or four years ago we were putting up 250,000 new houses a year or we were starting 250,000. Now it's only like 220,000 and yet the immigration rate and in rate of new international and students and temporary foreign workers is bound up. So in 2023 we had 1.3 million new people enter the country and we only built 220,000 houses and then you have to take into account there's a lot of people who are 22, 23 living in their parents' basements who want to finally be able to buy their own apartment and when they do leave home they're competing with 70 other people trying to get rent this one singular unit. So yeah it's math saying that immigration is too high because I don't know how you fit 1.3 million people plus people trying to move out of their parents' houses into 220,000 new housing starts and again that also doesn't replace the fact that that doesn't take into account if you demolish a house and then you built a house in the place you we built a house but it doesn't tell you that we've also got rid of a house. The irony of hiring is in this entire process is that people have a very short memory as far as Canadian politics is concerned. Historically the most pro-immigration political outfit in Canada has always been the Conservative Party especially under Stephen Harper which they believed in what was called a rational immigration policy where we get in people who are needed in Canada based on a point system. In fact the Canadian point system was always a better option and it was working fine until this new government comes in and this is where again I want to show all these things for people to get an idea this is the international student permit. Holy shit look at look at the graph oh my god like what the hell is happening here you can't sustain this look at the difference in the fee a domestic student pays this I think that's an entire year yeah and in an entire year and in international student that's a six-time difference or ten-time difference whatever you want to calculate it as it's crazy and these are the international student enrollments from 15 to 22 and I said I have studied in this country I don't know a single college name that is mentioned here I have studied here I don't know a single college name that is here. Some of them might be real who knows but it's like a lot of uh it's a lot of small colleges that there's no reason for an international student to be looking them up no I mean these are small local colleges or maybe some of them are scam colleges there's no reason that somebody in you know there's no there's no reason that somebody in a province in India is looking up one of these colleges because they're genuinely interested you're not it's an obscure enough thing that you're never going to look this stuff up and so it's because they're being headhunted by immigration lawyers promising that they can get them housing you know student visa a work visa and they can find them somewhere to live in Canada it's like it's literally impossible it's even if it what even if the scam colleges wanted to find you housing it does not happening because there's literally not any housing there's just and so that's when you actually lead it what leads to this even more pathetic practice of the immigration lawyers also basically being slum lords where they own a large house that they will rent you a singular caught in it for like seven hundred dollars a month up to a thousand and you're basically paying for a singular room in the house or sometimes a singular bed in a room of other beds and this guy's making you know seven thousand dollars eight thousand dollars a month renting his one house but to like twenty desperate students yep and and again to back you up let's show some figures this is the projected gap by 2030 as we're CBC News which says 3.45 million homes is the gap and again CBC News shows that the housing supply deficit in Canada has hit a new record now this is what is exact uh i want to explain this to my Indian viewers Canadians will get this let me explain this to Indians in a simplified format because all of you young kids watching this podcast until and unless your parents are upper middle class and above and can afford your education over here and you can actually find a house do not come to Canada i am saying this is because i care for you not because i want to stop you from coming here i care for you is why i'm saying this to you right now there are and so i'll give you an actual story okay back home in Mumbai so i'm part of a gym you know how we in India we have these gyms where we have all it's like a sports complex right we call them Jim Kana's in India where you can play tennis badminton pool snooker they have an olympic size swimming pool you just pay a membership fee and you go and enjoy the facilities one of my badminton buddies over there he was like oh yeah my sister is going to Canada so i was like okay oh which university is she going there's like no she's not going to a university that's when i started getting interested in this scam this is three years ago when my own friend he is rich as hell and he said his sister is going to some obscure college in Toronto then he gave me the name i forgot the name and i was like which college is this i was like okay is it Ryerson is it Humber like i remember these names right i mean i've been traveling here and he's like none of them what is this college and then i start looking up and then i look up even further oh this is some obscure like 10 000 square feet property in some arcade property and they have created this fake university where they do these fake courses and they are certified by the government of Canada well who's certifying them it's like a whole scam is running and my friend was completely clueless he was like no see this is certified by the government of Canada it is all legit yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada and i was like how much money have you paid them is like yeah we've paid around 1500 dollars for the entire process and then once the process is done we'll pay them x 100 even after that and then we'll pay the tuition fees and they have said that once my sister goes there she's going to find a job and then she'll get a permanent residency i say what who's doing that do you imagine that that your immigration lawyer is able to promise you a spot in a college and that you're eventually going to be a permanent resident you can't guarantee that yeah well the scam now i mean if i could just show up to somewhere just you know just to work you know at a random job or to go to a random college and they're like also you're going to be a citizen at some point i like what that sounds a little bit weird that sight unseen you know that me showing up here and working for a year is going to let me be a permanent resident and then eventually a citizen that's not how a rational immigration system works where an immigration lawyer can just tell you that you're going to be a citizen yeah i mean i'm not able to understand how is this not a problem so as far as i look at it this is a situation where every single person is involved in a scam the the federal government of Canada is definitely in it the provincial government at least in Ontario i don't care if the conservatives are governing this and they're in it too the universities are in it these colleges are in it these so-called immigration agencies not all of them but some of them are really exploiting and then they have their offices in India they are in it and they're exploiting young students you know i felt so disappointed that there is a funeral home Wyatt in in Brampton what was the name that the documentary mentioned some lotus funeral home and every month four to five dead bodies are sent back to India of international students because of committing suicides every month four to five bodies are sent back to India yeah that's insane how can these people live with themselves is my question how do you live with yourself doing this to innocent young children these trust me these kids don't know anything that are coming over here they literally don't know anything that is happening to them if it was explained they would either go somewhere to go to a different country that there are actual opportunities in or they would just stay home but again it's like what you're saying what you're saying that happened to your friend's sister is that they the prices on the surface are so cheap it was like fifteen hundred dollars ago this university that's not too bad and then there's just a couple hundred dollars more in processing fees but then you show up and if you want actually a place to stay that person's going to be your landlord also you have to pay a bunch of extra money because they start extorting you you to pay a bunch of extra money or that they're basically going to take away your enrollment to get you kicked out of the country and so then you become beholden to basically what is a gang leader who is allowed to do whatever they want simply because the government's willing to turn a blind eye because they want the GDP to go up and i want to talk about this and i'm glad you use the word gang leader recently there was some news in Edmonton i'm not i'm not saying this is the actual reason for what happened in Edmonton before somebody accuses me but i'm not surprised this is happening where 17 year old kids from India 19 year old kids from India who come here they don't find any job nothing they're squeezed to their bones and then there are these gangs that catch hold of them they tell them hey why don't you peddle some drugs here in the corner in British Columbia or in some parts of Edmonton on some parts of Ontario why don't you peddle some drugs over here and you know what we'll give you money or why don't you go you know ruffled some other guys up in the opposing gang and we'll pay you some money and these innocent young children who are so desperate to make ends meet fall for this rubbish it's it's actually happening and you remember why i told you this last year well and you you see it because so many gangs are people who are on international student visas i think actually the the the the najar shooting was done by international students remember i had told you when i was in california last year and we were speaking on the phone this is exactly what i was telling you yeah yeah and so and you can get pretty much any and it actually makes sense it might have been desperate students because i think one of the guys was a c calistani himself and you know but he's broke now i mean he's so you're kind of gonna will gonna do anything and eventually fall into gang culture and you stop holding any ideology of your own and now you're just a gang member because you know start off being desperate maybe you believe in it at some point but that doesn't really matter but in Canada yeah now the liberals are trying to reverse themselves i still think 2024 we're gonna have pretty crazy high international student numbers they're going to try and force them down but the the thing is the government still won't reduce the amount of permanent residents coming into the country because they think if they deal with the international student issue and a little bit of the temporary foreign worker issue then the pressure will be off it's like every person we are bringing into the country past the number of houses that we're building and multiple people obviously can be in one house but we if we only are building 220 000 houses a year we should only have 220 000 immigrants at a max coming into the country probably lower than that and even even with temporary foreign workers and students included because the thing is that we want a housing surplus because we want people to be able to move easier we want housing prices to fall i'm in british columbia right now and abbot's for it and you'll have somebody with the smallest cracker box of a house that was built in the 70s and it goes for 1.3 million dollars because the land it becomes so valuable because the you know just houses are impossible to build so if you have an old house they'll pay you one and a half million 1.3 million to just demolish the thing so that they can build something bigger and like in the next couple of years i think you'd be fooled not to sell your house somewhere like that if it's not a super new house and then just hold on to the money and wait for the housing market to crash and rebuy a much bigger house probably for half the cost so i have a question about this you know one of the biggest reasons i was the biggest supporter of prime minister harper was his his his immigration policy was based on a simple rule if i need x number of people in canada and i have a shortage of that i'll get them it was a very common sense sort of an immigration policy now here i read this article in the financial post that said canada has a record number of skilled tradespeople but not enough construction activity all right and and they share a bunch of numbers to make their point but my question over here is that if we know construction is a problem in canada well i heard last year wasn't last year when pere polyeb was interviewed and he said that the problem in canada is that the the bylaws they actually slow down the construction in in canada by a gigantic rate it's a it's a lot of um it's a lot of different factors but that is right bylaws provincial federal uh environmental inspection laws serving laws that's actually why there's this big um that's why even though the liberals have this housing acceleration fund that they're pouring billions of dollars into in the last few years that that's been operating housing starts been going down because as soon as you accept federal dollars you must follow federal regulations and it's just like obama stimulus in 2009 is it immediately crashed and burned because you're now having to follow all these extra in federal standards you have to have federal like this isn't this is more of like the stimulus thing in the united states but you might maybe have to follow federal labor laws that require you to hire unionized labor or you require you to pay certain amounts of money out so it becomes a big bit of a boondoggle but even outside of the house and acceleration fund in a lot of jurisdictions in canada especially bc and ontario the problem is is that 40 percent of a house's value price tag is government added price through regulations through different taxes through the just through just the mere fact that a lot of people are being paid to work on this house and they're being paid to stand around doing nothing while they wait for provincial and local inspectors to show up uh over a month period and they're not a lot of working on the house past that and the guy building the house the developer he's not just gonna say well you're all fired for a month and then come back when you're gonna work you know you'd never hold on to any employees doing that so they have to pay them to stand around doing nothing waiting for a federal inspector paid too much to do too little work shows up to say that they can continue so yeah it's a big problem of regulation i don't support what's going on all on canada right now or the liberals are basically bribing cities to have blanket uh rezoning where you can build anything anywhere pretty much or you can build like a six plex in the neighborhood of mostly single family detached houses but it's because that's not really the problem the problem wasn't zoning we've had zoning laws for decades and we used to have cheap housing so it wasn't the zoning what we have a problem is there's way too much government in the way of you building a house they need it turns into a complete federal project every time a house goes up of all the people who need to show up and inspect it and then on top of the fact that governments made it expensive to build houses they then are having 50 60 people trying to compete to bid for that house when i was door knocking and signal hill and calgary and calgary does not nearly have as bad of an issue as many other places in canada we were i was door knocking one of these areas in uh in my neighborhood and it's a little bit more of a higher median income riding overall uh definitely is probably one the top 10 uh a house was for sale when we walked into this kind of little circle area and while we were door knocking all the houses around it i think we saw five i probably five to eight cars pull up just to view the house and it was day two of the house being of the house that being opened for viewing and it was just dozens and dozens and dozens of people were coming in to inspect the house to place a bid on it and it's because there's so few houses that if a house comes on the market you have literally hundreds of people showing up to see if they're willing to put down money on it and i think the house was going for like one point two million it really wasn't worth that you know it was a nice house but not one point two million nice so as per this figure 30 percent of GTA condos by cash flow position are cash low negative how the hell is this sustainable this is going to go bust yeah no it's a it's a big government created a housing bubble and the problem is at some point we do need to cut immigration and at that time we're also going to have the problem of housing prices crashing uh but that's just one it's it's kind of sadly that's kind of what has to happen because right now the housing industry is just being propped up artificially by the uh by immigration and the thing is the housing industry is not doing well because they're building a lot of new homes and they're getting a lot and they're selling a lot no no they're they're selling fewer homes than ever or they they're selling fewer homes than ever in the past 10 to 15 years but it looks good on the ledger because each house is being sold for such a bloated amount because you can charge in a certain sense whatever you want yeah but the irony of ironies is that again I'll share my own story when I used to live here in 2001 and 2 I just had one roommate that's it was a rent at that time for a one one bedroom apartment that we were sharing it was 900 dollars Canadian or something and we were paying 50 dollars Canadian for car parking so you're sharing the apartment uh the roommate had a car I did not even have a car I used to walk to York University because it was so close by I just used to walk and walk and in the night I sometimes used to uh cable there um use uh the the campus uh drop off that that they used to drop us off in the night and uh today I hear these horror stories in Brampton Ontario of kids paying like 700-800 dollars and they don't even live like this in India how they're living like in Canada they do and so yeah you said you were paying 900 for your apartment but you were actually getting the whole apartment yeah yeah the whole apartment yeah you weren't going to you weren't literally living and I've seen the photos you could maybe even find it where it will be a basement and there are five cots up against the wall it looks like they're sleeping in the military and each of those people is paying 700 for that and but the thing is that the landlord is taking 700 dollars from like 25 people so like calculating that out because that that's like at the upper end of how bad it can get but yeah like that person's making uh 17,500 dollars per month from rent from a bunch of desperate students yeah it's it's disgusting it should not be allowed and uh just to give you guys a brief example of what this kind of exploitation is this is this is one of the better options but this is something that you'll get pretty much yeah you can see there's three beds in that room yeah right over here three beds right over here this is not how a student is supposed to live that's not how it's supposed to be I never lived like this and if somebody thinks this is an ideal life well best of luck to them I think this should not be allowed I never lived like this I lived in a proper apartment with just one person we had a proper kitchen we had a dining area we had an area where our friends could come and we could actually hang out with them we had a nice balcony on the 22nd floor looking at the CN tower everything was nice I literally lived a good life some of my friends used to work on campus for 20 hours a week not 40 hours a week 20 hours a week because if you're working 40 hours a week how are you going to study that's my question if you're coming to Canada as a student what business do you have working 40 hours a week at best yeah do 20 hours a week or you get a scholarship so that you can reduce your tuition fee it's if you're a bright student you do get scholarships and that's understandable like when I was getting into a school in America even for my bachelor's they gave me a full fee waiver off because they thought I was a good student they were like no you're a bright student we want you here so we will give you a waiver off the irony is that my student visa got cancelled and ended up in Canada I would have never come to Canada otherwise I had a full scholarship to go to America it's just because of that American visa officer who said no your brother is already there for some odd reason you you're not going to be allowed in America and then I ended up in Canada and that's the story of my life isn't that isn't that the story of Canada where everyone's second choice after the US but it's it's really sad and what's happening here is that if we the Canadian governments the selfish immigration lawyers or the selfish immigration firms and I'm not saying all of them some of them have created this exploitative system and now this exploit and and it's not just here how are these students being exploited I will give you umpteen examples of that everybody knows who's exploiting them it's the calisthenis who are exploiting them I'm going to say it as I see it because I know you barely see any other community being involved in these camps it's the calisthenis who have game the system like nothing else and then you'll see and then suddenly you'll see a primary happening in any corner in Canada and suddenly there are random students coming and voting in that primary well how do you think that happened yeah why are there students going and voting there well yeah they're being farmed out by certain people who want and the thing is again that's how that's how you do know is potentially a lot of calisthenis involved because they're the type of people who end up voting heavily in nomination races a lot of people especially new immigrants are definitely not interested in voting in nominations because they don't understand what's going on but if you're if you're the person's landlord you're their immigration lawyer and you're potentially their their scammy college owner well you're going to have to do whatever they say or they can get you kicked out and so that gives these people a small army of permanent residents or whatever in order to show up and vote nominations I mean it's it's so ridiculous that I know it for a fact students get paid fifty dollars and a slice of pizza or hundred dollars and a slice of pizza and a two and four fair to go and vote in these primaries you actually end up having calistheni nominees in every single power political outfit in Canada the conservative party also recently there were two good young men in the British Columbia conservative party who were basically booted out by the conservative party why because they were not calistheni literally I mean gunit and one more boy they were working honestly they've never said anything and the the funniest thing is that gunit is a Sikh but not the kind of Sikh the calisthenis want him to be he's a Sikh who loves Canada he's a Sikh who hates calisthen so that's not the kind of his Sikhs they would like right so I don't understand what's happening here and behind every single scam you can actually pinpoint who's involved in it you can actually connect the dots and it's not rocket science and then what happens is there is a tiny section on the internet that's basically and and they were always there not that they were never there but they were always there and they are going to game the system and they are going to say racist things yeah and that's that that that is the the problem with the government being so sluggish and the federal conservative party is actually starting to call out immigration issues and saying that they're like you poly of in a french interview said that immigration rates will be much lower when he's prime minister and the good thing they're it's good that they're doing that because previously when they wouldn't talk about it it does give you know crazy white nationalists a much bigger appeal with the average person because at least I'm the only person talking about the problem and it makes you feel crazy that nobody else will see it so the fact that even the CBC even though I don't like their coverage usually the fact that they're covering it's a good thing because sort of middle-class moderate people who don't really have strong political opinions they need permission granted to them in order to also call out this is a problem there is a kind of permission structure that that takes place when an issue feels controversial even if it's very important people don't want to talk about it and so things like parental rights things like immigration things like a lot of other issues you kind of need mainstream a mainstream nod to say this is actually a big problem and I think that that's why the next election is going to be immigration even though the polling shows that immigration's not in the top 10 if you actually talk to people and you bring it up that's a big vote getter like when I was doing my nomination hundreds of people like who were very moderate in terms of their political opinions would be would have would be would jump up and be like yes immigration's too high if I brought it up first so it's almost like they're waiting for me to give them permission to say that it's too it's a crazy problem and then they'll actually sign up and vote and get involved but they need somebody to come around and basically say no no you're allowed to take issue with this now because the Canadian mainstream for so long had called you a racist bigot xenophobe if you were to even say that how are we fitting up 1.3 million people in 220 000 houses that's basically what Mark Miller previously did before he started telling students to go home was he said like hey that's that's xenophobic for knowing how math works that's xenophobic apparently yeah I mean listen I get racism like I'm not going to mince my words I've been the first one to call out fellow Indians for bad behavior but some of the shit that's been happening on social media about Indian people is ridiculous like if they really want to talk data if they really want to talk statistics about I mean I'm happy to play the data game with them like I'll give you an example like I hate doing this is because I'm someone who's always been very hawkish on immigration I'm an immigration hawk I don't like an open border policy I'm actually I'm someone who has always maintained this immigration is not a right it's a privilege every country gets to decide who they let in and who they send back yeah I don't understand if Canadians want to but like the generalizations about Indians that's not cool that's what I don't like I don't like that because Indians have added and that's all these diagonal on type guys on on on twitter and the funny thing is that they're like they're like the first round draft picks are if you're trying to look for like an alcoholic criminal it's probably a diagonal on guy if you actually know a lot of these guys backgrounds it's funny how like the most dysfunctional white guys are always the are always the racists in such a way where it's like they're like acting like they're superior to anyone like guys you're literally a bunch of dumb alcoholics what are you talking about yeah I mean I don't understand like I'll just share a few things right this is the sources the government of Canada the religious identification for the csc offender population this is the percentage of the total offender population by religious identification look at where the Hindus are ladies and gentlemen look at where the Hindus are this is government this is the correctional service of Canada I did not make this data up yeah I did not make this up obviously Christians will be the most because they are the majority of Canada but look at the difference between even the rastafarians are more violent than the Hindus they don't even those people don't even drink coffee but but I'm not making this data up Hindus are literally the least violent people and it's because there's a lot more legitimate immigrants from the from the community the Hindu community because a lot of the exploited people are from Punjab which means you have more Sikhs which is why it's a little bit higher up in the offending rate but even if you came here for illegitimate reasons usually immigrants are the least likely to commit a crime because the rules used to be that you will don't get kicked out if you're a criminal these days starting to change a little bit but generally if you're from an immigrant population you're on your best behavior because you know you don't want to be thrown out the door yeah it's it's common sense and and and it's not like oh only Canadian Hindus are like that no like I can share share data from England guess what they're the smartest richest and very well behaved this was a report in England just 0.4 percent found in the country's prisons in 2021 the lowest of any religious court listen Hindus don't like to be violent they just go study get the best educational facilities work their butt off pay their taxes follow the law try to become more good guess who are the most woke people in in the brown category it's the Hindus they're the most woke because they merge so much with your freaking culture that they become more woke than you yeah which isn't good but that's okay yeah it's not good what do you think i mean that's the single biggest winding point i have with the Hindu community but the point is they're not violent but to say all these races who go around which is why i reached out to you which is i wanted a an actual Canadian conservative because you know when we talk about Canadian conservatives they have this image of this crazy cuckoo white guy who's saying oh you are a pooper on the beach or you poop here nowadays all that the entire fake news story that has been going around like i asked one of those races i was like in San Francisco a bunch of white people are pooping on the streets is that white culture now you moron no it's just the problem some random people do random shit you kind of accuse the entire race of white people for that or black people for that or Indians for that you just can't do that that's racist but just because some races are talking about immigration it doesn't mean white and i cannot talk about this like how often those guys don't even like the conservative party uh they're usually not they they're usually the type of people like oh no party is good enough for them uh like them if anything the conservative party for a long time had a problem with people being too quiet about these issues because you do get a culture of a lot of tarantonian type individuals are the ones who control the party and they're the ones who don't want to talk about anything because talking about something is risky now i mean so let's not talk about anything ever because that's a non-risk and so that's that's the one thing that's always frustrating with many people from the conservative party although it's getting better with pure polyep is that they actually will stake out territory on an issue fight for defend it and then keep moving whereas before the conservatives would just defend all the time and the problem with being purely defensive in politics is that the best you can do in a day is not lose territory and so yeah it's it's but uh but now on the immigration issue they definitely should be on the offensive because even the liberals these days are are admitting that it's a problem and it's the immigration rates are too high and and you know what the funny bit is if Canada was such a racist society the support base of the most racist adjacent political outfit of Canada which is Maxim Bernier's political outfit i'm gonna say it as i see it uh should be rising in Canada in the last three years Wyatt and i we have we love numbers both Wyatt and i we share numbers with each other always in the dms and i always send Wyatt the numbers hey ppc dropped one more point yeah yeah they're they're they're literally scraping around one two percent in the most of the polls like in a blue moon scenario they get three and the funny thing is Maxim Bernier is not a racist person the problem is he sucks at managing a party and so all the normal people left and it leaves behind all of the racist people not that most people voting ppc these days are racist but the problem is is that when you become a very small party the people who are big influencers in the party become those sorts of people so you got a lot of people like Jeremy McKenzie and other people associated with Diagon where yes if you actually explain to somebody what this person has done and said they'll be like well that's a little bit distasteful but most people even if they hear him say something they're like oh he's joking he's like he's not joking you he can say it's a joke but if it's that's literally what he talks about 24/7 it stops being a joke because you can tell it's serious nobody you live in and that's always i always hate that when people are like everything he says is a joke until you but you're sharing clips of him saying he's so right about stuff is it a joke or is he right so that's the problem but that's that's a clownish thing i don't like on the extreme ends of politics where people will pretend that ever you know it's clown nose on clown nose offs or stuff that everything i'm saying is a joke until i'm trying to like wink a nod at you and tell you that that's what i believe but if you then take issue with it hey guys i'm i'm just a clown you like you know sell down it's all a joke yeah and and once again i want to remind people for those who don't know for the Canadians who are listening to this and the Indians to your utter surprise there are more Hindus living in Canada than their Sikhs live in Canada even today as of now Hindus are sick i think it's like 800 000 Hindus or almost a million Hindus and then it's about 700 000 Sikhs yeah and uh and still the crime rate differential between Hindus and Sikhs is giant and and let me be very clear if this number would have just not given Sikhs because also that's unfair to Sikhs what they should have done was they should create three categories jet calisthenes yes i repeat jet calisthenes Sikhs and Hindus then the Sikh number and the Hindu number would be the same same point three and the jet calisthenes would be like somewhere in the range of three to four percent that that would be the reality because i mean this this viewer has actually nailed it in the head this is a fellow Canadian here so a lot of Punjabi Indian students whose work permits are about to expire suddenly realized they were persecuted and apply for calisthenes asylum it is all a scam attend a bogus referendum take photos and get asylum this is literally happening Wyatt we all know this is happening i know no doubt it one is so easy too so why wouldn't people try it and again we're very friendly to the calisthen we literally let them take down over city hall down in Calgary i don't have any you're near that's the footage from mocha that was going on yesterday they were taking it over for their referendum vote yeah that guy is doing some really fantastic work it's actually uh it's actually amazing the kind of work that that guy is doing but yeah i can use to invest in a bulletproof vest though have you seen the kind of threats he gets oh uh i don't doubt it yeah did you see how they treated that local Canadian who just tried to get inside and vote in the referendum they kicked him out and threw him out they pushed him away yeah which means it's a totally legitimate vote i like how it's like the only vote that's like it's like the only racist vote in Canada that you must be a uh a Sikh Punjabi to vote in it or they don't care i mean like you're not allowed to be Hindu and show up and vote if you're from Putin job you have to be Sikh which is silly and even then you have to already agree with them or they're going to throw you out it's insane it's insane but before we wrap it up why do you think we we did not cover any other point that you want to talk about oh no i think that's a pretty good overview of it we're in a very we're in a big big kind of moment of change on immigration in Canada even the liberals are acknowledging that there needs to be changes made so i think it's more so it's a bit of a stay tuned moment we'll see if christia Freeland is still around from in next time we talk uh but uh yeah everything's very much in flux man if that you know the one politician that woman reminds me of from india is Arvind Kejriwal someday well i mean we still you know you and i have not met one day we will one day we will meet one of those days hopefully this year or next year whenever elections are closer i'm sure we'll meet but uh until then man it's it's just a shit show and honestly i just feel so bad for those international students who have come here and have been exploited this it's just a massive exploitation of those innocent souls i every time i get an email from an international student crying and telling me that this is what's happening to me invariably they're all from Punjab by the way most of them are from Punjab rarely do i get a male from a student from Gujarat or some southern Indian state most of them are Punjabi uh it's just it's just terrible but hey man thanks for coming uh we'll we'll keep talking about this issue in the way it's supposed to be discussed and you keep raising your voice and all the best for everything you do in the future so guys we will wrap this up uh before we wrap it up in the description of the podcast i have Wyatt's Twitter handle and the Twitter handle of the national telegraph that both Wyatt and Daniel are running together so if you guys want to follow the national telegraph go follow them on social media go follow Wyatt on x uh as far as i'm concerned you know the Charvuk podcast does not do any ad read so if you want to keep supporting the Charvuk podcast please consider joining my membership program because i want to be independent of any kind of company influence so if you want to support me go on patreon or go on the 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