The Cārvāka Podcast

Trump Assassination Attempt Biden To Drop Out?

In this podcast, Kushal speaks with Aadit Kapadia about the attempt to assassinate former American President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania. They also discuss the rumours and reports around President Biden dropping out of the election race and its implications for the American presidential elections of 2024.

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1h 44m
Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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Now, say everyone, welcome to the Chadwick podcast. This is Khushal Mehra. All right, a few days ago, the former president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, was addressing a rally in Pennsylvania in the United States of America. Pennsylvania is one of the swing states of the United States of America. And while he was there in the speech, I'm not going to show the video, because I think YouTube has restrictions about these kinds of videos, so I'm not going to show it. Basically, you were a gunshot, and then something happens on Trump's right ear, and Trump is then taken down by a bunch of Secret Service agents. And then you see a clip of Trump coming up with his fists eye. And the aftermath of that, if unfortunate incident was, I think one person was shot dead, a firefighter who tried to protect his family, and he was shot. The shooter was a 20 year old white male, and he was shot by the snipers. After he shot at President Trump, I want to emphasize this. After he shot at President Trump, apparently there are so many theories going around right now about this entire incident, and I truly tried to get into the crux of it, I'm not able to decipher one or the other, because conspiracy land is completely there. But today we are going to talk about this. So first of all, I want to start here. What was your initial reaction when you heard about this shock, disbelief, almost concern that hopefully no one's injured or critically hurt, and hopefully Mr. Trump is doing well. Not injured, very sad for the family of Corey Campatore, who's the unfortunate fireman I think he was, and he was working with the sheriff's office, and so forth, who passed away. It was awful, no, there is no place for political violence in this day and age, in this society, in any society for once, we disagree, you and I, Khushal, we've disagreed with so many people and stuff, and I personally don't agree with Donald Trump on many things he says. I don't like Donald Trump, I don't like Donald Trump. So my point, I mean, we live in a freaking civilized society for God's sake, but I hate the assassination attempt on Indra Gandhi and our subsequent death, because my prime minute, the fact that we have to face by saying this itself shocks me, I was like, just condemn it. It's just, it's unbelievable. It is ridiculous, and the way things are going, I mean, I was starting to look at the list, so Andrew Jackson in 1835 was a Democrat. He was a victim of assassination plot, and he survived, then Abraham Lincoln in 1865, he was killed. James A. Garfield in 1881, he was killed, William McKinley in 1901, he was killed, these are all American presidents, Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, he survived, John F. Kennedy in 1963, he was killed, Ronald Reagan in 1981, he survived, Donald J. Trump in 2024, he survived. So America already has had eight attempts to assassinate their president, out of which shocking two were successful at it, out of eight, two have been successful, and it's a very shocking thing when I started looking up and digging up, well, I understand because America has such a, you know, longer history as a democracy, so obviously they would have more public representatives being shot at, in a country like India, where we've had the unfortunate incident of, I mean, I don't know if Lalbadha Shastri can be calculated, considered in that category, so I'm going to leave that out, but Indra Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi definitely are political assassinations. But in fact, also the attempt made, right, when someone tried to attack Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lankan president, Sri Lanka, right? The security guard, right, so there's that, there are, I mean, there are the whole news about bombs going off in the Narendra Modi's Patna Ali when he was there. So again, what was the intention, was the intention to hurt the leader, was the intention to cause chaos, the bottom line is, you can't political disagreement, you know, until very Vajpayee had a very interesting statement, he's like a political academy, what is this nonsense about doing this and more shocking than that are people saying, oh, they just may stir something, there is no, there is no condoning anything, you condemn the violence straight and then you can, I want to, I want to show you a few things, what has happened after that, this is a Canadian teacher, by the way, this is a Canadian teacher, okay, when four inches really matters, damn so close to bad, damn it's so close and now he'll milk being a victim for more votes, I really wish the person had better aim, what a glorious day this could have been, this is Dr. Karen Pinder, what is wrong with this human being? Apparently she's a professor of teaching histology director pathology enthusiast at the UPC medical school in Vancouver, listen, this is ridiculous and then this is another one in Vancouver, IRM, Monty research histology is like, what is wrong with these people, yeah, I look, I despise Rahul Gandhi, I have never hidden that, I would never wish death upon him, I would never do it, I was raised better by my parents, I say this with full responsibility, I was raised far better by my parents to do this, I'll give you an incident recently in my book interview in Toronto, things get political, right, people ask political questions in the Q&A and somebody asked this question about Congress and I said listen, I'm not going to come here and start shitting on Congress and Rahul Gandhi just for the heck of it, I'm not going to do that, I'm not going to play that game, I'll criticize them, but I'm not going to unnecessarily do these things, but apparently you know why these things happen and we'll get into the discussion but it's very important to play a few clips, so I'm going to take at least the next five to ten minutes is going to be me playing a lot of clips for everyone, why I'm playing these clips for everyone is because this is all a culmination, it starts somewhere, then some random lone wolf idiot gets radicalized and that lone wolf idiot takes an action, but behind that action is a series of events and I say this because I care about the Indian Prime Minister and we'll talk about that also, I want to talk about that also, but I want to play a few clips, so this is after Donald Trump was nearly assassinated and this is what the discussion on ABC was, just listen to this garbage. President Trump and his supporters have contributed to his final record as well. Well, back absolutely, George, we were just looking back this morning and some of the things that former President Trump has said he warned last March of potential theft and destruction if he were charged by the Manhattan District Attorney, our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful, Trump's January warned a bad little bit of the country, the criminal charges against him succeeded and of course in March he said, "Now, I don't get elected, it's going to be a one-bath for the whole man, it's going to be the least of it, it's going to be a one-bath for the country, that will be the least of it," he said, he was partly joking and then that was taken out of context, but those are indeed his words and you have heard it from supporters as well and supporters are certainly in some parts angry and let's remember January 6th, in so many ways for the campaign, January 6th will probably be in the background after yesterday's event, this is a very difficult time for this campaign, I'm sure this week in Milwaukee that President Trump will highlight this and President Biden is going to have to figure out how to go for this campaign and what exactly they say. So I'll do two bits right, first is what has happened after the event and how the media has covered it in America, it's a giant chunk of the American media, there was this entire red adit of how the American media reacted, okay, I'm going to share article clips one by one, secret service, Russia's Trump offstage after he falls at Raleigh, CNN, after he falls at Raleigh, hmm, I don't like Donald Trump for the record, this is CNN, the most- not just that, so here is what happened, Ghushal, if you actually look at, sorry, I'll finish up and then I'll say, then I'll re- I'll correct it all, Trump escorted away after loud, loud noises at free at Raleigh, this is the Washington Post, wow, it's ridiculous, okay, USA today, Trump removed from stage by secret service after loud noises, startled former president crowd, listen, Twitter had, before this, Twitter had already broken, it was an assassination attempt, Twitter had broken the news, but these people were not doing it, it's a, it's a, it's a telling sign in American media, NBC news headlines, secret service, Russia's Trump offstage after popping noises heard at Raleigh ahead of the RNC, it doesn't end here, it's it's a magnificent thread, somebody has made this Twitter handle called Jennifer at baby beginner, right, even Fox News, secret service, Russia's Trump offstage after he falls at Raleigh, I repeat, everybody, and their mama cha-chan knew what had happened, by this time, everybody and their mama cha-chan knew, so there was a, there was an absolute change in tonality, that's for sure, because initially I saw some headlines and they were, I mean, I remember I was talking to a friend about it and I was like, I'm getting apple alerts, an apple of course curates news, so I'm not going to say apple said that a lot, but it just curates from sources that, you know, president Trump falls or something like that, and my friend said, no, he is being shot at and look, they're showing the clip on TV, so there was certainly a difference between how, and then there were a few parts of the media, they were continuing with the sort of hostile coverage and stuff, and suddenly then the tone changed, I think something happened, either they saw the clip or they were told to someone that, boss, this is actually going to go the other way, people are not going to be happy, and this is not just Trump supporters, right, I know many people who are not Trump supporters, and they were saying, yeah, what is this coverage going on on TV, why are they talking like this? January 6th was a horrendous thing, it was an absolutely horrible thing, and you have to condemn and media's discussed as ad nauseam, but couldn't you wait a day till this was over to talk about both this and January 6th, do you have to every time mentioned January 6th, along with the story, can you have two separate discussions, you know, those are questions that were asked, but I think one thing has happened for sure is, after this, after the events of last week, the media has certainly calmed down because they realized that was, we cannot fuel the fire, if you keep on haranguing and stuff, and the society keeps dividing, society keeps dividing, you are not going to have people talking to each other, or talking with each other, there are people who are just essentially going to try and fight it out with each other even when they don't agree on a point politically, and that's the fear. And now let us talk about the second side of it, that what leads to such things, are these people whose clips I'm going to play actually guilty of the assassination of Donald Trump? No, you cannot put two and two together, they're not legally liable, but this is the nature of politics and for the record, even the Republicans do it before somebody thinks that this is a political trade now across the globe where people talk. So let's see this, okay? This is a comedy clip, just watch this. Now, personally, I think it would be very difficult to assassinate Donald Trump, mostly because he would never get that close to a book depository. But regardless, I don't think Trump actually fears getting assassinated by Joe Biden. And the reason is because he announced that in a fundraising email, if you're dodging bullets, you don't stop to wave your Venmo QR code, yeah, please, somebody send money. For more on this so-called assassination conspiracy, we go live to Josh Johnson. Is it a daily show from a while ago? Josh, what's the latest? Hi, Michael, I'm a Joe Biden's campaign headquarters in the Donald Trump assassination room. And the mood here is frustrating, but Joe Biden actually is trying to assassinate Donald Trump? Oh, of course. Trump is 100% correct, all right? But I've been trying to take him out for years, okay? The entire FBI raid was their best chance. They were going to roll in a Mar-a-Lago, corner Trump in his office, surround him like Scarface and then be like, and then Secret Service was going to be like, and then Trump was going to be lit up like, oh, mission accomplished. Funny at that time, right? I don't, I didn't even find it for me. Like, looking at, I mean, the comedy writing was pedestrian for words. But I want to play a lot of these things. Like, this is a great, okay, this was a Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman, right? This is what this idiot said on the news once. This is what this guy said. Listen to this. It's just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy. And he has to be, he has to be eliminated. It's just a unquest. He has to be eliminated, right? Now they will be like, Oh, why are you quoting this out of context? I'm not quoting anything out of context. My point remains that political rhetoric, you have to be careful. Now, now there is this, this is a gold mine. All of them together. Listen to this. That would be French as throw a punch. We have to be able to throw a punch. Donald Trump, I think he needed to go back and then punch him in the face. Sure that I thought he should have punched him in the face. Feel like punching him. The guy's like to take it behind the gym if I were in high school. You're in high school. I take it behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. No, I wish you're in high school. I could take it behind the gym. I will go and take Trump out tonight. Take him out down. When was the last time an actor assassinated the president? They're still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Please, get up in the face of some Congress people. People will do what they do. I want to tell you, God, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. We're going to go in there. This is just a warning to you, Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. And for those of you who are soldiers, make them petty. If you had me stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence and Jeff Sessions, who would it be? Does one of us have to come out alive? That evil laughter at the end of this woman. And it doesn't have to put into context, not all the clips are advocating the same. I'm not saying that, but I'm saying that. Of course, this video has also been made by someone who is a supporter of Donald Trump. So only Democrats have been shown and none of them, because some of the Republicans also say a lot of nonsense. No, I'm not naming you, I'm just saying. This is the president of the United States of America saying Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He's a threat to our freedom. He's a threat to our democracy. He's literally a threat to everything America stands for. He said this on June 28th. He tweeted this, Joe Biden. And I'm telling you, see, here is, here is the problem, right? Here is, I get where Mr Biden is coming from. My politicians be responsible. My point is why can't politicians be responsible? I'm saying this and I will back everyone who says that even Republicans do it. Exactly. That's exactly what I'm saying. The problem is the irresponsibility. This should wake up the American political system that don't shoot your mouth off and, you know, get into this trouble. Plus, you know, this should have technically triggered a whole debate on, you know, how easily it was for this guy to go and procure a gun and the security issues and how, you know, there was an open spot available, but I don't want to get into that because right now it's all in the conspiracy theory, then FBI has taken over the investigation. So thankfully and hopefully they should be providing it. People like this man get proven right. Again, I'm not a fan. This man, they called the names. He won anyway. They impeached him twice on ridiculous pretenses. They fabricated a lot about what happened on January 6 in order to impeach him again. It didn't work. He came back. Then they investigated him. It didn't work. He became more popular. Then they invented him three more times and every single time his popularity rose. So if you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment. Now you go to indictment and none of them work. What's next? I mean, let me, you know, graph it out, man. We're speeding court assassination, obviously. And no one will say that, but I don't know how you can't reach that conclusion. You know what I mean? Like they have decided permanent Washington, both parties have decided that there's something about Trump that's so threatening to them, they just can't have it. Imagine this guy got now this clip is why am I sharing all of this is because this is what happens in politics. Imagine this guy gets to say he's right. Tucker Carlson gets to say he's right. I'm not even fan. I don't even like the guy. Tucker Carlson. I don't like him. I think his politics is funny. Tulsi made a lot of sense. I don't know if you heard her. Tulsi made a lot of sense. And this is the final message I want to give about what Tulsi said. Tulsi made sense. The things that he outlined in his incredibly long and difficult to read op-ed along with things that Liz Cheney are saying, they're warning us of of Trump's reelection being being a dictatorship and where he will do all of these things, like turn the Department of Justice against political opponents. Use the IRS to go after those who oppose his agenda. The list goes on. The thing is, that's exactly what the Biden-Harris administration is doing against President Donald Trump and against those they view as their political opponents. But the thing that really bothered me the most about Kagan's op-ed and many others who continue to warn the country that Donald Trump is going to be like a modern day Hitler is that they are also the kinds of people who, and we hear this all the time, people will say, gosh, if back in the day, if only one person had the courage to stop Hitler, to take him out before he rose to power, then we would have saved millions of lives. Well, this is what they're essential. This is a message they're sending. They're inviting violence. Tulsi, you're saying they're inviting someone to take a shot at Trump. This is what is so dangerous. They're sending a message to a rogue after a lone wolf saying, hey, we need someone to save our country from this modern day Hitler-like person. And that is what should alarm every single American. This is not how the United States of America is. This is not who we are. And yet, this is what these people in positions of power are doing in abusing their power and undermining our democracy because in their minds, the end justifies the meaning. I think she summed it up beautifully, Tulsi. I don't know what you think. I think in this entire shenanigans, Tulsi made the most sense. Now you can unmute yourself and make your points. I just wanted to play all these things. No, absolutely. So what she said in the end was particularly interesting that the end cannot justify the means because the means define what kind of a society, what kind of a civilization, and what kind of country you want to be. And I'm very proud to call this country my second home, along with India. I've been here for over 17 years now. And I've never seen anything like this in those 17 years. The rhetoric had gone to a crazy level. And even the Republicans do it, even the Republicans do it. Correct. Both sides have done it. So I think someone had to go, someone had to do and basically tell people to calm the fuck down, first of all. And for once, I'm glad that President Biden has suspended his campaign for a week. They've suspended the ads and stuff. Because the ads, see, people don't understand how insane both the sides when they start their political ads during the elections get. I mean, you have got Kabir Agarmel, I will take a couple of videos from my phone and share it on Twitter and send it and we'll show it here. Because most people don't see some of these ads, the ads that you see on YouTube, the ads that you see on Twitter by journalists, they are catered for national audience. The real ads you want to see are of the local ads, right? And they get pretty crazy from both sides. So this that is turned on. And what Mr. Trump spoke yesterday, right in the rally was very interesting. It was a very different Trump than you saw in the White House from 2016 to 2020 or before. The rhetoric was less. Some of the points for that. And what happened was a lot of Republicans actually were writing saying we are bold. We don't like, we don't like the aggression. I personally think that the assassination attempt for the shooting has humbled him in a strange sort of way. It affects you. It affects you. I mean, I have not faced it, but I know of people, very close people who faced who have been in very similar situations and stuff. And when you talk to them, they give you a very different perspective of life. It is a sort of a watershed event, right? When you've been held at a gunpoint or you face something like that. So then when you see the speech or something, it was in that context. So the Democrats were kind of shocked because he's not saying one thing out of turn, right? And again, people are thinking that this was the first game-changing event. It wasn't. The first game-changer was the debate where Donald Trump was not at all the same guy he was when he was debating Hillary Clinton or Biden in 2020, because they knew that Joe Biden was struggling. He had issues with his age-related stuff with some cognitive issues in how he was responding. So he was just being quiet and letting him say, and Biden dug him, President Biden dug himself into a big hole in that debate. So that's what Kickstarter did. And then the Democrats get panicked. And then this happens, and this was totally like an out-of-syllabus event. And now the Democrats are mulling whether they should drop Joe Biden or not from the ticket. And this has never, ever happened in the US, not in the last 40, 50 years or 60 years, not that I can think of. Yeah, but I want to talk about some things in the Indian context. And I'm glad that you raised this point about Prime Minister Modi. In 2013, you arrived. Gandhi Madan, there was serial bomb blast that had killed six injured many more. It's been 10 years, right? The honourable Prime Minister has been here. Raoul Gandhi has said that people are no longer scared of him. His idea of running a government is to frighten people to make people not speak. Now, what has happened is that people are not scared of him. He said pointing to a slipper thrown at the PM's car in Varanasi. I'm reading directly from an article published in the Indian Express. How about this? Alpha can share the article on the page itself. Yeah. You know what? Before people accuse me of exaggerating, this is the Indian Express literally today. Yesterday, sorry, India made our idea. This is yesterday's, okay? This is my Vikram saying it is so disappointing. And listen, if this would have happened to Raoul Gandhi, I would have the same problem. I would have the same problem. Then in February 2020 as well, Gandhi could be seen to normalize violence against the PM saying that in another six to eight months, it would be impossible for the PM to step out of his home, for he would be attacked by the youth of the country on the issue of lack of employment opportunities code. You know, I'm not going to say that. I'm going to say that in the last six months, I'm going to say that in the last six months, I'm going to say that in the last six months, I'm going to say that in the last six months. He was quoted, say, talking to the ANI. Yeah. I'm at the pure office in January 2020, when the prime minister security cavalcade was set for around 20 minutes. I remember this very clearly on a fly over in Pangab's throughput district blocked by the first. Listen, you should not, you should not do these things. Yeah, yeah, Nahir Shah. I mean, Kal, Madamah Kal Bolu, Congress leader, Powell Kara was detained at Delhi airport at the request of Assam Police in 2023. He depred it on the tarmac. Aggressive slogans were raised against PM Modi. Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this? My bar bar, Aikichi's repeat karao, apopni politics, K Lo, especially in a country like America and India, we should be sensitive to this stuff here. Nidusri Akbartha, and thankfully, kudos to the crowd that did not panic, did not just make a run, because Assam is temporary. And if that could have happened, it would have resulted in more casualties, because the bullets were still fired, you know, there was crossfiring going on. In the stampede, who knows what can happen? So, kudos to the crowd for keeping that cool. My, again, my heart goes out to Mr Kori and his family. He was shielding, protecting his daughter and stuff, and he was, you know, local hero was there, Trump even honored him on stage. And he also talked about a few other incidents in American politics where this kind of violent action, they were at the June of 2017. There was a 66 year old supporter of Bernie Sanders, who shot at the then U.S. house majority whipped Steve Scalisi. Remember, and several others. Gay, Gay Akwatha, where James Hodgkinson, who was the left wing terrorist responsible for this, he had a petition demanding the removal of President Trump and Vice President, saying, quote, Trump is the traitor. Trump has destroyed our democracy. It's time to destroy Trump and co. These are all there. Swaraja has reported this. Okay, Senator Rand Paul was severely injured when he was attacked by his neighbor over a personal dispute as injury was justified, and even celebrated by vast sections of the left. If you're in 22 a Republican candidate for New York governor Lee Zeldin was attacked by a man and an attempt was made to stab him, but luckily he escaped and hurt. These are real things that are happening. And, yeah, bar bar bar bar. And again, for those who think I am making these things up, I want to again put this on the screen. This is an article of Swaraja. Trump assassination attempt. What happens when a politician is called Hitler nonstop for a decade. We just found out I once again, the reason I'm sharing all of this is, is that politics needs civility. Where has the civility gone? Do you remember Vajpayji on the floor of the house complaining to Sonia Gandhi about using a Bhagat Devasya? You remember that? A Bhagat Devasya. Absolutely. Absolutely. Who said what I said, he said, he said, he said, he said, look at where politics of this country, America or the globe has descended to. I mean, especially in the edge of social media, you have absolutely batshit crazy things happening. Correct. So why are we doing this? Nancy Pelosi to talking about political violence and rightly condemning in Rand Paul's wife said, your product, Christine tweeted that the lunatic who assaulted my husband and broke six of his ribs was right to attack him on the same day Rand was literally gasping to breathe from his injuries. This is again, I'm quoting the tweet that Kelly Paul said to your point and then obviously Ronald Reagan was attacked and he was the president in the 90s or late 80s, I'm sorry. So it has happened in America, but the thing is right now the political rhetoric is at such an all time high that the politicians would do well to calm it down. And what has, what this has done is that if your first reaction was not, I hope Mr Trump is okay, but oh, how is he going to go and exploit this tragedy and get himself more votes, then that's a problem boss. You need to get yourself checked out. Your first reaction should be, is the person okay? Has anyone been hurt? Is everything okay? Is the crowd okay? After that, you talk about the politics after you know that no one's been lost. You at that time, you did not know that a brave firefighter or local community hero has been shot needlessly as an actor as an act of crime. So first, and that's that's that's the society that we want to go towards that question. I mean, if you're first thinking, is he going to go like, Oh my God, it's good to go. Those afterwards are the meeting. That's a problem. Really get yourself checked out. If that's what you're thinking the first. So. Yeah, but okay. Now let us come to the current reality. My question to you, as of now, we are hearing rumors. Yes. I mean, I think Axios, kiss our bath we a coffee sitting there. Not just Axios Mark, Mark Halliprin, an old, old hand. He's a reporter of a long time. He, he tweeted this and I want to let me, let me pull up this. Actually, let me just read out this tweet. So everyone knows what are the kind of rumors that are going along. Let me just pull it up in a second. Yes. So multiple sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden at this time plans to allow announced withdrawal from nomination as early as weekend with Sunday being most likely. John Meacham polishing up the remarks. Biden will not will not resign presidency. He will not endorse Harris open convention with Harrison about three others. Super delegates will not be allowed to vote on the first ballot. And Harris is at least waiting for possible learning mates, including Andy Beshear and possibly Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania. That is the report he gave. Now, if I want to unpack this report and we'll go into the political. Let's, I don't think this is all that is going to happen. But let's assume if this happens, this is going to be the wildest American politics is going to be wild, wild West in August, if this happens. Because I don't know if people know what an open convention. So right now, do you want me to just brief of what the convention is and stuff. Explain to everyone. Right. So for me, if you, if you see, yes, if you see Trump or Biden speech or Obama speech from 2008, they come and say, I am pleased to accept your nomination as the president of the United States. Before that, what happens is all these state delegations nominate their president and that is done on behalf basis of the primary. So, say, if Donald Trump wins the primary, then we like this, you know, I endorse this and I endorse that. Texas endorse is Donald Trump. California endorse is Donald Trump. It's like that. Now, when you get to the Democratic convention, there was no real primary challenger. So all the state parties essentially voted for Biden. So all of those conventions are going to be voting for Biden. Now, if Biden drops out, they have to pick someone else. So the state delegation will nominate. So say each state delegation has certain delegates. So Texas, I'm just giving your number has 500 delegates and California has 700 delegates. They'll say Texas and their 500 delegates goes to Kamala Harris. Now, California might nominate someone else. So ultimately, your goal is to get to, I think the number is two thousand two one six two or something like that. That is the candidates. That is the number of delegates you need to get to receive the nomination in the party as a party representative. If you don't get that in the first round of ballot, according to what Mark Halloprin has said, is there will be super delegates. So super delegates are people voted by the political party and they've been like around for a long time. And there are various reasons and there are much like pretty, pretty strong number of super delegates enough to alter a poll one way or the other. They are saying and they are considered the more establishment delegates. Okay. So I think that back, I think there are pledge delegates are 3900 and Joe Biden is 3896. So, so anyways, once the, to win the democratic nomination, they have to get 1968 delegates on the first ballot from different states. If they don't, it goes into the second ballot and then you have the power of super delegates adds in. So the number I was saying is that is the number with the super delegate. And what, how it happens is if it's an open convention, states can change their votes. So if the state has voted for Kamala Harris. And another president comes and calls saying, Hey, I'll give you this. I'll give you this. That state can go suddenly to a third phase like a Nancy Pelosi or Michelle Obama or something. So that is an open convention. An open convention is basically it's a free for all. If anyone can do anything and every time there is a vote because every 24 hours or every 12 hours cycle, there is a vote that will happen. Everyone can change. Every state can change their vote. However, they want super delegates can change their vote and you're going to see that vote live on TV. The problem is this is three months before the election because the democratic, so it only gives whoever the presumptive nominee is two and a half months to run a national campaign. Second, the contributions that have been made to the Biden Harris campaign. From what I read somewhere, only Harris is available to use. I think it's some 90 million or something. I forget the actual number. If someone else is there, can can they use the same funds that have been sent to Biden Harris? I'm not so sure. So that is another debate that that happens within the democratic party. And then who will be your deputy vice president? So Josh Shapiro is the governor of Pennsylvania, Andy Pashir is the governor of Kentucky. They are seem to be centrist sort of governors and especially. And here is another thing. You cannot have your president and vice president from the same state. So Gavin Newsom cannot be the vice president or something. If that happens, they have to change their address from California to another state. So that's a crazy thing. So similarly, when Trump came to Marco Rubio was the one announced. Marco Rubio could not, Trump would have to change his residence to Virginia or Rubio would have to change his residence to Virginia where he would stay as a senator. So it's all sorts of complicated, but this is in a nutshell what will happen if the democratic national convention is thrown open. So, only in America, it's not only in America, it's only in America, it's only in America. It's I'm telling you. So map, I don't know if you saw the RNC national, America, they shake it. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, they cut it in. Yeah, they cut it in. Yeah, they cut it in. Look at Donald Trump. He's so happy. What a stupid country. Look, but I'll tell you, I'll tell you as silly as this is, this is happening to, no, no, no, no, and he's playing to his thing. This is what he used to do as a wrestler. I know thing in WWE. So this is the guess where Trump also has got WWE. I'm telling you, this is theater. This is not serious politics. This is theater. So I know it's theater, even Indian politicians. So this was the undecided voters reacting to other people. See, and Lena and Rich are also married right here. Why did you give it a C? Because his rhetoric hasn't changed about the election, 2020 election. And I'm really concerned that we're going to have another issue. Depending on who wins. So, you know, I'm just really praying that if Trump wins, the guardrails of democracy will. You gave what? I see. So it's very interesting. I'm watching all of this with very, very, very keen. I've decided what makes them undecided. Is it their own positions or do you just say it to him? Another, another statement that I think is going to get the Jewish community in a big way on Trump's side. Trump knows how to play this game. Do you have this? And the entire world. I tell you this, we want our hostages back. And they better be back before I assume office where you will be paying a very big price. Tucker Carlson is not going to be happy. Tucker Carlson was at the – I don't know, but he's at the convention and he can't say shit against Trump, even if he wants to. So right now, here is the thing, right? What this has done is this has also normalized Trump to a lot of Republicans. So because of the last week's event and stuff, a lot of people have come out and stuff, a lot of people have, you know, they were supporting Trump in the shadows and stuff. So a lot of internal sort of erstwhile Republicans won't say anything now about this, but what has also happened is this has opened the criticism on the other side. The Democrats just woke up saying, "I think they are ready to lose the presidency if they win the House in the Senate." If Biden stays on the ticket, they're going to get their ass whooped in the House election and in the Senate elections. And that's what they are afraid of the most. So here, Biden doesn't have news yet, this is Newsmax. For the multiple Democratic sources, this is happening all of a sudden. Everyone said it would happen. No, no. This is the reporter I just quoted. Mark Allen. My source is President Biden has agreed to step down. Oh, may it happen? It's earlier. I'm going to give it a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a debate. I'm going to give it a little bit of a little bit of a debate. I'm going to make a comment on this. I'm going to give it a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a debate on the Republican. I'm going to give it a little bit of a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. I'm going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We're going to give it a little bit of a debate on the Republican Party. We'll talk a little bit about this map because unfortunately, India, we have not reached that point yet. We still haven't done the 2021 census, but US thankfully was able to do the 2020 census for there. They were able to update their electoral map for 2024. I'll try electoral map 2020 and then I'll update Hoga and I don't know. But I want to talk a little bit about this. If you can just share that image of that. This is what I want to talk about. Oh, I think it's a clickable map. You just have to go back probably. It's pretty big enough where I can talk about it. Basically, the crucial things over here is if you see the number of seats have changed. Texas has now 40. Florida has 30. Last time in 2020, Texas had 38 and Florida had 29. You are getting three more seats from there. Where has the three more seats come from? Minnesota, Michigan places like that. They had 16. It's now down to 15. So there are swing states. So there are President Trump already goes in with a little bit of a higher number. Then he did the last time because of this realignment. Now, what are the swing states in this election? The swing states are Michigan, Wisconsin, the North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio. But Ohio, I would say it's a deep purple. Ohio and Florida are deep purple states that will go Republican. Then you're talking about Virginia. I already said that. Nevada. And you're typically your Indian and Kentucky, which will also go to China. So Pennsylvania is like Ohio. Pennsylvania leans Democratic only. Trump can win it. He has a chance of winning it. But the chances are a little less because Philadelphia has a lot of huge chunk of food. So if the Democrats get their base out, he's not going to win it. The two states really want to highlight, though, are Georgia and Atlanta. Because those are the two states that Biden won, which usually Democrats don't win. And he won it by a insanely small margin. So essentially Joe Biden won the election by 50 to 60,000 votes. Because he won Georgia by a few thousand votes. He won Arizona by a few thousand votes. And that is what swung the election. You take those 27 seats, 27. Let me just show you. Biden got 1.67 million. So 1.67 to 143 votes. He won Georgia by 11,000 votes. And he won, sorry, he won Arizona by 11,000 votes. And he won Georgia by 12,000 votes. So that is 23,000 votes. That's all Trump needs to switch. And if given the issues with Biden, he will flip those states. So if you add them to Trump's tally, then Trump's tally goes to 235 plus 27. That is 262. So he only needs one seat, one state then. He only needs to either flip Wisconsin or a combination of say New Hampshire and Nevada or something like that. And he's the president. So the election is Donald Trump's to lose. He doesn't even have to flip Virginia or Michigan and stuff like that. So that is what the Democrats are shit scared about. That if Trump manages to do that, and then if Trump manages to actually flip New Hampshire and Nevada, they are done. We are looking at a keyboard side in so far for Donald Trump. If he manages to flip that and you will know, truly, if it's a wave election or not, in the next, I would say month or month and a half, depending on how much steam he picks up. But right now, I can firmly say that the momentum is with him and this is his election to lose. It's very interesting how things have panned out for Donald Trump in the last few days. And I'm telling you, and we'll cover the US elections as it comes and stuff. But it is going to be crazy. And if you thought we had a crazy sort of evening during the Indian elections, US election with Attorney, what will happen because if the margins are as close as they were last time, you did not know for weeks who became the president. Almost 10 days, I think it took for us to realize who became the president and stuff. And I keep saying people keep jumping on me saying, "Ara, why can't they have some system stability to India or something?" Because the issue is for better or for worse, the US still, the states decide everything. It's a federalist system, right? So whatever happens, the states will decide, if the state wants that ballots will be hand-counted, they'll be hand-counted. If the state wants this, so that will be decided by the state legislature. So yes, this is a national election. But till the state certifies the electors, the president cannot even be elected. So that's why each state has its own rules and so forth. What do you make of all the conspiracy theories regarding Donald Trump's assassination attempt? But one thing is very clear, Secret Service has spotted the Trump rallies to turn on the roof 20 minutes before the gunfire erupted. So America is the land of conspiracy. That is the fact. That is the fact. No, that absolutely. And there are rumors saying what happened, what were there enough police on site and all that's being discussed. But America is the land of conspiracy theories. People will be talking about anything. There was an actual show on history channel called America's Book of Secrets that I absolutely loved watching for three seasons that only talked about the conspiracies in American presidency. Then what has happened? Wasn't Joe Rogan a host of something called Joe Rogan questions everything or something like that? Maybe he could be. I don't remember that. But the reason I was talking is the biggest conspiracy nut in the part half. But during COVID, the kind of conspiracies I heard was unbelievable. Unbelievable. So it is an amazing that all aliens are in America. The Loch Ness monster is also in America. Yeti is also in America. Everything only is in America. America is so important that all the conspiracy also happens in America. No, I'm telling you, I think it comes from a question, see that here is a difference, right? And it took me a long time to come up with that. The difference in sort of our mindset to the American mindset is the Indian mindset always has been that you have to ultimately trust the government because, you know, we essentially started off as a welfare state. The government, the Chakarega, the GD newspin, that is why when Indira Gandhi was tragically assassinated, BBC news had already reported for the news four hours before DD news did, right? The egg bars have confirmed. America could hold their head. The whole concept of America is you keep questioning those in power. You keep questioning those. So if someone says there are no aliens, 15 people are going to say, why are they not aliens? I'm going to try and find out, right? I met a cab driver and I'm not taking a leaf out of Kaushik Basu's book. But I met a cab driver who actually showed me pictures of different cloud moments saying, see, I saw this alien in this city, in this city. This is 100% in the rain cloud. This is a spaceship. You see that? And people actually believe this thing. People love conspiracy theories, man. And Indian YouTubers have just discovered conspiracy theories. They are still at the booth-preth level. They have to be illuminated in a totally podcast. And this is going to sound strange. But I think it comes from this ability to try and innovate. Try and do something. Kaushik Basu is the god of the gaps problem. Do you know what happens? No, no, it is not. When you are not saying, if you are not, there are many questions. The whole believer, non-believer, what you talk about, being an atheist and stuff, you believe something, you are like a cha-cha. I say, you don't believe something as a cure, you try to find out. And in that, then whatever fits, jigsaw puzzle, without any proof. So without any science proof. Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka, Ka. I think he was doing a lot of podcasts on booth-preth, I think. That's the only person I can think of. I don't know. Only the crowd is saying, yes, he does a lot of podcasts on booth-preth. My man, I think this meme summed up everything. That's it. I don't know. You say it in those two. If anybody, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. When you put your, from the CNN, they call, Fox News, they call. Like in many news laundry, they call. Or many news laundry, they call. So it is, but so it is the conspiracy theories are crazy. But some of them are not conspiracy theories. Some of them are actually statements being made by secret service agents who are, who are involved with the Obama administration, Bush administration. So they are just pointing out the lapses in security and why they happen. Right? Now, could be just a weaker detail attached, who are secure, why, why are those issues. Those will probably be remained to be seen. But, but not all the theories are conspiracy theories, but there are a heck of a lot conspiracy theories. I have read everything from when this being a pre plan to God, what will happen to someone even saying conspiracy theories on the stock market. You can see in a Donald Trump case, there's a short key. So why is that happening? And why is that? I mean, Twitter is full of the thing, but I think ultimately it comes from one basic thing. You don't trust whatever is being fed to you. You don't take everything at face value. You're going to question everything. So it's that ability that we're going to question everything and what you said, the God of gaps, we are going to try and question everything. So, but, but I mean, I'm telling you, this is if the Democratic Convention is truly open convention, you forget this week. That is going to be the wildest week because people can change vice presidential nominees in middle of the convention. Like, again, the vice president nominee is also not confirmed. So if they find he, but two is giving them better hope than one, then they may have made a statement with one, they'll split to two in the middle of the convention. They might switch, people might start doing right in candidates. You can even say that Ramukha Kachaywala is going to be my, the delegation of California as president and Ramukha Kachaywala will have to be called. So it is, it is completely insane. The system sometimes is too central to defend, do decentralized and too federalized for its own good. And America is going to have some serious questions facing. That's political process. Or in sub may be a forgotten, this is also third front candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, junior. Yeah, he's also being given security now. Ah, my point is that if the Democrats are weak and if people from a Democrat base move to the third front candidate, this is going to be an, this is going to be an insane sort of election. So last time Trump got six million votes less than Biden, five percent votes yet Biden only won the election by 50,000 votes because the lead that the Democrats take in New York, Illinois and California is too humongous to, for them, for a Republican to get the popular, the last Republican to get a popular vote was George W. Bush in 2004. Since the last 20 years, a Republican has not polled more votes there. There are more Democrat voters in America than there are Republican voters, but each state sort of has its own sort of situation, right? And like we saw in the UK elections, Labour Party with 31 percent vote gets 400 or 32 percent of the vote gets 400 seats. So just like how we have the first pass was the system in, in UK and India, in America, it's the state electorate system, where a state decides what to do and it keeps the move fairer. So you are not just pandering to your base and you're not just pandering to your clusters. So we'll have to see, we'll have to see how it works, but this is Trump's chance to even get more of the popular vote because truly a lot of the undecideds and a lot of, a lot of the Democrat base may not show up to vote on that last day. And so that's what remains to be seen, what happens in the end. I don't know, it's just so confusing. I find the American discourse to be very confusing and entertaining at the same time, but it keeps us, it keeps us, it keeps us humored, well-humored and stuff like, and the best part amongst all, all of this is, there are no, there are no sort of holy cows. You can go and take a shot at anyone you want. So what do you, what do you think of this? By the way, I mean, you can pay, you can make a joke. It was a pun before someone is like, yeah, what are you saying? Yeah, yeah, no, no. So what do you do make of that, that rhetoric around a lot of DEI hires that ruin the secret service? I don't know, I don't know that the, see, that's a rhetoric that's also about, made about corporate and all sorts of things. I, I don't know that's true or not, but there will be a report that comes out and stuff that who was a, who was a, what kind of hire and stuff. But if, I mean, Trump is going to be in power in four months, if the polls are to be believed. So he has a chance to change it. So, you know, let's see. But if in case Mr. Biden compromised with the composition of the secret service and the competence of it, he's going to pay for it in the polls. So that's scary. That's scary. If that is true, that is scary. You don't know. If that is true. And I think it's being overblown on social media, like always is, it always is. But the fact is Trump, the way they jumped on Trump and the way they protected him was phenomenal to the point where even Trump praised them yesterday. That is my secret service is like how fast they reacted to it. So, you know, we'll, we'll have to, and I'm telling you, right now, though, all the people debating, go like a holiday, go like he was at glass, forget that he, they tried to shoot him. It's better if the bullet grazed or something, they tried to shoot him and if he was two inches here or there, they might have actually tragically shot him. And so forget the stupid conspiracy theories about whether he, what was the blood for and how much blood does a bullet cause and how much blood a for all cause boss, there was an attempt made. They were not successful. The killer is dead. You have, you need the FBI to investigate why it happened. That's what the debate should be. But American media is on the trip of its own. But who they have never smoke your own material, but they have smoked their own material. That's the situation. Talking about Trump's American media. So this was an MSNBC host on JD Vance, who's Trump's running mate, right? Vice presidential. Yes. I wanted to use on that guy also, but listen to this beauty goes on. He went along sort of a paragraph at least about this plot in Eastern Kentucky where his seven generations of his family are buried and his hope is that his wife and he are eventually laid to rest there and their kids follow them. And I sort of understand the idea of sharing the burial plot, but it also reveals someone who believes that the history that the family should inherit and indeed the history that should be determinative in the story of the Vance family is the history of the Eastern Kentucky Vances and not the Vances from San Diego, which is where his wife is from and where her Indian parents are from. But in America, it doesn't always have to be the white male lineage that defines the family history, that that branch of the tree supersedes all else. And I just think the construction of this notion reveals a lot about someone who fundamentally believes in the supremacy of whiteness and masculinity. And it's couched in a sort of Halcyon, you know, revisitation of his roots, but it is actually really revealing about what he thinks matters and who America is. And that America is a place for people with a shared Western background. And that is the idea of America, that is the nation of America that he wants to resurrect. This is such a diabolical take. I was shocked when I heard this. Yeah, I think that's Alex Wagner, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah. Yeah. Take see. Bye. Again. Do not smoke your own material. It's very dangerous. What the hell was this? Okay. That is a crazy take. Yeah. That's a crazy take. Okay. I know J.D. Vance came by me quite a bit. Some people, we know he's from a, you know, he's a known investor from the tech world. Like, you know, he's like a tech bro kind of a person. He's worked with a lot of people I know. He's a decent guy, actually, he's actually a decent guy. No. You can. Very good running mate. Yeah. I was actually shocked. He would pick some evangelical face or something like that. But I'm kind of shocked. Like he would be a Mike Pence 2.2, but J.D. Vance is not anti what you may call anti California anti tech tech companies and stuff, right? But what Alex Wagner said, I mean, this is typically, I do not gauge off who cares here. What are you talking about? He was talking about his family legacy or something. No way did he say that he discovers. In fact, when Usha Vance was giving her speech, maybe she didn't, she didn't listen to it. He talked about her Indian heritage. She talked about San Diego. She got a chair from the California delegation while she was giving that speech on the RNC. I don't know, what else was he supposed to do? I don't know. Malibu captain. No, and this is, this is because they can't find, they can't find any thing with him, right? They can't find anything to poke him with. I don't know. You remember now? Is he a book? He was never done. Right. So are they going to, are they going to call him an anti immigrant when he's married to someone who's a daughter of immigrants? Right. Yeah, I think here is what they fear. What if JD Vance happens to be the one kind of politician that a lot of Indian Americans are waiting for, who's pragmatic about legal immigration. So for once Americans or Indian Americans, especially on H1 visas and stuff like that, they've been stuck in a limbo where no one really talks about them because they're progressing fine. So their green card weight is 50 years, 40 years, 35 years, and no one is really reforming the system. So Mr. Biden talks about DACA and stuff like that. So if JD Vance was closer to the tech companies who's married to someone who was a daughter of Indian immigrants, and who knows what the community is facing, starts talking about it, Democrats actually might lose that plan. And they fear that if they lose the Indian American, Chinese American and Taiwanese American vote, they lose the funding. And then they start losing issues. I had an interesting debate with Sadan and Dume last time on the election because he was laughing at me when I said Indian Americans matter. And I kept telling him one thing. I was like, Sadan, and if Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona are going to be defined by 15, 20,000 votes and each state has 150 to 200,000 Indian Americans or 300,000, where the Republicans are not getting more than 20, 30 percent votes, the Republicans will go for them and try to get 20, 30,000 votes because that swings the state and he's like, what are you talking about? I was like, keep your New York professors who are basically and tuned, who are swift years for like whoever is in the establishment's analysis out. They don't want to look at the real analysis, this New York professors, all they want to do is pander to the think tanks or MSNBC or Unka Subsebada achievement. They get one five minutes slot on CNN or MSNBC and they are so happy with their life. So they come, they come and do this rubbish Indian American. So this is why the Republicans are trying to make this foray and I'm reminded of what David Cameron said in Britain. He said the first British Indian Prime Minister is going to come from the Conservative Party, not from the Liberal Party and he was pro one, right? And I will explain because there is a long question asked by one gentleman. By the way, one, just to add one thing. Have you seen Rishi? So look after the election, my god, that man has got his mojo back and tell you what, I don't think he's going out as leader of opposition soon, if he keeps continuing to hammer the Labour Party like this. So keep going up. So to just to back you up, he's the data, right? Indian Americans are literally the richest ethnic group. So money matters a lot, whether you will not like it or not. Basically, median US household incomes by selected ethnic groups, this is by 2018, sources the US Census Bureau, all minorities are rich in America. But it basically bust the racist narrative about America. Can we just say that officially? Look at all the rich minorities, they're all rich. Listen, it just completely busts that America is the racist built on white supremacy society. It's not. Are there racist in America? Yes. But let's get real. It's not built on white supremacy as of now. It's a capitalist society and it has done good things for a lot of people and, and it's no, but here is what I want to say, America, one, the most powerful, yes, America has had a pretty bad past and stuff, you know, with the slavery and all sorts of things. And you had one country with no bad past? No, no, that's what I'm coming. But America is a country in evolution. I can tell you the attitude towards same sex marriage in 2007, when I moved in here is very different than, than it is right now. In 2012 after Obama legalized, just no real party has come and said that except for the few conservatives that own de-legalize, you know, cancel the legalization of the, no one has said it. No one has said Houston, which is the, which is in the conserv, it's a democratic city in the state of Texas, which is what's Republican have voted for the first same sex mayor in the big city, almost all the big cities. And she was extremely popular in Houston. My point is, it is changing. America is a country like any civilization in, in thing, and the ability to correct yourself is what keeps the civilization moving forward. The conservatives of want to take the good part of what is in the back and the liberals also want to progress for that. That's when you get a happy middle, then you take the good of what you have, the capitalist society is a great thing that America has, right? And then you move forward. You can't just completely diss what you have good in terms of saying, oh, we were, we had a passive thing, the we are just going to shit on the society and go into full socialist mode. You can't do that. This is not going to work that way. Similarly, you can't just keep holding on to everything that was bad as well, in which something where the far right conservatives are sometimes talking about. So that is the reality of it. The most poetic was that Kalistari Tila, Hermit Tila, she got attacked by Republicans, that was so poetic. I mean, I just, I couldn't help but laugh at that entire scenario. But okay, now let's take questions. She said about one true God or something. Yesterday on the Sham Sharma show, I was like, she wanted to say Waguru Jidakhalsa, Waguru Jidifathe, but she ended up saying Hallelujah Jidakhalsa, Hallelujah Jidifathe. Yes. Exactly what she's done, and Hallelujah, see, I got no problems. If somebody comes and yells Hallelujah at me, I'll say Hallelujah right back at you, brother. I got no problems. I got no problems. They don't like to save me. I got no problems. Jesus. Descent. Okay. No problem at all. I've never had a problem in India also. Islam is a different kettle of fish for me as an atheist, right? Or as a Gnostic, Nirish, Varvadi, whatever you want to call me. But with Christianity, I've never had that issue. And the point is to see that Khalesan is sickening, trying to go Hallelujah Jidakhalsa or Devakhana. That was so stupid. As a Punjabi, especially, I've found it so funny, and she's like, "Amikarna Manuvilello." It's just funny, but California has this pockets of that. If you saw a lot of those attacks on Hindu temples and a lot of these colorful characters happen to be in California who talk about quote-unquote their Santh Sahab and now because they don't say Bintranwale because that can get into trouble and stuff, so that's what they say. And I'm telling you, it's pathetic, but no one takes them, no one takes people who talk about Khalesan seriously in America or Indian society, if I'm mean, who are to not like, you can talk about your Sikh identity, a lot of Sikh friends, they'll talk about it. They'll also laugh at them, by the way, when you talk to Sikhs, they'll be like Yikhakar Ray, don't try to fit in. We have our own identity, it's our own Dharmic identity within India, it's one of the four Indic faiths along with Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, which its own character, the Yikhakar Ray, to fit into the Western philosophy. I see a Khalesani, I want to make sure that a Khalesani is reminder, the gurus are my caste, nor your caste, I don't know about her Khalesani percuation, she may or she may not, I don't know, she has, I'm saying, I don't care of that, if she comes out and says that there should not be any casteism in certain areas, in certain workplaces of worship, in certain Gurudwara's here, where Sikhs who are say SCs or OBCs should also be allowed, then I'll say, I've got to walk in there, because some of these places of worship actually actively do not allow certain things, and how you know, go and ask someone, I'm not going to name names and stuff, but you just have to visit, and if you go to Canada, in Vancouver or in London, that's, you should tell me more about that, there is not much of it in US, like probably 5-10% of the global, but I went to Canada, I went to Canada, I went to Toronto, I went to Vancouver, I have seen the insanity that's there. Yeah, yeah, it's, it's, it's third worldism, mixed with toxic separatism, it's a beautiful combination, so let's take questions, what do you guys think about Kimberly, I don't know how to pronounce her, second name Chital or Chital, I don't know, Chital, yeah, probably. Inclined roof statement, oh yeah, roof inclined, yeah, I haven't seen her specific statement, but a lot of statements I did see about the inclined roof, they should be protected, they should have a certain police, I would just wait for the FBI statement, thank you for asking this question, but I personally have no position on this, because I would wait, many, it's conspiracy theories that my mind is getting blown now, but thank you for writing to us. Yes, I've told Skye Harvick, next week, next week, next week, I'm travelling Monday through Friday, so we'll see, maybe I've got a weekend, after coming here, do you see this as paving the way for Michelle Obama, I don't know, there is a chance, there is a, if there is an open convention, there is a solid chance that Michelle Obama comes as a consensus candidate, Biden not endorsing Harris is a big giveaway, Vice Biden not endorsing Harris and Obama is proving to be the Sonia Gandhi right now of the democratic establishment, all roads are leading, so whether Sonia gives her significant other chance to go or not, remains to be seen, but I don't know if Michelle Obama is seen as a viable candidate, who is, who is going to be Michelle Obama's deputy, right, everyone is just assuming based on the speeches she made as a first lady, now another thing by the way, what happens to the debate, the first debate already happened, there is a second debate that's going to happen, who has the vice presidential debate, so a lot of questions which will get answered, but yes, Michelle Obama certainly has a chance, if there is an open convention, okay, and now ideologically I want Trump to win, but last time he changed H1, we ruled so drastically that I, that no one wanted to hire Indian grads, feels like we have no home, he's right and the last establishment actually made it really hard for H4 spouses as well, H4 spouses who Obama actually credit to him, he gave ED authorization, if you are in line for the green card, because the green card waits for 15 to 20 years, they had additional verification, so a lot of people became out of status, so no I hear you, that is why the nomination of JD Vance gives me hope, that he is kind of a person, he's not like Mike Pence, he is the kind of person who is advocate changing this policy, and that is the only hope, I don't see Biden having done anything different as far as H1Bs are concerned, so you're right, we don't have any hope, but I'll tell you why we don't have any hope, because the Indian Americans lack the spine with the citizens to talk about their own community who is suffering, the Latino Americans talk about the DACA, the Latino American, Indian Americans call Israel, Palestine, Kibat, Turkey, talk about Israel, Palestine, but I see Indians in New York and California saying pray for Palestine, why don't you talk about legal immigrants from your own community here, because that doesn't get them votes or higher up in the democratic party, so they pander, they talk about, they talk about every single, the illegal immigration issue, they'll talk about people being put unjustly, people not getting work permits except their own community, so if you really want this to change, go and talk to an Indian American uncle who is talking about saving the world in a next party over a black label saying, "Buddy why don't you go and talk to the congressmen about that, you've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that. You've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, you've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, you've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, you've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, you've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, you've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, you've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, you've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, you've been a citizen for 30 years, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, let's go and talk to the congressmen about that, let's go and I'm going to answer this in detail, I don't like Trump, I've said it multiple times, I don't know why people think I like Trump, I don't like Trump, I never like Trump, it's just that when you decide to vote for someone, votes are not based on single issue subjects, that's point number one, they are based on multiple issues and despite what Ann Coulter did to Vivek Ramaswami, he still came right to the top only in the republican party and him and many others have been rising to the top only in the republican party, because while they have this Christian blinds, they also have a very good amazing ability for democracy, republicans love meritocracy at the same time, far more per capita if you measure it than democrats and democrats, whether you like it or not, you're a chaturvedi, oh, I'm saying this to your face, so try and understand the DEI democrats are no longer the democrats you actually thought of and if you're talking about xenophobia, I've seen democrats calling Indians parasites, yes parasites, tech Indians, especially Indians in the tech industry are called parasites by left-leaning democrats, so I don't know what you're smoking brother, but I certainly am not, I'm very clear, when you select a political outfit, you select what is good for the country overall, what is good for the economy, what is good for their national security, no so personally I have immigration hawk, I don't support illegal immigration, I don't believe just because there is some person from Punjab right now at the southern border in america and just he happens to be of the same ethnicity as mine, he gets right to enter america, do you know why the h1b1 suffer more, it's because of the left wing policy of letting illegal aliens in, because you know, jirothini h1b so strangely, canada has immigration figured out better than us, because canada actually has immigration, no no no no, that is because of what Trudeau did, I'm saying the whole concept of you can apply to be a permanent resident, if you have merits, if you work in canada, there is a part for it, it's a point system, so similarly h1 could have been a point system that if you are, if you have stayed enough for 10, 15 years, you can transition to a green card if you want, if you don't, you don't need to, but they made it so complicated and that is usually screwed up because of the demog, so h1, indians have only benefited when bush was the president and to some extent, they moved up ahead of the queue because during covid, other immigration to green card stops, h1 zoomed ahead, right, but to our question, I think sometimes because we are tuned to say Indian, Indian sky issue, yeah, we only think nationally, because even in our elections in cushion and I have said that, we don't think about local issues, a local councilor ka election and rather than people thinking about the street outside their house, they are voting by, I will vote for this because he supports Benjamin Netanyahu, the corporator, right, you are voting for your corporator, look at what he has done for your drainage, your street, whether you are getting your voting or not, right, so our issue is always, we are thinking globally because we watch national news, so we make the same mistake American wise, he, if we vote republican one place, we are going to vote republican everywhere, you can absolutely vote republican nationally or democrat nationally, but vote for a different person in the state elections, because locally I have seen that you find, when you go down south, you find republicans to be on some not saying all, some republicans who are in the far right, you find a lot of democrats who are in the center who are much more willing to do, similarly if you go to New York and California, the republicans in New York and California are much more likely to work with you than the democrats who are pandering to the far left, right, so you have to make that and the problem with Indians is also we are in clusters, where are we most in New York, California, Texas and to some extent in Florida, but these are the three, four biggest, the try state area, New York New Jersey, so New York New Jersey and California are essentially democrat guards, so they just people started voting democrats and stuff, because they are like, that's where you should actually start reaching out to the republicans and see what you can do to help them and what they can do to help you, similarly in Texas you can work with cities, because where do all the Indians stay in this big cities, all the big cities in Texas are democrat, the state is republican, so you have to work with both parties over here as well, so I think the Indian Americans can vote in whatever party they want nationally, but they need to separate in their mind who they are voting nationally, who they are voting on, if you are an Indian American especially a Hindu and you vote for the left right now state of the left, you're actually committing suicide, your choice, I will still respect democracy and your democratic rights, I'm sorry, voting for the left, especially as a Hindu right now, is literal suicide, the left is convinced that the Hindu is white adjacent, the left hates whiteness, you are a monumental level idiot. No, no, but I'll tell you, Kushal, you know what has changed, not all this, what changed for a lot of people of Indian American including all these far lefties in New York and California as well, who talk about how they are in the global progressive water. Unkoi bachokai admission got cancelled in Ivy Leagues, because Ivy League certainly started treating Indian Americans as white adjacent, so when they talk about diversity as Indians were sort of exempted, the Asian Americans are not, so there are lawsuits now that are being filed in corporat, so now the Joham Lok pan sal palle bolder, I think be careful, be careful whom you are allying with, now that is hit their stomachs and that has hit their kids and so now they are suddenly taking utens. There is a section of Hindus in North America that has completely, you know, snorted, not just one line, like six lines of the victim would cocaine. No, it's not that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, read the scars. Can you tell them, what do you have said? I have to move on. Yeah, India, Pakistan, bye bye. You know, you can't say that, right? So it affects people. So I know people who have been listening, they've been called such horrible terms. My father in law was mobbed in New York. Remember, I don't need that. I don't need that. But I'm sorry, I don't live like that. My life is missing. No, no, no, no, no. I agree with you. I'm saying I am on your side. I am just trying to get their perspective. So I think their perspective is stupid. And I will change from the right to left in an instance, when the left corrects itself. But the point is right now, the left is stupid. And on the immigration issue. So I don't know why Indians don't get this. Immigration is not a right. It is a privilege. America, Canada, India, New Zealand, Australia, UK, or any nation on planet earth has a right to decide who they let in, how they let in, then they let in. Like, right now, Indian students go around saying, we should get a PR. And one of the videos I heard a student saying, man, I have a property, I have a property, I have a property. I think the whole debate is where it should be fairer, right? Like, you should not favor one community over the other, or one community shouldn't be punished over the other. But that absolutely, it's a privilege, it's a right and it's incumbent on the government to choose how they choose it. So I'm just hoping that when whoever the next administration comes, they have a same sort of thing. My point with the Indian Americans is, if immigration does mean to you, say it, it's not a bad thing to advocate, be an advocate of this, that I'm standing for with my people legally. So you have a legally T-SAL 40 years, if they've come here for 20 years, 30 years, and they are not getting and someone who's come here four years ago, five years ago, is getting a green card, it's perfectly okay to stand with them. But the thing is they are afraid to speak up. Who said the policy? Who said the message? Oh, it's the left. Absolutely. It's the left. So it started with the right. So it started with the right. So I credit where it's due. Actually, Bill Clinton was the one who improved the policy, but then it went, it went completely shit. So Bush, senior Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush, they sort of were, that was the immigration gold era for the Indian Americans, because they had a very pragmatic immigration policy. And then it just went completely ballistic. And then also the numbers, we are also a huge number. So the numbers game went crazy. But if you want to make a change, go talk to the people, go call up the congressperson, call up the senator and say that this affects you. And they'll change why the hell were they all talking about the farmers protest? You think suddenly the American senators know the Lee border per cow, right? Spritky had seen a logo of Pisaadok, which we bowled all day. Which we bowled? Arab, spritky had cute. I'm banning wedding name. So it's said a lot about the Hindu American community, unfortunately. Forget all that. I understand Canadian politics with some level of decency now. You can't let 1.2 million people in year after year, and not create housing. And then absolutely destroy a nation, urban landscape. And then say, oh, I'm sorry, you will have the native population respond back. And Canadians hate immigration now. And it's going to create tough I'm sorry. No, there's a call for that. It's the Canadian left. Yeah, no, and the question also the Canadian citizens who kept voting Trudeau. Why the hell are you voting Trudeau? Keep voting him again and again. So for you, I remember when he was making those stupid physics statements and stuff like that. And every Canadian on Twitter and stuff was like, oh, what? How smart is Trudeau and stuff like that? And then he called for a snap poll two years later. People still voted for him. He only lost half percent of the vote. Although conservatives are in our tool got more sort of votes or something. The liberals got 55 seats. So I think Canada also needs to prioritize its sort of thing and see who sort of stands for the rights and not do the politically correct thing. Yeah, Canada has a joker in chief anyway. And which is why I say my take on immigration has always been consistent. I believe in immigration because yes, multicultural societies are good society. See, whether it's India, Canada, I believe every country has a right to decide who they let in. If Canadians don't want people from India in their society or Americans don't want people from India, I'm not saying they don't want it. I'm saying if they don't want it, that's their call to take. And that's the people of America. They can vote for it or they can vote them out. But the point is policies have consequences. Yeah, absolutely. Canada is dealing with the consequences of unabashed immigration right now. It's destroyed the real estate market of Canada. Things are so expensive. Things are getting out of hand. And you know, when when your young child does not get a job and a student coming from outside gets a job, and then you say there will be no resentment. Well, there will be resentment. A good politician is someone who's going to deal with this in a balanced way, where instead of 1.2 million people coming into Canada, they would have made it a half a million. It would have led to much better results. Those people take time to adjust to the society. And it's also you have to decide all cultures are not equal. But that's not the reason. You know, you let gangsters in from Punjab in Canada. What do you think they were going to do in Brampton? The issue is not that the issue is how quickly they can vote are they are forming vote base with the which party. And that is the reason why this is happening. The fact of why is Justin why is Justin Trudeau keep getting electing for three terms is three elections in a row that he's got he's gotten and he's gotten worse with every election. Right. So either the conservatives or whoever is in the opposition has to figure it out of how what they're doing with it. And and and forms strategic alliances. And the thing is stay keep people like Jagmeet sing out of the government. Like I don't know what they're doing with that. So it's it's Canada's problem beyond the point I say it's the decision of the people of Canada. My reason for voting for conservatives everywhere in my life in India, I don't have an option. We're just stuck between different kinds of lefting outfits. BJP being one of them, which is which is the reality in Canada. I would always vote right wing is because I believe in fiscal conservatism. For me, everything is downstream from economics. And if we don't believe in fiscal conservatism, you're going to destroy your society. Anyway, there is no right wing also in Canada. The right is actually center right. Like it actually is. That's how it is. I don't want to. No, no, I agree with you here, polyam and Donald Trump, peer polyam 100 times. Correct. No, ma'am. May able to out in Canada, there is actually center right and far left in America, there is writing center right Canada, Canada has, but they are not close to power in America. There is a far right of center. Exactly. Like France has a far right far, a far right where the communists and the made a deal with the centrist. That's going to be another sort of thing. And what is happening in UK? So it's a strange time to be around. Yeah, it's okay. I just think honestly, social media has really fired people's brains. You know, I just saw a tweet. Why I use this tweet as a remarkable example of how social media fries people's brains and how irrationality has seeped so much into the discourses. There is this Patani Kone at Twitter handle, Manaman Singh China. Patani Kone, Karatak, Kiahek, Kuchtok, Kitaavleke, Bandhane. And listen, I get you, you, you have a fucking agenda that you want to peddle all the time. So he says, mama jus of Khan, Dilip Kumar, Mumtaz, Jhaa Begam, Madhubala, Majabeen, Banma, Meena, Kumari, Sahyad, Istiyak, Emma, Jafari, Jagdeeep. They had to change their screen name for a reason. The hate is not new. It is a storm and it has awakened. My friend, my close friend, Sonanda, Ashisht has the best slap to him on Twitter, where he said Dilip Kumar on record has said that he changes his name to hoodwinkestrict father and staff and many people. So, and Lata Mungiskar always called him Yusufa and Jhaa Mungiskar was the biggest Savarkarite known to mankind. I mean, publicly. She was a publicly Hindu, and Dilip Kumar has opened her concert and introduced her multiple times after that. So, they are the classic example that they can be two on complete political opposite sides of the polls have a very colloidal relationship. So, Unsek with Seiko, Unkyi movies, Madhdeco, Seif movies, Madhdeco, Ganyamatsuno. And so they talk about Mughalayazim and Madhubala. What the hell would they do if Lata had not sang Piyarki atodernakiya? And the irony is that every side does this. You will have Hindus picking up anecdotal events, creating giant narratives about their victimhood, Sikhs making random people tweeting at them and saying, Hi, it's so hard to be a Sikh in India. Oh my God, I am so demonized. I mean, what the hell? Everybody's a victim. No, but this is Bhakavasi. Salim Javed had two Muslim names and they were the most popular people. That's what Sununda is like. Megh Dusranam Dunga, changing the names Gower than Asarani. He had a complete Hindu name Gower than, but he chose a name that is easier to remember Asarani. So, that's what his name was. Johnny liver, he widely picked liver. Someone gave him liver after Hindustan liver. He was working from them. That is the story. So, people's names have strange sort of origins. And this is just insane, just insane. Yeah, so what I'm trying to say is that people are basically irrational. They say stupid things all the time. Yeah, it doesn't change. When it's a Hindu peddling Hindu victimhood, somebody who's a Muslim peddling Muslim victimhood, somebody who's a Sikh peddling Sikh victimhood, even in this time of Dilip Kumar, and the biggest director of the biggest movie that went to the Oscar Mother India, his name was Mebub Khan. IK asif Mughalayazumka. I mean, you can name so many people that have changed their names and kept their names and stuff like that. It's just, it is a choice. Ustad Ravishankar when he went and played in America, Pandit Ravishankar, I'm sorry, next to him was Ustad Alaraka. Zakir Hussain's father, was, you know, was he just using his feet as an example to explain how stupid people are. Whether it's political analysis, whether it's all sorts of analysis, people on average are stupid. No, I think we should also get into the, on an item note, get into the habit, treat something stupid and say, treating after consuming two packs of whiskey. People are so monumentally stupid when it comes to analyzing things that I sometimes wonder that they do it because that's the only way they get clicks. And social media has incentivized the worst things now because only these things get discussed. And personally, a person like me who has to promote rationality, critical thinking and stuff like that, it has become harder for me because it's so hard to make people understand, you know, life is actually becoming better. Overall quality of life has become better. When you analyze life, you have to look at long-term data, not short-term data. And when you don't trust anecdotes, always look at larger data sets. You have to explain this. But well, can I add one quick point, Kushal Haribai Jariwala, as one of the finest actors in Hindi film industry, comes from Gujarat, and he changed his name to Sanjeev Kumar. Haribai Jariwala, that goes his name. Why do you change your name to Kumar? Anyways, we'll keep talking and we'll keep outraging. And for all the people worried about cricket, I'm going to look August 1st, say, per se, per se cricket podcast. So do you like a cricket bakahida cover? Don't worry. Yeah, yeah, it cricket. My love, Shashita Runa, we can't wait to see it. Anyways, we'll wrap it up by the day. America, I'm a Joe president, but what I care about is political decency that you have to do mental gymnastics around an assassination event. Listen, I would not do mental gymnastics around. If somebody was to attack Raoul Gandhi, I would only do one thing. I would condemn it. I would condemn an attack on Raoul Gandhi. I hate his guts. I hate that man. But I will not wish death upon a person who I think is a political opponent. But unfortunately, the left has normalized a lot of things. The right by nature is reactionary. And this is the reality of politics today that both sides play this dirty game. I wish people learn something out of this. But anyways, we will talk about this some other time. Other take care of yourselves, buddy. Absolutely. We'll be here and I'll be we'll be updating you guys with what happens in the US election from time to time. Yeah, so guys, we'll close today's discussion up to everybody in the live stream. Thank you for joining in and asking your questions to everyone in the live stream talking about stupid things. Well, you are stupid and you will always remain stupid. And I'm the only podcaster who insults his own audience. And I am very proud of that that I insult my own audience because I have zero tolerance for stupidity. And if you are one of those stupid people who I yelled at in the live stream today, this is me looking at you straight in the end saying you deserved it. To the rest of you who are actually open-minded people who come here for conversations, you're all welcome. Please keep supporting the Charvok podcast. Like this video. Subscribe to the Charvok podcast YouTube channel. Comment in the comment section. If you are an audio listener, leave a rating in the audio platform of your preference, whether Spotify, iTunes, Audible, wherever you guys are. And if you really want to support the Charvok podcast and me individually, you can send your donations through UPI at CushalMera at ICICI. You can also buy merchandise of the Charvok podcast on or on KodakMERS. You can also join the membership program that really runs this podcast. Membership can be joined either on Patreon or on YouTube. You can also buy my book Nastik. Why I'm not an atheist on Amazon. It's available on all major Amazon platforms. I have four book-related events now coming up in August. I'm going to be in Ottawa on the 10th of August, Burlington, Ontario on the 18th of August, Chicago on the 24th of August, and 31st of August, I will be in Montreal, Canada. This is the tentative date for the month of August. I'll be in four spots. There will be physical copies of my book available in all the four spots. So if you're going to come there, I you can buy the book and I will happily sign it for you guys. Until then, I'll take your leave. I'll see you guys again on Monday with another interesting discussion. Take care of yourselves. Have a good time. Bye-bye. [Music]