Coffee Beanery | Sip & Share

Are we Super Tasters? Let's Find out!

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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- Good morning. Good morning. - Hi. - Hi. - You've got Britain? - I'm Lori. - I'm Patty. - And we're with Coffee Beanery. - And I'm trying to order a laptop so that our little roaster can work. So I will be with you guys in a minute. Go ahead. - Can I play on that any manner? - Yeah. - Well, I hate it when people won't want you just check out as a guest. - Well, so what did I tell you last week? 30% of people actually abandon their carts if they can't check out as a guest or if they forget their password. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's annoying and I never know my password. - You don't need a password necessarily to log up. Like to check out on our site. But if you want to use rewards and stuff, you do. But then the one thing that we do have that happens is people accidentally create two accounts 'cause they'll do one with their email and one with their phone number. - And if they don't build their phone number into their account the first time, it creates too many accounts. - And I have two emails that I use and I just never know. So I end up creating two accounts oftentimes. And then lastly, what email it's on there? I'm like, I don't know. - Yeah, I have three emails I use and it's never gonna. - I should have three. I use both work ones. I should have my own. - That's what I have like my personal Gmail or whatever that I use for all that stuff. And then I have my work email. - I love your hair like that. - It is so J-Lo-esque for a while. I love it. - I do feel a little bit like a toddler but it keeps it out of my face. - Yeah. - So it kind of looks like Stella. - I do Stella's hair like this a lot. - I like Stella's hair like that too. - My kids are super jealous of my band-aid 'cause they always on band-aids. So it's like putting a band-aid on this morning. I have a spot and I keep itching it. - Oh yeah. - And so I have to put a band-aid on it so I just stop doing that. - Smart. - I picked mine out forever. - I did it in the middle of the night, the other night, and I think I got to like kind of woke up 'cause it was just blood all over my hand. It didn't get on the bed. - But I had those red cherry things. - Cherry. - And cherry. - Um, I'm gonna go to the doctor and get tested. There's also a black mole above it that hurts. - Okay. - You should always get tested. - And it cuts stuff early. - It won't. - Like if it gets scraped off, it won't stop bleeding. - Mine was, wait, like that. I had a red and cherry, whatever thing they call them. - Yeah. - And I hated it. And the kids would like pick at it too. And I went to the dermatologist. I said, "Can you just cut it off?" Like I just don't want it. He's like, "No, no, no, the scar will be worse than that." But I just hated it. And then we went to that manatee. Like he said it would never leave. And we went to the manatee watching it as in a wetsuit all day long. And the friction and stuff, it's scabbed up in this one way. - I just saw a product today that you can buy for home use though. So like if you have like a freckle, a mole, a cherry, and you know, anything that works-- - They said that cherry thing would come back weird. - It's a needle thing and it has a electric pulse and you just tap it on it. And I just saw this this morning a couple times and then it scabs and then falls off and then there's no scar according to this product. - Wild. - Especially for you to do that in your face. - I'd be like every spot in my body. I would just be like, there it goes. - I know I did have, really it was just an age spot on my wrist and I had them cut it off. (laughing) 'Cause it drove me crazy. - I'm not aging. You can't make me. - Well it freaked me out though a little bit. - Yeah. - So I just didn't like see now. The time I thought what it is, melanoma. I looked at that for so many years. - Is this your daily or minor event on sunscreen too while we're at it? - Yeah, really. And I just went for a, because I wasn't sure I went for one of the skin freckle checks. And I wasn't, I've never done it before but they're recommended if you're light skinned or blonde hair, whatever, if you're in the sun a lot. And they do have some special little light thing that they put on your molds to see. - That's interesting. - So it's not just like a bit, like I thought they're just like visually checking places I can't see or whatever, but actually had this little light that he would look at on certain molds. - I know what it is, I have no idea. But it seemed legit. - Forget yourself, chat, get yourself a skinned and get your sunscreen on, skin cancer, no joke. - So last week, if you were here with us, we talked about the color or the flavor wheel, the coffee flavor wheel. And that led us in to a deep dark hole. - A deep dark hole. - A deep dark hole about. - I shot. - I shot. - What? - It led you down. - But it wasn't just us, everybody was curious. - Yes, we did some deep research on the internet. - I don't know, Logan, if you're watching this, we might need some pie. - Oh, I think I got it. - Okay, yep. - So we were talking about the different flavors that you taste on the color, or when you taste coffee, right? And the coffee wheel and how it's associated. And then we talked about super tasters. - So it brings us back in time. - There's no instructions in here, other than do not eat the paper. - So what I read was that you just like place it on your tongue. - Yeah, but how long? - I'm gonna go, they have a website. - Okay, so we bought something I think it's called. - Well, and then they told me about it. I'm like, well, obviously we need to see for super tasters. - Okay, but the first experiment we saw that you're supposed to buy is like sticking your tongue out and putting one of those like, you know, the whole way in order to run that right? - Yes. - So you put that on your tongue, or first you put blue dye on your tongue, put that on your tongue, and then somebody's supposed to get up in your face, like right up in your face, and count all of the apples on your tongue. I think that's how you say it. - Well, what if they go crazy? Like, I mean, you get crazy. - So they, these ones. - I just don't know anybody that goes to my face in the next. - This is PTC paper that we're testing. Apparently, I have to download a PDF. - So like, that's like a science experiment. - So of course, I said, let's do it online. - Let's see if any of us are super testers. - What do you think? - I kind of look old. - So maybe you can't taste. - I'm sure it's fine. I think that I suspect that I may be, just because I, typically if you can taste things more profoundly, you don't like a lot of things. So I don't like spicy. I don't like bitter. I don't like, there's a lot of things I don't like because it's too much. I like, I get low salt chips. - That's true. - You know, I just don't like stuff. - The first one is to put it out of your mouth and everything. - I do. - So here's the fun part about this. We only got the PTC paper. And apparently we're supposed to get a control one and three different kinds to find out. - Oh, did it compare it like a private protest? - Oh, there was another kid I sent you guys. - Yeah, 'cause it's fine. - Well, I mean, it just won't give you the results that you need because there's not a variable. - Yeah, a normal tester can determine the difference between substances or assumes control paper is something else. A super, a standard super taster can taste PTC and determine difference between PTC and control. If they cannot taste PTC, then they are not super taster. - So it sounds like we can leave the paper to see if it is. - Oh, but yeah. Like a recessive super taster can taste everything, but the sodium bends an eight paper. - Yeah, there was a kid that had like three or four of them. - Yeah. - But this one's fine for today. We wanted to go crazy. - We'll just see if we need to go for that. - So if we don't taste anything, then we're not a mess our super, what percentage of the people are super tasters? - I think that, I saw that one of my fact things. I thought it was only like 15%. - Yeah, so 70% of people should be able to taste this one. Oh, okay. - So we're not special at all. - This is 15 to 25% of Americans are super tasters. - And then there's a recessive super taster and a dominant super taster. So the dominant one can taste all three and this recessive can taste this one and the diarrhea. - Your mind is such a powerful thing that it's like, almost like, okay, tell me what you're tasting. 'Cause it can't be just like paper cardboard. I taste cardboard. - Well, no, they dip these in certain chemicals. And so then they have an experiment and they like, participant one, do this order, participant three, like, so you're like blind tasting that. - I think this is a genetic test that people do in high school because it's like a high school or college test that they do when they give it to you in class. - When you try to roll your tongue and do it. - That's probably why they come in strips of 100. - I think I can roll my tongue, is it rolled? - Yeah, it is. - Yeah. - And you can do it then. (laughing) - I can do the clover thing too. - Oh, and then they say that if you press or attached or not attached, that's a genetic thing. And then is it hitchhiker's thumb? If your thumb goes like way back, that's a genetic thing. - I don't know. - I think it's like, I don't know. I don't know. - I'm not sure. - Morning, Jarl, the top of your tongue or the bottom. So basically we can find out today if we are a standard super taster or not. - Okay. - But nothing else. - Tasty if we need further testing. - Yes. - So this is that taste buds are on your tongue. They're on the roof of your mouth, your throat, and even your esophagus. Like I don't think I've ever tasted anything. - I'm just like a little bit concerned because if this tastes gross. - Yes. - You guys didn't prepare it. I can't water it. - I have water. - I got coffee. - I got so coffee. - But is it good coffee we're tasting? - Yeah, we got good coffee. - It's like our coffee, right? - Yeah. - More R&D. - 'Cause I tasted some of those pods. - Yeah, those are really good. - Oh, they were disgusting. I don't know how people drink some of that coffee. I mean it's cheap though. - Yeah. - Is there a right or wrong thing though? - No, I think it's completely dipped in it. - Okay. So if we taste it. - Put it on your tongue. - Yeah, that's all it says. It says don't eat it though. (laughing) Okay, all right. - Uh-huh. - It's not early tasting. - That's disgusting. - And I taste cardboard. - Mm-hmm. - Oh, no. - Mm-hmm. - No, there's some fruity, not fruity, but-- - It's bitter. - Oh, yuck. - It's like-- - Oh, that's gross. - Like when they put like that-- - They take detergent. - It's like the rubber glove almost. - Oh, it is like a rubber glove. - Like the dentist. - Oh, gross. - Okay, so we are all standard. - Okay. - Super tasters. - Okay. - Which kind of makes sense? - Ooh. - Okay. - Now we'll have to get the other two and see who's dominant and who's recessive. Now that we know that we're all standard. - I've written the reaction that that was-- - That was disgusting. - That kind of like we took a billman or a bell. - Yeah, but they're different. So like this is bitter. One's, what, like salt. - Oh, yeah. - Might not be able to taste different things. - Yeah. - Might hate anything better. - So we're all standard and then we can see if we're dominant or recessive. - Ooh. - So apparently these are taste strips you can just buy online. They were like-- - Six bucks on Amazon. - Yeah, they were. - That even. - What is it? - And there's a hundred in it. So you can do it with all your friends. - Do you know that as you get older your taste buds like don't grow back as much? Like your sense of taste decreases as you get older? - I mean-- - I can see that. - That kind of makes sense though. - All your senses kind of do. If you think about your eyesight, your ears. - Well, and think about like those old people buffets. - Right? - Oh, how tasteless they are. - There's bland. - But you think you want more flavor to-- - But they can't taste it, doesn't matter, right? - That's the theory. - So I should eat as much as I can now. - That's exactly right. Taste it all while you can before it goes back. - Oh, no. - Her PDMC is the day. - I'm gonna get this back in. - I'm gonna have to-- - Just tape it to the outside. - Oh, that's a good idea. Yeah, I just so wanna lose what it is if we get the other kinds. - What are these random things here? - What are these? That sounds like us. - That's a good point. - That's a surprise and they just don't do that anyway. Put it on the outside. - Yeah, that would make a lot more sense. - Yeah, it might help 'em get the strips in though. I bet they roll the strips up on the paper and slide it in. - Oh, and I bet you're right. - Morning Cindy. Okay, so we've determined that we are standard supertasters and we need follow-up tests. - So I'm not old yet. - Figure it out. How many taste buds do we typically have? - So it said 10,000, or this one says people can have anywhere between 2,000 and 10,000 taste buds. - Okay, that's a big range. - That cats can have about 500 and don't taste sweet. Butterflies taste with their feet and some rodents can taste starch, which humans can't. - Well, I don't taste starch. I don't think chickens can't taste spicy. - Really? - I know that because a lot of people will feed their chickens chili hoppers and stuff because it makes the eggs better. - Oh, really? - Yeah. - It makes the eggs better, how? - Oh, we always try to look better. - Yeah, yeah, no, it doesn't affect the eggs. - I got a spicy egg. (all laughing) - They just said it gives them more flavor. I don't know. - Interesting. - Your eggs, I will say, were really, really good. - Yeah, dad asked me to bring more, but our chickens were all molting. - Oh, what does that mean? - They like, they like lose, which it's a really weird time of year. Usually they do it early spring or late fall. They like lose all their feathers and get their other feathers. - My chickens are pretty big. They seem bigger than your other ones. - No, I think they're smaller than our other ones. I don't know, but they were molting, so they weren't laying eggs. They're laying eggs again now, though. - Oh, okay. - It was just like two weeks with no eggs. The bummer. - You had tons. - I know, I was like giving away left to right and then all of a sudden when someone asks for them, I don't have any. - Yeah, we had ours forever 'cause I called her and I was making lasagna for somebody. I'm like, "How old are these eggs?" So I did the sink test. - The flow test, yeah. - And they sunk, so that was good, right? - Yeah, I decided that they're pretty good. - I mean, they really, they stayed good for a really long time. - But there was poop on them and it was, if there were other eggs, I would use them 'cause I didn't want to clean them cool. - Yeah. I remember the first time I saw that. - I would do a soap and water. I would do a soap and water and do this. - Yeah, just soap and water. I try to give you guys the cleanest ones 'cause some of them they make really messy. - Really? - But was someone that was medically compromised? So I just didn't want to make them sick. I would've felt horrible if I made them sick. But I did make lasagna. And it was the best lasagna I've made for a while. - You don't want to hear that because we really like lasagna. - It was really good. Maybe next book club about my lasagna. - Yeah. - We're having quiche tonight. Quiche and chocolate. - Hopefully we won't, it's supposed to storm right now. - I know, we might be inside. - Oh, yeah, it's like nine. - But it was supposed to storm yesterday too and it didn't, so. - I don't know if you guys are in a heat wave. - I haven't been in the pool yet. It was so hot on Father's Day. I was going to go in the pool and then I just was so busy getting ready for golf. - And I'm probably so tired after. - So when the bugs came, I went in the hot tub and then the bugs, I got bit three times. If I get bit three times, I'm out of it. - I was in my son's pool the other day and something was biting me and like, "What is this?" - Oh, there's some weird water bugs. - Yeah, there has a two water bugs bite 'cause this one. - Yeah, they pinched, the pinch stays for a long time. - Yeah, I did it like three times. - Oh, yeah, I went like that. - Yeah, I don't know. I wonder if you can put like a essential oils or something 'cause if the corn would just kill it. - Yeah, I'm not sure, but I wasn't a fan. - Yeah, I'm not a fan. - I'm not a fan. - What are we doing? I'm so thirsty. - Yeah, I'm so thirsty. - I haven't had any coffee. - Okay. - I know, I tried. - You guys keep us on our R&D schedule at this point because we're not good at that. - No. - Okay, so what is it? - I've got two different coffees for you to try today. - Okay. - You're not too much of a fan? - No, it's written on the cup already, tried it. So, I actually like that one. Yeah. - This one is like a cinnamon hazelnut flavor. - Oh, I thought it's a chocolate hazelnut. And I'm like, I'm not getting chocolate at all. It tastes so cinnamon hazelnut. Okay. - But you guys don't like cinnamon. So what do you think of it not like a cinnamon? - I don't like cinnamon or hazelnut, I'm gonna say. But I do like this coffee. - Yeah, it's not bad, but like cinnamon just would never eat my go-to coffee. - What do you guys think of a cinnamon hazelnut coffee? - It tastes like those things at the mall a little bit. - Oh. - If it were sugary, if it had sugar in it, it would taste like those things. - It's actually a great way to say it. It tastes like, you know, the sugared almonds that they make at the mall or the used to make at the mall. For us, it was called Johnny Almonds. And the whole one they were making with Molly. - Chaco nuts, sir. - I don't actually want some of those, isn't that so good? - You just gave me something at the top thing. - Yeah, I did some of these. - Where'd you get them from? - They were like, they were like praline pecans or something though. We grabbed them at the grocery store. - I want some of the warm ones that they do. - Yeah, they weren't those, but it was, I just bought snacks for golfing 'cause I knew it was gonna be hot. - It was like, good idea. It was like, I have snacks. I'm like, you do. - Yeah. - I usually had fasten out the snacks and I'm like, wait a minute, stuff. - I'm doing things like snacks. - If my adult children like snack bags but I'm like, what was that like? - I had like, Mr. Bottles. - I like the idea of the snack boxes, but I feel like keeping those queen would be hard. - You do the snack boxes, and it wasn't bad at all. - You just don't put like, gross stuff in it. - Yeah, you don't put it. - Yeah, but I see people like doing like, wheat snack boxes and cheese snack boxes. - Yeah, we don't do that. - How do you keep that cold and-- - How do you make it fucking greasy? - No, I do like it. So I make them for my kids and then I separate it, but it'll be like, it'll be like, goldfish, those mini chocolate chip cookies, cheeses, pretzels. - Next time you have to be your kids. - Right, I usually just make them for the plane, but it's funny 'cause every time the flight attendants are like, where'd you get that container? That's such a good idea of that. - Is this a tackle box? - No, these ones are actually like, - Bento boxes. - Yeah, there's something like that. They're like on the go containers. Like, I think you could put a sandwich in half and then like, something else on the other side and then like, fold up. But I usually just put, I have these like, silicone cupcake trays. And so on the open side, I'll put like a couple of those in there and then fold it up. But it's just nice because we're not opening 17 bags on the plane and they're, I don't have to keep one thing out of them. And then yeah. - I like the videos where the moms are like, "Make a lunch with my kids." And then they make like sushi rolls and stuff. - Super extravagant. - But I made lunches, it was like, "Here's your lunch bot." Or, "Here's your frickbox." - You're a bologna sandwich. - Yeah, lunchable. - Lunchable. - First, now let me say those have lead in them. I'm not sure how accurate that is. - What doesn't. - Yeah, really? - Well, lunchables don't even taste like real food. - Yeah. - I mean, it doesn't. It's so processed, it's weird. - And the videos where they show you like, what a school lunch is in like Italy compared to here and you're just like, "Oh man." - But if you figure our school lunch is, first of all, I haven't seen one in a while, but I don't think they're that bad. - Those are pretty good. - Because they took out all the preservatives and everything I school lunch all the time. And it was bad back in the day. I loved it. I love that press chicken. - Our school lunch is pretty good. They're like homey and bread every day. - And we did not have that kind of food. - Yeah, you can make a sub or you can either like-- - You can either get the, like especially, usually I have like two specials, you can do a sub or pizza or whatever. - When I was in high school, my best friend and I went every day and got crinkle fries and mayonnaise and that's what we eat every day for lunch. Disgusting. - I'm mad about that. - They would make this like homemade bread stuff and wauchy pizza like pizza that I was such a big deal to. And it was like the most disgusting pizza. And then it was like, I actually loved them. Halo burger, when they used to have those fake patties, chicken patties, like the flat ones, though they, we had those a lot. I like those. - Yeah. - I think so has chicken patties like that. - They do. - Check out that's for that patties of like-- - I like it better 'cause there's no surprises, usually in it. - Chicken has been chopped up into a piece and they're playing together. - Yeah. - But I don't know, the kids school lunches are pretty good and in Michigan this year, they provided breakfast and lunch. Well, obviously we pay for it in our taxes and stuff, but it was nice 'cause they got to eat. I knew they were eating a good breakfast at school too. - Well, that's good. Yes, Sedona did online schooling. So as part of theirs, we got these vouchers and they gave us like meals at home. Like home, not chef, whatever it is. What's it called? - Well, there's like home chef, home chef or whatever. - Like meal kits. - So I got like three meal kits for four people three times a week or whatever. - Yeah, that's really nice. - Yeah, that was nice. - Yeah. - I don't know, it was a little bit irritating though 'cause they did the lunch thing so late. So like I loaded their lunch accounts with $100 each and they wouldn't give me my money back. So they've had it all year and they don't even know what the program's gonna, like nobody would-- - Yeah, 'cause it's free lunch forever then. - Yeah, so that was kind of irritating. - I can't believe I won't give you your money back. - They just won't contact me back. - I can't read that. What does this say, love you? - Love in the new box. Oh yeah, you guys should pretty much everybody, well some shipped on Monday because obviously the 15th was on a weekend. But you should be getting your boxes. - Yeah, what's your favorite from that box? I mean, I'd love to hear. I know that it was a collab with ice cream social. - Yeah, that was super fun. - So does that lead us to next? Is it next to you? - Yeah, the tasting video will be next week and it is pre-recorded, so-- - We've never done that before but they were here, they were coming up to the office so we thought it'd be really fun to do the tasting with them. So it's just kind of weird because I don't know how we're gonna, just we're just gonna play the pre-recorded or we're gonna be on. - No, we'll be watching for our computers. - Yeah, 'cause it's an hour. So we'll schedule the pre-recorded video and then, but we'll be on our computers waiting for comments and stuff. So we'll be around. - We just want to talk about the live person. - Yeah, okay. - That's all. - All right, try the second flavor now. - Oh, I did try it, but I didn't think it was anything. - That's what I put on there. - Obviously it's cooled a little bit since we don't like that. - So when we tried it the first time, we really liked it. - I don't know. This is like a spiced pear flavor. - It tastes like peanuts. - Really? I get peanuts out of that. - I don't know. Spiced pear. I to be fair, I think it just does too much cream. - I mean, I did make it so, you know, what do you expect? - Maybe it's the spice part. Like I'm not like, I don't love nutmeg and all like, I don't like any of that. - Yeah, it's got definitely clove. - Yeah. - I just kind of came. - I can't get past. - I can't get past. - I got a lot of pear on the end. There's a lot of pear that the spice hits you first and then appears on the back of your tongue. - Hmm. - I can't get past it. - It's such a close flavor to coffee that I'm not, I mean, it's just obviously the pear is not a very forward, flavor forward thing. - Yeah. - But I remember tasting it before and really liking it. - That's funny how that works. How you can taste it one day. Like it might do, it has cooled down a lot. Usually we can get one. - I tasted some, right when it came in though, when it was warmer. I thought it tasted like nothing. I thought it was, honestly, I was one of these coffees. - I thought it was a straight coffee. - Interesting. - Yeah, I don't remember the R&D so far away. - Yeah. - But no, the ice cream social box is great. I think you guys are really gonna like it. I was surprised how close some of the flavors tasted to the ice cream. - Yeah. - That was really, really good. - And I love their whole, you'll hear about their concept but their cool concept is really cool. - Yeah. - And I love their concept too. - It is wild. - I might be going and working one of their ice cream trucks. - That would be so fun. - In the beginning of August. - It'd be fun to do a lot of photos with that too. - Well, you guys should be getting really excited 'cause we have the advent calendar set for this year now. And there's some really good flavors in there. - We revamped that from last year. So the flavors from last year are not in the box this year. - Yeah. - They're all completely different. - It's all fashion different. - And it's completely holiday themed. Like, I know last year the K-Cups were not and there was some disappointments around doing that. So this year they are all holiday themed. - It's all curated for the, yeah, the holidays specifically for that and for the holiday. - Yeah. - Yeah, they're gonna be a lot of fun. - Yeah, and as soon as like a bunch of my desk I need to start working on next year's flavors. - I was thinking about that. I was wondering how we were doing. It's, I mean, it's so crazy. We're like waiting, we're preparing right now for holiday. Like we're getting, what boxes do we have? What samplers do we need to make? - What? - Yeah. - And to be fair, we do that all year. - We just finished. - Yeah. - But it's just, it was like we just finished. - Really all year. - Yeah. - Really start ramping up right now. - Or we revamped some of the gifts that's two because we're introducing new samplers. So we wanted to get some of those. - Yeah. - Get some fresh flavors in there. Some more diverse diversity in it. - Yeah, and some of the flavors that we're introducing the samplers and like, man, why haven't we done this before? You know, sometimes we just have to sit down and go like, oh yeah, let's do this, you know? - Well, it does help because the more that you sell the more that you can create. Because it's just all about shelf life. You don't want to have stuff on a shelf longer than three or four months. So it's just, you know, rotating stuff through. - Yeah, for sure. - So, yeah. - And now we have our other pods that are truthfully now onto the shelves, so. - Yep. - They're coming. - I see a lot of the new flater that, not new, the, where we have them in take ups that we've had them in 12 months forever. A lot of those going out too. - I think they finished the Jamaican pods yesterday so I can get those online. One is not quite there yet. It's exciting. - Lots. - Did you guys talk about those then last week? - We did a little barrel. - And actually to show how the Jamaican - Yeah. - Oh, cause it's so special. It has its own barrel. - You know, Mavis Banko is not a bank. Like, I didn't know what it was. - I thought Mavis Banko was a person. - It's a city. - Okay. - It's a town in Jamaica. - I don't know who Mavis Bank is. - And I didn't know that. I had, I like looked at it all the time. I thought it was like a special bank that was certified. - Coffee. - Yeah, they're just like a bank with a bolt and the Jamaican bow and the bolt. - That'd be pretty cool. - I mean, this is where my mouth is. - Well, a lot of people got, well as Kona, people really got in trouble for. - What was that? - Well, not having enough Kona. Cause if you say Hawaiian Kona, you need to have so much Kona. I thought it was 51%. Now it used to be really low. And that's what they do. - I thought Kona was like three for five. - They changed the rules. If you say it's Hawaiian. - Oh. - And they tested our coffee back in the day to make sure that it actually was. - Well, it's all we use. We don't mix it. - Right, we don't mix ours at all. So we're good regardless, but. - It says in Hawaii, Kona blends must contain 10%. - Oh, 10%. - Yep. - And outside of Hawaii. - Yeah, 'cause outside of Hawaii, that's not the case. - I had that like the Kona blend. - It's one percent. - Oh, really? - So in Hawaii has to contain 10%. Outside of Hawaii, it has to contain 1%. Ours is 100%. - Well, and then that's when you wonder when you're getting Kona for $16. - Yeah. - You're getting, you're not getting Kona. - Yeah, it's written something else. - I mean, you're getting one percent. Can you imagine putting three beans in and calling it Kona? - What a sham that is. - That's crazy. - To call it Kona and only put one percent and or even three percent. - Well, even 10%, honestly, isn't it? I thought it had to be over 50. I thought that-- - Yeah, what a sham. - They probably upped it to 10%. - Yeah. - One percent. - Yeah, I'd be angry. - Well, can it think about how many beans are in there? So what do you have to put in like 10 Kona beans? Probably not like five. - Well, sometimes we'll get pushed back about the cost of ours and people like, I get this from Costco for, you know, I get a three-pound bag from Costco for 16.95. - There is-- - Oh, bless your friend. - Legislation in right now to up the percentages. - Okay. - Yeah. - That's why I thought it passed, but I must not know. - No, it's just going to legislation. - Yes, our Jamaican and our Hawaiian are a hundred percent. So it is-- - Never, but I think there's even like a little seal on the box that says like a hundred percent authentic. - Yeah. - That's what that means, but it's not a blend. - Yeah. - So-- - So yeah, when you see the price, you know why. - Yeah, 'cause I think a box of pods is something like $34 maybe, something like that, yeah. - And it's just, I mean, we could make a Kona blend, but why? - Yeah. - I mean, if you want something special, then have something special. - Could you imagine telling Joanne, you were gonna make a coin like a blend of one of those? I don't think that would sit well. - Probably not, no. - I don't think she would like that very much. - Definitely not. How is, what'd you do for Father's Day? Would you guys end up doing-- - I made a turkey dinner for the dads. - Okay. - We had bought extra turkeys and I was like, "Ah, I'm gonna make a turkey dinner." And then we went to see a retro movie in the movie theater. We went to see Raiders of the Lost Ark, which like, so when I was like little, I think my first crush was Harrison Ford. And he's 80, and Harrison, I don't know what you're doing, but you still look good. - But it was really fun to see the movie theater. - I like seeing stuff in the movie theater. We saw the notebook and something else. - We see breakfast at Tiffany's. - Yeah, yeah. - Definitely breakfast at Tiffany's is not what I remembered from-- - No. - I was like, no. - Oh. - This is pretty, you know, whole other skin on it. - This is different. This is not what I remembered, but I thought that was pretty cool. So, yeah, that's what's good. - That's cool. - Yeah, and you guys golfed, right? - Yeah, we didn't-- - Family. - Family scramble. - Family scramble. - With shenanigans. - Yeah. - So, shenanigans. - I mean, just like different rules, like everybody can throw the ball once, and we use like a string to make putt string, and you can use it however you want. - You can cut it. - So you can advance your ball, it doesn't count. - Oh, okay. - So you can cut it. We, our string was gone by the first nine, for sure. - Oh, we were putting horrible. - We were putting pretty well, but it was like, we were trying to, you know, like on a three, take a birdie or, you know, like holes that are. - But there was one which we knew would be an issue, the worst ball hole. So we thought, 'cause last year was horrible, 'cause it's really just like your worst player is golfing the entire hole, which is not fun for anybody. And then, so we're like, but you can't use back to back worst balls. So we're like, oh, well, that will advance the ball. Well, we had Sedona and myself on a team. So no, we kept going like sideways. - Yeah. - Like it wasn't advancing, so, so we used to, we used two throws. So Houston and Branson were able to throw the ball, because it was the only way we were even getting close to the hole. And we'd even, 'cause Branson did both-- - We put a max of eight, though. - He went right past the girls' tee, and I'm like, okay, so we shouldn't have good shots, because we wanna use Branson's shot, because then we can't use our, or so we could use Sedona's shot and not use this, but then I was horrible, and Houston just is such a good golfer, him and Branson both are, so they're just frustrating. - And it, they'll-- - They'll just hit the ball. - Off the tee box. - The more pressure it's off over, like this little like river thing, and Logan, OB right away, right out of bounds. So it's like, okay, there's, we're already at two, and we're not even off the tee box, you know? And then you're behind the girls' tee, like you're just so far back. - And then later, we were picking it back up, but then I chipped OB, so we were done. There was, we just took the eight. - Are there prizes? - Yeah, that's a tough ball. - No, but I was thinking that we should maybe do a trophy, but the teams aren't fair, really. - Yeah. - So that would be the hard thing, because it's like a great way to make them fair. - Yeah, it's like my husband golfed with us, and he hasn't played on a course in 20 years. - Oh, sure. - You know what I mean? And then you and Sedona shared clubs, so you were on a handicap for the two of us, but wasn't enough of a handicap in a scramble format. 'Cause we used to just use their, although on one hole, we used two of my balls, so. - Yeah. - You never know. - Yeah. - I was pining really well. - He used to just like, okay, like your arms are noodle arms. You don't even like try to golf. - Yeah. - Like, oh, yeah. - I can't say if I've done that one. - I'm good. - I'm good. - It was fun, though. We just try to do silly games and make it silly and fun and no pressure. - And it's kind of the strategy of it, too, so it's just thinking, 'cause last time we were on a team together, I think. - Yeah. - Last time, and it was like everybody had to hit, or it was timed. - It was a timed hole. - But everybody had a three time total. - So we all strategized, and we all just hit all at once. - We teed off together. - All was teed off together. - We ran to the best ball. - Left your balls behind. - Like, we had other balls in our pockets, 'cause everybody had to hit from every ball. - Yes. - So we left our balls, ran to the best ball, hit again, ran to the, so it was like- - Eight seconds or something. - It was crazy. - Crazy fast. Then we went and picked all the balls up at the end. - But I think the ranger was a little concerned when he was out on the thing, and I'm good. Okay, remember you have one toss and one mulligan and one, whatever, and he's just like- - Yeah. - What are these people? They're gonna take five hours. - No, it makes it quicker. - Yeah. - There are a lot of people up in the mountains. - Yeah. - It's pretty good. - Well, and we picked a tee time. We picked like the four o'clock on tee times, because the course thins out big time, and it's cheaper at four o'clock and with the heat. - I was really glad we did it a little bit. - Yeah, the good golfers usually go in the morning, but it was fine. Like Sedona doesn't golf. I golf in a league, but I mean, we're solidly in last place, so it's no pressure. - Yeah. - You've got the more lightly bred. - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, I tried to get out a couple of times of summer, but I've been subbing for you in your league a little bit. - Not that we're doing it better. - And they're so confused, because they're like, I thought, if you were gonna come this week and then I looked over, I thought I wish your daughter. She's like, you guys look so much alike. - You guys feel it? - Yeah, I'm like, oh, that's sweet. - I like playing, but like, I don't keep score or anything. Like, I like scrambles because it's no pressure. - And the ladies who on our golf league are so nice. Like, I mean, it is, it's just a really nice group. I guess they all golf on Mondays together, but they're super encouraging and just they don't make you feel like an outsider. They're really, really welcoming and nice. And I don't think you always see that. And I don't think people mean to be that way. They're just so established in what they're doing. But I really feel like they make an effort to make you feel included. And that's really sweet of them. - Well, even like the one day I'm out there and dad's like, well, I don't want my club distances. I don't know. And he's like, okay, bump and run. And I'm like, excuse me? Like, what's a bump and run? And then, so he like showed me and they don't care that like he's showing me literally how to hit the ball in this situation. Like, I don't know what to do. - Yeah, the one guy was giving me bumpers for when I putted. (laughing) And that's kind of, you know, I was obviously solidly in last place. So they don't really care. But they don't really care. It's really just about having fun. They're a good group of people, for sure. Yeah. - It's been fun. - Not that I just popped for the money. - Well, that's pop for the money. Drive for the show, pop for the money or something like that. - That makes sense. - Or the money to the show. - Yeah, the one week dad and I did horrible and it was pure putting. Getting up to the green, completely fine. Putting, horrible. - I just want a pretty putter, that's all. Have you seen my putter? I'm a white and rose gold putter. - That's your new one, right? - It's the new Odyssey from this year. It's so pretty. I'll just show it to you. - I went, I golfed with a guy, maybe you get, and it looks like a tiger eye. So they have a blonde wood one. It's so pretty. - It just looks like a, yeah, his is tiger wood. The blonde one I think is a different, but they have the tiger eye in the middle. I'm not sure. But, and then you can get in graves. So I just want it, I'd rather be lucky than good. - Yeah. (laughing) - I'm my butter. - Yes. - By even that scene, so you got a new Odyssey. I'm very jealous. - I used it, but I didn't golf with you. I have the really old Odyssey putter, but I got a different one. - Yeah, I've been switching back and forth between putters and I shouldn't do that because they're both so different that it screws me up. - I'm getting better with it. Oh my gosh, they have a straight, just gold ping putter. - Gold. - Oh, it's like 24 gold. - Is it 24? - 24 carat ball. - I think it's a size. - It's crazy. - How much is it? - It doesn't even say. - It doesn't say a price. - Okay, but like gold is a soft metal. So like, would that not be good unless it's just dipped in gold? - It's probably just dipped in gold. It's probably like a bracelet. But, yeah, come on. - Yeah. - It's like trying to put it in a frame. - Oh, you know what? I think I have an actual picture of it because Houston, after I got it was like, send me pictures. So it's like, that's all like rose gold with white on it. - That's really, is that the cover on it? - That's, this is the cover. No, that's the putter head. - That's the putter head? - Yeah. - That is, it looks like a tea digger. - That's how I see it. - Oh, I see. - And then all of this is like rose gold. All the details are rose gold. - Oh, it's really pretty. - Yeah. - So that's the back side. That's to pick your ball up. - Yeah, it's also like a weight thing. - Oh, okay. - But, I've been putting way better with it once I get the hang of it. - Okay. - So, that's awesome. You guys golfers? (laughing) It was a ramble on about golf. It's fun. - I just feel really tame right now. - Well, sitting in between the two paleos creatures out in the universe. - I mean, my kids love to point that out. They're like, mom, you're so, you're so white. - You've got such pretty, you've got pretty white skin. You both do. I mean, it's not, it's hard to have pretty white skin. - And I have tan lines. - You do, you're tanner than you've been, for sure. - Which is sad. - Which is sad. - I just don't get, I used to get tan as a kid. - You used to, yeah. - I was in the pool. - I would have said you had my skin coloring when you were a kid. - No, but I was in the sun 24/7, I'm a lake, so. - It does change, I think your skin changes as you get older, but. - We do have the freebie sale, goes through Friday, and there's some good freebies out there, too. - There's some really good freebies. I went by, I was like, dang, green cat, generous. - Yeah. - Some really nice stuff out here. - There's, that goes through the end of the week. So you had a freebie with every order. - And so I gave freebies out yesterday. - Yeah. - I went to school, my daughter's gonna go to next year, and somebody, it's uniform. So I'm like, oh, just dreading the whole uniform. Just buying it, and it's like, it's so hard to size it. It's just so weird. She's literally a zero and one brand, and a nine. - Oh, that's frustrating. - And the other. - At the same, and it doesn't, it makes sense. So I got her at the used sale, a plethora of stuff to try on, but I did run into someone who was, went to preschool with Sedona. So it's cute. She had the biggest crush on this little boy. Her and her friend Olivia loved Ian. They had fight over Ian. So it was Ian's mom. - You're little? - Yes. So, and they were both white blondes. They're just these little blondes. And then I remember they were, but it was cute. The dad's like, I just remember she had those colorful dresses. All those colorful dresses. - Oh, yeah, I must be. - It must be Matilda Jay. - Yeah. Which was adorable. And she had some uniforms in the car. - And we got some freebies. - Yeah. - So I gave her coffee. - They still make Matilda Jay. - I traded coffee. - Yeah. - I just bought some, actually, some cute little gymnastics things. - They're making athletic wear. - Oh, oh. - And Matilda Jay in fashion. - Oh, yeah. - It's pretty adorable. - Yeah, it's pretty adorable. - It's pretty adorable. - Oh, Deborah, you and I are definitely best friends. As we've already discussed, I am not athletic at all either. They took, we went to the batting key just one time. And I have a son who plays college baseball and I cannot hit. - Well, I was a little surprised because I just thought you would be a little bit more athletic than you were. We're with professional, ex-professional baseball players. They're like hitting these balls. It's really fast. They slowed it down. And I was shocked. I was able to hit every one of them. I've got Disa. Hi, Ann. - No, pretty well. - And you did good. - No, I got none. - Not one. - And I mean, literally, I used to spend every, like, how much time on a baseball game? - Yeah. - And no, can't do it. Can't do it. - I don't love, like-- - I hand coordination Disa. - Yeah, like I'm not like team sports ball or volleyball or something. But like, we tossed a football around this weekend and you know, like that's not-- - All you kids are pretty athletic. They did not get it from me. Their dad is very athletic. - Still have some gymnastics skills. - Yeah. You guys are all-- - I got none. - All athletic. I am not, my husband should have married someone a little bit more athletic if he wanted to-- - Yeah, super star kids and taller. - I like watching specific sports. I don't like watching all sports. Like, I'm not gonna watch basketball on TV. - Oh, the boys though, we're super athletic. And I think just Houston so ridiculously-- - Oh yeah. - But it under shadowed how athletic Logan and Branson are. Logan and Branson are very athletic. - Yeah. - I like to watch some sports, but like football, I don't get it. - I love football, I try and I don't get it. - I like to watch them real life better. And obviously, I like it when my kids were playing. I love watching my kids play. I mean, you probably love watching baseball when you see-- - I do, yeah, I do. I can appreciate like-- - Oh my God, I can't believe I made that catch, you know? - I think too when it's like a team you care about. Like, we like watching the Michigan games every weekend and stuff like that. But if it's a team I don't really care about. Yeah, it is funny if they do some personal story on them and also you're like invested in the team, you know? And I mean with the Kelsey phenomenon with the TS fans loving football. - Oh yeah. - Smart though, I'm great business for him. - But see, I like Jason Kelsey. I think he's hilarious. - He's hilarious. - Like he is just like unapologetically him. He's a big bear man. - And his wife is hilarious as well. - He has millions of dollars in just first flip flops. - I just see like clips of their podcast, but I feel like in half alone Kylie was like in the other room and you can hear her being like... - No, stop. I liked how they put him in a jumper so he wouldn't take his clothes off of that. So he wouldn't take his shirt off. - Oh, baseball, Patty likes baseball too. - Do you have a favorite team Deborah? I used to hear we watched the Tigers. - I like Milwaukee Brewers. They're my favorite. - Is that our minor team, right? - Yeah, they're a real team. - Are they? - Yes. - Still? - I don't know, I don't watch baseball. I don't care about baseball. - I'm not sure. - But because when I was little, we didn't have a lot of money, so we didn't do a lot, but my grandpa took us to a baseball game and somebody got a home run and they went down the slide and like all this balloons or something happened. It was really, really cool. - That is cool. - It was super cool. - Like the Tesla Rangers games were my favorite when we were a kid. - Oh, she said the... - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - We just were Cincinnati Reds. - How are you confusing me? Milwaukee Brewers is what you see. - We just saw a special called Fastball and it was really interesting because they were trying to say who pitched the hardest and the fastest. And so like back in like the 20s, 30s, 50s, 60s, they didn't have radar guns, right? - Right. - So they had one task with Walter Johnson, I think, and he threw the ball and they had a motorcycle, a police officer on a motorcycle going 86 miles per hour and he would throw the pitch and the motorcycle would... - Oh. - They would see who got their first and the ball got there before he got there going 86. So they said, okay, he threw... - He's going faster than the 86. - Right, but then now they took new math, right? 'Cause and don't ask me to explain the new math. You know, I can't... They've now said Nolan Ryan, who pitched well into his 40s, which is not coming in like baseball and that his fastest pitch is 108, but that's not what they had him at like 100. But now they're saying that he threw the hardest at 108. - Okay. - Super interesting. They're the National League. Okay, no. - They're in the Major League Baseball, so... - I don't know all of them. - It's a nationally not... - Well, no, there's National and American. - That was Major League. - It competes a Major League Baseball as a member club of the National League Central Division. - Yeah, so there's no idea. - I think there's American and National and I think they... - All right, then Bruce and American are national. In 1998, they joined the National League. They're the only franchise to play and for different divisions since the... So you're right, they must have done something not in the... - I don't know. - Why did they switch? - Why did they switch? - I don't know. - I couldn't say for sure. But you remember when we did the baseball box? - Oh, because they were... - Yeah, that was a lot of fun. - The only reason they switched is they had to have even teams in the division. - Oh, I sense that happens. - So like up here up. - Then we watched a special about the Yankees in the '80s and '90s. And you guys, that was why all they were like gangsters and... - Oh yeah. - I believe it. - You know, gambling. And then one guy who's still in prison for this day, one of the Yankees, Mel Hall, he was dating a 16-year-old while he was an active member. - Oh, you told me about this. - This is crazy. - Oh my gosh. - And he went and he lived in the house. Like the parents were just like... - Oh, yeah. - Oh, Mel's our daughter's boyfriend. Here, have our bedroom. You guys can move in here and we'll move to her bedroom. - That's so weird. - So strange. - Those are, and he's in prison after she left, she fled to Florida to get away from him. And he's in prison now for... - Oh, gross. - And he's in jail for a very long time. - Wow. - That's awful. - Yeah. - How about Justin Timberlake? - Yeah, what did he do? DUI, right? - DUI? - But I just-- - He kinda lied. - Yeah. - A lot of drugs in the system. Yeah, like Molly, Coke, stuff. He is so talented. - That's really unfortunate. - I hope he gets it. I mean, but I thought gosh, to rest somebody like Justin Timberlake, he had to be. - Yeah. - I mean, not coherent. - But he just was shocked how talented he is when you see him. He is so talented. - Well, I don't know if it was the video. There was a video of like this car like crashing. I don't know if it was his though. It was hard to tell from him. - I hope it. I mean, substance stuff is tough. - No. - That's horrible. - No. - I watched it last night. And I mean, great. You know, it's like, her talent. Like, I didn't know. But she obviously, she's way bigger than the UK than she was here. - Yeah. - But she's like one by Grammys. But yeah, she died at 27. She's only at 27 club. - Very yeah. - Looking at 27. And she had the amount of alcohol in your system that can make you stop breathing is 350 milligrams and she had 415. - Wow. - Stop breathing. And I think it makes sure it can also make your heart. 'Cause my husband would go on like, "Hi, Connie." - I can't drinking yourself to death, but like, how do you die in like one episode? - Yeah, not like your organs going down or whatever. - Yeah, or like drinking over a course of like many years of like... - Oh, apples from Wisconsin. I was born a man. - If you've been died from water though, do you just, you know. - Yeah, but that was, I mean, it must have like made her stop breathing. - That's no aisle. - Yeah. - And so she'd be 40 if she was alive now and she died at 27. - It's so sad. - Yeah, super sad. It is a great movie though. I mean, like I understand. - I couldn't believe like Carol King. - Yeah. - Like when we saw "Beautiful Life", I think it was called on Broadway. - I think it was just beautiful. - Or beautiful. Someone had recommended it to us. - We didn't even remember. - I didn't even know Carol King was. She was amazing. Well, she wrote so many wonderful songs and was an amazing musician. And I had no idea. I'd never heard her. Or if I did her name, I didn't know that she was white. - Okay. - Because she wrote for a lot of black artists back in the day. Very soulful, do you know what I mean? Her jazz, all jazz. - Was her life story pretty cool? - Super cool. It was really, super, super cool. - And she's a live idea. - I read her book too. I got her out of her biographical. It was interesting. - And then a big biographical person. - She was interesting. It was, she was entertaining. - We have been on for 15 minutes. - Oh my gosh. We have to go. So thank you. We'll have to get the other super tester kids. - Yeah, we'll tie it out and see legit. - If we're a dominant recessive super taster. Yeah. - No thanks. - Baby sale for the rest of the week. And just a reminder that next week's video will be pre-recorded so that we can have some special guests. - Yes. - All right. Have a wonderful week. - Have a wonderful week.