The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

375 | The 7000 Year Timeline Deception | Millennial Kingdom, Little Season, Fire Rest, Camelot, & Phoenix

Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

1h 57m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

I'll tell you, those these sweltering summer evenings in the South, I think I need to catch my breath. I would just out catching dinner with my family and we're having miso soup, too, in the middle of summer. We live on an alligator preserve and hopefully everybody can hear me well. Let me know if you can't. We live on an alligator preserve and we just, I think we all have a fine glisten out there as we were eating. I've been trying to catch my breath in here. Now, welcome everybody. This is the unexpected cosmology. Of course, my name is Noah Joshua Hadley. We're going to be talking about the Millennial Kingdom tonight. It seems to be the talk of the town. A lot more of the young kids are catching on to that. Now this is something I've been talking about for several years now and it's on record. You can go back and look at my publications and videos. And a couple of years ago, I published my first book on the Millennial Kingdom, this idea that it already happened physically, and yeah, hopefully you guys can hear me well. I quickly needed to come out with, because I'm a, I just researched and I write a lot and they needed to come out with the second edition, I think the first edition was somewhere in the 300-page range, can't really remember, but the second edition quickly bloomed over a thousand pages. And I said, well, this clearly is not going to work. This is, I can't keep doing this. I thought, well, I could cut it into two volumes and then three and I could keep doing volume four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, but that would just confuse everybody because I'm, you know, shifting them all around. It would never work. So I had to come up with a new game plan and what I needed to do was figure out, I had to take all the different components of my research and go, okay, I'm going to put this section over here, that section over there, and in the following few years, I have come out now with several different books tackling different elements of the Millennial Kingdom and Little Season. Now, you know, it all started with one paper and I thought I would just shoot out one paper, publish it, get it done, move on to other topics, who knew this would become a career. And so what we're dealing with tonight is the 7,000-year timeline deception. I've just released the second edition, a greatly expanded second edition of this. The other books I've come out with so far are the Glory's Appearing, the Mandela Effect or it's called The Lion and the Lamb, that clearly a little season book came out with a line-for-line commentary on the Gospel of Peter, I caught Bizora Kipa, and also a book on Mary Magdalene, Wife of Messiah. And so I came out with the 7,000-year timeline deception, second edition, I'm about to release my next book in the series, currently called Kings and Priests of the Thousand-Year Rain, so look out for that. But a lot of people ask me about the timeline, and I'm telling you guys right now, it's not rocket science, you don't have to be a math major to understand this, I'm a Bible guy. I like extra biblical books, I like scripture. If you're going to show me something, I want to see a chapter in verse that's really, really important to me and it concerns me when I see just constant just neighborhood of make believe, you know, accusing our controllers of historical revisionism and then we do far worse, we just make up whatever we want. So from the very beginning, I said I didn't want to do that. I just wanted to go to these books and say, okay, what do these books have to say about our past and our future? All right, so I'm going to show you really quickly. This is of course, this is the store, this is the second edition right here. I just released it, 7,000 year timeline deception, you could see Millennial Kingdom plus Mudflid right there, it's in the series. And let's dive right into this because I have a lot I want to cover tonight. I don't know why I picked up right here at this point. Obviously not going to get through the whole thing tonight, I'm not going to read this all to you guys. I'm just going to go through this and hopefully help expand and address some of the confusion maybe and hopefully everyone gets a good understanding of why I've come to the perspective that I have come to. So starting out, I think this is all the introduction, oh well, all right. So why the 7,000 year timeline deception, well, that should be pretty self-evident for biblical scholars, a day with the Lord is as a thousand years, or as I like to call him by his paleo Hebrew name, Yahuwah, and of course in modern Hebrew, he might be Yahuwah or Yahuwah or Yahuwah, in English people, you've heard Jehovah, but I call him Yahuwah. And of course, we know that the world was created within a week structure, six days, seventh day rest, and the history of the world is the same way, 6,000 years of work, and then a thousand, the seventh millennium of rest. And it really concerns me, one of the things I address in here is the Sabbath day, it really concerns me how many people are looking into the millennial kingdom and seeing the Sabbath is done away with, and it's like, dude, you just did away with the millennial kingdom, you just did away with it. It's a thousand years of rest. The Sabbath has not been done away with it. If it was done away with when Messiah arrived and was resurrected or wherever you put it, again, we've got problems. So a thousand years goes by, and where I'm putting this on the timeline is I'm saying that the millennial kingdom started in the 500, specifically that your 536 is the big mile marker, which I'll get to tonight. And again, people ask me, well, why are you saying 500s? Why not 70 AD? Why not 72 AD? Some people will say it started in 30 AD, people have different ideas. Well, a number, a number of reasons. Number one, the Greek LXX. Now a few years back, I was doing online Bible studies and we were going through the Aramaic Targum. Now, if you don't know what the Aramaic Targum is, it is the Aramaic Torah, the first five books of the Bible, the copy that we all have in our Bibles is the Hebrew, we call it the Hebrew Masoretic. Of course, the Aramaic Targum derives from, it's basically the same as the Hebrew Masoretic. And for whatever reason, we decided when we were doing a line for line study through the Aramaic Targum, we wanted, of course, to line it up with the Hebrew, we were going, I think, probably King James, but we wanted to line it up with the Greek LXX. And we were like, oh my goodness, because as we were going through the chronology, and I will show you, we were finding that the Greek LXX and the Hebrew Masoretic were thousands of years off. Well, thousands is a bit of a stretch. By the time you get to Yahushal Hamashiach or Jesus Christ, by the time you get to Messiah, the Greek LXX is 1,500 years advanced from the Hebrew Masoretic. So to give you a perspective, all of our Old Testament, well, basically, if you do the mouth on it, we'll state the Messiah arrived in the year like 4,000-ish, which would make us about your 6,000, right? All students of eschatology understand this. Well, according to the Greek LXX, he was resurrected around 5,500. Huge difference. So that, I didn't really know what to do with that. And then I started reading in books like the Gospel in Nicodemus. Now, there's Gospel in Nicodemus as an awesome book. It was originally written in Hebrew. It might be a conglomerate of two different books, but if it was included in Canada, wouldn't it be the first to be a composite of multiple books? Anyways, that book and a few others, they're going according to the Greek LXX timeline. I will remind you that even the New Testament gospels and the epistles, they're quoting from the Greek LXX, that was their Bible. They were according to that timeline, not the Masoretic, they were on a different timeline. And it started saying in the Gospel in Nicodemus that Enoch in Elijah would arrive 500 years later in the year 6,500 years after Messiah and that the Millennial Kingdom would physically be ushered in at that time. Now, I read this years ago, I'm like, well, that's a prophecy that didn't come true. But it was a shame because I really liked this book. I don't know what to do with it. So I shelved it. I put it away. And of course, when I started looking in the little kingdom, that's one of the first places I looked. And I started putting this together, I go, huh, okay, we got a timeline right here. And by the way, it matches up with Enoch's calendar. There is no other calendar that I've seen in his 10 week prophetic calendar that lines up with the Greek LXX timeline. The reason why a lot of people don't know what to do with Enoch's calendar is because he says after Messiah, after the man ascends and the temple is destroyed, that there would be a week of apostasy and that week of apostasy would then lead to the week of the Millennial Kingdom. And then, of course, after that, you have the release of the Watchers, which is where I believe we're at in the little season. And the thing is that if there is a week of apostasy, you're like, what kind of apostasy is that? Oh, it's Christianity, the people that did away with the Torah. That's to any Jewish thinking person, that is always apostasy. You do away with the Torah, you are apostate. That is the age of apostasy. I'll be covering that tonight. That is the strong delusion that Paul talked about. That's the other thing. I mean, Paul talks about strong delusion. If the Millennial Kingdom started in 7080, what's the strong delusion? All right. So you guys know this about the 6,000 years, the seventh is the Sabbath. That's what I kind of start this book out with, going through all that research. And oh, yeah. Peter talks about the idea of the fervent heat, all right. So second Peter, it says this, "Yahuwah is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but his long suffering to us were not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of Yahuwah will come as a fee for the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. The earth also and the works that are there and shall be burned up." Now, I'll be talking about that tonight. But we have this mile marker where we see the separation where Peter talks about the old world was destroyed in water. The new, this world will be destroyed by fire. The mile marker was Noah's flood. And Nimrod, really, because Nimrod was the one who introduced the worship of fire. And he understood that before the flood, the people would pass their children through the waters to Leviathan, and then he started passing the children, the seed, through the flames to Moloch. And of course, Sodom and Gomorrah was the testimony of what was coming and the heat index that was coming, the fire reset. And I didn't really know originally when that happened. Here you see some melted cities, melted castles. This is Hossap Castle in Turkey. Here you see Petra. I've been to Petra personally. As far as I'm concerned, this is a melted city. It's the only thing that explains it. I was there 20 years ago and hiking through it, and this just doesn't make sense to me. I didn't get it. I didn't get it back then. But you just see it right here where the carvings don't even line up. Like part of the building is totally melted. So you have that. At first, when I was putting this timeline together, I'm like, "Okay, I'm going to say it happens sometime in the 500s." And I didn't want to give any assured dates, and eventually I got to the year 536. We see multiple passages of Scripture that talked about Elijah showing up in the year 6000 or the whereabouts. And of course, in Hebrew, this would be Iliyahu and Enoch. We see this right here. The first Adam and Eve that at the year 5,500 years would be fulfilled, years are fulfilled. At that time, I will give you fruit from the tree of life. He's talking about going down into Sheol and resurrecting Adam, coming to Sheol specifically for Adam. He came in like a Trojan horse, Satan didn't really know who he was, and a whole lesson on that. And he came in, he freed Adam, and he freed the righteous to come up with the paradise in the year 5,500. There's another one from 2nd Adam and Eve, talking about the end of the great 5 days and a half. So that's kind of interesting. They understand the weak model, and that 5 and a half days, halfway through the 5th day, the resurrection would happen. This is the book of Adam, not to be confused with Adam and Eve. And also, it says as well, "Then at the 5 and a half thousand year, the beloved son of God, son of Alihayam, Alihayam is God in Paleo-Hebrew, Messiah will come upon the earth to resurrect Adam's body from his fault." So all these books are keeping with the Greek LXX timeline. When, I hate to say it, but when the Jews went in and they changed it, when they changed the Bible, they weren't touching the Christian books. You see what I'm saying? The Christian books, these, and I say Christian books, right? But these books, when they were not the Jewish books, the Jews were not using these in their collection, and so they escaped the scribes. And as the people writing these books are looking in the Old Testament, these are the dates they're seeing. Capiche. We see, again, this is, oh, Gospel in Nicodemus, and it says 5,500 years, same thing, Adam would go into paradise at that time. Let's keep looking. And here, this is questions of Bartholomew. I think it is probably the gospel of Bartholomew. I have a whole study on that as well, the lost gospel of Bartholomew. But here you see Beliar and Sheol talking to each other, the Prince of Sheol, and they're trying to figure out who Yahushah Hamashiach is. And just if you're tuning in for the first time, Yahushah Hamashiach is the Hebrew for Jesus Christ, they're trying to figure out who he is, and they're like, is he Elijah? Is he Enoch? And Sheol says to death, death is Beliar, Samal, and he says, well, it can't be them, because 6,000 years haven't been accomplished yet. So Sheol, the Prince of Sheol, clearly knew. This is, oh, so from questions of Bartholomew, another reference for the end of 6,000 years, Hallelujah. Have not suffered him to come down upon the year before the end of 6,000 years, talking about the two prophets. And then, let's keep looking. I have so much to cover tonight. Oh, this is interesting here. This is when I was kind of learning about the, what was called the Middle Ages. Now it says here it started 476, according to this, and the numbers are all different. But this would be the, what would they call the early Middle Ages, and then there's the late Middle Ages, and it, it lines up to be exactly a thousand years. Interestingly, interestingly enough, the Byzantine Empire, which I need to spend more time looking at lined up with the same dates, 500s to about 1500 ish. So anyways, the Dark Ages was exactly a thousand years, there's your, or William reversal. The Dark Ages were really the ages of light. We see that Elijah here, this is Lamentations from the Targum. And I'm showing passage after passage where it's saying that Elijah would come. It says that, that Iliyahu would come with King Mashiach, and to destroy wicked Rome. And of course, it's when Rome fell that the Dark Ages began. So there seems to be something lining up there. And then we see the anticipation of the Church Fathers. The Church Fathers were all looking, many of them were looking to this date. They were looking to the 500s. They were expecting 6,000 years to be accomplished at that time. And you could just look here at quote after quote. This is Julius Afrikana, he's saying that in the year 6,000 it's going to go down. And he says in the year 5,500 that Mashiach suffered. So, you know, he, I think he's writing in the 160s is 240. So these guys are writing going, we still got it about 3, 400 years left. But they were anticipating that it was all going to go down at that time. You see that with a guy named Cyprian of Carthage, Victor Arenas on the creation of the world. He says the same thing, that the history of the world would be a week. We see that with with Black Tantias with Camodianus, he has a few Methodias. And of course, we get to August, Augustin. And Augustin did not like the idea because he wrote his masterpiece, his quote unquote masterpiece, City of God, in which he basically said that, guess what guys? This is it. Rome is the city of God. He believed very much in a spiritual kingdom. He hated the entire idea of a millennial kingdom. He was clearly government, you know, boots on the ground, agent spook. He had his whole missionary, all his monasteries, his missionary stations were spook central basically. He was doing his spy network there. And I'll cover him more with when I get to Muhammad. But he hated the idea. And he also called it a Jewish idea, by the way. When that came to my surprise, when I was researching the Nazarene, the Nazarene are those who kept the commands of Yahwah, the father's commands, and the testimony of Yahushah Hamashiach, Revelation 1412. That's the theme verse here at the unexpected cosmology. And he said that anyone who believed that the millennial kingdom was going to be a physical kingdom for a thousand years was a Jew. He said, that's a Jewish idea, we don't do that. And it was a Nazarene idea. Well, this is when I started noticing that there was some clear differences between the Hebrew, Nazaretic, and the Greek Septuagint. We see here in the LXX, that means 70 in Greek, and Adam lived 230 years, and the Nazarene says, and Adam lived 130 years. So it's like, what? You've got 100 years deducted from the Hebrew right there. So we got problems. And it just goes on from there. And you could look at the chart, Adam to Seth, 130 or 230, Seth the Enosch 105 to 205, Enosch to Canaan 90 to 190, and it just goes on from there. And then by the time you get to, interestingly enough, the only one who is less than the Greek LXX is Mepuchela to Lemec. It's 187 to 167, so you get a 20-year deduction in the Greek. But you can see the difference there, 1,656 years, versus 2,242. Huge difference. So the world was only about 1,600 years old when the flood came in the Old Testament in the Hebrew. But interestingly enough, too, the Greek LXX actually lines up with history. I don't actually get into it in this book. I do get into it in my Genesis Reset book, which I just published last month. I haven't advertised that. And I show that the pyramids, the first Egyptian dynasties, they line up perfectly with the whole flood account, the tower babble account, all that kind of stuff. You have problems with that with the classic, you know, Masoretic timeline. All right, let's keep moving on tonight. What are we looking at here? Okay, so this is the ending of the Gospel of Nicodemus. And it's an awesome scene when Pontius Pilate, he's like, puts on his investigative cap. He's a, you know, a little detective Pontius. And he goes and talks to the Jews. That's his sleuth work with them. And they confessed to him that they added up and they found that, that Yahushal Hamashiyaki is Messiah, that it was your 5,500. That's kind of a cool ending to the book. All right, I don't need to go over Daniel. All right, well, let's keep moving on. Let's keep looking at what else we have in here. Our next section. Oh, yeah. I gave this presentation several weeks ago now. And as a reminder, the Nazarema means the branches. And these were people who kept the father's commands. They kept the Sabbath. They kept Passover. They kept the clean eating laws and so on and so forth. And the testimony of Messiah, according to Revelation 1412. These are the ones, the Revelation says, we'll persevere until the end. Those are the two qualifications for the people who Satan is at war with those who keep the commands. He wants you to not break the command. So, just to state this gently to everyone out there listening, if you are not keeping the commands, then Satan is getting his way. Think about it that way. All right. This is a long section and I don't need to go through all this research again. There are a few things I do want to cover in here though. I do talk in here about the strong delusion and how that actually happened in '70 AD. Paul testified to that, that it would prophesy, that it would happen and it did, it happened with Titus and Vespasian when Vespasian goes into the, wait, was the Titus of Vespasian? Well, they were joint rulers. I'm getting twisted up alive, guys. I'm sorry. Anyways, when the temple was destroyed, that's the number one excuse people say, use. They say, all the temple is destroyed. I don't have to keep it anymore. Well, your body's a temple. So there's that. And of course, Moses, when he constructed the tabernacle in the wilderness, he was taken up and showed a blueprint of heaven and we come to learn that the blueprint he based it on was Michil Zadek, the person, Yuhushahashiach. So he is the temple, his body, remember, destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days. And of course, we are the temple. So the temple is not done away with and of course, if you are the temple, then you want to keep it clean. You want to be obedient, right? You want to guard it like a truly light. Anyways, there is the strong delusion right there. We see the Paul was a ringleader, the sect of the Nazarene, according to Acts, he even says so. Oh, and this was really interesting, the Jew tax, well, the Jew tax started in the second century and it was enacted by Emperor Vespasian, so it was Vespasian. And it was a revenge tactic against the war peddlers, the people originally the Jews for inciting war, and when their temple was destroyed, he's like, well, whatever you're going to give to the temple, you're going to give to me now. So what started happening and then Domitian, who is the next divine, he was the next brother in line, he was the brother of Titus. He took over, I guess, an 81 AD and he started increasing this Jew tax. And what started happening was is that the Christians, they didn't want, if there's anything I've learned about conservatives, they don't like to pay taxes. And so a lot of the Christians, they didn't want to pay this tax, they wanted to get out of it. And so they started doing away with anything that was deemed Jewish. One of them was the Sabbath, the Passover, circumcised, couldn't get circumcised anymore. In fact, we have records of this one, a historian named Suetonius. He actually recounted seeing the guards or whatever, the inspectors, the Gestapo, whatever you want to call them, going door to door and actually lifting people's skirts to see if they were circumcised, if they were circumcised, they would get taxed. And so they were, you know, what happened was as Christians started blackmailing other Christians saying that guy's acting Jewish over there. They would do this to their worst enemies. Like that guy's acting Jewish over there, I think you need to go tax them. They all wanted to get out of it. So the Jew tax was a huge contributor to people doing away with the laws. All right, there's like so much here, and it's like, I don't even know what to talk about with you guys about tonight. Of course Ignatius was, in my opinion, a bad dude. And he went on his parade route to Rome, his publicity to where he just wrote to all these churches, Ephesians, Magnesians, Traleons, Romans, Philadelphia, and Smyrnaians, Polykarp. And just, Polykarp was different, but all these others, he's like, don't be a Judaizer. Don't mix with the Judaizers. The term Judaizer at this time refer to people who fell under the Jew tax. Those who kept the Sabbath, those who were eating clean, you know, it's like, if you don't want to get taxed, go over there and start eating bacon or something like that, right? With Polykarp, he totally changed his tune because Polykarp was a Nazarene, and I showed that in here. He was a true Nazarene. He kept the Sabbath. He kept Passover. So he changes his tone with him. I notice in his letters, with all that, let's just fast forward through this, guys, because this goes on and on and on. We're already 30 minutes into this, and this, when I gave this presentation, it was a two and a half hour presentation just on the Nazarene, so we'll spare you guys can go back and look at that for yourself. And Polykarp was an amazing dude. Okay, so then we get to the Cordo Deciman Controversy, which evolved Arenaeus. And this was near the 200th round. He lived from 130 to 202. The reason he got involved, he's often lions France. Like he's on the other end of the world, as far as people are concerned. But what happened was is that the Bishop of Rome, he was the Pope of Rome, Victor I, he wanted to outlaw the Passover. He didn't want people keeping it anymore. So what he did was he enacted a lint, so that's where lint came from. Now lint goes back to Nimrod and all that, but he wanted all Christians to keep lint, and so there was this, and if you kept lint, which means you couldn't have the Passover lamb, you see, because you had too fast. You can no longer have the Passover lamb. You could no longer have them living bread. He wanted to do away with that. He wanted to his own Easter on a search and date, which almost always fell after Passover. This was started by a guy named Pope Sixtus, by the way, who ruled from 115 to 124 in Hadrian territory. Anyways, this one guy, he was Pauli Cretees. He was a big time bishop in Ephesus. He was getting ousted from his seat of Bishpik, because he was a Sabbath keeper and a Passover keeper. I'm sorry, yeah, Passover and Sabbath keeper, probably clean leader, it was a Nazarene, and this, Araneus wrote this letter, and he outed him and also Pauli Karp, who was held dear at this time, saying, look, he was, he was as well. There are so many, I came to learn that the whole Eastern church, at this time, even Antioch, was still ruled by the Nazarene. Rome was trying to crush them and take them under, and at this time, they weren't able to. Now, when you fast forward to, oh, and Pauli Karp and the Millennial Kingdom, when you fast forward to a Constantine, you see the same thing, the Constantine, at his time, he still did not have control of the East. The East was still highly run by the Nazarene, the Sabbath keepers. So the whole idea of the Millennial Kingdom, we see that starting to come out with Pauli Karp, Pauli Karp was a big believer in the actual, that there would actually be a thousand years of physical rest on this earth, not just a spiritual thing, but a physical idea. So Pauli Karp, he believed in the physical resurrection on this earth, and there was another guy, let's see if I covered him, I hope I covered him, let's keep going. I could ditch all this, you guys only see this. Oh, yeah, Tertullian, that guy was a bad dude. Tertullian wanted nothing to do with Israel, and he claims he came from the inheritance of Esau, which you don't want to come from the inheritance of Esau. That was the only way out of the Torah for him, he recognized that Israel was always going to keep the Torah, and he wanted to be grafted into something, so he decided to be grafted into Esau, while it makes very clear that he painted Esau, and he will destroy Esau, however many times he attempts to rise up. Sorry guys, for all these low points here. So these church fathers are all calling the Nazarene heretics, because they don't keep with Rome, and then we get to the Council of Nicaea, and you see that the whole points of Constantine's letter that he sends out to the churches is that they have decided there is a day Easter that you have to keep, that you are not to keep Passover anymore, that just, he's like anyone who's ever read the scripture, you know, no, you're not supposed to keep the Passover. I don't know what scripture that is, but this guy was truly, you know, all these people they call him like an anti-Christ figure, and they don't even know. They don't even know how bad it was what this guy did. It wasn't that he just canonized the Bible throughout certain books. It's that he made it so that you could not keep the law, or you would be under strict judgment. So that's when all changed with Constantine, as far as I'm concerned, he was a great anti-Christ figure. All right, do I get to it in here? I might have skipped right over it, bummer, sorry guys, okay, let's keep going. All right. Oh, this guy right here, I like this guy. His name is Papias, Papias, don't only know, Papias was an interesting individual because he knew some of the apostles personally. He was an incredible source of information. He went around and interviewed many, many of the apostles, and then the people who were taught by the apostles were called the elders. Now, we have a kind of a different term for elders today, but according to Papias, he referred to the elders, and some of the other church followers refer to the elders as those who learn directly at the feet of the apostles, Papias was one of them. He was a bishop of a place called Hierapolis, and he was also a friend of Polycarp. And he wrote an incredible commentary on the book of Revelation. He was the first to do so. He personally knew Yochenon, that would be John, the writer of Revelation. He knew him personally. He learned from him personally, just as Polycarp did, and he was not serene. This is the embarrassing part to the church fathers, because the church fathers wanted to have this apostolic succession. They all wanted to claim to be a direct succession of Michioc through the apostles, and they wanted to do away with the Torah. Well, it's embarrassing when you have all of the apostles were keeping Torah to the end of their day. Even the church fathers admit to John, Yochenon, was keeping it to the end of his day. And some of them were just saying, oh, we're just, we're just, we all waited till he died, and then we stopped keeping it, because we knew that it was expired, but we were just putting up with him. Well, the thing is with Papias is that his work guys is scrubbed. He has one of the most important, the book is called Expositions of the Sings of Yahweh, or the Lord, whatever you want to know, Yahweh, Expositions of the Sings of the Lord. He went around and collected sayings that are not in the gospels, personally from Yahushah Hamashiach. He had stories told by the apostles and those who knew him, and he had a multi, a five book volume they've all been scrubbed and destroyed. It was a total embarrassment to the apostolic fathers, because it gave too much away. You know, they had their patsy, they had Paul, they, they couldn't have it. And he was the one that really pushed Papias. He was the one that sparked the entire, he and Polycarp, the idea that there would be a thousand year physical rain. And this is why you have, let's see if I can get there. I'm just showing you here, you know, you could get the document for yourself, the book that I'm going through, and you can read all this. There's a lot here, a lot of research to look at, but I'm trying to see who it was that shot him down, a lot of them did, they were very, very embarrassed by him. Well, I'm skipping through it, but they were embarrassed because they were saying the church fathers that this whole idea, all these people believe there's a millennial kingdom because it's a Jewish idea. We're not Jewish. And so I want you guys to remember that out there, for everyone out there espousing the idea that the millennial kingdom happened, it's a, it's a Torah idea. It's a Jewish idea. It is not a Greek idea. They were completely against it because they had Rome. They wanted Rome to be the kingdom. They wanted that to be the spiritual heritage. They wanted Edom, Esau to be the inheritance and they had a surprise coming for them in the 500s. Over here we see Constantine versus the millennial kingdom. And in this one, it was kind of an interesting article I wrote because I showed some of the contradictions in history that we see multiple different accounts of what actually happened and you could see there by this conquer when Constantine looked up and he saw the cross or some version of it. Maybe it was the top with the lats in there by this conquer. The problem I started finding when I was researching it is that I see multiple different versions. And one, I see Jesus Christos visits him and other, there's angels. And another, it's actually St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas who, as far as I'm concerned, was still alive at that time. He was at the council of Nicaea which happened afterwards. But apparently Santa Claus comes and visits him in his room. Just weird things happening. I couldn't really line that up. But then I started noticing this here. And this is, of course, the mark of Constantine. It's an X and it's also a P. And this is one of the, you see this all through the millennial kingdom. You see, particularly the Byzantine Empire, it's one of the marks of the, it's clearly the Tov right there, which that's the Hushaha Mashiach's calling card. I asked a question, what's going on with this? Have things been attached to Constantine that aren't true? Is Constantine actually a fictional character? Did he exist? We don't really know. There's a lot going on. This is the Chiro that's pronounced Kai, like Kai-ro, which is kind of interesting, Kai-ro. And I show here that it is the Tov in Hebrew. And we see the Tov all over the world emerging on the other side of the millennial kingdom. That's the Scottish flag, that's the British flag. The Tov is what is promised to be the banner that is going to bring Israel together. I might go into it later on this book. I'm not really sure where I show the line in the lamb. Okay, let's get past Constantine. Oh yeah, we see right here the Constantine coins. You see Yessus on one side, Mithris on the other, which is, I shouldn't call beautiful, but it's a brilliant government tactic to, you know, both two sides of the same coin. You flip the coin on one end, he's Christian on the other side, he's pagan, and he gives it away. It's pretty crazy. I mean, there's Mithris right there. Like, clearly this guy was not the Christian that people claim. Apparently, there he is at his baptism. Did my camera go out on you guys? Hopefully my camera's still on. It looks pretty black. So hopefully I'm still recording for you guys. I don't know what's happening. Can you guys hear me? Hopefully you guys can hear me because I can't see myself. Let me know in the comments if I'm on camera or if I'm black or if you guys can even hear me. And of course, if you guys can't hear me, then, huh, I won't. Okay, well, it's good you hear me. Bummer. Okay, so let's see if I can, let me see if I can fix this. I don't know what I'm going to have to do. Sharing has frozen. Oh, I see that. Oh, wow. It froze a long time ago. Pumber. Okay, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to do a little experiment. I'm going to leave the studio. I'll be out a couple of, like, a minute, and I'm going to jump right back in, guys. So you're not going to hear anything for about 30 seconds. All right. Hopefully you guys can see me again. Let me bring up my screen. There we are. All right. How does it look for you guys now? So here I was, you know, having a frozen screen. Thank you. There I am. There's the one me through this coin line. Of course, there is the famous one right here where you could see me through himself on the flip. Very naked me through this, but brilliant, brilliant tactic or confession really from the government right there. Okay, I'm back. Here we go. Let's keep looking through this. Here's his baptism right here in which he apparently on his deathbed he confessed, you know, which is just, it's just so weird. After an entire life of so-called Christian, you know, a Christian kingdom, he's the great Christian King. He didn't even get around to currently confessing his sins about to baptizing until his deathbed, but even that could be propaganda. I mean, I don't, I don't believe any of this really anything around his life is just hard to believe. And then we start seeing the, the Cairo as it's called right here, the X and the P later on with other emperors. So it did exist. Now the reason that where I ended this paper, and I think this is so important is that we are told that Sabbath was done away with constant. It's so weird. All the, so many of the people looking to the millennial kingdom, like no, the Sabbath was done away with. I'm like, and you're researching the millennial kingdom. That's the Sabbath day, dude. It's the Sabbath. It's actually so code as well. It's, it's on the menorah and they're like, yeah, but you know, people keep Sunday. It's been done away with actually we have residue of the Sabbath all over the world. You can see in all these different languages, Arabic, Armenian, Bosnian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian, Russian, Russian is one of the love languages right there was Latin and there is in Latin as well. You know, if you can get Latin, you can get French, you can get any of the romance languages pretty much Spanish, Somali, Greek, Georgian, the Czech, Croatian. It just goes on, Ukrainian, it goes on and I just, I gave you a select view. I mean, there's probably like what over a hundred all over the world on the same day. It says Sabbath. How do you explain that? It cannot be explained at all. Years ago it used to be told to me that, well, you know, when Israel was kicked out of Israel we're not keeping the Sabbath. They decided to start keeping the Sabbath, which is not on record and they started, they wanted to, they got all the government to the world to mutually agree to change their languages on the seventh day, which would be Saturday to Sabbath. It's like, where is that in the record? It's not in the record books guys. It's not there. How in the world, oh, I had the some lunar Sabbath people come up to me recently and because they've been discussing this, they've been trying to, you know, figure out how to combat this. And they're like, well, no, Satan actually changed all the names on the same day, just to fool you into keeping you. I'm like, really, because as far as I'm concerned, Christianity is not keeping it. They're not fooled. So I don't think that's really working very much. I don't think Satan had all the days come to a false name because you're, you know, keeping the moon Sabbath on the basis that Noel and a few other people would start keeping the Saturday as Saturday. I don't think that's how it works. That being said, here's a residue of the Millennial Kingdom. It is testimony to me that they were keeping the Sabbath all over the world during the thousand years. There's no other explanation for as far as I'm concerned. That is Millennial Kingdom residue. All right. Next part. Mark of the Beast or the mark of Yahwah, which will you choose? So this is important for everyone to know because when you get into the book of Revelation, a lot of people start getting into trouble because they start imagining what it all means. And they start coming up with what they think the mark of the beast is. It's always some technology. It's the next thing coming along, everybody. Remember when it used to be barcodes back in like the 70s? Then it moved on to other things and other things. I remember then when it was the chips in my ATM cards and all these different things. It's always something. And there are other things I probably won't mention because I don't want to get flagged. But it's always something that if you do this technological advancement, you've just taken the mark. Well, how about we just cross-reference the Bible? That's what I like to do. I'm a chapter and verse guide. Let's cross-reference. Because I show a mark as a sign and there are two marks that are talked about exclusively in Scripture, the mark of the beast and the mark of Yahua. If you take the mark of YAH, it means you keep the Sabbath and Passover as well. Interestingly, not Passover and Sabbath. Those are the two things that our controllers try to do away with. They desperately did not want people to keep Passover and Sabbath. If you keep Sabbath and the high Sabbath, what are you doing? You're not buying and selling. If you take the mark of the beast, you're buying and selling. So if you want to buy and sell a Sabbath, you take the mark of the beast. So my whole point here in this section is that for the last 2000 years or whatever you want to say with the timeline, however many years you think have gone past, the mark of the beast goes all the way back to Moses. It goes back before that, I believe, all the way to Adam. There's always been a Sabbath day. The Sabbath day was instituted in Genesis, chapter 1. The mark of the beast is a decision that every generation has had to decide. You and me, our entire lives, have had to decide whether we take the mark of the beast or the mark of Yahua. This isn't something that was just written as a warning for, "Oh, you don't need to worry about it." But there's these people 2000 years from now, they're going to have to try to figure it out for themselves. They're all going to argue about what it is because nobody really knows and if they take it oh well. That's not what it was saying. Clearly the answers to what the mark was at the end of the Bible was told at the beginning of the book. You can know the end from the beginning, the beginning from the end. And I go through a lot of passages here. I like this one here from the Gospel of Thomas, let me see if I could find it. Anytime I can quote from the Gospel, I love the Gospel of Thomas. Anytime I can quote from that, I will. Let's keep looking here. There's somewhere, no, I'm not seeing it. Maybe I went right past it. Oh, here it is. "Yohusha said, 'If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the kingdom.'" He's talking about the kingdom to come, right? And he says, "If you do not celebrate the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not know the Father." What? And people criticize, oh, this is a Gnostic book. The Gnostics hated the Torah, guys. They hated it. They hated the law. They treated the God of the Old Testament as the Demir, they had a name for him, which is what Christianity does as well. Christianity, they hate the Gnostics. They have a lot of Gnostic doctrines. Anyways, there it is, Gospel of Thomas, such a Jewish book. I love it so much. There's a direct quote from Messiah, "If you do not celebrate the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not know the Father." He rests the Father rested on Sabbath, and we are expected to as well, if we are in a covenant relationship with him. All right. I just went over this last week, Hepatia, or Hypatia, Hepaticakes versus the Millennial Kingdom. One of the interesting things that came out of this, as I was looking into her again, was St. Catherine, and so let me see if I could pull her up here. Here's St. Catherine right here, and there's the St. Catherine's Wheel, and many historians, the scholars will tell you that St. Catherine is a fictional character who was basically borrowed from Hepatia, or Hepatia, and well, that's kind of odd because Catherine is not only a very popular name, but there are cities all over the world named after her. Santa Catalina, off of California, Santa, that gives you the saint, Catalin, it's Catherine, and right across the water there is Santa, St. Barbara. Barbara was a contemporary of St. Catherine, and I am under the opinion, or at least my thesis, that they were members of the 144,000. I've stated this many times before, when you dig into Hebrew Revelation, I did a whole study on this, and Ms. Pamela is actually going to be translating Revelation through the paleo, which I can't wait for, and I've worked with Pamela on this. It specifically says that the 144,000 are Batullas, all right, there is never, keeping, there is never a reference, any one scripture that I can find, that a Batulla is ever referred to as a man, it is always women, a Batulla is a virgin. I don't like to turn virgin because it doesn't translate as we think of virginity in Greek Western thinking. The idea of a virgin is you lose your virginity, you don't get it back. A Batulla is a little bit different, because you can lose your status as a Batulla through intercourse, but you can actually get it back. You can be satisfied again as a widow and become a Batulla. This is what the 144,000 were, they were the brides of Christ. I actually think this is where the nun tradition in the Catholic as well as the Orthodox Church came out of, and I think she was one of them. The question I asked, will the real Hypatia please stand up, did she even exist? How do we know that she existed? She was total propaganda, and for those of you who don't know who she is, if you have not read this paper or listened to the presentation that I gave just last week, this is what I didn't understand years and years ago, oh look at this, you get the Catherine Nets. This is a tradition in France that if you are an unmarried young woman, you dress like this because you are taking on Saint Catherine. Of course, it's interesting that Joan of Arc had a vision of Catherine, so you've got that going for you there. I don't know what to say about Joan of Arc. I have not done in-depth research on her, I do not have an opinion on her, whether she was controlled opposition, whether she was a bad guy or legitimate, I really don't know. She definitely claimed Saint Catherine came to her and another woman as well as well as Michael the Archangel. What was I saying on Hypatia? I don't even remember now. It was something interesting, I'm sure. Oh yeah, let me get to the end here. The thing that I didn't understand is I originally wrote this paper in 2018, this is back when I was going just flat earth, flat earth, flat earth, but I was doing it from the mystery religion perspective and showing how the whole idea of the Copernican Revolution, Glowbirth, came out of the occult. No exception to the rule here, her father's name was Theon, there does seem to be him on record. We have nothing from Hypatia on record. Apparently though, there she is being drugged off and killed, very brutal death, apparently it was Nicholas Copernicus. During the Enlightenment, now on my timeline, the Enlightenment is the rebellion against the kingdom. The kingdom has come to an end. The rebellion would have started before that, but this is all about rebellion. They're calling it the age of light, enlightenment. It's really the dark against the Torah, against the law, against the rule of Mashiach, but he goes into a library and he apparently discovers the Copernican Revolution through this woman right here, Hypatia, apparently she discovered it. I shouldn't say discovered it. She came up with the concept and wrote some notes down, which he went into the library and he stole her ideas and now it is the Copernican Revolution rather than the hepaticakes revolution. Hypatia revolution sounds a lot better. This kind of bothered me for a long time back when I was just a flat earthist and I didn't understand the Millennial Kingdom, it's like how in the world did they come up with the Copernican Revolution, the Copernican universe, nobody talked about it for a thousand years. There's a more like 1100, maybe 1200 years, a thousand years goes by because they say that the dark ages began on the day that she died and then it just picks up again, but now I know. Of course, in the Millennial Kingdom, they were flat earthists, geocentrists, just like most of my listeners. This right here is the, what is it called, the Pantecrator Yeisus. Notice that I don't guys, just so everybody knows, because there's rumors out there, I have no problem saying Jesus Christ. The reason I don't typically is because he's a little seasoned title. I mean, that's something we all have to deal with. The name Jesus is only like 500 years old. Nobody in the Millennial Kingdom over beforehand ever called him Jesus. And people come to me and say, well, every knee will bow to the name of Jesus. I'm like, actually, that's not what the texts say. It doesn't even say that in the Latin, it doesn't say that in the Greek. They say Yeisus or Yeshua. That being said, this is really interesting because the man right here in this painting, Yeisus Christus, it is a match with the Shradda term. And if you look, my Shradda term research doesn't end up in this book, but I have shown that the Shradda image goes way back into the Byzantine Empire, very early on in the Byzantine Empire. In fact, on coins, the Yeisus coins. So the whole idea that the Shradda is a hoax, that it was like the last Templar, the Grand Mason, whatever the lodge, whatever his name was, I can't remember his name, that doesn't stack up with reality. I am convinced, some people, the Shradda is very divisive. Some people hate the Shradda and it doesn't matter what you say, they reject it. And then other people love the Shradda. I happen to love the Shradda. It wasn't always that way, but I am totally convinced that this is like you could put a grenade up to it and it's not going to be destroyed. It's a supernatural cloth. It is absolutely incredible that cannot be replicated in sight. On that note, this image right here comes from St. Catherine's and what we call the Sinai Peninsula. St. Catherine's is a place that I would love to go to. It's very hard to get to and you have to climb all day to get to the top. You can't like, I don't think you can even take cars up there to my knowledge. And it was named after St. Catherine who may be the real Hypatia. And that's where the painting is. Apparently she was flown there by angels after she died. Okay, let's keep looking. We'll see how far we get into this tonight. I hope you guys are enjoying this information. I'm trying to take my research and make it accessible to you guys in a way that's not just me reading the papers. Alright, 500 years of the Phoenix. This was another big one for me, an understanding the historicity of these Phoenixes and where I really started getting into the Phoenix was two or three years ago when I did a study on first Clement. If it were up to me, first Clement would be in the New Testament. I would park it right up along first and second Peter and James. I love Clement to death. Clement writes his book after Peter and Paul has died. People will say that this book was written decades later. I disagree. I showed in my study that the temple has not been destroyed yet. He writes about the temple is still standing and the Levites still keeping their sacrifices. This guy is a Torah guy. He is writing after Peter and Paul have died and he confirms that and he says, look, I'm in control now. I've got Rome. I've inherited Rome. And he talks, of course, about the Phoenix in there, specifically in the context of the resurrection. So he says that there is a bird which is called the Phoenix and that it comes every 500 years. And he says specifically that the Phoenix lines up with the resurrection. He talks about how these priests, they note that it comes every 500 years. So I'm like, okay, well, that's really interesting. But then there's a guy named Tacitus and I stumbled upon his writings and he talks about the Phoenix and a lot of these guys, they all agree the Phoenix, he came every 500 years and there seemed to be some sort of reset event. When this Phoenix would come, I'll tell you where the Phoenix came from, the Phoenix came from the Hidden Wilderness. The Hidden Wilderness is the Undying Lands, the Blessed Realm. It is a tract of land that is larger than I believe that continent is larger than all of our continents combined. It's huge, it can be seen on the moon map. It's the reason for the Globe Earth Deception. They needed to create the Globe Earth Deception in order to hide all this land. And that's a whole nother book that I actually wrote the Hidden Wilderness. I should go over that whole thing another night. And I have a medieval/millennial kingdom poem at my disposal, which I haven't premiered yet, which explicitly says that the Phoenix comes from paradise there in the land beyond the sun. The sun and the moon do not go there, it's beyond the tract of the sun and the moon. Anyways, Tacitus says that this Phoenix comes every 500 years except something happens during the reign of Tiberius which threw everyone off. Tiberius was emperor as you will recall when Michioc was crucified. He was crucified under Tiberius. I'm like, wait, what? The Phoenix showed up unexpectedly. It wasn't in 500. It was like 200 and something years. He just shows up and I know what happened. It was a resurrection. And that reset it. And so we know that the Phoenix was then expected to arrive again 500 years later. So he came in 5,500 and he was expected to come in the year 6,000. So the next piece of evidence I came across was in the sibling oracles. And I'll tell you that a lot of people in this research, in this milking research, they are telling me that Israel is not the historical individual. Now, I'm a chapter and verse guy. Okay. I want to see a chapter and verse in the Bible, in Canon, or in any extra biblical book where it says that the land would be swapped for somewhere else. Because I can show you a lot. I mean, my research is driven, it's so important to me, guy's scripture. I want my vision and my research to be based on what these passages say. That doesn't mean I always get them right. I'm fallible just like everyone else. I'm wrong about things and nobody disproves me more than myself. I'm constantly disproving myself. But I want to see passages of scripture that sets that the land of Israel used to be in a different continent and that in the little season it would be moved to a new continent to a fake place. I don't see that anywhere. In fact, I see the opposite. The sibling oracles promises that the emperor Hadrian, it doesn't give his name. He's one of the Latin emperors, but it says that he would go in and rebuild Jerusalem. And we have so many historical records on that. The place in the desert that we see, like everyone says, "Oh, no, Jerusalem was destroyed." Yeah, it was destroyed in 1780. It was completely destroyed according to Josephus. The last thing that remained in Jerusalem, he was there for it, was for Antonio. He said every foundation, including the temple was ripped up for Antonio remained. That is what is there today in Jerusalem. That is for Antonio right there that they say is the Temple Mount. That's for Antonio. It's a Roman wall. It is not the historical Temple Mount. The historical Temple Mount was on Mount Zion. Even though tell you, like Wikipedia and other places, "Oh, the name of Mount Zion got swapped. It used to be one hill. Then they moved it." No, they did it. They never moved the location. That being said, Josephus goes in. He rebuilds it. I've been looking at a lot of just the archeology on this. They're not just making the stuff up, guys. You can go to the church of the Holy Sepulchre right here and you can see the multiple layers. You can see the Hadrian layer and then you can see the Millennial Kingdom layer. I do believe that this was an outpost of the Millennial Kingdom. One thing that's really interesting about Israel is it was intended to be a wasteland and it was. This is why in the 1800s. When they're going there in the 1800s and they're making maps and they're trying to figure out where everything is, it wasn't because they were just making crap up. I know I went down that route myself. It was because something really strange happened where in the Millennial Kingdom, there was not a focus on the Middle East. I do not believe there was. I don't believe there was the Crusades like they say there were. I don't know. I don't know what was going on with the Crusades, whether it's all fabrication or if there's something to it. But they have in their history books all these things, all this great importance that happened there and then we have testimony of guys. I just read from the cities of Bishan, the giant cities of Bishan the other night. If you had tuned in to my Sabbath and he's going over there and he's shot. He's like, "How in the world is this just a desert? There's nothing here." He was left for Hebron and Jerusalem. You would think that it would be a big deal for all the Crusaders and the Muslims to build all this up. They didn't. It was just a wasteland. But we did see outposts like the Church of the Holy Sepulchre here. I know people argue left and right about where the tomb of Mashiach is. The Millennial Kingdom testifies anything that this is the tomb of Mashiach. Yes, the Roman Catholic Church controls it as does the Orthodox Church. It doesn't mean that it's incorrect. Look at this. This looks like what we call Tartarian right here. This looks like right under this big dome. This looked like this was some big battery or Takamak-type engine that generated power. I don't know what was going on with this, but it's pretty incredible. I've been there to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre many times. It is a very, very beautiful, if you want to call it Tartarian. The same thing here with the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. This was another early Byzantine Church that was built in the 500s. I believe this is one of the first churches that was probably built on the timeline during the Millennial Kingdom. We have that. We see that it was rebuilt. Interestingly enough, according to sibling oracles, it talks about that the Phoenix will arise and that the Phoenix will usher in the Millennial Kingdom. They talk a lot about the enemy of the Hebrews. The Hebrews are always Torah keepers. The Hebrews are being run around by the controllers of the Christian and the Catholic Church, but it's the not-zorim of the Hebrews. There it is right there. It says that the Phoenix will come. This was in the 500s and it says the next time the Phoenix comes after Tiberius. It is the initiation of the Millennial Kingdom, exactly 500 years. Interestingly enough, when Yahushua Hamashiach does show up, much of the world is destroyed, but the people on the earth, the survivors, aren't too happy with his government. Why is that? Paul describes in Romans, he says that wherever the Torah is, sin abounds. He says that it's Sinai sin abounded, just a rebellion abounded, because when you look at the books of Moses, we see that the law, the instructions in righteous living, to look into the Torah is actually to look into the face of our Father. Leviticus is actually the heart of the Bible itself. Interestingly enough, the book in Numbers is a book all about rebellion. You get through the heart of the Bible, the very face of the Father, and people rebel, rebel, rebel. Same thing happened with the beginning of the kingdom, is he comes in and institute his laws and people are like, "Yeah, I'm not doing that," and it was not a smooth transition. It wasn't what people picture. Eventually, we got to the rest, but it lasted for a few hundred years, a piece, and then the rebellion started again, and then we get to the Black Plague and stuff like that, and it was just chaos. All right, so let's keep going, let's see what else we can come up with here. A lot of phoenix talking here, of course, we get up to Napoleon and Alexander the first and whatever they had going on, and you see the phoenix emerging again at that time. Of course, here you see George, H.W. Bush, and the CIA with the phoenix, and you see that with the Roman Catholic Church, and it seems like everybody wants a piece of the phoenix. It's a big deal. It's on our dollar bill, it's on our money, the phoenix is everywhere. All right, let's skip all that. War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness. This was a fun one. I came out with this one after my Nazi Marine paper. You can see right there, June 4th, 2024. It's pretty fresh, so this is included in the second edition, and this was a long time coming where I took the actual book, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the book of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, or the War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, and it's a prophetic book about the kingdom being set up in a worldwide conflict where Israel, what was it, like over 50 years, I'd have to look. It's this long war that goes on, and the historians just mock this, and they say, "You'll see it never happened," and this is where I started turning my head, because back in the day, I said, "Yeah, that's too bad it never happened, it wasn't fulfilled." And now I'm like, "I think it happened." So what I started looking at was the Vandals, the Saxons, and of course, the Goths, right? The Gothic cathedrals are named after the Goths, and this is where I show that not only does the war scroll seem to describe what we see with the barbarians leading up in the 400s to the 500s, so the first, let's see, the first war is, I think, seven years, and I show that I believe that that was fulfilled with the Maccabee and Mavolt, right there, the first part of the war scroll on the Maccabees, and then I show that there could be a possibility. There were two seven-year wars, the other could be the war over Jerusalem, I don't think that is, but I just threw that in there for to get ahead of the rebuttals. And then the second part of the war is literally a war between men and Elohim, and by Elohim this is plural, meaning the gods, the 70s, the 70 nations go to war against Yashirel, and it's a, in these conflicts, in these series of conflicts, the other gods will win one conflict and Yashirel will win one conflict and the other nations will win a conflict and Yashirel will win a conflict, finally it's a stalemate, and finally it's just, I think it's six and six, or three and three, I think it is, and the, oh, it's a, look at that, it's a 33-year war, there you go, 33, which could refer to as well, I mean, you get a lot of 33s and the Bible, you get the third of the stars fell, there's a lot of different references, there's some 33s that are positive and some that are negative, they're not all negative connotations, 33, just because the Freemasons are big on 33 doesn't make it evil in my opinion. Anyways, you have the, all these different groups, the Allen's, the Huns, the Franks, the Franks are an interesting group, they appear to be like a Nazarete-Vow type of group among here kings. Anyways, in the 33-year war, the barbarians rise up and they sack Rome and so on and so forth, and I go through all that here with the Vandal war, the Goth wars, that leads up to the Plague of Justinian, which I haven't got since you yet tonight, and of course the Gothic cathedrals are named after the Goths who went in and sacked Rome, destroyed it, so it's just, it's almost like they're slapped, how is it that they're telling us that the Goths were these barbaric, dirty, icky, flea-infested people who went in with rusty knives and swords and axes and they conquered Rome, but then they weren't interested in plumbing, they lived in mounds of poop and fleas and all that kind of stuff, and they died of diseases early, they didn't really care for their children, this is all the propaganda we read, I mean, I'm going through all these medieval books, you've got to be kidding me, and then the Goths built these big, beautiful cathedrals, it's like there's no way, there's no way, all right, well this was interesting here, they, these specifically, these are the Vandals, they specifically went in and they went after the temple relics and they hauled them off, it's on record, they targeted it, they wanted the, the temple relics and, and I, that's where it finally hit me, we have the arch in Rome, we're told that this is the Titus arts, the Titus is, is Carter, you know, he goes and he destroys the temple in 70 AD, he's carting off all the stuff and we're told that's the Titus arch, well, what if it's not, what if the arch is actually commemorative of what the, what the Goths, or in this case the Vandals did, that they actually carted off the temple items, where they took them to, they probably took them to France, after that we don't know what happened to them, if, if I had to guess, if they're not in the Vatican vault right now, they're actually up in the hidden wilderness preserved, and of course this shows here, I went into the genealogy showing how the Franks, the Goths, the busy Goths, the Austro Goths, the Vandals, the Anglo Saxons, the Saxons, you know, all these people, they're all just Israel, they're all the tribes of Israel, just as it said in the war scroll that all over the world they would rise up, it doesn't explain how it happened, they would just come to consciousness that they're Israel and they would rise up and take over Rome, and that's what happened, and I think that it's all propaganda, just this idea that they're just, you know, icky, you know, the dress and like, I don't know, you know, hairy hides, you know, that kind of stuff, you know, big, scraggly, I don't know, flea, beards, that kind of stuff. Anyways, oh yeah, and then I showed here that the, here in Spain, this Visigothic Kingdom, the Visigoths were actually called the Jews, they were the Jew, it was a Jewish Kingdom, Spain, and there are historians that go back and forth, they will interchangeably call them the Goths and the Jews, and just so you guys all know, the word Jew is a reference to just, it's kind of generic, it's not referring to as we call today the Jews, you know, Lash Kanazi or the, the, the, the shepartic, which comes from Spain, it was a reference to the Nazarene, they were the Judaizers, the Jewish people, they were Israel, they were the people who kept the Torah, they were the Jews, and so it appears that Spain there was a, a Nazarene Kingdom for a time, this is where we get a lot of the Hebrew gospels, uh, Jashor, things like that, they emerge from Spain, interestingly enough, they preserved them. All right, let's get on with this, let's keep on with the show guys, hope you guys are enjoying this, I hope this is just informative for you guys, get a good feeling for, because you know, I, I know that like with my research, you know, I've been just, I've been doing this for several years, every week, I'm coming out with a new paper, and for those of you trying to follow, you're following all these other stations too and stuff, and you come back and you're tapping in and out and going, I don't, I can't make heads or tails of this, I'm hoping to give, just give you guys a good linear, um, number of events where you can go, oh yeah, I remember that and see how it all works out. In my head, in my kingdom verse, you know, I have several books on the Millennial Kingdom, and they all work out, it's, it's just, it's seamless to me, I'm just taking, what I'm doing, I'm just taking these extra biblical books, like the Dead Sea Scrolls here, here's an elephant, the coming of me kills it, and just lining them up and showing that they're seamless, they just all, they all connect together, it just forms this one big picture. I actually can't believe the picture that it's forming. All right, melted cities, you guys have probably all done your research on this, you guys know where it's coming from, 2nd Peter, chapter 3, the fire events leading into the kingdom. So my thesis is that, I don't have it in this book, but my next book, I'll be premiering probably in about a month from now, Kings and Priests of the Thousand Year Rain, which, so this one deals with the 500 years, that deals with the 1000 years, deals with the cathedrals, architecture, and one of the, the thesis that I put forward is that the melted cities, I guess maybe I should put a picture of the melted cities, why I talked about this. Oh, like I talked about the Grand Canyon, what do you know? OK, I'm jumping ahead. So one of the theories I put forward is that the, those cities that were nuked, they were just melted by a fervent heat, were the ones who got it worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. As you Hushamashi oxen to the 70, he said, "Go out," and he was basically speaking judgment against the Elohim, the 70s shepherds, and saying, "If they don't accept me, let them know, give them the message, I'm in control now, I'm inheriting these kingdoms, and it's going to be worse for them than Sodom and Gomorrah if they don't accept." And then I show that there's other places that were pre-existent before the Elohimian like Rome, like, like Peri, I mean, just you go down a list. And in these cases, I'm showing that they had an active church, and it, it was kind of like the deal that Abraham made with Yahuwah, he's like, "Look, if there is certain amount of righteous people, will you not destroy this?" And he's like, "Yeah, I accept that." And I think that some of these cities had a certain amount of righteous people, and because of that, they were spared. All right, so Grand Canyon, we see what could be lightning scars. I've seen numerous different ideas on what formed the Grand Canyon, the Young Earth creationist, how the flood theory, given points for that, that could be true. I've seen people say it's a giant quarry, I've seen all different things. Of course, then we see that, you know, there appear to be an ancient Zagorot, maybe Egyptian-styled civilization down there. No, I do not believe it's the Egypt from the Bible, if you guys do find. I do believe it was a massive judgment event going up through Arizona, New Mexico, into Colorado, and Utah, that whole region there, just massive, massive. There was something wicked going on there. And I think that it was destroyed before the Millennial Kingdom. Here's an illustration of what lightning strikes do to a body. And then you see this treeing, of course, all over the world. And there's another example there. It's also called the Lichtenberg figure, the treeing effect. And so you can see the Grand Canyon there. It kind of looks like that, right? You're almost like lightning, just this high energy just goes through there and just wrecks it. But then again, I don't know how that works out if there are pyramids down there. I don't really know. I don't know how that works out for the melted city. That's what it definitely looks like. And then, you know, since given this research, I've kind of gone back on some of this. But yeah, I mean, you look all over the world and you see these treeing effects. Does that mean that all these places got an electric shock at the beginning of the game? I don't really know. I wasn't there, but it's worth considering. And I also understand, you know, the explanation of, you know, I get water, right? It always finds its level and it's going to find its path and form these avenues, but it looks like a treeing effect. It really does. So I think it's at least worth considering. Don't need to go through all these melted cities. You guys have seen these a hundred times by this point. If you're new to this, I'm sorry. Go read my paper on melted cities, it's free. New website. I don't think I've ever given a presentation on this one, though, once I get past Petra. I do. I do love this rock here. Shiprock. Man, I want to go to that. That looks just beautiful. It looks like a giant castle for sure. Looks like a huge giant castle. All right, let's get through the Grand Canyon. Yeah. Yeah. Little Egypt. All right. All lined up. Pretty pyramids in a row. All right, Coyote's Lost City, Bryce Canyon. I've never given a presentation on this one. It was actually a book I discovered in the library from Life magazine or Live magazine of all places. I have it on my shelf. I love this book. I went out and bought it. I was just so impressed. They're just giving you all this mythology, like sea serpents and actual sightings and mermaids and all this kind of stuff. They talk in there about Bryce Canyon and it talks about how the Native Americans have stories that Bryce Canyon was actually a city that was destroyed. I was like, what? And it was a fire event. It actually melted city. It says the ruins of a great city built long ago by Coyote. Of course, he's the trickster of Native American mythology, the trickster that we see all over the world, the, you know, the loading, which was then buried in the mud and they caught Coyote's lost city. I thought that was really, really, really fascinating and it was in Life magazine, so I put that in there and it looks like a city. It looks totally like a city. All right, what do we have next? All right, this is where it really starts coming together. This is where it starts getting good. Five 36 AD year of the fire reset and I, guys, I don't really know how I feel about the thousand years of missing time or, you know, the chronology of, you know, mixing all the things up. I think that history, I don't think it's all a lie. I really don't. And I've seen examples in the propaganda in our contemporary times where they shut things actually do happen, but they lie about it, right? That's what they do. They lie about it. And they take you from something that happened and turn you to the lie, right? So what's interesting about 536 AD, even the normies are picking up on this and they're saying it's the worst recorded year in human history. Now, obviously Noah's flood was probably the worst, but 536. It is so close to the resurrection events and maybe there are a few years off. Maybe it is exactly 500 years from Mashiach. I don't really know, but 536 and so if Mashiach was erected in 530, there it is. There's 500 years, right? And the thing is, is our controllers can lie, but the trees don't lie. All over the world, let me see if I can sweep down here and get you some pictures. This is guy right here, Michael McCormick was made 536 popular. He did a lot of research into it. I want to show you the tree rings. All over the world, these tree rings, come on, why is this there we go? They show that in this year something really terrible happened. Now, I don't know why it's pointing to 532 there. Even the article says 536, but for whatever reason, the guy wanted to point to 532. But all the way from China up into Russia, over to Ireland, down into Britain, over into the Americas, over to California, down into Mexico, all over the world, the tree rings show that 536, there was a terrible event that went down, a heat index event, where the created this mint, he actually created a sudden ice age. And it wasn't good. Things basically died all over the world. This guy right up here, I'm going to scroll back up, his name is Theodoric, the great, I believe he is, no, he was in the administration of Theodoric, my bad. His name is Magnus Aurelius Cassidorus, whatever, Senator. And he was the one that was chronicling the actual, the Austral Goths, the Goths coming over in conquering Rome. And at the same time as the Goths were coming over from Africa invading Italy and destroying Rome, he says that there was a year and a half, a year and a half where the sun did not shine, the sun went away, the moon went away, there was a mysterious fog that came over the whole earth, everything got cold, crops died, people died, it was a horrible time. While he's writing this and giving a count of this, he's basically telling people like, "Oh, if you think this is from God, you're crazy," he's gaslighting everybody. He's like, "Clearly, this is just, this is just normal, totally normal." Like you could hear like people at MSNBC are seeing and saying this today. If the apocalypse were to happen again, it'd be like, "Oh, you know, this is totally normal, just gaslight everybody." And so, yeah, that happens and we see one other account here leading it to the plague of Justinian where the sun and the moon disappeared, the stars did not shine, it was a bad time to be alive. And I believe this was the fire event. This is where volcanoes were blowing up. Now they think that there were probably a dozen or more. I mean, there were so many volcanoes all over the world blowing up. This was the heat, part of the heat that Paul, I'm sorry, Peter talked about. There's the tree rings again. We see, oh yeah, what's called the Mediterranean fog. There was a fog all over the world in 536. Now the interesting thing about 536 is that the following year is 537. And in 537, that was my next big discovery was that that was the year of the end of Camelot. Now back when I was in college years ago, we're talking before 9/11, I was really into the Arthurian mysteries and reading Arthurian literature. And then I kind of lost focus and for years I was kind of praying about this, like, "Help this make sense because I don't get it. I don't get the Arthurian mysteries." And I feel like, yeah, I answered that prayer and it's been wild, the things I've been discovering over this last year. So the first record we actually have of King Arthur is actually his death. He's recorded right here, the year 537 in the Annals Cambrae. And it's at the Battle of Camelin in which Arthur and Mordred Phil, no, as far as I'm concerned, it implies that Arthur died, he received a mortal wound, people like, "Nah, like you just felt like, nah, I think you died there." But he says, "And there was a plague in Britain and Ireland, well, that makes sense. There was a huge plague all over the world." And this is where I go into Mordred, Mordred actually brought the Anglo-Saxons, the Saxons over to conquer Arthur and Saxons as I believe are just the sons of Yitzchak. It's just Israel. So I go a lot into that research, let's keep looking here, and I show how the British right there actually means Covenant in Hebrew, the men of the Covenant, the British, the men of the Ish, the men of the Covenant, the British are coming, the men of the Covenant are coming. And oh yeah, this was really fascinating. So Wortigern, Jeffrey of Monmouth talks about, he was not a fan of the Millennial Kingdom, and he talks about, or the Saxons. And so there's this famous prophecy between Wortigern and Merlin. And they, long story short, they see these two dragons fighting, a red and a white. The white dragon represents the kingdom of the Saxons. The red dragon represents the kingdom of Arthur and his father, Pendragon. And the white dragon beats the red dragon, they're all really upset by this. And the prophecy that Merlin puts forward is that these Saxons are going to invade Britain and they're going to take it over, and that they're going to build these grand places, these palaces, and these gardens. And then at the end, the red dragon will rise again, and the people of the red dragon will go and trample those cities and those gardens and those castles, which is exactly what happened in the 1500s. And of course, we know now that the red dragon is back in control. There's of course the red dragon of Revelation, according to William Blake, but what I want to show you was, come on, where is it? There it is, right there, the flag of Wales, boom, he's back in control again. And you could see the conflict between the white and the red, the white dragon, I believe, represents the Hushahama Shiyok. It really tripped me out too when we were looking in the paleo-hebrew in Exodus account that when Aaron's rod goes down and then Balaam's sons, they throw down their rods, it's actually the word that's used as Tannen, that's where we get like dragon, see serpent, they weren't just serpentcy, we're like dragons that were came out of it. And so you see that conflict right here too, that the two dragons at war with each other. The white dragon consumes the red dragon, but then when the white dragon gets up and leaves, the red dragon is able to come in. And what followed is the house of two doors. Henry VIII was a successor of Henry VII, Henry VII started the house of Tudor, but the interesting thing about Henry VIII was from 1536 to 1540, so if you're paying attention to the timeline, millennial kingdom has come to an end. He goes and dissolves monasteries, abbeys, nunneries, and friaries. I'm trying to look here, what did I put the number? Oh, 800. He dissolved in England alone, not in other countries, just in England. He destroyed 800 millennial kingdom structures in as little as four years, guys. That's incredible. When we talk about the world fairs and all that, that's nothing. That is nothing compared to what they immediately set out to do. They wanted to scheme them gone, this Anglo-Saxon kingdom. And so here's just some of them right here that I show. They're just sitting in ruins. You can go to this day to Ireland, Scotland, Britain, whatever, and they're just sitting in ruins. It's tragic, such big, beautiful buildings. All right, this right here talks about the architects of Camelot and how Merlin actually came from, what, interesting enough, some of the early Merlin literature talks about, it's a sequel to the gospel in Nicodemus. And if you were calling gospel Nicodemus, you Hush Hamashiyaki goes down, he frees everybody in Shul and takes them up to paradise, the righteous. And so Shul has been emptied out of the righteous and all the demons, the spirits in Hades and Shure standing around going, well, now what are we going to do? We want to fill this place up again. So they concoct this plan to create an anti-Christ figure and a false prophet, they create Merlin. And they bring a succubus to a woman and he sleeps with her and Merlin is conceived. And he becomes this prophet. He claims that he's on the side of the Lord, but he's clearly a prophet for, he has demonic power. He's still with Camelot and then we have Morgan Le Fay here, she's interesting, enchantress, herself. Fun fact, I learned that she was raised in the Augustin nunneries. So that's where she learned her magic, go figure. But all Camelot was based upon the satanic power. And the reason why Camelot is cherished so much is that's their idea of the Millennial Kingdom, but of course Camelot Phil came to an inn when the Kingdom was ushered in. So the Dark Ages is, again, Orwellian right to the enlightenment. All right. Oh, this was fun. The rod of Yahwaha or the rod of YAH and Excalibur. And I show that the idea of Arthur pulling the sword from the stone seems to have, might be a retelling of actually of the rod of YAH. The rod of YAH was created during the creation week. It was the one that Moses parted the Red Sea with, let's see if I can get down to it. All right. But what really struck me is other people have done research on this, but one thing where I have never seen anybody, of course Judah had the rod and he amazingly gave it to Tamar in her course and he gave up his inheritance basically. She gave it back pretty amazing, but he almost lost it. It was, this is where people, I've never seen anyone go with this with the rod. It apparently ended up in Joseph of Arimathea's hand. You could see him there with the rod. Why do I think that's the rod? Well in Book of Britain, it talks about, at the Isle of Departure, that's Avalon, the apple aisle. It was the Isle of Departure because that's where people would go when they died to enter the other realm. This is where Arthur died to enter the other realm. And when Joseph of Arimathea showed up, the druids wanted nothing to do with him and the king. And so they said, well you go to this Isle of Departure, they thought he would grow sick and die. They couldn't believe it that he actually lived, not only that he lived that he had control over the evil spirits, and that's one of the things that cause Britain to, to come to Chiaq. Well, his name was Ileed, Ileed, Joseph of Yossa of Rama, Joseph of Arimathea, and he had a staff with him. And so after he died, there was this murmuring about him. Well, he actually had a student, it was a woman, her name was Eisless, that was his first convert, and she inherited this staff. And interestingly enough, it performed a miracle and it watered into flowered, just like Moshe or Aaron's staff. I believe it was the staff that Moshe had. And what I also found, interestingly enough, of course we know that he would rule the kingdom through this rod of iron, which again was probably the staff. This is what, when he came to Britain, when he came to the earth, he would have retrieved this, just like Arthur did his sword, he ruled the nations with it. This was the sign that he, one of the signs to his right, this is where I show the serpent here, the tannin, okay. But I came across this research here, and this blew my mind. In all this medieval artwork, you see Hushah Mashiach rising from the crypt, from the grave. And interestingly enough, a lot of them show him coming up out of the grand, not in a side cave, like they show in the garden tomb or the one other people argue that it was where in the Mount of Olives over there, in the Garden of Gethsemane, is where Mary Magdalene, I'm not Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother was apparently buried when she died, and they say that was the tomb. Well, I actually think the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is correct, and I think that his tomb was literally like this. It was basically a hole in the ground. This is what artwork shows, and I have shown with multiple books in the past that it appears to describe not a cave, like is often described. But anyways, he comes out, and in every single one of these, you see him carrying the rod, and there he has the tov, the calming card of Hushah Mashiach. Time again, he's got this. I also have pictures of him coming out of Hellmouth, out of Shiel, and he also has that step. So I don't know how he got it, but somehow I think he was buried with it, he went to Shiel with it, he came back with it, he exited the tomb with this rod that then went into Joseph of Arimathea's hands. When he went to Britain, of course, he took Mary Magdalene over there, he took Lazarus over there, he took a few others, and they started their colony over there, and so it was in Joseph's hand till the end of his days, and it was kept in safekeeping until he showed it 500 years later. Oh yeah, they are there in Shiel, that's, of course, Hellmouth, and I tie that in with Leviathan, that Shiel is actually a living entity, really crazy to think about. It's almost, think about it in Return of the Jedi when Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, they were going to be dropped into that pit, that living pit, same thing, it's like, it's a pit that actually eats people, it's really gross, and you go down into its intestines, and he went in there, and he freed everybody, and I believe that was Leviathan, or somehow tied to Leviathan. I like this one here where he's like stepping on the demon, the guy, this effeminate demon kind of like laying there in a girlish pose, as he's just like walking right over him. There's one more that I love, and he's literally stabbing a demon, I think I put it in here, I hope I put it in here, if not, I apologize, there it is there, I love this one here. He's got the lance of Longinus, and he's got the cross, and he's stabbing an actual demon with it, that's pretty badass. All right, I don't know if you just saw, I just passed over the hidden wilderness. All right, well, 536 gives way to 537, which gives way to 541, this was another big discovery for me, this was the, what's referred to as the plague of Justinian, so keep in mind, barbarians have now taken over the world, and they tell you that once the barbarians took over the world, that they just assimilated in the culture, they just disappeared conveniently. I, of course, believe this is Yashirel, and the world is now Israel, like genetically we are Israel, we are the people of the book. Even though it's a spiritual heritage, we genetically come from them, I really question, it's interesting that almost everyone's genealogies, if you can trace back 500 years, you're doing really good, really good, I can only trace my family back to the court of King Henry VIII. I hear that you can't really trace back more than 1500 years, and there was some huge explosion that happened in the 500s, telling us that there was a big extinction event that they don't want to really talk about, and then there was a repopulation event in the 500s, and then we see the same thing in the 1500s, 1700s, 1800s, so on and so forth, a series of extinction and repopulation events. Well, what happens if you're going to block out the sun for a year and a half, and you're going to have this fervent heat, and then an ice age, and then the crops are going to fail, you're going to get disease. And so the records we have, and I, if I didn't mention this earlier, just to point this out one more time, it is odd. It is extremely odd that in 536, we only have two records, two in passing quotes talking about how the sun went dark for a year and a half. You think that would be the biggest news of all time, like that we should have thousands of documents of people looking out the window and going, "Another day, no sun. Another day, no sun. Everyone's dying. What's going on?" Nothing. Yes, once again, they scrubbed it. And for whatever reason, there's always a couple that kind of slips through, kind of if you've ever looked into the Mandela Effect, right? There's always that residue, a little bit here and there that slips through. There's always something. It's like they have to kind of tell you if you're paying attention. Well, what's interesting about the plague of Justinian, is I do believe this was the apocalypse event, and within a short six months or so, basically the entire world was wiped out. The entire world, just dead, dead on arrival. And the historians talk about how people would get this disease and they would just go mad, some of them, all sorts of things were happening that would drop dead. What really sparked my interest is, I think it was reading Cassie O'Dores here. And he starts talking about the people who were killed, were saying that they were seeing these demons, these evil spirits. These evil spirits would come and visit them. They would touch them, they might brush up against them, they might whisper into their ear and say their number is up. It got to be so bad, oh, and the people would start screaming at seeing them because they were these horrific creatures, so they would say, and they would start running into churches and the creatures would follow them in there, they had no effect on them. I thought, well, that's interesting. So I have the flip of that, give me a second. But you can see here they're going into people's beds, they're dragging them out of houses. And this is where I believe the idea of the Grim Reaper originated from. And by his account, people would hear someone knocking on their door and they wouldn't answer it because they thought their number was up. They thought that it was the evil spirit coming to announce that they were going to die. So people were dying so quickly in the plague of Justinian that at first there was tombs being robbed so they could bury bodies in there. People started posting guards at the rich tombs to keep people from putting other people's bodies in there. But soon it got so bad that, oh, that's kind of interesting. I forgot about that one over here, they're like a couple making love. I think he's making love to two women, there's two faces down there and then there's more up there. That's weird. I don't know if they went into a brothel. I don't know what's going on with that one, but they're pulling them all the way. But anyways, they got so bad that they stopped when like 10,000 people were dying a day, they stopped counting, they started taking them in trucks and wheelbarrows and just dumping them off into cliffs, off cliffs down into ravines, off into the ocean, they had no place to bury people. It was so bad. They were just people everywhere and worldwide, almost extinction event, oh, yeah, there's a bunch more right there, you see, they're just laughing them in bed, there's just no, there's no getting away from them. Well, another big game changer for me was when I read from, let's get past Procopius here and get to one of the apocalypse angels and demons in the seven days of the apocalypse. And this book is, what book is this? I forget. Oh, yeah, the apocalypse of Thomas of of Taeom and as I was reading this, this was, in my opinion, a perfect description of the 536 fire event and then the mass death. The catch being that according to the apocalypse of Thomas, it was the firmament opens up and the righteous angels peer through the firmament and the men who are destined to die look up and see these angels and they're terrified because they're wicked people and they run and they flee to the churches and other places and there's no stopping them. This is what the gospel Thomas says. So it's a parallel to the tactic to, I think it was tactics, whatever the other account and what I propose was this idea like we've seen Raiders of the Lost Ark where you have these beautiful looking angels that are protecting the holiest, the mercy seat from the Nazis and then suddenly they become horrific and they start melting their faces off and what I suggested was is that to a wicked person, the righteous are always ugly at the end of the day and this is why they're actually running into churches and they're, you know, your standard Christian and they're saying the prayers that Saint George or whatever there's, you know, even saying Asus Christus, whatever and these angels are like, sorry, your number is up, tap and they leave and the people are screaming and they go into madness. This is why it had no effect because they were sent from above to take out the earth. All right, the next order of business was Muhammad and the Millennial Kingdom. This had my interest and I, for this, I went and I picked up a Quran at the local used bookstore. I was actually quite surprised. I wanted to read the Quran my entire life and I was thinking it'd be a big project. I was quite surprised that it was just a week in read. I mean, it was just like a novel. It was very short and it read like the rants and ravings of the MK Ultra. But my coming away from this is that the, now I need to dig back into it because a lot of people are suggesting that Islam actually started out as a Christian sect, which would be very fascinating if true and that it was later the controllers came along, probably short season, whatever and they changed it. That could totally be the case. I don't really know. It is interesting that the Muhammad character in here, apparently he didn't write any of it. It was his controllers that wrote it for him, how very controller of them who were of course working for the Roman Catholic Church anyways. They described this big fire event and I think that they're talking about 536 and I think that they're already trying to scrub people's minds that it happened and they're trying to say it's future tense. But what I really walked away from in reading the Quran was that there's a lot of emphasis on paradise is existing and I think that the communication had opened up with paradise and the saints coming and what they were trying to do was cast doubt and formerly rebellion against the kingdom. I think that the Quran, I can't speak for the Quran we don't have if it really did start out as Christian. I can't say. The Quran we do have is clearly propaganda against the kingdom and people get into this big hissy fit because it says that Jesus Christus or Yeshua, it says Yeshua there, that he is not the son of Allah and people get so upset about this and it's like, well okay here understand what Muhammad or the writer of the Quran is actually stating through Muhammad's rants and ravings is that Allah has no sons, he's not a father. He has no sons. So nobody is the son of Allah. So what I think that the Quran was trying to do was pull people out of the covenant relationship with Yahweh and they were kind of in the outer crescent, outside of the crescent of the kingdom. I think that they were in the wasteland. So if you refer to my whole study I have on the wastelands of the seraphim and how the demons and the evil spirits and so on, they were inhabiting those lands and there was a warning, don't go out to those places and be taught by them. This is why Israel for the most part was a wasteland. I do think that there were pilgrims being escorted there to Jerusalem, but the rest of Israel was a wasteland inhabited by the jackals, the vultures, so on and so forth. And this is in those places in that outer wilderness, the wilderness of the seraphim is where people were being instructed in the ways of Muhammad. I'll probably get my head chopped off of that, it is what it is. All right, what else do we have here? I don't know why, I'm talking about Russia, the Bolsheviks, fun stuff. Oh, this is where I talk about Alberto Rivera and he was a former Jesuits and he came out and said that Augustine, Augustine of Hippo, his whole missionary, his circuit of missionary monasteries was just a spy network, he was a spook and he created, well, Augustine was dead by that point, but the Augustinian network created Muhammad and set him up with his much older wife who was a Khadija, there she is, Khadija right there, and his cousin named Warakkua and they were just Roman agents, wealthy Roman agents. Interestingly enough, we see Ebby Knight connections with them. Now, this right here, and I'll probably be ending soon, is really where my book, the 7,000 year timeline really ties in with Enoch and I was really kind of surprised by, you know, looking at it, that really, that week of apostasy, the follows Mashiach's ascension to have in the structure of the temple is really where this entire thing takes place in those 500 years. And again, like I started out with this video, people don't really know what to do with it because it clearly says that there is a week of apostasy. This is the doing way with the Torah guys. It's a doing way with the Sabbath. It's a doing way with clean food, where, you know, you can eat unclean food now, you don't have to keep the feast anymore, you can do Christmas or whatever you wanted. So right there is a six week where the man shall rise and during its completion, he shall burn the house of dominion with fire. So what follows is the seventh week and that is the week of apostasy where the entire 7,000 year timeline book takes place. And then it is in the following week, let's see if I can get there, righteousness shall be raised up from slumber and wisdom shall be raised up and conferred upon them. When I wrote this, I didn't have the faintest clue about how profound that is, this is wisdom shall be raised up. Because when I get into my next book, the kings and priests of the thousand year reign, I show just the architecture unquestionably is wisdom. It's Sophia, it's Chokma, it's the feminine divine guys, it's the whole thing. It's all about the feminine divine, wisdom. So right there then with the eighth week, they shall acquire habitations, which is interesting because it's in the seventh week that they rise, but in the eighth week they acquire their habitations which actually believe it or not fits with the timeline of the cathedrals being built in the last half of the millennial kingdom, something to think about. So of course then it's, let's see, then it is in the ninth week, so here we see all the cathedrals being built all over the world. And then it is in the ninth week, the world will be marked for destruction. This is the short season. And it's during the short, the little season when Hasatan is released, but also the watchers are released, and this is on the book of Enoch that is only in the tenth week at the very end leading into the eighth grade day in which the watchers shall be executed. I don't believe they've been executed yet, I think they're still with us, the watchers as well as Hasatan, excuse me, this cut, something in my throat, hold on, excuse me, all right, and I think we're going to end on, we'll skip the 12 hours of Abraham that just gives you another book that ties up perfectly with the LXX, timeline, the New Testament hasn't happened yet, say what, well I might as well just say this for those of you here, in Malachi, no, not Malachi, in Jeremiah, it talks about the covenant, the renewed covenant that will be given with the house of Yasharul and the house of Yehuda, so this is the new covenant guys, it is only ever offered to either the house of Yasharul or the house of Yehuda, you know, you got to pick your stick, which one is it going to be, you're going to be with the house of Judah or the house of Yasharul, and of course, you know, in our Bibles there is no, the only indication that we are living New Testament times is because apparently when Matthew turned in his final draft to the publisher, he put the New Testament in front on the page in front, and he says that in Jeremiah, the prophecy of this new covenant, or new covenant, is that it will be written on our hearts, and not only that, but the qualifications are that, and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother saying no, Yahwah, no, Yahwah, and that's just the thing, because guys, we're teaching each other, I, we can all go around, I hear people all the time say no man teaches me anything, I just learned from the Holy Spirit, I'm like well why are you on YouTube, why are you, because clearly you're being taught, you're going to a human to learn something, they are teaching you, so according to the new covenant that it is written on our heart, what that means guys is that there are no human scholars over us, we are not learning from any other human, because it's all right here, and that only happens in the resurrection, so yes, I do believe that the New Testament was enacted over the renewed covenant, it was enacted by YAHushah Hamashiach, but I am not resurrected, I am not in a resurrected body, therefore I am not in that renewed covenant, it is, I can go to my neighbor and I can say do you know the name of the Lord, and they're like no, they don't know the name of the Lord, according to this, everybody knows his name, so that's more testimony right there that as far as I'm concerned on this earth, currently we are, we have not seen the fulfillment of the renewed covenant, the Torah binds, and finally the last bit of this, I talked about the eighth great day and the watchers released, I'm going to skip the watchers released, but I want to end on the eighth great day, and the thing is, is that for those of you out there that saying that the Torah is done away with and you can continue your millennial kingdom research, but you want nothing to do with the Torah, like you just done away with it, like you've done away with prophecy, if we have problems, if it is done away with, then we can't have the eighth great day, guys the eighth great day is next, the eighth great day is the last flame on the menorah, it's the last one, the ending of sekkot, and of course sekkot itself is the millennial kingdom, this is why the prophecy is there, that if you do not keep the sekkot, if you do not go on the pilgrimage for sekkot, then your country will be cursed, right, so it's a very very very important indicator of the millennial kingdom, and of course, like I said, the eighth great day has not happened yet, hold on, I'm almost there, then we'll end on this note, this is all my research on the watchers being released, so as you guys can see, there's a lot in this book, I'm going through 400 pages worth of stuff, and one of the ways you can help support this ministry is by going and picking up a copy of the second edition, all right, the eighth great day, the eighth great day is phenomenal because there's so much scripture that goes into it, like circumcision for example, if you want to start a study on the eighth great day, figure out why people, why babies are circumcised on the eighth day, while it's indication of our hearts being circumcised on the eighth day, after 7,000 years of history, 8,000 years, which we're entering is the final resurrection of the dead, and the final circumcision of all hearts, we see that on the eighth great day, like you're unclean for seven days, it could be lepers, it could be women after giving birth, there, we see pre sacrifices, all sorts of stuff here, and it all ties in to the history of the world, this is why it's such a Jewish idea guys, ritual uncleanness in the eighth day, there's leprosy right there, he cleans on the eighth day, and my thought is why the world is unclean for 7,000 years has to do, initially with the death of able to hands of cane, and blood was spilled on the earth and is taking 7,000 years to cleanse the earth, and being able to finally go into the eighth great day, so there is a lot that we are looking forward to, we are looking forward to the final candle of the manure being lit, it hasn't been lit yet, prophetically, we're not there yet, therefore the Torah is not fulfilled, if it's not done, and if it isn't again, we've got problems, because we got nothing in our future to look forward to, I'm going to just end on that note, since it's been two hours, I hope you guys enjoyed this, I hope this was informative to you guys, so just in review, I have shown where I come, because I see a lot of people, they just, they have, you know, pulling out all this imagination of what they think happened, based on looking at photographs and things like that, my research has been taking all these biblical texts and putting them together and seeing one coherent picture come, it's, it is undeniable picture as far as I'm concerned, that the Mashiach came in your 5,500, the prophecies indicated that their 6,000 would bring in the usher in, the Malleokina, people say, "Why 500 years?" I don't know guys, that's just what it says, it's a fulfillment of the, you know, going into the seventh day of rest, and so from 500 to 1500, millennial kingdom, gothic architecture, when we get into the Renaissance, you know, even, even Tartaria guys, I think the whole Tartarian thing, which emerged during the Enlightenment, that was, I think, all rebellion against the kingdom, the whole Tartarian movement, and so then of course we see another, we see a couple of resets actually, we come up to modern times, and by time, you know, post mud flood against the 1800s, and that's where they started scrubbing Tartaria from history as well. So for whatever reason, whatever Tartaria was, I actually think, I showed in my legit oppressor John paper, the Tartaria is tied up with Gog and McGog, the outer darkness, excuse me, it's tied up with ham, all sorts of stuff, not always good stuff, it's tied up with Tartarus, something happens, it's history, here we are in the little season, and I'm going to end there tonight guys, hopefully you did enjoy this, good night everybody. [BLANK_AUDIO]