Parallel Mike Podcast

#72- Real Food, Real Health with Olympian Charlie Spedding

As an Olympian who performed at the highest levels of sport possible, not to mention being a pharmacist who worked day in day out with medicines, Charlie Spedding thought he knew what health was about. Which is why he couldn’t understand why the patients he was seeing in his pharmacy who came to him for medicines never seemed to get better. This was great for business, but a tragedy for the individuals involved who in some cases lost their lives to illnesses like diabetes or heart disease. Concerned, Charlie delved into the research around diet and cardiovascular health, after which he made a startling discover. Which is that much of what he had been told about both was not just incorrect, it was in some cases designed to purposely misinform people and send them in the wrong direction! That is, towards ill health rather then good health. Oftentimes because of inner corruption given the vast profits franken-food makes the fast food industry, and even more-so the pharmaceutical industry who wind up with a never ending stream of customers who could be convinced into taking their drugs. It was this discovery that led to Charlie uncovering the truth behind the lies and becoming a major advocate for real food. In his book ‘Stop Feeding Us Lies’ Charlie dispelled many falsehoods and myths around what constitutes a health diet. As well as information as to how one might go about controlling preexisting problems such as weight, diabetes and high cholesterol. So Charlie joins us in episode 72 to discuss all of the above, and share with us his most important messages on diet and health with the audience. This is one is full of practical information on diet, exercise, fasting and health in general. Enjoy The Show?

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31 Jul 2024
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As an Olympian who performed at the highest levels of sport possible, not to mention being a pharmacist who worked day in day out with medicines, Charlie Spedding thought he knew what health was about. Which is why he couldn’t understand why the patients he was seeing in his pharmacy who came to him for medicines never seemed to get better. This was great for business, but a tragedy for the individuals involved who in some cases lost their lives to illnesses like diabetes or heart disease.

Concerned, Charlie delved into the research around diet and cardiovascular health, after which he made a startling discover. Which is that much of what he had been told about both was not just incorrect, it was in some cases designed to purposely misinform people and send them in the wrong direction! That is, towards ill health rather then good health. Oftentimes because of inner corruption given the vast profits franken-food makes the fast food industry, and even more-so the pharmaceutical industry who wind up with a never ending stream of customers who could be convinced into taking their drugs.

It was this discovery that led to Charlie uncovering the truth behind the lies and becoming a major advocate for real food. In his book ‘Stop Feeding Us Lies’ Charlie dispelled many falsehoods and myths around what constitutes a health diet. As well as information as to how one might go about controlling preexisting problems such as weight, diabetes and high cholesterol. So Charlie joins us in episode 72 to discuss all of the above, and share with us his most important messages on diet and health with the audience. This is one is full of practical information on diet, exercise, fasting and health in general.

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[music] What you are basically. [music] Deep, deep down, far, far in, is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself. [music] [music] Hi everybody, welcome to the paddle on my podcast. I'm your host Mike and thank you so much for joining me for tonight's episode. Tonight on the show we've got a first time guest. His name is Mr. Charlie Spedding. Charlie's a bit of a legend when it comes to running. He was one of the best British runners during the 1980s. He won the London Marathon. He won the Houston Marathon. Both in the same year and then he rounded out that year, which was 1984 by winning the bronze medal at the Olympic Games. So a perfect guest to have on the show right now because we do have the Olympics and how ever freakish it looks right now. It is still the place where people go to showcase their skills. And back in the 1980s, it was almost purely about that. It was about the best in the world coming together to demonstrate their talents as athletes and Charlie was one of the very best in the world. However, that is not why Charlie is joining us per se. He's actually here to talk to us about real health and Charlie has done some fantastic research over the years. In terms of understanding why it is that the dietary guidelines and what we are being told by our government and by the scientists and academics, he's not resulting in better health, but he's actually destroying our health. It's leading us to becoming the sickest generations that have ever lived. And Charlie has found out through his research that of course it's because all of that is completely corrupted. So he's here to give us some practical information and we have a fantastic conversation. Not just about the corruption of the health industry and the people who supposedly seeking to improve the health of the public, but also we have a very practical discussion. We talk about a low carb, high fat diet, we talk about intermittent fasting. We talk about the role of exercise. We talk about how to reduce body fat. So this is an extremely important conversation because I've been saying for a long time that we are entering a phase of history where it's never been more vital that you are taking care of your own health and you're not trusting it to the science or to the medical profession because quite simply they do not have our best interests at heart anymore. So Charlie is the man to speak to on this one. I think listeners are going to take a lot from it. And if you do want to improve your physical and mental health because they go hand in hand, then this show is going to give you lots of great advice in terms of doing so. So members please head over to to listen to the full episode of course. If you're not a member yet, but you'd like to listen to both part one and part two, we would love to have you over there in closing. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you're all well, healthy and reasonably happy and I hope you're even healthier after listening to this one. And I'll see you back here next week for our latest episodes. Hi everybody, welcome to the powerlomite podcast. Today we are joined by legendary British marathon runner and Olympic bronze medalist Charlie Spedding. He's also an author. He's an advocate for real health and Charlie's been very outspoken the past few years on many of these terrible agendas that are in play, the climate scam, the anti-meat agenda. And we're going to be getting into all of that tonight and hopefully giving you awesome. Great advice because it seems to me, Charlie, we're going into an era of history where it's never been my important to be in control of your own health. You simply cannot trust the traditional systems. So without further ado, Charlie, welcome to the show. Do you want to give listeners a little bit more of a background on who you are and how you came to be the author who wrote the recent book? Hello, Mike. It's great to be here. Thank you. Yes, I am a retired pharmacist. I worked most of my life as a community pharmacist, so was involved in what I thought was the world of health, but it was the world of drugs. But also in my younger years, I was an athlete and spent 20 years as a competitive athlete. It took me a very long time to reach my best, but eventually, as you said, became an Olympic medalist at the age of 32, having started running seriously when I was 16. So it took me half my life to get there. But as they say, never give up. And that certainly worked for me. But I learned a great deal along the way about what was the best thing to do for me. And I think in a competitive sport, you have to find what works for you and not necessarily listen to what everyone else tells you should do, which is what I did early on that didn't really work for me. And I found my own way later. As a pharmacist, I spent years working hard in the pharmacy, earning a living, looking after a family, and you're very busy, head down, getting on with it, busy every day, and also an old professional job. You have to do what's called continuous professional development on continuous professional education. And it's very hard to squeeze that in to your day. And so all the information I was taking in was all provided by the pharmaceutical companies, which made it much easier for me because it was just put in front of me. And you had to record this to maintain your qualification. It probably took me too long to realize that I had so many regular patients who come in and get their prescription to the medication and diligently take their medicine, but they never got better. They were never cured of their problems. Obviously, there are people who were cured. Certainly antibiotics can cure you of an infection, but this is metabolic diseases people had. And they would be on taking medication for years because the drugs were just treating the symptoms of their disease rather than the root cause of it. And eventually, a little earlier than I had intended to, and then had the time and the inclination to delve deeper into that. Why did people not get better from these drugs? And that was when I started researching from my book, which I called Stop Feeding the Slides. And that took me about four years to research and write the book. There was so much there. I discovered an enormous amount of misinformation and myth and straightforward corruption in the things we had told about what constitutes a healthy diet. And so I wrote that book and I've tried my best to teach people that you can indeed do a great good work after your own health by living the right lifestyle, by eating the right food, take everyone else, take some exercise, get plenty of sleep, try not to be stressed and eat the right diet. The trouble is what we're told is the correct diet is not the correct diet for human health. I've talked for enough, so you said something like that. Yeah, now that was a great introduction, Charlie, and you hit on the call of the problem, I think, which is the corruption that there's this food and pharmaceutical complex that ties in with all of the other ones. And they're essentially a for profit business and they are in the business of keeping it sick and addicted to the foods and also to taking their medicines that don't actually cure is because of course, if you cure a person, then you lose a customer. And, yeah, our governments pay for these drugs with our taxes and they subsidize these firms, but really all of this metastasized in 2020 I mean what we've seen in the last three or four years is an abomination it's everything that you just discussed, but I guess we've gotten to the natural conclusion of decades and decades of corruption right now. They literally were able to enact this huge agenda so at what point in your career did you start to become suspicious Charlie was there something that triggered it or was the reputation that you saw and you just thought something's not right here. It was, I don't think I had any moment of recognition of the problem it was a, it was a just a slow build up of these people just coming back all the time for their medicine and which was great for business. I think my own pharmacy business. I mean lots of customers come back was good for business and it's great for the pharmaceutical business as well I think because of that and because of how busy I was with with the business and life and family and all the rest of it. I don't think clearly about it enough until it really started to dawn on me that these people were just controlling the symptoms and not sorting out the problem. And then I raised the vast numbers of these people and then went and then they started doing things like altering the qualification for for having something like high blood pressure. The very high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and strokes and when the pharmaceutical companies or the health authorities which are controlled by the pharmaceutical companies are just lowered the numbers for what constituted high blood pressure. Certainly they had tens of thousands of people who were, were now in need of drugs when there's only one of them, but they just arbitrarily changed the rules to include more people and therefore more customs. They do a similar thing with cholesterol, the natural levels of cholesterol in people vary and it's like a standard deviation curve. You know, there are outliers and most people in the middle. And if you've got high, there is the pharmaceutical companies decided that if you've got high cholesterol levels, it's because you're on the right hand side of the higher end of the distribution curve. In other words, 50% of people have got high cholesterol according to their figures, but cholesterol, as it turns out, which I didn't know until I started doing my own research really has no relationship to heart disease by itself. And it's an essential molecule. Actually, people taking statin drugs is one of the things that worked me because they were always complaining about something about how they didn't feel good or how they had muscle aches. And since leaving farms, you're not being a pharmacist anymore, I have actually persuaded people that I know to stop taking the statin drugs, which the doctors had told them they should take, and all of them have thanked me because they feel much better now. And none of them have died of heart disease. And in fact, a good friend of mine, a few years ago, died of art failure, which is where the muscles of the heart just get weaker and weaker, and it can't pump enough blood around. And he'd been taking statins for a long time. And it's one of the dangers of taking statin drugs, and yet there are millions of people taking them in the belief that it will reduce their chance of a heart attack. It's just a money-making scam. You know, when I was younger, Charlie, my granddad told me a story about his friend who got prescribed statins. It was one of his best friends, and his wife called my granddad up and said, "That's something's wrong with him. He's slaring his speech. He's not cognizant. He's falling asleep. He doesn't know where he is half the time." It was like overnight he'd developed some kind of late-stage Alzheimer's. So my granddad asked, "Well, what's changed? Something must have happened." And she said, "Oh, well, he was prescribed these drugs, and it was statins, and he's been on them for a week and a half at that point." And it was like a night-and-day switch. Now, of course, that doesn't happen to everyone. But my granddad, he came from a background of homeopathy. Not my granddad himself, but his brother was actually quite a famous homeo path. So my granddad said, "Well, take the drugs off him." He said that they clearly must be something wrong with them if he started being like this after the statins. And sure enough, he came off them. And within a day, he'd return back to normal. So I think this was, let's say this was a really pronounced effect from the statins. But surely if you are removing cholesterol from the body, you are going to have an effect. There's going to be an impact on the brain because cholesterol is a key building block. So is there actually a link between statins and brain health and these degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's? Yes, there is, but it comes back to the wrong information about our diet because Alzheimer's disease has now been referred to by quite a few independent researchers as type 3 diabetes. In other words, caused by too much sugar in the blood, or too much carbohydrate, which digests down the sugar and get raised blood sugar levels and therefore raised insulin. And then you become insulin resistant and that starts to mess up with so much of our homeostasis, that incredible balancing mechanism we have in our bodies. Link that to tattoo diabetes, with untreated diabetes suffer a lot of damage to very small blood vessels. In the kidneys, they can get severe kidney disease, if tattoo diabetes can go blind because it damages the tangible vessels in the eye, and quite often they'll get gangrene in their extremities, especially their feet. A lot of untreated type diabetics end up with foot amputations. It's a slow deterioration of a damage caused by hybrid sugar and insulin resistance in those very small blood vessels. And there are lots of very small blood vessels in the brain too. The same sort of damage can happen there. When I was a pharmacy student and all medical professionals that taught this, we were told that type 3 diabetes is a progressive irreversible disease. So once you've got it, it's slowly going to get worse. And the only thing you can do is treat it with drugs to slow down the damage it causes. That is now proven to be quite wrong because there are medics. What mainstream medics but there are, well, there's a GP in the northwest of England, who has reversed tattoo diabetes in over 100 of these patients, not by using any drugs, but by changing their diet to a very low carbohydrate diet, with plenty of natural protein in fact. If you've reversed their tattoo diabetes, they have no sign of it. At the same time, he's reduced his surgery's drugs bill by £65,000 a year on the savings it's made, because he's not prescribing drugs. Now if you think about if every surgery in the UK was doing the same thing, there's an enormous amount of money that they would save and British NHS is in huge trouble because they reckon it hasn't gone enough money. But it's also an enormous improvement. The quality of life was millions of people. And all he did was change their diet. He told them to eat the opposite of what we're all told to eat by the NHS sponsored diaper guidelines. It is unbelievable that despite the fact that he has proved this mainstream medicine isn't changing the door. They just carry on the same way. Well, I'm a little bit more pessimistic than you Charlie. I think it's quite believable because it's all corrupted. I mean unfortunately our governments do not serve as they serve cartels and they're extremely powerful. It's almost like asking the question, why do we have never ending war? Why can't we just figure out a solution that doesn't involve bombing the hell out of everywhere? Well, of course, it's because there's a whole financial construct around it that serves some powerful entities and it's the same with pharmaceuticals. There is no money to be had in telling people that, "Oh, you can fix this yourself by changing your diet." It's hard to talk about health without going back to COVID time and time again because they literally just committed every type of fraud possible to try and ensure that everyone got these injections into them. Maybe not personal stories, but I'm talking about the broader community as a pharmacist. Has anyone got in touch with you, Charlie, and said, you know, we had a reaction today, so you've seen those evidence of that in your community? I know a guy only. I only know him because we bump into each other. We've got a dog and we bump into each other sometimes, walk in our dogs and we'll be just chapped for a bit. And he and a son who was 20 years old, just about to go to university, had the COVID jabs and both of his kidneys stopped working and the guy I know, his father had to donate one of his kidneys to his son to keep him alive. His father would be sure it was a COVID vaccine anyway, but the doctors actually told them this was caused by the vaccine. I know quite a number of people who started having heart problems afterwards and I know a couple of people who have had bleeds on the brain that are completely out of the blue. A few people developing cancer, but this is quite a lot of talk about cancer increasing because of it, but whether that's because of those jabs with the people I know I don't know if they may have developed cancer anyway, but the whole thing was utterly extraordinary. And I was, I was shocked at how willing people were to go along with it. Luckily, I was enormously skeptical right from the start because of all the research I've done for my stop feeling the slides of my book, but the stuff that we're doing I thought was utterly bizarre. Here in the UK we have a chief medical officer and the chief scientific officer and they were both on television nearly every night telling us that we have to not mingle with anybody and we're waiting for these for these vaccines to come along with them will be alright. And I thought why don't you mention metabolic health because all the statistics, the official statistics which I was having a look at was saying that the people who were dying were either very old, or were obese and suffered already from some other metabolic disease. And there was no mentioned at all during the whole thing of trying to boost your own immunity so that you've had the best immune system you could have. I'd already done some research that showed that people with regularly raised blood sugar, which have already mentioned have reduced immunity to infections. One of the reasons is that that raised glucose molecules can attach to other things in the bloodstream. One of the things that could attach to is hemoglobin and it's one of the ways they measure whether people are diabetic. They're called glycaty in the globe and you get a certain percentage of your hemoglobin going on your blood in the red blood cells that has glucose molecules stuck to it. And those papers must have been also stick to the surface of our immune cells, and that prevents them from recognizing pathogens in the blood. They've got this wonky that shouldn't be there stuck to the surface, and the surface has the ability to recognize things that shouldn't be there. And so, simply having raised blood sugar damages your immune systems ability to recognize pathogens in the blood. And I knew that so the chief medical officer of the country and the chief scientific officer should have never want to. And when they started doing lockdowns, I thought this you, you, you would quarantine people who were ill if they had a very contagious disease. But the quarantine people aren't ill, I thought that doesn't make any sense at all. And so I did a bit of an internet search and I came across a guy who is a professor of psychology in America, who spent his life is dedicated his life to the link between psychological stress and immunity to respiratory diseases that he's done a huge amount of work on it. It's shown quite clearly that people who are stressed are far less ability to fight off respiratory diseases and people are not stressed. And he said the things that cause people stress for the most stress are chronic fear, not short term fear you know that fight fight and flight thing we will all evolve to cope with that it's chronic fear. The fear of something of a long period of time that you can't running about to daily reminders of who is dangerous on the television, chronic fear. And the other one is social isolation. Those two things he said are the two most damaging things for causing psychological stress, which then leads to reduce susceptible increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. And the other things that they were doing. I just, well, I keep using the word believable, you say, no, totally believable, but we're both saying the same thing. It's extraordinary that they do this stuff. I'm not a skeptical rifle star, but nearly everyone I knew got the covid jabs or the young people were, it was threatened with losing their jobs. And it's all fine because, and I, as right, the beginning was just happening. I was trying to say, but this is, this shouldn't be doing this, but I wasn't aware of at that time how dangerous the covid jabs were. I mean, more clear, but the whole concept of, you lose your job if you didn't have this job. Well, it's been, it's been complete intervention of the new number code, which we were signed up to. They just threw that out of the window. And the other big, which stood out this as fraud to me was they, in the UK pops, they did it everywhere else. They shut down what they called non essential businesses, so all the small businesses had to close, and all the big businesses, like Amazon and all the supermarket stayed open. And there was this huge transfer of wealth, you know, the rich people got much richer during this process, and lots and lots of perfectly viable small businesses were actually forced into bankruptcy. And they thought they were, and they were trying to tell us it was, it was for the common good people should be in prison for what went on during covid. A lot of people should be in prison, but it won't happen. No, it seems like the setting up for the next one, actually, it feels like they're getting prepared to replay the script. But, you know, I don't think I've discussed this with you before, but as a pharmacist, maybe you actually can tell me what was going on, but you know when I became skeptical Charlie I started to research what was happening around 2019 December. Because I got wind of this thing in China. And as somebody watches the news cycles to try and pick up for unforeseen offense related to the financial markets, I was following this story of this virus in China and there was these weird videos coming out and nobody was really taking notice them. But I looked back at the previous studies of the South covid one, and it was some South Korean studies and it showed in these studies that hydroxychloroquine was actually quite effective in treating some of their patients. So I said to my wife in, I think it was about February 2020. So again, long before it was being discussed in the British media before there was any lockdowns. And I said to my wife, I said, you know, let's go get some hydroxychloroquine because this story just won't go away. It keeps coming back round. And I don't know what it is, but I think somewhere would be lied to either. I think it's going to be really bad and terrible and the covering it up or maybe something else going on. But anyways, I went to the local pharmacy and the woman behind the counter said, Oh, yeah, sure, we've got that. And she went into the back and she said, oh, we don't actually have any. So I was like, Oh, okay, went to the next one, the same thing, the next one, the same thing. And then the fourth one told me, Oh, there's been an EU wide directive to recall all hydroxychloroquine in the country. So all across Britain, that was in February, 2020, long before there was supposedly any knowledge of COVID being in the country or any knowledge of what it even was. So at that point, I said to my wife, OK, something really suspect is happening because hydroxychloroquine for lists that don't know. It's a therapeutic that can be used to treat respiratory illnesses, but it's actually an over the counter drug for malaria. My sister traveled the world and she said, Oh, I used it all the time. So I knew at that point, Charlie, something extremely suspect was happening. And that's when I started to prepare for the worst. And it's a long-standing drug. It's been available for many years and has a great safety profile. There was no danger in taking the rectus, not at all. And the same thing happened with Ivermectin, which was also shown to one to be beneficial and you couldn't get over that. And then, and back to the general boosting of immunity that were also a lot of studies shown even before. And I think it's been a long period of time that people who were deficient in vitamin D were much more susceptible to bio outcomes with respiratory diseases. And they were telling you they had the police moving people on from sitting on the beach in sunshine or park bench in the subject by themselves, saying that you have to go home. Questions were raised in the British Parliament about vitamin D and the health minister at the time, Matt Hancock, who is one of the people who I think should be in prison. He said, Oh, no, there's no, there's no good evidence about vitamin D and the status of it, absolutely status of it. Well, we should call him my dazzle on Matt round here because he was responsible for massive deaths in the care homes when they essentially put all the elderly people on the end of life pathway, meaning that if any of them got ill during that time, they would just kill them. And that happened and that led to that massive initial spike, which we saw, which they used as justification for lockdowns. So the whole thing is disturbing is disgusting. And unfortunately, I don't think we're out of this. It's going to happen again and again. So let's kind of move forward, I guess, towards solutions, Charlie, because ultimately the way I see it. And I guess, from my perspective, this is the way I've always been is I don't trust the pharmaceutical industry. I haven't took a pharmaceutical in about 25 years. Hydroxychloroquine was the first time I took one when I got really ill in the summer of 2021 overnight. And I took half a hydroxychloroquine and the next morning I was okay. So I don't know if it was COVID, Charlie, but it came on in summer, which was the first time in my life. I got really bad flu-like symptoms. I was actually staying at a farm at the time. I was meant to be helping out. I got there, was absolutely fine the day after I woke up in the middle of the night shivering. So I knew something was up, drove all the way back home and took half and it was fine. But ultimately, I think that going forward, people are just going to have to be taking care of their own health. And that's why it's so important. We have good information. So maybe we could just begin with carbohydrates again, go back. You've mentioned it already, but not many people understand that carbohydrates are not actually an essential food. We can have them in our diet, but today there's this idea that not only should we have carbohydrate with every meal, but that we should eat throughout the day and have this constant spike of insulin. So we have breakfast, we have a mid-morning snack, we have lunch, afternoon snack. Is this all incorrect, Charlie? Because I'm a fast there. So I don't eat at all. I eat basically from 6pm till about 8pm. That's it. Two hours a day. That's my life. Am I doing it correctly? Is there other ways that could be used? Please tell us your thoughts on that one. You look like you're a healthy, fit, slim guy, so it's working for you. They're back to carbohydrates, when the National Dietary Guidelines came out in 1977 in America, we copied them in Brittany, 1980. Most of the rest of the world copied them around about the early 80s. They said we should base our meals on carbohydrate foods like bread and rice and potatoes, and cook back on fat and especially saturated fat. There was no evidence. There was no good evidence for this. One of the bits of corruption I discovered was that the American Senate Committee that decided this, they were all senators, none of them were medics who wrote these things in the first place. A top nutritionist from Harvard University called Fred Stair was bribed by the American Sugar Corporation to tell this committee that it was fat that caught us causing the spike in heart disease that was seen in not sugar. There was a guy in Britain called Professor Jürkin who was doing a lot of independent work and wrote a book called Pew White and Deadly, which was about sugar causing heart disease. He was basically cancelled. This was back in the 1960s. People being cancelled actually happened earlier than we think. The poor guy was just cancelled and he lost a lot of funding for his research, he lost his job, and his approach that he was right. So the whole dietary guideline thing about basing your food on carbohydrate was just playing wrong. The problem is all carbohydrates are starch, which is a collection of glucose molecules. So it's basically sugar molecules, John Gagarin, digestive system, grapes and milk, and you get sugar molecules, any blood raises your blood sugar when you eat a high starch meal. Receptives in the body recognize that raised blood sugar. The body knows raised blood sugar is bad for you, so it produces insulin to take that blood sugar back down. Insulin transports sugar into the cells. If the cells don't need it, it actually converts it into fat molecules and stores it in fat cells. Just to interject a second, Charlie, so what you're saying is that the carbohydrate is actually converted into fat cells. So this idea that the fat we eat is the fat that is on our body is not necessarily true. That's what they tell us or had us believing, but the carbohydrate itself is being converted into fat if we have a full store of glycogen. Of glycogen, glycogen is a stored form of glucose. The body can store about 2,000 to 2,000 calories of it. If that store is full and the cells in your body don't need any more, insulin will convert glucose into fat molecules and store them in your fat cells. So you can carbohydrate more carbide than you need makes you put weight on and makes you store fat. And also if you have raised insulin levels, insulin prevents you from accessing that stored fat when you try to lose weight. So if you go on a very low calorie diet, which is what people suggest you should do, but you lose weight initially over a short period of time, but you can't maintain a low calorie diet because you feel hungry all the time. But also it doesn't work well. And also people who try to lose weight going out for a bit of a run when they're not trained runners and they jog for about 20 or 30 minutes. The calories they use are, maybe they may use 300, 400 calories. But if they're eating a high carbohydrate diet, they can't access their fat stores, which is what they need to use to lose weight. They access the glycogen store. So the glycogen store goes down by the 400 calories that they've used on their run. And as soon as they eat another carbohydrate meal, it feels back up again. So it's a absolutely terrible way to lose weight unless you can exercise to a great extent. If you're a trained athlete, you could run off a high carbohydrate diet by doing enormous amount of exercise. But an untrained person simply can't do it. So the only way to lose weight is to keep insulin levels low. And the way to do that is to keep sugar levels low. And the way to do that is to avoid eating carbohydrate. And as you mentioned earlier, the daily requirement for carbohydrates for a human is zero. You do not need any. The only carbohydrate we use is blood sugar, we maintain a level of blood sugar, which is important for some brain cells. And the body, the liver can easily convert either fat or protein molecules into glucose. So there is actually no requirement to eat any carbohydrates or whatsoever. There are essential amino acids in those buildings proteins that we have to eat because we can't make it without making them. And there are also some fat molecules that are essential to our health that we have to eat. But there are no essential carbohydrates, we do not need to eat them at all. And basing our meals on them and reducing the other essential nutrients is why we've had a worldwide obesity crisis. And all of the metabolic diseases that go along with it, heart disease and cancers and also psychological problems as well, like Alzheimer's and dementia. It's a horrendous mess. But once you know what I've just been saying, it's actually quite easy to avoid. So would you say, Charlie, that one of the problems is that when we eat, whether it's carbohydrate or not, because I know even if you eat protein, you can still have an insulin spike. But essentially when we eat something, but particularly carbohydrate that has that high glycemic load, it spikes our insulin and then that turns off the fat burning, which means that if we're eating frequently and eating carbohydrates and sugars frequently, our body is in a perpetual state of low to zero fat burning. We can't access our own fat stores, but if you flip that on its head and you take away the carbohydrate and you're eating a higher fat diet or you're fasting, then your body is able to go into that state where it's actually burning off its own fat. Is that a correct paradigm that I've got? That's absolutely right. You put it better than I did. Yes, that's it. Okay, well, no, that's really useful, but that's how I've always understood it. And I guess that's why fasting works as well, because it gives you that long extended period where your body can go into the fat burning state and you can keep it there for a long period of time. Then you're throwing some exercise on top of that. And then I guess even if you want to eat some carbohydrate, which I do because it's a cheap form of foods, wheat, rice, we grow our own vegetables and throw that all together, it doesn't actually matter as long as you fasting as well. And if you're eating some relatively good carbohydrates, it's not the end of the world, just keep it to a small window. I think the real problem we've got in the West is this constant eating of low quality, crappy carbohydrates. And it just means that we're always in this state of zero fat burning and then we're getting overweight and unhealthy. That is exactly right. And that's why keeping the time and the day when you eat to a... It sounds like you keep it very small, but if people only eat in an eight hour period of the day, they've got 16 hours when they don't eat at all, that will help towards it. And the people who really need to completely cut up carbohydrates are people who have got tattoo diabetes or prediabetes. Sorry, just interrupt what's prediabetes because I've had this before. It's raised blood sugar levels and raised insulin levels that haven't reached the point where they can be diagnosed as tattoo diabetes, but you're on the way towards getting tattoo diabetes. So it's a halfway house towards diabetes and they estimate there are millions and millions and millions of people in that state now, which is what you would expect with the type of diet. But yeah, the snacking during the day is it will do exactly what you said, prevent you from accessing your own fat stores and probably add to your own fat stores. And also we in the West we eat far too much highly processed food rather than real fresh food. You talked about eating vegetables, vegetables will contain some carbohydrates, but if they're fresh vegetables that you cook and you're not eating loads of sugar and stuff, the raised blood sugar is no problem at all because it's a minor thing with your body. So what's worse with is design the cope with it's when you get continuous high spikes of blood sugar followed by high spikes of insulin that disrupts all our metabolism. So eating the way that our ancestors did for centuries, eating fresh vegetables with with making fish and eggs is all you have to do to be healthy. So it means cooking your own food, eating fresh food, well persuaded not to do that by loads of television advocates. Nowadays, a full of delivery food companies, you know, don't bother walking to the kitchen, just pick up the phone and someone bring you a meal. That's ultra processed, you don't know what it's cooked in, most of them are cooked in vegetable oils, which is a misnomer, because you can't get oil out of the vegetable. They're actually those things they call vegetable oils come from plant seeds and they're extracted from seeds using chemical processes and high pressure. And, oh, and humans never ate them until about 100 years ago when the process was developed. And they are, they're really bad for us, because they, they have, we all need a balance of fats that are called omega three and over the six. And historically, we would have had the ratio of those two between of about one to one would have had a balance. And in these seed oils that everything is cooked in nowadays in restaurants and it's used in producing process food, the omega six is about as it is about 20 times as prevalent as only the three, and only the six has a side effect of increasing inflammation in the body. And, you know, inflammation is, is not what you want. It, it causes an entire raft of problems, and is associated with a whole stack of diseases. And so we have to avoid all these things and, and things like butter and glad, which our ancestors used for centuries, and our natural products are actually far better things to be cooking in our, or using in your food. And these modern process seed oils, and we need to avoid this. So people, really easiest way to do it is just avoid ultra processed food, eat low carbohydrate diet with plenty of natural fat, because fat is in general has been vilified, but it's, it is essential. Our, what's the structures in our body consists of fat they are nerve fibers miles and miles and miles and their fibers they're all coated in a mile in chief, which is consists of fat molecules, the structure of our brain. If we ignore the water in our brain structure is six, about 65% of it consists of fat molecules. So you go on a very low fat diet you're starving your brain of, of its building blocks. Everything about the modern dietary guidelines and dietary advice is basically wrong. You know, I came to my way of eating Charlie through running and I'd love to get your take on this one too. But when I first started ultra running, and I was racing I got told oh you need to take these gels which is essentially pure sugar it's a little packets of pure sugar I'm sure you're familiar with them. And listeners who have ever raced the marathon or the long distance cycling, they'll know that this is what the athletes use they're literally ingesting sugar because they are told that you need to top up your glycogen supplies because you don't have enough to get through the race and particularly in ultra running. If you're doing a six hour race or a 12 hour race. So I got told that's what I had to do and I tried these things in about a four or five hour race Charlie and by the time I got two hours in I just wanted to vomit I was so sick of these awful sticky disgusting goose. And I said to my partner at the time I said I can't do this again this is awful, but my body was so carbohydrate dependent dependent that when I tried to go off carbohydrates I found I'd get to about I'd say 11 am and I was starving. I was hungry, you know in people are so hungry, they're frustrated and the test if anyone says anything the snappy and it took me a long long time to be able to fast, you know to get my body back to some kind of homeostators where the fat would actually be utilized and I didn't have to feed myself constantly. And over time and this is maybe something for listeners who are feeling a bit hopeless if they try and do the fasting and it feels difficult. I just kept pushing it back so it went from 11 to half 11 then to 12 then to two o'clock and today I can literally fast all day and I don't get hungry. My body always feels satiated I eat almost out of habit because it's like oh it's time to eat but I'm never in that state where I'm hungry and I never get brain fog which was a key problem I used to have as a runner I'd always get brain fog. By the time I figured it out as a runner I actually went back to eating natural foods in races I still ate things that had carbohydrates in them but I'd eat things like dates so like natural sugars and I found it worked for me and I never had a problem in races and in training I was always eating high fat. And one thing that I found out from eating high fat is that I felt satiated all the time like I never felt when I'd eaten a meal that had a lot of fat in it I didn't get hungry an hour or two hours after the meal whereas when I used to eat carbs. And people who have eaten like say a big Indian curry or a pizza you know this you eat it you feel so full and then about an hour later you're like I'm hungry again. So there's also something here about satiation isn't there that fat actually keeps us full for longer as well. Absolutely and it goes back to insulin what's happening with that rollercoaster when you get a sugar spay to get an insulin spike insulin has taken all the excess blood excess sugar out of the blood. The level of insulin drops and the blood sugar was dropping and it can actually overshoot a bit. So it goes slightly insulin will take maybe too much because out of your blood and you've got a low blood sugar for a short period of time and that trick is hunger. So you feel hungry so people would eat another biscuit or something and it just starts again. And so if you if you're reading a carbohydrate rich breakfast you feel hungry mid morning so you eat something if you're hungry lunchtime you eat carbohydrates again. You get this rollercoaster of blood sugar and insulin if you're hungry in the middle of the afternoon and it just goes on wrong. When you when you get more of your calories from fat protein raises can raise insulin a little bit but nowhere near as much as carbohydrate but fat just doesn't raise insulin so you don't get on that spike and protein and fat together. Do just make you feel satiated and I feel the same thing but I usually have three meals a day but it's habit but I never crosses my mind to have anything in between them. It's not that I'm stopping myself it never crosses my mind. I never feel that I want something in fact like I don't want something because I feel fine. I've been using big people who've been taking eating a lot of carbohydrate it takes a while when if you try and change to a low carbohydrate diet. It takes a while for your body to adjust your body got to change what it's been used to doing for a long time. And you feel a bit a bit odd for a week or two. If you personally you you adapt and adjust. And in fact the ultra distance from this I have read about say that they don't use any carbohydrate at all. They are fully fat adapted and they just burn their body fat stores while they're running and marathon runners the traditional 26 mile marathon were told to back in my day in their 70s and 80s. You need to build it as much carbohydrates as you could because your glycogen store would run out at about 20 miles and you need it from the 26 but if you but the long they ultra distance from us now have stopped or they just burn fat. You've got even a slim trained distance writer will have 30 40,000 calories of fat stores in their body. So you could run for four or five or six hours and you're never going to use up all that energy storing your fat stores, you just need to be able to access it while you're running. And to do that new path to practice it and avoid carbohydrate so you don't switch back to having your body burn carbohydrate all the time. Yeah, the hundred mile world record holder, or at least I think he had the world record I'm not sure if he's still got it but that his name is that better he is a fat adapted athlete and he is extremely high fat. And yeah, you can list this can find him online, but there's many others. In fact, I was getting into it around the same time he was and I found just the same. I could go on training runs and do six hours in the mountains and I used to go not only without any food. I was fasted but I also took no water because I was always trying to make it a little bit harder and I found out actually my body could go for a long time without water too. And for people who think that's insane it's kind of part of part and parcel of the spot you've got to get your body used to difficulties and struggling. And yeah, you certainly can run a long distance, although I did find that in racing that if I was running say a hundred kilometers that I did want to take some calories in along the way little bits of calories because just improved my performance. It's possible really Charlie what we're talking about here is not athletes we're talking about living so I don't want listeners to get the wrong end of the stick. Anyone and everyone can do what we're talking about fasting is easy to implement. You can even just do it today I'm going to have my breakfast half an hour later than a half an hour again. You can keep the same timeframe for a week and then up it there's many different strategies but really it's going to be about discipline to begin with. It's not going to be easy to shift your diet overnight, but it's extremely empowering because what we're essentially saying here is that they've hacked our body. They've lent how to make our bodies the least efficient bodies possible to keep us trapped on a never ending chase the dragon where we're always needing more food and more hits of insulin. There's Charlie the killing us with these things with the foods and then the medicines we need to counteract all the diseases so if you were disgusted by what happened in the 2020 to 2023 period. This is how you take the power back from them you actually sort it out so that they don't have control of your health is that a good way to impact one. That is that is it I think that's an excellent way to put it because I think a lot of people who are aware, really aware of what we're talking about. The help was I feel somewhat helpless and frustrated by all these powerful people doing these horrendous things and I feel I can't do anything to stop them. But what we can do is look after ourselves and try and help other people to look after themselves which is what we're talking about here. I really appreciate this conversation Charlie you give great advice and listeners please check out Charlie's book just remind me of the title stop feeding us lies. Yeah it's a great book but also go check out Charlie's YouTube channel I know you have taken a hiatus on that Charlie but there's loads of videos still up there so I'll put that in the description for listeners to check out. It was a really short but full of information very easy to digest. I think my wife was your biggest fan she watched. She literally watched all of the episodes again in the last few days before we had this and you should I'm going to watch them all again so. So you need to upload some more videos up there Charlie because we're missing you I intend to I have been too busy with other things but it's it's on my list I need to get back to it. Brilliant thanks so much for your time Charlie. Okay everyone as if a pattern number one but we've got so much more to get into in pattern number two. We in Charlie talk about the benefits of being out in nature we talk about intermittent fasting we talk about removing pharmaceuticals and replacing them with nature's medicine which is of course food. And we discuss things like physical exercise and running how much is too much should we be focusing more on the diet or running all of these questions we tackle and more. I'm excited to get into that members please set over if you haven't already to the website parallel where you can sign in to listen to part two. And if you're not a member yet please consider joining us it supports me and my content in closing. Take care of yourselves get out there in the sunshine go take some exercise. Hopefully this one is inspired you to do so. Thank you once more for listening and look forward to see more back in the next week. [Music] What you are basic. Deep deep down far far in. Is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] Peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our times, peace in all times. The fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] The fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] Peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our times, peace in all times. [Music]