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7.30.24 Gwynn & Chris Hour 1: Trade deadline deals!

It was Gwynn, Chris, Skraby, and Kyle Glaser leading up to the trade deadline! Breakdown, thoughts, analysis, and more!

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30 Jul 2024
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Now we're remaining. Special guests. Kyle Glazer joins us. We got the whole crew here breaking it all down for you as it comes in. Padres, indeed, are on the board, ladies and gentlemen. Latest trade, if you hadn't heard. Padres good Tanner Scott, Brian Hoeing. They give up. Robbie Snelling. Adam Major. Graham Pauli. J. Beshears. And so. Yeah, yeah, as we suspect it, prices are quite high. Let me welcome in Chris. Matthew, Kyle, how are you guys today? I'm good, Tony. I'm ready to turn into great performance. We've been on the trade deadline day. You know what? I'm a little, I'm good, but I'm amazed, honestly, Tony, the Miami Marlins got, it seems like, and I'm going to go to the expert Kyle Glazer here in a second. It's great that he's in studio with us, but it seems to me like the Miami Marlins got twice as much for Tanner Scott as they got for Louisa rise four months ago, maybe even three times as much. And I, you know, Tanner Scott better not like allow a bass runner to be worth what they gave up for him a lot. And I understand that the, that, you know, the prices are higher right now, but this is a big gamble as far as I can tell for the Padres, but I'm going to leave it to the expert. That's my opinion. I'm not trying to lead him down a certain road. I'm just giving you my thoughts. You can speak to this a little bit. I mean, is this a big gamble? I mean, the Padres are where they are. We're in the now, the three or four guys they gave up, only two of them have participated at the big league level. I don't know that they had had a ton of success at this level. What's your take on this? Yeah, so what I would say is this is a very, very, very aggressive move that they are pushing the chips all in to get as far into the postseason as they can this year. Because with what they've done right now, merely getting into the postseason isn't going to cut it. Getting to the wildcard around and losing isn't going to cut it. This is, I mean, they got to get to an NLCS and really probably a world series for everything to pay off here. So I want to take a step back. I mean, Tony, you know, guys get to the big leagues, their first stints all the time, they struggle, they go down the figures and things out, they come back. They're much better. Adam Mazer and Graham Paulie absolutely struggled here. They're first stints in the major leagues. Both these are really good players. Adam Mazer has four pitches, he's got commands, a good athlete, needs to figure out some things, he's going to figure out, you know, all the lessons he learned, he still projects to be a pretty good big league starter long-term. Graham Paulie, same deal, again, has a chance to be at worse, you know, get the majority of that bats as a platoon and get 400 ABs as a left-handed hitter hitting 20 bombs a year. I mean, both these guys have that potential and aren't that far away from reaching it and they radically could reach it as soon as next year in Miami. And then you look at Robbie Snelling. Robbie Snelling was the best pitching prospect in the system. He has struggled this year. What's happened is he has been nibbling a little bit too much against older, more mature double-a hitters. His fastball loss, he's down a little bit because he's trying to be too fine. But the stuff is still there. He's still got the fastball to change up the two breaking balls. The bulldog mentality is still in there. He just needs a mentality adjustment. He still projects to be a mid-rotation starter or better in the eyes of most external evaluators. So let's not cut ourselves. To your point, Chris, I would say this is a package 10 times greater than what the potteries give up. The potteries completely flees to the Marlins and Luis Arias deal to give up what they gave up and to get the Marlins to pay all of Arias's contract and to get them to take on all of those salary. I mean, the potteries took advantage of a GM that at the time just appeared to be in over his head. This is a completely different situation. The potteries gave up three really talented young players who all project to be more or less staples of a big league roster for years to come, for a rental reliever who is dominant and could potentially help them this October, but they get him for three months. The question is, Tony, would he just answered us what I really wanted to say, by the way, at the beginning of the show? So I could sound a little more intelligent. Then I'll pose this question to you then. You said you're now taking ownership of Kyle's answer there. The question is, when are those guys projected to be your everyday starter or that long term? Because the potteries window certainly is right now. I think the answer to the question is, is that the potteries made a deal because the time is now, and so they don't have the luxury at this point. Well, the organization does, but maybe not everybody in it has the luxury of waiting on what the ceiling of snelling and measure, and so this is where we are. Potteries improve a bullpen that I don't think anybody would argue that certainly needed some help there, for sure. They get a little deeper, and so now the question goes, how far can they go? How far will they go? Health is going to determine a lot of this. Joe Musgrove working his way back. You, Darvish, is probably a three question mark. Tati, he's due back at some point, and then you start to be able to see what it's really going to look like at this point, but at least from my standpoint, I think AJ Preller did what he had to do in terms of trying to make this team better. We talked about it yesterday, Kyle, and I'd love to hear your point on this. I made the point yesterday based on what the potteries gave up for Jason Adam. You knew starting pitching was going to probably have to involve, especially the guys that are on the board, is going to have to involve the top tier prospects. Clearly, they weren't willing to go there in terms of bringing that type of start in. Maybe it didn't come together, maybe it wasn't available, but you just knew after seeing that Jason Adam did that, that kind of told me everything you needed to know in terms of what the price tags were going to be for the top tier guys in this market. And we've seen independent of the potteries deals, the prices for pitching, both release pitching and middle tier starting pitching have been startlingly high. Obviously, let's go Adam deal, even the deal for Trevor Rogers today, between the Marlins and the Orioles. I mean, to get, again, two potential everyday big leaguers ready right now for a guy who's been kind of a below averages starter since coming back from his surgery. It's a high price to pay. On the flip side, we've seen the prices for position players is shockingly low. I couldn't believe what the Mariners got Randy Rosarina for. I have no idea why they haven't gotten Brent Rooker and Jonathan Indy already if that's what the cost is. But going back to the Padres, you're 100% right, Tony. The Padres are a significantly better team today than they were before they made this deal. And what's important to remember, I mentioned this with Annie and Craig. Adrian Moore Hone has already at his career high in appearances in a season. He's tied majors or minors. Jeremiah Strada has already exceeded his career high in appearances. This is a three was a three headed monster in the bullpen of indie games, a Strada Moore Hone, and Suarez, a Strada and Moore Hone, they're usage. You were concerned about, are they going to make it through the end of the year? Now you add Adam, now you add Scott, and all of a sudden, this looks like a one of the better back ends of a bullpen in Major League Baseball. If you have a lead after six, you feel pretty good about winning the game. So the Padres in a really good place, but you said something really important, which was that people not being as concerned about the future because they might not be around. This is a critical year for AJ Prowler. If they don't make the playoffs this year, they will have made the playoffs twice in 10 seasons with AJ Prowler as a GM slash head of baseball ops. And that's just not going to cut it. There's a lot of urgency to make the playoffs this year and go deep into the playoffs this year. Yeah, I want to just jump on what Kyle said to Tony. I think, you know, his his point about what I was going with the word gamble is is along what he said about how far they go in the playoffs, because if they make the World Series, then I'd have been willing to trade anybody to get to the World Series to win the World Series. You can have somebody tells me I can win the World Series with a trade. You can have Ethan Salus and you can have De Vries and you can have, you know, every other guy you want, just give me my World Series. I'll take it and go home. So that's where I think the gamble is. I think if you do make it to where your hoping this will help you get, then it's all going to be forgotten. But if they do come up short and, you know, some of these pro given up, I mean, it is, you know, me, Tony, prospects or prospects, I agree with you 100%. But the more you trade, the more you run the risk of somebody hitting hitting the bullseye and at least one or two of these prospects at some point are going to start paying dividends for somebody else out there and you're going to wish you had them. So, you know, I hope that this all helps the Padres get, you know, let's get to the World Series. Now I can hear any complaining from me. So it's a World Series or a bus for for Chris Ello. Just want to put that out there. That's what that's what it sounds like. I'm taking you backing on our new our new best pal Kyle. Well, here's what I'll say. If this team wins a wild card spot and losing the wild card around, that's going to be a failed season with the moves they have made now with how much they've invested because you're right prospects or prospects. At the same time, the counter argument is every player in the major leagues was a prospect at some point. It's about scouting player development and having a massive talent all throughout your system. That's what creates sustainable winners. And with the Padres now, the route they've taken is it's going to probably be pretty ugly come 2026. They're going to restock it, but no one's worried about that right now. They need to go compete right now this year. And they have a chance to you talked about Tony when Musgrove comes back when Tatise comes back now that Bogart just starting to heat up you have this bullpen. All of a sudden they kind of line up pretty well against the Phillies, the Dodgers, the powers and national league. You feel like you have a chance, but they need to capitalize on that. I would argue if they even get to the division series and lose, it's going to be really, really rough and a tough pill to swallow. I think this team needs to get to a national championship series for you to say, okay, you know, the risk paid off the gamble was worth it. I think that's kind of minimum here they need to do with the moves they've made today. Well, certainly find out. I think, you know, I just, I've been around this organization my entire life and I just continue to harken back to prior to what before 20 when the Padres got in, it was I think was 2005, 2006, was the last year that had been to the playoffs. And then I fast forward a little bit to the beginning 2014 of the beginning of this rebuild and how tough that was for the six years prior to it starting to come together. Oh, it was brutal. It was brutal. When you when you when you add all that in there, I'm all for putting the chips in and seeing where it falls because we watched six years of prospects and really outside of Fernando, none of them turned out to be the big one that you that you lost, at least as of yet, there's still some some questions marks out there, CJ Abrams, James Wood, those guys, you know, doing their thing a little bit. So this is the move they had to make at least for this season, we'll see where it goes. But there's still another 45 minutes left, 47 minutes left in this day. So there, it may not be done yet. It may not be done. No, and we and just so people know that the deadline is at three o'clock doesn't mean that we'll hear about every deal that took place before three o'clock. There was some news of other trades could come out at four o'clock for 35. Who knows? You know, you know, they don't always announce that the second it happens. So I think that's one thing. I think another thing to consider is the Padres, you know, and Kyle's kind of, you know, underscoring this have made it clear that they're going for it this year, etc. I think we kind of already knew that they were going to go for it this year, especially after this recent seven game win streak. But you talk about the window for the Padres and the window to be a champion, the window to be a contender for a championship. Don't you think Tony, that window is still a few more years beyond this one? And the reason I asked that is you're going to get to a trade deadline next year and you're going to get to a trade deadline the year after that. And I think you're going to be in contention. And I think you're going to want to pick up some pieces, have the Padres left themselves enough pieces now to get guys not just this season, but next season and the and going down the road. I think when you're in this mode, you can't look too far down the line and not to mention everybody's a year older next year. You know, so I know they got the core signed up for a long period of time, but they're only going to get older as you get further. So although the window may be open still, it's not as wide. It starts to the window is starting to close. Now there are obviously complications every year when it comes to you know, who's on your roster? Is the timing right to move some guys? And not to mention, at the end of the day, you still have two of the top tier prospects in all of of baseball still on your roster still in your organization. So I don't think you worry about 2020, what, four, five 2025 next year. I just think right now you're in a position your team has really earned I think the right to compete for the way they've played despite the injuries. I think you know, I think they've earned the right to be able to put the chips in the middle of the table and say we're going for it. And so and that's that that's putting the AJ Preller stuff aside just based on how this team is played. I think there was reasonable. It would have been reasonable for you to question whether the Padres should make a move when you started the season because there were so many question marks. You didn't know what was going to get what you were going to get out of left field. You didn't know what you were going to get out of the center field. You didn't know what the back end of this rotation was going to look like. And quite frankly, all of those questions have been answered at least to this point of the season with an astonishing, you know, you know, level of play. And so I just, you know, I think the Padres did what they had to do. I think they would have loved to get a starter and they still may. You know, like I said, there's still 44 minutes left in this deadline. They still may do something. But I given the what the market looks like. I think they've done a pretty good job of at least handling one issue that I think could pop up and come back to herd them. And I think you've hit the nail on the head Tony and we've talked about this. I think trying to view this through prism of future years, all these deals are made with we are trying to maximize our chances twin 2024 right now. The future be damned. I mean, that's what these moves have been. They have paid heavy prices. They've emptied out a lot of key guys from the farm system to, you know, get relievers who absolutely make the team better, but may not have the impact that you would think of when you think of what some of these trade packages would have looked like going into the deadline. But I think a key point you also made is this team has earned the right to go all in four. And I keep going back to you. If I told you before the season, if I told anyone here before the season, all right, Joe Musgrove, you Darvish and Fernando Tatisse are going to miss most of the year with injuries is Andrew Bogart is going to get hurt and struggle for most of the first half. Hawthorne Kim is going to take a huge step backwards. And a lot of the bullpen pieces aren't going to work out as hoped. You would have thought, Oh crap, the potters are going to be in that trouble. We're going to be in last place or, you know, not last place with the Rockies, but you would have thought they'd be, you know, close to the bottom. Nobody can be that bad. Right. And in last place with the Rockies, and all those things have happened. Yeah. And look where they are. They're in playoff position. That's a testament to jerks and pro far and Jackson Merrill and all these guys stepping up and the coaching staff. I mean, and now you say, Hey, our peak is still ahead of us with Musgrove coming back with Tatisse coming back. Bogart's starting to heat up. This is a team worth going all in for and this will absolutely help the clubhouse. So I understand them doing it. But you're right. This is about this year and this year alone. They're going to worry about future years and future years because this is an this was an all in kind of day for the Padres. I'll tell you what I'll let you take over. I'll let you kind of jump in here, Chris, after this. The other thing you got to keep in mind is they kind of pushed the chips in the middle of the table last year and it didn't work out. And so this year has that kind of it's a part of the story on why you are pressing it the way you are. I don't think it was a guarantee that the Padres would push their chips into the middle of the table this year. I think it kind of was a wait and see how this team performs before we make a decision one way or the other. They made the decision because the team has played well. And so I just think it's important to have that in the backdrop. This is a team that last year had a very high expectations after getting to a division. Excuse me, the at league championship the year before and missed the playoffs last year. So that window that really started in what 2020? This is a year four of this window. How long can you realistically have that window open? And I think that is the kind of prism you have to view this because otherwise if you're just looking at it solely for this year, I think you're kind of missing the story. This is a four year process at this point. And so they've reached the playoffs in 2020, 22. They maybe the even years are special for the Padres because they didn't make it last year and you know, they still may have they still may do some other things Chris. Yeah, I'm going to just finish with one thing and for this segment Tony and we're going to carry on with it all day long. And I do want to remind everybody that our friends at Roundtable Pizza in San Diego are helping us bring to you our 2024 trade deadline coverage and Kyle Glazers here and I would have felt a whole lot more comfortable if they would have, you know, maybe just something to think about heading into the break. I would have felt a whole lot more comfortable if they would have given this package up and gotten the starting picture they really, really need in return. But they didn't. They got another reliever that gives them amazing depth at a position they'd already added depth to. And that's just something, you know, I just think a different way of living in it. Would you have felt better if they would have given up, let's say Salas and, you know, two of these guys in this package and got a starter, would you have felt better than it? It's still giving up the same boat that you've given up. Yeah, I would have felt good given this boat up and getting a starting picture. No, that's not happening. That's why they that's why they got a reliever because Garrett Christ was. Do I who you want Garrett crochet? I don't. Okay. Well, then you get pictures can't be choosers, Chris. Well, I'm going to try anyway. All right, let's let's get to break more trade deadline when we return. 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Hi welcome back to Gwen and Chris and Kyle Glaser sitting in and Matt Scravey and all of us hanging with you 97 through the fans 2024 trade deadline coverage presented by San Diego round table pizza to that end by the way a special Padres round table tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. to break all this down as as we were breaking into the last segment yeah I started to read the top part again I knew and I realized like right at the last second that oh wait I think i think Chris just read this so I could move by you did you catch the pivot though I did it was smooth because I you could see me in the chat probably or in the camera like lagging a little bit I could see you it was good it was good with it Tony Gwen Jr. smooth operator I was like wait I don't actually have to ask him now because he recovered so well you did that nicely Tony we are hanging with you the trade deadline is at three o'clock but as mentioned earlier stick around because some the announcement of some trades could come down after three o'clock Padres have made a big move today they have acquired left-handed reliever Tanner Scott formerly the closer of the Marlon's an all-star this year Scrabby was reading me some of his statistics his era plus Scrabby said is like three times make some three times better than any of the pitcher and baseball according to era plus according to that yeah low era low whip gets a ton of strikeouts and the Padres bullpen there's no argument there their bullpen is is special at least on paper right now I'm about to say that's right on paper these guys still have to go out and get it done but you got Suarez closing it down but you've got now Tanner Scott you've already added Adam from the Tampa Bay Rays and you still have Jeremiah Strata and Adrián Moirajón and oh by the way just for fun you still have Yuki Matsui and and Juan de Peralta so the bullpen is looking terrific can I just hop in real quick because I didn't get I wanted to say something that that that Kyle mentioned earlier and you know I think it's something to pay attention to because there's been no indication that the Padres are concerned about some of these guys in their innings limit but it is a thing and Morty at home as mentioned you know as one of the guys who who has already kind of reached his limits ermias another guy and and you know I I think having guys now because basically they have two sets of set up seventh and eighth inning guys now which is something they didn't have and a lot of the really good teams have like a set of guys that you know when the guys who will run out there on a normal basis you know might be down you got another set of guys that you can lean on and I think the Padres have that but I also think it's important to be mindful of those innings from some of the younger guys like Strata or somebody like Morty at home who has you know been dealing with had dealt with injury over the past couple of seasons it's something to keep in mind of in terms of this bullpen and and how how the depth will actually work out towards the end I think I think I'm gonna go ahead Kyle I was gonna and to be clear you know these bullpen upgrades were something that needed to be made entering today. Padres were 19th in the majors in bullpen ERA they're right next to the Tigers and Nationals in bullpen ERA teams that we're not talking about in postseason contention and to get through the gauntlet that is a postseason now especially if you are have to play in that wildcard round which the Padres most likely will have to you've got to have a depth of arms and Antonio is exactly right as I mentioned earlier Jeremiah Strata has already surpassed his career high in appearances majors or minors Adrian Moore Hone is already at he's tied with his career high in appearances in a season majors or minors and importantly Moore Hone has never stayed healthy for a full season in his entire career dating back to the day he signed when he was 16 years old throughout the minors the majors he has never stayed healthy through a full season so you need to build in this insurance you need to build in more guys that can get you to the end of games and you're right you look at this bullpen now you line it up if on a day when everyone's available you have a Strata or Moore Hone to take down the sixth for you you then go at him in the seventh Scott in the eighth Suarez in the ninth I mean that's that's one of the best bullpen in baseball so you go from a weak point again they're 19th in the majors in bullpen era and turn it into a strength that's a pretty big transformation and you understand again the Padres paid a very heavy price to do this and it probably will hurt their future but it greatly enhances their present I think another way of looking at this too with the addition of the bullpen guys is look at the starting rotation that you have right now uh Dylan Cease you're not worried about going forward Michael King he's already 20 innings over anything he's ever pitched before with this kind of bullpen Michael King shouldn't have to pitch longer than five innings the rest of the season and Matt Waldron is also stretching out he's at 118 innings you know he's never been anywhere near this at the big league level he shouldn't have to pitch more than five six innings in a start anymore uh you know I don't know about his guest burrito it depends on who else you fill in but but as Kyle says I mean Tony they can close the game down from the sixth inning now it is a great point because you know as you're paying attention to guys like King and Waldron who haven't pitched this many innings you can start shaving some innings off now you're doing that at the you know I don't know to say detriment that's probably too strong a word but those are innings that you could be saving for your bullpen at some point but specifically with those two guys it it's a another way that you can manage their innings you know because there's been a few games this year where King has been rolling and I think they've aired on the side of getting him out early because they're mindful of those innings and and him approaching a number that he's never been at before so it's I think this gives Mike shilt options not only with the bullpen and and you know the the things that are going on there but it also gives him some some some room to work with some of the starters that are also getting up there in innings yeah it gives you gives you some maneuverability to be sure Tanner Scott is a Padre Robbie Snelling at a major grand Pauli one of their minor leaguer on their way to Miami an expensive haul that the Padres pay to add an all-star to their bullpen they'd already added one with the acquisition of Jason Adam from Tampa Bay and now they will set their sights on who a closer did they have anything left to trade for a closer they don't need a closer I'm sorry not a closer starter and then start another reliever why not did you guys see what Joe Josh Hader available can we bring him back oh come on come on uh did you guys see what Joe Musgrove said the other day that he is trying to work his way back but he's not built up enough yet and that he doesn't mind being an opener and it was something that he mentioned to AJ and all those guys so that he can start he can pitch and then you know what this makes me think of this makes me think of how much guys hate having to go down to the Middle East to know that what this is all about to rehab that's what that's the first thing I thought of when I heard of course it would be beneficial but that's all much how much these guys hate going down the rehab tell me you don't want to go spend a hot August summer afternoon like Elson or what so or something I think that's what they're all telling us is what with it what I'm gathering from it but it's again it's it's I think that speaks to Joe's you know willingness to to really do anything for the team and also stay out of leg Elson or if you can certainly be able to use a guy like Joe Musgrove as a as an opener I think he has the right mental makeup to kind of put himself in that kind of mode and he's he's a chameleon when it comes to that stuff and that's why I think Joe is one of the leaders he just really can does anything that he can to help his team and that's just another way he could do it all right one trade just came down moments ago the Pittsburgh Pirates going to get utility man Isaiah Kiner Folefa from the Toronto Blue Jays we'll go over some of the other trades that have gone down so far today along with the Padres acquiring Tanner Scott what they all mean and a little bit more on what the acquisition of Tanner Scott means and where the Padres go from here with Kyle Glazer our baseball expert today along with Gwen and Chris on 97-3 the fan 2-42 on the clock I guess because it's a trade deadline today we get to blow through our timelines because Scrabby hasn't complained one time about us being 10 minutes over in the first segment so five minutes over the second losing battle today so I'm just gonna let it go uh the 997 three the fans 2020 24 trade deadline coverage is presented by San Diego round table pizza mm-hmm we'll be filling ourselves some some of that yes indeed so this is making me hungry all these ad reads I'd like to say welcome to our world yeah this is I said I sit in that room hungry all the time having to do these reads I'll be able to eat some of that round table tomorrow because we will be having a special edition of the round table tomorrow morning um gentlemen we are winding down 17 minutes until the deadline is officially done um but Kyle do you think there's gonna be do do let me ask you this because I we talked a little bit about yesterday do you think crochet you know kind of kept himself in Chicago with his agents comments because it certainly seems like teams have kind of that conversation is quiet down a little bit and um what's it gonna cost at this point like you're gonna there's gonna be somebody giving up a bunch of prospects if they get them and either willing to let him get an extension having had the injury history he has and that be it not having to have a full year to prove it or making the deal and saying we're good with you sitting out of the postseason if we give up all these prospects I can't imagine a contending team yeah being willing to trade a marquee haul for a frontline starting pitcher who says I'm done I'm shutting it down at the end of the regular season um but if you're trading for Garrett crochet you're trading for him because he has electric stuff that will play in the postseason right I think the biggest thing with him I think we do need to kind of keep in mind that that came from a media report both crochet and his agent actually haven't said anything yet it was a media report and then Chris gets kind of talked about it giving some validity to it um but it's always important to note sometimes things get lost in translation and not all reports are 100 accurate or there's some details that get left out but I think speaking generally based on what is out there and what we do know yes I mean this absolutely makes trading for him more difficult from a White Sox perspective you're not going to get as much because it's out there hey if he's not going to pitch in the postseason or it's going to cost us money and prospects we're not giving you this standout haul you want and from a team that wants to acquire him it makes you kind of think twice about it now because you say you know what yeah maybe we just wait till the off season trying again then rather than take this risk right now you can get him for a whole year a whole season and and you know give up to say amount and then possibly um have him for for another year after the thing that I I will say because Kyle I know you were being very diplomatic there because we you right we haven't heard anything from the agent but we also haven't heard anything from the agent meaning he also hasn't denied that he didn't say that because that to be the first thing I would do if I was an agent and I did actually say that I'd be out there the very next hour like hey that's not true we're not looking for an extension if you were traded but that hasn't happened so I'm gonna go on the on the side of believing it was said at this point I just thought that was a wild wild move and not to mention you you're on the worst team in baseball you is there any part of you that you don't doesn't want to be in the worst team in baseball and not just the worst team in baseball a team that is on pace to be the worst team of all time losses what the White Sox are on pace for 121 losses which would be the most since the 1899 Cleveland spiders and that entire organization is dysfunctional I mean from the ownership on down you have a GM in place who Chris gets his next player nice farm director should not be a GM has no experience necessary to be a GM I mean it's a dysfunctional organization not a great stadium not a great part of the city like there's very little about the White Sox right now where you say oh yeah this is a place I want to be so I mean if I were him I'd be like hey get me out of here I want to pitch in the postseason I want to go to a contender I want to go to a functional organization and the fact that he is choosing not to or prioritizing other things over that is his prerogative but if I'm a team looking to acquire him and say do I really want a guy who you know in the postseason we want someone who's gonna put his nose to the grindstone for us give us his all you know maybe he's tired but he's gonna give us another inning because we need it and he's pretty much told you he's not that guy yes not the guy at all crazy I will I will say this and this is just to play devil's advocate he hasn't had a healthy season really this is this is his first one and this is his first year starting so I there is a scenario in which you know maybe he don't you know in terms of if the extension thing is true and it was asked for there's a I could see a scenario in which why he would ask for that not understanding or not knowing what his body is going to be able to hold down over over the over the long haul and so you try to strike while the iron is hot we'll see how that kind of unfolds call any other guys you looking at right now that you know could possibly be moved or you know teams that you think could still be active here I'm still aside from the Padres I'm still waiting for the Mariners to strike one of the things that I've mentioned at the top of the show was that we've seen the prices for starting and relief pitching be exorbitantly high and the prices for position players be shockingly low you know the trade for Randy Rosarano which the Mariners made you know Aidan Smith's a nice centerfield prospect who's certainly good but he's not a stud of studs you know Brody Hawkins is okay he's interesting but I mean this is for Baltimore just got an acquisition I'm hoping I saw that Eloy Jimenez that's coming up yeah I mean we'll see what that return looks like you know so I think for the Mariners and even the trade for Esauk parade is with the Cubs I was shocked how light that return was in the Cubs you know they talk about are they selling or not at that price point you make that trade no matter where you are so if I'm the Mariners I'm looking I'm still kind of shocked Brett Rooker's not already a Mariner Jonathan India should be already be a Mariner Luis Robert to probably already be a Mariner I mean with how low the price has been for position players the strength of the Mariners farm system and how desperately they need I mean that does one or two more guys they basically need almost an entirely new lineup to be a legitimately competitive come October I mean I'm expecting Jerry DiPoto who like AJ Proler loves to make trades here in the next 11 minutes they need to make a lot of trades if they don't it's going to be a failed trade deadline for the Seattle Mariners well you mentioned Eloy Jimenez that's another Chicago white sock it is somebody brought this up to me the day and I thought it was a good fair question why does everybody want all these white socks they're all part of the worst team in baseball history but individually they sound like pretty good players we know Eloy Jimenez has some ability he goes to Baltimore I think the winner in all of this I was going to ask you who you think the winning team is so far Kyle but I think the biggest winner in all of this is probably Major League Baseball again and I say that because I'm looking at today's trades and yesterday's trades I count 17 teams that have added at least one significant piece that tells me that there's more than half the teams are believing that they got a chance to win and do something now and it wasn't always like that the trade doesn't used to be four five teams would be you know you know gobbling up all of the available players but I mean from Seattle to the Yankees Philadelphia Cubs Dodgers Cardinals Astros Milwaukee Atlanta Arizona Mets Cleveland Baltimore Kansas City Minnesota Pittsburgh Padres every one of them added something and I could in the last two days and I can tell you why that number is 17 exactly because there are 17 teams exactly in postseason contention you have your 12 teams and playoff spots right now right and five other teams within two games of a playoff spot there you know that's seven team numbers there's a reason yes what's interesting about that is there are every year there's usually teams that are on the outskirts looking in and there's usually a handful that decide you know what we're not going to participate in this deadline not the case this year and you hope that this is something that gains momentum and it's and it's like this every year you hope that this is what the whole intention of adding the playoff teams was for and that it continues because this is the kind of active deadline that Major League Baseball benefits from it puts it in the same I won't say the same realm but along the same row traveled as the NFL and NBA when that deadline comes too often it's a dud in Major League Baseball but over the last couple of seasons we're moving in the right direction it feels like so that's certainly something to be encouraged about I think too you know Chris to your point about why do people want all these white Sox players and Tony you can speak to this they see it as low hanging fruit that these are talented players in a dysfunctional organization and if you can bring them over and get them with good coaches get them with the right everything the right trainers the right health in a better environment you're going to get peak performance kind of like the Potters did just with Dylan Sees this year and Dylan Sees had a really rough year last year but you looked at and said he plays in a hitters ballpark with a terrible defense behind him and dysfunctional organization let's bring him over they did the same thing with Joe Musgro when they acquired him from the Pirates they were dysfunctional organization famous for having guys leave Pittsburgh and be really really really good again because their organization was a disaster that's where the white Sox are now that's where you see team saying hey we can bring this guy in and help him get better I mean Tony you were fortunate you never played for like the Marlins when they were a dysfunctional organization but I mean I know you've played with teams where when everything was clicking and others where it wasn't it makes a big difference going to a good good place to be it my idea changed once I signed with the Dodgers in 2010 because our 2011 because that was McCourt's last couple years and it was it was dysfunctional and then it was like almost like night and day when the new ownership took over everything slowly but surely just got progressively better and that was the first time it dawned on to me that it actually is a trickle-down effect from the top to the bottom if the top is solid eventually it works its way down to the field and you know here we are in 2025 2024 same ownership in LA they they and it's trickled its way down and so yeah I think you know and this is why you know people who don't buy into chemistry and and kind of like what's going on around players those players are just symptoms now of a bigger issue in Chicago you can't tell me that it eloy him in this isn't talented you couldn't tell me dealings feeling so seats wasn't talented they all struggled in that place last year all of them and I think as you start to see guys leave that area they get better because they are talented but when you're when you're stuck in that environment you typically tend to to you know play in that environment being that it's hard to be mind-strong enough to to just kind of overpass that while you're in it it's really difficult that music means it's time to go to break when we come back there'll be no more deadline it'll be over officially we won't necessarily have all the deals but we'll get them to you we're going to Chris on the other side you don't just live in 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