Gwynn & Chris On Demand

7.29.24 Gwynn & Chris Hour 4

The guys finished up the Big 5 and talked about the Olympics!

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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This season Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites, like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first, call your parents to say "I'm sorry." And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order additional terms apply. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives, well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently with offline maps and on-trail navigation. Download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. Is your child struggling with a specific subject or need help with homework? Are they asking questions that you're not sure you can fully answer? IXL Learning is an online learning program for kids. It covers math, language arts, science, and social studies. IXL is designed. This program will improve your kid's grades. Studies done in almost every state in the country. The kids who had IXL are consistently doing better. Powered by advanced algorithms, IXL gives the right help to each kid no matter the age or personality. And it doesn't have to eat up all your time. One subscription gets you everything for all the kids in your home, pre-K to 12th grade. So don't miss out. One in four students in the U.S. are learning with IXL. IXL is used in 95 of the top 100 school districts in the U.S. Make an impact on your child's learning. Get IXL now. And listeners can get an exclusive 20% off IXL membership when they sign up today at Visit to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. Into the happy hour! We go! Tony Gwen Jr., Chris Solo, Matt Scravey, Matthew Scravey, get to your news. Oh, my news. Okay, do I need the breaking news sounder as well this time again. This is breaking news from 97.3. The fan. MLB network, John Heyman, Jim Bowden, all reporting that's left-handed pitcher, UC Kakuchi, is reportedly heading to the Houston Astros. Dang. And the reason I said it would be a good thing is because he's not in the national league. Yeah, but the bad part is the Padres didn't get him. And he was apparently the Padres were in on Kakuchi, at least from some of the reports. So, starting pitch. Do we know what the price tag was? Not yet. Not saying anything like that. But there's another Jake Bloss is going to be a part of the trade. He's going to. I'm not sure who Jake Bloss is, but they didn't really tweet that clear. Anyway. All right. Did you get to do your number one? Okay. So here's my number one. Yeah. Go ahead. You want to get the music popping again? Sure. And what was my man's name again? I'm about to look. Oh, Jake Bloss. B-L-O-S-S. Okay. So one of the nicest things happened the other day. And that would be at Inceus Ranch golf course. I apparently had a golf or a gift card. I didn't know I had a gift card. And so someone who was working at Inceus Ranch, I guess, was cleaning up around the club house and everything. And they came across this gift card with my name on it. And this person also was a friend of Woodsy and Fred of Craig so that he got my number. He texted me, said, "Hey, I got this gift card if you want it." And I said, "Oh, it's awesome. I want to come say hi and I want to come get it." And so I did that yesterday. Guys, I walked up to the front desk and I asked for Parker. Everybody's like, "Who's Parker?" I don't know. We don't know any Parker. And I'm like, "Wait. Am I at the wrong golf course?" No. I just called the guy the wrong name. His name was actually Foster, but I called him Parker. So I'm crawling out of my skin in there for calling him the wrong name. My question to you guys, Chris, how do you get out of something like that? Well, you start off by asking for my man. Good point. Good point. But I needed to identify who I was looking for. Yeah, you do. I've run into so many people now whose name is my man. It's not even funny. Thank you, Tony Gwen Jr. for helping me out. You know what's funny is? My man, how that kid, when I was in Milwaukee, you know, as you're getting to know everybody in the organization, I used to ask Prince, I was like, "Hey, man, what's my man's name right there?" You know, you try to catch him, he said, "I don't know. I just say, what's up, man? All right. What's up, bro?" Prince didn't know. Oh, that's hilarious. I think the best way you handle it, if you can't use my man, you just own it. You just own it. Like, "Hey, man, you know what? I'm not 100% sure. I got your name right." Yeah. Well, the problem is he texted me his name. He texted you his name and said I got this for you. He was doing a nice thing for you. You had the spelling and everything in the text. Yeah. And so, and I actually looked at the text before I left my car to go pick it up. So you had the answers to the test? I had the answers to the test, but I walked up and I said, "Can I see Parker here?" And everybody looked at me and his name was Foster. Did anybody... Did you ask... Did you ask... Were you asking Foster if Parker was there? Yes, I was. Yes, I was. He goes, "Wait. Do you mean... Did you mean... Scrady?" And I was like, "Yes, yes. Did you... Did you... So did you thought... Did you think you read Parker? Yes. I don't know where I got Parker from, but I read Parker. Parker for some reason. And I... Because I looked at the text to make sure I knew the name, and apparently I didn't know the name. And I walked up and I said, "I was crawling out of my skin, my face is red." Yeah, I had a big fun out of my skin too. But he was very nice about it, and he loves the station, he loves the show. Foster, don't be nice next time. Yes. Don't... No, no, be nice next time. No, no, no. Be a nice next time. You should have said your gift card back. You should have said your gift card back. Give him the gift card anymore. You can't even take him... You can't even take him... I gave you my name and you can't remember. You don't have the... Wow. That's way than you have in your own career. Yeah, yeah. You can live with this poor girl. You're never going to forget that, man. No, I think you drove all the way to California. Yeah, I know. I'm feeling wild. It's feeling worse and worse as we get farther away from my admission of that. Right. Next thing I know, you're going to do this next thing I'm going to bring up. Oh, Dan just said, "That's for ditching your old girlfriend screaming." See? Exactly. I ran into something this weekend, guys, that I couldn't wait to bring on to the show. Oh. And this is not my wife's fault, but this is something that could only happen with my wife in charge. And oh, she knows on this one, okay. You guys are going to agree with me and I think pretty much everyone out there will agree with me on this one. And I don't always often say that because I usually don't think along with people, but in this category, I think I do. My wife made us reservations for dinner Saturday night when we were staying in Big Sur. It is a wonderful, beautiful spot along the coastline there in south of San Francisco. The Big Sur tourist board is that paying, Chris, by the every time they speak. Well, they can pay me for that, but they're not going to pay me for this next one. So she made dinner reservations and the four of us, another couple we had met there, all went to dinner. Wait, you met a couple that you didn't know? All we knew, sorry, we knew the couple, friends of Lori and mine, and so is the four of us. We all go to dinner and looking at the menu, Tony, and I'm getting a little bit, a little bit upset, but not too bad because the prices are a little, a little beyond what I'm comfortable with. Okay. I'm talking $50, $60 per entree, and I'm just not really all about that. Your skin's moving a little bit. Yeah. I'm not the end of the world, and I knew my wife. Sounds like the end of the world. I know. It is a world. Yeah. But, you know, I understand it's a special occasion, special occasion, big night out. It was the other couple's 10th anniversary. We told them, hey, it's their 10th anniversary. Oh, happy anniversary, et cetera. Well, here's the menu and it's going to cost you an arm and a leg. But guys, and everybody out there, tell me you won't. You don't want to just lose it completely when your $60 meal arrives. And it is two cubes of lamb with a ton of sauce and some flourish. I almost said this. Oh, my goodness. Sorry. Some flourish stuff. That's the closest we've ever told. I know. I know. Some floury stuff. Some sauce. One artichoke. And I'm not kidding, you Tony, two cubes of lamb for like $70. And me and the other guy are just looking at each other like we, how do we? I mean, I didn't want to embarrass my wife. Number one. So I really, we never said anything. But when we got in the car on the way home, it was back to the hotel. It was just, you know, we let loose. Wait, wait. Did you go first? All of us did. Even my, even my wife knew. She goes, I know you're mad like she's like, I don't know what to tell you. I know you got to be mad. I mean, we didn't have any dinner. We didn't have dinner. We did not get dinner. Yeah. I mean, this is ridiculous. You cannot charge that kind of money and then not bring any food out. I don't care cubes in an artichoke. Yeah, man. No, not an artichoke. Artichokes is big. It was. I saw. I'm sorry. An asparagon. An asparagon. So weak. So weak. And I said, this has got to be one of my number one pet peeves ever. There was a time where things like that like didn't bother me, but as an older, I've gotten the more. That's crazy. It gets under my skin. I really don't. I like food. Anyway, like I'm a. I'm a. I'm a. Yeah. Come on. Can't do that. Yeah. We got back to the room there and the four of us all called up the Yelp feature to see what the previous reviews were on this place that we had gone. Uh oh. Not one person wrote anywhere in their Yelp review that the portions are ridiculously small and we were trying to understand this. How could you know, anybody go there without that being the first report that, you know, there's no food. I get it. I don't really figure it out other than the fact that some people are just maybe that pretentious and they think that that it's really kind of cool. If you get no food, I don't know. Well, there are. Food is out there that think it's all about presentation and. Yeah. Well, things like that. Well, here's. Here's. Hey, nobody would have heard that for 60 bucks. I don't care. I was presented. I want my portions. You want to have some food. I'm sorry. I'll pay. How were the lamb cubes? Were the lamb cubes good at least? I don't know. It was so irritating. It was like one, two. Now what do I do? You eat the asparagon. He was just he was having woods like chew it and it was dissolving. What if you weren't like a salad and they gave you like three leaves of lettuce? Look, all the portions were small. Were they? Yeah, they were all small. I had a sinking sneaky suspicion that by the time we got to the lamb, that you knew it was going to be good. But my wife's line of, you know, I know you're mad was the best line of the night. She knew that probably she had to be a little mad because look, this is some of her money that was paying for it as well. We share our money and our family. So I don't know what everybody else does with their money, but it's one pool of money. So she knew that we were paying way too much for what we got. But I didn't understand. Lori's not to type that thing. Lori's not to type to be cool with that. So yeah. It was bad. Bad, bad, bad. And you know what I brought up the 10 year anniversary? If you go to Denny's and you tell them, hey, it's my 10 year anniversary, they'll bring you out a stale scone with a candle and go, hey, happy anniversary, pal, here you go or something. I got to tell you, these guys brought nothing to these people. And I was like, really? If that was. We just paid $800 for dinner and you couldn't even spare like a half a dessert. I got to tell you. It was bad. Happy. My family. They would have been me who made the reservation and boy, oh boy, how that whole thing would have turned out. Would the kids not? No. Let's just put the kids aside. Let's just say it's Elise and I. All right. I would have been my wife would never make a reservation on the spot like that. It would have been me. Okay. And when those portions came out, the advertising portions came out, they would have been game over. I would have never heard the end. Would they have heard of anything? Oh, they would have. They would have caught some. Would they catch a little stray? But once I got. They should catch a stray, seriously. Somebody should look at the person and go, this is not right. You know, I just gave you all this money. You've got to give me more than two cubes of land. Come on. There's a rest of it. Look at that. What's going on? I think you were also in a very, very wealthy area. I was. I got that. That's why I got the pricing. Did you go to? This is my question because I've had this happen before where there's two cubes of steak or something and then I'm starving after and you just go hit it McDonald's or something. Oh yeah. Did you get anything? We went back and the place we staying were staying had free s'mores. Oh, they gave you there was a nice barbecue pit and they gave you all the stuff for s'mores. I had like 11 s'mores before I went to bed. Hey, I'm already in too deep with this dinner. We're going to do these free s'mores. It's all right. We are not going out to get dessert. We can't afford. I don't care if it is McDonald's. We can't afford that. We're going to get the s'mores. You were like George and Claire Kittle doing the s'mores from receiver. Well, yes you were. In the same spot. There's George. George Kittle, I can't imagine he would let that fly. Probably not. Not anyway. They don't look like the type they would be going to. No. Such an eppity place. I'm not a fufu guy. You know that. Where's my notebook? Every now and again, my wife tries to turn us into fufu people and it didn't work out. It's okay. It's probably like experimented it every once in a while. It's okay. Just give me some fun. There should have gone too. I think it's called the French Laundry up in Napa and maybe it's the laundry. It's a very famous restaurant. Okay. I think, yeah. Anyway, they have like a 20 course thing that you sit down for. So you would just keep getting these cubes coming over by the end of it. But you're also paying like a thousand bucks to sit down there. They better have all the cubes you can eat at for a thousand. Yeah, they better have all the cubes. Yeah, it's called the French Laundry in in Napa. My wife does this again though. We are going to. Are you going to eat Chinese buffet in big shirt next time? Ooh. Which I don't think exists, but we're going to look for it. Let's get to break more go into Chris on the other side. This season Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies like backpacks, binders and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first, call your parents to say I'm sorry. And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last, minimum $10 per order additional term supply. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives, well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it, but the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on-trail navigation, download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. Is your child struggling with a specific subject or need help with homework? Are they asking questions that you're not sure you can fully answer? IXL Learning is an online learning program for kids. It covers math, language arts, science and social studies. IXL is designed, this program will improve your kids' grades. Studies done in almost every state in the country. The kids who had IXL are consistently doing better, powered by advanced algorithms. IXL gives the right help to each kid no matter the age or personality, and it doesn't have to eat up all your time. One subscription gets you everything for all the kids in your home, pre-K to 12th grade. So don't miss out. One in four students in the US are learning with IXL. IXL is used in 95 of the top 100 school districts in the US. Make an impact on your child's learning. Get IXL now. And listeners can get an exclusive 20% off IXL membership when they sign up today at Visit to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. I do it while making coffee. I do it in the car. I do it when the kids are asleep. What are they all doing? Using Derma Clara's 100% medical grade silicone patches, safe, natural and effective, these patches start showing results in just 20 minutes per use. Jessica saw her fine line spade in a week and Megan's stretch marks disappeared within a month. Derma Clara patches are reusable and easy to use. They deliver visible improvements in 30 days with just one ingredient. Visit today and transform your skin any time anywhere. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom?, those, these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools, including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings, and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team. It's also you can make the right decision for your family. We've done your homework. I can tear the guys away from the rough water kayaking competition. Yeah, we haven't really touched on the Olympics much. 520 is the time. One of the things that I'm not a big fan of about the Olympics is the fact that I work here. So, by the time I get home tonight, I pretty much know everything and every result. I've already ruined the result for you. My Tareco is going to try to jam down my throat this evening. He did an awful job I heard on the opening ceremonies, and I was happy to hear that. Oh, it was a disaster because Peyton Manning was a part of it, and so was Kelly Clarkson. Was it fair? Were they problematic? It just wasn't a good fit. I can't imagine Mike Tareco ever wanting to turn the microphone over to either of that. Now everybody knows that Chris is a major Mike Tareco hater. Yeah. All right, let's give you a little Olympic update. United States has three gold medals so far. Can you name the way? Can you name the event Scrabby? You said you've been watching the Olympics. Name the three events that we have of gold medals in so far. Gold medals. You got one? Butterfly in it. Butterfly. Butterfly. Very good. Tori. Husky. Swimming. You got 100 meter butterfly swimming gold medal. Tori did. Good for her. Anybody else? Skateboarding? No. We have another one in swimming. Yes. Four by 100 freestyle men. They took home gold, and this is one I would never expect the United States to win a gold medal in. I thought this was always a European gold medal, but congratulations, a league key for her. Oh, yeah. It's out there. The fencing women's individual foil competition. Loved it when I was watching earlier. Did you watch that? I didn't watch that exact match, but yeah. All right. So you guys are watching kayaking right now. What's the event that you will no longer watch starting a week and a half from now until four more years kayaking? Kayaking. Kayaking. How about gymnastics? When's the last time you watched gymnastics? I've been watching table tennis over here. Table tennis? Almost all of it, really. There's a lot of crazy sports that you just don't know about. Like is trampolining still sport? I want to see the first break dance. When is the breaking that isn't it? Is it this Olympics or is it the next Olympic? No, it's this Olympics. This one. We got a team. We're good. We got a team, baby. Men's gymnastics. Speaking of gymnastics. Oh, I know it. Can I, can I give the cool little note about them? Sure. First time men's gymnastics have metaled since 2008. I was going to actually say that, but you can do it. They got the bronze medal. Japan won it. China was second. US bronze. First time, as Grady said, in 16 years, good for them. Simone Biles, who has been starring for the American women in gymnastics, tweaked her left calf. Didn't matter. Didn't matter. She will be competing tomorrow night in the women's team finals. I've seen a couple of her routines already, bordering on perfection. Yep. Here's one for you, Scrappy. X, La Costa Canyon. Hi, Chase. Hi, Chase. Chase Buttinger. I was watching this. When's his Olympic beach volleyball debut today? He and his partner, Miles Evans, took out a France duo. Straight sets victory, said Buttinger. I really tried to use my basketball experience of playing in front of a big crowd. To be composed. But it definitely was not like that. He was very nervous, he said. It's just too on with the US A outfit. It took him six years. Yeah. He took him six years. He was like, it's not a court, said. In the same man. Good for Chase. Yeah. Gets his-- He's a heck of an athlete. Gets a victory in his first match. He's not close to the medal competition quite yet. When does track kick off? That's what I want to know. That's always the second week, Tony. Okay. You got to do a whole week. Take them a row before you get to track and field. Hey, men's basketball. Another good-- Another good-- I was going to get to them. Another good doc to watch. The build up to this, they got a bunch of the sprinters and Netflix. Oh, they do? Yeah. Getting ready for the Olympics. Getting ready for the Olympics. That's pretty sweet. That's good, huh? Watch a couple episodes now. United States women's Olympic volleyball team with a gold medal last time around off to a bad start this time around. They lose to China in the first match. Oh, they lost that game. Huh? Five-set victory for China over the American women in volleyball. And the other one I wanted to get to, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, the great tennis rivalry, they wound up meeting in the second round of the Olympic tournament today. Djokovic with a comfortable win 6-1-6-4. These guys are now 37 and 38 years old and still playing at this kind of level. Djokovic, if they never play again, will win the all-time series record now. He's ahead in Nadal 31-29. That's unfortunate. Yeah, I like Nadal better. Djokovic also finished with a winning record against Roger Federer. That's also on 4th. 27 and 23 toned is not like. So that means he's the best member. He doesn't even recognize it. He's a villain. He just played your role. Oh, that's all right. They boo you because you're great. That wasn't boo, that was ruining. He felt like it was boo. He felt like it was boo. What else? Women's basketball with a victory and the opener opener was in Japan. Yep. 112 to 84, I think was the final there. Brianna Stewart and Asia Wilson dominated in this match up. They made 21 out of 31 shots combined. Most of that in the paint, Tony. I like to see some domination in the paint and you've got it. Exploit it. Use it. By the way, I did not watch this game because Caitlyn Clark wasn't in it. Did you see what Don Staley said? I did. I like when she said Chris, I don't give a crap. No, she said that if they had it to do over again, oh, she put it on there, she would have liked that. They would have reconsidered. I'd say why say this is just because she was asked about it. Tony. Good answer. Yes. That's a good enough answer. And she was asked about it. She was like, no comment. You would come in here and be like, why wouldn't you have to tell me? Well, good for donuts. Fair point. I think they did. It's so much better when you're just honest about that kind of stuff. Just be honest. Poweejin, Kelsey Plumb, 11 points off the bench. Do it, Kelsey. For the Americans today. Men's team won its opener. I think it was yesterday. They'll play again tomorrow against South Sudan, the team that scared them in the preliminary matchup. I got to bet anybody wants to bet that they blow them out this time. Well, you got to give me 29 and a half. That's the spread. That's what I'm giving you. The spread last time was 43 and a half, so they cut it down a little bit. I hope so. Yeah. 102 to 76. By the way, it was the basketball score of a Japan. All right. So you're kind of up to date there on some of the Olympics stuff. I have not yet watched the Olympics because where I was this weekend, there was no television and no lamb. I got to. There's cubes. There's cubes. Right. Well, I got to watch some rugby. We got into Baltimore early, early enough and Jesse and I went to a Irish pub and it just was just on it. It just happened to have some rugby and unfortunately United States were getting handed to him. And rugby? Yeah. I think it was Australia that was given in the business. Probably our best footballers are playing football. I tell you what, not rugby. It's a crazy game. First of all, it's a crazy game and you got to have crazy stamina because remember you're being tackled. People are chasing you. You're your offense defense and there's and there's and it's really no stopping. Not a lot of stoppage. Yeah. Up and down. Mm-hmm. I just find that it was. It's the ultimate three yards in a cloud of dust for me. We went to the match. You weren't here. You're entertaining. You weren't here last week when I was talking about Tony two Fridays ago when I held the flag that was a rugby thing and there was 33,000 people there was carrying you on the flag was carrying me down to the field. There was 33,000 people down to snap drag and to see rugby. So there's obviously some fans around here somewhere. They loved it. It was interesting. I enjoyed. But you told me you still aren't quite a hundred percent sure of the rules. I don't know. I just know that they work side to side and you got it when you pitch it. You got to be behind. You can't be in front. You can kick the ball forward, but that's the only way you can move it forward. Exactly. But what I don't get about rugby, maybe somebody can clear it up in the chat when they have a scrum and they roll the ball in the middle into the scrum. What are they doing? Had the same question. Like I know the ball comes out and then they start passing it around. Like they put it. But what is the whole point of that? I had the same thought. Is it like a face off, baby? I don't know. It's not a face off because my question is when they start to scrum. My man is at the bottom of the pal. He's got the ball out. Can anybody just grab it? Can the other team grab it? Because it never seemed like the other team stole it at any point. It seems like they roll it in there and the team whose ball it was just gets it. Right. So why did they even do that in the first place? That's what I had the question. Somebody help me with that. I know when you score, you got to like touch the ball has to touch the ball. Touchdown is actually a touchdown. You got to touch it down. The ball has to hit the ground. It's called a try too. It is called a try. Try. Try to go to touchdown because you have to touch down. That's great. I do love that. I mean, I do love that. That's a great point. Yeah. We have another trade. Let's get it on the other side. Involves the Dodgers. All right. I can't wait. Maybe. Okay. You're going to Chris coming back with that news and then Matt Snyder after that. One of the best parts about the Olympics is that we get more Snoop Dogg. So if you get a chance to hear his commentating on bad mitten, I really. Where do I find it? You find it on Instagram. It is NBC. Snoop Dogg is the bad mitten guys. He's broadcasting some bad mitten. It is. It is. I got to listen. Larry would watch bad mitten maybe even without Snoop Dogg. Exactly. Exactly. Now you get a little Snoop Dogg commentary on it. It is. It is one of the kind. How many times has Snoop Dogg said shuttle cock? He hasn't said one time. Really? I didn't hear him saying it in that. And that is the official term for the little thing that they have. I consider that a missed opportunity for Snoop Dogg. I do too. I mean, it's right there. It's up for you. Seems like it. Oh, speaking of that, I shared the picture I got in Cleveland. Didn't I? Would you guys? Somebody old school broadcast? Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Um, yeah, yeah. Oh, yes. Old comedy. Yes. That's right. I don't have access to the internet. It's not. You may want to know what it is. It's not breaking news or anything. Yeah. Let's let's give a little bit of this first. Ahmed Rosario's back. Oh, well, that's not much. Where'd he come from? Tampa Bay. Who'd they trade? Hey, it just, he didn't only hear me. Nobody ever cares. Nobody ever cares. See, that's when I, that's my whole point of the whole thing. Yeah. Nobody ever cares about any of these guys except if it's the Padres, then oh my God, we've given away the farm. Yeah. You can trade anybody. Nobody cares. Yeah. So I just point that out to people. That's that's a great point. The Dodgers do trade. They trade away. Prospects almost every year. Yeah. And some of them have to show up eventually and do something I would think. Maybe not. Maybe. I can't think of. Asylum Ray is like the one I can think of. Keybert Ruiz is the one I can think of. We know him pretty well now. Yeah. Yeah. Not too many of them. They're a good example of that prospects are just that until they're proven at the big because I honestly can't remember any of the prospects that they've traded that outside of Josiah Gray. And he's injured. Is he not? He isn't right now. It's hardly much that he can do. I can't think of very many that have like turned out to be dudes. Yeah. So keep making those trades. Every deadline is at what? One or three o'clock tomorrow, three o'clock tomorrow we'll have Tony will be with us from the stadium. Of course. Potter's have a game. But we'll also have in studio with us because neither scraping or I or experts will have an expert on duty though. Yes. Our guy Kyle Glaser. Yeah. Formerly baseball America well connected baseball guy. He actually helped us break down whatever trades happened tomorrow and whatever rumors are still left. He actually tweeted over the weekend about the Padres trade. The Lesco. Yeah. Saying that important context for understanding this trade Padres officials have been very concerned about how much less goes command not only hasn't come back post Tommy John, but it's getting worse. His stuff is fantastic. Command is extremely poor right now. Rays are going to try to fix them. Did he not put Lesco's record in there? He did in another one. He's one in nine with a 646 ERA high for high a Fort Wayne this year. Yeah. 69. He's got 52 walks and 12 hit batter. He's coming off of that as he as as Kyle mentioned, he's coming off of Tommy John and typically guys who come off Tommy John command is like the last thing that shows up. However, there is concern that his command hasn't improved. It's only gotten worse. 52 walks, 12 hit batters and how many innings 69 and a third. That's one printing practically that's that's that's that's a tradable man. Is he like the Braves prospect or your guy who had like 38 while he leaves my guy alone. He's just learning, you know, you can laugh at that guy's gravy, but the minute he gets called up to the big leagues, you're going to be putting him on your roster. Yeah, he is. As long as he can make it there, the funny thing is he won't even know it's him until after some research. You're probably right. He's gonna wait. This is the guy who was making fun of all that time. I love this guy. You probably right. Everybody really feels like these players, by the way, are his like if Scrabby saw Bobby Whit Jr. in a restaurant, Scrabby would go over and just start talking to him as if he was his employee. Listen, bro. This is what we need for you. That's if he was. It's a story that. What was it? Brett. I'm about to pull up right now. This is this is how all you fantasy people need to understand it. I do not. This is you. Wait. I do not contact the athlete. Well, this is how all you fantasy people and I'm a fantasy person too. But I think I at least kind of line, there's a lot. I get it. Yeah. This this is how all of you people need to realize fantasy is and his respect Brett Rooker's response is like a plus a plus for sure. Whoever the guy was, he said, you sold me yesterday, exclamation mark, one leg away from 21 K and you could only hit singles. No, the guy bet on him somewhere and like, hit a home run and he didn't hit a home run. He was one of one leg away from 21 and he had all that money, but he didn't get it. So Brent Rooker wrote back. My brother, I cannot even begin to express how much I do not care is really good is just gold. That's the answer for all of us fantasy players. Absolutely. We don't care at all to check traffic and then get to our interview of the day. Match Snyder from the 97, three, the fan traffic center. Here's Kelly Dannick double trouble for South 805 travelers got this crash right from the King three with those vehicles are in the Senate and by then up ahead right at the 54 connector ramp. We have reports of an accident involving a couple of vehicles, also going to find on the South down 15 right around Ocean view, an accident involving several vehicles, including a box truck. Everything is in the center divide vehicle fire south outside of the 125 people gross smart college. It's not on fire, but it's that car is smoking over the right shoulder. So just watch out for the left to be there. We've also got this collision on the simple one 63 in the clearing stage right before the five car motorcycle of the right shoulder and Kelly Dannick with winning Chris San Diego's number one sports station that is seven three the fan. We have acquired a visit with Matt Snyder from CBS sports. How are you today, Matt? What's going on? Anything? I'm very good. I mean, a lot of talk like the three way trade that sent steady to the Cardinals was something, but it seems like everybody's waiting to see if the White Sox are going to deal crochet. If they're going to deal, Luis Robert, if the Tigers are going to deal to reach Google, we know that the Tigers scratch Jack Flaherty from his start tonight, but that could just be a pay in case he's traded. You know, you don't want to risk an injury right when you're about to trade someone. So it doesn't necessarily mean that he's gone, but it's a single that they're trying to deal him. You know, other than the Rays, we haven't really started to move the big names yet. It seems like the Rays are still going to trade Yandid Diaz as well. A lot to be sorted out here, Matt, because there are so many teams still smack dab in the thick of it. What's your read the Padres end up moving three of their top 12 prospects. They get Jason Adam and it seemed by just that first glance, Chris and I were talking about this. It seemed like a steep price tag. What was your read on it? It might be. Yeah. But, you know, it's I think we can all see it's pretty evident. This is a win now team and we're not as worried about the future here. And, you know, the miners right now are not in that good shape. If you talk to any level of evaluators and they would say like a top 50 prospect right now is about as good as a top 200 prospect 10, 15 years ago, like the miners, it's just not as good. So it might sound a little steeper than it actually is. And we know from years and years and years of doing this, sometimes one of the guys you trade away becomes a stud. I mean, I think San Diego would be familiar with the James Shields trade that brought for New York, T. Jr. but a lot of other times none of these players paying out. So it's a it's hit or miss here and I think as long as you're close, you should go for it. And the examples would be like, it's not just the Diamondbacks last year with 84 wins. It's the 2022 Phillies, the 2021 Braves, the 2014 Royals, there were so many teams that looked like they were just mediocre at this point in the season and ended up either making the World Series or winning the World Series. So I think when you're close enough, you've got to go for it. First, more often than not, you're right. The team that gets the already the big leaguer usually wins out in these deals, but I asked that question, not necessarily about the Padres and whether they there was a good deal for them. I was really asking in the context of, man, if that's what it costs for a high and reliever, what is the price tag going to be for some of these starters that it seems like all the teams are coveting at this point? Yeah. Sorry. You can't get your question correct, man. No, you're good. You're good. Yeah. It seems like it's going to be pretty steep. But as we get closer and closer to the deadline, teams are going to have to make a decision here. And if you're the Tigers and Jack Flaherty, not in your long term plan, then if you're the White Sox and Garrett Crochet is probably going to be gone in free agency before you can contend again, I think he's strike while the iron's hot and it's a seller's market. So yeah, it'll be steeper to get the starters, but there becomes a point in time where everybody walks away. And one of the main buyers who's looking for starting pitching is the Orioles and they're notoriously holding on to prospects. So there will be a point where the asking price gets too high and the teams just stay fine. We'll go with what we have. So I think once we get closer to the deadline, it might shake things loose a little bit there. Matt Snyder, CBS Sports, always gracious enough to join us, especially the day before the trade deadline, when a lot of people are making a lot of phone calls and we really do appreciate the time, Matt. What is the next 24 hours like in the life of a general manager? How close can you go to kind of telling us what the likes of AJ Preller and the rest of these guys are doing for the next 24 hours? Are they, are they honestly just sitting there making call after call after call? Are they, are they sweating it out? Are agents calling trying to make things happen? Like how nuts is this right here? I think there's a lot of delegation that goes on and yeah, sometimes I do think obviously once it gets close to the finish line, Preller would need to be on the horn with whatever general manager or club president they're dealing with, let's just say it's Chris get to the White Sox. But before you get closer to the finish line, I think there's a lot of exchanging names and tossing out the ideas which come from people ranks below the main boss there. So I still think it's incredibly hectic. You just have to delegate because you can't keep up with everything, every conversation that needs to be had. And you know, especially seeing something like, for example, the Cubs trading for Esauk paratus, something like that can't come about if the, if Jed Hoyer is just sitting around and saying, you know what, we're not really going to sell that much because we're, you know, we're, we're in limbo here between a buyer and a seller. So maybe we'll just be quiet, unless you're having tons of conversations, you don't even stumble on the idea of, hey, they'd give us paratus if we included morale. You know, you don't stumble on that idea. If you're content to, to stand pat, so they have to be having tons of conversations. You know, Matt, one of the teams that's interesting, that seems like they're kind of, it also in that, I don't know, that, that kind of midpoint, whether to buy or sell is the Toronto Blue Jays, they have moved Turner today. It sounds like Kakuchi is a guy that teams are calling on. Do you think they end up moving Vlad Jr. or, or Bishit in this deadline, or do you think that's an off season deal? I think it could be argued that they should, but every bit of reporting we've done and every indication we have is that they think they have enough of a foundation in place that they can contend next year, and they're still hoping to extend both Bishit and Vlad. So they're going to hold on to them, and they're basically only going to move guys who were up at the end of the year in our rentals, like Kakuchi and like Justin Turner. So that being the case, there's probably not that much more for them to move. So it's, a lot of their guys are locked up, like, they've got, what, four more years on Barrios, Gosseman has three more years, Chris Bassett has two more years, you know, in and Vlad and Bishit aren't up until after next season. So I think they want to keep that core and build around it. So that means the rentals, like maybe Kevin Kermier, he's a rental, stuff like that. But in Kakuchi, I think those are going to be the main ones because they're just going to try to do a better job of building around the guys that they have signed through this year, through next year. Tell us a little bit about what you know, Jason Adam, for those who aren't familiar. This guy's been on the few different teams he pitched in the World Series for Tampa Bay a couple of years ago, we're in that playoff run. Every time I've seen him pitch, he's pretty much lights out. He's got, you know, ERN or three. You can't have too much relief, right, getting into a, if you're going to make a postseason run. So this makes a lot of sense. It gives the Padres, you know, maybe two, maybe three eighth inning guys ahead of Suarez now. Yes. Absolutely. It's, he has really, really good stuff. He had a terrible season for the Cubs a few years ago, and then the Rays picked him up and basically just fixed him, which, you know, happens sometimes. But high strikeout rate when he's on doesn't walk many guys, he's going to be mostly forcing fastball as most relievers are, but his out pitches, he can use a change slider or a sweeper. It would slide or sweeper pretty, they're pretty similar, but, you know, it's a different shape to it, but he is relying on a change, which I guess you don't see as much in relievers these days, but they're usually like fastball slider or something like that. It's like a throwback to Trevor Hoffman with the fastball change. But yeah, he, he, he used a change about a fourth of the time. Matt, lastly for me, you know, Blake Snell, he took a long time to, to find a home. He eventually did with the Giants. There are another one of these teams that are kind of in that no man's land. You're starting to hear reports on teams calling in on Blake Snell. Do you think that's kind of a pie in the sky idea or do you think that's actually something that could happen? I think there's a chance he goes now. It's interesting. Three and a half games out. It doesn't seem like Far Hands ID is the type of guy who gives up when they're only three and a half games out. That's like a raise move, right? They just gave up. I, it doesn't feel like they will, but you know, it's always possible to see a package that they like and they, they continue to get healthier in the rotation anyway. They just got Robbie Rayback, Alex Cobb will be back. They could probably fill a rotation without Snell if they look at it like, hey, we can get something back for Snell. Maybe they'll want something closer to Big League ready to help the offense. Maybe they would move on from that because he just has the player option for next year, but a lot of most people think he's just going to hit free agency again and try to find with the team earlier and get a longer term deal. So if they viewed him as a rental and they thought they could get something back, it might make sense to move him and kind of do it in a way that helps them this year as well as for the future. I wouldn't mind seeing him go back to San Diego. That'd be pretty fun. A bunch of people out here. They would mind seeing him back in the pottery here for him. Since he came back from the IL, he's looking like last year again, the last four start, 0.75 ERA. Yeah, yeah, Blake, Blake and Tony were good buddies, so I certainly want to get Blake back. That $30 million player option is probably the thing that scares. That's why we probably have a Tony because you're not willing to give up into your salary to help him. Yeah, that's the thing. I think most people think he's definitely going to not exercise it, but it is a little bit more risk. It is. I'm worried about salary for next year that he could always say, "Hey, I'm just going to exercise it. Stay here." Yeah. So, there are teams who would be scared off by that. For top of my head, the Orioles, I think would be scared off by that. Matt, it's always great having you with us. I just want to... The pottery has just finished a 7-2 road trip that included taking series from Cleveland and Baltimore. That, to me, establishes you as something. Now, I know they're right in the middle of this wild card. They're six teams within three and a half games. Is what they've done, though, kind of convinced anybody around baseball that this is a team that... If they make the right move and they get into the postseason, that you better be worried. Yeah, me. I think they definitely can be. My power rankings intro today, I wrote both the Diamondbacks and Padres. The way things are moving for them, the way things are coming together, I think they're both going to be dangerous in the postseason, assuming they make it, which it is a big leap because there's so many teams right there, and you don't know who's going to get hot at the right time. But if they get in, and I assume it'll be a wild card, it's six and a half, seven and a half, out behind the Dodgers as a stretch, they'll start getting a little healthier. But yeah, I think they definitely could be dangerous. But then again, you could lose in the wild card round. It's such a short series. So many flooky things happen these days, but I do think the level of talent that they've had, the injuries they've already dealt with, assuming they can get everybody right, you need to be firing all cylinders when you get there. So you need luck in addition to being good, but they definitely have the fire power that if they make it, they could, they could get hot. Yes. And I joked with Tony that a pro far would have cleared the bases with a double in the ninth inning and completed that comeback. They might have had to give him the MVP award right there. I know it's a joke, but where do you put pro far in the MVP list right about now in the National League? We're, we put him way too high because we've seen him here all year, but we're, we're just kind of open. Right? Like it's, it's Otani and then everybody else, um, I think Bryce Harper's got to be up there. Kristen Yellich would be up there, but now he has that back injury and it's worrisome. They said he might have to have surgery. Um, Mookie was up there, but he's been hurt for a while. He's been out for a while. So it, it seems like it's Otani and then everybody else, um, Francisco Lindor, if the meds keep playing like this and he keeps playing like he's playing, he's going to be up there. I think could tell Marte deserves a lot more credit than he's getting and holding up the Diamondbacks, especially with Corbin Carroll. So bad to tell Marte has been amazing. So pro far is probably in that here with guys like Marte and Lindor, where you could see them continuing to make it push, but it just feels like everybody's playing for second right now. Yeah. It's still been a great story out here for sure all year long. And, uh, Matt, we thank you so much for the time. Have fun. The next 24 hours. We'll talk to you soon. Thanks, man. All right. Have a good one. Yeah, with Matt Snyder, we have reached the end, ladies and gentlemen, clean four hours, some laughter, some seriousness and some goofiness is what you usually get into this show. Yeah. Just flat out meanness. I'm scraping. Yeah. Scravey showed his true colors today. It really did. Die. Bye. I told you. I've changed. Yeah. I hope so. I've changed. My man got in the car and drove from Cincinnati to Cally. Yeah. Get away from her. It was not that. Scravey shows up next. Have a good day. I do it while making coffee. I do it in the car. I do it when the kids are asleep. What are they all doing? Using Derma Clara's 100% medical grade silicone patches, safe, natural and effective, these patches start showing results in just 20 minutes per use. Jessica saw her fine line spade in a week and Megan's stretch marks disappeared within a month. The Derma Clara patches are reusable and easy to use. They deliver visible improvements in 30 days with just one ingredient. 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