Gwynn & Chris On Demand

Random impromptu Chris and Skraby podcast

The guys had some time to kill so they decided to talk about some NFL. Caleb Williams, Lamar Jackson, and Peyton Manning.

Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives, well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on-trail navigation, download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. This season Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites, like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back. When your kid casually tells you, they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first, call your parents to say, "I'm sorry." And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order additional term supply. I do it while making coffee. I do it in the car. I do it when the kids are asleep. What are they all doing? Using Derma Clara's 100% medical-breathed silicone patches to fight fine lines and wrinkles. These clever patches are safe and natural and so incredibly effective that you can start seeing results in just 20 minutes per use. Jessica from New York did it while reading her favorite book and saw her fine lines fading in just a week. Meghan from California did it while catching up on her favorite show and watched her stretch marks disappear within a month. Derma Clara patches enhancer skin's natural healing process with just one ingredient, 100% medical grade silicone. They're reusable, easy to use, and deliver visible improvements in 30 days. At Derma Clara, we prioritize safety without compromising results, which is perfect for every stage of your skincare journey. So what are you waiting for? Join the countless others who do it anytime, anywhere, and transform your skin. Visit today and say goodbye to wrinkles and hello to beautiful radiant skin. Alright everyone, so I convinced actually I wrote Chris into this and we're going to be doing a podcast, a little short podcast today just because we have some time to kill. We've got a short show, there's lots of stuff we can talk about that we won't normally talk about. Chris is on Facebook as we speak. So you know, Twitter. Oh, wow, you're on Twitter. You mean X? And I still call it Twitter. I know a lot of people. I know. And the articles that still says X formerly known. Yeah, I prefer the the Twitter. That was before Elon Musk took over, right? Yeah. Yeah. So I prefer that change the name. I prefer. First thing I want to talk to you about Chris is the scary text message that we received this morning. And I'm bringing this up because the entire country basically went down because of this coding air with the Microsoft glitch. Okay. Number one, does it does it is it crazy to you that like a little line can take down an entire country doesn't surprise me actually scares me a lot though. Yeah, well, it's not something I'm going to worry about because I'm going to worry about this, but I don't even know what it is. So why am I going to worry about something that I have no control over? I mean, that's like telling you me that I should worry about a power outage in the entire city of San Diego knocking out power for two days. I certainly don't want it to happen. Do you remember that I don't walk around and worry about it? I mean, that's something that somebody else has to keep on worrying is a little too much. Yeah. Do you remember the time when we had that big power outage here back in the day? You know, I do. I remember a few power outage. No, I mean, the one that I don't know what you're talking about. It was one. It was like in the 2008 era. No, or something like that. No, I was, no, it was the, I know the reason we had a party going because it was the first game of the NFL season. It was the opening kickoff. Yeah. Some breeze, I think, was playing the Packers. Okay. And the power went out in the entire Southwest. I'm surprised you don't remember this for like a day. A whole day? A day and a half. The day and a half. You know, and I hope I'm remembering this correctly, but the problem was, are you sure you weren't still drinking back in those days? You know why I was drinking, Chris? Well, then I went to remember it properly. It turned into like zombieland because people were lining up had to pay cash for their liquor, all this other stuff. I'm going to pay cash for their liquor. Gee, when the power goes out, that should be the biggest problem we have. Yeah, it was a big problem anyway. All right. All right. Well, I'm going to look this up real quick because it's, I'm surprised that you don't remember it. You were living in San Diego during this time. I'm sure I've been living in San Diego forever. Oh, there's San Diego blackout 2011. 2011. So you missed it by three years. I missed it by three years, but at the time, blah, blah. Man, I'm doing this live, everybody. My office is so quick. The outage was a result of 23 distinct events that occurred on five separate power grids in a span of 11 minutes around 2 p.m. A capacitor bank failed. And that's what failed everyone. How long is the power out? I'm looking. I'm looking. I'm looking effect. 694,000 customers. Yeah, I got you. How long was it out? Oh, sorry. That would be a good thing to know. You said it was a lot of customers. I don't, maybe I wasn't one of the 694. Maybe because I lived in, well, you live somewhere different back then. Yeah, I didn't live. I certainly didn't live with you. Well, this is not good. No, it's a, it's a terrible reference as it went down. It went down at 2 p.m. And for some areas, it came back at 4 30 a.m. So 14 hours. But that's some areas. Okay, let's get back to what the text that we got last night. Okay. And this whole world going on on the fridge. This is what I love about the podcast is because I can, I can, we can tentacle everywhere. I don't really like this because I know we have no control and you're just going to go off in a million different directions. Here we go. The text last night, I didn't receive it until the morning, but our, our boss actually sent a text out and it was good that he sent it this way because I was going to use my laptop in the morning, but it said in, I'm paraphrasing, if you open your work laptop at home, you will cause every radio station to go off the air. That's what it said. Literally open it so it was very scary, but like everything in this country went down. You got nothing else about the text message? It didn't, you know, I was nervous for a minute, but I don't have a work laptop. So even I couldn't mess this up. I was, you know, my thought was, you know, I was like, Oh, that was close, but I don't know. I don't worry about that. I know the whole world hinges on technology. I get that and, you know, but I wasn't one of these people that stocked up on water because of the Y2K concerns. So I just, not the way I do things. I'm not saying the way I do things is right and wrong, but I don't, I don't prepare for big disasters. It's just not the what I do. It's not what I'm surprised. Louis does it anyway. Yeah. All right. Let's go to some of the NFL stories. Caleb Williams, I saw this on Pro Football Talk. We've been talking about his contract this week. You've been talking about it this week, but I guess there was another hold up in this whole thing. And that was Caleb Williams was trying because in the state of Illinois, if you are an LLC, which is a business, you do not have to pay taxes on whatever. And so Caleb Williams wanted to make himself an LLC. He wanted to be paid Caleb Williams LLC. So the Bears had to go all the way to the NFL offices and ask the NFL if this is a possibility and the NFL took some time, looked at it and came back and said, no, it's not a possibility. He's not a business. He's a person. And we talked about this yesterday. I don't mind being thinking outside the box because he definitely is doing that. And I don't mind that. But there's some sort to me, some entitlement. And I don't, I can't quite put my finger on the entitlement because again, I don't mind him trying these things. But do you get what I'm saying, Chris, the entitlement of even asking for this? There's a couple of things. Number one, Caleb Williams is two words, high maintenance. And the Bears have got themselves somebody now that is going to be driving them absolutely crazy. It appears for as long as they have him in Chicago. Caleb Williams is apparently about nobody other than Caleb Williams. And that worries me if I'm the Bears, because he's the quarterback. He's supposed to be the leader of the team. It's not supposed to be about Caleb Williams is supposed to be about the Bears. But he seems like a guy that it puts it all about Caleb Williams. But I will tell you, that is the least of my problem with Caleb Williams trying to get paid as an LLC. The biggest part of my problem is, who the hell is Caleb Williams think he is that he should not have to pay taxes like the rest of us or that he can figure out a way around it so that he doesn't have to pay taxes like everybody else does. I am really tired of entitled people that make tons of money and spend their whole lives moving to Florida or whatever it is they do to avoid the best they can having to pay taxes, which is what makes the world go around and what we all have to do and are all required to do. I don't think anybody should be above that. And I get tired of rich people trying to run away from it. I agree with you. Obviously, this is like right at my alley. And the first thing I did think of too was why does he not want to pay taxes? He's going to be living in the state of Illinois. He's going to be using the roads. He's going to be using the electricity. He should be paying taxes. The state should be benefiting off of his, you know, his paycheck, his windfall. Everybody else has to do the same thing. Again, though, I don't think it's a bad thing that he asked for these things because it's forcing the NFL to kind of like, I think it's a bad thing. I do. I think it's a bad thing. And I'm going to be honest with you. I told you this yesterday, Caleb Williams and the Bears are going to be on hard knocks. He is going to go have to go about 10 miles to make me a Caleb Williams fan. Because right now I am nowhere close to that. He is the he it to me. He is the poster child at this point. All right. For the selfish. It's all about me attitude of younger people of Generation Z in this world, people not looking out for anybody else other than number one. And I, Caleb Williams, really, I'm not a fan in any way, shape or form at this point. He was born in 2001. That is a Gen Zir. You're absolutely correct. Of course he is. He's a Gen Zir. And that's not to say everybody born in 2001 and selfish. But there are a lot of us older folks who do feel like, you know, we've all contributed to the cause for our entire lives. And all of a sudden now this generation comes along, sees no reason to contribute to the cause. Okay, here I'll argue that because my generation got caught up in a recession. And so a lot of my generation had a really hard time fighting jobs, had a, had a really hard time making money. And I'm still to this day, Chris, still trying to get ahead in the money department. And the generation before us, I'm not saying they had it better because they had to work for it. But there were more jobs that paid fairly. And there were more jobs out there that actually would reward employees. It's not like, hey, be happy you have your job. So I think that's why people are more sensitive to that these days. And you're, you're giving me the look like, I mean, does it make, I don't like Caleb Williams. That's it. I'm not going to go beyond that. And I don't want to, I really, you know, probably shouldn't have made a comparison between him and everyone else in his generation. Cause that, that's a silly, but in this case, this is a Caleb Williams thing. It says a Caleb Williams thing and the bears have to deal with it. Good luck. All right. The other story, speaking of entitled people, I don't know that this counts as entitlement, but Lamar Jackson and Troy Aikman are kind of in a TIFF because well, I guess Lamar Jackson is in a TIFF with Troy Aikman because he thinks they, they apparently have like trademarks on the number eight. And you can do this. Cause the first thing I thought of was you can't trademark a number, but you can't do this. And so Lamar Jackson's worried that some of the things that he produces or Troy Aikman produces, people are going to think that it's not, it's not people. Let me start that over. People are going to think that they're buying Lamar Jackson stuff when instead they're actually buying Troy Aikman stuff. Okay. Now he's going to be, I guess maybe taking him to court about this. Um, do you find this? Here's where I find it annoying. We just talked about a guy who wanted to become a business so he can escape paying taxes. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives. Well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it, but the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently with offline maps and on trail navigation. Download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. This season Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies like backpacks, binders and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first, call your parents to say, I'm sorry. And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order additional terms apply. When sports stars start, and this is probably his team and his legal advice, but when the brand becomes this big and we get stories like this about how he's going to sue Troy Aikman, I feel like we're just like in this weird world now. And I don't know why everything has to be so, so me, me, me. And especially with some of these guys in pro sports. I just, I think I can answer this whole thing simply. And I first of all, I really like Troy Aikman as a broadcaster. I enjoyed him as a player. I enjoy watching Lamar Jackson play. I understand that both guys were number eight or were number eight. And would like, yeah, so did Steve Young and so did Yogi Berra and so did, you know, four or five thousand other athletes that I that I'm not going to name. But I'm just not a fan again of really, really rich people who already have more money than God fighting over more money than God. Yeah, I just, there's this can't possibly be that important at this point. Does Troy Aikman really, really need to secure and lock up the number eight for the greater good of money flowing into his pockets for the rest of his life? Lenty. That's my point. Does he really need to do this? Is it that important for Troy Aikman to, you know, make even more money off the number eight? And does Lamar Jackson need more money to sell his goods in using the number eight? I mean, Lamar Jackson makes how many million a year? So these things are much to do about nothing as far as I'm concerned. Let them, you know what I say? What? Let them both waste a ton of money, their own money, giving it to lawyers who can then argue over whether these guys are winners or losers in the court, because I have a feeling that both guys, if they're going to sue each other or one's going to sue the other, it's going to be quite pricey. So I feel okay about that. I guess you're right. I guess you're right. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. You've got your worth a hundred million dollars. You want to use 10 million of that to give to a lawyer so that you can maybe make another 100 million. I know. Whatever. I, as a guy who should get above the poverty line. Yeah, the poverty line. Like, I don't understand. Like, I would be so happy with like, I'm not even going to name a number, but I would just be so happy with something that would allow me to live in a, in a decent place and just like not have to scrape by every week. And I'm not mad at Lamar Jackson, but I am mad because everything is about money these days. And I cannot stand it. I didn't mean for this to become the get off my lawn podcast, but I guess it has been has been that final story, Chris, before we have to get going for the real show, Peyton Manning has said he would like to coach the USA's first ever flag football team in the 2028 Olympics. I don't know if you guys got into this the other day about whether or not we think the players should actually be able to play in the Olympics. Did you guys talk about that? We did. We mentioned what was your jest? Yeah, I guess they should, but I'd be careful. But it's like what we on the round table, you guys talked to yesterday about MLB players playing in the Olympics, and you said they shouldn't. I said they shouldn't because it's during the baseball season, but the Olympics is not during the football season. So it doesn't, but the Olympics does cut into like the preseason and training camp. Oh, well, perfect. These guys don't like to go to training camp anyway. That's true. That's true. I don't have any problem with them playing. But you know, you got to be somewhat careful. I mean, you could twist an ankle or tear up a knee playing a flag football game. I'm pretty sure you can. But again, as I said earlier, I don't really live my life that way. Go out and play. And you know, if you hurt yourself and cost your team, then that's the way it goes. You know, I wish I could live my life more like you, Chris, and not worry about the unknown, because that's what I spend my time doing is just worrying about the unknown in the future. And I hate doing that. But if you're going to get a coach, Peyton, let Eli work alongside of him. Oh, no, he's actually said on Pat McAfee, Peyton said, you hear about the NFL players campaigning to be on that team? I'd like to be the coach on that team. There's no way I'm getting picked now that. Oh, and then he says no way that they're getting picked now that Eli's beaten me twice. So he thinks he lies had the upper hand. I don't know about that. All right. That's about it. Well, I'm so glad you wrote to me into this. Hey, this was a I could have spent the last 15 minutes twiddling my thumb somewhere. You were doing that on Facebook and X. So this was an impromptu podcast, everyone. Thanks for listening. If you made it this far, good for you. I do it while making coffee. I do it in the car. I do it when the kids are asleep. What are they all doing? Using Derma Clara's 100% medical grade silicone patches, safe, natural and effective. These patches start showing results in just 20 minutes per use. Jessica saw her fine lines fade in a week and Megan's stretch marks disappeared within a month. Derma Clara patches are reusable and easy to use. They deliver visible improvements in 30 days with just one ingredient. Visit today and transform your skin anytime anywhere. Is your child struggling with a specific subject or need help with homework? 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