Gwynn & Chris On Demand

7.17.24 Gwynn & Chris Full Show

10h 47m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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That's why so many people trust Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone is the most trusted language learning program available on desktop or as an app. It truly immerses you in the language you want to learn, like Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, and more. You won't just be studying English translations. The Rosetta Stone intuitive process helps you pick up a language naturally, first with words, then phrases, then sentences. Don't put off learning that language. There's no better time than right now to get started. For a very limited time, listeners can get Rosetta Stone's lifetime membership for 50% off. Visit That's 50% off unlimited access to 25 language courses for the rest of your life. Redeem your 50% off at today. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives, well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on-trail navigation, download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. This podcast on 97.3 The Fan is presented by Hamel Casino, fun above all else. But Gwen and Chris are just getting started. Sports talkin' is your hosts, Tony Gwen Jr. Right, they won Game 1 and then the Padres spanked their backsides for the next three. And Chrisello, would you let me tell the story? Mr. Interrupter? Yes, yes I will. It's time to get you up to speed on all things sports. With plenty of nonsense in between. Oh look, here comes our fearless producer. Gwen and Chris starts right now on 97.3 The Fan. Hey, what is happening San Diego and welcome to it. The Wednesday edition of Gwen and Chris on San Diego's number one sports talk station, 97.3 The Fan. 201 is the time. We got four fun hours to hang out with you between now and six o'clock, Chrisello. And then things get a little murky after that. Tony Gwen Jr. remains on a mini vacation out for the next couple of days. Matt Scrabie remains in the infirmary. Still sick. Second day in a row that Scrabie is out. So that means we get our friend Big Frank back in again who did an excellent job, by the way, yesterday. Frank Marchese. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Thanks for coming in once again, sir. Not a problem. I look forward to hanging out talking sports with a Mets fan for a little while. And on the other side, there he is. Nice enough on one of his off days to come in and be part of the program for a little while, maybe a couple of hours, even the great one. Mr. Sam Levitt from the Padres pre and post game show. But you're so much more than that. You are, you know what you are. You become a fan fan icon. I mean, I don't know if you've ever seen this Frank at a ball game, but Sam will be down in front of the Padres dugout before the game doing some interviews, maybe after the game getting ready for post game. He cannot walk from one into the dugout to the other without a throng of Petco Park faithful. Yelling, screaming, Sammy, Sammy, Sammy. They love this guy. Sam Levitt. Thank you so much for coming in. I love you too. Good to be here. I spoke to Scraeby earlier. I don't know. It sounded fine to me. Yeah. Well, look, it's probably going to get good to him now that he's. I said this yesterday. I mean, I miss him, but Frank and I kind of realized yesterday when he sits at home and just type stuff into the, into the, you know, the document, right, which is, you know, technologically capable these days. I think he worked harder yesterday than he does when he's here on the show. So we just assume leave him at home. And that way we get, we get his input from home and we got big Frank here. So did he, did he do any kind of checking yesterday on air? He didn't check in. No, he said he was pretty. He did. Pretty bad shape yesterday. I think. Yeah. In all seriousness, I spoke to him this morning and he was, he was not in great shape. So, no, he's more dad. Well, and I've said this before. I said, yes, but Scraeby is nothing if not a gamer and he loath's missing a show. So, and you know, he misses his fans. I mean, this was a, this was a big week for him to have his Scraeby Chronicles. That's right. After our show and he's had to, he's had to miss that last night and tonight. So yeah, he's definitely disappointed. We wish him a full and speedier recovery. But in the meantime, we'll hang out chatting with you all for the next couple of hours, actually four hours. In fact, you know, you, you kind of were saying how people come up to me at the ballpark or yell at me at the ballpark. And that's partially true. But the mean thing they actually say to me, they say, Sam, do you know Scraeby? Yes. I know they do. What is Scraeby like? You, you actually get to see and talk to Matt Scraeby. You're right. Wow. I get that question far too often. Can you pass this along to Scraeby? I know. People want to know about Scraeby. Can you get signed by Scraeby? Good. That really, would you give my number to Matt Scraeby? Okay. We know that's not true. But the one thing that is true is that when they come up to me, they want me to be nicer to Scraeby. That is the universal conversation that I have with listeners out there. You've got to be nicer to Scraeby. And I just, you people just don't understand. First of all, the reason I sound like I'm not as nice to him as he is to me, first of all, it's frankly because I'm just better at it. I'm better at, you know, getting on his case than he is a getting on my case. So that's, you know, let's just be honest. That's just kind of the way that goes. But the second thing is, is he's not always 100% nice to us. He just does it off the air. Right. He does it off the air. I mean, he's, you know, he can treat us very, very rudely sometimes. So I just want you people to know the full story out there. But enough about people that aren't here. Let's talk about the people that are highlight moment of the all-star game for me last night. And I look, as much as I despise the home run derby. And I didn't watch any of it on Monday night, except for what was on in the TV here during our show. As much as I despise the home run derby and don't really find much interest in that, I'm, it's just part of my DNA to watch the Major League Baseball all-star game. It always has been. It's been something that's intrigued me for my entire life. I've always enjoyed it. There are a lot of things I don't enjoy about it. Now, as much as I used to, we may need a whole segment to talk about how despicable ugly those uniforms were, but I still watch the game. And I got to tell you, Sammy, when they introduced Jerks and Profar into the starting lineup last night and he came running out of the dugout, he had a smile on his face. And that's saying something for Jerks and Profar, because we know he's always smiling, but this was one happy young man. And I couldn't help but just feel terrific for him. And then his first at bat to hook a line drive into the corner and get on base with a single. It could have been a double except for Juan Soto made maybe the best defensive play I've ever seen him make. But that was the highlight for me, was watching Profar get to be in the all-star game and then, you know, get a hit his first time up. Yeah, it was really cool. I mean, to see Profar there and with his son and watch all the video and on ESPN during the Derby and see all the cool social media stuff they did, it was awesome. To me, the the Padres side of things, the storylines for Profar for Suarez for Merrill for even Luis Arise being there able to experience it with his family. I thought the storylines were really cool from a Padres perspective. And from the Padres perspective last night, those guys did a nice job. Profar had the hit that started the rally before the Otani home run. Suarez struck out a couple of banders if you could see it beyond David Ortiz interview. Thank you, David Ortiz for hogging the screen during our Robert Suarez's moment of fame. Yeah, for sure. And then Merrill had a base hit, you know, a little infield single, a little hustle. You like that? So I thought it was a nice day for the Padres. Yeah, Padres, the Padres three players who were in the game all contributed. Profar made a nice running catch down in the left field corner as well on a line drive. So yeah, the Padres input was good. Suarez, you know, I mean, he just lost all of his screen time. I mean, come on. You know, my, you know, my feeling on in-game interviews already, Sam, I'm not a fan of that. I tune in to actually watch these games, not to see David Ortiz sneak up behind Gunnar Henderson and try to tickle him in the ribs and really don't find how see how that adds to my enjoyment of a ball game. But it is part of the part of the fluff, I guess, that we get in this day and age. So yeah, I kind of had to deal with it. But yeah, you're right. It happened right while Suarez was getting the two outs he got. Yeah, look, I know a lot of people get really bent out of shape about the in-game interviews and all of it. Here's what you got to realize. The game, let's be honest, in an overall sense, it doesn't have the juice. It wants to. No, they're trying to get more juice. Yeah, they're trying to give us something we can't get. Yeah, you're right. And they said it in the last hour on on Annie and Elston, where, and a big part of it was there was once upon a time, and you know this, Chris, that you did not see the American League, National League guys play each other ever. Right. Beyond two events, the World Series and the All-Star game, and that was it. So there was a real novelty to those guys. And a lot of the guys you never got to the World Series. So right. I mean, let's just take a guy like Willie Mays, for example, in his unbelievable career, and he was in 24 All-Star games. The guy was in two World Series during that time. So the other 22 years, he didn't face anybody in the American League, and it was something special to see, you know, Jim Palmer face Willie Mays or Sandy Kofax take on Frank Howard and the American, whatever it was, you know, you really look forward to it. They tried to get us a little of that last night with Paul Skeens versus Aaron Judge. But A, it was kind of a, it kind of flamed out because Judge hit a quick ground ball to third. But B, if they haven't played already, the Pirates and the Yankees will eventually play this year or next year and every year. So Paul Skeens will get the face Aaron Judge plenty of times. Yeah. You know, look, I will say I like the Skeens part of it. I thought that was a great move, but I did too. I did too. I didn't have them start. Look, good job by Juan Soto drawing a walk so we could see the judge versus Skeens it bad. Juan Soto ever draw a walk. That was really a shocker. I'll say this though. You know, if you're Aaron Judge, can you take a pitch? I mean, you know, everybody's drama build a little bit. I got to tell you not not a great job by Aaron Judge. Take a pitch. You know, everybody's been waiting for this matchup, hoping that it would get to the cleanup spot for Skeens to face Judge. Can we work a little, a little at bat? Can we take a pitch or two? It was a little anticlimactic, I got to admit. But, look, Skeens was great. I thought that was a great move. And, you know, look, there's some really simple things they could do to make this better. Like, and I know it sounds like, and it's really not a small thing. I think it's a fairly big thing. They got to have these guys start wearing their uniforms. Absolutely. Again, it's got to back. You know, it sounds like a small thing because it's got uniform. It's really not. It changes the feel of it in the product on TV. Yeah, Fred Lynn, the great Boston Red Sox center fielder who has still hit the only grand slam in all-star game history, tweeted out something that, you know, made sense about the whole uniform thing. And his point was, you know, how can people tuning in to watch the all-star game really take pride in their home team when these guys are going out there wearing those uniforms instead of their own? Right. I mean, it adds to some of your own, you know, team pride to see ProFAR out there in his Padra uniform to be able to boo Otani because he's wearing a Dodger uniform or cheering, whatever you want. But, this is a no-brainer. I have not heard, have you heard one prank? Have you heard one person anywhere in your vast knowledge of relationships that says, yeah, I really like these all-star game uniforms. No, nobody likes them. No, not at all. And another thing I thought of on the way here was, what was the last time you saw a fan actually wearing an all-star jersey? Pretty rare. People buy a few of them. Yeah, right. It's not nearly as popular as basically. No, and by the way, if the goal is to make jerseys and you need Nike to make a parallel and you need to sell it, then fine. Have them wear it for BP, have them wear it during the home run derby. That's fine. I'm still buying that. Yeah, I'm okay with that. But during the actual game, where are the jerseys? The other thing is Major League Baseball simply does not need the extra $20 that they're making on these uniforms. I mean, come on, people, money is, we all understand everything is a marketing thing nowadays. But can't you just leave one thing on? Well, the other issue is this, the uniforms last night, look, the American League ones were okay. Like those nationally uniforms, why? What's with the teal? I didn't, I didn't even understand. It made no sense for the feel like Ranger colors. I don't know. In the cowboy hats, the 10 gallon hats didn't put me in a Texas Ranger mood necessarily either. Well, I know they were trying to accomplish that, but I didn't really feel that either. So, so, so look, I understand each all-star game. They're trying to create a certain feel. And look, I thought like the lead up to the game, the graphics that all the teams put together, Padres included, they did a nice job, kind of, you know, the wanted poster type graphics and the cowboy hats. I'm okay with it. Did you notice they were all wearing their own uniforms and those? Oh, that's true. Right. I really, I'm okay with that. I understand you want a little feel of a different, you know, all-star game than the year before. I get that. I will say this, though, when the players are running out during the introductions and those guys, like lassoing around them, did you see that? I was like, all right, we get it. Good thing the last guys had some control out there. I would have hate to see Tae Oscar Hernandez get tripped up as he ran out to the NBA. I'm watching that last then. I'm like, you know, and Otani or whoever is running out there. I'm like, don't, I'm afraid they're going to hit him with the lasso. Yeah, it was kind of. Yeah, it's the whole thing was crazy. I said, oh, and the mechanical bull, it was, it's fine. There was a point there where it was like, all right, we, we get the theme. All right, well, the American League one is the all-star game for those who keep track of that kind of thing. I believe they've won 11 of the last 12. So they've been on a roll. It used to be the other way of when I was younger, the National League went on a streak where I believe they won every game except for 1971 and 1983. And just what took it year after year. And in those days, the National League enjoyed having the hammer over the American League. Because those guys, as you said, they, they stayed with their teams. They stayed in their leagues and they felt it gave them a little air of superiority over the other league. Whereas that is not important to these guys now. And I, and I totally understand that. I mean, you know, Juan Soto, for example, played in the National League last year, I'll start in these American League this year and there's many guys who do that. And that's another part of it. The fact that guys are bouncing around in a way, they just, you know, that's, that's it. All right. Let's see, Paul Skeens, again, you're right. He disappointed in the sense that he didn't get a strike out though. I mean, you know, this was, you know, come on, I expected him to, yeah, to bust out at least 102 mile per hour pitch. He was only going to pitch one inning. You know, he got to let it fly out there. Well, but for a guy that strikes out a ton, you would have liked to get any, I will say this though, as you're watching that first inning last night, and I don't know that people who don't follow the pirates or skeens, all that closely realize this, even though he throws hard and even though he strikes out a ton of guys, he is, and this is part of what makes him so special. He's a real pitcher. Like he's not just wearing back and fine. Not at all. That's what makes him so good and so special at this age, because he's somebody who throws hard, but he throws a number of different pitches. They're all really good. He mixes and matches. I mean, it's so, so my point is, is what he did in the first inning last night was kind of how he does things. He just didn't have a strike out. Yeah, there's a couple of things about Paul Skeens that I did not know. This was really the first time that I'd watched him pitch. And again, I don't think this gives an unbelievable idea of what he's like because it was just over one inning. First of all, he's six foot six. So he's a lot taller than you think he might be, you know, six six up there. He's also a Southern California kid. I did not realize that. Where's he from? He's from Fullerton, and he went to El Toro High School, which is right near where the five and the 405 merge up there in, you know, just north of Orange County. He also attended the US Air Force Academy before going on to LSU. Yeah, and there's a few things about Skeens I did not know. And they did a nice job on the TV broadcast last night talking about that. The Air Force board of it. Joe Davis didn't nice job. Yeah, I mean, and he's only 22 years old. And how young is he? I actually detected some acne on Paul Skeens last night. They get those young guys. Yeah, he's young. He's just a baby. And he's dating Livy. And if they have to, you know, if the guys got a little acne, maybe we don't have to hold the close up shot for like three straight minutes. Those 80 cameras don't help him. No, they don't miss a thing. I will say this. The broadcast last night did a really good job with Skeens because I felt like they got every aspect of the Paul Skeens experience. They got the mustache. They got the pitching, the fastball, some of the breaking stuff they got. Livy on TV. Of course. Hey, that was a must. Look, that was a must. She's a she's a star. I mean, she is social media wise huge. I'd say that's a power couple. You got just like Taylor Swift was all over the TV. I know Bert Kelsey. Yeah, get used to it. A real part of the story seriously. I don't mind. I got a good job. I've gotten used to that. I've gotten used to that. All right. The all star games in the books. Jared Duran was the MVP. He hit the two home, a two run home run in the fifth inning that decided the game. Otani did give everybody a thrill with that three run monster bomb that he hit while they were interviewing Soto and judge in the top of the third inning and it sailed over both of their heads and they were like, you know, I actually pretty impressed. You know, it's funny. I actually didn't. I didn't know that because I haven't. I wasn't listening. I was actually listening on the radio. Okay. That turned it on the radio. Yeah. No, they were interviewing Soto and judge at that time and both guys were kind of, they're both guys. Jaws dropped a little bit on the on the radio call Carl Ravech who does a nice job. He said, and I really wondered how in real time he knew this, he said it landed 12 rows deep in right field and I immediately said to myself, how does he know it's 12 rows in real time? I don't think he does. I meant to literally go on the TV and try to count it to see if he was right. It was they they they ruled it a 400 foot home run. Yeah. But they did not tell us exactly on television what row that ball landed in. All right. We are underway. Sam Levitt is sitting in with us for a couple of hours. We are hanging out until six o'clock. We've got all the regular stuff coming your way. A little daily gambit, a little Chris versus the fans, Frank and the infirmed Scrabie. We'll put together a big five and we'll probably open up and take some phone calls on the program today. Get some of your input thoughts on the first half of this Padre season and what you expect in the second half. So I jot down the phone number 833-288-0973. We'll talk with some of you here in this hour. Curious as to, you know, we I kind of know what I think about the Padre's first half and what I think about the second half coming up. But I'd like to hear what some of the listeners think. So we'll get to all of that as when Chris gets underway on 97.3 the fan. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives. Well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently with offline maps and on-trail navigation. Download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. Knowing how to speak and understand a new language can be an invaluable tool when traveling, meeting new friends, or just even a master new skill. But it's not always simple when you're bogged down by textbooks and structure classes. That's why so many people trust Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone is the most trusted language learning program available on desktop or as an app. It truly immerses you in the language you want to learn, like Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, and more. You won't just be studying English translations. The Rosetta Stone intuitive process helps you pick up a language naturally, first with words, then phrases, then sentences. Don't put off learning that language. There's no better time than right now to get started. For a very limited time, listeners can get Rosetta Stone's lifetime membership for 50% off. Visit That's 50% off unlimited access to 25 language courses for the rest of your life. Redeem your 50% off at today. I do it while making coffee. I do it in the car. I do it when the kids are asleep. What are they all doing? 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Offer valid for unlimited time, minimum $10 per order, excludes restaurants. Additional terms and fees apply. We've had an ongoing discussion all week on Gwen and Chris. Is this the worst sports day of the year on the calendar? I thought Monday maybe was, but Monday at least we could recap the Padres game on Sunday. Yesterday, we could get ready for the All-Star game. Today, we can talk about it, but all in all these three days, pretty quiet on the sports calendar. Now, I thought the WNBA missed an opportunity Monday on a day where there's no baseball of any kind. None of the major sports you're playing. WNBA was dark. There wasn't a single game on Monday. So I thought that was a mistake. I think you got to take center stage now. Maybe the home run Derby altered their plans, but I don't know, I like to watch a game rather than a contest. Tonight, there is a WNBA game, and it is one worth keeping an eye on Caitlin Clark will be an action for Indiana at Dallas. Other than that, not a whole lot to kick around in the sports world. Chris Ello here with Sam Levitt checking in today for a couple of hours. Nice enough to join us. Frank Marchese Big Frank is filling in for the our poor board op and producer of the program, Matt Scrabie, who's out for a second day in a row feeling nice sick. Now you can just say sick. This is where Scrabie messed up because tomorrow there's going to be absolutely nothing for you guys to talk about. He'll probably be back tomorrow. You think so. So you're going to vote for tomorrow as the worst day on the sports. Because again, at least today you have an all-star game tomorrow. The baseball doesn't get going again till Friday, right? I mean, I know the Padres don't play till Friday. So you can't preview Friday's game on tomorrow because whatever you do on Friday. I can preview the Super Bowl tomorrow if I want to. I don't know who's going to be playing in it. Sam, I'm glad to have you here. We're going to talk. I think we're going to open up the phone lines here in a little bit. I'm going to ask two questions to the listeners. One, give me your overall thoughts on the first half of the season and give me your thoughts on what in general you think is going to happen in the second half of the season. So we're going to open up the lines. But before we get to the listeners on that, Sammy, I'm going to ask you those questions. I mean, you've had a couple of days to digest the first 99 games. The roller coaster ride that was the first half of the season, whether Mike Schilt wants to admit it or not. 50 and 49. Frank and I were talking yesterday, a whole lot of amazing things had to happen in the first half of the season for them to only go 50 and 49. Or you can look at it the other way and say, got with all the injuries they had and, you know, guys out and, you know, certain star players not able to really put up the kind of numbers they normally do. 50 and 49 was pretty good. So it's, it's, I guess you can look at it one or the other or both ways. Yeah, I would say the record is right where you feel like it should be when you consider help up and down. And that's forgetting about the injuries even, but how up and down this first half was being the game above 500 feels just about right. I think overall, considering the injuries, I think you have to feel pretty good about this one thing. And that's that they are right in the mix with the second half of the season right in front of them. I mean, they have every chance to accomplish what they want to accomplish, which is make the postseason. And then we go from there, you're a game out of a wild guard spot, despite the injuries. Look, if somebody would have told you that you Darvish and Joe Musgrove would miss the majority of the first half. Yeah. What would you have said to that at spring training? If somebody told you Fernando Tothy's Jr would miss a month of the first half and it seems like quite a chunk of the second half. What would you say to that? Xander Bogart's missing almost two months to be, let's just look at playoff picture, a game out of a postseason spot. I think you would have signed up for that. But with that said, if you live in the last few weeks, I'll say this, it felt like this past week, the homestand was a big missed opportunity for the last team. It did. It did because you had a real change. It felt like, especially after the win on the Friday, the Machado walk off home run, a real opportunity. And I said this, I said this, I filled in for Benin Woods, uh, the day after July 4th. Okay. So that's the night that's been July 5th, July 5th. Okay. Okay. That night is the Machado walk off home run. Okay. And I'll say, that was the game that they, they led Suarez for one of the right few times. Propartize it. Propartize it with the right. Profar and then Manny, they win that. They go, what was it? Six games over 500 at that point. Correct. Right. I'll say the same thing now that I said, then there was a real opportunity on that homestand with how well they were playing. And especially after winning the first game of the homestand. Yeah. To put a real stamp on the first half, you could have, if you played well enough, finish eight, nine, 10 games above 500 carries some real 20, 25 game worth of momentum into the all star break. And they didn't do that. So, unfortunately, I felt like they went one and six after you put that pressure on them. Well, you ended the first half sort of with the same taste in your mouth that was really there the entire half, which is this is really up and down. It's probably going to stay that way for a while. And I think the question becomes, as we get into August, as we get into September, do you have a run enough of a run to go grab a postseason spot and you go from there? And that is right in front of them. So, when you zoom out, did anything really change from a month two months ago to now? Not really. You're kind of in the spot where they've been the whole time. Yeah. Real quick. And then we're going to get some phone calls on the next segment. So, if you're online, stick around eight, three, three, two, eight, eight, eight, nine, seven, three, but give me your, give me your top. I mean, it's tough, but give me your number one key to the second half of the season to them getting to where they want to go. Putting on the spot. This is what happens in a big time afternoon program like this drive time. Yeah. I think starting pitching. I mean, and whatever that means, right, if that is with Darvish, if that's with Musgrove, if it's without them, if it is with an addition or two that may happen in the next couple of weeks, however, they have to get it done. To me, it's starting pitching. I don't have despite some of the really cold stretches this offense has had for a few games at a time. I feel really good about this offense. Let's be honest about it. For the most part, they've been really good, Chris, and they've been fairly consistent in being able to produce runs. And they've had their, their peaks and valleys, but I'm not super worried about the offense, the bullpen look beyond the three of Mora Hona, Strada, and Suarez, we know there are some soft spots there and some spots where you just don't know what you get out into outing. But to me, if they pitch well, if guys like cease or the cease, we saw his last start before the all-star break, the start before that. Yeah, if King is King and he's, he is what he's been, if Vasquez continues to hold his own, if Waldron continues to be good, like, then I think you're in a really good spot. And you, and you would imagine, and I think we all imagine, it's that there's going to be an addition one way or the other. I just, I fail to see in the next couple of weeks here that, that AJ Preller, everything we know about him and how he operates and what he does, that there's not going to be some sort of addition, what that addition is, how big that addition is, what that addition costs. I have no idea, but I'm fairly confident in saying that there will be another starting pitcher on this team before August 1st. Almost assuredly, especially with the, if the starting pitching can hold up and be more consistent than it was in the first half, then I think they, they are in a pretty good position, because I think they can hit, I think the bullpen will not perfect, and they may get an addition or there as well, addition or two there as well. You know, I, I just feel like the starting pitching is a, is a really big key. If they can keep you in games and be more consistent than they were in the first half, guys like Seize King, et cetera, to me, that's the biggest key. Yeah. Well, I think you mentioned Dylan Seize. He is, Dylan Seize, honestly, is the poster boy for the first half of the San Diego Padres, because they were as inconsistent overall as he was individually. I mean, incredible. How many games did this guy? I'm looking at it right now, Sam. He had four games in the first half, where he picked six or more innings and allowed one or less hits, four games. You also had one, two, three, four, five games in which he allowed four or more earned runs in less than five innings and wasn't very good. So all right. All right, we'll get to some phone calls. That's the question on the board or two questions for you. What do you think of the first half? Now that you've had a little time to digest it, what do you think's going to happen in the second half? We'll let you go wherever you want with that. 833-288-0973. Crisello, Sam Levitt with us. Big Frank, go ahead and Chris. Frank says, let's go. So let's go. 242 is the time, Crisello. Sammy Levitt sitting in today. We appreciate that. Go ahead and Chris on 97-3 of the fan, Tony Gwen Jr. idle this week. And Matt Scravey forced out of action with illness. Hopefully, Scravey's back tomorrow. Don't forget tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. Even though it's the all-star break, we will have our Padres Radio Roundtable, at least I believe we will. I'm planning to show up for it. I haven't received notice that we're not having it. So one hour of commercial free Padre talk tomorrow morning from 10 to 11 a.m. If you happen to miss it, it plays again in the afternoon between five and six. But the radio roundtable has been really fun this year. And I think Sammy made an appearance on that. Yeah, a couple earlier this season. Yeah, I haven't been asked. And they only can fit five or six chairs into that studio. You know, so it's a high-level thing there. But yeah, we have some fun with that. And we'll talk everything, Padres, about the first half of the season and going into the second half. We got some phone callers. Gonna give you guys a shot here. 833-288-0973. Very simply, your, you know, thoughts on the first half. Now that we've had a few days to digest it. And what do we need to do? What do we need here in the second half if we're going to get to where we all want to go in October? But before we get to the phone calls, I have to say out there. Frank Marchese is a wonderful, wonderful guy. Do not. Absolutely. Do not. Call him in anger as somebody did. And verbally assault Frank because I, and it is 100% on me, have not brought up the fact that the open championship starts tomorrow across the pond. I don't want to say I don't care about the open championships. I kind of do. I'll say it. I don't care. You know, I'm in the tune in and watch some of the, I still call it the British open because honestly the open kind of leaves me wanting. But yeah, that's not on Frank. So please don't call and yell at Frank for something he has no control over. Appreciate that very much. And I don't care because I don't play golf. You're not a golfer at all. I've never played around the golf in my life. Is that right? Yes. That has got to put you in a tremendously small minority, especially of people living here in this city. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And I didn't grow up here. So could you, this is a miniature golf putt putt? Oh, yeah. A couple of rounds of that. Okay. But do you think if we, you and I after the show today, we're to run down here to stadium golf, you know, just down the road, could you, and we teed up a couple, could you, could you? Oh, yeah, I do the top golf in in, oh, you do in Glendale. Yeah, I've done it on my own. So you've done a lot of that stuff. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I've never played a round. Never played a, I've done putt putt it around to go. I've done top golf. In fact, I went to top golf a couple of times alone during spring training. Down there. Like on an off night or whatever. Yeah, it's a fun place to go. Yeah, it's a little expensive. Very expensive. You ask me. Yes. And I'd run it just and honestly, especially when you're doing it alone after like a half hour. You're like, yeah, yeah, at a board, it's like a, oh, I know a bucket of balls looks really inviting when you first get it. But when you're like halfway through the bucket of balls and your arms are like, uh, yeah, and I've had like 17 balls off to the side. Right. You're like, how am I ever going to get through this? That's the thing is like, after a while, I, I kind of figured out how to straighten it out. Well, it's the best, I can't. Really? Could you tell me? Not consistently. Tell me. No, no, no, but at least, at least where it's not slicing all the way. I play all the time, and I still can't figure out how to get it straight. I was hitting. I think I hit like, I think the highest I hit would, I think it was at least in top golf. I don't know what it actually was. Was like maybe 180. Perfect. 190. Does that sound realistic at top golf? I does. For somebody that doesn't play. Yeah, you get a 180 and it's straight. Yeah, you can have a pretty successful round of golf. That's what I always say. I can shoot. I can hit it 300 yards, 150 yards straight, 150 yards to the right. Yeah, that's right. You have what you want is the 150 that goes straight. That's all. All right. Enough golf talk and enough yelling at Frank because we haven't talked about golf. Let's get back to some Padre stuff. Josh, first on the board there from San Diego. Welcome into Gwen and Chris. Josh, how are you today? Yeah, I'm doing all right. Good. What do you think of the first half, Josh? And what do you think we need to do in the second half? So I got to actually give a shout out to Prowler with picking up Merrill and Profar because those two have been the outstanding players, picking up a rise up for the trade. They've really carried the team when it comes to the injuries because for some reason, when the Padres get injured, they play better. So when it comes to you Darvish and Bogar's injuries, they've actually played better when they're not out there and they're getting those guys from AAA and they need to actually just get the veterans to play to the levels they do because I mean, I'm a Tigers fan and some from the Detroit area originally, but it's just a laughing stock when you see San Diego have five games that they win and then they go on these five game losing the streak just to go back on a five game win streak to go back on a five game lose streak back and forth. One at the beginning of the season, it was a one and one. They need to make up their minds. They need to actually get together after a loss and go, okay, you know what? We lost this one, but tomorrow's another day of God giving our best so that we can actually save both 500 because I mean, what are they at like 30 times they've been at 500 now? 25 times officially, Josh, that they've been at the 500 mark. They're hoping to avoid 26 when they play in Cleveland Friday night. Thanks for the call. Here's the interesting thing, Sam. Yes, a lot of people have said this. We played better when the guys have been injured. I looked it up. The record with Zander Bogart's was 24 and 23. The record without Zander Bogart's was like 24 and 24 pretty much the same. You know, with Darvish, they had their moments without Darvish, they had their moment. This is a 500 team in every sense of the word and day games in night games, in home games, in road games, against left-handed pitchers, against right-handed pitchers, almost every metric you want to name, you look up the numbers, they are 500. It doesn't seem to matter almost who's been in the lineup and who hasn't been in the lineup. It really isn't a lot of way strange because like Josh says, you would think when they're healthy, that's when they'd be 10 games over. Yeah. And when they're not, they might be 10 games under, but it really hasn't been that way. Yeah. It's been the up and down nature has been from very, very early on. I mean, it was the entire first half pretty much, right? I mean, the seesaw nature of it, not that a 500 team naturally isn't up and down. A 500 team is up and down. That's how you're always hovering somewhere around 500, which is I think the thing that stands out with this group in the first half, is it, I mean, you can go back to like the Sunday in Kansas City. That was a stretch where they, and I don't have it in front of me right now, a stretch where they won five out of six. And from that point on, it was literally like win five out of six, lose five in a row, win five out of six, lose five in a row, win 12 out of 15, lose five in a row, and they lost six out of seven. That's exactly what happened. Exactly what happened in front of me. That is exactly, you're great. And that's why we call you the great one. That is exactly what happened. That is every 500 seen that volatile. I don't know. Yeah. Well, you know, we already, we noted the other day. And I think it was Craig texted me on this that they've had four five game losing streaks this year. The only other teams in baseball who've had that many are the Marlins, the White Sox and the Rockies, the worst teams in baseball. I think the Rangers snuck in there as well. But the point being they've done something that really only the bottom of the barrel teams have done this year, which is to have that many five game losing streaks. Now they've never had more than a five game losing streak. They've never had more than a five game win streak. If I'm not mistaken, right? What's their longest way? What is their longest win streak? Five five. So five is it both ways. Yeah. Yeah. And they've had a bunch of both. Right. And with four or five game losing streaks, they still somehow enter the break a game above, which is, I guess, the glass half full way of looking. That's how you've got to look at it if you're the Padres. I know one person who looks at it that way, the happiest guy on Earth, Mike Schilt, he looks at it as if, you know, everything that's gone against us and we've still managed to be here. That's fantastic. I just worry that pro far and Merrill and Higashioka and Waldron. And, you know, some of these guys that have really answered the question, you know, affirmatively in the first half, are going to come back to Earth in the second half. I'm not saying to say they're going to collab. I don't think that's going to happen. But I think they're going to come back to Earth. And if they do, you know, somebody's going to have to pick up that slack. Well, it boils down to what I think we consistently say it boils down to for this group, whether that was 2023 or here in 2024. And this is where I think I really disagree with the caller. And they've got to have their big guys carry the way. And that's where, you know, if you sit there and say, well, it seemed like they actually played better while those guys were out. I say, you know what, they were able to tread water for the most part through 99 games. But you can't sit there and tell me that Bogart's Manny Arise, Croninworth, and then the guys who you hope come back to tease Musgrove Darvish aren't going to be incredibly important to this team ultimately being in the postseason. Because if those guys are not good or don't contribute, I think it's probably fighting an uphill battle. I do. Just to add to your guys, there's 500 everywhere. Most times they've been shut out is eight. Most times they've shut out and opponent is five. So basically 500. Most amount of comeback wins 22, blown lead 16. So there they're about as far as 500 goes. Walk off win six, walk off losses four. Yeah, everything's even everything is even. And that's why it's all added up to to even let's go to Eddie and Chula Vista. Thanks for joining us today, Eddie. How are you? Yeah, Eddie lost the line. Hold on. Oh, Frank, get the line. Can't get Eddie for some reason. I can get the next guy. But this is something that I think well, Eddie, hang in there. We'll figure you out. Let's get Mario then a national city. How are you? Good. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, sir. Hey, well, so, so it's got to happen to season. For me, it's a little, it looks cool. You know, if they've done what they've done, some guys been hurt, some guys been thinking of other guys. The addition of the race arrived with a good addition for also, you know, but everybody has to be accountable including the third base coast. I think I've seen a third base coast give up about 10 runs and maybe half of them have been valuable runs, runs that might have been a difference in a win in the loss. But I think I think having an aggressive coast along with a little bit of money here and there, I spoke before to Sam about money. Okay, so when they do want, it's fun. Of course, they're trying to buck for a big shit. Not to advance the runner. They're going to try to buck for a big shit. White can't come for someone when I will then try to buck for a big shit. And if you don't get a big shit, the least he does get the butter to take it. Hey, Eddie, Mario. Sorry. That little mixed up there. Mario, thanks a lot. Hey, it's Brendan. Hey, it's Brendan. I will see you all tomorrow. But Gwen and Chris are just getting started. Sports Talkini. Your hosts, Tony Gwen Jr. For your chance to win a pair of tickets. Wow, what is this? The Peche and Chris Ello. You guy Rosario got a couple of bad bats last year. Brent Rooker got some bad bats. Aggie? Aggie Rosario. I said he guy. That needs to be a problem as well. It's time to get you up to speed on all things sports. With plenty of nonsense in between. Oh, look. Here comes our fearless producer. Gwen and Chris starts right now on 97th wreath of fan. And we head into our number two of Gwen and Chris for this Wednesday get together, Chris Ello. And Sam Levitt today, the great one is in. Tony Gwen Jr. has the week off for most of the week off to be on a flight to Cleveland with the Padres Thursday. And he'll join us from Ohio on Friday's program. Frank Marchese is in for the ailing Matt Scrabie today. Day two of the Frank Marchese residency here on this program. It's like a residency in Vegas. That's right, Frank. This is big time. You know what it is. He's got like a DJ residency, you know, because he pushes buttons. He spins the dials. He plays music and he takes it. He takes one for the team. When people are upset about the fact we haven't talked about the British Open, he takes them on. So if you're a listener out there and you feel like, hey, you know, I've been wanting to get out to one of these great Vegas residencies, whether that's, I don't know, Usher, Celine Dion, take your pick. Celine Dion is probably not performing at this time. Yeah, I know. But she's been real health problems. She I think she did have a residency that's a major health problem. So I hope she's okay. Right. But any of these major stars that have these residencies, well, if you feel bad, don't worry. You're listening to the Frank Marchese resident San Diego residency on board as a fellow New Yorker. How did you miss Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden? Is that a residency? Yes, that was. No, yes, it was a long goody play there. What's a month for about five years? Yeah, but a Vegas residency. I gotta tell you, I got I considered a lost opportunity in my life that I have never seen Billy Joel live. He's great. I've seen well, he's one of my all time favorites. And I'm, you know, I have about a million of his songs on my phone. Well, as somebody I've never seen him perform. As somebody from from Long Island, I'm supposed to love Billy Joel. I like Billy Joel. It's part of the New York. I like Billy Joel as much as the next guy. I mean, part of your D your New York DNA. You know, I remember his song, The Night the Lights went out on Broadway. Have you ever heard that one, Frank? Miami 2027. No, Miami 2017. That's right. That's right. And when that song came out, though, it seemed like we'd never get to Miami 2017. And now here we are. Did we ever then we blew past that? So yeah, Billy Joel's all time or as far as I'm concerned. All right. That's just one more thing on this. Yes. That's another thing. Bruce Springsteen. That's like a big, a big sports writer, sports broadcaster, I feel thing. Everybody likes Bruce Springsteen, likes to go to the Springsteen show. You ever ever hear that like the best show? He's like one of the few guys that plays for like three and a half hours and doesn't take a break. Springstream Springsteen is in a class by himself when it comes to concert performing. So there you have it, Sam. Have you not seen him either? No, yeah, nor Billy Joel. So Sam Levitt, what have you done with your life? You have not seen Springsteen, you've not seen Joel and you've not golfed around competitively. What's left? What is left? He's one minor league broadcaster in the year. Right now, everything non-work pretty much revolves around me playing pickleball. Oh, you are a pickleball guy. I thought you were kidding when you mentioned Paul again. So the last two days, because I've been staying up in this Airbnb in Encinitas. Okay. Last because my little background here, right? Because we haven't talked about this. We have plenty of time. See my dad and my dad is here. By the way, it's my dad 65th birthday today. Yeah. Happy birthday, dad. Yes. You know, I don't know your dad, but I did meet your mom. Yes. Your mom's terrific. Yes. Sorry at the ball game. You housed her in the, you know, you took care of your mom. You're a sweet. Yeah. When I used to bring my mom to baseball games, I didn't let her anywhere near the sweet, but you had your mom right there in the sweet. She's a lovely lady. So we're staying up in an Airbnb in Encinitas. So it's my dad's birthday today. And congratulations, dad. So anyway, it's a big one. It's a big one. Yeah. So the last couple of days, I've went for a couple of hours to a new pickleball place of mine that I've never played and I've had a good time. So yes, today I didn't play, but a lot of people, a lot of people don't even know what pickleball is. Like, at least I know what it is. Yeah. And I'm a, I've played tennis to rack it much in my life. Yeah, it's a mini tennis. It's a mini tennis. I don't find pickleball. Here's my thing with pickleball. It seems like a knee surgery waiting to happen. There is a lot of bending. A lot of bending and stretching and quick movements and turning and bending. You're not you're playing your foot. You're going the other direction. There goes a knee. Yeah, you're you're not. Yeah, I'm not playing above your waist very much at all. No, where as in tennis, it's a little bit more above your waist. Two things and then we can move on from this to things that that I think don't let us stand in your way, Sam, for that for those out there that maybe are considering pickleball or have have noticed the uptick in pickleball. Oh, yeah, it's a big deal. That's for sure. There are two things that are really nice about it. Number one, people of all ages can play because it is it's a smaller court, so you don't have to have great speed to cover a lot of ground. You don't have to run around and I play against people that are double my age. Sometimes they beat me. Okay, they're they're more technically skilled than I am. And those people that see being you're about 50, those guys have people got to be 100. Number two, number two, there's so many places you can show up on literally a weekday morning afternoon, weekend, whatever, and there are people there to play. It's like a pick up basketball, pick up pickleball, type vibe. Seriously, pick up pickleball. Those two reasons. It's pretty good. All right. Well, there's a vote for pickleball from Sam Lovett. But if you want me to give you some insight as to how devoted to pickleball he is. Sure. So what was it? Last Friday, you covered for Ben and Woods? Yes. 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So one hour of commercial free Padre talk tomorrow morning from 10 to 11 a.m. If you happen to miss it, it plays again in the afternoon between five and six. But the radio roundtable has been really fun this year. And I think Sammy made an appearance on that. Yeah, a couple earlier this season. Yeah, I haven't been asked. They only can fit five or six chairs into that studio. You know, so it's a high level thing there. But yeah, we have some fun with that. And we'll talk everything. Padre's about the first half of the season and going into the second half. We got some phone callers. Can I give you guys a shot here? 833-288-0973. Very simply your, you know, thoughts on the first half. Now that we've had a few days to digest it. And what do we need to do? What do we need here in the second half if we're going to get to where we all want to go in October? But before we get to the phone calls, I have to, I have to say out there. Frank Marchese is a wonderful, wonderful guy. Do not absolutely do not call him in anger as somebody did. And verbally assault Frank, because I, and it is 100% on me, have not brought up the fact that the open championship starts tomorrow across the pond. I don't want to say I don't care about the open championships. I kind of do. I'll say it. I don't care. You know, I've been to tune in and watch some of the, I still call it the British open because honestly the open kind of leaves me wanting. But yeah, that's not on Frank. So please don't call and yell at Frank for something he has no control over. Appreciate that very much. And I don't care because I don't play golf. You're not a golfer at all. I've never played around the golf in my life. Is that right? Yes. That has got to put you in a tremendously small minority, especially of people living here in this city. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And, you know, I didn't grow up here. So could you, I mean, this is a miniature golf putt putt. Oh, yeah. A couple of rounds of that. Oh, yeah. But do you think if we, you and I after the show today, we're to run down here to stadium golf, you know, just down the road, could you, and we teed up a couple? Could you, could you? Oh, yeah. I do the top golf in, oh, you do in Glendale. Yeah. I've done it on my own. So you've done a lot of that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I've never played a round. You've never played a, uh, putt putt putt it around a golf. I've done top golf. In fact, I went to top golf a couple of times. Yeah. Alone during spring training. Ah, down there. Like on an off night or whatever. Yeah. It's a fun place to go. Yeah. It's a little expensive. Very expensive. He asked me. Yes. And I'd rather, and honestly, especially when you're doing it alone, after like a half hour. You're like, yeah, you get a kind of board. It's like a round. Oh, I know. A bucket of balls looks really inviting when you first get it. But when you're like halfway through the bucket of balls and your arms are like, uh, yeah. And I've had like 17 balls off to the side. Right. You're like, how am I ever going to get through this? That's the thing is like, after a while, I, I kind of figured out how to straighten it out. It's the best I can. Literally. Could you tell me? Not consistently. Could you tell me? No, no, no. But at least, at least where it's not slicing all the way to all the time. And I still can't figure out how to get it straight. I was hitting. I think I hit like, I think the highest I hit would, I think it was at least in top golf. I don't know what it actually was. It was like maybe 180. Perfect. 190. Does that sound realistic at top golf? It does for somebody that doesn't play. Yeah. You get a 180 and it's straight. Yeah. You can have a pretty successful round of golf. That's what I always say. I could shoot. I could hit it 300 yards, 150 yards straight, 150 yards to the right. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. What you want is the 150 that goes straight. That's all. All right. Enough golf talk and enough yelling at Frank because we haven't talked about golf. Let's get back to some Padre stuff. Josh, first on the board there from San Diego. Welcome into Gwyn and Chris. Josh, how are you today? Yeah, I'm doing all right. Good. What do you think of the first half, Josh? And what do you think we need to do in the second half? So I got to actually give a shot out the parlor with pickin' up Merrill and Profar because those two have been the outstanding players. Pickin' up a rise for the trade. They've really carried the team when it comes to the injuries because for some reason when the Padres get injured, they played better. So when it comes to youth arvish and faux guard injuries, they've actually played better when they're not out there and they're getting those guys from AAA and they need to actually just get the better and play to the levels they do because, I mean, I'm a Tigers fan and some from the Detroit area originally, but it's just a laughing stock when you see San Diego have five games that they win and then they go on these five-game losing streaks just to go back on a five-game win streak to go back on a five-game lose streak back and forth. One at the beginning of the season, it was a one-on-one. They need to make up their minds. They need to actually get together after a loss and go, "Okay, you know what? We lost this one, but tomorrow's another day of God giving our back so that we can actually save both 500 because, I mean, what are they at, like, 30 times they've been at 500 now?" 25 times officially, Josh, that they've been at the 500 mark. They're hoping to avoid 26 when they play in Cleveland Friday night. Thanks for the call. Here's the interesting thing, Sam. Yes. A lot of people have said this. We played better when the guys have been injured. I looked it up. The record with Zander Bogarts was 24 and 23. The record without Zander Bogarts was like 24 and 24. Pretty much the same. You know, with Darvish, they had their moments, without Darvish, they had their moment. This is a 500 team in every sense of the word and day games, in night games, in home games, in road games, against left-handed pitchers, against right-handed pitchers, almost every metric you want to name, you look up the numbers, they are 500. It doesn't seem to matter almost who's been in the lineup and who hasn't been in the lineup. It really isn't a lot of way strange because, like Josh says, you would think when they're healthy, that's when they'd be 10 games over. Yeah. And when they're not, they might be 10 games under, but it really hasn't been that way. Yeah. It's been the up-and-down nature has been from very, very early on. I mean, it was the entire first half, pretty much, right? I mean, the CSUN nature of it, not that a 500 team naturally isn't up and down. A 500 team is up and down. That's how you're always hovering somewhere around 500, which is, I think, the thing that stands out with this group in the first half, is it, I mean, you can go back to like the Sunday in Kansas City. That was a stretch where they, and I don't have it in front of me right now, a stretch where they won five out of six. And from that point on, it was literally like, win five out of six, lose five in a row, win five out of six, lose five in a row, win 12 out of 15, lose five in a row, and they lost six out of seven. That's exactly what happened. It happened in front of me. That is exactly, you're great. And that's why we call you the great one. That is exactly what happened. And every 500 team that volatile, I don't know. Yeah. Well, you know, we already, we noted the other day and I think it was Craig texted me on this that they've had four five game losing streaks this year. The only other teams in baseball who've had that many are the Marlins, the White Sox and the Rockies, the worst teams in baseball. I think the Rangers snuck in there as well. But the point being they've done something that really only the bottom of the barrel teams have done this year, which is to have that many five game losing streaks. Now, they've never had more than a five game losing streak. They've never had more than a five game win streak. If I'm not mistaken, right? What's their longest, what is their longest one? Five five. So five is it both ways. Yeah. And they've had a bunch of both. And with four or five game losing streaks, they still somehow enter the break a game above, which is, I guess, the glass half full way of looking. That's how you've got to look at it. If you're the quadrant, I know one person who looks at it that way, the happiest guy on Earth, Mike Schilt. He looks at it as if, you know, everything that's gone against us and we've still managed to be here. That's fantastic. I just worry that Profar and Merrill and Higashioka and Waldron and, you know, some of these guys that have really answered the question, you know, affirmatively in the first half are going to come back to Earth in the second half. I'm not going to say they're going to collab. I don't think that's going to happen. But I think they're going to come back to Earth. And if they do, you know, somebody's going to have to pick up that slack. Well, it boils down to what I think we consistently say it boils down to for this group, whether that was 2023 or here in 2024. And this is where I think I really disagree with the caller. And they've got to have their big guys carry the way. And that's where, you know, if you sit there and say, well, it seemed like they actually played better while those guys were out. I say, you know what, they were able to tread water for the most part through 99 games. But you can't sit there and tell me that Bogart's manny arise, crone and worth. And then the guys, so you hope come back the teas must grow of Darvish aren't going to be incredibly important to this team, ultimately being in the postseason. Because if those guys are not good or don't contribute, I think it's probably fighting an uphill battle. I do just to add to your guys is they're 500 everywhere. Most times they've been shut out is eight. Most times they've shut out and opponent is five. So basically 500. Most amount of comeback wins 22 blown leads 16. So there they're about as far as 500 goes, walk off win six walk off losses for everything's even everything is even. And that's why it's all added up to to even let's go to Eddie and Chula Vista. Thanks for joining us today, Eddie. How are you? Yeah, Eddie lost the line. Hold on. Oh, Frank, get the line. Can't get Eddie for some reason. I can get the next guy. But this is something that I think well, Eddie, hang in there. We'll figure you out. Let's get Mario then a national city. How are you? Good part of the afternoon. Good afternoon, sir. Hey, well, so it's got to happen with these in for me. It looks cool. You know, if they've done what they've done, some guys have been hurt. Some guys have been thinking of other guys. The addition of the race arrived with a good addition for Alta, you know. But everybody has to be accountable including the third base coast. I've seen the third base coast give up about 10 runs. And maybe half of them have been valuable runs, runs that might have been a difference in the win and the loss. But I think I think having an aggressive coast along with a little bit of money here and there, I spoke before to Sam about money. Okay, so when they do buy, it's fun. Of course, they're trying to butt for a big shit, not to advance the runner. They're going to try to butt for a big shit. Why can't come with Simon when I will then try to butt for a big shit? And if you don't get a big shit, the least he does get up under the second. Hey Eddie, Mario, sorry. Got little mixed up there. Mario, thanks a lot. Hey, it's Greg's man. I will see you all tomorrow. But Gwen and Chris are just getting started. Sports talkative. Your hosts, Tony Gwen Jr. For your chance to win a pair of tickets. Wow. What is this? The pet chain and Chris. Hello, you guys. Rosario got a couple of bad bats last year. Brent Rooker got some at bats. Eggy? Eggy Rosario. I said, you guy. That needs to be a problem as well. It's time to get you up to speed on all things sports. Yes. Yes. Yes. With plenty of nonsense in between. Oh, look. Here comes our fearless producer. Gwen and Chris starts right now on 97 3 The Fair. And we head into hour number two of Gwen and Chris for this Wednesday get together, Chris Ellen. And Sam Levitt today, the great one is in. Tony Gwen Jr. has the week off for most of the week off. We on a flight to Cleveland with the Padres Thursday and he'll join us from Ohio on Friday's program. Frank Marchese is in for the ailing match. Graby today. Day two of the Frank Marchese residency here on this program. It's like a residency in Vegas. That's right, Frank. This is big time. You know what it is. He's got like a DJ residency, you know, because he pushes buttons, he spins the dials, he plays music, and he takes one for the team. When people are upset about the fact we haven't talked about the British Open, he takes them on. So if you're a listener out there and you feel like, hey, you know, I've been wanting to get out to one of these great Vegas residencies, whether that's, I don't know, Usher, Celine Dion, take your pick. Celine Dion's probably not performing at this time. Yeah, I know, but she's been real health, bro. I think she did have a residency. She did at some point. I know she's had major health problems. So I hope she's okay. Right. But any of these major stars that have these residencies, well, if you feel bad, don't worry, you're listening to the Frank Marchese resident San Diego residency on board as a fellow New Yorker. How did you miss Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden? Is that a residency? Yes, that was. No. Yes, it was. A long did he play there? What's a month for about five years? Yeah, but a Vegas residencies. I got to tell you, I consider it a lost opportunity in my life that I have never seen Billy Joel live. He's great. I've seen well, he's one of my all-time favorites. And, you know, I have about a million of his songs on my phone. Well, as somebody I've never seen him perform. As somebody from from Long Island, I'm supposed to love Billy Joel. I like Billy Joel. It's part of the New York. I like Billy Joel as much as the next guy. I'm part of your New York DNA. You know, I remember his song, The Night the Lights went out on Broadway. Have you ever heard that one, Frank? Miami 2027. No, Miami 2017. That's right. That's right. And when that song came out, though, it seemed like we'd never get to Miami 2017. And now here we are. Did we ever, then we blew past that. So, yeah, Billy Joel's all-timer, as far as I'm concerned. All right, that's just one more thing on this. Yeah, that's another thing. Bruce Springsteen. That's like a big, a big sports writer, sports broadcaster, I feel thing. Everybody likes Bruce Springsteen, likes to go to the Springsteen show. You ever hear that? Springsteen puts on like the best show. He's like one of the few guys that plays for like three and a half hours and doesn't take a break. Springsteen Springsteen is in a class by himself when it comes to concert performing. So there you have it, Sam. Have you not seen him either? No. Yeah. No, nor Billy Joel. So, Sam Levitt, what have you done with your life? You have not seen Springsteen, you've not seen Joel and you've not golfed around competitively. What's left? What is left? He's one minor league broadcaster in the year. Right now, everything non-work pretty much revolves around me playing pickleball. Oh, you are a pickleball guy. I thought you were kidding when you mentioned Paul. So, the last two days, because I've been staying up in this Airbnb in Encinitas, little background here, right? Because we haven't talked about this. We have plenty of time, Sam. My dad is here. By the way, it's my dad's 65th birthday today. Yeah. Happy birthday, Dad. Yes. You know, I don't know your dad, but I did meet your mom. Yes. And your mom's terrific. Yes. Sorry at the ball game. You housed her in the, you know, you took care of your mom. You're the sweet. Yeah. When I used to bring my mom to baseball games, I didn't let her anywhere near the sweet, but you had your mom right there in the sweet. She's a lovely lady. So, we're staying up in an Airbnb in Encinitas. So, it's my dad's birthday today. And congratulations, Dad. So, anyway, it's a big one. It's a big one. So, the last couple of days, I've went for a couple of hours to a new pickleball place of mine that I've never played. And I've had a good time. So, yes, today I didn't play, but... A lot of people, a lot of people don't even know what pickleball is. Like, at least I know what it is. Yeah. And I'm a, I've played tennis. It's a racket sport. Much in my life. Yeah. It's a mini tennis. It's a mini tennis. I don't find pickleball. Here's my thing with pickleball. It seems like a knee surgery waiting to happen. There is a lot of bending. A lot of bending and stretching and quick movements and turning. A lot of bending. You're not... You're playing your foot. You're not getting right. You go in the other direction. Sure. There goes a knee. Yeah. You're not... Yeah, I'm worried about that. You're playing above your waist very much at all. No. Whereas, in tennis, it's a little bit more above your waist. Two things, and then we can move on from this. Two things that I think... Don't let us stand in your way, Sam. Well, for that head. For those out there that maybe are considering pickleball or have noticed the uptick in pickleball is in this area. That's for sure. There are two things that are really nice about it. Number one, people of all ages can play because it is, it's a smaller court. You don't have to have great speed to cover a lot of ground. You don't have to run around. And I play against people that are double my age sometimes and they beat me. Okay. They beat me. Okay. They're more technically skilled than I am. So those people, as you're about 50, those got to be people got to be 100. Number two. Number two. There are so many places you can show up on literally a weekday morning, afternoon, weekend, whatever. And there are people there to play. It's like a pick up basketball type vibe, seriously. Pick up pickleball. For those two reasons, it's pretty good. All right. Well, there's a vote for pickleball from Sam Leavitt. If you want me to give you some insight as to how devoted to pickleball, he is. Sure. So what was it? Last Friday you covered for Ben and Woods? Yes. Okay. So covers for Ben and Woods does pre-empose that night, complains that he's tired, wakes up the next morning and what I would have to assume would be what I would have to assume would be about seven o'clock in the morning to play pickleball on Saturday. I actually played tennis that morning, but I was interested of instead of sleeping. No, sleeping and complaints to me all night about how tired he is. Yeah. And then on Sunday has to be at the ballpark, like eight o'clock to do pre-empose sleep in the fall. You know, the old saying claims to me about how tired he is. You know, the old saying, Frank, sleep when you're dead. You know, there's things to do stuff to be done. Sam Leavitt can't miss anything. All right. Let's get to back to some phone calls. How about that? We've already regaled people now with about 20 minutes worth of pickleball talk. Let me go to Doug down there and San Marcos. Doug, thanks for joining us. Talking about the first half of the Padres season and what we're hoping for in the second half. Hey, Doug. Hey, guys. How you doing, man? Good. Hey, listen, first of all, I want to say thanks, Frank. Great two days here, buddy. Well, thanks. And also it's good to have Sammy aboard for a couple hours here. Appreciate that. Nice. I've talked to you a few times. I know. But hey, listen, man. Look, I've been a Padre fans since 1973. So I've been around a while. And I'd like to say that the Padres had developed my ability to have a positive attitude. And what I mean by that is I don't even want to comment on the first half. It was the first half. But I think that we got the injuries. We're getting them out of the way. And we're going to bust out in the second half. That's what I want to think. And I want to think that everybody's going to come together and play as a Padre team that we know and see them come together and get us into the playoffs. And, you know, hopefully take us midway, get us a little deep. But I'm trying to be positive. And I know how these Padres can be. And, man, I'm thinking back to Ozzy Smith and Dave Winfield and Randy Jones and them boys, you know, I watched them guys. I was at games and I'm looking forward for a bust out second half. That's all. That's all I got to say, guys. Well, you know, Doug, looking at it from that perspective, it is certainly something that is possible. You know, look, I mean, there's some ifs attached to it. But I mean, if Darvish comes back, I think that might be the longest shot on the board unfortunately right now, just from everything we hear about Darvish and, you know, the whatever the troubling situation that he's dealing with at home. But let's go to Musgrove. Joe Musgrove pitches Joe Musgrove for a month and a half. Comes back in August. That could change everything on its own. Yeah. What if what if Manny really was just hurt the first two and a half months and is finally now getting healthy and is ready to, you know, be the consistent Manny that he was during that 15 game stretch when they won 12 games. Tony pointed out many times there was no accident that they won 12 out of 15 during the hottest stretch that Manny Machado's had this season. That goes a long way in Bogart's. I just hope he has the second half this year that he had last year. A lot of people don't realize that Bogart's ended up last season. 19 homers, 19 steals, 280. They just thought he had a terrible year. They gave up on Bogart's. He never gave up and he kept on going and he ended up having an OK season. If Fernando Tatiz Jr. comes back in August for two months. Is it one of the most electric players in the game? Yeah. So, I mean, all those things happen. And Profar, Higashyoka, Merrill and Waldron are just, you know, a facsimile of what they were in the first half. There's no reason that the Padres can't bust out to seven, eight, nine, 10 games over 500 and that ought to be plenty. Yeah. I think two things. Number one, I think, and still some of these guys get back whenever that is at whatever part of, let's say August that is, it is still going to be very much an exercise of at minimum, just staying afloat. Look, they've got a really hard road trip coming out of the break. Yeah, they could do great on that road trip. We've seen this team at time. Every time we think they've got a tough road on the road and great and it's really good team. So, I would not put it past them to put together a good road trip. They got to do it. But at bare minimum, stay afloat and be ready for the final month and a half, two months to make the final push. I think that is at bare minimum, what you're hoping for. Here's the other thing that if you want to take the very, very positive look at the second half, another feather in your cap, if you will, forget who's healthy, who's injured, who's here, who's not, all the particulars of each guy, they have been a far different group. Feel wise, fight wise, come back nature wise, being able to rise to the occasion than they were last year. And I don't think despite just being a game above 500, despite that, to me, they have felt like a very different group in that sense than a year ago, despite being up and down, despite being a game above 500, they have felt like this team should have an ability to rise to the occasion, maybe when the lights get brightest and late August into September. I think what Doug is, you know, pointing to is the fact that there is a huge opening there to for an upswing in the second half. There just is, there's a lot, they, another way of saying it, not everybody has played to their potential yet, and has been healthy enough to play to their potential yet. Yeah, but to your point, if they do, right, to your point early, they've also had guys playing over there above what you thought you were going to get. Richard Hillcrest, thanks for joining us on the Padre conversation today. How are you, sir? Hey guys, thank you for taking my call. Listen, I want to tell you my first help highlight guys. I'm a West Coast kid. I'm on my late 50s. I've never been to the East Coast. I went to go to the Padre's play in Fenway Park and has a timeline of life. This team is an exciting team to watch. I think for the second half, what I'm looking forward to is a strong last month and a half push. I think if we can get guys healthy, like you guys are talking about, there's a darn good chance to make the playoffs and make some statements in the playoffs. Climbing is everything. We all know that, but if we get things right, we've got a pretty good darn good team going into the playoffs, guys, except for the Phillies. They scare me. Well, they should. They've had the Padres number for a while. I'd worry about the Phillies when you get there. Yeah, let's worry about that when we get there. Here's the crazy thing about the playoffs. Richard, I'm glad you had a great time at Fenway Park because I got to tell you that is one of the highlights of all baseball to go get to see a game at Fenway Park. I'm glad you got to do that. And if you saw the first couple of games there, man, if you saw the right two games, yeah, lots of fun. The playoffs to me are a little broken in Major League Baseball, but while they are, it's more advantageous, believe it or not, to be the six seed than it is to be either the four or the five seed if you're a wild card. And frankly, the Padres are probably going to be a wild card. It's going to take something crazy for them to make up seven games now, but and the reason I say that is because the six seed, if they win the first round, plays the two seed in the second round. Whereas the four or five winner has to play the one seed. And if you look now two years ago, right, the Padres were the four or five and they ended up beating the Dodgers anyway, but the World Series team out of the National League the last two years has been the six seed two years in row. Diamondbacks last year, Phillies year before that. I think baseball needs to consider receding for the second round. Just to, you know, so the lowest seeded team, which if the six wins would have to play the one, but that is something that, you know, Rob Manford and company probably can't figure out, so I don't want to ask for the impossible. Right. But I just, you can't, you can't try to get the six seed. You have to go for the four. No, last in case. Last year was a little weird though, because so the Diamondbacks beat the Brewers in the wild card. They then played the Dodgers where they swept them. So let's say they had been the five, they would have played the Phillies. And then they would have gone on to play the Braves. Yeah. Yeah. Well, because the Braves were the one last year. Right. That's the way it worked. You know, I don't know. Maybe it doesn't, maybe it's all much of you about nothing. But I think it's interesting that the six seed has made it two straight years. Yeah, I don't hate the idea of receding. Yeah, I think it, and that's something other people have talked about the idea of receding it once you get past the right and what is what is baseball say about that? Well, baseball has a lot of opinions about everything from uniforms to baseball doesn't know what the hell they're doing. Texas was the five seed last year coming out of the American League, by the way, if you're wondering. Right. So then they had the play. So they they played the four and the one and they were successful knocking a member. Texas beat the Orioles and swept them. And the Orioles had not been swept in a series the entire season last year. And here's the thing. Each year's different. Let's take the every year's every year's different because here's what I'll say about the Rangers last year. So they beat the rate they were the five the Rangers. They beat the four in the wild card series, which is the race. Right. Then they had to play the Orioles the number one seed in the ALDS. I'll tell you this, if I'm the Rangers, I'd rather play a young Orioles team that's never been there than play the Astros team that was the number two. And they ended up having to play them also. Right. As it turned out in the AL championship series and beat them in a a series that I don't think the home team want to settle game like to me, the Orioles, he was that the Orioles are a fascinating team this year because they're really good again. They have a year under their belt of at least being in the postseason. They should add if they're going to add. I don't I don't know if they will because they don't seem to, you know, like making huge moves. I know they traded for burns, but they're they're really interesting because they're really good. A lot of teams are but the baseball playoffs, and I've said this for a while, the baseball playoffs, baseball has the worst way to decide a champion based on the way it's sport is played because you really decide who the best team is over 162 games. You certainly don't decide it based on the outcome of five games. But what are you going to do? Yeah, you got to have a playoffs. I'm certainly not ready to do the Premier League thing where you just play the whole season and at the end you say, oh, the champions are the Dodgers. They have the best records. That seems silly too. Yeah. I mean, you could argue that's really the way to do it. That will never happen in a billion years. It should. But the look, the thing with the division winners, the number one in two seeds, getting the time off, unless you change the format or everybody plays some sort of first round series. I don't know how you rectify that. Then you're talking about taking away what the advantages of winning the division, but I get it in the sense of it's a sport very much about rhythm and playing every day. And then all of a sudden, right before your most important games, you're not playing for whatever it is for five days. I don't know what the answer to that. The Orioles, the Orioles got beat after taking some time off last year. The Braves got beat. The Dodgers, the Braves, the only team that won after taking some time off last year was the Astros. Yeah. Look, having having 300 plus win scenes out before the championship series. So strange. It's strange. Again, good or bad that's up to you, but strange is a good word to you have for it. All right. We'll take a quick break. Check this heading your way. All right. Back with more going to Chris 325 is the time, Chris. Sam Levitt is alongside today, the great one from the Padre pre and post game show. In fact, you have two people on the program today who have made great careers out of the Padre pre and post game show prior to you, Sam, it was me. All right. So, you know, there you go. And, you know, look at what's happened for both of us. I'm still sitting here. You're out, you know, being adored by millions. Frank Mark Casey, Big Frank is in for the ailing Matt Scrabie today. By the way, I have a breaking Padre's news. You want to hear it? I do. I have probable, probable pitchers for this series against Cleveland's the guardians quickly. Yeah, let's have it. It starts Friday with the Sam Levitt pre game show at three 10. Correct Friday afternoon. So Friday, right hander, Matt Waldron. Waldron gets the start for a reopening day, if you will, Saturday, right hander, Dylan C Sunday, right hander, Michael King. All right. And for the guardians, Tanner, Bobby on Friday, Gavin Williams on Saturday been lively on Sunday. Interesting. But I just don't know a thing about any of those guys. Bobby's good Williams. Good. I think they're all pretty good. To me, the AL Central is where players go to disappear from view. You know, especially us here in San Diego, we just have very little tigers. Yeah, we just have very little little little contact with the American like central. But I know Josh Naylor's in Cleveland. Yeah. And he'll be pumped up for the year. He was one of 10 Padres. Sorry. He was one of 10 former Padres. Right. That was suited up in the all-star game last night. And I know a lot of people like to make a big deal out of that. You know, we let we let this guy get away and we let that guy get away. I pretty sure that every team in baseball could say the same thing. Yeah. I'm pretty sure even the Dodgers, even the Braves, there's some former players from those teams that have gone elsewhere also. Yeah. It's not just it's not a situation that is only on the Padres. I'd have to look at the I would to I'd have to look the list to actually see. Okay. Yeah. Who are the guys that were actually former Dodger? They let him get away. C.J. Abrams now in that category too. For the Padres. Right. There were the 10 Padres, Padres drafted or signed minor leaguers. They had a list in their system. They had a list in the paper today. And I didn't memorize it. But you know, Abrams, Trey Turner, Trey Turner, to me, it's a fugazi to keep talking about how I wish we had Trey Turner. You had Fernando Tatis, Jr. And if you, you know what I mean? Or if you had Trey Turner, you would have never got Fernando Tatis, Jr. Right. Max Fried. There. There are there are a number of my point. My point on Trey Turner is if you would have kept him in the system and you know, made it to the major leagues as the Padres shortstop, fine, you'd have Trey Turner, but you'd have never traded for Fernando. So, you know, all of these things, every domino falls and has an effect on another domino down the road. Yeah. But it's easy to sit here and go, Oh, my God, the Padres organization blew it, man. Yeah. Closs in. Former Padres. There's, there's a number. Yeah. The Munoz one hurts. I will say that. Doesn't seem like the potter's got a whole hell of a lot for Munoz other than, you know, a couple of months of a struggling Aaron Nola or Austin Nola. I would say the wrong Nola. I got, I got the solution to the Padres starting pitching problems for the second half. Okay. Since you came in with some breaking news, I'm going to come in with solutions. Okay. How would you like a guy and your staff that 13 months ago pitched a perfect game in Major League Baseball to Mingo, Herman. He's available. The right hander has exercised an opt out clause in his contract and has been released by the Pittsburgh Pirates. Herman was a AAA Indianapolis this year. My goodness. Eyes fall. Well, and how fast they fall. Chris, he wasn't all that good aside from the perfect game. I know, but he's still put either was, which was caught by Kyle. I got you. Yeah. And that perfecto was in Oakland too. So you also have to say that should count. So it really counts as a. No, it counts as a perfect game, but it's not like he shut out the Astros. Herman's all time record is 31 and 28 with a 441 ERA over 89 starts. So he did have an 18 and four season in 2019, but that season ended early because he was placed on administrative leave for domestic violence allegations. He also was suspended for 18 or 20 more games for, I think he didn't have drinking issues. Anyway, let's just steer clear after Mingo, Herman. I'm just bringing it up. It's kind of an aside. Yeah. Look, it's just on the starting pitching question. And by the way, as an aside, we have got to, I think, as a sport, we've been talking about the trade deadline for a month already, and it's still two weeks away. Every podcast I listen to all this, we talk about the deadline to me like four weeks too early. Yeah. When is the actual deadline? I don't even know. I'll get spurs. August 1st. Yeah. So we've got two weeks. The M Pacific, I think, two weeks of action. And by the way, Moat, the arise deal, it was the anomaly of a trade that just kind of happens out of nowhere that's really notable. But most of this stuff happens, you know, in the 48 hours leading up to the deadline, there's only been two notable trades all season in baseball, we made them both. Yeah. All right, we got to time out here. A couple of people on the lines that wanted to check in on the Padres and their thoughts on the first half and what we got to do to be successful in the second half, we'll get back to some phone calls 833-288-0973 after this. Matt Waldron, we'll kick off the second half of the Padres season. That news was broken on this very program by our Sam Levitt, actually not. I'm sure you just read it from something else. Well, I told the masses out there about it, right? I was not the first to tweet it. Yeah, you got it out there quickly, though. I could have been. Sam Levitt, by the way, Sam, when you tweet something in general, just kind of like some sort of statistic or anomaly, how many likes do you normally get? It totally depends on what it is. Because you are one of the social media darlings of San Diego. I'm more of a darling on the other platforms than I am Twitter, but I mean, it depends on what I tweet. He says, I'm more of a darling than the other platform. I have my big tweets, but I also have plenty of tweets that are living in the under 100 like range. Yeah, well, when I get over 100, I think that's a successful tweet. Not all my tweets are, you know, Picasso, anything over 100. And I feel like, you know, the people really like me out there. I get really disappointed when I tweet something that I think is interesting and only like 60 guys, 60 guys. And I thought, I mean, of this first half of the season, if you want to talk about, you know, real storylines, I thought you as a media member, as somebody who watches, observes comments on the San Diego Padres, you were all over the numbers against left handed pitching. Yeah, none other. I did a lot of that. Thankfully, they finally put an end to that by scoring some runs against left handed pitch. I also stopped keeping track. Yes, it lasted. It lasted far too long, though. It really truly did. So, all right. Is Isaac still there? Yeah, Isaac, well, he's online too. Can you bring that up? Now you can. Isaac, sorry for making your wait. Welcome to the show. Give me a little thought or two on the Padres. First half and what you're hoping for. That's fine. Well, I don't mind the wait, but like, my thoughts is that, oh, man, there's a lot. Well, the big difference between this season and last season, what I've seen is that we've actually been doing good on extra innings, which is good in like these walkoffs, especially to come to the big comeback game against the Cubs. Turrets, but then like ify or bumpy, kind of like, we'd be like, adults are not doing so good because we're not doing so good. But as we enter the summer, Jacksonville has been awesome. Everyone's been getting the hits in. The child has been fighting off these pitches, like probably over 10 or almost 10 pitches and getting these homers and even the walkoffs against the kneebacks. So, yeah, first out of the season, I think mostly, mostly good. In these last two weeks, actually managed to save both 500. For the second half, I'm hoping for our bullpen to like work better under pressure. You know, like, like, the thing is like, like, paralta, like, like, as you said earlier, as you said earlier in the show, we haven't been, they haven't been like playing their full potential. And hopefully, like, he improves on that. And like, Colik, I never said he walked us to the mound. I got scared because he wasn't that good against the first half. And then all of a sudden, he's like a big 180. He's like, oh my God, this guy's actually doing really good. So I can, I can definitely see this team getting into the postseason. It's just that, like, you know, getting to the World Series is like going to be definitely a challenge because everyone else is doing really good. And if we haven't got to get the Phillies again, I hope we go, we get the same feeling to play on Sunday, you know. So that's, that's just me. Overall, like, it's baseball, anything can happen. Well, that is sure, surely the case. I mean, the Padres proved that two years ago. 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Your hosts Tony Gwen Jr. For your chance to win a pair of tickets. Wow. What is this? The Peche? And Chris Elo. You guys, Rosario got a couple of bad bats last year. Brent Rooker got some bad bats. Eggy? Eggy Rosario, I said e-guy. That needs to be a promo as well. It's time to get you up to speed on all things sports. Yes! Yes! Yes! With plenty of nonsense in between. Oh look! Here comes our fearless producer! Gwen and Chris starts right now on 97th grade of fan. And we head into hour number two of Gwen and Chris for this Wednesday get together. Chris Elo. And Sam Levitt today, the great one is in. Tony Gwen Jr. has the week off for most of the week off. He'll be on a flight to Cleveland with the Padres Thursday. And he'll join us from Ohio on Friday's program. Frank Marchese is in for the ailing match gravy today. Day two of the Frank Marchese residency here on this program. It's like a residency in Vegas. That's right, Frank. This is big time. You know what it is? He's got like a DJ residency. Yeah. Because he pushes buttons, he spins the dials, he plays music, he controls audio. And he takes one for the team. When people are upset about the fact we haven't talked about the British Open, he takes them on. So if you're a listener out there and you feel like, hey, you know, I've been wanting to get out to one of these great Vegas residencies, whether that's, I don't know, Usher, Celine Dion. Take your pick. Celine Dion's probably not performing at this time. Yeah, I know. But she's been had some real health problems. I think she did have a residency. She did at some point. I know she's had major health problems. So I hope she's okay. But any of these major stars that have these residencies. Well, if you feel bad, don't worry. You're listening to the Frank Marchese resident San Diego residency on board. As a fellow New Yorker, how did you miss Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden? Is that a residency? Yes, that was. No. Yes, it was. How long did he play there? Once a month for about five years. Yeah, but a Vegas residency. I got to tell you, I considered a lost opportunity in my life that I have never seen Billy Joel live. He's great. Well, he's one of my all time favorites and, you know, I have about a million of his songs on my phone. Well, somebody I've never seen him perform. And I like from from Long Island. I'm supposed to love Billy Joel. I like Billy Joel. It's part of it's part of the New York. I like Billy Joel as much as the next guy. I mean, it's part of your D your New York DNA. You know, I remember his song. The night the lights went out on Broadway. Have you ever heard that one, Frank? Miami 2027. No, Miami 2017. That's right. That's right. And when that song came out, though, it seemed like we'd never get to Miami 2017. And now here we are. Did we ever then? Yeah, we blew past that. So yeah, Billy Joel's all time or as far as I'm concerned. All right, that's just one more thing on this. Yeah, that's another thing. Bruce Springsteen. That's like a big, a big sports writer, sports broadcaster, I feel thing. Everybody likes Bruce Springsteen. He likes to go to the Springsteen show. You ever ever hear that? Springsteen puts on like the best show. He's like one of the few guys that plays for like three and a half hours and doesn't take a break. Springsteen Springsteen is in a class by himself when it comes to concert performing. So there you have it, Sam. Have you not seen him either? No, yeah, no, nor Billy Joel. So Sam Levitt, what have you done with your life? You have not seen Springsteen, you've not seen Joel and you've not golfed around competitively. What's left? What is left? He's one minor league broadcaster in the year. That's right. That's what he's done that. Right now, everything non-work pretty much revolves around me playing pickleball. Oh, you are a pickleball guy. I thought you were kidding when you mentioned all that. So the last two days, because I've been staying up in this Airbnb in Encinitas. Okay. Last because my little background here, right? Because we haven't talked about this. So many of times, my dad is here. By the way, it's my dad's 65th birthday today. Hey, happy birthday, dad. Yes. You know, I don't know your dad, but I did meet your mom. Yeah. Your mom's terrific. Yes. Sorry at the ball game. You housed her in the, you know, you took care of your mom. Sweet. In the Odyssey, sweet. Yeah. When I used to bring my mom to baseball games, I didn't let her anywhere near the sweet, but you had your mom right there in the sweet. She's a lovely lady. So we're staying up in an Airbnb in Encinitas. So it's my dad's birthday today. And congratulations, dad. So anyway, it's a big one. It's a big one. Yeah. So the last couple of days, I've went for a couple of hours to a new pickleball place of mine that I've never played. And I've had a good time. So yes, today I didn't play, but I'm all in. A lot of people don't even know what pickleball is. Like, at least I know what it is. Yeah. And I'm a, I've played tennis to rack it for. Much in my life. Yeah. It's a mini tennis. It's a mini tennis. I don't find pickleball. Here's my thing with pickleball. It seems like a knee surgery waiting to happen. There is a lot of bending. A lot of bending and stretching and quick movements and turning. A lot of bending. You're not, you're playing your foot. You're going the other direction. There goes a knee. Yeah, you're not, you're not playing above your waist very much at all. Whereas in tennis, it's a little bit more above your waist. Two things and then we can move on from this. Two things that I think, don't let us stand in your way, Sam. Well, for those out there that maybe are considering pickleball or have, have noticed the uptick in pickleball is in this area. That's for sure. There are two things that are really nice about it. Number one, people of all ages can play because it is, it's a smaller court. So you don't have to have great speed to cover a lot of ground. You don't have to run around. And I play against people that are double my age sometimes and they beat me. Okay. They beat me. Okay. They're more technically skilled than I am. Now, so those people, being, you're about 50, those got to people got to be 100. Number two, number two, there are so many places you can show up on literally a weekday morning, afternoon, weekend, whenever, and there are people there to play. It's like a pick up basketball type vibe, seriously. Pick up pickleball. For those two reasons, it's pretty good. All right. Well, there's a vote for pickleball from Sam Lovett. If you want me to give you some insights on how devoted to pickleball, he is. Sure. So what was it? Last Friday, you covered for Ben and Woods? Yes. Okay. So covers for Ben and Woods does pre-empose that night, complains that he's tired, wakes up the next morning and what I would have to assume would be, what I would have to assume would be about seven o'clock in the morning to play pickleball on Saturday. I actually played tennis that morning, but I was on yesterday instead of sleeping. No, sleeping, Ben complains to me all night about how tired he is. Yeah. And then on Sunday has to be at the ballpark, like eight o'clock to do pre-empose. Sleep in the fall. You know, the old saying, he explains to me about how tired he is. You know, the old saying, Frank, sleep when you're dead, you know, there's things to do. Stuff to be done. Sam Lovett can't miss anything. All right. Let's get to back to some phone calls. How about that? We've already regaled people now with about 20 minutes worth of pickleball talk. Let me go to Doug down there and San Marcos. Doug, thanks for joining us. Talking about the first half of the Padres season and what we're hoping for in the second half. Hey, Doug. Hey, guys. How you doing, man? Good. Hey, listen, uh, first of all, I want to say thanks, Frank. Uh, great two days here, buddy. Well, thanks. Done. All right. Appreciate it. And also, uh, it's good to have Sami aboard for a couple hours here. Appreciate that. Nice. I've talked to you a few times. I know. But, uh, hey, listen, man. Look, I've been a Padres fan since 1973, so I've been around a while. And, uh, I'd like to say that, uh, the Padres had developed my, um, ability to have a positive attitude. And what I, what I mean by that is I don't even want to comment on the first half. It was the first half, but I think that, uh, we got the injuries. We're getting them out of the way and we're going to bust out in the second half. That's what I want to think. And I want to think that everybody's going to come together and play as a Padres team that we know and see them come together and, uh, get us into the playoffs and, you know, hopefully take us midway, get us a little deep, but, uh, I'm trying to be positive. And, uh, I know how these Padres can be. And man, I'm thinking back to Ozzy Smith and Dave Winfield and Randy Jones and them boys. You know, I watched them guys. I was at games and, uh, I'm looking forward for a bust out second half. That's all. That's all I got to say, guys. Well, you know, Doug, looking at it from that perspective, it is certainly something that is possible. You know, look, I mean, there's some ifs attached to it. But, I mean, if Darvish comes back, I think that might be the longest shot on the board unfortunately right now, just from everything we hear about Darvish and, you know, the whatever the troubling situation that he's dealing with at home. But let's go to Musgrove. Joe Musgrove pitches Joe Musgrove for a month and a half. Comes back in August. That could change everything on its own. Yeah. What if, what if Manny really was just hurt the first two and a half months and is finally now getting healthy and is ready to, you know, be the consistent Manny that he was during that 15 game stretch when they won 12 games. Tony pointed out many times there was no accident that they won 12 out of 15 during the hottest stretch that Manny Machado's had this season that that goes a long way. In Bogart's, I just hope he has the second half this year that he had last year. A lot of people don't realize that Bogart's ended up last season, 19 homers, 19 steals, 280. They just thought he had a terrible year. They gave up on Bogart's. He never gave up and he kept on going and he ended up having an okay season. Um, Fernando Tatiz Jr. comes back in August for two months. Is it one of the most electric players in the game? Yeah. So, I mean, all those things happen. And pro far, Higashioka, Meryl and Waldron are just, you know, a facsimile of what they were in the first half. There's no reason that the Padres can't bust out to seven, eight, nine, 10 games over 500. And that ought to be plenty. Yeah, I think two things. Number one, I think, and still some of these guys get back whenever that is at whatever part of, let's say, August, that is, it is still going to be very much an exercise of at minimum, just staying afloat. Look, they've got a really hard road trip coming out of the break. Yeah, they do. They could do great on that road trip. We've seen this team at time. Every time we think they've got a tough road trip. Great on the road and great and really good team. So, I would not put it past them to put together a good road trip. They got to do it. But at bare minimum, stay afloat and be ready for the final month and a half to months to make the final push. I think that is at bare minimum, what you're hoping for. Here's the other thing that if you want to take the very, very positive look at the second half, another feathering in your cap, if you will, forget who's healthy, who's injured, who's here, who's not, all the particulars of each guy, they have been a far different group. Feel-wise, fight-wise, comeback nature-wise, being able to rise to the occasion than they were last year. And I don't think despite just being a game above 500, despite that, to me, they have felt like a very different group in that sense than a year ago, despite being up and down, despite being a game above 500, they have felt like this team should have an ability to rise to the occasion, maybe when the lights get brightest and late August into September. I think what Doug is pointing to is the fact that there is a huge opening there for an upswing in the second half. There just is. There's a lot. Another way of saying it, not everybody has played to their potential yet and has been healthy enough to play to their potential yet. Yeah, but to your point of view, right. To your point early, they've also had guys playing over there far above what you thought you were going to get. Richard Hillcrest, thanks for joining us on the Padre conversation today. How are you, sir? Hey, guys. Thank you for taking my call. Listen, I want to tell you my first half highlight, guys. I'm a West Coast kid. I'm on my late 50s. I've never been to the East Coast. I went to go to the Padre's playing Fenway Park and have the top line of life. This team is an exciting team to watch. I think for the second half, what I'm looking forward to is a strong last month and a half push. I think if we can get guys healthy, like you guys are talking about, there's a darn good chance to make the playoffs and make some statements in the playoffs. Climbing is everything. We all know that, but if we get things right, we've got a pretty darn good team going into playoffs, guys, except for the Phillies. They scare me. Well, they should. They've had the Padre's number for a while. Yeah, I'd worry about the Phillies when you get there. Yeah, let's worry about that when we get there. Here's the crazy thing about the playoffs. Richard, I'm glad you had a great time at Fenway Park because I got to tell you, that is one of the highlights of all baseball to go get to see a game at Fenway Park. I'm glad you got to do that. And if you saw the first couple of games there, man, if you saw the right two games, yeah, lots of fun. The playoffs to me are a little broken in Major League Baseball, but while they are, it's more advantageous, believe it or not, to be the six seed than it is to be either the four or the five seed if you're a wild card. And frankly, the Padres are probably going to be a wild card. It's going to take something crazy for them to make up seven games now, but and the reason I say that is because the six seed, if they win the first round, plays the two seed in the second round, whereas the four or five winner has to play the one seed. And if you look now two years ago, right, the Padres were the four or five and they ended up beating the Dodgers anyway, but the World Series team out of the National League the last two years has been the six seed two years in row. Diamondbacks last year, Phillies year before that. I think baseball needs to consider receding for the second round, just to, you know, so the the lowest seeded team, which if the six wins would have to play the one, but that is something that, you know, Rob Banford and company probably can't figure out, so I don't want to ask for the impossible, right? But I just, you can't try to get the six seed. You have to go for the four. No, last in case. Last year was a little weird though, because so the Diamondbacks beat the Brewers in the wild card. They then played the Dodgers where they swept him. So let's say they had been the five, they would have played the Phillies. And then they would have gone on to play the Braves. Yeah. Yeah. Well, because the Braves were the one last year, right? That's the way it worked. You know, I don't know. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe it's all much of you about nothing. But I think it's interesting that the six seed has made it two straight years. Yeah, I don't hate the idea of receding. Yeah, I think it and that's something other people have talked about the idea of receding it once you get past the right. What is what is baseball say about that? Well, baseball has a lot of opinions about everything from uniforms to baseball doesn't know what the hell they're doing. Texas was the five seed last year coming out of the American League, by the way, if you're wondering, right? So then they had to play. So they they played the four and the one and they were successful knocking a member. Texas beat the Orioles and swept them. And the Orioles had not been swept in a series the entire season last year. And here's the thing. Each year's different. Let's take the every year's every year's different because here's what I'll say about the Rangers last year. So they beat the right they were the five the Rangers. They beat the four in the wild card series, which is the race. Right. Then they had to play the Orioles the number one seed in the ALDS. I'll tell you this. If I'm the Rangers, I'd rather play a young Orioles team that's never been there than play the Astros team that was the number two. And they ended up having to play them also. Right. As it turned out in the AL championship series and beat them in a series that I don't think the home team won a single game. Like to me, the Orioles, the Orioles are a fascinating team this year because they're really good again. They have a year under their belt of at least being in the postseason. They should add if they're going to add. I don't I don't know if they will because they don't seem to, you know, like making huge moves. I know they traded for burns, but they're they're really interesting because they're really good. A lot of teams are but the baseball playoffs and I've said this for a while. The baseball playoffs, baseball has the worst way to decide a champion based on the way it's sport is is played because you really decide who the best team is over 162 games. You certainly don't decide it based on the outcome of five games. But what are you going to do? Yeah, you got to have a playoffs. I I'm certainly not ready to do the Premier League thing where you just play the whole season. And at the end, you say, Oh, the champions are the Dodgers. They have the best records. That seems silly too. Yeah. I mean, you could argue that's really the way to do it. That will never happen in a billion years. It should. But but the look, the thing with the division winners, the number one in two seeds, getting the time off, unless you change the format or everybody plays some sort of first round series. Yeah. I don't know how you rectify that. Then you're talking about taking away what the advantages of winning the division. But I get it in the sense of it's a sport very much about rhythm and playing every day. And then all of a sudden, right before your most important games, you're not playing for what whatever it is, four or five days. I don't know what the answer to that is the Orioles got beat after taking some time off last year. The Braves got beat the Dodgers, the Braves, the only team that won after taking some time off last year was the Astros. Look, I haven't having 300 plus win scenes out before the championship series. So strange. It's strange. Again, good or bad. That's up to you. But strange is a good word to have for it. I will take a quick break. Chexis heading your way. All right, back. We're going to Chris 325 is the time, Chris. Sam Levitt is alongside today. The great one from the Padre pre and post game show. In fact, you have two people on the program today who have made great careers out of the Padre pre and post game show prior to you, Sam. It was me. All right. So, you know, there you go. And, you know, look at what's happened for both of us. I'm still sitting here. You're out, you know, being adored by millions. Frank Marquesi Big Frank is in for the ailing Matt Scrabie today. By the way, I have a breaking Padre's news. Do you want to hear it? I do. I have probable, probable pitchers for this series against Cleveland's the Guardians quickly. Yeah, let's have it starts Friday with the Sam Levitt pregame show at 3 10. That's correct. Friday afternoon. So Friday, right hander, Matt Waldron. Waldron gets the start for a reopening day, if you will, Saturday, right hander, Dylan C Sunday, right hander, Michael King. All right. And for the Guardians, Tanner, Bobby on Friday, Gavin Williams on Saturday, Ben Lively on Sunday. Interesting. But I just don't know a thing about any of those guys. Bobby's good. William's good. I think they're all pretty good. To me, the AL Central is where players go to disappear from view, you know, especially us here in San Diego. We just have very little tigers. Yeah, we just have very little little contact with the American Central. But I know Josh Naylor is in Cleveland. Yeah. And he'll be pumped up for the year. He was one of 10 Padres. Sorry. He was one of 10 former Padres. Right. That was suited up in the All-Star game last night. And I know a lot of people like to make a big deal out of that. You know, we let we let this guy get away and we let that guy get away. I pretty sure that every team in baseball could say the same thing. Yeah. I'm pretty sure even the Dodgers, even the Braves, there's some former players from those teams that have gone elsewhere also. Yeah. It's not just it's not a situation that is only on the Padres. I'd have to look at the I would to I'd have to look the list to actually see okay. Yeah. Who are the guys that were actually right? They let him get away. CJ Abrams now in that category too. For the Padres. Right. There were actually Padres. Padres drafted or signed minor leaguers. They had a list in their system. They had a list in the paper today. And I didn't memorize it. But, you know, Abrams, Trey Turner, I Trey Turner, to me, it's a fugazi to keep talking about how I wish we had Trey Turner. You had Fernando Tatis Jr. And if you, you know what I mean? Or if you had Trey Turner, you would have never got Fernando Tatis Jr. Right. I'm Max Fried. There are there are a number of my point. My point on Trey Turner is if you would have kept him in the system and, you know, made it to the major leagues as the Padres shortstop, fine, you'd have Trey Turner, but you'd have never traded for Fernando. So, you know, all of these things, every domino falls and has an effect on another domino down the road. Yeah. But it's easy to sit here and go, Oh my god, the Padres organization blew it, man. Yeah. Closs in. Yeah. And former Padres. There's, there's a number. Yeah. The Munoz one hurts. Yeah. I will say that. Doesn't seem like the Padres got a whole hell of a lot for Munoz, other than, you know, a couple of months of a struggling Aaron Nola or Austin Nola. I would say the wrong Nola. I got, I got the solution to the Padres starting pitching problems for the second half. Okay. Since you came in with some breaking news, I'm going to come in with solutions. Okay. How would you like a guy and your staff that 13 months ago pitched a perfect game in Major League Baseball? Tamingo Herman, he's available. The right hander has exercised an opt out clause in his contract and has been released by the Pittsburgh Pirates. Herman was a AAA Indianapolis this year. My goodness, ice fall. Well, how fast they fall. Chris, he wasn't all that good, aside from the perfect game. I know, but he's still put either was, which was caught by Kyle. I got you. Yeah. That perfecto was in Oakland too. So you also have to say that. You're saying that really counts a perfect game, but it's not like he shut out the Astros. Herman's all time record is 31 and 28 with a 4 4 1 ERA over 89 starts. So he did have an 18 and four season in 2019. But that season ended early because he was placed on administrative leave for domestic violence allegations. He also was suspended for 18 or 20 more games for I think he didn't have drinking issues. Anyway, let's just steer clear after Mango Herman. I'm just bringing it up. It's kind of an aside. Yeah. Look, it's just on the starting pitch in question. And by the way, as an aside, we have got to, I think, as a sport, we've been talking about the trade deadline for a month already and it's still two weeks away. Every podcast I listen to all this, we talked about the deadline to me like four weeks too early. Yeah. When is the actual deadline? I don't even know August 1st, August 1st. Yeah. Well, we've got two weeks in Pacific, I think two weeks of actual two weeks. And by the way, mote the arise deal. It was the anomaly of a trade that just kind of happens out of nowhere. That's really notable. But most of this stuff happens, you know, in the 48 hours leading up to the deadline, there's only been two notable trades all season and baseball, we made them both. Yeah. All right, we got to time out here a couple of people on the lines that wanted to check in on the Padres and their thoughts on the first half and what we got to do to be successful in the second half will get back to some phone calls 833-288-0973 after this. Matt Waldron, we'll kick off the second half of the Padres season. That news was broken on this very program by our Sam Levitt, actually not. I'm sure you just read it from something else, but well, I told the masses out there about it, right? Yeah, I was not the first to tweet it. Yeah, you got it out there quickly, though. I could have been Sam Levitt. By the way, Sam, when you tweet something, in general, just kind of like some sort of statistic or anomaly. How many likes do you normally get? It totally depends on what it is. Because you are one of the social media darlings of San Diego. I'm more of a darling on the other platforms than I am Twitter, but I mean, it depends on what I tweet. He says I'm more of a darling on the other platforms. I have my big tweets, but I also have plenty of tweets that are living in the under 100-like range. Yeah, well, when I get over 100, I think that's a successful tweet. Not all my tweets are, you know, Picasso. Anything over 100, and I feel like, you know, the people really like me out there. I get really disappointed when I tweet something that I think is interesting and only like 60 guys, 60 guys. And I thought, I mean, of this first half of the season, if you want to talk about, you know, real storylines, I thought you, as a media member, as somebody who watches, observes, comments on the San Diego Padres, you were all over the numbers against left-handed pitching. Yeah, none other. I did a lot of that. Thankfully, they finally put an end to that bite. They did. I saw some runs against left-handed pitching. I also stopped keeping track. Yes. It lasted, it lasted far too long, though. They really, truly did. So, all right. Is Isaac still there? Yeah. Well, he's online too. Can you bring that up? Now you can. Isaac, sorry for making your wait. Welcome to the show. Give me a little thought or two on the Padres. First half and what you're hoping for. That's fine. I don't mind the wait, but like, my thoughts is that, oh man, there's a lot. Well, the big difference between this season and last season was what I've seen is that we actually have been doing good on extra innings, which is good in like these walkoffs, especially to come to the big comeback game against the Cubs. Sure, it's been like ify or bumpy, kind of like, we've been like, "Adverse, we're not doing so good, times we're not doing so good." But as we entered the summer, Jack's and Mel's been awesome. Everyone's been getting the hits in. Michados is fighting off these pitches, like probably over 10, or almost 10 pitches, and getting these homers and even the walkoffs against the kneebacks. So yeah, the first out of the season, I think mostly, mostly good in these last two weeks, actually managed to save both 500. For the second half, I'm hoping for our bullpen to like, work better under pressure. You know, like, the thing is like, like, peralta, like, as you said earlier in the show, we haven't been playing their full potential. And hopefully, he improves on that. And Colik, every time he walked up to the mound, I got scared because he wasn't that good against the first half. And then all of a sudden, he's like a big 180. He's like, "Oh my gosh, this guy's actually doing really good." So I can definitely see this team getting into the post season. It's just that like, you know, getting to the World Series is like going to be definitely a challenge because everyone else is doing really good. And if we haven't got to get the fillings, again, I hope we go, we get the same fillings to play on Sunday, you know? So that's just me. Overall, like, it's baseball, anything could happen. Well, that is surely the case. I mean, the potter has proved that two years ago. And the Diamondbacks proved it last year, and the Rangers proved it last year. The Rangers were, you go back to last season on the Rangers, they got off to a pretty nice start, but they were awful in August and September. Yeah, Bochi was about ready to call it a season. They led the American League West. I don't remember if it was quite wire to wire, but it was close. Well, they ended up tied with the Astros, and they lost their last game, which cost them the division title. They had to go in as a wild card. And then all of a sudden, they just ripped off about 15 straight wins, and they were the champs. It was like, whoa, where'd that come from? So, yeah, baseball does leave a wide open out there. Isaac, thanks for the phone call. You know, speaking of tweets, I just decided while we were sitting here to go through some of my tweets. And guess what? I'm looking and I haven't looked at them all, but over the last month or so, Sam, here's my most popular tweet with 157 likes, which is kind of a paltry number when you think about it. But here it is. You ready? Mm hmm. Me. What if he hits one in the seats here, Sammy? Sam Levitt smiles and shakes his head. Next pitch, a swing and a drive. You got to believe in the magic season of Jurgson profile. That's one of the highlight moments of the year, his grand slam. Absolutely. Against the nationals after everything that happened in that game that night. Yeah, we talked about it a little bit earlier, but for from a Padres perspective. Yeah, I thought that was and it has been now for a week or two, but that was one of the coolest moments of last night was watching him with his big smile, take the field and enjoy it and back in Arlington and all of it. And look, I don't know that any of us could have predicted this in February or March, but when you talk about keys to the Padres second half, do not overlook Jurgson profile continuing to be what he's been. They need him. Yeah, I mean, he's he's been way too important for this team for him to not continue to to play at some kind of level like what he's been. They need they need it. All right, we got a couple of minutes here, Sam, before you move on. But we really appreciate you sitting in for a couple of hours today and helping us out. We've got Chris versus the fans at the top of the hour. But here's a list according to Mark Fine sand of The spectacular Mark Fine sand of Here's a list of seven all stars who he says could be on the move by the trade deadline. I want to run down each of the seven and then whether you think they'll be traded and how they relate to the Padres if they relate to them at all. Okay. Number one, Tyler Anderson, left-handed pitcher, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. He's eight and eight, but has a two nine seven ERA. He's he's owed five billion dollars the rest of this season. He gets 13 million next year. But if you're looking for a good starting pitcher that probably wouldn't rob your bank, it's Tyler Anderson. Somebody very interested that you're interested. Very interested. Not going to cause the sun probably won't cost you a ton of prospect capital. Right. Very interested. But money, he's going to cost you money because it's five million. Well, rest this see, yeah, but they could absorb. They could absorb it under five million. The 13 million for next year, I'd like to think that they wouldn't be prohibited from that. It's not Tyler Anderson much. Tyler Anderson. Tyler Anderson made the All-Star team this year. It's the second time in the last three years. He made it with the Dodgers in 2022 and he was 15 and five with a two five seven ERA. I got to be honest with you. That worries me just a tiny bit about Tyler Anderson that he pitched for the Dodgers two years ago. Not that I don't. It's not that I don't want to dodge around the roster. It's a I feel like they might have some of familiarity with him if they, you know, because I'm thinking about how are we going to stack up against the Dodgers? Well, you have to play the Dodgers two more series, one at home and one in LA. Yeah, that's before you would even start worrying about a postseason scenario. Yeah. Tyler Anderson. Yeah, he's been pretty good. There's a chance he wouldn't even face the Dodgers. All right, Tyler Anderson is number one. Number two, Garrett crochet. We've heard this name a thousand times already. Last or since April, ERA one six one leads the majors and strikeouts with 150 only 23 walks. That's impressive. I must say 150 against 23. However, prior to the season, he'd only pitched 85 innings in his career. This year, he's already thrown 107. 25 years old. The white Sox have been real good to the Padres in the past. Yeah. Hello, Fernando. Is crochet on your radar? Look, I've said it before. I'm sort of out on crochet out for the Padres in their particular scenario. I think you need starting pitching. I think that's the top priority right now for this team to me here in 2024. At some point here soon, he's probably going to be in your bullpen. Now, the thing with him is that he's got two years of control after this one. And that is considerable. That's important. Could he be an absolute ace for your staff the next couple of years? Yeah, but I think on top of that, number one, there's not a ton of starting pitchers out. They're great starting pitchers, Chris. It's going to be a huge package. I mean, if you're talking crochet, you're talking, I think about parting ways with one of your major, major guys. You're thinking that we might need to freeze? Really? I think that's how to get crochet. You're going to have to require that. Hey, so you're out. To me, I'm out on it. I just I don't think I think you need more than crochet for this year. I understand you have the control. Can you make the argument that having the two years of control for who he could be in the next couple of years is worth giving up one of your top guys? Maybe there is an argument to that. I don't know. Before we continue with the countdown traffic, Frank says we need traffic. All right. We got five more guys on this list that says could be very well traded by the deadline. Sam Levitt has said, yes, he'd be real interested in Tyler Anderson. He's out on Gary crochet. By the way, there's one other reason that I don't. I'm not a fan of crochet. You know, this isn't his fault. He's yet to pitch a game that meant a darn thing anywhere in his career. Sure. And all of a sudden now he's going to be going, let's say, into Dodger Stadium with a playoff spot on the line. And all he's been doing is playing games in anger with Chicago. That always bothers me a little. Yeah. And I think and I know we got more on the list. I think when people talk about the Padres and crochet, I think people have to understand the kind of package it's going to require. And I don't know that people quite quite understand it. It's going to have to be a major package because he's really good. He's got the years of control and it's a market where there's not a ton of guys like him and others. I think it's got to be a huge package. Yeah, probably too much. All right. Number three, Vladimir Guerrero Jr. That name certainly raises an eyebrow. He's been in the All-Stars for straight years. He bounced back after a slow start. He's up to an 815 OPS. He is under club control through the end of 2025. This team does not need another infielder, but it would be it would really be intriguing to add a slugger of his potential to your lineup. But I just don't know what you would do with him. So I agree with you. You would have to. You'd have to almost include somebody in the trade. Well, I to me, my first thought is this. And again, why would the Blue Jays take a Hassan Kim? Yeah, right. I mean, because to me, then it's like, OK, well, Bogart's could play short, Croninworth could play second, Vlad, he could play first, then arises your DH. But they also have full of a shit right now. You know, you would you would have to include something now to make it work with your current team. Yeah, it sounds fun. Number four, Mason Miller, Closer, Oakland A's, throws a hundo. Jackson Merrill took him deep to win a ball game earlier this year. He would be an intriguing, eighth inning prospect or, you know, tantalizing. Yeah, but I think again, this guy's under control for five more years. I still don't. The A's are not smart, but they're not stupid enough to just give him away for nothing. That's the well, here's my thing. Like, I just, what are the A's doing? I don't know. I mean, that's why you got a call on Mason Miller. They might just be so stupid. Miller is such a weird one to me because it's like, if you're the age, you don't, you don't have to move them at this deadline, right? You could move them a year from now and still get a huge package back for him, because what he's going to have four years of control left. I just, I don't, but I guess if you are just viewing it as we have no need for somebody this good, because we're not any good, maybe the thing to do is at his absolute highest value with as many years of control possible left. Look, if you're, the pod rates could use them, they could use relief help. Oh, yeah, they could use this. That's going to be another big package, though. Even the stupid A's will ask for a lot. Sure. I would take Mason Miller. Yes. Next one, Isaac Paredes, third base Tampa Bay Rays. No. Yeah. I mean, the guys, guys having a nice year had 30 bombs last year, 15 so far this year. Everybody's talking about the Rays are going to maybe part with some guys. But again, unless you're going to include somebody in the deal, you're not going to have any place for him. Tanner Scott, left handed reliever. Interesting. Miami Marlins are the only Marlin all star representative. Does Louisa rise going and say, Hey, bring me, bring me my man Tanner Scott to pitch the eighth inning. Yeah, I would be very interested in Tanner Scott. Very, very good reliever. Had a one, three, four ERA in the first half converted 14 to 16. It's not bad. He's only owed two and a half million or 2.25. He does hit free agency though this fall. It's fine. All right. I'm just throwing that out there. Very interesting. Last guy. We loved him earlier. Do we will love him now Kirby Yates? Interesting. Having a nice year. One old five is the ERA for Kirby. I'm so happy that he's back. They could use three or four years down. But yeah, to me and I would Kirby want to come here and set up Suarez. Why not? I don't know. Maybe he wants to be the closer. Maybe he's got a little Josh Hader in him. Just throwing a, I'm just throwing a dart in the direction of Josh Hader. Is Kirby the closer in Texas right now? Sure. Is he? Yeah, he's the guy. Oh, been the guy all year. He's having a great year. All right. So those are seven guys that could be, should be moved before the all-star break, according to's Mark Feinstein. Sounded like of all those seven, Tyler Anderson was the guy you wanted the most. Yeah. Well, I put a premium on starting pitching for this particular group right now. Yeah. But in an overall sense, when you talk about Anderson, Scott Yates, like to me, if I'm AJ Preller, that's the pool I'm living in. Can I keep my top top top prospects? Add to this team. Hope guys get healthy and make a late run. 8 3 3 2 8 8 0 9 7 3. That's the fun. You're probably no care. Crochet is going to be here in two weeks. He might be here today. He might already be under the desk. 8 3 3 2 8 8 0 9 7 3. We're going to do a little Chris versus the fan. Or is it Sammy versus the fan? We could do that. I could stay for one more. Oh no. Sammy might want to stay for some Chris versus the fan. Dial in 8 3 3 2 8 8 0 9 7 3. I will see you all tomorrow. But Gwen and Chris are just getting started. Sports talk it is. Your hosts Tony Gwen Jr. Do you want to be right? Or do you want to be half and Chris Sello? You can't kick a porpoise one it's down. It's time to get you up to speed on all things sports. With plenty of nonsense in between. Oh look, here comes our fan of this producer. Gwen and Chris starts right now on 97 3 the fan. Sailing our way into hour number three of Gwen and Chris. Chris Sello today. Sam Levitt, the great one. It's nice enough to sit in for a couple of hours and now bonus time with Sam Levitt. Thank you. Thank you, Sam. All right. I like it. I can get behind that. Frank Marquesi, Big Frank. Sitting in for the ailing match. Scrabie. We hope to have Matt back in the saddle tomorrow. But he's not been feeling well the last couple of days. Tony Gwen Jr. is on vacay. Chris Sello here with you and the gang at 401. And we're getting ready for a little Chris versus the fans. And this is going to be one of my favorite editions of Chris versus the fans ever because I'm not going to play. I'm going to turn it over to today's host of the show Frank Marquesi. And today's expert, Sam Levitt. Are you pretty good at it? I'm sure you're good at baseball trivia. How good are you at some of the other stuff that might come up? Yeah, I'm pretty good. All right. And, uh, I mean, I've done this. I've done this at least, you know, once or twice. All right. Yeah, I haven't been around the winter. Yeah, maybe days I was filling in for you. Yes. I haven't, I haven't been. Yeah, I don't remember how I did, but all right. Well, we're going to find out how you do today. We've got a full list of phone callers out there. They're going to be the bigger concern is the questions because we know Scrabie sometimes these questions. That's the hardest part. What is this? The hardest part is figuring out Scrabie's questions. There's no, there's no doubt about it. Figuring out what Scrabie's question is is part of this game. For sure. But if you can unlock, unlock the secret and then beat Sam Levitt today, you will be qualified for a trip to the Rio in Las Vegas. It includes a two night stay and dinner for two. It also includes the day bed at the Rio pool. Rio Las Vegas Las Vegas is back, baby. New ownership, newly remodeled rooms, forest sparkling new pools, and a brand new food haul, which is where Frank and I are going to be going. It's all ready for you now and your next Vegas escape beyond the expected beyond the strip beyond your wildest dreams. Rio Las Vegas, the rhythm of Vegas book now, at Rio Las What do you say, Frank Marchese? Let's play a little Sammy versus the fans. If you had one shot, one opportunity to take down the human all manack himself, how would he do? Now is your time. Listen to me, this guy, strangers. Now is your opportunity to win a prize. Well, I hope you know what Jen for Chris versus the fans starts now on 97.3 the fan. All right, we're about to get underway here. There are six lines and they're all filled. I will choose a line at random by rolling this dice that I have here, whichever night a number comes up. That's where we'll start today. You'll get three questions. They'll get a little easier to harder. And if you answer correctly, move on to question number two and then three. But if you miss it, Sam Levitt can end your dreams by correctly answering the question. If he misses it though, then you, you live on and you move to the next round or you win. And Frank says he doesn't want to take part of this. We'll see if Sammy wants to take part in this part of it. If you're a first time player, it's just me today. You didn't even take part of it. I know I didn't even take part. That's right. Very first time player. Then you get the first question, you get moved by past it. You go around to question two, but you have to let us know. All right. So here we go. The dice has said the line number five will go first today. So it looks like old Tom out there. It looks like Tom. Tom, how are you doing? But I'm doing well. How are you doing? Doing all right. All right. So there you go. Right on to question two for Tom. All right. All right. So let's let's get into it. Question number two. Justin Upton played six seasons for what team played six. It's a Scrabie question. You have to figure it out yourself. Justin Upton played for six seasons. What team did he play the most seasons in his career with? I guess he meant 16 possible. Yeah, I think it's 16. Scrabie is, you know, this is terrible. Okay. I mean, look, look, Scrabie has trouble writing these questions when he's not. All right. What what team did Justin Upton play the most years with? He did play 16 years. That is correct. Let's just start this whole transaction over. I understand. I think the question. He understands it. Tom says, you know, enough's enough, Frank. Give him an opportunity. What are you going to go with here, Tom? What team did you play the most with? I'm going to go with the Braves. The Braves, he says. Oh, wow. That's not the Braves. It's not the Braves. Did not play with the Braves. The most with the Braves. Justin Upton, who did he play the most with? Sammy, if you get this not the brace, no, he did not. That's a little surprising to me. That probably would have been my one of the teams he played with was the podcast, but it's not right, but it's not right, but it's not them. Um, is it the angels? The angels, he says, did he even play for the angels? Yes, he did. I know it. Well, you know it now, Tom. Who do you think it is now? I think it's the Diamondbacks. It is the Diamondbacks. You know, I don't need to stop with my other guests. That was my other guest. That was the first team he played for was the Diamondbacks played for them for his first six years were with the Arizona then only two years in Atlanta. Weird. I would have thought he was there longer. Yeah. And then Quickstops in San Diego, Detroit, and before he fit Detroit, I didn't remember that. Yeah. And then he finished with five years with the angels. So the angels were close. The angels were last. Actually, he know, I take it back. He snuck in 17 games with Seattle in this final season. All right, very good. Tom, you stay alive and move on to the deciding third question here. Hopefully no, no, the question. Yeah, I know. Frank is looking at it. Mario Rivera and Trevor Hoffman are the only MLB are the only pictures in MLB history with more than 600 saves. Who is third on that list with 478? Oh, pretty, pretty good question. I think, Tom, what do you think? Who's the? Who's number three on the all-time list? Yes, all-time saves list. Behind Rivera and behind Trevor. I'm going to go straight guess. Kenley Jansen. Kenley Jansen. Is he number three on the all-time save list? I don't think so. Oh, he's right. It is not Kenley Jansen. Oh, man. This is hard. This is hard. All right. He might, he could miss this, Tom, and you can instill up winning. There's something, there's something in me, something that wants to say, how I feel like it's wrong, though, that wants to say it's maybe Francisco Rodriguez. K rod. Oh, you know, you got some time. Is that your final answer? Oh, yeah, I think it's wrong, though. But yes, he's going with K rod. If this is wrong, Tom is the champ. How many did he have? It is wrong. Who is it? Number six on the all-time list is K rod. Okay. Number five on the all-time list is Tom's answer. Kenley Jansen. Okay. Number four on the all-time list is the active Craig Kimbrell. Right. Okay. Number three, the guy you were all looking for. Hall of Famer, Lee Smith. Okay. Lee Smith. Okay. Mostly for the Cubs. I thought K rod was higher. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe at one time, he was. He was. He's just recently been passed by both Kimbrell and Jansen. So that's where that higher on the list. I'm so, yeah. Well, all right. Very good. Tom, you went today. Wow. I think. No, you don't stink. Those are two really good questions. Those are two really good questions from the Scrabie Chronicles there. Well, now I want to look it up. So what do you want to look up? Well, you want to look up BJ? But why did we think like, oh, well, you know, BJ only spent two years in Atlanta, too. That's weird. I maybe you thought Justin Upton was in Atlanta longer because he came to the Padres for me. I think of the Upton's. I just think of them as braves a lot in my head. But they were there for a couple of years. But weren't they both Diamondbacks, too? Or Ray's? Well, BJ wasn't it? He was a ray for a long time. Yeah. BJ was. But BJ never played for the Diamondbacks. No. Well, you came up empty today. Sammy, what can I tell you? I might have come up empty, too. So those are tough questions. Marianne Rivera, though, 652 Trevor. So that means Francisco Rodriguez was somewhat recently fourth. Right. He just got past the super off. Oh, yeah. No, you're very good. And Tom was very good because his Kenley Jansen answer was actually ahead of your answer. Right. So good for him. I really can't believe Craig Kimball is still going. Yeah. I mean, it seems like every time I look up, he's getting lit up. But the Orioles, well, you know, stick with it. Yeah. I mean, there's been, you know, Kimbre, Kimbre will still really good. There have been a lot of big spots, though, and post-season spots that have not done as well. Yeah. Yeah. The top 10 all-time saves is Rivera, Trevor, Lee Smith, Kimbrell, Kenley Jansen, Kayrod, John Franco. There you go. Yeah, Frank, an old Met for you. Billy Wagner, another old Met. Kayrods, an old Met too. Kayrods, an old Met, Dennis Eckerzly, his ninth. And Joe Nathan would be your number 10 guy in the all-time save list. Of course, saves were, you know, a whole different ball of wax back in the day. Yeah. When Raleigh Fingers, see, Raleigh Fingers to me, he's 15th on the all-time save list. But his 341 saves are more impressive, even like the Lee Smith's 478. Right. Because Raleigh Fingers was always three innings, same with Goose. Yeah. Well, he's had 310. The thing with Mariano and Trevor Hoffman are, number one, they were excellent. Number two, they just did it for so long. Yeah. It's a high level. I mean, you look at the list. It's 652 for Mariano 601 for Trevor. And then Lee Smith is at 478. Yeah. I remember when Rivera came up with the Yankees, and he was the eighth inning guy. Yeah. Do you remember who the ninth inning guy was before Rivera took over? Yeah, his name is, uh, he's number 12 on the all-time save list. But that's Jeff Riordan. No. No, who is that? John Wedeland. Right. Yeah. 1996. The first year that the Yankees won the World Series under Joe Torrey. Right. John Wedeland was the closer. Rivera was the setup guy. Then, of course, Wedeland moved on to free agency the very next year, like a little Robert Suarez, Josh Hader situation. Yeah. I think people think that Mariano Rivera just started out as the close. Right. I saw Mariano Rivera pitch at Tony Gwen Stadium on the campus of San Diego State. And I believe it was the 96th season. The Yankees that year opened the season in Anaheim. And George Steinbrenner, the then owner, was friends with the Aztec athletic director at the time named Rick Bay. They knew each other from back in the day. Steinbrenner called Rick Bay and said, we are opening the season in Anaheim, but we have like three days off and between our, right, pre, you know, spring training finale and the old, we really could use a game. What would you think about us coming to San Diego and playing the Aztecs, you know, your, your and Rick Bay and Tony Gwen was the, you know, the manager. I mean, it was a big deal. And so the Yankees came and played the Aztecs in a, in a spring training game. And all the Yankees were here. I mean, we're talking strawberry and Bernie Williams and all those guys. And they were wonderful. They all played a couple innings and they all went and hung out in the dugout with the Aztec players. I remember getting my name, a Chad Curtis had a grand slam. The Yankees ended up winning probably 12 to four, you know, they won comfortably. But I remember in the middle of the game, Mariano Rivera came into pitch, maybe the fifth or sixth inning. And I just remember there was just one left handed batter for the Aztecs who came up to face him. And he just had no chance to get around on the Rivera fastball. Sammy, he lined like seven or eight pitches in a row over the third base dugout, just like straight foul. And Rivera was dying of laughter on the mound. Because he, it was like he kept saying here, here comes a fastball. Right. And you know, just you couldn't, you couldn't hit it. You couldn't get around on it. And then that was that whoever that kid was, don't feel so bad. Because major league players couldn't hit it either. Right. For the better part of 20 years. So, I mean, Mariano Rivera only had one pitch. That's the unbelievable thing. And that's the thing that I was thinking about with Suarez. Suarez has more than one pitch. But by and large, he does it with one pitch. And you think to yourself, God, are they going to catch up to it at some point? I don't know. They never caught up to Rivera. So for the most part, this season, they haven't. That's right. Suarez has been on the radar with the game where they walked it off. But they end up winning that game anyway. So, and also he had to come in bases loaded a game he shouldn't have been in any way. I kind of erased that game from the ledger. You're nice to do that. Yes. And I looked at it the other way. I thought, come on, man, this is the easiest save you'll ever get. Well, you got a five run lead. You got to get one out. But but base is loaded and then one swing and it was a one run game. I know, but he didn't do it. That wasn't one of the rare times he didn't do it. Yeah. All right. Good job, Tom. Congratulations. An exciting game of Christopher is the fans. I enjoyed watching you guys play. Sammy Levitt. Thank you so much for coming in today. It is so tough to. And it honestly is. And these are tough three or four days. I don't have Tony. I don't have Scrabie. Frank's been great, but it was really nice of you to come in. Thank you. I know the listeners appreciate it. They love hearing from you. And we will hear from you again. You're invited by the way tomorrow. I know tomorrow is another day. We'll see. I got it. I'd like to come in here more than welcome to not if not tomorrow three ten front. We'll see three ten Friday for the next pottery pregame show right now. We'll send you to some traffic and then back more Gwyn and Chris. Welcome back to Gwyn and Chris. Thanks again to Sammy. Checking in with us for a couple of hours there. Sam Levitt, Frank Marquez, a big Frank, filling in for the ailing Matt Scrabie today. Hopefully we get Scrabie back tomorrow. Tony went on vacation, but Gwyn and Chris rolls on here at 423 on a Wednesday afternoon. Not a whole lot happening in the sports world on this Wednesday. We will have a daily gambit though coming up for you in the five o'clock hour. And also we thought with the Hall of Fame induction ceremonies for Major League Baseball coming up, we would revisit one of our all time favorite moments on this program. The day that Tony Gwyn Jr. and I sat down in Cooperstown right before he was inducted into the Hall of Fame with Trevor Hoffman. Great interview from several years ago. And you're going to get a chance to hear that a tad later in the program today. You know it's um I was looking at this. Frank and I was looking at the some of the stats in Major League Baseball. And you know one of the things that I think makes baseball great is that the statistics even though we've come out now with all these analytic things and F war and I I don't know Bob Batbip. I mean there's stuff I can't even understand. But we've come out of all this stuff. We still do have some of the other averages and home runs and RBIs and you know statistics that you can compare through the eras through the history of the game. You sure it was a different game in 1920 than it is in 2024. But you know you can compare statistics now to them. And I look at some of the stats at the midway point of this season and I start and it's not the official midway point. We're actually more than halfway through but game 100 on Friday. That's right. The all-star break is you know kind of looked upon. And I'm looking at is there any all-time records that are being threatened this year. The answer to that is most likely no. Ryan Helsley of the Cardinals does have 32 saves. I believe K-Rod your guy has the record with like 65. So he's almost halfway there. But again oh no that was I thought Garnier but that's the most consecutive without blowing a save. Yeah Garnier had the most consecutive ever without blowing a save. But I think K-Rod has the record for single season saves with 65. And yeah that was in 2008. Now the thing about K-Rod the number two guy on that list is another one of your guys Edwin Diaz with 57. So K-Rod broke that record by five and that's a pretty comfortable margin on it. The most Trevor ever got was 53. Garnier had 55. Anyway um so that's one of them. But here's a record that absolutely is not going to be caught this season and I don't- This season Instacart has your back to school. As in they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies like backpacks binders and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it we were all that kid. So first call your parents to say I'm sorry. And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a zero dollar delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum ten dollars per order additional term supply. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives well better. 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By the way, I have a breaking Padre's news. You want to hear it? I do. I have probable, probable pitchers for this series against Cleveland's the guardians quickly. Yeah, let's have it. It starts Friday with the Sam Levitt pre game show at three, ten. That's correct. Friday afternoon. So, Friday, right hander, Matt Waldron. Waldron gets the start, huh? For a reopening day, if you will. Saturday, right hander, Dylan C. Sunday, right hander, Michael King. All right. And for the guardians, Tanner, Bobby on Friday, Gavin Williams on Saturday, been lively on Sunday. Interesting, but I just don't know a thing about any of those guys. To me, Bobby's good. Williams good. I think they're all pretty good. To me, the AL central is where players go to disappear from view, you know, especially us here in San Diego. We just have very little tigers. Yeah, we just have very little, little contact with the American like central, but I know Josh Naylor is in Cleveland. Yeah. And he'll be pumped up for the year. He was one of 10 Padres. Sorry. He was one of 10 former Padres. Right. That was suited up in the All-Star game last night. And I know a lot of people like to make a big deal out of that. You know, we let we let this guy get away and we let that guy get away. I pretty sure that every team in baseball could say the same thing. Yeah. I'm pretty sure even the Dodgers, even the Braves, there's some former players from those teams that have gone elsewhere also. Yeah. It's not just, it's not a situation that is only on the Padres. I'd have to look at, you know, I would too. I'd have to look at the list to actually see. Okay. Yeah. Who are the guys that were actually a former Dodger? Right. They let him get away. CJ Abrams now in that category too. For the Padres. Right. There were actually the Padres, Padres drafted or signed minor leaguers. They had a list in the air system. They had a list in the paper today. And I didn't memorize it. But, you know, Abrams, Trey Turner, I, Trey Turner, to me, it's a fugazi to keep talking about how I wish we had Trey Turner. You had Fernando Tatis, Jr. And if you, you know what I mean? Or if you had Trey Turner, you would have never got Fernando Tatis, Jr. Right. Max Fried. There, there are, there are a number of my point, my point on Trey Turner is if you would have kept him in the system and, you know, made it to the Major Leagues is the Padres shortstop. Fine. You'd have Trey Turner, but you'd have never traded for Fernando. So, you know, all of these things, every domino falls and has an effect on another domino down the road. Yeah. But it's easy to sit here and go, Oh my God, the Padres organization blew it, man. Yeah. Clothier. Ten former Padres. There's, there's a number. The Munoz one hurts. I will say that. Doesn't seem like the Padres got a whole hell of a lot for Munoz other than, you know, a couple of months of a struggling Aaron Nola or Austin Nola. I would say the wrong Nola. I got, I got the solution to the Padres starting pitching problems for the second half. Okay. Since you came in with some breaking news, I'm going to come in with solutions. Okay. How would you like a guy and your staff that 13 months ago pitched a perfect game in Major League Baseball to Mingo, Herman? He's available. The right-hander has exercised an opt out clause in his contract and has been released by the Pittsburgh Pirates. Herman was a AAA Indianapolis this year. My goodness. Eyes fall. Well, how fast they fall. Chris, he wasn't all that good aside from the perfect game. I know, but he's still put either was, which was caught by Kylo Goshy. Okay. Yeah. And that perfecto was in Oakland too. So you also have to say that should count. It really counts as a. No, it counts the perfect game, but it's not like he shut out the Astros. Herman's all time record is 31 and 28 with a 441 ERA over 89 starts. So he did have an 18 and four season in 2019, but that season ended early because he was placed on administrative leave for domestic violence allegations. He also was suspended for 18 or 20 more games for I think he didn't have drinking issues. Anyway, let's just steer clear after Mingo, Herman, I'm just bringing it up as kind of an aside. Yeah. Look, it's just on the starting pitch in question. And by the way, as an aside, we have got to, I think, as a sport, we've been talking about the trade deadline for a month already. And it's still two weeks away. Every podcast I listen to all this, we talk about the deadline to me like four weeks too early. Yeah. When is the actual deadline? I don't even know. August 1st. August 1st. Yeah. So we've got two weeks in Pacific. I think two weeks of actual two weeks. And by the way, moat, the arise deal, it was the anomaly of a trade that just kind of happens out of nowhere that's really notable. But most of this stuff happens, you know, in the 48 hours leading up to the deadline. There's only been two notable trades all season in baseball. We made them both. Yeah. All right, we got to time out here a couple of people on the lines that wanted to check in on the Padres and their thoughts on the first half and what we got to do to be successful in the second half will get back to some phone calls 833-288-0973 after this. Matt Waldron will kick off the second half of the Padres season. That news was broken on this very program by our Sam Levitt. Actually, not. I'm sure you just read it from something else. But well, I told the masses out there about it, right? Yeah, I was not the first to tweet it. Yeah, you got it out there quickly, though. I could have been. Sam Levitt, by the way, Sam, when you tweet something, yes, in general, just kind of like some sort of statistic or anomaly, how many likes do you normally get? It totally depends on what it is. Because you are one of the social media darlings. I'm more of a darling on the other platforms than I am Twitter, but it depends on what I tweet. He says, I'm more of a darling on the other platform. I have my big tweets, but I also have plenty of tweets that are living in the under 100 like range. Yeah, well, when I get over 100, I think that's a successful tweet. Not all my tweets are, you know, Picasso. Anything over 100. And I feel like, you know, the people really like me out there. I get really disappointed when I tweet something that I think is interesting and only like 60 guys like 60 guys. And I thought, I mean, of this first half of the season, if you want to talk about, you know, real storylines, I thought you as a media member, as somebody who watches, observes comments on the San Diego Padres, you were all over the numbers against left-handed pitching. Yeah, none other. I did a lot of that. Thankfully, they finally put an end to that by did I scoring some runs against left handed pitch. I also stopped keeping track. Yes, it lasted. It lasted far too long, though. It really truly did. So, all right. Is Isaac still there? Yeah, Isaac, well, he's online too. Can you bring that up? Now you can. Isaac, sorry for making you wait. Welcome to the show. Give me a little thought or two on the Padres. First half and what you're hoping for. Oh, it's fine. Well, I don't mind the wait, but like, um, my thoughts is that, uh, oh, man, there's a lot. Well, the big difference between this thing, this season and last season, what I've seen is that we've actually been doing good on extra innings, which is good in like these walkoffs, especially to come to the big comeback game against the Cubs. Um, turrets, but then like ify or bumpy, kind of like, uh, we should like, adults are not doing so good because we're not doing so good, but as we enter the summer, Jack's and Mel's been awesome. Everyone's been getting the hits in the titles and fighting off these pitches, like, like probably over 10 or almost 10 pitches and getting these, uh, homers and even the walkoffs against the Dbacks. Um, so yeah, the first, first out of the season, I think mostly, mostly good. And these last two weeks actually managed to save both 500 for the, uh, the second half, I'm hoping for a marble pin to like work better under pressure, you know, like, like, but like the thing is like, like, for all to like, um, like, as you said earlier, as you said earlier in the show, we haven't been, they haven't been like playing their full potential. And hopefully like he improves on that and like Colic, I every time we walked up to the mound, I got scared because it wasn't that good against the first half. And then all of a sudden, he's like a big 180. He's like, Oh my God, this guy's actually doing really good. So I can, I can definitely see this team getting into the postseason. It's just that like, you know, getting to the World Series is like, uh, gonna be definitely a challenge because everyone else is doing really good. And if we haven't got those good facilities again, I hope we go, we get the same ability to play on Sunday, you know? So that's, that's just me. Overall, like, it's baseball, anything could happen. Well, that is sure, uh, surely the case. I mean, the Padres proved that two years ago and the Diamondbacks proved it last year and the Rangers proved it last year. The Rangers were, you go back to last season on the Rangers. They got off to a pretty nice start, but they were all they lived in in August and September. Yeah, Bochi was about ready to call it a season. They led the American League West. I don't remember if it was quite wire to wire, but it was close. Well, they ended up tied with the Astros and they lost their last game, which cost them the division title. They had to go in as a wild card. Yeah. And then all of a sudden they just ripped off about 15 straight wins and they were the champs. It was like, whoa, where'd that come from? So yeah, baseball does leave a wide open out there. Isaac, thanks for the phone call. Um, you know, speaking of tweets, I just decided why we were sitting here to go through some of my tweets and guess what I'm looking and I haven't looked at them all, but over the last month or so, Sam, here's my most popular tweet with 157 likes, which is kind of a paltry number when you think about it. But here it is. You ready? Mm hmm. Me. What if he hits one in the seats here, Sammy? Yeah. Sam Levitt smiles and shakes his head. Next pitch, a swing and a drive. You got to believe in the magic season of Jergson profile. That's one of the highlight moments of the year, his grand slam. Absolutely. Against the, the nationals after everything that happened in that game that night. Yeah, we talked about it a little bit earlier for, but for, for, uh, from a Padres perspective. Yeah, I thought that was, and it has been now for a week or two, but that was one of the, the coolest moments of last night was watching him with his big smile. Yeah, take the field and enjoy it and back in Arlington and all of it. And look, I don't know that any of us could have predicted this in February or March, but when you talk about keys to the Padres second half, do not overlook Jergson profile or continuing to be what he's been. They need him. Yeah. I mean, he's been way too important for this team for him to not continue to, to play at some kind of level, like what he's been. They need it. They need it. All right. We got a couple of minutes here, Sam, before you move on, but we really appreciate you sitting in for a couple of hours today and helping us out. We've got, uh, Chris versus the fans at the top of the hour, but here's a list according to Mark Fine sand of, the, uh, spectacular Mark Fine sand of Here's a list of seven all stars who he says could be on the move by the trade deadline. I want to run down each of the seven. And then whether you think they'll be traded and how they relate to the Padres, if they relate to them at all. Okay. Uh, number one, Tyler Anderson, left-handed pitcher, Los Angeles angels of Anaheim. He's eight and eight, but has a two nine seven E. R. A. He's, uh, he's owed $5 million the rest of this season. He gets 13 million next year, but if you're looking for a good starting pitcher, that probably wouldn't rob your bank. It's Tyler Anderson, somebody very interested that you're interested. Very interested. Not going to cost a ton. Probably won't cost you a ton of prospect capital. Right. Very interested. But money, he's going to cost you money because it's five million, well, 13,000,000. Yeah, but they could absorb, take it a little bit under five million, the 13 million for next year. I'd like to think that they wouldn't be prohibited from that. It's not Tyler Anderson, Tyler Anderson, Tyler Anderson made the All-Star team this year. It's the second time in the last three years. He made it with the Dodgers in 2022. And he was 15 and five with a two, five, seven E. R. A. I got to be honest with you, that worries me just a tiny bit about Tyler Anderson that he pitched for the Dodgers two years ago. Not that I don't, it's not that I don't want to dodge around the roster. It's a, I feel like they might have some of familiarity with him if they, you know, because I'm thinking about how are we going to stack up against the Dodgers? Well, you have to play the Dodgers two more series, one at home and one in L.A. Yeah, that's before you even start worrying about a postseason scenario. Yeah, Tyler Anderson, yeah, he's been pretty good. There's a chance he wouldn't even face the Dodgers. All right, Tyler Anderson's number one, number two, Garrett crochet. We've heard this name a thousand times already. Last or since April, E. R. A. one six one. He leads the majors in strikeouts with 150. Only 23 walks. That's impressive. I must say 150 against 23. However, prior to the season, he'd only pitched 85 innings in his career. This year, he's already thrown 107. 25 years old. The white Sox have been real good to the Padres in the past. Yeah. Hello, Fernando. Is crochet on your radar? Look, I've said it before. I'm sort of out on crochet for the Padres in their particular scenario. I think you need starting pitching. I think that's the top priority right now for this team to me here in 2024. At some point here soon, he's probably going to be in your bullpen. Now, the thing with him is that he's got two years of control after this one. And that is considerable. That's important. Could he be an absolute ace for your staff the next couple of years? Yeah, but I think on top of that, number one, there's not a ton of starting pitchers out. They're great starting pitchers, Chris. It's going to be a huge package. I mean, if you're talking crochet, you're talking, I think about parting ways with one of your major, major guys. You're thinking that we might need to freeze. Really? I think that's so you have to get crochet. You're going to have to you're going to have to require that. So that's Hey, so you're out to me. I'm out on it. Okay. I just I don't think I think you need more than crochet for this year. I understand you have the control. Can you make the argument that having the two years of control for who he could be in the next couple of years is worth giving up one of your top guys. Maybe there is an argument to that. I don't know. Before we continue with the countdown, traffic, Frank says we need traffic. Okay. All right, we got five more guys on this list that says could be very well traded by the deadline. Sam Levitt has said, yes, he'd be real interested in Tyler Anderson. He's out on Garrett crochet. By the way, there's one of the reason that I don't I'm not a fan of crochet. Yeah, this isn't his fault. He's yet to pitch a game that meant a darn thing anywhere in his career. Sure. And all of a sudden, now he's going to be going, let's say in to Dodger Stadium with a playoff spot on the line. And all he's been doing is playing games in anger with Chicago. And that always bothers me a little. Yeah. And I think and I know we got more on the list. I think when people talk about the Padres and crochet, I think people have to understand the kind of package it's going to require. And I don't know that people quite quite understand it. It's going to have to be a major package because he's really good. He's got the years of control. And it's a market where there's not a ton of guys like him and others. I think it's got to be a huge package. Yeah, probably too much. All right. Number three, Vladimir Guerrero Jr. That name certainly raises an eyebrow. He's been in the all-stars four straight years. He bounced back after a slow start. He's up to an 815 OPS. He is under club control through the end of 2025. This team does not need another infielder, but it would be it would really be intriguing to add a slugger of his potential to your lineup. But I just don't know what you would do with him. So I agree with you. You would have to. You'd have to almost include somebody in the trade. Well, to me, my first thought is this. And again, why would the Blue Jays take a Hassan Kim? Yeah. Right. I mean, because to me, then it's like, okay, well, Bogart's could play short, Croninworth could play second, flatty could play first, then it rises your DH. But they also have both of the shit right now. You know, you would have to include something. Yeah. To make it work with your current team. Yeah, it sounds fun. Number four, Mason Miller, Closer, Oakland A's, throws a hundo, Jackson Merrill took him deep to win a ballgame earlier this year. He would be an intriguing a-thinning prospect or, you know, tantalizing. Yeah. But I think again, this guy's under control for five more years. I still don't. I still don't. The A's are not smart, but they're not stupid enough to give him away for nothing. That's the well, here's my thing. Like, I just, what are the A's doing? I don't know. I mean, that's why you got a call on Mason Miller. They might just be so stupid. Miller is such a weird one to me because it's like, if you're the A's, you don't, you don't have to move them at this deadline, right? You could move them a year from now and still get a huge package back for him because what he's going to have four years of control left. I just, I don't, but I guess if you are just viewing it as we have no need for somebody this good because we're not any good, maybe the thing to do is at his absolute highest value with as many years of control possible left. Look, if your, the pod rates could use them, they could use relief help. Oh yeah, they could use this. That's going to be another big package though. I, I don't know. Even the stupid A's will ask for a lot. Sure. I would take Mason Miller. Yes. Uh, next one, Isaac, uh, Peredes, third base Tampa Bay Rays. No. Yeah. I mean, the guys, uh, guys having a nice year hit 30 bombs last year, 15 so far this year. Uh, everybody's talking about the Rays are going to maybe part with some guys. But again, unless you're going to include somebody in the deal, you're not going to have any place for him. Tanner Scott, left handed reliever. Interesting. Miami Marlins. Very good. The only, uh, Marlin, all star representative, uh, does Louisa rise going and say, Hey, bring me, bring me my man, Tanner Scott to pitch the eighth inning. Yeah, I, I would be very interested in Tanner Scott. Very, very good reliever. Had a one, three, four ERA in the first half converted 14 to 16. Uh, it's not bad. He's only owed two and a half million or two point two five. He does hit free agency though this fall. It's fine. All right. I'm just throwing that out there. Very interesting. Last guy. We loved him earlier. Do we will love him now Kirby eights? Interesting. Having a nice year. One old five is the ERA for Kirby. I'm so happy that he's back. They could use three or four years down, but yeah, to me and Kirby want to come here and set up Suarez. Why not? I don't know. Maybe he wants to be the closer. Maybe he's got a little Josh Hader in him. Just throwing a, I'm just throwing a dart in the direction of Josh Hader. Is Kirby the closer in Texas right now? Sure. Is he? Yeah, he's the guy. Oh, been the guy all year. He's having a great year. All right. So those are seven guys that could be, should be moved before the all star break. According to's Mark Feinstein. Sounded like of all those seven, Tyler Anderson was the guy you wanted the most. Um, yeah, well, I think I put a premium on starting pitching for this particular group right now. Yeah. But I, in an overall sense, when you talk about Anderson, Scott Yates, like to me, if I'm AJ Preller, that's the pool I'm living in. Can I keep my top, top, top prospects? Add to this team. Hope guys get healthy and make a late run. 8, 3, 3, 2, 8, 8, 0, 9, 7, 3, that's what I know, bro. I know Garrett Crochet is going to be here in two weeks and so he might be here today. He might already be under the desk. 8, 3, 3, 2, 8, 0, 9, 7, 3, going to do a little Chris versus the fan. Or is it Sammy versus the fan? We could do that. I could stay for one more. Oh no. Sammy might want to stay for some Chris versus the fan. Dial in 8, 3, 3, 3, 2, 8, 8, 0, 9, 7, 3. I will see you all tomorrow. But when Chris are just getting started, sports talk it in. Your hosts, Tony Quinn Jr. Do you want to be right? Or do you want to be half? And Chris Elo. You can't kick a corpus 1X down. It's time to get you up to speed on all things sports. Yes, yes, yes. With plenty of nonsense in between. Oh, look. Here comes our fan of this producer. Sailing our way into hour number three of Gwen and Chris. Chris Elo, today Sam Levitt, the great one. It's nice enough to sit in for a couple of hours and now bonus time with Sam Levitt. Thank you. Thank you, Sam. All right. I like it. I can get behind that. Frank Marchese, Big Frank, sitting in for the ailing match, Scrabie. We hope to have Matt back in the saddle tomorrow, but he's not been feeling well the last couple of days. Tony Quinn Jr. is on vacay. Chris Elo here with you and the gang at 401. And we're getting ready for a little Chris versus the fans. And this is going to be one of my favorite editions of Chris versus the fans ever because I'm not going to play. I'm going to turn it over to today's host of the show, Frank Marchese. And today's expert, Sam Levitt. Are you pretty good at it? I'm sure you're good at baseball trivia. How good are you at some of the other stuff that might come up? Yeah, I'm pretty good. All right. And I mean, I've done this. I've done this at least once or twice. All right. Well, I haven't been around the winter. Yeah, maybe days I was filling in for you as crazy. Yes, I haven't. I haven't been. Yeah, I don't remember how I did. But all right, well, we're going to find out how you do today. We've got a full list of phone callers out there. They're going to be the bigger concern is the questions because we know Scrabie sometimes these questions. That's the hardest part. What is this? The hardest part is figuring out Scrabie's questions. There's no there's no doubt about it. Figuring out what Scrabie's question is is part of this game, for sure. But if you can unlock, unlock the secret and then beat Sam Levitt today, you will be qualified for a trip to the Rio in Las Vegas. It includes a two night stay and dinner for two. It also includes the day bed at the Rio pool. Rio Las Vegas is back, baby. New ownership, newly remodeled rooms, for sparkling new pools, and a brand new food haul, which is where Frank and I are going to be going. Now it's all ready for you now and your next Vegas escape beyond the expected beyond the strip beyond your wildest dreams. Rio Las Vegas, the rhythm of Vegas book now at rio Las Vegas dot com. What do you say Frank Marchese? Let's play a little Sammy versus the fans. If you had one shot, one opportunity to take down the human all manack himself, how would he do? Now is your time. Listen to me, this guy, strangers. Now is your opportunity to win a prize. Well, I hope you know what gen four Chris versus the fans starts now on 97 three the fan. All right, we're about to get underway here. There are six lines and they're all filled. I will choose a line at random by rolling this dice that I have here. Whichever night a number comes up, that's where we'll start today. You'll get three questions. They'll get a little easier to harder and if you answer correctly, move on to a question number two and then three. But if you miss it, Sam Levitt can end your dreams by correctly answering the question. If he misses it though, then you you live on and you move to the next round or you win and Frank says he doesn't want to take part of this. We'll see if Sammy wants to take part in this part of it. If you're a first time player, it's just me today. You didn't even take part of it. I know I didn't even take part. That's right. If you're first I play then you get the first question. You can move by past it. You go around to question two, but you have to let us know. All right. So here we go. The dice has said the line number five will go first today. So it looks like old Tom out there. It looks like Tom. Tom, how are you doing, but? I'm doing. What are you doing? Do it. All right. All right. So there you go. Right on to question two for Tom. All right. All right. So let's let's get into it question number two. Justin Upton played six seasons for what team? It's played six. It's a scary question. You have to figure it out yourself. Justin Upton played for six seasons. What team did he play the most seasons in his career with? I guess he meant 16 possible. Yeah, I think it's 16. Scrabies, you know. Okay. I mean, look, look, Scrabie has trouble writing these questions when he's not. What team did Justin Upton play the most years with? He did play 16 years. That is correct. Let's just start this whole transaction over. I understand. I think the question. He understands it. Tom says, you know, enough's enough, Frank. Give him an opportunity. What are you going to go with here, Frank? Tom, your what team did you play the most with? I'm going to go with the Braves. The Braves, he says. Oh, wow. That's not a player. It's not the Braves did not play with the Braves. The most with the Braves. Justin Upton, who did he play the most with? Sammy, if you get this, not the Braves. No, he did not. That's a little surprising to me. That probably would have been my one of the teams he played with was the pocket, but it's not right, but it's not right. Tell you it's not them. Is it the Angels? The Angels, he says. Did he even play for the Angels? Yes, he did. I know it. You know it now, Tom. Who do you think it is now? I think it's the Diamondbacks. It is. That was my other guess. That was the first team he played for was the Diamondbacks played for them for his first six years were with the Arizona then only two years in Atlanta. Weird. I would have thought he was there longer. Yeah. And then Quickstops in San Diego, Detroit before he fit Detroit. I didn't remember that. Yeah. And then he finished with five years with the Angels. So the Angels were close. Angels were last. Actually, I take it back. He snuck in 17 games with Seattle in this time of season. All right, very good. Tom, you stay alive and move on to the deciding third question here. All right. Hopefully, no, no one picks up to the question. Yeah, I know. Frank is looking at it. Mariano Rivera and Trevor Hoffman are the only M. L. B are the only pitchers in M. L. B history with more than 600 saves. Who is third on that list with 478? Oh, pretty pretty good question. I think Tom. What do you think? Who's the who's number three on the all time? All time. Yes. All time. Saves list behind Rivera and behind Trevor. I'm going to go straight guess. Ken Lee Jansen. Ken Lee Jansen. Is he number three on the all time save list? I don't think so. Oh, no. And he's right. It is not Ken Lee Jansen. Oh, man. This is hard. This is hard. All right. He might. He could miss this, Tom. And you can instill up winning. There's something. There's something in me. Something in you wants to say how I feel like it's wrong, though, that wants to say it's maybe Francisco Rodriguez. K rod. Oh, you know, you got your final answer. Oh, yeah, I think it's wrong, though. But yes, he's going with K rod. If this is wrong, Tom is the champ. How many did he have? It is wrong. What is it? Number six on the all time list is K rod. Okay. Number five on the all time list is Tom's answer. Ken Lee Jansen. Number four on the all time list is the active Craig Kimbell, right? Okay. And number three, the guy you are all looking for Hall of Famer, Lee Smith. Okay. Lee Smith. Okay. Mostly for the Cubs. I don't. I thought I thought K rod was higher. Yeah. Maybe at one time, he was. He was. He's just recently been passed by both Kimbell and Jansen. That's I thought he was higher on the list. I'm so. Yeah. Well, all right. Very good. Tom, you went today. Wow. I think very. No, you don't stink. Those are two really good questions. Those are two really good questions from the Scrappy Chronicles there. Well, now I want to look it up. So you want to look up? Well, you want to look up BJ? But why did we think like, oh, well, you know, BJ only spent two years in Atlanta, too. That's weird. I, I, I, maybe you thought Justin Upton was in Atlanta longer because he came to the Padres from the, I think of the Upton's. I just think of them as Braves a lot in my head. But they were there for a couple of years. But weren't they both Diamondbacks, too? Or Ray. Well, BJ wasn't. He was a ray for a long time. Yeah. BJ was. But BJ never played for the Diamondbacks. No. Well, you came up empty today. Sammy, what can I tell you? I might have come up empty, too. So those are tough questions. Marianne Rivera, though, 652. Trevor, 701. So that means Francisco Rodriguez was somewhat recently fourth. Right. He just got passed super off. Oh, yeah. No, you're very good. And Tom was very good because his Kenley Janssen answer was actually a head of your answer. Right. So good for him. I really can't believe Craig Kimball is still going. Yeah. I mean, it seems like every time I look up, he's getting lit up. But the Orioles, well, yeah, I mean, there's been, you know, Kimbrough, Kimbrough still really good. There have been a lot of big spots, though, and post-season spots that have not done well. Yeah. Yeah. The top 10 all time saves is Rivera, Trevor, Lee Smith, Kimbrough, Kenley Janssen, Kayrod, John Franco. There you go. Yeah. Frank, an old Met for you. Billy Wagner, another old Met. Kayrods, an old Met too. Kayrods, an old Met. Dennis Eckerzly is ninth. And Joe Nathan would be your number 10 guy in the all-time save list. Of course, saves were, you know, a whole different ball of wax back in the day. Yeah. When Raleigh fingers, see, Raleigh fingers to me, he's 15th on the all-time save list. But his 341 saves are more impressive, even like the Lee Smith's 478. Right. Because Raleigh fingers was always three innings. Same with Goose. Yeah. Well, he's at 310. The thing with Mariano and Trevor Hoffman are number one, they were excellent number two. They just did it for so long. It's a high level. I mean, you look, you look at the list. It's, it's 652 for Mariano 601 for Trevor. And then Lee Smith is at 478. Yeah. I remember when I remember when Rivera came up with the Yankees. And he was the eighth inning guy. Yeah. Do you remember who the ninth inning guy was before Rivera took over? Yeah. His name is, uh, he's number 12 on the all-time save list. But guess that's Jeff Riordan? No. No, who is that? John Wedeland. Right. Yeah. 1996. The first year that the Yankees won the World Series under Joe Torrey. Right. John Wedeland was the closer. Rivera was the setup guy. And then, of course, Wedeland moved on to free agency the very next year. Like a little Robert Suarez, Josh Hader's situation. Yeah. I think people think that Marianne Rivera just started out as the close. Right. I saw Marianne Rivera pitch at Tony Gwen Stadium on the campus of San Diego State. And I believe it was the 96th season. The Yankees that year opened the season in Anaheim. And George Steinbrenner, the then owner, was friends with the Aztec athletic director at the time named Rick Bay. They knew each other from back in the day. Steinbrenner called Rick Bay and said, we are opening the season in Anaheim, but we have like three days off in between our, right, you know, spring training finale and the old. We really could use a game. What would you think about us coming to San Diego and playing the Aztecs? You know, you're, you're in Rick Bay and Tony Gwen was the, you know, the manager. I mean, it was a big deal. And so the Yankees came and played the Aztecs in a, in a spring training game. And all the Yankees were here. I mean, we're talking strawberry and Bernie Williams and all those guys and they were wonderful. They all played a couple innings and they all went and hung out in the dugout with the Aztec players. I remember getting my name, a Chad Curtis had a grand slam. The Yankees end up winning probably 12 to four, you know, they won comfortably. But I remember in the middle of the game, Mariano Rivera came into pitch, maybe the fifth or sixth inning. And I just remember there was just one left handed batter for the Aztecs who came up to face him. And he just had no chance to get around on the Rivera fastball. Sammy, he lined like seven or eight pitches in a row over the third base dugout, just like straight foul. And Rivera was dying of laughter on the mound. Because he, it was like he kept saying here, here comes a fastball. Right. And you know, just you couldn't, you couldn't hit it. You couldn't get around on it. And then that was that whoever that kid was, don't feel so bad. Because Major League players couldn't hit it either. Right. For the better part of 20 years. So I mean, Mariano Rivera only had one pitch. That's the unbelievable thing. And that's the thing that I was thinking about with Suarez. Suarez has more than one pitch. But by and large, he does it with one pitch. And you think to yourself, God, are they going to catch up to it at some point? I don't know. They never caught up to Rivera. Yeah. So well, for the most part this season, they haven't. That's right. Or a little bit on the radar with the game where they walked it off. But they have to end up winning that game anyway. So and also you had to come in bases loaded a game you shouldn't have been in anyway. I kind of erased that game from the ledger. You're nice to do that. Yes. And I looked at it the other way. I thought, come on, man, this is the easiest save you'll ever get. Well, you got a five run lead. You got to have one out. But but bases loaded and then one swing and it was the one run game. I know. But he didn't do it. That wasn't one of the rare times he didn't do it. Yeah. All right. Good job, Tom. Congratulations. An exciting game of Chris versus the fans. I enjoyed watching you guys play. Sammy Levitt. Thank you so much for coming in today. Thank you. Good to see you. It's so tough to it. It honestly is. And these are tough three or four days. I don't have Tony. I don't have Scrabie. Frank's been great. But it was really nice of you to come in. Thank you. I know the listeners appreciate it. They love hearing from you. And we will hear from you again. You're invited by the way tomorrow. I know tomorrow is another day. We'll see. I got it. So I'd like to come in here more than welcome to not if not tomorrow three 10 from we'll see a three 10 Friday for the next Padre pregame show right now. We'll send you to some traffic and then back more Gwyn and Chris. Welcome back to Gwyn and Chris. Thanks again to Sammy. Checking in with us for a couple of hours there. Sam Levitt. Frank Marquesi Big Frank. Filling in for the ailing Matt Scrabie today. Hopefully we get Scrabie back tomorrow. Tony Gwyn on vacation. But Gwyn and Chris rolls on here at 4 23 on a Wednesday afternoon. Not a whole lot happening in the sports world on this Wednesday. We will have a daily gambit though coming up for you in the five o'clock hour. And also we thought with the Hall of Fame induction ceremonies for Major League Baseball coming up. We would revisit one of our all time favorite moments on this program. The day that Tony Gwyn Jr. and I sat down in Cooperstown right before he was inducted into the Hall of Fame with Trevor Hoffman. Great interview from several years ago. And you're going to get a chance to hear that a tad later in the program today. You know it's um I was looking at this. Frank and I was looking at the some of the stats in Major League Baseball. And you know one of the things that I think makes baseball great is that the statistics even though we've come out now with all these analytic things and F War and I I don't know. Bought that bit. I mean there's stuff I can't even understand. But we've come out of all this stuff. We still do have some of the other averages and home runs and RBIs and you know statistics that you can compare through the eras through the history of the game. You it sure was a different game in 1920 than it is in 2024. But you know you can compare statistics now to them. And I look at some of the stats at the midway point of this season and I start and it's not the official midway point. We're actually more than halfway through but game 100 on Friday. That's right. The all-star break is you know kind of looked upon. And I'm looking at is there any all-time records that are being threatened this year? The answer to that is most likely no. Ryan Helsley of the Cardinals does have 32 saves. I believe K-Rod your guy has the record with like 65. So he's almost halfway there. But again oh no that was I thought Kanye but that's the most consecutive without blowing a save. Yeah Kanye had the most consecutive ever without blowing a save. But I think K-Rod has the record for single season saves with 65. And yeah that was in 2008. Now the thing about K-Rod the number two guy on that list is another one of your guys Edwin Diaz with 57. So K-Rod broke that record by five and that's a pretty comfortable margin on it. The most Trevor ever got was 53. Kanye had 55. Anyway so that's one of them. But here's a record that absolutely is not going to be caught this season and I don't know that it's going to be caught in our lifetime or anyone else's. You know what it is? Like take a look the home run record bond 73. Okay I'm looking at single season records you're right. DiMaggio's 56 seems untouchable for hitting streak. I'm talking about a single season statistic. It's in the major a major category. Single season statistic that is very unlikely ever to be broken. I think Nolan Ryan strikeouts 383. Yeah I mean nobody pitches that much anymore. So it's almost impossible. But here's a record that conceivably could be broken because to me the game hasn't necessarily changed in this regard. And that is RB eyes. RB eyes are still counted up the same way they always were. They're still you know pretty much chalked up the same way they always were chalked up in the day. There's no real difference. Maybe maybe every day players sit out a few extra games during a course of a season. But it's not like pitchers who now pitch a hundred fewer innings than they used to. The RBI record. Do you know what it is Frank by offhand? I do not know. I'm sure it's probably it was it was it was maybe it. That's what you would think. The RBI record was set almost a hundred years ago in the 1930 season by Chicago cub outfielder by the name of Hack Wilson. And if you ever look at a picture of old hack Wilson is a big fella. All right but hack hack drove in a hundred and ninety one runs that year. And I bring it up because in the one hundred years since then no one has really come near it. Luke Gehrig is second and he was a hundred years ago nineteen eight he had a hundred and eighty five Hank Greenberg Jimmy Fox some of the others on the all-time list Babe Ruth of course most babe ever got was one sixty eight. So babe never got within twenty five of Hack Wilson and that's that's Babe Ruth. And you've also got to think they're playing last game too shorter. Those were playing but they were they were playing a hundred and fifty four games. The most anyone has gotten in RBI's in the last 70 years. Somebody have one forty two or something like that. No actually Manny Ramirez in ninety nine. So that's fairly recent. Manny had a hundred and sixty five. That's pretty good. Now and then after Manny Sammy Sosa during the steroid year at one sixty. But you know Manny's one sixty five and that was I believe steroid aided people would think in nineteen ninety nine I was right in the heart of that. The Manny's one sixty five that's the best anyone's done in the last seventy five years and that still doesn't bring you within twenty five RBI's of Hack Wilson. So that one ninety one is going to be real tough for somebody ever to get to. And you know if you're thinking about it this year Aaron judge is way up there. He's got eighty five. Is it okay. But even if you double it and he's got less games left but even if you double that you'd still be at one seventy. It's still be twenty short. He's got eighty five. Oh Suda and Ramirez from Cleveland have seventy seven each. Right. Balm who was on a tear at the beginning of season at seventy. So is Josh Naylor. Yeah. That's your top five right now. I just think it's interesting that there's a statistic that's been there for over almost a hundred years and no one's really approached it. I mean Hack Wilson was Hack Wilson but you know nobody talks about the legend of Hack Wilson. We talk about Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig and you know all the rest of these guys Willie Mays and Hank Aaron and DiMaggio and Mantolan. Same thing it probably should be said for Henderson stolen base record. That's. That's another one that's so far out there. Good one. 130 in one year for Ricky on the bases. Problem with that one again being caught is that nobody runs that much right. Right. Here's the other thing the out the outlier on the Henderson season with a hundred and thirty steals. He got caught forty two times. That means once every four games he was thrown out trying to steal which basically means that's why stolen bases started to go away because the teams decided analytically that that out was too valuable to give up. Ricky got thrown out forty two times that year and was successful a hundred and thirty. Yeah he ran a hundred and seventy one times or a hundred and seventy two times he tried to steal. Ricky he's in a he's in a world of his own. Yeah all right anyway just food for thought. Frank and the ailing Scrabie have put together our big five it's coming up next on Gwen and Chris. I don't want to put words in the mouth of Jim Rome but he was talking about the second overall pick in the draft. Alex Tsar. Frank I know you're a big NBA fan. Alex Tsar picked by the Washington Wizards. Jim Rome said they're in that little clip that it doesn't know how worthy Tsar was of being the number two overall pick. The thing he didn't mention or didn't have time to mention they don't give him a lot of time for that. No I've cut those things up before it's yeah you don't get much time. No yeah but the reason I think he said that Tsar last night if you missed it in a summer league game took 15 field goal attempts and went 0 for 15. That's a rough night. So we're looking forever. Yeah but you don't see too many NBA players even in the summer league game go over on 15 tries. Welcome back to Gwen and Chris. Chris Ello. Big Frank is in here today as Scrabie is on the mend not his shoulder this time. He's just flat out been sick for a couple of days and we hope that he'll be back tomorrow. But in the meantime big Frank's doing a whale of a job and Tony Gwen Jr's idol he'll be back Friday from Cleveland. That's where the Padres will send Matt Waldron to the mound against the guards to start the second half of the baseball season. One other note on that game Friday this is just he irks me. It's the Apple TV game. See the look on your face just when I said the Apple TV game. Who likes it? Is there anybody out there who would rather the game be streamed on Apple than you know on their TV where they could just watch it or DVR it and you know enjoy it at their leisure. I don't think anyone likes it better because it's on Apple. Maybe there's some people that don't have you know a cable TV and they only stream stuff. So they're happy I guess because they can maybe stream it but that's got to be it. A message to all sports commissioners. Well they're not going to listen to you. Not everything has to be about money. Not everything. Well it's just something that wouldn't it be nice. Yeah but Frank yeah you're in a dream world. Oh I know I am. Yeah you are. I mean I'm not saying you're wrong but everything's about money and you know when you when this when the stupid all-star game runs out there in these jerseys that's for money. Exactly. That's it. There's no other reason for it. Money money money. You don't have to monetize everything about every little aspect of every sport. You don't have to do it. Can't disagree with you but not going to happen. So yeah. Screaming Friday night. Apple TV. Disgust. It's that time of the show when we check on the latest in sports only the most important topics and questions are brought to light. Stop what you're doing and listen. These news stories will astound and amaze you. The one. The only. Oh my god. Who the hell cares. The big five starts now on ninety seven three the fan. It's just one one last note on that and I just said it to you now while we were off with how many Apple products I've purchased. I should be able to have Apple TV for free. Dad just give it to you on on merit. Like Siri that should be done for anyone by the way. It does not just me. Anyone who is bought. Anything is bought. Anyone's bought 700 Apple products in the last year ought to be able to get the Apple games for free but you can't. It'll cost you extra and you have to stream it when they want you to. Yeah. And you have to watch all their stupid commercials. It's especially now with MLS. Sorry. Can't deal with it. Can't deal with the Friday night Apple games. Not happy. Especially with MLS game pass or whatever it is. They're being stuck on there too. Sorry. Not for me. Number five. All right. We hit it. We hit on this yesterday. You'd mentioned how much the the Green Bay Packers had made over the course of last year. Oh six. Yeah. Right. Six hundred and fifty million or apparently the number has come out today for the NFL as a whole. It came out this morning. NFL teams are doing quite well for themselves monetarily. Last year each team earned four hundred and two point three million dollars in national revenue. Is that on that? Oh, I'm just in the natural national revenue. Yeah via pro via pro football talk. Those were the words now when multiplied by 32 the amount of teams there are in the league. The league made 12.873 billion dollars last year which is a seven and a half percent increase from the previous year. Certainly good news for Roger Goodell who's reportedly shooting for his league to bring in 25 billion dollars in national revenue by 2027. So he's got two years to make basically double what he's made. This is it just has so much and they just get more and more. Yeah. And they that's I'm glad to bring it up because it's just a reminder. It's a reminder of why you shouldn't get mad when your favorite player signs a 90 million dollar eight year contract. It's chump change for these guys and then you know and the national football league. So if you're going to be mad at a player from quote making too much then be just as mad at the owners because they make more. Yeah, exactly right. It is insane. And it is it is frustrating that you show up at what uh so if I stadium to see an NFL game and then you pay a hundred dollars to park and they just they don't even need that no they don't need that money. They've already made money hand over don't get me started. They charge you what thirty dollars for a beer at a football game nowadays. I don't go to it. I just why I can't stay in the NFL. Who could go who could go to an NFL football game realistically. I mean it's not the NFL. It's not a posh sport like tennis. You're pricing normal people out of a normal person sport. Why is it that I and I don't mean this in any other way than to make a statement about it. But why does it seem like the guy next to me is putting on hold paying off his his energy bill so that he can afford those tickets to the game he's at too. I have not gone to an NFL game in years and that one game I went to the tickets were given to me. I don't spend money on the NFL because I can't stand it. I can't help it. It's greeted for the most important part. The biggest part for me is it never goes away. It never has an off season. I don't need to hear the AFC South get broken down in March. I don't need to hear that. All right Frank. Let it have an off. I love the NFL. I hate the fact that they make so much money. I don't know what I can do about it though. We're going to stick with the NFL here for this one. As the Bears and quarterback Caleb Williams haggle over the remaining language haggle over the remaining language in his rookie deal because again there's not enough money to go around. There's one clause that definitely will not be added per multiple sources. Williams asked the Bears to agree to not use the franchise tag upon expiration of his rookie contract. The Bears said nay nay although multiple veteran players have secured such a commitment such as Dak Prescott. No rookie has finagled a promise that they won't be tagged. Has Caleb Williams put a lot of pressure on himself to perform? Well there's plenty. I mean you're the number one overall pick. But here's my thing with Caleb Williams. Did I say this to you or to Scravey? Probably Scravey. He's high maintenance and I'm kind of already over him. You know I'm already over Caleb Williams. I would love it if we lived in it and you talk about you know a world where not everything was monetized. I'd also love it if we lived in a world where once in a while a rookie would actually go out and do something before he started spouting off about how great he is or making demands on his contract. Saw what his replacement did at the holiday ball. Yeah touchdown's in the first game you ever stepped on the field for USA? I do remember that I was at that game. Yeah Caleb Williams I'm just telling you Caleb you're making it difficult for any of us to really root for you and maybe you don't care but you know when you start making all kinds of demands before you've ever seen it you're already comparing yourself and you're asking for things that just aren't realistic. It's going to be interesting to watch this guy during hard knocks I must say he's on the the Bears or the training camp hard knocks this year. I thought there was I know there were a couple at least when hard knocks came out that there were a couple of things that prevented a team from being on like if they were the recent Super Bowl champions they didn't have to do it. Yeah there's a bunch of things that prevent you from being on. I thought being I thought having a first year quarterback was a new one or was the thing also. I guess I don't know I can keep track of only so many rules. Yeah but yeah I'm having trouble you know being a Caleb William fan Caleb Williams fan you know and and I'll say one thing you talked about the pressure here's one thing he's got pressure he's been surrounded already with more talent than the Bears have had there. Yeah a long time. You know since maybe the mid 80s. I mean they put him some big-time guys around him so he's gonna have to produce right away. I don't see him being the next CJ Stroud. CJ Stroud came into the league last year for Houston you didn't hear a peep he just went to work and he didn't spout off. He just went to work. He did everything right so we'll see what happens with Caleb. Number three. All right so for the first two we stuck with the NFL. The first one was about league value. This one is also about league value. Angel City FC is now the most valuable women's sports team in the world following an agreement by Willow Bay and Bob Eiger I guess it would be to purchase a controlling stake in the National Women's Soccer League franchise at 20 dyslexia killing me again at 250 million dollar valuation. Good. Bay the Dean of the USC Edinburgh School of Communication and Journalism and Eiger the CEO of Walt Disney Company will become the new majority owners of the LA based club which pending league approval and the closing of the transaction. Does this tell you more about the NWSL's popularity or the rising cost of sports team? It tells me more about the popularity. I agree. I mean this is really a big deal for women's professional soccer and you know we have our team here in San Diego. They've been in the news lately for some of the wrong reasons. I don't know if you've been reading up on all of that and hopefully they'll get that ironed out. The wave will but it's terrific. I'm so happy for the WNBA. I'm so happy for women's professional soccer. Deep pockets are what make you know teams worth it and worth that kind of money and the angel FC is the LA based team for those who don't know and this is terrific. So yeah just tells me that soccer is getting better and better and women's sports we know is on the rise and it's not a moment too soon. Yeah it's only going to get better especially with the MLS team being here next winter. All right this is the last one we're going to have time for. Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Barrow is hoping to represent the U.S. in the 2028 Summer Olympics. Flag football will make its Olympic debut in LA. Barrow was hoping to participate in the action saying quote I really want to play for the Olympic flag football team. Like me, Jamar Chase, Justin Jefferson, me and my friends have been out there playing football. I think it'd be really cool. Do you think the NFL teams will allow players to play flag football in the Olympics? I will borrow a phrase that you use just a little short while ago. Oh nay nay. I don't know that they'll be able to keep them from it but I know they're not going to want them to. Joe Burrow you know he gets hurt walking out to pick up his morning paper. You got to be careful. Put him in a football game even if it is flag. It's flag football. It's during the summer. They're not going to be playing in the preseason anyway. Just let them go out there. Let them have fun. Let them play. It's the first time just do it. I'm one of the guys that believes that the the Olympics should be for amateur athletes, college kids. But just I've already lost that. Yeah that ship sailed a long time ago. All right good job Frank on the big four as it were today. Much more going in Chris ahead and a happy hour. Includes an old visit with Trevor Hoffman that I know you'll love. See you all tomorrow. But Gwen and Chris are just getting started. Sports talk it is. Your hosts Tony Gwen Jr. Top five characters. Scorpio. Get over here. And Chris Ello. In the audio audio. Oh my goodness gracious. Can we start the show over again please. It's time to get you up to speed on all things sports. With plenty of nonsense in between. Oh look here comes our fearless producer. Gwen and Chris starts right now on 97th Way The Fan. Time to get happy. We're going into the happy hour. Gwen and Chris. I 97th Way The Fan. Chris Ello. And a cast of one today. Me and big Frank as Tony Gwen Jr. is idle and Matt Scrabies on the mend. We are hanging out for another hour with you. Until six o'clock Sam Levitt filled in nicely earlier. We appreciate that. A reminder. Tomorrow morning. 10 a.m. Don't miss it. Right after the Ben & Woods program. It's our weekly Padre round table. An hour of commercial free. Padre talk. Everything from the first half of the season. And I'm sure everything looking forward to what's to come in the second half will be discussed on tomorrow's round table. Ben Higgins. Steve Woods. Or Steven. I don't know what 20 like. I guess he likes Steven better. Seems to be a Steven woods. Greg Elston. Annie Hyelbrun. Myself. Well I'll be on tomorrow kicking around the goings on to the Padres in the first half of the season just to recap. Padres are 50 and 49. They are a game behind your New York Mets, Frank. For the final wild card spot in the National League I saw some predictions earlier is from sports grid. Whoever these people are. They're predicting the outcome of the National League. Okay. Phillies will be the number one seed. Dodgers number two. When it's all sudden all the dust clears the Brewers will hang on to win the central they say. They're really going out on a limb so far. So far Braves will be the first wild card. Again another limb not broken. Here's one that is a bit of a risky pick. The Diamondbacks will get the second wild card they say with the Mets getting the third. That would leave the Cardinals and Padres and everybody else out. So we'll see how it all turns out. I don't see Arizona making it. You don't see Arizona making it. No. I think they just have too many problems, too many injuries. I don't think they do have a lot of injuries. I don't know. Are they ever going to get that left handed picture that they? No they got gallons back. My gumbry. No. My gumbry is back but he's been terrible. They got the kid from the Tigers Francisco. I don't know left hander. He's been on the injured list all year for the Diamondbacks and I thought he was due back a long time ago Francisco. Something ridiculous that my memory is going. I'm looking right now. Frank I tell you what don't ever get old. Don't ever get old. Too late but you know what happens? It gets old when you get old. Yeah he's not on the roster so I can't. No Montgomery is still on the aisle. No I know but I'm saying I'm looking at there. I'm looking. Oh he's on the aisle right now. He's on the aisle. Kyle Nelson's on the aisle. Eduardo Rodriguez on the aisle. I think the Diamondbacks have a shot. Everybody's got a shot. He's on the aisle. Oh yeah. Meryl Kelly. Yeah they were without him. I see a Francisco. No who's that left handed somebody? Somebody texted in the chat. Eduardo Rodriguez. That's the guy. He's on the 60 day aisle. Yes but he's been on it for more than 60 days. That's the guy I was thinking of. Thank you Eduardo Rodriguez. All right we'll see who makes it in the night. I mean look there are 12 teams that have a shot to make the playoffs in the national league and the Cubs are the 12th of those teams and they're only three and a half back. So that's a wide open field as it were. All right one thing we did not get to earlier on the program because Sam Levitt was in was our daily gambit so let's get into some of that right now. I know Frank wants to tell everybody how great some of his picks were last night. I know I got two. Let's see how the rest of it went for you Frank. Do you like money? I think about money. Do you like money without doing anything? Dark winning. Do you want to make money while watching sports? I think Washington is immortal luck. Washington woohoo. If you answer yes this is your segment. Just don't blame us when you lose. Nothing is ever your fault. It's okay. Take it. Gwen and Chris go through the dumb best of the day in the daily gambit on 97.3 the fan. All right don't bet it all. That's even smarter than gamble responsibly. Just don't bet it all. Enjoy the games. Pick some winners have some fun with your friends. Frank and I made these picks last night National League American League in the All-Star game. NL was favored last night for some reason by a run and a half. Frank went with the NL. I went with the AL. AL 153 so I won that one. Over under last night was seven runs. I said the over under is always under in an All-Star game but it wasn't last night it went over. There were eight runs. Frank got that and I missed that one. So we're both one and one. Next up Paul Skeens over under one and a half strikeouts. He had zero. Frank got that one. I missed that one. Into the WNBA we go Las Vegas. Matt Waldron will kick off the second half of the Padres season. That news was broken on this very program by our Sam Levitt. Actually not. I'm sure you just read it from something else but told the masses out there about it. I was not the first to tweet it. You got it out there quickly though. Sam Levitt by the way Sam when you tweet something in general just kind of like some sort of statistic or anomaly. How many likes do you normally get? It totally depends on what it is. Because you are one of the social media darlings. Yeah but I'm more of a darling on the other platforms than I am Twitter. It depends on what I tweet. He says I'm more of a darling than the other platform. I have my big tweets but I also have plenty of tweets that are living in the under 100 like range. When I get over 100 I think that's a successful tweet. Not all my tweets are you know Picasso. Anything over 100 and I feel like you know the people really like me out there. I get really disappointed when I tweet something that I think is interesting and only like 60 guys like 60 guys. And I thought I mean of this first half of the season if you want to talk about you know real storylines. I thought you as a media member as somebody who watches, observes, comments on the San Diego Padres. You were all over the numbers against left-handed pitching. Yeah. No another. I did a lot of that. Thankfully they finally put an end to that bite. They did. I saw. I'm scoring some runs against left-handed pitch. I also stopped keeping track. Yes it lasted. It lasted far too long though. It really truly did. So all right um is Isaac still there? Yeah Isaac well he's online too. Can you bring that up? Now you can. Isaac sorry for making your wait. Welcome to the show. Give me a little thought or two on the Padres. First half and what you're hoping for. That's fine. Well I don't mind the wait but like um my thoughts is that uh oh man there's a lot. Well the big difference between this season and last season what I've seen is that we've actually been doing good on extra innings which is good in like these walkoffs especially to come to the big comeback game against the Cubs. Um turn it's like sitting like ify or bumpy kind of like uh we should be like adults are not doing so good because we're not doing so good but as we enter the summer Jacksonville is been awesome. Everyone's been getting the hits in. The title is fighting off these pitches like like probably over 10 or almost 10 pitches and getting these uh homers and even the walkoffs against the D-backs. Um so yeah the first first out of the season I think mostly mostly good in these last two weeks actually managed to save both 500. For the uh the second half I'm hoping for a marble pin to like work better under pressure you know like uh like the thing is like like peralta like um like as you said earlier as you said earlier in the show we haven't been they haven't been like playing their full potential and hopefully like he improves on that and like Colik I every time he walked up to the mound I got scared because he wasn't that good against the first half and then all of a sudden he's like a big 180 like oh my gosh this guy's actually doing really good so I can I can definitely see this team getting into the postseason it's just that like you know getting to the world series is like uh gonna be definitely a challenge because everyone else is doing really good and if we have it goes to get the Phillies again I hope we go to get the same Phillies to play on Sunday you know so that that's just me overall like it's baseball anything can happen. Well that is sure uh surely the case I mean the Padres proved that two years ago and the Diamondbacks proved it last year and the Rangers proved it last year the Rangers were you go back to last season on the Rangers thing they got off to a pretty nice start but they were all they lived in in August and September yeah Bochi was about ready to call it a season they led the American League West I don't remember if it was quite wire to wire but it was close. Well they ended up tied with the Astros and they lost their last game which cost them the division title they had to go in as a wild card yeah and then all of a sudden they just ripped off about 15 straight wins and they were the champs it was like whoa where'd that come from so yeah baseball does leave a wide open out there Isaac thanks for the phone call um you know speaking of tweets I just decided while we were sitting here to go through some of my tweets and guess what I'm looking and I haven't looked at them all but over the last month or so Sam here's my most popular tweet with a hundred and fifty seven likes which is kind of a paltry number when you think about it but here it is you ready mm-hmm me what if he hits one in the seats here Sammy yeah Sam Levitt smiles and shakes his head next pitch a swing and a drive you gotta believe in the magic season of jerks and profar so that's one of the highlight moments of the year his grand slam absolutely against the the nationals after everything that happened in that game that night yeah we talked about it a little bit earlier but for from a pod raise perspective yeah I thought that was and it has been now for a week or two but that was one of the coolest moments of last night was watching him with his big smile yeah take the field and enjoy it and back in northern tin and all of it and look I don't know that any of us could have predicted this in February or March but when you talk about keys to the pod raise second half do not overlook jerks and profar continuing to be what he's been they need him yeah I mean he's he's been way too important for this team for him to not continue to to play at some kind of level like what he's been they need him they need it all right we got a couple of minutes here Sam before you move on but we really appreciate you sitting in for a couple of hours and helping us out we've got Chris versus the fans at the top of the hour but here's a list according to mark fine sand of MLB dot com the uh spectacular mark fine sand of MLB dot com here's a list of seven all stars who he says could be on the move by the trade deadline I want to run down each of the seven and then whether you think they'll be traded and how they relate to the Padres if they relate to them at all okay uh number one Tyler Anderson left-handed pitcher Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim he's eight and eight but has a 297 ERA he's uh he's owed five billion dollars the rest of this season he gets 13 million next year but if you're looking for a good starting pitcher that probably wouldn't rob your bank it's Tyler Anderson somebody very interested that you're interested very interested not going to cost a ton probably won't cost you a ton of prospect capital right very interested but money he's going to cost you money because it's five million 13 million this yeah but they could absorb they could absorb it under five million the 13 million for next year I'd like to think that they wouldn't be prohibited from that it's not Tyler Anderson much Tyler Anderson Tyler Anderson made the All-Star team this year it's the second time in the last three years he made it with the Dodgers in 2022 and he was 15 and five with a 25-70 ERA I got to be honest with you that worries me just a tiny bit about Tyler Anderson that he pitched for the Dodgers two years ago not that I don't I it's not that I don't want to dodge around the roster it's a I feel like they might have some of familiarity with him if they you know because I'm thinking about how are we going to stack up against the Dodgers well you have to play the Dodgers two more series one at home and one in LA yeah that's before you would even start worrying about a postseason scenario yeah Tyler Anderson yeah he's been pretty good there's a chance he wouldn't even face the Dodgers all right Tyler Anderson's number one number two Garrett crochet we've heard this name a thousand times already um last or since April ERA 161 he leads the majors and strikeouts with 150 only 23 walks that's impressive I must say 150 against 23 however prior to the season he'd only pitched 85 innings in his career this year he's already thrown 107 25 years old the white Sox have been real good to the Padres in the past yeah hello Fernando is crochet on your radar um look I've said it before I'm sort of out on crochet out for the Padres in their particular scenario I think you need starting pitching I think that's the top priority right now for this team to me here in 2024 at some point here soon he's probably going to be in your bullpen now the the thing with him is that he's got two years of control after this one and that is considerable that's important could he be an absolute ace for your staff the next couple of years yeah but I think on top of that number one there's not a ton of starter starting pitchers out there great starting pitchers Chris it's gonna be a huge package I mean if if you're talking crochet you're talking I think about parting ways with one of your major major guys you're thinking that we might hear degrees really I think that's so you think to get crochet you're gonna have to require that that's hey so you're out to me I'm out on it okay I I just I don't think I think you need more than crochet for this year I understand you have the control can you make the argument that having the two years of control for who he could be in the next couple of years is worth giving up one of your top guys maybe there is an argument that I don't know before we continue with the countdown traffic Frank says we need traffic okay all right we got five more guys on this list that says could be very well traded by the deadline Sam Levitt has said yes he'd be real interested in Tyler Anderson he's out on Garrett crochet by the way there's one of the reason that I don't I'm not a fan of crochet you know this isn't his fault he's yet to pitch a game that meant a darn thing anywhere in his career sure and all of a sudden now he's gonna be going let's say in to Dodger Stadium with a playoff spot on the line and all he's been doing is playing games in anger with Chicago and I that always bothers me a little yeah and I think and I know we got more on the list I think when people talk about the Padres and crochet I think people have to understand the kind of package it's going to require and I don't know that people quite quite understand it it's going to have to be a major package because he's really good he's got the years of control and it's a market where there's not a ton of guys like him and others I think it's got to be a huge package yeah probably too much all right number three Vladimir Guerrero junior now that name certainly raises an eyebrow he's been in the all-stars four straight years he bounced back after a slow start he's up to an 815 OPS he is under club control through the end of 2025 this team does not need another infielder but it would be it would really be intriguing to add a slugger of his potential to your lineup but I just don't know what you would do with him so I agree with you you would have to you'd have to almost include somebody in the trade well I to me my first thought is this and again but why would the Blue Jays take a Hassan Kim yeah right I mean because to me then it's like okay well Bogart's could play short crone and worth to play second Vlad he could play first then arises your DH but they also have both a shit white right now you would you would have to include something yeah to make it work with your current team yeah it sounds fun number four Mason Miller closure Oakland A's throws a hundo Jackson Merrill took him deep to win a ballgame earlier this year he would be an intriguing a-thinning prospect or you know tantalizing yeah but I think again this guy's under control for five more years I I still don't I the A's are not smart but they're not stupid enough give him away for nothing that's the well here's my thing like I just what are the A's doing I don't know I mean that's why you got a call on Mason Miller they might just be so stupid they do something Miller is such a weird one to me because it's like if you're the age you don't you don't have to move him at this deadline right you could move him a year from now and still get a huge package back for him because what he's gonna have four years of control left yeah I just I don't but I guess if you are just viewing it as we have no need for somebody this good because we're not any good maybe the thing to do is at his absolute highest value with as many years of control possible left look if you're the pod rates could use them they could use relief help oh yeah they could use this that's gonna be another big package though I even the stupid A's will ask for a lot sure I would take Mason Miller yes next one Isaac Paredes third base Tampa Bay Rays no yeah I mean the guys guys having a nice year hit 30 bombs last year 15 so far this year everybody's talking about the Rays are gonna maybe part with some guys but again unless you're gonna include somebody in the deal you're gonna have any place for him Tanner Scott left-handed reliever interesting Miami Marlon's very only a Marlon all-star representative does Louisa rise going and say hey bring me bring me my man Tanner Scott I would pitch the eighth inning yeah I I would be very interested in Tanner Scott very very good reliever had a one three four ERA in the first half converted 14 to 16 it's not bad he's only owed two and a half million or 2.25 he does hit free agency though this fall it's fine all right I'm just throwing that out there very interesting last guy we loved him earlier do we will love him now Kirby eights interested it's having a nice year one old five is the ERA for Kirby I'm so happy that he's back they could use three or four years down but yeah to me and would Kirby want to come here and set up Suarez why not I don't know maybe he wants to be the closer maybe he's got a little Josh Hader in him just throwing a I'm just throwing a dart in the direction of Josh Hader is Kirby the closer in Texas right now sure is he yeah he's the guy oh been the guy all year he's having a great year all right says you're seven guys that could be should be moved before the all-star break according to MLB dot com's mark fine sand sounded like of all those seven Tyler Anderson was the guy you wanted the most um yeah well I think I put a premium on starting pitching for this particular group right now yeah but I in an overall sense when you talk about Anderson Scott Yates like to me if I'm a J-Prowler that's the pool I'm living in can I keep my top top top prospects add to this team hope guys get healthy and make a late run 8332880973 that's the one I know bro I know carrot crochet is going to be here in two weeks himself he might be here today he might already be under the desk 8332880973 we're going to do a little Chris versus the fan or is it Sammy versus the fan yeah we could do that I could stay for one more oh no Sammy might want to stay for some Chris versus the fan dial in 8332880973 I will see you all tomorrow but Gwen and Chris are just getting started sports talk it is your hosts Tony Gwen Jr do you want to be right or do you want to be and Chris hello you can't kick a porpoise when it's down it's time to get you up to speed on all things sports with plenty of nonsense in between oh look here comes our famous producer Gwen and Chris starts right now on 97th Ray the fan sailing our way into hour number three of Gwen and Chris Chris hello today Sam Levitt the great one it's nice enough to sit in for a couple of hours and now bonus time for Sam Levitt thank you for time thank you Sam all right I like it I can get behind that Frank Marquesi big Frank sitting in for the ailing match Skrabie we hope to have Matt back in the saddle tomorrow but he's not been feeling well the last couple of days Tony Gwen Jr is on vacay Chris hello here with you and the gang at 401 and we're getting ready for a little Chris versus the fans and this is going to be one of my favorite editions of Chris versus the fans ever because I'm not going to play I'm going to turn it over to today's host of the show Frank Marquesi and today's expert Sam Levitt are you pretty good at I'm sure you're good at baseball trivia how good are you at some of the other stuff that might come up yeah I'm pretty good all right and uh I mean I've done this I've done this at least you know once or twice all right yeah I have to been around the winter yeah maybe days I was filling in for you as crazy yes I haven't I haven't been yeah I don't remember how I did but all right well we're gonna find out how you do today we've got a full uh list of phone callers out there they're gonna be the bigger concern is the questions because we know Scrabie sometimes these questions it's that's the hardest part what is this the hardest part is figuring out Scrabie's questions there's no there's no doubt about it figuring out what Scrabie's question is is part of this game for sure but if you can uh unlock unlock the secret and then beat Sam Levitt today you will be qualified for a trip to the real in Las Vegas it includes a two night stay and dinner for two it also includes the day bed at the Rio pool Rio Las Vegas Las Vegas is back baby new ownership newly remodeled rooms for sparkling new pools and a brand new food haul which is where Frank and I are gonna be going it's all ready for you now and your next Vegas escape beyond the expected beyond the strip beyond your wildest dreams Rio Las Vegas the rhythm of Vegas book now at Rio Las Vegas dot com what do you say Frank Mark Kasey let's play a little Sammy versus the fans if you had one shot one opportunity to take down the human all-man act himself how do you do now is your time this is me this guy strangers now is your opportunity to win a prize well I hope you know what Jen for Chris versus the fans starts now on 97 3 the fan all right we're about to get underway here uh there are uh six lines and they're all filled uh I will choose a line at random by rolling uh this dice that I have here whichever night a number comes up that's where we'll start today uh you'll get three questions they'll get a little easier to harder and if you answer correctly move on to a question number two and then three but if you miss it Sam Levitt can end your dreams by correctly answering the question if he misses it though then you uh you live on and you move to the next round or you win and Frank says he doesn't want to take part of this we'll see if Sammy wants to take part in this part of it if you're a first time player it's just me today you didn't even take part of it I know I didn't even take part that's right if you're first I play ah then uh you get the first question you can move right or past it you go around this question too but you have to let us know all right so here we go the dice has said the line number five will go first today so it looks like old Tom out there it looks like uh Tom Tom how are you doing but I'm doing what are you doing doing all right all right so there you go right on to question two for Tom all right all right so let's let's get into it question number two Justin Upton played six seasons for what team up it's played six it's a scrappy question you have to figure it out yourself Justin Upton played for six seasons what team did he play the most seasons in his career with I guess he meant that's 16 possible yeah I think it's 16 it's crazy as you know okay I mean look look scraping he has trouble writing these questions when he's not how what what team did Justin Upton play the most years with he did play 16 years that is correct let's just start this whole phase fashion over I understand I think the question he understands it Tom says you know enough's enough Frank give him an opportunity what are you gonna go with here for Tom your what team did you play the most with I'm gonna go with the Braves the Braves he says oh wow that's not a player it's not the Braves did not play with the Braves the most with the Braves Justin Upton who did he play the most with Sammy if you get this not the Braves no he did not that's a little surprising to me that probably would have been my one of the teams he played with was the pot right but it's right but it's not right but it's not them um is it the angels the angels he says did he even play for the angels yes he did I know but you know it now Tom who do you think it is now I think it's a diamond that it is the top you know I don't I just don't want my other guest that was my other guess that was the first team he played for was the diamond bet Wow that's played for them for his first six years were with the Arizona then only two years in Atlanta weird I would have thought he was there longer yeah and then quick stops in San Diego Detroit and before he fit Detroit I didn't remember that yeah and then he finished with five years with the angels so the angels were close angels were last actually he no I take it back he snuck in uh 17 games with Seattle in this final season all right very good Tom you stay alive and move on to the deciding third question here all right hopefully no no uh hiccups in the question yeah I know Frank is looking at it Mariano Rivera and Trevor Hoffman are the only ML the are the only pictures in MLB history with more than 600 saves who is third on that list with 478 Oh pretty pretty good question I think Tom what do you think who's the who's number three on the all-time save list yes all-time saves list behind Rivera and behind Trevor I'm gonna go straight gas Can we Janssen can leave Janssen is he number three on the all-time save list I don't think so Oh Janssen no and he's right it is not can we Janssen oh man this is hard this is hard all right he might he could miss this Tom and you can instill up winning there's something there's something in me something in you wants to say how I feel like it's wrong though that wants to say it's maybe Francisco Rodriguez k-rod oh you know you got some time is that your final answer oh uh yeah I think it's wrong though but yes he's going with k-rod if this is wrong Tom is the champ ah how many did he have it is wrong what is it number six on the all-time list is k-rod okay number five on the all-time list is Tom's answer Kenley Janssen okay number four on the all-time list is the active Craig Kimbrell right okay and number three the guy you are all looking for Hall of Famer Lee Smith okay Lee Smith okay mostly for the cuz I thought I thought I thought k-rod was higher on that list maybe at one time he was he was he's just recently been passed by both Kimbrell and Janssen that's I so that's where that here on the list i'm so yeah well all right very good Tom you went to wow I think very no you don't stink those are two really good questions those are two really good questions from the Scrabie Chronicles there well now I want to look it up uh so what do you want to look up well you want to look up BJ well why did we think like oh well you know BJ only spent two years in Atlanta too that's weird I I maybe you thought Justin Upton was in Atlanta longer because he came to the Padres for maybe I think of the Upton's I just think of him as Braves a lot in my head but they were there for a couple years but weren't they both Diamondbacks too or Ray's well BJ wasn't he was Ray for a long time yeah BJ was but BJ never played for the Diamondbacks no well you came up empty today Sammy what can I tell you I might have come up empty too so those were tough questions Marianne Rivera though 652 Trevor 601 that means Francisco Rodriguez was somewhat recently fourth right he just got passed super off oh yeah no you're very good and Tom was very good because his Kenley Janssen answer was actually ahead of your answer right so good for him I really can't believe Craig Kimbrell is still going yeah I mean it seems like every time I look up he's getting lit up but the Orioles well you know yeah I mean there it's been you know Kimbrell still really good there have been a lot of big spots though and postseason spots that have not that have not gone as well yeah yeah the top 10 all-time saves is Rivera Trevor Lee Smith Kimbrell Kenley Janssen K-Rod John Franco there you go yeah Frank an old Met for you Billy Wagner another old Met K-Rod's an old Met too K-Rod's an old Met Dennis Eckersley his 9th and Joe Nathan would be your number 10 guy in the all-time save list of course says we're you know a whole different ball whacks back in the day yeah when Raleigh finger see Raleigh fingers to me he's 15th on the all-time save list but his 341 saves are more impressive even like the least miss 478 right because Raleigh fingers was always three innings same with Goose yeah well he said 310 the thing the thing with Mariano and Trevor Hoffman are number one they were excellent number two they just did it for so long it's a high level I mean you look you look at the list it's it's 652 from Ariano 601 for Trevor and then Lee Smith is at 478 yeah I remember when Rivera came up with the Yankees and he was the eighth inning guy yeah do you remember who the ninth inning guy was before Rivera took over yeah his name is uh he's number 12 on the all-time save list but guess that's Jeff Riordan no no who is that John Wedeland right yeah 1996 the first year that the Yankees won the World Series under Joe Tory right John Wedeland was the closer Rivera was the setup guy and then of course Wedeland moved on to free agency the very next year like a little Robert Suarez Josh Hader situation yeah yeah I think people think that Mariano and Rivera just started out as the closer right I saw Mariano Rivera pitch at Tony Gwyn stadium on the campus of San Diego State and I believe it was the 96th season the Yankees that year opened the season in Anaheim and George Steinbrenner the then owner was friends with the Aztec athletic director at the time named Rick Bay they knew each other from back in the day Steinbrenner called Rick Bay and said we are opening the season in Anaheim but we have like three days off and between our right pre- you know uh spring training finale and the old we really could use a game what would you think about us coming to San Diego and playing the Aztecs you know you're you're and Rick Bay and Tony Gwyn was the you know the manager I mean it was a big deal yeah and so the Yankees came and played the Aztecs in a uh in a spring training game and all the Yankees were here I mean we're talking strawberry and Bernie Williams and all those guys and they were wonderful they all played a couple innings and they all went and hung out in the dugout with the Aztec players I remember going to my name a Chad Curtis had a grand slam the Yankees end up winning probably 12 to 4 you know they won comfortably but I remember in the middle of the game Mariano Rivera came into pitch maybe the fifth or sixth inning and I just remember there was just one left-handed batter for the Aztecs who came up to face him and he just had no chance to get around on the Rivera fastball Sammy he lined like seven or eight pitches in a row over the third base dugout just like straight foul and Rivera was dying of laughter on the mound because he it was like he kept saying here here comes a fastball right and you know just you couldn't you couldn't hit it you couldn't get around on it and that was that whoever that kid was um don't feel so bad because major league players couldn't hit it either right for the better part of 20 years so I mean Mariano Rivera only had one pitch that's the unbelievable thing and that's the thing that I was thinking about with Suarez Suarez as more than one pitch right but by and large he does it with one pitch either and you think to yourself god are they gonna catch up to it at some point I don't know they never caught up to Rivera yeah so well for the most part this season they haven't that's right Suarez a little bit on the radar with the uh the game where they walked it off but they have to end up winning that game anyway yeah so and also he had to come in bases loaded a game he shouldn't have been in any way I kind of erased that game from the the ledger you're nice to do that yes and I I looked at it the other way I thought come on man this is the easiest savior let her out well you got a five run lead you gotta get one out well but but base is loaded and then one swing and it was a one run game I know but he didn't do it that wasn't one of the rare times he didn't do it yeah all right good job Tom congratulations an exciting game of Chris vs the fans I enjoyed watching you guys play Sammy Levitt thank you so much thank you for having me it's so tough to it honestly is and these are tough three or four days I don't have Tony I don't have Scrabie Frank's been great but it was really nice of you to come in thank you I know the listeners appreciate it they love hearing from you and we will hear from you again now you're invited by the way tomorrow I know tomorrow is another day we'll see I got it I'd like to come in here more than welcome to not if not tomorrow three ten front we'll see you at three ten Friday for the next pottery pre-game show right now we'll send you to some traffic and then back more Gwen and Chris welcome back to Gwen and Chris thanks again to Sammy checking in with us for a couple of hours there Sam Levitt Frank Marquesie Big Frank filling in for the ailing Matt Scrabie today hopefully we get Scrabie back tomorrow Tony Gwen on vacation but Gwen and Chris rolls on here at 4 23 on a Wednesday afternoon not a whole lot happening in the sports world on this Wednesday we will have a daily gambit though coming up for you in the five o'clock hour and also we thought with the Hall of Fame induction ceremonies for major league baseball coming up we would revisit one of our all-time favorite moments on this program the day that Tony Gwen Jr and I sat down in Cooperstown right before he was inducted into the Hall of Fame with Trevor Hoffman great interview from several years ago and you're gonna get a chance to hear that a tad later in the program today you know it's um I was looking at this Frank and I was looking at the some of the stats in major league baseball and you know one of the things that I think makes baseball great is that the statistics even though we've come out now with all these analytic things and F war and I I don't know bought that bit I mean there's stuff I can't even understand but we've come out of all this stuff we still do have some of the other averages and home runs and RBIs and you know statistics that you can compare through the eras through the history of the game you it sure was a different game in 1920 than it is in 2024 but you know you can compare statistics now to them and I look at some of the stats at the midway point of this season and I start and it's not the official midway point we're actually more than halfway through but game 100 on Friday that's right the all-star break is you know kind of looked upon and I'm looking at is there any all-time records that are being threatened this year the answer to that is most likely no um Ryan Helsley of the Cardinals does have 32 saves I believe krod your guy has the record with like 65 so he's almost halfway there but again oh no that was I thought ganyae but that's the most consecutive without blowing a safe yeah ganyae had the most consecutive ever without blowing a save but I think krod has the record for single season saves with 65 and uh yeah that was in 2008 now the thing about krod the number two guy on that list is another one of your guys Edward Diaz with 57 so krod broke that record by five and that's a pretty comfortable margin on it the most Trevor ever got was 53 ganyae had 55 anyway um so that's one of them but here's a record that absolutely is not going to be caught this season and I don't know that it's going to be caught in our lifetime or anyone else's you know what it is like taking I mean look the home run record bond 73 I okay I'm looking at single season records you're right DiMaggio's 56 seems untouchable for hitting streak I'm talking about a single season statistic it's in the major a major category single season statistic that is very unlikely ever to be broken I think Nolan Ryan strikeouts 383 yeah I mean nobody pitches that much anymore so it's almost impossible but here's a record that conceivably could be broken because to me the game hasn't necessarily changed in this regard and that is RB eyes RB eyes are still counted up the same way they always were they're still you know pretty much chalked up the same way they always were chalked up in the day there's no real difference maybe maybe everyday players sit out a few extra games during a course of a season but it's not like pitchers who now pitch a hundred fewer innings than they used to the RBI record do you know what it is Frank by act by offhand do not know I'm sure it's right it was it was maybe you if that's what you would think the RBI record was set almost 100 years ago in the 1930 season by a Chicago cub outfielder by the name of hack Wilson and if you ever look at a picture of old hack Wilson is a big fella all right but hack uh hack drove in a hundred and ninety one runs that year and I bring it up because in the 100 years since then no one has really come near it uh Luke Garrog is second and he was a hundred years ago 1988 he had 185 Hank Greenberg Jimmy Fox some of the others on the all-time list Babe Ruth of course most babe ever got was 168 so babe never got within 25 of hack Wilson and that's that's Babe Ruth and you've also got to think they're playing last games too shorter those were playing but they were they were playing 154 games the most anyone has gotten in RBI's in the last 70 years somebody of 142 or something like this no actually Manny Ramirez in 99 so that's fairly recent Manny had 165 and that's pretty good now and then after Manny Sammy Sosa during the steroid year at 160 but you know Manny's 165 and that was I believe steroid aided people would think in 1999 I was right in the heart of that but Manny's 165 that's the best anyone's done in the last 75 years and that still doesn't bring you within 25 RBI's of hack Wilson so that 191 is going to be real tough for somebody ever to get to and you know if you're thinking about it this year Aaron judge is way up there he's got 85 but even if you double it and he's got less games left but even if you doubled it you'd still be at 170 it'd still be 20 short he's got 85 Osuda and Ramirez from Cleveland have 77 each Balm who was on a tear at the beginning of the seasons at 70 so is Josh Naylor yeah that's your top five right now I just think it's interesting that there's a statistic that's been there for over almost a hundred years and no one's really approached it I mean hack Wilson was hack Wilson but you know nobody talks about the legend of hack Wilson we talk about Babe Ruth and Lou Gary and you know all the rest of these guys Willie Mays and Hank Aaron and DiMaggio and Man Toland same thing it probably should be said for Henderson stolen base record that's that's another one that's so far out there good one 130 in one year for Ricky on the bases problem with that one again being caught is that nobody runs that much right right here's the other thing the out the outlier on the Henderson season with 130 steals he got caught 42 times that means once every four games he was thrown out trying to steal which basically means that's why stolen bases started to go away because the teams decided analytically that that out was too valuable to give up Ricky got thrown out 42 times that year and was successful 130 yeah he ran 171 times or 172 times he tried to steal Ricky he's in a world of his own yeah all right anyway just food for thought Frank and the ailing Scrabie have put together our big five it's coming up next on Gwen and Chris I don't want to put words in the mouth of Jim Rome but he was talking about the second overall pick in the draft Alex Sarr Frank I know you're a big NBA fan Alex Sarr picked by the Washington Wizards Jim Rome said they're in that little clip that he doesn't know how worthy Sarr was of being the number two overall pick the thing he didn't mention or didn't have time to mention they don't give him a lot of time for that no I've I've cut those things up before it's yeah you don't get much time no yeah but the reason I think he said that Sarr last night if you missed it in a summer league game took 15 field goal attempts and went 0 for 15 that's a rough night for a rookie yeah but you don't see too many NBA players even in a summer league game go over on 15 tries welcome back to Gwen and Chris, Chris Elo, Big Frank is in here today as Scrabie is on the mend not his shoulder this time he's just flat out been sick for a couple of days and we hope that he'll be back tomorrow but in the meantime Big Frank's doing a whale of a job and Tony Gwen Jr's idol he'll be back Friday from Cleveland that's where the Padres will send Matt Waldron to the mound against the guards to start the second half of the baseball season one other note on that game Friday this just he irks me it's the Apple TV game see the look on your face just that's what I said the Apple TV game who likes it is there anybody out there who would rather the game be streamed on Apple then you know on their TV where they could just watch it or DVR it and you know enjoy it at their leisure I don't think anyone likes it better because it's on Apple maybe there's some people that don't have you know a cable TV and the only stream stuff so they're happy I guess because they can maybe stream it but that's got to be it a message to all sports commissioners well they're not going to listen to you not everything has to be about money not everything well you know it's the same thing that wouldn't it be nice yeah but the drink yeah you're in a dream world oh I know yeah you are I mean I'm not saying you're wrong uh but everything's about money and you know when you when this when the stupid all-star game runs out there in these jerseys that's for money exactly that's it there's no other reason for it money money money you don't have to monetize everything about every little aspect of every sport you don't have to do it can't disagree with you but not going to happen so yeah screaming Friday night Apple TV discussed it's that time of the show when we check on the latest in sports only the most important topics and questions are brought to light stop what you're doing and listen these news stories will astound and amaze you the one the only oh my god who the hell case law big five starts now on ninety seven three the fan it's just one one last note on that and I just said it to you now while we were off with how many apple products I've purchased I should be able to have apple tv for free now to just give it to you on uh on merit like seriously that should be done for anyone by the way it does not just me anyone who has bought anything is bought anyone's bought 700 apple products in the last year ought to be able to get the apple games for free but you can't it'll cost you extra and you have to stream it when they want you to yeah and you have to watch all their stupid commercials it's especially now with MLS sorry can't deal with it can't deal with the Friday night apple games not happy especially with MLS game pass or whatever it is there being stuck on there too that kind of stinks also sorry not for me number five all right we hit it we hit on this yesterday you'd mentioned how much the uh the green bay packers had made over the course of last year oh six uh yeah right six hundred and fifty million hours apparently the number has come out today for the NFL as a whole it came out this morning uh NFL teams are doing quite well for themselves monetarily uh last year each team earned four hundred and two point three million dollars in national revenue is that on that oh i'm just in the natural national revenue yeah via pro support uh by via pro football talk those were the words yeah when multiplied by 32 the amount of teams there are in the league the league made 12.873 billion dollars last year which is the seven and a half percent increase from the previous year uh certainly good news for Roger Goodell who's reportedly shooting uh for his league to bring in 25 billion dollars in national revenue by 2027 so he's got two years to make basically double what he's made hey this is they just have so much and they just get more and more yeah and they they that's i'm glad to bring it up because it's just a reminder it's a reminder of why you shouldn't get mad when your favorite player signs a ninety million dollar eight-year contract it's chump change for these guys and then you know and the national football league so if you're going to be mad at a player from quote making too much then be just as mad at the owners because they make more yeah exactly right it is insane and it it is frustrating that you show up at what uh so far stadium to see an NFL game and then you pay a hundred dollars to park and they just they don't even need that no they don't need that money they've already made money hand over they charge you what 30 dollars for a beer that a football game nowadays go to it i this why i can't stay in the NFL part of it who could go to an NFL football game realistically i mean it's not the NFL it's not a posh sport like tennis you're pricing normal people out of a normal person sport why is it that i and i don't mean this in any other way than to make a statement about it but why does it seem like the guy next to me is putting on hold paying off his his energy bill so that he can afford those tickets to the game he's at too i have not gone to an NFL game in years and that one game i went to the tickets were given to me i don't spend money on the NFL because i can't stand it it's i can't help it it's greeted oh it is so important part the biggest part for me is it never goes away it never has an off-season i don't need to hear the AFC South get broken down in march i don't need to hear that just right from away let it have an off i love the NFL i hate the fact that they make so much money i don't know what i can do about it though it's we're gonna stick with the NFL here for this one i number four uh as the Bears and quarterback Caleb Williams haggle over the remaining language haggle over the remaining language in his rookie deal because again there's not enough money to go around there's one clause that definitely will not be added per multiple sources Williams asked the Bears to agree to not use the franchise tag upon expiration of his rookie contract the Bears said nay-nay although multiple veteran players have secured such a commitment such as Dak Prescott no rookie has finagled a promise that they won't be tagged okay has Caleb Williams put a lot of pressure on himself to perform um well there's plenty i mean you're the number one overall pick yeah but here's my thing with Caleb Williams that i say this to you or to Scravey probably Scravey he's high maintenance and i i'm kind of already over him you know i'm already over Caleb Williams i would love it if we lived in it and you talk about you know a world where not everything was monetized i'd also love it if we lived in a world where once in a while a rookie would actually go out and do something before he started spouting off about how great he is or making demands on his contract saw what his replacement did at the holiday ball stats touchdowns in the first game you ever stepped on the field for USA i do remember that i was at that game yeah it Caleb Williams i'm just telling you Caleb you're making it difficult for any of us to really root for you and maybe you don't care but you know when you start making all kinds of demands before you've ever uh you're already comparing yourself and you're asking for things that just aren't realistic uh it's going to be interesting to watch this guy during hard knocks i must say he's on the uh the bears are the uh training camp hard knocks this year i thought that was i know there were a couple at least when hard knocks came out that there were a couple of things that prevented a team from being on like if they were the recent Super Bowl champions they didn't have to do yeah there's a bunch of things that prevent you from being on i thought being i thought having a first year quarterback was a new one or was the thing also yeah i guess i don't know i can keep track of only so many rules you know but yeah i i i'm having trouble you know being a Caleb William fan Caleb Williams fan you know and and i'll say one thing you talked about the pressure here's one thing he's got pressure he's been surrounded already with more talent than the bears have had there yeah long time you know since maybe the mid-80s i mean they put him some big time guys around him so he's gonna have to produce right away i don't see him be in the next cj strout cj strout came into the league last year for houston you didn't hear a peep he just went to work and he didn't spout off he just went to work he did everything right so we'll see what happens of Caleb number three all right so for the first two we stuck with the nfl the first one was about league value this one is also about league value uh angel city fc is now the most valuable women's sports team in the world following an agreement by will obey and bob eiger i guess that would be to purchase a controlling stake in the national women soccer league uh franchise at 20 dyslexia killing me again at 250 million dollar valuation good uh bay the dean of the usc nberg school of communication and journalism and eiger the ceo of wall disney company will become the new majority owners of the la base club which pending league approval and the closing of the transaction does this tell you more about the nwsl's popularity or the rising cost of sports team uh it tells me more about the uh the popularity i agree i mean this is really a big deal for uh women's professional soccer and you know we have our team here in san diego uh they've been in the news lately for some of the wrong reasons i don't know if you've been reading up on all of that and hopefully they'll get that ironed out um the wave will but um this is terrific i'm so happy for the wnba i'm so happy for women's professional soccer deep pockets are what make you know teams worth it and worth that kind of money and uh the angel fc is the la base team for those who don't know uh and this is terrific so yeah just tells me that soccer is getting better and better and women's sports we know is on the rise and it's not a moment too soon yeah it's only gonna get better especially with the mls team being here next winter number two all right this is the last one we're gonna have time for uh Cincinnati Bengals quarterback joe burrow is hoping to represent the u.s in the 2028 some burrow summer olympics flag football will make its olympic debut in la burrow is hoping to participate in the action saying quote i really want to play for the olympic flag football team uh like me jamaar chase just in jefferson me and my friends have been out there playing football i think it'd be really cool do you think the nfl teams will allow players to play flag football in the olympics i will borrow a phrase that you use just a little short while ago uh oh nay nay i don't know that they'll be able to keep them from it but i know they're not gonna want them to hey joe burrow you know he gets hurt walking out to pick up his morning paper you're gonna be careful put him in a football game even if it is flag it's flag football it's during the summer they're not going to be playing in the preseason anyway just let them go out there let them have fun let them play it's their first time just do it i'm one of the guys that believes that the uh the olympic should be for amateur athletes college kids but just i've already lost that battle yeah that ship sailed a long time ago all right good job frank on the big four as it were today much more going in chris ahead and a happy hour includes an old visit with Trevor Hoffman that uh i know you'll love see you all tomorrow but gwen and chris are just getting started sports tuckity your hosts tony gwen jr top five characters scorpion get over here and chris hello in the audio audio oh my goodness gracious can we start the show over again please it's time to get you up to speed on old things sports yes yes yes with plenty of nonsense in between oh look here comes our fearless producer gwen and chris starts right now on 97th grade of fan time to get happy we're going into the happy hour uh gwen and chris i 97th through the fan uh chris hello and uh cast of one today me and big frank as tony gwen jr is idle and matt scrapie's on the mend uh we are hanging out for another hour with you uh until six o'clock sam levitt filled in nicely earlier we appreciate that uh a reminder tomorrow morning 10 a.m don't miss it right after the ben and woods program it's our weekly padre round table an hour of commercial free padre talk everything from the first half of the season and i'm sure everything looking forward to what's to come in the second half we'll be discussed on tomorrow's round table ben higgins steve woods or steven i don't know what's 20 like i guess you like steven better seems to be a steven woods um craig elston andy hyalbron myself well i'll be on tomorrow kicking around the goings on to the padre's in the first half of the season just to uh you know recap padre's are 50 and 49 they're a game behind your new york meds frank for the uh final wild card spot in the national league i saw some predictions earlier is from sports grid whoever these people are they're predicting the outcome of the national league okay fillies will be the number one seed dodgers number two when it's all said and all the dust clears the brewers will hang on to win the central they say they're really going out on a limb so far so far braves will be the first wild card again another limb not broken uh here's one that is a bit of a risky pick the diamondbacks will get the second wild card they say with the meds getting the third that would leave the cardinals and padre's and everybody else out so we'll see how it all turns out the national league i don't see arizona making it you don't see arizona making it i think they just have too many problems too many injuries i don't think they do have a lot of injuries uh i don't know are they ever going to get that left-handed picture that they no they got gallants back oh my gumbry my gumbry no my gumbry's back but he's been terrible they got uh the kid from uh the tigers francesco i don't know left-hander he's been on the injured list all year for the diamondbacks and i thought he was due back a long time ago francesco something ridiculous that i my memory is going i'm looking right now frank i tell you what don't ever get old don't ever get old too late but you know what happens it gets old when you get old um yeah he's not on their roster so i can't know my gumbry he's still on the aisle no i know but i'm saying i'm looking at their i'm looking oh he's on the isle right now he's on the isle kyle nelson's on the isle it's one of red reagan's on the isle i think the diamondbacks have a shot everybody's got a shot he's on the isle oh yeah maryle kelly yeah they're without him i would see a francesco no who's that left-handed somebody somebody texted in the chat if right that's the guy he's on the 60-day isle yes but he's been on it for more than 60 days that's the guy i was thinking of thank you it weren't a red reagan's all right we'll see who makes it in the now i mean look there are 12 teams that have a shot to make the playoffs in the national league and the cubs are the 12th of those teams and they're only three and a half back so that's a wide open field as it were all right one thing we did not get too earlier on the program because sam leavitt was in was our daily gambit so uh let's get into some of that right now i know frank wants to tell everybody how great some of his picks were last night i know i got two let's see how how you the rest of it went for you frank do you like money i think about money do you like money without doing anything uh dark winning do you want to make money while watching sports i think washington is immortal luck washington if you answer yes this is your segment just don't blame us when you lose nothing is ever your fault it's your game take it when chris go through the top best of the day in the daily gambit on 97 three the fan all right uh don't bet it all that's even smarter than the gamble responsibly just don't bet it all enjoy the games pick some winners have some fun with your friends frank and i made these picks last night national league american league in the all-star game nl was favored last night for some reason by a run and a half frank went with the nl i went with the al al one five three so i went that one uh over under last night with seven runs i said the uh over under's always under in an all-star game but it wasn't last night it went over there were eight runs frank got that and i missed that one so we're both one and one next up paul skeens over under one and a half strikeouts he had zero frank got that one i missed that one uh into the wnba we go los vegas 13 point favorite over chicago both frank and i went with los vegas chicago won the game outright big upset turned in by chicago there so we both missed that one frank angel reese over under for her was 13 and a half points last night she scored 13 so she went under we both were correct on that one and finally the league's leading scorer asia wilson over under 27 and a half points you went under i went over she went over with 28 we finished high we did we both went three and three last night so that's how that turned out as far as tonight is concerned that's annoying actually yeah well the old sister kiss there do you know that turn by the way kissing your sister is like i use that one time with tony and scravian both of them thought what are you talking about that's disgusting and i said no it's a it's a it's a terminology for a tie and they were like it is yeah they didn't know that so i was i had to clue them in all right tonight indiana the fiva at dallas the wings indiana's favored by four and a half dallas does have the worst record in the league coming into the game but they're at home who do you like here frank i take the fever you go with the fiva frank's got the fiva i'll go dallas third home the fever haven't been great with the calon clark they've been the you know k typically when you get the number one pick you're not a great right you weren't great to begin with by the way i just noticed this today calon clark is leading the entire wnba and assists that's not shabby for a rookie angel Reese is leading in rebounds which is also not shabby for especially when there were talks earlier on the season that her teammates were intentionally dropping passes they might have been the way they were breaking some of those receptions katelyn tonight 20 and a half points over under she averages about 16 but dallas is a bad team so i say she has a big scoring night i'll go over god go over as well you're also going over all right here's one that i put on there just because i like to say her name arike oh goomba walleye oh goomba walleye i need a couple of tries at it before i get it a goomba walleye she's the third leading scorer in the wnba she averages 22 points a game she plays for dallas and her over under is 22 and a half for tonight frank what do you think about oh goomba walleye feeling good about her tonight arike or not feeling good about oh goomba walley what was the over under 22 and a half what's her over under for the season she averages 22 so they're hitting you right now i'll say under gonna say under tonight all right again i'm gonna say it's a little distracted the streams doing some wacky stuff that's why i was sorry don't do that don't tell me that i don't want to know about that the stream hello stream hang in there um all right onto the mls we go anyone i just want to see how many mls fans we have out there in fact just for fun somebody i know my red balls are playing right now i was in the art city red balls i don't look at any scores uh because i'm gonna ask you a couple games but here's but before i get to this i want to see how many real mls fans are i think this would this would qualify you as a real mls fan you say you are you can't wait for sd you know sandy go fc next year you love your soccer etc somebody right into the chat right now who has the best record right now in the entire mls and what i mean by that is who has the most points because it comes down to points you get three for a win one for a draw one for a draw or whatever yeah so who's the who has the best record in the mls anyone on the chat got that i'm curious i don't got this you don't have it no i would never have it to me i would never have it so i don't have the chat so somebody's got a you got to tell me if anybody gets this i'm seeing no clue no clue which is a problem that's not right shoulder shrug emoji shoulder shrug is no good anybody got a guess even like a team intermiami intermiami's guests all right they're second columbus crew they're third no they're not third they're third in their division yeah third in the conference yeah you're close but nobody's gotten it yet who has the best record in the mls come on all you soccer fans everybody tells me out there how many great soccer fans are out there i have never watched an mls game world cup euro champions that's what i'm getting on the chat right now so nobody knows thank you for exposing us yeah i'm exposing you people you guys tell me all the time alaandro and did he really put since the ad fc put since the yes okay because it's fc since an adi officially but yeah it is correct alaandro was it alaandro yes thank you alaandro finally putting into this madness they are playing chicago tonight chicago fire chicago fire fc now over under three and a half goals frank what do you think over under the best team in the league since an adi and chicago where chicago where chicago because chicago hasn't been good these last years they're bad they're in 14th place they're way down the line i will say i will say over because i know games like this can get a little bit out of hand you think since he could score four that's a lot oh oh it's over under since he's gold no no no over under total oh did chicago may accidentally get one wow that was pretty cold blooded to the poor chicago team i mean everyone you're just accidentally scored just for the hell of it i'm going to go under uh one more enter miami that's messy's team now he's not playing he's out with an injury bad ankle injury in help america for me miami despite that still favored by a half goal tonight over toronto fc makes sense which means with a tie you know you'd win with toronto i'll say toronto just in the event of a tie i'll take into miami this is going to go in miami very good and then i got one i got one summer league game and then nba the great brawny james leads his lakers into battle tonight against adam clugues hawks both teams are on two in summer league action the hawks trading for everyone yes right the hawks are favored by four and a half frank could you like here i mean this is what we're left with people i'm sorry it's the wednesday of the all-star break what do you want he could have had a british open pick i mean it's under schoffley come on i refuse to talk about the british open since somebody yelled at you for it earlier in the day um still angry about that i'll i'll take it lana goes with the adam clugues hawks all right just i'll represent tony and take the lakers if i want to move up in this this business i gotta i think that was i think that was yeah you got to smooth the uh boss just a little bit i gotta tell you frank i i'm a little surprised there i mean i think we did a little bit expose our you know soccer fandom out there which just means you guys got to start talking about it more to get everyone ready for february okay i get that but i mean we've got our team coming next year and everybody everybody tells me you know we are soccer crazy in this city i will say that is the worst part the worst part about the mls is every other soccer league in the northern hemisphere runs during the winter mls runs during the summer along with baseball season so you think that's what keeps the soccer people away that does hurt it a lot okay again you play it in the winter you're fighting with the nba and i thought yeah what are you gonna do yeah and you're also fighting the weather yeah well i mean in the winter i just i just thought there was this was not an official study by any means but you know we have a pretty well-rounded you know listening audience out there and i put it out there for grabs who has the best record in the mls and it took a while for allahandro to come up with that i would not have guessed it's interesting because i would not have guessed since i didn't because the last i saw them they were expansion team bad they're having a good they're having a good season they are 15 five and three with 48 points that leads all teams in the mls at this point all right very good uh check a traffic coming up and don't forget hall of fame throwback interview with Trevor Hoffman that Tony and i did several years ago that if you heard it it's probably worth listening to again anyway it's coming up shortly so frank and i was just taking a trip down mls memory lane so during that break now that we're in on uh now that we're all excited that since nadi has the best record in the mls and we're all aware of that frank goes or i said to frank i go there's you know there's ten original teams that are still in i named a bunch of old you got almost all of them you didn't get the yet didn't get the ten um but the so we were going back of the original mls season was 1996 that sound about right right around there yeah and uh that was the first season it began on april six 1996 the san ose clash now and i believe known as the earthquake yeah the san ose earthquake took on dc united the game was at spartan stadium in san ose california esp and carried the game live the clash won the gill the game on a goal by a former san diego state athlete eric wannalda you've heard that name i think have you not i have heard of him as someone who has never been in my kitchen all right mr wannalda was a uh san ego state er he scored the very first goal in the mls history about that so for a little mls trivia for you so what you're saying is by san diego by fc san diego or san diego fc or whatever yeah coming here finally it's come full circle it's coming home it's finally come full circle and all the when all the score the first goal come on trivia that you can impress pretty much anyone with i don't think anybody's gonna know that one uh dc united was the first mls champion i know taking on the title you know the galaxy has the most they beat the galaxy in the finals that year so there you go galaxy of the most i remember that um yeah i don't know i don't really don't know how much more research i want to do on this right i'm pretty good i'll save some of the research for when the when the team actually yes sandy ego fc team starts but i'll tell you one thing i'm going to impress somebody soon when i tell them that i know who scored the first goal in the history they probably start scraping tomorrow would you think there's something to talk about i don't think it'll impress gray because i don't think he's not the british open don't think he cares that much the british open starts tomorrow frank and it's high time we talk about it oh my goodness gracious does anybody know who the defending champion is at the open it was a weird winner last year uh not a big name guy at all and um i you know so much so that i can't even remember his name i'm trying to find it here uh look it up for me will you frank it's brian harman there it is brian harman the winner of last year's open championship and of course scottie sheffler is the big favorite this year and uh you know makes sense sheffler's really had a fantastic year same scott sheffler that finished tied for 23rd last year uh the same one and also the same one who was a nobody until he played around at torrey pines with one tony guin jr a couple of years ago in the uh in the celebrity media torrey pines round tony gets tony gets tony gets into the it's invited to play and we're like who you're playing when he goes i don't know well what's the guy's name scottie sheffler maybe we'd never really heard of him nobody really ever heard of him tony played the round with him and now scottie sheffler is the man uh sheffler is uh a solid favorite to win the 100 and wow 150 second open championship i remember the first one scravey would make fun of me because he thinks i'm so old that i was there um you know what i would think would be really interesting is if the second favorite wins this weekend the second favorite is rory mackerelroy the reason i say that is because if rory mackerelroy wins i think the golf media in mass we go bizarre to just walk out of the uh a walk out of the interview tent when rory mackerelroy comes in to be interviewed after winning the british open or the open sorry but when he comes in and he sits down and he's all got his claret jug and he's ready to go like the media to get up and just walk out because that's what he did to them at the end of the us open when he lost he got in his car and he peeled out of the parking lot and you know i mean there's many people who you know didn't think that was really the right thing to do i can understand that you're frustrated you're angry but you know none of these guys are anything without the coverage that they get and rory mackerelroy has you know been pretty well covered by the media in his career and you know he missed it he missed a terrible you know a short putt the whole thing but the fact that he didn't face the music a lot of people gave him a lot of grief for that so so i think it would be kind of funny you know and there here's your champ rory mackerelroy comes in three people and then everybody gets up and walks out and then he's got it then nobody's there to cover you there you go that's what you did to them that's the way my mind thinks anyway there's a little rude honestly you think what it would be rude to get up and walk out yeah oh for sure i mean and the old saying two wrongs don't make a right but they sure make you feel a whole lot better sometimes i've always felt two wrongs don't make a right but was it three lefts maker right or three rights make a left i think four lefts maker right don't confuse me frank don't confuse me all right uh one last note here before we go to um a break and then our interview with Trevor Hoffman last night all-star game television ratings are in oh seven point four million viewers seven point four million did i say yeah of those seven point four million seven point three nine nine nine million hated the uniforms doesn't say that but i'm throwing that in uh seven point four million dollars the second lowest rated all-star game in the history of the sport the only good news the lowest rated one was last year so they actually went up a little bit okay give us work this year yeah i i mean hey you know i'm sorry but you know the all-star game it's just not what it is but you got at least put the uniforms back on part of it is what and i don't think that's going to change it a great deal but something oh part of it is what you guys talked about earlier on today where these guys play each other all year long that that's not special anymore well they they people don't try any all-star game because we would you the thing that we like we don't even know that this is what we like but what we like about sports is the notion that the two teams that are out on their field or wherever they are golf course tennis court soccer pitch wherever that they're out there trying to win but that's what we watch we don't know how it's going to happen we watch to see how it's going to unfold the all-star game doesn't have that going for itself because we know that they don't care who wins and one thing that i think you guys overlooked earlier when you and Sam were talking about it was there's nothing riding on this game anymore it used to be the winner got home field advantage in the world series yeah that was at least there was something on the line whether or not you thought it was a value is is up to you but at least there was something on the line yeah now you're just playing a game just to play a game and honestly it it wouldn't hurt me if there wasn't an all-star game anymore name all stars name all stars absolutely name the best players but do you really need to play a game if you're not going to get any effort especially in the NBA in NFL revenue back to that again but yes i agree i don't disagree disagree the NFL Pro Bowl should have gone away a long time ago actually it has now they're finally just under flight football whatever things yeah all right uh we'll take a break one final segment today but it's going to be a doozy with the hall of fame induction ceremonies coming up this weekend we revisit our visit with the legendary Trevor Hoffman stick around right no wrapping things up here we got one final segment four and it's a good one so stick around here 535 is the time chris hello big frank frank marcasey sitting in for the uh the ailing mat scrappy we hope that he's back with us tomorrow but we said the same thing yesterday and guess what he did do us he yeah couldn't make it he told me this morning he said he thinks today's gonna be the last oh yeah he knows huh he'll uh he knows huh we'll see uh we will see uh hopefully mr. scrappy's back with us tomorrow if not frank you know been doing a hell of a job and there is you know such a thing as a wallie pit so you never know and Brady wasn't a starter right out of the gate that's right people thought they were going to miss drew blood so didn't miss them at all as it turned out as it turned out uh tony when jr's on vacay uh this sunday well let's start with tomorrow before we get too far ahead tomorrow is the radio round table don't forget 10 a.m. been in woods myself and he and elston all talk in pardry baseball commercial free hour of pardry talk tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 11 if you miss it it plays again from 5 to 6 p.m. that's tomorrow friday 3 10 in the afternoon sam levet goes back to work as the pardry pre-game show host the parders will take on the cleveland guardians they have the best record in the american league to kick off the second half of the season first pitches 4 10 on friday afternoon matt waldren it was announced today we'll make the start for the parders in the second half opener uh one last thing about that game it's on apple tv so make your plans to listen here on 97 3 the fan if you're like me you're ticked off that it's being streamed uh now to sunday this sunday is the baseball hall of fame induction day in koopers town ohio ohio koopers town new york sorry frank i don't mean to disparage your home state koopers town new york i've been there you think i would know go ahead and correct all of that what was that hello that was a different uh that was just a sounder going off that was labeled that was labeled differently than what it actually was you wanted you wanted to get me with something that was supposed to be a wampwamp there and it was definitely not a wampwamp there are three players being inducted into the hall of fame this year do you know who they are frank do you remember it's kind of interesting you know so much of this stuff happens and it's such a big deal at the time but then by the time they have the induction ceremony forget who was actually i honestly don't remember actually nom it or actually honored uh with 95 percent of the vote in his first year of eligibility adrien belltray who uh throughout the first pitch last night he'll be elected to the hall of fame uh be inducted into the hall of fame also on sunday todd helton goes into the hall of fame and his sixth year on the ballot all of a sudden they've now determined that he's good enough to be a hall of famer he wasn't for the first five years those are a couple guys that are heck guys to miss and third uh in his first year of eligibility uh catcher joe mower also okay so those are the three hall of famers it's not a bad class no jim leland was uh also elected uh by the uh contemporary baseball era committee so uh leland will be going into the hall of fame as well uh cigarettes for everyone jim leland was a dart smoker back in the day for sure uh some of the guys who just missed billy wagner gerry sheffield and this was the last year for sheffield on the ballot man what a player he was but i guess you know got caught up at the wrong time like a lot of those guys did uh andrew jones belltray on a rod continues to get votes but nowhere close only 34 percent manual repair is 32 percent and these are both hall of fame in terms of what their numbers say but they're not gonna get there you you can't as far as that stuff goes you cannot allow one steroid user if on rudry is in and then say the rest of you can't oh that's right if as soon as you let one in they all have to be in pressure i will see you all tomorrow but when and chris are just getting started sports talk it is your hosts tony queen jr do you want to be right or do you want to be and chris hello you can't kick a porpoise when it's down it's time to get you up to speed on all things sports with plenty of nonsense in between oh look here comes our fearless producer sailing our way into hour number three of going in chris chris hello today sam leavitt the great one it's nice enough to sit in for a couple of hours and now bonus time bonus sam leavitt thank you for time thank you sam all right i like it i can get behind that frank marcasey big frank sitting in for the ailing match scrappy we hope to have matt back in the saddle tomorrow but uh he's not uh been feeling well the last couple of days tony queen jr is on vacay uh chris hello here with you and the gang at 401 and we're getting ready for a little chris versus the fans and this is going to be one of my favorite editions of chris versus the fans ever because i'm not going to play i'm going to turn it over to today's host of the show frank marcasey and today's expert sam leavitt are you pretty good i i'm sure you're good at baseball trivia how good are you at some of the other stuff that might come up yeah i'm pretty good all right and uh i mean i've done this i've done this at least you know once or twice all right yeah i haven't been around the winter yeah maybe days i was filling in for you it's crazy yes i haven't uh i haven't uh been yeah i don't remember how i did but all right well we're gonna find out how you do today we've got a full uh list of phone callers out there they're gonna be the bigger concern is the questions because we know scrappy sometimes these questions it's that's the hardest part what is this the hardest part is figuring out scrappy's questions there's no there's no doubt about it figuring out what scrappy's question is is part of this game for sure but if you can uh unlock unlock the secret and then beat sam leavitt today you will be qualified for a trip to the rio in las vegas it includes a two nights day and dinner for two it also includes the day bed at the rio pool rio las vegas las vegas is back baby new ownership newly remodeled rooms for sparkling new pools and a brand new food haul which is where frank and i are going to be going now it's already for you now and your next vegas escape beyond the expected beyond the strip beyond your wildest dreams rio las vegas the rhythm of vegas book now and rio las vegas dot com what do you say frank mark asie let's play a little sammy versus the fans if you had one shot one opportunity to take down the human all manack himself how do you do now is your time listen to me this guy stages now is your opportunity to win a prize well i hope you know gen four chris versus the fans starts now on 97 three the fan all right we're about to get underway here uh there are uh six lines and they're all filled uh i will choose a line at random by rolling uh this dice that i have here whichever night a number comes up that's where we'll start today uh you'll get three questions they'll get a little easier to harder and if you answer correctly move on to a question number two and then three but if you miss it sam levitt can end your dreams by correctly answering the question if he misses it though then you uh you live on and you move to the next round or you win and frank says he doesn't want to take part of this we'll see if sammy wants to take part in this part of it if you're a first time player it's just me today you didn't even take part of it i know i didn't even take part that's right if you're first i play then uh you get the first question you can move right past it you go around as question two but you have to let us know all right so here we go the dice has said the line number five will go first today so it looks like old tom out there it looks like uh tom tom how are you doing but i'm doing what are you doing do it all right all right so all right so there you go right on to question two for tom all right all right so let's uh let's get into it question number two just an optin played six seasons for what team up it's played six it's a scraping question you have to figure it out yourself just an optin played for six seasons what team did he play the most seasons in his career with i guess he meant that's 16 possible yeah i think it's 16 okay scrabie is you know okay i mean look look scrabie he has trouble writing these questions when he's not see how what what seemed to just an optin how about most years with he did play 16 years that is correct let's just start this whole test fashion over i understand i think the question he understands it tom says you know enough's enough right give him an opportunity what are you going to go with here tom your what team did he play the most with i'm going to go with the braves the braves he says oh wow that's not a player it's not the braves did not play with the braid the most with the braves just an optin who did he play the most with sammy if you get this not the braves no he did not that's a little surprising to me that probably would have been my one of the teams he played with was the popular but it's not right but it's not them um is it the angels the angels he says oh did he even play for the angels yes he did i know it but you know it now tom who do you think it is now i think it's the diamond bag it is the top you know i don't i just don't want my other guess that was my other guess that was the first team he played for was the diamond bags wow that's played for them for his first six years were with the arizona then only two years in atlanta weird i would have thought he was there longer yeah and then quick stops in san diego detroit and before he fit detroit i didn't remember that yeah and then he finished with five years with the angels so the angels were close angels were last actually he nope i take it back he snuck in uh 17 games with seattle in this final season all right very good tom you stay alive and move on to the deciding third question here all right hopefully no no uh hiccups in the question yeah i know frank is looking at it mariano ravera and trevor hoffman are the only ml are the only pictures in mlb history with more than six hundred saves who is third on that list with four hundred and seventy eight oh pretty uh pretty good question i think tom what do you think who's the who's number three on the all-time sleeveless yes all-time saves list behind uh ravera and behind trevor hmm i'm gonna go straight guess kenley jansen is he number three on the all-time save list i don't think so oh he says no and he's right it is not kenley jansen oh man this is hard this is hard all right he might he could miss this tom and you can instill up winning there's something there's something in me something in you wants to say how i feel like it's wrong though that wants to say it's maybe francesco rod rickas k-rod oh you know you got some time is that your final answer oh uh yeah i think it's wrong though but yes he's going with k-rod if this is wrong tom is the champ how many did he have it is wrong what is it number six on the all-time list is k-rod okay number five on the all-time list is tom's answer kenley jansen number four on the all-time list is the active craig kimberl right okay and number three the guy you are all looking for hall of famer lee smith okay lee smith okay mostly for the cuz i don't i thought i thought k-rod was higher yeah yeah maybe at one time he was he was he's just recently been passed by both kimberl and jansen that's i thought that's where that came here on the list i'm so yeah well all right very good tom you went today wow i think very no you don't stink those are two really good questions those are two really good questions from the uh scravey chronicles there well now i want to look it up uh so what do you want to look up well you want to look up bjf but why did we think like oh well you know bj only spent two years in atlanta two that's weird i i maybe you thought justin upton was in atlanta longer because you came to the pageries for me i think of the uptons i just think of them as braves a lot in my head but they were there for a couple years but weren't they both diamondbacks too or raiser well bj wasn't it he was a ray for a long time yeah bj was but bj never played for the diamondbacks no well you came up empty today sammy what can i tell you i might have come up empty too so those are tough questions um maryon revera though six fifty two Trevor six zero one so that means for insisco rotary goods was somewhat recently fourth right he's just got passed super off oh hell yeah no you're very good and tom was very good because his kenley jansen answer was actually ahead of your answer right so good for him i really can't believe Craig kimbal is still going yeah i mean it seems like every time i look up he's getting lit up but the orials well you know stick with them yeah i mean there's been you know kimbal kimbal still really good there have been a lot of big spots though in post-season spots that have not that have not gone well yeah yeah the top 10 all-time saves is revera trever lee smith kimbal kenley jansen k rod john franco there you go yeah frank an old Met for you billy wagner another old Met k rod's an old Met too k rod's an old Met Dennis Eckerzly his ninth and joe nathan would be your number 10 guy in the all-time save list of course saves were you know a whole different ball of wax back in the day yeah when rolly finger see rolly fingers to me he's 15th on the all-time save list but his 341 saves are more impressive even like the lee smith's 478 right because rolly fingers was always three innings same with goose yeah well he said 310 the thing the thing with mariano and trever hoffman are number one they were excellent number two they just did it for so long it's a high level i mean you look you look at the list it's it's 652 from mariano 601 for trever and then lee smith is at 478 yeah there's just a white guy i remember when revera came up with the aikis and he was the eighth inning guy yeah do you remember who the ninth inning guy was before revera took over yeah his name is uh he's number 12 on the all-time save list but yes that's jeff reardon no no who is that john wedeline right yeah 1996 the first year that the aikis won the world series under joe torrey right john wedeline was the closer revera was the setup guy and then of course wedeline moved on to free agency the very next year like a little roberts walrus josh hater situation yeah i think people think that mariano revera just started out as the closer right i saw mariano revera pitch at tony glinn stadium on the campus of san diego state and i believe it was the 96 season the yankies that year opened the season in anahime and george steinprener the then owner was friends with the aztec athletic director at the time named rick bay they knew each other from back in the day steinprener called rick bay and said we are opening the season in anahime but we have like three days off in between our right pre-s you know does spring training finale and the old we really could use a game what would you think about us coming to san diego and playing the aztecs you know your your and rick bay and tony glinn was the you know the manager i mean it was a big deal and so the yankies came and played the aztecs in a uh in a spring training game and all the yankies were here i mean we're talking strawberry and bernie williams and all those guys and they were wonderful they all played a couple innings and they all went and hung out in the dugout with the aztec players i remember going to my name a chad kurtis at a grand slam the yankies end up winning probably twelve to four you know they won comfortably but i remember in the middle of the game mariano revera came into pitch maybe the fifth or sixth inning and i just remember there was one left-handed batter for the aztecs who came up to face him and he just had no chance to get around on the revera fastball sammy he lined like seven or eight pitches in a row over the third base dugout just like straight foul and revera was dying of laughter on the mound because he it was like he kept saying here here comes a fastball right and you know just you couldn't you couldn't hit it you couldn't get around on it and that was that whoever that kid was um don't feel so bad because major league players couldn't hit it either right for the better part of 20 years so i mean mariano revera only had one pitch that's the unbelievable thing and that's the thing that i was thinking about with swaraz swaraz as more than one pitch right but by and large he does it with one pitch either and you think to yourself god are they going to catch up to it at some point i don't know they never caught up to revera yeah so well for the most part this season they haven't that's right swaraz swaraz blip on the radar with the the uh the game where they walked it off but they have to end up winning that game anyway yeah so and also you had to come in bases loaded a game you shouldn't have been in anyway i kind of erased that game from the the ledger you're nice to do that yes you know i i looked at it the other way i thought come on man this is the easiest savior let her out well you got a five run lead you gotta get one out well but but base is loaded and then one swing it was a one run game i know but he didn't do it that wasn't one of the rare times he didn't do it yeah all right good job tom congratulations an exciting game of christopher's the fans i enjoyed watching you guys play sammy leavitt thank you so much thank you for having me it's so tough to it honestly is and these are tough three or four days i don't have tony i don't have scravey a frank's been great but it was really nice of you to come in thank you i know the listeners appreciate it they love hearing from you and we will hear from you again now you're invited by the way tomorrow i know tomorrow is another day we'll see i got it i'd like to come in here more than welcome to not if not tomorrow three ten front we'll see you at three ten friday for the next pottery pre-game show right now we'll send you to some traffic and then back more goin and chris i welcome back to goin and chris thanks again to sammy checking in with us for a couple of hours there sam leavitt uh frank marccasey big frank filling in for the uh ailing matt scravey today hopefully we get scravey back tomorrow tony goin on vacation but goin and chris rolls on here at 4 23 on a wednesday afternoon not a whole lot happening in the sports world on this wednesday we will have a daily gambit though coming up for you in the five o'clock hour and also we thought with the hall of fame induction ceremonies for major league baseball coming up we would revisit one of our all-time favorite moments on this program the day that tony goin jr and i sat down in coopers town right before he was inducted into the hall of fame with trevor hoffman great interview from uh several years ago and you're gonna get a chance to hear that a tad later in the program today you know it's um i was looking at this frank and i was looking at the some of the stats in major league baseball and you know one of the things that i think makes baseball great is that the statistics even though we've come out now with all these analytic things and f-war and i i don't know bought that bit i mean there's stuff i can't even understand but we've come out of all this stuff we still do have some of the other averages and home runs and rbi's and you know statistics that you can compare through the eras through the history of the game you it sure was a different game in 1920 than it is in 2024 but you know you can compare statistics now to them and i look at some of the stats at the midway point of this season and i start and it's not the official midway point we're actually more than halfway through but game 100 on friday that's right the all-star break is you know kind of looked upon and i'm looking at is there any all-time records that are being threatened this year the answer to that is most likely no um ryan hellsley of the cardinals does have 32 saves i believe krod your guy has the record with like 65 so he's almost halfway there but again oh no that was i thought ganyae but that's the most consecutive without blowing a safe yeah ganyae had the most consecutive ever without blowing a save but i think krod has the record for single season saves with 65 and uh yeah that was in 2008 now the thing about krod the number two guy on that list is another one of your guys edwin d as with 57 so krod broke that record by five and that's a pretty comfortable margin on it uh the most Trevor ever got was 53 ganyae had 55 anyway um so that's one of them but here's a record that absolutely is not going to be caught this season and i don't know that it's going to be caught in our lifetime or anyone else's you know what it is like taking i mean look the home run record bond 73 okay i'm looking at single season records you're right demajos 56 seems untouchable for hitting streak i'm talking about a single season statistic it's in the major a major category um single season statistic that is very unlikely ever to be broken i think nolan ryan strikeout 383 yeah i mean nobody pitches that much anymore so it's almost impossible but here's a record that conceivably could be broken because to me the game hasn't necessarily changed in this regard and that is rbi's rbi's are still counted up the same way they always were they're still you know pretty much chalked up the same way they always were chalked up in the day there's no real difference maybe maybe everyday players sit out a few extra games during a course of a season but it's not like pitchers who now pitch a hundred fewer innings than they used to the rbi record do you know what it is frank by act by offhand i do not know i'm sure it's probably it was it was it was it was maybe you if that's what you would think the rbi record was set almost a hundred years ago in the 1930 season by chicago cub outfielder by the name of hack wilson and if you ever look at a picture of old hack wilson is a big fella all right but hack hack drove in a hundred and ninety one runs that year and i bring it up because in the 100 years since then no one has really come near it no uh luke garrick is second and he was a hundred years ago 1980 he had 185 hank greenberg jimmy fox some of the others on the all-time list babe ruth of course most babe ever got was 168 so babe never got within 25 of hack wilson that's that's babe ruth and you've also got to think they're playing less games too shorter those were playing but they were they were playing 154 games the most anyone has gotten in rbi's in the last 70 years somebody of 142 or something like that is actually manny remirez in 99 so that's fairly recent manny had 165 and that's pretty good now and then after manny sammy sosa during the steroid year at 160 but you know manny's 165 and that was i believe steroid aided people would think in 1999 i was right in the heart of that the manny's 165 that's the best anyone's done in the last 75 years and that still doesn't bring you within 25 rbi's of hack wilson so that 191 is going to be real tough for somebody ever to get to and you know if you're thinking about it this year erin judge is way up there he's got 85 even if you double it and he's got less games left but even if you doubled it you'd still be at 170 it'd still be 20 short he's got 85 osuta and remirez from cleveland have 77 each right balm who was on a tear at the beginning of the seasons at 70 so is josh naylor yeah that's your top five right now i just think it's interesting that there's a statistic that's been there for over almost a hundred years and no one's really approached it i mean hack wilson was hack wilson but you know nobody talks about the legend of hack wilson we talk about baby Ruth and Lou Gehrig and you know all the rest of these guys will he mace and hank erin and demagio and mantel and same thing it probably should be said for uh Henderson stolen base record that's that's another one that's so far out there good one 130 in one year for ricky on the bases problem with that one again being caught is that nobody runs that much right right here's the other thing the out the outlier on the Henderson season with 130 steals he got caught 42 times that means once every four games he was thrown out trying to steal which basically means that's why stolen bases started to go away because the teams decided analytically that that out was too valuable to give up ricky got thrown out 42 times that year and was successful 130 yeah he ran 171 times or 172 times he tried to steal ricky he's in a he's in a world of his own yeah all right anyway just food for thought frank and the ailing scravy have put together our big five it's coming up next on gwen and chris i don't want to uh put words in the mouth of a gym room but he was talking about the uh second overall pick in the draft Alex sarr frank i know you're big NBA fan Alex sarr picked by the washing wizards uh Jim Rome said they're in that little clip that it doesn't know how worthy sarr was of being the number two overall pick the thing he didn't mention or didn't have time to mention they don't give him a lot of time for that no i've i've cut those things up before it's yeah you don't get much time no uh but the reason i think he said that sarr last night if you missed it in a summer league game took 15 field goal attempts and went 0 for 15 that's a rough night for a rookie yeah but you don't see too many NBA players even in a summer league game go over on 15 tries uh welcome back to gwen and chris chris hello big frank is in here today as scravey is on the mend uh not his shoulder this time uh he's just flat out been sick for a couple of days and we hope that he'll be back tomorrow but in the meantime big frank's doing a a whale of a job and uh Tony Gwen jr's idol he'll be back friday from cleveland that's where the pajres will send matt waldron to the mound against the guards to start the second half of the baseball season one other note on that game friday this is just uh he irks me it's the apple tv game see the look on your face just uh it's what i said the apple tv game who likes it is there anybody out there who would rather the game be streamed on apple then you know on their tv where they could just watch it or dv art and you know enjoy it at their leisure i don't think anyone likes it better because it's on apple maybe there's some people that don't have you know cable tv and the only stream stuff so they're happy i guess because they can maybe stream it but that's got to be it a message to all sports commissioners well they're not going to listen to you not everything has to be about money not everything well it's a something that wouldn't it be nice yeah but the drink yeah you're in a dream world oh i know yeah you are i mean i'm not saying you're wrong uh but everything's about money and you know when you when this when the stupid all-star game runs out there in these jerseys that's for money exactly that's it there's no other reason for it money money money you don't have to monetize everything about every little aspect of every sport you don't have to do it um can't disagree with you but not going to happen so yeah streaming Friday night apple tv disgust it's that time of the show when we check on the latest in sports only the most important topics and questions are brought to light stop what you're doing and listen these new stories will astound and amaze you the one the only oh my god who the hell cares the big five starts now on 97th free the fan it's just one one last note on that and i just said it to you now while we were off with how many apple products i've purchased i should be able to have apple tv for free dad i just give it to you on uh on merit like seriously that should be done for anyone by the way it does not just me anyone who has bought anything is bought anyone's bought 700 apple products in the last year not to be able to get the apple games for free but you can't it'll cost you extra and you have to stream it when they want you to yeah and you have to watch all their stupid commercials it's especially now with mls sorry i can't deal with it can't deal with the friday night apple games not happy especially with mls game pass or whatever it is they are being stuck on there too that kind of stinks also not for me number five right we hit it we hit on this yesterday you'd mentioned how much the uh the green bay packers had made over the course of last year oh six uh yeah right six hundred and fifty million or apparently the number has come out today for the nfl as a whole it came out this morning uh nfl teams are doing quite well for themselves monetarily last year each team earned four hundred and two point three million dollars in national revenue is that on that uh i'm just in the natural national revenue yeah via pro sport uh by via pro football talk those were the words now when multiplied by 32 the amount of teams there are in the league the league made 12.873 billion dollars last year which is a seven and a half percent increase from the previous year uh certainly good news for roger giddell who's reportedly shooting uh for his league to bring in 25 billion dollars in national revenue by 2027 so he's got two years to basically double what he's made this is it just has so much and they just get more and more yeah and they they that's i'm glad you're bringing it up because it's just a reminder it's a reminder of why you shouldn't get mad when your favorite player signs a 90 million dollar eight-year contract it's chump change for these guys and then you know and the national football league so if you're going to be mad at a player from quote making too much then be just as mad at the owners because they make more yeah exactly right it is insane and it is it is frustrating that you show up at what uh so far stadium to see an NFL game and then you pay a hundred dollars to park and they just they don't even need that no they don't need that money they've already made money hand over they charge you what 30 dollars for a beer that a football game nowadays go to it i this why i can't stay in the NFL it's part of it who could go to an NFL football game and realistically i mean it's not the NFL it's not a posh sport like tennis you're pricing normal people out of a normal person sport why is it that i and i don't mean this in any other way than to make a statement about it but why does it seem like the guy next to me is putting on hold paying off his his energy bill so that he can afford those tickets to the game he's at too i have not gone to an NFL game in years and that one game i went to the tickets were given to me i don't spend money on the NFL because i can't stand it it's i can't help it it's greedy oh it is so important part the biggest part for me is it never goes away it never has an off season i don't need to hear the AFC South get broken down in march i don't need to hear that just right frang away let it have an off i love the NFL i hate the fact that they make so much money i don't know what i can do about it though it's we're gonna stick with the NFL here for this one time number four uh as the Bears and quarterback Caleb Williams haggle over the remaining language haggle over the remaining language in his rookie deal because again there's not enough money to go around there's one clause that definitely will not be added per multiple sources Williams asked the Bears to agree to not use the franchise tag upon expiration of his rookie contract the Bears said nay nay although multiple veteran players have secured such a commitment such as Dak Prescott no rookie has finagled a promise that they won't be tagged okay has Caleb Williams put a lot of pressure on himself to perform um well there's plenty i mean you're the number one overall pick yeah but here's my thing with Caleb Williams did i say this to you or to Scravey probably Scravey he's high maintenance and i i'm kind of already over him you know i'm already over Caleb Williams i would love it if we lived in it and you talk about you know a world where not everything was monetized i'd also love it if we lived in a world where once in a while a rookie would actually go out and do something before he started spouting off about how great he is or making demands on his contract saw what his replacement did at the holiday ball yes touchdowns in the first game you ever stepped on the field for USA i do remember that i was at that game yeah Caleb Williams i'm just telling you Caleb you're making it difficult for any of us to really root for you and maybe you don't care but you know when you start making all kinds of demands before you've ever uh you're already comparing yourself and you're asking for things that just aren't realistic uh it's going to be interesting to watch this guy during hard knocks i must say he's on the uh the bears are the uh training camp hard knocks this year i thought that was i know there were a couple at least when hard knocks came out that there were a couple of things that prevented a team from being on like if they were the recent Super Bowl champions they didn't have to be yeah there's a bunch of things that prevent you from being on i thought being i thought having a first year quarterback was a new one or was the thing also yeah i guess i don't know i can keep track of only so many rules you know but yeah i i i'm having trouble you know being a Caleb William fan Caleb Williams fan you know and and i'll say one thing you talk about the pressure here's one thing he's got pressure he's been surrounded already with more talent than the bears have had there yeah long time you know since maybe the mid 80s i mean they put him some big time guys around him so he's gonna have to produce right away i don't see him be in the next cj shroud cj shroud came into the league last year for houston you didn't hear a peep he just went to work and he didn't spout off he just went to work he did everything right so we'll see what happens of Caleb number three all right so for the first two we stuck with the NFL the first one was about league value this one is also about league value uh angel city fc is now the most valuable women's sports team in the world following an agreement by will obey and bob iger i guess i would be to purchase a controlling stake in the national women's soccer league uh franchise at 20 dyslexia killing me again at 250 million dollar valuation good bay the dean of the usc and berg school of communication and journalism and iger the ceo of wall disney company will become the new majority owners of the la base club which pending league approval and the closing of the transaction does this tell you more about the nwsl's popularity or the rising cost of sports team i tell me more about the uh the popularity i agree i mean this is really a big deal for uh women's professional soccer and you know we have our team here in san diego uh they've been in the news of lately for some of the wrong reasons i don't know if you've been reading up on all of that and hopefully they'll get that ironed out um the wave will but um last is terrific i i'm so happy for the wmba i'm so happy for women's professional soccer deep pockets are what make you know teams worth it and worth that kind of money and the angel fc is the la base team for those who don't know and this is terrific so yeah just tells me that soccer is getting better and better and women's sports we know is on the rise and it's not a moment too soon yep it's only going to get better especially with the mls team being here next winter all right this is the last one we're going to have time for uh Cincinnati Bengals quarterback joe burrow is hoping to represent the us in the 2028 summer Olympics flag football will make its Olympic debut in la burrow was hoping to participate in the action saying quote i really want to play for the olympic flag football team uh like me jamaar chase just in jefferson me and my friends have been out there playing football i think it'd be really cool do you think the nfl teams will allow players to play flag football in the olympic i will borrow a phrase that you use just a little short while ago uh oh nay nay i don't know that they'll be able to keep them from it but i know they're not going to want them to hey joe burrow you know he gets hurt walking out to pick up his morning paper you got to be careful put him in a football game even if it is flag it's flag football it's during the summer they're not going to be playing in the preseason anyway just let them go out there let them have fun let him play it's the first time just do it i'm one of the guys that believes that the uh the olympic should be for amateur athletes college kids but just i've already lost that that let's go yeah that ship sailed a long time ago all right good job frank on the big four as it were today much more going in chris ahead and a happy hour includes an old visit with Trevor Hoffman that i know you'll love see you all tomorrow but when and chris are just getting started sports tuckity your hosts tony quan jr top five characters scorpion get over here and chris hello in the audio audio oh my goodness gracious can we start the show over again please it's time to get you up to speed an old thing sports yes yes yes with plenty of nonsense in between oh look here comes our fearless producer gwen and chris starts right now on 97th grade of fan time to get happy we're going into the happy hour gwen and chris i'm 97th through the fan uh chris hello and uh cast of one today me and big frank as tony gwen jr is idle and matt scrapie's on the mend uh we are hanging out for another hour with you until six o'clock sam leavitt filled in nicely earlier we appreciate that a reminder tomorrow morning 10 a.m don't miss it right after the bed and woods program it's our weekly padre round table an hour of commercial free padre talk everything from the first half of the season and i'm sure everything looking forward to what's to come in the second half we'll be discussed on tomorrow's round table ben higgins steve woods or steven i don't know what's going on i guess you like steven better seems to be a steven woods um craig elston anne hyalbron myself well i'll be on tomorrow kicking around the goings on to the padre's in the first half of the season just to uh you know recap padre's are 50 and 49 they're a game behind your new york mattes frank for the final wild card spot in the national league i saw some predictions earlier is from sports grid whoever these people are they're predicting the outcome of the national league okay fillies will be the number one seed dodgers number two when it's all sudden all the dust clears the brewers will hang on to win the central they say they're really going out on a limb so far so far braves will be the first wild card again another limb not broken uh here's one that is a bit of a risky pick the diamondbacks will get the second wild card they say with the Mets getting the third that would leave the cardinals and padre's and everybody else out so we'll see how it all turns out the national league i don't see Arizona making it you don't see Arizona making it no i think they just have too many problems too many injuries i think they do have a lot of injuries uh i don't know are they ever going to get that left-handed pitcher that they no they got gallants back gumbry my gumbry no my gumbry's back but he's been terrible they got uh the kid from uh the tigers francisco i don't know left-hander he's been on the injured list all year for the diamondbacks and i thought he was due back a long time ago francisco something ridiculous that i had my memories going i'm looking right now frank i tell you what don't ever get old don't ever get old too late but you know what happens it gets old when you get old um yeah he's not on the roster so i can't know my gumbry he's still not my gumbry no i know but i'm saying i'm looking at their i'm looking oh he's on the isle right now he's on the isle kyle nelson's on the isle it's one of red regions on the isle i think the diamondbacks have a shot i everybody's got a shot he's on the isle oh yeah maryl kelly yeah they're without him i see a francisco no who's that left-handed somebody somebody texted in the chat if wardo red regus that's the guy he's on the 60 day i am yes but he's been on it for more than 60 days that's the guy i was thinking of thank you it wardo red regus all right we'll see who makes it in the now i mean look there are 12 teams that have a shot to make the uh playoffs in the national league and the cubs are the 12th of those teams and they're only three and a half back so that's a wide open field as it were all right one thing we did not get too earlier on the program because sam levitt was in was our daily gambit so uh let's get into some of that right now i know frank wants to uh tell everybody how great some of his picks were last night i know i got two let's see how how you the other rest of it went for you frank do you like money i think about money a lot do you like money without doing anything uh that winning do you want to make money while watching sports i think washington is immortal luck washington if you answer yes this is your segment just don't blame us when you lose nothing is ever your fault it's your game take it when in cress go through the top best of the day in the daily gambit on 97 3 the fan all right uh don't bet it all that's even smarter than uh gamble responsibly just don't bet it all enjoy the games pick some winners have some fun with your friends uh frank and i made these picks last night national league american league in the all-star game nl was favored last night for some reason by a run and a half frank went with the nl i went with the al al one five three so i won that one uh over under last night was seven runs i said the uh over under's always under in an all-star game but it wasn't last night it went over there were eight runs frank got that and i missed that one so we're both one and one next up paul skeens over under one and a half strikeouts yet zero frank got that one i missed that one uh into the wmba we go los vegas 13 point favorite over chicago both frank and i went with los vegas chicago won the game outright big upset turned in by chicago there so we both missed that one frank uh angel reese over under for her was 13 and a half points last night she scored 13 so she went under we both were correct on that one and finally the league's leading scorer asia wilson over under 27 and a half points you went under i went over she went over with 28 we finished high we did we both went three and three last night so that's how that turned down as far as tonight is concerned that's annoying actually yeah well the old sister kiss there you know that turn by the way kissing your sister is like i use that one time with tony and scravy and both of them thought what are you talking about that's disgusting and i said no it's a it's a it's a terminology for a tie and they were like it is yeah they didn't know that so i was i had to clue them in all right tonight indiana the fiva at dallas the wings indiana's favored by four and a half dallas does have the worst record in the league coming into the game but they're at home who do you like here frank i take the fever you go with the fiva frank's got the fiva i'll go dallas third home the fever haven't been great with the calon clark they've been the you know okay typically when you get the number one pick you're not a great right you weren't great to begin with by the way i just noticed this today calon clark is leading the entire wnba and assists that's not shabby for a rookie angel Reese is leading in rebounds which is also not shabby for a while especially when there were talks earlier on the season that her teammates were intentionally dropping passes they might have been the way they were breaking some of those receptions katelyn tonight 20 and a half points over under she averages about 16 but dallas is a bad team so i say she has a big scoring night i'll go over got go over as well you're also going over all right here's one that i put on there just because i like to say her name arike oh goomba walli oh goomba walli i need a couple of tries out of before i get it a goomba walli she's the third leading scorer in the wnba she averages 22 points a game she plays for dallas and her over under is 22 and a half for tonight frank what do you think about oh goomba walli feeling good about her tonight arike or not feeling good about oh goomba walli what was what was the over under 22 and a half what's her over under for the season she averages 22 so they're hitting you right there i'll say under gonna say under tonight all right again i'm gonna say a little distracted the streams doing some wacky stuff that's why i was sorry don't do that don't tell me that i don't want to know about that the stream hello stream hang in there um all right onto the mls we go anyone i just want to see how many mls fans we have out there in fact just for fun somebody i know my red balls are playing right now i was in the art city red balls i don't look at any scores because i'm gonna ask you a couple games but here's but before i get to this i want to see how many real mls fans i think this would this would qualify you as a real mls fan you say you are you can't wait for sd you know sandy go fc next year you love your soccer etc somebody right into the chat right now who has the best record right now in the entire mls and what i mean by that is who has the most points because it comes down to points you get three for a win one for a draw one for a draw or whatever uh yeah so who's the who has the best record in the mls anyone on the chat got that i'm curious i don't got this you don't have it no i would never have it to me i would never have it so i don't have the chat so somebody's got a you got to tell me if anybody gets this i'm seeing no clue no clue which is a problem that's not right shoulder shrug emoji shoulder shrug is no good any that he got a guess even like a team intermiami intermiami's guess all right they're second columbus crew they're third no they're not third they're third in their division yeah third in the conference you're close but nobody's gotten it yet who has the best record in the mls come on all you soccer fans everybody tells me out there how many great soccer fans are out there i have never watched an mls game world cup euro champions that's what i'm getting on the chat right now so nobody knows thank you for exposing us yeah i'm exposing you people you guys tell me all the time i'm on the senate afc winner winner who got that i'll address alizar thank you allahandro and did he really put since nadie fc put since c yes okay because it's fc since nadie whatever officially but yeah it is correct allahandro was it allahandro yes thank you allahandro finally putting into this madness they are playing chicago tonight chicago fire chicago fire fc now over under three and a half goals frank what do you think over under the best team in the league since nadie and chicago so guess where is chicago because chicago hasn't been good these last years they're bad they're in 14th place they're way down the line i will say i will say over because i know games like this can get a little bit out of hand you think since he could score four that's a lot oh oh it's over under since he's gold no no no over under total oh did chicago may accidentally get one wow that was pretty cold blooded to the poor chicago time i mean every if you're just accidentally scored just for the hell of it i'm gonna go under uh one more enter miami that's messy's team now he's not playing he's out with an injury bad ankle injury and help america for me miami despite that still favored by a half goal tonight over toronto fc which means with a tie you know you'd win with toronto i'll say toronto just in the event of a tie i'll take you to miami these two are going to go in miami very good and then i got one i got one summer league game and then nba the great brawny james leads his lakers into battle tonight against adam clugge hawks both teams are on two in summer league action the hawks trading for everyone yes right the hawks are favored by four and a half frank could you like here i mean this is what we're left with people i'm sorry it's the wednesday of the all-star break what do you want he could have had a a british open pick i mean it's under schoffley i refuse to talk about the british open since somebody yelled at you for it earlier in the day i'm still angry about that alts all right i'll take it later goes with the adam clugge hawks all right just i'll represent tony and take the lakers if i want to move up in this in this business i gotta i think that was i think that was yeah you got to smooth the uh boss just a little bit i gotta tell you frank i i'm a little surprised there i mean i think we did a little bit expose our you know soccer fandom out there which just means you guys got start talking about it more to get everyone ready for february okay i get that but i mean we've got our team coming next year and everybody everybody tells me you know we are soccer crazy in this city i will say that is the worst part the worst part about the mls is every other soccer league in the northern hemisphere runs during the winter mls runs during the summer along with baseball season so you think that's what keeps the soccer people away that does hurt it a lot okay and again you play it in the winter you're fighting with the nda yeah what are you going to do yeah and you're also fighting the weather yeah well i mean in the winter it's same as everywhere else in the world though this was not an official study by any means but you know we have a pretty well-rounded you know listening audience out there and i put it out there for grabs who has the best record in the mls and it took a while for alahandro to come up with that i would not have guessed since because i would not have guessed since that because the last i saw them they were expansion team dad they're having a good they're having a good season they are 15 5 and 3 with 48 points that leads all teams in the mls at this point all right very good uh check a traffic coming up and don't forget uh hall of fame throw back interview with Trevor Hoffman that Tony and i did several years ago that uh if you heard it it's probably worth listening to again anyway it's coming up shortly frank and i was just taking a trip down mls memory lane something that right now that we're in on uh now that we're all excited that since an ad he has the best record in the mls and we're all aware of that frank goes or i said to frank i go there you know there's 10 original teams that are still in i named a bunch of old you got almost all of them you didn't get the yet didn't get the 10 um but the so we were going back of the original mls season was 1996 that sound about right right around there yeah and uh that was the first season it began on april six 1996 the san ose clash now and i believe known as the earthquake yeah the san ose earthquake took on dc united the game was at spartan stadium in san ose california espn carried the game live the clash won the gill the game on a goal by a former san diego state athlete eric wannalda you've heard that name i think have you not i have heard of him as someone who has never been in my kitchen all right mr wannalda was a uh san agostator he scored the very first goal in the mls history about that so for a little mls trivia for you so what you're saying is by san diego by fc san diego or san diego c or whatever coming here finally it's come full circle it's coming home it's finally come full circle when all the score the first goal come on trivia that uh you can impress pretty much anyone with i don't think anybody's gonna know that one uh dc united was the first mls champion i know taking on the title you know the galaxy has most they beat the galaxy in the finals that year so there you go galaxy of the most i remember that um yeah i don't know i don't really know how much more research i want to do on this right we don't have to be pretty good i'll save some of the research for when the with the sandy ago fc team starts but i'll tell you one thing i'm going to impress somebody soon when i tell them that i know who scored the first goal in the history then probably starts scraping tomorrow would you think it's something to talk about i don't think it'll impress scrape because i don't think he's not the british open don't think he cares that much the british open starts tomorrow frank and it's high time we talk about it oh my goodness gracious does anybody know who the defending champion is at the open it was a weird winner last year uh not a big name guy at all and um i you know so much so that i can't even remember his name i'm trying to find it here uh look it up for me will you frank the brian harmen there it is brian harmen the winner of last year's open championship and um course scottie sheffler is the big favorite this year and uh you know makes sense sheffler's really had a fantastic year save scott sheffler that finished tied for 23rd last year uh the same one and also the same one who was a nobody until he played around at torrey pines with one tony guin jr a couple of years ago in the uh in the celebrity media torrey pines round tony gets tony gets tony gets into the it's invited to play and we're like who you're playing when he goes i don't know well what's the guy's name scottie schffler chefler maybe we've never really heard of him nobody really ever heard of him tony played the round with him and now scottie sheffler is the man uh sheffler is uh a solid favorite to win the 100 and wow 150 second open championship i remember the first one scravey would make fun of me because he thinks i'm so old that i was there um you know what i would think would be really interesting is if the second favorite wins this weekend the second favorite is rory mackerelroy the reason i say that is because if rory mackerelroy wins i think the golf media in mass we don't deserve to just walk out of the uh a walk out of the interview tent when rory mackerelroy comes in to be interviewed after winning the british open or the open sorry but when he comes in and he sits down and he's all got his claret jug and he's ready to go like the media to get up and just walk out because that's what he did to them at the end of the us open when he lost he got in his car and he peeled out of the parking lot and you know i mean there's many people who you know didn't think that was really the right thing to do i can understand that you're frustrated you're angry but you know none of these guys are anything without the coverage that they get and rory mackerelroy has you know been pretty well covered by the media in his career and you know he missed it he missed a terrible you know a short putt the whole thing but the fact that he didn't face the music a lot of people gave him a lot of grief for that so so i think it would be kind of funny you know and there here's your champ rory mackerelroy comes in three people and then everybody gets up and walks out and then he's got it then nobody's there to cover you there you go that's what you did to them that's the way my mind thinks anyway there's a little rude honestly you think what it be rude to get up and walk out yeah oh for sure i mean and the old saying two wrongs don't make a right but they sure make you feel a whole lot better sometimes i've always felt two wrongs don't make a right but was it three lefts make a right or three rights make a left i think four lefts make a right don't confuse me frank don't confuse me all right one last note here before we go to a break and then our interview with Trevor Hoffman last night all-star game television ratings are in oh seven point four million viewers seven point four million did i say yeah of those seven point four million seven point three nine nine nine million hated the uniforms doesn't say that but i'm throwing that in uh seven point four million dollars the second lowest rated all-star game in the history of the sport the only good news the lowest rated one was last year so they actually went up a little bit can't get much worse this year yeah i i mean hey you know i'm sorry but you know the all-star game it's just not what it is but you got at least put the uniforms back on part of it is what and i don't think that's going to change it a great deal but something oh part of it is what you guys talked about earlier on today where these guys play each other all year long that that's not special anymore well they they people don't try any all-star game right because when would you the thing that we like we don't even know that this is what we like but what we like about sports is the notion that the two teams that are out on their field or wherever they are golf course tennis court soccer pitch wherever that they're out there trying to win but it's what we watch we don't know how it's going to happen we watch to see how it's going to unfold the all-star game doesn't have that going for itself because we know that they don't care who wins and one thing that i think you guys overlooked earlier when you and sam were talking about it was there's nothing riding on this game anymore it used to be the winner got homefield advantage in the world series yeah that was at least there was something on the line whether or not you thought it was a value is is up to you but at least there was something on the line yeah now you're just playing a game just to play a game and honestly it it wouldn't hurt me if there wasn't an all-star game anymore all-stars name all-stars absolutely name the best players but do you really need to play a game if you're not going to get any effort especially in ENBA and the NFL revenue back to that again but yes i agree i don't disagree disagree the NFL Pro Bowl should have gone away a long time ago actually it has now they're finally just on the flight football whatever it says yeah all right uh we'll take a break one final segment today but it's going to be a doozy with the hall of fame induction ceremonies coming up this weekend we revisit our visit with the legendary Trevor Hoffman stick around right uh wrapping things up here we got one final segment for and it's a good one so stick around here 535 is the time chris hello big frank frank marcasey sitting in for the uh the ailing match scrappy we hope that he's back with us tomorrow but we said the same thing yesterday because what he did do us he couldn't make it he told me this morning he said he thinks today's gonna be the last oh yeah he knows uh he'll uh he knows huh we'll see uh we will see uh hopefully mr. scrappy's back with us tomorrow if not frank you know been doing a hell of a job and there is you know such a thing as a wallie pip so you never know and uh Brady wasn't a starter right out of the gate that's right people thought they were going to miss drew blood so didn't miss them at all as it turned out as it turned out uh tony when jr's on vacay uh this sunday well let's start with tomorrow before we get too far ahead tomorrow is the radio round table don't forget ten a.m. been in woods myself and he and elston all talk in pardry baseball commercial free hour of pardry talk tomorrow from ten a.m. to eleven if you miss it it plays again from five to six p.m. that's tomorrow friday three ten in the afternoon sam leavitt goes back to work as that pardry pregame show host the potters will take on the cleveland guardians they have the best record in the american league to kick off the second half of the season first pitches four ten on friday afternoon matt waldren it was announced today we'll make the start for the pardry's in the second half opener uh one last thing about that game it's on apple tv so make your plans to listen here on ninety seven three the fan if you're like me you're ticked off that it's being streamed uh now to sunday this sunday is the baseball hall of fame induction day in coopers town ohio ohio coopers town new york sorry frank i don't mean to disparage your home state coopers town new york i've been there you think i would know quen and chris all of that what was that uh hello that was a different uh that was just a sounder going off that was labeled that was labeled differently than what it actually was you wanted you wanted to get me with something that was supposed to be a wamp wamp there and it was definitely not a wamp wamp uh there are three players being interrupted into the hall of fame this year do you know who they are frank do you remember it's kind of interesting you know so much of this stuff happens and it's such a big deal at the time but then by the time they have the induction ceremony forget who was actually yeah i honestly don't remember actually nominated or actually honored uh with ninety five percent of the vote in his first year of eligibility adrien belltray who uh throughout the first pitch last night he'll be elected to the hall of fame be inducted into the hall of fame also on sunday tod helton goes into the hall of fame and sixth year on the ballot all of a sudden they've now determined that he's good enough to be a hall of fame i'm sure a couple of guys he wasn't for the first five years those are a couple guys that are heck guys to miss and third uh in his first year of eligibility uh captured joe mower also okay so those are the three hall of famers it's not a bad class no jim leland was uh also elected by the uh contemporary baseball era committee so uh leland will be going into the hall of fame as well uh cigarettes for everyone tim leland was a dart smoker back in the day for sure uh some of the guys who just missed billy wagner gary sheffield and this was the last year for sheffield on the ballot man what a player he was but i guess you know got caught up at the wrong time like a lot of those guys did uh andrew jones beltran a rod continues to get votes but nowhere close only 34 percent manual repair is 32 percent and these are both hall of fame in terms of what their numbers say but they're not going to get there you you can't as far as that stuff goes you cannot allow one steroid user if on rudrey giz in and then say the rest of you can't oh that's right if as soon as you let one in they all have to be in for sure yeah they all have to come in so uh anyway uh the hall of fame induction ceremony is sunday now to that end um back in now let's see what year that was now what a year to Trevor get inducted in the hall of fame i'm gonna look it up just so i can be in a little more specific 2018 he was elected into the hall of fame so six summers ago that myself tony goon jr and mr scravey set out a six-hour flight to the east coast to your part of the world frank made our way to coopers town ohio coopers town oh whatever i don't i'm saying that again uh can't no hio is the nfl hall of fame maybe that's what i'm thinking about uh made our way to coopers town new york to the coopers town muntry all come back i know it's so strange that i would say that uh coopers town new york for the hall of fame induction ceremony of the great Trevor hoffman while we were there uh we had a chance to sit down with Trevor and uh this is what came of that legendary moment in time it was probably due first though yeah let's check a little traffic for those inclined well he's the reason we're here and uh we are so thrilled to have him with us uh from coopers town Trevor hoffman joins us here gwin and chris show and i've been thanking you for the last month but now i can actually thank you for getting inducted into the hall of fame because otherwise i would have never got to live out my dream of being going to coopers town so thank you thank you thank you it's a great pleasure to be here and to be with you uh during this week um how much are you still kicking yourself going oh my goodness this is i'm really about to be a hall of famer well you're welcome first yes i'm happy to be here too right right but yeah i think i'm bruising my arm by pinching it so much because uh this is something you definitely aren't really prepared for until you get to walk in the in these shoes and get go get go through these halls it's it's kind of it blows me away how pretty it is how enormous the moment is and really it's just such a special place what our tracy brodie quinn why what are they all feeling right now they're walking on cloud nine two man you know what i i think it's special in a sense that they're getting a chance to go through it in a relaxed setting you know the the boys yesterday they hopped on a little rowboat tried to catch some fish and they'll paddle board and then they're playing wiffle ball with land and tommy jim tommy son and it's kind of bringing back the game a little bit for them like what you grew up doing in the club houses and so um i think they'll become a moment when the hall all the hall of famer show up and they better have a shirt on they better buttoned up and very don't bear some hot things all right black nose head to head but uh and that'll happen and i think it'll that moment will kind of engulf them a little bit too we've we've been playing all these road to cooper's towns features on the on the radio leading up to your induction and i know they've been running them on television one of the ones that i thought was very interesting was you're talking about how when you found out you got traded from the floor to marlin's to the Padres and how your first reaction to that was i don't really want to be traded i'm good i'm in the major leagues here and that it was your brothers that kind of said hey talked off the ledge a little bit i'm using your verbiage but and then of course everything worked out so well in san diego but it's interesting how life does work out you think i would have been a little bit more prepared for it by that time i'm in the big leagues i've seen other guys get released i've seen guys get traded and i think about part of it is that it's it's within a moment your your life changes on a dime right um i was naive enough to think that i was going to be with florida for a long time just because it's a brand new organization and why you know we're going to stay together for a while um when it did happen i was i was caught off a little bit but being so young and not having you know a lot of baggage will say that was built up it's like okay pack up my little stuff i got in the locker room we're off but uh it wasn't quite that simple i was i was kind of because i was invested in this in the place that transition was a little bit difficult to deal with and it wasn't really quite sure i didn't know what i was dealing with on the other side of it but uh you're right gregenglin kind of like hey man you're gonna go on the west coast you're kind of a west coast guy you're used to it mom and dad are gonna be able to be close enough to get to some ball games it's gonna be the best thing for your career and they were right Trevor let's treads back through your career you have so many highlights that stand out especially the sanitians which one is the one that stands out to you the most um a couple and the the three game set up and up and dodge are stating when we were down to and we swept and your uncle gets the big knock and dad's a big part of it and we celebrate with kind of a group that was not really expected to do too much and then to hear it kind of sent back to on sunday afternoon when the chargers are playing and they're they're they're there's random cheers there to go i love that when something they're ever the the the fans are watching something else in the middle of another game that cracks me up when that goes on it shows that they're invested in digging it so that was that was something pretty special um and then to be able to see fans catch that ball and centerfield that uh bought us that ticket to new york was was something that uh as i turned around uh that that that stands out pretty big stands out to all of us i mean i can't believe it's been i'm not even gonna say how many years but just 20 years oh yeah but um goes by quick yeah when when you when you were when in your career if at any time during your career did you think you know i could be a hall of fame player someday or is that something that never crosses your mind until you're done playing i'd lie to you if i said it doesn't cross your mind but it's something that you don't allow yourself to dream okay um i think it's important to stay in the moment it's important to be accountable and true to the guys that you're shooting up with um because that's a little bit more of a selfish motivation um that doesn't have a place in a clubhouse and so you're aware of it um but at the same right the only way you can make it a reality is by going out and doing your stinking job so uh we kind of kept it in that perspective and i think that's why everybody loves you so much sure because every time we ask you a question about you you somehow end up finding a way to wrap your teammates in and that's a that's a characteristic that really goes a long way um let me ask you this as it pertains to your speech i know that was a difficult thing for my dad to actually get through you know we write in the speech there's gonna be parts where you got to talk about stuff that's gonna bring up emotion you got to try to figure out a way to get it to the bottom get through through get through all of it has it been difficult for you right in your speech the difficult part has been getting through without the emotions because i'm getting emotional by myself in a room reading it let alone with family and friends and teammates and the hall of fingers behind so i'm and i gotta keep i'm hoping that it's so nerve-wracking that it'll take that component away right um and i think as it pertains to kind of getting through the speech i think it'll it'll get comfortable and that's when i don't want to get comfortable is because i think that's when the emotions will be allowed in right so it's kind of a weird dynamic to think about but uh it's certainly exciting to think about and it's not you get you can only ask someone has been through it and so i i don't have your props and quick and ask about it like man help here i'm i'm stung drown in here so uh i'm looking forward to it but you're absolutely hitting the nail on the head it's uh a flood of emotions that you know you're gonna have to deal with that will come on without notice well with all due respect i totally expect you to to deliver a fantastic speech but even if there are some rough moments i expect you to close well all right all right all right now well you cue the music so i hear a little music so that he can finish up that last couple of paragraphs solid that's what we want to make sure uh i have to ask you the question that's been asked a million times but i just think on the eve of going into the hall of fame the change up and what it means to you and and what you think about and why you think no one i don't want to say no one because guys have good change ups but why no one really is in the hall of fame in a lot of ways just because of an amazing one pitch that you were able to to master yeah i mean i was fortunate that it morphed into what it did um and talking with teammates and picking their brain about their craft that that think was important um but for it to become a signature pitch and something that was important to me um it's kind of cool to think about it i know it's not something i mean mariano next year we'll be here and we'll be talking cutters and how he even simplified even more i had to i had to locate a fastball to be able to get to a change up he just said here's a cutter you guys can't do it but i'm sitting next to a guy that uh got to see the change up pretty good in milwaukee and hit that triple down the right field line i just go away close the eyes he told me the other day the truth be close it was such an amazing matchup and i was crushed in the in the tunnel with you i was hurting for san diego and the fans and blackie but man it was that was so fun competing with it i wish you didn't see the change ups of dance game it didn't work that day actually it actually heard him that i had been around him so much at that point and i was paying attention i think at the end of the day if i remember it correctly you had thrown like eight straight change ups you struck out last week and he and he i just won through two of them into my bad it was just a matter of okay he's gonna throw it can't get off the fastball just make sure you keep your hands back long enough and fortunately good self-talk right there i wonder where you learned that from right all right well we we saw where your plaques going in the hall of fame so uh it's less than 48 hours away congratulations again thank you thanks for the trip to cooperstown i will always personally be grateful for uh telling us to come out and be part of this with you this is only my second time being here obviously my dad was my first and i always told myself when Trevor got in that'll be the next time we're going congratulations Trevor thanks congratulations thank you very very much awesome uh time uh six years ago when Tony and i got to sit down with the legendary Trevor Hoffman there uh just a few hours before he was inducted into the baseball hall of fame and uh still all a huge thanks for that because i haven't been back to cooperstown, Ohio for a while frank i'm just kidding i know that i said it wrong that time cooperstown, New York have you been there? one you need to get together yeah it's not really close to anything that's the only thing i remember no it's in the middle of nowhere i just figured it out and they put it in the middle of absolute nowhere that's a the one issue with going to the baseball hall of fame you have to really want to go you're not just gonna get it on on a you know on a on a whim you know well you know we're we're we're in the neighborhood so we thought we'd stop by no you have to pretty much want to go there if i remember right it's like a winding mountain road and then all of a sudden there's a town a little tiny town there it is and one street and you know honestly the building itself is legendary as it all is doesn't really you know jump out at you you know it's kind of oh kind of normal uh i i felt the same when i went to the pro football hall of fame in canton uh that i did go to on a road trip with the hockey team we were in Toledo and it was i think an hour and a half away so we had an off day and i felt like that was worth making that drive but i remember being just off the exit like you exit off the freeway and almost ran right into the building it's like they built it right on a freeway the football hall of fame in canton that is in ohio all right i got a question about Trevor Hoffman i thought i'd throw at you if i were to ask you which team because we just had the major league baseball draft which team drafted Trevor Hoffman anybody i think i would have missed this he said he mentioned it i think he said the marlin's no he was with the marlin's first but that's not who drafted him believe it or not yeah i don't know but a lot of people will know this or remember this he was an 11th round draft pick in 1989 out of the University of Arizona right believe he played a bunch of shortstop drafted originally by the Cincinnati Reds oh there you go a little Trevor Hoffman trivia for you speaking of which and speaking of the draft and uh sam levitt said a future uh lake elsner storm great just to take a dig at me earlier today the padre is signed a free agent who was who didn't get drafted okay outfielder Alex McCoy and the only reason why i bring this up out of Hofstra University oh yeah oh my goodness frank Hofstra gets some love this guy's gonna go on he's gonna be the next guy into the hall of fame as sam sam who said future lake elsner storm no he's gonna go he's gonna nestle up right next to Trevor in Cooper's town what's his name again Alex McCoy from Hofstra right of the world's biggest Hofstra guy that you know of you've got to be even that i know of or otherwise i mean last year we're sitting in here during the college basketball season tony and i are doing it frank's filling in for scraping yes and somehow there was a Hofstra college basketball game on against who are they playing oh my goodness frank tomatoes watch this game oh i did oh no it wasn't a chore come the end of it by the end of the show you guys were fully invested in watching this game and Hofstra blew it in overtime after you guys had left yeah we were so invested that we left in overtime oh no you that's how you stay watch you stay and watch the final four minutes ever to show it off the air and they'd left for overtime the Hofstra pride all right the pride of the pride they're not the pride no it's the pride but the pride of lions that's that's where the pride well the pride of the pride is uh mr frank marcasey thanks again for filling in today frank not a problem we'll see if uh who's in tomorrow join us at two o'clock to find out hopefully we'll have a return of scraping but don't forget roundtable pod rays commercial free hour tomorrow morning at 10 catch up with all of you then for tony glen jr and mr scraeby and frank chrysello good night all right welcome back to glen and chrys thanks again to sammy checking in with us for a couple of hours there sam love it uh frank marcasey big frank filling in for the uh ailing matt scraeby today hopefully we get scraeby back tomorrow tony glen on vacation but glen and chrys rolls on here at 423 on a wednesday afternoon not a whole lot happening in the sports world on this wednesday we will have a daily gambit though coming up for you in the five o'clock hour and also we thought with the hall of fame induction ceremonies for major league baseball coming up we would revisit one of our all-time favorite moments on this program the day that tony glen jr and i sat down in coopers town right before he was inducted into the hall of fame with Trevor Hoffman great interview from uh several years ago and you're gonna get a chance to hear that a tad later in the program today you know it's um i was looking at this frank and i was looking at the some of the stats in major league baseball and you know one of the things that i think makes baseball great is that the statistics even though we've come out now with all these analytic things and f war and i i don't know bought that bit i mean there's stuff i can't even understand but we've come out of all this stuff we still do have some of the other averages and home runs and rbi's and you know statistics that you can compare through the eras through the history of the game you it sure was a different game in 1920 than it is in 2024 but you know you can compare statistics now to them and i look at some of the stats at the midway point of this season and i start and it's not the official midway point we're actually more than halfway through but game 100 on friday that's right the all-star break is you know kind of looked upon and i'm looking at is there any all-time records that are being threatened this year the answer to that is most likely no um ryan hellsley of the cardinals does have 32 saves i believe krod your guy has the record with like 65 so he's almost halfway there but again oh no that was i thought ganya but that's the most consecutive without blowing a second yeah ganya had the most consecutive ever without blowing a save but i think krod has the record for single season saves with 65 and uh yeah that was in 2008 now the thing about krod the number two guy on that list is another one of your guys edwin d as with 57 so krod broke that record by five and that's a pretty comfortable margin on it the most Trevor ever got was 53 ganya had 55 anyway um so that's one of them but here's a record that absolutely is not going to be caught this season and i don't know that it's going to be caught in our lifetime or anyone else's you know what it is like take a i mean look the home run record bond 73 okay i'm looking at single season records you're right homogeneous 56 seems untouchable for hitting streak i'm talking about a single season statistic it's in the major a major category um single season statistic that is very unlikely ever to be broken i think nolan ryan strikeouts 383 yeah i mean nobody pitches that much anymore so it's almost impossible but here's a record that conceivably could be broken because to me the game hasn't necessarily changed in this regard and that is rbi's rbi's are still counted up the same way they always were they're still you know pretty much chalked up the same way they always were chalked up in the day there's no real difference maybe maybe everyday players sit out a few extra games during a course of a season but it's not like pitchers who now pitch a hundred fewer innings than they used to the rbi record do you know what it is Frank by offhand i do not know i'm sure it's probably it was it was it was maybe you that's what you would think the rbi record was set almost 100 years ago in the 1930 season by chicago cub outfielder by the name of hack wilson and if you ever look at a picture of old hack wilson is a big fella all right but hack uh hack drove in a hundred and ninety one runs that year and i bring it up because in the 100 years since then no one has really come near it uh luke garrick is second and he was a hundred years ago 1988 he had 185 hank greenberg jimmy fox some of the others on the all-time list babe ruth of course most babe ever got was 168 so babe never got within 25 of hack wilson and that's that's babe ruth and you've also got to think they're playing less games too shorter those were playing but they were they were playing a hundred and fifty four games the most anyone has gotten in rbi's in the last 70 years somebody of 142 or something like that is actually manny remirez in 99 so that's fairly recent manny had 165 and that's pretty good now and then after manny sammy soso during the steroid year at 160 but you know manny's 165 and that was i believe steroid aided uh people would think in 1999 i was right in the heart of that the manny's 165 that's the best anyone's done in the last 75 years and that still doesn't bring you within 25 for bi eyes of hack wilson so that 191 is going to be real tough for somebody ever to get to and um you know if you're thinking about it this year erin judge is way up there he's got 85 is it okay but even if you double it and he's got less games left but even if you doubled it it's still be at 170 it's still be 20 short he's got 85 osuta and remirez from cleveland have 77 each right balm who was on a tear at the beginning of the seasons at 70 so is josh naylor yeah that's your top five right now i just think it's interesting that there's a statistic that's been there for over almost a hundred years and no one's really approached it i mean hack wilson was hack wilson but you know nobody talks about the legend of hack wilson we talk about babe ruth and lu garrigan you know all the rest of these guys willy mays and hank erin and damaggio and mantel and same thing it probably should be said for uh henerson's stolen base record that's that's another one that's so far out there good one 130 in one year for ricky on the bases problem with that one again being caught is that nobody runs that much right right here's the other thing the out the outlier on the henerson season with 130 steals he got caught 42 times that means once every four games he was thrown out trying to steal which basically means that's why stolen bases started to go away because the teams decided analytically that that out was too valuable to give up ricky got thrown out 42 times that year and was successful 130 yeah he ran 171 times or 172 times he tried to steal ricky he's in a he's in a world of his own yeah all right anyway just food for thought frank and the ailing scrabie have put together our big five it's coming up next on guin and christ i don't want to uh put words in the mouth of a gym room but he was talking about the uh second overall pick in the draft Alex Sarr frank i know you're big NBA fan Alex Sarr picked by the washing wizards uh Jim Rome said they're in that little clip that it doesn't know how worthy Sarr was of being the number two overall pick the thing he didn't mention or didn't have time to mention they don't give him a lot of time for that no i've i've cut those things up before it's yeah you don't get much time no uh but the reason i think he said that Sarr last night if he missed it in a summer league game took 15 field goal attempts and went 0 for 15 that's a rough night for a rookie yeah but you don't see too many NBA players even in a summer league game go 0 for on 15 tries uh welcome back to guin and chris chris hello big frank is in here today as scravey is on the mend uh not his shoulder this time uh he's just flat out been sick for a couple of days and we hope that he'll be back tomorrow uh but in the meantime big frank's doing a a whale of a job and uh Tony Gwen jr's idol he'll be back friday from cleveland that's where the padres will send matt walledron to the mound against the guards to start the second half of the baseball season one other a note on that game friday this one just uh he irks me it's the apple tv game see the look on your face just uh it's what i said the apple tv game who likes it is there anybody out there who would rather the game be streamed on apple then you know on their tv where they could just watch it or dv art and you know enjoy it at their leisure i don't think anyone likes it better because it's on apple maybe there's some people that don't have you know a cable tv and they only stream stuff so they're happy i guess because they can maybe stream it but that's got to be it a message to all sports commissioners well they're not going to listen to you not everything has to be about money not everything well it's just something that wouldn't it be nice yeah but the trick yeah you're in a dream world oh i know i am yeah you are i mean i'm not saying you're wrong uh but everything's about money and you know when you when this when the stupid all-star game runs out there in these jerseys that's for money exactly that's it there's no other reason for it money money money you don't have to monetize everything about every little aspect of every sport you don't have to do it can't disagree with you but not going to happen so yeah screaming friday night apple tv disgust it's that time of the show when we check on the latest in sports only the most important topics and questions are brought to light stop what you're doing and listen these news stories will astound and amaze you the one the only oh my god who the hell cash law big five starts now on ninety seven three the fan it's just one one last note on that and i just said it to you now while we were off with how many apple products i've purchased i should be able to have apple tv for free now to just give it to you on uh on merit like seriously that should be done for anyone by the way it does not just me anyone who is bought anything is bought anyone's bought 700 apple products in the last year ought to be able to get the apple games for free but you can't it'll cost you extra and you have to stream it when they want you to yeah and you have to watch all their stupid commercials it's especially now with MLS sorry can't deal with it can't deal with the friday night apple games not happy especially with MLS game pass or whatever it is there being stuck on there too that's all right not for me number five all right we hit it we hit on this yesterday you'd mention how much the uh the green bay packers had made over the course of last year oh six uh yeah right six hundred and fifty million hours apparently the number has come out today for the NFL as a whole it came out this morning uh NFL teams are doing quite well for themselves monetarily uh last year each team earned four hundred and two point three million dollars in national revenues that are not just in the natural national revenue yeah via pro support uh by via pro football talk those were the words now when multiplied by 32 the amount of teams there are in the league the league made 12.873 billion dollars last year which is a seven and a half percent increase from the previous year certainly good news for Roger Goodell who's reportedly shooting uh for his league to bring in 25 billion dollars in national revenue by 2027 so he's got two years to make basically double what he's made this is it just has so much and they just get more and more yeah and they they that's why i'm glad to bring it up because it's just a reminder it's a reminder of why you shouldn't get mad when your favorite player signs a ninety million dollar eight-year contract it's chump change for these guys and then you know and the national football league so if you're going to be mad at a player from quote making too much then be just as mad at the owners because they make more yeah exactly right it is insane and it is it is frustrating that you show up at what uh so if i stadium to see an NFL game and then you pay a hundred dollars to park and they just they don't even need that no they don't need that money they've already made money hand over they charge you what 30 dollars for a beer that a football game nowadays go to it i just why i can't stay in the NFL it's part of it who could go to an NFL football game realistically i mean it's not the NFL it's not a posh sport like tennis you're pricing normal people out of a normal person sport why is it that i and i don't mean this in any other way than to make a statement about it but why does it seem like the guy next to me is putting on hold paying off his his energy bill so that he can afford those tickets to the game he's at too i have not gone to an NFL game in years and that one game i went to the tickets were given to me i don't spend money on the NFL because i can't stand it it's i can't help it it's greeted oh it is the most important part the biggest part for me is it never goes away it never has an off-season i don't need to hear the AFC South get broken down in march i don't need to hear that just right frang away let it have it off i love the NFL i hate the fact that they make so much money i don't know what i can do about it though it's we're going to stick with the NFL here for this one number four uh as the Bears and quarterback Caleb Williams haggle over the remaining language haggle over the remaining language in his rookie deal because again there's not enough money to go around there's one clause that definitely will not be added per multiple sources Williams asked the Bears to agree to not use the franchise tag upon expiration of his rookie contract the Bears said nay nay although multiple veteran players have secured such a commitment such as Dak Prescott no rookie has finagled a promise that they won't be tagged okay has Caleb Williams put a lot of pressure on himself to perform um well there's plenty i mean you're the number one overall pick yeah but here's my thing with Caleb Williams and i say this to you or to Scravey probably Scravey he's high maintenance and i i'm kind of already over him you know i'm already over Caleb Williams i would love it if we lived in it and you talk about you know a world where not everything was monetized i'd also love it if we lived in a world where once in a while a rookie would actually go out and do something before he started spouting off about how great he is or making demands on his contract saw what his replacement did at the holiday ball yes touchdowns in the first game you ever stepped on the field for USA i do remember that i was at that game yeah Caleb Williams i'm just telling you Caleb you're making it difficult for any of us to really root for you and maybe you don't care but you know when you start making all kinds of demands before you've ever uh you're already comparing yourself and you're asking for things that just aren't realistic uh it's going to be interesting to watch this guy during hard knocks i must say he's on the uh the bears are the uh training camp hard knocks i thought there was i know there were a couple at least when hard knocks came out that there were a couple of things that prevented a team from being on like if they were the recent Super Bowl champions they didn't have to do yeah there's a bunch of things that prevent you from being on i thought being i thought having a first year quarterback was a new one or was the thing also yeah i guess i don't know i can keep track of only so many rules you know but yeah i i i'm having trouble you know being a Caleb William fan Caleb Williams fan you know and and i'll say one thing you talk about the pressure here's one thing he's got pressure he's been surrounded already with more talent than the bears have had there and yeah long time you know since maybe the mid 80s i mean they put him some big time guys around him so he's gonna have to produce right away i don't see him being the next cj shroud cj shroud came into the league last year for houston you didn't hear a peep he just went to work and he didn't spout off he just went to work he did everything right so we'll see what happens with Caleb number three all right so for the first two we stuck with the NFL the first one was about league value this one is also about league value uh angel city fc is now the most valuable women's sports team in the world following an agreement by willow bay and bob iger i guess it would be to purchase a controlling stake in the national women's soccer league uh franchise at 20 dyslexia killing me again at 250 million dollar valuation good uh bay the dean of the ufc nberg school of communication and journalism and iger the ceo of wall disney company will become the new majority owners of the la base club which pending league approval and the closing of the transaction does this tell you more about the nwsl's popularity or the rising cost of sports team i tell me more about the uh the popularity i agree i mean this is really a big deal for uh women's professional soccer and you know we have our team here in san diego uh they've been in the news lately for some of the wrong reasons i don't know if you've been reading up on all of that and hopefully they'll get that ironed out um the wave will but um that's just terrific i i'm so happy for the wnba i'm so happy for women's professional soccer deep pockets are what make you know team's worth it and worth that kind of money and uh the angel fc is the la base team for those who don't know uh and this is terrific so yeah just tells me that soccer is getting better and better and women's sports we know is on the rise and it's uh not a moment too soon yep it's only going to get better especially with the mls team being here next winter all right this is the last one we're going to have time for uh since any bengals quarterback joe burrow is hoping to represent the u.s in the 2028 summer summer olympics flag football will make its olympic debut in la burrow is hoping to participate in the action saying quote i really want to play for the olympic flag football team uh like me jamaar chase just in jefferson me and my friends have been out there playing football i think it'd be really cool do you think the nfl teams will allow players to play flag football in the olympic i will borrow a phrase that you use just a little short while ago uh oh nay nay i don't know that they'll be able to keep them from it but i know they're not gonna want them to joe burrow you know he gets hurt walking out to pick up his morning paper you gotta be careful put him in a football game even if it is flag it's flag football it's during the summer they're not going to be playing in the pre-season anyway just let them go out there let them have fun let them play it's their first time just do it i'm one of the guys that believes that the uh the olympic should be for amateur athletes college kids but just i've already lost that level just go yeah that ship sailed a long time ago all right good job frank on the big four as it were today much more going in chris ahead and a happy hour includes an old visit with Trevor Hoffman that i know you'll love see you all tomorrow but when and chris are just getting started sports tuckity your hosts tony queen jr top five characters scorpion get over here and chris hello in the audio audio oh my goodness gracious can we start the show over again please it's time to get you up to speed on old things sports yes yes yes with plenty of nonsense in between oh look here comes our fearless producer when chris starts right now on 97th way the fan time to get happy we're going into the happy hour uh going in chris i 97th through the fan uh chris hello and uh cast of one today me and big frank as tony queen jr's idol and matt scrapie's on the mend uh we are hanging out for another hour with you uh until six o'clock sam levitt filled in nicely earlier we appreciate that a reminder tomorrow morning 10 a.m don't miss it right after uh the ben and woods program it's our weekly padre round table an hour of commercial free padre talk everything from the first half of the season and i'm sure everything looking forward to what's to come in the second half we'll be discussed on tomorrow's round table ben higgins steve woods or steven i don't know what's funny like i guess you like steven better seems to be a steven woods uh um craig elston andy hobron myself we'll all be on tomorrow kicking around the goings on to the padre's in the first half of the season just to uh you know recap padre's are 50 and 49 they are a game behind your new york meds frank for the final wild card spot in the national league i saw some predictions earlier is from sports grid whoever these people are they're predicting the outcome of the national league okay fillies will be the number one seed dodgers number two when it's all said and all the dust clears the brewers will hang on to win the central they say they're really going out on a limb so far so far braves will be the first wild card again another limb not broken uh here's one that is a bit of a risky pick the diamondbacks will get the second wild card they say with the Mets getting the third that would leave the cardinals and padre's and everybody else out so we'll see how it all turns out the national league race i don't see Arizona making it you don't see Arizona making it no i think they just have too many problems too many injuries i don't think they do have a lot of injuries uh i don't know are they ever going to get that left-handed picture that they no they got gallants back my gumbory my gumbory no my gumbory's back but he's been terrible they got uh the kid from uh the tigers francesco i don't know left-hander he's been on the injured list all year for the diamondbacks and i thought he was due back a long time ago francesco something ridiculous that i my memory is going i'm looking right now frank i tell you what don't ever get old don't ever get old too late but you know what happens it gets old when you get old um yeah he's not on the roster so i can't no my gumbory no not my gumbory no i know but i'm saying i'm looking at there i'm looking oh he's on the i-l right now he's on the i-l Kyle Nelson's on the i-l and Eduardo Rodriguez on the i-l i think the diamondbacks have a shot everybody's got a shot he's on the i-l oh yeah maryll kelly yeah they were without him i see a francesco no who's that left-handed somebody somebody texted in the chat Eduardo Rodriguez that's the guy he's on the 60 day i am yes but he's been on it for more than 60 days well that's the guy i was thinking of thank you Eduardo Rodriguez all right we'll see who makes it in the now i mean look there are 12 teams that have a shot to make the uh playoffs in the national league and the Cubs are the 12th of those teams and they're only three and a half back so that's a wide open field as it were all right one thing we did not get too earlier on the program because sam leavitt was in was our daily gambit so uh let's get into some of that right now i know frank wants to tell everybody how great some of his picks were last night i know i got two let's see how how you how the rest of it went for you frank do you like money i think about money do you like money without doing anything uh dark winning do you want to make money while watching sports i think washington is immortal luck washington if you answer yes this is your segment just don't blame us when you lose nothing is ever your fault it's your game take it when in cress go through the top best of the day in the daily gambit on 97 three the fan all right uh don't bet it all that's even smarter than uh gamble responsibly just don't bet it all enjoy the games pick some winners have some fun with your friends uh frank and i made these picks last night national league american league in the all-star game annal was favored last night for some reason by a run and a half frank went with the nl i went with the a l a l one five three so i won that one uh over under last night with seven runs i said the uh over under is always under in an all-star game but it wasn't last night it went over there were eight runs frank got that and i missed that one so we're both one and one next up paul skeens over under one and a half strikeouts he had zero frank got that one i missed that one uh into the wnba we go los vegas 13 point favorite over chicago both frank and i went with los vegas chicago won the game outright big upset turned in by chicago there so we both missed that one frank angel reese over under for her was 13 and a half points last night she scored 13 so she went under we both were correct on that one and finally the league's leading scorer asia wilson over under 27 and a half points you went under i went over she went over with 28 we finished high we did we both went three and three last night so that's how that turned out as far as tonight is concerned that's annoying actually yeah well the old sister kiss there do you know that turn by the way kissing your sister is like i use that one time with tony and scravian both of them thought what are you talking about that's disgusting and i said no it's a it's a terminology for a tie and they were like it is yeah they didn't know that so i was i had to clue them in all right tonight indiana the fiva at dallas the wings indiana's favored by four and a half dallas does have the worst record in the league coming into the game but they're at home who do you like here frank i take the fever you go with the fiva frank's got the fiva i'll go dallas third home the fever haven't been great with the calon clark they've been the you know okay typically when you get the number one pick you're not a great right you weren't great to begin with by the way i just noticed today calon clark is leading the entire wnba and assists that's not shabby for a rookie angel Reese is leading in rebounds which is also not shabby for especially when there were talks earlier on the season that her teammates were intentionally dropping passes they might have been the way they were breaking some of those receptions katelyn tonight 20 and a half points over under she averages about 16 but dallas is a bad team so i say she has a big scoring night i'll go over god go over as well you're also going over all right here's one that i put on there just because i like to say her name irike a goomba walli a goomba walli i need a couple of tries at it before i get it a goomba walli she's the third leading scorer in the wnba she averages 22 points a game she plays for dallas and her over under is 22 and a half for tonight frank what do you think about a goomba walli feeling good about her tonight irike or not feeling good about a goomba walli is that enough what was the over under 22 and a half what's her over under for the season she averages 22 so they're hitting you right there i'll say under gonna say under tonight all right again i'm gonna say a little distracted the streams doing some wacky stuff that's why i was sorry don't do that don't tell me that i don't want to know about the stream hello stream hanging there um all right onto the mls we go anyone i just want to see how many mls fans we have out there in fact just for fun somebody i know my red bowls are playing right now i was in the art city red bowls i don't look at any scores because i'm gonna ask you a couple games but here's but before i get to this i want to see how many real mls fans are i think this would this would qualify it was a real mls fan you say you are you can't wait for sd you know sandy who have seen next year you love your soccer etc somebody right into the chat right now who has the best record right now in the entire mls and what i mean by that is who has the most points because it comes down to points you get three for a win one for a draw one for a draw or whatever uh yeah so who's the who has the best record in the mls anyone on the chat got that i'm curious i don't got this you don't have it no i would never have it to me i would never have it so i don't have the chat so somebody's got a you got to tell me if anybody gets this i'm seeing no clue no clue which is a problem that's not right shoulder shrug emoji shoulder shrug is no good any that he got a guess even like a team enter miami enter miami's guess all right they're second columbus crew they're third no they're not third they're third in their division yeah third in the conflict you're close but nobody's gotten it yet who has the best record in the mls come on all you soccer fans everybody tells me out there how many great soccer fans are out there i have never watched an mls game world cup euro champions that's what i'm getting on the chat right now so nobody knows thank you for exposing us yeah i'm exposing you people you guys tell me all the time sennady fc winner winner who got that thank you allahandro and did he really put sennady fc put cincy yes okay because it's fc sennady whatever officially but yeah it is correct allahandro was it allahandro yes thank you allahandro finally putting into this madness uh they are uh playing chicago tonight chicago fire chicago fire fc over under three and a half goals frank what do you think over under the best team in the league sennady and chicago so guess where chicago because chicago hasn't been good these last they're bad they're in 14th place they're way down the line i will say i will say over because i know games like this can get a little bit out of hand you think since it gets square four that's a lot oh oh it's over under since he's gold no no no over under total oh did chicago may accidentally get one wow that was pretty cold blooded to the poor chicago i mean everyone you're just accidentally scored so just for the hell of it i'm going to go under uh one more enter miami that's messy's team now he's not playing he's out with an injury bad ankle injury in a help america fire mayor miami despite that still favored by a half goal tonight over toronto fc big surge which means with a tie you know you'd win with toronto i'll say toronto just in the event of a tie i'll take it to miami they're gonna go with miami very good and then i got one i got one summer league game and the nba the great brawny james leads his lakers into battle tonight against adam clugues hawks both teams are on two in summer league action the hawks trading for everyone yes right the hawks are favored by four and a half frank could you like here i mean this is what we're left with people i'm sorry it's the wednesday of the all-star break what do you want you could have had a a british open pick i mean it's there's shoply come on i refuse to talk about the british open since somebody yelled at you for it earlier in the day uh still angry about that uh oh all right i'll take it later goes with the adam clugues hawks all right just i'll represent tony and take the lakers if i want to move up in this this business i gotta i think that was i think that was yeah you got to smooth the uh boss just a little bit i gotta tell you frank i i'm a little surprised there i mean i think we did a little bit expose our you know soccer fandom out there which just means you guys got to start talking about it more to get everyone ready for february okay i get that but i mean we've got our team coming next year and everybody everybody tells me you know we are soccer crazy in this city i will say that is the worst part the worst part about the mls is every other soccer league in the northern hemisphere runs during the winter mls runs during the summer along with baseball season so do you think that's what keeps the soccer people away that does hurt it a lot okay and again you play it in the winter you're fighting with the nba and i thought yeah what are you gonna do yeah and you're also fighting the weather yeah well i mean in the winter i just thought that was this was not an official study by any means but you know we have a pretty well-rounded you know listening audience out there and i put it out there for grabs who has the best record in the mls and it took a while for alahandro to come up with that i would not have guessed since because i would not have guessed since adding because the last i saw them they were expansion team mad they're having a good they're having a good season they are 15 five and three with 48 points that leads all teams in the mls at this point all right very good uh check a traffic coming up and don't forget uh hall of fame throwback interview with Trevor Hoffman that tony and i did several years ago that uh if you heard it it's probably worth listening to again anyway it's coming up shortly frank and i was just taking a uh trip down mls memory lane during that break now that we're in on uh now that we're all excited that sincinati has the best record in the mls and we're all aware of that frank goes or i said to frank i go there you know there's ten original teams that are still in bmls i named a bunch of old you got almost all of them you didn't get the yeah didn't get the ten um but the so we were going back of the original mls season was 1996 does that sound about right right around there yeah and uh that was the first season it began on april six 1996 the sannos a clash now and i believe known as the earthquake yeah the sannos a earthquake took on dc united the game was at spartan stadium in sannos a california espn carried the game live the clash won the gill the game on a goal by a former san diego state athlete eric wannalda you've heard that name i think have you know i have heard of him as someone who has never been in my kitchen all right mr wannalda was a uh san agostator he scored the very first goal in the mls history about that so for a little mls trivia for you so what you're saying is by san diego by fc san diego or san diego of c or whatever coming here finally it's come full circle it's coming home it's finally come full circle when all the score the first goal come on trivia that uh you can impress pretty much anyone with i don't think anybody's gonna know that one uh dc united was the first mls champion i know taking on the title you know the galaxy have the most they beat the galaxy in the finals that year so there you go galaxy of the most i remember that um yeah i don't know i don't really don't know how much more research i want to do on this if you don't have to if i'm pretty good i'll save some of the research for when the when the team actually yes san diego fc team starts but i'll tell you one thing i'm going to impress somebody soon when i tell them that i know who scored the first goal in the history the end of the first scrapey tomorrow would you think it's something to talk about i don't think it'll impress scrapey because i don't think he's open don't think he cares that much the british open starts tomorrow frank and it's high time we talk about it oh my goodness gracious does anybody know who the defending champion is at the open it was a weird winner last year uh not a big name guy at all and um i you know so much so that i can't even remember his name i'm trying to find it here uh look it up for me will you frank it's brian harman there it is brian harman the winner of last year's open championship and um of course scottie sheffler is the big favorite this year and uh you know makes sense sheffler's really had a fantastic year same scott sheffler that finished tied for 23rd last year uh the same one and also the same one who was a nobody until he played around at torrey pines with one tony guin jr a couple of years ago in the uh in the celebrity media torrey pines round tony gets tony gets tony gets into the it's invited to play and we're like who are you playing when he goes i don't know well what's the guy's name scottie sheffler maybe we'd never really heard of him nobody really ever heard of him tony played around with him and now scottie sheffler is the man uh sheffler is uh a solid favorite to win the 100 and wow 150 second open championship i remember the first one scravey would make fun of me because he thinks i'm so old that i was there um you know what i would think would be really interesting is if the second favorite wins this weekend the second favorite is rory mackerelroy the reason i say that is because if rory mackerelroy wins i think the golf media in mass we go bizarre ought to just walk out of the uh a walk out of the interview tent when rory mackerelroy comes in to be interviewed after winning the british open or the open sorry but when he comes in and he sits down and he's all got his claret jug and he's ready to go like the media to get up and just walk out because that's what he did to them at the end of the u.s open when he lost he got in his car and he peeled out of the parking lot and you know i i mean there's many people who you know didn't think that was really the right thing to do i can understand that you're frustrated you're angry but you know none of these guys are anything without the coverage that they get and rory mackerelroy has you know been pretty well covered by the media in his career and you know he missed it he missed a terrible you know a short putt the whole thing but the fact that he didn't face the music a lot of people gave him a lot of grief for that so so i think it would be kind of funny you know and there's your champ rory mackerelroy comes in three people and then everybody gets up and walks out and then he's got it then nobody's there to cover you there you go that's what you did to them that's the way my mind thinks anyway there's a little rude honestly you think what be rude to get up and walk out yeah oh for sure i mean and the old saying two wrongs don't make a right but they sure make you feel a whole lot better sometimes i've always felt two wrongs don't make a right but was it three lefts maker right or three rights make a left i think four lefts maker right don't confuse me frank don't confuse me all right uh one last note here before we go to um a break and then our interview with Trevor Hoffman last night all-star game television ratings are in oh seven point four million viewers seven point four million did i say yeah of those seven point four million seven point three nine nine nine million hated the uniforms doesn't say that but i'm throwing that in uh seven point four million dollars the second lowest rated all-star game in the history of the sport the only good news the lowest rated one was last year so they actually went up a little bit okay give us work this year yeah i i mean hey you know i'm sorry but you know the all-star game it's just not what it is but you got at least put the uniforms back on part of it is what and i don't think that's going to change it a great deal but something oh part of it is what you guys talked about earlier on today where it's yeah these guys play each other all year long that that's not special anymore well they they people don't try any all-star game right because what would you the thing that we like we don't even know that this is what we like but what we like about sports is the notion that the two teams that are out on their field or wherever they are golf course tennis court soccer pitch wherever that they're out there trying to win but it's that's what we watch we don't know how it's going to happen we watch to see how it's going to unfold the all-star game doesn't have that going for itself because we know that they don't care who wins and one thing that i think you guys overlooked earlier when you and sam were talking about it was there's nothing riding on this game anymore it used to be the winner got home field advantage in the world series yeah that was at least there was something on the line whether or not you thought it was a value is is up to you but at least there was something on the line yeah now you're just playing a game just to play a game and honestly it it wouldn't hurt me if there wasn't an all-star game anymore all-stars name all-stars absolutely name the best players but do you really need to play a game if you're not going to get any effort especially in the NBA in NFL revenue back to that again but yes i agree i don't disagree disagree the NFL Pro Bowl should have gone away a long time ago actually it has now they're finally just on the flight football whatever things yeah all right we'll take a break one final segment today but it's going to be a doozy with the hall of fame induction ceremonies coming up this weekend we revisit our visit with the legendary Trevor Hoffman stick around right now we're wrapping things up here we got one final segment for and it's a good one so stick around here 535 is the time chris alo big frank frank markeisy sitting in for the uh the ailing match scrappy we hope that he's back with us tomorrow but we said the same thing yesterday guess what he did to us he yeah couldn't make it he told me this morning he said he thinks today's gonna be the last oh yeah he knows huh he'll uh he knows huh we'll see uh we will see uh hopefully mr scrapie's back with us tomorrow if not frank you know been doing a hell of a job and there is you know such a thing as a wallie pip so you never know and Brady wasn't a starter right out of the gate that's right people thought they were gonna miss drew blood so didn't miss him at all as it turned out as it turned out uh tony goon jr's on vacay uh this sunday well let's start with tomorrow before we get too far ahead tomorrow is the radio round table don't forget 10 a.m. been in woods myself and he and elston all talk in pudrey baseball commercial free hour of pudrey talk tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 11 if you miss it it plays again from 5 to 6 p.m that's tomorrow friday 3 10 in the afternoon sam leavitt goes back to work as the pudrey pre game show host the poders will take on the cleveland guardians they have the best record in the american league to kick off the second half of the season first pitches for 10 on friday afternoon matt walledron it was announced today we'll make the start for the pudres in the second half opener uh one last thing about that game it's on apple tv so make your plans to listen here on 97 three the fan if you're like me you're ticked off that it's being streamed uh now to sunday this sunday is the baseball hall of fame induction day in coopers town ohio ohio coopers town new york sorry frank i don't mean to disparage your home state coopers town new york i've been there you think i would know kwen and chris all of that he said hello that was a different uh that was just a sounder going off of the label that was labeled differently than what it actually was you wanted to get me with something that was supposed to be a wamp wamp there and it was definitely not a wamp wamp there are three players being interrupted into the hall of fame this year do you know who they are frank do you remember it's kind of interesting you know so much of this stuff happens and it's such a big deal at the time but then by the time they have the induction ceremony forget who was actually i honestly don't remember actually nominated or actually honored uh with 95 percent of the vote in his first year of eligibility adrian belltray who uh throughout the first pitch last night he'll be elected to the hall of fame uh be inducted into the hall of fame also on sunday tod helton goes into the hall of fame and his sixth year on the ballot all of a sudden they've now determined that he's good enough to be a hall of famer he wasn't for the first five years those are a couple guys that are heck guys to miss and third uh in his first year of eligibility uh catcher joe mower also okay so those are the three hall of famers it's not a bad class no jim leland was uh also elected uh by the uh contemporary base bollaira committee so uh leland will be going into the hall of fame as well uh cigarettes for everyone jim leland was a dart smoker back in the day for sure some of the guys who just missed billy wagner gary sheffield and this was the last year for sheffield on the ballot man what a player he was but i guess you know got caught up at the wrong time like a lot of those guys did uh andrew jones belltray on a rod continues to get votes but nowhere close only 34 percent many repairs 32 percent and these are both hall of fame in terms of what their numbers say but they're not gonna get there you you can't as far as that stuff goes you cannot allow one steroid user if on rudrey giz in and then say the rest of you can't oh that's right if as soon as you let one in they all have to be in for sure yeah they all have to come in so uh anyway uh the hall of fame induction ceremony is sunday now to that end um back and now i'm gonna see what year that was now what a year to Trevor get inducted into the hall of fame i'm gonna look it up just so i can be in a little more specific 2018 he was elected into the hall of fame so six summers ago that myself tony goon jr and mr scravey set out a six-hour flight to the east coast to your part of the world frank made our way to coopers town ohio coopers town oh why i'm saying that again uh can't know how it was the NFL hall of fame maybe that's what i'm thinking about uh made our way to coopers town New York for the coopers town much we all come back i know it's so strange that i would say that coopers town New York for the hall of fame induction ceremony of the great Trevor Hoffman while we were there uh we had a chance to sit down with Trevor and uh this is what came of that legendary moment in time probably do first though yeah let's take a little traffic for those inclined well he's the reason we're here and uh we are so thrilled to have him with us from coopers town Trevor Hoffman joins us here gwin and chris show and i've been thanking you for the last month but now i can actually thank you for getting inducted into the hall of fame because otherwise i would have never got to live out my dream of being going to coopers town so thank you thank you thank you uh it's a great pleasure to be here and to to be with you uh during this week um how much are you still kicking yourself going oh my goodness this is i'm really about to be a hall of famer well you're welcome first yes i'm happy to be here too right right but yeah i think i'm bruising my arm by pinching it so much because uh this is something you definitely aren't really prepared for until you get to walk in the in these shoes and get to get go get go through these halls it's it's kind of it blows me away how pretty it is how enormous the moment is and really it's just such a special place what are tracy brodie quinn why what are they all feeling right now they're walking on cloud nine too man you know what i i think it's special in a sense that they're getting a chance to go through it in a relaxed setting you know the boys just say they hopped on a little robo try to catch some fish and build paddle board and then they're playing wiffle ball with land and tommy jim tommy son and it's kind of bringing back the game a little bit for them like what you grew up doing in the clubhouses and so um i think they'll become a moment when the all the hall of all the hall of famer show up and they better have a shirt on they better buttoned up and very don't bear some offends all right black nose head to head but uh and that'll happen and i think it'll that moment will kind of engulf them a little bit too we've we've been playing all these road to coopers towns features on the on the radio leading up to your induction and i know they've been running them on television one of the ones that i thought was very interesting was your talking about how when you found out you got traded from the floor to marlin's to the padre's and how your first reaction to that was i don't really want to be traded i'm good i i'm in the major leagues here and that it was your brothers that kind of said hey talk to you off the ledge a little bit i'm using your verbiage but and then of course everything worked out so well in san diego but it's interesting how life does work out you think i would have been a little bit more prepared for it by that time i'm in the big leagues i've seen other guys get released i've seen guys get traded and i think part of it is that it's it's within a moment your your life changes on a dime right um i was naive enough to think that i was gonna be with florida for a long time just because it's a brand new organization why you know we're gonna stay together for a while um when it did happen i was i was caught off a little bit but being so young and not having you know a lot of baggage will say that was built up i was like okay pack up my little stuff i got in the locker room we're off but uh it wasn't quite that simple i was i was i was kind of because i was invested in this in the place that transition was a little bit difficult to deal with and it wasn't really quite sure i didn't know what i was dealing with on the other side of it but uh you're right Greg and Glenn kind of go hey man you're going to west coast you're kind of a west coast guy you're used to it mom and dad are going to be able to be close enough to get to some ball games it's going to be the best thing for your career and they were right Trevor let's treads back through your career you have so many highlights that stand out especially the sanitians which one is the one that stands out to you the most um a couple and it the the three game set up and up and dodger stadium when we were down to and we swept and your uncle gets the big knock and dad's a big part of it and we celebrate with kind of a group that was not really expected to do too much and then to hear it kind of sent back to on sunday afternoon when the chargers are playing and they're they're they're there's random cheers there we go i love that when something they're ever the dad that the the fans are watching something else in the middle of another game that cracks me up when that goes on it shows that they're invested right and digging it so that was that was something pretty special and then to be able to see fans catch that ball and center field that uh bought us that ticket in New York was was something that uh as i turned around uh that that stands out pretty big stands out to all of us i mean i can't believe it's been i'm not even gonna say how many years but just 20 years oh yeah but um goes by quick yeah when when you when you were when in your career if at any time during your career did you think you know i could be a hall of fame player someday or is that something that never crosses your mind until you're done playing i'd lie to you if i said it doesn't cross your mind but it's something that you don't allow yourself to dream okay um i think it's important to stay in the moment it's important to be accountable and true to the guys that you're sitting up with um because that's a little bit more of a selfish motivation um that doesn't have a place in a clubhouse and so you're aware of it um but at the same right the only way you can make it a reality is by going out and doing your stinking job so uh we kind of kept it in that perspective that and i think that's why everybody loves you so much sure because it's every time we ask you a question about you you somehow end up finding a way to wrap your teammates and that's a that's a characteristic that really goes a long way um let me ask you this as it pertains to your speech i know that was a difficult thing for my dad to actually get through you know we're writing a speech there's gonna be parts where you got to talk about stuff that's gonna bring up a motion you got to try to figure out a way to get it to the bottom get through through get through all of it has it been difficult for you writing your speech the difficult part has been getting through without the emotions because i'm getting emotional by myself in a room reading it alone with family and friends and teammates and the hall of fingers bias so i'm and i gotta keep i'm hoping that it's so nerve-racking that it'll take that component away right um and i think as it pertains to kind of getting through the speech i think it'll get comfortable and that's when i don't want to get comfortable is because i think that's when the emotions will be allowed in right so it's kind of a weird dynamic to think about but uh it's certainly exciting to think about and it's not you can you can only ask someone has been through it and so i don't have your problems and i ask about it like man help here i'm i'm i'm drowning here so i'm looking forward to it but you're absolutely hitting the nail on the head it's uh a flood of emotions that you know you're gonna have to deal with that will come on without notice well with all due respect i totally expect you to deliver a fantastic speech but even if there are some rough moments i expect you to close well all right all right now will you cue the music so i can do a little music so that he can finish up that last couple of paragraphs solid that's what we want to make sure uh i have to ask you the question that's been asked a million times but i just think on the eve of going into the hall of fame the change up and what it means to you and and what you think about and why you think no one and i don't want to say no one because guys have good change ups but why no one really is in the hall of fame in a lot of ways just because of an amazing one pitch that you were able to to master yeah i mean i was fortunate that it morphed into what it did um and and talking with teammates and picking their brain on about their craft that that think was important um but for it to become a signature pitch and something that was important to me um it's kind of cool to think about yeah you know it's not something i mean mariano next year we'll be here and we'll be talking cutters and how he even simplified even more i had to i had to locate a fastball to be able to get to a change up he just said here's a cutter you guys can't do it but i'm sitting next to a guy that uh got to see the change up pretty good in milwaukee now he got tripled down the right line this way he closed his eyes he told me the other day the truth to be close it was such an amazing match up and i was crushed in the tunnel with you i was hurting for san diego and the fans and blackie but man it was that was so fun competing with him i wish he didn't see the change ups of day it didn't work that day actually it actually heard him that i had been around him so much at that point and i was paying attention i think at the end of the day if i remember it correctly you had thrown like h3 change ups you struck out last night and he and he i just won through two of them into my abat it was just a matter of okay he's gonna throw it can't get off the fastball just make sure you keep your hands back long enough and fortunately good self-talk i wonder where you learned that from all right well we we saw where your plaques going in the hall of fame so uh it's less than 48 hours away congratulations again thank you thanks for the trip to cooperstown i will always personally be grateful for allowing us to come out and be part of this with you this is only my second time being here obviously my dad was my first and i always told myself when Trevor got in that'll be the next time we're going congratulations Trevor thanks congratulations thank you very very much awesome uh time uh six years ago when tony and i got to sit down with the legendary Trevor Hoffman there uh just a few hours before he was inducted into the baseball hall of fame and uh still all a huge thanks for that because i haven't been back to cooperstown, Ohio for a while Frank i'm just kidding i know that i said it wrong that time cooperstown new york have you been there what cooperstown you need to get together yeah it's not really close to anything that's the only thing i remember i just figured it out and they put it in the middle of absolute nowhere that's a the one issue with going to the baseball hall of fame you have to really want to go you're not just going to get it on on a you know on a on a whim you know well you know we're we're we're in the neighborhood so we thought we'd stop by no you have to pretty much want to go there if i remember right it's it's like a winding mountain road and then all of a sudden there's a town a little tiny town there it is and one street and you know honestly the building itself is legendary as it all is doesn't really you know jump out at you you know it's kind of whole kind of normal uh i felt the same when i went to the pro football hall of fame in a canton uh that i did go to on a road trip with the hockey team we were in Toledo and it was i think an hour and a half away so we had an off day and i felt like that was worth making that drive but i remember being just off the exit like you exit off the freeway and almost ran right into the building it's like they built it right on a freeway the uh football hall of fame in canton that is in ohio all right i got a question about Trevor Hoffman i thought i'd throw at you if i were to ask you which team because we just had the major league baseball draft which team drafted Trevor Hoffman anybody i think i would have missed this he said he'd mentioned it i think he said the marlins no he was with the marlins first but that's not who drafted him believe it or not yeah i don't know but a lot of people will know this or remember this he was an 11th round draft pick in 1989 out of the university of arizona right believe he played a bunch of shortstop drafted originally by the Cincinnati Reds oh there you go a little Trevor Hoffman trivia for you speaking of which and speaking of the draft and uh Sam Levitt said a future uh lake elsner storm great just to take a dig at me hmm earlier today the padre is signed a free agent who was who didn't get drafted okay out fielder Alex McCoy and the only reason why i bring this up out of Hofstra university oh my goodness frank Hofstra gets some love this guy's going to go on he's going to be the next guy into the hall of fame as Sam who said future lake els north storm no he's going to go he's going to nestle up right next to Trevor in Cooper's town what's his name again Alex McCoy from Hofstra Frank is the world's biggest Hofstra guy that you know of and you've got to be even that i know of or otherwise i mean last year we're sitting in here during the college basketball season Tony and i are doing and Frank's filling in for scraping yes and somehow there was a Hofstra college basketball game on against who are they playing oh my goodness frank you made us watch this game oh i did oh no it wasn't a chore come the end of it by the end of the show you guys were fully invested in watching this game and Hofstra blew it in overtime after you guys had left yeah we were so invested that we left and over time oh no you that's how it was you stayed and watched the final four minutes every show went off the air and they left over time the Hofstra pride all right the pride of the pride they're not the pride no it's the pride but the pride of lions that's that's where the pride well the pride of the pride is uh mr frank markeisy thanks again for filling in today frank not a problem we'll see if who's in tomorrow join us at two o'clock to find out hopefully we'll have a return of scrapie but don't forget roundtable padre's commercial free hour tomorrow morning at 10 catch up with all of you then four tony goon junior and mr. scrapie and frank chrysello good night [Music] i don't want to uh put words in the mouth of a gym room but he was talking about the uh second overall pick in the draft Alex sarr frank i know you're a big NBA fan Alex sarr picked by the washing wizards uh Jim Rome said they're in that little clip that it doesn't know how worthy sarr was of being the number two overall pick the thing he didn't mention or didn't have time to mention they don't give him a lot of time for that no i've i've cut those things up before it's yeah you don't get much time no yeah uh but the reason i think he said that sarr last night if you missed it in a summer league game took 15 field goal attempts and went 0 for 15 that's a rough night for a rookie yeah but you don't see too many NBA players even in a summer league game go 0 for on 15 tries uh welcome back to goon and chrys uh chrysello big frank is in here today as a scrapie is on the mend uh not his shoulder this time uh he's just flat out been sick for a couple of days and we hope that he'll be back tomorrow uh but in the meantime big frank's doing a a whale of a job and Tony Gwen jr's idol he'll be back Friday from Cleveland that's where the Padres will send Matt Waldron to the mound against the guards to start the second half of the baseball season one other a note on that game Friday listen just he irks me it's the apple tv game see the look on your face just what i said the apple tv game who likes it is there anybody out there who would rather the game be streamed on apple then you know on their tv where they could just watch it or dv art and you know enjoy it at their leisure i don't think anyone likes it better because it's on apple maybe there's some people that don't have you know a cable tv and they only stream stuff so they're happy i guess because they can maybe stream it but that's got to be it a message to all sports commissioners well they're not going to listen to you not everything has to be about money not everything well it's a something that wouldn't it be nice yeah yeah you're in a dream world oh yeah yeah you are i mean i'm not saying you're wrong uh but everything's about money and you know when you when this when the stupid all-star game runs out there in these jerseys that's for money exactly that's it there's no other reason for it money money money you don't have to monetize everything about every little aspect of every sport you don't have to do it can't disagree with you but not gonna happen so yeah streaming Friday night apple tv discussed it's that time of the show when we check on the latest in sports only the most important topics and questions are brought to light stop what you're doing and listen these new stories will astound and amaze you the one the only oh my god who the hell cares the big five starts now on ninety seven three the fan it's just one one last note on that and i just said it to you now while we were off with how many apple products i've purchased i should be able to have apple tv for free now to just give it to you on uh on merit like seriously that should be done for anyone by the way it does not just me anyone who has bought anything is bought anyone has bought 700 apple products in the last year ought to be able to get the apple games for free but you can't it'll cost you extra and you have to stream it when they want you to yeah and you have to watch all their stupid commercials it's especially down with MLS sorry can't deal with it can't deal with the Friday night apple games not happy especially with MLS game pass or whatever it is there being stuck on there too that kind of stinks also not for me number five right we hit it we hit on this yesterday you'd mentioned how much the uh the green bay packers had made over the course of last year oh six uh yeah right six hundred and fifty million or whatever apparently the number has come out today for the NFL as a whole it came out this morning uh NFL teams are doing quite well for themselves monetarily uh last year each team earned four hundred and two point three million dollars in national revenues that on that uh i'm just in the natural national revenue yeah via pro support uh by uh via pro football talk those were the words now when multiplied by 32 the amount of teams there are in the league the league made 12.873 billion dollars last year which is the seven and a half percent increase from the previous year uh certainly good news for Roger Goodell who's reportedly shooting uh for his league to bring in 25 billion dollars in national revenue by 2027 so he's got two years to make basically double what he's made hey this is they just have so much and they just get more and more yeah and they they that's i'm glad to bring it up because it's just a reminder it's a reminder of why you shouldn't get mad when your favorite player signs a 90 million dollar eight-year contract it's chump change for these guys and then you know and the national football league so if you're going to be mad at a player from quote making too much then be just as mad at the owners because they make more yeah exactly right it is insane and it is it is frustrating that you show up at what uh so five stadium to see an NFL game and then you pay a hundred dollars to park and they just they don't even need that no they don't need that money they've already made money hand over don't get me started they charge you what 30 dollars for a beer at a football game nowadays so i don't go to it i this why i can't stay in the NFL part of it who could go to an NFL football game and realistically i mean it's not the NFL it's not a posh sport like tennis you're pricing normal people out of a normal person sport why is it that i and i don't mean this in any other way than to make a statement about it but why does it seem like the guy next to me is putting on hold paying off his his energy bill so that he can afford those tickets to the game he's at too i have not gone to an NFL game in years and that one game i went to the tickets were given to me i don't spend money on the NFL because i can't stand it i can't help it it's greeted oh it is so important part the biggest part for me is it never goes away it never has an off season i don't need to hear the AFC South get broken down in march i don't need to hear that all right frank let it have an off i love the NFL i hate the fact that they make so much money i don't know what i can do about it though it's we're gonna stick with the NFL here for this one as the Bears and quarterback Caleb Williams haggle over the remaining language haggle over the remaining language in his rookie deal because again there's not enough money to go around there's one clause that definitely will not be added per multiple sources Williams asked the Bears to agree to not use the franchise tag upon expiration of his rookie contract the Bears said nay nay although multiple veteran players have secured such a commitment such as Dak Prescott no rookie has finagled a promise that they won't be tagged okay has Caleb Williams put a lot of pressure on himself to perform um well there's plenty i mean you're the number one overall pick there but here's my thing with Caleb Williams that i say this to you or to Scravey probably Scravey he's high maintenance and i i'm kind of already over him you know i'm already over Caleb Williams i would love it if we lived in it and you talk about you know a world where not everything was monetized i'd also love it if we lived in a world where once in a while a rookie would actually go out and do something before he started spouting off about how great he is or making demands on his contract saw what his replacement did at the holiday ball yes touchdowns in the first game you ever stepped on the field for USA i do remember that i was at that game yeah Caleb Williams i'm just telling you Caleb you're making it difficult for any of us to really root for you and maybe you don't care but you know when you start making all kinds of demands before you've ever seen uh you're already comparing yourself and you're asking for things that just aren't realistic uh it's going to be interesting to watch this guy during hard knocks i must say he's on the uh the bears are the uh training camp hard knocks this year i thought that was i know there were a couple at least when hard knocks came out that there were a couple of things that prevented a team from being on like if they were the recent Super Bowl champions they didn't have to do yeah there's a bunch of things that prevent you from being on i thought be i thought having a first year quarterback was a new one or was the thing also yeah i don't know i can keep track of only so many rules it's you know but yeah i i'm having trouble you know being a Caleb William fan Caleb Williams fan you know and and i'll say one thing you talked about the pressure he here's one thing he's got pressure he's been surrounded already with more talent than the bears have had there yeah long time you know since maybe the mid 80s i mean they put him some big time guys around him so he's gonna have to produce right away i don't see him be in the next cj strout cj strout came into the league last year for Houston you didn't hear a peep he just went to work and he didn't spout off he just went to work he did everything right so we'll see what happens of Caleb number three all right so for the first two we stuck with the NFL the first one was about league value this one is also about league value uh angel city fc is now the most valuable women's sports team in the world following an agreement by will obey and bob eiger i guess that would be to purchase a controlling stake in the national women's soccer league uh franchise at 20 dyslexia killing me again at two hundred and fifty million dollar valuation good bay the dean of the usc and berg school of communication and journalism and eiger the ceo of wall disney company will become the new majority owners of the la base club which pending league approval and the closing of the transaction does this tell you more about the nwsl's popularity or the rising cost of sports teams i tells me more about the uh the popularity i agree i mean this is really a big deal for uh women's professional soccer and you know we have our team here in san diego uh they've been in the news lately for some of the wrong reasons i don't know if you've been reading up on all of that and hopefully they'll get that ironed out um the wave will but um it's just terrific i'm so happy for the wnba i'm so happy for women's professional soccer deep pockets are what make you know teams worth it and worth that kind of money and uh the angel fc is the la base team for those who don't know and this is terrific so yeah just tells me that soccer is getting better and better and women's sports we know is on the rise and it's not a moment too soon yep it's only gonna get better especially with the mls team being here next winter number two all right this is the last one we're gonna have time for uh since nanny bengals quarterback joe burrow is hoping to represent the u.s in the 2028 some bro some are olympics flag football will make its olympic debut in la burrow is hoping to participate in the action saying quote i really want to play for the olympic flag football team uh like me jamaar chase just in jefferson me and my friends have been out there playing football i think it'd be really cool do you think the nfl teams will allow players to play flag football in the olympic i will borrow a phrase that you use just a little short while ago uh oh nanny i don't know that they'll be able to keep them from it but i know they're not going to want them to hey joe burrow you know he gets hurt walking out to pick up his morning paper you gotta be careful put him in a football game even if it is flag it's flag football it's during the summer they're not going to be playing in the preseason anyways just let them go out there let them have fun let them play it's the first time just do it i'm one of the guys that believes that the uh the olympic should be for amateur athletes college kids but just i've already lost that shift sales yeah that shift sailed a long time ago all right good job frank on the big four as it were today much more going in chris ahead and a happy hour includes an old visit with Trevor Hoffman that i know you'll love see you all tomorrow but gwen and chris are just getting started sports tuckity your hosts tony gwen jr top five characters scorpion get over here and chris hello in the audio audio oh my goodness gracious can we start the show over again please it's time to get you up to speed on all things sports yes yes yes with plenty of nonsense in between oh look here comes our fearless producer gwen and chris starts right now on 97th way the fan time to get happy we're going into the happy hour gwen and chris i 97th three the fan uh chris hello and uh cast of one today me and big frank as tony gwen jr is idle and matt scrapie is on the mend uh we are hanging out for another hour with you uh until six o'clock sam levitt filled in nicely earlier we appreciate that a reminder tomorrow morning 10 a.m don't miss it right after the ben and woods program it's our weekly pardry round table an hour of commercial free pardry talk everything from the first half of the season and i'm sure everything looking forward to what's to come in the second half we'll be discussed on tomorrow's round table ben higgins steve woods or steven i don't know what 20 like i guess you like steven better seems to be a steven woods um craig elston anne hyalbron myself well i'll be on tomorrow kicking around the goings on to the pardry's in the first half of the season just to uh you know recap pardry's are 50 and 49 they're a game behind your new york mattes frank for the uh final wild card spot in the national league i saw some predictions earlier is from sports grid whoever these people are they're predicting the outcome of the national league okay fillies will be the number one seed dodgers number two when it's all said and all the dust clears the brewers will hang on to win the central they say they're really going out on a limb so far so far braves will be the first wild card again another limb not broken uh here's one that is a bit of a risky pick the diamondbacks will get the second wild card they say with the Mets getting the third that would leave the cardinals and pardry's and everybody else out so we'll see how it all turns out i don't see i don't see Arizona making it you don't see Arizona making it i think they just have too many problems too many injuries i don't think they do have a lot of injuries uh i don't know are they ever going to get that left-handed picture that they no they got gallons back oh my gumbry my gumbry no my gumbry's back but he's been terrible they got uh the kid from uh the tigers francesco i don't know left-hander he's been on the injured list all year for the diamondbacks and i thought he was due back a long time ago francesco something ridiculous that i my memory is going i'm looking right now frank i tell you what don't ever get old don't ever get old too late but you know what happens it gets old when you get old um yeah he's not on the roster so i can't no my gumbry he's still not my gumbry no i know but i'm saying i'm looking at there i'm looking oh he's on the isle right now he's on the isle kyle nelson's on the isle it's one of red regions on the isle i think the diamondbacks have a shot everybody's got a shot he's on the isle oh yeah maryle kelly yeah they're without him i see a francesco no who's that left-handed somebody somebody texted in the chat that's the guy he's on the 60 day isle yes but he's been on it for more than 60 days that's the guy i was thinking of thank you it wardo red regis all right we'll see who makes it in the now i mean look there are 12 teams that have a shot to make the uh playoffs in the national league and the cubs are the 12th of those teams and they're only three and a half back so that's uh a wide open field as it were all right one thing we did not get too earlier on the program because sam levitt was in was our daily gambit so uh let's get into some of that right now i know frank wants to uh tell everybody how great some of his picks were last night i know i got two let's see how how you the other rest of it went for you frank do you like money i think about money oh do you like money without doing anything uh that winning do you want to make money while watching sports i think washington is immortal luck washington if you answer yes this is your segment just don't blame us when you lose nothing is ever your fault it's your game take it when chris go through the top best of the day in the daily gambit on 97 3 the fan all right uh don't bet it all that's even smarter than the gamble responsibly just don't bet it all enjoy the games pick some winners have some fun with your friends uh frank and i made these picks last night national league american league in the all-star game nl was favored last night for some reason by a run and a half frank went with the nl i went with the al al one five three so i went that one uh over under last night was seven runs i said the uh over under's always under in an all-star game but it wasn't last night it went over there were eight runs frank got that and i missed that one so we're both one and one next up paul skeins over under one and a half strikeouts yet zero frank got that one i missed that one uh into the wnba we go los vegas 13 point favorite over chicago both frank and i went with los vegas chicago won the game outright big upset turned in by chicago there so we both missed that one frank angel reese over under for her was 13 and a half points last night she scored 13 so she went under we both were correct on that one and finally the league's leading scorer asia wilson over under 27 and a half points you went under i went over she went over with 28 he finished high we did we both went three and three last night so that's how that turned down as far as tonight is concerned that's annoying actually yeah well the old sister kiss there do you know that turn by the way kissing your sister is like i use that one time with tony and scravian both of them thought what are you talking about that's disgusting and i said no it's a it's a it's a terminology for a tie and they were like it is yeah they didn't know that so i was i had to clue them in all right tonight indiana the fiva at dallas the wings indiana's favored by four and a half dallas does have the worst record in the league coming into the game but they're at home who do you like here frank i take the fever you go with the fiva frank's got the fiva i'll go dallas third home the fever haven't been great with uh calon clark they've been the you know k typically when you get the number one pick you're not a great right you weren't great to begin with by the way i just noticed this today calon clark is leading the entire wnba and assists that's not shabby for a rookie angel Reese is leading in rebounds which is also not shabby for oh especially when there were talks earlier on the season that her teammates were intentionally dropping passes if they might have been the way they were breaking some of those receptions katelyn tonight 20 and a half points over under she averages about 16 but dallas is a bad team so i say she has a big scoring night i'll go over got go over as well you're also going over all right here's one that i put on there just because i like to say her name arike agumba walli agumba walli i need a couple of tries at it before i get it agumba walli she's the third leading scorer in the wnba she averages 22 points a game she plays for dallas and her over under is 22 and a half for tonight frank what do you think about agumba walli feeling good about her tonight arike or not feeling good about agumba walli what was the over under 22 and a half what's her over under for the season she averages 22 so they're hitting you right now i'll say under gonna say under tonight all right again i'm gonna say a little distracted the streams doing some wacky stuff that's why i was sorry don't do that don't tell me that i don't want to know about uh the stream hello stream hang in there um all right onto the mls we go anyone i just want to see how many mls fans we have out there in fact just for fun somebody i know my red balls are playing right now i was excited city red balls i don't look at any scores uh because i'm going to ask you a couple games but here's but before i get to this i want to see how many real mls fans are i think this would this would qualify you as a real mls fan you say you are you can't wait for sd you know sandy go fc next year you love your soccer etc somebody right into the chat right now who has the best record right now in the entire mls and what i mean by that is who has the most points because it comes down to points you get three for a win one for a draw one for a draw or whatever uh yeah so who's the who has the best record in the mls anyone on the chat got that i'm curious i don't got this you don't have it no i would never have it to me i would never have it so i don't have the chat so somebody's got a you got to tell me if anybody gets this i'm seeing no clue no clue which is a problem that's not right shoulder shrug emoji shoulder shrug is no good any that he got a guess even like a team enter miami you enter miami's guess all right they're second columbus crew they're third no they're not third they're third in their division yeah third in the conference you're close but nobody's gotten it yet who has the best record in the mls come on all you soccer fans everybody tells me out there how many great soccer fans are out there i have never watched an mls game world cup euro champions that's what i'm getting on the chat right now so nobody knows thank you for exposing us yeah i'm exposing you people you guys tell me all the time i'm at a fc winner winner who got that i'll address alla's art thank you allahandro and did he really put since nadie fc put since c yes okay because it's fc since nadie whatever officially but yeah it is correct allahandro was it allahandro yes thank you allahandro finally putting into this madness uh they are uh playing chicago tonight chicago fire chicago fire fc over under three and a half goals frank what do you think over under the best team in the league since nadie and chicago so guess what where chicago because chicago hasn't been good these last they're bad they're in 14th place they're way down the line i will say i will say over because i know games like this can get a little bit out of hand do you think since he could score four that's a lot oh oh it's over under since he's gold no no over under total oh dear chicago may accidentally get one wow that was pretty cold blooded to the poor chicago team i mean everyone here it's somewhat you're just accidentally scored so just for the hell of an i'm gonna go under uh one more enter miami that's messy's team now he's not playing he's out with an injury bad ankle injury in a help america man miami despite that still favored by a half goal tonight over toronto fc which means with a tie you know you'd win with toronto i'll say toronto just in the event of a tie i'll take it to miami they're gonna go in miami very good and then i got one i got one summer league game and then nba the great brawny james leads his lakers into battle tonight against adam clug's hawks both teams are on two in summer league action the hawks trading for everyone yes right the hawks are favored by four and a half frank could you like here i mean this is what we're left with people i'm sorry it's the wednesday of the all-star break what do you want he could have had a a british open pick i mean i mean it's there's choffley come on i refuse to talk about the british open since somebody yelled at you for it earlier in the day um still angry about that alts all right i'll take it later goes with the adam clug's hawks all right just all represent tony and take the lakers i want to move up in this in this business i gotta i think that was i think that was yeah you got to smooth the uh boss just a little bit i gotta tell you frank i i'm a little surprised there i mean i think we did a little bit expose our you know soccer fandom out there which just means you guys got to start talking about it more to get everyone ready for february okay i get that but i mean we've got our team coming next year and everybody everybody tells me you know we are soccer crazy in this city i will say that is the worst part the worst part about the mls is every other soccer league in the northern hemisphere runs during the winter mls runs during the summer along with baseball season so do you think that's what keeps the soccer people away that does hurt it a lot okay again you play it in the winter you're fighting with the nba and and so yeah what are you gonna do yeah and you're also fighting the weather yeah well i mean in the winter i just thought that was this was not an official study by any means but you know we have a pretty well-rounded you know listening audience out there and i put it out there for grabs who has the best record in the mls and it took a while for alahandro to come up with that i would not have guessed since because i would not have guessed since that because the last i saw them they were expansion team bad they're having a good they're having a good season they are fifteen five and three with 48 points that leads all teams in the mls at this point all right very good uh check a traffic coming up and don't forget uh hall of fame throwback interview with Trevor Hoffman that tony and i did several years ago that uh if you heard it it's probably worth listening to again anyway it's coming up shortly frank and i was just taking a trip down mls memory lane so they're in that break now that we're in on uh now that we're all excited that since nadi has the best record in the mls and we're all aware of that frank goes or i said to frank i go there's you know there's ten original teams that are still in the mls i named a bunch of old you got almost all of them you didn't get the yet didn't get the ten um but the so we were going back of the original mls season was 1996 does that sound about right right around there yeah and uh that was the first season it began on april six 1996 the sannos a clash now and i believe known as the earthquake yeah the sannos a earthquake took on dc united the game was at spartan stadium and sannos a california espn carried the game live the clash won the gill the game on a goal by a former san diego state athlete eric wannalda you've heard that name i think have you know i have heard of him as someone who has never been in my kitchen all right mr wannalda was a san diego state er he scored the very first goal in the mls history how about that so for a little mls trivia for you so what you're saying is by san diego by fc san diego or san diego fc or whatever coming here finally it's come full circle it's coming home it's finally come full circle when all the when all the scored the first goal come on trivia that uh you can impress pretty much anyone with i don't think anybody's going to know that one uh dc united was the first mls champion i know taking on the title you know the galaxy has the most they beat the galaxy in the finals that year so there you go the galaxy of the most i remember that um yeah i don't know i don't really don't know how much more research i want to do on this right i'm pretty good i'll save some of the research for when the when the San diego fc team starts but i'll tell you one thing i'm going to impress somebody soon when i tell them that i know who scored the first goal in the history the end of the class that's gravy tomorrow would you think it's something to talk about i don't think it'll impress gray because i don't think he's not the british open don't think he cares that much the british open starts tomorrow frank and it's high time we talk about it oh my goodness gracious does anybody know who the defending champion is at the open it was a weird winner last year uh not a big name guy at all and um i you know so much so that i can't even remember his name i'm trying to find it here uh look it up for me will you frankly brian harman there it is brian harman the winner of last year's open championship and um course scottie sheffler is the big favorite this year and uh you know makes sense shefflers really had a fantastic year save scott sheffler that finished tied for 23rd last year uh the same one and also the same one who was a nobody until he played around at torrey pines with one tony guin jr a couple of years ago in the uh in the celebrity media torrey pines round tony gets tony gets tony gets into the it's invited to play and we're like who you're playing when he goes i don't know well what's the guy's name scottie schffler chefler maybe we've never really heard of him nobody really ever heard of him tony played the round with him and now scottie sheffler is the man uh sheffler is uh a solid favorite to win the 100 and wow 150 second open championship i remember the first one scravey would make fun of me because he thinks i'm so old that i was there um you know what i would think would be really interesting is if the second favorite wins this weekend the second favorite is rory mackerelroy the reason i say that is because if rory mackerelroy wins i think the gulf media in mass we don't deserve to just walk out of the uh a walk out of the interview tent when rory mackerelroy comes in to be interviewed after winning the british open or the open sorry but when he comes in and he sits down and he's all got his claret jug and he's ready to go like the media to get up and just walk out because that's what he did to them at the end of the us open when he lost he got in his car and he peeled out of the parking lot and you know i mean there's many people who you know didn't think that was really the right thing to do i can understand that you're frustrated you're angry but you know none of these guys are anything without the coverage that they get and rory mackerelroy has you know been pretty well covered by the media in his career and you know he missed it he missed a terrible you know a short putt the whole thing but the fact that he didn't face the music a lot of people gave him a lot of grief for that so so i think it would be kind of funny you know i'm and there's your champ rory mackerelroy comes in three people and then everybody gets up and walks out and then he's got it then nobody's there to cover you there you go that's what you did to them that's the way my mind thinks anyway there's a little rude honestly you think what it would be rude to get up and walk out yeah oh for sure i mean and the old saying two wrongs don't make a right but they sure make you feel a whole lot better sometimes i've always felt two wrongs don't make a right but was it three lefts maker right or three rights make a left i think four lefts maker right don't confuse me frank don't confuse me all right uh one last note here before we go to um a break and then our interview with Trevor Hoffman last night all-star game television ratings are in oh 7.4 million viewers 7.4 million did i say yeah of those 7.4 million 7.399 million hated the uniforms doesn't say that but i'm throwing that in uh 7.4 million dollars the second lowest rated all-star game in the history of the sport the only good news the lowest rated one was last year so they actually went up a little bit can't give us work this year yeah i i mean hey you know i'm sorry but you know the all-star game it's just not what it is but you got at least put the uniforms back on part of it is what and i don't think that's going to change it a great deal but something oh part of it is what you guys talked about earlier on today where it's these guys play each other all year long that that's not special anymore well they they people don't try any all-star game right because what would you the thing that we like we don't even know that this is what we like but what we like about sports is the notion that the two teams that are out on their field or wherever they are golf course tennis court soccer pitch wherever that they're out there trying to win but it's what we watch we don't know how it's going to happen we watch to see how it's going to unfold the all-star game doesn't have that going for itself because we know that they don't care who wins and one thing that i think you guys overlooked earlier when you and sam were talking about it was there's nothing riding on this game anymore it used to be the winner got home field advantage in the world series yeah that was at least there was something on the line whether or not you thought it was a value is is up to you but at least there was something on the line yeah now you're just playing a game just to play a game and honestly it it wouldn't hurt me if there wasn't an all-star game anymore name all stars name all stars absolutely name the best players but do you really need to play a game if you're not going to get any effort especially in the NBA and NFL revenue back to that again but yes i agree i don't disagree disagree the NFL Pro Bowl should have gone away a long time ago actually it has now they're finally just done the flight football challenges and things yeah all right uh we'll take a break one final segment today but it's going to be a doozy with the hall of fame induction ceremonies coming up this weekend we revisit our visit with the legendary Trevor Hoffman stick around right now wrapping things up here we got one final segment for it it's a good one so stick around here 535 is the time chris hello big frank frank markeisy sitting in for the uh the ailing match scrappy we hope that he's back with us tomorrow but we said the same thing yesterday because what he did do us he yeah couldn't make it he told me this morning he said he thinks today is going to be the last oh yeah he knows huh he'll uh he knows huh we'll see uh we will see uh hopefully mr. scrappy's back with us tomorrow if not frank you know been doing a hell of a job and there is you know such a thing as a wallie pip so you never know and Brady wasn't a starter right out of the gate that's right people thought they were going to miss drew blood so didn't miss them at all as it turned out as it turned out uh tony when jr's on vacay uh this sunday well let's start with tomorrow before we get too far ahead tomorrow is the radio round table don't forget 10 a.m. been in woods myself and he and elston all talk in pudrey baseball commercial free hour of pudrey talk tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 11 if you miss it it plays again from 5 to 6 p.m. that's tomorrow friday 3 10 in the afternoon sam leavitt goes back to work as the pudrey pre-game show host the potters will take on the cleveland guardians they have the best record in the american league to kick off the second half of the season first pitch is 4 10 on friday afternoon matt waldren it was announced today we'll make the start for the pudrey's in the second half opener uh one last thing about that game it's on apple tv so make your plans to listen here on 97 3 the fan if you're like me you're ticked off that it's being streamed uh now to sunday this sunday is the baseball hall of fame induction day in koopers town ohio ohio koopers town new york sorry frank i don't mean to disparage your home state koopers town new york i've been there you think i would know go ahead and crush all of that what you said hello that was a different uh that was just a sounder going off of the hell that was labeled that was labeled differently than what it actually was oh i see you wanted you wanted to get me with something that was supposed to be a wamp wamp there and it was definitely not a wamp wamp there are three players being interrupted into the hall of fame this year do you know who they are frank do you remember it's kind of interesting you know so much of this stuff happens and it's such a big deal at the time but then by the time they have the induction ceremony forget who was actually i honestly don't remember actually nom it or actually honored uh with 95 of the vote in his first year of eligibility adrien belltray who uh throughout the first pitch last night he'll be elected to the hall of fame be inducted into the hall of fame also on sunday tod helton goes into the hall of fame and six year on the ballot all of a sudden they've now determined that he's good enough to be a hall of famer he wasn't for the first five years those are a couple guys that are heck guys to miss and third uh in his first year of eligibility uh captured joe mower also okay so those are the three hall of famers it's not a bad class no jim leland was uh also elected by the uh contemporary base bollera committee so uh leland will be going into the hall of fame as well uh cigarettes for everyone jim leland was a dart smoker back in the day for sure uh some of the guys who just missed billy wagner gerry sheffield and this was the last year for sheffield on the ballot man what a player he was but i guess you know got caught up at the wrong time like a lot of those guys did uh andrew jones belltray on a rod continues to get votes but nowhere close only 34 percent manual repair is 32 percent and these are both hall of fame in terms of what their numbers say but they're not gonna get there you you can't as far as that stuff goes you cannot allow one steroid user if on rudry is in and then say the rest of you can't oh that's right if as soon as you let one and they all have to be in for sure yeah they all have to come in so uh anyway uh the hall of fame induction ceremony is sunday now to that end um back and now i want to see what year that was now what a year to Trevor get inducted into the hall of fame i'm going to look it up just so i can be in a little more specific 2018 he was elected into the hall of fame so six summers ago that myself tony goon jr and mr scravey set out a six-hour flight to the east coast to your part of the world frank made our way to coopers town ohio coopers town oh well why don't i sing that again can't know how it was the NFL hall of fame maybe that's what i'm thinking about made our way to coopers town New York for the coopers town Montreal Quebec i know it's so strange that i would say that uh coopers town New York for the hall of fame induction ceremony of the great Trevor Hoffman while we were there uh we had a chance to sit down with Trevor and uh this is what came of that legendary moment in time it was probably due first though yeah let's take a little traffic for those inclined well he's the reason we're here and uh we are so thrilled to have him with us uh from coopers town Trevor Hoffman joins us here gwin and chris show and i've been thanking you for the last month but now i can actually thank you for getting inducted into the hall of fame because otherwise i would have never got to live out my dream of being going to coopers town so thank you thank you thank you it's a great pleasure to be here and to be with you uh during this week um how much are you still kicking yourself going oh my goodness this is i'm really about to be a hall of famer well you're welcome first yes i'm happy to be here too right right but yeah i think i'm bruising my arm by pinching it so much because uh this is something you definitely aren't really prepared for until you get to walk in the in these shoes and get to get go get go through these halls it's it's kind of it blows me away how pretty it is how enormous the moment is and really it's just such a special place what are tracy brody quinn quiet what are they all feeling right now they're walking on cloud nine two man you know what i think it's special in a sense that they're getting a chance to go through it in a relaxed setting you know the boys just say they hopped on a little rowboat and tried to catch some fish and little paddle board and then they playing wiffleball with land and tommy jim tommy son and it's kind of bringing back the game a little bit for them like what you grew up doing in the club houses and so um i think they'll become a moment when the hall all the hall of famer show up and they better have a shirt on they better bummed up very don't bear some huffins all right black nose head to head but uh and that'll happen and i think it'll that moment will kind of engulf them a little bit too we've we've been playing all these road to coopers towns features on the on the radio leading up to your induction and i know they've been running them on television one of the ones that i thought was very interesting was you're talking about how when you found out you got traded from the florida marlin's to the padre's and how your first reaction to that was i don't really want to be traded i'm good i i'm in the major leagues here and that it was your brothers that kind of said hey talked you off the ledge a little bit i'm using your verbiage but and then of course everything worked out so well in san diego but it's interesting how life does work out you think i would have been a little bit more prepared for it by that time i'm in the big leagues i've seen other guys get released i've seen guys get traded and i think that part of it is that it's it's within a moment your your life changes on a dime right um i was naive enough to think that i was going to be with florida for a long time just because it's a brand new organization and why you know we're going to stay together for a while um when it did happen i was i was caught off a little bit but being so young and not having you know a lot of baggage will say that was built up it's like okay pack up my little stuff i got in the locker room we're off but uh it wasn't quite that simple i was i was i was kind of because i was invested in this in the place that transition was a little bit difficult to deal with and wasn't really quite sure i didn't know what i was dealing with on the other side of it but uh you're right Greg and Glenn kind of go hey man you're gonna go into west coast you're kind of a west coast guy you're used to it mom and dad are going to be able to be close enough to get to some ball games it's going to be the best thing for your career and they were right Trevor let's treads back through your career you have so many highlights that stand out especially the sanitians which one is the one that stands out to you the most um a couple and the the three game set up and up and dodge are stating when we were down to and we swept and your uncle gets the big knock and dad's a big part of it and we celebrate with kind of a group that was not really expected to do too much and then to hear it kind of sent back to on sunday afternoon and the chargers are playing and they're they're they're there's random cheers there we go i love that when something they're ever the dad that the the fans are watching something else in the middle of another game that cracks me up when that goes on it shows that they're invested right and digging it so that was that was something pretty special and then to be able to see fans catch that ball and center field that uh bought us that ticket in new york was was something that uh as i turned around uh that that stands out pretty big stands out to all of us i mean i can't believe it's been i'm not even gonna say how many years but just 20 years oh yeah but um goes by quick yeah when when you when you were when in your career if at any time during your career did you think you know i could be a hall of fame player someday or is that something that never crosses your mind until you're done playing i'd lie to you if i said it doesn't cross your mind but it's something that you don't allow yourself to dream okay um i think it's important to stay in the moment it's important to be accountable and true to the guys that you're shooting up with um because that's a little bit more of a selfish motivation um that doesn't have a place in a clubhouse and so you're aware of it um but at the same right the only way you can make it a reality is by going out and doing your stinking job so uh we kind of kept it in that perspective and i think that's why everybody loves you so much sure because every time we ask you a question about you you somehow end up finding a way to wrap your teammates in and that's a that's a characteristic that really goes a long way um let me ask you this as it pertains to your speech i know that was a difficult thing for my dad to actually get through you know we write in the speech there's gonna be parts where you got to talk about stuff that's gonna bring up emotion you got to try to figure out a way to get it to the bottom get through through get through all of it has it been difficult for you right in your speech the difficult part has been getting through without the emotions because i'm getting emotional by myself and a room reading it alone with family and friends and teammates and the hall of fingers bias so i'm and i got a key i'm hoping that it's so nerve-wracking that it'll take that component away right um and i think as it pertains to kind of getting through the speech i think it'll it'll get comfortable and that's when i don't want to get comfortable is because i think that's when the emotions will be allowed in right so it's kind of a weird dynamic to think about but uh it's certainly exciting to think about and it's not you can only ask someone has been through it and so i don't have your thoughts i'm freaking asking but i was like man help here i'm i'm stung drown in here so i'm looking forward to it but you're absolutely hitting the nail on the head it's uh a flood of emotions that you know you're gonna have to deal with that will come on without notice well with all due respect i totally expect you to to deliver a fantastic speech but even if there are some rough moments i expect you to close well all right all right all right now well you cue the music so i do a little music so that he can finish up that last couple of paragraphs solid that's what we want to make sure uh i have to ask you the question that's been asked a million times but i just think on the eve of going into the hall of fame the change up and what it means to you and and what you think about and why you think no one i don't want to say no one because guys have good change ups but why no one really is in the hall of fame in a lot of ways just because of an amazing one pitch that you were able to to master yeah i mean i was fortunate that it morphed into what it did um and and talking with teammates and picking their brain about their craft that that think was important um but for it to become a signature pitch and something that was important to me um it's kind of cool to think about yeah you know it's not something i mean mariano next year we'll be here and we'll be talking cutters and how he even simplified even more i had to i had to locate a fastball to be able to get to a change up he just said here's a cutter you guys can't hit it so right deal with it um but i'm sitting next to a guy that uh got to see the change up pretty good in milwaukee now he got triple down the right the line and he closed his eyes he told me the other day that truth be close it was such an amazing match up and i was crushed in the tunnel with you i was hurting for san diego and the fans and blackie but man it was that was so fun competing with it uh i wish you didn't see the change up so damn good it didn't work that day it actually it actually heard him that i had been around him so much at that point and i was paying attention i think at the end of the day if i remember it correctly you had thrown like h3h change up you struck out last night and he and he i just won through two of them into my bed it was just a matter of okay he's gonna throw it can't get off the fastball just make sure you keep your hands back long enough and fortunately good self talk i wonder where you learned that from all right well we we saw where your plaques going in the hall of fame so uh it's less than 48 hours away congratulations again thank you thanks for the trip to cooperstown i will always personally be grateful for uh calling us to come out and be part of this with me this is only my second time being here obviously my dad was my first and i always told myself when Trevor got in that'll be the next time we're going congratulations Trevor thanks congratulations thank you very very much awesome uh time uh six years ago when tony and i got to sit down with the legendary Trevor Hoffman there uh just a few hours before he was inducted into the baseball hall of fame and uh still all him huge thanks for that because i haven't been back to cooperstown ohio for a while frank i'm just kidding i know that i said it wrong that time cooperstown new york have you been there what cooperstown you need to get together yeah it's not really close to anything that's the only thing i remember nowhere i just figured it out and they put it in the middle of absolute nowhere that's a the one issue with going to the baseball hall of fame you have to really want to go you're not just gonna get it on on a you know on a on a whim you know well you know we're we're we're in the neighborhood so we thought we'd stop by no you have to pretty much want to go there if i remember right it's it's like a winding mountain road and then all of a sudden there's a town a little tiny town there it is and one street and you know honestly the building itself is legendary as it all is doesn't really you know jump out at you you know it's kind of how kind of normal uh i i felt the same when i went to the pro football hall of fame in canton uh that i did go to on a road trip with the hockey team we were in Toledo and it was i think an hour and a half away so we had an off day and i felt like that was worth making that drive but i remember being just off the exit like you exit off the freeway and almost ran right into the building it's like they built it right on a freeway the uh football hall of fame in canton that is in ohio all right i got a question about Trevor Hoffman i thought i'd throw at you if i were to ask you which team because we just had the major league baseball draft which team drafted Trevor Hoffman anybody i think i would have missed this he said he'd mentioned it i think he said the marlin's no he was with the marlin's first but that's not who drafted him believe it or not yeah i don't know but a lot of people will know this or remember this he was an 11th round draft pick in 1989 out of the University of Arizona right believe he played a bunch of shortstop drafted originally by the since and addy reds oh there you go a little Trevor Hoffman trivia for you speaking of which and speaking of the draft and uh sam leavitt said a future uh lake elsner storm great just to take a dig at me hmm earlier today the padre is signed a free agent who was who didn't get drafted okay out fielder Alex mccoy and the only reason why i bring this up out of Hofstra University oh you're Hofstra University baseball right Hofstra gets some love this guy's going to go on he's going to be the next guy into the hall of fame as sam said future lake elsner storm no he's going to go he's going to nestle up right next to Trevor in cooperstown what's his name again Alex mccoy from Hofstra frank is the world's biggest Hofstra guy that you know of well and you've got to be even that i know of or otherwise i mean last year we're sitting in here during the college basketball season tony and i are doing it frank's filling in for scravey yes and somehow there was a Hofstra college basketball game on against who are they playing oh my goodness frank tomatoes watch this game oh i did oh no it wasn't a chore come the end of it by the end of the show you guys were fully invested in watching this game and Hofstra blew it in overtime after you guys had left yeah we were so invested that we left in overtime oh no you that's how it was you stayed and watched the final four minutes every show went off the air and they left for overtime the Hofstra pride all right the pride of the pride they're not the pride no it's the pride but the pride of lions that's that's where the pride well the pride of the pride is uh mr frank marcasey thanks again for filling in today frank not a problem we'll see if uh who's in tomorrow join us at two o'clock to find out hopefully we'll have a return of scravey but don't forget roundtable padre's commercial free hour tomorrow morning at 10 catch up with all of you then for Tony Gwen jr. and mr. scravey and frank chrysello good night see you all tomorrow but Gwen and chris are just getting started sports tuckity your hosts Tony Gwen jr top five characters scorpion get over here and chrysello in the audio audio audio oh my goodness gracious can we start the show over again please it's time to get you up to speed on old things sports yes yes yes with plenty of nonsense in between oh look here comes our fearless producer Gwen and chris starts right now on 97th way the fan time to get happy we're going into the happy hour Gwen and chris i-97-3 the fan uh chrysello and uh cast of one today me and big frank as Tony Gwen jr is idle and matt scravey is on the mend uh we are hanging out for another hour with you uh until six o'clock sam levitt filled in nicely earlier we appreciate that a reminder tomorrow morning 10 a.m don't miss it right after the ben and woods program it's our weekly padre round table an hour of commercial free padre talk everything from the first half of the season and i'm sure everything looking forward to what's to come in the second half we'll be discussed on tomorrow's round table ben higgins steve woods or steven i don't know what's 20 like i guess you like steven better it seems to be a steven woods um craig elston andy hylebrin myself well i'll be on tomorrow kicking around the goings on to the padre's in the first half of the season just to uh you know recap padre's are 50 and 49 they are a game behind your new york mattes frank for the uh final wild card spot in the national league i saw some predictions earlier is from sports grid whoever these people are they're predicting the outcome of the national league okay fillies will be the number one seed dodgers number two when it's all said and all the dust clears the brewers will hang on to when the central they say they're really going out on a limb so far so far braves will be the first wild card again another limb not broken uh here's one that is a bit of a risky pick the diamondbacks will get the second wild card they say with the Mets getting the third that would leave the cardinals and padre's and everybody else out so we'll see out all turns out i don't see Arizona making it you don't see Arizona making it no i think they just have too many problems too many injuries i think they do have a lot of injuries uh i don't know are they ever going to get that left-handed picture that they no they got gallants back my gumbry my gumbry no my gumbry's back but he's been terrible they got uh the kid from uh the tigers Francisco i don't know left-hander he's been on the injured list all year for the diamondbacks and i thought he was due back a long time ago Francisco something ridiculous that i my memory is going i'm looking right now frank i tell you what don't ever get old don't ever get old too late but you know what happens it gets old when you get old um yeah he's not on the roster so i can't no my gumbry he's still not my gumbry no i know but i'm saying i'm looking at their i'm looking oh he's on the aisle right now he's on the aisle Kyle Nelson's on the aisle with somebody texted in the chat if right that's the guy he's on the 60 day i am yes but he's been on it for more than 60 days that's the guy i was thinking of thank you Eduardo Rodriguez all right we'll see who makes it in the now i mean look there are 12 teams that have a shot to make the uh playoffs in the national league and the Cubs are the 12th of those teams and they're only three and a half back so that's a wide open field as it were all right one thing we did not get too earlier on the program because Sam Levitt was in was our daily gambit so uh let's get into some of that right now i know Frank wants to tell everybody how great some of his picks were last night i know i got two let's see how how you the rest of it went for you Frank do you like money i think about money do you like money without doing anything uh that winning do you want to make money while watching sports i think Washington is immortal luck Washington if you answer yes this is your segment just don't blame us when you lose nothing is ever your fault it's okay take it when and Chris go through the top bets of the day in the daily gambit on 97 three the fan all right uh don't bet it all that's even smarter than the gamble responsibly just don't bet it all enjoy the games pick some winners have some fun with your friends uh Frank and i made these picks last night national league american league in the all-star game nl was favored last night for some reason by a run and a half Frank went with the nl i went with the al al one five three so i went that one uh over under last night with seven runs i said the uh over under's always under in an all-star game but it wasn't last night it went over there were eight runs Frank got that and i missed that one so we're both one and one next up paul skeens over under one and a half strikeouts had zero Frank got that one i missed that one uh into the wnba we go las vegas 13 point favorite over chicago both frank and i went with las vegas chicago won the game outright big upset turned in by chicago there so we both missed that one frank angel reese over under for her was 13 and a half points last night she scored 13 so she went under we both were correct on that one and finally the league's leading scorer asia wilson over under 27 and a half points you went under i went over she went over with 28 we finished high we did we both went three and three last night so that's how that turned down as far as tonight is concerned that's annoying actually yeah well the old sister kiss there you know that turn by the way kissing your sister is like i use that one time with tony and scravy and both of them thought what are you talking about that's disgusting and i said no it's a it's a it's a terminology for a tie and they were like it is yeah they didn't know that so i was i had to clue them in all right tonight indiana the fiva at dallas the wings indiana's favored by four and a half dallas does have the worst record in the leg coming into the game but they're at home who do you like here frank i take the fever you go with the fiva frank's got the fiva i'll go with dallas third home the fever haven't been great with the calon clark they've been the you know okay typically when you get the number one pick you're not a great right you weren't great to begin with by the way i just noticed this today kaitlyn clark is leading the entire wmba and assists that's not shabby for a rookie angel Reese is leading in rebounds which is also not shabby for a while especially when there were talks earlier on the season that her teammates were intentionally dropping passes if they might have been the way they were breaking some of those receptions kaitlyn tonight 20 and a half points over under she averages about 16 but dallas is a bad team so i say she has a big scoring night i'll go over god go over as well you're also going over all right here's one that i put on there just because i like to say her name arike oh goomba walli oh goomba walli i need a couple of tries at it before i get it a goomba walli she's the third leading scorer in the wmba she averages 22 points a game she plays for dallas and her over under is 22 and a half for tonight frank what do you think about ogudin ben walli feeling good about her tonight arike or not feeling good about ogudin ben walli what was the over under 22 and a half what's her over under for the season she averages 22 so they're hitting you right i'll say under gonna say under tonight all right again i'm gonna say little distracted the streams doing some wacky stuff that's why i was sorry don't do that don't tell me that i don't want to know about that the stream hello stream hanging there um all right onto the mls we go anyone i just want to see how many mls fans we have out there in fact just for fun somebody i know my red balls are playing right now i was in the art of city red balls i don't look at any scores uh because i'm going to ask you a couple games but here's but before i get to this i want to see how many real mls fans i think this would this would qualify you as a real mls fan you say you are you can't wait for sd you know sandy fc next year you love your soccer etc somebody right into the chat right now who has the best record right now in the entire mls and what i mean by that is who has the most points because it comes down to points you get three for a win one for a draw one for a draw or whatever yeah so who's the who has the best record in the mls anyone on the chat got that i'm curious i don't got this you don't have it no i would never have it to me i would never have it so i don't have the chat so somebody's got a you got to tell me if anybody gets this i'm seeing no clue no clue which is a problem that's not right the shoulder shrug emoji shoulder shrug is no good any that he got a guess even like a team intermiami intermiami's guess all right they're second columbus crew they're third no they're not third they're third in their division yeah third in the competition you're close but nobody's gotten it yet who has the best record in the mls come on all you soccer fans everybody tells me out there how many great soccer fans are out there i have never watched an mls game world cup euro champions that's what i'm getting on the chat right now so nobody knows thank you for exposing us yeah i'm exposing you people you guys tell me all the time on the really put since nadie fc puts in c yes okay because it's fc since nadie whatever officially but that is correct allahand was it allahandro yes thank you allahandro finally putting into this madness uh they are uh playing chicago tonight chicago fire chicago fire fc now over under three and a half goals frank what do you think over under the best team in the league since nadie and chicago where is chicago because chicago hasn't been good these last they're bad they're in 14th yes they're way down the line i will say i will say over because i know games like this can get a little bit out of hand you think since he could score four that's a lot oh oh it's over under since he's gold no no no over under total oh is chicago may accidentally get one wow that was pretty cold blooded to the poor chicago team i mean everyone you're just accidentally scored so just for the hell of it i'm going to go under uh one more enter miami that's messy's team now he's not playing he's out with an injury bad ankle injury in the help america for me miami despite that still favored by a half goal tonight over toronto fc big surge which means with a tie you know you'd win with toronto i'll say toronto just in the event of a tie i'll take it to miami they're gonna go in miami very good and then i got one i got one summer league game and then nba the great brawny james leads his lakers into battle tonight against adam clugues hawks both teams are on two in summer league action the hawks rating for everyone yes right the hawks are favored by four and a half frank could you like here i mean this is what we're left with people i'm sorry it's the wednesday of the all-star break what do you want he could have had a a british open pick i mean it's there's shawfully come on i refuse to talk about the british open since somebody yelled at you for it earlier in the day um still angry about that uh oh oh hell i'll take it later goes with the adam clugues hawks all right just i'll represent tony and take the lakers if i want to move up in this in this business i gotta i think that was i think that was yeah you got to smooth the uh boss just a little bit i got to tell you frank i i'm a little surprised there i mean i think we did a a little bit expose our you know soccer fandom out there which just means you guys got to start talking about it more to get everyone ready for february okay i get that but i mean we've got our team coming next year and everybody everybody tells me you know we are soccer crazy in this city i will say that is the worst part the worst part about the mls is every other soccer league in the northern hemisphere runs during the winter mls runs during the summer along with baseball season so you think that's what keeps the soccer people away that does hurt it a lot okay again you play it in the winter you're fighting with the NBA or that yeah what are you gonna do yeah and you're also fighting the weather yeah well i mean in the winter i just thought that was this was not an official study by any means but you know we have a pretty well-rounded you know listening audience out there and i put it out there for grabs who has the best record in the mls and it took a while for Alejandro to come up with that i would not have guessed since because i would not have guessed since adding because the last i saw them they were expansion team mad they're having a good they're having a good season they are 15 five and three with 48 points that leads all teams in the mls at this point all right very good uh check a traffic coming up and don't forget uh hall of fame throwback interview with Trevor Hoffman that Tony and i did several years ago that uh if you heard it it's probably worth listening to again anyway it's coming up shortly frank and i was just taking a trip down mls memory lane right now that we're in on now that we're all excited that since an adi has the best record in the mls and we're all aware of that frank goes or i said to frank i go there you know there's ten original teams that are still in i named a bunch of old you got almost all of them you didn't get the yeah didn't get the ten um but the so we were going back of the original mls season was 1996 that sound about right right around there yeah and uh that was the first season it began on april six 1996 the san ose clash now and i believe known as the earthquake yeah the san ose earthquake took on dc united the game was at spartan stadium in san ose california esp and carried the game live the clash won the gill the game on a goal by a former san diego state athlete eric wannalda you've heard that name i think have you not i have heard of him as someone who has never been in my kitchen all right mr wannalda was a uh san ogo stator he scored the very first goal in the mls history about that so for a little mls trivia for you so what you're saying is by san diego by fc san diego or san diego fc or whatever coming here finally it's come full circle it's coming home it's finally come full circle when all the when all the score the first goal come on trivia that you can impress pretty much anyone with i don't think anybody's going to know that one uh dc united was the first mls champion i know taking on the title you know the galaxy have the most they beat the galaxy in the finals that year so there you go galaxy of the most i remember that um yeah i don't know i don't really don't know how much more research i want to do on this right we don't have to you're pretty good i'll save some of the research for when the when the san diego fc team starts but i'll tell you one thing i'm going to impress somebody soon when i tell them that i know who scored the first goal in the history they probably start scraping tomorrow would you think it's something to talk about i don't think it'll impress scrape because i don't think he's open don't think he cares that much the british open starts tomorrow frank and it's high time we talk about it oh my goodness gracious does anybody know who the defending champion is at the open it was a weird winner last year uh not a big name guy at all and um i you know so much so that i can't even remember his name i'm trying to find it here uh look it up for me will you frank the brian harman there it is brian harman the winner of last year's open championship and um course scottie sheffler is the big favorite this year and uh you know makes sense sheffler's really had a fantastic year save scott sheffler the finish tied for 23rd last year uh the same one and also the same one who was a nobody until he played around at torrey pines with one tony guin jr a couple of years ago in the uh in the celebrity media torrey pines round tony gets tony gets tony gets into the it's invited to play and we're like who you're playing when he goes i don't know well what's the guy's name scottie sheffler maybe we'd never really heard of him nobody really ever heard of him tony played around with him and now scottie sheffler is the man uh sheffler is uh a solid favorite to win the 100 and wow 150 second open championship i remember the first one scravey would make fun of me because he thinks i'm so old that i was there um you know what i would think would be really interesting is if the second favorite wins this weekend the second favorite is rory mackerelroy the reason i say that is because if rory mackerelroy wins i think the golf media in mass we don't deserve not to just walk out of the uh a walk out of the interview tent when rory mackerelroy comes in to be interviewed after winning the british open or the open sorry but when he comes in and he sits down and he's all got his claret jug and he's ready to go like the media to get up and just walk out because that's what he did to them at the end of the u.s open when he lost he got in his car and he peeled out of the parking lot and you know i mean there's many people who you know didn't think that was really the right thing to do i can understand that you're frustrated you're angry but you know none of these guys are anything without the coverage that they get and rory mackerelroy has you know been pretty well covered by the media in his career and you know he missed it he missed a terrible you know a short putt the whole thing but the fact that he didn't face the music a lot of people gave him a lot of grief for that so so i think it would be kind of funny you know and there here's your champ rory mackerelroy comes in three people and then everybody gets up and walks out and then he's got it then nobody's there to cover you there you go that's what you did to them that's the way my mind thinks anyway there's a little rude honestly you think what it be rude to get up and walk out yeah oh for sure i mean and the old saying two wrongs don't make a right but they sure make you feel a whole lot better sometimes i've always felt two wrongs don't make a right but was it three lefts make a right or three rights make a left i think four lefts make a right hey don't confuse me frank don't confuse me all right uh one last note here before we go to a break and then our interview with Trevor Hoffman last night all-star game television ratings are in oh seven point four million viewers seven point four million did i say yeah of those seven point four million seven point three nine nine nine million hated the uniforms doesn't say that but i'm throwing that in uh seven point four million dollars the second lowest rated all-star game in the history of the sport the only good news the lowest rated one was last year so they actually went up a little bit okay give us work this year yeah i i mean hey you know i'm sorry but you know the all-star game it's just not what it is but you got at least put the uniforms back on part of it is what and i don't think that's going to change it a great deal but something oh part of it is what you guys talked about earlier on today where these guys play each other all year long that that's not special anymore well they they people don't try any all-star game because right we the thing that we like we don't even know that this is what we like but what we like about sports is the notion that the two teams that are out on their field or wherever they are golf course tennis court soccer pitch wherever that they're out there trying to win but that's what we watch we don't know how it's going to happen we watch to see how it's going to unfold the all-star game doesn't have that going for itself because we know that they don't care who wins and one thing that i think you guys overlooked earlier when you and Sam were talking about it was there's nothing riding on this game anymore it used to be the winner got home field advantage in the world series yeah that was at least there was something on the line whether or not you thought it was a value is is up to you but at least there was something on the line yeah now you're just playing a game just to play a game and honestly it it wouldn't hurt me if there wasn't an all-star game anymore all-stars name all-stars absolutely name the best players but do you really need to play a game if you're not going to get any effort especially in the NBA and NFL revenue back to that again but yes i agree i don't disagree disagree the NFL Pro Bowl should have gone away a long time ago actually it has now they're finally just under flight football whatever things yeah all right uh we'll take a break one final segment today but it's going to be a doozy with the Hall of Fame induction ceremonies coming up this weekend we revisit our visit with the legendary Trevor Hoffman stick around right now wrapping things up here we got one final segment for and it's a good one so stick around here 535 is the time chris hello big frank frank markeisy sitting in for the uh the ailing mat scrappy we hope that he's back with us tomorrow but we said the same thing yesterday guess what he did do us he yeah couldn't make it he told me this morning he said he thinks today's gonna be the last oh yeah he knows uh he'll uh he knows huh we'll see uh we will see uh hopefully mr scrapie's back with us tomorrow if not frank you know been doing a hell of a job and there is you know such a thing as a wallie pit so you never know and Brady wasn't a starter right out of the gate that's right people thought they were gonna miss drew blood so didn't miss them at all as it turned out as it turned out uh tony goon jr's on vacay uh this sunday well let's start with tomorrow before we get too far ahead tomorrow is the radio round table don't forget 10 a.m. been in woods myself and he and elston all talk in pardry baseball commercial free hour of pardry talk tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 11 if you miss it it plays again from 5 to 6 p.m. that's tomorrow friday 3 10 in the afternoon sam leavitt goes back to work as the pardry pre-game show host the poders will take on the cleveland guardians they have the best record in the american league to kick off the second half of the season first pitch is 4 10 on friday afternoon matt waldren it was announced today we'll make the start for the pardry's in the second half opener one last thing about that game it's on apple tv so make your plans to listen here on 97-3 the fan if you're like me you're ticked off that it's being streamed uh now to sunday this sunday is the baseball hall of fame induction day in coopers town ohio ohio coopers town new york sorry frank i don't mean to disparage your home state coopers town new york i've been there you think i would know quen and crux all of that what was that uh hello that was a different uh that was just a sounder going off that was labeled that was labeled differently than what it actually was oh i see you wanted you wanted to get me with something that was supposed to be a wamp wamp there and it was definitely not a wamp wamp uh there are three players being interrupted into the hall of fame this year do you know who they are frank do you remember it's kind of interesting you know so much of this stuff happens and it's such a big deal at the time but then by the time they have the induction ceremony forget who was actually i honestly don't remember actually nom it or actually honored uh with 95 percent of the vote in his first year of eligibility atrian belltray who uh throughout the first pitch last night he'll be elected to the hall of fame uh be inducted into the hall of fame also on sunday tod helton goes into the hall of fame and sixth year on the ballot all of a sudden they've now determined that he's good enough to be a hall of fame i'm sure a couple of guys he wasn't for the first five years those are a couple guys that are heck guys to miss and third uh in his first year of eligibility uh captured joe mower also okay so those are the three hall of famers it's not a bad class no jim leland was uh also elected uh by the uh contemporary baseball era committee so uh leland will be going into the hall of fame as well uh cigarettes for everyone tim leland was a dart smoker back in the day for sure uh some of the guys who just missed billy wagner gary sheffield and this was the last year for sheffield on the ballot man what a player he was but i guess you know got caught up at the wrong time like a lot of those guys did uh andrew jones beltran a rod continues to get votes but nowhere close only 34 percent manual repairs 32 percent and these are both hall of fame in terms of what their numbers say but they're not gonna get there you can't as far as that stuff goes you cannot allow one steroid user if on rod reeg is in and then say the rest of you can't oh that's right if as soon as you let one in they all have to be in for sure yeah they all have to come in so uh anyway uh the hall of fame induction ceremony is sunday now to that end um back in now let's see what year that was now what a year to Trevor get inducted in the hall of fame i'm gonna look it up just so i can be in a little more specific 2018 he was elected into the hall of fame so six summers ago that myself tony goon jr and mr scravey set out a six-hour flight to the east coast to your part of the world frank made our way to coopers town ohio coopers town ohio why don't i sing that again uh can't know how it was the NFL hall of fame maybe that's what i'm thinking about uh made our way to coopers town New York for the coopers town muntry all Quebec i know that's so strange that i would say that uh coopers town New York for the hall of fame induction ceremony of the great Trevor Hoffman while we were there uh we had a chance to sit down with Trevor and uh this is what came of that legendary moment in time it was to probably do first though yeah let's take a little traffic for those inclined well he's the reason we're here and uh we are so thrilled to have him with us uh from coopers town Trevor Hoffman joins us here Gwyn and Chris show and i've been thanking you for the last month but now i can actually thank you for getting inducted into the hall of fame because otherwise i would have never got to live out my dream of being going to coopers town so thank you thank you thank you it's a great pleasure to be here and to be with you uh during this week um how much are you still kicking yourself going oh my goodness this is i'm really about to be a hall of famer well you're welcome first yes i'm happy to be here too right right but yeah i think i'm bruising my arm by pinching it so much because uh this is something you definitely aren't really prepared for until you get to walk in the in these shoes and get to get go get go through these halls it's it's kind of it blows me away how pretty it is how enormous the moment is and really it's just such a special place what are Tracy Brody Quinn Wyatt what are they all feeling right now they're walking on cloud nine too man you know what i i think it's special in a sense that they're getting a chance to go through it in a relaxed setting you know the boys yesterday they hopped on a little robo and tried to catch some fish and a little paddle board and then they're playing wiffle ball with land and tommy gym tommy son and it's kind of bringing back the game a little bit for them like what you grew up doing in the club houses and so um i think they'll become a moment when all the hall of all the hall of famer show up and they better have a shirt on they better buttoned up and they don't bear some offends all right like i said ahead but uh and that'll happen and i think it'll that moment will kind of engulf them a little bit too we've we've been playing all these road to coopers towns features on the on the radio leading up to your induction and i know they've been running them on television one of the ones that i thought was very interesting was you're talking about how when you found out you got traded from the floor to marlin's to the padre's and how your first reaction to that was i don't really want to be traded i'm good i i'm in the major leagues here and that it was your brothers that kind of said hey talked off the ledge a little bit i'm using your verbiage but and then of course everything worked out so well in san diego but it's interesting how life does work out you think i would have been a little bit more prepared for it by that time i'm in the big leagues i've seen other guys get released i've seen guys get traded and i think that part of it is that it's it's within a moment your your your life changes on a dime right um i was naive enough to think that i was going to be with florida for a long time just because it's a brand new organization and why you know we're going to stay together for a while um when it did happen i was i was caught off a little bit but being so young and not having you know a lot of baggage will say that was built up it's like okay pack up my little stuff i got in the in the locker room we're off but uh it wasn't quite that simple i was i was kind of because i was invested in this in the place that transition was a little bit difficult to deal with and wasn't really quite sure i didn't know what i was dealing with on the other side of it but uh you're right Greg and Glenn kind of go hey man you're gonna go to west coast you're kind of a west coast guy you're used to it mom and dad are gonna be able to be close enough to get to some ball games it's gonna be the best thing for your career and they were right Trevor let's treads back through your career we've you have so many highlights that stand out especially the san jagens which one is the one that stands out to you the most um a couple and the the three games set up and up and dodger stadium when we were down to and we swept and your uncle gets the big knock and dad's a big part of it and we celebrate with kind of a group that was not really expected to do too much and then to hear it kind of sent back to on sunday afternoon when the chargers are playing and they're they're they're there's random cheers every go i love that when something they're ever the the fans are watching something else in the middle of another game that cracks me up when that goes on it shows that they're invested in digging it so that was that was something pretty special um and then to be able to see fans catch that ball and center field that bought us that ticket in new york was was something that uh as i turned around uh that that stands out pretty big stands out to all of us i mean i can't believe it's been i'm not even gonna say how many years but just 20 years oh yeah but um goes by quick yeah when when you when you were when in your career if at any time during your career did you think you know i could be a hall of fame player someday or is that something that never crosses your mind until you're done playing i'd lie to you if i said it doesn't cross your mind but it's something that you don't allow yourself to dream okay um i think it's important to stay in the moment it's important to be accountable and true to the guys that you're shooting up with um because that's a little bit more of a selfish motivation um that doesn't have a place in a clubhouse and so you're aware of it but at the same right the only way you can make it a reality is by going out and doing your stinking job so uh we kind of kept it in that perspective and i think that's why everybody loves you so much sure because every time we ask you a question about you you somehow end up finding a way to wrap your teammates in and that's a that's a characteristic that really goes a long way um let me ask you this as it pertains to your speech i know that was a difficult thing for my dad to actually get through you know we write in the speech there's gonna be parts where you got to talk about stuff that's gonna bring up emotion you got to try to figure out a way to get it to the bottom get through through get through all of it has it been difficult for you right in your speech the difficult part has been getting through without the emotions because i'm getting emotional by myself in a room reading it let alone with family and friends and teammates and the hall of fingers by it so i'm and i gotta keep i'm hoping that it's so nerve-racking that it'll take that component away right um and i think as it pertains to kind of getting through the speech i think it'll it'll get comfortable and that's when i don't want to get comfortable is because i think that's when the emotions will be allowed in right so it's kind of a weird dynamic to think about but uh it's certainly exciting to think about and it's not you can only ask someone has been through it and so i i don't have your problems with frickin ask about it like man help here i'm i'm i'm i'm drowning here so i'm i'm looking forward to it but you're absolutely hitting the nail in the head it's uh a flood of emotions that you know you're gonna have to deal with that will come on without notice well with all due respect i totally expect you to to deliver a fantastic speech but even if there are some rough moments i expect you to close well all right now well you cue the music so i cue a little music so that he can finish up that last couple of paragraphs solid that's what we want to make sure uh i have to ask you the question that's been asked a million times but i just think on the eve of going into the hall of fame the change up and what it means to you and and what you think about and why you think no one i don't want to say no one because guys have good change ups but why no one really is in the hall of fame in a lot of ways just because of an amazing one pitch that you were able to to master yeah i mean i was fortunate that it morphed into what it did um and and talking with teammates and picking their brain on about their craft that that think was important um but for it to become a signature pitch and something that was important to me um it's kind of cool to think about yeah you know it's not something i mean mariano next year we'll be here and we'll be talking cutters and how he even simplified even more i had to i had to locate a fastball to be able to get to a change up he just said here's a cutter you guys can't do it um but i'm sitting next to a guy that uh got to see the change up pretty good in Milwaukee and hit that triple down the right field line i still wake close the eyes he told me the other day the truth be done it was such an amazing match up and i was crushed in the in the tunnel with you i was hurting for san diego and the fans and blacky but man it was that was so fun competing with it uh i wish you didn't see the change ups of dance game it didn't work that day it actually it actually it actually heard him that i had been around him so much at that point and i was paying attention i think at the end of the day if i remember it correctly you had thrown like eight straight change ups you struck out last week and he and he i just won through two of them in the mind bad it was just a matter of okay he's gonna throw it can't get off the fastball just make sure you keep your hands back long enough and fortunately good self-talk right there i wonder where you learned that from right all right well we we saw where your plaques going in the hall of fame so uh it's less than 48 hours away congratulations again thank you thanks for the trip to cooperstown i will always personally be grateful for uh telling us to come out and be part of this with this is only my second time being here obviously my dad was my first and i always told myself when Trevor got in that'll be the next time we're going congratulations Trevor thanks congratulations thanks so much thank you very very much awesome uh time uh six years ago when uh Tony and i got to sit down with the legendary Trevor Hoffman there uh just a few hours before he was inducted into the baseball hall of fame and uh still all of them huge thanks for that because i haven't been back to Cooperstown, Ohio for a while Frank i'm just kidding i know that i said it wrong that time cooperstown, New York have you been there what Cooperstown you need to get together yeah it's not really close to anything that's the only thing i remember i just figured it out and they put it in the middle of absolute nowhere that's a the one issue with going to the baseball hall of fame you have to really want to go you're not just gonna get it on on a you know on a on a whim you know well you know we're we're we're in the neighborhood so we thought we'd stop by no you have to pretty much want to go there if i remember right it's it's like a winding mountain road and then all of a sudden there's a town there's like a little tiny town there it is and one street and you know honestly the building itself is legendary as it all is doesn't really you know jump out at you you know it's kind of oh kind of normal uh i i felt the same when i went to the pro football hall of fame in a canton uh that i did go to on a road trip with the hockey team we were in Toledo and it was i think an hour and a half away so we had an off day and i felt like that was worth making that drive but i remember being just off the exit like you exit off the freeway and almost ran right into the building it's like they built it right on a freeway the uh football hall of fame in canton that is in ohio all right i got a question about Trevor Hoffman i thought i'd throw at you if i were to ask you which team because we just had the major league baseball draft which team drafted Trevor Hoffman anybody i think i would have missed this he said he mentioned it i think he said the marlins know he was with the marlins first but that's not who drafted him believe it or not yeah i don't know but a lot of people will know this or remember this he was an 11th round draft pick in 1989 out of the University of Arizona right believe he played a bunch of shortstop drafted originally by the Cincinnati Reds oh there you go a little Trevor Hoffman trivia for you speaking of which and speaking of the draft and uh sam leavitt said a future uh lake elsner storm great just to take a dig at me earlier today the padre is signed a free agent who was who didn't get drafted okay out fielder Alex McCoy and the only reason why i bring this up out of Hofstra University oh my goodness frank Hofstra gets some love this guy's gonna go on he's gonna be the next guy into the hall of fame as sam said who said future lake elsner storm no he's gonna go he's gonna nestle up right next to Trevor in Cooperstown what's his name again Alex McCoy from Hofstra right Frank is the world's biggest Hofstra guy that you know of you've got to be even that i know of or otherwise i mean last year we're sitting in here during the college basketball season tony and i are doing it frank's filling in for scraping yes and somehow there was a Hofstra college basketball game on against who are they playing oh my goodness frank tomatoes watch this game oh i did no no it wasn't a chore come the end of it by the end of the show you guys were fully invested in watching this game and Hofstra blew it in overtime after you guys had left yeah we were so invested that we left in overtime oh no you that's how it was you stayed and watched the final four minutes every show went off the air and they'd left there overtime the Hofstra pride all right the pride of the pride they're not the pride no it's the pride but the pride of lions that's that's where the pride well the pride of the pride is uh mr frank marcasey thanks again for filling in today frank not a problem we'll see if uh who's in tomorrow join us at two o'clock to find out hopefully we'll have a return of scrabey but don't forget round table padre's commercial free hour tomorrow morning at 10 catch up with all of you then fortone going junior and mr scrabey and frank chrysello good night [Music] frank and i was just taking a trip down mls memory lane ha so during that break now that we're in on uh now that we're all excited that since in adi has the best record in the mls and we're all aware of that frank goes or i said to frank i go there's you know there's ten original teams that are still in i named a bunch of old you got almost all of them you didn't get the yet didn't get the ten um but the so we were going back of the original mls season was 1996 so that sound about right right around there yeah and uh that was the first season it began on april six 1996 the san ose clash now and i believe known as the earthquake yeah the san ose earthquake took on dc united the game was at spartan stadium in san ose california esp and carried the game live the clash won the gill the game on a goal by a former san diego state athlete eric wenalda you've heard that name i think have you not i have heard of him as someone who has never been in my kitchen all right mr wenalda was a uh san ego state er he scored the very first goal in the mls history about that so for a little mls trivia for you so what you're saying is by san diego my fc san diego or san diego fc or whatever coming here finally it's come full circle it's coming home it's finally come full circle and all the when all the score the first goal come on trivia that you can impress pretty much anyone with i don't think anybody's gonna know that one uh dc united was the first mls champion i know taking on the title you know the galaxy has the most they beat the galaxy in the finals that year so there you go galaxy of the most i remember that um yeah i don't know i don't really don't know how much more research i want to do on this right i'm pretty good i'll save some of the research for when the when it's actually yes san diego fc team starts but i'll tell you one thing i'm going to impress somebody soon when i tell them that i know who scored the first goal in the history the end of our first gravy tomorrow would you think there's something to talk about i don't think it'll impress gray because i don't think he's not the british open don't think he cares that much the british open starts tomorrow frank and it's high time we talk about it oh my goodness gracious does anybody know who the defending champion is at the open it was a weird winner last year uh not a big name guy at all and um i you know so much so that i can't even remember his name i'm trying to find it here uh look it up for me will you frank the brian harman there it is brian harman the winner of last year's open championship and um of course scottie sheffler is the big favorite this year and uh you know makes sense sheffler's really had a fantastic year same scott sheffler that finished tied for 23rd last year the same one and also the same one who was a nobody until he played around at torrey pines with one tony guin jr a couple of years ago in the uh in the celebrity media torrey pines round tony gets tony gets tony gets into the it's invited to play and we're like who you're playing one he goes i don't know well what's the guy's name scottie schweffler sheffler maybe we've never really heard of him nobody really ever heard of him tony played around with him and now scottie sheffler is the man uh sheffler is uh a solid favorite to win the 100 and wow 150 second open championship i remember the first one scravey would make fun of me because he thinks i'm so old that i was there um you know what i would think would be really interesting is if the second favorite wins this weekend the second favorite is rory mackerelroy the reason i say that is because if rory mackerelroy wins i think the golf media in mass ought to just walk out of the uh a walk out of the interview tent when rory mackerelroy comes in to be interviewed after winning the british open or the open sorry but when he comes in and he sits down and he's all got his claret jug and he's ready to go like the media to get up and just walk out because that's what he did to them at the end of the us open when he lost he got in his car and he peeled out of the parking lot and you know i mean there's many people who you know didn't think that was really the right thing to do i can understand that you're frustrated you're angry but you know none of these guys are anything without the coverage that they get and rory mackerelroy has you know been pretty well covered by the media in his career and you know he missed it he missed a terrible you know a short putt the whole thing but the fact that he didn't face the music a lot of people gave him a lot of grief for that so so i think it would be kind of funny you know and there's your champ rory mackerelroy comes in three people and then everybody gets up and walks out and then he's got it then nobody's there to cover you there you go that's what you did to them that's the way my mind thinks anyway there's a little rude honestly you think what it be rude to get up and walk out yeah oh for sure i mean and the old saying two wrongs don't make a right but they sure make you feel a whole lot better sometimes i've always felt two wrongs don't make a right but was it three lefts make a right or three rights make a left i think four lefts make a right don't confuse me frank don't confuse me all right one last note here before we go to um a break and then our interview with Trevor Hoffman last night all-star game television ratings are in oh seven point four million viewers seven point four million did i say yeah of those seven point four million seven point three nine nine nine million hated the uniforms doesn't say that but i'm throwing that in uh seven point four million dollars the second lowest rated all-star game in the history of the sport the only good news the lowest rated one was last year so they actually went up a little bit can't get much work this year yeah i i mean hey you know i'm sorry but you know the all-star game it's just not what it is but you got at least put the uniforms back on part of it is what and i don't think that's going to change it a great deal but something oh part of it is what you guys talked about earlier on today where these guys play each other all year long that that's not special anymore well they they people don't try any all-star game because what would you the thing that we like we don't even know that this is what we like but what we like about sports is the notion that the two teams that are out on their field or wherever they are golf course tennis court soccer pitch wherever that they're out there trying to win but that's what we watch we don't know how it's going to happen we've watched to see how it's going to unfold the all-star game doesn't have that going for itself because we know that they don't care who wins and one thing that i think you guys overlooked earlier when you and sam were talking about it was there's nothing riding on this game anymore it used to be the winner got home field advantage in the world series yeah that was at least there was something on the line whether or not you thought it was a value is is up to you but at least there was something on the line yeah now you're just playing a game just to play a game and honestly it it wouldn't hurt me if there wasn't an all-star game anymore all-stars name all-stars absolutely name the best players but do you really need to play a game if you're not gonna get any effort especially in the NBA in NFL revenue back to that again but yes i agree i don't disagree disagree the NFL Pro Bowl should have gone away a long time ago actually it has now they're finally just done the flight football challenges and things yeah all right we'll take a break one final segment today but it's going to be a doozy with the hall of fame induction ceremonies coming up this weekend we revisit our visit with the legendary Trevor Hoffman stick around I'm wrapping things up here we got one final segment for and it's a good one so stick around here 535 is the time chris alo big frank frank marcasey sitting in for the uh the ailing match scrappy we hope that he's back with us tomorrow but we said the same thing yesterday because what he did do us he yeah couldn't make it he told me this morning he said he thinks today's gonna be the last oh yeah he knows huh he'll uh he knows huh we'll see uh we will see uh hopefully mr. scrappy's back with us tomorrow if not frank you know been doing a hell of a job and there is you know such a thing as a wallie pit so you never know and Brady wasn't a starter right out of the gate that's right people thought they were gonna miss drew blood so didn't miss them at all as it turned out as it turned out uh tony goon jr's on vacay uh this sunday well let's start with tomorrow before we get too far ahead tomorrow is the radio round table don't forget ten a.m. been in woods myself and he and elston all talk in pudrey baseball commercial free hour of pudrey talk tomorrow from ten a.m. to eleven if you miss it it plays again from five to six p.m. that's tomorrow friday three ten in the afternoon sam leavitt goes back to work as the pudrey pregame show host the poders will take on the cleveland guardians they have the best record in the american league to kick off the second half of the season first pitches four ten on friday afternoon matt waldren it was announced today we'll make the start for the pudres in the second half opener uh one last thing about that game it's on apple tv so make your plans to listen here on ninety seven three the fan if you're like me you're ticked off that it's being streamed uh now to sunday this sunday is the baseball hall of fame induction day in coopers town ohio ohio coopers town new york sorry frank i don't mean to disparage your home state coopers town new york i've been there you think i would know quen and chris all of that what was that hello that was a different uh that was just a sounder going off of the hell that was labeled that was labeled differently than what it actually was you wanted you wanted to get me with something that was supposed to be a wamp wamp there and it was definitely not a wamp wamp uh there are three players being inducted into the hall of fame this year do you know who they are frank do you remember it's kind of interesting you know so much of this stuff happens and it's such a big deal at the time but then by the time they have the induction ceremony forget who was actually i honestly don't remember actually nom or actually honored uh with 95 percent of the vote in his first year of eligibility adrien belltray who uh throughout the first pitch last night he'll be elected to the hall of fame uh be inducted into the hall of fame also on sunday tott helton goes into the hall of fame and a sixth year on the ballot all of a sudden they've now determined that he's good enough to be a hall of famer he wasn't for the first five years those are a couple guys that are heck guys to miss and third uh in his first year of eligibility uh captured joe mower also okay so those are the three hall of famers it's not a bad class no jim leland was uh also elected uh by the uh contemporary base ball era committee so uh leland will be going into the hall of fame as well uh cigarettes for everyone tim leland was a dart smoker back in the day for sure uh some of the guys we just missed billy wagner gary sheffield and this was the last year for sheffield on the ballot man what a player he was but i guess you know got caught up at the wrong time like a lot of those guys did uh andrew jones belltray on a rod continues to get votes but nowhere close only 34 percent manual repairs 32 percent and these are both hall of fame in terms of what their numbers say but i'm sick and you can't as far as that stuff goes you cannot allow one steroid user if on rudrey is in and then say the rest of you can't oh that's right if as soon as you let one in they all have to be in for sure yeah they all have to come in so uh anyway uh the hall of famer induction ceremony is sunday now to that end um back in now i want to see what year that was now what a year to Trevor get inducted in the hall of fame i'm going to look it up just so i can be a little more specific 2018 he was elected into the hall of fame so six summers ago that myself tony goin jr and mr scravey set out a six hour flight to the east coast to your part of the world frank made our way to coopers town ohio coopers town oh why i'm saying that again uh canton ohio is the NFL hall of fame maybe that's what i'm thinking about uh made our way to coopers town new york for the coopers town much we all come back i know that's so strange that i would say that uh coopers town new york for the hall of fame induction ceremony of the great Trevor hoffman while we were there uh we had a chance to sit down with Trevor and uh this is what came of that legendary moment in time probably do first though yeah let's take a little traffic for those inclined well he's the reason we're here and uh we are so thrilled to have him with us uh from coopers town Trevor hoffman joins us here gwin and chris show and i've been thanking you for the last month but now i can actually thank you for getting inducted into the hall of fame because otherwise i would have never got to live out my dream of being going to coopers town so thank you thank you thank you uh it's a great pleasure to be here and to to be with you uh during this week um how much are you still kicking yourself going oh my goodness this is i'm really about to be a hall of famer well you're welcome first yes i'm happy to be here too right right but yeah i think i'm bruising my arm by pinching it so much because uh this is something you definitely aren't really prepared for until you get to walk in the in these shoes and get to get go get go through these halls it's it's kind of it blows me away how pretty it is how enormous the moment is and really it's just such a special place what are tracy brodie quinn why what are they all feeling right now they're walking on cloud nine too man you know what i i think it's special in a sense that they're getting a chance to go through it in a relaxed setting you know the boys just stayed they hopped on a little rowboat try to catch some fish and they'll paddle board and then they're playing wiffle ball with land and tommy jim tommy son and it's kind of bringing back the game a little bit for them like what you grew up doing in the clubhouses and so um i think they'll become a moment when the hall all the hall of famer show up and they better have a shirt on they'll be buttoned up very don't bear some offends all right like you said ahead but uh and that'll happen and i think it'll that moment will kind of engulf them a little bit too we've we've been playing all these road to coopers towns features on the on the radio leading up to your induction and i know they've been running them on television one of the ones that i thought was very interesting was you're talking about how when you found out you got traded from the floor to marlin's to the padres and how your first reaction to that was i don't really want to be traded i'm good i i'm in the major leagues here and that it was your brothers that kind of said hey talked off the ledge a little bit i'm using your verbiage but and then of course everything worked out so well in san diego but it's interesting how life does work out you think i would have been a little bit more prepared for it by that time i'm in the big leagues i've seen other guys get released i've seen guys get traded and i think about part of it is that it's it's within a moment your your life changes on a dime right um i was naive enough to think that i was going to be with florida for a long time just because it's a brand new organization and why you know we're going to stay together for a while um when it did happen i was i was caught off a little bit but being so young and not having you know a lot of baggage will say that was built up it's like okay pack up my little stuff i got in the locker and we're off but uh it wasn't quite that simple i was i was i was kind of because i was invested in the in the place that transition was a little bit difficult to deal with and wasn't really quite sure i didn't know what i was dealing with on the other side of it but uh you're right Greg and Glenn kind of go hey man you're gonna go into west coast you're kind of west coast guy you're used to it mom and dad are gonna be able to be close enough to get to some ball games it's gonna be the best thing for your career and they were right Trevor let's treads back through your career you have so many highlights that stand out especially the san diegans which one is the one that stands out to you the most um a couple and the the the three game set up and up and dodge are stating when we were down to and we swept and your uncle gets the big knock and dad's a big part of it and we celebrate with kind of a group that was not really expected to do too much and then to hear it kind of sent back to on sunday afternoon when the chargers are playing and they're they're they're there's random cheers there we go i love that when something ever the the fans are watching something else in the middle of another game that cracks me up when that goes on it shows that they're invested in and digging it so that was that was something pretty special and then to be able to see fans catch that ball and centerfield that uh bought us that ticket to new york was was something that uh as i turned around uh that that that stands out pretty big stands out to all of us i mean and i can't believe it's been i'm not even gonna say how many years but just 20 years oh yeah but um goes by quick yeah when when you when you were when in your career if at any time during your career did you think you know i could be a hall of fame player someday or is that something that never crosses your mind until you're done playing i'd lie to you if i said it doesn't cross your mind but it's something that you don't allow yourself to dream okay um i think it's important to stay in the moment it's important to be accountable and true to the guys that you're shooting up with um because it's that's a little bit more of a selfish motivation um that doesn't have a place in a clubhouse and so you're aware of it um but at the same right the only way you can make it a reality is by going out and doing your stinking job so uh we kind of kept it in that perspective that and i think that's why everybody loves you so much sure because every time we ask you a question about you you somehow end up finding a way to wrap your teammates in and that's a that's a characteristic that really goes a long way um let me ask you this as it pertains to your speech i know that was a difficult thing for my dad to actually get through you know we write in the speech there's gonna be parts where you got to talk about stuff that's gonna bring up emotion you got to try to figure out a way to get it to the bottom get through through get through all of it has it been difficult for you right in your speech the difficult part has been getting through without the emotions because i'm i'm getting emotional by myself in a room reading it alone with family and friends and teammates and the hall of fingers by it so i'm and i got to keep i'm hoping that it's so nerve-racking that it'll take that component away right um and i think as it pertains to kind of getting through the speech i think it'll it'll get comfortable and that's when i don't want to get comfortable is because i think that's when the emotions will be allowed in right so it's kind of a weird dynamic to think about but uh it's certainly exciting to think about and it's not you can only ask someone has been through it and so i i don't have your thoughts and freaking ask about it like man help here i'm i'm i'm i'm drowning here so uh i'm i'm looking forward to it but you're absolutely hitting the nail on the head it's uh a flood of emotions that you know you're gonna have to deal with that will come on without notice well with all due respect i totally expect you to to deliver a fantastic speech but even if there are some rough moments i expect you to close well all right all right now well you cue the music so i cue a little music so that he can finish up that last couple of paragraphs solid that's what we want to make sure uh i have to ask you the question that's been asked a million times but i just think on the eve of going into the hall of fame the change up and what it means to you and and what you think about and why you think no one i don't want to say no one because guys have good change ups but why no one really is in the hall of fame in a lot of ways just because of an amazing one pitch that you were able to to master yeah i mean i was fortunate that it morphed into what it did um and and talking with teammates and picking their brain about their craft that that think was important um but for it to become a signature pitch and something that was important to me um it's kind of cool to think about yeah i know it's not something i mean mariano next year we'll be here and we'll be talking cutters and how he even simplified even more i had to i had to locate a fastball to be able to get to a change up he just said here's a cutter you guys can't hit it so right do with it um but i'm sitting next to a guy that uh got to see the change up pretty good in Milwaukee and hit that triple down the right the line as he closed his eyes he told me the other day the truth to be close it was such an amazing matchup and i was crushed in the tunnel with you i was hurting for san diego and the fans and blackie but man it was that was so fun competing with it uh i wish you didn't see the change ups of dance game it didn't work that day it actually it actually hurt him that i had been around him so much at that point and i was paying attention i think at the end of the day if if i remember it correctly you had thrown like eight straight change ups you struck out last week and he and he i just won through two of them into my bed it was just a matter of okay he's gonna throw it can't get off the fastball just make sure you keep your hands back long enough and fortunately good self-talk right there i wonder where you learned that from all right well we we saw where your plaque's going in the hall of fame so uh it's less than 48 hours away congratulations again thank you thanks for the trip to cooperstown i will always personally be grateful for uh telling us to come out and be part of this with me this is only my second time being here obviously my dad was my first and i always told myself when Trevor got in that'll be the next time we're going congratulations Trevor thanks very much appreciate it thanks so much thank you very very much awesome uh time uh six years ago when tony and i got to sit down with the legendary Trevor Hoffman there uh just a few hours before he was inducted into the baseball hall of fame and uh still all a huge thanks for that because i haven't been back to cooperstown ohio for a while frank i'm just kidding i know that i said it wrong that time cooperstown new york have you been there what cooperstown you need to get together yeah it's not really close to anything that's the only thing i remember nowhere i just figured it out and they put it in the middle of absolute nowhere that's a the one issue with going to the baseball hall of fame you have to really want to go you're not just going to get it on on a you know on a on a whim you know well you know we're we're we're we're in the neighborhood so we thought we'd stop by no you have to pretty much want to go there if i remember right it's it's like a winding mountain road and then all of a sudden there's a town a little tiny town there it is and one street and you know honestly the building itself is legendary as it all is doesn't really you know jump out at you you know it's kind of whole kind of normal uh i felt the same when i went to the pro football hall of fame in canton uh that i did go to on a road trip with the hockey team we were in Toledo and it was i think an hour and a half away so we had an off day and i felt like that was worth making that drive but i remember being just off the exit like you exit off the freeway and almost ran right into the building it's like they built it right on a freeway the football hall of fame in canton that is in ohio all right i got a question about Trevor Hoffman i thought i'd throw at you if i were to ask you which team because we just had the major league baseball draft which team drafted Trevor Hoffman anybody i think i would have missed this he said he mentioned it i think he said the marlins know he was with the marlins first but that's not drafted him believe it or not yeah i don't know but a lot of people will know this or remember this he was an 11th round draft pick in 1989 out of the University of Arizona right believe he played a bunch of shortstop drafted originally by the Cincinnati Reds oh there you go a little Trevor Hoffman trivia for you speaking of which and speaking of the draft and uh sam leavitt said a future uh lake elsner storm great just to take a dig at me hmm earlier today the padre is signed a free agent who was who didn't get drafted okay out fielder Alex McCoy and the only reason why i bring this up out of Hofstra University oh you're Hofstra University baseball hoster gets some love this guy's going to go on he's going to be the next guy into the hall of fame and as sam said future lake elsner storm no he's going to go he's going to nestle up right next to Trevor in Cooperstown what's his name again Alex McCoy from Hofstra Frank is the world's biggest Hofstra guy that you know of and you've got to be even that i know of or otherwise i mean last year we're sitting in here during the college basketball season Tony and i are doing and Frank's filling in for scravey yes and somehow there was a Hofstra college basketball game on against who are they playing oh my goodness Frank can made us watch this game oh i did oh no it wasn't a chore come the end of it by the end of the show you guys were fully invested in watching this game and Hofstra blew it in overtime after you guys had left yeah we were so invested that we left in overtime oh no you that's how it was you stayed and watched the final four minutes every show went off the air and they left over time the Hofstra pride all right the pride of the pride they're not the pride no it's the pride but the pride of lions that's that's where the pride is well the pride of the pride is uh mr frank marcasey thanks again for filling in today Frank not a problem we'll see if uh who's in tomorrow join us at two o'clock to find out hopefully we'll have a return of scravey but don't forget round table padre's commercial free hour tomorrow morning at 10 catch up with all of you then 420 going junior and mr scravey and frank cressello good night [Music] [Music] right uh wrapping things up here we got one final segment for and it's a good one so stick around here five thirty five is the time cressello big frank frank marcasey sitting in for the uh the ailing matt scravey we hope that he's back with us tomorrow but we said the same thing yesterday guess what he did to us he couldn't make it he told me this morning he said he thinks today's gonna be the last oh yeah he knows uh he'll uh he knows huh we'll see uh we will see uh hopefully mr scravey's back with us tomorrow if not frank you know been doing a hell of a job and there is you know such a thing as a wallie pip so you never know and Brady wasn't a starter right out of the gate that's right people thought they were gonna miss drew blood so didn't miss him at all as it turned out as it turned out uh tony goon jr's on vacay uh this sunday well let's start with tomorrow before we get too far ahead tomorrow is the radio round table don't forget 10 a.m. been in woods myself and he and elston all talk in padre based ball commercial free hour of padre talk tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 11 if you miss it it plays again from 5 to 6 p.m. that's tomorrow friday 3 10 in the afternoon sam levitt goes back to work as the padre pre-game show host the padre's will take on the cleveland guardians they have the best record in the american league to kick off the second half of the season first pitches 4 10 on friday afternoon matt waldren it was announced today we'll make the start for the padre's in the second half opener uh one last thing about that game it's on apple tv so make your plans to listen here on 97 3 the fan if you're like me you're ticked off that it's being streamed uh now to sunday this sunday is the baseball hall of fame induction day in coopers town ohio ohio coopers town new york sorry frank i don't mean to disparage your home state coopers town new york i've been there you think i would know quen and chris all of that heck was that hello that was a different uh that was just a sounder going off of the helmet that was labeled that was labeled differently than what it actually was you wanted you wanted to get me with something that was supposed to be a wamp wamp there it was definitely not a wamp wamp uh there are three players being inducted into the hall of fame this year do you know who they are frank do you remember it's kind of interesting you know so much of this stuff happens and it's such a big deal at the time but then by the time they have the induction ceremony forget who was actually i honestly don't remember actually nom it or actually honored uh with 95 of the vote in his first year of eligibility adrien belltray who uh throughout the first pitch last night he'll be elected to the hall of fame uh be inducted into the hall of fame also on sunday Todd helton goes into the hall of fame and his sixth year on the ballot all of a sudden they've now determined that he's good enough to be a hall of famer he wasn't for the first five years those are a couple guys that are heck guys to miss and third in his first year of eligibility catcher joe mower also okay so those are the three hall of famers it's not a bad class no jim leland was uh also elected uh by the contemporary base bollier uh committee so uh leland will be going into the hall of fame as well uh cigarettes for everyone jim leland was a dart smoker back in the day for sure uh some of the guys who just missed billy wagner gary sheffield and this was the last year for sheffield on the ballot man what a player he was but i guess you know got caught up at the wrong time like a lot of those guys did uh andrew jones belltray on a rod continues to get votes but nowhere close only 34 percent man your repair is 32 percent and these are both hall of fame in terms of what their numbers say but they're not gonna get there you you can't as far as that stuff goes you cannot allow one steroid user if on rudrey giz in and then say the rest of you can't oh that's right if as soon as you let one in they all have to be in for sure yeah they all have to come in so uh anyway uh the hall of fame induction ceremony is sunday now to that end um back in now i want to see what year that was now what a year to Trevor get inducted into the hall of fame i'm going to look it up just so i can be a little more specific 2018 he was elected into the hall of fame so six summers ago that myself tony goin jr and mr scravey set out a six-hour flight to the east coast to your part of the world frank made our way to coopers town ohio coopers town oh well i don't i'm saying that again uh can't know how it was the NFL hall of fame maybe that's what i'm thinking about made our way to coopers town new york for the coopers town much we all come back i know it's so strange that i would say that uh coopers town new york for the hall of fame induction ceremony of the great Trevor Hoffman while we were there uh we had a chance to sit down with Trevor and uh this is what came of that legendary moment in time it was probably due first though yeah let's take a little traffic for those inclined well he's the reason we're here and uh we are so thrilled to have him with us from coopers town Trevor Hoffman joins us here going in chris show and i've been thanking you for the last month but now i can actually thank you for getting inducted into the hall of fame because otherwise i would have never got to live out my dream of being going to coopers town so thank you thank you thank you it's a great pleasure to be here and to be with you uh during this week um how much are you still kicking yourself going oh my goodness this is i'm really about to be a hall of famer well you're welcome first yes i'm happy to be here too right right but yeah i think i'm bruising my arm by pinching it so much because uh this is something you definitely aren't really prepared for until you get to walk in the in these shoes and get to get to go get go through these halls it's it's kind of it blows me away how pretty it is how enormous the moment is and really it's just such a special place what are Tracy Brody Quinn Wyatt what are they all feeling right now they're walking on cloud 92 man you know what i think it's special in a sense that they're getting a chance to go through it in a relaxed setting you know the boys just say they hopped on a little rowboat and tried to catch some fish and they'll paddle board and then they're playing wiffle ball with land and tommy gym tommy son and it's kind of bringing back the game a little bit for them like what you grew up doing in the club houses and so um i think they'll become a moment when the hall all the hall of famer show up and they better have a shirt on it better don't bear some coffins all right black nose head to head but uh and that'll happen and i think it'll that moment will kind of engulf them a little bit too we've we've been playing all these road to Cooperstown's features on the on the radio leading up to your induction and i know they've been running them on television one of the ones that i thought was very interesting was you're talking about how when you found out you got traded from the floor to marlin's to the pod race and how your first reaction to that was i don't really want to be traded i'm good i'm in the major leagues here and that it was your brothers that kind of said hey talk you off the ledge a little bit i'm using your verbiage but and then of course everything worked out so well in san diego but it's interesting how life does work out you think i would have been a little bit more prepared for it by that time i'm in the big leagues i've seen other guys get released i've seen guys get traded i think about part of it is that it's it's within a moment your your life changes on a dime right um i was naive enough to think that i was going to be with florida for a long time just because it's a brand new organization why you know we're going to stay together for a while when it did happen i was i was caught off a little bit but being so young and not having you know a lot of baggage will say that was built up i was like okay pack up my little stuff i got in the in the locker room we're off but uh it wasn't quite that simple i was i was i was kind of because i was invested in this in the place that transition was a little bit difficult to deal with and it wasn't really quite sure i didn't know what i was dealing with on the other side of it but uh you're right Greg and Glenn kind of go hey man you're going to west coast you're kind of a west coast guy you're used to it mom and dad are going to be able to be close enough to get to some ball games it's going to be the best thing for your career and they were right Trevor let's treads back through your career we've you have so many highlights that stand out especially the sanitians which one is the one that stands out to you the most um a couple and the the three game set up and up and dodger stadium when we were down to and we swept and your uncle gets the big knock and dad's a big part of it and we celebrate with kind of a group that was not really expected to do too much and then to hear it kind of sent back to on sunday afternoon when the chargers are playing and they're they're they're there's random cheers there to go i love that when it's something they're ever the the fans are watching something else in the middle of another game that cracks me up when that goes on it shows that they're invested right and digging it so that was that was something pretty special um and then to be able to see fans catch that ball and center field that bought us that ticket to new york was was something that uh as i turned around uh that that stands out pretty big stands out to all of us i mean and i can't believe it's been i'm not even gonna say how many years but just 20 years oh yeah but um goes by quick yeah when when you when you were when in your career if at any time during your career did you think you know i could be a hall of fame player someday or is that something that never crosses your mind until you're done playing i'd lie to you if i said it doesn't cross your mind but it's something that you don't allow yourself to dream okay um i think it's important to stay in the moment it's important to be accountable and true to the guys that you're shooting up with um because that's a little bit more of a selfish motivation um that doesn't have a place in a clubhouse and so you're aware of it um but at the same right the only way you can make it a reality is by going out and doing your stinking job so uh we kind of kept it in that perspective and i think that's why everybody loves you so much sure because every time we ask you a question about you you somehow end up finding a way to wrap your teammates and that's a that's a characteristic that really goes a long way um let me ask you this as it pertains to your speech i know that was a difficult thing for my dad to actually get through you know we write in the speech there's gonna be parts where you got to talk about stuff that's gonna bring up emotion you got to try to figure out a way to get it to the bottom get through through get through all of it has it been difficult for you writing your speech the difficult part has been getting through without the emotions because i'm i'm getting emotional by myself in a room reading it right alone with family and friends and teammates and the hall of fingers mind so i'm and i gotta keep i'm hoping that it's so nerve-racking that it'll take that component away right um and i think as it pertains to kind of getting through the speech i think it'll it'll get comfortable and that's when i don't want to get comfortable is because i think that's when the emotions will be allowed in right so it's kind of a weird dynamic to think about but uh it's certainly exciting to think about and it's not you get you can only ask someone has been through it and so i i don't have your props and quick and ask about it like man help here i'm i'm i'm drowning here so i'm i'm looking forward to it but you're absolutely hitting the nail on the head it's uh a flood of emotions that you know you're gonna have to deal with that will come on without notice well with all due respect i totally expect you to to deliver a fantastic speech but even if there are some rough moments i expect you to close well all right all right all right now well you cue the music so i cue a little music so that he can finish up that last couple of paragraphs solid that's what we want to make sure uh i have to ask you the question that's been asked a million times but i just think on the eve of going into the hall of fame the change up and what it means to you and and what you think about and why you think no one i don't want to say no one because guys have good change ups but why no one really is in the hall of fame in a lot of ways just because of an amazing one pitch that you were able to to master yeah i mean i was fortunate that it morphed into what it did um and and talking with teammates and picking their brain about their craft that that i think was important um but for it to become a signature pitch and something that was important to me um it's kind of cool to think about yeah i know it's not something i mean mariano next year we'll be here and we'll be talking cutters and how he even simplified even more i had to i had to locate a fastball to be able to get to a change up he just said here's a cutter you guys can't do with it um but i'm sitting next to a guy that uh got to see the change up pretty good in milwaukee now he got tripled down the right field line as he closed his eyes he told me the other day the truth to be closed it was such an amazing match up and i was crushed in the in the tunnel with you i was hurting for san diego and the and the fans and blackie but man it was that was so fun competing with him i wish he didn't see the change ups of dance game it didn't work that day it actually it actually heard him that i had been around him so much at that point and i was paying attention i think at the end of the day if i remember it correctly you had thrown like h-rate change ups you struck out lance and he and he i just won through two of them into my bed it was just a matter of okay he's gonna throw it can't get off the fastball just make sure you keep your hands back long enough and fortunately good self-talk right there i wonder where you learned that from right all right well we we saw where your plaque's going in the hall of fame so uh it's less than 48 hours away congratulations again thank you thanks for the trip to coopers town i will always personally be grateful for uh calling us to come out and be part of this with this is only my second time being here obviously my dad was my first and i always told myself when Trevor got in that'll be the next time we're going congratulations Trevor thanks congratulations appreciate it thanks so much thank you very very much awesome uh time uh six years ago when tony and i got to sit down with the legendary Trevor Hoffman there uh just a few hours before he was inducted into the baseball hall of fame and uh still owe him huge thanks for that because i haven't been back to coopers town ohio for a while frank i'm just kidding i know that i said it wrong that time coopers town new york have you been there what coopers town you need to get together yeah it's not really close to anything that's the only thing i remember i just figured it out and they put it in the middle of absolute nowhere that's a the one issue with going to the baseball hall of fame you have to really want to go you're not just gonna get it on on a you know on a on a whim you know well you know we're we're we're in the neighborhood so we thought we'd stop by no you have to pretty much want to go there if i remember right it's it's like a winding mountain road and then all of a sudden there's a town a little tiny town there it is and one street and you know honestly the building itself is legendary as it all is doesn't really you know jump out at you you know it's kind of oh kind of normal uh i i felt the same when i went to the pro football hall of fame in uh canton uh that i did go to on a road trip with the hockey team we were in Toledo and it was i think an hour and a half away so we had an off day and i felt like that was worth making that drive but i remember being just off the exit like you exit off the freeway and almost ran right into the building it's like they built it right on a freeway the uh football hall of fame in canton that is in ohio all right i got a question about Trevor Hoffman i thought i'd throw at you if i were to ask you which team because we just had the major league baseball draft which team drafted Trevor Hoffman anybody i think i would have missed this he said he mentioned it i think he said the marlins no he was with the marlins first but that's not who drafted him believe it or not yeah i don't know but a lot of people will know this or remember this he was an 11th round draft pick in 1989 out of the University of Arizona where i believe he played a bunch of shortstop drafted originally by the Cincinnati Reds oh there you go a little Trevor Hoffman trivia for you speaking of which and speaking of the draft and uh sam levitt said a future uh lake elsner storm great just to take a dig at me hmm earlier today the padre is signed a free agent who was who didn't get drafted okay out fielder Alex McCoy and the only reason why i bring this up out of Hofstra University oh you are Hofstra University based rank Hofstra gets some love this guy's gonna go on he's gonna be the next guy into the politics as sam said future lake elsner storm no he's gonna go he's gonna nestle up right next to Trevor in Cooper's town what's his name again Alex McCoy from Hofstra Frank is the world's biggest Hofstra guy that you know of and you've got to be even that i know of or otherwise i mean last year we're sitting in here during the college basketball season Tony and i are doing it Frank's filling in for scraping yes and somehow there was a Hofstra college basketball game on against who are they playing oh my goodness Frank you made us watch this game oh i didn't oh no it wasn't a chore come the end of it by the end of the show you guys were fully invested in watching this game and Hofstra blew it in overtime after you guys had left yeah we were so invested that we left in overtime oh no you that's how it stays watched you stayed and watched the final four minutes we did show it off the air and they left overtime the Hofstra pride all right the pride of the pride they're not the pride no it's the pride but the pride of lions that's that's really well the pride of the pride is uh mr frank marcasey thanks again for filling in today Frank not a problem we'll see if uh who's in tomorrow join us at two o'clock to find out hopefully we'll have a return of scrapie but don't forget round table pod rays commercial free hour tomorrow morning at 10 catch up with all of you then for tony glen jr and mr scrapie and frank chrysello good night knowing how to speak and understand a new language can be an invaluable tool when traveling meeting new friends or just even a master new skill but it's not always simple when you're bogged down by textbooks and structure classes that's why so many people trust rosetta stone rosetta stone is the most trusted language learning program available on 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