Gwynn & Chris On Demand

7.17.24 Gwynn & Chris Hour 1: Sammy Lev is Here!

With Tony still on vacation and Skraby still sick, Chris is joined by Sam Levitt to talk about the first half of the Padres season, what they need to do in the second half and, of course, last night's MLB all-star game

1h 10m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives, well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on-trail navigation, download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score.! We've done your homework! Is your child struggling with a specific subject or need help with homework? Are they asking questions that you're not sure you can fully answer? IXL Learning is an online learning program for kids. It covers math, language arts, science, and social studies. IXL is designed. This program will improve your kids' grades. Studies done in almost every state in the country. The kids who had IXL are consistently doing better. Powered by advanced algorithms, IXL gives the right help to each kid no matter the age or personality. And it doesn't have to eat up all your time. One subscription gets you everything for all the kids in your home, pre-K to 12th grade. So don't miss out. One in four students in the U.S. are learning with IXL. IXL is used in 95 of the top 100 school districts in the U.S. Make an impact on your child's learning. Get IXL now. And listeners can get an exclusive 20% off IXL membership when they sign up today at Visit to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. This season Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back. When your kid casually tells you, they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first, call your parents to say I'm sorry. And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order additional term supply. This podcast on 97.3, the fan is presented by Hamel Casino, fun above all else. But Gwen and Chris are just getting started. Sports Talk-It-E! Your hosts Tony Gwen Jr. Right, they won Game 1 and then the Padres, you know, spanked their backsides for the next three. And Chris Elo. Would you let me tell the story? Mr. Interrupter? Yes, yes I will. Yes, yes, yes! With plenty of nonsense in between. Oh look, here comes our fearless producer. Gwen and Chris starts right now on 97.3, the fan. Hey what is happening in San Diego and welcome to it! The Wednesday edition of Gwen and Chris on San Diego's number one sports talk station, 97.3, the fan. 201 is the time. We got four fun hours to hang out with you between now and six o'clock, Chris Elo. And then things get a little murky after that. Tony Gwen Jr. remains on a mini vacation out for the next couple of days. Matt Scrabie remains in the infirmary. Still sick. Second day in a row that Scrabie is out, so that means we get our friend Big Frank back in again who did an excellent job by the way yesterday. Frank Marquesi. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Thanks for coming in once again, sure. Not a problem. Looking forward to hanging out, talking sports with a Mets fan for a little while. And on the other side, there he is. Nice enough on one of his off days to come in and be part of the program for a little while, maybe a couple of hours even. The great one. Mr. Sam Levitt from the Padres pre and post game show, but you're so much more than that. You are, you know what, you are, you become a fan, an icon. I mean, I don't know if you've ever seen this Frank at a ball game, but Sam will be down in front of the Padres dugout before the game doing some interviews, maybe after the game, getting ready for post game. He cannot walk from one end of the dugout to the other without a throng of pet co part faithful. Yelling, screaming, Sammy, Sammy, Sammy. They love this guy. Sam Levitt. Thank you so much for coming in. We love you too. Good to be here. I spoke to Scrabie earlier. I don't know. It sounded fine to me. Yeah. Well, look, it's probably going to get good to him now that he's. I said this yesterday. I mean, I miss him, but Frank and I kind of realized yesterday when he sits at home and just type stuff into the, into the, you know, the document, right, which is, you know, technologically capable these days. I think he worked harder yesterday than he does when he's here on the show. So we just assume leave him at home. And that way we get, we get his input from home. And we got big Frank here. So did he, did he do any kind of checking yesterday on air? He didn't check in. No, he, he said he was pretty. He did. Pretty bad shape yesterday. I think. Yeah. In all seriousness, I spoke to him this morning and he was, he was not in great shape. So no, he's more dad. Well, and I've said this before I said yesterday, but, but Scravey is nothing if not a gamer. And he loath's missing a show. So, and you know, he misses his fans. I mean, this was a, this was a big week for him to have his Scravey chronicles, right after our show. And he's had to, he's had to miss that last night and tonight. So yeah, he's definitely disappointed. We wish him a full and speedier recovery. But in the meantime, we'll hang out chatting with you all for the next couple of hours, actually four hours, but in fact, you know, you, you kind of were saying how people come up to me at the ballpark or yell at me at the ballpark. And that's partially true. But the main thing they actually say to me, they say, Sam, do you know Scravey? Yes. I know they do. What is Scravey like? Do you actually get to see and talk to Matt Scravey? You're right. Wow. I get that question far too often. Can you pass this along to Scravey? I know. People want to know about Scravey signed by Scravey. Good. That really would you give my number to Matt Scravey? Okay, we know that's not true. But the one thing that is true is that when they come up to me, they want me to be nicer to Scravey. That is the universal conversation that I have with listeners out there. You've got to be nicer to Scravey. And I just, you people just don't understand. First of all, the reason I sound like I'm not as nice to him as he is to me. First of all, it's frankly because I'm just better at it. I'm better at, you know, getting on his case than he is getting on my case. So that's, you know, let's just be honest, that's just kind of the way that goes. But the second thing is, is he's not always 100% nice to us. He just does it off the air. Right. He does it off the air. I mean, he's, you know, he can treat us very, very rudely sometimes. So I just want you people to know the full story out there. But enough about the people that aren't here. Let's talk about the people that are highlight moment of the all star game for me last night. And I look, as much as I despise the Home Run Derby. And I didn't watch any of it on Monday night, except for what was on in the TV here during our show. As much as I despise the Home Run Derby and don't really find much interest in that. I mean, it's just part of my DNA to watch the Major League Baseball all star game. It always has been. It's been something that's intrigued me for my entire life. I've always enjoyed it. There are a lot of things I don't enjoy about it. Now, as much as I used to, we may need a whole segment to talk about how despicable ugly those uniforms were. But I still watch the game. And I got to tell you, Sammy, when they introduced Jerkson Profar into the starting line up last night and he came running out of the dugout, he had a smile on his face. And that's saying something for Jerkson Profar because we know he's always smiling. But this was one happy young man. And I couldn't help but just feel terrific for him. And then his first at bat to hook a line drive into the corner and get on base with a single. And it could have been a double except for Juan Soto made maybe the best defensive play I've ever seen him make. But that was the highlight for me was watching Profar get to be in the all-star game and then, you know, get a hit his first time up. Yeah, it was really cool. I mean, to see Profar there and with his son and watch all the video and on ESPN during the Derby and see all the cool social media stuff they did. It was awesome. To me, the Padre side of things, the storylines for Profar for Suarez for Merrill for even Luis Arise being there able to experience it with his family. I thought the storylines were really cool from a Padre's perspective. And from the Padre's perspective last night, those guys did a nice job. Profar had the hit that started the rally before the Otani home run. Suarez struck out a couple of banners. If you could see it beyond David Ortiz interview. Thank you David Ortiz for hogging the screen during Robert Suarez's moment of fame. Yeah, for sure. And then Merrill had a base hit, you know, a little infield single, a little hustle. You like that? So I thought it was a nice day for the Padre's home. Yeah, Padre's the Padre's three players who were in the game all contributed. Profar made a nice running catch down in the left field corner as well on a line drive. So yeah, the Padre's input was good Suarez, you know, he just lost all of his screen time. I mean, come on. You know, my, you know, my feeling on in game interviews already, Sam, I'm not a fan of that. I tune in to actually watch these games, not to see David Ortiz sneak up behind Gunnar Henderson and try to tickle him in the ribs and really don't find how see how that adds to my enjoyment of a ballgame. But it is part of the part of the fluff, I guess, that we get in this day and age. So yeah, I kind of had to deal with it. But yeah, you're right. It happened right while Suarez was getting the two outs he got. Yeah, look, I know a lot of people get really bent out of shape about the in-game interviews and all of it. Here's what you got to realize. The game, let's be honest, on an overall sense, it doesn't have the juice at once. No, they're trying to get more juice. Yeah, they're trying to give us something we can't get. Yeah, you're right. You're right. And they said it in the last hour on on Annie and Elston, where, and a big part of it was there was once upon a time, and you know this, Chris, that you did not see the American League and National League guys play each other ever. Right. Beyond two events, the World Series and the All-Star Game, and that was it. So there was a real novelty to those guys. And a lot of the guys you never got to the World Series. So, right. I mean, let's just take a guy like Willie Mays, for example, in his unbelievable career, and he was in 24 All-Star Games. The guy was in two World Series during that time. So the other 22 years, he didn't face anybody in the American League, and it was something special to see, you know, Jim Palmer face Willie Mays or Sandy Kofax take on Frank Howard and the American, whatever it was, you know, you really look forward to it. They tried to get us a little of that last night with Paul Skins versus Aaron Judge. But A, it was kind of a kind of flamed out because Judge hit a quick ground ball to third. But B, if they haven't played already, the Pirates and the Yankees will eventually play this year or next year and every year. So Paul Skins will get the face Aaron Judge plenty of times. Yeah. You know, look, I will say I like the Skins part of it. I thought that was a great move. But I did too. I did too. I am to have them start. Look, good job by Juan Soto drawing a walk so we could see the judge versus Skins it bad. Juan Soto ever draw a walk. That was really a shocker. I'll say this though. You know, if you're Aaron Judge, can you take a pitch? I mean, you know, everybody's drama build a little bit. I gotta tell you not. Not a great job by Aaron Judge. Take a pitch. You know, everybody's been waiting for this matchup, hoping that it would get to the cleanup spot for Skins to face judge. Can we work a little a little bit back? Can we take a pitch or two? I was a little anticlimactic. I got to admit. But look, Skins was great. I thought that was a great move. And you know, look, there's some really simple things they could do to make this better. Like, and I know it sounds like, and it's really not a small thing. I think it's a fairly big thing. They got to have these guys start wearing their uniforms. Absolutely. They got you know, it sounds like a small thing because it's not uniform. It's really not it changes the feel of it in the product on TV. Well, yeah, Fred Lynn, the great Boston Red Sox center fielder who has still hit the only Grand Slam in all-star game history, tweeted out something that made sense about the whole uniform thing. And his point was, you know, how can people tuning in to watch the all-star game really take pride in their home team when these guys are going out there wearing those uniforms instead of their own? I mean, it adds to some of your own, you know, team pride to see Profar out there in his Padra uniform to be able to boo Otani because he's wearing a Dodger uniform or, Jeremy, whatever you want. But this is a no-brainer. This is not I have not heard. Have you heard one prank? Have you heard one person anywhere in your vast knowledge of relationships that says, yeah, I really like these these all-star game uniforms. No, nobody likes them. No, not at all. And another thing I thought of on the way here was what was the last time you saw a fan actually wearing an all-star jersey? Pretty rare. People buy a few of them. Yeah, right. It's not nearly as popular as they go. No, and by the way, if the goal is to make jerseys and you need Nike to make a parallel and you need to sell it, then fine. Have them wear it for BP, have them wear it during the home run, Derby. That's fine. I'm still buying that. Yeah, I'm okay with that. But you know what else? During the actual game, where are the jerseys? The other thing is Major League Baseball simply does not need the extra $20 that they're making on these uniforms. I mean, come on, people, money is, we all understand everything is a marketing thing nowadays, but can't you just leave one thing on? Well, the other issue is this. The uniforms last night, look, the American League ones were okay. Like those nationally uniforms. Why? What's with the teal? I didn't, I didn't even understand. It made no sense for the feel like Ranger colors. I don't know. In the cowboy hats, the 10 gallon hats didn't put me in a Texas Ranger mood necessarily either. Well, I know they were trying to accomplish that, but I didn't really feel that either. So, so, so, look, I understand each all-star game. They're trying to create a certain feel. And look, I thought like the lead up to the game, the graphics that all the teams put together, Padres included, they did a nice job, kind of, you know, the the wanted poster type graphics and the cowboy hats. I'm okay with it. Did you notice they were all wearing their own uniforms and those? Oh, that's true. Right? I really, I'm okay with that. I understand you want a little feel of a different, you know, all-star game than the year before. I get that. I will say this though, when the players are running out during the introductions and they had those guys like lassoing around them, did you see that? I was like, all right, we get it. Good thing the lasso guys had some control out there. I would have hate to see Tae Oscar Hernandez get tripped up as he ran out to the NBA. I'm watching that last then. I'm like, you know, you know, Tony or whoever's running out there. I'm like, don't, I'm afraid they're going to hit him with the lasso. Yeah, I was kind of caught. Yeah, it's, the whole thing was crazy. I said, oh, and the mechanical bull, it was, it's fine. There was a point there where it was like, all right, we, we get the theme. All right. Well, the American League one is the all-star game for those who keep track of that kind of thing. I believe they've won 11 of the last 12. So they've been on a roll. It used to be the other way. When I was younger, the National League went on a streak where I believe they won every game except for 1971 and in 1983 and just what took it year after year. And in those days, the National League enjoyed having the hammer over the American League. Those guys, as you said, they stayed with their teams. They stayed in their leagues and they felt it gave them a little air of superiority over the other league. Whereas that is not important to these guys now. And I totally understand that. I mean, you know, Juan Soto, for example, played in the National League last year. I'll start in these American League this year. And there's many guys who do that. And that's another part of it. The fact that guys are bouncing around in a way, they just, you know, 40 years. That's it. All right. Let's see. Paul Skeens again. You're right. He disappointed in the sense that he didn't get a strike out though. I mean, you know, this was, you know, come on. I expected him to bust out at least 102 mile per hour pitch. He was only going to pitch one inning. You know, he got to let it fly out there for a guy that strikes out. It's fun. You would have liked to get any. I will say this, though, as you're watching that first inning last night, and I don't know that people who don't follow the pirates or skeens, all that closely realize this, even though he throws hard and even though he strikes out a ton of guys, he is, and this is part of what makes him so special. He's a real pitcher. Like he, he's not just wearing back and fine. Not at all. That's what makes him so good and so special at this age, because he's somebody who throws hard, but he throws a number of different pitches. They're all really good. He mixes and matches. I mean, it's, so my point is, is what he did in the first inning last night was kind of how he does things. He just didn't have a strike out. Yeah. There's a couple of things about Paul Skeens that I did not know. This was really the first time that I'd watched him pitch. And again, I don't think this gives an unbelievable idea of what he's like because it was just over one inning. First of all, he's six foot six. So he's a lot taller than you think he might be, you know, six six up there. He's also a Southern California kid. I did not realize that. Where's he from? He's from Fullerton. And he went to El Toro High School, which is right near where the five and the 405 merge up there in, you know, just north of Orange County. He also attended the US Air Force Academy before going on to LSU. Yeah. And there's a few things about Skeens. I did not know. And they did, they did a nice job on the TV broadcast last night talking about that the Air Force part of it. Joe Davis did a nice job. Yeah. I mean, and he's only 22 years old. And how young is he? I actually detected some acne on Paul Skeens last night. They get those young guys. Yeah. He's young. Yeah. He's just, he's just a, he's just a baby. And he's, and he's dating Livy. And if they have to, you know, if the guys got a little acne, maybe we don't have to hold the close up shot for like three straight minutes. Those 80 cameras don't help. No, they don't miss the thing. They don't miss it. I will say this. The broadcast last night did a really good job with Skeens because they felt like they got every aspect of the Paul Skeens experience. They got the mustache. They got the pitching, the fastball, some of the breaking stuff they got. Livy on TV. Of course. Hey, that was a must. Look, that was a must. She's a, she's a star. I mean, she is social media wise huge. I'd say that's a power couple. You got just like Taylor Swift was all over the TV. I know Bert Kelsey. Yeah, get used to it. A real part of the story seriously. I don't mind. I've gotten used to that. I've gotten used to that. All right, the All-Star games in the books. Jared Duran was the MVP. He had the two home, two run home run and the fifth inning that decided the game. Otani did give everybody a thrill with that three run monster bomb that he hit while they were interviewing Soto and Judge in the top of the third inning and it sailed over both of their heads and they were like, you know, I actually pretty impressed. You know, it's funny. Actually didn't I didn't know that because I haven't I wasn't listening. I was actually listening on the radio. Okay, that turned it on the radio. Yeah, no, they were interviewing Soto and Judge at that time and both guys were kind of they're both guys. Jaws dropped a little bit on the on the radio call Carl Ravett. She does a nice job. He said and I really wondered how in real time he knew this. He said it landed 12 rows deep in right field and I immediately said to myself, how does he know it's 12 rows in real time? I don't think he does. I meant to literally go on the TV and try to count it to see if he was right. It was they they they ruled it a 400 foot home run, but they did not tell us exactly on television what row that ball landed in. All right, we are underway. Sam Levitt is sitting in with us for a couple of hours. We're hanging out until six o'clock. We got all the regular stuff coming your way. A little daily gambit, a little Chris vs. the fans, Frank and the Infirmed Scrabby will put together a big five and we'll probably open up and take some phone calls on the program today. Get some of your input thoughts on the first half of this Padres season and what you expect in the second half. So I jot down the phone number 833-288-0973. We'll talk with some of you here in this hour. Curious as to you know, I kind of know what I think about the Padres first half and what I think about the second half coming up, but I'd like to hear what some of the listeners thinks. So we'll get to all of that as going in. Chris gets underway on 97-3 the fan. Temp check. 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IXL is designed. This program will improve your kid's grades. Studies done in almost every state in the country. The kids who had IXL are consistently doing better, powered by advanced algorithms. IXL gives the right help to each kid no matter the age or personality, and it doesn't have to eat up all your time. One subscription gets you everything for all the kids in your home, pre-K to 12th grade. So don't miss out. One in four students in the U.S. are learning with IXL. IXL is used in 95 of the top 100 school districts in the U.S. Make an impact on your child's learning. Get IXL now. And listeners can get an exclusive 20% off IXL membership when they sign up today at Visit to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature. Whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes, nature makes all of our lives well better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on-trail navigation, download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. All right, we've had an ongoing discussion all week on Gwen and Chris. Is this the worst sports day of the year on the calendar? I thought Monday maybe was, but Monday at least we could recap the Padres game on Sunday. Yesterday, we could get ready for the All-Star game. Today, we can talk about it. But all in all these three days, pretty quiet on the sports calendar. Now, I thought the WNBA missed an opportunity Monday on a day where there's no baseball of any kind. None of the major sports are playing. WNBA was dark. There wasn't a single game on Monday. So I thought that was a mistake. I think, you know, you got to take center stage now. Maybe the homerun derby altered their plans. But I don't know, I like to watch a game rather than a contest. Tonight, there is a WNBA game and it is one worth keeping an eye on Kaitlyn Clark, will be in action for Indiana at Dallas. Other than that, not a whole lot to kick around in the sports world. Chris Elo here with Sam Levitt checking in today for a couple of hours. Nice enough to join us. Frank Marquesi, Big Frank is filling in for our poor board op and producer of the program, Matt Scrabie, who's out for a second day in a row, feeling nice sick. You can just say sick. So this is where Scrabie messed up because tomorrow, there's going to be absolutely nothing for you guys to talk about. He'll probably be back tomorrow. So you're going to vote for tomorrow as the worst day on the sports calendar. Because again, at least today you have an all-star game. Tomorrow, the baseball doesn't get going again until Friday, right? I mean, I know the Padres don't play until Friday. So you can't preview Friday's game on tomorrow because whatever you do on Friday. I can preview the Super Bowl tomorrow, if I want to. I don't know who's going to be playing in it. Sam, I'm glad to have you here. We're going to talk. I think we're going to open up the phone lines here in a little bit. Okay. And I'm going to ask two questions. Okay. To the listeners. One, give me your overall thoughts on the first half of the season and give me your thoughts on what in general you think is going to happen in the second half of this season. So we're going to open up the lines. But before we get to the listeners on that, Sammy, I'm going to ask you those questions. I mean, you've had a couple of days to digest the first 99 games. The roller coaster ride that was the first half of this season, whether Mike Schill wants to admit it or not 50 and 49. Frank and I were talking yesterday, a whole lot of amazing things had to happen in the first half of the season for them to only go 50 and 49. Or you can look at it the other way and say, got with all the injuries they had and, you know, guys out and, you know, certain star players not able to really put up the kind of numbers they normally do. 50 and 49 was pretty good. So it's, it's, I guess you can look at it one or the other or both ways. Yeah, I would say the record is right where you feel like it should be when you consider help up and down. And that's forgetting about the injuries even, but how up and down this first half was being a game above 500 feels just about right. I think overall, considering the injuries, I think you have to be feel pretty good about this one thing. And that's that they are right in the mix with the second half of the season right in front of them. I mean, they have every chance to accomplish what they want to accomplish, which is make the postseason. And then we go from there, you're a game out of a wild guard spot, despite the injuries. Look, if somebody would have told you that you Darvish and Joe Musgrove would miss the majority of the first half, what would you have said to that at spring training? If somebody told you Fernando Tati's junior would miss a month of the first half and it seems like quite a chunk of the second half, what would you say to that? Xander Bogart's missing almost two months to be, let's just look at playoff picture, a game out of a postseason spot. I think you would have signed up for that. But with that said, if you live in the last few weeks, I'll say this, it felt like this past week, the homestand was a big missed opportunity. Took a little air out of the balloon. It did. It did. Because you had a real change. You felt like, especially after the win on the Friday, the Machado walk off home run, a real opportunity. And I said this, I said this, I filled in for Benin Woods, uh, the day after July 4th. Okay. So that's the night that that have been July 5th. July 5th. Okay. Okay. That night is the Machado walk off home run. Okay. And I'll say that was the game that they they led Suarez for one of the right few times. Propartize it. Propartize it with the right run and then many they win that. They go, what was it? Six games over 500 at that point. Correct. Right. I'll say the same thing now that I said, then, there was a real opportunity on that homestand with how well they were playing. And especially after winning the first game of the homestand. Yeah. To put a real stamp on the first half. You could have, if you played well enough, finish eight, nine, 10 games above 500 carries some real 20, 25 game worth of momentum into the all star break. And they didn't do that. So unfortunately, I felt like they went one and six after you put that pressure on them. Right. Well, you ended the first half sort of with the same taste in your mouth that was really there the entire half, which is this is really up and down. It's probably going to stay that way for a while. And I think the question becomes as we get into August, as we get into September, do you have a run enough of a run to go grab a postseason spot and you go from there? And that is right in front of them. So when you zoom out, did anything really change from a month to months ago to now? Not really. You're kind of in the spot where they've been the whole time. Yeah. Real quick. And then we're going to get some phone calls from the next segment. So if you're online, stick around 833 280973. But give me your, give me your top. I mean, it's tough. But give me your number one key to the second half of the season to them getting to where they want to go. I'm putting on the spot. This is what happens in a big time afternoon program like this drive time. Yeah. I think starting pitching. I mean, yeah, and whatever that means. Right. If that is with Darvish, if that's with Musk Grove, if it's without them, if it is with an addition or two that may happen in the next couple of weeks. However, they have to get it done. To me, it's starting pitching. I don't have despite some of the really cold stretches this offense has had for a few games at a time. I feel really good about this offense. Let's be honest about it. For the most part, they've been really good, Chris, and they've been fairly consistent in in being able to produce runs. And they've had their, their peaks and valleys. But I'm not super worried about the offense, the bullpen look beyond the three of Mora Hona Strada and Suarez, we know there are some soft spots there and some spots where you just don't know what you get out into outing. But to me, if they pitch well, if guys like cease are the cease, we saw his last start before the all star break, the start before that. Yeah, if King is king and he's he is what he's been. If Vasquez continues to hold his own, if Waldron continues to be good, like, then I think you're in a really good spot. And you and you would imagine, and I think we all imagine this, that there's going to be an addition one way or the other. I just I fail to see in the next couple of weeks here that that AJ Preller, everything we know about him and how he operates and what he does, that there's not going to be some sort of addition, what that addition is, how big that addition is, what that addition costs. I have no idea, but I'm fairly confident in saying that there will be another starting picture on this team before August 1st. Almost assuredly, especially with the starting pitching. If the starting pitching can hold up and be more consistent than it was in the first half, then I think they they are in a pretty good position because I think they can hit. I think the bullpen will not perfect and they may get an addition or there as well. You know, I just feel like the starting pitching is a is a really big key. If they can keep you in games and be more consistent than they were in the first half, guys like Seast King, etc. To me, that's the biggest key. Yeah. Well, I think you mentioned Dylan Seast. Yeah, he is. Dylan Seast honestly is the poster boy for the first half of the San Diego Padres because they were as inconsistent overall as he was individually. I mean, incredible. How many games did this guy? I'm looking at it right now, Sam. He had four games in the first half where he picked six or more innings and allowed one or less hits, four games. You also had one, two, three, four, five games in which he allowed four or more earned runs in less than five innings and wasn't very good. So all right, we'll get to some phone calls. That's the question on the board or two questions for you. What do you think of the first half? Now that you've had a little time to digest it, what do you think's going to happen in the second half? We'll let you go wherever you want with that 833-288-0973. Chris Ello, Sam Levitt with us. Big Frank, good and Chris. [Music] Frank says let's go. So let's go. 242 is the time, Chris Ello. Sammy Levitt sitting in today. We appreciate that. Gwen and Chris on 97-3, the fan, Tony Gwen Jr. idle this week and Matt Scravey forced out of action with illness. Hopefully Scravey's back tomorrow. Don't forget tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. even though it's the all-star break, we will have our Padre's radio roundtable. At least I believe we will. I'm planning to show up for it. I haven't received notice that we're not having it. So one hour of commercial free Padre talk tomorrow morning from 10 to 11 a.m. if you happen to miss it. It plays again in the afternoon between five and six. But the radio roundtable has been really fun this year. And I think Sammy made an appearance on that earlier this season. Yeah, I haven't been asked. They only can fit five or six chairs into that studio. So it's a high level thing there. But yeah, we have some fun with that. And we'll talk everything Padre's about the first half of the season and going into the second half. We've got some phone callers. Gonna give you guys a shot here 833-288-0973. Very simply, your thoughts on the first half. Now that we've had a few days to digest it. And what do we need to do? What do we need here in the second half if we're going to get to where we all want to go in October? But before we get to the phone calls, I have to say out there. Frank Marchese is a wonderful, wonderful guy. Do not absolutely do not call him in anger as somebody did and verbally assault Frank because I and it is 100% on me have not brought up the fact that the open championship starts tomorrow across the pond. I don't want to say I don't care about the open championships. I kind of do. I'll say it. I don't care. You know, I'm in the tune in and watch some of the I still call it the British open because honestly the open kind of leaves me wanting. But yeah, that's not on Frank. So please don't call and yell at Frank for something he has no control over. Appreciate that very much. And I don't care because I don't play golf. You're not a golfer at all. I've never played around the golf in my life. Is that right? Yes. That has got to put you in a tremendously small minority, especially of people living here in this in this city. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And I didn't grow up here. So could you we have this miniature golf putt putt? Oh, yeah. A couple of rounds of that. Okay. But do you think if we and I after the show today were to run down here to stadium golf, you know, just down the road, could you and we teed up a couple could you could you. Oh, yeah, I do the top golf in England. Yeah, I've done it on my own. So you've done a lot of that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I've never played a round. It just never played. I've done a lot of round of golf. I've done top golf. In fact, I went to top golf a couple of times alone during spring training. Down there. Like on an off night or whatever. Yeah, it's a fun place to go. Yeah, it's a little expensive. Very expensive. You ask me. Yes. And I'd rather just and honestly, especially when you're doing it alone after like a half hour. You're like, yeah, you're on a board. It's like around. Oh, I know a bucket of balls looks really inviting when you first get it. But when you're like halfway through the bucket of balls and your arms are like, yeah, yeah, and I've hit like 17 balls off to the side. Right. You're like, how am I ever gonna get through this thing? Well, that's the thing is like, after a while, I kind of figured out how to straighten it out with the best I can a little. Really? Could you tell me not consistently? Well, tell me. No, no, no. But at least, at least where it's not slicing all the way. I play all the time. And I still can't figure out how to get it straight. I was hitting. I think I hit like, I think the highest I hit would, I think it was at least in top golf. I don't know what it actually was. Was like maybe 180. Perfect. 190. Does that sound realistic at top? It does for somebody that doesn't play. Yeah, you get a 180 and it's straight. You can have a pretty successful round of golf. That's what I always say. I could shoot. I could hit it 300 yards, 150 yards straight, 150 yards to the right. Yeah, that's right. You know, what you want is the 150 that goes straight. That's all. All right, enough golf talk and enough yelling at Frank, because we haven't talked about golf. Let's get back to some Padre stuff. Josh, first on the board there from San Diego. Welcome into Gwen and Chris. Josh, how are you today? Yeah, I'm doing all right. Good. What do you think of the first half, Josh? And what do you think we need to do in the second half? So I got to actually give a shout out to Prowler with picking up Merrill and Profar because those two have been the outstanding players. Picking up a ride for the trade. They've really carried the team when it comes to the injuries, because for some reason, when the Padres get injured, they play better. So when it comes to youth arvish and Bogar's injuries, they've actually played better when they're not out there and they're getting those guys from AAA. And they need to actually just get the veterans to play to the levels they do because, I mean, I'm a Tigers fan and some from the Detroit area originally, but it's just a laughing stock when you see San Diego have five games that they win, and then they go on these five-game losing streaks just to go back on a five-game win streak to go back on a five-game lose streak back and forth. One at the beginning of the season, it was a one-on-one. They need to make up their minds. They need to actually get together after a loss and go, okay, you know what? We lost this one, but tomorrow's another day of God. Give it our best so that we can actually save both 500 because, I mean, what are they at, like, 30 times they've been at 500 now? 25 times officially, Josh, that they've been at the 500 mark. They're hoping to avoid 26 when they play in Cleveland Friday night. Thanks for the call. Here's the interesting thing, Sam. Yes. A lot of people have said this. We played better when the guys have been injured. I looked it up. The record with Zander Bogart's was 24 and 23. The record without Zander Bogart's was like 24 and 24. Pretty much the same, you know, with Darvish, they had their moments, without Darvish, they had their moment. This is a 500 team in every sense of the word and day games, in night games, in home games, in road games, against left-handed pitchers, against right-handed pitchers, almost every metric you want to name, you look up the numbers, they are 500. It doesn't seem to matter almost who's been in the lineup and who hasn't been in the lineup. It really isn't a lot of way strange because, like Josh says, you would think when they're healthy, that's when they'd be 10 games over. Yeah. And when they're not, they might be 10 games under, but it really hasn't been that way. Yeah. It's been the up-and-down nature has been from very, very early on. I mean, it was the entire first half, pretty much, right? I mean, the seesaw nature of it, not that a 500 team naturally isn't up and down. A 500 team is up and down. That's how you're always hovering somewhere around 500, which is, I think, the thing that stands out with this group in the first half, is it, I mean, you can go back to like the Sunday in Kansas City. That was a stretch where they, and I don't have it in front of me right now, but it's a stretch where they won five out of six. And from that point on, it was literally like win five out of six, lose five in a row, win five out of six, lose five in a row, win 12 out of 15, lose five in a row, and they lost six out of seven. That's exactly what happened. Sam, I have it in front of me. That is exactly. You're great. And that's why we call you the great one. That is exactly what happened. And every 500 team that volatile, I don't know. Yeah. Well, you know, we already, we, we noted the other day and I think it was Craig texted me on this that they've had four five game losing streaks this year. The only other teams in baseball who've had that many are the Marlins, the White Sox and the Rockies, the worst teams in baseball. I think the Rangers snuck in there as well. But the point being, they've done something that really only the bottom of the barrel teams have done this year, which is to have that many five game losing streaks. Now they've never had more than a five game losing streak. They've never had more than a five game win streak. If I'm not mistaken, right? What's their longest? What is their longest one? Five five. So five is it both ways. Yeah. And they've had a bunch of both. And with four or five game losing streaks, they still somehow enter the break a game above, which is, I guess, the glass half full wave. That's how you've got to look at it. If you're the quadrant, I know one person who looks at it that way, the happiest guy on Earth, Mike Schilt, he looks at it as if, you know, everything that's gone against us and we've still managed to be here. That's fantastic. I just worry that Profar and Merrill and Higashioka and Waldron. And, you know, some of these guys that have really answered the question, you know, affirmatively in the first half, are going to come back to Earth in the second half. I'm not saying to say they're going to collab. I don't think that's going to happen. But I think they're going to come back to Earth. And if they do, you know, somebody's going to have to pick up that slack. Well, it boils down to what I think we consistently say it boils down to for this group, whether that was 2023 or here in 2024. And this is where I think I really disagree with the caller. And they've got to have their big guys carry the way. And that's where, you know, if you sit there and say, well, it seemed like they actually played better while those guys were out. I say, you know what, they were able to tread water for the most part through 99 games. But you can't sit there and tell me that Bogart's many arise, Croninworth, and then the guys who you hope come back, the teas, Musgrove, Darvish, aren't going to be incredibly important to this team, ultimately, being in the postseason. Because if those guys are not good or don't contribute, I think it's probably fighting an uphill battle. I do just to add to your guys, there's 500 everywhere. Most times they've been shut out is eight. Most times they've shut out and opponent is five. So basically 500. Most amount of comeback wins 22, blown lead 16. So there they're about as far as 500 goes walk off win six walk off losses for everything's even everything is even. And that's why it's all added up to to even let's go to Eddie and Chula Vista. Thanks for joining us today, Eddie. How are you? Yeah, Eddie lost the line. Hold on. Oh, Frank, get the line. Can't get Eddie for some reason. I can get the next guy, but this is something that I think Eddie hang in there. We'll figure you out. Let's get Mario then a national city. I'm Mario. Uh, good pottery afternoons. Good afternoon, sir. Hey, well, so it's got to happen with these in, um, for me, it's, it looks cool, you know, if they've done what they've done, some guys been hurt, some guys been thinking of other guys, additional to resurize with a good addition for also, you know, but everybody has to be accountable including the third biggest coast. I think, I've seen, I've seen the third biggest coast give up about 10 runs and maybe half of them have been valuable runs, runs that might have been a difference in a win in the loss. But I think, I think having an aggressive coast along with, uh, with a little bit of money in here and there, I spoke before to Sam about money. Okay, so when they do buy, it's fun. Of course, they're trying to putt for a big shit, not to advance the runner. They're going to try to putt for a big shit. Yeah. White can't come with Simon when I will then try to putt for a big shit. And if you don't get a big shit, the least he does get up under the second. Hey Eddie, are Mario, sorry. Got little mixed up there. Mario, thanks a lot for the call. Hey, it's Greg from Ann- Tem check. What kind of summer are we having this year? A family road trip summer, a beach bump summer, or a wake me when the sun's set summer? With Instacart, choose your own adventure and skip the shopping side quests. Where available, you can get ice cream delivered to your hotel, sunscreen to the pool, or cold brew to your bed. Well, door, in as fast as 30 minutes. Wherever you find yourself this summer, you can get the goods. Download Instacart for free delivery on your first three orders. 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But the radio round table has been really fun this year. And I think Sammy made an appearance on that. Yeah, a couple earlier this season. Yeah, I haven't been asked. And they only can fit five or six chairs into that studio. You know, so it's a high level thing there. But yeah, we have some fun with that. And we'll talk everything Padres about the first half of the season and going into the second half. We got some phone callers. Gonna give you guys a shot here. 833-288-0973. Very simply, your, you know, thoughts on the first half. Now that we've had a few days to digest it. And what do we need to, what do we need here in the second half if we're going to get to where we all want to go in October? But before we get to the phone calls, I have to, I have to say out there. Frank Marchese is a wonderful, wonderful guy. Do not absolutely do not call him in anger as somebody did. And verbally assault Frank because I and it is 100% on me have not brought up the fact that the open championship starts tomorrow across the pond. I don't want to say I don't care about the open championships. I kind of do. I'll say it. I don't. You don't care. You know, I'm in the tune in and watch some of the, I still call it the British open because honestly the open kind of leaves me wanting. But yeah, that's not on Frank. So please don't call and yell at Frank for something he has no control over. Appreciate that very much. And I don't care because I don't play golf. You're not a golfer at all. I've never played around the golf in my life. Is that right? Yes. That has got to put you in a tremendously small minority, especially of people living here in this city. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And I didn't grow up here. So did you. Yeah, this is a miniature golf putt putt. Oh, yeah. A couple of rounds of that. Okay. But do you think if we, you and I after the show today were to run down here to stadium golf, you know, just down the road, could you, and we teed up a couple, could you, could you. Oh, yeah. I do the top golf in. Oh, you do. In Glendale. Yeah. I've done it on my own. So you've done a lot of that stuff. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I've never played a round. Never played a, never played a, I've done putt putt putt. I've done top golf. In fact, I went to top golf a couple of times alone during spring training down there. Like on an off night or whatever. Yeah, it's a fun place to go. Yeah, it's a little expensive. Very expensive. He asked me. Yes. And I'd rather, and honestly, especially when you're doing it alone, after like a half hour, you're like getting kind of bored. It's like, oh, I know a bucket of balls looks really inviting when you first get it. But when you're like halfway through the bucket of balls and your arms are like, yeah, and you've hit like 17 balls off to the side. Right. You're like, how am I ever going to get through this thing? Well, that's the thing is like, after a while, I kind of figured out how to straighten it out with the best I can. It really could tell me not consistently to tell me. No, no, no. But at least, at least where it's not slicing all the way to all the time, and I still can't figure out how to get it straight. I was hitting. I think I hit like, I think the highest I hit would, I think was at least in top golf. I don't know what it actually was. Was like maybe 180. Perfect. 190. Does that sound realistic at top? It does for somebody that doesn't play. Yeah, you get a 180 and it's straight. Yeah, you can have a pretty successful round of golf. That's what I always say. I can shoot. I can hit it 300 yards, 150 yards straight, 150 yards to the right. Yeah, that's right. What you want is the 150 that goes straight. That's all. All right. Enough golf talk and enough yelling at Frank, because we haven't talked about golf. Let's get back to some Padre stuff. Josh, first on the board there from San Diego. Welcome into Gwyn and Chris. Josh, how are you today? Yeah, I'm doing all right. Good. What do you think of the first half, Josh? And what do you think we need to do in the second half? So I got to actually give a shout out to Prowler with picking up Merrill and Profar, because those two have been the outstanding players, picking up a ride for the trade. They've really carried the team when it comes to the injuries, because for some reason, when the Padres get injured, they play better. So when it comes to Utah Arvish and Bogar's injuries, they've actually played better when they're not out there and they're getting those guys from Triple A. And they need to actually just get the veterans to play to the levels they do, because I mean, I'm a Tigers fan and some from the Detroit area originally, but it's just a laughing stock when you see San Diego have five games that they win, and then they go on these five game losing the streak just to go back on a five game win streak to go back on a five game lose streak back and forth. When at the beginning of the season, it was a one and one. They need to make up their minds. They need to actually get together after a loss and go, okay, you know what? We lost this one, but tomorrow's another day of God giving our best so that we can actually say about 500 because I mean, what are they at like 30 times they've been at 500 now? 25 times officially, Josh, that they've been at the 500 mark. They're hoping to avoid 26 when they play in Cleveland Friday night. Thanks for the call. Here's the interesting thing, Sam. Yes. A lot of people have said this. We played better when the guys have been injured. I looked it up. The record with Xander Bogart's was 24 and 23. The record without Xander Bogart's was like 24 and 24. Pretty much the same, you know, with Darvish, they had their moments without Darvish, they had their moment. This is a 500 team in every sense of the word and day games, in night games, in home games, in road games against left handed pitchers against right handed pitchers. Almost every metric you want to name, you look up the numbers, they are 500. It doesn't seem to matter almost who's been in the lineup and who hasn't been in the lineup. It really isn't a lot of way strange because like Josh says, you would think when they're healthy, that's when they'd be 10 games over. Yeah. And when they're not, they might be 10 games under, but it really hasn't been that way. Yeah, it's been the up and down nature has been from very, very early on. I mean, it was the entire first half, pretty much, right? I mean, the seesaw nature of it, not that a 500 team naturally isn't up and down. A 500 team is up and down. That's how you're always hovering somewhere around 500, which is, I think, the thing that stands out with this group in the first half is it, I mean, you can go back to like the Sunday in Kansas City. That was a stretch where they, and I don't have it in front of me right now, a stretch where they won five out of six. And from that point on, it was literally like win five out of six, lose five in a row, win five out of six, lose five in a row, win 12 out of 15, lose five in a row, and they lost six to six out of seven. That's exactly what happened. I have it in front of me. That is exactly. You're great. And that's why we call you the great one. That is exactly what happened. And every 500 team that volatile, I don't know. Yeah. Well, you know, we already, we noted the other day and I think it was Craig texted me on this that they've had four five game losing streaks this year. The only other teams in baseball who've had that many are the Marlins, the White Sox and the Rockies, the worst teams in baseball. I think the Rangers snuck in there as well. But the point being they've done something that really only the bottom of the barrel teams have done this year, which is to have that many five game losing streaks. Now, they've never had more than a five game losing streak. They've never had more than a five game win streak. If I'm not mistaken, right? What's their longest way? What is their longest win streak five? So five is it both ways? Yeah. Yeah. And they've had a bunch of both. Right. And with four or five game losing streaks, they still somehow enter the break a game above, which is, I guess, the glass half full wave. That's how you've got to look at it if you're the quadrant. I know one person who looks at it that way, the happiest guy on earth, Mike Schilt. He looks at it as if, you know, everything that's gone against us and we've still managed to be here. That's fantastic. I just worry that Profar and Merrill and Higashioka and Waldron and, you know, some of these guys that have really answered the question, you know, affirmatively in the first half are going to come back to earth in the second half. I'm not going to say they're going to collab. I don't think that's going to happen, but I think they're going to come back to earth. And if they do, you know, somebody's going to have to pick up that slack. Well, it boils down to what I think we consistently say it boils down to for this group, whether that was 2023 or here in 2024. And this is where I think I really disagree with the caller and they've got to have their big guys carry the way. And that's where, you know, if you sit there and say, well, it seemed like they actually played better while those guys were out. I say, you know what, they were able to tread water for the most part through 99 games. But you can't sit there and tell me that Bogart's many arise, crone and worth. And then the guys who you hope come back the teas must grow of Darvish aren't going to be incredibly important to this team, ultimately being in the postseason. Because if if those guys are not good or don't contribute, I think it's probably fighting an uphill battle. I do just to add to your guys is they're 500 everywhere. Most times they've been shut out is eight. Most times they've shut out and opponent is five, so basically 500. Most amount of comeback wins 22, blown lead 16. So there they're about as far as 500 goes. Walk off win six, walk off losses four. Yeah, no, everything's even everything is even. And that's why it's all added up to to even let's go to Eddie and Chula Vista. Thanks for joining us today, Eddie. How are you? Yeah, Eddie lost the line. Hold on. Oh, Frank, get the line. Can't get Eddie for some reason. I can get the next guy, but this is something I think. Well, Eddie, hang in there. We'll figure you out. Let's get Mario, then a national city. How are you? Oh, good. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, sir. Hey, well, so it's got to happen with these in for me. It looks cool. You know, if they've done what they've done, some guys have been hurt, some guys have been thinking of other guys. The decision of the race arrived with a good addition for Alta, you know, but everybody has to be accountable including the third base coach. I think I've seen I've seen the third base coach give up about 10 runs, and maybe half of them have been valuable runs, runs that might have been a difference in a win in the loss. I think I think having an aggressive coach, along with a little bit of money here and there, I spoke before to Sam about money. Okay, so when they do, it's fun. Of course, they're trying to putt for a big shit, not to advance the runner. They're going to try to putt for a big shit. Yeah. Why can't come for Simon when I will then try to putt for a big shit? And if you don't get a big shit, the least he does get up under the second. Hey Eddie, Mario. Sorry. Got little mixed up there. Mario, thanks a lot. Hey, it's Greg from Man. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom?, those, these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools, including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings, and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team. It's also you can make the right decision for your family. We've done your homework. Is your child struggling with a specific subject or need help with homework? Are they asking questions that you're not sure you can fully answer? 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