Gwynn & Chris On Demand

7.12.24 Gwynn & Chris Full Show

We talked about the final three games before the All Star Break and caught up with David Peralta for Friar Friday!

4h 19m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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IXL is used in 95 of the top 100 school districts in the US. Make an impact on your child's learning. Get IXL now. And listeners can get an exclusive 20% off IXL membership when they sign up today at Visit to get the most effective learning program out there at the best price. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature. Whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes, nature makes all of our lives well better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently, with offline maps and on-trail navigation. Download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. Hey what's happenin' to San Diego and welcome in. It is finally a Friday. And it is a Friar Friday indeed as we join you on the Gwen and Chris program 97-3 the fan. Chris Elo, Tony Glenn Jr. down at Petco Park where the potters will take on the Atlanta Braves this evening. Final series before the all-star break match Scrabies alongside here in the Odyssey Palace. I got to tell you we've got a really really good show today. I just happen to know that the big five is off the chain today. Scrabie outdid himself. That'll be coming up in the four o'clock hour thing. But before that in the three o'clock hour we are going to our countdown today. We're getting excited for the start of I need a little music here. We're getting ready for the start of the national football league. Any heads up on this? I said we need a music here. Okay let me just choose the music you're thinking of. That's the one I was thinking of right there. We are only 18 days away people from the first NFL preseason game. I'm so excited. All right you can bring the music down. But we will be counting down our top five NFL teams right now at this moment. Take a wild guess who Scrabie picked as the best team in football. You'll all find out together in the three three serving I might know. But I mean this is the life that we have to put up with. Tony Gwen Jr.'s down at Petco Park where last night is so weird already. Last night I just stopped interrupting. He's trying to get a little flow going here. Trying to get a little flow. David Peralta by the way is our fire Friday guest. We just visited with him. You'll never guess the job that David Peralta had before he became a major league ballplayer. And the road that he took to become a major league ballplayer. That story is incredible. And I don't know that everybody knows it. I certainly didn't know it before he told it. So you'll want to hear that interview coming up in a little while. But last night Petco Park Tony Gwen Jr. the big suire downtown at the diamond or dinner at the diamond or dinner at the diamond third annual big event. All the Padres players were there dressed to the nines. Tony Gwen Jr. Always a part of that kind of gathering. Elo and Scrabie. No where to be found. But how was the night? Ludacris performed? Luda. My goodness. Is this the and this is going to sound like I don't know what I'm talking about. But I'm going to try it anyway. Was Ludacris does he appear with the cornrows? These days. That's a pair of hair out to the ends of the earth. These days. That is such a wonderful question. That's a fair question. It's a great question. Oh good. He actually had the cornrows last night. He did not have the full afro flared out. All right. But I tell you what, I would go back and watch him do a concert. Like obviously I don't need to because of just saw him. But he was really good. Yeah, I bet. For you know, that's not your typical Ludacris demographic, if you will. Fair enough. Yeah. Right. And so the fact that he was still like into it, despite the kind of audience, I thought spoke to the type of entertainer he was. He was really good. I'm glad to hear that. But I'm not surprised to hear that. I know they raised a ton of money for youth, homelessness, youth, and young people that the need that kind of help. I think they raised well as well as military families. Yeah. I mean, it's all for a great cause. Yeah. The money that gets, you know, raised is makes the entire event worthwhile. And I do. I don't want to sound like I don't care about that. But what I care more about was on the menu, Tony. What did we get to eat last night? That's great. And I missed out on. So one of the really great chefs, you can make the argument in the world, but he resides here in San Diego, Travis Swigert, who has the restaurant, Cali, if you guys are familiar with. Oh, yes. And you go there off. I have been a big guy. He didn't make the food, but he was the director of the food and what we were getting. And I think it was a, it was a cut of steak and like some big giant shrimp that really good start with the guy. Then there is like this fruit salad. Was it the ultimate oxymoron jumbo shrimp? No, no, no, it was, it was, they were real jumbo. Scrabies looking at me like he doesn't understand what I just said. He does. Do you know what an oxymoron is? You. Yes. Yes. That was such a stupid line that it was funny. And actually caused a lot. I don't know the official oxymoron definition, but I know it is two words. It is two words that are complete opposites of each other, like that are a big new name. Tiny is an oxymoron. Gotcha. Right. Gotcha. So jumbo shrimp is considered an oxymoron. All right. No, but they were actually jumbo. You. He was so happy with himself too. You can see on the chat, but he's panicked because I didn't know the definition. He almost broke his other shoulder, patting himself on the back for that line. I legitimately hurt my shoulder celebrating. That was good, Scrabie. I got to be good. It was, it was, the timing was good. Very good. Very good. All right. But yeah, that was, we had a, so there was that. And then there was, um, what is a Peterbread with like a, a great hummus that they're working there? Oh boy. You know, I love that. Chris's favorite. I love his, you know, it was good. It was good stuff. Good. All around. A very nice evening. I did see some clips of that on Instagram. Uh, guys were all dressed up and everybody was predicting who was going to be the best dressed. Most of the players picked Profar. I did not see Profar. Was he, would he have won that honor Tony in your estimation? Profar's always dressed. Well, you know what? I'm not, I don't know if I paid enough attention to the clothes last night. All right. Call your wife. She probably would know. Everybody was dressed to the night. I think, uh, I think a lot of those guys got on the pink carpet. Oh, that was another thing. I don't know what the theme was, but they had like pink carpet everywhere. And there was like, no seams. So they like did this up. Like you couldn't see no seams in the carpet. And it was like on the outfield grass. Uh, yeah, but there's a, I'm sure on, uh, if you go to Padres IG, they, there was a bunch of guys who walked the red carpet or the pink carpet. Yeah. You can kind of make a determination for yourself. All right. Big night last night at the ballpark and a big night tonight as the Padres do, get ready to take on the Atlanta Braves. A little change in the pitching rotation, which was actually a, you know, broken on the Ben and Wood show this morning by manager Mike Schilt during their visit with Mike Schilt. Uh, he, uh, explained why Randy Vasquez has moved from today to Sunday as a starting pitcher. And that's because he just had a child. So congratulations on Randy Vasquez. Mike Schilt was really funny cause he, he told Ben and Woods this or Ben and Paul. I don't think Woods is in today. He tells Ben and Paul, yeah, we had to move Vasquez back a couple of days because he just gave birth. Congratulations. And anyway, uh, oh, maybe I wasn't supposed to spill the beans on that. And Ben and Paul were like, Oh, we got breaking news out of the skip. And he said, yes, congratulations. He's breaking. Yes. He was like, good for you guys. You guys got me on that one. So, uh, yeah, it's going to be a Waldron, I believe tonight, instead of Vasquez. But, uh, you know, really, right now the three game losing streak, four game losing streak, but the last three games of which it's really been the offense that has been a little quiet, Tony. And, uh, obviously you got to try to get something going tonight against, uh, the young, uh, right-hander for the Braves because, uh, Shelyn, I don't know. Shelyn, yeah, Shelyn, Bach. Yeah, the right-hander that I don't know, don't know him well enough. You have to know his name. But because the next two nights they're playing, they're going up against all stars. We're in all the Lopez and Chris sale. So, yeah, put a little extra pressure on you tonight. They beat Lopez earlier in the year sales. The only one that they, uh, couldn't conquer, uh, in the, in the match up in May and Atlanta. Uh, but yeah, to your point, you probably want to take advantage of this young guy that's on the mound today's. Um, Padres offense has been a little bit off here as of late. Right. I don't think there's cause for concern there. I mean, they ran into two really good pitchers that rammed it down their throat for, you know, most of, most of those innings. That does happen. So now you, you looked at miles back. And so this is a good way to try to finish the first half strong. Certainly, uh, uh, gets a good quality team in the Atlanta Braves. Padres did take three out of four in hot land to the last time. And if I'm not mistaken, when they went in there to Atlanta, they were on one of their cold streets. They sure were, right? They had just played horribly at home again. Yes. And they went to Atlanta and everybody thought, Oh no, they're going to get, you know, blasted by the Braves and the, you know, the opposite happened. The Padres took three out of four. So, uh, you know, we'll see the last time out, by the way, Shellenbach, the starting tonight, uh, did very well against the Phillies, uh, six innings, one run, no walks, six strikeouts. It was probably the best start he's had in his young career. So he's coming in off of, uh, a good performance the last time out. Uh, so, um, you know, here's the thing, Tony, when you have your pregame meeting or your pre series meeting, I'm curious, does everybody talk about like all three guys that you're going to be facing on the weekend? Good question. And if so, how do you make sure that you don't put too much extra pressure on yourself, you know, knowing that the on paper, the easiest guy is the guy you're facing tonight. They do it differently now, I think when I was playing the first game of the series, you'd go over all three guys that you would see as the starter. You go over their bullpen, who you most likely see and what times, what innings you likely see them in. Um, from there, it would be the whoever was starting on that day video would be playing on all the TVs throughout the game, throughout the clubhouse. Um, now based on how many meetings they have, I think they go over the starter every day, whoever's starting, they have some type of hitters meeting, they go over the, the, the pitcher, um, and then you go from there. Well, whatever they do, they got to do it a little better tonight than they've done at the last few games. Uh, Xander Bogart's Tony, can you, I know you're just arriving at the ballpark, but is there any, is there any sign hint that maybe tonight is the night that he makes his debut back in the lineup? Do we know? Unfortunately, I had to come straight up here to, to, to record before we've got started today. So I was not able to have that knowledge. I'm sure somebody will tweet that to us as the second somebody thinks they know. Yeah, no, that's, that's going to be, I wouldn't be surprised that the lineup is a little bit later than normal because of that, doesn't wait to just double check, make sure he's good to roll, which also means there's probably a move that has to be, uh, be made too. Oh, right. Cause you got to activate, uh, Mr. Bogart's, if you're going to do that. So I anticipate a late pottery lineup, um, for, for today's game. Fair enough. The, the one thing that, you know, we talked about, uh, an ex extensively yesterday on the baseball round table and if you miss the baseball round table, honestly, you know, that's something you got to put on your, your weekly Thursday calendar. Cause it's an hour commercial free of just nothing but Padre talk and all of us are on there. And we talked about, you know, the infield with Bogart's coming back and how it's going to all work. And I thought, you know, Mr. Elston brought up a very good point during that discussion. And that is with Bogart's back, they're finally going to have the infield defensively the way they have wanted it all season. You know, assuming Manny is playing third base tonight because the first time around when Bogart's was playing second and Kim was playing short, Manny wasn't yet playing third base or very rarely was playing third base. He was doing mostly deaching. So an infield defense of Machado, Kim, Bogart's Conan worth at first, you know, that should in theory take a few runs away from the opposition. That's, that's a really good setup for the Padres. Yeah, here's the thing. And I thought it was initially, I thought it was a great point too. But then as I thought about it, I don't know, you know, outside of a couple of, you know, what missed catches by Luis at first, a couple misplays by Croninworth. I don't know that the defense has been bad enough to where Zander comes back and all of a sudden it's like way better. I think obviously Croninworth moving the first is an upgrade defensively. But I don't know that it improves it like that much more where you're actually taking runs away. So, you know, at the end of the day, it's the best that they have because of the pieces they have and how it works with the lineup construction, I think, for the most part. But I don't know that it's a market improvement of where the defense is right now. Well, we will hopefully all start finding out what the return of Zander means to this ball club. And hopefully we'll start finding out tonight as soon as we know if he's in the lineup or Tony gets wind of it down there at Petco Park, we will certainly pass that along to you. We are underway. Chris Elo, Tony Gwen Jr. And Mr. Scrabie. And it is going in Chris for a finally a Friday. Like I said, really fun show today. David Peralta, his story is really unique. And it's coming up in about 15, 20 minutes. Don't miss it on 97.3 the fan. 222 on the clock, Tony Gwen Jr. Chris Elo, Matthew Scrabie. It's a fryer Friday. It's a city connect night here at Petco Park. How of the I don't have the record, but it seems like the Padres have struggled in the city connects this year. Now that I said that there's probably over 500 both of them. But hey, you could go do that for us. I could go through every Friday result. Home Friday results. I'm on it. I'm on it. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah. Padres Braves game one of a three game set tomorrow's game, I believe is on Fox. So for those of you who tend to believe that the broadcasters on the national networks are homers for the opposite team. Tune on in to 97.3 the fan. You can catch my guy Jesse Agler and Bob Scanlon here. They'll be able to guide you all the way through that ball game. Are you you get the idle day tomorrow? I get the that is the one lovely thing about TV is when national comes in. They take over everything and there is no me. They take the booth. Yeah, they take the booth. So we will. I for one will listen on the radio tomorrow. I can't I'm not into the Fox guy. Don't they don't they do games unless I'm going to put an addendum in here unless Don or Sillow happens to be the voice for Fox, which he sometimes is. I always feel like the Fox guys come in halfway prepared and I know that that's not fair because I'm sure they really work hard to to know everything. But there's just no way they can know as much as we all do. They don't follow the game. You know the team every single minute of every day. Yeah, that's a good point. Fair point. So yeah, you can catch it up 97.3 to fan if you don't want to watch the Fox guys. Now let's talk some NBA. They have been in the reason why we're talking to NBA because I think there's some connection to MLB. NBA agreed to a 76 billion dollar media rights deal. Better say that again. 76 billion dollars deal. Which will a continue to see that we get sports on some in some fashion, whether it's streamed or on television. And it also means that you're going to continue to see these salaries climb if that is if you can believe that. But it's a big deal and I'm bringing it up because I think it's not a secret major league baseball situation is a bit of a mess. I think my partner said this the other day they have taken what was a national game and changed it to the most regional sport in all in all out of all of them. And it's become a problem now that streaming is becoming the kind of takeover right and and the reason why I bring up to NBA because I wanted to see exactly how that was going to work right. They're still going to have their normal TNT partners ESPN ABC. But also Amazon Prime is going to be involved. And so they're getting into the streaming world to it. I don't think it's coming as fast as we were anticipating because the mere fact that ABC and and they all have streaming services but they're all going to use this on television as well. So I don't reason why I bring that. I don't think streaming is going to take over or it's seemingly taking over sports as fast as we may have anticipated it taking over a couple of things. First of all, yes, I you know the streaming hopefully is on a bit of a slower track and I just you know keep my fingers crossed there. Second of all, does anybody know what the previous contract was worth for the NBA TV rights deal? How about 24 billion? So it just went up 51 billion dollars. I believe when was that done? That deal this year. It's nine years ago. Nine years ago. So they got 24 billion. Now they're getting 76 billion. That is 300 times what they got before or 30 times or whatever something. It was correct me. But it's so much more money. And I just wonder where are these TV networks? We talk about owners printing money. We talk about leagues printing money. Yeah. But what about these networks? I mean ESPN. I don't mind taking a little shot at them right here because I've never been employed by them and I doubt I ever will be. But I've heard nothing and maybe you've heard the same Tony or different. I've heard endlessly that ESPN pays its talent and its people who work behind the scenes peanuts. And they're they're one of those companies that thinks, hey, you're getting the work at ESPN. We don't have to pay you. You know, just sounds familiar maybe. Sounds familiar to a lot of people in a lot of places. I'm sure I'm not making any connections. Good. But because that's not what I'm asking you to do here. What I'm saying is ESPN is renowned for paying really low salaries to people. But apparently they have more money than, you know, even the NBA has because they're the ones that are really giving the NBA all its money. Yeah, I mean, it's incredible how much they're paying. To your point in 98, 99, it was the deal between NBC and TNT was $2.6 billion. Right. And so we're almost to the $100 billion mark here. And you're right. These it's only a few networks that can even compete with it, right? NBC, ABC, TNT, Fox, you know, outside it's those companies. And that is going to be the lifeline for TV for live sports. You know, I think that's going to be their main, that's going to be the jewel they try to hold on to as long as they possibly can. And it seems like at least through this next deal, they'll be able to do that. Yeah, I'll be rooting for them. But I just, my question, where are they getting all the money? Because we know that the, you know, the teams now have all the money, the players all get the paychecks. And then by the way, the teams say we have to raise ticket prices because the players are making so much money, which is a fugazee. They don't, the reason the players are players are making so much money is because the networks are giving them so much money. They don't need to raise ticket prices, but they do it anyway. And that's frustrating to people. It is a gamble. Now, the difference is the NBA's playing in a much bigger pool in terms of the television networks they're working with. They're not necessarily worried about Fox filing for bankruptcy or NBC following filing for bankruptcy, like Valley Sports did or that the diamond group or whoever owns it, right? As it did basically. So there is risk. They just are partners with a much sturdier. It seems like a company in terms of being able to get their money. I just, you watch these deals happen. And I have just so interesting, usually baseball is going to do. I mean, how, how do you, what is the fix for the problem that you have right now? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I feel really fortunate that we still get to watch Padre games every single one of them on free television every night. It's not free television, though. You know what I mean. All right. I'm paying my cable bill and it's costing me. Sorry. But I expect that I'm going to have to pay something to watch just about anything. Yeah. So, but why not give it to really include that necessarily. Why not give it directly to the Padres instead of giving it to a spectrum or whatever. What do you mean, give it directly to who's who you talk as you could sign up to. You could sign up to watch Padres games through MLB dot com slash Padres, right? Padres TV. And so instead of giving your money to the cable company, Chris, that you don't really like anyway, you can give your money to the Padres. I like my cable company. I'm a fan. Said no one ever. I'm literally, I'm going to get behind my cable company because they're my, they're my lifeline to be able to not have to watch everything. I don't want to unplug my cable like a lot of people do. He's not unplugging. I don't want to talk about this whole broadcast. They think so on Sunday, the Padres are on Roku TV and Don and Tom Candiotti were calling the game last week, well, yeah, last week. And so how did, how does that work? Is Don supposed to stay new? Or maybe you don't know, but it's so funny. You brought that up because Don was having this conversation with me the other day. Okay. Yes. He's supposed to play neutral, but they were clearly a lot of Padres fans that felt some type of way listening. And he was being neutral calling it neutral, but boy, he's working at that point for Roku Roku. Yeah. So we can't be having his his to the girls old thing. You can't do that into a CSI day. I didn't help that that was the nine to one game in favor of Arizona, by the way, and he had to call nothing but Arizona home runs. They were asking me why, why does he do that? Why does he do that? And I was like, well, because probably A, they paid him and B, they don't want to have to fly their own crew around so they just take suit. It's not it's not just Don. So if it was the Phillies and I don't know the Dodgers, it would have probably been Joe Davis and whoever is the Phillies color analyst. And that's that's how that's how those those things end up working. Yeah. So those guys get a little extra little extra walking around money. I figured out the city connect Jersey record. It is. According to my research, four and four. So 500. No, there wasn't that it was a couple years ago. They felt like they couldn't lose in those bad. That's true. In 22. Yeah. But not not this year. They're four and four. They sure it's not so bad. That's not so bad. I have one last thing on the TV thing that we didn't quite get to on it. I don't think TNT is indeed out of the mix. So they I thought they had a chance to match date. You're right. That's right. They have five days to match one of the deals. I don't know that that's expected. But that means that with this new deal, it is 100% official unless TNT matches at the last minute that were done with, you know, the best TV pre and post game lineup. One of those numbers to pick them up. They're free agents now. Didn't Charles say that he wasn't going to do that. He was going to kind of retire. He wouldn't be the first person to go back on this season. Yeah, he's doing at least one more year somewhere. Oh, okay. So we'll see. I don't know. Yeah, that's that's a tough one, man. That is. That's kind of the hallmark. All right. Scrabies giving me the break sign. You don't have to tell people that let's head to break and we'll have David Peralta when we return his Friday. Morgan and Chris on the way. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives. Well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on trail navigation, download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. 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You have this wrong, my friend. I do not have it wrong. You tweeted about this and were critical of it. And pirate fans everywhere are happy with me. But what I said was that he is exciting. He's only started 11 games. Like let's pump the brakes on crowning this guy the best picture of all time, which is what we're doing. I'm with you on that. Like I, I, I cosign that sentiment, but in terms of him starting the all star game, I'd never say anything about him starting the all star game. Okay. Well, I think you did as soon as that became a possibility. Did you know he needs? You started grumbling about this. Did you know he needs like 96 innings to qualify for any of the season awards? Like he needs 96 more innings, right? It's 160 something innings that you have 62. It's one inning per team game. Yeah, he needs 96 more innings. Yeah, but who cares about? Who cares about that anymore? The guy had a no hitter going yesterday. I've done it twice. Just came out of the game. It was a second time. I am a fan of watching him pitch. I don't mind Derek Shelton, the manager, the pirates, if he was just honest. And he said, you know what? We don't want to, we don't want to put taxes on this early in his career. But Derek Shelton said that when he watched him pitch the seventh inning yesterday, he thought he looked tired. That's why he took him out. The only problem with that argument was he got through the seventh inning and only six pitches. And so that doesn't mean that doesn't mean he doesn't look tired though. I know, but you really believe Derek Shelton took him out because he thought he was tired of Tony. I think he took him out. What reason does he have to lie? Because he doesn't want to make it look like the analytics are managing for him. I don't know. That's a bit of a stretch. I don't, analytics wouldn't be telling them to to get him out. I don't know. All right, baseball in this day and age says we can't have a young pitcher throwing 120 pitches. Maybe, I don't know. Maybe he was worried about that. You know, I think that's just what we all turn to when they when this happens, whether that's the case or not. I don't think we know. In this case, I think he finished, what, 100 pitches, just over 100 pitches. I think it was 99 or 99. So I mean, I said to you when we went with that when he when we looked at it, the seventh inning before we knew he wasn't going out for the eighth, I was like, I don't think he's going to make it. Right. 99 pitches. But you base that on the sense that baseball doesn't let young guys to shake their arm. And that's what I said. You didn't know he was tired. I didn't watch in the game. Yeah, I didn't watch the game. But I think highly enough of Shelton that I wouldn't think he would never seem like the guy that would lie about that. He's lying. I never felt highly about. Well, look, I am an oxymoron. After all, what do you expect? Thank you. Thank you. Let's get to our interview with David Peralta because this is this is really intriguing and unique. And I, you know, David Peralta's story is pretty good. I didn't know it. And I think you'll like it. It's right now. Anna Fryer Friday interview as the Padres head into the all-star break. outfielder David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris excited to have you on. And I guess I'll start with some info that I heard, David, by wishing you a very happy anniversary today. Awesome. This is, yeah, I don't know that a lot of us in the world, when we think of anniversaries, we think of a lot of different things in this. But this is your 10 year day for service time to Major League Baseball. And that is a big deal. And I think also, congratulations on order to any of you great athletes who make it that long in the big leagues. Thank you. Thank you very much, guys. Yeah. I know this is a special day for me, for my family too. It is, it's been a long journey for me. It hasn't been easy, but, you know, I made it. I did it. I'm here with the Padres. And I always thanks to the Padres for, for giving me the opportunity to believe in me and give me the chance to keep playing and the game that I lost. David, talk a little bit about that. I mean, that journey, as you mentioned, it wasn't your typical journey. I mean, you started this game in the professional realm as a pitcher, had to go play some indie ball, wade your way back as a hitter. I mean, it's quite, have you sat back and thought about it? Because it's kind of remarkable the path that you've had. And yet you've been able to reach this 10 year mark. Yeah. I mean, it's a long story. I'm from, I'm going to try to make a short and quick and fun, but, you know, I started my career in 2004 as a, as a pitcher with a cardinals. And if that didn't work, didn't work for me, obviously, like, I had two shoulder surgery. I was trying to work my way up to get healthy. That didn't work. And obviously, like, when I went back, I got released in 2009, I went back to Venezuela. I'm trying to, like, figure out what to do. But thankfully, I have my parents that were supporting me 100%. And they were like, Hey, let's try hitting, you know, just, I was still young. I was, I was 21 years old. And I'm like, Hey, you're still young. You can do it. So I started doing the 10 formation, you know, like changing my body, like trying to work different to, to, to make an impact as a outfielder, because I was telling myself, if I want to come back, I said, but different as a position player, you have to, you know, do something to get the attention from the sky. So that's what a day I moved back to, to United States. And I started playing an independent ball, which wasn't easy for me to get a, to get a job in an independent ball. And then I finally got a job in the independent ball and hardly your touch. So that was my first team. And the funny thing of that, like, I didn't have money to fly over there, to be honest. And, and I had a, like, had a drive over there. I didn't have money for the gas too. So I had to work in McDonald's to get them to collect money to drive, to pay for the gas. So I worked for a month over there. And, and, and I was like, actually, that was my real job ever. And it all stopped. But, you know, I went through that, you know, how to work in my donut. And then when my time was done, I had to go work out, play a practice and all this kind of stuff. But I played two and a half year in the independent ball. And finally, the Divats gave me the opportunity to, to come back to, to the athletic team. So they sent me to the high A in 2013. So a year and a half later, they, I got colored to the big league from double A. And that everything started my whole story. Well, that is an unbelievable story. I, I don't, I certainly hadn't heard it before. And I think we just all kind of assume that you guys just materialize in the major leagues. You know, and it just, that's what happens. But to go from pitching to Venezuela to McDonald's to the independent league, I mean, this was a five or six year journey. So no wonder that 10 years means so much to you. David Peralta is our guest. He is the pride of Venezuela, as he mentioned there in that last answer. I'm, I'm curious, David, I pitched a little in college. The reason I did is because I couldn't hit. I, I stunk. And so I thought, if I'm going to do anything, I'm going to do it as a pitcher. And I was able to play up into, into some college ball. Were you always a decent hitter or did you pitch because you couldn't hit either and then had to learn how to hit? No, I mean, I was, I used to do both hitting, you know, I used to play center field, hitting and pitching. But you know, this time, a couple of scholars told me like, hey, you have a good arm, you're lefty and then it's going to be more easy. That's what I say, more easy to make it do, basically, because there's not a lot good left-handed pitchers in the big leagues. So it's going to be much, you know, more easy for you than, you know, outfield. And I was like, okay, so start pitching. But I used to love like, you know, I love playing outfield and everything when I was played. And I used to have not for power, but I used to have a lot of land drive and everything. And, and that's what I was like, okay, I'm going to start pitching. So you tell, I want to play baseball. I want to be a professional baseball player. And that's why they told me and I did it. So I'm assuming that's what my shoulder couldn't handle. That's what I have to show you on my shoulder. So, but, you know, I think things happen for a reason. And it means to be that way, because all that I went through to get to these points, like help me to, to become a better man, to be able to get a better person, better husband, better father, better teammate, and grow up as a person. And, and, and, and if you ask me like, hey, if you have to go back on time, will you change anything? I'll, I'll tell you no, I would do the same thing. And I will go through the same all that I went through to make it to this point again, because it was a journey for me. It was hard, but, but I put a lot of hard work to education discipline to get to this point. So that's a, that's an amazing story, David. And this is a reminder to people out there that, you know, if you put you really want to do, no matter what the obstacles are put in front of you, it can be done. Now, David, you're here with the Padres, and you're playing on an offense that is one of the better offenses in the National League. And you're playing a little bit different role than you had in Arizona. How have you transitioned from being pretty much an everyday guy to kind of getting the starts against the left, the right handed pitching and kind of spot starting here and there. You know, you have to understand the game and you have to, you know, adjust to the game, you know, and, and for me, like, I understand my role and, and, and I always prepare myself the same way and it doesn't matter if I'm playing, I'm not playing that game at that day, if I'm going to start a line out or not. But I'm always ready because I know it's always going to be an opportunity for me to pinch you or do something to help a team. So I was still the manager like, Hey, don't worry about me. I'll be ready. You know, and I learned that from, you know, years by years, like how to prepare myself to pinch you and all this kind of stuff. So I was trying to like, to talk to the young guys here, like, Hey, you got to watch the game. You get a, you got to know the situation where it can be your opportunity to, to pinch you for these guys. So you have to, you need to be ready. You have to go to the cage, trash, be loose, get the swing and be ready when the manager tells you to go ahead. So that's what I've been doing. And when I gave the opportunity to start in the line out, I just, you know, I would just have to go out there and have fun and do my job. David Peralta has been doing a really nice job before the Padres and I've been saying that the entire time. And, you know, I was really excited when you came here. I mean, watching you in Arizona, you know, you win a silver slugger one year, you win a gold glove the next year, you know, that tells me right there, pretty good all around player. And, you know, you've proven that over time. And that helped take you to the, the world baseball classic to represent Venezuela. What did that mean to you? Well, that means everything for me. I think like, play in the world classic, represent you country. We're in the jersey knowing the whole country, the whole Venezuelan is watching you. And what we did was fully special. I think like, for me, I would say I never, I never made it to the All-Star team in the big league. But for me, the world classic was my All-Star. It was my, my All-Star again. And because I was around with superstar players playing against superstar players to USA, we play against it. The many kind of Puerto Rico, it was unbelievable. It was so electric like the energy. I love it. It was, it was special for me. David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris. And David, we're getting close to the break. Just kind of explaining to people, you know, you guys have gone through the attrition that the season started in March. And you get to this point. I imagine there's a, some light at the end of the tunnel in terms of being able to get some rest. How do you guys keep your mind locked in to finish through these rest last three games before you guys get a little break? Well, you know, we're going to keep the, the sending talent every day. I know we have three games left. We're going to give everything. We got this three games. I know like the last few games, we, we, we haven't, um, do the way it'll get the result that we wanted, but it's baseball. You know, we have to understand what it gets baseball and, and a lot of things, it's going to go your way. And a lot of things going to go the other way. But we got to finish drum and, and it's always good to get a little break, especially mentally, because this game is, is, is so hard. And as people, like, as a lot, a lot of people have to understand, like, it's not an easy game. It's not more, it's not physical. It's physical, but there is a lot of mental. So sometimes you're going to need, like, we need a mental break, like a few days, like the days that we're going to have in the break to reset your mind, and spend a little time with the family refresh, and then come back and finish strong the second half. And that's what we're going to do. Yeah, I, I tell you, I mean, I don't know how Fruster, did you word the other day, uh, at the end of that ball game? But when you hit that line drive in the ninth inning, I thought game was tied. And, uh, yeah, that's frustrating. It was a good situation. You want to do the right thing. You want to be the year. But, like I said, this game is tough. And sometimes it doesn't go the way you want. And, and you have to move on and, and come by the next day and, and bring your game again and do it again. Do it again. I, I can't, I know we got two seconds left. Did you make french fries? Did you cook burgers? Did you work at the front of the store at McDonald's? Look, the first day they have a son promotion with a big man. And it was a huge flying. I have no idea how to control the, the scream and everything. And they put me right away to take order. I was panning. I was like, I don't know what to do. And I was like, you've got to be kidding me my first day. And, and then they just switch with you to drive through. And I was doing a little better over there. But with McDonald, you have to keep everything like moving really quick. And then you said, you know what, David, go start doing fries and got everything, keep everything on track. And I was going to stop. So like a week later, I was getting better. And I was like, taking order. And I was going to stop. And, but the first day was the worst. I was like, Oh boy, I'm going to get fired on my first day. Well, I'm kind of glad you didn't make your 10 year anniversary as a McDonald's employee. I'm glad you, I'm glad you made a 10 years in the big leagues. Hey, it was a really fun interview David. We really enjoyed it. Great stories. And I think all the fans got a little better chance to know you. We look forward to you watching you this weekend and the rest of the season. Thanks a lot. Thank you guys. Thank you for having me. That is the idea the Fryer Friday interview right there. Give you all a chance to get to know something about these guys. David Peralta slinging French fries and McDonald's. I like how they said, all right, David, we're going to move you to fries. Gonna move you to fries. Took them off the, took them off the front of the store. I would be confusing and scary at the same time. I never worked at a fast food place. Did you? Uh, no, no. Yeah. So, but I can imagine it being very scary. I'm sure everybody's got their stories, but very few of us have worked at a fast food place and then gone to the big leagues for 10 years. Yeah. That's true. David Peralta. All right. We're going to Chris coming up and away we go with the three o'clock hour, 302 is the time. I really, uh, really like that one. Uh, the interview with David Peralta. Uh, people probably think I say that because I'm trying to say that we did a good interview. No, I said that because he just was nice enough to give us a lot of really fun revealing, you know, answers about himself and, you know, his struggles to make the major leagues. I mean, look, he's celebrating his 10 year, you know, anniversary, as it were 10 years with big league service today. That means he started in the major leagues on right July 12th, 2014. But he started his journey and what did he say? Oh nine. Yeah. As a pitcher. Yeah. Picture drafted by the Cardinals. And he was so bad that like they didn't send him to the minor leagues and say, you know, work on it. They basically just returned him to Venezuela. I mean, it was like, all right, see you later, but you're not going to make it as a pitcher. And I think I don't know how many of us would have said gave it my best shot. Didn't necessarily work out. You know, I must see what else is out there for me. David Peralta said, no, I'm going to try to turn myself into a good enough hitter to where I can get another chance in the big leagues. It took two years for that to happen. And then they sent him to an instructional league. That's as low on the totem pole as you get. Yep. And then he finally got signed by the Diamondbacks to rookie a ball or what do you say? Hi, or something? So he had to make an all the way through that, you know, and to get to the big leagues and have a, I think a pretty good career. Yeah, 278 career hitter. As I said, during the interview, won a silver slugger in 2018, came right back the next year, won a gold glove in 2019. So, you know, those are, you know, achievements at the big league level. That's not just being another guy. That's being a pretty solid, you know, ballplayer hit 30 home runs one year. You don't make it 10 years if you're not a solid ballplayer. No, they're not going to just keep paying you money because you're not, you know, you're not that great because you're almost the 10 years or whatever. I think he's been a nice pickup for the Padres as he torn the, you know, no, but I don't feel uncomfortable with him coming up just like the other day in the ninth inning, that game was on his bat. And you're facing Munoz who, you know, in the eighth inning, struck out pro far with a slider that pro far missed by about three feet. And that's pro far. Yeah. Then he struck out Meryl and the ninth inning on a slider they'd missed by oh, about three feet. And then Peralta came up, there was two strikes, and I thought he's going to throw another slider and Peralta is going to miss it by three feet. But did he hold off that? He held off that and then got another one that didn't, you know, bite as much, got a little bit more of the plate. And he had a line dry to center field that if you're watching on TV like I was, it was tie game. That was a base hit. Two runs in. We're going to extra innings. And then out of nowhere came old, Perdomo was a Perdomo. Yeah. No, not Perdomo's Seattle game. Crawford JP Crawford. And he flagged it down short center field. So that was a tough break. But Peralta, you know, really, that was interviews are fun, because now when I watched David Peralta play, yeah, I'm going to be thinking about French fries. That's a weird thing. I wouldn't be thinking about French fries. I'd be thinking about him trying to work the register. So or the register with a huge line of people wanting free big max. You could just hear his first day in the job. That would be stressful. I get anxiety just thinking about it. That was good. You could tell just by the way he answers questions how much he appreciates his his career. And he just is enjoying it, which is nice. And yeah, it's refreshing. You know, he was with the Dodgers last year. And then, you know, the season was over and he hit 259 and drove in 55 runs for them. And then the phone did not ring. I mean, right? You're a free agent. You played nine years or eight and a half or whatever it is. Nobody's calling that. That can be a little nerve-wracking on its own. Yeah, you probably think, man, I'm so close to my 10 years. Am I going to get a chance at 10 years? Yeah. So he sounds like a guy that's really happy to be playing. And, you know, I think we're, you know, at least I am. You know, I think the Padres should be happy to have him here. All right. Coming up on the program, as Tony starts to prepare for his TV duties. And when he's got TV, we don't get him as often on the show as we do when he's doing radio because there's a lot more that goes into preparing for TV work. But he will be back for our countdown of the top five NFL teams and our big five. So we'll get a little more Tony, but in, you know, without that, we got Daily Gambit right about here. And Scrappy, let's go. Do you like money? I think about money. Do you like money without doing anything? A duck winning. Do you want to make money while watching sports? I think Washington is immortal luck. Washington. Woohoo! If you answer yes, this is your segment. Just don't blame us when you lose. Nothing is ever your fault. It's your game. Take it. Gwen and Chris go through the top best of the day in the Daily Gambit on 97.3. The fan. Daily Gambit is our daily sports betting segment here on Gwen and Chris. Please everybody gamble responsibly. Finally, Jacob noticed my shirt in the chat. It's Friday the 12th and I have my sad Jason shirt on. He's looking at the calendar and it says Friday the 12th. And he missed it by one day because it's not Friday the 13th. I noticed that too. Here's the funny thing. Who is it? Jason noticed it in the chat? Yeah, Jason. Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Yeah, you're Friday the 12th shirt. How many? How many times per year does the 12th of a month land on a Friday? One or two? Not many. But you wear that shirt every time without fail. For sure. I have to. I would never miss that. And you know, it's funny if it's near the 12th. I look at my and I'm going to work or something. I look. I make sure I know that it's not Friday the 12th. You know, and I'm missing out on wearing it or something. Yeah. I mean, you can set your your clock to it or your calendar to it by scraping wearing that Friday the 12th shirt. Anyway, I just wanted to bring that up real quick because Jason. Let me see the shed. Let me the sad look on Jason's face. You can just show the camera. Look at there. There we go. There's the forlorn hockey mask. He's got the sword. It's not a sword. It's a knife. Oh, it's a knife. It looks what's that's a knife. Anyway, he's all upset because it's not the day he can attack people. Good point. That's exactly what he's upset. That's funny. All right. Anyway, how do we do on our picks fillies and dodgers fillies were minus one and a half on the run line over the Dodgers. You chose the fills. Tony and I chose the Dodgers. Phillies swept the Dodgers by winning five to one yesterday. That series wasn't even close. It seemed like one game was close at the middle game. The middle game. The Dodgers lost on a fly ball that died on the warning track. Yeah, but still, I mean, the Phillies are scary. The Dodgers are having their problems because they have almost their entire pitching staff hurt. That's true. Ask the Padres how that is. Yeah, great. Yamamoto, whatever happened to Yamamoto, he's still injured. I mean, I forgot all about this guy. Tricep tightness. Yeah, I know Bueller obviously is out. I know Kershaw still hasn't come back. I know that Glass now is on the Fugazi list. Yeah, and the Fugazi. Yeah, but I didn't know that Yamamoto. I mean, Yamamoto. Yeah. So there. I mean, let me just real quick just for fun. Here's the Dodger rotation heading into the final weekend before the all-star break. Paxton Roblesky. Oh, yeah. Old Roblesky. Roblesky is a Dodger. I don't know who that is. Paxton today, and they don't even have anyone scheduled for Sunday yet. They're still trying to figure it out. But really, the only guy that started the season in the Dodger rotation that's there now is Paxton and Miller, who was kind of a young up and coming, you know, supposed to be, he just got sent back to the the miners. Yeah. That's, you know, and there's no Mookie bets. Now is the time for the Padres to win some games. They have to win nice to put a little pressure on those guys. A little bit of pressure. We just, we just assume that the Dodgers have already won the division. And the fact of the matter is as good as they still are, they are, they got some holes in their, they're somewhat catchable. They're missing a lot. All right. I'm going to go through the rest of this quick because we need to speed up Castillo or who pitched more innings yesterday. Luis Castillo of the Mariners or Max Fried of the Braves. You guys said Castillo, I said Fried turns out both of us are right because they both pitched six innings. They did. They both pitched well. Castillo shut out as the Mariners whipped the Angels. Fried allowed one run, but that cost him in a one nothing loss to the Diamondbacks. The A's and the Red Sox over under a total of 10 runs. Chris went over. Tony and I went under. It was under seven nothing Red Sox. Jocovitch minus six and a half games over Musetti. You too, Chris and Tony chose Musetti. I chose Jocovitch and Jocovitch only won by five games. So you guys win the back. He did win in straight sets, though. Yeah, six some say Jocovitch is back in the in the Wimbledon finals. Crazy. But he was a little, you know, Musetti game will run for his money, but never really threatened to beat him, you know, Jocovitch always plays those big points. Alvarez and Medvedev over under 39 and a half games. We all over. We were all correct. They went 42 games. And it was Alvarez who prevailed there. So we got him in the finals. So we got Alvarez against Jocovitch, which is a rematch of last year's Wimbledon final. All right, who won? Jocovitch. No, I think Alcaras won last year. I have to look that up to be sure. Go ahead. Liberty were nine and a half point favorites over the Chicago sky. You guys chose the New York Liberty. I chose the sky. I was wrong because the Liberty won 91 to 76. So not even close there. Angel Reese over under 12 and a half rebounds. Did she get her double double? Her record extending double double. Chris and Tony said over. I said under it was under, but she did get her double double. She had 10 rebounds. She had 10 rebounds. She needed to get 12 and a half to go the over. And for the second consecutive game, she scored a bucket late in the game to get her double double. I, you know, life is not going to be able to continue if Angel Reese's streak doesn't continue. Seems like I think it's a real big deal. Yes. Alvarez did beat Jocovitch last year in a five setter to win at Wimbledon. So they'll, they'll face off again. All right. What do we got? We got a little WNBA. Okay. We got Diana Tarasi's Phoenix, Mercury at Indiana to take on Caitlin Clark's fever. We got Phoenix favored by two and a half on the road. Only two and a half. Fever has been better since they started the season. Oh, and six. Scrabby, you're up. You're eight and nine for the week, by the way. I'll take the, thank you. I'll take the fever at home. Taking indie plus. I think Phoenix is still a little better than indie. So I'll take Phoenix here on 12 and five, having a good week. Caitlin Clark over under 18 and a half points tonight. Let me see. I wanted to do this because I wanted to see what her scoring average is right about now. I think it's like around 16 and a half, 17 points. I mean, I think she's having a good season. This whole Angel Reese double, double streak has taken some headlines away from us taking all the headlines away from Caitlin Clark, which is a right. It should be probably isn't bad for Caitlin Clark. No, she can let her just play a little bit. Although, you know, this rookie of the year award and the WNBA is turning into a big deal. I mean, you honestly have people lining up on the Angel Reese side or the Caitlin Clark side, and there doesn't seem to be any in between. And frankly, everybody, it's just a rookie of the year award. So everybody should kind of come together and calm down about that. Just a tad. It's good for the WNBA, but there's so many people that are so upset. Like you said, they're either they're one side or the other. There's no one. Right. And who's going to be? It's Caitlin Clark. It's totally Angel Reese. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, I hate you. I can't stand you. Yeah, what? That's what people say. Whenever I get whenever I get people like yelling at me on Twitter, I always imagine them going, that's kind of what they do. Caitlin Clark is averaging 16.7 points per game. So you were right on it. Over under 18 and a half. I'm first. She's at home tonight. So she's comfortable. I'll say over. What about you? I'm gonna go over as well. Both going over. All right. One more WNBA, the Las Vegas aces, two time defending champs. Cut off to a slow start this season, but they've bounced back now. They're 14 and seven. They're on the road against Adam Klug's Atlanta dream. Okay. The dream is the opposite seven and 14. Okay. Vegas is a 14 and a half point pick on the road. Yeah, I'll go aces. They keep Las Vegas showing me that they're better. They are better. But I'll take Atlanta. That's too many points at home. On to tomorrow morning, the Wimbledon women's final. My new one of my new favorites here. Jasmine Péolini. Okay. The seven seed taking on the Czech Republic's Barbara Credchecova in the final. Péolini's in her second consecutive grand slam final. Also made the finals at the French Credchecova has won a French Open title before, but never Wimbledon over under 22 and a half total games. So basically, do you think it'll go three sets? Or will it be decided in two? This has three sets written all over at Scrabie. I'm gonna go under. You're gonna go under anyway. Yes. I'm going over. Okay. The men's final is Sunday. And that's Al Carez and the Joker. And guess who's favorite just for fun? The Joker? Al Carez. Oh. His favorite. He beat him in the final last year. He's a slight favorite by one and a half games. Who do you like here? The men's final is Sunday. I think the Joker, I think he wants to win this because so he can make fun of the crowd. So I'm gonna say him. The Joker gets his revenge. Yes. Al Carez should win this. He's playing insane. I'm gonna take Jokovic too. I just have a weird feeling. He's not gonna lose two years in a row to the kid. All right. We got two more real quick. All right. We're going. We got the Copa America final. And that is Argentina against Columbia Sunday. Argentina is favored by a half goal. Now keep in mind, if the game ends up a draw and they decided in penalty kicks, then as far as the odds are concerned, the game did end as a draw. See what I'm saying? So if you take Columbia plus the half goal and they end up tied, you would win. Okay. They're tied at the end of regulation. Oh, you get it. All right. Who are you taking? Argentina. After all that. Yes. Argentina is way too good in soccer. My goodness. I'll take them also. And then the Euro Cup also Sunday, Spain and England. Spain is favored by a half goal. I'm going with the jolly old Brits. I'm going with Spain. Okay. From what people tell me. You've got it. All right. We'll see how that all turns out. But we're going to increase on a 12 and five week scrape. It's pretty good for me. That is pretty good. Let's check traffic. And then when we come back, I got a quick time, a short segment. I got a guy on the Miami dolphins who is making me a little bit angry. I'll explain. I can't wait. Yeah. Explain what he did and why I'm angry when we come back. So happy to be with all of you. Happy Friday to everyone. Hope everybody's got big big plans for the weekend, which would hopefully include a couple of Padre victories. Over the Atlanta Braves, Braves lineup is out. I'll tell you one thing, it's not as imposing as it once was when they used to have, you know, a kunya at the top of it. Jared Kellnick doesn't quite bring the same fear. No, he kind of cooled off. I think he had a pretty darn good start to the season, but both Austin Riley and Matt Olson, who are in the middle of this lineup, also have had off years. Aussie albies hasn't been as good as he was. True. Previously, the one guy that is really scary now in the Atlanta brave lineup is Ozuna. He's had a monster first half. But other than that, you know, you say, eh, Waldron gets the knuckleball in there tonight. They should be all right. Let me see what Jared Kellnick's doing real quick before I not a write them off. Not a whole lot. He's sitting 266 10 home runs, not many RBIs. Pretty average, honestly, 750 OPS. Sub average. Ask me. I mean, we would take that 266 batting average would be great. Where's he going to play? We already have three all star outfielders. Yeah, no, I know that. I'm not saying that. You just said we would take that. So I'm saying, where were you going to take home runs? Because you said pedestrian, where are you going to take them? Th just to give you an answer. You got you did. Thank you. You're welcome. Why do guys do stuff like this? Miami Dolphins new tight end. Johnny Smith. I didn't even know they had Johnny Smith. I didn't either, but I know who he is. He used to play with the Patriots Titans and then the Patriots. He's on some podcast and he says that the Buffalo Bills fans and the stadium in Buffalo. Quote, that's got to be the worst place you can be in the world. And the Buffalo wings aren't even good. I have heard that. I'm throwing all types of shots at Buffalo. I have heard that the Buffalo wings and Buffalo aren't very good. Why do you do that to yourself though? They already hate the Dolphins there in Buffalo. And now you're going to say that before you go up there and play. I think, believe me, they'll remember. I think he can say worse things. I mean, I don't find this to be a big deal. Okay. This is a big deal. Okay. A bigger deal. CBS Sports Cody Benjamin has come up with his rankings of the top 10 coaches in the national football league. Saw this. All right. So I can't quiz you on it. No, because I disagree with it. This list is weird. Really bad. It's not a good list. It's not a good list at all. I mean, number one, I agree with what everybody's going to give it to Andy Reed right now. Yes. My number two is Mike Tomlin. Their number two is your number two is crazy, by the way. It's not the guy. The guy is 500 every year, but let's get a little bit further in the playoffs before we say Mike Tomlin's number two. It's got a Super Bowl. And it's like, I love when you say that, but it was like 12 years ago. Okay. Counts. He put 12 years ago. You put the Steelers in the playoffs. Slap. The Steelers are the worst team in football. They're not the worst team. And he puts them in the playoff. All right. Their number two is Sean McVeigh. Yeah. I'm not just saying that because of 49ers. I don't understand the number two of Sean McVeigh. I mean, you talk about he won a Super Bowl. Fine. But what has he won a game since then? Yeah. He did take the Rams to the playoffs last year, which is kind of the similar to Mike Tomlin. No one thought the Rams are going to make the playoffs. Well, then put Tomlin to and McVeigh down the line. Don't put McVeigh there. Kyle Shanahan. Enough said he's all right. Tony got in my head about the whole birdie thing. When is Kyle Shanahan going to turn his back on him? It's it's a true. It's a true criticism of Kyle Shanahan. He does not have quarterbacks backs when it comes down to it. I don't think any. I'll be honest with you. I don't think any NFL team has any players backs in anything. Patrick Mahomes. He might be one of the few, but look, if you don't perform in the NFL, they don't know you just like that. Yeah, I know. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past. No. John Harbaugh's fourth. Can't argue that. No. Matt LaFloor fifth. I can argue that. I can argue that too. Yeah. Tomlin is sixth. I already mentioned how mad that is. Jim Harbaugh. I don't know. Already? Yeah. I don't know how he got the top 10. He's seventh. Yeah. He won a national championship, but that was in college. Well, his career NFL record is 44 19 and one. Does anybody ever talk about his final season? It was a bad season with the 49ers. After some really good seasons. Number eight knee cap cannibal. I'll say this for Dan Campbell. Everyone thought he was going to be a disaster. So let's give him credit. He's not been a disaster. He's brought life to a really bad franchise. Sean McDermott nine. I don't know the bills. I could get him on a list somewhere, but the bills have been supposed to be in the Super Bowl about six years in a row and they've come up short every time. It's true. Number 10. No way. Kevin Stefanski. Has anyone two coach of the years already? Yeah. Kevin Stefanski has been the darling coach, but I don't really think he's that grade of a coach, but what have the problems done with him? These one one playoff game in five years and he wasn't even there. He was at home. It's not very good. Mike McDaniel 11th. I'll be honest. That's too high for a guy that's won no playoff games. Sorry and hasn't beaten anybody. Your guy Kevin O'Connell 12. I think this is a nice feather in his cap to be in the top 15. The only reason I say he's in the top 15 is because he missed a lot of last year with a quarterback. Number one, when Kirk Cousins lost or tore his Achilles and then he lost Justin Jefferson for like half the season and it's on down the line. I'm not going to give you ever you, but who's the last? I think worst coach and football. I can't remember. I think it might be either one of the new coach like the Panthers coach or scrolling scrolling scrolling. Jared Allen, or not Jared Allen, Dennis Allen, Saints, worst coach and football. No kidding. He's already worse than the guys who've never coached the NFL for the titans or Dave Canales of the Panthers. Jonathan Ganon of the Cardinals. What did he do last year to get to be 27th? Tinked. That's what he did. That is crazy to get put Dennis Allen lower than a guy who's never actually coaching it. You just said Dave Canales. Yeah, I'd be honest with you. There's maybe one football fan out of 10 could tell you who he is. He was the former offensive coordinator of the Buccaneers. He's already ranked 24th. That's crazy. For what? That's crazy. All right. This list is stupid. Thanks for bringing it up. You're welcome. But we're onto the football world and that's a good place to be. Our countdown is next. Get yourself a hero. If you love Mediterranean food like I do, Trispero's authentic Mediterranean cuisine, not only in Cornado and La Jolla, but at Petco Park. If you're going to the game tonight, Spiro's down the third baseline main concourse near the Western Metal Supply Company building for donning takeout options. Visit spiro's cuisine dot com. Chris Ello, Tony Gwyn, Jr. at Petco Park preparing to do a little TV tonight. Jesse and Scan will be on the radio broadcast here with Sam Levitt's pregame show getting started about two hours from right now. Mike Schilt just confirmed to the media at Petco Park that Xander Bogart's will be returning to the lineup tonight. Still don't have an actual line. We don't have the actual lineup yet, but Bogart's is in. Maybe Sammy Levitt has. Let me go check Sammy Love's Twitter real quick. Do that. Let's see. Appreciate it. Nope. Not yet. Not yet. Okay. So maybe they just don't have the lineup out. We know that Bogie's playing. They don't know the whole lineup. Send someone down. Yeah, they'll have to send somebody packing. I don't know. They might send Luis Camposano back down. I was really surprised the other day when Brett Sullivan got the got the start in. I know it was a right handed picture, but Camposano is still your catcher. I thought right now he got. Sheoka has passed him. I get that because he's been hot. It's baseball, but I think he's giving up on Camposano. I mean, he's come back from the injured list. I think he's played one game. Yeah, I can remember. So, I mean, if you're just going to give up camp, give up on Camposano, I, you know, fine, but that seems a little early. Seems a little quick. You know, they say they're there in football. You can't lose your starting position to injury. Is that the same in baseball? Or are they just riding the hot handed baseball? Well, I think you, yeah, you're going to have to write. You got to write a got sheoka. I have no argument there. I just thought when he got sheoka took a day off the other day, that would be a time to get campy back in there, but they didn't. They went Sullivan. So maybe they'll send Camposano back down again. I don't know who they're going to send down. Sullivan is the one that honestly makes the most sense. It doesn't mean kind of feel bad for him because he was, he was in really well triple A. They brought him up. He didn't really get in the lineup because Kyle Higashio could keep sitting home runs. Yeah, but I feel like Brett Sullivan is a good player. They just really haven't given him a lot of time to prove that. He's had 97 at bats in the big leagues. Yeah, over the last two years, he's at 206. And I'm not saying that's the end all. I'm just saying he, with the chances he's had, he hasn't done a whole lot. Well, yeah, but okay, well, he needs some chances. I'm aware. If I was given spot starts to do a show, they would never hire me, Chris, because I need to get in that rhythm. You got to have you got to have reps. Yes, reps. All right, give me some traffic. And then our countdown focuses on the current top five teams in the national football league. You'll never believe who Scravy picked. It's now time for Gwen and Chris to rank their top five of the day. Gonna grip and rip as usual. This isn't just a regular top five list. I love it. It sounds terrific, but I love it. This is the countdown. And it starts right now at 97.3 the fan. All right, we all love the game of baseball as much as anybody, probably more so than than anybody. I like talking about Wimbledon, enjoying the Euro cup, Copa America, the soccer tournaments going on. But come on, man, we are only two and a half weeks away from the first preseason game in the national football league. That's right. August 1st is the first preseason game. What's this July 12th? We're looking at two and a half weeks. That's it. Time to get our minds back on some football people. And to that end, today's countdown very simply after all of the off season maneuvering, and there was a lot of it in the NFL. What are our top five teams in the NFL right now? Number five, two and a half weeks before the start of the season. Let's start with the football expert, myself, Tony Gwin Jr. Yeah, Jesus, go ahead and thank you. You just go ahead and think you're the football expert, but I'm going with Tony Gwin Jr. He is a defending champion on Gwin versus Chris NFL pick him. So the job is I'm going with him first. Who do you got? Number five. Oh, five first. Yeah, number five. We got to do it that way for any time. Maybe I made a mistake calling him the expert. Scravey, you know, we're going from five to one. When did that start? The Houston Texans will be my number five. Interesting. This year they went out. They've added Joe Nixon. They added my man from Buffalo. I can't think of his name right now. It's coming. Oh, it's the digs. Digs. Yes. They added digs. They added digs. Yes. We talked about last week. No, we didn't. We went through all the running backs last week. We didn't go through all the wide receivers. And I think CJ Stroud takes another step for us. I'm putting that Texan team at five. That's that's big doings for the Texans who did win a playoff game last year. All right. Number five Texans. I see that. All right. Now we'll go to the the guy who knows the third most about football. Me. Oh, wow. I fooled you again. I fooled you again. Oh, I was coming up with comebacks in my head. I'm going to go. I'm going to go with the Cincinnati Bengals. Number five. I know that I think they finished last in that division last year after was all said and done. But you know, without Joe Burrow, the thing to me is with the Bengals. And I know and you just mentioned it. Nixon's gone. But Joe Burrow, I think just off the top and we could go through a bunch of different, you know, different ideas about it. I think he's the second best quarterback in the NFL. I mean, my home's is clearly number one. But there's only one guy that when a game starts, I feel comfortable can beat my homes and that's Burrow. So I got to put the Bengals in the top five because I think, you know, as long as, you know, I need there's no way to prove, you know, predict whether it'll be healthy. But I think as long as he's healthy, I think the Bengals are a contender. That's what we're saying as long as he's healthy. Yeah, true. A couple of years he missed lots of time. No kidding. But but I'm not going to put him on my fantasy roster this year. So he'll probably play the full year. All right, Scrappy, go. All right. I chose the Texans as well. I think everything that Tony said. I think that digs edition is going to be huge for CJ Stroud because he already has receivers. Yeah, he he was using last year and they weren't even as good. They were younger, but they're going to get better. And I love to Miko Ryan. So I think he's a good coach or D'Amico Ryan is his name. You love him so much. You don't even know his name. Hey, you don't even know your own coach's name. If it's McDaniel or McDaniel. True. Okay. That's true. I don't. Four. All right, Tony, you got number four. I'm going back and forth, but I will put the Baltimore Ravens at number. Oh, yeah. Derek Henry edition. Derek Henry and Lamar Jackson. What do you do? Yeah, this is that is a conundrum for defenses. If I'm if I'm if I'm Lamar Jackson, I'm just I'm never pulling the football out. If we do the option, I'm putting it in his stomach, he can go. Yeah, right. But nonetheless, I like I like Baltimore for they're good. I'm going to go with the San Francisco 49ers for. I don't think they're the best team. It's not. I mean, I think there's three teams that are clearly better than them heading into the season. The 49ers have lost guy. They, you know, look, they can't keep this entire all-star team together for the rest of time. And I think you can only blow it so many times in the NFC championship or the Super Bowl or wherever you get to every year before you finally have one of those seasons where things don't go your way. So and I'm just if that ever really does happen, it is really going to make my life enjoyable. I got to tell you guys out there, you know, I mean, having to sit here year after year after year is the 49ers just roped through the NFL is almost impossible for me and Tony. And so for that reason, you're lucky I even put them four. I consider leaving them out all together. I could bring myself to do an inaccurate list. All right, go ahead. Who do you have? My number four, Tony's got my list or I got Tony's list because I say the Ravens too. Everything that Tony said plus the Ravens were embarrassed in the playoffs last year after having such a great season. And I have this feeling that Lamar Jackson has another chip on his shoulder, another thing that he has to prove, which is get them to the suit. What if Lamar Jackson just isn't good enough to win in the playoffs against those guys? I mean, he's done it. It's happened to him two or three times now. Then next year when we do our list, all right. Fair enough. Fair enough. Tony. Uh, the San Francisco 49ers. I wanted to leave them out, but I couldn't quite get there. This is still a very talented team, although there is some dissension going on and that lock around in a yuke. No, mr. Ayuke wants his chips with dip. He thinks Hey, nineers are delinquent. And so they're to cheat franchise. It's always been a cheap franchise. You don't want to pay the man. So I don't expect it to go as well as it could this year for the Niners. Okay, that's fine. That's fine. I mean, three is pretty high when you don't even have a top 10 quarterback. Facts. Thank you. Scrabie. Scrabie, Scrabie, Scrabie nodded, but he wanted to punch me. No, he keep going. All right, number, we're pressed for time. We're good. Number three for me is the Detroit Lions, the team that had the 49ers on the ropes and the NFC Championship game. And, uh, was it a couple of bad calls turned the tide? I think if I put it down and tries. Yes. Well, look, the kneecap cannibals not going to stop going on fourth down. So, you know, you're right. Those are big plays and the 49ers made them. But this year, I think it's going to be the kneecap guy. And I think he's going to I think he's going to make sure that his team gets the home field for that NFC Championship game this year against the 49ers. And that is going to make the difference. The Lions may finally, finally reach the promised land of their first Super Bowl. The Lions may finally roar. And beyond that was so stupid. I'm not even responding to it. No, you should have just finished your point. Chris, you shouldn't even acknowledge that he said it's time to try to. I tried to. But he said nothing. Nothing. He just kept talking. I would have made even better. He just kept talking like he'd even hear nothing. Well, here's my last point on the Lions. Aemon Ross, Saint Brown, played a Mon Ross, Saint Brown, sorry, played the entire season last year with his muscle of his oblique torn off the bone. That is a guy who's committed to winning. Yes. So I'm going with them three. My number three, the Lions as well. I think the Lions are going to build upon last year and I'm scared for the four yards to face them in the playoffs because I think Chris is right. They want that home field advantage. And I think they're going to go out and they're going to get the home field advantage this year. So Lions are number three. All right. Is this me? Yes, sir. Number two on the list. This is Detroit Lions be cap accountable. His team number two on the list ahead of the night is I think they overtake the Niners this year in the NFC. I'm praying for the Lions. I'm playing at the church of the Detroit Lions this year. We're going to go pray to very sad. Aemon raw. That's right. My guy. Aemon Ross, Saint Brown. I'm funny today. Not really. And number two for me. I just want to get this isn't an aside because they certainly didn't make my list. But I wanted to work them into discussion somehow. Through the months of September and October, I expect the Miami Dolphins to be in this category somewhere. But November and December must be played. And I know that they will fade miserably at that point. Leaving my number two team as the Baltimore Ravens. You guys mentioned them. Look, Miami season was going along OK until they lost to Baltimore in December. I thought I don't know. I thought the score was like 90 to 14. I don't remember what it actually was. But it seemed like it scored, you know, four touchdowns every quarter. That team is so good, so capable, defensively, you know, they've got a lot of their fierceness back. And yeah, I don't know how you stop Derek Henry and Lamar Jackson. So number two Baltimore for me. It looked a little bit like what it looked like when they went to San Francisco. Oh, that was a real wow. Wow. It just hit me well. I remember that game. That was one of the worst Christmases of my life. Great Christmas. It was a Christmas night. I was all excited all day wearing my jersey ready for the game. And then boom, brought pretty through like 25 interceptions in the game or something. Reason number 10. Why he's not a top 10 quarterback because he had one bad game. Okay, to a Tango Valleau would like to have a word Chris. He's not in the top 10 either. Number two can't see Chiefs. They're the the champs. And so I can't unseat them from number two, because you guys know who my number one is. All right, well, we're not even going to go to here for number one. We'll go to this is a is a fugazi is a fugazi. By the way, my list follow your list. Five, four, a gauzy and a fell list for my first gravy over one. Number one, Kansas City Chiefs. Until someone dethrones these bad boys, it will remain the same. Christopher. I got to be an agreement. And they really approved it last year, more than ever before, because they didn't even get the home field to take them to the Super Bowl. You know, I mean, very patriot like they went on the road. They beat Buffalo on the road. They beat Baltimore on the road. Those were really, really impressive. And now everybody's going to tell Patrick Mahomes that no one's ever won three Super Bowls in a row, which is exactly what he's going to try to prove everybody wrong and do. 49ers number one, ain't even close. All right, we're at the top of the hour. And even close at the top of the hour at the top of the hour. It's not even close. God, this is what we live with on a daily basis, people. All day, every day. All right, take your shot at Christopher's the fans 8332880973 trivia when we return. And away we go into the four o'clock hour. I'm Gwen and Chris, Cressello, Tony Gwen Jr, the 49er fan himself, Matt Scrabie over there. I'm Gwen and Chris, 97.3 the fan on YouTube to search 97.3 the fan. You can watch the program. Also, hit the like button on the YouTube page. Would you please do that while you're there, right? Does it take any extra real extra effort? Yeah, not at all. Yeah. So hit the like thing. That'll, uh, Scrabie earns, uh, bonus points. Around half a cent every time. Well, then hit it over and over and over and you have 12 likes. I've made, uh, six cents. Yes. There you go. Thank you. Uh, the Philadelphia Phillies are so good, Scrabie, that they are now in the business of just going ahead and releasing three time all stars. 35 year old Whit Maryfield, uh, we have been sent packing. Oh, no, by the Phillies, even after his interaction with the fan yesterday. That's right. That was a, was that a big five? Yes. Item. Yeah. The fan called them out and then he wrote back and then they had this back and forth. And now he's released the fan said, you're so bad that your own family's probably not buying your jersey right now. It's true. And Whit Maryfield wrote back and said, well, they do buy the three all star jerseys I own. He also said, yes, they've also want to change their last name. Well, the, uh, he can take those three all star jerseys with them now because he's not anywhere. That's brutal. Maryfield hit, uh, 199 in, uh, 53 games for the Phillies. They've called up a minor league or, uh, Weston Wilson from AAA Lehigh Valley to take his place. But, uh, I'll be honest, this is where I, this is where I'm bad and like I don't have a clue because a year ago at this time, Whit Maryfield was a name that I know popped up around these parts. Yeah. And he ended up going, if I'm not mistaken from Kansas City to Toronto. Yes. Or was that a year and it was either last year or the year before. But I remember I liked him. I was like, Oh, let's get this guy. And, you know, because he was really good with Kansas City. I thought, yeah, three time all star. I'm like, let's get this guy. Well, the Phillies obviously thought the same thing at the beginning of this season because they signed him to a seven million dollar deal. You know, he was an all star last year with the Blue Jays. Right. So he's an all star last year. He said, get seven million this year. And now the Phillies have to just give him three mill. Yeah, to go away. I mean, he is hitting 199. I didn't, I know, but if you got rid of, be honest with you, if you got rid of every major league of right now hitting below 200 to get rid of a lot of guys, that's true. A lot of people are hitting below 200 these days, but the Phillies become more problem. Really? No, not a lot of Phillies are hitting below 200. But anyway, I just think it's interesting. I'd like to me, Whitmerfield, unless you just completely forgot how to play here in the last six months. I just think he'll be a guy that I would want, but I guess he's that bad now. I don't know that he's that bad, but it's worth taking a look. He's been released. So off he goes. All right. Off he goes off with it. Off with his. Sorry about that, Whit. All right, we got a couple of lines open. Actually, if you want to play Christopher's, the fans, some trivia, eight, three, three, two, eight, eight, eight, oh, nine, seven, three, we don't often have lines open for this trivia game. One that if you win, you'll be qualified for a trip to the Rio Las Vegas. It includes a two night stay dinner for two. I just wonder about dinner for two. Why? Because dinner for two for the couple down the street is different than dinner for two. If say you and I are the two. What? We would get a whole lot more food. That's what I'm saying. Oh, is there a cap on dinner for two or can the two people just go hungry heifer on the place? Hungry heifer. Yeah. I think that dinner for two includes possibly a special menu. I don't know. I don't know. I've never won these prizes, so I don't know. You also get a day bed at the pool, the Rio pool. So it's all yours. And the Las Vegas Rio Hotel is all yours as well. New ownership, newly remodeled rooms, for sparkling new pools, brand new food hall. All ready for you now and your next Vegas escape beyond the expected beyond the strip, beyond your wildest dreams. It's the Rio Las Vegas, the rhythm of Vegas book now at Rio Las Let's play Chris versus the fans. If you had one shot, one opportunity to take down the human almanac himself, how do you do? Now is your time. This is me, this guy, dangerous. Now is your opportunity to win a prize. Well, I hope you know what you're in for. Chris versus the fans starts now on 97 three, the fan. All right, Chris already explained what the qualification is today, but the rules are you have to make it through three questions. Each question will get more difficult. If you get the question right, you move on, if you get it wrong and Chris gets it right, you're eliminated. But if Chris gets it wrong, then you move on to the next question or you win. If you're a first time player, let us know before the first question and you'll get that question for free today. All right, Chris was just rolling through it yesterday, just a self farming contestants left and right. I got beat eventually in the tiebreaker. Oh, let's start with, let's go with Mike today. Let's start with Mike. Hello, Mike, are you there? How do you do? How do you do? Are you ready to play? Yes, sir. All right, here we go. What color are the stadium seats at Petco Park? One more time blue. Blue is right. Navy blue, but blue is right. Chris had this look in his eye. I really didn't know for sure. Blue is a good guess because that's what they were wearing when Petco Park was built. Yeah. Yeah, so and they it would be a little expensive, I think, to replace every city. It's pretty funny though that like I couldn't think of it offhand. I've only stared at that, you know, those seats 8,000 times without knowing what color they are. All right, Mike, you're on the question number two. Who is the manager of the Toronto Blue Jays? Go away. Oh God, that's going to be a tough one. Let's go with Citogast. Who's that? Well, Cito was the manager of the '90s and '93 Blue Jays. Okay, well, that makes sense. At least you gave me a Blue Jays answer, but that isn't correct. Joe Carter, home run. Oh, yeah. Citogastin was the guy there. Okay, okay, okay. I'm not so sure that Citogastin didn't even spend a little time as a Padre way back when outfielder. All right. Well, do you have an answer to this question? I'm delaying. Well, I'm going to have to buzz you, sir. Stop it. John Schneider. Oh, I'm I'm delaying. I'm delaying. Sorry. Sorry about that, Mike. Yeah, Citogastin played for the Padres 69. He was an all-star for the Padres in 1970. Good memory there. Well, I didn't remember that. I had to look it up, but he had 29 homers for the Padres. 29 is a lot of homers, especially if you go back to San Diego slash Qualcomm Stadium before they put the inside fence in. You had to hit it over that huge, tall 15-foot fence. Oh, wow. To home Homer in those days. Wow. Citogastin. Good slugger. All right. All right. Let's go to our next contestant. Well, you were like, you know, incredulous, like Citogastin. Who the hell was that? I know that was a little over the top. Yeah. Let's go to Jason. Hello, Jason. Hey, guys. How you doing? Hi, Jay. Good. Are you ready? Yeah. Real quick. I just want to say what's up real quick, Chris, because we share a birthday. So I can forget you. Oh, very good. June 22nd. Yeah. We'll never forget your birthday now because Chris beats me over the head with his every day. So just stop it. We also share with Meryl Streep and Clyde Drexler. Wow, there's Jason, Chris, Clyde the Glide and Meryl Streep. There we go. That's a that's a Mount Rushmore right there. All right. Here we go, Jason. Question number one. The best pitcher of all time. Paul Skeens pitched for what college? Best pitcher of all time. LSU. LSU is correct. I was trying to think way back when, you know, to when he was in college since he's the best pitcher now of all time. Well, haven't you seen the headlines? I know you. I know you're just, I'm not mad at the guy. Yes, you hate him. All right. Here we go. You're like a girlfriend either, by the way. I'm just passing that into a long repeat. I didn't say anything about that. We'll talk about that later if you want to, but I didn't say I hated her. [MUSIC] Which nationally central player has struck out the most in baseball so far this season? [MUSIC] Nationally central. [MUSIC] Need an answer? Got to get an answer. [MUSIC] Nailed it. I believe that you weren't cheating either. I believe that. Wow, that was pretty darn good. [MUSIC] Yes. He nailed it. Ellie Della Cruz is the leader in whiffs. He struck out like 126 times so far this season. All right. I don't think I would have got that. Really? I, you know, I might have thought of him, but I hadn't thought of him yet. All right. Here we go, Jason. We got the Cardinals. Oh, and the Cardinals, well, the Cardinals have been good, so. Well, all right. Here we go. Question number three. [MUSIC] What was the first American city to host a summer Olympics? [MUSIC] Summer Olympics. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Los Angeles. Los Angeles. [MUSIC] Chris, you attended these Olympics. The first ones? Yes. Well, it's funny that he just was trying to predict a strikeout guy from the Cardinals because I'm pretty sure the answer to this is St. Louis. Wow. How did he know that? 1904. How do you even know the year? Sorry, Jason. Thanks for playing. One of those things that sticks in my head. Sorry, Jason, but thanks for sharing our birthday. We'll definitely celebrate again next time around. All right. Let's see who's next longest holding on the list. It would be Ryan and Chula Vista. Ryan. Hi, Ryan. Hey, what's up, you guys? Not my name. Sorry? Me and my mom are going to play. Oh, all right. What's your mom's name? Yeah, what's your mom's name? Jelissa, Julissa. Julissa? All right. We got Ryan and Julissa. Here we go. Let's go. Question number one. Who is the oldest player on the Padres right now? Uh, Bander Bogart. Zanda Bogartz. That's a boss. Stay there, Ryan. That's a good question. The oldest Padres. I couldn't even begin to guess either. Look it up. Man, David Peralta? Wow. He just popped into my head because it was on the show today. Sorry about that, Ryan. Sorry, Ryan and Julissa. I got lucky there. Wait, I'm looking at it. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Oh, no, wait a minute. You're reneging on that now? Is you Darvish not currently on the 40-man roster? That's a good question. He might be older than Peralta. He's not on my list of 20, 20, 40. Yeah, he's not active right now. He's on the Samad Crazy list. He's on the NFI. Yeah, not the NFI, the restrictive list. You know, you could give Ryan and Julissa another chance at a number one. Because I think that was kind of a, I think that was kind of a fugazi question. I'll just say, you Darvish counts. No, I think he just, you know, he's got to get away from my questions. Oh, you're wasted that one. Let's go to number one. Ryan, you're still there? Yeah, I'm still here. All right, good. You're still alive. Here he goes. Question number one, again. Oh, you're, I told you, I didn't want to waste my questions. Just waste 10. Where did David Peralta work before he was a major leaguer? Oh, well, if you heard the interview, this is an easy one. The big old McDonald's. There you go. I like it, Ryan. You were listening, you're paying attention. See, as soon as I saw you Darvish on the chat, I was like, you know what, you Darvish, I think might be closing in on 40. But I looked at the 40-man roster. I do not see his name there. He's not on there because he's, he's on my list. Okay, some sort of restricted list. All right, Ryan, you were still alive. But I'll tell you one thing. I will say this about our chat. They don't miss anything. No, they do. Right. If you, if you make the most simple mistake, somebody's going to be on you, which usually it's me, but sometimes it's not. You know, I do appreciate it, but at the same time it drives me insane. But I, but that just means I care about you if you drive me into it. Darvish, Darvish is 37 Peralta 36. All right. Well, that, okay. All right. Ryan, move on. Here we go. Question two. Question two. Yes. I'm going to give you players' names. You're going to tell me what team they played for together. Jerks and Profar. Chris Bassett. Matt Olson. Lil Rocky. Is your child struggling with a specific subject or need help with homework? Are they asking questions that you're not sure you can fully answer? IXL Learning is an online learning program for kids. It covers math, language arts, science, and social studies. IXL is designed. This program will improve your kid's grades. 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What's this, July 12th? Yes. We're looking at two and a half weeks. That's it. Time to get our minds back on some football people. And to that end, today's countdown, very simply, after all of the off-season maneuvering, and there was a lot of it in the NFL, what are our top five teams in the NFL right now? Number five. Two and a half weeks before the start of the season. Let's start with the football expert, myself, Tony Gwen Jr. Oh, wow, I thought you were going to win. Oh, yeah. You just go ahead and think you are. No, no, I thought you were putting me in. I thought you were going to put me into the corner because the corner was talking about the fourth. You just go ahead and think you're the football expert, but I'm going with Tony Gwen Jr. He is the defending champion on Gwen versus Chris NFL pick him. So the champ is here. I'm going with him first. Who do you got, Tony? Number five. Oh, five first. Yeah, number five. Yeah, we got to work on that. We've got to work on that. We've got to work on that. We've got to work on that. We've got to work on that. We've got to work on that. Maybe I made a mistake calling him the expert. Scrappy, you know what? I've had a nice walk. We're going from five to one. When did that start? All right. All right. Sorry. You're joking. You're joking. [LAUGHTER] Number five. Houston Texans will be my number five. Interesting. This year, they went out. They've added Joe Mixon. They added my man from Buffalo. I can't think of his name right now. It's coming. Oh, the digs. Digs. Yes, they added digs. They added digs? Yes, we talked about last week. No, we didn't. We went through all the running backs last week. We didn't go through all the wide receivers. And I think CJ Stroud takes another step for us. I'm putting that Texan team at five. That's big doings for the Texans who did win a playoff game last year. All right. Number five, Texans. I see that. All right. Now we'll go to the guy who knows the third most about football. Me. Oh, wow. I fooled you again, Scrappy. I fooled you again. I was coming up with comebacks in my head. All right. I'm going to go with the Cincinnati Bengals. Number five. I know that I think they finished last in that division last year after it was all said and done. But you know, without Joe Burrow, the thing to me is with the Bengals. And I know and you just mentioned it, Nixon's gone. But Joe Burrow, I think just off the top and we could go through a bunch of different, you know, different ideas about it. I think he's the second best quarterback in the NFL. I mean, Mahomes is clearly number one. But there's only one guy that when a game starts, I feel comfortable can beat Mahomes and that's Burrow. So I got to put the Bengals in the top five because I think, you know, as long as, you know, there's no way to prove, you know, predict whether he'll be healthy. But I think as long as he's healthy, I think the Bengals are a contender. That's what we're saying as long as he's healthy. Yeah, true. Come on, yes, he missed lots of time. No kidding, but I'm not going to put him on my fantasy roster this year. So he'll probably play the full year. All right, Scrappy, go. All right. I chose the Texans as well. I think everything that Tony said. I think that Dig's edition is going to be huge for CJ Stroud because he already has receivers. Yeah, he does. He was using last year and they weren't even as good. They were younger, but they're going to get better. And I love D'Amico Ryan. So I think he's a good coach or D'Amico Ryan is his name. Uh-huh, you love him so much. You don't even know his name. Hey, you don't even know your own coach's name. If it's McDaniel or McDaniel. True. Okay. That's true. I don't. Number four. All right, Tony, you got number four. I'm going back and forth, but I will put the Baltimore Ravens. That number four. Oh, yeah. Derek Henry edition. Derek Henry and Lamar Jackson. What do you do? Yeah. Yeah, that is a conundrum for defenses. If I'm, if I'm, if I'm Lamar Jackson, I'm just, I'm never pulling the football out. If we do the option, I'm putting it in his stomach. He can go. Yeah, right. But nonetheless, I like, I like Baltimore. They're good. I'm going to go with the San Francisco 49ers 4. I don't think they're the best team. It's respectful. It's not. I mean, I think there's three teams that are clearly better than them heading into the season. The 49ers have lost got, they, you know, look, they can't keep this entire all-star team together for the rest of time. And I think you can only blow it so many times in the NFC championship or the Super Bowl or wherever you get to every year before you finally have one of those seasons where things don't go your way. So, and I'm just, if that ever really does happen, it is really going to make my life enjoyable. I got to tell you guys out there, you know, I mean, having to sit here, year after year after year as the 49ers just roped through the NFL is almost impossible for me. And Tony. And so for that reason, you're lucky I even put them four. I considered leaving them out all together. I, it too, I couldn't bring myself to do it. That would have been an inaccurate list. All right, go ahead. Who do you have? My number four, Tony's got my list, or I got Tony's list because I say the Ravens too. Everything that Tony said plus, the Ravens were embarrassed in the playoffs last year after having such a great season. And I have this feeling that Lamar Jackson has another chip on his shoulder, another thing that he has to prove which is get them to the studio. What if Lamar Jackson just isn't good enough to win in the playoffs against those guys? I mean, he's done it. It's happened to him two or three times now. Then next year when we do our list, it's out of the top. All right, fair enough, fair enough. Tony. The San Francisco 49ers. I wanted to leave them out, but I couldn't quite get there. This is still a very talented team, although there is some dissension going on and that lock around it. I uke. No, Mr. I uke wants his chips with dip. He thinks Niners are delinquent. And so they're. It's a cheap franchise. It's always been a cheap franchise. I don't want to pay the man. So I don't expect it to go as well as it could this year for the Niners. Okay, that's fine. That's fine. I mean, three is pretty high when you don't even have a top 10 quarterback. Facts. Thank you. Scraving. Scraving. Scraving nodded, but he wanted to punch me. No, he keep going. All right, number. We're pressed for time. We're good. Number three for me is the Detroit Lions, the team that had the 49ers on the ropes and the NFC Championship game. And wasn't it a couple of bad calls turned to tide, I think, if I. For a down tries. Yes. Well, look, the kneecap cannibals not going to stop going on fourth down. I'm not. So, you know, you're right. That was those are big plays and the 49ers made them. But this year, I think it's going to be the kneecap guy. And I think he's going to. The kneecap guy. I think he's going to make sure that his team gets the home field for that NFC Championship game this year against the 49ers. And that is going to make the difference. The Lions may finally, finally reach the promised land of their first Super Bowl. The Lions may finally roar. And beyond that was so stupid. I'm not even responding to it. No, so you should have just finished your points. Chris, you shouldn't even acknowledge that he said it. It's time to try to. That's their slogan. I tried to, but he said nothing. Nothing. He just kept talking. That would have made it even better. You just kept talking like you'd even hear nothing. Well, here's my last point on the Lions. Aemon Ross Saint Brown played a Mon Ross Saint Brown. Sorry. Played the entire season last year with his muscle of his oblique torn off the bone. That is a guy who's committed to winning. Yes. So I'm going with them three. My number three, the Lions as well. I think the Lions are going to build upon last year. And I'm scared for the 49ers to face them in the playoffs because I think Chris is right. They want that home field advantage. And I think they're going to go out and they're going to get the home field advantage this year. So Lions are number three. All right. Number two. Is this me? Yes, sir. Number two on the list. This is a trade line. Be cap accountable. His team. Number two on the list ahead of the 90s. I think they overtake the Niners this year in the NFC. I'm praying for the Lions. I'm playing at the church of the Detroit Lions this year. Yeah. You're going to go pray to Aemon Ross Saint Brown. Aemon Ross. That's right. My guy. Aemon Ross Saint Brown. I'm funny today. Not really. All right. Number two for me. I just want to get this in the side because they certainly didn't make my list. But I wanted to work them into discussion somehow. Through the months of September and October, I expect the Miami Dolphins to be in this category somewhere. But November and December must be played. And I know that they will fade miserably at that point. Leaving my number two team as the Baltimore Ravens. You guys mentioned them. Look, Miami season was going along OK until they lost to Baltimore in December. I thought I don't know. I thought the score was like 90 to 14. I don't remember what it actually was. But it seemed like they scored four touchdowns every quarter. That team is so good, so capable. Defensively, you know, they've got a lot of their fierceness back. And yeah, I don't know how you stop Derek Henry and Lamar Jackson. So number two Baltimore for me. It looked a little bit like what it looked like when they went to San Francisco. That was a great day. Wow. Wow. It just hit me well. I remember that game. That was one of the worst Christmases of my life. Great Christmas. It was a Christmas night. I was all excited all day wearing my jersey ready for the game. And then boom. Brought pretty through like 25 interceptions in the game or something like reason. Number 10. Why he's not a top 10 quarterback because he had one bad game. OK. To a Tango Vailoa would like to have a word. Chris, he's not in the top 10 either. Number two. Can't see Chiefs. They're the the champs. And so I can't unseat them from number two. Because you guys know who my number one is. All right. Well, we're not even going to go to here for number one. We'll go to Scrave. Is it for Gazi? It's for Gazi. By the way, my list followed your list by four. Gazi in a fell list for my first gravy. Oh, one one. Number one. Can't see Chiefs. Until someone dethrones these bad boys, it will remain the same. Christopher? Uh, I got to be in agreement. And they really approved it last year. More than ever before. Because they didn't even get the home field to take them to the Super Bowl. You know, I mean, Very patriot like Roger. They went on the road. They beat Buffalo on the road. They beat Baltimore on the road. Those were really, really impressive. And now everybody's going to tell Patrick Mahomes that no one's ever won three Super Bowls in a row, which is exactly what he's going to try to prove everybody wrong and do. 49ers. Number one. Ain't even close. We're at the top of the hour. Ain't even close. At the top of the hour. At the top of the hour. That's not even close. God. This is what we live with on a daily basis, people. All day, every day. All right. Take your shot at Christopher's, the fans. 833-2880973. Trivia when we return. And away we go into the four o'clock hour. I'm Gwen and Chris, Cressello, Tony Gwen Jr. The 49er fan himself, Matt Scrabie over there. I'm Gwen and Chris, 97.3, the fan on YouTube. Just search 97.3, the fan. You can watch the program. Also hit the like button on the YouTube page. Would you please do that while you're there, right? Does it take any extra real extra effort? Yeah, not at all. Yeah. So hit the like thing. That'll, uh, Scrabie earns, uh, bonus points. I earn a half a cent every time. Thank you every time. Well, then hit it over and over and over and you have 12 likes. I've made, uh, six cents. Yes. There you go. Thank you. Uh, the Philadelphia Phillies are so good, Scrabie, that they are now in the business of just going ahead and releasing three time all-stars. 35 year old Whit Maryfield. Uh oh. We've been sent packing. Oh no. By the Phillies. Even after his interaction with the fan yesterday. That's right. That was a, was that a big five? Yes. Item? Yeah, the fan called him out and then he wrote back and then they had this back and forth and now he's released. The fan said, you're so bad that your own family's probably not buying your jersey right now. That's true. And Whit Maryfield wrote back and said, well, they do buy the three all-star jerseys I own. He also said yes. They've also want to change their last name. Well, the, uh, he can take those three all-star jerseys with him now because he's not anywhere. That's brutal. Maryfield hit 199 in 53 games for the Phillies. They've called up a minor league or, uh, western Wilson from AAA Lehigh Valley to take his place. But, uh, I'll be honest, this is where I, this is where I'm bad and like I don't have a clue because a year ago at this time, Whit Maryfield was a name that I know popped up around these parts. Yeah. And he ended up going, if I'm not mistaken from Kansas City to Toronto. Yes. Or was that a year and it was either last year or the year before. But I remember, I liked him. I was like, oh, let's get this guy. And, you know, because he was really good with Kansas City, I thought. Yeah. Three time all-star. I'm like, let's get this guy. Well, the Phillies obviously thought the same thing at the beginning of this season because they signed him to a seven million dollar deal. You know, he was an all-star last year with the Blue Jays. Right. So he's an all-star last year. He said, get seven million this year. And now the Phillies have to just give him three mil. Yeah. To go away. I mean, he is hitting 199. I didn't, I know. But if you got rid of, I'll be honest with you, if you got rid of every major league right now hitting below 200, you get rid of a lot of guys. That's true. A lot of people are hitting below 200 these days. But the Phillies become more- Don't have that problem, really. No, not a lot of Phillies are hitting below 200. But anyway, I just think it's interesting. I'd like to me, Whit and Merrfield, unless you just completely forgot how to play here in the last six months, I just think he'd be a guy that I would want. But I guess he's that bad now. I don't know that he's that bad, but it's worth taking a look. He's been released. So off he goes. All right. Off he goes off with his head. Off with his head. Sorry about that. Whit, all right, we got a couple of lines open, actually. If you want to play Christopher's the fan, some trivia, 833-288-0973. We don't often have lines open for this trivia game. One that if you win, you'll be qualified for a trip to the Rio Las Vegas. It includes a two night stay, dinner for two. You guys wonder about dinner for two. Why? Because dinner for two for the couple down the street is different than dinner for two if, say, you and I are the two. What? We would get a whole lot more food. That's what I'm saying. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Is there a cap on dinner for two or can the two people just go hungry heifer on the place? Hungry heifer. Yeah. Um, I think that dinner for two includes possibly a special menu. I don't know. I don't know. No. I've never won these prizes, so I don't know. You also get a day bed at the pool, the Rio pool. So it's all yours. And the Las Vegas Rio Hotel is all yours as well. New ownership, newly remodeled rooms, for sparkling new pools, brand new food hall. Already for you now and your next Vegas escape beyond the expected, beyond the strip, beyond your wildest dreams. It's the Rio Las Vegas, the rhythm of Vegas book now at Rio Las Let's play Chris versus the fans. If you had one shot, one opportunity to take down the human almanac himself, how would he do? Now is your time. This is me, this guy, dangerous. Now is your opportunity to win a prize. Well, I hope you know Jen for Chris versus the fans. Starts now on 97.3, the fan. All right, Chris already explained what the qualification is today, but the rules are you have to make it through three questions. Each question will get more difficult. If you get the question right, you move on. If you get it wrong and Chris gets it right, you're eliminated. But if Chris gets it wrong, then you move on to the next question or you win. If you're a first time player, let us know before the first question and you'll get that question for free today. All right, Chris was just rolling through it yesterday. I saw stiff farming contestants left and right. I got beat eventually. In the tiebreaker. Let's start with Mike today. Let's start with Mike. Hello, Mike, are you there? How do you do? How do you do? Are you ready to play? Yes, sir. All right, here we go. What color are the stadium seats at Petco Park? One more time. Blue. Blue is right. Navy blue, but blue is right. Chris had this look in his eye. I really didn't know for sure. Blue is a good guess because that's what they were wearing when Petco Park was built. Yeah, yeah. So it would be a little expensive, I think, to replace every city. It's pretty funny, though, that like I couldn't think of it offhand. I've only stared at that, you know, those seats 8,000 times without knowing what color they are. All right, Mike, you're on the question number two. Who is the manager of the Toronto Blue Jays? Go away. That's going to be a tough one. Play it safe and think you know down. Let's go with Sitogast. Who's that? Heck. Well, Sitog was the manager of the '90s and '93. Oh, okay, well, that makes sense. At least you gave me a Blue Jays answer, but that isn't correct. The Joe Carter home run. Oh, yeah. Sitogaston was the guy there. Okay, okay, okay. I'm not so sure that Sitogaston didn't even spend a little time as a Padre way back when. Outfielder. All right, well, do you have an answer to this question? I'm delaying. Well, I'm going to have to buzz you, sir. Stop it. John Schneider? Oh, I'm doing, I'm doing sorry. Sorry about that, Mike. Yeah, Sitogaston played for the Padres 69. He was an all-star for the Padres in 1970. Good memory there. Well, I didn't remember that. I had to look it up, but he had 29 homers for the Padres. 29 is a lot of homers, especially if you go back to San Diego slash Qualcomm stating before they put the inside fence in, you had to hit it over that huge tall 15-foot fence. Oh, wow. To home Homer in those days. Wow. Sitogaston. Good slugger. All right. All right. Let's go to our next contestant. Well, you were like, you know, incredulous. Like, Sitogaston, who the hell is that? I know that was a little over the top. Yeah. Let's go to Jason. Hello, Jason. Hey, guys. How you doing? Hi, Jason. Are you ready? Yeah. I mean, real quick, I just want to say what's up real quick. Chris, because we share a birthday, so I can forgive you. Oh, very good. June 22nd. Yeah. We'll never forget your birthday now because Chris beats me over the head with his every day. Yeah. So just stop it. We also share with Meryl Streep and Clyde Drexler. Wow. That is so wonderful. Yeah, that's not what I was out there. Yeah. There's Jason, Chris, Clyde the Glide, and Meryl Streep. There we go. That's a list right there. That's a Mount Rushmore right there. All right. Here we go, Jason. Question number one. The best pitcher of all time, Paul Skeens, pitched for what college? Best pitcher of all time. I love you. I love you, it's correct. I was trying to think way back when, you know, to when he was in college, since he's the best pitcher now of all time. Well, haven't you seen the headlines? I know you. I know you're just-- I'm not mad at the guy. Yes, you hate him. All right, here we go. Question number two. You don't like a girlfriend either, by the way. I'm just passing that info along to people. I didn't say anything about that. We'll talk about that later if you want to, but I didn't say I hated her. Which National League Central player has struck out the most in baseball so far this season? National League Central. Need an answer? Got to get an answer. Uh, Nailed it. I believe that you weren't cheating either. I believe that. Wow, that was pretty darn good. Yes. He nailed it. Ellie Dayla Cruz is the leader in whiffs. He struck out like 126 times so far this season. All right, I don't think I would have got that. Really? I, you know, I might have thought of him, but I hadn't thought of him yet. All right, here we go, Jason. Oh, I got the Cardinals. Oh, and the Cardinals? Well, the Cardinals would be good, so. No. All right, here we go. Question number three. What was the first American city to host a summer Olympics? Summer Olympics? What was it? Los Angeles. Los Angeles? Chris, you attended these Olympics. The first one? Yes. Well, it's funny that he just was trying to predict a, uh, strikeout guy from the Cardinals because I'm pretty sure the answer to this is St. Louis. Wow. How did he know that? 1904. How did you even know the year? Sorry, Jason. Thanks for playing. One of those things that sticks in my head. Sorry, Jason, but thanks for sharing our birthday. We'll definitely celebrate again next time around. All right. Let's see who's next longest holding on the list. It would be Ryan and Chula Vista. Ryan. Hi, Ryan. Hey, what's up, you guys? No, my name is Mom. Sorry? Me and my mom are going to play. Oh, all right. What's your mom's name? Yeah, what's your mom's name? Jalissa, who Lisa? Who Lisa? All right. Good. We got Ryan and who Lisa. Here we go. Let's go. Question number one. Who is the oldest player on the Padres right now? Uh, Bander Bogart. Zanda Bogartz. That's a mess. Stay there, Ryan. That's a good question. The oldest Padres. I couldn't even begin to guess either. Look it up. Man, David Peralta? Uh-huh. Wow, he just popped into my head because he was on the show today. Sorry about that, Ryan. Sorry, Ryan and Lisa. I got lucky there. Wait, I'm looking at it. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Oh, no, wait a minute. You're reneging on that now? Is you, Darvish, not currently on the 40-man roster? That's a good question. He might be older than Peralta. He's not on my list of 20-20-40. Yeah, he's not active right now. He's on the semi-crazy list. He's on the NFI, not the NFI, the restricted list. You know, you could give Ryan and Elisa another chance at a number one. Because I think that was kind of a, I think that was kind of a fugazi question. I'll just say, you, Darvish, counts. No, I think he just, you know, he's got the one on-- I just don't want to waste my questions. Oh, you're wasted that one. Let's go to number one. Ryan, you're still there? Yeah, I'm still here. All right, good. You're still alive. Here he goes. Question number one, again. Oh, you're-- I told you, I didn't want to waste my questions. Just waste 10. Where did David Peralta work before he was a major leaguer? Oh, well, if you heard the interview, this is an easy one. Uh, the big old McDonald's. There you go. I like it, Ryan. You were listening, you're paying attention. See, as soon as I saw you Darvish on the chat, I was like, you know what, you Darvish, I think might be closing in on 40, but I looked at the 40-man roster. I do not see his name there. Not on there because he's on a list. Okay. Some sort of restricted list. All right, Ryan, you were still alive, but I'll tell you one thing. I will say this about our chat. They don't miss anything. No, they do. Right, if you make the most simple mistake, somebody's going to be on you. Which usually it's me, but sometimes it's not. Yeah, you know, I do appreciate it, but at the same time it drives me insane. But that just means I care about you if you drive me insane. Darvish is 37, Peralta 36. All right, well, that, okay. All right, Ryan, move on. Here we go. Question two. Question two, yes. I'm going to give you players' names. You're going to tell me what team they played for together. Jerks and Profar, Chris Bassett, Matt Olson. Little Rocky. Rocky. Rocky. Sorry about that. I think I know this one too. Trustees. Sorry. I feel bad because I like Ryan and Eulisa, and I didn't even know it gets to know Eulisa. Oh, by the way, when you said the chat gets on us, Adam Paul, I'm just going to name him, is one of those guys or people who gets on us. And he said, "We hold you to high standards because you should know things." Yeah, he's right. I was like, geez. Here's the thing, he's right. But I just don't go into this, you know, pretending to know everything. I know people think that maybe, because I do Chris vs. the fans in this, but I don't mind that I don't know everything. That means there's still stuff to know. I definitely don't know everything. So we don't, but it's a good point, Adam Paul. But, you know, we don't claim perfection. So it's good that we have you guys checking up on us. All right, let's go to the next. And sometimes we do just make a mistake. Like, you know, you do research for something and you look something up and there's another angle that you didn't choose. And also, if we're going to talk about this, the sports radio show has changed. There's something called the internet. And if people are curious about something, they can go look it up. And they do. Yeah. And they do. All right, let's go to our next contestant, Ollie. Hello, Ollie. Oh, you got to turn down the radio. Turn down your radio, Ollie. Then you're all set to go. All right, here we go. Question number one. [Music] I don't have a question number one. Really? Who did the Dodgers just get swept by? What team? The Dodgers just got swept by the Phillies. The Phillies are ours. We enjoyed everything. We've been seeing right now to the Tigers. Three nothing. All right, here we go. Question number two. It's Dodgers, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh. Dodgers. We know Bronnie James was picked in the second round of the NBA Draft. But what pick overall was he? Let's say, uh, 57. 50? Oh, apparently Chris knows this. Sorry about that, Ollie. Sorry, Ollie. I don't drive 55. Oh my God. That makes such a big deal out of it. It was like burned into my conscious. Okay. All right. Sorry, Ollie. We're going time breaker time. Time breaker time breaker. I say today's tiebreaker guy is Byron Buxton. Oh, okay. I don't know why he just popped into my head. He's already around the lineup list. I'm waiting for a Padre lineup still. Yeah, we still haven't gotten. Not official yet. All right, Byron Buxton. Go into his career stats right this moment. All right. And then we'll get someone on the phone. Chris, you usually choose who goes. Oh, yes, because this is kind of a 50/50 thing. And we're going with a line. Three. Three, which is Robin. Hello, Robin. Hello. Hey, Rob. Is your name Robin? I'm Robin. Okay. Perfect. I don't want to give too much later. Oh, you got to save that. Yeah, save that for the next time, because this is a tiebreaker. So you still have your first time player handy for next time. But when I thought as the name pop up here, I thought it was the old Ram quarterback Roman Gabriel. No, but it's not. It's not anyway. All right, Robin. I'm going to be being Robin on a Friday. You you saved that first time player. Yeah. I'm going to ask Chris a question. He's going to have you're going to guess whether or not the actual number is higher or lower than what Chris said. Got that? Fine. He got it. Yeah, you finally said it right. All right, Chris. How many? Let's see. How many RBIs does he have in his career? Byron Buxton. Byron. Southern. Let's see. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years. 10 years? 2015 was his first year. I just started. He's been hurt a lot. Yeah, I know. So that's why it's hard to answer this question. You did give a really tricky guy. You did. I'm going to say because of his injuries, only about 45 RBIs per year. So 444. 444. Robin, is the actual answer higher or lower? 410 years? 444. They're going to go 44. He's going over. Sorry about that. Really? He's not over 444. No. He's been hurt so much as 335. Man. For his career. For his career. For his career. For his career. For his career. For his career. For his career. For his career. He's 33 RBIs a year. And they talked about this guy as like a Hall of Famer. Well, the most RBIs he's ever had in a season, he's done 51 twice. Man, Byron Buxton overrated. He hasn't played more than 80s. Or he played 92 games in 2022. And that's the second most of his career. I overrated. All right, roll the tie. I love this guy. Alex Cardiff. Alex, let's go, Alex. Are you ready? I'm ready. All right, Chris. How many stolen bases does he have in his career? 444. No. 10 years. He's got to have at least five. He doesn't play. I know you gave him the trickiest guy of all. 88, 88 RBIs or stolen bases. Alex, is the actual answer higher or lower? I'm going to go higher. You're going to go higher. You would be correct. Nice job. I'm trying to get the applause. There it is. Very good. Hang on, Alex. I'll get you in the break. The actual answer was you were really close, Chris. 91 RBIs. You said 81 steals. Yes. Yeah, you said RBI. I keep saying RBIs. He means steals. Yes. It's all right. We've got to take a break. We're a little past that. Stick around. Big five is coming up. Tony will rejoin us for that segment. Oh my gosh. Look at the time. Gwen and Chris. 428. Man. We cannot do this anymore. Whoever the producer of the show is, does not write him very tightly. Whoever the host of the show is, does not write a tight show. I think it's both of our faults. Jay and Ladi made his debut for the Minnesota Timberwolves today. How do you do? In the Las Vegas Summer League. Jayden went 0 for 2. Did not score in 13 minutes off the bench. But, according to Mark Ziegler, the Timberwolves were plus 18 when he was on the floor. That's a good number. So very good. Look, I think Jayden Ladi's going to be a positive player for, if it's not the Timberwolves, somebody, you know, somewhere. Yeah. In Major League. NBA action. I'm with you on that one. Whatever. Somebody else brought up an interesting point. I just read Andy Roddick. Remember the former tennis player, married to Brooklyn Decker. All right. I saw them together at the Super Bowl Radio Row in Houston one year. All right. He brought this up and it's a pretty good point. I think you'll like it. Novak Djokovic, who's playing in the Wimbledon final tomorrow, had knee surgery like three and a half weeks ago. Really? What kind of knee? Remember he had to get out of the French open because it's so bad and kind of, yeah. He underwent a surgery on that. He's back and now he's in the Wimbledon final. Note to Tyler Glass now and your sore back. You know what I mean? I mean, you know, I'm not saying tennis players are tough in general. I don't know. But this Djokovic is a superhuman, you know, tremendous athlete. A lot of people don't like him, fair enough. But that's a pretty impressive now. All knee surgeries are not created alike. I get no now. But nonetheless, to come from three weeks or three and a half weeks and back into the Wimbledon finals, pretty good. That is really good. When you consider, right, guys go on the injured list and they're not heard from again for months and months and months. Yeah. And we don't even know what's a matter with them. I guess in tennis too, you're only letting down yourself if you don't play. Well, you don't make money. And you don't make money. Not playing, right. There's a little more motivation. He definitely make money. There's more, there's motivation. But for somebody like Djokovic, he certainly already made his money. He's good. So all right. Just thought I'd point that out. We had a moment to do so. Big five is coming up. Still ahead. If you missed our interview with David Peralta, the second oldest guy in the Padres is we've come to find out. It was really fun. And you'll get a chance here in the five o'clock hour. But the big five is next. All right. Welcome back to Quinn and Chris. 30 teams in Major League Baseball. 29 of them have turned in their lineups for tonight's ball games. Padres, the lone holdout. Although manager Mike Schilt did say earlier that Jander Bogart's will be back in the lineup tonight at second base. Yes. Still awaiting the full lineup. For Matt Waldron to support Matt Waldron in his attempt to beat Spencer Schellenbach and the Atlanta Braves. Game one of a two game series. Padres right now coming into the day, actually percentage point behind the Mets. Yes. We don't have the final playoff spot right now. The Mets do. And they're getting lots of attention right now. The Metropolitan. Yes. All right. Let's check traffic and then get to traffic will be after the big five. I'm sorry. Well, so it will be. It's that time of the show when we check on the latest in sports. Only the most important topics and questions are brought to light. Stop what you're doing and listen. These news stories will astound and amaze you. The one. The only. Oh my god. Who the hell. Cash. The big five starts now on 97th grade. The fan. You know, guys, I cannot believe it. But we are in the final series before the all-star break. It seems like time flies when baseball season comes around. And we have seen a lot of great stuff from the Padres in the first half. We've seen a lot of suspect stuff from the Padres in the first half. But number five. Now that we are here, we all are in agreements that jerks and profar is the MVP of the first half. Right guys? Padres MVP. Yeah. Good enough. Put on your prediction hat, Chris. I know how much you love this. Who, not naming a Chateau and jerks and profar, will have the biggest second half. Sander Bogart's. Ah, good answer. Good answer. Well, I mean, there's, you know, first of all, he's good enough to do it. Second of all, last year, his second half was really, really good when it seemed like nobody out there was paying any more attention. And it already considered his season of failure. You know, Sander Bogart just kept putting up numbers the last couple of months of that season. So, and I think that he wants to make makeup for time lost. And I think he's the most capable. And I think, you know, with the race, I think Sander Bogart's, you know, is always proven he's a big time player. So, I'm hoping we'll see it here in San Diego. I'll wait for him. So, the question is, who do we want to see in the second half do this? Yeah, sure. Okay. No, what would you ask Chris? What did you ask? I said, who, not naming a Chateau and jerks and profar, will have the biggest second half. So, basically, I'm asking you to put on your prediction hat. I like, I like Chris's pick. Let's go with Sander. That is a good one, Chris. I didn't even think about him. I had some time off. I think he finished the second half as well as anybody last year. Yeah, I like Sander. And I think, plus, if you add Sander to the mix, and he's having that kind of second half, his office could be really good. It can be. All right. Not only that, I just-- Extremely awkward, I'm sorry. No, not only that was Sander Bogart. So, it would just keep everybody off of our back on this radio show. Why? Because every time he grounds out to shortstop, people call us and tell us that it was a big waste of money. Or trade him. As if Tony and I opened our pocketbooks. All right. The MLB draft starts on Sunday, and I've been actually reading a lot about everything that's going on, but I don't really get one thing about the whole process. There are two players who experts think could go, number one, Georgia's Charlie Condon and Oregon State's Travis Bizanna, who, by the way, has a great nickname, the Baspanian Devil. All right. Good one. That's great. But what I-- That's great. But what I don't get is this. What? What, Chris? Ah, I'm just happy anybody has a nickname in this day and age. So, I was just-- All I was going to say. But what I don't get is this. Writers are saying that Charlie Condon is the best player in the draft and easily could be selected, number one. However, those same experts are picking the Baspanian Devil to go, number one. So, Tony, can you make it make sense? And this is in baseball? Yeah. Dang, I don't know none of these dudes. Can I make it make sense in terms of what? Why would the best overall player in the draft go second to a guy who has a better nickname? Sure. Sure. He has got a-- Is that really the question you're asking? But no, it's not about the nickname. It's about this. Why, like in football, you take the best overall player on the board. Not always, they did a piece last week on NFL Network about the greatest offensive lineman in the history of football and the greatest prospect in the history of football. His name was Tony Mandrich. And he was an offensive lineman for Michigan State. He was on the cover Sports Illustrated. And he was going to road grade the entire NFL. That was the Jets, right? Uh, no, what happened was the Cowboys had the number one pick that year, and they chose a guy who didn't even make all conference at quarterback in the pack 10 or 12 at the time. The guy the-- The Cowboys chose was a guy named Troy Aikman. Mandrich went to the Green Bay Packers and was a complete disaster. That's right. And basically, Steroid used himself out of the league. What does this have anything to do with the question? Because your question is, why don't they always just take the best guy? And I'm telling you that they don't always take the best guy. Mandrich was the best guy that year, but Jimmy Johnson was smart enough to-- I guess it's football. It's way different because if you need a quarterback, you take a quarterback. But in baseball, it seems like you should just take the best prospect out there instead of not taking him for a second role. Yeah, well, I mean, but that's up to the opinions, right? I mean-- That is true. That's true. Beholder, whoever has the first pick may view one better than the other. They're both college guys, so this draft is littered with a bunch of college guys. Yeah, in baseball, I would agree with you. Maybe it usually should be best talent. I mean, because it's not as though you draft them and then they help your team right now. You know what I'm saying? Usually for the most part, except with the very few exceptions, you got to go through the minor. So by the time three years rolls around, your needs may be different. Our four years roll around, your needs may be different. So yeah, I would assume the reason why the consensus or they're not taking the consensus number one is because they feel like the other guy's better. I have a question about the baseball draft, Tony, that maybe you can touch on a little bit. And I don't think it has anything to do with either of these two players. I think it has to do with every single player coming out of college, everyone. Okay. College baseball players all use aluminum bats. How do major league teams know which guys are going to be able to translate and hit with a wood bat as well as they rake with an aluminum bat in college? Fantastic question. I think because now, I mean, most of them go play summer ball. They're all wood bat leagues. Okay. So there are leagues that they can demonstrate their ability to hit with a wood bat now. For sure. But I think there's just a way that especially when you're watching the collegiate game, there's just a way that the swing gets through the zone, that you know works for wood that you know immediately. It stands out, won't work with a wood bat in their hand. Just out of curiosity, how long did it take you to get comfortable with a wood bat? And was there any transition? I didn't have any transition because I grew up swinging. Yeah, your dad probably told you. Yeah. Well, okay. That's very interesting. There's just something I was thinking about as I was watching the College World Series and these guys, I mean, there's guys setting records with you know 50 home runs this year in college baseball and you guys hitting 600 and I'm just thinking can they all, you know, hit that well at the next level? Of course not. But how do they know which ones will? It's weird. I don't know, but the Tasmanian devil on the fan of. That's your guy. Number three. Exactly six months to the, that's all it takes is a good nickname. Exactly six months of the day after leaving the Patriots, Bill Belichick has landed a new job. The six-time Super Bowl winning head coach will join inside the NFL for the upcoming season and he's going to sit alongside former Pro Bowl safety Ryan Clark, former Pro Bowl wide receiver Chad Johnson and former defensive end Chris Long who won one of his two Super Bowls while playing with Belichick in New England. Inside the NFL, did you guys know what was on the CW network? Nope. Nope. Yeah, it's going on in second season on the CW network. I'm glad you told me. I'm letting you know that to ask this question. Will you watch to see what Bill Belichick brings to the table? I don't think I have to anymore. I think in the day and age of social media, Bill Belichick says anything interesting. Somebody will post it. No, that's a good point. And I'll get to watch that and I want to have to put up with the rest of the rag tag show that that probably is. Bill Belichick, well, I don't know. Ryan Clark is a click beast and I don't know what Chad Ocho Sinko's last name really is these days. It's back to Johnson. But you know, Belichick, for all of his, you know, brilliance and knowledge of the game of professional football, he is not a guy that I'm going to run towards to sit and listen, talk for a, you know, 45 minutes. Yeah, I've heard he's amazing talking to me. Well, I've seen him interviewed before and maybe he just doesn't translate, but he looks real that rather boring to me. So Tony, are you going to watch to see what he brings to the table? I mean, I don't generally watch this show because I didn't know it was on the CW. So no one did Tony. No one did. I mean, I think Bill Belichick outside of being a coach is actually interesting. He's not interesting when he's on the on the mic as a head coach and he clearly doesn't want to reveal. But I think he's excellent once he gets outside of that room. Every time I've heard him speak since he's been funny, whether we were talking about Roast or he just provides a bunch of insight. Even in the 30 for 30 they did with him. And was it Bill? Oh, the two bills? He was good in that. And so yeah, I mean, I won't go looking for inside the NFL. But as Chris said, the clips get taken. And I certainly will watch to see what he has to say. I would say this if you if I had to watch the show, I would watch it probably to hear what he says over any of the other guys you named. I mean, he does he is the most decorated guy in that room. So only one that only one that does bring anything. I think is Chad. I mean, yeah, he's I don't know. I agree that Ryan Clark does good stuff, but he does like the clicks. I will say. I will say. I agree to disagree. So with that awkward transition to awkward transitions for the big five today, everybody, the Chargers have these schedule release videos that a lot of people are think are pretty funny. And some of it is pretty funny. They take shots at players and other teams. But one of those players was not happy about the Chargers social media team equating him to garbage. Here is Devontae Adams of the Raiders on up and Adams talking about it. It was a little trend a little bit ago where, you know, a few of the social media pages were posting some funny stuff of, you know, when the schedule was releasing. So they posted me and then like a trash can or something like that, the Chargers did. So by responding on social media to it and, you know, being funny there, but I figured it'd be better to, you know, just beat their head in and in real life and continue doing it the way, you know, because my first game against them, I don't know, they clearly forgot. Yeah, you played 21 yards in the touchdown. And then the next time that sang here, it was like 177 yards and, you know, two touchdowns. I think it was that game. So I just wanted to kind of remind them what they pertains to playing against me. And hopefully the people that have made that post, because it's not the players fault. They didn't have anything to do with the posts. But this is directed strictly toward the Chargers social media page. Please keep my name out your mouth. I love it. I love it. Tony, can a team social media post cause problems for the actual players on the field in a football game? Yes, football, basketball, certain, a lot more control, especially when you're dealing with a dude like this. This is not like your run of the mill wide receivers to buy to Adams, who, as he said, has been terrorizing the Chargers. So if I'm one of them quarterbacks, I'm immediately walking up, walking up to the social media group and telling them it'd chill out. You're trying to have me roasted on national TV. Yeah, no, I think, you know, that's the funny. That's the thing, you know, mostly it's a lot. I would say almost all the social media content is managed by people who didn't play sports. And so when that is the case, you run the risk of popping off and putting somebody in position where they could be the one that has to deal with the repercussions. And I imagine that doesn't go well. So, you know, it's only you only see a few of the social medias like this. Everybody else seems to understand like it's not the best idea to piss off somebody like Devontae Adams, who's already been great against you to begin with. And it wasn't that they post him as a garbage can. They posted a pop tart flavor and the pop tart flavor was garbage. So that's what he was talking about. Chris. Well, it doesn't always have to be social media that people post that can upset. Oh, no, I forgot. And I'm not going to go there. But there was something up on the scoreboard at Petco Park last year that I don't think was right. And I think it I think the Padres paid a little price for that. And I don't think that any of the players certainly had anything to do with it. So what Tony's saying is accurate. But on this one, I agree with Tony 100%. The only thing I'm thinking of is maybe the the Chargers were trying to remind Devontae Adams that he has just done nothing but trash them. Over time. Oh, okay. That's a good one. Maybe that was maybe they were actually giving him a compliment. Don't give them the benefit of the time, not, but I'm trying to get them out of this mess that they've created for themselves. All right. Yeah, that was pretty funny. Number one in American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after an unruly passenger exposed himself and urinated on the plane's aisle, everybody. Neil McCarthy, 25 of Oregon was arrested and charged with indecent exposure in relation to the incident aboard American Eagle flight 3921, which was flying from Chicago to Manchester, New Hampshire, but was forced to divert to Buffalo, New York. Because of this incident, McCarthy was charged under Title 49, United States Code Section 46506. He faces faces a maximum penalty of six months in prison and a $5,000 fine. Now Braden did some more research on this. The reason he decided to urinate in the aisles because they told him he had to wait until the seatbelt sign was off for him to go to the bathroom. So he decided to stand up and do that. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Do we know who this will McCarthy is this David McCarthy or Neil? I'm sorry, Neil McCarthy. Do we know this Neil McCarthy? No, no, no, no, no, we don't know this. This is like a random person. Yeah. Actually, you know who sent this to us this morning? Adam Klube sent us in the producer chat. I'm so glad that I have that I'm not on a flight like this sometimes like. Are you serious? He just got up in the aisle. They have. They're actually is like video of this. They the news article that I saw has like a picture of this happening. It's it's wild. It's wild. So Chris, does the punishment fit the crime? I don't think so. Me neither. Here's my reason why the punishment because I mean I would I'd go the full six months and I'd go the full $5,000. Are you saying that the punishment's too much for the crime? No, no, he needs you cannot just urinate on a plane because you want to get right. And I'll be honest with you. I have been close. Wait, what? Not to actually doing that, but in a desperate situation where I had to go so bad and they were in the landing process and then the plane had to circle the landing runway four or five times because there was a, you know, traffic below. Sir, why didn't you go to the bathroom in preparation for landing? Because I thought I could make it through landing and then the landing lasted a long, long time. All right. And then once you land, people clog their way into the aisle. So you can't get your way back to the right anyway. Okay. All right. So I'm that's stupid to say, but I just said it anyway. Um, but no, here's my reasoning why this guy, they get to throw away the key on the sky. Throw away the key. Throw away the key is because a this is absurd and ridiculous in its first place. But secondly, he inconvenienced a painful. Yeah, that's that's the people. That's another one who had to get to Manchester, New Hampshire, wherever they were going. And, you know, he forces it to be diverted to Buffalo that throws everybody's life off. I'm tired of people affect, you know, your own stupidity and arrogance, affecting this and that right selfishness affecting that many people. So I would double the sentence if he came into my courtroom. Tony, does the punishment fit the crime? What was the sentence? Six months in prison, $5,000 fine maximum. As the great Kendrick Lamar recently said, never let him in. You know what on your legs, son? Either you die right there or pop that man in the head, son. I don't think those are song lyrics. Yes. Yes. I can imagine it. All right. I like saying it better though. Yeah. No, I there's there's no way that. Yeah, double the sentence. Double. I agree with that. I'm just telling you if I mean even a splash copy, even just even exposing yourself part out to be off the top is enough to listen. I walk around in the locker room for a long time. That part doesn't bother me as much until the speck of P hits my arm only or apples. It's over. As Tony would say over that spot on the way out. That's a good point. Oh my god. That's a good point. All right. Well, nice visual to end the big five today for the week. Yeah. That was the last topic of the week, everybody. All right. All right. On the other side, we're going to get you set for the final series before the all-star break. All of that is next. Plus David Peralta on 97 through the fan. Great to have you with us as we head into the happy hour. Gwen and Chris, 97 three, the fan. Hope you enjoyed today's big five. Good stuff. Scravey, put it all together. Thanks. And you know, you're going to have to track down what happens to this gentleman on the airplane. Like, I need to get a final result. How long are they going to put this guy away for? And or is he going to get off one of those, you know, one of those fields was like, ah, two weeks time served and a hundred dollars. I'm like, no, it all depends on his record. So I should depend on his record when you do something that because you get, you get, you get off easy your first time to listen. They're wrong, but that is a whole new level of weird and wrong. Whole new low, whole new guy. All right. 503 is the time as we head into the happy hour. And we're going to have our interview with David Peralta coming up. Peralta is in the lineup tonight to celebrate his appearance on the Gwen and Chris show. Funny we should mention that because finally the lineup is out. Yes. Louisa rise is leading off. He's back in the DH slot. I hate to say this. Arise hit far better as a DH than he did was a first baseman. He slumped the last really month ever since he moved into the first base role. So, you know, hopefully this will get a rise going again. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, I mean, you know, you know how much I think of a rise, my, my guy, but if he's not getting base hits, he's not really doing a whole lot to help you win games. He doesn't walk ever. And the reason he doesn't walk is because he never misses a pitch. Yeah. You know, he doesn't strike out, but he doesn't walk. And, you know, defensively, I thought he did commendable job at first base, but he's not great. Yeah, he gave it all. I mean, can't blame him. He wasn't, he didn't come here to play first base. No, he's got to start hitting again. So he leads off a DH tonight, pro-fars and left. Cronin worse at first base now. Machado's a third. Bogart's is indeed back in their second base batting fifth. Quick trivia, not trivia, but one was the last time Bogart's played Braves. Oh Braves. Right. And it comes full circle because it's Braves. Yes. Yeah. Jackson Merrill's batting sixth, Peralta, our guy, David Peralta, former McDonald's employee, batting seventh. You'll find out about that if you hear our interview. How are the hamburger there? How's on Kim sitting eighth at shortstop? He gosh, Yoka, of course, Waldron's pitching. So he'd be catching regardless. Yeah. But I think he'd be catching anyway. And again, I wonder what they're going to do with Campusano. They are sending Brett Sullivan down to make room for Bogart's. And one other move, Wambi Peralta's gone to the IL. Recall, he strained growing the other night, throwing a pitch in that game against Seattle. Sean Reynolds, right-hander, is coming up and will have a chance potentially to make his major league debut. Southern California kid from Redondo Beach, California. That's kind of cool. He's 26 years old. Here's the thing that you're going to notice about Sean Reynolds. So I'll tell you firsthand. Six foot eight, 250. Wow. He'll be muscling the ball to home plate. I mean, that's scary. Wow. I remember when I was playing baseball back in the day and there was a tall guy in the mound. It just was always scary because he's intimidated. Yeah, a six, eight, 250 pound guy, six, eight, 250, 90, whatever. Sounds like to me, they got Sean Reynolds on the roster just in time for that trip to DC after the all-star break. Oh, maybe that's where they have them on there. Case. Yeah, face Ruiz wants us to talk to some of our hitters again. Oh, why not Jesse Winker to? We'll just send Sean Reynolds out to restore order. Six, eight, 250. Man, huge. So he's come up and could make his debut tonight. Who knows? All right, we got a couple of quotes from Mike Schilt, pregame stuff from Petco Park. So you feel like you're up to date. First from the Padres, fine skipper, roller coaster, hater, Mike Schilt, thoughts on Zander Bogart's coming back. Yeah, Bogie's back. You know, it's a good heading back. He had a couple good days of Lake E. He's had a, you know, really positive rehab. He's feeling good. He's back playing second base and hitting mind-manning tonight. I know that you joked about it the other day managing an infield when you have so many of them. You wish that there were five positions. What is your plan for managing the infield there before? I think it'll be fairly fluid. I mean, you know, cronies back at first a day where we saw D. H. Day and it maybe look a little different tomorrow. And then we'll just take it as it comes, you know, once we're at the all-star group. That's my Mike Schilt that I remember will take it as it comes. And well, we revisited after the all-star break because we all know he hasn't thought this through at all. He's just through. Of course he has, but he's not telling us what his plans are. He's telling us that we'll just kind of see. Yeah, for day to day, we'll kind of, you know, figure it out. If I know anything, there's a plan within a plan within a plan. Of course, that doesn't happen in baseball these days. Yeah, they've got it all mapped out. They know exactly what the lineup will be tomorrow. And they know what it'll be Sunday against the lefty. And, you know, going forward what they plan to do. But Mike Schilt is just like every other manager and he doesn't want to tell us. So, I mean, we'll never get anything. It's okay. I, you know, I always kind of poke fun at this, but if Mike Schilt said what I want him to say, we wouldn't like that either. Probably. And what I want him to say is, yeah, we just don't really feel like telling you. I want the honesty. Actually, yeah, I would be with that. But if he gave me that honesty every time and be like, all right, that that's no good either. Yeah. Stop telling all the secrets. Right. All right. Yeah, Xander Bogart's last game may 20th. So almost two months for Xander. Really? Wow. That is that was a quick two months. Wasn't it seem to go quickly. They were 24 and 23 when he went out. So, so almost the same record with him when without him. That's hilarious to me. Right. They're 25 and 24 without him. Because I was told by many people that they were going to, the Padres were going to be great without him. Yes. Without we look, he was the whole reason that they were only 24 and 23. But now without him, they went 25 and 24. So, please explain. That is crazy. Here is Xander Bogart's back and his thoughts on the state of the team he's rejoining. Kind of coming back and down the stretch. Listen, a couple days ago, we were in a great spot, you know, and maybe we're not in a great spot. We're still in a good spot, you know. Can't control what happened in the past few games. You know, obviously we played a pretty tough team, some good pitching with the Mariners. Turned the page quick on that and we have a good team in front of us. I think they have the first white guy spot, right? These guys? So, it's going to be pretty much playoff atmosphere, you know, in July. So, we're trying to play catch up with these guys. Obviously, I can see him from afar. We have a really good team. We've been playing really good. Besides the last couple of games, that's baseball and hopefully we can end the also breaking a high note, you know, I mean, these guys, they're a pretty good team, but so are we. We got to that's baseball. I love it. That's your favorite. Yeah, that's your favorite. Here's the thing. These three games, I'm going to overrate how much they mean. But I just don't want to come in here Monday and have a whole week ahead of me and us to talk about a team that is now 49 and 50 at the break and has lost seven games in a row. It's going to set us up for a long week. Yes, and has to go through a whole week of sweating that out. Let's set this up for some angry calls. I know which I don't blame. They should not go. They should not be under 500. Yeah, we're giving up and the whole thing. So, let's win a couple this weekend. Will, can we please? You know, I I will save us. I appreciate Zader Bogart's because he really and people may say this doesn't matter. I think it matters a lot, but he has a lot of experience with this type of baseball. He played for the Red Sox for years. He's played in big games. He knows what it takes. And I think that's important. I hope it works out. I mean, he's hitting 219, you know, he's going to be better. I'm speaking into existence, Chris. I know you are. Well, you're speaking it. We'll see whether it comes into existence or not. He did not draw a single walk in his last 18 games. Well, he was trying to hit the ball. I guess so. I'm just saying there's, you know, there's not a lot to recommend about how Zander Bogart's was hitting at the time he got hurt. So we need, you know, return to look, I've said this before, but I'll just, you know, to underscore my point, we're talking about a guy with an 804 career. OPS, who this year is at 581. That's bad. Not good. No. So he's got to bring this up. And tonight would be a good time to start. All right, Tyler wants to tell you that he did walk in his last game, Lake Elsinore. Okay. Thank you. I was going to say not according to this sheet. All right, very good. Time out David Peralta interview. And we've had, I say it every week, so it loses some of its steam. But the Friar Friday interview this time, I mean it. It's really good. David Peralta did a heck of a good job. And his story is unusual. So it's coming up next. And our Friar Friday interview is the Padres head into the all-star break. Outfielder David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris excited to have you on. And I guess I'll start with some info that I heard David by wishing you a very happy anniversary today. Awesome. This is, yeah, I don't know that a lot of us in the world, when we think of anniversaries, we think of a lot of different things in this. But this is your 10 year day for service time to major league baseball. And that is a big deal. And I think also, congratulations are in order to any of you great athletes who make it that long in the big leagues. Thank you. Thank you very much guys. Yeah, I know this is a special day for me, for my family too. It has been a long journey for me. It hasn't been easy, but, you know, I made it. I did it. I'm here with the Padres. And I always thank to the Padres for giving me the opportunity to believe in me and give me the chance to keep playing the game that I love. David talk a little bit about that. I mean, that journey, as you mentioned, it wasn't your typical journey. I mean, you started this game in the professional realm as a pitcher, had to go play some indie ball, wager way back as a hitter. I mean, it's quite, if you sat back and thought about it, because it's kind of remarkable, the path that you've had, and yet you've been able to reach this 10 year mark. Yeah, I mean, it's a long story. I'm from, I'm going to try to make this short and quick and fun. But, you know, I started my career in 2004 as a, as a, as a pitcher with a cardinals. And that didn't work. It didn't work for me. Obviously, like I had two shoulder surgery. I was trying to work my way up to get healthy. That didn't work. And obviously, like when I went back, I got released in 2009, I went back to Venezuela. I'm trying to like, figure out what to do. But thankfully, I have my parents that were supporting me 100%. And they were like, Hey, let's try hitting, you know, just, I was still young. I was, I was 21 years old. And I'm like, Hey, you're still young. You can do it. So I started doing the term formation, you know, like changing my body, like trying to work different to, to, to make an impact as an outfielder, because I was telling myself, if I want to come back, I said, for a different position player, you have to, you know, do something to get attention from the sky. So that's what a day I moved back to, to United States and I started playing an independent ball, which wasn't easy for me to get a, to get a job in independent ball. And then I finally got a job in independent balling, hardly your touch. So that was my first team. And the funny thing of that, like, I didn't have money to fly over there, to be honest. And, and I had, I like, had a drive over that I didn't have money for the gas too. So I had to work at McDonald's to get them to collect money. Oh, wow. To drive to pay for the gas. So I worked for a month over there. And, and, and, and I was like, actually, that was my real job ever. And it all stopped. But, you know, I went through that, you know, how to work, I'm done. And then when I was my time was done, I had to go work out, play a practice and all this kind of stuff. But I played two and a half year in independent ball. And finally, the DBAT gave me the opportunity to, to go back to, to the athletic team. So they sent me to the high A in 2013. So a year and a half later, they, I got colored to the big league from double A and that everything started my whole story. Well, that is an unbelievable story. I, I don't, I certainly hadn't heard it before. And, I think we just all kind of assume that you guys just materialize in the major leagues, you know, and it just, that's what happens. But to go from pitching to Venezuela to McDonald's to the independent league, I mean, this was a five or six year journey. So no wonder that 10 years means so much to you. David Peralta is our guest. He is the pride of Venezuela as he mentioned there in that last answer. I'm, I'm curious, David, I pitched a little in college. The reason I did is because I couldn't hit. I, I, I stunk. And so I thought, if I'm going to do anything, I'm going to do it as a pitcher. And I was able to play up into, into some college ball. Were you always a decent hitter or did you pitch because you couldn't hit either and then had to learn how to hit? No, I mean, I was, I used to do both hitting, you know, I used to play center field, hitting and pitching. But, you know, in this time, a couple of scouts told me like, hey, you have a good arm, you're lefty, and then it's going to be more easy. That's what I say, more easy to make it do, basically, because there's not a lot good left-handed pitchers in the big leagues. So it's going to be much, you know, more easier for you than, you know, outfield. And I was like, okay, so I start pitching. But I used to love like, you know, I love playing outfield and everything when I was played. And I used to have not for power, but I used to have a lot of land drive and everything. And, and that's what I was like, okay, I'm going to start pitching. So you tell, I want to play baseball, I want to be a professional baseball player. And that's why they told me and I did it. So I'm assuming that's why my shoulder couldn't handle that. That's what I had to show you on my shoulder. So, but, you know, I think, things happen for a reason. And it means to be that way. Because all that I went through to get to this point, like, help me to, to become a better man, to become a better person, better husband, better father, better teammate, and grow by a person. And, and, and, and if you ask me, like, hey, if you have to go back on time, will you change anything? I'll, I'll tell you no. I will do the same thing. And I will go through the same, all that I went through to make it to this point again, because it was a journey for me. It was hard, but, but I put a lot of hard work to the education discipline to get to this point. So that's a, that's an amazing story, David. And this is a reminder to people out there that, you know, if you put your mind to something that you really want to do, no matter what the obstacles are put in front of you, it can be done. Now, David, you're here with the Padres and you're playing on an offense that is one of the better offenses in the national league. And you're playing a little bit different role than you had in Arizona. How have you transitioned from being pretty much an everyday guy to kind of getting the starts against the left, the right handed pitching and kind of spot starting here and there. You know, you have to understand the game and you have to, you know, adjust to the game, you know, and, and for me, like, I understand my role and, and, and I always prepare myself the same way and it doesn't matter if I'm playing, I'm not playing that game at that day, if I'm going to start a line out or not. But I'm always ready because I know it's always going to be an opportunity for me to pinch you or do something to help the team. So I was still demanding like, Hey, don't worry about me. I'll be ready. You know, and I learned that from, you know, years by years, like, how to prepare myself to pinch you and all this kind of stuff. So I was trying to like, to talk to the young guys here, like, Hey, you got to watch the game, you get a, you got to know the situation where it can be your opportunity to, to pinch you for these guys. So you have to, you need to be ready. You have to go to the cage, stretch, be loose, get the swing and be ready when the manager tells you to go ahead. So that's what I've been doing. And when I gave the opportunity to start in the lineup, I just, you know, I just have to go out there and have fun and do my job. David Peralta has been doing a really nice job before the Padres. And I've been saying that the entire time. And you know, I was really excited when you came here. I mean, watching you in Arizona, you know, you win a silver slugger one year, you win a gold glove the next year. You know, that tells me right there, pretty good all around player. And you know, you've proven that over time. And that helped take you to the, the world baseball classic to represent Venezuela. What did that mean to you? Well, that means everything for me. I think like play in the world classic, represent you country. We're in the jersey knowing the whole country, the whole Venezuelan is watching you and what we did was really special. I think like for me, I would say, I never, I never made it to the All-Star team and the big lead. But for me, my, the world classic was my All-Star, was my, my All-Star again. And because I was around with superstar players playing against superstar players to USA. We play against the many kind of Puerto Rico. It was unbelievable. It was so electric, like the energy. I love it. It was, it was special for me. David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris. And David, we're getting close to the break. Just kind of explained to people, you know, you, you guys have gone through the attrition that the season started in March. And you get to this point. I imagine there's a, some light at the end of the tunnel in terms of being able to get some rest. How do you guys keep your mind locked in to finish through these rest last three games before you guys get a little break? Well, you know, we're going to keep the, the, the cinnamon challenge every day. I know we have three games left. We're going to give everything. We got this three games. I know like the last few games we, we, we, we haven't, um, do the way it'll get the result that we wanted, but it's baseball. You know, we have to understand what it gets baseball and, and, and a lot of things, it's going to go your way. And a lot of things, it's going to go the other way, but we got to finish drum. And, and it's always good to get a little break, especially mentally, because these games is, is so hard. And as people, like, as a lot of people have to understand, like, it's not an easy game. It's not, it's not physical. It's physical, but there is a lot of mental. So sometimes you're going to need like, we need a mental break, like a few days, like the days that we're going to have in the break to reset your mind, spend a little time with the family. Refresh and then come back and finish strong the second half. And that's what we're going to do. Yeah, I, I tell you, I mean, I don't know how frustrated you were the other day, at the end of that ballgame. But when you hit that line drive in the ninth inning, I thought game was tied. And, uh, that had, I was like, I'm going to go on a superman, uh, you know, it's hard. Yeah, that's frustrating. It was a good situation. You want to do the right thing. You want to be the year. But like I said, this game is tough. And sometimes it doesn't go the way you want. And, and you have to move on and, and come by the next day and, and bring your game again and do it again. Do it again. I can't. I know we got two seconds left. Did you make French fries? Did you cook burgers? Did you work at the front of the store at McDonald's? Well, the first day they have a song promotion with a big match. And it was a huge line. I have no idea how to control the scream and everything. And they put me right away to take order. I was panning. I was like, you've got to be kidding me my first day. And, and then they just switch with you to drive through. And I was doing a little better over there. But with McDonald's, you have to keep everything like moving really quick. And then you said, you know what David, go start doing fries and got everything, keep everything on track. And I was going to stop. So like a week later, I was getting better. And I was like taking order. And I was going to stop. But the first day was the worst. I was like, oh boy, I'm going to get fired on my first day. Well, I'm kind of glad you didn't make your 10 year anniversary as a McDonald's employee. I'm glad you I'm glad you made it 10 years in the big leagues. Hey, it was really fun interview, David. We really enjoyed it. Great stories. And I think all the fans got a little better chance to know you. We look forward to you watching you this weekend and the rest of the season. Thanks a lot. Thank you guys. Thank you for having me. From the 97th, we the fan traffic center. Here's Kelly Dannock. Guys, our busy afternoon is transitioning into a very busy evening north downside of the 15 clearing an accident out of the HOV lane right before the 56th, because there's other crash up ahead. There's Center City Parkway. Looks like that one is still partially in Lane's tow truck is on scene assisting with that also in the North County, North 5 coastline, just before Tamarack. There is occlusion-stepper fast lane block south on 5 coastline. That's blocking the HOV lane. Just past Delmont Heights Road. Now I hit one crash before going south on 60th Google for Jeddnessy. It's over the red shoulder. I'm Kelly Dannock with winning Chris San Diego's number one sports station. 97-3, the fan. All right. Hope you enjoyed that interview with David Peralta, our Friar Friday interview today. Chrisello, Scrabby here wrapping things up. We got a minute or so left. And Scrabby, you being the 49er expert, are going to have to defend one of the greatest players in NFL history. Who today lost his mind, apparently. Oh, at least on the surface. Jerry Rice. Oh, I love Jerry. I do too. But I'm not sure I love this. Jerry Rice lost it on two reporters who asked him a question on the golf course in Lake Tahoe today at the American Century Championship. The reporters asked him whether the Chiefs receiving core was good enough to win a Super Bowl. Okay. Seems like a fair question. You know, maybe not the all-timer, but pretty annoying though. But okay. It's not that bad of a question. All right. 61 year old Jerry Rice got in one of the men's face and said, I will bleep you up. Wait, he wanted to fight them? If you want some, come get some. Oh my goodness, Jerry. Before he walked away, TMZ, you know, they know everywhere. They know everything. They talked to Jerry. He said the guys had smirks on their faces and we're trolling him. Bottom line, Jerry, who is not apologizing, said quote, I'm going to defend the San Francisco 49ers. Wow. My God, Jerry Rice, baby. Stop getting in Jerry's face. Don't ask Jerry anything. My goodness. No, that is kind of a little quick on the trigger there, Jerry. The strange reaction. Come on. Strange reaction. For Tony Scravey, Sam Levitt's pregame next. We'll catch up to you when the all-star break begins on Monday. Have a good weekend everyone. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives, well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. 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It seems like time flies when baseball season comes around and we have seen a lot of great stuff from the Padres in the first half. We've seen a lot of suspect stuff from the Padres in the first half, but number five. Now that we are here, we all are in agreements that jerks and pro far is the MVP of the first half, right guys? Padres MVP? Yeah. Good enough. Put on your prediction hat, Chris. I know how much you love this. Who, not named Mandy Machado on jerks and pro far, will have the biggest second half. Sander Bogart's. Good answer, good answer. Well, I mean, there's, you know, first of all, he's good enough to do it. Second of all, last year, his second half was really, really good when it seemed like nobody out there was paying any more attention and it had already considered his season of failure. You know, Sander Bogart just kept putting up numbers the last couple of months of that season. So, and I think that he wants to make, make up for time lost. And I think he's the most capable. And I think, you know, with the race, I think Sander Bogart's, you know, is always proven he's a big time player. So I'm hoping we'll see it here in San Diego. I'll wait for him. So the question is, who do we want to see in the second half do this? Yeah, sure. Okay. No, what would you ask, Chris? What did you ask? I said, who not named me any much out of what jerks and pro far will have the biggest second half. So basically, I'm asking you to put on your prediction hat. I like, I like Chris's pick. Let's go and Zander. That is a good one, Chris. I didn't even think about him. Had some time off. I think he finished the second half as well as anybody last year. Um, yeah, let's, I like Zander. And I think plus if you add Zander to the mix and he's having that kind of second half, his office could be really good. It can be. All right. No, not only that was Andrew Bogart. So it would just keep everybody off of our back on this radio show. Why? Because every time he grounds out to shortstop, people call us and tell us that it was a big waste of money or trade them as if Tony and I opened our pocketbooks. All right. The MLB draft starts on Sunday and I've been actually reading a lot about everything that's going on. But I don't really get one thing about the whole process. There are two players who experts think could go number one, Georgia's Charlie Condon and Oregon State's Travis Bazzanna, who by the way has a great nickname, the Bazzmanian devil. All right. Good one. That's great. But what I that's great. But what I don't get is this what what Chris? I'm just happy anybody has a nickname in this day and age. So I was just all I was gonna say. But what I don't give this writers are saying that Charlie Condon is the best player in the draft and easily could be selected number one. However, those same experts are picking the Bazzmanian devil to go number one. So Tony, can you make it make sense? And this is in baseball? Yeah. Hey, I don't know none of these dudes. Can I make it make sense in terms of what why would the best overall player in the draft go second to a guy who has a better nickname? Sure. Sure. Is that really the question you're asking? It's not about the nickname. It's about this. Why? Like in football, you take the best overall player on the board? Not always. Not always. They did it. They did it a piece last week on NFL Network about the greatest offensive lineman in the history of football. And the greatest prospect in the history of football, his name was Tony Mandrich and he was an offensive lineman for Michigan State. He was on the cover Sports Illustrated and he was going to road grade the entire NFL. That was the Jets, right? No, what happened was the Cowboys had the number one pick that year and they chose a guy who didn't even make all conference at quarterback in the pack 10 or 12 at the time. The guy the Cowboys chose was a guy named Troy Aikman. Mandrich went to the Green Bay Packers and was a complete disaster. That's right. And basically Steroid used himself out of the league. So anything to do with the question? Because your question is, why don't they always just take the best guy? And I'm telling you that they don't always take the best guy. Mandrich was the best guy that year. But Jimmy Johnson was smart enough to. I guess in football, it's way different because if you need a quarterback, you take a quarterback. But in baseball, it seems like you should just take the best prospect out there instead of not taking him over for him. Well, I mean, but that's all that's, that's up to the opinions, right? I mean, that is true. As I be holder, whoever has the first pick may view one better than the other. They're both college guys. So this draft is littered with a bunch of college guys. Yeah, in baseball, I would agree with you. Maybe it usually should be best talent. I mean, because it's not as though you draft them and then they help your team right now. You know what I'm saying? Usually. Yeah. For the most part, except with the very few exceptions, you got to go through the minors. So by the time three years rolls around, your needs may be different or four years roll around, your needs may be different. So yeah, I would assume the reason why the consensus are they're not taking the consensus number one is because they feel like the other guys better. I have a question about the baseball draft, Tony, that maybe you can touch on a little bit. And I don't think it has anything either to do with either these two players. I think it has to do with every single player coming out of college. Everyone. Okay. College baseball players all use aluminum bats. How do major league teams know which guys are going to be able to translate and hit with a wood bat as well as they rake with an aluminum bat in college? Fantastic question. I think because now, I mean, most of them go play summer ball. They're all wood bat leagues. Okay. So there are leagues that they can demonstrate their ability to hit with a wood bat now. For sure. But I think there's just a way that the especially when you're when you're watching the collegiate games, there's just a way that the swing gets through the zone that you know works for wood that you know immediately. It stands out won't work with a wood bat in their hand. Just out of curiosity, how long did it take you to get comfortable with a wood bat? And was there any transition? I didn't have any transition because I was always, I grew up swinging. Yeah, your dad probably told you. Yeah. Well, okay. That's very interesting. There's just something I was thinking about as I was watching the College World Series and these guys. I mean, there's guys setting records with, you know, 50 home runs this year in college baseball and you guys hitting 600. And I'm just thinking, can they all, you know, hit that well at the next level? Of course not. But how do they know which ones will? It's weird. I don't know, but the Tasmanian devil on the fan of. That's your guy. Number three. Exactly six months to the, that's all it takes is a good nickname. Exactly six months of the day after leaving the Patriots, Bill Belichick has landed a new job. The six time Super Bowl winning head coach will join inside the NFL for the upcoming season and he's going to sit alongside former Pro Bowl safety Ryan Clark, former Pro Bowl wide receiver Chad Johnson and former defensive end Chris Long who won one of his two Super Bowls were playing with Bell check in New England. Inside the NFL, did you guys know what was on the CW network? Nope. Nope. Yeah, it's going on. It's second season on the CW network. I'm glad you told me. I'm letting you know that to ask this question. Will you watch to see what Bill Belichick brings to the table? I don't think I have to anymore. I think in the day and age of social media, Bill Belichick says anything interesting. Somebody will post it. No, that's a good point. And I'll get to watch that. And I want to have to put up with the rest of the ragtag show that that probably is. Bill Belichick. Well, I don't know. Ryan Clark is a click beast and I don't know what Chad Ocho Cinco's last name really is these days. It's back to Johnson. But you know, Belichick for all of his, you know, brilliance and knowledge of the game of professional football, he is not a guy that I'm going to run towards to sit and listen, talk for a, you know, 45 minutes. See, I've heard he's amazing talking to me. Well, I've seen him interviewed before and maybe he just doesn't translate, but he looks real that rather boring to me. So Tony, are you going to watch to see what he brings to the table? I mean, I don't generally watch this show because I didn't know it was on the CW. So no one did Tony. No, I mean, I think Bill Belichick outside of being a coach is actually interesting. He's not interesting when he's on the on the mic as a head coach and he clearly doesn't want to reveal it. But I think he's excellent once he gets outside of that room. Every time I've heard him speak since he's been funny whether we were talking about roaster. He just provides a bunch of insight. Even in the 30 for 30 they did with him and was it Bill? Myself? The two bills? He was good in that. And so yeah, I mean, I won't go looking for inside the NFL. But as Chris said, the clips get taken and I certainly will watch to see what he has to say. I would say this if you if I had to watch the show, I would watch it probably to hear what he says over any of the other guys you named. I mean, he does he is the most decorated guy in that room. So only one that the only one that does bring anything I think is Chad. I mean, yeah, he's I don't know. I agree that Ryan Clark does good stuff, but he does like the clicks. I will say I will say I agree to disagree. So with that awkward transition to awkward transitions for the big five today, everybody, the Chargers have these schedule release videos that a lot of people are think are pretty funny. And some of it is pretty funny. They take shots at players and other teams. But one of those players was not happy about the Chargers social media team, equating him to garbage. Here is Devontae Adams of the Raiders on up and Adams talking about it. He was a little trend a little bit ago where, you know, a few of the social media pages were posting some some funny stuff of, you know, when the schedule was releasing. So they posted me and then like a trash can or something like that, the Chargers did. So I'll respond on social media to it and, you know, being funny there. But I figured it'd be better to, you know, just be their head in and in real life and continue doing it the way, you know, because my first game against them, I don't know, they clearly forgot. Yeah, you played where he won yards in the touchdown. And then the next time that sang here, it was like 177 yards and, you know, two touchdowns, I think it was that game. So I just wanted to kind of remind them what they pertains to playing against me. And hopefully the the people that had made that post because it's not the players fault. They didn't have anything to do with the posts. But this is directed strictly toward the Chargers social media page. Please keep my name out your mouth. I love it. I love it. Tony, can a team social media post cause problems for the actual players on the field in a football game? Yes, football, basketball, certain, a lot more control, especially when you're dealing with a dude like this. This is not like you're running the mill wide receivers. Bonta Adams, who, as he said, has been terrorizing the Chargers. So if I'm one of them cornerbacks, I'm immediately walking up, walking up to the social media group and telling them many to chill out. You're trying to have me roasted on, on national TV. Yeah, no, that's, I think, you know, that's the funny. That's the thing, you know, mostly it's a lot, I would say almost all the social media content is managed by people who didn't play sports. And so when that is the case, you run the risk of popping off and putting somebody in position where they could be the one that has to deal with the repercussions. And I imagine that doesn't go well. So, you know, it's only, you only see a few of the social medias like this. Everybody else seems to understand like, it's not the best idea to piss off somebody like Devonta Adams, who's already been great against you to begin with. And it wasn't that they post him as a garbage can, they posted a pop tart flavor in the pop tart flavor was garbage. So that's what he was talking about. Um, Chris, um, well, it doesn't always have to be social media that people post that can upset. I don't know, I forgot. And I'm not going to go there, but there was something up on the scoreboard at Petco Park last year that I don't think was right. And I think it, I think the Padres paid a little price for that. And I don't think that any of the players certainly had anything to do with it. So what Tony is saying is accurate. But on this one, I agree with Tony 100%. The only thing I'm thinking of is maybe the, the Chargers were trying to remind Devonta Adams that he has just done nothing but trash them over time. Oh, okay, that's a good one. Maybe that was maybe they were actually giving them a compliment. Don't give them the benefit of the time. I'm not, but I'm trying to get them out of this mess that they've created for themselves. All right. Um, yeah, it was pretty funny. Number one, an American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after an unruly passenger exposed himself and urinated on the plane's aisle, everybody. Neil McCarthy, 25 of Oregon, was arrested and charged with indecent exposure in relation to the incident aboard American Eagle Flight 3921, which was flying from Chicago to Manchester, New Hampshire, but was forced to divert to Buffalo, New York. Because of this incident, McCarthy was charged under Title 49, United States Code Section 46506. He faces faces a maximum penalty of six months in prison and a $5,000 fine. Now Braden did some more research on this. The reason he decided to urinate in the aisles because they told him he had to wait until the seatbelt sign was off for him to go to the bathroom. So he decided to stand up and do that anyway. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Do we know who this what McCarthy is this? David McCarty or Neil. I'm sorry. Neil McCarthy. Do we know this Neil McCarthy? No, no, no, no. We don't know this. This is like a random person. Yeah. All right. Actually, you know who sent this to us this morning? Adam Klub said us in the producer chat. I'm so glad that I have that. I'm not on a flight like this. Sometimes like, are you serious? He just got up in the aisle. They have. There actually is like video of this. The news article that I saw has like a picture of this happening. It's it's wild. It's wild. So Chris, does the punishment fit the crime? I don't think so. Me neither. Here's my reason why the punishment because I mean, I would go the full six months and I'd go the full $5,000. Are you saying that the punishment's too much for the crime? No, no, he needs you cannot just urinate on a plane because you want to get the right. And I'll be honest with you. I have been close. Wait, what? Not to actually doing that, but in a desperate situation where I had to go so bad and they were in the landing process. And then the plane had to circle the landing runway four or five times because there was a traffic below. Sir, why didn't you go to the bathroom and preparation for landing? Because I thought I could make it through landing. And then the landing lasted a long, long time. All right. And then once you land, people clog their way into the aisle. So you can't get your way back to the right anyway. Okay. All right. So I'm that's stupid to say, but I just said it anyway. Um, but no, here's my reasoning. Why this guy, they get to throw away the the key on the sky. Throw away the key. Throw away the key is because a this is absurd and ridiculous in its first place. But secondly, he inconvenienced a plane full. Yeah, that's that's the people. That's another one. You know, who had to get to Manchester, New Hampshire, wherever they were going. And, you know, he forces it to be diverted to Buffalo that throws everybody's life off. I'm tired of people affect, you know, your own stupidity and arrogance affecting this and that right selfishness affecting that many people. So I would double the sentence if he came into my courtroom. Tony, does the punishment fit the crime? What was the sense? Six months in prison, $5,000 fine maximum. As the great Kendrick Lamar recently said, never let a man, you know what on your legs, son, either you die right there or pop that man in the head, son. I don't think those are song lyrics. Yes, I can imagine it. All right. I like saying it better, though. Yeah, no, I there's there's no way that yeah, double the sentence. Double. I agree with that. I'm just telling you, if I mean, even a splash coffee, even just even exposing yourself part out to be off the top is enough to listen, I walk around in the locker room for a long time. That part doesn't bother me as much until the speck of P hits my arm. It's over. As Tony would say, walk over that spot on the way out. That's a good point. Oh my god. That's a good point. All right. Well, nice visual to end the big five today. For the week. Yeah, that was the last topic of the week, everybody. All right. All right. On the other side, we're going to get you set for the final series before the all-star break. All of that is next. Plus, David for all to on 97 through the fan. Great to have you with us as we head into the happy hour. Gwen and Chris, 97 three, the fan. Hope you enjoyed today's big five. Good stuff. Scravey, put it all together. Thanks. And you know, you're going to have to track down what happens to this gentleman on the airplane. Like I need to get a final result. How long are they going to put this guy away for? And or is he going to get off one of those, you know, one of those deals was like, ah, two weeks time served and $100. I'm like, no, it all depends on his record. So I should depend on his record when you do something that because you get you get you get off easy. Your first time to listen. They're wrong. But that is a whole new level of weird and wrong whole new low, whole new guy. All right, 503 is the time as we head into the happy hour. And we're going to have our interview with David Peralta coming up. Peralta is in the lineup tonight. To celebrate his appearance on the Gwyn and Chris show. Funny we should mention that because finally the lineup is out. Yes, Louisa rises leading off. He's back in the DH slot. I hate to say this. Arise hit far better as a DH than he did was a first baseman. He slumped the last really month ever since he moved into the first base role. So, you know, hopefully this will get a rise going again. Yeah. I mean, you know, I mean, you know, you know how much I think of a rise my my guy. But if he's not getting base hits, he's not really doing a whole lot to help you win games. He doesn't walk ever. And the reason he doesn't walk is because he never misses a pitch. Yeah, you know, he doesn't strike out. But he doesn't walk. And, you know, defensively, I thought he did commendable job at first base, but he's not great. Yeah, he gave it all. I mean, can't blame him. He wasn't he didn't come here and play first base. No, he's got to start hitting again. So he leads off at DH tonight. Pro Farsen left. Cronin worse at first base now. Machado's at third. Bogart's is indeed back in their second base batting fifth. Not trivia, but one was the last time Bogart's played Braves. Oh Braves. Right. And it comes full circle because it's Braves. Yes. Yeah. Jackson Merrill's batting sixth. Peralta our guy. David Peralta former McDonald's employee batting seven. You'll find out about that if you hear our interview. How about the hamburger, Hassan Kim sitting eighth at shortstop. He gosh, Yoka, of course, Waldron's pitching. So he'd be catching regardless. Yeah. But I think he'd be catching anyway. And again, I wonder what they're going to do with Campusano. Uh, they are sending Brett Sullivan down to make room for Bogart's. And one other move, wonky Peralta's gone to the IL. Yep. Recall, he strained growing the other night throwing a pitch in that game against Seattle. Yep. Sean Reynolds, right-hander is coming up and will have a chance potentially to make his Major League debut. Southern California kid from Redondo Beach, California. That's kind of cool. He's 26 years old. Here's the thing that you're going to notice about Sean Reynolds. So I'll tell you firsthand. Six foot eight, 250. Wow. He'll be muscling the ball to home plate. I mean, that's scary. Wow. I remember when I was playing baseball back in the day and there was a tall guy in the mound. It just was always scary because he's intimidated. Yeah. A six, eight, 250 pound guy, six, eight, 250, 90, whatever. Sounds like to me, they got Sean Reynolds on the roster just in time for that trip to DC after the all-star break. Oh, maybe that's where they have them on there. Case. Maybe he's closer. Yeah. And face Ruiz wants us, you know, talk to some of our hitters again. Oh, why not Jesse Winker too? We'll just send Sean Reynolds out to restore order. Six, eight, 250. Man. Huge. So he's come up and could make his debut tonight. Who knows? All right. We got a couple of quotes from Mike Schiltt, pregame stuff from Petco Park. So you feel like you're up to date. First from the Padres fine skipper, roller coaster hater, Mike Schiltt, thoughts on Zander Bogart's coming back. Yeah, Bogey's back. You know, it's a good heading back. He had a couple of good days of the lake. He's had a, you know, really positive rehab. He's feeling good. He's back playing second base and hitting behind manning tonight. I know that you joked about it the other day, managing an infield when you have so many of them. You wish that there were five positions. What is your plan for managing the infield that we forward? I think it'll be fairly fluid. I mean, you know, Crony's back at first today, but we still do each day and maybe look a little different tomorrow. And then we'll just take it as it comes, you know, once we're out the all-star group. That's my Mike Schiltt that I remember. We'll take it as it comes. And we'll revisit it after the all-star break, because we all know he hasn't thought this through at all. He's just through. Of course he has. But he's not telling us what his plans are. He's telling us that we'll just kind of see. For day to day, we'll kind of, you know, figure it out. If I know anything, there's, there's a plan within a plan within a plan. Of course. That's the, that doesn't happen in baseball these days. Yeah. They've got it all mapped out. They know exactly what the lineup will be tomorrow, and they know what it'll be Sunday against the lefty and, you know, going forward what they plan to do. But Mike Schiltt is just like every other manager, and he doesn't want to tell us. So, I mean, we'll never get anything. It's okay. I, you know, I always kind of poke fun at this, but if Mike Schiltt said what I want him to say, we wouldn't like that either. Probably. And what I want him to say is, yeah, we just don't really feel like telling you. I want the honesty. Actually, yeah. But if he gave me that, but if he gave me that honesty every time and be like, all right, that, that's no good either. Yeah. Stop telling all the secrets. Right. All right. Yeah. Xander Bogart's last game, May 20th. So almost two months for Xander. Really? Wow. That is, that's a quick two months. Wasn't it? Seemed to go quickly. They were 24 and 23 when he went out. So, so almost the same record with him when without him. That's hilarious to me. Right. They're 25 and 24 without him. Because I was told by many people that they were going to, the Padres were going to be great without him. Yes. Without we look, he was the whole reason that they were only 24 and 23. But now without him, they went 25 and 24. So please explain. That is crazy. Here is Andrew Bogart's back and his thoughts on the state of the team he's rejoining. Listen, a couple days ago, we were in a great spot, you know, and maybe we're not in a great spot. We're still in a good spot, you know. You can't control what happened in the past few games. You know, obviously we played a pretty tough team. Some good pitching with the Mariners. Turn the page quick on that and we have a good team in front of us. I think they have the first white, white card spot, right? These guys. So, it's going to be pretty much playoff atmosphere, you know, in July. So, we're trying to play catch up with these guys. Obviously, I've been seeing them from afar. We have a really good team. We've been playing really good. Besides the last couple of games, that's baseball. And hopefully we can end up also breaking a high note, you know, I mean, these guys, they're a pretty good team, but sorry. We got to that's baseball. I love it. That's your favorite. Yeah, that's your favorite. Here's the thing. These three games. I'm going to overrate how much they mean. But I just don't want to come in here Monday and have a whole week ahead of me and us to talk about a team that is now 49 and 50 at the break and has lost seven games in a row. It's going to set up for a long week. Yes, and has to go through a whole week of sweating that out. That's a good set up for some angry phone calls. I know. Which I don't blame. They should not go. They should not be under 500. Yeah, we're giving up and the whole thing. So, let's win a couple this weekend. Will, can we please? You know, I will save us. I appreciate Zader Bogart's because he really, and people may say this doesn't matter. I think it matters a lot, but he has a lot of experience with this type of baseball. He played for the Red Sox for years. He's played big games. He knows what it takes. And I think that's important. I hope it works out. I mean, he's hitting 219. You know, he's going to be better. I'm speaking it into existence, Chris. I know you are. Well, you're speaking it. We'll see whether it comes into existence or not. He did not draw a single walk in his last 18 games. Well, he was trying to hit the ball. I guess so. I'm just saying there's, you know, there's not a lot to recommend about how Zander Bogart's was hitting at the time he got hurt. So we need, you know, return to look, I've said this before, but I'll just, you know, to underscore my point, we're talking about a guy with an 804 career. Oh, PS, who this year is at 581. That's bad. Not good. No. So he's got to bring this up. And tonight would be a good time to start. All right. Tyler wants to tell you that he did walk in his last game in Lake Elsinore. Okay. Thank you, I was going to say, not according to this sheet here. All right. Very good. Time out David Peralta interview. And we've had, I say it every week. So it loses some of its steam, but the Fryer Friday interview this time, I mean it. It's really good. David Peralta did a heck of a good job. And his story is unusual. So it's coming up next. Anna Fryer Friday interview as the Padres head into the all star break. Outfield of David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris excited to have you on. And I guess I'll start with some info that I heard David by wishing you a very happy anniversary today. Awesome. This is, yeah, I don't know that a lot of us in the world, when we think of anniversaries, we think of a lot of different things in this, but this is your 10 year day for service time to Major League Baseball. And that is a big deal. And I think also, congratulations are in order to any of you great athletes who make it that long in the big leagues. Thank you. Thank you very much guys. Yeah. I know this is a special day for me, for my family too. It has been a long journey for me. It hasn't been easy, but you know, I made it. I did it. I'm here with the Padres. And I always thanks to the Padres for for giving me the opportunity to believe in me and give me the chance to keep playing the game that I love. David talk a little bit about that. I mean, that journey, as you mentioned, it wasn't your typical journey. I mean, you started this game in the professional realm as a pitcher. Had to go play some indie ball, wager way back as a hitter. I mean, it's quiet. Have you sat back and thought about it? Because it's kind of remarkable the path that you've had. And yet, you've been able to reach this 10 year mark. Yeah. I mean, it's a long story. I'm going to try to make it short and quick and fun. But, you know, I started my career in 2004 as a preacher with the Cardinals. And if that didn't work, didn't work for me, obviously, like I had two shoulder surgery. I was trying to work my way up to get healthy. That didn't work. And obviously, like when I went back, I got released in 2009. I went back to Venezuela. I'm trying to like figure out what to do. But thankfully, I have my parents that were supporting me 100%. And they were like, Hey, let's try hitting, you know, just I was still young. I was, I was 21 years old. And I'm like, Hey, you're still young, you can do it. So I started doing that transformation, you know, like changing my body, like trying to work different to make an impact as an outfielder because I was telling myself, if I want to come back, I said, but different as a position player have to, you know, do something to get attention from the sky. So, that's what a day I moved back to, to United States. And I started playing an independent ball, which wasn't easy for me to get a job, an independent ball. And then I finally got a job, independent balling, hardly your text. So that was my first team. And the funny thing of that, like, I didn't have money to fly over there, to be honest. And, and I had, I like, had a drive over there, I didn't have money for the gas too. So I had to work at McDonald's to get them to collect money to drive, to pay for the gas. So I worked for a month over there, and, and, and, and I was like, actually, that was my real job ever. And it was tough, but, you know, I went through that, you know, how to work at McDonald's, and then when I was my time was done, I had to go work out, play a practice and all this kind of stuff. But I played two and a half year in the independent ball. And finally, the DBAT gave me the opportunity to, to come back to, to the athletic team. So they sent me to the high A in 2013. So, year and a half later, they, I got colored to the big league from double A, and that everything started my whole story. Well, that is an unbelievable story. I, I don't, I certainly hadn't heard it before. And I think we just all kind of assume that you guys just materialize in the major leagues, you know, and it just, that's what happens. But to go from pitching to Venezuela to McDonald's, to the independent league, I mean, this is a five or six year journey. So no wonder the 10 years means so much to you. David Peralta is our guest. He is the pride of Venezuela, as he mentioned there in that last answer. I'm, I'm curious, David, I pitched a little in college. The reason I did is because I couldn't hit. I, I stunk. And so I thought, if I'm going to do anything, I'm going to do it as a pitcher. And I was able to play up into some college ball. Were you always a decent hitter or did you pitch because you couldn't hit either and then had to learn how to hit? No, I mean, I was, I used to do both, hitting, you know, I used to play center field, hitting and pitching. But, you know, in this time, a couple of scouts told me like, hey, you have a good arm, you're lefty, and then it's going to be more easy. That's what I say, more easy to make it do the big league because there's not a lot good left-handed pitchers in the big league. So it's going to be much, you know, more easy for you than, you know, outfield. And I was like, okay, so I start pitching. But I used to love like, you know, I love playing outfield and everything when else played. And I used to have not for power, but I used to have a lot of land drive and everything. And, and that's what I was like, okay, I'm going to start pitching. So you tell, I want to play baseball. I want to be a professional baseball player. And that's why they told me and I did it. So I'm assuming that's why my shoulder couldn't handle that. That's what I had to show you on my shoulder. So, but, you know, I think things happen for a reason. And it means to be that way because all that I went through to get to these points, like, help me to, to become a better man, to become a better person, better husband, better father, better teammate, and grow up as a person. And if you ask me like, hey, if you have to go back on time, will you change anything? I will tell you no, I will do the same thing. And I will go through the same all that I went through to make it to this point again, because it was a journey for me. It was hard, but, but put a lot of hard work, dedication, discipline to get to this point. So, that's a, that's an amazing story, David. And this is a reminder to people out there that, you know, if you put your mind to something that you really want to do, no matter what the obstacles are put in front of you, it can be done. Now, David, you're here with the Padres, and you're playing on an offense that is one of the better offenses in the National League. And you're playing a little bit different role than you had in Arizona. How have you transitioned from being pretty much an everyday guy to kind of getting the starts against the left, the right-handed pitching and kind of spot-starting here and there. You know, you have to understand the game and you have to, you know, adjust to the game, you know. And, and, and for me, like, I understand my role, and, and, and I always prepare myself the same way, and it doesn't matter if I'm playing, I'm not playing that game at that day, if I'm going to start a line out or not. But I'm always ready, because I know it's always going to be an opportunity for me to pinch you or do something to help a team. So, I always tell the man here, like, "Hey, don't worry about me, I'll be ready." You know, and I learned that from, you know, years by years, like, how to prepare myself to pinch you and all this kind of stuff. So, I was trying to, like, to talk to the young guys here, like, "Hey, you got to watch the game. You got to, you got to know the situation where it can be your opportunity to, to pinch you for these guys. So, you have, you need to be ready. You have to go to the cage, stretch, be loose, get the swing and be ready when the man here tells you to go to hit. So, that's what I've been doing. And when I gave the opportunity to start in the line out, I just, you know, I would just have to go out there and have fun and do my job. David Peralta has been doing a really nice job before the Padres. And I've been saying that the entire time. And, you know, I was really excited when you came here. I mean, watching you in Arizona, you know, you win a silver slugger one year, you win a gold glove the next year. You know, that tells me right there, pretty good all-around player. And, you know, you've proven that over time. And that helped take you to the world baseball classic to represent Venezuela. What did that mean to you? Well, that means everything for me. I think like play in the world classic represent you country. We're in the jersey knowing the whole country, the whole Venezuela is watching you. And what we did was really special. I think, like, for me, I would say, I never, I never made it to the All-Star team and the big lead. But for me, my, the world classic was my All-Star, was my, my All-Star again. And because I was around with superstar players playing against superstar players to USA, we play against the Manicand, Puerto Rico. It was unbelievable. It was so electric, like the energy. I love it. It was, it was special for me. David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris. And David, we're getting close to the break. Just kind of explaining to people, you know, you guys have gone through the attrition that the season started in March. And you get to this point, I imagine there's a, some light at the end of the tunnel in terms of being able to get some rest. How do you guys keep your mind locked in to finish through these rest, last three games before you guys get a little break? Well, you know, we're going to keep the, the cinnamon challenge every day. I know we have three games left. We're going to give everything. We got this three games. I know, like, the last few games we, we, we haven't, um, do the way it'll get the result that we wanted, but it's baseball. You know, we have to understand that it gets baseball and, and, and a lot of things, it's going to go your way. And a lot of things, it's going to go the other way. But we got to finish strong and, and it's always good to get a little break, especially mentally, because these games is, is, is so hard. And as people, like, as a lot of people have to understand, like, it's not an easy game. It's not, it's not physical, it's physical, but it's a lot of mental. So sometimes you're going to need, like, we need a, that mental break, like a few days, like the days that we're going to have in the break to reset your mind, spend a little time with the family, refresh, and then come back and finish strong the second half. And that's what we're going to do. Yeah, I, I, I tell you, I mean, I don't know how frustrated you were the other day, uh, at the end of that ball game. But when you hit that line drive in the ninth inning, I thought game was tied. And, uh, that had, yeah, that's frustrating situation. You want to do the right thing. You want to be the year, but, like I said, this game is tough. And sometimes it doesn't go the way you want. And, and you have to move on and, and come by the next day and, and bring your aid game again and do it again. Do it again. I can't. I know we got two seconds left. Did you make french fries? Did you cook burgers? Did you work at the front of the store at McDonald's? Look, the first day they have a son promotion with a big man. And it was a huge line. I have no idea how to control the, the scream and everything. And they put me right away to take order. I was panning. I was trying to know what to do. And I was like, you've got to have a kid in my first day. And, and then they just switch me to, to drive through. And I was doing a little better over there. But with McDonald's, you have to keep everything like moving really quick. And then you say, you know what David, go start doing fries and got everything, keep everything on track. And I was going to stop. So, like a week later, I was getting better. And I was like taking order and I was going to stop. But, but the first day was the worst. I was like, Oh boy, I'm going to get fired my first day. Well, I'm kind of glad you didn't make your tenure anniversary as a McDonald's employee. I'm glad you, I'm glad you made it 10 years in the big leagues. Hey, it was really fun interview David. We really enjoyed it. Great stories. And I think all the fans got a little better chance to know you. We look forward to you watching you this weekend and the rest of the season. Thanks a lot. Thank you guys. Thank you for having me. From the 97th, we the fan traffic center. Here's Kelly Dannock. Guys, our busy afternoon is transitioning into a very busy evening north outside of the 15 clearing an accident out of the HOV lane right before the 56. We got this other crash up ahead. There's Center City Parkway. Looks like that one is still partially in Lane's tow truck is on scene assisting with that. Also in the North County, North five coastline, just before Tamarack. There is a Cleveland Shepherd Fast Lane block. South on five coastline at the block in the HOV lane just passed Del Mar Heights Road. Now, I hit one crash before the one South one 60 people for Jetta C. It's over the right shoulder. I'm Kelly Dannock with Winnie Chris, San Diego's number one sports station, 97-3, the fan. All right. Hope you enjoy that interview with David Peralta, our Friar Friday interview today. Chris, hello. Scrappy here wrapping things up. We got a minute or so left. And Scrappy, you being the 49er expert are going to have to defend one of the greatest players in NFL history. Oh, well, today lost his mind, apparently. Oh, at least on the surface. Jerry Rice. Oh, I love Jerry. I do too. But I'm not sure I love this. Jerry Rice lost it on two reporters who asked him a question on the golf course in Lake Tahoe today at the American Century Championship. The reporters asked him whether the Chiefs receiving core was good enough to win a Super Bowl. Okay. Seems like a fair question. You know, maybe not the all-timer, but pretty annoying though, but okay. It's not that bad of a question. All right. 61 year old Jerry Rice got in one of the men's face and said, I will bleep you up. Wait, he wanted to fight them? If you want some, come get some. Oh my goodness, Jerry. Before he walked away, TMZ, you know, they know everywhere. They know everything. They talked to Jerry. He said the guys had smirks on their faces and we're trolling him. Bottom line, Jerry, who is not apologizing, said, quote, I'm going to defend the San Francisco 49ers. Wow. My God, Jerry Rice, baby. Stop getting in Jerry's face. Don't ask Jerry anything. My goodness. No, that is kind of weird. Little quick on the trigger there, Jerry. The strange reaction. Come on. Strange reaction. For Tony Scravey, Sam Levitt's pregame next. We'll catch up to you when the all-star break begins on Monday. Have a good weekend, everyone. Bye. Knowing how to speak and understand a new language can be an invaluable tool when traveling, meeting new friends, or just even a master new skill. But it's not always simple when you're bogged down by textbooks and structure classes. That's why so many people trust Rosetta Stone. 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And I think also, congratulations are in order to any of you great athletes who make it that long in the big leagues. Thank you. Thank you very much, guys. Yeah, I know this is a special day for me, for my family too. It has been a long journey for me. It hasn't been easy, but, you know, I made it. I did it. I'm here with the Padres, and I always thank to the Padres for for giving me the opportunity to believe in me and give me the chance to keep playing the game that I love. David, talk a little bit about that. I mean, that journey, as you mentioned, it wasn't your typical journey. I mean, you started this game in the professional realm as a pitcher, had to go play some indie ball, wager way back as a hitter. I mean, it's quite if you sat back and thought about it, because it's kind of remarkable the path that you've had, and yet you've been able to reach this 10 year mark. Yeah, I mean, it's a long story. I'm going to try to make it short and quick and fun. But, you know, I started my career in 2004 as a pitcher with the Cardinals. And if that didn't work, didn't work for me, obviously, like I had two shoulder surgery. I was trying to work my way up to get healthy. That didn't work. And, obviously, like, when I went back, I got released in 2009. I went back to Venezuela. I'm trying to, like, figure out what to do. But thankfully, I have my parents that were supporting me 100% and they were like, "Hey, let's try hitting." You know, I was still young. I was 21 years old, and I'm like, "Hey, you're still young. You can do it." So, I started doing the term formation, you know, like, changing my body, like, trying to work different, to make an impact as an outfielder, because I was telling myself if I want to come back, I said, "For different, as a position player, you have to, you know, do something to get attention from the sky." So, that's what a day I moved back to the United States, and I started playing an independent ball, which wasn't easy for me to get a job, an independent ball, and then I finally got a job, an independent ball, and hardly your text, so that was my first team. And the funny thing of that, like, I didn't have money to fly over there, to be honest, and I had a drive over there that I didn't have money for the gas, too. So, I had to work at McDonald's to get the, to collect money to drive, to pay for the gas. So, I worked for a month over there, and I was like, actually, that was my real job ever. And it all stopped, but, you know, I went through that, you know, I had to work at McDonald's, and then when my time was done, I had to go work out, play practice, and all this kind of stuff, but I played two and a half years in the independent ball, and finally, the DBAT gave me the opportunity to come back to the athletic team, so they sent me to the high A in 2013. So, a year and a half later, I got colored to the league from double A, and that everything started my whole story. That is an unbelievable story. I don't, I certainly hadn't heard it before, and I think we just all kind of assume that you guys just materialize in the major leagues, you know, and it just, that's what happens. But to go from pitching to Venezuela to McDonald's to the independent league, I mean, this was a five or six year journey, so no wonder that 10 years means so much to you. David Peralta is our guest. He is the pride of Venezuela, as he mentioned there in that last answer. I'm curious, David, I pitched a little in college. The reason I did is because I couldn't hit. I stunk, and so I thought, if I'm going to do anything, I'm going to do it as a pitcher, and I was able to play up into some college ball, were you always a decent hitter, or did you pitch because you couldn't hit either, and then had to learn how to hit? And now, I mean, I was, I used to do both, hitting, you know, used to play center field, hitting and pitching, but even this time, a couple of scouts told me, like, hey, you have a good arm, you're lefty, and then it's going to be more easy. That's what I say, more easy to make it to the big league, because there's not a lot good left-handed pitchers in the big league, so it's going to be much, you know, more easier for you than, you know, outfielders. And I was like, okay, so let's start pitching. But I used to love, like, you know, I love playing outfielding and everything when I was a player. And I used to have not for power, but I used to have a long drive and everything. And that's what I was like, okay, I'm going to start pitching, so you tell I want to play baseball, I want to be a professional baseball player, and that's why they told me, and I did it. So I'm assuming that's why my shoulder couldn't handle that. That's what I have to show you on my shoulder, so, but, you know, I think things happen for a reason, and it means to be that way, because all that I went through to get to this point, like, help me to, to be a better man, to be a better person, better husband, better father, better teammate, and grow up as a person. And if you ask me, like, hey, if you have to go back on time, will you change anything, I'll tell you no. I will do the same thing, and I will go through the same, all that I went through to make it to this point again, because it was a journey for me. It was hard, but, but put a lot of hard work, dedication, discipline to get to this point. So that's a, that's an amazing story, David. This is a reminder to people out there that, you know, if you put your mind to something that you really want to do, no matter what the obstacles are put in front of you, it can be done. Now, David, you're here with the Padres, and you're playing on an offense that is one of the better offenses in the National League. And you're playing a little bit different role than you had in Arizona. How have you transitioned from being pretty much an everyday guy to kind of getting the starts against the left, the right handed pitching, and kind of spot starting here and there. You know, you have to understand the game, and you have to, you know, adjust to the game, you know, and, and for me, like, I understand my role, and, and, and I always prepare myself the same way, and it doesn't matter if I'm playing, I'm not playing that game at that day, if I'm going to start a line out or not. But I'm always ready because I know it's always going to be an opportunity for me to pinch you or do something to help a team. So I was still the manager like, hey, don't worry about me. I'll be ready. You know, and I learned that from, you know, years by years, like, how to prepare myself to pinch you and all this kind of stuff. So I was trying to, like, to talk to the young guys here, like, hey, you got to watch the game, you got to, you got to know the situation where it can be your opportunity to, to pinch you for these guys. So you have to, you need to be ready. You have to go to the cage, trash, be loose, get the swing and be ready when the manager tells you to go to head. So that's what I've been doing. And when I gave the opportunity to start in the line now, I just, you know, I would just have to go out there and have fun and do my job. David Peralta has been doing a really nice job before the Padres. And I've been saying that the entire time. And, you know, I was really excited when you came here. I mean, watching you in Arizona, you know, you win a silver slugger one year, you win a gold glove the next year. You know, that tells me right there, a pretty good all-around player. And, you know, you've proven that over time. And that helped take you to the, the world baseball classic to represent Venezuela. What did that mean to you? Well, that means everything for me. I think, like, play in the world classic, represent your country. We're in the jersey, knowing the whole country, the whole Venezuelan is watching you. And what we did was fully special. I think, like, for me, I would say I never, I never made it to the all-star team in the big league. But for me, my, the world classic was my all-star. It was my, my all-star again. And because I was around with superstar players playing against superstar players to USA. We play against the many can to Puerto Rico. It was unbelievable. It was so electric, like the energy. I love it. It was, it was special for me. David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris. And David, we're getting close to the break. Just kind of explained to people, you know, you guys have gone through the attrition that the season started in March. And you get to this point. I imagine there's some light at the end of the tunnel in terms of being able to get some rest. How do you guys keep your mind locked in to finish through these rest last three games before you guys get a little break? Well, you know, we're going to keep the, the, the sending talent every day. I know we have three games left. We're going to give everything. We got this three games. I know like the last few games we, we, we haven't, um, do the way they'll get the result that we wanted, but it's baseball. You know, we have to understand that it gets baseball and, and a lot of things, it's going to go your wave and a lot of things are going to go the other way. But we got to finish drum and, and it's always good to get a little break, especially mentally, because these games, it's, it's so hard. And as people, like, a lot of people have to understand, like, it's not an easy game. It's not, it's not physical. It's physical, but there is a lot of mental. So sometimes you're going to need, like, we need a mental break, like a few days, like the days that we're going to have in the break to reset your mind, spend a little time with the family, refresh, and then come back and finish drum the second half. And that's what we're going to do. Yeah, I, I tell you, I mean, I don't know how frustrated you were the other day, uh, at the end of that ball game. But when you hit that line drive in the ninth inning, I thought game was tied. And, uh, that had you two, I was like, I'm going to go on a super, but, uh, yeah, that's frustrating. It was a good situation. You want to do the right thing. You want to be the year, but like I said, these games stop and sometimes it doesn't go the way you want. And, and you have to move on and, and come by the next day and, and bring your game again and do it again. Do it again. I, I can't, I know we got two seconds left. Did you make French fries? Did you cook burgers? Did you work at the front of the store at McDonald's? What was your, what did you do? Look, the first day they have a some promotion with a big man. And it was a huge line. I have no idea how to control the, the scream and everything, and they put me right away to take order. I was panning. I was trying to know what to do. And I was like, you've got to be kidding me my first day. And, and then they just switched me to, to drive through. And I was doing a little better over there, but with McDonald's, you have to keep everything like moving really quick. And then you say, you know what David, go start doing fries and got everything, keep everything on track. And I was going to stop. So, like a week later, I was getting better. And I was like taking order and I was going to stop him. But, but the first day was the worst. I was like, Oh boy, I'm going to get fired on my first day. Well, I'm kind of glad you didn't make your 10 year anniversary as a McDonald's employee. I'm glad you, I'm glad you made it 10 years in the big leagues. Hey, it was a really fun interview David. We really enjoyed it. Great stories. And I think all the fans got a little better chance to know you. We look forward to you watching you this weekend and the rest of the season. Thanks a lot. Thank you guys. Thank you for having me. From the 97 3, the fan traffic center. Here's Kelly Dannock. Guys, our busy afternoon is transitioning into a very busy evening north outside of the 15 clearing an accident out of the HOV lane right before the 56. We got this other crash up ahead. Here's Center City Parkway. Looks like that one is still partially in Lane's tow truck is on scene assisting with that also in the North County North 5 coastline, just before Tamarack. There is a clearance number fast lane block south on 5 coastline, that's blocking the HOV lane just past Del Mar Heights Road. Now I hit one crash before going south one 60 people for jettison seats over the red shoulder. I'm Kelly Dannock with winning Chris San Diego's number one sports station 97 3, the fan. All right. I hope you enjoy that interview with the David Peralta, our fryer Friday interview today. Chris Ello, Scrabie here wrapping things up. We got a minute or so left and Scrabie, you being the 49er expert, are going to have to defend one of the greatest players in NFL history. But today lost his mind apparently. Oh, at least on the surface Jerry Rice. Oh, I love Jerry. I do too. But I'm not sure I love this. Jerry Rice lost it on two reporters who asked him a question on the golf course in Lake Tahoe today at the American Century Championship. The reporters asked him whether the Chiefs receiving core was good enough to win a Super Bowl. Okay. Seems like a fair question. You know, maybe not the all-timer, but pretty annoying though, but okay. It's not that bad of a question. All right. 61 year old Jerry Rice got in one of the men's face and said, I will bleep you up. Wait, he wanted to fight them? If you want some, come get some. Oh my goodness, Jerry. Before he walked away, TMZ, you know, they know everything. They know everything. They talked to Jerry. He said the guys had smirks on their faces and we're trolling him. Bottom line, Jerry, who is not apologizing, said, quote, I'm going to defend the San Francisco 49ers. Wow. My God, Jerry Rice, baby. Stop getting in Jerry's face. Don't ask Jerry anything. My goodness. No, that is kind of a little, little, little, little quick on the trigger there, Jerry. The strange reaction. Come on. Strange reaction. For Tony Scravey, Sam Levitt's pregame next. We'll catch up to you when the all start break begins on Monday. Have a good weekend, everyone. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. Is your child struggling with a specific subject or need help with homework? Are they asking questions that you're not sure you can fully answer? 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