Gwynn & Chris On Demand

7.12.24 Gwynn & Chris Hour 1: David Peralta joins the show!

We talked about the final three games before the All Star Break and caught up with David Peralta for Friar Friday!

1h 8m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives, well, better. Despite all this, we often go about our busy lives removed from it. But the outdoors is closer than we realize. With all trails, you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently. With offline maps and on-trail navigation, download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails. This season Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites, like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back. When your kid casually tells you, they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first, call your parents to say I'm sorry. And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order additional terms apply. Knowing how to speak and understand a new language can be an invaluable tool when traveling, meeting new friends, or just even a master new skill. But it's not always simple when you're bogged down by textbooks and structure classes. That's why so many people trust Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone is the most trusted language learning program available on desktop or as an app. It truly immerses you in the language you want to learn, like Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, and more. You won't just be studying English translations. The Rosetta Stone intuitive process helps you pick up a language naturally, first with words, then phrases, then sentences. Don't put off learning that language. There's no better time than right now to get started. For a very limited time, listeners can get Rosetta Stone's lifetime membership for 50% off. Visit That's 50% off unlimited access to 25 language courses for the rest of your life. Redeem your 50% off at today. Hey, what's happening to San Diego and welcome in? It is finally a Friday and it is a Friar Friday. Indeed, as we join you on the Gwen and Chris program. 97-3 the fan. Chris Ello, Tony Gwen Jr. down at Petco Park, where the potters will take on the Atlanta Braves this evening. Final series before the all-star break match Greg is alongside here in the Odyssey Palace. I gotta tell you, we've got a really, really good show today. I just happen to know that the big five is off the chain today. Scrabie outdid himself. That'll be coming up in the four o'clock hour. Good thing. But before that in the three o'clock hour, we are going to our countdown today. We're getting excited for the start of I need a little music here. We're getting ready for the start of the national. Oh, football league. Any heads up on this? I said we need a music here. Yeah. Okay. Let me just choose the music you're thinking. That's the one I was thinking of right there. We are only 18 days away people from the first NFL preseason game. I'm so excited. All right. You can bring the music down, but we will be counting down our top five NFL teams right now at this moment. Take a wild guess. Who's Scrabie picked as the best team in football? You'll all find out together in the three threes. They're not deserving. I might know. I know. But I mean, it's just the life that we have to put up with Tony Gwen Jr.'s down at Petco Park where last night is so weird already. Last night. All right. Just stop interrupting. He's trying to get a little flow going here. Trying to get a little flow. David Peralta, by the way, is our fire Friday guest. We just visited with him. You'll never guess the job that David Peralta had before he became a major league ballplayer. And the road that he took to become a major league ball player, that story is incredible. And I don't know that everybody knows it. I certainly didn't know it before he told it. So you'll want to hear that interview coming up in a little while. But last night, Petco Park, Tony Gwen Jr. the big suire downtown at the diamond or dinner at the diamond or dinner at the diamond third annual big event. All the Padres players were there dressed to the nines Tony Gwen Jr. Always a part of that kind of gathering. Hello and Scrabie. Nowhere to be found. But how was the night ludicrous performed? Luda, my goodness. Is this the this is going to sound like I don't know what I'm talking about. But I'm going to try it anyway. Was ludicrous? Does he appear with the corn the cornrows these days? That's the appearance the hair out to the ends of the earth these days. That is such a wonderful question. That's a fair question. It's a great question. Oh, good. He actually had the cornrows. Last night he did not have the full afro flared out. All right. But I tell you what, I would go back and watch him do a concert like obviously I don't need to because of just saw him. But he was really good. Yeah, I bet. For you know, that's that's not your typical ludicrous demographic, if you will, right? Fair enough. Yeah, right. And so the fact that he was still like into it, despite the the kind of audience, I thought spoke to the type of entertainer he was. He was really good. I'm glad to hear that. But I'm not surprised to hear that. I know they raised a ton of money for youth, homelessness, youth and young people that the need that kind of help. I think they raise as well as well as military families. Yeah, I mean, it's all for a great cause. Yeah, the money that gets, you know, raised is makes the entire event worthwhile. And I do, I don't want to sound like I don't care about that. But when I care more about what was on the menu, Tony, what did we get to eat last night that Scrabby and I missed out on? So one of the really great chefs, you can make the argument in the world, but he resides here in San Diego, Travis Swigert, who has the restaurant, Callie, if you guys are familiar with. Oh, yes. And you go there, off. I have been a big guy. He didn't make the food, but he was the director of the food and what we were getting. And I think it was a it was a cut of steak and like some big giant shrimp. We're off to a really good start with the guy that's then there is like this fruit salad. Was it was it the ultimate oxymoron jumbo shrimp? No, no, no, it was it was they were real jumbo. Scrabby's looking at me like he doesn't understand what I just said. He does. Do you know what an oxymoron is? You. Yes. Yes. That was such a stupid line that it was funny. And actually caused a lot. I don't know the official oxymoron definition, but I know it is two words. It is two words that are complete opposites of each other. Like that are times to get you a big dude named tiny is an oxymoron. Got you. Right. So jumbo shrimp is considered an oxymoron. All right. No, but they were actually jumbo. You. He was so happy with himself too. You can see on the chat, but he's panicked because I didn't know that he almost broke his other shoulder, patting himself on the back for that line. I legitimately heard my shoulder celebrating. That was good, Scrabby. I gotta be good. It was it was the timing was very good. Very good. All right. But yeah, that was we had a so there was that and then there was um what is a pita bread with like a great hummus that they were working there. You know, Chris's favorite. It was good. It was good stuff. Good all around. Very nice evening. I did see some clips of that on Instagram. Guys were all dressed up and everybody was predicting who was going to be the best dressed. Most of the players picked Profar. I did not see Profar. Was he would he have won that honor Tony in your estimation? Profar's always dressed. Well, you know what? I'm not I don't know as I paid enough attention to the clothes last night. Call your wife. She probably would know. Everybody was dressed to the night. I think I think a lot of those guys got on the pink carpet. Oh, that was another thing. I don't know what the theme was, but they had like pink carpet everywhere and there was like no seams. So they like did this up like you couldn't see no seams in the carpet and it was like on the outfield grass. Yeah, but there's a I'm sure on if you go to Padres IG they there was a bunch of guys who walked the red carpet or the pink carpet. Yeah, you can kind of make a determination for yourself. All right. Big night last night at the ballpark and a big night tonight as the Padres do. Get ready to take on the Atlanta Braves. A little change in the pitching rotation, which was actually a, you know, broken on the Ben and Wood show this morning by manager Mike Schilt during their visit with Mike Schilt. He explained why Randy Vasquez has moved from today to Sunday as a starting pitcher and as because he just had a child. So congratulations to Randy Vasquez. Mike Schilt was really funny because he he told Ben and Woods this or Ben and Paul. I don't think Woods is in today. He tells Ben and Paul. Yeah, we had to move Vasquez back a couple of days because he just gave birth. Congratulations. And anyway, uh oh, maybe I wasn't supposed to spill the beans on that and Ben and Paul were like, Oh, we got breaking news out of skip. And he said, Yes, congratulations. He's breaking. Yes. He was like good for you guys. You guys got me on that one. So yeah, it's going to be a Waldron, I believe tonight, instead of Vasquez. But you know, really, right now the three game losing streak, four game losing streak, but the last three games of which it's really been the offense that has been a little quiet Tony. And obviously you got to try to get something going tonight against the young right hander for the Braves because, uh, Shelyn. I don't know. Shelyn Bach. Yeah, Shelyn Bach. Yeah, the right hander that I don't know, don't know him well enough. You have to know his name, but because the next two nights they're playing, they're going up against all starts right in all the Lopez and Chris sale. So yeah, put a little extra pressure on you tonight. They beat Lopez earlier in the year sales. The only one that they, uh, couldn't conquer, uh, in the, in the match up in May and Atlanta. Uh, but yeah, to your point, you probably want to take advantage of this young guy that's on the mound today. Um, Padres offense has been a little bit off here as of late. Right. I don't think there's cause for concern there. I mean, they ran into two really good pitchers that rammed it down their throat for, you know, most of most of those innings. That does happen. So now you, you looked at mouse back. And so this is a good way to try to finish the first half strong. Certainly, uh, uh, get some good quality team in the Atlanta Braves. Padres did take three out of four in hot land to the last time. And if I'm not mistaken, when they went in there to Atlanta, they were on one of their cold, straight sure were, right? They had just played horribly at home again. Yes. And they went to Atlanta and everybody thought, Oh no, they're going to get, you know, blasted by the Braves and the, you know, the opposite happened. The Padres took three out of four. So, uh, you know, we'll see the last time out, by the way, shell and back, the starting tonight, uh, did very well against the Phillies, uh, six innings, one run, no walks, six strikeouts. It was probably the best start he's had in his young career. So he's coming in off of a, a good performance the last time out. So, um, you know, here's the thing, Tony, when you have your pregame meeting or your pre series meeting, I'm curious, does everybody talk about like all three guys that you're going to be facing on the weekend? Good question. And if so, how do you make sure that you don't put too much extra pressure on yourself, you know, knowing that the on paper, the easiest guy is the guy you're facing tonight. They do it differently. Now, I think when I was playing the first game of the series, you'd go over all three guys that you would see as the starter. You go over their bullpen, who you most likely see and what times, what innings you likely see them in. Um, from there, it would be the whoever was starting on that day video would be playing on all the TVs throughout the game, throughout the clubhouse. Um, now, based on how many meetings they have, I think they go over the starter every day. Whoever's starting, they have some type of, uh, hitters meeting, they go over the, the, the pitcher, um, and then you go from there. Well, whatever they do, they got to do it a little better tonight. Then they've done it the last few games. Uh, Xander Bogart's Tony, can you, I know you're just arriving at the ballpark, but is there any, is there any sign hint that maybe tonight is the night that he makes his debut back in the lineup? Do we unfortunately had to come straight up here, right? Yeah, to, to record before we got started today. So I, uh, was not able to have that knowledge. I'm sure somebody will tweet that to us as the second somebody thinks they know. Yeah, no, that's, that's going to be, uh, I wouldn't be surprised that the lineup is a little bit later than normal because of that doesn't wait to just double check, make sure he's good to roll. Uh, which also means there's probably a move that has to be, uh, be made too. All right. Cause you got to, uh, activate, uh, Mr. Bogart's, if you're going to do that. So I anticipate a late Padre lineup, um, for, for today's game. Fair enough. The, the one thing that, you know, we talked about, uh, an ex extensively yesterday on the baseball round table and if you miss the baseball round table, honestly, you know, that's something you got to put on your, your weekly Thursday calendar. Cause it's an hour commercial free of just nothing but Padre talk and all of us are on there. And we talked about, you know, the infield with Bogart's coming back and how it's going to all work. And I thought, you know, Mr. Elston brought up a very good point during that discussion. And that is with Bogart's back, they're finally going to have the infield defensively the way they have wanted it all season. You know, assuming Manny is playing third base tonight because the first time around when Bogart's was playing second and Kim was playing short, Manny wasn't yet playing third base or very rarely was playing third base. He was doing mostly deaching. So an infield defense, a Machado Kim Bogart's Conan worth at first, you know, that should, in theory, take a few runs away from the opposition. That's, that's a really good setup for the Padres. Yeah. Here's the thing. And I thought it was initially, I thought it was a great point too, but then as I thought about it, I don't know, you know, outside of a couple of, you know, what, missed catches by Luis at first, a couple misplays by Croninworth, I don't know that the defense has been bad enough to where Zander comes back and all of a sudden it's like way better. I think, obviously, Croninworth moving the first is an upgrade defensively, but I don't know that it improves it like that much more where you're actually taking runs away. So, you know, at the end of the day, it's the best that they have because of the pieces they have and how it worked with the lineup construction, I think, for the most part. But I don't know that it's a, it's a market improvement of where the defense is right now. Well, we will hopefully all start finding out what the return of Zander means to this ball club. And hopefully we'll start finding out tonight as soon as we know if he's in the lineup, or Tony gets wind of it down there at Petco Park, we will certainly pass that along to you. We are underway, Cressello, Tony Gwen Jr., and Mr. Scraéby. It is Gwen and Chris for a finally a Friday, like I said, really fun show today. David Peralta, his story is really unique, and it's coming up in about 15, 20 minutes. Don't miss it on 97-3 the fan. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature, whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to, or the succulents that adorn our homes. Nature makes all of our lives, well, better. 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Padres, Braves, Game 1 of a three game set. Tomorrow's game I believe is on Fox. So for those of you who tend to believe that the broadcasters on the national networks are homers for the opposite team. Tune on in to 97-3 the fan. You can catch my guy Jesse Agler and Bob Scanlon here. They'll be able to guide you all the way through that ball game. Are you you you get the idle day tomorrow? I get the that is the one lovely thing about TV is when national comes in. They take over everything and there is no need for Tony. They take the booth. Yeah, they take us out. We for one will listen on the radio tomorrow. I can't I'm not into the Fox guy. Don't they don't they do games unless I'm going to put an addendum in here. Unless Don or Sillow happens to be the voice for Fox which he sometimes is. I always feel like the Fox guys come in halfway prepared and I know that that's not fair because I'm sure they really work hard to know everything but there's just no way they can know as much as we all do. They don't follow you know the team every single minute of every day. Yeah, that's a good point. Fair point. So yeah, you can catch it up 97-3 the fan if you don't want to watch the Fox guys. Now let's talk some NBA. They have been and the reason why we're talking NBA because I think it is some connection to MLB. NBA agreed to a 76 billion dollar media rights deal. Better say that again. 76 billion dollars deal which will a continue to see that we get sports on in some fashion whether it's streamed or on television and it also means that you're going to continue to see these salaries climb if that is if you can believe that. But it's a big deal and I'm bringing it up because I think it's not a secret major league baseball situation is a bit of a mess. I think my partner said this the other day they have taken what was a national game and changed it to the most regional sport in all in all out of all of them and it's become a problem now that streaming is becoming the kind of takeover right and and the reason why I bring up the NBA because I wanted to see exactly how that was going to work right they're still going to have their normal TNT partners ESPN ABC but also Amazon Prime is going to be involved and so they're getting into the streaming world to it I don't think it's coming as fast as we were anticipating because the mere fact that ABC and and they all have streaming services but they're all going to use this on television as well so I don't reason why I bring that I don't think streaming is going to take over or is seemingly taking over sports as fast as we may have anticipated it taking over. A couple of things first of all yes I you know the streaming hopefully is on a bit of a slower track and I just you know keep my fingers crossed there. Second of all does anybody know what the previous contract was worth for the NBA TV rights deal how about 24 billion so it just went up 51 billion dollars I believe when was that done that deal this year it's nine years ago nine years ago so they got 24 billion now they're getting 76 billion that is 300 times what they got before or 30 times or whatever something it was it was correct me but it's so much more money and I just wonder where are these TV networks we talk about owners printing money we talk about leagues printing money yeah but what about these networks I mean ESPN I don't mind taking a little shot at them right here because I've never been employed by them and I doubt I ever will be but I've heard nothing and maybe you've heard the same tone you're different I've heard endlessly that ESPN pays its talent and its people you know who work behind the scenes peanuts and they're they're one of those companies that thinks hey you're getting the work at ESPN we don't have to pay you you know just the sounds familiar maybe sounds familiar to a lot of people in a lot of places I'm sure I'm not making any connections good but because that's not what I'm asking you to do here what I'm saying is ESPN is renowned for paying really low salaries to people but apparently they have more money than you know even the NBA has because they're the ones that are really given the NBA all its money yeah I mean it's incredible how much they're paying to your point in 98-99 it was the deal between NBC and TNT was 2.6 billion dollars right and so we're almost to the hundred billion dollar mark here and you're right these it's only a few networks that can even compete with it right NBC ABC TNT Fox you know outside it's it's those companies and that is going to be the lifeline for TV for live sports I you know I think that's going to be their main that's going to be the jewel they try to hold on to as long as they possibly can and it seems like at least through this next deal they'll be able to do that yeah I'll be rooting for them but I just I'm my my question where are they getting all the money because we know that the you know the teams now have all the money the players all get the paychecks and then by the way the teams say we have to raise ticket prices because the players are making so much money which is a fugazi they don't the reason the players are players are making so much money is because the networks are giving them so much money they don't need to raise ticket prices but they do it anyway and that's frustrating to people it is a gamble now the difference is the NBA is playing in a much bigger pool in terms of the television networks they're working with they're not necessarily worried about Fox filing for bankruptcy or NBC following filing for bankruptcy like ballet sports did or that the diamond group or whoever owns it right as it did baseball so there is risk they just are partners with a much sturdier it seems like a company in terms of being able to get their money I just you watch these deals happen and I have just so interest easily baseball it's gonna do I mean how how do you what is the fix for the problem that you have right now yeah I I don't know I mean I I feel really fortunate that we still get to watch Padre games every single one of them on free television every night it's not free television though you know what I mean all right I'm paying my cable bill and it's costing me sorry but I expect that I'm gonna have to pay something to watch just about anything yeah so but why not give it really include that necessarily why not give it directly to the Padres instead of giving it to a spectrum or whatever what do you mean give it directly to who's who you talk to because you could sign up to you could sign up to watch Padre games through MLB dot com slash Padre's right Padre's TV and so instead of giving your money to the cable company Chris that you don't really like anyway you can give your money to the Padres I like my cable company I'm a fan said no one ever I'm the first I'm gonna get behind my cable company because they're my they're my lifeline to be able to not have to watch everything I don't want to unplug my cable like a lot of people do he's not unplugging I have a question for Tony won't think about this whole broadcast they think so on Sunday the Padres were on Roku TV and Don and Tom Candy Audi were calling the game last week yeah last week and so how did how does that work is Don's supposed to stay new or maybe you don't know but that's so funny you brought that up because Don was having this conversation with me the other day okay yes he's supposed to play neutral but they were clearly a lot of Padre fans that felt some type of way listen it said he was being neutral calling it neutral but boy he's working at that point for Roku Roku yeah so he can't be having his his to the girls old thing you can't do that to see us I didn't help that that was the nine-to-one game in favor of Arizona by the way yeah and he had to call nothing but Arizona home runs they were asking me why why does he do that why does he do that and I was like well because probably a they paid him and b they don't want to have to fly their own crew around so they just take so it's not it's not just Don so if it was the Phillies and I don't know the Dodgers it would have probably been Joe Davis and whoever is the Phillies color analyst correct yeah and that's that's how that's how those those things end up working yeah so those guys get a little extra little extra walking around money I figured out the City Connect Jersey record it is according to my research four and four so 500 no but there wasn't that it was a couple years ago it felt like they couldn't lose in those bad that's true in 22 yeah but not not this year they're four and four this year so not as you thought it's not so bad I have one last thing on the TV thing that we didn't quite get to on it I don't think TNT is indeed out of the mix so they I thought they had a chance to match date you're right that's right they have five days to match one of the deals I don't know that that's expected but that means that with this new deal it is a hundred percent official unless TNT matches at the last minute that were done with you know the best TV pre and post game lineup one of those other networks can pick them up they're free agents now didn't Charles say that he wasn't gonna do that he was gonna kind of retire he wouldn't be the first person to go back after this season yeah he's doing at least one more year somewhere yeah oh okay so we'll see I don't know yeah that's that's a tough one man that is kind of the hallmark all right Scrabie's giving me the break sign so this you don't have to tell people that let's uh let's head to break and uh we'll have David Peralta when we return his Friday more Gwyn and Chris on the way hi welcome back to Gwyn and Chris 240 is the time Chris Elo Tony the junior down at Petco Park Scrabie alongside here at the Odyssey Palace studios David Peralta interview coming up moments from right now before we get to that little baseball news today that I wanted to pass along and I wanted to pass along Tony because I really enjoy making Scrabie angry and in this case it's very easy to do all I have to do is tell everybody the news that Paul Skeens has been chosen to start the all-star game for the national league and watch him get fired up about it you have this wrong my friend I do not have it wrong you tweeted about this and we're critical of it and pirate fans everywhere but what I said was that he is exciting he's only started 11 games like let's pump the brakes on crowning this guy the best pitcher of all time which is what we're doing I'm with you on that like I I I cosign that sentiment but in terms of him starting the all-star game I never said anything about him starting the all-star game okay well I think you did as soon as that became a possibility did you know he needs like you started grumbling about this did you know he needs like 96 innings to qualify for any of the season awards like he needs 96 more innings right it's 160 something innings that you have 62 it's one inning per team game yeah he needs 96 more innings is it yeah but who cares about who cares about that anymore the guy had a no hitter going yesterday I'm done twice just came out of the game it was the second time I am a fan of watching him pitch I don't mind Derek Shelton the manager the pirates if he was just honest and he said you know what we don't want to we don't want to put taxes on this early in his career but Derek Shelton said that when he watched him pitch the seventh inning yesterday he thought he looked tired that's why he took him out the only problem with that argument was he got through the seventh inning in only six pitches and so that doesn't mean that doesn't mean a little tired though I know but I do you really believe Derek Shelton took him out because he thought he was tired Tony I think he took him out what reason does he have to lie because he doesn't want to make it look like the analytics are managing for him I don't know that's a bit of a stretch I don't analytics wouldn't be telling them to to get him out all right baseball in this day and age says okay yeah we can't have a young pitcher throwing 120 pitches maybe I don't know maybe he was worried about that you know I think that's just what we all turn to when they when this happens whether that's the case or not I don't think we know in this case I think he finished with what 100 pitches just over 100 pitches I think it was 99 or 99 or 99 so I mean I said to you when we when that when he when we looked at it the seventh inning before we knew he wasn't going out for the eighth I was like I don't think he's gonna make it right 99 pitches but you base that on the sense that baseball doesn't let young guys to share their arm and that's what I said you didn't know he was tired I didn't watch in the game yeah I didn't watch the game but I think highly enough of Shelton that I wouldn't think he would never seem like the guy that would lie about that he's lying I've never felt highly about you know you just get a reason with the guy's line yeah well look I am an oxymoron you know after all you are so what do you expect you thank you all right let's get to our interview with David Peralta because this is this is really intriguing and unique and I you know David Peralta's story is pretty good I didn't know it and I think you'll like it it's right now Anna Fryer Friday interview as the Padres head into the all-star break out fielder David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris excited to have you on and I guess I'll start with some info that I heard David by wishing you a very happy anniversary today awesome this is uh yeah I don't know that the a lot of us in the world when we think of anniversaries we think of a lot of different things in this but this is your 10 year day for service time to major league baseball and that is a big deal and I think also congratulations are in order to any of you uh great athletes who make it that long in the in the big leagues thank you thank you very much guys yeah I know this is a special day for me for my family too it is it has been a long journey for me it hasn't been easy but you know I made it I did it I'm here with the Padres and I always thank the Padres for for giving me the opportunity to believe in me and give me the chance to keep playing and that they came to the loss. David talk a little bit about that I mean that journey as you mentioned it wasn't your typical journey I mean you started this game in the professional realm as a pitcher had to go play some indie ball wager way back as a hitter I mean it's quite if you sat back and thought about it because it's kind of remarkable the path that you've had and yet you've been able to reach this 10 year mark. Yeah I mean it's a long story I'm going to try to make it short and quick and fun but you know I started my career um in 2004 as a as a pitcher with the cardinals and this stuff didn't work didn't work for me obviously like I had two shoulder surgery I was trying to work my way up to get healthy that didn't work and obviously like when I went back I got released in 2009 I went back to Venezuela I'm trying to like figure out what to do but thankfully that I have my parents that were supporting me 100% and they were like hey let's try hitting you know just I was still young I was still I was 21 years old and I'm like hey you're still young you can do it so I'll start doing that information you know like changing my body like trying to work different to to to make an impact as an outfielder because I was telling myself if I want to come back I said but different as a precision player you have to you know do something to get attention from the sky so that's what a day I moved back to um to the United States and I started playing an independent ball which wasn't easy for me to get a to get a job in an independent ball and then I finally got a job in an independent ball and you're hardly in your touch so that was my first team and the funny thing of that like I didn't have money to fly over there to be honest and and I had I like had a drive over there I didn't have money for the gas too so I had to work in my donals to get them to collect money oh wow to drive to pay for the gas so I worked for a month over there and and and I was like actually that was my real job ever and it all stopped but you know I went through that you know how to work in my donut and then when I was my time was done I had to go work out play a practice and all this kind of stuff but I played two and a half year in the independent ball and finally the DBAT gave me the opportunity to to come back to to effort a team so they send me to the high A in 2013 so year and a half later they I got colored to the big league from double A and that everything started my whole story that is an unbelievable story I don't I certainly hadn't heard it before and yeah I think we just all kind of assume that you guys just materialize in the major leagues you know and it just that's what happens but to go from pitching to Venezuela to McDonald's to the independent league I mean this was a five or six year journey so no wonder that 10 years means so much to you David Peralta is our guest he is the pride of Venezuela as he mentioned there in that last answer I'm I'm curious David I pitched a little in college the reason I did is because I couldn't hit and so I thought if I'm going to do anything I'm going to do it as a pitcher and I was able to play up into some college ball were you always a decent hitter or did you pitch because you couldn't hit either and then had to learn how to hit no I mean I was I used to do both hitting you know I used to play center field hitting and pitching but you know in this time a couple of scouts told me like hey you have a good arm you're lefty and it is going to be more easy that's what I say more easy to make it do big leap because there's not a lot good left-handed pitchers in the big leap so it's going to be much you know more easy for you than you know outfielders and I was like okay so third pitcher but I used to love like you know I love playing outfielding and everything when I was playing and I used to have not for power but I used to have a lot of land drive and everything and and that's what I was like okay I'm going to start pitching so you tell I want to play baseball I want to be a professional baseball player and that's why they told me and I did it so I'm assuming that's why my shoulder couldn't handle that that's what I have to show you on my shoulder so but you know I think things happen for a reason and it means to be that way because all that I went through to get to these points like help me to to become a better man to become a better person better husband better father better teammate and grow by a person and and and and if you ask me like hey if you have to go back on time will you change anything I'll tell you no I would do the same thing and I will go through the same all that I went through to make it to this point again because it was a journey for me it was hard but but I put a lot of hard work dedication discipline to get to this point so that's a that's an amazing story David this is a reminder to people out there that you know it if you put you really want to do no matter what the obstacles are put in front of you it can be done now David you're here with the Padres and you're playing on an offense that is one of the better offenses in the National League and you're playing a little bit different role than you had in Arizona how have you transitioned from being pretty much an everyday guy to kind of getting the starts against the left the right handed pitching and kind of spot starting here and there you know you have to understand the game and you have to you know adjust to the game you know and and for me like I understand my role and and and I always prepare myself the same way and doesn't matter if I'm playing I'm not playing that game at that day if I'm gonna start a line out or not but I'm always ready because I know it's always going to be an opportunity for me to pinch you do something to help a team so I would still the money like hey don't worry about me I'll be ready you know and I learned that from you know years by years like how to prepare myself to pinch you and all this kind of stuff so I was trying to like to talk to the young guys here like hey you got to watch the game you got to you got to know the situation where it can be your opportunity to to pinch you for these guys so you have you need to be ready you have to go to the cage trash be loose get the swing and be ready when the money and tells you to go ahead so that's what I've been doing and when I gave the opportunity to start in the line out I just you know I would just have to go out there and have fun and do my job David Peralta has been doing a really nice job before the Padres and I've been saying that the entire time and you know I was really excited when you came here I mean watching you in Arizona you know you win a silver slugger one year you win a gold glove the next year you know that tells me right there pretty good all-around player and you know you've proven that over time and that helped take you to the the world baseball classic to represent Venezuela what did that mean to you well that means everything for me I think like play in the world classic represent you country we're in the jersey knowing that the whole country the whole Venezuelan is watching you and and what we did was really special I think like for me I would say I never I never made it to the all-star team and the big lead but for me my the world classic was my all-star was my my all-star again and because I was around with superstar players playing against superstar players to USA we play against the many can the Puerto Rico it was unbelievable it was so electric like the energy I love it it was it was special for me David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris and David we're getting close to the break just kind of explained to people you know you you guys have gone through the attrition that the season started in March and you get to this point I imagine there's a some light at the end of the tunnel in terms of being able to get some rest how do you guys keep your mind locked in to finish through these rest last three games before you guys get a little break well if you know we're gonna keep that they're the sending talent every day I know we have three games left we're gonna give everything we got this three games I know like the last few games we we we haven't do their way they'll get the result that we wanted but it's baseball you know we have to understand what I guess baseball and and a lot of things it's gonna go your wave and a lot of things it's gonna go the other way but we got to finish drum and and it's always good to get a little break especially mentally because these games it's so hard and as people like it's a lot of people have to understand like it's not an easy game it's not it's not physical it's physical but it's a lot of mental so sometimes you're gonna need like we need a mental break like a few days like the days that we're gonna have in the break to reset your mind spend a little time with the family refresh and then come back and finish strong the second half and that's what we're gonna do yeah I tell you I mean I don't know how frustrated you were the other day at the end of that ballgame but when you hit that line drive in the ninth inning I thought game was tied and yeah that's frustrating there's a good situation you want to do the right thing you want to be the year but like I said this game is golf and sometimes it doesn't go the way you want and you have to move on and and come by the next day and and bring your aid game again and do it again do it again I can't I know we got two seconds left did you make french fries did you cook burgers did you work at the front of the store at McDonald's what did you do look the first day they have a some promotion with a big mat and it was a huge line I have no idea how to control the the scream and everything and they put me right away to take order I was panning and I was like you've got to be kidding me my first day and and then they just switch with you to drive through and I was doing a little better over there but with my donut you have to keep everything like moving really quick and then you say you know what David go start doing fries and got everything keep everything on track and I was gonna stop so like which later I was getting better and I was like taking order and I was gonna stop and but the first day was the worst I was like oh boy I'm gonna get fired in my car. Hi welcome back to Winnie Chris 240 is the time Chris Ello Tony and junior down at Petco Parks Grady alongside here at the Odyssey of Palace Studios David Peralta interview coming up moments from right now before we get to that little baseball news today that I wanted to pass along and I wanted to pass along Tony because I really enjoy making Scravey angry and in this case it's very easy to do all I have to do is tell everybody the news that Paul Skeens has been chosen to start the all-star game for the National League and watch him get fired up about it. You have this wrong my friend. I do not have it wrong you tweeted about this and we're critical of it and Pirate fans everywhere. Pirate fans are not happy with me but what I said was that he is exciting he's only started 11 games like let's pump the brakes on crowning this guy the best pitcher of all time which is what we're doing right now. I'm with you on that like I co-sign that sentiment but in terms of him starting the all-star game. I'd never said anything about him starting the all-star game okay well I think you did as soon as that became a possibility did you know he needs you started grumbling about this did you know he needs like 96 innings to qualify for any of the season awards like he needs 96 more innings right it's 160 something innings that you have 62 it's one inning per team game yeah he needs 96 more innings is he yeah but who cares about who cares about that anymore the guy had a no hitter going yesterday I mean twice just came out of the game it was the second time I am a fan of watching him pitch I don't mind Derek Shelton the manager the pirates if he was just honest and he said you know what we don't want to we don't want to put taxes on this early in his career but Derek Shelton said that when he watched him pitch the seventh inning yesterday he thought he looked tired that's why he took him out the only problem with that argument was he got through the seventh inning in only six pitches and so that doesn't mean that doesn't mean you got a little tired though I know but I do you really believe Derek Shelton took him out because he thought he's tired Tony I think he took him out what reason does he have to lie because he doesn't want to make it look like the analytics are managing for him I don't know that's a bit of a stretch I don't analytics wouldn't be telling them to to get him out all right baseball in this day and age says okay yeah we can't have a young pitcher throwing 120 pitches maybe maybe I don't know maybe he was worried about that you know I think that's just what we all turn to when they when this happens whether that's the case or not I don't think we know in this case I think he finished what 100 pitches just over 100 pitches I think it was 99 or 99 or 99 so I mean I said do you when we when that when he when we looked at it the seventh inning before we knew he wasn't going out for the eighth I was like I don't think he's gonna make it right 99 pitches but you base that on the sense that baseball doesn't let young guys to their arm and that's what I said you didn't know he was tired I didn't watch in the game yeah I didn't watch the game but I think highly enough of Shelton that I wouldn't think he would never seem like the guy that would lie about that as he's lying I've never felt highly about that you just get a reason with the guy's line well look I am an oxymoron you know after all you are so what do you expect you thank you all right let's get to our interview with David Peralta because this is this is really intriguing and unique and I you know David Peralta's story is pretty good I didn't know it and I think you'll like it it's right now and our Friday interview as the Padres head into the all-star break outfielder David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris excited to have you on and I guess I'll start with some info that I heard David by wishing you a very happy anniversary today awesome this is yeah I don't know that a lot of us in the world when we think of anniversaries we think of a lot of different things in this but this is your 10 year day for service time to major league baseball and that is a big deal and I think also congratulations are in order to any of you great athletes who make it that long in the in the big leagues thank you thank you very much guys yeah I know this is a special day for me for my family too it is it has been a long journey for me it hasn't been easy but you know I made it I did it I'm here with the Padres and I always thanks to the Padres for forgive me the opportunity to believe in me and give me the chance to keep playing and that they came there a lot David talk a little bit about that I mean that journey as you mentioned it wasn't your typical journey I mean you started this game in the professional realm as a pitcher had to go play some indie ball wager way back as a hitter I mean it's quite if you sat back and thought about it because it's kind of remarkable the path that you've had and yet you've been able to reach this 10 year mark yeah I mean it's a long story I'm from I'm going to try to make it a short and quick and fun but you know I started my career um in 2004 as a as a pitcher with the Cardinals and if that didn't work didn't work for me obviously like I had two shoulder surgery I was trying to work my way up to get healthy that didn't work and obviously like when I went back I got released in 2009 I went back to Venezuela I'm trying to like figure out what to do but thankfully I have my parents that were supporting me 100% and there was like hey let's try hitting you know just I was still young I was still I was 21 years old and I'm like hey you're still young you can do it so I'll start doing that transformation you know like changing my body like trying to work different to to to make an impact as an outfielder because I was telling myself if I want to come back I said but different as a precision player you have to you know do something to get attention from the sky so that's what a day I moved back to um so United State and I started playing a um an independent ball which was uh wasn't easy for me to get a to get a job an independent ball and then I finally got a job an independent ball and you're telling your touch of those my first team and the funny thing of that like I didn't have money to fly over there to be honest and and I had I like had a drive over there I didn't have money for the gas too so I had to work in my donals to get them to collect money oh wow to drive to pay for the gas so I worked for a month over there and and and I was like actually that was my real job ever and it all stopped but you know I went through that you know how to work in my donut and then when I was my time with Donna how to go work out play a practice and all this kind of stuff but I played two and a half year in the independent ball and finally the DBAT gave me the opportunity to to come back to to the athletic team so they sent me to the high A in 2013 so a year and a half later they I got colored to the big league from double A and that everything started my whole story that is an unbelievable story I don't I certainly hadn't heard it before and I think we just all kind of assume that you guys just materialize in the major leagues you know and it just that's what happens but to go from pitching to Venezuela to McDonald's to the independent league I mean this was a five or six year journey so no wonder that 10 years means so much to you David Peralta is our guest he is the pride of Venezuela as he mentioned there in that last answer I'm I'm curious David I pitched a little in college the reason I did is because I couldn't hit I stunk and so I thought if I'm gonna do anything I'm gonna do it as a pitcher and I was able to play up into some college ball were you always a decent hitter or did you pitch because you couldn't hit either and then had to learn how to hit and no I mean I was I used to do both hitting you know I used to play center field hitting and pitching but you know in this time a couple scouts told me like hey you have a good arm you're lefty and then it's gonna be more easy that's what I said more easy to make it do it big league because there's not a lot good left-handed pitchers in the big league so it's gonna be much you know more easier for you than you know outfielder and I was like okay so third pitcher but I used to love like you know I love play outfield and everything when I was played and I used to have not for power but I used to have a lot of land drive and everything and and that's what I was like okay I'm gonna start pitching so you tell I want to play baseball I want to be a professional baseball player and that's what they told me and I did it so I'm assuming that's why my shoulder couldn't handle that's what I had to show you on my shoulder so but you know I think things happen for a reason and it means to be that way because all that I went through to get to this point like help me to to become a better man to become a better person better husband better father better teammate and grow up as a person and and and and if you ask me like hey if you have to go back on time will you change anything I will tell you no I will do the same thing and I will go through the same all that I went through to make it to this point again because it was a yearning for me it was hard but but I put a lot of hard work dedication and discipline to get to this point so that's a that's an amazing story David this is a reminder to people out there that you know if you put you really want to do no matter what the obstacles are put in front of you it can be done now David you're here with the Padres and you're playing on an offense that as one of the better offenses in the National League and you're playing a little bit different role than you had in Arizona how have you transitioned from being pretty much an everyday guy to kind of getting the starts against the left the right handed pitching and kind of spot starting here and there you know you have to understand the game and you have to you know adjust to the game you know and and for me like I understand my role and and and I always prepare myself the same way it doesn't matter if I'm playing I'm not playing that game at that day if I'm going to start a line out or not but I'm always ready because I know it's always going to be an opportunity for me to pinch you do something to help a team so I was told in my near like hey don't worry about me I'll be ready you know and I learned that from you know years by years like how to prepare myself to pinch you and all this kind of stuff so I was trying to like to talk to the young guys here like hey you gotta watch the game you gotta you gotta know the situation where it can be your opportunity to to pinch you for these guys so you have to you need to be ready you have to go to the cage trash be loose get the swing and be ready when the manager and tells you to go ahead so that's what I've been doing and when I gave the opportunity to start in the line out I just you know I would just have to go out there and have fun and do my job. David Peralta has been doing a really nice job before the Padres and I've been saying that the entire time and you know I was really excited when you came here I mean watching you in Arizona you know you win a silver slugger one year you win a gold glove the next year you know that tells me right there pretty good all around player and you know you've proven that over time and that helped take you to the the world baseball classic to represent Venezuela what did that mean to you? Well that means everything for me I think like play in a world classic represent you country we're in the jersey knowing the whole country the whole Venezuelan is watching you and and what we did was really special I think like for me I would say I never I never made it to the all-star team and the big lead but for me my the world classic was my all-star was my my all-star again and because I was around with superstar players playing against superstar players to USA we play against the many kind of Puerto Rico it was unbelievable it was so electric like the energy I love it it was it was special for me David Peralta joins us here on Gwen and Chris and David we're getting close to the break just kind of explaining to people you know you you guys have gone through the attrition that the season started in March and you get to this point I imagine there's a some light at the end of the tunnel in terms of being able to get some rest how do you guys keep your mind locked in to finish through these rest last three games before you guys get a little break well if you know um we're gonna keep that the sending talent every day I know we have three games left we're gonna give everything we got this three games I know like the last few games we we we haven't um do the way they'll get the result that we wanted but it's baseball you know we have to understand what I guess baseball and and a lot of things it's gonna go your way and a lot of things it's gonna go the other way but we got to finish drum and and it's always good to get a little break especially mentally because these games it's it's so hard and as people like a lot of people have to understand like it's not an easy game it's not more it's not physical it's physical but there is a lot of mental so sometimes you're gonna need like we need a mental break like a few days like the days that we're gonna have in the break to reset your mind spend a little time with the family refresh and then come back and finish strong the second half and that's what we're gonna do yeah I I tell you I mean I don't know how frustrated you were the other day at the end of that ball game but when you hit that line drive in the ninth inning I thought game was tied and uh that had a good situation you want to do the right thing you want to be the year but like I said this game is tough and sometimes it doesn't go the way you want and and you have to move on and and come by the next day and and bring your game again and do it again do it again I can't I know we got two seconds left did you make french fries did you cook burgers did you work at the front of the store at McDonald's what was your what did you do look the first day they have a some promotion with a big mat and it was a huge flying I have no idea how to control the the scream and everything and they put me right away to take order I was panning I don't know what to do and I was like you've got to be kidding me my first day and and then they just switch with you to drive through and I was doing a little better over there but with McDonald's you have to keep everything like moving really quick and then you say you know what David go start doing fries and got everything keep everything on track and I was gonna stop so like a week later I was getting better and I was like taking order and I was gonna stop and but the first day was the worst I was like oh boy I'm gonna get fired on my first day well I'm kind of glad you didn't make your tenure anniversary as a McDonald's employee I'm glad you I'm glad you made it 10 years in the big leagues hey it was really fun interview David we really enjoyed it great stories and I think all the fans got a little better chance to know you we look forward to you watching you this weekend and the rest of the season thanks a lot thank you guys thank you for having me that is the idea the fryer fryer to interview right there give you all a chance to get to know something about these guys David Peralta slinging french fries and McDonald's I like how they said all right David we're gonna move you to fries gonna move you to fries took him off the uh took him off the front of the store and we're gonna be confusing and scary at the same time I never worked at a fast food place did you uh no no yeah so but I can imagine it being very scary I'm sure everybody's got their stories but uh very few of us have worked at a fast food place and then gone to the big leagues for 10 years yeah that's true David Peralta all right more going to Chris coming up knowing how to speak and understand a new language can be an invaluable tool when traveling meeting new friends or just even a master new skill but it's not always simple when you're bogged down by textbooks and structure classes that's why so many people trust Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone is the most trusted language learning program available on desktop or as an app it truly immerses you in the language you want to learn like Spanish French Italian Chinese and 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