SEN WA Breakfast

Goss Jumps on Fireball Fridays with Kane and Kingy (12/07/2024)

Tim Gossage was kind enough to join Kane Cornes and David King's Fireball Friday to reflect on what has been a very eventful week for WA football. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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11 Jul 2024
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Tim Gossage was kind enough to join Kane Cornes and David King's Fireball Friday to reflect on what has been a very eventful week for WA football.

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I'm looking forward to this series time now, all thanks to Toolkit Deafo, the ultimate range of trade tools, S-E-N-W-A superstar, the man who broke the story of the Adam Simpson sacking this week, is down the line we can see him, we've got eyes on him, Tim Gossage is his name, Goss walking a 5-0 Friday. I can't say I've been looking forward to this to be honest with you, but yeah, it has been a massive week, massive week in WA, and at the expense of Adam Simpson and probably the West Coast Eagle Football Club, but having very small chats with him, and I wouldn't consider myself a close mate, but I certainly would do as a confidant, I think he's happy. I think he's a relief for him and his family, and I think he can go forward now in the future and find another space in football, but it's been a big couple of years, but culminating in what took place a couple of days ago. Is it a good job to get, Goss, because there's a lot of pros, really, about the strength of the club, how big they are, 50,000 or rock-up regardless of where the team is positioned on the ladder. I'm not sure about their list, and I'm certainly trying to get my head around the media coverage and how vicious it has been, and particularly highlighted this week. Is it a good job to get? Yeah, I do think it is. I do think it is. I think their list is okay. I think what they've immediately done with half a dozen games to go, seven games to go, is they're throwing the kids out there now. They basically said, "Okay, this is your seven-week block of ... There's been a lot of talk about Zane Tru and how good he is in the waffle, and Jai Kully, who had a small taste this year as well. Now let's go and do it. Go and do it. You've got four or five weeks to show yourself. There'll be some others who come through, young Clay Hall, whose numbers have been okay in the waffle. I think they're going to be in for a rude shock. A lot of West Coast Eagles fans have been calling for these kids to play because I'm not convinced ... I don't think stats always tell a great story through the WAFL and the lower ranks. They're going to be tested, and they're going to be tested this weekend, but unless we see them at that level, we're not going to get a true indication of where they're going forward. I think there's going to be a lot of tree shaking over the next six or seven weeks in regards to that list. Anything that was handled by the club in totality, Gus? I'm pretty sure they didn't want to lose their CEO and their coach at the same time. I think that required a little bit of stability, and I think there was an agreement from the board almost that, "Okay, Trevor Nizburt, been there 30 odd years. What a great man who set this club up with their $80 million, their new stadium, their new training venue, the introduction of the WAFL team, the women's program." Trevor Nizburt's done some remarkable things, and also the signing of Daisy Pierce. Let's not underestimate that as a massive signing in regards to their women's program, but they didn't want to say thanks, Trevor, and thanks, Adam. I think they gave Simo this extra year, but I think the writing was on the wall fairly early that they probably had heard. They probably should have taken the big leap, and then the writing was on the wall over the last couple of weeks, been pretty volatile over in regards to the West Coast Eagles. The texting stuff and all that, whether it got out or whatever, I don't think that really bothered Simo so much. I think it bothered the power brokers. What about the Western Australian, the front and back page, and just the over endorsement in just seeing him out the door, and the sourness of that. Is there any ramifications for the paper itself, or is that just fair gameplay on? It's a powerful beast, the Western Australian. It is a powerful beast owned by a very powerful man, and Kerry Stokes. There's been a lot of departures from the Western Australian, Mark Duffield, who works with our network, of course. He struggled with the style change in regards to the newspaper and its tabloid approach. There are young men, call them men, call them what you like, but there are young editorial staff at the Football Club now. I mean, Glenn Cordamain, who's Steven's brother, is a longtime employee of that newspaper. He's still there. Craig O'Donohue, who covers basketball predominantly, but he's also covering football. Long time journey. They've got to try and do their job, because they've got mortgages and families to look after, too. There's nowhere for a lot of them to turn. There's been a lot of departures from experienced journos in recent times, who have been unhappy with the direction of the newspaper. I think they pushed the boundaries way too far with the front page of Adam the day after. I just didn't think it was necessary. They've doubled down in a way. At least we got the 2018 Cup, so they've almost doubled down. I don't think they've backtracked. I think they've doubled down in a sort of sly way. Yeah. It's been disappointing. Disappointing. I don't think there's any ramifications. I think the West Coast Eagles, if they had their way, the players and the Football Club, they probably wouldn't make themselves too available to the West Australian journos and the like. But at the same time, West Australian is a well-read newspaper online and in print and people, some people like that style, not everyone, but some people do. I'm just not convinced it. I think it looked ugly, and I think if they had their time over again, maybe, maybe they would have done it slightly different. Of course, I mean, this had been on the cards for a while now. It was unlikely that Adam Simpson was going to be there next year. So the club's had a fair amount of time to think about a replacement. Do you think they've got someone in mind? Yeah, I do. I think it's Dean Cox. I think it was always going to be a Cox Pike combination. And again, if we flipped that around, if Trevor Newspoon had stayed, Don Pike would be the number one candidate to coach, but Pike has got to shed that skin. I think that's been difficult for Don. I think Don, and I think you saw with Adam Simpson, sing alongside him. I think Simmo might have given him a little bit of a drive-by in there. You missed too many. He didn't miss many on the way out. He's very clever. And I'm just, yeah, so I think there's a separation from Don. Don Pike, for me, and I'm not saying he does or no, if I've known Pike, he's since he was a player in the 90s. Bottom line is for Don, he needs to, and I'm not saying he is, but he can't be a Linnerman sniffer CEO, he's got to come back, he's got to come right back and allow who's coaching, whether it be Jared Scowfield for the next seven weeks, to coach the team without any shadow of a CEO looking over their shoulder. I think Dean Cox will take the job, if offered the job, and I think Don Pike would respect that. I think it'll be a good combination. And if it's not, if it's not Dean, if it's not Dean, and Sydney are hell-bent on keeping him, but Dean can't hang around waiting for John Longway. You know horse, well, Kingie, I don't think horse is anywhere near close to the end of coaching. I think he's still got three, four, five years left, didn't he? When you say Linnerman sniffer, you don't think he's hard enough, or you think he's got the coaches hat on still? Too close to the action. I think there's been many Linnerman sniffers CEO, I reckon, yeah, and there's some good ones. Got to top five, got? Don't do it, don't do it. No, no, I'll put it on Twitter, no, I won't. Don't you worry, yes, we will. Let's do it now. Because by my calculations, this is the seventh time you have said that you are getting off Twitter and you are back. We can go back to our 24/20/23. Today was only a cameo, we can go back to home. We can go all the way back to 25/20. Can't believe you paid your son to do all your research for you. What, Twitter has exhausted me and the lead up to the day. It's self-excluded for seven days, happy tweeting, but I'm out. You were out two weeks ago, and you came back this week. Okay, because I'm a newsbreaker and I was teaching all the young bucks what to do and I didn't have a platform. So I didn't have a platform, I didn't have a platform to announce that he was not going to coach. No, this is exactly what I want to go to, right? So you get the information and gossip, you've barred yourself from Twitter, you've got a personal, you've got a personal stash with corns you go on, you know, this is going to work for us, I know, but you've got this information, it's a big story, the coach is being sacked. You're the only one in town that's got it, you had options available. You could have rang your great mates, got it coming, I've got one for you here. You take this, hey, enjoy it, enjoy it, and hold firm on your stance and your pending retirement from Twitter. You could have given it to one of your other mates and the media duff comes in every week with you and sits with you, you could have given it to him, and you kept it for yourself. Yeah, I did. Are you proud of your movements? I'm very proud because you know what, I found out the night before it was happening, right? And I went to bed, I woke up at two o'clock and I didn't sleep after that, because I was thinking, who's going to get it first, who's going to get it first? Gary Lyon texted me, like, "I've got no idea that I'm on air with the same network at the same time for a while," he goes, "What have you got for me, sausage? I've got nothing, I've got nothing because I'm about to break it on air." So I have no platform on X to break it that the board was going to meet and dismiss Simo, so I had no one. And then the next day, I get maled that he's definitely not going to coach, so no one is known. Shane Castle is on with Dwayne Russell, he's manager, Adam's manager. Pretty good. Couldn't have given it to Dwayne? Could have given it to Dwayne? No, no, hang on. I didn't want to embarrass Dwayne or the manager, because I was on air at the time it came through to me, and Shane Castle is telling Dwayne he doesn't know if he's going to coach the last guy. Did you hold off on this tech to the tweet? I held off. And as soon as he said, "Thanks for your time, Shane," then I went, "BANG." So, I just want to be really clear, so are you back for good now or are you off again? There's a big story here. I haven't... Hang on, hang on, hang on. Let me just get the message in response. I haven't... I'd like you to be lost for words. I know. I haven't tweeted, retweeted or liked anyone's comments for two and a bit weeks, apart from that one post, I think I'll cherry pick my moments, but I won't respond to it. Hang on. If you've taken... OK. You've put yourself in a really awkward position now. Through all of this, through all of this, is the juice worth the squeeze, right? You've snubbed our captain. Yeah. You've snubbed Gary. Yeah. I think the ramifications for snubbing Gary are going to outweigh the upside of this one tweet. Yeah, hang on. Can you... Where was the last time Gary rang me with the story? I don't want to give up. I'm not 14, trying to make my way in this listening. No. Goss will let you go. We love having you a bit of fun. Give us your applause. You and Scotty Cummings coming up for those listening... Hang on. ...and see an app for you. I want to ask them a serious question. Can free our winners? 100%. They can. 100%. But they've got to get through quick. They've got to get through this year or next year, otherwise I reckon the catch-up clubs are going to get them. I'm on my own. Come out. Doesn't work for my days. Ash Broslett, the replacement's unwell, Hamish Bracewell can't come in, Paul Haderby's not available. I've rung Simmo. Simmo said he would for 1500 cash. Seriously. And you rang Gary Lyon and he said, "Get stuff." You've rung Dwayne who just texted me and said, "Thanks, Goss." You are on your own. What's the number if people want to give you a buzz and chat to you? 131255 or 0487736736, the number one sports show. Hey, well done to you and all the breakfast team. What a great survey for all of you. Well done. Good on you, Goss. Give him a call, give him a text, join in the conversation there, he's a ripper.