Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

He Who Overcomes

He Who Overcomes

1 John 5:4 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

1 John 5:5 Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

It’s not your personal victories that make you an overcomer, it's your steadfast position to abide IN HIM. If you have been born of God, you are an OVERCOMER because His blood gives you the victory!

Date of service 7/27/24

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

He Who Overcomes 1 John 5:4 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:5 Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? It’s not your personal victories that make you an overcomer, it's your steadfast position to abide IN HIM. If you have been born of God, you are an OVERCOMER because His blood gives you the victory! Date of service 7/27/24
It's titled "Tonight's Message. He Who Overcomes." I believe I'm speaking to believing believers in this room, those that have been bought with the price, the blood of Jesus, right? Those that know their authority, those that know their walk with Christ, they know their Word, they know their sword, they live by this sword. They continue to keep the sword sharp in them, right, amen? And between the sword of the Lord and the spirit of God, they will walk in a greater portion. That means all of you. We will walk in a greater portion of what God has called you to walk in, amen? Is that your? Yeah. Okay. So, "He Who Overcomes." 1 John 5-4. Go ahead and turn your Bibles to 1 John 5-4. The Word of the Lord says in 1 John 5-4, "For everyone who has been born of God over comes, everyone who has been born of God overcomes, okay, the world. Everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world." And this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith. The victory is your faith in believing that what God has begun is going to finish. The victory is your faith in believing that God is the overcomer and He's called you to be an overcomer. And so because of Christ, Christ in you, Christ in me, the hope of glory, we are overcomers because of what He's already done. Everyone who has been born of God, are you born of God? That means you walk with Him. That means you talk with Him. That means you have been born anew. The old man has died and the new has come, right? You now walk in Christ, right? Not those personal victories that you have received and seen, it's not your effort that makes you an overcomer. It's not your effort. You all have personal victories, we all have personal victories, but it's not because of the personal victories that you are an overcomer. Otherwise, it would be your effort, it would be your works, it would be your ability. Now those personal victories give us confidence, don't they? And they bring us joy and that's of course what we want, personal victories. But those personal victories is because we have yielded ourselves to the Word of God and we remember that we are born of God. Because I'm born of God because you're born of God. You have overcome the world. That means this world has nothing on you, has no hold on you. You've overcome the world. Do you see the difference there? You're not an overcomer because, well, you know, you have fought, fought, fought, you have prayed, prayed, prayed, you have battled and now you are an overcomer because you have achieved. Do you see how sly and how subtle the enemy was? Even with the Word of God, even with the Word of God, how easy that could be to slip into that wrong mindset. Like I said, there's a place for that. You get confidence, your boldness increases. You've seen God move, but never forget, it is God who is moving through you, giving you the boldness because you are born of Him and because you are born of Him, you're born anew. Now you have that overcoming faith, that overcomes the world. That means anything in the world that would try to hinder you, right? Hallelujah. And it's also not because you follow a certain person because sometimes people think, you know, they're an overcomer, they're strong because they follow a certain person. They follow a certain person with a certain anointing. Let me tell you something. How about following King Jesus? How about following the anointed one? How about following the one that says, "I am the king of kings." I am the anointed one because you've got people that are following people, they shouldn't be following. Hey, I'm not saying you don't have pastors and apostles and prophets that are of God, but they must be of God and they must be following after Christ. You don't follow after them if they're not following after Christ, there's too many people following after people that are not following after Christ and they're just following after flesh. Am I speaking to the right crowd tonight? Yeah, we're not going to follow after flesh. We're going to follow after the Spirit of God. That's what we need. And for the people that God has put in your life, because He does use people, don't get me wrong, but you cannot idolize anyone. And I always tell you, do not idolize me, do not idolize anyone, do not idolize. Make sure that your eyes are on Jesus. Make sure that you are living for Him. Make sure that your dependency is 100% completely yielded to the one that has saved you with His own blood. He saved you with His own blood. So 1st John 5, that was 1st John 5/4, 1st John 5/5, are we following along kids? We're in 1st John 5/5 now. Don't miss it. Yeah, we're not going to miss it. It says, "Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" Oh my goodness, we are overcomers because we believe His Word is alive and living and active and in us. We believe that we are overcomers because we are and have been born anew about the Spirit of the living God and the faith that He has given us and we walk it out. So we're overcomers. Why you're an overcomer, right? So He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world, amen, right? He who has an ear led him here, led every ear here tonight, the word that God has prepared for you. Let every ear hear what the Spirit of God is saying, okay? Because He who overcomes will sit with Jesus on His throne. He who overcomes will sit with Jesus on His throne. We're going to get to these scriptures in a moment, but I want to just give them to you first. He who overcomes will sit with Jesus on His throne. Isn't that good? See, that's good news. He who overcomes will have power over the nations. Yes, promotion of the Lord is now. He who overcomes will have power over the nations. Did you not know that this was your lot in life as a believing believer? Well, I'm going to show you where it is in a moment. He who overcomes will be clothed in white. He who overcomes will have His name written in the book of life. He who overcomes will have His name spoken before God and before angels. He who overcomes will inherit all things. All means all, say all means all, inherit all things. He who overcomes. Why do we overcome? Because we're born of God because we believe in the sun. We believe on Him. We believe on Jesus. We're overcomers. Glory to God. He is predestined, you church. He has called you. He has justified you just as if it didn't happen, just as if it never happened. He has glorified you. Not that He's going to glorify you. Not that He is going to justify you. Not that these things are going to happen, but He already has. Hallelujah. He has really given you all things. He's really given us all things. Everything. In Romans 8 and 27, and we know, say, I know, I know that all things were together for good for those who love God. Are you a lover of God? Do you love Him with everything within you? Are you a lover of Jesus Christ? Yes, we are. So, and we know that all things work together for good, for those who love God, and for those who are called according to His purpose. For those who are the called, for those who are the called, we are the called. You are the called. You have been called according to His purpose. Now yours. We yield to His purpose. We submit to His purpose. We bow down to His purpose. We don't bow down to anybody else. We yield to Him. Hallelujah. Verse 29 says here. It says, "For He foreknew." He foreknew You before, and actually in Ephesians 1, 4, says that He chose us in Him before the creation of the world, and He chose You to be holy and blameless. He foreknew. He foreknew You. He foreknew You. He chose You. He called You to be holy and blameless. That's Ephesians 1, 4. But right now we're in Romans 8, and in 29 it says, "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined." You have been predestined. Your destiny is strong, and it's sharp, and it's in Jesus Christ, and you will not fail. And those that you're praying for, oh yeah, I don't care how bad it looks, I don't know how dark, dark looks, and dark look pretty dark sometimes, can't it? Dark can be so dark, it's quite disgusting and sickening, but we have the light of Christ, and we're going to put every spirit of darkness out, because we've been called. We have been called, we have literally been predestined to serve Christ well. So He foreknew You. He predestined You to be conformed to the image of His Son, not to be, not to do what You want to do, but to be conformed to the image of His Son. You've literally been chosen before the foundations of the world to do the will of God. And the sooner that you realize the beauty in that, the more that you walk and the power that that provides, because there's power in that, power in recognizing your true identity, your true purpose. These people always try to find their purpose, they're always trying to find, you know, what's my purpose in life, what's my purpose in life, and I, you know, we all have specific purposes, that is true, but your ultimate purpose is to love Jesus and to love Him well. Your ultimate purpose is to serve Him with everything within you. It's not that hard to find your purpose. It's really not. You know, people make a big, old, you know, and you know, everything comes forth from that position of, I know my Redeemer lives. My identity is in Him. I find my joy in Him, then I find my life's purpose, because I found Him. See, people try to do it the other way. They try to do it the other way around. They're trying to pursue the purpose that God gave them without pursuing the God of the purpose. It's flipped. It's backwards. Right? And so I don't try to pursue purpose, why don't you pursue the God of the purpose, the God that put the purpose in you in the first place? And then from that position of knowing Him, the God of purpose, then everything starts to unfold. Why? Because we just read it in Romans, didn't we? We've read this portion of Scripture how many times, right? We've read it so many times, but listen to how God wants to speak it tonight. He says, and we, I'm back at verse 27, because you know me, we got to go back up, we got to go back up, we got to go back up, okay, we're going back up Lord. And we know that all things work together for good, all things up to those who love God and are called according to His purpose, for whom he foreknew, thank you Lord, you already knew us. Lord, those that you foreknew, you also predestined to be conformed to the image of your son. And that's all we want is to be like your son, to be like Jesus, to walk like Jesus, to talk like Jesus talks, right? To have the Spirit of God upon our lives all the time, day and night, night and day, not just when we're at church, that He might be the first born among many brethren. Verse 30 says, moreover, whom He predestined, He also called, whom He called, He also justified, and whom He justified, these He says He also glorified. Wow. How? Because in Romans 12 and 2, it says, do not conform, do not conform to the pattern of this world. Because this world has a pattern, right? And we are not to be, we're not to conform to the pattern of this world, but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. And we will constantly and consistently, it's our job, to renew our minds. To watch what we watch and to listen to what we listen to. And to not let junk and foul things enter into your eye gates, your ear gates, right? We need to be mindful of what we see and what we hear and what we know and what we do and who we do life with, right? We need to be very, very careful. We need to be mindful, right? And so it was just the, just what, Friday had the opening of the Olympics on Friday, and some of you may have watched the opening ceremony. Yeah, disgusting, terrible. I mean, henius, what henius sin, how blasphemous can we be? Seriously? Seriously? I didn't watch it. We don't even have TV. And we didn't even, it was funny because on Friday night, we were watching our grandkids. And I wanted to watch the Olympics. I was like, oh, it would be fun to watch the Olympics. Yes, we don't have TV. We don't have the service. We have a TV. We disconnected it a long time ago. But we found out that there was a way that you can connect and everything and just, you know, and just have that part streaming, just that one event. So I was like, oh, it's going to be fun, you know, Olympics, you know, I let, there's certain sports I would like to watch. Friday night, I'm with my grandkids and the baby falls asleep on me. And I'm sitting there, like this is kind of unusual, right? I'm like, I'm literally sitting here on the sofa with my grandbaby sleeping on top of me. How perfect would this be? So in, I said, I wanted to say, I didn't say this, but in me, I was like, because I don't even know how to turn on TV, I'm going to show me too many remotes, I mean, it's been too long. I don't even know how to turn, honestly, I don't even know how to turn on a TV. I know, you can laugh. It's funny, it's ridiculous. But I don't know how. My granddaughter says, no, Nick, can we ever watch, you know, forget the sound of music, go honey, papa has her toes, I don't turn it on. And, okay, so, because there's like all these remotes, it's not like it used to be years ago. So I'm not, I'm not into, I obviously don't care about TV, don't watch TV, but I was like, well, this would be fun to watch, you know, some of the things on the Olympics. So I'm sitting there with my grandbaby sleeping on me and I thought, how perfect. And so I wanted to say, Phil, my husband, Phil, could you turn on the, the, and look at the Olympics, could you, like, figure out how to turn it on? I guess we were supposed to download some app and whatever, right, to be able to watch this thing, you know. And so I was like, Phil, in my spirit, like, I didn't ask him. I was like, why should I ask him to turn it on? And it's, and it's, that was my mind. The spirit of God in me says, no. I'm like, it's the Olympics, you know. I don't watch TV. I mean, I get it. I'm not in, I, but it's the Olympics, you know? And so I was thinking. So I said it again, oh, I should, I should ask Phil to turn the TV on, you know? And again, very strongly in my spirit. I hear no. So I was like, okay, know what it is? Know what it is? It was my human spirit because when you're attached to the Holy Spirit and you live that way, you know when it's the voice of God speaking to your human spirit. You know your mind and you know the spirit of God speaking to your human spirit. Are we all following with what I'm saying? So that was it. I didn't argue. I was like, no big deal. So that was it. That was over. It was over. So today someone sends me something, you know, about what happened at the opening night. My goodness, the Lord was protecting me. I mean, talk about vile disgust. The Lord's Supper and the last Supper with Jesus and the disciples. And but instead drag queens and transvestites and a complete mockery. Did you not see it? It was disgusting. How about the golden calf? What is up with the golden calf there? Is this not the Olympics? What in the world is this? The golden calf? What about the transgender guy with the whole, with the whole like in blue? He was supposed to be naked. He's spray painted or whatever, I don't know what it was, but then he was like a thing of flowers going around him and then you got all these transgenders all around him just enjoying his his disgusting dance. I mean, slutty, horrendous, disgusting. I was mad. And you should be mad. You're righteous anger, church. So when this person, they sent this to me, I'm like, that was the opening night. The golden calf does it. I mean, how like my husband said, somebody knows their word though. Somebody knows their word though. They're making a complete mockery out of it, but I'll tell you right now, God will not be mocked. God will not be mocked. Do not be deceived. God will not be mocked. You may try to mock God, but God will not be mocked. So we must guard our minds, our hearts. That's why that verse that says we cannot conform. We have to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and to have your spirit so sharp and so quickened that when in your mind like, well, this is pretty, this is, you know, harmless is the Olympics. It's fine. You know, and but your spirit is saying, no, because you're so attached to the Holy Spirit and he says, oh, you don't want to watch that because you're probably not going to be able to sleep tonight because it's going to disturb you so much. We can't overlook these things. We can't belittle these things. We're trying to mock Jesus. Should you be offended? You better believe you should be offended. Jesus was offended. You're offending Christ. That means you're offending the one that you love. So yes, you should be offended. People say, oh, you shouldn't say these things. You shouldn't talk that way because you know what you're going to be labeled as a hater. Well, guess what? How about the fact that I'm offended? You think I'm offending you? What about you offending me? What about you offending Christ in me? You guys, we have to speak up. So when I was sent this post, it was, it was sent on a, it was a Facebook. They sent me this thing, and I was like, so I shared it, and I, I shared it, and I put that whole thing. God will not be mocked. This is disgusting. And I said, I'm glad we don't have TV. I said, I'm glad. You know, anyway, I said what I said because I was like, man, this has got to be spoken. This has got to be said. It needs to be spoken. It needs to be out there. Why? Because all it takes is for Christians, God fearing people to be silent and to say nothing. There is a time to speak and there is a time to be quiet. And when it is time to speak, we need to speak, church, don't let anybody silence you, don't let the spirit of the world, which is very rampant and out there, don't let the spirit of the world mute you just because they say, well, you're going to be labeled as a hater. Well, so what? We don't hate people. We hate the sin. So get it straight. We don't hate people. We hate the sin. People we love, the sin we hate. And all it takes is for somebody to just be so subdued, and then the rest of the family follows suit, but then the flip side is true too. One person to be bold for Christ, will you be that one bold vessel in your family that's going to stand for Christ? Because then you're going to start seeing the rest of your family rise up. You're going to see the rest of your family say, you know what? No, you know what? I am not going to be silent about this because God is grieved. So we will do our part by being those that are in the Word and allowing the Word of God to transform our minds so that our minds are sharp that when we hear something, even like the story that I just told you, I wanted to watch the Olympics and I was like the Spirit of God was like, nope, my human spirit. I knew it was like this argument I was having within me, but I knew it was my mind and my spirit, which was my spirit attached to the Holy Spirit saying, no, no, thank you Lord. Thank you for sensitivity. Lord increase our sensitivity that we would hear your voice in such an intimate, strong way that we wouldn't push through and try to push a wall down because we're letting our minds lead. Oh, I'm saying something. I hope you guys are grasping what I'm saying here because we are predestined. We have been predestined. This is the Word of God. We are predestined, called, justified and glorified today. Always have been because of, well, that was because of his intention for us in the minute that you said, yes, Lord, I accept your work on the cross. It was done. He said, you know what? This is who you were always created to be. This is who you are now and this is who you walk in. Yes, you start to see the fulfillment of it grow, of course, the revelation of it grow, of course, but who you are, you were marked out right at that time that Jesus died on the cross for us. It was done then. It was done then. Okay. I said I was going to give you some of those scriptures, let me, the ones that I gave you in the beginning. Revelation 3 21, 2, him who overcomes. I started off this message saying that we are overcomers. We're overcomers because we're born of God and we overcome the world because of our faith in him, we're overcomers because we believe in Jesus. So to him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with me on my throne as I also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne. Think about that. Sometimes, you know, if you're not in the book of Revelation too often, sometimes you may be, I never heard that verse, I never read that, or what does that even mean? You've said it just a minute ago, promotion, promotion, do you know that we're called to sit in heavenly places, getting heavenly information from the Lord Jesus Christ? Not here on down on this earth, getting information from this level, oh, come up higher. The Lord says come up higher. So Revelation 3 21 says to him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with me on my throne. Talk about my throne as I overcame and sat down with my father on his throne. Talk about revelation. Talk about upgrade. Talk about God's promoting you, amen? And Revelation 3 22 says he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. We know that we're only two churches in the book of Revelation that even had anything good to say about. Revelation 2 26 and he who overcomes and keeps my works until the end. It doesn't say my word there, my works until the end, because there is something we are to do. We're to believe God's word and we're supposed to actually also do it. We got to believe it and do it, because if I just believe it and I don't do it, then I'm not actually being a believing believer, huh? I get to believe and I get to do, I get to. So Revelation 2 26 and he who overcomes and keeps my works until the end. To him I will give the power over the nations. We have, look at the divine responsibility and privilege that God is speaking to us. The power over the nations. He wants to give you that type of power. What is she talking about? I'm talking about power over the nations, but it starts with the individual that's right in front of you. It starts with a person right in your own home. It starts with a person right next to you that God says right there, I want you to give that word right there, I want you to pray for that individual. You do not know how far God is going to take that prayer and you do not know how wide and how deep God is going to move on behalf of that individual, because he says there power over the nations, but it starts with one person. It starts with one person. Are you willing? We're willing. We are more than willing. We so want Jesus. We love him. Lord, we love you. We're in love with the king. Right kids? He's so good. Revelation 3.5. Are we all following? We're not asleep are we? He says God forbid. Revelation 3.5. He who overcomes shall be clothed in white. My garments and I will not blot out his name from the book of life, but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels. He says I will confess his name before my father. Think about that for a moment. It's like your natural father speaking of you about you and calling forth your name and speaking in a way that as a child, you would just grow instantly in the love that he has for you. But how much more are Heavenly Father speaking forth our name? Wow. Thank you Lord. He knows our name. He knows the number of hair on our heads. One falls out. He knows the sparrow. He knows when they fall to the ground. He knows everything. He knows the sound of the sea. He knows it all. He knows the stars. He knows him by name. How much more does he know you? How much more does he care about you? If a sparrow falls to the ground and it's like he already knows it, it doesn't go unnoticed. How much more about for you that he sees you, that he knows you, that he cares about you, that he is involved in the affairs that he wants you to live for him and prosper in him? And literally hear his voice and know that he hears your prayers and they are being answered. Do you believe this? Yes. And amen. So Revelation 3, 5, he who overcomes. We are overcomers. It says he who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments. Yes, that is one day, but what about right now? You've been clothed in white garments today. Don't let that past sin blame you and bring that guilt over you. Do you hear what I'm saying? Don't let that past shame and guilt come upon you, cast it out. This is when we have to cast it out. This is when we have to cast it out because you've already been forgiven by the blood of Jesus. So we don't want to partner with the lying schemes of the devil. I don't care if it was something that, oh man, maybe you lost your temper yesterday or whatever, you know. And I'm saying I'm not saying I don't care as an I don't care, go ahead and be sloppy and sin. It's not what I'm saying. It's not an excuse to sin, but what I am saying is, is that when it does happen, repent quickly and cast that demon out. And it's not necessarily a demon in you. I'm not talking about a demon in you. I'm saying the voice that wants to ridicule and mock you and keep you down, get rid of that thing. Squell shit. Do you see what I'm saying? So he who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, but it's not just for one day when we go to heaven right now because how does God see you, pure spotless, white as snow. That's how he sees us because of why? The blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is enough. We sang about the blood of Jesus. We believe in them. We know. So it says an I and I will not blot out his name from the book of life, but I will confess his name before my father. Yes, Lord. And before his angels. Why? Because my sheep hear my. Say it again. My sheep hear my. And I know them. This is John 10, 27 and 28 if you want to put it up. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. We hear his voice. We know him and we will follow him. It is that simple Christianity could be summed up in that. We hear his voice. We know him and we follow him. To know him means we are in his word, so we know everything about him. Intimacy has so increased understanding that God has love, but he's also just has increased. The revelation that comes unto us because of being in his word has increased. Our walk produces more fruit because we know him. We love him. We know him. We follow after him. Amen. And the rest of that says and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish. And the last scripture that I have is Revelation 21, 7. "He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son." Did I not tell you that he who overcomes will inherit all things? Well here is where it's spoken of, that you will inherit all things. And it says here that I will be his God and he will be my son. What promises God has given us? What incredible, tremendous promises. These are not all, well one day, but the whole thing is one day when we, you know, when Christ comes and we know, what about right now? What about walking in the revelation of these things now? God is an abundant God. He wants to give you exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything you can hope, dream or imagine in Ephesians 3, 20 and it talks about this incredible abundance that God wants to pour out upon his children that are ready to receive because they are overcomers because of Christ in them, the hope of glory. Hallelujah. I'm an overcomer in Christ. I'm an overcomer in Christ. And my prayers get heard and my prayers get answered. And I'm referring to us. When I say my, I'm in all, our prayers get heard, our prayers get answered. Is that not true? And we will not allow the accuser of the brethren to come and kill still and destroy. In Jesus' name, amen? Hallelujah. Give God the glory. Give him the clap. Give him the honor. Lord, we thank you, we praise you. Yes, Lord, we thank you, Father, that your word is alive and it's active and it's powerful and it's sharper than a double-edged sword and we thank you for your word. We thank you, Jesus, that you are the living word. We thank you, Jesus, that we yield to you. You've chosen us, Lord, before the foundations of the world, Lord, you chose us, Lord God. Lord, I thank you. You knew us, even before we were in our mother's womb, Lord, you chose us, God. Lord, you predestined us, Lord God. You justified us. You glorified. Thank you, Jesus, for what you have done and, Lord, we decree today, we are overcomers because we have been born from above and our faith is in you in Jesus' name, amen. [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [BLANK_AUDIO]