Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

If Faith Can Make You Well, Unbelief Can Make You Sick

If Faith Can Make You Well, Unbelief Can Make You Sick

Date of service July 25th, 2024

Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2024
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If Faith Can Make You Well, Unbelief Can Make You Sick Date of service July 25th, 2024
[MUSIC PLAYING] Faith can make you well, then unbelief can make you sick. If faith can make you well, unbelief can make you sick. Turn your Bibles to Mark chapter 6. Mark chapter 6 and verse 5 and 6. This is what it says in verse 5 and then verse 6. Now he, Jesus, could do no mighty work there, except that he lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And he marveled-- Jesus was marveling-- he marveled at their unbelief. And he went about the villages, teaching. So he could do no mighty miracles there, except he lay his hands on a few sick people and healed them. But he marveled because that which was present, that which was available, they were not able to receive because of their unbelief. Unbelief can make you sick. Unbelief can cause you to miss out. Unbelief can literally block you from receiving that which is present, but if you don't have faith to receive it, others will receive it. But as for you, you'll go without. Say, that's not going to be me. I'm going to walk in the faith of Christ. I'm going to walk fully in faith. And any spirit of unbelief has to go now in the name of Jesus because, oh, no, no, no, no. My faith makes me well. And I walk in faith, the faith of God. And it's the only way that I can please God. Mark 5. Look at Mark 5 now. And we're going to start with verse 25. A familiar story, yes, woman who suffered many, many years, 12 years, she had a flow of blood for 12 years. She had faith to receive. So in verse 25, now a certain woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years-- that's a long time, isn't it? And it says, she had suffered many things from many physicians. And she had spent all that she had, but she was no better. Instead, she grew worse. Things were getting worse instead of getting better. But when she heard about Jesus, she came. When she heard, she came. When she had faith, she heard that Jesus was in town. She knew of the miracles that were being done at the hand of our Lord and Savior. She heard and she came. When we hear the truth and we come, when we hear the truth and we move forward in saying, I'm stepping out, I'm receiving it. I'm not going to just stand back and watch. I'm jumping in exactly like just took place today. We jumped in to all that Christ had for us today. And I believe that every single one of you received from the Spirit of God. Don't let the devil tell you that you have unbelief right now, because I can hear that in my spirit too. There's a few of you, I'm not going to call you out, but I know, and I know who you are, at least some of you, that Spirit of unbelief trying to lie to you right now. But you shut it down in Jesus' name. We cast it out, because you're not called as one that's going to walk in unbelief. You're called as one that's going to walk in full belief in faith, in faith, in faith. It is your faith that makes you well, right? So the Spirit of unbelief is always lurking. He's, oh, that Spirit is so, it's so like every day. It's so common, but yet we end up falling for it sometimes, because it's common and we're familiar to it, right? But we cast it out now and say, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no way. No way, not on my watch, not on my watch, devil. So she came, it says she heard first, she heard, and she came. So what are you hearing? Because what you hear is very, very important to what you receive. She heard, and then she came, and then you guys know the story. We'll get there in a moment, but she received, right? She heard, and then she came, and she received. When we hear the truth, and it bears witness in your spirit man, truth bears witness. When you hear the truth, right, it's you here, then you come. You come with the full intention of, I am my beloved, and he is mine, he has revealed truth to me. His truth is his word, I continue to read his word, then therefore now that faith that is going to move mountains is mine, I receive it. Therefore I receive the healing, I receive the provision, I receive the abundance, I receive the knowing, the know-how and the knowing, just that revelatory understanding, every gift, every calling, every gift is active in my life. Why? Because I heard truth, I stepped into it. God wants you to hear the truth, and he wants you to step into it. He wants you to come. This woman came. She heard, and she came. How important is it to hear truth? And then come into agreement. She said, wait a minute, she came. Yeah, she came, because she heard Jesus, and she came. You can come into agreement with this word. You can position yourself where you know there is agreement. You can position yourself where you know there's purity. You can position yourself as one that says, I am of the camp that says, yes, we see the giants, but yet we know that provision is from God, and he will not fail us. And so therefore the circle may seem small. I know that God comes, and he moves even in the midst of two men. Joshua and Kayla, because they stood for truth. They listened to the truth. They listened to faith, not unbelief, of which was all around them at the same time, at the same time. We hear, we must hear truth. She heard truth. And then she followed suit. She came. I love this story. When she heard about Jesus, she came behind him in the crowd. She came behind him, and she touched the hem of his garment. What faith? She didn't come up and say, I've got to see him face to face. Now, we love that, and there's a whole other implication about seeing him face to face and worshiping him face to face. But you got to understand something. This woman was suffering for 12 years. She did all kinds of doctors, and she-- all of her monies was spent, and she wasn't any better. She was worse. It says she was worse. When she came, because she heard Jesus, she actually came behind him. She didn't feel like the need to. I've got to go in front of Jesus. He has to see me. In order for me to receive what he has, I have to make myself known, do you see me, Jesus? Do you see me now? Do you see me? No, such simplicity but such depth of faith. She knew, even if he doesn't see me in the crowd, if I just go behind him and just touch the hem of his garment. Because she knew he carried the exact power, the virtue that she needed to be free. That's faith. Amen. Amen. That's faith. She didn't need to be seen as beautiful as that might be, and can be, of course. She just knew it was his presence. And literally, even the clothes that he wore would carry the power of God. Just need to touch the hem of his garment. And that's what we do all the time touching the hem of his garment when we worship and we press into the spirit of truth. What happened to this woman? She was healed. We know the story. She was healed. But I want you to not just know the story. I want you to know how it applies to you. She heard. She came. She went behind him. Didn't matter that she wasn't right in the center front. She knew I just have to touch the hem of his garment. And as she did, virtue left him. She was healed. And Jesus knew something just happened behind me. He didn't have to, something just happened behind me. She touched the hem of his garment. She said, if only I may touch his clothes, I will be made well. We do far more than touch his clothes, Church. We're touching his heart. We're touching the heart of God. Do you guys understand the power of worship when we come together and we worship him in spirit and in truth? We are touching his heart. And he is touching our hearts. He is healing our hearts. He is transforming our hearts, our minds, everything that we need transformed and healed of. He is in our midst. He is present. He gets the glory. He gets the honor. He did it. He does it, and he continues to do, right? His perfect will. And so this beautiful story, I love it because it says, if only I can touch his clothes, I'll be made well. Verse 29, immediately, verse 29 says, immediately, the fountain of her blood was dried up. Immediately, her faith made her well. Immediately, the fountain of her blood dried up. And she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. It's kind of like sometimes when you say, I don't feel the pain. It was here just a moment ago. I don't feel the pain anymore. She felt in her body that the affliction left. She didn't say, well, it's gone right now, but I'm just believing it's not going to come back. That is an access point for the enemy right there. So I have to give them a little tiny bit, right? That's an access point. She felt in her body the affliction left. The affliction leaves. The affliction isn't stronger than the spirit of the Lord. The affliction has to leave. When we tell it to go, the affliction has to leave in the presence of God almighty. The affliction has to leave. She had an issue of blood bleeding for 12 years. It was an affliction. An affliction is just a general word for the sickness that she was under. The affliction that the enemy tried to place upon you leaves the moment that you step into an atmosphere of faith and you partner with what God is doing. Don't say, well, it's gone right now. It's gone. It left. It's not returning. She didn't give any access for it to return, did she? No, she did not. No, she felt in her body, verse 29, the end of verse 29, she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. Doesn't sound like any unbelief here, does it? No, none at all. Immediately Jesus, knowing in himself that power had gone out of him. Power, immediately, all he did was, feel someone touch the hem of his garment. No, he felt power go out of him. It was a certain kind of a touch. It was faith filled. When you lift up your arms, you are lifting up your arms. Faith filled. Holy arms being lifted before the king. Faith filled. Fully expecting God to move, right? So Jesus immediately knows the power had gone out of him. He turns around in the crowd and he says, "Who touched my clothes?" And this apple says, "You see a multitude thronging you "and you say, who touched me? "And you looked around to see her who had done this thing. "He didn't care that you got these, "what would be unbelief right there?" Well, Jesus, a lot of people are touching you. You don't make a big deal out of faith and Jesus ignored them. He ignored them. Jesus, everybody's touching you. Why are you gonna make a big deal out of that? Because it's a big deal to make. Because someone just stepped out in faith and defied all odds and touched the hem of my garment. And I'm gonna make a big deal of that because it's faith. See, the enemy always wants to subdue faith and put a lid on it, cap it. It wants to cap it. It wants to make it littler than it really is. Why, so he can steal the measure you just received. That's why we should be shouting from the rooftops everything he does, even if it's a partial healing. It's still the healing and you should be shouting from the rooftops, right? We should be shouting from the rooftops, everything he does. Why, because it releases faith in you as well. Release his faith. Who touched my clothes? His disciples says, you see the multitudes, thronging you and you say, who touched my clothes? And he looks around and he sees to see her who had done this thing. The woman was fearing and trembling, knowing what had happened to her. Came. Now you can understand, you go, she has unbelief right there. Look, she's fearing and she's trembling. No, she had full faith to receive that healing. She was 100% in complete faith to receive the healing. She didn't have unbelief. She didn't have unbelief to receive her healing. When she saw Jesus turning around, yeah, she was fearing and trembling. She's like, oh, he's looking at me, but not to receive the healing because she was bleeding, church. There was a law that said she should be stoned. For her to step out in that condition, there was a law that was already in place and they all knew it. It was not her fearing, uh-oh, I'm probably not gonna get healed. Maybe I don't have enough faith. Maybe I didn't, maybe I shouldn't have done what I did. No, she fully went, desperation. Faith went and touched the hem of his garment. Do you see the difference? She didn't have unbelief. I mean, you can read a story in the Word of God and you can read it over and over and over and God will continue to give you revelation of that same story. And you will continue to glean things that are gonna help you on your walk. So she's looking, it says, but the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came down, fell before him and told him the whole truth, which I think is beautiful because he already knows the whole truth, but she, she still came and she, she hum, it's like this, I don't believe she humbled herself. I believe she was humble and she just went and she bowed before him and told him the whole truth because she knew this man is different. This man is different than all the other men. This man is different. This man, the man Christ Jesus, the king of kings, is different than any other man, any other father, any other person, he is different. And when we go before him in humility, telling him your whole story, she told him the whole story. Here, do you know the story? She still told him the whole story. Why intimacy increases? There's a bond that increases when you share your whole story with Jesus. It's not that he needs to hear it, you need to say it. It's your need to say it that increases the intimacy. Are we hearing what I'm saying? And when you speak your whole story, just you and Jesus, Lord, this is what happened. Lord, I didn't understand. Lord, I did this, then they did that. And this is how I felt. Oh my gosh, I don't understand. You win, you tell your whole story to Jesus. What did he say? The very next line, I love this line here because she tells the whole story. And right there, verse 34, and he says to her, he says, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. "Go in peace and be healed of your affliction. "Go in faith, go and be healed of your affliction. "Go in peace. "Daughter, your faith has made you well. "Go in peace and be healed of your affliction." I love this, he calls your daughter. He says, "It's your faith that has healed you. "Now I want you to go and I want you to go in peace. "I don't want you going, worrying, "wondering if this is coming back. "I want you to go in peace. "You keep your peace, you guard your peace. "You guard the peace that God has given you. "When you guard your peace, you guard your healing." She was told to guard her faith and to go in peace. The enemy wants you to go in fear. The enemy wants you to go in unbelief. The enemy wants you to go in doubt so that he can steal. Do you know that this is, and these are some of the access points as to how the enemy comes back in to steal? And you go, "I lost my healing, I don't know what happened." You didn't guard your peace, you didn't guard your faith, you didn't guard what God just did, you allowed the enemy to come right back in. Stay in peace, stay in faith, stay in peace. It is the peace of God, right? So we know with this story, she touched the hem of his garment and she was healed and the Lord was pleased with her, right? But I started this message by saying, if faith can make you well, then unbelief can make you sick. Unbelief can rob you from you, correct? Let's go to Luke. Luke 1. Look at verse 20. Because in verse 20, we see that Zacharias, he went mute because of unbelief. It says verse 20, "But behold, you will be mute "and not able to speak until the day these things take place "because you did not believe my words, "which will be fulfilled in their own time." You're gonna go mute. Why did he go mute? Unbelief, unbelief caused him to receive a spirit of unbelief, of being mute. Let's start here. Let's go to, let me see here where we're gonna go here. Let's go to verse 10. The whole multitude of the people, they were praying outside, the hour of incense, and then angel of the Lord appeared to him standing on the right side of the altar. They would do that, they would burn their incense, right? They were just this, and they was part of what they did, and it says here, and this is like the high priest, they would go into the holy of holies, right? And this is important, they did this once a year, and it says here, verse 12, when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled 'cause an angel of the Lord appeared standing on the right side of this altar of incense, an angel of the Lord appeared. So here is Zacharias, verse 12. See, it's him, he's troubled and fear falls upon him, but the angel says to him, do not be afraid. Zacharias, for your prayer is heard, your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call his name John. You shall call his name John, and his name shall be John. You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. So here, he's getting all these instructions, right? There's angel of the Lord telling him all of this stuff, he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He shall drink neither wine or strong drink. He will, he says he will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb, praise God, even from his mother's womb, filled with the Holy Spirit. And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God, he will also go before, he says he will also go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom, to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. And verse 18, after all of this, Zacharias said, how shall I know this, for I'm an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years, sometimes the best thing you can do is to say nothing. (audience laughing) And the multitude of words and is not lacking is right. So sometimes the best thing to do is not to say anything. But anyway, he says, he says what he says, he's filled with unbelief, and the angel answered and says to him, I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of God and was sent to speak to you, he says, I was sent to speak to you. This angel was sent on a mission by the Lord Jesus Christ to speak to you. Wow, wow, you think that these things don't happen today? Of course they do. I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of God. I was sent to speak to you and to bring these glad tidings, but behold, you will be mute. And you will not be able to speak until the day these things take place because you didn't believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their own time. So he went mute, he was not able to speak because of unbelief, did you see that? So the people were waiting for him to come back out, they were marveling who he's lingering for such a long time, verse 22, when he came out, he couldn't speak to them. And they thought, well, he had a vision but he remained speechless for that time until the baby was born, right? Look at this, we have a story here of the woman with the issue of blood and she's filled with faith. Even though the law told her you'd better go back into your own house and not step out, you're bleeding and this is unclean and you can be stoned for number one, touching a man, number two, coming out unclean. But her faith led her to do a radical thing, didn't it? And she received her healing. And here we see in this story, this priest that should have known better, right? A priest, he's like, wow, I hear I have an encounter with an angel that comes from the throne of God speaking something to me and I have to question it and he questions it and then he's mute. So you tell me if faith can cause you to receive your healing, is it also true that sometimes unbelief can cause you to lose it, can cause you to lose something? He lost his voice, he went mute. Unbelief is a, literally it's like a killer, it will destroy, it's a faith killer for sure, but it will destroy the very thing that God wants to do for you, we cannot partner with unbelief. We have to recognize it and command it to go. Now some of you heard this, but I'm gonna tell you again because not all of you were present, but last, our last service, there was a young man that came that formerly he has been here a couple of times already in the past, it's been a while. When he first came months ago, longer than months now, he had came because of sight, his sight, he had no sight, he had looked at the sun, he for too long and he went blind. He literally went blind from looking at the sun and he couldn't see and Sean is his name. Some of you guys remember because when he came for healing the first time, he was standing right here looking right at that direction and I think he was looking at you and also with you and just looking at you guys and I was saying, can you see their hair? Can you see their eyes? Can you see, 'cause at first you couldn't see anything. And then all of a sudden he was able to seize her teeth, he was able to see what they were wearing, he was able to see God opened his eyes, right? Well the same individual left and went back to his same old, sometimes you gotta realize if God took you out of something and just did a new thing and you maybe you don't put yourself back in that same old cesspool, maybe you need to realize well if that wasn't good for me before, what makes me think it's gonna be good for me now, right? So buddy he went back and you know like we would because we don't really know like okay, but now you know where these things sometimes come from, sometimes they come from the people you associate with. Unbelief. So he went back and of course they talked him out of his healing. Now don't ask me how that could be because excuse me, you're not a young man but you were blind but now you see so what part of this do you not believe you were blind? You couldn't see, you see now, what is it? I don't get it, but I do get it, you know why? Because it's slow and it's subtle and it's consistent. And one word now and one word the next day and one word the next day, causing that doubt, causing that doubt, bringing in that doubt, bringing in that questioning, I'm questioning, I'm questioning, I'm questioning, I don't know, did you really do that? Well maybe I need it for a little bit, maybe it's not gonna last. And eventually he lost his sight. He eventually lost his sight, it completely left. The same guy came back for prayer to tell us that well look what happened. We prayed for him a second time and a second time God healed him. - Amen. - A second time God healed him. Praise God, that wasn't this past weekend. Both of those were a while ago. This, so I hadn't seen him for a long time. And then he came this past weekend to a service and super sweet young man, full of the joy of the Lord. He was just, has a very sweet spirit about him. He, so he doesn't tell me that he lost his sight. I wasn't aware that he lost his sight. He didn't tell me that. I assumed he was doing good. He was looking right at me. After a service was over and I went back to go talk to him and just to see how he was doing, he tells me what he wanted prayer for and he had something to do with his job. But quickly I get right to the heart of the matter and it was his sight. And I discovered that he lost his sight again. Can you believe that three times, three times he loses his sight because of unbelief again? Again, he listened to the wrong voices. Trying to blame it on other people because of their unbelief and I said, no, it's your unbelief. Nobody can cause you to be an unbelief. Nobody can cause you to actually walk an unbelief. Can they? They may have unbelief, but it's not until you partner with it that you would receive it. You don't have it unless you say you want it and you say you want it by accepting the junk that comes out of their mouths. And sometimes the most important thing that you need to say, please do say is, oh, I don't believe that. I don't receive that. Your silence does speak too. You go, oh, but I'm not agreeing with them, but you're also not disagreeing with them. And your silence speaks. Somebody got that, praise God. Somebody just received that in their spirit. They go, yeah, you're right. Because sometimes in our Christian walk, we felt like we need to be so nice and not say certain things, but you're not saying you're actually receiving. And you might be receiving something you don't want and something you don't even believe. Does it make sense? We have to be very careful what we receive. And so don't let receiving, based on not speaking, be your story. I'm quite sure that this young man didn't say, oh, I agree with this unbelief. I'm quite sure he was just silent. I'm quite sure he was a very sweet kind of person, not gonna confront anybody's kind of thing, right? You guys, there's a time and a place. When people say little things, have faith. Rise up and speak truth. You don't need to be argumentative. You don't have to have this contentious spirit. You shouldn't, but you should speak truth. Because what if God wanted to use you to enlighten them? What if God wanted to use you to bring truth to them? But you remain silent 'cause you were trying to be nice. But trying to be nice is not called faith. Pleaseing God is called faith. Walk in in accordance with this word is called faith. And the only way that we please God is if we have faith. And so these things are, we have to understand these things. They're spiritual, it's in the spiritual realm. So the access point is in our mindset and in our heart. If we receive them or if we verbally reject them. Sometimes you can just reject them quietly, that is true. But many times you do need to say something and you need to know the difference. You have to have discernment to know the difference. When do you need to be vocal? And when is it okay to go (humming) and you walk away and I don't think so. And it's under your breath. Or it's within you. Do you see what I'm saying? Sometimes you do like (humming) because you're like throwing your pearls with a swine or whatever sometimes it, sometimes it's wise. But you can't just be like, okay, uh-huh. And then just like forget about the whole conversation and do nothing with what was just spewed. Unbelief will spew. It's like being released in an atmosphere. And then what does it breed? More of it's like, it's kind. More of it's unbelievable. So this young man lost his sight for the third time. And so I prayed for him quickly. And they could see the wall. He saw it, I can see it a little bit. I said, no. Because I knew there was right around him, there was some unbelief and there was witchcraft. So I took him by the hand and I said, come with me. And he did, it came up to the front. And that's where you must have been here still then. But anyway, so then I prayed for him. And guess what? His sight came back completely. Like he might say, oh no, it's not completely back. But let me just tell you what I mean by completely. I was standing, when I went to the back, this is how close I was. This is how close, he was sitting, I was sitting. This close, he couldn't see me. He says, I can't see you, I just know you're here. 'Cause you're talking, I know the sound. He says, I can't see anything, I can't see your nose. I can't see your pupils. I smiled, I can't see your teeth. This close. Tell me that he was not blind. He couldn't see a thing. I can see all those things. Smile, I can even see your teeth, see? (laughs) And so when we came up here, then we did the test. We did the same spot, then I started scooting back. I think it was probably about this distance right here. This distance right here, that now he says, I can still see your nose, I can still see your eyes, your pupils, I can still see your teeth about this distance. - Amen. - When I went back further and further than that, he's like, oh, I'm starting to not see very much anymore. Okay, but you still, you're gonna tell me that from here to here, you can see when I was basically right in your face and you couldn't see that that's not God healing you. But do you see that element of unbelief? Because even in his testimony, he says, well, you know, it's not full. Well, it's not complete. It's like, do you understand your partnering with the devil? I'm not telling you to lie. I'm not telling you to act like it's all done when maybe it isn't. But the fact that you can't celebrate before you go, yes, God is doing an incredible thing. I couldn't see, now I can see. The fact that you can't celebrate that and you go right away to ya, but ya, but ya, but it's not done. It's not full. Why is it that we tend to go to the negativity so quickly? It robs us 'cause that's unbelief and it robs us. But we're not gonna do that anymore. I believe that God is awakening, he's awakening us. Amen? He's awakening his church, he's awakening his bride. Amen. Look at Hebrews, let's go to Hebrews 11, 11, 11. Hebrews 11, 11. By faith, Sarah herself also received strength by faith to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was past the age, when it was completely impossible in the natural, when it seemed completely just not able to be done, this is not gonna happen, there is no way, no how yet God said, but God. But God, she bore a child when she was past the age because she judged him faithful, because she judged God correctly, because she judged God faithful. So my question to you is, are you misjudging God? Are you not judging God faithful when you don't see it come to pass yet? Are you not, are you saying, well, you know, maybe someday Lord, but really deep down inside, you died to the truth that it'll ever happen. There's something within you that's called a lack of faith, it's called unbelief guys, that just kind of dies. Well, maybe someday that's just verbiage. Don't let that be your story. And if you feel that that has happened, get rid of that thing, it's not coming from God. Hey, we've all encountered that from time to time. Every single person, we just kind of allow that to be our story. We have to have eyes, we have to have the tendency and an understanding from the spirit of God to go, wow, so tricky, how crafty the enemy is. That unbelief is very subtle, but it's not gonna be, I'm gonna judge God faithful because he says and he acts, he's not a man that he should lie. God is not a man that he should lie, right? And so look at this, I believe that many are learning that by faith those mountains are being moved. Sickness, disease, any limitation has nothing on God, nothing at all, and it really has nothing on you. So we're not gonna let it anymore. We're not gonna let it, we're gonna walk in faith. And in any time the spirit of unbelief tries to creep up, you're gonna recognize it. You're gonna recognize it sooner than you maybe would have before and you're gonna deal with it. Remember, she heard, she came, she did something. She touched the hem of his garment. You're hearing right now. You're coming, not just here, but you're coming to him. In worship, you're coming, you're coming in faith, right? In prayer, throughout the whole week, you're coming to him. You're reading your word, you're coming to him. Then you're gonna act, you're gonna do the next thing. You're gonna do something, like she did something. She touched the hem of his garment. You're gonna keep your mindset on the word of God. You're gonna keep your mindset on him. You're gonna make sure that what comes out of your mouth is aligned with the word of truth, 'cause the word is near you, it is in your mouth, it is in your heart, the word is near you. You're gonna keep that word coming out. And when you have someone spewing that unbelief, depending on what God tells you at that moment, he may say, speak up, cancel it. He may say, walk away and rebuke it, but don't you walk away and do nothing? - That's right. - 'Cause that's the trap, walk away and forget. Always wanna be minimized, it's not a big deal. It is a big deal, learn to discern, learn to discern. We have to learn to discern. Amen? - Amen. - Hallelujah. Give God the praise and the glory. Look at what God has done. (audience applauds) So we're gonna celebrate every measure of healing. We're gonna celebrate everything that the Lord does, 'cause he is faithful, yes he is. And if Sarah judged him faithful, when this woman, there was no way she could have had a child except for by the hand of God, should give us all encouragement that if God did that for her, he's doing something great for me as well. (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) You You