Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Why Understanding His Surpassing Peace is So Important

Why Understanding His Surpassing Peace is So Important

Date of service July 18th, 2024

Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
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Why Understanding His Surpassing Peace is So Important Date of service July 18th, 2024
and asking to turn your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 11, Hebrews chapter 11, thank you father, and we're going to start with verse 1. And this is what are we there? I'll give you another second, Hebrews 11, praise you father. We love your word. Your word is alive, living an act of powerful, sharper than a double edged sword. His word is alive, his word teaches us, his word heals us, his word restores us, right? Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1, it says, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, say faith is now. Right now, I have the God kind of faith. My faith isn't Jesus Christ, my faith is not in my confidence, my faith is not in someone else, it is in Jesus Christ, first and foremost. So faith is now, it says, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. The reason that you're hanging on for certain things is because you have faith, faith in Christ, for the things that are unseen, but just you know, how many have promises from God that you know that you know, God has promised you something, and you are hanging on to those promises. No matter how long it's been, you're hanging on to those promises, right? And it says verse 2, for buy it, the elders obtain a good testimony. We have a good testimony. If the elders obtain a good testimony by faith, we shall too. Turn your neighbor and say, you're going to obtain a good testimony, and you're going to share it out of your own mouth. You're going to obtain a good testimony, it's going to come out of your own mouth. Hallelujah. And verse 3, by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. So there are two realms. We understand the natural realm, we can see it, but the spiritual supernatural realm, we have to adhere to the promises of God which are yes and amen. We adhere to that realm by knowing the will of God. The will of God is already laid out in His Word. Say His Word is the will, His perfect will. And I will align myself with this perfect will, amen? Thank you Jesus. Now I want you to go to verse 6, it says, "But without faith, we know that we need faith, we have to have faith. We know that faith grows. We know that there's such a thing as called the gift of faith which is different from the faith that increases and grows. Your faith will grow as you read your word. Your faith will grow as you pray. Your faith will grow as you are a person that yields to the Spirit of God. Your faith will grow. But then there's also such a thing as the gift of faith which is a different topic and not what I'm talking about today. But your faith will grow if you give it what it needs which is the Word. Amen? Say amen. I'm giving it the Word. Give myself the Word. I'm going to eat of His Word. I'm going to eat of His Word, right? Thank you, Father. So verse 6, "But without faith, it is impossible. It is absolutely not possible to please God, impossible." That's, that statement right there should shake some of you up. It is impossible to please God without it. So without faith, it is impossible to please Him for He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a re-order of those who diligently seek Him. And we seek Him, right? We're going to seek Him all the time, day and night and night and day. Amen? Yes. Amen. Turn your, turn your Bibles to 1 John 5, 4. Whatever is born of God, overcomes the world. You have been born of God. Okay, let's try the other side of the room. Let me try this side of the room. We have been born of God. The Bible says that we have been born, right, of what kind of a seed it's incorruptible. In incorruptible seed, we've been born of God. And since we've been born of God, we have done what? Overcome. We have overcome the world because Jesus has overcome the world. Say I'm an overcomer because of Christ in me, the hope of glory. We have to learn to yield to the Spirit of God. We must know the Word of God so we know that our swords are ready. Our swords must be sharp and ready and we do so by living in this word and eating off of every word that comes from the mouth of God, right? Yes. Because we don't live by bread alone. Okay, let's just go there then. I guess we will just go there. First Peter. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Father. Say thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. I seek your face. Thank you. Hurry up. I don't know about the sea. It says you were born of incorruptible seed by what? By what? By the Word of God. First Peter, 123. We were born, say here, let's read it together, having been born again, not of corruptible seeds, say there's no corruptible seed in me, but incorruptible seed. The incorruptible seed is Jesus Christ through the Word of God, which lives and abides forever, lives and abides forever. So therefore, I will live and abide, however, because of the incorruptible seed, it cannot be corrupted because I will not allow a spirit to come near this dwelling place. Why? Because we have the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Holy One dwelling on the inside of us. We have to see ourselves as temples of the Most High God, a sanctuary, a living, holy sanctuary with God dwells. God dwells in us. His spirit dwells in us. It is His incorruptible seed, which is the Word, which is Jesus. Is Jesus not the seed? Yes, He walked amongst us, right? Jesus is the Word is. It's the seed. Well, that seed is incorruptible and that seed which lives on the inside of us, which is Jesus Christ, His Word living on the inside of us lives forever, abides forever. Remember, we are to walk with Jesus, meaning we are one with Him. We have to get the mindset. It's not here's Jesus and here's my life. When we get the revelation of how I really walk with one, with Him, I walk with Him as one I meant to say, I walk with Him as one. When we get that revelation that as He is so am I in this world, as Jesus is, in other words, you're not Jesus, but you live by the power of the Holy Ghost that is in you. And so therefore you have everything you need for life and godliness, you have everything you need. You've been empowered, you've been equipped. There is an incorruptible seed on the inside of you. That word will never fail you. That word will continually lift you up. That word will continually show you the way to go. That word will correct you when you need to be corrected, will heal you when you need to be healed, will deliver you when you need to be delivered. I'm not talking about salvation. I'm talking about sanctification. I'm talking about our lives to be sanctified and set apart to live pure before Jesus. And that's our heart's desire. Each and every one of us, I do believe sometimes though this is what happens. People start dragging a dead corpse with them and they don't even recognize it. They're carrying the old man. They're walking in sync with the old man, the old mindset, the old understanding, the old feelings. They're walking in sync with the dead corpse, wondering why that can't truly live. Can't walk with the dead corpse and think you're going to bring life. And we're called to be givers of life because the giver of life lives in us. The Bible tells us that we are a new creation in Christ. The old has gone and the new is come, right? So we cannot partner with an old mindset like a dead corpse, right? We cannot think we're going to have this dead weight on us and really be free, but whom a sunset's free is free indeed, I have been free because of Christ, so have you. But when we allow the accuser to put on that dead corpse, old mindsets, negativity, heaviness, depression, fear, whatever it might be, we are literally allowing the enemy to put a bondage on us that Jesus never said he shouldn't be, because he has set us free, whom the sunset's free is free indeed, right? So if we're new creations in Christ, we have the new creation. We have the Christ, the man Christ Jesus living on the inside of us, the power of the resurrection living on the inside of us. When we realize I have resurrection power living within me, when we realize the power of God in us, we don't fear, we don't doubt. We remember, oh, that old dead body has to go, old dead mindset has to go, that old dead just heaviness has to go, and you need to exercise your authority and tell it to go, because God has given you what? All authority, Luke 10, 19. Is that not true? Is that what the word of God says in Luke 10, 19? That he has given it? Jesus. He said what? All authority. He's given us authority. Did you do what? To trample. Yes. To trample what? Snakes and scorpions, dead, old mindsets, emotions that want to drag you down and keep you bound and keep you in a place of being ineffective. No, no, no, no. He's given you all power and authority. He's given us authority so that nothing by any means shall harm you, it shall not harm. The enemy can't have any place in you because you won't let him, because you're walking in a new mindset. You are a new creation in Christ. See I'm a new creation in Christ. In Philippians, and we've been in Philippians a lot lately, and it says forgetting the things of the past. Right? Are we going to forget the things of the past and pressing on to the things that God has for us? Yes, we're going to forget the things of the past for it is God who works in us to both will and do. See I'm in Philippians 2 and 13 and 14, Philippians 2, 13 and 14. It is God who works in you both to will and to do, for it is his good pleasure. Thank you Father, that it is your good pleasure to work in me, to help me to do the things I don't even know how to do, but I yield, I seek you, I rely upon you, therefore it is Christ in me, the hope of glory, doing the work, not me. Do you see the difference? Because if you feel like, oh I've got this, I can do this, well you've just, you've stepped in and you've literally quenched the Spirit of God and he's waiting, he's waiting for our dependency. It's not a one-time thing. It's not a one day, although I said a prayer of faith, it is a daily moment by moment yielding to the Spirit of God. There is more power in him. There is more power in the presence of God to fill us and to equip us on a consistent, every single day, every day, every moment, to equip us to do the will of God, to equip us to actually walk out our calling, to equip us to be fiery, bold servants of the most high God, unashamed of the gospel, not going back, not going back and forth. We don't walk with a double mindset. We're not tossed to and fro. We actually are very consistent, focused on the will of God and we're not going to budge, correct? But we do so by the Spirit of God. It is the will of God that we do this and I'm going to read the Scripture again. For it is God who works in you. See, he's working in us. He should be working in you. You invite him, but then you also yield, right? For it is God who works in you, both to will and do. So for his good pleasure. So both to will and do, you ask the Spirit of the living God, you want his will working through you, but you want your will to align, align with his perfect will, right? And then he will both will and help our wills to be in line with his will and do that which he's called us to do. And the result is what a beautiful, beautiful masterpiece of our King, our lives become very evident of the fruit of our Lord and Savior. Amen. Thank you, Father. And yes, and so the verse 14, and do all things without complaining and disputing. We get to forget the things that are behind and we get to press on towards the prize of the high calling in Christ. Now I know that we've gone through this already and we're in chapter four because we've been going through Philippians, we've been going through a little bit each time, just kind of going through different verses and different in the chapters here. And we are actually now in chapter four. But I wanted to just remind you a little bit here that we're supposed to walk one with Christ. We are to do the things that please him. We are not to forget what he has done. We are to forget the things the enemy tries to bring back up and resurrect from the dead. We're not going to allow the dead man to be raised up again, right? And this is something we have to do. We must do it, right? The joy of the Lord is our strength and he's fully in us. And it doesn't matter if others understand, agree or like or whatever, it doesn't really matter. What matters? It matters that we please him. We just want to please our heavenly Father. And when we please him, we lay our head down on our pillows and we know, it's like, Lord, I served you and I'm grateful that you allowed me to give and have another day in your kingdom. We get to serve him, you guys. Don't ever take for granted that we are believers, that we're Christians, Christ-like, and we get to do the things of the kingdom. Lay your hands upon the sick and they shall recover. This is a promise. Mark 16 tells us, "These are the signs that are going to follow those who believe." That means they believe in Christ Jesus, they believe in His Word, you're going to lay your hands upon the sick, they're going to recover. You're going to cast out demons, you're going to speak in other tongues, if you drink anything deadly or poisonous, it's not going to hurt you. These are the signs that follow those who believe, we believe, we believe Him. So we have to let the old man, the dead man, stay dead. Now let's go to Philippians 4, which is where we are actually today. Philippians 4, and it says, "Rejoice in the Lord always." Again, I will say, rejoice. That means no matter what you're going through, no matter what circumstances coming your way, no matter what you feel, no matter what they say, you will rejoice in the Lord God your salvation. He is worthy of your praise, of rejoicing. Then it says, "Let your gentleness be made known to all men. The Lord is at hand." I don't know about you. If I know the Lord is at hand, I know the Lord is with me, then I can do all things you Christ who strengthens me. The fact that He never leaves us nor does He forsake us, we know He's always with us, right? It's comforting, right? Come on. Some of you just need to spearhead the camp of the enemy and say, "I don't think so devil." Not on my watch. I'm bringing down heaven. I'm bringing down the will of God. I'm going to rejoice. I'm going to praise. I'm going to let my praise just come forth out of my mouth and I'm not going to let anything hinder it. And look it right after that, right after verse 4 and 5 come 6. Say how? Wow. Convenient. After 4 and 5 come 6. But look at what it says. So first he instructs us to rejoice, rejoice again. I say it again. Rejoice. Yes, because he's making a point. Rejoice. Be anxious for nothing. In no situation, under no circumstances, he's saying do not be anxious. And that's not always easy to do, right? Sometimes we really have to work at that, don't we? Sometimes we really have to work at that. And I think that that's okay as long as we're working at that. I think that's okay as long as we literally are yielding to the Spirit of God. There are times where the anxiety, fear, it'll grip you. And it's at those moments that you're going to go, wait a minute, I'm going to rejoice always. Again, I will say rejoice. I'm not going to fear, anxiety is fear, right? So I'm not going to allow a spirit of fear to grip me. Because perfect love casts out fear. We know that. That means in that area I'm allowing the accuser of the brethren to come in, I'm allowing the enemy to plague my mind with some lie or my emotions with some lie or a situation with some lie that I know doesn't line up with God's word and it's affecting me. But I have a choice. We have a choice to make. We have a choice to make. And at that moment, even though it looks pretty bad and it looks scary and it could be very, very scary. It could be very, very bad, very serious. We still have a choice. We still have a choice to say, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. Do you know that you please God when you do this? We please the Lord when we do this, when we please God, it's like all of heaven is releasing all of heaven to rescue you. Do you remember I told you that before years ago and the Lord said, he said, Kathy, I have all of heaven. It's coming towards you. All of heaven is being released unto you. I will move heaven and earth to rescue you. Now, I know that's not actually a scripture, but it's something that God spoke to me. So I will release heaven and earth to rescue you. And I believe that it's scriptural. And I believe that we can claim this in every situation as you yield to your maker. You claim it. You claim his goodness. You claim his faithfulness. So be anxious for nothing, nothing at all. But in everything, here's how we do it. We don't just go and say, it's not happening, it's not happening, and be in denial, but by prayer. Oh, how we love prayer, but by prayer and supplication, that intensified prayer. Make your requests be made known to God. That's the solution. That's how we overcome. That's how we don't allow the one that wants to kill still and destroy to have his way in us. Because if we give him an initial take a yard, we don't give him not even an inch. We don't give him not one opening. We will not allow him to come in and steal this joy that God has given, this peace that God has given. Come on, we serve the king of kings and his name is Jesus, right? That's one of his names. I was thinking of Shalom peace, but yes, Jesus, you know, he is our Shalom peace, right? He is Shalom, which means that Shalom is not just Kumbaya. I've told you that in the past, it's not just Kumbaya. But it's Jesus literally issuing a command to stop all the chaos. The chaos has to stop because our Shalom peace, our king of kings, is with us. And when we walk in, he walks in with us, but we have to remember, we must remember the mindset of Christ. Have your mindset, have your mindset on Christ, have your mindset on these things that are above, not beneath, right? We must set our minds, we must cause our minds to be. And we know the word says we have the mind of Christ, but it also sets your mind on the things above. So that's where we make a choice. I'm setting my mind on the things above. I'm saying I'm choosing to set my mind on what is good, what is pure, what is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is praise worthy, I'm going to think on these things. We're going to think on these things, right? So in verse 6, again, be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, that's where we let our requests be made known to God. And I'll tell you, that's the best place to be, but in the presence of the Lord, right at his feet, just loving him and telling him what you need to tell him and just worshiping him. And what happens? We have a promise. We have a promise, you guys. We know that God is not a man that he should lie. When I say we have a promise, you should say, yes, thank you Lord, because God is not a man that he should lie. So I'm hanging on to this promise. Here's the promise. Here's the promise. When we do things his way, verse 7, and the peace of God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, but it doesn't make sense that you should be at peace. You know, it doesn't make sense. You know, your child is off doing this and that, and how could you worship God the way you worship God? Aren't you fear? Aren't you concerned? Aren't you worried? No. No. I exchanged that dead corpse a long time ago. I'd cast that dead corpse off a long time ago. We got to cast that dead corpse off because in reality that dead man should be dead. If we're alive in Christ that that old is gone and the new is come that that dead man should be dead. We want to live in the resurrection power of the Lord. Every day, resurrection power. So here this is what he tells us to do, and this is beautiful because he's powerful. The peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds. Your heart and your mind. Don't tell me it's not in my mind. It's my emotions. I get people telling me. It's not in my mind. It's my emotions. God and your mind. So that's pretty good. I think that's pretty good, isn't it? Thank you, Jesus. It's going to guard our heart and our mind. And to guard that word guard means to keep as a military guard. He's going to guard militantly as we keep our minds on the love of God. He also promises to guard, to keep us like militantly in the love of God. So in other words, when we do our part, God is right there fulfilling his word. This peace that we have, it surpasses all understanding. It doesn't make any sense in the natural, but we don't live in the natural. We're supernatural beings. We're to live in the supernatural. In other words, we're to live by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. We're to live by every word. Say, "I'm living by every word, nor teach me your word. I want to live by every word that comes forth from your mouth. I don't want to live by the world, and by their ways, I want to live by the Word of God. And that's how we live in power, that's how we live in peace, that's how we know who we are in Christ, that's how we fulfill the calling of God in our lives. Verse 8, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of a good report, if there is anything, any virtue, if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things, we're going to meditate on that which is good, we're going to mold them over, we're going to meditate on that which is of God, we're going to literally chew on it, we're going to think about it, we're going to ponder it, we're going to literally meditate, we're going to let our minds, our emotions just come into agreements and say, Lord, show me more, Lord, what does this word mean, show me more, Lord, what does this scripture mean, Lord, how else would you say this to me, how can I really grasp the understanding of this word, Father, this is how we pray, this is how we should be praying. Remember, prayer, relationship with the king of kings, you ask him for bread, he's not giving you a stone, right? So you ask him for the details, the revelation of the word and all of a sudden it's like this fire rising up on the inside of you, it's like the electricity just starts to go off on the inside of you and there's just all this power flowing, why? Because the word is alive, because he's revealing his word to you, where to live by every revealed word of God, his word has been revealed, he revealed it in his son, Jesus Christ. The word has been revealed through his son, Jesus Christ. So we get to live by every word that he has spoken to us and he has so in his word. Hallelujah. Verse nine, the things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, what do we see Jesus doing? Because he says in these things do and the peace of God will be with you, the things you saw Jesus do, the thing when we read about what Jesus did, we saw him going, we saw him raising the dead, do these things, we saw him casting out demons, do the things that Jesus did. We saw him healing the sick, do what Jesus did. We saw him having compassion on the multitudes, do what Jesus did. We saw him raising, you know, Peter's mother-in-law when she had the fever with a word and it left, do what Jesus did. We saw him move and signs and wonders. We saw him walk with integrity, do the things that Jesus did and the peace of God will be upon you because you're walking in sync with your heavenly father, your maker, and you were supposed to be one with him. That's the desire of our Lord that we walk one with him because we are one. I'm one with Christ. I choose to live my life one with Christ, not always perfect, but that's why we have a Savior and that's why we need a Savior and we run to him moment by moment. The minute that we go, I'm off, run in prayer, run, run to him and if somebody tells you they're, you know, they're never off, they're a 100% consistent all the time, they're lying to you, but we have choices to make, don't we? And that choice is to love the Lord our God with everything within us and I believe that is exactly what that we're doing and we do so by the Spirit of God. And of course we have Philippians 4.13, what's Philippians 4.13? Amen, amen, yes, the way I used to do with her is I can do, like I start her off, you know, and then she's like, finishes it for me. Thank you, Pastor James, let's say it together, I can do all things through Christ. Who strengthens me? This is not just a verse that you teach your children or your grandchildren. This is a verse we live by, well, we live by all of the verses, but there are certain verses that we go, oh my goodness Lord, I can do all things. Why? Because you don't think you can. It's when you don't think you can that you realize you can if you yield. If you don't yield and you go, no, I can do this, I'm going to do this. If you're pressing in the flesh, it's going to fall, you're going to fall, it's not going to be good. And even if you think you succeed, did you really please God? And isn't it about pleasing God? Aren't we supposed to live our lives to please God with everything we do? Lord, let my every breath please you. And I believe that that's the desire of God. I know that's his desire. We know that we can't please him without faith. Hallelujah. In verse 19 and God shall supply, thank you Lord, God is your supplier, those that need jobs, God is your supplier, those that need help financially, God is your supplier. Now he'll use people, he'll work through people, but God is your supplier. And my God, say, and my God, shall supply all my needs. According to his riches, in glory, in Christ Jesus, thank you Father, glory to God. So we're not going to be conformed to the pattern of this world, right? But we are going to be transformed and we are being transformed by the renewing, by the renewing of our minds, where we're being transformed. And as we're being transformed by the renewing of our minds, we're pleasing God. You're pleasing God. So isn't it beautiful to please God? This is not a prideful thing, this is a relational thing. It's not prideful, oh you think you please God, yes actually, I know I please God, do you know that you please God? Is it your desire to please God? Do you yearn for that? Yes. And when you mess up, you confess it and you get back up, right? But it's our desire to please God, right? And so we live with this continual, oh God, I just want to please you, Lord, I thank you that I get to please you, Lord Jesus, teach me even more so. And as my mind is being transformed by the Word of God and I'm being transformed day and day in and day out, I'm putting on Christ. We're called to put on Christ, so I'm putting on Christ. And therefore, if I put on Christ, I'm resisting the enemy. And if I resist the enemy, he has to do what? Flee, thank you. He has to flee, the Word says to submit to God, resist the enemy and he does what? He flees. Come on James 4-7, I believe it is. Is it James 4-7? Yeah. James 4-7, submit to God, resist the enemy and he will flee. So we submit, we resist and he has to flee. And that means you walk in the authority that God has given you and your authority is growing. We have the authority of Christ, but our authority grows as we use it because your confidence in what God has done in you and on the cross increases. So in reality, the authority is fully there, but our confidence and our understanding and ability to walk in it increases as we yield to the Son of God. And as we see him work in and through our lives, right? That's why the things that used to get you down years ago, they don't even get you down anymore. You've got other things that you're dealing with. Yeah, they're greater. Yeah, but your faith is increased. Your faith is increased. So you can actually slay those giants. Yeah. He's like, you just trample on it under foot, under your under my feet devil. The last I heard, he said, you just walk the land, just walk the land in Joshua. He said, we'll just walk the land because every place that the souls of your feet that you tread upon, it's yours. That wasn't just for Joshua. For us, Joshua, one, three, it was not just for Joshua, it wasn't just for one generation. We walk and we're going to tread on the things that the enemy tries to distort and corrupt and steal from our lives. And we're going to tread on those things because we're bringing in the glory of God. We're bringing in the power and the privilege and God's presence because it is an honor to serve him. It is a privilege to serve him. Amen? Amen. Somebody shout, yes, it's mine. I'm hanging on to the promises of God. Those promises are yes and amen to the glory of God. Thank you, Father. Joshua, 14, 11, I want you to say this with me. I'll say it first, as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war. Joshua, 14, and 11. As my strength was then, so now is my strength for war. Your body may be getting older, but you're getting stronger. You're getting stronger. You're victorious. You are not getting weaker just because you're getting older because this body has nothing on me. But I believe that we're going to be strong even into our old age. I believe that the Word of God promises that. And I believe that if we come into agreement with the Word of God is renewing our youth like the eagles, he's renewing our youth like the eagles, and we're going to live forever with Jesus anyway, our spirit will anyways, right? So as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war. So it doesn't matter how hard, hard is, it doesn't matter how difficult the situation might be, it doesn't matter how weak you might feel, it's good when you feel weak, as long as you go in my weakness, I'm strong in him. But if you're in your weakness and you remain weak because you think it's all about you, that's a problem. Say that's a problem. I'm kicking that problem out because in my weakness I am strong in Jesus, right? So as my strength was then, when years ago, when you first entered into that battle church, some of us have been fighting and standing in a battle for a long time, it's been a long time. Every most of us, a long time, right? But as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, you're not weak, you're not fatigued, you're not, I don't know how long I can, I'm sure how, I don't know how long I'm going to make this, seriously, wake up, say I'm going to wake up, I'm waking up today, make a decision to wake up. Deuteronomy 3325, this is the amplified. As your days are, so will your strength, your rest and your security be? As your days are, so shall your strength be. Most versions just say, so shall your strength be. But the amplified version, amplifies it, gives you a little more, right? So as your days are, so shall your strength, your rest and your security, you've got to be secure, you've got to be confident in the king of kings. You've got to be confident in the one that has given you his confidence. And we do so by reminding ourselves, say self, I'm confident in the Lord. My confidence is in the Lord. Some of you just need to talk to yourself and say self, my confidence is in the Lord. In this flesh lies no good thing, but my confidence is in the Lord. Amen? And that's Deuteronomy 3325. Thank you, Father. The greater one lives in me, the greater one, 1 John 4, 4. So these are some of the affirmations we've gone over these, but I wanted to bring them again because I feel like it's really important that we bring certain things again because we have to remember certain things we need to remember, certain things we need to forget. We forget the works of the enemy, we forget, we forget the things that are under the blood, we forget the things we just that are going to try to weigh you down, but remember the goodness of God. Remember God's goodness. Remember that in your remembering of God's goodness, he's equipped you and he has empowered you to carry out the great commission, to go and to make disciples. In Matthew 28 tells us to go and make disciples. There are people that God wants you to go and minister to and make disciples. We can do this as we remember the goodness of God, the Word of God, which is living and active inside of us. And because of that, this new creation in Christ that God has deemed, even in you, this new creation in Christ, each and every one of us, we will shine right for the glory of God. We will not be ashamed of the gospel. We're certainly not shrinking back. We're certainly not going to, you know, refrain from speaking truth when God says, "Open your mouth and I will fill it." You better believe as you open your mouth. He will fill it. You walk in godly confidence and godly authority. Amen? So we're going to rejoice in the Lord always, no matter what comes against us. We're going to say it again, rejoice, right? Let your gentleness be near to all white, because the Lord is near. The Lord is near. He is with us and everything by prayer and supplication and with thanksgiving. We're going to, we're going to, what? By prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, it's his peace that's guarding our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus, right? So we're victorious in Christ. That's the bottom line. Father, we thank you for today. We thank you for your word. We thank you that your word is alive. We thank you that your word is like a fire on the inside of us. Lord, I thank you that it is your word living and moving and breathing within us. Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, I thank you that you equip us moment by moment. Lord, I thank you for the words that you give us. The move of your spirit. I thank you that we get to see the signs and wonders, Lord, just being manifested. Lord God, each and every day, Father, and every time we gather, Lord God, and as we just exalt the name of Jesus, and as we just glorify your name, Lord, I thank you that you fill us and equip us and we go out better than we were when we came in, filled, Lord, on fire for you, Jesus, ready to do the will of our heavenly Father in the mighty name of Jesus. And all of God's children said, amen hallelujah. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO] You [BLANK_AUDIO]