Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Forget and Press On!

Forget and Press On!

Date of service 7/13/2024

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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Forget and Press On! Date of service 7/13/2024
We will not be distracted. God is using each and every one of us. Thank you Lord. He is using each and every one of us and we will not be distracted. Say I will not be distracted. I will not be distracted. I will not be distracted. I will let his mind be in me. Let his mind be in me. So we are going to focus on one thing. Are we going to focus on one thing? I heard it. We are going to focus on one thing. Him, Jesus. That is right. Because he is the author and he is the perfecter. He is the finisher of our faith. Of my faith. Of your faith. Of our faith together. So we are going to forget the things that are behind and we are going to press on. Say I am pressing on. I am pressing on. I am pressing on to the high calling of God. I am pressing on. I am going forward. I am not going backwards. I am pressing on. Yes. We are going up. Forgetting what is behind and pressing onward. Turn your Bibles to Philippians in chapter 3. It is already good. Philippians chapter 3. So brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended. But one thing I do. What is the one thing? One thing I do. And Paul said forgetting those things which are behind. We are going to forget. We are forgetting those things that are behind. And we are reaching forward. So I am reaching forward. And if you have to physically reach forward, then physically reach forward. But I am going to reach forward to those things that are ahead. Turn your Bibles to Philippians chapter 3. Philippians chapter 3. And verse 14. I press towards the goal. There is a goal. And there is a prize. I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God. God has called you. I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. We are going to press towards that goal. And for that prize and that prize is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. He is the prize. Lord you are the prize. And in order for us to press on towards that goal, we have to forget some things. We have to forget the things that are behind. And we must press on forward to the things that are ahead. Amen. Because you are an overcomer. Amen. And you are going to conquer those things that seem to weigh you down. And those days that seem to come to try to weigh you down. And you are going to conquer those things because you are an overcomer. We are overcomers in Him. Amen. But we have to remember what God has done right here at this very moment. And we have to remember when he was on the cross. But what we recognize here to hear this moment. And we know that God is faithful. So we are going to forget some things on purpose. Say on purpose I am going to forget some things. On purpose I am not looking back. We are not going to look back to the things that want to weigh us down. We are not going to look back to the things to the lies. We are not going to look back to the emotions that want to weigh us down. We are not going to look back. And we are going to look forward to the goodness of the Lord. We are going to look forward present and forward to God's goodness because we are overcomers. Amen. So Paul didn't, he didn't let his past dictate his future. And we won't either. We will not let our past dictate our future. But he was focused, wasn't he? He was focused. Yes he was. Thank you Lord. We are going to be focused. So he knew his goal. And you know he wasn't going to waver. See the enemy banks on us wavering. He counts on that. Paul was very focused. He wasn't going to follow Jesus, didn't he? He laid it all down. And think about this. He laid it all down and look at the impact that one life made. Don't think that this man of God is so far greater than you. You lay it all down and look at the impact that you're going to make. You may not know the impact that you're going to make. You may not know the fullness of that impact even while you're making it. But one laid down life for Christ matters. As a matter of fact, one day when we go to heaven I believe we will realize the fullness of the impact that God is allowing us to make. Every day you're making an impact. But we can't have an old mindset and think that that impact is actually going to reach its potential. Right? So if we have an old mindset, in other words, if I'm hanging on to the things of the past and letting those things weigh me down, my impact is affected. My impact is not going to be as strong as it could have. Right? Because what would happen is the very things that you want to speak, all of a sudden you can't even think of them. The enemy robs you of your speech. He robs you of your thoughts that should have been there because you are walking in the step with the spirit. But when you walk in the step with the spirit, it's because you're putting the past in the past and leaving it because it's dead. And therefore you can walk in the spirit and you can hear that now word. And you will impact those that are around you and don't think for one moment that you're not, like I said, one day when we are in heaven we'll probably recognize just how much of an impact we had. But we've got to remind ourselves of this. Okay? We've got to remind ourselves of this. I think it's very important. So Paul was one surrendered life and we know what an impact he had. Don't you know that God wants to use you for even greater purposes? Do you believe that? God wants to use you even more? Absolutely. David, he was a man after God's own heart. David was a man after God's own heart and he relentlessly returned to focus on his God. Even when he messed up, he relentlessly returned his focus on the Lord Jesus, on God, right? He sought God more than any earthly treasure. You guys, this is what it takes. Seek the Lord more than anything that this earth, this world can offer, right? Nothing can even compare with the goodness of God. So Psalm 27.4, you can turn there if you like or you can just write it down. But Psalm 27.4 says one thing I have asked the Lord, one thing, one thing that I was seek. I was seek after him that I would dwell on the house of the Lord all the days of my life, the days upon his beauty, and to inquire in his temple one thing. So we have Paul focusing on one thing, which is that which is ahead. We have David and King David saying this one thing I seek, this one thing. Oh Lord, let us be more undignified than this. Let us be more passionate even than this, even more Lord Jesus. Yes, Father. So we know, let's go back to Philippians. Let's go back to Philippians in chapter 1. Because in Philippians chapter 1 and 19, this is what the word of the Lord says. For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance. I know that this anything, what is this, anything that stands in the way of God. I know that this, this, you can just identify what this means in your life at this moment in time. But I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit. Is that what Philippians 1 and 19 says? For I know that this, I want you to think about it right now. What is your this? What is your this? Because if you think your this is so much greater than what God has already said, because you have never actually vocalized it, you have never actually vocalized it as this is not as big as my God. So when you don't vocalize it, naturally your this can seem bigger than God's power over time. But if you say this, I know that this is not any match for my God. I want you to think of your this right now, for I know that this will turn out for my deliverance. Hallelujah. I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through prayer and the supply of the Spirit. Let that sink in for a moment because it's going to turn out for your deliverance through prayer and the supply of the Holy Spirit. Philippians 2, 5 says, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. We're pressing on towards the high calling, are we not? Okay, now let's get let's get to today's that was kind of a review. Philippians 3 and verse 12. Not that I have already attained or am already perfected, but I press on that I may lay hold of that which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Thank you Lord. He's pressing on. We're pressing on. Brother and I do not count myself to have apprehended. But one thing I do, this one thing we've got to remember. One thing I do for getting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Say focus forward. Focusing forward. Thank you Lord. I press verse 14. I press towards the goal of the prize of the upward call of God. Is there a surprise and it's an upward call of God? It's upward. We're going upward. The call of God is causing you to go upward. So I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore, let us as many as are mature have this mind. It's always we've been talking about the mind of God and the mind of Christ of which we have. So if anything it says verse 15. Therefore, let us as many as are mature have this mind. Takes maturity, huh? Thank you Father. Have this mind. And if in anything you think otherwise God will reveal even this to you. Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule. Let us be of the same mind. Again, of the same mind. Focus on verse 13. Let's go back because I want you to get this. This is the key here. Brother and I do not count myself to have apprehended. But one thing I do, turn to your neighbor and say there's one thing we've got to do. Turn to a different neighbor and say it's time to forget the past. It's time to forget the past. It's time. It's time. Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Thank you. You can jot this scripture down because we're not going to turn there. First Corinthians 9 and 24 says do you not know that those who run in a race all run but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you obtain it. We're going to run in such a way that we obtain it, right? Yeah. So Paul, he had a lot to forget you guys, right? Overabundance of confidence in the flesh. Do you think he had to forget about that? Yes. He had to forget about that overabundance confidence that he had in the flesh, right? He had too much confidence in his flesh. He had to forget that. How about he was persecuting the church? He had to forget that because you know what? The enemy would have tried to torment him with what he used to do, right? You know that tormentor that tries to come in and torment you with your past world. Same with him. That tormentor would try to come in. I'm quite sure he was human with that tormenting spirit of, well, you were a murderer. You murdered Christians. You call yourself a Christian? There's nothing new under the sun. So he had to forget. He had to forget. He had to put that thing to rest. He had to forget witnessing and allowing an innocent man to be murdered. He had to forget, didn't he? He had to forget that Stephen was stoned right before his eyes and he did nothing to stop it. He would talk about a horrific scene that would have caused some trauma, but he still chose to forget. So even in the areas where there's trauma, and you might say there's trauma in my life because of this or because of that, but God can cause you to forget. You ask him, "Lord, help me to forget." And then you shift your mind's focus every time that trauma comes up, that thought, that emotion, that word, but God is healing. He's rescuing you. And in verse 8, he said this. You can look at verse 8 here. We're still in Philippians 3. But he said, "I count all things lost for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ. Everything that he had chosen to forget, he says, "I count everything as loss." In other words, it doesn't amount to anything. It's not even worth me holding on to. It's not worth me even remembering. It's not worth it. Why? Because there is a comparison that when I look at Jesus and I think about my past, there's absolutely no comparison there. If I try to compare the two, the past always fails because Jesus is far greater than anything, whether that be a weakness or a strength. Whether that be a difficulty or a victory in your past, Jesus is far greater. Jesus is far greater. So he's saying here, "I count all things lost." All, say all. The good and the bad. "I count all things lost for the excellence." It's the excellence. Say it's the excellence of the knowledge of Christ. There is an excellence in just knowing who God is. There is an excellence just knowing that we serve the supreme king of kings and lord of lords. There's an excellence about this. It says, "I count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ." And he already had Christ, but that I may gain Christ. Yes, for us to really walk in the fullness of God. Every single day, God wants to pour more into you. More of an understanding. More of a closeness. More of an intimacy. More of where the world has lost its power over you. What was the one thing that Paul was writing about in Philippians 3 and 13? Forgetting the past and reaching forward, reaching towards the goal, the prize of Jesus Christ. Amen. Glory to God. 2 Corinthians 4, 8 and 9 says, "We are hard pressed on every side, but we're not crushed." So I'm not crushed. I don't know what you're looking at, but I'm not crushed. Do you think I'm crushed? I'm not crushed. Because you had to go through that. I didn't crush me. It's not crushing me. And it's not going to crush you. Amen. So you need to look at that thing that you said you had that victory over. Praise God. Because you do. And you just say, "You think you're going to crush me?" Mm-hmm. I don't think so. Praise God. Not on my watch, devil. I'm not crushed. You're not crushed. We will not be crushed. So that's scripture, thank you. They put it up. 2 Corinthians 4, 8 and 9 says, "We are hard pressed." Oh, we recognize there's a hard pressing all around us. There's pressure. Just not going to crush me. Just not going to crush you. Sometimes perplexed. Sometimes you're going, "What?" Really? Okay. Wow. Right? Sometimes you're perplexed. Sometimes you're perplexed. We're going, "Wow, seriously." Like even that, even you, even this, right? Okay. That's fine. We might be perplexed from time to time, but we are not in despair. We're not in despair. Persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed. We are not destroyed. How can we be destroyed? And overcomers at the same time. Can't be. Won't be. Absolutely not, because we're victorious in Christ. And Romans 8, 28, says, "And we know that for those who love God, and I know I am standing before people that are passionate for Jesus." We love the Lord. Romans 8, 28 says, "And we know, and we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, all things work together for good, for those who love God." And I already said, "We're all those that love God and are called according to His purposes." So even those times where you're like, "You're kind of perplexed. You're scratching your head going, "Oh my gosh, really? Even this? Even you? Even that, really?" But you know what? All things are going to work together for me, because I love God and I'm called. Same with you. Same with us. All of us. Every single one of us. We love Jesus. So it's all worked together for our good. Because we meet the criteria. We love God and we're called. We meet the criteria. So we love God and we're called. That is the criteria right there. We've met it. So I've met it. So I already know that although sometimes I might feel persecuted, sometimes I might feel all these things, but yet I am an overcomer. I have already overcome because of the love of God on the inside of me and what He's done on the cross, He calls me victorious. So therefore I'm in agreement with Him. We're in agreement with Him, not the circumstance. So we're forgetting those things that want to always come before you're the forefront of your minds. Nope. No access here. Access denied. Slam shut that door on that double in Jesus' name. Glory to God. And Philippians 1-6. So I love this Scripture. And I am sure of this, that He will begin a good work in you. Come on. He will complete it. He will complete it. I say it again, He will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. He who has, say He who has, come on. He who has what? Do you guys know it? Yeah, He's going to complete it. Why is He faithful? He's going to complete it because He's faithful. Is He going to complete it in you? Is He going to complete it in you, Charlene? Yes. Jess, Marie, is He going to complete? Absolutely. He's going to complete it in us because He's faithful. So we just got to keep our eyes on the fact that the King of kings and the Lord of lords is for us and not against us. And He's going to complete everything He's begun because we love them, because we're called. Because we love them and because we're called. So we're going to forget the things that need to be forgotten. Some things are just better off, just forgotten, right? I'm talking about stuff from the past that the enemy wants to taunt you with. I'm talking about old tapes, old habits, just negative, negative, negative. Things that the enemy wants to bring you down with, those words are not coming from God. They're coming from the enemy and they're trying to rob you of your freedom. Like you, we experience a level of freedom here tonight that was even greater than anything we have experienced. Is it just me? I think it was everybody. I think it was a corporate, right? And so we have to be careful to guard what God just did here tonight. We got to be careful of guard. So don't let those tapes, those things that are still in process in your lives or in your family's lives, don't let those, don't let those tapes, and I say tapes because the enemy wants to just speak in like, like a tape, like an old tape, right? Just speaking those hard, seemingly impossible situations that just don't seem to budge. He wants to get you down in those areas, right? But God, we have tonight, there's been such a breakthrough of the joy of worship, of incredible power flowing through us. So we're not the same. We're not the same because we have, we hear the word, the word changes us. We worship the Lord Jesus Christ, right? We're transformed because it's spirit and truth. So the spirit of God and the truth of His word, it's spirit and truth. And we know that whom the Son says free is free, indeed, we're free in Him, right? So we're going to remember, we're going to forget the things that need to be forgotten and we're going to leave them in the past and we're going to press on towards the goal, the goal, the goal, which is the love of God. He is our prize. So He is my prize. He's my King. He's my delight. He's my everything. I worship Him and I'm going to always worship Him and I will never remain silent and I don't care who's watching. Do you care who's watching? We don't care who's watching. We don't care who hears. We will not change our tune. We will continue to give Him praise. Amen. Come on, there's a bunch of Holy Ghost, bold, fiery people and I love it. I love what God has done in bringing us together. Come on, somebody shout, "Glory, glory, glory to the King of Kings. We love you, Lord." Yes, Father. We will forget the things that need to be forgotten. We'll remember the things that you have called us to and we are pressing forward. We're pressing on marching forward soldiers in the Lord. We're marching forward for the prize, which is Jesus Christ. Amen? Hallelujah. Put your hands together for Him. For Jesus. Say, "Lord, I thank You for Your Word." Say, "Lord, I thank You for Your Word." That word, Lord, is mine. That word changes me. That word is like fire on the inside of me. I'm being transformed every time I come. I'm being transformed simply because the Spirit of God floods this place and I can't help but praise Him. Jesus. God bless you. of the Lord. of the Lord. of the Lord. of the Lord. of the Lord. of the Lord. of the Lord. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]