Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Let This Mind Be In You!

Let This Mind Be In You!

Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.

Date of service 7/11/2-24

Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Let This Mind Be In You! Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Date of service 7/11/2-24
[MUSIC PLAYING] God moves in power. He moves in power. And the thing that he had said for me to share with us today is that he is elevating us in the spirit. We have seen such an increase. But he is elevating us in the spirit because we walk with Jesus. Because we have seen his impartation. We've received his impartation. We have been literally just basically kind of in the deep end of the pool, if you will. In other words, we have walked in this glorious encounter, time and time and time again. And what God is doing is increasing your ability to walk in the spirit. Elevation, time for an increase, time for a promotion. You can word it in different ways. But I'm telling you right now, I'm looking out and I'm seeing many of you, and you're like, yes, that's it. That's right. I feel that too. I know that's what God is saying. There's a yes in your spirit. Like it bears witness with you. But then I'm also seeing some of you. And you're like, you're hanging on to my words going, I hope so. Because I've been in a fight, in a battle, and I'm a little weary. Let me tell you, because you have been in that battle and you do feel a little weary, it's because you're standing in the position that God has called you to stand in. And the enemy knows it too. And he is trying to discourage you or fatigue you. Fatigue is one of his strategies, the enemies. One of the enemies' strategies is to try to fatigue you, cause you to be tired, cause you to be off of your A game. But I'm telling you, that's not your lot in life. If this is where you are right now, you feel a little fatigued and you're like, hanging down this word, you're like, I believe it, but I just don't, I don't know about anything within me to even arise and say yes, but I believe it. Right now I wipe off that fatigue. I command that to come off of you right now. Any place of oppression, I command it to come off of you. Every lying spirit has to go in the name of Jesus. Every word curse spoken or directed your way. We say, oh no, absolutely not. Cause this is an end time warrior. This is a group of people that know that they know, that they know the Lord Jesus Christ, the lover of their souls. And they are not willing to allow the accuser of the brethren, the lying spirit to come and still kill and destroy. So father right now, I thank you for your annoying team. Lord, fill them again and again and again. Lord God, yes, elevation in the spirit. Thank you father, we are one with you. And as we are one with you, we walk with you. Therefore we walk, we walk in the highest authority, which is the name of Jesus. Amen? Amen, hallelujah, glory to God. So turn your Bibles to Philippians, Philippians two, nine. Therefore, God also has highly exalted him, highly exalted Jesus, highly exalted him and given him the name, which is above every name. We know we are seated in heavenly places, right? Christ Jesus, so highly exalted. God highly exalted Jesus and gave him the name. In other words, the highest rank of authority, gave him the name, which is above every name. Highest rank of authority, who do we serve? Jesus, what did God say about him? Highest rank of authority, he gave him the name, which is above every name. That word name is referring to the highest rank. We serve the king of kings of the highest rank. At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow. And that is not just one day, some day, but now in your lives. In your lives, every knee will bow. Those in heaven and those on earth and those under the earth. You have been crowned, you have been empowered, you have been anointed with him, with his power. And so at the name of Jesus, when you speak the name of Jesus, according to his great name. When you speak that name of Jesus, every demon must bow. I speak that over you again as a reminder for some may need a reminder from time to time. That it is the anointing of God in you, rising up within you, causing you to speak. It is the anointing. In other words, he quickens you to walk as one that knows who they are in Christ and is not willing to settle. We're not gonna settle, are we? We're not settling for the enemy's disguise or for his assignments. We're not settling for his wicked ways and how he tries to retaliate. We know that we serve the king of kings. That means we walk in the glorious power of our Lord. Do you ever stop and think about that name that we serve, that we carry? That is our name? We, in other words, he's given us the authority to use his name, the highest ranking authority. We are elevated in the spirit because of it. Yes, see, the enemy doesn't want you to get the revelation of this. It doesn't want you to get the understanding of this so that he can continue to subdue you and keep you down and keep you quiet, keep you silent and keep you missing everything he is sending your way. Say, not on my watch, I am alert, I am awake and I will receive all that he has for me. Doesn't matter what oppositions are there because I have the king of kings. Remember, greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world, right? So in verse 10 it says that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow those in heaven, those on earth and under earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Right, amen, say Jesus Christ is Lord. Oh no, that's not really saying it. I want you to say it like you mean it. Jesus Christ is Lord, say it again. That's right, say it one more time. So when you say it with an unction, I mean an unction, that's when the demons run. Because they already know that he's Lord. But when you say it in a way that you know it, that's when they run because they know you know it. Because remember, they already know it, but they don't bank on you knowing it. Not really anyway, not really anyway. So if you're saying Jesus Christ is Lord, but there's an ounce of insecurity, doubt, unbelief, unsure, just a little bit, you're not totally certain or you do believe it, but you're just not quickened yet in your spirit man, in other words, you're gonna throw off everything that hinders. Think about that, throw off everything that hinders and put on love. We're gonna throw off everything, we're gonna throw off, we're gonna throw off any offense, we're gonna throw off any compromise, we're gonna throw off any hindering spirit, we're gonna throw off anything that would cause you to be double-minded, we're gonna throw off anything that would leave you in a place of disappointment, we're gonna throw it off and we're gonna put on love. Your powerful church, the King of Kings lives on the inside of you. He walks with you, he's in you, you're in him. So there is a promotion for those that are understanding the incredible power of God's glory in us, in me, in you. And verse 11 says that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, that is the highest authority. Lord, highest authority to the glory of God. Thank you, Jesus. Now I want you to go over, just jump up a couple of scriptures to verse five. Because see here, sometimes we read this and we just read right on by and we can miss something. Well, verse five in Philippians two says let this mind, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Let this mind, what mind, the mind of Christ, the mind of Christ is everything I just got done telling you. The mind of Christ is everything I just got done telling you. That's the mind of Christ for you. Let this mind be in you, we have a choice. Every day we have a choice as to what we allow this mind to dwell on. Let this mind, what mind, his mind? Who's mind, his mind? Let that mind, the mind of Christ be in you. Now, we also know that in 1 Corinthians two, 16, you can just jot that down. But the word says we have the mind of Christ, doesn't it? We have the mind of Christ. So here we read in Philippians two, let this mind be in you. Sounds like we have a choice. We do have a choice. Because then in 1 Corinthians it says we have the mind of Christ. So if we have the mind of Christ, the mind of Christ is available to us. The mind of Christ is our lot, it's our privilege, it's an inheritance, it's what we've been given. Positionally, we have the mind of Christ, right? Positionally, because of Christ's work on the cross. So positionally, but we must learn to develop. And this is where I think a lot of Christians miss it. We must learn to develop the mind of Christ in every situation. Learn to develop his mind. Learn to know his mind. That's why it said in Philippians two, let this mind, his mind be in you. Are we gonna let it? Are we gonna choose daily? Are we gonna learn to develop our thoughts so that they truly please God? Oh, we're warriors, we're warriors. But we're victorious warriors. We're not just warriors, we're victorious. And every place where the enemy tries to bring spirit of rejection, I can hear that right now, that for some there's a spirit of rejection and it's familiar. Well, we just cast that thing out right now. That's how simple it is. Do it for yourselves. Cast that thing out on the name of Jesus. Learn to recognize first, gotta learn to recognize and then cast that thing out. Because it's not the mind of Christ. It's the opposite spirit. Completely. It is completely the opposite spirit. Now I want you to turn your Bibles to Romans. ♪ Hallelujah ♪ And we're gonna be in Romans eight. Wow, thank you, Father. Romans eight. Thank you, Father. And verse 37, we're starting 37. And it says, "Yet in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. In all these things, in every trial, we are more than conquerors. In every tribulation, in any distressing spirit, in any opposing spirit, any sudden news, any sudden bad news that we may hear, we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. Say, he loves me. He loves me. He paid a great price. He paid the greatest price. So I will acknowledge that greatest price, and I will walk in the fullness of what he has died and rose again to give me, which is I am an ambassador in Christ, so that therefore now God has chosen to put His Spirit upon us, and He has chosen to call us up higher. He has chosen to literally increase the anointing. And I see that everywhere I look in this room, I see in the spirit the increase of God's anointing, which is why He told me to bring this word to you all today, that there is an elevation in the spirit, that God is elevating you in the spirit. Okay, not to puff you up. We're not here to puff up. Pride does that. No, but love builds up, right? So to build you up in the faith, in the most holy faith, you have to know what's available to you. And God is saying, I'm pouring out my spirit on all flesh. We know that. He says, this is pouring out his spirit on all flesh, and he's been doing that and he'll continue, right? But for the hungry, those that are really hungry are pressing in for more. They're receiving more. Let that be you. That's why let this mind be in you. Let the mind of Christ be in you. Don't let any other mind. Don't let any other thought. Don't let any other accusation be in you. They're gonna talk, let it be. Let this mind be in you. One of the places that people stumble so much is what other people are saying about them. Who cares? Who cares? They didn't die for you. They didn't rise again. They didn't take your sin away. They're not for you. Let it go, seriously, let it go. When you start making an impact in the kingdom, that's when you see even more gnarly demons coming against you with stronger power, basically. But you have the power of God to annihilate them. You have the power, you're also receiving an increase today 'cause God said, tell them it's time for an elevation 'cause I see they're working in the Lord. I see the consistency. I see them pressing into the Spirit of God. I'm seeing it. That's the Lord speaking. I mean, I see it too, but this is what God said for me to tell you. There's an increase that God is pouring and he's elevating, and he's elevating because he, what he has said in this is what I believe, he sees us as faithful. Faithful. So, you will not fall because God is with you. You will not fall. And the minute that we say that scripture, sometimes there's opposition that comes 'cause the enemy hears it too, and he will try a counter attack. And it may be in all different ways. Don't let it, don't let it surprise you. So, I just pray for somebody, and this week, and I gave him that scripture. Do you know that just in a matter of a few hours after that? The Lord is with you, you will not fall. A few hours after that, they fell. Like literally fell, like stumbled and fell. What was that? Enemy intercepted and tried to get in there because there was an open door, a fear, a lie that was believed, we got to the root of it, a lie that was believed, that lie that was believed brought in fear, it brought in so much fear that it gave an opportunity for the enemy, the opportunity the enemy took, and literally pushed her over. The very word of God that he heard too. He's like, really, I know that there's something you're believing and have agreed, and you have allowed to settle in your spirit that is not of God, so therefore I have legal rights. Literally pushed this individual. That's how it works in the kingdom, you guys. That's why you cannot have any fear. That's why you can't be in agreement with anything that is not of God. That's why you have to let this mind be in you. We must let the mind of Christ be in us in every situation, and that means it takes a little bit of work, doesn't it? Because we have to think about what we're thinking about. We actually have to think about what we're thinking about. We have to think about what we're feeling. 'Cause sometimes we don't even really think it's a thought, it's more of an emotion because it's so nature to us, right? But God is in the business of healing us and restoring us and setting us free, and He is doing a new thing. So it does take a little bit of work, but I'll tell you, we got to the root of it. We got to the root, we found out what the lie was. It was definitely something lodged within her heart and with tears, we renounced that lie and got rid of that lie. Let me tell you God's word does not return unto us voida. So if you were to use this example that I gave you right now, let's just say, and then I'm telling you God is elevating you in the spirit. You leave this place and the opposite happens. Of course the opposite is gonna happen if there's an open door, if there's an agreement with the enemy, if there's a chance, there's an opportunity that you have given him, but you have the responsibility to kick that devil out. You have the responsibility to make sure your heart, your mind is in alignment with the will and the word of God. You have the responsibility to let perfect love cast out all fear. You have that responsibility, let his mind be in you. So that the word of God will not return unto us void. We know that when we're walking in the word, when we walk in the word, we receive the benefits of the word. We just do, we receive the benefits because we have disciplined our minds now to only receive what is of God. Let me tell you, a lot of believers don't do this. And I'm sure you know that too. But we live in a day and an age where, you know, our iron is becoming sharper. And we are to be iron sharpening iron, right? And so iron sharpening iron so that every arrow that sent your way has no access point, has no entry point because you have a friend, Jesus, that's six closer than a brother and you also choose wisely those whom you do life with. This is not a social club. This is not all I'm gonna choose, you know, my friends have the same interests and so we just do this. Hey, that's great and all, but what about when things get really tough? What about when the heat gets turned up and everyone doesn't know what to do? And they start praying wimpy prayers, Lord help. Hey, I'm sorry if some of you get offended, but you know what, then get offended. Learn to deal with it. Learn to deal with it because you know what, it is the spirit of God in you that's gonna arise if you have been equipped and you're gonna cast out those demons and you're gonna literally set people free. It's about setting people free. God is raising up warriors. He's not raising up people that just want some social club. Who are we but the army of God? You'd think of an actual army. They're not in there for the friendship. They're in there for the war. They're in there so that they can become soldiers. They're in there so they can learn how to fight. They're in there to protect our country. They're in there for reasons that are everything other than hey, they all have the same interests as me. That has nothing to do with that. I'm telling you, that's where a lot of churches are. I'm not saying there's no value in friendship. There is and there's plenty of you that have made friends and your friends with one another and that's beautiful. But before a friendship level, you've got to have that I have their back. Attitude, I see what they're not saying right now and I'm covering them in prayer. 'Cause sometimes wounds from a friend are better than what? Kisses from an enemy, right? Isn't that what the word says? So you guys, this is so important that we get this. I love you too much and we need to love one another too much. We love one another a lot so that we don't let the enemy come and steal and rob from what God was doing in that vessel. You're growing in Christ. Your armor is getting stronger and stronger and stronger. Do you not think that you're a threat to the enemy? Do you not think that he doesn't look and say, well, I gotta stop this from happening? Do you not think that he's gonna send things your way? Of course he does, doesn't matter because we know that we have the greater one living on the inside of us, but we also know that we are fostering an environment where we are not partnering with soullish ways. But instead, we're gonna partner with the spirit of God and we are literally like I just said, iron sharpening iron. Amen? - Amen. - And that's who you really need when crisis hit, that's what you really need, right? When there's an emergency, who are you gonna call? I guess that's the question. In an emergency, who are you gonna call? Well, yes, Jesus, of course, but who in your life? Like, that's what you need to think about because we need to, and then we need to be those people for other people as well. We need to be that individual and God is saying, I'm increasing, I'm elevating you. There's an elevation, but if I tell you about the elevation I also have to tell you about the opposition so that you're aware, so that you're not unaware. But if I remind you that you need to put on Christ, put on the mind of Christ, put on Christ, you have the mind of Christ, put on Christ, put on his mind, you have the mind of Christ, but put it on anyway. What does that mean? It means positionally you have it. - Yeah. - But we need to make choices to actually put it on every day. Think his thoughts, think his thoughts. Ask him, what is your thought about this, Lord? - Amen. - Amen. - Amen. - Amen. Yes, in all these things, verse 37, Romans 8, 37th, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us, more than a conqueror. That's who we are. For I am persuaded, and I love this because when you get to this point, even in your walk, and I just believe that this is our walk, it's progressive. God teaches us, he grows us, he molds us. We understand more and more. We become more and more consumed by his incredible love. Look at verse 38, "For I am persuaded." Ah, thank you Lord, we are persuaded, we are convinced. We fully believe, we are confident. I could use any of those words and others, but for persuaded, I am persuaded. I'm convinced, are you convinced? Say, "I'm convinced." Say, "I believe." - I believe. - Say, "I'm confident." - I am persuaded. - I am persuaded. - That nothing, look, 'cause then it goes on, then it goes on in the list. It says, "Neither death, nor life." Death, nor life, angels, or principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate me from the love of God. Which is in Christ Jesus, my Lord, that love of God is not just head knowledge, that love of God is something you experience, it's something you walk in, and it's something that transforms you. You get transformed as you walk in the love of God. You get transformed, and then when you're transformed in the love of God, it changes you 100%. It changes you completely. How many of you can testify to that? Like, you've already seen such an increase of God's love filling you, 'cause that too is a process. God starts to fill, and I believe that the speed of that basically goes as fast as you'll go. As fast as you'll let him go. As fast as you'll let him go. If you have areas in your life that you're like, "Oh, I'm gonna let God in here." Well, then you're gonna take a little longer. God's still for you, he's not against you. He'll be there, he'll help you, but you're just gonna take a little longer, right? So the only person that would slow down the progress would be you, not God. But that's why we need to lay ourselves before the Lord, be open, be naked, be bare before him. In other words, let your heart, let your emotions, your soul, everything, say, "Oh God, search this heart. Show me, Lord God, have those times." If you aren't being elevated in the spirit, and I believe that's what God is saying, then there must be a holiness within you that your heart has been so purified from the Lord, by the Lord Jesus Christ that he can entrust you with so much more, and you're not going to fall. You're not going to fail. You're going to continue to arise and shine because the light of Christ has fallen upon you, right? So in this portion here in scripture, in Romans eight, it says nothing, nothing. So I'm convinced, I'm persuaded, then it goes on and it lists all these things here. I'm persuaded that nothing is able to separate me from the love of God. Nothing can separate me. Do you know how important that is? So important, the love of God, nothing can separate me. That's right. So now I want you to go to first John, and chapter four, a first John. Thank you, Father. First John four, four, we speak this verse often, and I'm going to read the whole verse. You are of God, little children. You are of God, every one of you. You are of God, and it says, and have overcome them because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, right? So we know that he who is in you is greater. Don't let this be something that you hear all the time that you don't even think about. He's greater in you. Yeah, but that's it. He's greater than in you. He is greater in you. That situation may seem greater, but he's greater in you. So in other words, no matter what you're facing, God in you is still greater, right? So now I want to go though to 17. Go down to verse 17 where it says, "Love has been perfected among us in this." Love isn't perfected, yes. We have to do everything in love, yes. The greatest commandment being love, yes. Love covers a multitude of sin, yes. Look at what it says here. "Love has been perfected among us in this." That we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world. Love has been perfected among us in you. So again, positionally, love has been perfected in you. You're also walking it out, right? We're also walking it out, but positionally, because of the finished work on the cross, it's done, that we may have boldness, that boldness to speak his word, that boldness to walk his walk, that boldness to live as a holy vessel, because as he is so are we in this world. So we're like Jesus in this world. And we are, for some, the only Jesus that others will see. Obviously, we're not Jesus, but the Spirit of God lives in us. And sometimes I'll say things like that, like we're not Jesus, and you go, well, that's obvious. In the world we live in, in the church age that we live in, you actually need to be clear because there's a lot of crazy teachings out there. I mean, crazy, you have to be careful with our speech, with how we portray Christ. Yes, God is elevating. Yes, he is increasing the Spirit of God in us, and he is entrusting us with so much more. That means the lives of people, that's what that means. He's entrusting us with more lives, people, that you would move in the Spirit for these people, right? But then we're also accountable to the Lord as to how we minister to them, what we say to them about the Lord. Let it be clear, let it be very clear that there not be any mixture. We're not to look like the world, or some churches that act like the world. We're to look like Christ. So we need to be in the Word and have the mind of Christ, let this mind be in you. We have the mind of Christ, continue to put on love, let this mind be in you, that you will give out the true gospel, not a polluted, convoluted, perverted, twisted gospel of which exists, right? Amen? So let's keep going here, verse 18. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. There's no fear in love. Do you know that I stand here before you with absolutely zero, zero fear? Fear. And that's where he wants all of us to live your lives with no fear at all, not because of your confidence in you, but because your confidence is in Christ and his love has been perfected. Perfected, think about that, perfected in you. Now I could not always say that statement. That's not something that's just automatic, that we can all just say at any point in time, it's something that God starts to do in us, and we grow into, right? And I believe that that's where, and many of us are in different places, but God is maturing your love for him and your love for one another, so that it is perfect love flowing through you, and that, my dear sisters and brothers in Christ, that is where the enemy is truly afraid. Because when you're operating from the spirit of God's love, the elevation that God can entrust you with is great, because you see the power of God, and you know his ways, but you also recognize the power of the enemy, and you won't tolerate it, because you love that individual. So don't underestimate perfect love. This isn't just, oh, they're just, they've got all the love of God, they've got this laughter coming forth from them, that's great, that's wonderful, that's not always how it's evident though. He'll work with your personality, amen? And it's not always an external thing, but it has to be an internal thing. It must be an internal thing, and then many times it becomes visibly, it's an external thing as well. Are we all following what I'm saying? And you know we need this? For us to actually embrace everything God is telling us today, we really need to embrace this perfect love. The enemy will come with all kinds of fragmentation. He will, he'll come with all lies, all manner of lies, that's all he knows. But perfect love casts out those lies. Perfect love also sees those lies, and interprets them correctly, discerns them correctly. Don't let the enemy rob you. Don't let him rob, if he robs you, he robs those that you're standing for. It's not just you, it's those that you're standing with and for, those that God has entrusted into your care, right? So we have families, we have extended families, we have church families, we have things that God has entrusted. So therefore, verse 18 again, therefore there is no fear in love, but perfect love, perfect love also means mature love. Did you know that? Perfect love means mature love. That means it's not about your emotions anymore, you guys. It's not a feely thing, although yes, God is, we will move on your emotions, and he does all the time. But it's not only, that is not the litmus test. We don't move because we feel. We don't act only because we feel. We don't offer love because we feel love. Mature, perfect love is mature love. We act, we operate because we know who God is in us, and that we have been transformed by his incredible presence, his perfect love. And so then therefore now, we walk in a higher level of authority, in a higher level of love, it's mature. Does this make sense? Perfect love means mature love. And so that maturity doesn't fall for the ways that you used to fall for. You don't fall for those old ways, those old tactics. You don't fall for them anymore. You see them for what they are. Do you see them for what they are? Rejection, do you see it for what it is? Yeah, yeah. Do you see the lying spirit for what it is? You have to, if you don't only ask God to show you because obviously perfect love has not been made perfected yet, but he will, I love that he keeps on helping us. Amen, keeps on, he doesn't give up on us. That's, he's such a good God. There is no fear in love, but perfect love, mature love casts out fear. It casts it out. It doesn't just say, well I'm gonna just move over here a little bit, no, it casts it out. That's a word picture, isn't it? And that's a word picture for us. To be diligent, and to stand firm and say, I cast out anything that opposes the perfect love of God. If perfect love is not operating in you, then you need to ask the Lord why and cast it out. Perfect peace is not operating in you. You need to ask the Lord why and cast it out. Doing self-deliverance is important. Do it as much as you need to. As much as you need to. There's no formula, there's no time frame. You just do it as much as you need to. Amen. Amen. So perfect love casts out fear. Thank you, Jesus. Perfect love is mature love. Because fear involves torment. It involves torment, you know, anxiety, a punishment, a penalty. But we already know that the penalty has been paid by the perfect blood of Jesus, right? So perfect love it says here, it casts out fear because fear involves torment, fear involves storm. If you let fear breed and have its way, eventually it will torment you. It becomes something so deep, so ingrained that it becomes much, much more than just a little bit of fear. It becomes a spirit of torment. Isn't that true? Have you experienced that tormenting spirit? I'm sure in the past you have. You may have not experienced that anytime recently, but in the past we all, I would be pretty sure to say, we have all experienced that tormenting fear. But the perfect love of God casts it out. It casts it out. That's why when you come and you get hands laid on you and you get the impartation, you realize you get impartation every single time you come, even if I don't say impartation. When you lay hands on the mat, you're giving them what you have. We all know this, right? So the impartation, there is such a transference, right? Of God's power, of God's purpose, of God's confidence, of everything that he is and what he has done, he is, it's being imparted, perfect love, right? It's being imparted and that casts out fear, that spirit of torment that would wanna bind you and would wanna slime you with all lies and negativity. But we don't stand for that, do we? We do not stand for that, but yet we come together and we get them together continually because iron sharpens iron. We come together continually because we love to come together and we're so grateful for what God is doing in this church. That is true. But we also come because the word of God tells us to and we are an army that is growing. You are growing in him. How many of you feel stronger today than you did even last week? Like seriously raise your hand, yeah, if that's you? Praise God. So in every day, that's like more than half of you. Praise God every single day. We walk in this, we walk in this truth. Amen, thank you, Father. And then it says here, "But he who fears has not been made perfect in love." That's how you know it's a litmus test. And there's fear and you know, it'll creep up to everyone and it'll creep up. When you recognize it though, that's the time. But you need to say, oh, this is not from God. Cast it out, that fear. You may not even identify it as fear. It may be identified in your mind and in your words as something else, frustration. What do you think that is? Is it the love of God? No. Isn't frustration, you're frustrated, you're annoyed because something isn't the way you know it should be or the way you would like it to be? Okay, but isn't that also a heart or a mind that is not settled on the peace of God knowing that God will work this out? So you're still striving to try to make something happen or you're upset that it's not happening, right? So then there's torment, there's frustration, but you can see that it's actually linked to fear. The root of it is linked to fear. You could think of something else. You could think of anything else, maybe insecurity. It's linked to fear. Do you see how it's linked to fear? Can you see how these different emotions are actually linked to fear? And we are actually told to walk in the perfect love of God, which is the opposite of fear and everything that that covers, everything that fear has to do with. I hope you're seeing this because you will start to see the freedom in your own life. 'Cause if you, I can't come over here and tell you, hey God said that there's an elevation that's happening and he wants to elevate you. He wants to increase the spirit of God in you. He has equipped you for so much more. I can't come up here and tell you this without telling you the moment that you feel a little bit of fear or you can call it something else, whatever it is that you're experiencing. It's still linked to fear. Cast it out, cast it out because it's not there for any reason other than to rob from you. It is not there for any other reason. It wants to kill still and destroy because that is the enemy's tactics, right? It's a kill still and destroy, but God, but God. And so verse 19 says, we love him because he first loved us. Thank you, Father. We love him because he first loves us. He loved us and he loves us and we thank you, Father, for it. So I wrote this thing out, I want to read this to you. This is, you know, sometimes you just, you'll go and you're in the spirit, you'll start feeling that downloads, you just start writing, but I'm gonna read this, Jesus will or Satan will. Jesus will lift you up, Satan will put you down. Jesus will bring you joy, Satan will kick you when you're down. Jesus will give you purpose, Satan will rob you of all dignity. Jesus will make you bold and confident. Oh, the enemy makes you like the walking dead. Jesus will forgive you and receive you. The enemy condemns you and rejects you. Jesus includes you. The enemy isolates you and he lies to you. Jesus frees you where the enemy oppresses you. Jesus causes you to live in the overflow and the enemy causes you to be blind. He causes you to, he'll bind you, blind you and then he'll bury you. You can be a bond servant of Jesus or you can be mummified in a dead man's tomb. Satan wants to silence you, he wants to devalue you and he wants to make a mockery out of you. But Jesus will free you, he will give you life, he will give you favor, he will increase in you, he will promote you, he will entrust you, he will advance you, he gives you weapons of warfare, he makes you to pull down strongholds, he gives you heaven's perspective and wisdom from the most high God. He plants your feet on the solid rock. Thank you, Jesus. He gives us wisdom from the most high God. Thank you for your heavenly perspective. He trains our hands for war and our fingers for battle. He gives us the mind of Christ and the sort of the spirit, the sort of Lord coming out of our mouths. Jesus is our savior, our deliverer, he's our restorer, he's our healer, he's our maker, he's our life giver, he's our hope bear, he's our way maker, he's a miracle worker. He calms every storm, he enlightens your mind, he gives you unprecedented favor, unparalleled breakthrough and in comparable victory, he is for you and not against you, he is in you, he is beside you, he's all around you, he was before creation of time and he will be forever into eternity. He is Jesus Christ, the anointed one, the resurrected power, he's the Lord of lords, the king of kings and he is the soon coming king, he is Emmanuel, he is God with us. Amen, can somebody shout amen? Can somebody shout amen business, who he is in us? So no matter what the enemy tries to do, he is defeated. We are victorious, we have the king of kings, we have God's the supreme power, living in us that says I'm elevating you, I am increasing in you, I have put my stamp of approval upon you, I have my favor upon your life, you will not fail because I'm with you, therefore you will not fall and you will not fail. Amen, somebody say amen, I receive that, I receive that word, I am bold as a lion, I'm a righteous as our bold as lions, we will receive this word and we walk in victory because of it in Jesus' name, amen, hallelujah. - Love. - Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. - Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. - Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. You [BLANK_AUDIO]