Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

The Supply of The Spirit

The Supply of The Spirit

True freedom is not found in political systems. It’s not found in governments, but in the Kingdom of God.

Romans 14:17 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."

2 Corinthians 3:17 (Amp) “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom].”

True freedom comes from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who shed His blood for us!

He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! John 1:29

The blood of His covenant was poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:28

Date of service July 4th, 2024

#HolySpirit #SupplyofSpirit #deliverance #healing #powerofGod #Victory

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07 Jul 2024
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The Supply of The Spirit True freedom is not found in political systems. It’s not found in governments, but in the Kingdom of God. Romans 14:17 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:17 (Amp) “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom].” True freedom comes from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who shed His blood for us! He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! John 1:29 The blood of His covenant was poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:28 Date of service July 4th, 2024 #HolySpirit #SupplyofSpirit #deliverance #healing #powerofGod #Victory
(soft piano music) - Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. There is joy. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is abundance. Amen. Where the spirit of the Lord, there is steadfast love. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is wisdom. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is creativity. Come on church. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is protection. We could go on and on and on. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Thank you father. Our freedom is not found in anything, any other system. Our freedom is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ. In the kingdom of God. Come on, it's found in the kingdom. Romans 14, 17, you can turn your Bibles there, but I'll read it to you. This is what the word of the Lord says in Romans 14, 17. It says, "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking." The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy found in the Holy Spirit. Let's say it again. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. What do we have? We have righteousness, peace and joy. Let's say it again, we have righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, in the Holy Ghost. So I walk in the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost walks in me, through me, with me. I walk with the Holy Ghost. Amen, righteousness, peace and joy. I walk in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. There's no other spirit that we would allow. There's no other spirit that we tolerate. It is the Holy Spirit. Righteousness, peace and joy. What do we just see displayed? We saw the righteousness of God. We saw the peace of God. We saw the joy of the Lord being displayed, because He is holy. Say, "He is holy." He's holy. Yes, Lord God. So in the kingdom of God, it's not a matter of eating and drinking, but it's all these things and more. It's all these things and more. You're being transformed in His presence. We're being transformed in His presence. Now, 2 Corinthians 3, 17, but I have the amplified version. Now, the Lord is the spirit. And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, which means freedom. So is the spirit of the Lord here with us? Yes, so is the freedom of God with us? Yes, the liberty of God is with us. Always church, always, because when we go, we bring the spirit of the Lord with us. So here is what it says in the amplified. Now, the Lord is the spirit. And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, emancipation from bondage. Come on, we're not doing, we're not doing bondage. Say, "I'm not doing bondage anymore." I did that for too many years, no bondage here. And true freedom, some people think they're free, but they're not free. True freedom, the spirit of the Lord brings true freedom. You know, that's why we can sing and dance and shout for hours. And that's why that is, it just seems like 10 minutes. And it's like, you know, hours, two hours goes by. We just seems like 10 minutes. And we're just singing and dancing because of true freedom. It's true freedom. He has brought true freedom to us, right? And so for those that are hungry for more, which we're hungry for more, those that are passionate for more, we're passionate for more. Those that say, "Oh Lord, we know that your spirit is here, and we know that your spirit has given us freedom." True freedom, so we embrace it. We receive it completely, Father God. Now, true freedom comes from our Lord Jesus Christ, right? So because Jesus Christ shed his blood for us, he shed his blood for us. And so in John 1, 29, it says that, "He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." So he's taken away the sins of the world. We know that in Matthew 26, 28, the blood of his covenant, aren't you glad he has made a covenant with us and he made it with his own blood? The blood of his covenant was poured out. You know, we think about being poured out, poured out, poured out, it was his blood that was poured out. It was his blood that was poured out for many, for the forgiveness of sins. So Father, we thank you that your blood was poured out. We thank you that your blood was poured out, it was your covenant. In other words, he made a promise with us. He made a promise with us that his blood covenant was, his blood was poured out and it was a covenant, a contract, a contract that he will not break, he will not break, he will not undo, he will not take back, right? It's said secure, it's for eternity. That contract is, is that he shed his blood for us, for those that would receive him, that they would walk in that freedom and in that forgiveness and in that freedom and in that forgiveness, there is true, true freedom, the liberty that we're speaking of 'cause the Spirit of God moves in through us, in and through us, right? And so with the joy that God gives us, that righteousness, peace and joy, and it's found in him and the Holy Spirit, right? That's what we experience all the time and every time you come, you get a greater measure, another feeling, another, a greater proportion of what you were always called to walk in. We were always called to walk in this, always, but every time you come and we gather together, the Spirit of God moves and I love that scripture in Philippians 119 because it's by the supply of the Spirit. As you pray, it says as you pray, this is Philippians 119, as you pray and the Spirit supplies, this will turn out for your deliverance, that's what we just did. When I was saying the Spirit will supply, the Spirit will supply, the Spirit will supply, and it says when we pray, the Spirit supplies, and it turns into our deliverance. And look at what the Lord just did, he supplied, didn't he? Everything you needed, filled you up? We were praying, weren't we? It says as we pray, when we pray, when we pray, the Spirit supplies everything we need and it's gonna turn for our deliverance. It turns out in for our deliverance, Philippians 119, for I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, through the supply of the Spirit, the Spirit will supply, what do I need? The Spirit will supply it as I pray, as we pray, as we pray together corporately, the Holy Spirit is supplying, see 'cause we already have been freed 'cause the blood of Jesus has set us free and he's freed us, whom the sun sets free as free indeed. Every need that we have is being supplied by the Spirit of God, he is our faithful supplier, he is our great supplier, needs that you haven't even vocalized, needs that you haven't even prayed yet, they haven't even, some needs you haven't even entered your mind yet, but they're there, but the Spirit of God, that's why it's so important that we pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit in our spiritual language, right? Because we're praying, we're praying the language of heaven, and when we pray in our tongues, right, we're praying in that spiritual language, see even the things you don't even know you need, but you do need them, God is supplying. And we become so filled with his truth, so empowered by his grace, that we walk differently, we walk empowered, we walk empowered, we are empowered by the supply of the Holy Spirit that doesn't stop pouring into us, he doesn't stop, he doesn't quit, he doesn't just portion it out, he's not cheap, he doesn't just kind of slightly give you the supply of the Spirit, he lavishes us, he lavishes us, he's pouring out everything. Remember, his covenant was made with his own blood, he shed it all, like he paid it all, his blood was shed, he paid it all, so what does he give us all, everything we need, all? It's not just a little bit, well, that's all you can handle right now, my goodness, oh no, that's why you see people rolling and laughing and like, what is that, they're being overwhelmed in the Lord's love, they're being overwhelmed in the Lord's love, they're being wrecked by his goodness, they're being wrecked in his glory, and we all respond in a different way, I don't expect you all rolling on the ground, but there's plenty that do, everybody is different, and we receive differently, but I'm telling you, God is pouring into your lives, God is pouring into your lives, and as he pours in, you are strengthened, we're strengthened, we need this, I need this, am I the only one? I need the Spirit of God to supply every moment of every day, and so as he pours into me, as we pray, he supplies, we're delivered, and whatever situation is happening, you can rest assured, you can claim Philippians 119, it's turning out from my deliverance, say, come on neighbor, turn to your neighbor and say, neighbor, it's turning out from my deliverance, neighbor, it's turning out for your deliverance for my deliverance, amen? It's turning out for our deliverance, and mine and yours and all of ours. So we thank him, we thank him for the freedom to worship, we thank him for the freedom to live for him, we get to live for him. And in Romans 15, 13, it says, now, I love when it starts with now, now made the God of hope, thank you, the God of hope, he says, may he fill you with all joy and peace in believing, we are believing believers, he's filling us with joy, he's filling us with peace. Yes, Romans 15, 13, now made the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that you will abound, in other words, that you will abound in him, you will overflow, you're overflowing right now, I feel the unction of the Holy Ghost overflowing in us right now, he is overflowing in us right now, he is exceeding, he is exceeding what is common or ordinary, he is exceeding it, it's over and above, it's more than enough, 'cause we truly are extraordinary, we're extraordinary 'cause of Christ in us, we're extraordinary, he's not awesome people, well, we're ordinary, yeah, in one sense of the word, we're ordinary, but because of Christ in us, it changes, that comes as a game changer, he is the game changer, we are extraordinary because of the extraordinary power of God in us, sometimes we don't think about it like that because you're so focused on their limitations, but it's the supply of the Spirit, we have to always gotta remember, it's not our supply, it's the supply of the Spirit, so we don't put the block there, we don't put the hindrance there when God says, I've already set you free, 'cause whom the sun sets free is free indeed, so there is no hindrance there, there is no anything other than what you might put or someone else would put, but we don't stand for that anymore, we see the truth, we walk in the truth, 'cause we walk in Jesus, the way, the truth and the life, right, we walk in Him, if we're walking in the way the truth and the life, we're not walking in deception, 'cause we choose the better part, we choose the better way, and it's Christ Almighty, the King of glory, and so Romans 15, 13, it says, now, now, may the God of hope fill you with all joy, not a little bit of joy, all joy and peace, that means all peace, all joy and all peace in believing, 'cause we believe, and we're a bounding, a bounding in Him, you know, the world will try to put you down, bring you down, but you know it doesn't matter, 'cause it's not our home, the world, this, this world is not our home, we're just walking through it, we're passing, we're passing by, say I'm just passing by, let's turn to first John 4. First John 4, now verse 4 says, first John 4 and 4, it says, you are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, we know this, he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world, correct, but I wanna read, I'm gonna start with verse one, of first John 4, we're gonna read from verse one through verse six. Are we ready? First John 4, verse one. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world, but this is by this you know the spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God, and this is the spirit, this is the spirit, it says here, this, and this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world, the spirit of the Antichrist, which is now already in the world, right? Even at the time of the writing, of this writing, it was already, he was already in the world, still already in the world, you are of God, little children, and have overcome them, every Antichrist spirit. Who have you overcome? Every Antichrist spirit, everything that is opposed to the lordship of Jesus Christ, you've overcome them, because of the overcomer in you Christ Almighty, right? So you are of God, say I am of God, and I've overcome every Antichrist spirit. I've overcome, because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, amen? And then it goes back and it says, they are of the world, therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. But we are of God, see the comparison here, but we are of God, he who knows God, he says he who knows God hears us, and he who is not of God does not hear us, but we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of air. We know the spirit of truth, we also know the spirit of air, the false spirit, right? So in that portion, we know that the word of the Lord says that he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. But in Second Kings, six and 16, in this portion of scripture, it says, it's talking about those who are with us are more than those who are with them. With Elisha, right, and in his servant, those who are with us are more than those that are with them. I want you to think about those two scriptures. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, okay? Amen? But then there are more on our side than there are on their side. Remember how he, what he told the servant? There are more that are our side. Maybe he said, Lord, open up his eyes, 'cause he's looking at the wrong picture, he's looking at what the enemy is doing, instead of looking at what God is doing. And when he opened his eyes, he says, wow, there's more on our side than there are on their side, exactly. Say exactly. There are more troops on our side than on their side, exactly. There is more of an angelic realm on our side than on their side, exactly, right? We have more forces on our side than they have on their side, right? Isn't that true? So when you think about this, when you think about these two scriptures then, in 1 John 4 and 4, and in 2 Kings 6 and 16, and then it says, therefore, he who is in you, say who he who is in me, let's try that again. He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. And those who are with us, okay, are more than those that are with them. So not only is he greater in us, but he is also more all around us, the spirit of God more all around us. I need you to see this for a moment with me. Let us hear what the Lord is saying, and let us see what the Lord is pointing out to us today. He is saying, greater am I in you, but it doesn't even stop there, although that would have been, that would have been plenty, but greater am I in you because you're my beloved child, but more of the spirit of God, of his angelic army are more around you, protecting you, guiding you, leading you into the truth, than the opposing army trying to destroy you. So if you think about that, you're filled and you're surrounded. That means you're filled and you're surrounded. When I walk, it's not just me moving. When I talk, it's not just me talking. When we sing, it's not just a singing. It's a spirit of God moving through us. Come on, somebody shout, amen. Somebody say, I see it, I see it, I hear it, I receive it. I'm never gonna walk the same way. Lord, put me in remembrance. I don't wanna walk the same way. When I walk, I know it's like I have the spirit of the living God walking with me. He already dwells on the inside of me. Yes, I and the Father are one. Thank you as Jesus is so am I. Thank you Lord Jesus, you said so in the Word. So Lord, I decree it, but I want that mental acknowledgement, that mental understanding that yes, when I move, you move. When I speak, you speak, as long as we're dependent and yielded to the spirit of God. When people get off is when they get into their flesh, but we were never called to walk in our flesh. So we're not gonna walk in the flesh and we're not gonna gratify the desires of the sinful man. We're gonna gratify the desires of the spirit of God in us, right? And it's just a choice. I would choose to follow you today, this moment, the next day, the next day, every day of my life. Because you're in me, you're surround me. I wanted you to connect those two scriptures. We always, you know, we talk about them separately, but the Lord pointed them out to me together to make this point for all of us, that we are not just filled with the spirit of God within us. We are so surrounded in his presence. And we really are a threat to the enemy because he knows that too. He knows it too, which is why he was trying to put all those armies, you know, against Elijah, but no, it didn't work Elijah, yeah. So I speak that over all of us right now, that though our beginnings were small, our future is flourishing in Christ. Though, and here's a scripture for this, it's in Haggai 2.9, this is one of them. The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former. The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. Says the Lord of hosts, and in this place, I will give peace, says the Lord of hosts. Job 8.7, though your beginning was small, yet your latter end will increase abundantly. Come on, though your beginning was small, and we do not despise the day of small beginnings, but though your beginning was small, your latter end will increase abundantly. Thank you, Jesus. Come on, say my best days are ahead of me. My best days are ahead of me. Our best days are ahead of us, amen? The Spirit of God who dwells in us will finish what he has begun. He's a great finisher, and he will finish what he has begun in us, amen? Deuteronomy 33.25, this is the Amplified. As your days are, so will your strength be, your rest and your security. This is Deuteronomy 33.25. Amplified version says, as your days are, so will your strength say, so will my strength, my rest and security, my strength, my rest and my security. As my days are, so shall my strength be. Can we put that scripture up, Deuteronomy 33.25? There we go. As your days, so shall your strength be. That's the New King James. The Amplified amplifies it, right? He stretches it out, gives you a few more words to help you understand exactly the heart of God in that portion. As your days are, yes, so shall your strength be. What does that mean? It means you're not supposed to be getting weaker, you're not supposed to be getting sick or sick, or you're supposed to be getting stronger, you're gonna heal your whole, you know, as you get, as we grow in grace, as we, as the numbers increase, we're just, you know what? He is renewing your youth like the Eagles. The glory of the Lord is shining upon you, you look younger, you feel younger, you're acting younger because you are in the spirit. God is renewing you, steadfast love is filling you. As your days are, so shall your strength be. You're not getting weaker. That is not an expectation that I'm receiving. That, that, as we get older, we get weaker or sick. We get sick, I'm not receiving that. Too many people receive that. Caleb was 40 years old when he set out to do the will of God. He set out to do the will of God to go and spy out the land. You remember that? He said, here I am, right? He went out to go, here, let's turn it. Let's go to Joshua 14. He said, I am 45 years, or 45 years later. He says, I am now 85 years old. So, so 45 years later, he says, I am 85 years old and I am just as strong now as I was then for war. Not just for the everyday tasks. Are we, are we at Joshua 14? Let's look at verse, we'll start in six. We'll go to 12. So we're talking about Caleb here, right? He says, verse seven, he says, I was 40 years old when Moses, the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land and I brought back word to him as it was in my heart. Yes, he did, he brought back word, didn't he? Yeah, Caleb and Joshua, they brought, they brought back the word. The good word, the good report. Out of the 12 spies, only two of them came back with the right report, right? We know that the 10 said no, but the two said yes, right? Okay, so, he says I brought back the word to him as it was in my heart. Yeah, because his heart was said on the word of God. But it's because if your heart is not said on the truth, then your heart is telling you lies. Don't let your heart tell you lies. But when our heart is said on truth, then we know we can speak forth that which God has poured in it. It's not gonna say tell lies, it's gonna tell truth. So their heart was said on truth. They all saw the same thing. Nevertheless, my brethren who went up with me made the heart of the people melt. But I wholly followed the Lord God. There's always a choice in the matter. See, it lists me that again. Nevertheless, my brethren who went up with me made the heart of the people melt. They were instilling fear. They were releasing fear. Oh, there's giants in the land. Well, they're gonna overtake us. There's giants in the land. So he says, you know, nevertheless, nevertheless, he says, but I wholly follow the Lord. My God, that's what it takes. Holy, completely, fully, 100% to follow the Lord. So Moses wore on that day saying surely, the land where your foot has trodden, shall be your inheritance and your children's forever because you have wholly followed the Lord. My God, let me tell you, we are to claim this. Are you following the Lord? Are you a wholly following the Lord? Yes, I believe we are a wholly following the Lord, our God. What was the promise there? What was the promise? This is not just for you. We say this for your children. Let me read it again. It's right at the end of verse nine. Yeah, you're inheritance. Surely the land where your foot has trodden shall be your inheritance and your children's forever because you have wholly followed the Lord, my God. Your inheritance was just spoken. Your inheritance was just decreed. God is the same, right? He's the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the same. He does not change. He's not a man that he should lie. Do you believe this is for you? Hallelujah, do you believe it's for your children? Are we wholly following the Lord? So can we claim this promise? Absolutely. 10, and now behold, the Lord has kept me alive because of the spirit supply, he's been kept alive. Because of the spirit supply, we have been kept alive, strong and well and active and moving forward in the will of God, no matter what the opposition may be. So again, verse 10, and now behold, the Lord has kept me alive as he said. Oh, thank you Lord, because you have said many things to us. You have promised many things to us. As you have said, so shall it be. We'll try that again, verse 10. I know I keep preaching, I get the half the verse and then I just start, and then we go half the verse and then we go half the verse. But that's okay because somebody needs to hear that which God speaks through my mouth. Let's go back to verse 10 and try to finish it. And now behold, the Lord has kept me alive as he said these 45 years. Come on, that was a long time. But he hung on to that word for 45 years. Ever since the Lord spoke this word to Moses while Israel wandered in the wilderness, how many of you has been a 45 year journey or maybe more? But it's been a long time, but God said it, didn't he? And God will bring it to pass, won't he? Thank you Lord, amen. Come on, somebody shout yes. Hallelujah, it's mine, it's mine, it's ours. So he says, the Lord spoke this word to Moses while Israel wandered in the wilderness. Yeah, while you see the opposite happening all around you. While those of the same camp are doing the opposite thing, but yeah, you're saying, yeah, I see that Israel is wandering in the wrong direction, complaining and grumbling and murmuring and doing the wrong thing. But God said, and I'm gonna stand holy before him. And I will receive that promise, not just for me. I'm not fighting just for me, but I'm fighting for my family, are you? We're fighting in the spirit and the spirit of God is spline. He supplies. And we're not even done with that verse, let's try it again, verse 10. And now behold, the Lord has kept me alive. Thank you Lord, you have kept us alive. And he said, these 45 years ever since the Lord spoke this word to Moses while Israel wandered in the wilderness. And now here I am this day, 85 years young. (laughs) 85 years old, and there we go, verse 11, as yet I am. He says, as yet, in other words, even up to this time, you know, you can mark your calendars, you can mark this time, but as yet I am as strong. I am as strong this day as on the day Moses sent me. Just as my strength was then so now is my strength for war, both going out and coming in. He grew in age, but his strength continued even in war. So in other words, it tells me that his strength actually increased because his age increased. Okay, and the level of warfare increases. Come on, how many of you guys know spiritual warfare? It increases, the more that you learn and you grow and you move through and you knock down those giants and you defeat down those, you defeat those powers and principalities, there are other, stronger, more powerful giants right behind them. So guess what, our strength needs to not remain the same, but it needs to increase, right? And so he increased in age. He says, my strength was just as strong then, but in reality, what he was saying is, my strength continued to increase, my age increased, but my strength continued in war. We're not talking every single day, just, hey, how's that weather? We're talking about war. Means he's getting stronger. Means we're getting stronger. Our strength is increasing. Your strength is increasing. And you know, it says, at the end of verse 11, it says, in war, in war, in war. We're not just every day, not just the every day, hoham. No, we're talking about war time. We all know there are times of war and then there are times of peace. But even in the times of war, your strength is increasing even as Caleb made this declaration, so shall you. And then it says, for going out and for coming in. All the time, he's your forward guard and he's your rear guard. All the time, you're stronger than you think because of the spirit supply. And last verse, verse 12, now therefore, give me this mountain, which the Lord spoke of. Yes, Lord, give us this mountain. You see, he wasn't bashful. He wasn't afraid to ask for truth. He wasn't afraid to, I'm a man of war. We are people of war, people of worship, people of war, in other words, we're gonna stand. We're gonna have our weapons of warfare. We understand the battle is the Lord's, but we will walk in this battle. We will work in this battle. We will walk and do the will of God, making sure that the spirit is with us because we don't grieve him. We don't grieve the Holy Spirit. Of course, God is always with us, but we don't grieve the spirit. And then he had confidence, didn't he? And he said, give me this mountain, which God has already promised, and we too. We don't just, 'cause you know, those declarations are important. Give me this mountain, so important. We can battle in battle and we can war and we can pray and we can stand and you can feel the sense of God's strength in you, but don't ever forget to say, now, Lord, give me this mountain. Now, Lord, I thank you for the promises being fulfilled. Now, Lord, I take that which rightfully belongs to me. Don't just leave it hanging in the balance. You need to take it. You need to claim it. We claim that which is rightfully ours. We don't just leave it in the balance so that the enemy can come in and you can use serp. He can come in and he could just, you know, just intervene and he could just snatch that which is yours. No, you're gonna claim it because you didn't go halfway, did you? You didn't go halfway to fulfill the promise, did you? No, we're going all the way. It's the blood of God's covenant, the covenant of his blood because he loves us. The provision has been already made, but we as people of God's covenant must understand we war, we praise, we do the things we've been taught by the spirit of God, supplying in us what we need. But with our mouths, we decree, give me this mountain. Those children will not walk in deception. My life will not be in shambles and in ruins. I will not walk in shame of face. No, no, no, but instead they will walk in the glory of the Lord. They will have his word coming forth out of their mouths. They will live to please God. Yes, Lord God, generation after generation. We didn't just say yes to Jesus and some of us are first generation Christians, but we didn't just say yes to Jesus so it can end with us. Come on, four runners of the Lord, need to rise up and claim what is rightfully ours. It is rightfully ours. All of the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ Jesus, every single one. So I'm gonna ask you to stand to your feet right now, claim those promises that are yes and they are amen. This day, which is the fourth of July, if you're watching live, right? The day that the world is celebrating freedom. Great, freedom for our nation, wonderful, powerful. We're grateful, 100% grateful for that. But what about our freedom in Jesus Christ? How much more have we been given because of the blood of Jesus? How much more should we be celebrating? And should we be shouting from the rooftop? This freedom wasn't just for us. This freedom is for our heritage, our legacy, our inheritance. This freedom is for those that God has equipped you to walk in and that you change their heart because the spirit of God in you moving, that their hearts are being changed. This spirit of God in us, this freedom is for those that God has partnered to you. He's brought into your lives. So right now I want you to open your mouths and I want you to decree a thing, let it be established. Start decreeing a thing, let it be established. I want you to pretend like you're in your prayer closet right now, it's just you and Jesus. This is you and Jesus. Come on, it's just you and Jesus, we're gonna start decreeing those things. Here's our decree, just like Job 22, 28, says you shall decree a thing. You shall decree a thing and it shall be established so that light will shine upon your ways. Light is shining upon your ways right now. Yes, Lord, thank you for our healing. Thank you, Lord, God, by your blood. Thank you for restored marriages. Thank you that marriages are being restored. Thank you for the fire of God, inside, Lord God, arising inside of us, Lord, we're arising 'cause the spirit of God, Lord, you're anointing, you've equipped us and you're quickening us right now. Thank you, Lord, Jesus, for our bodies healed and whole. Thank you, Lord, there's no sickness. Oh, no, as we were then, Lord, our star strength is now stronger even because of war, Lord, you've caused us to be people of war. You've said, I want you to stand up and fight the good fight, the faith and this fight, good fight of faith. We pray it, we fight it with our mouths spoken and in faith, knowing that God is the faithful supplier to that which we speak. So we speak and he supplies. We speak, we pray and he supplies. We pray in his will and he supplies. That which you're praying according to his will, he will faithfully supply. Philippians 1.19, he is supplying and he will turn out for your deliverance in the mighty name of Jesus and all of God's children said. ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ You [BLANK_AUDIO]