Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Is Your Sight Aligned With Christ?

Is Your Sight Aligned With Christ?

June 22th, 2024

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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Is Your Sight Aligned With Christ? June 22th, 2024
Psalm 118. Open up our Bibles. Says, "I'll give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever. Let Israel now say His mercy endures forever. Let the house of Aaron now say His mercy endures forever. Let those who fear the Lord now say His mercy endures forever. I call on the Lord in distress, and the Lord answered me. I call on the Lord in distress. The Lord answered me and set me in a broad place. The Lord is on my side. I will not fear what can man do to me. The Lord, yes, the Lord is for me. Yes, among those who help me. Therefore, I shall see my desire on those who hate me. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princesses. All nations surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord, I will destroy them. They surrounded me. Yes, they surrounded me. But in the name of the Lord, I will destroy them. They surrounded me like bees. They were quenched like a fire of thorns for the name of the Lord. Yes, it is in the name of the Lord. I will destroy them. It is as you push me violently that I might fall, but the Lord helped me. Come on, Church, the Lord is helping us. The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation, the voice of rejoicing and salvation in the tents of the righteous. Glory to God. The right hand of the Lord does valiantly. The right hand of the Lord is exalted. The right hand of the Lord does valiantly. It says, "I shall not die, but live." And declare the works of the Lord. I decree that over all of us that we shall not die, but live. And we shall decree the works of the Lord. We decree that over our loved ones, they shall not die, but live. And they will decree the works of the Lord. In other words, not one day will be cut short from them. They will fulfill all of them, and they will do so in the Lord, amen, serving Him. The Lord has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death, opened to me the gates of righteousness, and I will go through them, and I will praise the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous shall enter. I will praise you for you have answered me, and you have become my salvation. Hallelujah. Verse 24 says, "This is the day that the Lord has made, and I will be glad and rejoice in it." Hallelujah. Hosanna. Save now, I pray. Oh Lord, I pray. Send now prosperity. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Oh, thank you, Father. We thank you, Lord God, for your word. We thank you for the reading of your word, Father God. We bless you, Lord God. And I thank you, Father, that your word says in Psalm 119. Yes, Lord God. In verse 18, open my eyes, and I may see wondrous things from your law. Thank you, Father. We stand on your word right now. Father, in all that you just did in this service, Lord, we give you the praise in the glory. Lord, in all that you continue to do, and even as the reading of your word goes forth, and we just read and we continue to read, Lord, I thank you for what you're going to do. Lord, we decree this is your time, and we submit ourselves to you. We thank you, Lord God, that there shall be, Lord God, only those that will worship praise and glory and honor you, Jesus. Yes, Lord God, for you are worthy of all of our praise. You are worthy, Lord God, of our submission unto you, Lord God. You are worthy of our laying down our lives to please you, Lord, for you laid your life down for us, Lord God. And so we say, yes, let our eyes see the wonderful things, the wondrous things in your glory. Alleluia. Amen. So the Lord has opened our spiritual vision, right? The Lord has opened our spiritual vision. Therefore I see the goodness of the Lord in my life to you. We see the goodness of the Lord in our lives. We see it. I see the goodness of the Lord. And the word says that my eyes are a lamp to my body. And the entrance of his word, it gives light, it gives understanding to this simple, right? And so the eyes of my heart are being enlightened so that I can see and understand his glory, right? So it is God's heart that his followers truly see who God is and what God is doing. We have to be attentive. We must be attentive to what God is doing. So he desires for us to really see, even just what took place tonight, we desire us to see that this is a possibility, right? And for us to walk in more of this. Why? Because we're transformed in his glory. We're literally transformed, right? To have spiritual eyes to walk in the fullness of God's word and spirit. Yes, that's his desire for us. He wants to reveal the greatness of his salvation towards us, those who believe him. Correct? So that's why in Psalm 119 and verse 18, it says, "Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from your law. Why would we pray such a scripture? We would pray such a scripture because we need our eyes to be opened. When we see what God is doing, we're not fooled by what the enemy tries to do. We must have spiritual sight." And what's so beautiful about this is all we have to do is ask, "Open my eyes that I would see such wondrous things from your law." Second Kings in chapter 6, "And in staying in this vein, open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from your law, we have the king of Syria." He was at war against Israel. And he wanted to capture Elisha the prophet, who with his prophetic gift told the king of Israel the words that the king of Syria spoke in private in his bedroom, right? So he's like speaking in private, but yet this prophet Elisha knew what was being spoken. Therefore, this king was upset. He was upset, and he set horses and chariots in a great army to this prophet Elisha by night, and he surrounded that city. Because what I love about this story is it's physical sight that's being restored, but it's also spiritual. So it's both in this story. So let's look at 2 Kings 6. Okay, so let's look at verse 12. So one of his servants says, "Oh, none, O my Lord, but Elisha the prophet who is in Israel tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom." So he said, "Go and see where he is, where he is, but I may send and get him." And he was told, "Okay, well surely he's in Dothan." So therefore, verse 14, "He sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city." Why did he come by night and surround the city? Because they were threatened by this man of God that had this direct communication from the Lord. The Lord shared with him secrets that no one else would have known, but he needed to know that Elisha needed to know. Because he was going to make sure that that city was not going to be destroyed, it was a prophet of God. So by night, the king of Syria sends all this army, sends this army, and he says, verse 15, "And when the servant of the man of God." So that man of God had a servant. So Elisha had a servant. "When the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army surrounding the city with horses and chariots." And his servants said to him, "The last my master, what shall we do? He's looking with his natural sight. We cannot look to our natural sight and just look at that and say, this is how it is. What am I going to do?" That's always a recipe for disaster. Always, right? So he answered, "Do not fear. For those who are with us are more than those who are with them." He says, "I don't want you to fear. It doesn't matter that there are horses and chariots surrounding us and surrounding our city. Do not know that spiritually what God is doing. Can you ask him? Open my eyes that I would see wondrous things in your law." Absolutely. And when you ask him that in a time of difficulty, God will open up your eyes and show you exactly what's going on in the spiritual realm that he is working for you and not against you. And though there was an army surrounding him, there was an army of the Lord that was far greater, far more numerous with chariots of horses and fire, which means it was much stronger than anything the enemy can do, much, much stronger. But that servant would have cowered in fear, he was cowering in fear, until the Lord had him set up with his prophet and the prophet wasn't going to allow that. He says, "No, we're not listening to that. We're not going to cower to that." You guys, this is true for us every single day. Every single day, assignments from the left, from the right, from the east, from the west, everywhere, just assignments from the enemy trying to bombard you. Why? Because they want to get your focus off of the Lord and that you would feel the heavy weight of all the enemies doing, right? But it's in those moments that you need to say, "Lord, open my eyes that I would see wondrous things from your law." That's why I'm making a point of this scripture in Psalm 119, because we need to remember this. Where we are going and the glory that God is pouring out and revealing until us, we have to realize all the enemy is not happy at all. And he's going to try to send all kinds of assignments, but you've got to be able to identify what those assignments are and say, "Oh, this is not of God. I'm not going to tolerate this. I'm not going to take that. I'm not going to listen to that. I'm not going to ingest that. I'm not going to think about that. I'm not going to focus on that. This is not of God. This is an assignment of the enemy to try to distract me, to try to rob from me. But I know that when I ask God to open up my eyes, he will. And he will show me what is actually happening in the spirit realm, which is for me and not against me. And he will show me those chariots of fire that are far, far greater and more numerous in number than anything the enemy has planned. Right? Yeah. So true. Amen. Hallelujah. So he answered, "Do not fear verse 16. For those who are with us are more than those that are with them." This man of God knew this because he was a man of prayer. God revealed this. Well, guess what? We are people of prayer. God reveals these things, right? Verse 17, "And Elijah prayed, and he said, 'Lord, I pray, open his eyes.'" He prayed for his servant. He said, "Open his eyes that he may see." Well, we can pray for ourselves, too. And we can pray for one another. "Open my eyes. Open our eyes that we would see." See, there it is again, isn't it? The same principle, right? And then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. If God before us, who can be against us? Right? And so we get to see who. If God is for me, who can be against me? So, but it doesn't even stop there. Verse 18, "When the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord. And he said, 'Strike this, people.'" He says, "I strike this, strike this, people. I pray with blindness." You might go, that was a curse. That was an assignment of the Lord that he put on his mouth to speak, and he spoke it, and it came to pass. God will not be mocked. We don't serve a weak God. "Strike this, people. I say with blindness." And he struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha. And Elisha said to them, "This is not the way, nor is this the city. Follow me." And I will bring you to the man whom you seek, and what they did not know was they were speaking to the man that they were seeking. They led him to Samaria. So it was when they had come to Samaria that Elisha said, "Lord, open the eyes of these men that they may see, and the Lord opened their eyes." And they saw that they were inside Samaria. They saw that they were captured. And now the king of Israel saw them that he said to Elisha, "My Father, shall I kill them. Shall I kill them?" But he answered, and he says, "You shall not kill them. Would you kill those whom you have taken captive with your sword and with your bow?" No, he says, "Set food and water before them that they may eat and drink and go to their master." When he prepared a feast for them, and they ate and they drank, and he sent them away, and he said to their master, "So, the bands of the Syrian raiders came no more. They came no more to the land of Israel." He said an example, didn't he? He made an example out of this man. And he said, "No, don't kill them. Don't kill them. Don't kill this person. But this was to set an example you don't mess with the children of God." Now, I'm not suggesting that you pray. Lord, blind them. But I am telling you that you should pray that the spirit that is in operation in that individual will be blinded in the name of Jesus, that that spirit that is in operation in that individual will be deaf and dumb. And that individual will be set free and ready to choose Christ. But we have to hear from the Lord, don't we? We have to hear from God. And we must know that it is from the Lord and not our own emotions. So he was a man of God, and he literally Elisha was, and he understood physical and spiritual sight. Right? And so we see here first he prayed for his servant to have for his eyes to open the spirit realm, and he did. His eyes were open and he saw that chariot of fire like great, right? That there was more that were for them than those that were against them, so he had spiritual sight. But of course, then he played for blindness, and then of course he said, "Lord, open their eyes again." So then you have the physical sense as well as the spiritual, right? Do you know what kind of power that you walk in with the power of Christ? We have such power that I don't believe we fully have tapped into it. I don't believe any of us have. But I believe that God is showing us more and more how to walk in this incredible power, but he's looking for someone he can trust, literally trust, that it won't abuse or misuse the power of God, but it understands. There is such incredible weight. Shekinah weight. Shekinah glory. That glory is light. That light is God's power. That power is God's energy, his strength in us. Right? It's in us. So, and when you look at Matthew 622, it says, "The lamp of the body is the eye." The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. Who's light? The light of Christ. The light of Christ in me shining forth. The light of Christ in you shining forth. The lamp of the body is the eye. How important is it that we make sure that with which we look at? Don't let our eyes be set on anything that is vile, anything that is not of God. We don't want our eyes to be set on anything like that. We don't want our heart to be set on anything like that either because that will affect our sight. Our heart, our emotions, our thoughts, they will affect our sight. But the word says in Matthew 622, "The lamp of the body is the eye." Therefore, it says, "If therefore your eye is good, your whole body is full of light." So, when we read this word, we literally allow, and this is what the word says, that the entrance of this word, the entrance of this word, the entrance into our eyes, to our eye gate, right? The entrance of this word, it gives light. This is the light, Jesus is the light. The entrance of this word gives light, and it gives understanding to the simple. And that scripture is Psalm 119 in verse 130. The entrance of your word. Thank you, Father. Your words give light. Your words are light. Thank you for your words. Thank you that we can literally look at them and know that that light is your power. It's your energy. Energy is not a bad word. New age people think that they have they own that word or something, but actually that's not true because there's nothing new under the sun, and they didn't exist before God did, and so they just stole the word, just like, you know, our culture tries to steal the word rainbow, and it's like, "No, God created the rainbow, and it's a sign. Come on, guys. It's not going to flood the earth with water again. It's a sign. It's a promise. It's a covenant to those who believe that the principles, the promises of God are yes, and amen, and God is faithful. It's a promise of His faithfulness. It's not a perverted, diluted thing that the world tries to make it. The same with the word energy. We need to understand when you're talking to people, if they're saying those words, that they're probably not talking about the power of God. So we need to have that discernment so that we don't look like the world and act like the world and walk in any form of mixture and not convey the gospel of Jesus Christ. So we need to understand that, but we shouldn't shy away from saying the word energy, because energy is God's power in us. It is God's creative power. It is God's creative energy in us. God spoke. He framed the world by the things that He spoke. He spoke and it was done. That's energy. That's power. That's the power of God, but that power lives on the inside of us. And so we don't want to pervert that power, but we also don't want to negate that power and ignore that power. God wouldn't want you to do that. He wants you to recognize what you have and walk in it faithfully and release that which God is calling you to release to this generation because they need what we have. That's why we have to have eyes to see that we need our eyes open, our spiritual side. Let's turn to Ephesians 1 and 18. And it says, "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling." I mean, I can stop right there. The eyes of our understanding. Lord, that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened so that we would know what the hope is of our calling, of my calling, of your calling, that that calling brings that hope because we have purpose in Christ. So that we would know what the hope of your calling is, what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. That means us, guys. And what is the exceeding greatness of His power? We're talking about the power of God. We're talking about the light of Christ. We're talking about our eyes being opened spiritually. Yes, that we would know the exceeding greatness of His power towards us who believe, that we would know how great great is, that we would know how great the great I am is that lives on the inside of us. The greatness of His power towards us who believe, that we would know, that we would know the greatness of His power towards us. Who believe in Him, that we would know that far more than we know the external circumstances that are constantly trying to bombard us with all manner of negativity. Is that not true? It cast that thing out. Remember what I taught you guys last week and what I reiterated last week? What Jesus said. What do you say? Away from me, Satan. Remember in chapter 4 of Matthew? Away from me, Satan. We was trying to constantly bombard him. Oh, then this is happening, and then this is, that's how I see the enemy coming in. Then this is happening, and then this is happening, right? Obviously the enemy came and started trying to tempt him in different ways, right? You know, so, but that's the same way with, with, how does he tempt you? I come in and bringing this problem and this trial and this situation and that's the truth. He's trying to beat you down. He's trying to exhaust you. He's trying to get you tired, fatigued, and so that you make a bad decision so that you do something you shouldn't do or say something you shouldn't say. Remember, you will have what you say. You will have what you say. So we're going to be careful what we say. We also have what you believe. We're going to be careful what you believe. We also have what you think. We're going to be careful what you think. Did you know that all those are in the Bible? We have to be careful what we think. We want to make sure we're aligned. We think in accordance to the word we align our thinking, right? So the greatness, the succeeding greatness, it says here in verse 19, that we would know the exceeding greatness of his power towards us who believe according to the working of his mighty power, which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at the right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principalities and power and might and dominion and everything that is named, not only on this age but also on the age to come. And he put all things under his feet. He put all things under his feet. So it's under our feet. You never have to be afraid of what the enemy is doing. You have eyes to see. And if you don't have eyes to see for a situation, ask them to open your eyes. Ask them to open your eyes because you have eyes to see. In other words, it's available to you. So on 119 verse 18, I would encourage you to mark this in your Bible. Open my eyes. That I may see wondrous things from your law. Your law is your word. Open my eyes that I would see wondrous things from your law. And of course, if he opens our eyes, that we would see wondrous things from his word, from his law, then we have eyes to see what's going on around us, and when we have that, we know how to pray. Right? Can you tell me practically how it's not going to help me? Well, you're going to know how to pray. You're going to know how to stand in the gap for someone. You're going to know how to not take the bait and be offended. You're going to know how to stand and pray, though you probably should be the one that's offended. You won't pick up that bait. You're going to stand and you're going to pray and you're going to forgive. You're going to stand. You're going to give godly counsel, even if your emotions are telling you otherwise, because the eyes of your understanding are being enlightened, because you ask God, open up my eyes that I would see wondrous things in your law. And he does have wonderful, wondrous things in his word. Amen? Hallelujah. Praise God. Can we give God the glory? Praise you, Jesus. How many of you are going to go back to that scripture in Psalm 119 and verse 18 and mark that and meditate on that? Because we need to have eyes opened. People that are walking in the dark, they're walking blindly. People that are walking blindly, and I mean spiritual blindness. When they're walking in spiritual blindness, there's all kinds of things that they encounter and that they endure, but it's needless. They don't need to be. They shouldn't be, because the provision has been made. Right? So Lord, open up our eyes. Oh Lord, open up our eyes that we would see wondrous things from your word, Father God, and that that would translate in our everyday life. And that we would be able to make the right decisions from a right heart, because what we do and what we don't do, it matters. It matters to you. And if we serve God, and if we serve Him with integrity, and if we serve God with a heart and an attitude of Lord, it's all about you, then let me tell you, He will give you everything you need. You will have your eyes open and you will see yes, though the battle is fierce. I have my reinforcements and they are so far greater than any assignment that the enemy tried to throw my way. He will show you. He will literally show you. Right? And if he doesn't show you with your eyes, like in a spiritual sense, like I saw us all on our knees, and I saw us like, you know, like the body of Christ on our knees, and just as we were worshiping Him, and I told you what I saw, I saw us, our families were represented. We were bringing them to Jesus as we were all on our knees. Got opened up my sight to show me. This is what he wants to do right now. Right? Because sometimes, you know, and it's important that we understand the right now, you know, because it's a timing thing, so obedience is so important to the Lord, right? So we do things as God tells us to do things, right? And when He shows us, so He literally showed me to do that, and so I believe there was so much that was done in the spiritual realm, and we will see the fruit of that, but He opened my eyes to see a spiritual picture, prophetically, for us to all partake in. Right? And so sometimes, we'll do it that way. Other times, it won't maybe necessarily see, but you'll know that inner witness, you'll know, or you'll hear, you'll have this unction. I need to do this. I just feel like this is what God is showing me. He's opened up my eyes, the understanding, my hearts understanding exactly, and He will do that. And He wants to do that, because He does not want His children walking blindly. And as we stay true to the word, remember what is His words, His entrance of His words, what do they give? Yeah, light, right? And they give understanding to the simple, right? Exactly. Praise God. Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]