Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

The Curse Has Been Broken! Don't Allow A Past Curse Any Access

The Curse Has Been Broken! Don't Allow A Past Curse Any Access

Date of Service 6/20/24

Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
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The Curse Has Been Broken! Don't Allow A Past Curse Any Access Date of Service 6/20/24
has the provision been made by Christ because of his blood for every curse to be broken? Absolutely, we know that, right? And so, and for victory to be evident, is that our lot, is that our portion, that victory should be evident? Yes, does that mean no problems in your life? No, because we know that in this world we will have tribulations, but we're going to be what? We're going to be of good cheer because he's overcome the world, right? So we also have overcome the world, right? So it doesn't mean that there's absolutely no problems in your life, it's not talking about void of problems, this is that you're not, you're not walking in the curses of the past that you see those cycles, you don't see those cycles continually repeat in your life, amen? So, and I've taught you about how once repentance, right, has really truly taken place, okay, which means we don't go back to that same sin, right? Once repentance has truly taken place, we apply the blood of Jesus to every circumstance in our lives and we break the pattern of the curse. We literally break that pattern, we command those things, those demons to go, and we then fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and the perfecter of our faith, and we do so in every situation, right? So we've gone over all of this, but I can't say this enough, I can't say it enough because I know that the enemy is so crafty and he tries to find ways in, but when we do what I've just laid out and recapped for you, we are sure to live the blessed life, and this is what God has promised us is a blessed life, and so diligence in keeping the truth and rejecting the lies, okay, we'll keep you in that blessing, I'm going to say it again, diligence, diligence in keeping the truth and rejecting the lies will keep you in that place of the blessing of God, diligence, we must be diligent to reject, right, the lies and keep the truth, when we are diligent to reject what needs to be rejected, which are the lies, and keep what needs to be kept, which is the truth, which is the promises of God, then blessing the blessing of God is sure to follow, and so only when you give the enemy access does he have permission, but you know today you can decree over yourselves, I'm not giving him access again in the name of Jesus, amen, so but if you pick up that same old lie, if you pick up that same old lie you empower the curse again, we would empower that curse, hence the battle is in our minds, first and foremost, it's always the battle in our minds, and now for many years I have taught on authority, the authority in Christ, which is the foundational principle church, our authority in Christ is the foundational principle for living a victorious life in Christ, which is why I think it's so important that it's continually taught, your authority, the believer's authority, the authority in Christ, right? So how do you know if the curse has been broken over your family? Well number one, number one, it should be evident because the cycle has also been broken, you don't see that repeated cycle, that sin pattern, you don't see that sin pattern being repeated, remember I had given you some examples in the past, abortion, abortion, you know, abortion, generations of, of divorce, generations of divorce, you all of a sudden you see that this marriage stays together, this pregnancy doesn't terminate in abortion, you see the pattern broken, you be the one to break the pattern, you decide today to be that forerunner that will break the pattern, okay? You see, you know, whose, you know, child is, you know, incarcerated and then the children and then again incarcerated and it just goes on and on, you be the one to stand in the gap and to break the pattern, the ungodly cycle and be the forerunner in your life and in your family's life and it can be so. So number one, how do you know if the curse has been broken over your family? Well you should see the cycle broken, right? You know, there was early death, early death, early death, you broke that cycle, you broke that curse, you broke that pattern in the way I've already explained it, right? Now you speak life, now you speak life and it takes work and you might say I'm trying to break that, it's not broken yet. Well, you keep on keeping on, you keep on applying the blood of Jesus and you keep on applying the truth and you ask God where is the lie I have believed? I'm telling you that is the stronghold right there when we believe a lie and those lies are subtle, they are very subtle but we in prayer God will pinpoint, we already kind of went through this last time but God will pinpoint those lies and when those lies are exposed, when God shows you the lie then you have something to do, you replace it with the truth and you keep telling yourself the truth and when the enemy comes back to try to taunt you with the lie you tell him the truth and you tell him that he is defeated and that does take work and it does take diligence so we can't quit on that we got to keep on doing that so how else do we know if the generational curse has been broken over our family because you have repented for yourself and on behalf of your family and you have applied the blood of Jesus you've gone through the steps because you have gone through the steps you have to be right now today knowing fully that because I stood in the gap and I have done so then I know that the curse is broken I don't have to wonder now in prayer if God shows you you got to keep going then of course you have to keep going but you go into prayer and you feel like it is done then you need to take by faith that it is done because the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for you is truly enough and when you know that you have in prayer by the Spirit of God repented and asked God to forgive you of any lies and he has shown you the lies and you've renounced then you've replaced with truth now you know that you have done what he's told you to do then you know that the blood of Jesus is enough and it's covering you the curse is broken over your family and then with your own voice you need to speak that you need to speak it which we call that appropriating the blood and appropriating the word of God applying the blood and applying the word of God to every situation okay I want you to see yourself as kind of like in military like you're you know just you are you are God is going to use you to be to be like a weapon of warfare right and so you know soldiers you need to be you need to be strong God has called us as ambassadors but we need to be strong and how do we become strong by knowing that the battle that we are in is actually the battle belongs to the Lord but he has placed us here on this earth to battle with the Word and the battle starts in our minds and we can't let it just fester there because that's where it starts to become huge it starts to become you know from from a little from a little mohill becomes a mountain it becomes huge in our minds shut it down we got to shut it down so your thought patterns must align with the word of God and we must only accept his truth who's going to reject the lies who's going to apply the truth we are okay turn your Bibles to 1st John 4 4 I've got some scripture that we're going to go through fairly quickly today because I believe that these are fairly familiar scriptures but sometimes when you apply certain scriptures to certain topics that you're talking about is like the light bulb goes on it's like oh yeah I've known that scripture but I never really put it together with those scriptures that makes so much sense now right so let's look at 1st John 4 4 it says he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world right so we know right from the very very beginning that the Lord in us is greater than the devil that prowls around right the Lord in us okay let's look at 1st Peter 5 8 9 1st Peter 5 8 9 says this be sober be sober be vigilant because your adversary okay we all have him we all have one the adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour but we just read at 1st John 4 4 that he who is in us is greater than than he who is in the world whereas the devil prowling around he's prowling around and he is knocking at your door he prowls around but you need to just reject him you need to reject him instead of entertaining always I'm having those thoughts again I'm having those feelings again of course you are of course you are that's his job that's what he does he taunts he repeatedly taunts you but we have the Holy Spirit in us the power of God in us to reject those lies and they are lies learn to call them for what they are they're lies how do we know that because Isaiah 54 17 and we should have this scripture memorize Isaiah 54 17 that no weapon formed against you shall prosper no weapon formed against me shall prosper if the weapon has been formed and of course it's going to be formed it doesn't get to prosper that doesn't mean you won't feel the effects of that weapon but you have to look at that weapon as it's trying to prosper and you say it's not going to prosper it won't prosper you can't come back with your sickness you can't come back with your rejection you can't come back with all of your ailments all of your lies all of your friction you can't come back with all this contention between spouses you can't come back with all of the lies you you are rejected right now so the weapon may be formed but it cannot it will not prosper right so no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you in judgment we are to condemn we are to condemn we are to shoot it down we are to get rid of it we are to cast it down we are to refute it we are to cancel it we are to condemn it we condemn the lies we condemn the things that come against are we all following that's why Christianity is very very likened into a war okay military combat right it isn't i know i love it too i love it too sometimes i feel like we just need to all go get army boots right and we need to just come with the right garb right we just need to have our camouflage on something i mean i've literally thought this i thought i need to show up one time with my army boots and some camouflage on because seriously it's time for war and we need to know and so sometimes when you're dressed that way you just you know it kind of sends a message but honestly the message for the enemy is right here out of our mouths the double-edged sword right out of our mouths because we can do some damage with their heels girls and then you can do some damage with your tennis shoes hey your sandals yeah sandals are great no seriously we can do and we do do damage the kingdom of hell that tries to come against us right let's turn to second Corinthians 10 second Corinthians 10 and um three we're going to start in verse three okay and it says here in verse three for though we walk in the flesh means we walk in our bodies right that means we we have a body and we walk here in the world right so though we are here on this earth with our feet planted on this ground where we know the enemy does prowl around right so for though we walk in the flesh we do not what don't we do we do not war against right and according to the flesh we do not war according to this flesh so the world's way of warring is not the christian's way of warring all right so it says before the weapons of our warfare and we have them the weapons of our warfare they're not carnal they're not of this world church okay but they're mighty they're mighty which means when you try to walk in the weapons of this world carnal weapons they're not strong they don't last they don't even make a dent in what you're trying to do because it says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty in god they're strong in god so anything that you try to do outside of him is not going to even have even it's not going to be victorious it's like not even going to make a dent in that situation so it's mighty in christ only in christ why for the pulling down of strongholds those strongholds are are castles in your minds those strongholds are are are the the castles the strong towers that the enemy builds in our in our minds they're the lies that we've been speaking about it becomes like stronghold a castle a fortified city in your mind believing something that you shouldn't believe that's and so the weapons of our war of our warfare are actually strong in god so we can pull those things down so we can reject them and that's our job to reject them so you might say well maybe this is my lot in life no you are to reject them you are to reject them pull them down and then it says casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god casting down arguments that means wild imaginations and ungodly reasoning and it exists and I think if you were to literally think about what you're thinking about sometimes you would realize wow that's an argument going on in my head but it's not of god it's a wild imagination and it's a reasoning of this world the world's way of reasoning but it's an argument why's an argument because it's going contrary to the word of god it's literally arguing it's literally fighting against the word of god it's telling you the opposite spirit it's an argument but we're called by god that we are mighty we are strong in christ and we're strong to pull down those strongholds we're also strong to cast down those arguments and listen to this and every high thing every high thing that means every prideful that's what the enemy does he'll inject those thoughts every every high thing that exalts itself there's the pride exalts itself against the knowledge of god it exalts itself against the knowledge of god yes this is what the enemy does he tries to exalt himself against the knowledge of god that's why i have been going over and over and over and telling you in this whole series that the lies have to be refuted with the truth you have to speak the truth identify the lies because because otherwise the enemy would try to come against the knowledge of god do you have knowledge the knowledge of god are you walking in the knowledge of god the truth that you know is the truth that's that you're free and we are always learning and growing and revelation continues to come layer upon layer but we i also believe that god can supercharge us and actually we can catapult go forward like you know you go to the head of the class because you're so hungry right we're so hungry for that increase we're so hungry lord give me more teach me more i just want to be in this open an a vessel that's so open and ready to receive the fullness of your spirit and let me tell you god can entrust you with everything and and it's like you just jump to the head of the class how did you get all that information how did you get all that what happened i spent the time in the secret place and i asked god for that increase and god showed me the areas that i was listening to the liar and believing a lie and now it's like i'm refuting all that i'm casting all that out of my life of my thinking of my of my mind and i'm literally allowing the knowledge of god to be what i'm going to live by because this is how we cast out those ungodly spirits this is how we break those curses this is how we break free from generational curses we should be the happiest people on the face of the earth and we should be the most joyful people on the face of the earth the face of the earth we should be the most provided for we should be we should be people that are jumping up and down for his glory is with us and within us that's how we are to walk i'm not saying like literally jumping up and down unless you're pastor vj but like i'm saying you know like you got to be within your personality right like what how god has made you and equipped you just because you're not jumping up and down physically doesn't mean you're not doing so on the inside i'm jumping up and down all the time i'm so in love with jesus nobody can tell me otherwise that what he has done for me is for a lifetime saved healed and delivered transformed by his glory i'm in awe of him right amen glory to god that's your jumping up and down right there right there because it looks different from somebody else's but it's fully him isn't it even in the hardest of times you just know that you know god is with you yeah and so and so this is how we we combat the enemy so let me finish this part here because it says we're gonna um that we cast down arguments and every high thing that it's all itself against the knowledge of god bringing every thought talk about some work bringing every thought well i don't know that anyone has actually mastered that yet and i think that we all have some room to grow in that area don't you every thought yes because every day we have them so every thought every day must be in alignment with the word of god for us to really walk in the fullness of what god has now this is not a religious practice that you got to make into this you know just this religious thinking but instead this is an access to freedom true freedom not just lip service true freedom every thought every thought it's good we're going to slow down our speaking if we're actually focusing on every thought probably speak a little less and probably think and listen a little more right so good instruction for us huh a good challenge i think so so bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of christ those our thoughts must come into obedience to him because i'm telling you the enemy has no access and he has no power well he only has access if you give it to him but he has no true power we deny what we used to permit and so now he has no power even though he tries we still deny it we deny access and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled you're going to punish the enemy of all of his disobedience of all his tempting of all his trials of all his robberies thievery you are going to punish the enemy of his disobedience with your obedience unto christ your obedience unto christ disqualifies him from any access in you i don't know how else to say it but the lord will give it to me if i need to say it in another way but i think i've made my point on that right and first john three eight for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil why did jesus come well according to first john three eight to destroy the devil's works if the devil's works have already been destroyed because of his victory on the cross then why would we give him even a little access why would we give him even a little little bit of an entry we have to be militant we we must we must be people that recognize when the enemy comes with his thievery it's thievery it's thievery when you know you walk with christ and you know your your your heart is right it's clean and right with god don't give any access to what other people may be thinking or saying about you it's thievery that's at work the enemy is trying with lies but in your obedience to christ you're actually refuting his disobedience to god and his attempts to come against you your obedience to christ shuts it down clear thank you father matthew sixteen sixteen and eighteen don't we just love the word of god because it's so it's so powerful and we get to we get to can you imagine if he didn't leave us his word and he says okay you're safe now try to figure it out go ahead and live your life and try to figure it out and i'll be praying for you right he didn't do that did he he literally left us his word his living word his logos and we get to read this and apply this and go oh this is how we're supposed to do this is how we're supposed to do this oh this is what we're supposed to do in this situation say in this situation oh this is where i'm called to go this is where i'm not called to go not go in there but it's literally a blueprint matthew sixteen and eighteen is yeah wrong scripture let me get there myself okay and i also say to you that you are peter and on this rock i will build my church on this rock meaning on his word meaning on christ alone the solid rock i will build my church this church is built on the word of god every church should be built on the word of god every church should church should be built on christ alone he is our solid rock so you are peter and on this rock i will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it it's not going to prevail against it and i will give you the keys of the kingdom and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven right and so here we know that his church which is christ alone the word we live on we stand on because we are the church standing on that on that truth that doesn't change and so when the tempter comes and tries to tell you you're defeated and you always will be because your family was and you you have generations of poverty in your family and so therefore no matter how hard you try no matter how hard you work you're going to always remain with holes in your pockets but you have done your due diligence to ask show ask the Lord to show you if there are any areas of sin in your life that would be causing that and you have done your due diligence of coming out of agreement with lies and repenting for robbing god and repenting on your behalf and others behalf you've broken that curse you have applied the blood and the enemy is still taunting you with the lies what do you do you don't accept them you do not you stand on the word we are built on the word of god the rock we're built on the rock if you're built on the rock you're going to stand on that rock right so i mean in your personal life i mean like every day moment by moment and we have to we must it's vital it's critical for our well-being it's it's so important for our little ones to see us or you know some of us have older children but grandchildren when they come right or even just co-workers or people at church your friends every single one looking at your life are you standing on that truth the word of god yes that's what we get to do must do and loop 1019 says behold i give you authority we have talked about breaking curses and walking now in the blessing because we have been given authority and that authority is delegated authority in the name of jesus it says behold i give you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions we must trample on those snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you so you can't partner with the enemy and think you can trample on his ways you can't have mixture you can't be mad at your spouse and think that you're going to trample on the enemy's ways you can't be in division you know with with your spouse you can't be in division you can't even be division in division with someone else even in this church and think that the blessing of god is going to fall afresh upon you there's division in you oh the blessing of god will still fall don't get me wrong it just won't fall on you god's word will not fail but he is looking for someone that's going to uphold it are we going to uphold his word if we walk in with an anger and frustration and and opposition towards one another you have it's like you've defiled the glory of god for your life and those that are involved with your life that's not how we are to walk we are to walk at one yeah with one another and with the lord and yeah one heart one mind one spirit unity right and we need to resolve the things that need to be resolved i'm saying there's never things to resolve we need to resolve them in the right way they need to be resolved because the enemy is actually robbing you of what god is saying i'm trying to give you because you can't have one foot in in the enemies side his camp and then think because you're also walking into church or reading your bible or praying three times a day 12 times a day whatever you know that it's that you're going to be okay you got to get rid of the conflict you got to get rid of the friction sometimes the other the other side the opposing side will not let something go but you can let it go you can't control others but you can control you you can let it go you can find that place of peace the bible says to be at peace you know with those others as much as it is within you sometimes that piece is you know what i forgive you i let you go and there's a there we're not going to go we're going to have a little little boundary here in this area because i'm going to keep my peace we see i what i'm trying to say is is that when we in our everyday lives have a choice to allow those curses to be resurfaced even though we've gone through all the process of praying and everything that i've taught we can allow those things to resurface but if we're wise in christ we're not going to let that happen right we're going to see it for what it is right so the word says behold i give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions we're supposed to trample on them not be a part of it right we're supposed to trample on these things not be a part of it but we have to see him first for what they are so we're to trample on these things and it says in over the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you thank you lord and let's turn to Matthew 4 and verse 1 and this is when Jesus was led by the spirit of god into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil he was led by the spirit of god he wasn't led by the devil he was led by the spirit of god to literally go into the wilderness so that he could be tempted so that he could be tried so that he could be tested well why would god allow that well doesn't that kind of seem a little mean why would god allow that i thought the devil is the one that leads you in wrong places he does but when god leads you into a place and then all of a sudden you go my goodness this was a catastrophe i thought god led me in this place well could have jesus thought that too he could have but he didn't why because he already knows what he's equipped you with you're already strengthened for that battle that's at hand when you keep your mind on and your and your thoughts on but if christ be for me who can be against me god is my judge right when you keep your thoughts right your heart right you know that god will never lead me into something that he isn't also fully prepared me for he has fully prepared you for whatever battle you may be in right now when he led jesus into this wilderness to be tempted by the devil jesus the son of god but yet still fully man while walking here on earth was fully prepared and was also a complete prime example for us so that we would know what to do when we find ourselves in some desert experience and being taunted as well instead of saying oh my goodness why are all these temptations why are all these negative why are all these negative things happening why is this happening instead we're going to respond the way jesus responded because he taught us how to do so right and i love it because here in verse 10 yeah 10 and 11 jesus and this is after of course after he had already been gone through the different temptations and he said jesus said to him away with you right there's the problem most people don't do that part that's the problem they just don't do that part away with you do you know how simple that is do you know how much heartache you would spare yourself do you know how much victory you would actually walk in if you just did that one line and if you don't remember anything else from this message which i know you will but please remember this away with you that right there is our authority that right there is our victory you might be yeah but it was their fault yeah but they said yeah but you don't know what they did against me away with you who's talking to you right now it's not the spirit of god see accuser of the brethren it's the one that wants to put that spirit of division that spirit of strife that agitation it's it's that the enemy is trying to put that in there away with you shut it down why do you entertain those thoughts what about the fear of that cycle starting all over again away with you what about the torment what if your loved one doesn't ever return to the Lord well you know so and so did this and then that didn't end well and then they did this and that didn't end well what if your own loved one away with you shut it down see when we allow the enemy to have that access in our lives we give him so much so much to work with and that's why we do see a lot of defeat and we we get ourselves back up and we brush ourselves off and we keep moving forward and we are victorious but i'm saying we give him too much access simply by not saying away away with you and so Jesus after all those he he said away with you satan for it is written and then he just used the word and i know that sometimes some of you you're like but i am standing on the word i do say the word have you actually told the devil away with you get away from me devil i shut you down and i cashed you out do you talk to him like he is standing right there in front of you because if not it's time to start it's time to start walk through your home and tell him away with you devil you don't get to have access here not in my mind not in my home not anywhere i go not in anything that god isn't trusted in my life right and then you use the word you refute it with the word we will refute the lies with the word when we refute those lies with the truth the word of god you see yourself getting stronger on the inside you start to become stronger internally and when you become stronger internally then mentally you also have that strength all of the sudden you realize that maybe you didn't realize you have before so it was there it was there but you walk in it you it's you're aware we become aware is this making sense to you how will we know that curses are broken when we learn how to walk as christians i mean it's true when we learn how to walk as a christian truly not just lip service oh i'm a christian okay well let's see your fruit and then we'll know because some people it's just words it's just words it's just words let's go to let's go to genesis chapter four because we have to we must master the sin we have to master we we must rule over it instead of letting it rule over you so let's look at verse three uh genesis four three in the process of time it came to pass that kane brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the lord abel also brought the first born of his flock and of their fat and the lord respected abel and his offering but he did not respect kane and his offering gang was very angry and his countenance fell we have to do things god's way not our logic his so the lord said to kane why are you angry and why has your countenance fallen if you do well do you know what that really means if you obey if you do well will you not be accepted and if you do not do well sin lies at the door and its desire is for you but you should should rule over it sin lies at the door the enemies taunting will still come back the pain might return the lies will be thrown your way it's lying there at the door its desire is for you it's lying there at the door what door the door of your heart and its desire is for you what do you mean its desire is for me wants to destroy you it wants to destroy the fiery christian that you have become to be not on my watch right not on our watch but we have to have the understanding so its desire is for you but you should rule over it it tells us right there you should rule over it you must master it you should rule over it you must master it we master it by saying no i am filled with the spirit of god and away with you satan i do not accept that as a matter of fact i'm going to walk in the blessing because i i know the blessing of god i know i'm blessed i know that the great blesser lives on the inside of me i know that i can lay my hands upon my spirit man and i can start anointing myself i can start anointing myself with the word of god the blessing of god comes upon me overwhelms me fills me to the overflow and so therefore what are you doing your slamming shut the door to the enemy you are ruling over that sin and it isn't entertaining a lie can be sinned you guys because you're giving access to the enemy you said but i didn't do anything well that's the beginning point right point right there when the first sign of unbelief comes in the first sign of anger of jealousy that first entry right there why do you give it any access you know where it's going shut it down close that door rule over it we get to rule over it we should walk in the blessing of god we should not be walking in the curses and i don't care generationally or not now it's not that i don't believe that they exist i've already gone over many messages to explain that of course there is something to be said about generational curses but we have already laid out very very clearly over and over and over that it does exist but there's a pathway to freedom but once we have done that we must cling to the cross we must cling to the blood of Jesus that has set us free and we cannot be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine and everything that comes our way every emotion every spoken thing we cannot we will not because we're strong in the lord and in the power of his might right we are strong in the lord and in the power of his might which is Ephesians 6 10 we are strong say it over yourselves i am strong in the lord and in the power of his might and i'm not going to be taken by every wind and every doctrine i'm not going to allow i'm not going to allow a familiar pattern to just have its way again i'm free the curse has been broken i am free the curse has been broken you are free the curse has been broken say we are free and some of you are still in process that's okay because you know what you have levels of freedom and the curse has been broken so even if you say yeah but i haven't finished i'm not fully finished going through all of that yet this is new to me and i haven't fully that's okay you can claim the parts that you are free you are free you are free because of the blood of Jesus and God will walk you through what still needs to be walked through i'm telling you you are victorious in Christ amen so you know that your life will be one that's going to give him glory and that you have something to give to somebody else because you walk in the blessings of God amen you you you you you [BLANK_AUDIO]