Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

The Garden of Gethsemane

One life for the life of many. The power of the resurrection. The earth shook when He died on the cross and the earth shook again when He rose from the grave. Marked by the approval of heaven, the Son of God, became the ultimate living sacrifice for a people who would mock, beat, betray, forsake and kill Him. Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, “that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” At that moment He felt abandoned by God as darkness covered the land and humanity’s sin was placed upon Him. The Light of the world was covered in darkness. For a moment, Satan thought he won the battle, but he is powerless against our King, Jesus Christ the Anointed One. For God’s plan for mankind was greater than what anyone could ever imagine. He made Him who had known no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 Knowing that all things were now accomplished, with a loud voice He cried out, “It is finished,” and He yielded up His Spirit. Matthew 27:50, John 19:30 “It is finished,” paid in full, the entire penalty for our sin was paid for by the precious blood that Jesus shed for us. Redemption was completed once and for all for a people not yet aware.

Join Apostle Cathy Coppola on this powerful teaching. Visit for more information.

Broadcast on:
20 Apr 2023

One life for the life of many. The power of the resurrection. The earth shook when He died on the cross and the earth shook again when He rose from the grave. Marked by the approval of heaven, the Son of God, became the ultimate living sacrifice for a people who would mock, beat, betray, forsake and kill Him. Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, “that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” At that moment He felt abandoned by God as darkness covered the land and humanity’s sin was placed upon Him. The Light of the world was covered in darkness. For a moment, Satan thought he won the battle, but he is powerless against our King, Jesus Christ the Anointed One. For God’s plan for mankind was greater than what anyone could ever imagine. He made Him who had known no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 Knowing that all things were now accomplished, with a loud voice He cried out, “It is finished,” and He yielded up His Spirit. Matthew 27:50, John 19:30 “It is finished,” paid in full, the entire penalty for our sin was paid for by the precious blood that Jesus shed for us. Redemption was completed once and for all for a people not yet aware. Join Apostle Cathy Coppola on this powerful teaching. Visit for more information.