Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Are You Hearing Right?

Are You Hearing Right? If you can’t hear right, you can’t live right. Your Victory is determined by your HEARING AND OBEYING GOD. • Abraham was victorious because he was willing to offer his only son of promise as a burnt offering. • He heard and obeyed the voice of God not his own. • He wants your all! Sold out! • 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. • The massive walls of Jericho collapsed in an instant by the might hand of God because he heard and obeyed the Lord’s instruction to march around the city 7 x’s. What you hear, you must do if you want to walk in victory. BUT YOU MUST HEAR CORRECTLY

• Walls of resistance in the minds of the rebellious, bring the judgment of God. I did not say the unbelievers, I said the rebellious. You can be a Christian and still walk in rebellion. Carnal Christian. • But surrendering to God’s will and by faith following Him brings His blessing. Surrendering is an attitude of the heart not merely words. If our victory is determined by our hearing and obeying, then we need to deal with the strongholds of the mind It is your responsibility to pull down strongholds. Every thought that does not line up with His is a stronghold.

2 Cor. 10:3-6 A stronghold is anything opposing the will of God, a fortress, or a castle in your mind. A stronghold is first established in your thoughts. A lie believed results in a stronghold received. Vs. 4 & 5 The weapons of our warfare are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself. Bring that thought into captivity.

A lie believed brings personal bondage Vs.5 We are told to cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. • Arguments: False judgments we make, attitudes against God, others and self, speculation which is the entry to paranoia, rebellious ideas, and attitudes. Arguing against the will of God. • Every high thing: Pride. Everything that opposes the true knowledge of God Our job is to bring every disobedient thought into obedience to Christ.

Broadcast on:
05 Aug 2022

Are You Hearing Right? If you can’t hear right, you can’t live right. Your Victory is determined by your HEARING AND OBEYING GOD. • Abraham was victorious because he was willing to offer his only son of promise as a burnt offering. • He heard and obeyed the voice of God not his own. • He wants your all! Sold out! • 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. • The massive walls of Jericho collapsed in an instant by the might hand of God because he heard and obeyed the Lord’s instruction to march around the city 7 x’s. What you hear, you must do if you want to walk in victory. BUT YOU MUST HEAR CORRECTLY • Walls of resistance in the minds of the rebellious, bring the judgment of God. I did not say the unbelievers, I said the rebellious. You can be a Christian and still walk in rebellion. Carnal Christian. • But surrendering to God’s will and by faith following Him brings His blessing. Surrendering is an attitude of the heart not merely words. If our victory is determined by our hearing and obeying, then we need to deal with the strongholds of the mind It is your responsibility to pull down strongholds. Every thought that does not line up with His is a stronghold. 2 Cor. 10:3-6 A stronghold is anything opposing the will of God, a fortress, or a castle in your mind. A stronghold is first established in your thoughts. A lie believed results in a stronghold received. Vs. 4 & 5 The weapons of our warfare are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself. Bring that thought into captivity. A lie believed brings personal bondage Vs.5 We are told to cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. • Arguments: False judgments we make, attitudes against God, others and self, speculation which is the entry to paranoia, rebellious ideas, and attitudes. Arguing against the will of God. • Every high thing: Pride. Everything that opposes the true knowledge of God Our job is to bring every disobedient thought into obedience to Christ.