Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Bitter Waters Turn Sweet Ruth 1

Bitter Waters Turn Sweet –Ruth Chp. 1:6-22

The story of Ruth is a beautiful love story between Ruth and Boaz, an intermarriage between a Jew and a gentile. This Old Testament book of Ruth foreshadows to the New Testament, pointing to Jesus our Kinsman-Redeemer.

We pick up in the middle of chapter one in the book of Ruth. Naomi was a widow now in Moab and heard that the Lord had visited Bethlehem with bread. She decided to go back.

She knew the life of an unmarried foreign widow in Israel would be hard, so she compels her two daughters in law to go back to their family. Orpah agrees. Ruth does not. Ruth 1:6 & 7 Ruth whose name means friend/friendship moved past friendship to faith. She makes an oath vs. 16 & 17 She was commitment to loyalty and faithfulness. Jesus is faithful and true. Rev. 19:11 His title reveals His character. He is faithful, reliable, consistent, and trustworthy. This Moabite woman had been watching Naomi’s walk and she was influenced for the Lord. Her commitment to Naomi showed her commitment to God.

Ruth 1:20-22 Do not call me Naomi, call me Mara. She inappropriately blames God as many do instead of owning up to their personal choices. • She called herself Mara – bitter • But the cross made the bitter water sweet. • Israelites murmuring and complaining in wilderness for they went three days without water and found Marah. • But they could not drink from it for the waters of Marah was bitter. But the tree made the bitter water sweet! • Ex. 15:22-26 • Gal. 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”)

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2022

Bitter Waters Turn Sweet –Ruth Chp. 1:6-22 The story of Ruth is a beautiful love story between Ruth and Boaz, an intermarriage between a Jew and a gentile. This Old Testament book of Ruth foreshadows to the New Testament, pointing to Jesus our Kinsman-Redeemer. We pick up in the middle of chapter one in the book of Ruth. Naomi was a widow now in Moab and heard that the Lord had visited Bethlehem with bread. She decided to go back. She knew the life of an unmarried foreign widow in Israel would be hard, so she compels her two daughters in law to go back to their family. Orpah agrees. Ruth does not. Ruth 1:6 & 7 Ruth whose name means friend/friendship moved past friendship to faith. She makes an oath vs. 16 & 17 She was commitment to loyalty and faithfulness. Jesus is faithful and true. Rev. 19:11 His title reveals His character. He is faithful, reliable, consistent, and trustworthy. This Moabite woman had been watching Naomi’s walk and she was influenced for the Lord. Her commitment to Naomi showed her commitment to God. Ruth 1:20-22 Do not call me Naomi, call me Mara. She inappropriately blames God as many do instead of owning up to their personal choices. • She called herself Mara – bitter • But the cross made the bitter water sweet. • Israelites murmuring and complaining in wilderness for they went three days without water and found Marah. • But they could not drink from it for the waters of Marah was bitter. But the tree made the bitter water sweet! • Ex. 15:22-26 • Gal. 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”)