Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Do You Desire The Heart of God?

Do You Desire the Heart of God Psalm 23

If you desire to walk with the heart of God, you will allow His word to mold your mind, your will, your emotions.

I am always with you! What kind of a gift is this! We have a beautiful gift in Him, never take that for granted.

He prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Your enemies will see the favor in your life. In the presence of your enemies, He prepares a banqueting table.

Others will see the change in your life, the joy, the expectation for the Lord and your unwavering faith. They may wonder what has changed in your life, but we know it is the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!

You have the oil of gladness, and it is overflowing in you! The more pain, the louder your praise should be. Let your praise be louder than your pain.

When you know who you are in Christ you can’t stay down, and your joy will overflow.

This one thing I desire, this one thing I seek, that I would seek Him and dwell with Him in the house of the Lord. Psalm 27:4

#psalm23 #psalm27 #desireingGod #loveofgod #hepreparesatableforyou #yourcupwilloverflow #victoryforyou

Broadcast on:
13 Jun 2022

Do You Desire the Heart of God Psalm 23 If you desire to walk with the heart of God, you will allow His word to mold your mind, your will, your emotions. I am always with you! What kind of a gift is this! We have a beautiful gift in Him, never take that for granted. He prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Your enemies will see the favor in your life. In the presence of your enemies, He prepares a banqueting table. Others will see the change in your life, the joy, the expectation for the Lord and your unwavering faith. They may wonder what has changed in your life, but we know it is the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! You have the oil of gladness, and it is overflowing in you! The more pain, the louder your praise should be. Let your praise be louder than your pain. When you know who you are in Christ you can’t stay down, and your joy will overflow. This one thing I desire, this one thing I seek, that I would seek Him and dwell with Him in the house of the Lord. Psalm 27:4 #psalm23 #psalm27 #desireingGod #loveofgod #hepreparesatableforyou #yourcupwilloverflow #victoryforyou