Safety Wars

Safety Wars 7-24-2024 Secret Service Investigation

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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again this is safety war sorry about that folks for Wednesday July 24, 2024 we got the program here tonight what are we talking about I'm gonna tell you what we're talking about we're talking about that still assassination attempt against President Trump because a lot of stuff happened here since Monday since we were on the air here on safety FM on Monday so we have some new stuff here right and how's this with your host let's try that again from the front lines of the safety war it's safety wars with your host Jim postal on safety FM get ready to face the harsh reality get ready to face that harsh reality right I think we got a raise the volume on that one next time but anyway that's what we're here about is harsh reality no I'd much rather deal with harsh reality than I would with people going out there and sugarcoating everything you got to deal the harsh reality I mean the best and you need perspective on this the best friends that I have had have been the ones who have gone out there and said Jim you're doing something fouled up Jim you know you know I disagree with you on this you're doing something wrong or you can improve on this those are the best teachers those are the best coaches those is best everything out there because they actually care about you they give a shit about you they care about your they're invested in your success that's why it's critical that you go out there right it's critical that you go out there and listen to them all the time now some people are out there that we heard a constructive you know the criticism that's the term from the 70s and from you I'm here to give you constructive criticism and then they go commence and taking you down a notch right because the thing was what we got to take you down a notch then we have to build you back up but it's usually to take you down on that notch to show you how it's in charge so you kind of have no how to discern this here what's the difference you know there are people here the other day want to know some one of my colleagues say Jim can be doing this better I was like you know what you're probably right on that I'm gonna take that to heart and I'm gonna fix that there that's what we need to do now you know it's when they try to knock you down and put you in your place they want to show who's in charge that's so those are the people you really need to watch out for there now now everyone's talking about this so we had started to start a congressional hearings this week and everything else on the attempted assassination of the former president Trump and what the what the problem what I'm having problems here is with it's with this ten years ago again let's remember I was involved in presidential politics for about 11 years of my life I've been following presidential politics since about 1979 right when I was a little to take in I believe it was fourth grade one of the teachers brought in and it was you know mind-blowing in the 1970s right and for in 1980 this was 1981 where a teacher brought in a television from home and he had one of the janitors set up for where we had audio visual people and we one of the janitors sets up everything and then we were able to watch this was an 81 for the presidential inauguration everybody went in there and I actually got to see president Reagan's speech live before that 1979 my parents were both news junkies grown you know growing up listen to that WOR 710 out of New York am 710 and I wish I still listen to on occasion but rather now I'm more of a 1970 answer guy which are the morning host Joe Piscobot but anyway Jersey Joe yes that Joe Piscobot now I know so I've been involved with this I listened to them I know and even today I I still get requests of for a political nature one couple weeks ago Jim you got to do a political show you have some perspective here been involved in so long you can probably talk at blah blah yeah I could but everybody wants to be the next Rush Limbaugh out there there's a million of them so everyone wants to be you know on the next NPR out there everybody wants to be the next political stuff very nasty you know almost as nasty as the safety business gets sometimes believe it or not well I'm not interested with that especially with the way things are today with you know there one guy was running in Central Jersey ran a very successful consulting business in the pharmaceutical industry I'm not some of you folks out there listeners know who I'm talking about and no central New Jersey was all about no a lot of pharmaceuticals so what happened was this guy went in and he said you know I don't like what my Congress person is doing and so you said you know I'm gonna run a primary campaign against and let everybody know because guess what if you're especially then days right 20 some years ago if you the only way you could get information out there is if you ran a campaign is if you were involved in a campaign and you went out there so what ended up happening was he went out did the campaign started to do the campaign he filed his paperwork set up a website started taking donations and what do you think happened on Monday the farmers all of his pharmaceutical clients dropped them like a rock because they were they were in league with the Congress first and getting funding and everything else and what ended up happening was he almost lost everything because of it right and this was just a political campaign almost lost everything the minute that he dropped out of the election because he got no primary came so you file for your paperwork sometime in January you go and visit the county conventions make your speeches and everything else and what ended up happening was the minute that he lost the primary he had to file his final paperwork because that's what you got to do because it's federal elections federal election commission you file that paperwork and guess what happened got all this business back way it is that's way politics works that's what happens I know when I ran for office people at an oil terminal facility and central New Jersey right and the only reason why I know that is that somebody who I knew very well at the time he sent me copies of the emails he was receiving from the facility and the person who was there was two people who I dealt with every day badmouthing me right very nice up front but backstabbing you when you know when you were involved in politics and you know now I knew who my friends were so and who my enemies were and by the way they were using company resources against me which was at the time illegal now a couple of things now let's talk about this whole secret service thing with cheetah she you're gonna be surprised 25 years ago 30 years ago I would have been like everybody else fire her fire her get rid of her again blah blah blah guess what since now we talk about human organizational performance we talk about investigations we talk about everything else I don't think that that's always the right thing to do we're a whole host reason whether we're dealing with the head of the secret service or other federal agency or if it's hold on I'm sure we have people texting me right or if it's in your organization whether you're running an engineering firm construction firm when manufacturing doesn't met environmental consultant doesn't matter I've been in a couple of times I was involved in stuff where it looked really bad right it looked really really horrible for everybody and then it turns out we do the investigation and guess what it ain't what it seems folks so the fact that she quit I'm addressing a camera here the director cheetah I guess her name is the fact that she quit did it ever occurred to you that we're at the beginning and investigation she may not be the one quote-unquote at fault and let's remember blame fixes nothing right I think she was loyered up she was compelled she was gilted and she resigned and she didn't really want to you know face the music I get that but let's remember blame fixes nothing what do we gain and what do we learn by blaming her she may have had her direction this might have been x y and z she might have had something going on here what they're trying to improve things it could have been a million and one thing's going on she might not have been the problem remember she was not in the field I heard another commentator today say that this probably wasn't her issue her say yeah you know you hear the thing the old saying from New Jersey read the fish head the fish rots from the head blah blah blah okay yeah that's cute and every oh yeah that's cute but not really helpful here maybe perhaps you could put her on leave so you know what take a couple weeks off we're gonna have to go and we're gonna have to figure this out right here and before we start destroying people here let's figure out what happened maybe there was a concern on what I don't like to push conspiracy theories maybe there was a conspiracy here because right now it's looking with some of the facts that are coming out in the news mainstream news that there might be some kind of conspiracy here remember we had FBI agents that were fired because they were election tampering in the 2020 election pardon me 2016 election I think was they were fired remember we had during the Tea Party movement of the early 2010s we had federal agents from the IRS that were interfering with people's 501(c)(3) status well we're not gonna approve that they were caught and they were managed right again that happened that that's all on the record that happened so maybe getting around and not the other thing is this right blame fixes nothing okay you're playing with so what what do you do you have oh yeah they take well what are you what are you learning we're gonna talk about that in a minute it looks good for the politicians oh look we got rid of somebody okay did you solve what the problem was you got rid of somebody I don't think she was necessarily the problem might have been I don't know we'll figure it out we had you know we this goes on and no this is this Secret Service a federal agency in charge of a whole lot of stuff right including banking issues like what's the word I'm looking at counterfeiting as they do some other stuff right they are in charge of whenever my understanding last I heard when I spoke to the Secret Service when I was in campaign plus we'll just say no we think about the girl next door right the old saying the girl next door right blah blah blah and you know some you know we have one thing in our mind in tradition well the girl next door my neighborhood I'm not gonna I'm not allowed to say what she does for living but she works in for the government very very high level security that's all I'm really allowed to say right she said and I spoke to her last time I saw her well she said she know the Secret Service handles any time there's a head of state that comes in then Secret Service handles that she handles something else very high security and so they do a lot of stuff here what's my point my point is here right firing may not be the thing designing my night thing that may not be the thing this is an important organization let's not treat it like a mom-and-pop operation where we have a bad apple and we got to get rid of that bad apple I don't know if she was a bad apple or not I don't know maybe there is somebody else let's figure out what's going on before we destroy people here now this actually happened where a company that I was dealing with I we were there was an incident and they fired a person over it almost on the spot they didn't even finish the investigation three weeks later I'm going through paperwork turns out there was a conspiracy everybody who was part of that investigation outright line and we had written proof that they lied oh yeah they lied big time around six people involved six quote-unquote witnesses to the situation every one of them lied every one of them told the same lie we've had third party verification in writing that I accidentally found that proves that they were lying told the people and this way you fired that guy you know likely illegally because all these other people are lying do you know what they said to me oh you dropping trim that's what they I don't like talking about that's what they didn't live blah blah blah blah okay great what do you think happened later on what happened later on was the people who lied were stealing from the company multi millions of dollars and tools equipment fake invoices you name it they were stealing right and what happened was the person who they got fired over this incident that person found out about it so they wanted to get rid of him so they could continue on with their things had the organization said you know what there's something smells here the smells like oh no we smelled groove no here have the organization said that and do a little bit of checking around and talking and things of that nature guess what this would have been a totally different thing that person would have been a hero not fired so again be careful who you fire what the reasoning is right shouldn't be the first thing let's find out what the hell happened now this is the other thing she was fired right to see a head of the secret service was fired or resigned right and how do we know that her how do we know that her replacement here is going to be now how do we know that her replacement is going to be better than her right her name is Kimberly Sheedell and who's the current person roddled Elro I'm not going to I know nothing about this gentleman I'm sure you'll be a fine no director of the secret service here and no I know nothing about I have nothing about know nothing about the guy but you got to be careful of this in your organizations here with this now how do you know who you can replace person if it from with if you fire them maybe especially if you don't finish the investigation don't know well house is going to impede that never impede the investigation with her now here's the other issue there is one thing that really annoys me about this whole thing and it's along the lines of what we talk about here with pardon me what's called what none it really bothers me here is this when you're involved in things and no one the worst things happen I believe that's name and Todd Conklin this book here on this network and also the Jodi Fisher for another program the PR podcast back in April we were on his show and any other book out there guide or anything else when some when the glue of no hits the fan all right when the glue of no hits the fan you got to have you got to be ready you got to have a script I write scripts all the time all the time and then before long they're committed to memory and you're able to you know and you're able to do whatever what do we do you know we're able to face things head-on but you gotta do this this is who I am this is what we know this is no what we don't know and this is what we're gonna do to fix it those are the things real simple you cannot deviate from that I saw some video out there of her Kimberly Sheedle talking out there now informally not really you know that's really really thing I could say not really not the best thing to do because look at this we had today a Netanyahu come to the country what's the impression are the secret service there a bunch of idiots here they're not a bunch idiots but this is the impression people have people are watching people are viewing this watch what she's doing you know this that was confidence right do we have confidence in our system here they're going on now based on what I know okay I'm not immune I'm trying to shut off the TV to be honest with you really shut off the TV because right now there's really nothing to report here when it comes to anything okay this is what it is all right I'll sum it up with you President Trump was assassin well there was an attempted assassination thank God he wasn't killed but let's remember two other people were heard of one other person was killed right and I'm sure in the confusion people got stepped on travel on and every everything else all right so we're having an investigation and people right and now they're enhancing security issues things okay great we had a cyber outage on Friday I got the blue screen of death on my Microsoft computer right had to clear that up and everything else and plus on top of that when everybody won no I was in a random airport everybody went on to their mobile hotspots and started using their phone because the flights we had no internet access for no internet access was good for nothing so that's the other thing that happened third thing president Biden dropped out of the race for president right number four vice president Kamala Harris is now the presumptive nominee no Jay Allen on Monday went into an in-depth thing on the radio our safety show I'm not gonna go into with again but he went all right great and my opinion on that is real simple if I was a Democratic primary voter I'd be a little bit annoyed because I'm hearing people screaming and yelling about the electoral college every four years we should do away with the electoral college and here we have because it's not us voting for president it's a delegate voting for president I've been a delegate nominated for a delegate many time about three or four times all right you know a lectures right I've been right now I've been a delegate a couple of times a couple of local conventions all right so they're screaming about the electoral college right we don't have to go by the popular vote necessarily depending on what you are and that's no something else but now we're okay with the delegates delegates choosing who our nominee is after everybody voted can you see where some people might be a little bit annoyed over that from now until election day this is the only shit we're gonna hear every day the talking heads so you know what I've done I've taken the remote control and I've got off with the TV I'm watching Star Trek reruns what I'm doing will you gonna hear this every day we have a lot of other serious issues going on out there to discuss right and we will be discussing that because we're the alternative news service so we're gonna talk about that in a minute let's get back to here we have to go right up front and the other thing that might have failed here right once that communication the other thing is incident command system usually not that incident command system in my 40 hour classes up until January of this year now you know that's a throw away 30 minutes you're talking about incident command blah blah blah blah blah because you've all these school incident where all those show you were killed and the state issued a report state of Texas issued a report that mentioned and extensively incident command failed because of that and now this isn't this situation because right now the incident command system failed is what I'm looking at here I'm not interested in who failed irrelevant he failed it obviously failed because nobody was communicating with each other and we know based on people I've spoken to involved in security for presidential politics the incident command system is like a real big freaking thing for these folks right for coordination and everything else that seems to have failed and that's where it needs so one focus needs to be is that incident command system now as you said I'm not interested in who failed what failed so Todd Conklin right on the CTFM network and Sydney Decker on the CTFM network both have podcasts here great people you should look at that right Sydney Decker Decker practicing learning teams Todd Conklin preacts investigation both say the same thing we cannot look at and I'm not saying this at paraphrasing it but for them to say that we cannot be interested in who failed who failed so what it failed right we had to be concerned with what failed and Todd goes on and say this questions that cause thought right is what we need and thought is what drives learning right we need to learn and understand what happened and move forward and restore organizations think about that don't say who failed what failed we said to get here well she failed she real bad situation here folks so that's right you sense we're gonna go to commercial break and we'll be coming at back at you in a minute here oh it's Wednesday so we have hop message number three this is safety wars broadcasting to our brothers and sisters in the occupied territory of behavior based safety get out your secret to coder ring here is your nightly message learning is vital learning is vital right learning is vital that's what we're okay that's the miss this puzzle there with that and where can you talk I'm gonna play my this now hold on want to avoid hefty OSHA finds and keep your team safe let's dive into the general duty clause the general duty clause section five a one of the OSHA act of 1970 is a catch-all rule to cover unregulated hazards employers must keep workplaces free from recognized dangers that could cause death or serious harm for OSHA to cite you under the general duty clause they must prove the following four things one the employer failed to render his workplace free of a hazard two an employee was exposed to that hazard three that hazard was causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm and four feasible means exist to free the workplace of the hazard employees aren't off the hook either section five be mandates they follow all safety standards both employers and employees must work together to maintain a safe work environment examples think lifting above shoulder height repeatedly or working without proper support stay proactive monitor work areas apply the four-part test and you'll prevent those nasty citations and keep everyone safe need help and more information contact Jim Pozel and the safety wars team to help you prevent workplace incidents conduct safety audits and training contact the safety wars team at Jim at or 8452-695772 visit us on the web at let's build a safer workplace together hey there safety professionals welcome to another episode of safety wars on safety FM hosted by Jim Pozel and today we're diving into what it really means to be on the front lines of the safety war so let's start with the basics safety is not just a set of rules or regulations it's a culture a mindset a way of life when we talk about safety we're not just protecting workers from harm we're building an environment where everyone can thrive it's about going home safe and sound to our families every single day now I know it sounds like a heavy responsibility but that's why we're here to make sure everyone understands the importance of safety and knows how to implement it effectively whether you're a seasoned safety professional or just starting out there's always something new to learn let's talk about some key strategies first up communication it's critical to ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page regular safety meetings clear signage and open dialogue can prevent a lot of accidents before they even have it next let's focus on training proper training equips your team with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe remember it's not just about taking a box it's about making sure every worker understands the why behind each safety protocol this understanding fosters a culture of safety where everyone looks out for one another of course we can't forget about technology from wearable safety devices to advanced monitoring systems technology is revolutionizing how we approach safety embrace it use these tools to enhance your safety programs and keep your team protected but let's not get too comfortable safety is an ongoing battle new risks and challenges emerge all the time stay vigilant stay informed and never stop striving for a safer workplace so what's the takeaway safety is everyone's responsibility it's about creating a culture where safety is ingrained in everything we do as safety professionals it's our job to lead by example and inspire our teams to commit to a safer future thanks for tuning into safety wars on safety FM stay safe out there and remember every day is a new opportunity to make a difference catch you on the next episode okay so now that's some of the new stuff we've been working on here and no I can't I'm not gonna give up on my daughter here for short wardables catastrophic losses environmental disasters you want to answer so do I this is Jim Paolo what safety works that's my daddy ocean news releases from today what are we got here so this was from the 18th US Department of Labor finds a club finds a company a coatings maker fail to properly protect the employee from a flash fire incident in Lisbon Wisconsin for whatever reason Lisbon Wisconsin you know Wisconsin in general everybody you know I'm very active with the press releases from their ariosia the operators a global ink and coatings manufactured company could have prevented an employee at its Lisbon facility from suffering burn injuries from flash fire that erupted in an industrial mixing vessel containing flammable liquids and vapors following federal regulations for handling hazardous chemicals now I had a family member and then basically twelve now an investigation ariosia at the company determined flash fire sparked a mixing employee as the employee mainly added to muscle pattern ingredients of professors and sectors from the flames exit exited the vessels charging port because employees is the same first and second degree burns thank God with that and they cited them for multiple violations let's go into it now I have a little bit of knowledge here on this I had a family member who worked for a company that if you lived in worked and were any kind of painter and central New Jersey you've heard of them and what ended up happening was back in the day right 1910 146 confined space entry standard was issued in 1993 I believe it was and what do they have you know it was very common right very common for companies of this sort and it was the industry standard we might as well just say to send workers in to inside of tanks and mixing vessels for paints and clean them they use all different types of chemicals to clean all you mean also known as how you all that the level ketone is another one other different types of cleaners and solvents to clean things out and a couple of these companies back in the day they would deliberately hire people who now this I may sound shocking but stuff like this still happens they hired people with who had drug problems remembers 70s and 80s because one of the selling points was you it can go to work and get high it was I was that they were create no hey we got you get a lot for free get high all day at work with the inhalants and then I'm telling after a couple of weeks that doesn't happen because you get used to it and you build up a resistance you don't even smell anything anymore but anyway and this is why my friends we have 50,000 people allegedly dying per year according to OSHA because of occupational illnesses all right so here we have a citation one item on type of violation serious it's 1910 point 28 B6i dangerous equipment the employer must ensure that each employee less than four feet above the dangerous equipment is of is protected from falling so what this is is essentially you need to you know for this is walking working services and this is what has done the day after Christmas and in the immortal words of Larry Bird's Larry Bird Mary leaving Christmas all right so you know I mean what did not ensure that each employee working on the blending vessel mezzanine was for that to be falling to mixing vessel and while adding materials and the same day through January 3rd the employer did not ensure that each employee performed work on the blending vessel was for that to be falling in right basically the same thing boom mama's katie three one was katie four twelve thousand six hundred seventy six dollars such as one item to 1910 one oh six it's a construction I don't know what that is inside surgery shall be constructed to meet the fire resisted raining for their use their in violation of NFVH 21 251 - 1969 which was an incorporation by reference this was designated class one division two storage room so that is so if you're ever interested in the all this class one division one class one division two go to 1910 106 and I believe that they have a table there for you twelve thousand six hundred seventy six dollars company name we will not name company names citation one item three again containers were improper containers with that twelve thousand six hundred seventy six dollars citation one item 3B was nothing where the problem with no general purpose public warehouse social mean in accordance with table age 14 and age 15 and in buildings are fortunes of such buildings cut off by standard firewalls honor about January 3rd 2024 the pile slash rack on a certain thing the class from division one manufacturing area had approximately four thousand eighty gallons of land on the liquids which is over the allowed oval amounts listed in table age 14 indoor containers storage for unprotected storage so improper storage they got zero on that citation one item for a they got the maximum on here and let's remember all this is proposed not final again 1910 106 E6 I general adequate for cost and shall be taken to prevent the emission of flammable vapors the non-insured at there was a right a right sources of ignition right include pretty much everything in there everything that you would normally see but basically there was a ignition source injuring the employee 16,131 citation one item 4B was for nothing zero protective footwear again what kind of footwear were we wearing they should have been using static dissipating footwear with an engineered flooring system so you can have a static electric build up what static electric city that is when you have two surfaces going over ground right and you strip electrons and they reach a certain threshold the stripped electrons then they discharge and that is a static electric discharge and what ended up happening was right well how do you prevent this one of ways right you try to eliminate static charges of course the last thing is PPE and apparently they were not wearing the proper boots now I used to work with explosives and flammables where we had situations where we had to have conductive footwear very uncomfortable to wear after three or four hours number one and they're made to conduct electricity meaning you're not going to have a static electric build up assuming a couple of things assuming you have the right kind of socks you want a certain kind of socks I believe they're cotton but don't quote me you don't want wool or silk cotton socks right got to look it up and your feet have to sweat make sure you have a good conductivity there and then you go in before you go in the room you have a conductivity check on your feet and you have certain number of ohms right for resistance you're able to go into the area they didn't have that with that I'll also semi-conductor industries and actually certain electronic industries through the same thing have the same requirements here we have but we'll get six nothing on there right and then citation one item 5a with 16,131 information pertaining to hazards of highly hazardous chemicals in the process this information shall consist of three elements and going on it's a very extensive list here but basically they did not have information on the chemicals and this is now in the process safety management of highly hazardous materials standard 1910 119 information on technology that was zero and let's go to some of the ones here again a lot of process safety management standard violations here so you want to go and you want to look at this on the OSHA website there's always a big one there's like three pages long the employers shall document that equipment to compliance and recognize and generally accept a good engineering practices so you need someone to sign off on it I'm not saying necessarily a Russia cert professional engineer in the state where you can reside but it probably some of them like that I believe a certified hazardous materials manager may be able to do that and some other stuff but I'm not sure on that but look it up here now somebody wall by 16,100 and no process hazard analysis was done according to OSHA 16,131 citation one item seven B was zero start no start up the start of safety review documented and OSHA puts in the note for the next series of violations that they were all grouped together because they involve similar or related hazards that may increase the potential for injuries and illness no written procedures 16,131 no training on people that was zero employers have to develop a written plan zero and written procedures no the written procedures were not were lacking 16,131 citation one item 10 a person protective equipment problem and again let's see player did not provide an introduce of flame-resistant clothing wow FRC 16,131 so you have to have some type of flame retardant clothing of some sort in this case it will be NFPA 21-21-12 out there and let me hold on I'm gonna go to commercial break let me get that on camera here and show you what that is is your safety training old stale and hacky is your safety trainer still preaching a warped version of behavior based safety how about safety training that actually addresses your hazards in your workplaces and it's not standardized baloney from 25 years ago contact the safety words team at safety words dot com or call Jim Pozel at 845-269-5772 remember if you're receiving this message you are the solution to unsafe workplaces alright I'm back so here's what we have right if you're looking on camera what I have here is a fire retardant shirt yeah Texas style we're going to a hoe down right with that and I'm not endorsing any brands here but how do you know whether it's fire retard fire retardant can't come in short sleeve by the way don't recommend it but it's available we're talking a long sleeve shirt right and it's marked somewhere on here FRC fire retardant clothing now let me see right here we have towards the bottom usually it's towards the bottom of the shirt you have this and it's a label and it says this garment meets the requirements of NFPA 2112 centered on flame resistant garments for protection of industrial personnel against flash fire this was this is the older shirt manufactured NFPA 2113 right and 21 12 and you know you have certain things like this shirt has to be tucked in and everything else and I have a whole bunch of them from the refining industry that I you know I wear in the winter time or in the fall I can't wear them in the summer they're hotter than hell most of the time and I can't really figure out why the oil industry they know they insist on dark navy blue many multiple colors and you can look a little bit stylish and like you know one of Abby ferry where if you're you know you're you've been around the safety industry long enough she's been a big advocate of female fit no close-up fit females properly and it's not all about style it's you know function and comfort and press sizing and everything else that goes into that and but you know that's what's required there a shirt like that and it also comes out with pants and everything else all right here we have another one citation on item 10 B again this is an employer shell this from the PPE standard the employer shall access a sex the workplace to determine if hazards are present or are likely to present was necessitate P right the use of PPE and again here's another one if you think they're not going to do any of that here we go citation one item 11 serious 1910 178 which is the power industrial truck standard where there was a they were using apparently the one kind of forklift so here you go only approved power up where I'm gonna read this out here only approved power operated industrial trucks designated as EX may be used in atmospheres containing a whole bunch of chemicals here that are volatiles and flammable are volatiles and ignitable or flammable or explosive in the right situations so I look they were using an EE rated forklift in the classroom division one manufacturing area hold on let me I forget what EE is EE rated forklift forgive me there right EE rated forklift ah don't see it here not easy oh here it is EE rated forklift means machines motors and switches are in clothes to prevent any sparks from reacting to the environment so that's basically what it comes down to you need to have no needs to have an intrinsically safe forklift oh no we don't need that blah blah blah blah right all right so there is an EE what is an EX or what's the difference here there's the same machine EE and EX EE for those only have minimal spark protection and you not comply with electrical safety standards for explosion proof EX forklifts meet higher standards so they're using an EE and not an EX which is EX is intrinsically safe as my understanding on here who would have thought that now usually this is how it goes with forklifts where can I get a cheap forklift well so they're gonna do they're gonna get the cheapest forklift here so this was not rated here for the item I learned not that I learned something new but you know a lot of information out there citation item 12 1910 1200 has come no training no information apparently SDSs were not there or something like that no training 16,131 so what is the total $183,207 I tell you what remember now this is a person when first and second I don't know all the things right all the details first and second degree burns what we used to go first and second degree burns that means that we call them superficial partial dermal and total birth thickness right burns right that's the third degree burns or burns down you start to get into the you know tendings and muscles and then you have a right third degree burn you have a fourth degree burn or fifth degree burn and sixth degree burn which goes further and further usually those are post the mortem this Friday usually those the ones I kill you or you have the horrific injury so again if this was just a first degree burn superficial burn probably that would have been treated in the first date and it was set that on the way second degree burn it must have been a lot of secondary burns over a huge part portion of the body guess or that's gonna necessitate a hospital visit and I would love to know if somebody you know and someone at the hospital called or workers com called or somebody made the report or whatever with that so something to think about here and here we have let's see anything else here let's see if anything was updated here in the last right so tonight President Biden if he doesn't already hasn't already is going to be giving a speech on this whole situation here and we're gonna talk though every September we talked about disaster preparation I think we're gonna move up on that because this is what we learned all this stuff going on here it's more important now than ever for you and your family to be prepared for disasters we just went through the whole thing down in Texas with the power outages and everything else and the whole bunch of other stuff so it was really important that you prepare you and your family for disasters and we're gonna talk on how to do that a little bit more as you go along into September but you know we're not in control here folks well germ that's comes conspiratorial no we're really not in control with any of this stuff so we have to be in control of ourselves we cannot control what the views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host in its guest and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples they should not be utilized in the real world if only solution available as they are based only are very limited and dated open source information assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company no part of this podcast may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical the views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host in its guest and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples they should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only are very limited and dated open source information assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company no part of this podcast may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical electronic recording or otherwise without prior written commission of the creator of the podcast J.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .