John 15:5

Forget Not All His Benefits

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31 Jul 2024
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We got just a thought or two, and we're going to make it the 103rd song. I know this is familiar, but just the things that are making the Lord just brought up to us this season, trying to search for the will of the Lord, for the service tonight. It was the first you should have been searching before this season, until I have been. This is just when the Lord settled me, but in the 103rd song, it says, "Bless the Lord of my soul and all that is within me, bless his holy name, bless the Lord of my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgive us all thy iniquities, who heal us all thy diseases, who redeem us thy life from destruction, who crown of thee with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfy thy mouth with good things, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles. The Lord executed righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed. He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and cleanse in mercy. He will not always chide, neither will he keep his anger forever. If not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities, for as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is mercy toward them that fear him." I think I'll stop right there, at least for a minute or two. I got to thinking a little bit on this scripture this season, and a few thoughts in this, and how this tells us in here, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Then it goes through just explaining that it's not questions attached to us, but it's just explaining as David wrote this, "Some of the benefits of God that said, 'Who forgive us all thy iniquities, who heal us all thy diseases, and who redeem us thy life from destruction, who crown a thee with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfy thy mouth with good things, so that thy use is renewed like the eagles. The Lord executed righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed. He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. The Lord is merciful, gracious, slow to anger and cleanse. He will not always chide, neither will he keep his anger forever. And just think about this right here. He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. And you think about that, how he's not rewarded us according to what we truly deserve. And you go through each one of these things here, and David is telling us not to forget these things. And if we truly keep those things, you were right on track with what you started out with in the service. And talking about the things of having a lot of times, some of the things that keeps us from going to church and how that it talks about to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is. And it don't take much sometimes, for some people just follow out with church, follow out with everything, and they go to blame God, they go to blame in the church, they blame the preacher, they blame in the members, they blame all these different things. But we're not serving God by who we are and who one another is, but he tells us to forget not God's benefits. And when we come together to assemble ourselves, we're to, let me go over to what we're calling that because I won't read that again, I hadn't thought on that scripture until he read it and the Lord said right there too, but it says forsake not the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is. But exhorting one another and so much more, the more as you see the day approaching. And he's teaching us right there in that, don't fall out so easy, but exhort one another, try to lift one another up in these things. And if we're truly got our heart on the benefits of God and we realize that God didn't give us what we deserve and that our heart needs to be extending that and exhorting one another in the same manner, not falling out so easy with one another. I guess it's what I'm trying to say, but you get to thinking about that and he tells us to forget, forget not and of course I looked up the word forget says to let go from memory. And when we forget some things, we let them go from memory. And you know a lot of times we'll turn around and we'll see people and I know it's probably a whole lot of times, but it's a good example of the word of God, how there was a woman brought before Jesus that had been caught in a very active adultery and things of that nature and this woman was guilty of what she had done, but the law stands out so much to me a lot of times is and how that doesn't mean and forgot what they threw the department. They wanted to bring forth what she was, they wanted to show that out and a lot of times that's the way we are down to the house of God. We want to forget what we want to wear, we want to forget where God brought us from, we want to forget that we didn't get rewarded for irony, we didn't get what we deserve, but what we're sure really quick to push it on somebody else. And in that, that's not to say that sin shouldn't have, commonly as it read on down, it talks about if we sin willfully, there remain a third, no more sacrifice for that sin. There's some things that we need to understand that there is consequences for sin, even after more sin, that after God's forgiveness for sin, when we fail and we come short and we willfully sin, there's going to be some consequences for that, but in this he's urging us and telling us to strive to not forget some things. Bless the Lord, oh my soul. That's how we bless God is by not forgetting what he does for us. The blessings that was bestowed upon our life, you get to thinking about that and not forgetting things and not letting it go from our memory, if you're going to turn over to Jeremiah, the second chapter, and let me, about the 32nd verse of the second chapter of Jeremiah, he said, "Can a man forget a man, can a maid forget her ornaments or a bride her attire? Yet my people have forgotten me days without number. My trimest, trimest thou thy way to seek blood, therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways. Also in thy skirts has found the blood of the souls of the poor innocent, of the souls of the poor innocent. I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these, yet thou sayest because I am innocent, clearly his anger shall turn from me, behold I will plead with thee because thou sayest I have not sinned. Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way? Thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt, and thou as thou was the shame of Assyria. Yay, thou shalt go forth from him, and thine hands upon thine head, for the Lord hath rejected thy competences, and thou shalt not cross for in them. He's telling us in that is what was written, he's talking about his people that had forgotten him days without number. And then they would go in their lives, and they would try to confess themselves his being innocent of all the things they had done, and try to explain the things. He'd go up there where I read before, in Psalms he said there he had made himself known unto Israel, that's his people. And when he's known of you, you're not ignorant of him. And when we get to this place, how can we forget where he grows from? How many times do we look at the children of Israel and say these very things in our minds and in our hearts, we say, why don't they just cross Red Sea and drive around? They just got just broke water in a dry land, got fatter manna when there wasn't no food. God broke water out of the rock, and we look, he was like how could they go into such a short time to forget what God does? That's why it's so important, that's why the Word of God, that's why David wrote those there forget not these things, the benefits of God that he's going to stone unto us, don't forget these things that if you do, and we might then open joyous calmly at what you read right there to forget the blessings of God to go forward in our sinful life, there's going to be a conflict with us too, he told them that he said he had not even regard their confidence in Jeremiah, he said yay they shall go forth from him, and thine hands upon thine head for the Lord have rejected thy competences, and thou shalt not prosper in them. We get ourselves so far down in the sea, and we've forgotten who we are, we've forgotten where God brought us from, we've forgotten his benefits, and we keep trying to lay claim, glad they wonder why our life is going so far away, and why things won't prosper for us, but we've forgotten his benefits, we've forgotten where we come from, we've forgotten who we are, I guess that's why a lot of times it's sickening to be so much, to see Christians walking around with their chests, pushed out next, and like we're so righteous, next, and like we're so much better than everybody, if anybody were the uncle in the house of God, they ought to be a Christian, they ought to be a child of God that knows where we come from, know what God brought us up out of us, we've gotten to remember our benefits, remember these things, who forgive us all by inequities, who heal us all by diseases, who redeemeth thy life from destruction, who crown thee with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfy thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles, and I know in a lot of ways this is spiritual things, it's just thinking of it, but so many times we've done so much to get what we've done, we've worked so hard to get what we've done, every thing we have is a benefit of God, every thing that's ours is what's a benefit preacher, well look that up too, it's acts of kindness, it's something given to you because someone wants to give it back, what's a benefit, what's mercy, an act of favor or pity, that's sympathy with grief or misery of another, having compassion on us is what God's done, thank you, he's loaded us with acts of kindness at the benefit and he's done that because of his mercy, not because we earned it, but because he peed us and had compassion on us and gave flavor on us, we never got to find a gang dance or our dance, we believed in the only begotten son of God, he had mercy in seeing me son, he showed favor under this world when we deserved destruction, when our iniquities, hey when our iniquities should have took us to hell, God's city son, and daily he lot of us would benefit us, he gives us kindness so much that we don't deserve it, we need to remember that, Cheryl, we don't need to get to fight you, you know what I mean, not that we're the worst problems doing it, what I forget to give you what I've got, what I forget, where my benefits come from, where's the time it's coming from, don't forget, don't let that be removed from your memory, we get earth to that all through the word of God, I thought it was just standing and thinking on some of these things and the Lord started bringing things to my memory, to my mind, a different one through the word of God, that he had seen it, that he had blessed, and just like the gentleman, he said he had to do something and don't forget who didn't listen to his life up to that point, and he tried to go the other way and God brought a reposition upon his life, but then again to get to looking at many others, I thought of Jews, I thought about how that he walked right there with God and seen the lessons of God, seen the workings of God, and to see on the head, those were the third pieces of silver that was written to sail out Jesus, and then once we got there and they made it there, it wasn't so precious anymore, we forget sometimes who's been blessed in our life and who's brought us to where we're at, we want to get a hold of things that we've been brought out of, guilty right here, what a time we lose sight of who blessed us to be where we're at, and we're going to try and describe our other things in our life, that we know that we shouldn't have, that we know we shouldn't be striving so hard for them. We get to thinking that we deserve to have those things, and we've heard those things, and we should be able. We think, I do this for the Lord, why, it's the least he can do. Now that may not be coming out of people's mouth, but you can see it in the life. That's exactly the way we feel sometimes, I've been a good person, I've been a church every Sunday, I've been a kid for 40 years, I've done that, and I've been the one that put the most of the offering in down there, I've been the one that doesn't, if I done all the work over there on the building, I've done this, I've done this, I've done this, and we forget who this day will have a benefit, we've got. It becomes more about I and me being. It's ain't about me being, we've done nothing to deserve what we've got. It's just a minute, it's an act of kindness to God. It's a tender mercy that he's laid out. See that's what got David in trouble, I apologize as a study in this. David, a man was a man after God's own heart. When did he start to follow? When did he start to hit the trouble? When he stayed out of the battle, and when he started thinking, "I've got to deserve this," that's another man that's why I deserve to have that. This is part of my people, part of my world. I can have what I want bring to her to me and I'll take her. You may not have go away from somebody else's wife, but I'm going to tell you what, when you reach out to go away from Frank, God says, "No, won't." When I reach out to go away from Frank, God says, "No, won't." Come get some trouble. When we lay back to get out of the battle and go out of the other things, this brought Vincent down to one of the worst places he'd ever been in his life. Won't the joy be restored back in his life? The joys of the Lord's salvation, his tender mercies, the happiness that he once had, he ended up in a place that he never thought he'd be in the misery of his life. Don't you think you can't get there? Don't let me think I can't get there. You know, who's trying his best to get us out and trying to make us forget where our benefits come from is when he's drawn away and he's all lust and enticed. He's in all ways about achievement. He might be, well, he might be fine. He might be glory. He might be coming into this church here and taking top back. How many of you are? You'll be careful, like, when you start a bridge. Every long thing attacks you on the back. At all times, they need no mind. They need to think, well, they can relax me. They're going to fight while listening. Don't you never worry if that's what another man's place to be beside what God plays. God has leaned off to get started. 'Cause I've had a long, lived path on the back that turned into an eye thing there out of a while. You stand firm on the Word of God, and you go after the face of God and you realize where your benefits come from. That goes for everyone else. Realize it ain't coming from the Word. It ain't coming from another man. It comes from God. "Yet my people, His people, have forgotten me days without end." How many times do we forget whose we are? Over here in 2 Peter, he said over here in 2 Peter, in the first chapter, he's right in here and he says Simon Peter is serving the first chapter. Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the him that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Now he's preaching unto people that's obtained this. People that has the like faith, that precious faith with him through the righteousness of God. He said grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. According as he is divine power, have given unto us all things that pertain unto life and Godliness through the knowledge of him that have called us to glory and mercy. Basically, the same thing David was right in right there. Who gave us all these things? He said through his divine power unto us all things that pertain unto life and Godliness. And then it goes on down. He says whereby or given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be for takers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust and beside this giving all diligence add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and patience godliness and to godliness brotherly kindness. Now that's a very thing that God showed unto us what told us not to forget his benefits that we're supposed to add this to our life that we're sharing that and to brotherly love kindness and kindness charity. It says for if these things be in you and abound they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ but he that lack of these things is blind and cannot see a far off and have forgotten greats calling them blind but he's also saying they forgot something. Remember these are people that have obtained the precious faith but he says that he that lack of these things not abounded in the patience not abounded in the knowledge not abounded in these things. He said that he lack of these things is blind and cannot see a far off and have forgotten that he was perched from his old sins. Wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling an election sure. Okay now I want you to understand something in that they say some different ways are that that this can be applied to our life but I want you to look at something I never looked at before tonight. He said wherefore the rather brethren giving diligence that word diligence means constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken. So constantly be working with this striving to abound in the things of God. Realizing to do that realizing the benefits that come from God not that you've gained it not that you've done it not that any man's been able to give it to you but all these things come from God and he said wherefore the rather giving brethren give diligence to make your calling an election sure. So we need to make sure in our life that that that that that we put forth all the effort we can to show what whose we are and that our calling and that our election is sure. Have you ever had people look and wonder if he's a Christian? Don't be something people look and say I'm sure he's a Christian. I'm sure that's the child of God because there shouldn't be no question that we're not striving and thinking that we've gained anything on our own strengths but that our calling an election is sure. He says for if you do these things you shall never fall and and I think I'll stop right there in there but I want you to want you to understand that Peter Peter wanted to remind him of some things that didn't want them to forget some things in this. Let me see here. That that night verse what does it tell? It says but he that like of these things is blind and cannot see a far off wine because he had forgotten that he was purged from his old sin. What did David encourage us to do? Not to forget. Don't forget where you come from. Don't forget who you are and in the end there's a man that's blind has forgotten. He's put some things out of his memory and he's cast on the side. It's important that we do not forget this thing. The Bible constantly reminds says to bring things to remember. Peter goes on and writes on over in this chapter here he's writing to them while he's in this tabernacle realizing that it ain't going to be a long ago. He's leaving here and he says I want to bring this thanks to your remembrance. Maybe I will read just a little bit more over in there. He says for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these though you know them and be established in the present truth. Yay I think it may as long as I am in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance. So Peter has to put himself into remembrance. I have to you have to but he also wants to not neglect and stir in them up while he's in this tabernacle knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle even as the Lord Jesus Christ hath shown me. Moreover I will endeavor that ye may be able after my deceased to have these things always in remembrance. They say something that I think about a whole lot of times but when my Jesus learned how to drive and I'm still learning what everything is but as I go down the road I mean a hundred times when we come to a red line stop sign I tell him over and over and over and they'd say dad you say this every time. We pull up I'd say I'd say if I'd like turn three times they do it both ways. Don't plan it. That acts as green. You lose the rain. Don't just take the rain call this green zero rise because they could meet somebody's line right through there. They'd say well why do you say that every time or whatever situation it was in a vehicle. I want it. Mark I want it that's real to them. Then every time they pull back to a red line they heard millions are eager. So you look both ways don't pay attention if it's green or not you might sort of you look. I love it didn't hear my boys thinking what I was in car Daniel. Why do you think Peter was trying to get back and stir these people up? Why do you think that he constantly wanted to remind me why do you think God still freaks you the same word he's always freaks. He wants this to be with my generation and he wants it to be with the generation to come. To stay with some fans to be consistent in how to live don't change the times don't go with everything that's going on but stay true under the word of God and don't forget who loves you with your benefits. Who gives us these things through through his own times and place around the man. Not things we deserved. He's mentioned in Noah God could have destroyed this world in that day. He grieved him. He repeated that he even made my end. But what happened? Noah found grace in the hands of God. And through that God showed place within the man. That there was one down there that believed that there was one that still followed him. Don't you think that the church. What they wanted Noah did for all the years for its practice and some of their people. And he said well what good did he do they don't know the exact same thing they did in the same club. Or say that in many ways. But Noah a preacher of righteousness kept on him. Prince. We may not the whole world may not come to this. The whole world may not. If I were they they may not want to receive what God is given to them. What God is offering under them. But you want to know what they will be son. He's not willing to need his parish but that I will come to repentance. But not all will. There's going to be some that chooses to to go to this world instead of God. But as for us we need to be just like Noah and continue to preach righteousness and this there's a way. This this art can't be in built. He's already prepared this. The way is sitting right here. You know what they said several years of preaching that was going on by it. Noah's day that was the building up until the days when people were going to be able to get in that art. We've done with through those period of years of the building of this art and the preparation that Jesus Christ came to this earth that he gave this life. But now it's time that the Lord loves him more. Now it's time that it's time to get on the end. But God's destruction is coming. The place in this world he's not always chatted with land if I was said. He's not always going to be there. It's not always his aim for someone to always be held back on this world. It's coming in that place. They come to the days when the old world's going to look down your own place. He's going to say that's enough. That was the day and Noah's time when God said it's enough. And there was a time when who set the door? God did. They come in the time when the destruction of this world and I'm telling you it's that hand. It's that hand. And we better be on board. We better be in here. Let's not forget who give us this benefit of what we've got. Noah never forgot. He preached that righteousness right up to the night of the old shit. And that's the way the church will be. If he'd like back to give up, where would them under seven souls be in it? We need not to forget some things in our life. We need to be remembered of them. You may have done thought about this scripture over here in Revelation. He said over here in the second chapter there, he says, "Never in the fourth verse are." He said, well, let me just read down to it. "Under the angel of the church of Ephesus, write these things, say if he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience, and how thou can't snot bear them which are evil. And thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not, and hast found them large, and has borne, and has patience, and for my name's sake has labored, and has not fainted." Now, what's he doing? He's exhorting them in the good things they've done. They've got a wrapper of knowing what was right. Now, doesn't that sound like something to paint? This precious faith? Does that sound like the same thing that Peter was writing into him over there? But you know what the Lord's getting ready to do right here in this book of Revelation, then the church of Ephesus is getting ready to bring us up back to the remembrance that they forgot. The same thing that a whole lot of us down at the house of God, I believe in the day that we're living in has got ourselves right in the same situation. They're some things that we've forgotten, that we've let get out of our memory, that we're not retaining like we once did, and we forgot the benefits that we've got came from him. And he tells them right there in that, he said, "Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember, therefore, from whence thou artfallen, and repent and do the first works, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of this place, except thou repent." Now, what did he say about over there in Peter? It's just by reading. What did he say when I read to you? That he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see you far off and have forgotten, that he was purged from his old sins. You ain't careful the candlestick will get moved out of your life. You'll be blind, and you can't see it far off. We're losing the salvation, and now that you want to know what you won't do, you won't be a help under this last world like you need to be. You'll be so consumed in thinking that you've gained your benefit, not even realizing how far away you've moved from your first love. From that, that once you knew in your life, that not, if you're sitting here sighted in that, that not you got saved. Do you remember how real it was to you? Who saved your soul? Who brought you up out of a day of the tale? Who set your feet on the solid rock? Who established your golem? Do you remember from that moment how do you want to go a day on? It's like he's taught you today how you can do it. You know, wonder about where to read his things like it at that, but you don't want that into your heart, you're an empty cow in the sun, and you don't want that to do. It puts a fear down in you, because you know that so many times when those won't require you to stand. So you know what that does? That puts a fear in you, and that makes you start wondering where do I make to read? What do I make to read? What do I make to do? What's wrong requires love by a new son? It puts you there, and it puts you in a place where you realize you're not in control of the crime. You're not the one that gained the benefits you got. And that you need to lean on him with everything you got. Like some of us standing behind gold is that it's forgotten where we can come from. It's left first loves. That's forgotten where our benefits come from. It can fall from you, just as quick as anybody, and it can fall from me, just as quick as anybody, if I could get. That's why I'm just as much as anybody else. I need to hear the preach word of God, Jillian. I need to hear it. I said that they would rather hear themselves than hear anybody else. Anybody else? They need to be worried about hearing from God. I get preach too, just as much as anybody else, and I need it. Why? Because I need to remember some funds. I don't need to forget some funds, and I don't need to get to thinking that I'm the only one that can preach the gospel. I don't know why I'm getting right in there, but I'm not operating it. I was up to me that comes to me just as much as anybody else. I don't need to forget where my benefits come from. Listen, back over to the 100th song, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name." Oh, that is within me, bless his holy name. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." I can't forget. The times of God that showed them me. I watch Satan the dog she hated there for a good while, back to this because in her mind, she thought she was going to lose some benefits if she come out of it at that time. The place that that company had promised her to extend to her, she thought she was going to lose in life. When you play with the company, you expect me to play with the promise, you ask. And when you get the position like that, I find y'all don't got those. But when you get the position like that, you don't want to lose it, ain't you? I have to wouldn't sit on the church page, and I'll bet won't care if we're losing benefits. Losing kindness that God succeeds to lose us, losing the mercy of God, holy, the flavor of God, and we'll sail and dry the earth and go day in on God, and never mind. He can't see a far off the war. He can't even realize he's lost what he looks like so dear in our life. Have come all that's within me. Take praise in no more. How come I can't bless the Lord, O my soul, like I once did? And I know a certain question to everybody, yes, or so, while the wings do not crown. While I want to play, while I want to come, come this is the one that might be denied to the Lord of those places. We need to hear this science. We can't forget where we've been brought from. And because it makes the peace start up in our minds and in our memories and in our soul, the joy of our salvation, what it once was. They've been set on a throne of judgment in his life, judging everybody else. And you know what the Word of God has done? He got the story. He's been with us, but some things he forgot. He got his name to look at him and he went down to the train and passed down his judgment. And he said that wasn't the way he was thinking. You know, one of the fingers gets pointed more times than not in my life. It ain't me behind a poor pit pointing at you. It's right here. In common, you won't find your name to be pointed. My name is to be pointed. I don't need to be going around telling what everybody else's thoughts are. I've got to look in the mirror at this one every day. I've got to look into this Word of God every day and see where I play. Get reminded of the benefits of God in my life. And then I didn't do a thing to deserve them, Julian. But God, through his tender mercy, bestowed them on me. Why is that? I didn't read on down in that. He said, "He hath not dealt with us after his back of burnt songs, after our sins nor rewarded us according to our inequities, for as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father PDF his children, so the Lord PDF them that fear him, for he knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass as a flower of the field, so he flourish it. For the wind passes over it and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him and his righteousness unto children's children, to such as keep his covenant and to those that remember his commandments to do them. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom ruleeth over all. Bless the Lord, ye his angels, and that excel in strength, that do his commandments, harkening unto the voice of his word. Bless ye the Lord, all ye his host, ye ministers of his that do his pleasure. Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul. That's what the Lord gives us to know. My prayer is, is we don't forget where benefits come from. We don't forget the one that's provided this with all these things. And God helped me to stir that up every chance I get in my remembrance and in yours, as long as Peter said, as I'm in this tabernacle. And then after I'm deceased and after I'm gone, I pray that those things still ring in the hearts of people. The Word of God, not the man that said them, but the Word of God. They still find rings in my heart from from men like Furman Wilson, Henry Rice, Tarda Freeman, Harold Campbell, men like that Fred Hunters, different ones that went before me, that preached this gospel, that lived it, and made her call in an election sure in my life, and the election. I can look and I can see they were sure their heart, just like Job. I thought about Job as I was studying into this. And Job, through everything in the world that he lost, he still said, I know my redeemer live it. Through everything that Job lost, he realized who gave him the benefits he had, who gave him the family for as long as he had, who gave him the herds and the flops and all the different things for as long as he had him. Job wasn't blind, was he? Job could still see a four hour. He hadn't blinded himself by getting caught up in a pee party and saying, look where I'm at, look what I see as Bruce, look at everything I've lost. That's a big problem that I have to find. I look at it all the time, I've got a reason for you to say, look at this, look at that, but you know what I want to do, I want to keep my eye on the far off, I want to keep my eye, say, Job got the score, I want to put it more than he had. God bless his life again, but help Job never forgot where he's going to be to come from. If you don't just look, go look at everything I've worked on, God just let it go right now. Look how good I was to my children. The father didn't look at it while he did it. No. He knew everything he had was a blessing of God, and he stayed true and got brought back to him. Just a little while calling in to be honest with you, this is not the extent of his kindness and his mercy. Having it, having food in your cabinet right now is a benefit. It's kindness of God. All those things are not having hard to go in and leave and drive home in. It's nice. Having to lease his power clothes to put them, that's all nice. Having the job, having a, I can just go on and on and on and on. All those things are benefits, but I want to tell you what, they're greater than that ahead of this church. Well, this earthly house of this type of an apple, it's going to be insoluble in there. I've got to build something up there with hands and hands, something I've never laid before, something I can never say I deserved. It's just a benefit, and it's a way for them. You need to keep benefits, how they need to retire. They'll remain the type 4 reps for people's God on these days. I'm going to get retired from this cause there is stipulation and there is trouble, but there's plenty of benefits through every bit of that here in this life. I was getting off of that, but I thank the Lord tonight for his benefits. God helped me to keep in my remembrance, to give me what I've got here in this life, and who's promised me, there's promises, the word, there's promises, great promises from the one that can't lie, Cheryl, a God who cannot lie, keep his commandments. Make your column an election sure in this life that others can look to you for a sprint. Not looking at Israel the way that they were, they had all benefited the God, and then constantly the world was looking at them, and they were turning their back on the very God that delivered them, the very God that gave them their benefits. That's why the Lord said he wasn't going to regard it, even though they had their confidence, I mean the confidence is addressing him. He said he wouldn't prosper him. We've got to stay for what we know is for you, we've got to stay for what we know is right. Those problems, our lives, thank the Lord.