John 15:5

Youth Meeting: Jonathan Sluder

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
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I'd like to thank you for what the Lord's doing. I'm thankful for all of you on that day of the Earth. We're going to be jackal and I know that God's desire is to help us. And I know that all these millions sit here tonight and that's preacher to the gospel no more I stay in a desire to prayer. As a spiritual as I've ever been, I don't want to lose that. I know that there's a lot of folks in our land that say, well, I've got this in my pocket when I tell you that half was gone. We can't do any of that in my hand. And it wouldn't matter what we came up with. But our own mind is it wouldn't touch the heart like God's desire to touch me. So I trust your gratefulness to me and just for a little while. All week I thought we were going to be somewhere else that's at home hard earlier in the week. And today it's like the Lord just took us to a different direction. And that don't bother me. I've learned through the years that sometimes God just keeps my thoughts. And my mind, that worry really wants me to be able to eat. It may sound strange to you, but I don't want you to have my ideas to my millions tonight. Because I know that the word of truth is that one day convicted my heart from these defendants. And it wasn't the thoughts of men, it was the heart of God. It was in the gospel of the Lord Jesus that convicted me and saved me. If you're saying tonight, it's that to convict you. So I'm just honored tonight to stand for these young folks that are here in this place. And I, as well as all of us older ones that are gathered in the building. You want to stand with us tonight as we look to the world and get on to the gospel part of the six chapter. We look to Isaiah, and all of us for you, you know, you're passing this scripture, and it's just from God to help us. In the six chapter, we look to Isaiah, and if I don't say it in the years, in years I've died. I saw also the Lord sitting upon the throne, I lifted up, and he's trying to kill the temple. Above it stood the ceremony, each one had six wounds with twain, he covered his face with twain, and covered his feet with twain, and hit fly. And one pride unto another said, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory." And the host of the door loomed, and the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke, then said, "I, always be, for I am undone, 'cause I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of the people of unclean lips." For my eyes have seen the king, the Lord of hosts. Then flew one of the serifers unto me, having a live cold with his hand, which he had taken with the tones from off the over, and he laid it on my mouth, and said, "Oh, this has touched my lips, and I am deep, he has taken away, and I see him first." Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I see him, and who will go for us?" And said, "I, here am I, sin many, our fathers will now end again before we break up tonight, this serene," and that you were, Father, Texas, tonight as we stand before this great people. Lord, surely we don't know how to come in and to go out. What needs to be said, Father, but we're dependent upon your strong arms. God will touch every heart and every life. How do we pray that there's not one here tonight, save your lives that you won't visit with. Father, I pray these that are saying, "God, draw us every closer to the last side. Help us Lord tonight to see you in your glory and your power. Father, to realize that you're worthy of all praise and honor from our lives." God, these tonight, they might be here in this place as well. All we pray, God tonight, and before we ghost convictions, stand around their hearts. They're all into a place of dependence before it's ever licensed and too late. Father, bless all these churches that are gathered here tonight. These men of God that are sitting here, Father, we pray, Lord, that you give them souls for their labor, Father, and on them as they stand before their congregations and their people. Father, the opportunity that you give them in this life that freaks the gospel. Father, we pray that with an unto them, the Holy Ghost, that you will stand them in the power of the Holy One that's aiming for that to shake the hearts of men. Father, we pray, God that you will just have your will and your life tonight here in this hour. We'll praise you for that that's accomplished. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Thank you so much for tonight. I mean, God's word helps me with the very renewing of Christ of the Scriptures and as I don't begin to take our hearts here today, June the 5th, 1988, and that's my call of the freaks we started reviving in that Sunday night. After I announced my call of the freaks on Sunday morning, and this is the first place that I ever gricked from on the Lord of God, and one of the blessed place that it is, a place where I say it against the tale about the calls from God, the place where He first really saw the Lord in His glory. You know, the Bible sits here and often we don't think, well, it's too significant. Maybe He's just trying to nail down time or give us place of time when this happened, but He said in the year that King Yousa died, I also saw the Lord when I lifted up. And this is significant tonight because if you understand who King Yousa was, he was the King of Judah and he grew for 52 years in that land, one that had brought prosperity and peace and safety to the land of Judah for a long time early, especially in his reign. It was a man that the Bible says did rise in the sight of God. His heart was summoned before the Lord. He did that. It was pleasing to the Lord, but I'd say after a while, there was such a victory that had been given to him on the battlefield. And as more others began to come upon his life, we got proud. He got to the place and he thought that he could even go beyond God and lay forth. All of the priests to do the day went into the temple and began to bury the incense. The priest, the high priest and some other attendants were men there at the house of God confronted him about these things. But God's entity grew angry. He didn't. Black did somebody who wished in his authority. God struck him with accuracy, so he was from today. You and I didn't even think about that tonight. The cold in the eyes of Isaiah, this man was great. He was the only King that he had ever known. And he believed that all the slaves as long as this King was in power. But I gave God the desire to show him that there was one on the throne that was greater than you had. You might be here tonight as you look around this building from down to down. There's some of you sitting here and there's hope that you come when he invokes it. Maybe you'd look too and say, "If we got him from, I believe they know what to do." The lesson to them, "I pay every man simply this building tonight is found with the way everyone of us in one of these things is going to see death if the Lord doesn't come back." And either way, the only way we're going is if he changes it. This way, this is not going. It's going back to the list in here. Now again tonight, today, there's something in my eye, something that would really keep me from seeing the power of Almighty God. All my good that you men sit here in the house of God tonight, this passage of churches, "I believe your heart's just as mighty as his end. Our people would see the true God that they'd see the one that I hope is all power and heaven and earth." Yes, really, while Almighty told him that you might be able to see who he is tonight. I'm glad that for I say it's safe for many that God took that hindrance out of his way. So that it was in his one-and-a-half. That it had, maybe, it was by a subcommittee held on to, and everyone really trusted it. It's all who God was. But one day God took that out of his way, and the Bible said that he saw the Lord hide and connect, and he's praying to the temple. If you weigh on the very first, the very first of all, Almighty God was the best to feel the room. It's still the best to feel the room. I tell you, you don't need the thoughts of men. You don't need the opinions of your neighbor set beside you, but we need the truth of the Word of God. You've done folks, I know you're a place of the wicked day. You're a place of that that looks like it's maybe as wicked as you terribly at this world. But I tell you the cause of him, it's still all power and heaven and earth. He's still able to run to move the hearts of men in this world. The Bible said to God, "He saw the Lord hide and connect, and he's praying to the temple." I tell you, when he could get to the city, there were some things that could get to happen. You know what? As long as there's something in your way, as long as there's something in your side from sin, the God of heaven is sinned to Lord Jesus in his power and in his glory. You'll never understand who he is. That's the reason folks in our churches today is just the end of now. Brother, the preacher has to go see him every 30 days. One word that I find to God no desire for God. I tell you, one Sunday morning, the Holy Ghost of God can big get my heart roughly to a place of repentance. I've landed in the days that followed after that as a young man. God let me see him in his power and his glory. Brother, on my knees, begin to reveal to me who he really was in this world. Amen. You'll have to get to that place individually where you can see. I listen, there's nothing that's precious to me in this world. Now I've said it to the church there in other congregations that through the years I've said this. I love the year that people have come free again. Oh, that's just my soul. Brother, around the orders of God, the year that pleased, of God's people going to death before him. But I'll tell you the days when I find myself. Brother, the days when the Lord said if you'll save me, if you'll not give the husband to you, the days when they wasn't nobody's there to be in God. And God will get to reveal his power and his glory. Do you know what it's like, goodness, to get on your knees? And to begin to call on the call of heaven, and to feel the touch of God. And God will save you in this world. Amen. Amen. You need that. Yes. Oh, you need that. I'll tell you today, the trouble will come. If it comes to your life, your best friend will be there. You'll be able to come to your life, and mom and dad will be standing there. You need one that's big enough to hold your heart. Brother, upon the rock of ages, that one. Brother that stood the test of God, that one, that one day, laid upon the mercy of the Almighty God, a sacrifice of sufficient for all time. Oh, bless the name of the Lord, for the name of God. Brother, before almighty cause, led the sacrifice that was there. That would be sufficient for you in the night that you needed to be saved. And it's sufficient for the life, effort that you'd find trouble in this world. Oh, I need a wonderful God. Amen. Amen. Amen. How much did you love me, and I have to come back to you? Yeah. I come just so by the Lord. You know, I come tonight, just to preach to you, the roots of God's Word. Oh, as I say, I begin to sing. You know this, what the Bible says? The Bible said when he saw him, how lived he lived, and he prayed, killed the temple. Brother, he began to sing. The syrups, the Bible said, that they had six wings. I went away with two wings, the Bible said that he covered his face with two and he covered his face. Please away from the God, and he saw him, and he did the work. That's all he was saying in this world. Amen. I am clear of the end to see the holiness of God. I'll tell you, in the land we live from the days, and God will really get into a land. He's been brought back, so I live. And folks say, "Well, I may be his God, but he's no different than we own." I'll tell you what the Word of God says. Brother, your call seems like his thoughts. Your legs seem like his legs. And I'll tell you, if you're going to see who he is, you'll have to sit yourself for exactly who you are. Brother, you'll have to sit either edge that you are. I'll take the back to the old song we'll sing it tonight. Amazing grace, dear knows. Brother, that man that broke that brother John Newton, was a slave traitor of man. That he began to realize what a wretch he was. Thank God for the amazing grace of God. That was I for the sanctus souls of men, and he's still able to do that today. Listen to the young folks, don't accept the substitute. Don't look around to you today. Brother, you know our church is filled with smoke. It's filled with mirrors. We're dead work. We're living in a name, trickery. Brother, you know what we practice substitute. The power of Almighty God for that is not socket, but taste no substitute for him. Oh, hey man, taste no substitute for the power of God. Praise him. Again to look, he began to hold the hold as old serifers with reverence covered their face. Brother covered their lower parts. At what point they began to fly, and they began to say holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts. All that our church is today could see in his power and his glory that you'd say he's holy. Brother, when folks begin to trust in this world to bring you down and to bring him down, you'd be able to stand and say he's a holy God. He means something today, more of a life itself. I was teaching one now, this week I was good. I seemed to look on some folks' face, and I said God will only have his rightful place. Brother, he takes his place upon your heart. He'll have to be first, but he won't take no place at all. You're not going to read a name somewhere down the lines. He's going to be above the modern days. He's going to be above your wife or husband or your children. I was preaching one now. He had a place to preach from all those lines. I was praying for that church came up to me accurately. He said, "Preacher, I don't agree with you. I don't believe it." That's so handy. He said, "There ain't nothing. It's about my family. I can't believe you come down over." I don't tell you this statement. He don't come first. I can love how life is all too. And if I love him, I'll tell you. The only way I can love my child in this world is if I love the God of heaven, as I'm supposed to. And the only way I'll ever love everyone of you, if I can't suppose to, is if I love him first. Amen. Amen. Amen. Right. What happens when I see him? I see what riches land is. Yeah. And you know what this land? You have to put yourself in that position tonight. Oh, how quick we are to judge. And to condemn and to tear down. And you know what, after we're looking well, that old miserable thing looked like they done. I tell you, when you see the Lord of glory, and you realize what he done for you, there won't be no left. A place left for condemnation. Whether you be this like Bill Fellows, how terror the drop to woman has caught in the very act of adultery. And they broke her down. Right from the land of God ready to stone him. I heard this word. They said to him, "Brother Long says this. What do you got to say about it? Oh, take God for the day." That's the land of God's soup. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. He began around that day. I don't know all of them who lived around me. But he was the Lord. And he was the Lord, the elements of the youngest, they turn on their heels, and the light that went in, wouldn't be the task of question. You, that same task of her soul, brought to you to die in this building. That's what that seems to stand in the middle of another. There's not one of those rocks that the Bible says, you know, that one of us can hold up our hands or our hands today and say that we're something with that plan with God. Oh, except for the grace of God be laying in the counter to that. Brother, man, get held. Can you hold me too? Yes, ma'am. Don't you glad for the day? You've seen him in his home in his hands. Listen, I understand how straight I am with one's up in the hill for God to the owner. That Sunday morning, not really convicted my heart. He'd been working on me for several weeks. As a little boy, I got afraid to go home, cut the lights out at that time. Brother, I'm afraid of the darkness. Never been afraid of it before in my life. When I tell you what in the darkness, I realize that you know what I've got tumbled right off into hell and dire in that blackness forever and ever screaming through how eternity for the mercy of Almighty God. Listen to me, you say, Richard, how do you know it's going to be dark there? Because the Bible said he is the light and he's not going to be dark. And so the very absence of light is darkness. If you want to abide in the light tonight, you can, but you have to do it through Jesus. The Bible said that these serifers could give them pride wholly. Holy homies, the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of these dual-rich. And the post of the door wounded at the voice of healing the Christ. And the house was filled with smoke all known up like our churches are doing today. Brother, not all these things that they are doing to try to stir up the emotions of millions. After you the very spirit, the very holy ghost of God consumed that place. How are you the Lord of God? That was the day of the temple. That's all the one that had built was dedicated. Brought that the presence of Almighty God descended into that place. And it got so great that even the priest couldn't do their duty. They just had to step back and say, "My, I want to go." Oh, my God, yes. You know what our folks need today? Brother, they need for somebody in this world to step off of the state. Step off of the state in this world and give it to Him. And say, "Here He is, okay, but I want to live in this world." Amen. Amen. That's good. Except the substitute in our body quite easily. We've substituted the preaching of the gospel for speakers that speak white. I see more. Men are frightened to tug upon your emotions. Tell me, they all thank God for the gospel that preached your life on day. For the gospel that was preached to man. You know, all I didn't want to take it upon my emotions. I'll tell you what God did through the preaching of the gospel. He stripped everything off of me. He got everything out of my mind at times. Brother Keneth, and all I could see was Him. All I could see was Him. He filled that place. I'll tell you, I'm all silent to preach to man. I love and preach to man. I'm all silent to singers that hold it. I love singing, still love singing. I'm all silent to all of them. And I'll tell you what I saw. I saw the Lord of course. And I only hope was running toward Him. And He's already standing there. Yeah. Thank God. Amen. Oh, if we get through this enough, right? He saw the God of heaven in His power, in His glory. And it caused the searching in His heart. It caused Him to look inward. You know, we do us pretty good today. Now we're back to churches around this land. It's quick looking to everybody else and start looking in here. Yeah. Brother, let's start searching. As the psalmist said at the end of the hundred and thirty night of psalm, search field the other way. Yeah. Search field. Know my thoughts. See if there'd be any wicked wedding in many. I'll tell you this took place again. The rock is pretty easy for me to look at your life and say, "You know, all of you need to do this or that." And if you do that, God has kept you in this world. But it's another thing when I look in this mirror, just looking at the glass. You know what this is? When I take in the pattern of God's words, I don't see any of you. You know what I start saying? The need is right here. You remember that? All of them, that means the place. And I tell you to use it. I'll start to say, "Oh, it's me." It's probably one day. Yeah. You know what it's called? It's called him to do it not only to see his need, but after he had told his need, he realized that there was a need for his people. Yeah. How long has it been since you thought about somebody besides yourself? I mean through it. Yes. It's true. We had a burden for somebody that was lost. And somebody that needed God. You know what we are prone to do today? We'll walk by when we're laying in the caskets or more. Right. We will light our head and say, "What a shine." All they had, they brought opportunity in the world. Not once did we seek out and say, "God is there something that I can do." I tell you, they called the church in the heart of this man of God. He began to cry out with the repentance for forgiveness. That God would somehow look upon him with mercy and with favor. How long has it been since you saw God in that manner? I'll tell you, if you never get past the watchbook, you know what I love these men of God said in this place tonight? But if you never get past your pastors, you will never seek the God. I have an empowering guy. And in glory, like an oral host to show me. Yeah. I was thinking today, the other day and I, they were younger. You know what, we had some old men of God told us how to pray. I mean, not very words. They didn't say, "This is what you hold aside." But you know what they done? They took us to the bars and on the mountaintons. And the end of all of them was of God. Brother, in these churches around this land, I'm talking about some times that I've been the morning. I've had a grand day walking my bedroom two o'clock in the morning. Say, "Son, give up, get your pants and your potholes." We're going to the church. They're calling for prayer. Somebody's being prayer will bridge your eye and not win. So give up my knife like that. I tell you, you'll never see me. In his power, he's glory to the use of the place that your women say, "No, you say." And in America, the fact that he's in Japan, I'm willing to spend and to be spent in this world I'm willing to suffer for the cause of Christ, that somebody must save the Lord Jesus. Amen. See more. Well, how selfish we are. Yeah. I say, "Pritchard, it's so much of the youth league." Well, you have to get up and go. Amen. I'm giving you all the more. They're going to my four o'clock singing. I'll win in early this morning to practice studying. And praying for the more I win, the more I say, the worse I fail. I finally shut the look and I said, "Y'all, we're just going to leave it closed. Do you show me?" Yeah. We're close to the minute. I tell you, I'm going to tell you to get a hold of it. Yeah. You don't pull it at that moment. Some serving website. Right. You don't get it by asking your neighbor. If I ain't come from the old man, you're going to preach the truth to me. And they got underneath and got to work for the Lord. Brother, sometimes you know what it do. It combine. It can ever suffer on me off. I mean, district me from one end to the other. But you know what God's going to do tonight and gets to do that to you. Brother, he's going to take everything away from you. That's what he means in this world to your life. And he's leaving. That's what we're going to see. Back and soon. It'll be my appreciation for the way of my God. Amen. It's good. Amen. I'll be up again in search. He's beginning to say, "Whoa, it's me." For I'm a man, both clean lips. And in the mason, when he got to the place, he could confess that before we're gone. What God done about them unclean lips? Yeah. We'd like these generic prayers. These blanket prayers. Lord, forgive me for all my sins. It's good as life time you got to see. Look God. You have a close place. Then it's alive. Some of you got some folks in your family who don't have to get by this. Whether you've got some folks, if you've seen one contrary to the things of God, you saw them just play church. You saw them in the nails. You saw them this is. Everyone to the way of the world. Get your eyes off of them and realize there's a higher fun. There's a higher place that God won't get you to them. But it wants to get you to the place that you know who he is. Oh, listen to me. He said, "I believe it's in that chapter." The book of Jeremiah, the great one done yesterday. You know how he began to say, "Bruh may not have the reclaimed glory of your creatures. Let not have that glory in his man." Until he begins to say, "Let me of that glory and this that he knows, and understand that the die of the Lord God." If you ever get to the place that you know that, one of the best places that that is, there'll be nothing that calls you to stop them in this world. Please. They've been to places. Sometimes they take places that you don't want. They drove me to my legs. Called me to have to pray a little harder. The night never had nothing come down my way. I've been saying a little over 45. You're around that 45 years. I ain't had medicine if nothing went off the rock. Yes. Do you mind? Oh, these ain't proper breaks. They say this. Well, we like to thank our folks and just be in now, every which way of the world. I understand all that. God is okay. Oh, I see you not so. I see you not so. The God of heaven does do things that are uncertain. Brother, he don't do something in the heart of man. It worked. The work was how basic an operation had been in. It might be successful. Come on, man. Hey, man. Hey, man. Good job. Hey, man. What God did in my heart? You know, while he's healed and in Christ Jesus. They've been a few days. I got scared. They got a few days and I got afraid. They've been a few days and I think the way it's up so dark and you don't want to look like it. He was at such a distance and I even wondered a time or two. Am I even right with God? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I believe it's in the end of the 11th chapter of the Book of John. He said, "My sheep know my voice." And the stranger, they will not follow me. They thank God for the voice of the shepherd. Brother, I'll tell you, I've heard it sometimes. And it seemed like it's out of history. In all of them, if you hear the voice of God, it'll be like that. It'll be that same steel small voice that don't profit her. I know what he's always saying. It's like I was in a place like that. Fellows on the floor and freaks it. It sounded this like he was freaking what was wrong. I couldn't feel anything. I'd be getting certain stuff and what's wrong with me. I can't get tired. Yeah. I see. What's in my mind? I know where I'm feeling. Where's I feeling? Little walked up and I said, "God, I ain't going to that until I know it's for me." Well, I'll get a few minutes from the other here coming somewhere. I'll talk to you. I'll tell you God's spirit that we just brought in tonight. Give a whole few fights to that to try. If you're followed in this world, I know many of them will play out behind the sand. Folks don't have good and hard work. We're going to need it to get tired that they think something's wrong. I'll tell you, if you don't know, make it out of me. You owe the trapped spirit of God. You all get to the place that you begin to say. Lord, make it prove that you. Amen. Amen. Amen. Y'all do that. Y'all have been there. He can hear tonight. Yeah. Listen to what he said. "Woe this thing. I am undone. Go behind the mountain when the queen lives by the way of the music of the people. Among the queen lives, from out of the eyes, have seen the king. The war occurs. In the Bible, the end of the war you serve. Flu. Well, they ain't got time to hire. We're the owners of God. You owe it to your heart to be cured by it. You owe it to me. You know, I have talked to a fellow some time ago, and he cursed and he said, "I forgot to use a preacher." I'm tarred to the curse. I said, "Bro, no podcast, ladies. You know what, you just be what you are." And he said, "Sometimes it just comes out and I can't help it." I heard a little bit of man saying, "I'm dead. I'm in the military. He's dead." He said, "Yeah, he's good. They bring the war down to my middle of the customer." But he said, "Hey, Lord, hey, please. You took my customer out." Yeah. Yeah. He said, "Oh, you don't want to be standing on that?" She said, "The war is safer. Such and such time." She went on the side that describes him over time. She said, "I learned to love the war. I learned to love his people. Well, I take the red flag. He's just going up for me." Yeah. Yeah. I didn't learn to do it. I thought he was going to put that in. I didn't learn to love it. No. God put it there. He made me a new preacher in Christ Jesus. That may cause you to stumble this little ridge. I hope not. God put it there. God put it there. God put it there. God put it there. He made me a new preacher in Christ Jesus. That may cause you to stumble this little ridge. God put it there. God put it there. God put it there. God put it there. God put it there. God put it there. God put it there. God put it there. He made me a new preacher in Christ Jesus. God put it there. God put it there. He made me a new preacher in Christ Jesus. I know this is great pricing this on camera. I know. It's kind of that's right. It's never working. No. Just get on the bridge. Get on the cross. Get on the wire or the lower hip in this world. Get right down high from the littest. Sir, take the tones off the old. Get that loud. Oh, her tour limits in your heart. I'll take you to put the new laptop on left. You won't be, you won't be such a bird. There's folks in there who land. It's a bird. But then you get to the house of Gallant and they're gonna tell me some time ago. He said, "I won't go to the most moderate area. May I speak to them? I don't know their responsibilities." I say, "I don't think they are the best people." Lord, do you say God do something with me. Send it out. Send me. Send me. Let me take or let me say. Let me testify. Let me pray. Let me shout. Let me do whatever it is that it brings you to the man. But instead, it's a burden for folks to get sometimes to the house of prayer. I'm glad for all of you tonight that appear in this place that sacrificed this time to be in this meeting. I hope to that that you're here for the very reason, the only reason. The worship and the Netflix and the Lord of Jesus say, "Preacher, this kind of preaching will hurt our youth." No, it won't. But I'm gonna live in this moment where I'm just gonna preach in a minute. Oh, this is to me. Thank God. Thank God for some preaching to the Lord of Jesus, and I am happy to be with you. We're waiting for you to act without us, like we have to live for now. When we're thought of this, that's about to knock me off and make sure it is kept preaching. 'Cause they know the Father, God on the oldness of God, through that the Lord of burnt faith. Then you take that, it was within me, that out, that was some place in my field. And in Him in this period of all that is God. You know what the Bible says? That if you don't have this period of God, you're not a fetus. Isn't that the word? Yeah. How many folks in our churches say that? Whether you don't ever see anything out of them that's got this period of God. I hear a couple of them say, "I hear folks get all emotional." You know, it's that never ceases to amaze me. You're a little preacher as a gospelist. I haven't preached about the Lord of Jesus. The birth, the death, the resurrection of the Lord of Jesus, the folks who sinned, unfighted us. They win. Don't throw it off. We'll let somebody get in and talk about Grandma and Grandma. We'll just sit here playing soft as you know. That doesn't mean I've reached out to Grandma. You think that's the spirit that God knows? That's the substitute. Yeah, right. That's the substitute. I said, "I arrived today." You all start my heart and it never fails. All you let somebody get in, by being under the fire of God, begin to testify about the saving grace of God. Not only can I rejoice with anyone. The birthday I've heard your testimony a hundred times. And you know what? Every time I hear you tell the story back, I'm saying to you, that little brother in that bedroom, that man, that God takes me back to the Father's body. The dollars are crossed over this area. How do you do it? Where do you call me out of the blackness? In the darkness, I've seen this world where he delivered my soul. Where in my heart he created a new heart. That's the place that it takes me to. And you know what? I can rejoice with you because I know what it is for me. Your circumstances might have been different. You're right. You might have been different. Whatever your status might have been different. But I'll tell you what, what's the difference? Use a setting. I need it. Oh, yes, it's all worth it. You need it sideways and not into it. Yeah. And that is no difference. Amen. Amen. God's done that the same. Richard's not the same. I'll tell you the word of the same. It's been the same. Every time that God's ever done it. Yeah, that's right. He makes a new preacher. Yeah. He don't refurbish the old man. I know that. That caused the theologians of our day to stumble a little bit. He makes a new preacher in Christ Jesus. And I'm glad he says, "Who's there with you?" Let him go. If there had been exlusions, I'll guarantee you, I'm going to left out. I told our class, and I don't class this week, because I was seated. One night we were lost. All right, it was far back. It was a great thing. They used to. They used to. They used to. I mean, that thing. They were right. We could hang our hat. So you know what? There's something. Right. There's just a bunch of more buildings. Trying to get through this way. Yeah. So we've never been. Yeah. No royalty. No dignitaries. No senators. No congressmen. [Laughs] Matter of fact, up until my generation, I don't even know if part of me and your family even went to college. You know. Just dug in the dirt, I believe. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I still do every day. I'll tell you what we had at the same time. We had some men that braced it off. Men of the Lord. Ladies in this life, you have the power of God. All listen to me. There's a place for all of us in the world of God. There's a place for all of us in the elders of God. And I'll tell you what I say and come to that place. You're going to walk them to college. Then that place where God began to speak to him. And he said this right here, and this is what he said. Bible says that he heard the voice this in verse 8. And he said, "I heard the voice of the Lord. Lord say, 'Whom shall I sin and who will go for us?'" I've never thought about this till it happens. I'll begin to put this on my heart. And this old man of God has got so right with God. Then when that call came, that request came. Who are we going to sing? Who's going to go? He said, "Here, my Lord, send me." You know that that's the same thing? Well, if you find it in the Word of God, we find it tangled. Brother said, "That's a God." Here I am. Moses got women and said that. Brother countless men threw the Word of God when they got their heart right with God. Said, "Lord, here I am. You just tell me what to do. You just tell me where the Word will be." Yeah. Not too long ago, I was telling the Church about my call to preach as just the young man. In 1988, I wasn't quite 15 years old. You say, "Bridged your ass too young." Well, I'm past 50 and I'm still preaching the gospel. I guess God knows what he's going to do. I've been still a lot of proud brothers and five men do for a hundred women. I don't know how to do it, but I don't know how to do it. Go on with you, if you have to stay 11 years in a place that it was one struggle after an axe. I ain't saying there wasn't good folks there. I believe there's still folks there that love the Lord. And I'll tell you, every way, we turn and we remember the opposite. Preach years on then, sometimes, that's in it. Anybody going to the game? Go visit, folks, this house and have the Lord standing in your face. Yes. Bridged your, that discouraged you. No, I'll tell you, God, just take me right back to the rock and you put me on it. Yeah. One night, I've just brought this to my mind and I was telling somebody, our young folks, not too long ago. They should hear folks to my heart. Precious folks, folks that love God. And I mean when they say, "I ain't saying under the power, bone out of God." We had had them over to the church, Aaron Spring Creek, the night before they were supposed to sing at the church. I called them up and I said, "Would it be alright if we just had it?" I brought the young folks, had them get together, cooked out, and maybe when we get done cooking out, we just have a singing. We have a thing with you. I'll never forget that night when you need a hamburger and a hot dog together and talking. Cuz for a little while and after a while, somebody's here to get taller. It's time to listen to a few songs. They begin to sing and brother they get older. The sight that God was the singing, young folks was the singing, young folks got to sing the song. I was told by her, "Sister Linda Malls of tears is her own and then her place." They say, "Well, she begins to sing." So, "Ain't young, it didn't work." They say, "It didn't work." I might enjoy it. Oh, they got them singing. She began to testify. Brother, about the house it is going to play. Young, what you got in the house before you. If God lets you live in this world, I'm here. So, now the page is going to be easy. I love you here tonight, the page is going to be without trouble. I'm going to let you all be sick. This is our refinement. Cuz they will, please. The Bible says, "Everyone of us." They take her in point of a wonderful place there. Oh, but I'm here to tell you that she did that night and testified so wonderfully. She said, "This thing I'll pray to you." When the days get dark when the times get harder, when folks fuck their farmers in their ears and say, "I don't want to hear you." Just say, "Gone!" From the glory of God. Amen. Listen, let me just work every time. Let me go nice in this world. Amen. Amen. I was a young man. I was a young man. I was a young man. A young man, preaching the gospel, wasn't yet married. Joe came with me. I was preaching and never leaving until my knee lit me. Joe said, "If you love the cause, then I need to read for you." Brothers of the cause, I wasn't entirely in my heart to tell somebody about it. Yeah. I was sitting in a simple place with the crowd that felt tenderly on that. And I'm curious and good intentions. But I preach to the leading act that we were saying in the end. When you come up to him and he said, "You don't want to preach to laughter or preach to it." He said, "You ain't going to have no voice that you're saying to me." Well, I tell you, God, just put it on my heart in that moment and he said it to me. I told him, I said, "When the Lord comes and gets me, I hope I can't even whisper." Yeah. I hope that ain't nothing left again. I hope I spend and been spent. For the glory of God that not one else will be able to come out of me. Amen. Amen. I used to bother me when my voice started getting a little ragged and sometimes I'd get bitchy of saying it. I'd tell you whatever, it's no thanks to God in their older years to get up and you know what your voice, what and what it once has does. But the fire of God risked it on. Yeah. Yeah. Well, listen, I'll tell you, I've been healed by some of that. Amen. Young folks, older folks, too, I guess, know the story. I'm just a young man. It's looked around one day and it looked like my best friend was going a different direction. Well, there's a belief in one after another. Some of them, I'm an anchor and they're hard. I'm not going like that. I got up that Sunday morning and the devil on my shoulder. What's the use? What's the use? You might be here tonight going through these struggles. The devil's whispering in your ear. Young man, no more than what's the use? Yeah. Not him. I made my way to the house of God. And you know what? I felt like in the depths of my soul. I didn't know if I had to sprint, but they were getting back again. God damn it, everybody. Thank God for swimming, changing layers. If you don't want this to pick songs, we're going with any. Well, I wonder what it would like to quiet and say I'm good. Rick, what a circle it's emotion. This old man, God, get on his knees. Lord, what songs do I need to sing this morning? Yeah. We got in the choir. We don't waste time and drop this like it does to poor Sunday school there. He lived it. He got in the choir that morning. He saved me now. Now that old man was here. That there is a family. He was a plus. He broke from the men who sang. And she herself was a lead band. The blues of the rivutes. I take the boy we got to the end of that first-ass old man thing. Shem, the praises of God with a strength in my heart. Knowing that God had put that back. He takes the God for the songs of family. He had lost her heart to me. And calls us to force the people in this world. Yeah. I don't know. I've probably been alone with that. I apologize for that. No. I don't believe I've done anything. The Lord is what we deserve. He's not alone. I pray that the Lord calls you to that. The God of heaven, the owners of God, and search you in such a way. Then it calls you to anchor that calm. So surrender, you are alive. Completely to him. And some of you young men, women in this building is a match. You don't have been saying too all alone. God's done a work with your father. I say don't back up on God. Don't look back on these days. We regret your life when you sacrifice the thanks of God for everything in this world. He's worked more than old than old than this world. Amen. You follow life for God. You follow after the thanks of the Lord. You know the Bible tells us that after Moses came off the mountain of 10 commandments. So that idol tree raised up that golden cave. And him down there dancin' in the worst in that time. And he broke the 10 commandments. The Bible said that he said the tabernacle. Brother out tired. He went down to the tabernacle. God said if you go down there, I'll meet with you. You know what? There's every one of them in the camp of Israel. The Bible said stood at the door of their tent to look after him. All that I tell you, one man didn't. There's a young man by the name of God. The Bible said it went to the tabernacle. He intended to get in there and work on the same. And even after Moses left the tabernacle. He already the Bible said to Joshua, "Stay in the tabernacle." Yeah. Just get in the tabernacle and stay back. Amen. Well these days when God told you, "How long you'll be able to do like the apostle Paul?" Say, "I've called a good man. I've kept a face." Yeah. You'll be able to encourage them into coming on behind you. You know, folks, I love you tonight. I know you already know that. But I hope I'll look you know that. I didn't come tonight to be standing out of the river anymore these men took this stand. I'll tell you if you could have seen the tree in my heart tonight before I opened this book and tried to preach God's word. And I believe it all could be like that. But if you could have solved that, you would have knew how much I feared to stand in this place tonight. I would want to preach to you one time before we were hurt you. But preach to you the eternal truths of this word. Brother, that will hold you face to the cross. That will cause you to fall after the times of God. That will cause you to live and turn your back home alone. Amen. Sister, if you'll come up tonight, I feel like we're older. Amen. Have an older, God will preach you, they ain't no older. Oh, I'll tell you, they don't know. Amen. They can hold you from the high word of God, the high code. You live this place and have the purpose in your heart. Amen. I mean, the call of God and you surrender to that call of the good and the good life. Have you made that surrender to God? Yes. You know what the one I was asked? You know, folks, it's so wild, old, tacky fun. Do everything that you want to do. Do that while you're young. I'll tell you what the preacher said in the book of Ecclesiastes. He said, "You do whatever your heart desires to do. Whatever your eyes hold on." But he said, "You better be aware of everything that you do. Brother Gospel will call every word from the judge." So I tell you, it's young and old life that God intends from day one for us to be surrendered to him, to be used to him, to bring glory and honor to the land of God. That's my only purpose for being here tonight. And I pray that the Lord has put that upon every one of our hearts. Oh, folks, let me pre-sue this to men. There's folks watching your lives. They're looking at your every stand. You know what? Don't let your life be an excuse for somebody to say, "Well, that's what's so and so done." Apostle Paul said, "Follow me as I follow Christ." You know what? Often we like to say, "Don't do what I do." You know, when I say young, he's about my age, standing one morning in the last chapel. And he addressed every one of our young folks sitting in that building that morning. And he opened the door of God and he said, "As he's taken something to school, this is what you need to do." And that's what you're going to do. This is what the Bible says to you to do. And you know what he said when he comes down, he looks at every one of them, and he says, "That's what you're supposed to do." And he said, "I don't do that, and I probably not going to do that." But that's what you're supposed to do. Okay, we'll get you a seat. Get you a seat. And I'll tell you, God, for a little while, let me just look him right between Buck and Bill. And I said, "If you're going to get on the floor, and you're going to tell folks that this is what you all do." And I said, "If you're going to get on the floor, and you're going to get on the floor, and you're going to get on the floor, and you're going to get on the floor." And so tonight, you know what we ought to do? We ought to circumspectly in this world, pleasing to the Lord. So that these following after you can walk in your footsteps and see the glory of God in your life. There's reason that when Joshua took his place as the leader of the people of Israel. Brother, he is able to stand before him and say, "Cuse you this day, whom you're going to serve." Yeah. You know, I hit saw a man walk before him with honor, right? Listen, I'm not saying he's without failure or without sin. But he is very best to be pleasing to God. You and I ought to do the same. We ought to do the same, let's stand to that. I'm not trying to keep you all going to be sure. The last thing in the world, one of you to do, is go to the house of God in the moment, and grace the pews at the church house. And the league, the same way you can. You know when you enter into the house of God, and you leave, you ought to leave there stronger. You ought to leave there with more, an exuberance in your life to serve God. And they ought to be more of a burden, upon your heart, for the lowest thing in the moment in this world. When you and I go in and out, without fear, without anything in this world, we're on this closer. All I tell you, you're not staying the same place, you get weaker. You're getting weaker. If you've got a league tonight, you don't have to come up here. Just follow where you're at. You need to. I'll take whatever you do, just surrender to the Lord. Purpose in your heart, I'm going to follow after it. Though I'm not God. If my family quits, if my list is, what are you going to do? You look around on these days when you're a family member, so this Bible tries to say that I'm going to love God no more. I ain't going that way. You're going to? I hope not. I'm going to love God. My brother walked in the house one day. He looked at my dad and he said I'm tired of playing the hypocrite. I'm not going back to the church house. I'm not going down there no more. I'm acting like I'm part of things. I'm just going to make a good life. Tears right down his face. He said, son, I'll be right back in the house of God tonight. This was on the church tonight. And he said I'm on the Friday, but the Lord saved you. But he said if you never get mad with God, they're going to change the way I feel about him one way or the other. Several years ago, one day, sitting in the house of God on the preaching of the gospel, totally ghosted of God. You know, all the way in the country is the night some girl and they're going to be with her. And many young men got sighted because they went to see some girl and looked at you in the Lord. Maybe that's the reason you're here. I hope you've seen the Lord. So now if you've got a name and she plays with your count, go ahead, see you. Certainly the Lord's heart tonight. You'll like this, somebody here tonight. You're trying to talk with an order in one hand, to travel to dance, to do the things that Satan wants you to do. On the other hand, you can't serve God and serve Him too. You'll never get to the place if you'll be able to see the Go-Rip God serving two masters. You'll have to surrender in all the way down his feet. Good God and I just go with God. I know there's a lot of churches represented here tonight. Sometimes it causes us to make it to be backwards not to move, not to do the things that God wants us to do. When you just get your hands all bent and out of here in the world you've got. You see, each one of them tonight being here in this meeting. With all these different churches represented here, you only can pray for one another. We're in the same battle. We're in the same battle. I believe these men, these churches that are represented here tonight, I believe our hearts are in one of my own. I don't believe we believe in the doctors. I don't believe that we're separated on the wall. But I believe God's put us together tonight when we've ever been the only one. Some of you, I don't know very well. I tell you, I believe God's joined us together tonight. Thank God for that. If you need something to that, you're hard. Thank you, sister. [MUSIC PLAYING]